Envoy for a closer trade and commercial relations


Part of The Sugar Cane Planter

Envoy for a closer trade and commercial relations
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
12 THESUGARCANEPLANTER (DECEMBER, 1937 Envoy To Closer Trade and Commercial Relationship FRED CURTIS THORULEY Fred Curtis Thornley, of America, arrived from Europe cm S.S. Scharnhorst on December 7, 1937 on a visit to Manila at the invitation of a friend of long acquaintance, former Commissioner Pedro Guevara. ·---:~e_.~,.~~_.e-.-~~de .. .-,,..-,,..-~ ... ~~~~~~--!!..~ :~ =·-·-- =--=~·-·-·-~---~~ =-=·-·-~ j PIANOS "SCHIMMEL" ALEMANES, MODELO "RENACIMIENTO", en nuestro almacen Unicos Importadores Fred Curtis Thornley is one of the World's Great Port Engineers and is internationally known as an Engineer in transport and industrial matters. He has served as Consulting Engineer of the Baltimore-Ohio Railroad and many other railroad's mining and industrial operations in the United States. His activities have not been confined to the United States alone. Over the past 25 years he has had extensive operations in Europe, where he now spends a great part of bis time. For two and a half years he acted as engineering adviser to the Soviet Government and has taken an active interest in many of the transportation and port problems of Europe. Mr. Thornley is the Personal Representative of the President of Mergenthaler Linotype Co. of America whose offices are in sorne 70 countries in the World and whose operations are in 80 or more languages. In addition, he acts as adviser on Foreign Affairs to the National Foreign Trade Association of America, and naturally would have an interest in the development of the Philippines. Mr. 'Fhornley states that he paid this visit to the Philippines upon the personal request of Commissioner Guevara, whom JOSE OLIVER SUCC., CO. he had the pleasure of knowing during his long 1 · services as member of the House of Representa- ~ 317 Carriedo MANILA Tel 2 15 37 11 tives of the United States. It is Mr. Thornley's in- · - - • · (Cvntinued on page 15) ¡k-,.;~~~~~~;:::.;~;:::.;;:::.;;:-;.;:::.;~;:::.;;:::.;~r.;;.~7J Please Patrqnize Our Advertisers. DECEMBER, 1937] THE SUGAR CANE PLANTER 15 "Pués bien, un provinciano, de espaldas al forastero, no quiere pagar diez centavos por una revista. Dice que eso es mucho pagar!" Y cayendo abatido en un sillón de bejuco, se cubrió la cara con las manos y rompió a llorar desconsoladoramente. "Hombre, amigo, no hay para tanto" propuse, enternecido. . . "Consuélese pensando en que este magnífico ejemplo de los provincianos resalta nuestro progreso y nos coloca a la altura de los países más civilizados y cultos del mundo. Y es aquí, en este detalle minúsculo, cuando sobresale nuestra superioridad sobre el americano ... " Hice de bocina con la mano para converger mi voz en su oido, después de mirar a un lado y otro por temor a algún espía japonés. "Usted habrá leido que en América no hay un solo obrero que no tenga por lo menos su periódico diario y su botella de leche. Que los sábados el obrero americano regresa a su casa cargado de revistas para él, para su mujer, para sus hijos ... Todas estas revistas cuestan en términos generales diez céntimos, quince céntimos o veinticinco cé~timos oro ... que el obrero paga sin pestañear. Y este ha sacado el ejemplo del millonario y del burócrata, que buscan su cultura de sucesos diarios con economía en tiempo y dinero, en la lectura de revistas. Como falta tiempo para los libros, han descubierto un sustituto en las revistas". Y como él me mirara a la cara con ojos huidos, dispuesto a ayudar a la araña' no contra el poste sino contra mi, sonreí con desprecio dándole una palmada en un hombro: "Aquí se demuestra la ignorancia del americano. Dígame ahora si los provincianos no tienen razón. . . Vamos, convénzase que hemos dado una lección a esos hombres tan engreídos de la República del Tío Sam ... " Cuando la araña saltó sobre mi y yo me eché a correr, no tuve tiempo de decir que cuando Bernard Shaw se ocupe de nuestros provincianos va a decir que en ellos reside la verdadera sabiduría ... Bah! ¿Por qué derrochar diez centavos en una revista? ENVOY TO CLOSER TRADE . .. (Continued frorn page 12) tention to visit ali the provinces to get a first hand impression of the Philippines and to take back with him a clearer picture of the industrial opportunities and business a:dvantages that might accrue between the States and the Philippines by a broader understanding of the Philippine resources and opportunities. Mr. Thornley's efforts will tend to bring a closer trade and commercial relationship between the U., S. and the Philippines for the mutual benefit of both countries. Mr. Thornley is deeply impressed by the Philippines and its people. He believes that by a better understanding of the aspirations and interests of the Philippines and the U. S. the approach would be easier for a solution of their fundamental problems. DOUBLE WEAR IN EVERY PAIR SOLO AT ALL GOOD SHOE STORES IN ALL PARTS OF THE ISLANDS