Weekly Sugar Review


Part of The Sugar Cane Planter

Weekly Sugar Review
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
20 THE SUGAR CANE PLANTER [DECEMBER, 1937 1 1 November 15 to 20, 1937 SUGA.R.-Pri1ces for export firmed up slightly in sympathy with the New York trend, but business was practically nil cm lightl offerings. Domestic consumpt1on was quiet at unchanged prices. New York waa :fi.rni for nearby positi'on on demand. Snmll sales of Puerto Ricos, prompt and ex-store, were made at 3.40 and 3.45 cents. S'ales of Philippines included 2,000 tons, afloat, at '3.36 cents; 1,000 tons, enival next week, (resale), 3.40; 4,000 tons, December-Tanuary, 3.32 cents. The market closed rather easiler with sellen; but no takers of ex-store sugar at 3.35 cents. World stocks on the 18th instant amounted to 3,189,000 tons compared with 3,154,000 tons for like period last yea.r, nnd 4,362,000 tons two years ago. Buyers, per pi'cul of 631~kilos: CENTRIFUGAL ~UGAR: : \ i 1 ! ' Manila, domestic consumption, ...................• ~ Manila, export, (1938 quota) ................. ' .... . Opening P4.70 7.20 REFINED SUGAR per bag of 100 lbs., delivered within city limits: Siuchar in lots of 50 bags or more: Highest Lowest P7.25 P7.15 Standard Fine Granulated ......................................... . Fine Granulated . : .................. _ ............................. . Extra Fine Granuliated ............................................ . Extra Fine Granulated in 10-lb. pockets .............................. . Victorias in lots of 11 bags or more ........................................... . Maiabon in lots of 50 bags or more: Standard "AX" •............................................. · ... . Standard Extra Fine ............................................... . Exports from Manila: N one November 22 to 27, 1937 Cloaing P7.25 P5.85 5.85 5.85 6.15 6.00 P5.85 5.85 SUGA.R.-Prices for export shaded easier towards the close of the week following the weakness in New York. Business was negligible as buyers' and sellers' ideas were far apart. Domestic consumption was featureless and unchanged. New York has been dull and easier. Buyers were reserved awaiting announcement of the new quot.as. Slales early in the week were made át 3.35 cents for ex-store; later at 3.28 cents for January. Sales of PhiHppines were made at 3.30 cents for December-January and 3.28 cents for January. Buyers, pcr picul of 631,4 kilos: CENTRIFUGAL SUGAR: Manila, domestic consumption, ....................• Manila, export, (1938 quota) ..................... . Opening and Highest P4.70 7.25 Lowest and Closinc P4.65-P4.70 7.15 REFINED SUGAR per bag of 100 lbs., delivered within city limíts: Suchar in lots of 50 bags or more: Standard Fine Granulated ......................................... . Fine Granulated ..................................................• Extra Fine Granulated ............................................ . Extra Fine Granulated in 10-!b. pockets .............................. · Victorias in lots of 11 bags or more ........................................... . Please Patronize Our Advertisers P5.85 5.85 5.85 6.15 6.00 DECEMBER, 1937] THE SUGAR CANE PLANTER 21 Mala bon in lots of 50 bags or more: Standard "AX" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P5.85 Standard Extra Fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.85 Exports from Manila: None November 29 to December 4, 1937 SUGAR.-The market for export displayed more tone in ke¡;ping with the modest improvement abroad. Prices gained 10 centavos to P7.25. Busines.-:., however remained light as holders held off for better prices. Domestic consumption was quiet but steady. New York ruled a shade firmer during the greater portion of the week but closed dull. Slmall sales of Cubas, present shipment, were made at 3.32 cents to operators and 3.30 to refiners. Sales of Puerto Ricos: March shipment, 3.28 cents; prompt, 1937 quota, 3.31 and 1938 quota, 3.28. Sales of Philippines included 10,000 tons, afloat at 3.30 cents; 2,000 tons, January, 3.32; 11,600 tons. January, 3.30-3.32; 1,500 tons, March-April, 3.30. The A.A.A. announced¡ that deliveries :l!rom Novembe:rl 1, 1936 to 9ctober 31, 1937, amounted to 6,965,170 short tons. Buyers, per picul of 6314 kilos: CENTRIFUGAL SUGAR: Manila, domestic consumption, .................... . Manila, export, (1938 quota) ..................... . Opening P4.65-P4.70 7.15 REFINED SUGAR per bag of 100 lbs., delivered within city limits: Suchar in lots of 50 bags or more: Highest Lowest P4.70 P4.65-P4.70 7.25 7.15 Standard Fine Granulateél ......................................... . Fine Granulated ....•.••........................................... Extra Fine Granulated •.•..................................... ·- .... Extra Fine Gra.nulated in 10-lb. pockets ............................•.. Victorias in lots of 11 bags or more ..•......................................... Malabon in lots of 50 bags or more: Cloeing P4.70 7.25 P5.85 5.85 5.85 6.ló 6.00 Standard "AX" .... ·-·---· .•....... _.................................. 5.85 Standard Extra Fine ............. ·-. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 5.85 Exports from Mani1la: Refined sugar-8,046,014 kilos. LANZ BULLDOG CRA WLER - THE IDEAL POWER FOR PHILIPPINE PLANTATION. OUTSTANDING FEATURES: l. STRENGTH 2. ENDURANCE 3. FUEL ECONOMY 4. SIMPLICITY 5. RELIABILITY LANZ BULLDOG CRA WLER 28/38 HP SOLE AGENT l\()VVl:L CVtilLIVVl~l:J) l~C. MANILA ILOILO Please Patronize Our Advertisers