Mouth attitudes


Part of Panorama

Mouth attitudes
Panorama Volume IV (Issue No. 10) October 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
m an out-of-the-way part of Andalusia. From the darkness at one end of the building came a red glow. I went along and found a labourer's family crouched on the floor round a twig fire with smoke so thick that breathing was difficult. The malodorous squalor contrasted with the carefully washed pig pens that I had been seeing. To my query an old woman mumbled : 'Yes, we live here. Worse than the pigs.' At which the owner beside me exclaimed indignantly: 'You have a roof over your head. What more do you want?'" The consequences of the great landed estates have been: depopulation of the country-side, ineffi,. cient methods of farming; very low average wages, high rents, scarcity of live-stock and a generally precarious economic situation.-Dr. Raymond E. Crist, condensed from The Scientific Monthly. 6 * * * MOUTH ATTITUDES DISCERNING women pay much attention to the attitud_e of the mouth. The muscles of the face--particularly around the mouth-portray individuality, revealing a pampered child, a happy young woman in love or, perhaps, a petulant person. Remember that you can control the muscles of the mouth. Here are a few Don'ts: Don't pout. Don't pucker up your lips. Don't move them unnecessarily, nor talk out of the side of your mouth. Don't bite your lips, for this gets them out of shape and makes them peel. And don't let them get chapped. To help smooth out little wrinkles about the mouth, massage the lines upward from the lower corners of the mouth to the nostrils, rubbing your massage cream in with the tips of your fingers. Then start from the centre of the chin and work along the jawbone up to the ears. vVhen they are too thin, pursing the lips to whistle is helpful. Then to deepen the important cleft from the nose to the lipline--press the edges of the cleft together with your thumb and first finger. Hold them so for a few minutes; repeat frequently. This is particularly effective with young lips.-Martha Leavitt, in This Week. PANORAMA