Machinery mine and mill topics


Part of The Sugar Cane Planter

Machinery mine and mill topics
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4ú THE SUGAR CANE PLANTER [DECEMBER, 1937 SANTA CECILIA Mining Company, Inc., i.s concentrating its major exploration activities by blocking ore on its lode gold property in Cagayan Misamis, Mindanao, thc office of the firm announced. Teodoro Robles, president and manager, reported that the work is progressing with good results. Early next year, Mr. Robles expects to pus¡h all the exporation and development work, in ali the properties of the company· which are now under acwve exploration. ___ _,,v PILON GOLD Mining Association held1 its annual stockholders meeting at its offices at the Kneedler building on December 11, at 2 :00 o'clock sharp. Development of its copper property in Talahib, Batangas, which the company has under option was taken up at the meeting. Juan D. Singson, mining engineer, who has just arrived from the property said that sorne improvements in the mines have been made and the work is satisfactory. Tw-0 Americans of prívate firms have also visited the property for the purpose of buying copper ore. The engineer has recommended f urther development work. COSMOPOLITAN LODE, Inc. announcesi that the work in its property in Zambales, which was temporarily· suspetjded due to unfavorable weather conditions has been resumed. SAN RAFAEL GOLD Mining Association has sent; notice thia.t a general annual meeting iwas held on December 13, at two o'clock in the .aftemoon at its offices in the Kneedle!'l building. A discussion of the ~evelopment of its several chromite and copper properties under option was· the main business of the meeting. The management declared that Juan D. Singson, mining engineer ~ill proceed to the mines in Zambales soon to visit the property and to determine what steps will be taken for the exploration of the mines and to make a program for the future development of the chromite and copper properties. :the International Stock Exchange, vice Miguel Cuaderno, who resigned. Mr.1 Coscolluela was formerly vice-president of Manila's junior stock exchange. The resignation of Mr. Cuaderno resulted from a technical ruling of the directors that the president and the attorney of the exchange might not be the same person. He will continue to serve as the legal counsel of the exchange, and as a member of the board of directors. N. E. Mullen was elected vice-president to take the position vacated by Mr. Coscolluela. GEORGf.: W. HEZZELWOOD, assitant chief engineer of H. A. Wendt and Company, left Manila yesterday for a combinatioru vacation-business trip to Australia. He will be gone from four to six months, during whioh he will engage in consultation work on a shaft-sinking project in Eastern Australia near Lakel George, about 4 miles from Sidney. Mr. Hezzelwood's family will stay in Baguio during his absence, and Mrs. Hezzelwood will go to Australia later to return to Manila withi her husband. He will resume his duties with the Wendt interests on his return. NORTHERN AGUSAN Mining Development Company, Inc. has already shipped the machinery to separate gold from the sand to its Cabadbaran, Agusan placer property, the management announced. The company has also signed a contract with a Japanese firm for the sale of its iron ore in Montalban, Rizal. In view of the contract with the Japanese firm, the corporation has decided to extend the Manila Railroad line from the town of Montalban· to the mine site, a distance of less than two kilometers. This is to reduce transportation costs of shipping the iron ore to Manila. UNITED ITOGON Mining Company, Inc. reports that Boris V. Tusheff, mining engineer, has recommended operation of its two placer properties: in Dalupirip, Itogon Mountain Province, particular'ly the Asin placer which has gold content ranging from Pl.28 to Pl.95; according to his lld. Coscolluela, c;f the brokerage firm bear- report. and the Tebbo placer with gold content ing his name, was yesterday elected president of from P.30 to P.60 new price of gold per cubic Please Patronize Our Advertisers DECEMBER, 1937] THE SUGAR CANE PLANTER 41 -Ae ... ~~ . .-_...e_. _ _.....-,....--... ~-,..--~~--,.--·~--;..,,)0--<' __ ,.~_.~ ...... ____ .... ,_ .. _, ___ ..,_,,. _____ ,,-.~.---·-'i--.--.-----,~ FORDRESSOR BUSINESS by FLORSHEIM AT U.ALONSO í . 1 ., 1 1' 4 105 ESCOLTA • l\I~~~~-... -·~-_,,-_,,_. -:.;~-·~-:.;~-:.; J ,,~...-:;; ..-;;;; ..-:;;; .,...._...,..._.._., ................ ~.,,..-.... .-;;;; .,:;;;~, .... ... .... _ meter respectively The combined volume of the two deposíts according to its engineer is 450,000 cubic meters . GOLD PLACER Syndicate, Inc. engaged ex ... clusively to work on placer mines ali over the Philippines is under process of organization. Papers of incorporation will be filed with the bureau of commerce tod.ay by R. G. Murillo and J udge C. M. Villareal who will head the list of J_ncorpora tors. BAGUIO GOLD Mining Company set a new all-time monthly gold production during November with an output of P130,974.42 from 7,317 tons¡ treated. This figure is P14,000 higher than the October 'figure, which was also a new high. BIG WEDGE produced P140,767.61 from 4,777 tons treated, the Manila office of the Atok Gold Mining Company, operators of the property, reported yesterday. Th1s represents 28 days of actual operations. ANTAMOK GOLDFIELDS milled 23,261 tons of ore and produced P442,311.66 in November, the Manila office of the Soriano interest.'3 announced yesterday. MASBATE CONSOLIDATED produced P215,859 from 54,988 tons milled in November, the Soriano interests report. EAST MINDANAO'S November production was P48,000 from 2,900 tons milled, according to information received from Cebu yesterday. THE LABO SANTA ANA-SAN JOAQUIN United Mines, Inc. has acquired the services of~ B. R. Cuesta, licensed mining engineer, to be the company's general superintendent at its mines. Mr. Cuesta joined the company on Dec. l. Under Cuesta's supervision, the firID( will start blocking the three veins found in the Labo-Santa Ana .and Labo-San J oaquin groups. DEMONSTRATION GOLD Mines produced '139,397 during November, from 8,609.5 tons of ore treated, it was announced yesterday by A. W. Ralston president. / MANUFACTUR.EP BY TUE PH1LIPPINE NET f. BRAID MFG. CO .. l!f 367-369-Juan l.un•·MAHILA Please Patronize Our Advertisers