City neighborhood association


Part of The City Gazette

City neighborhood association
Guinto, Leon G.
The City Gazette II (4) February 16, 1943
Metro Manila--Social conditions--20th century
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
CITY NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS The N eig~~orhood Asso~jations are a practical enterprise in neighborliness and peace. No activity ~f !'urs has so impressed us with its significance knitting us together into closer fellowship in the in!erest of the common weal. We .shall, greater than ever, ha'!e need of peac': and order if we are to go about our individual and1 common tasks, filling out the new improved pattern of life which we have set for ourselves as an integral part of that greater community which is East Asia. RULES AND REGULATIONS REGARDING THE DETAIL OF GUARDS FOR DUTY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS 1. Supplementing Rule 6, Par. 1 of the Rules and Regulations governing District Associations, and unless otherwise changed or modified by subsequent orders of the Metropolitan Constabulary Commander, the 24 hours of service of the members of the neighborhood associations in and within the jurisdiction of the City of Manila shall be divided into three periods of 8 hours each, to be known as tour of duty. The first period shall be from 8: 00 a. m. to 4: 00 p. m.; the second period, from 4: 00 p. m. to 12: 00 midnight; and thi:rd period from 12: 00 midnight to 8: 00 a. m., the following day. 2. 'I'hat all members of the neighborhood associations called upon to render patrol service pursuant to the existing provisions of Executive Order No. 77, shall be divided into three shifts and shall render ~ervice within the period described in Par. 1 hereof. 3. That it shall be the duty of the leader to assemble the patrol guards called upon to rerider service at least ~ hour before being posted in the different points or given the corresponding assignments, giving lectures and other information necessary so as to carry out their duties as such members of the neighborhood associatioi:i. After the lecture and the corresponding assignments have been given to the members called upon to render patrol duty, they shall repair them-LEON G. GUINTO, Mayor selves to their respective posts on the time prescribed for the rendition of their service. 4. That should a member of a neighborhood association called upon to render patrol guard or service shall not be able to perform his duties due to sickness or some other unavoidable causes, it shall be his duty to notify his leader as soon as practicable in order that proper substitution shall be made. 5. That the member of the neighborhood associations called upon to render patrol duty or guard service shall render his service within the territory embracing his neighborhood association, but in the ,pursuit of a criminal and in the apprehension of the same, he may go beyond the territorial jurisdiction of his association and in doing so, shall make a report of his acts to hi~ corresponding leader. ' 6. That members required to perform guard or patrol duty shall be shifted on the 15th and end of every month so that those serving within the first period of tour of duty shall be required to perform duties during the second period of tour of duty and so on down the line. 7. That members ~equired to perform patrol or guard duties during the period from midnight to 8: 00 a. m., the following day shall wear at all times the corresponding arm band. ANTONIO C. TORRES Commander [ 136]