Resolution of the officials of the City of Manila


Part of The City Gazette

Resolution of the officials of the City of Manila
The City Gazette II (4) February 16, 1943
The City Gazette II (4) February 16, 1943
Philippines--History-- apanese occupation, 1942-1945
Philippines--History-- apanese occupation, 1942-1945
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Resolution of the Offl,cials of the City of Manila W HEREAS, Premier General Hideki Tozyo, in addressing the Ifouse of Peers on the eigthyfirst session of the Imperial Diet on January 28, 1943, reiterated the pledge made last year to grant independence to the Philippines if the Filipinos cooperated with Japan in the establishment of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere; WHEREAS, in repeating this pledge he added that Japan was willing to accord the Philippines independence "in the shortest possible time"; WHEREAS, the Director General of the Japanese Military Administration in the Philippines, in a Communique on Premier Tozyo's latest statement, declares that this "further clarifie~ and emphatically reaffirms the original statement made by the Imperial Japanese Government at the outbreak of the present war"; and that "the Japanese Empire is a country of faith and honor that has always fulfilled with sincerity and good faith every obligation and pledge she has entered into or made"; WHEREAS, the Director General further declares that "it is an established and immutable fact that the Philippines should be granted independence on the condition that all the people of these Islands manifest further tangible proof of closer cooperation and sincere collaboration with the Japanese Empire"; and WHEREAS, such a declaration places squarely with the Filipino people the question of achieving freedom according as they cooperate to the fullest measure with the Japanese Empire in the building of a Greater East Asia for Asians; THEREFORE, we, the people of Manila, as represented by the City officials, hereby express our deepest gratitude and obligation for Premier Tozyo's historic ~eclaration and the consequent Communique of the Director General of the Japanese Military Administration in the Philippines. We likewise resolve to affirm our strong determination to prove to the Japanese people that we are deserving of the honor of independence and to exert every effort to comply with the requisites for the achievement of freedom as set by Japan. We further resolve to demonstrate that we are decided more than ever to cooperate fully, absolutely and unreservedly with the Japanese Empire in its mighty program of liberation and reconstruction to the end that a new order of peace, justice and prosperity may reign in East Asia. [ 108]