Chapel of Canew, Bontoc


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

Chapel of Canew, Bontoc
The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province 1 (6) November 1924
Churches--Bontoc (Mountain Province)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
107 Chapel of Ca new, 8ontoc built by the pennies of the Tondo Orphanage Pupils If Our Lord pra.ised the widow fo1· the mite she offered in the temple, what will be the reward of the little girls of the Orphanage of the Belgian Sisters of Tondo? Cent by cent they offered their mites, the mites of the poor girls, many of them orphans to build a chapel at Canew in the Mountain Province for other orphans who ignore God, a1 1d are a thousand times mare orp}l;ins than those who have lost their father and mother. But they were too poor to collect among themselves the sum required. What did they do? Some of them putting aside all human respect and full of zeal for God's work among their pagan brothers, went out to beg amongtheir more fortunate Christian brothers of Manila. This they did especially on the day when Christian hearts remember their dead, on All Souls day, and on the very spot where the living pay_ their respect to the dead: in the cemeteries of l\Ianifa. Who could refuse these valiant little children their mite, and certainly that mite given for God brought more consolation to the dead they sought to re108 lieve than the thousands of lights and the hundreds of wreaths which adorn the place of sorrow and death. The most hearty congratulations of the "Little Apostle" go to )Iiss )lathilde Alvarez, the captain of the Little Tonda-orphanage children. Her two most active lieutenants were the ,llary anll ,Sih-iu ,lfuylulm1g sisters )Tary and Sylvia Maglalang: together they collected nearly P: rno. "Where there is a will there is a way". What, if rich children had that will of the slaglalangs? Rich children, do you wish to know some more poor children of Tondo orphanage to be admired in the campaign for the chapel at Canew? The,v are the lit tie Misses Simeona Reyes, Dolores de Jesi.:s, Luz Espana, Natividad Fernand€Z: in fine, uarly all of the 5CO pupils of the Tonda Orphanage deserve the admiration of the Filipino Chri!<tians for their true Christian activity and charity whose efforts stand now as a monument at Canew: house Mis1 ~I. Aln;rez for God. And how could it be otherwise? E\·ery day they are witnesses and the object of the endless activity and unlimited charity of the Sisters of Tonda Orphanage. May the activity and charity of the orphans and pupils of the Tonda Orphanage find worth:· imitators among other Filpino children. Letter from father <ihysebrechts, of Hontoc, to the pupils of the Tondo Orphanage. Dear Children. Enclosed is the picture of one of the nicest chapels which was ever built in the Mountain Province: this chapel is yours. May God reward you and bestow His choicest blessings upon you and your worthy teachers, the Sisters. The chapel is built at Canew. Come and let us visit it in spirit. We shall leave Bontoc, cross the river (if it does not rain, for then the current would be too swift and we might be drowned), then climb a mountain towards the East. Steadily, steadily, children as you tread the grass aud the rocks. Let us take the least steep slope. Y 011 see there is no path. Slowly: you would soon be exhausted. Take a rest now and then under the pines.