Matching sentences [exercise]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Matching sentences [exercise]
Jabonete, Felisa
Questions and answers.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Exercises for second graders.
THE YOUNG CITIZEN FOR SECOND GRADERS ADONG AND HIS CARABAO Adong is a little boy. He is seven years old. By JOSE TACAL • He has a big and strong carabao. He is riding on the carabao's back. He is pasturing the carabao in the field. His carabao is eating grass. A dong's f a·ther 1s plowing near . by. Adong's father is very much pleased. ·He promises to buy Adong a new pair of trousers for the town fiesta. Adong is very happy. QUESTIONS T9 ANSWER .Jpril, 1940 1. How old is Adong? Adong? 2. What does he have? 4. What is the carabao doing? 3. What kind of carabao has ·5. Where is Adong's father? 6. What is A dong's fa th er do• Elementary School, Lapog, Ilocos Sur. ing? MATCHING SENTENCES By FELISA JABONETE • Write the number of the sentence on the right before the number of the sentence on the left whose meaning means the same. 1. I am hungry. 1. That baby is lovely. 2. Are you thirsty? 2. I want to eat. 3. It is a pretty baby. 3. Her house is big. 4. Ramona has a large house. 4. Please lend me your book. 5. Let me borrow your book. 5. Do you want to qrink? 6. Pedro is stout. 6. He is not thin. 7. She is very quiet in class. 7. He is kind to his pet. 8. Juan takes care of his dog. 8. She does not make noise. *Teacher, Elementary School, Calbiga, Samar. (Answers on page 163)