Whom am I? [exercise]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Whom am I? [exercise]
Infante, Concepcion G.
Questions and answers.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Exercises for second graders.
April, 1940 THE YOUNG CITIZEN FOR SECOND GRADERS WHO AM I? By CONCEPCION G. INFANTE• 1. I live in a pen. I like to eat and eat. I have a tail and a snout. My mother is a sow. When the wind blows,· I bend my head. I grow in the field. 4. My fruit is called. an ear. 139 My father is a boar. 2. I fly from flower to flower. I get nectar from the flowers. I make honey of the nectar. My flowers are called tassels. I have a long stalk and long leaves. I make a buzzing sound. 3. I have grains on my head. The birds like me. •Teacher, Binuangan School, lsabela, Zamboanga. The seeds grow on the ear. 5. I have many joints. My stalk is long· and round. Y o·u like to chew me to get my juice. My juice is sweet. (Answers on page 163) SUPPLEMERTARY SEATWORK IN READING By MAXIMO M. MU~OZ Underline the correct answer to each question. Only one of the answers to each question is correct. If you don't know the answers, ask your teacher or your elder brother or sister. 1. What animal likes to eat 6. Who delivers letters to our mice? houses? bird hen monkey cat fireman peddler 2. What animal barks? 7. Who treats tiger lion dog mouse sick? 3. How many days are there in librarian a week? physician seven five s1x eight 8. What food 4. Who builds houses? children? salesman postman us when we are chauffeur dentist is very good for teacher carpenter ice candy· meat milk 9. Who sells bread? miller barber baker mail carrier printer mechanic 5. Who helps us when we are 10. Where do you live? in the cave in the house lost? postman father policem.an sister in the school in the church