Identifying people [exercise]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Identifying people [exercise]
Eugenio, Paz J.
Questions and answers.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Exercises for third graders.
April, 1940 THE YOUNG CITIZEN FOR THIRD GRADERS .. IDENTIFYING PEOPLE By P. J. EUGENIO• Fill the blanks with the correct answer. 1. Rita and I have the same father but different mothers. Rita is my 2. My father married for the second time. His second wife . lS my 3. Ana1s mother married for the second time. Her second husband is Ana's 4. A married woman whose husband died is a 5. A married man whose wife died is a 6. Pablo's parents both died. A rich farmer took him for his own child. Pablo is now the of the farmer. 7. Brothers or sisters born on the same day are call~d ---8 . . The wife of my brother 1s my 9. The husband of my sister is my·---10. Domingo's uncle has a daughter named N aty. N aty 1s therefore Domingo's (Answers on page 163) Fill each of the blanks with the· word that correctly answers each question. 1. Who builds roads and bridges? 2. Who flies an airplane? 3. Who makes women's dresses? 4. Who gives the sermon 1n the church? 5. Who writes books? - - - * C. Apostol Elementary School, Manila. 6. Who repairs machines? - 7. Who repairs water pipes? 8. Who takes pictures with a camera? 9. Who draws pic~ures? -10. Who rides race horses? . (Answers on page 155) April, 1940 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 149 JUMBLED PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY By ALFONSO R. ROJAS• Below are names of ten well-known places in Luzon whose letters are not arranged in the proper order. Rearrange the letters so that each name will be spelled correctly. 1. IBUAGO: A beautiful summer resort. 2. LAVISILS: A town where the longest bridge of the Philippines is located. 3. N AACNATABU: A town with the largest dee market in the Philippines. 4. ABATASY: The province leading in the production of coconuts. 5. EARLCAAP: A rich mining region. 6. T ASIAGON: A fort where a hero was impris?ned. -7. N AAMIL: The place where the longest pier in the wor Id is found. 8. UBLIAAG: A town where beautiful hats are manufactured. 9. SABARIANO: A church where the Malolos Congress was opened. 10. NABUDEG: The birthplace of the present floor leader of the National Assembly. • Pangyan Primary School, Pangyan, Glan, Cotabato. ESTER GOES TO THE PARTY ( C<intinued from page 145) The long, dreary minutes passed, but their cousins didn't come. It was already about quarter to five when Ester and Flora started. Flora wanted to fly. She wanted to be at the party at once. They had not gone half-way to Charing's house when they met Lucing, Panching, and a group of friends going home. Ester . knew that they ·had just been to the party. Tears were in her eyes. She wanted to cry, but she was ashamed to do it. She winked back the tears and tried to hide her face· behind her sister's hack. One meeting the two girls Lucy remarked to her companions, "Ester looks so lovely today.,, Panching asked Flora, "Why didn't you go to the party? ~haring was expecting both of you." · "We are going-,, Ester was about to say· "Wie are going there,,, but her sister pinched her on the arm. "We are paying a visit to Grandma," Flora interrupted . . Flora and Ester turned to the next corner and waited until the girls had disappeared. · "We are going home, Ester," Flora said. "It is not proper to come too late to the party." Ester bit her lip so that she could not give an angry reply to her sister. But she couldn't keep back her tears which began to wash away t.he faintly reddish color on her cheeks. "I'm angry with you," she kiept saying under her breath as they went home. (Answers from page 141) I. half-sister, 6. adopted son stepsister 7. twins 2. stepmother 8. sister-in-law 3. stepfather 9. brother-in-law 4. widow 10. cousm 5. widower