Ester goes to the party [short story]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Ester goes to the party [short story]
Mariano, Luis D.
Short stories, Philippine (English)
Philippine fiction (English)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
April, 1940 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 145 ESTER GOES TO THE PARTY By LUIS D. MARIANO• "ESTER," called her elder sister. "If you would sweep and scrub the floor, I will take you to Charing's birthday party this afternoon at four o'clock." "You will really take me long, Sis?" Ester asked eagerly, her lovely eyes twinkling hopefully. A party meant nice eats and fun for Ester, and of course she could wear her prettiest dress. She got the coconut husk and 'sang merily as she slid from one end of the sala to the other. She was Vlery happy in the thought of the fun ahead of her. She took a bath after her work, applying lemons in her hair, so that she would smell as sweetly as you . please. . Scarcely had they finished their lunch when Ester asked 'her sister, "Shall I dress up now? We might be late for the party." "Four o'clock is a long way yet. You had better take your siesta first. I shall call you when it is time to prepare," said Flora. "Shall I wear my new pleated dress Aunt Sally gave me?" asked Ester. "Yes, but you must take your siesta first," Flora replied, appearing to be stern although she was about to laugh. Ester went to her room, but she did not sheep. She wanted to see herself dressed up long before the time. She opened her little aparador, got her new dress, ·and put it on. She found her sister's r·ed paper flower with a blue ribbon tied to its stem. She carefully pinned it below her left shoulder just like the way her sister wore it. She put on her •Teacher, Linabuan Sur Barrio School, Banga, Capiz. 111ew striped silk socks and then her polished black shoes. She painted her cheeks with a piece of red crepe paper which she found under her bed. Thenshe powder·ed her face and combed her naturally curly hair. She kept herself before the mirror most of the time, pirouetting every once in a while to admire herself, just like Flora would do. Indeed, Ester looked very pretty. Having been satisfied with herself, she wanted to wake up her sister, but she was afraid to do so. l\nd so she waited. At quarter to four, Ester became so impatient that she told Flora to wake up almost roughly. "Watch for Lucy and Panching pass by while I dress up,'' Flora said. "They are also going to the party." ,. Even when Flora was ready, Lucy and .Panching did not show .up. "We shall wait for fifteen or twenty more minutes," Flora said. "If they don't come, we shall go." (Please turn to page 149) April, 1940 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 149 JUMBLED PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY By ALFONSO R. ROJAS• Below are names of ten well-known places in Luzon whose letters are not arranged in the proper order. Rearrange the letters so that each name will be spelled correctly. 1. IBUAGO: A beautiful summer resort. 2. LAVISILS: A town where the longest bridge of the Philippines is located. 3. N AACNATABU: A town with the largest dee market in the Philippines. 4. ABATASY: The province leading in the production of coconuts. 5. EARLCAAP: A rich mining region. 6. T ASIAGON: A fort where a hero was impris?ned. -7. N AAMIL: The place where the longest pier in the wor Id is found. 8. UBLIAAG: A town where beautiful hats are manufactured. 9. SABARIANO: A church where the Malolos Congress was opened. 10. NABUDEG: The birthplace of the present floor leader of the National Assembly. • Pangyan Primary School, Pangyan, Glan, Cotabato. ESTER GOES TO THE PARTY ( C<intinued from page 145) The long, dreary minutes passed, but their cousins didn't come. It was already about quarter to five when Ester and Flora started. Flora wanted to fly. She wanted to be at the party at once. They had not gone half-way to Charing's house when they met Lucing, Panching, and a group of friends going home. Ester . knew that they ·had just been to the party. Tears were in her eyes. She wanted to cry, but she was ashamed to do it. She winked back the tears and tried to hide her face· behind her sister's hack. One meeting the two girls Lucy remarked to her companions, "Ester looks so lovely today.,, Panching asked Flora, "Why didn't you go to the party? ~haring was expecting both of you." · "We are going-,, Ester was about to say· "Wie are going there,,, but her sister pinched her on the arm. "We are paying a visit to Grandma," Flora interrupted . . Flora and Ester turned to the next corner and waited until the girls had disappeared. · "We are going home, Ester," Flora said. "It is not proper to come too late to the party." Ester bit her lip so that she could not give an angry reply to her sister. But she couldn't keep back her tears which began to wash away t.he faintly reddish color on her cheeks. "I'm angry with you," she kiept saying under her breath as they went home. (Answers from page 141) I. half-sister, 6. adopted son stepsister 7. twins 2. stepmother 8. sister-in-law 3. stepfather 9. brother-in-law 4. widow 10. cousm 5. widower