Cross-word puzzle in Philippine history [exercise]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Cross-word puzzle in Philippine history [exercise]
Cruz, Salvador Aguirre
Questions and answers.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE YOUNG CITIZEN April, 1940 SOCIAL SCIENCE SECTION SOME CHINESE CUSTOMS By CESARINA L. DE LEON • When you visit China, you feel at first that everything is strange. Here are some of the practices and customs of the Chinese: 1. A Chinese gentleman puts on his hat to receive his visitors. He shakes his own hands instead of shaking the hands of his visitors. 2. The women wear trousers while the men wear long robes. 3. The Chinese do not wear black when a relative dies. Instead they wear white. 4. When a girl is to be married she wears red. In our country the bride wears white. 5. Dinner begins with sweets and ends with the soup. 6. Instead of using spoons, forks, and knives the Chinese use two sticks called chopsticks. 7. Thiey drink tea without sugar. 8. They do not like butter, cheese, and milk. 9. The children go to school every day of the year. Their chief vacations are the New Year, Feast of the Lanterns, and Kite Flying. 10. A Chinese book begins on what we consider the last page and ends on the first. 11. The lines are read from the top to the bottom instead of across. 12. They write in Chinese black ink and a !brush. 13. The teacher and the pupils have their caps on whil·e at school. •Teacher, Dr. A. Albert Elementary School. Cross-Word Puzzle In Philippine History By SALVADOR AGUIRRE CRUZ ·(Answers on page 157>° HORIZONTALS 1. The first American civil governor'general. 2. The first Spanish settlement. 3. Our national hero. 4. The Filipino leader of the llocos revolt. 5. The chief adviser to General Emilio Aguinaldo. 6. The most common method of trading at the time of ,the Spanish conquest. 7. The discoverer of the Philippines. 8. The Filipino chieftain who killed Magellan. 9. The first president of the Philippine s~a~ . 10. The Speaker of the first Philippine Assembly. 11. The hero of the naval battle in Manila Bay. 12. The aborigines of the Philippines. 13. The canal which shortened the sailing distance between the Philippines and Europe during the Spanish times. 14. A word from which the name MORO originated. April, 1940 THE YOUNG CITIZEN Ill. Corncob Animals Have you ever made animals out of been blackened "· corncobs? Get a short thick corncob finally stick one for· and a few toothpicks. If you want to up and you will havtmake a cow, stick four toothpicks into You can make various ani. the corncob for feet, two for horns, and cobs and toothpicks. Fig, two short ones for ears. For the eyes, shows a corncob cow. Figu .. -- ;., shows stick deep two toothpicks that have a corncob pig. FIGUllt 1 GIFTS FROM THE SEA (Continued from page 15'2} of their appetizing odor. One of the sea's most useful products are the sponges. The dainty Philippin·e silk sponge is good for bathing the baby with. The tough-fibered sponge is useful for cleaning automobiles, guns, and household articles. The Venus Flower Basket is highly prized as an ornament. The coral is found to be valuable in the manufacture of heads and ornaments. Some people love to make a collection corals of different forms. The sea urchin which can be easily seen crawling about on the sandy bottom of the sea is a choice dish among many who have tasted its meat. Shrimps, lobsters, harnacles, and sea weeds are not only cheap but are also rich in food elements which are lacking in many highly-priced foods. A stroll along the seashore at low tide or a sight-seeing boat ride on a clear day will show to the observer's eye the countless gifts of God found in the sea. ~ .; :: ~~ : :: ... , .. -~ .· , .. '\. ' . ' ..... ,...... .. , . ,· ,, ' ... ''. · .. . , ~·... • • • ' .. ' ,": .. • ... ~ .. ' .. J . ·fl.,--~-~.~ IA ~ICiUR~ 2 __J MINDA AT .LOS BA~OS (Continued from pa9e 154) from his mother. Before the kid becomes big, it feeds , on the milk of its mother." . And he went on, "I milk the mother goat. · Goat's milk is very good for old and young. Don't you see that I look much fatter now? It's because of the goat's milk. The doctor says that goat's milk contains much mineral. I want you to drink goat's milk so that you will grow fat." (Please turn to pa9e 160) CROSS-WORD PUZZLE (Answers from pnge 148)