Kindness is not everything [short story]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Kindness is not everything [short story]
Ananca, Estrella T.
Short stories, Philippine (English)
Philippine fiction (English)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE YOUNG CITIZEN April, 1940 CHARACTER AND CITIZENSHIP SECTION KINDNESS IS NOT EVERYTHING By ESTRELLA T . ANANCA • "WHO got the twenty-centavo piece here in my drawer?" Mother called out from her room. Nobody answered. Big Sister continued her· sewing near the window. Baby Brother was busy with his toy gun. Spottie who was having a · nice nap outside on the sunny veranda did not hear Mother. And Kitty was playing with a red ball. "Can nobody hear me?" Mother who was now impatient raised her voice. "I said who got the twenty-centavo piece here in my drawer." · Baby Brother stopped playing and glanced at Big Sister who was beginning to look troubled. Spottie who was awakened in his nap raised his head and looked inquiringly at Mother's room. Kitty ran to hide behind Big Sister's chair. Mother's voice was raised still higher •Teacher, Gumaca Elementary School, Gumaca, Tayabas. when, just then, Mario's little figure popped at the doorway. He looked around inquiringly. "What's the matter?" he asked Big Sister. Mother heard him and called out his name. Mario seemed to have guessed the cause of that call. Presently she came out and looked at Mario. The boy lowered his gaze guiltily Mother felt sure from Mario's behavior that it was he who was the little thief. "So it was you who got the money," Mother accused menacingly, picking up one of her slippers. "Tell me, what have you done with the money? Did you go to the show or did you play cara y cruz? Tell the truth, or you will have this," she said, threatening Mario with the slipper. The boy felt hurt. It was true that he got the twenty-centavo piece, but he did not spend it for a show or gambled it in cara y cruz. He. told his mother so. "You must not tell me a lie," said Mother. "What did you do with the money?" "I gave it to a little beggar bo'y who came· here this morning while you were in the market. The boy said his mother was sick and that he was hungry, not having eaten since yesterday. I told him I had no money. He seemed disappointed, but he humbly turned to the street. I felt sorry for him when, suddenly, I remembered the twenty-centavo piece which I saw you put in the drawer. I thought that a nice scolding would (Please turn to page 157) .1 pril, 1940 THE YOUNG CITIZEN ·157 MY KITE By VICENTE B. CONDEVILLAMAR - One day I made a little kite, And in the air I let it fly; Up and up it soared among the clouds And became a tiny speck in the sky. From its lofty height it o'erlooked Meandering streams and meadows green, Vast plains and the blue expanse of seaHappily proud in its solitary reign. But then a strong wind brought it down, A torn thing and smeared with dirt; The haughty sky mockingly laughed at me: "You are a brother to the .earth!" * TRAVEL NOTES By FLORENCIA C. AUSTRIA I do not remember the name of the townBut 1. can still see the woman Leaning over, her face pressed down To a bit of bloom on the window sill . .. By the tracks where the smoke gets : in the throat, And at a puddle by a hill Was a boy sailing a iittle ·homemade boat, Who with his loud whistling the morning fill. Then out by -the open fields 1nthe sun I remember how a colt rose On wobbly legs and tried to run While the. proud mare rubbed him with her nose. A flock of pigeons flew so near (Wing-music st i 11 around me .flows); · The crops looked very good that year1 hope that woman's flower grows. KINDNESS IS NOT ... (Continued from page 146) not be worth the joy that the stolen money would give the beggar boy." Mother put down her slipper and was silent for a while. Big Sister looked at Mario with a mixed feeling of surprise and sympathy. Finally Mother said, "I like your spirit of charity, Mario, and l encouraged you to keep that up. But remember this, in being kind to the beggar boy you had to lose your respect for someone's property. Charity is a great virtue, but it is not everything. Remember this, Mario, next time an opportunity for giving comes to you." Mario was silent. After some moments, Mother went to the kitchen to finish her work while Big Sister went on with her sewing, an understanding smile on her face.