Minda at Los Baños [short story]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Minda at Los Baños [short story]
Ramirez, E. C.
Short stories, Philippine (English)
Philippine fiction (English)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
154 THE YOUNG CITIZEN April, 1940 HEALTH AND SAFETY SECTION MINDA AT LOS BANOS By E. C. RAMIREZ• MINDA had just received her card. She was jumping with joy. "Fathe.r," she said, "aren't you glad that I would be in Grade IV next year?" "Of course, I'm very glad, Minda," replied her father happily. · "Shall I go to Los Banos this summer vacation to vis\t Grandpa? Remember, you promised me that if I passed." · "You may go, darling. Begin packing your things tonight. I'll conduct you to the station next -Saturday morning and wir·e· your Grandpa to meet you in Los Banos." Before the train left Minda's father said, "Be careful on the way, Minda. Give Grandpa my best wishes. Don't forget to write us every week." "Yes, Father, I will," the girl promised. She arrived at Los Banos after two hours. Her grandfather was waiting for her at the station. She greeted him, "Hello, Grandpa! Hello!" "Hello, Minda! You're a big girl now. So you will be in Grade IV next year. Your Grandma and I are glad that you have come." They took a car-etela, and after about twenty minutes they reached her gra.ndfather's hquse which was located among coconut groves. "How are your herd of goats, Grandpa?" Minda asked. "\r ery well, child. I have a surprise for you." "Oh! What is it?" "You are not stout, Minda," Grand• Curriculum Division, Bureau of Education. mother said. "I hope you will grow fat here." . "She will," the old man said. "Come with me and I will show you what," he added. Then he blindfolded Minda. "Now guess what is in your arms." "It is a goat!" cried Minda happily. The old man loosened the handkerchief which he had tied around the girl's eyes. "Grandpa, why does this goat have no horns?" "Because it is still a kid. Horns do not grow until the goat is about six months old," explained Minda's grandfather. "And what do you feed it .with?" the girl asked. "Well, you see, it has now some teeth, so I foed it with grass and a little milk (Please turn to page 159) April, 1940 THE YOUNG CITIZEN Ill. Corncob Animals Have you ever made animals out of been blackened "· corncobs? Get a short thick corncob finally stick one for· and a few toothpicks. If you want to up and you will havtmake a cow, stick four toothpicks into You can make various ani. the corncob for feet, two for horns, and cobs and toothpicks. Fig, two short ones for ears. For the eyes, shows a corncob cow. Figu .. -- ;., shows stick deep two toothpicks that have a corncob pig. FIGUllt 1 GIFTS FROM THE SEA (Continued from page 15'2} of their appetizing odor. One of the sea's most useful products are the sponges. The dainty Philippin·e silk sponge is good for bathing the baby with. The tough-fibered sponge is useful for cleaning automobiles, guns, and household articles. The Venus Flower Basket is highly prized as an ornament. The coral is found to be valuable in the manufacture of heads and ornaments. Some people love to make a collection corals of different forms. The sea urchin which can be easily seen crawling about on the sandy bottom of the sea is a choice dish among many who have tasted its meat. Shrimps, lobsters, harnacles, and sea weeds are not only cheap but are also rich in food elements which are lacking in many highly-priced foods. A stroll along the seashore at low tide or a sight-seeing boat ride on a clear day will show to the observer's eye the countless gifts of God found in the sea. ~ .; :: ~~ : :: ... , .. -~ .· , .. '\. ' . ' ..... ,...... .. , . ,· ,, ' ... ''. · .. . , ~·... • • • ' .. ' ,": .. • ... ~ .. ' .. J . ·fl.,--~-~.~ IA ~ICiUR~ 2 __J MINDA AT .LOS BA~OS (Continued from pa9e 154) from his mother. Before the kid becomes big, it feeds , on the milk of its mother." . And he went on, "I milk the mother goat. · Goat's milk is very good for old and young. Don't you see that I look much fatter now? It's because of the goat's milk. The doctor says that goat's milk contains much mineral. I want you to drink goat's milk so that you will grow fat." (Please turn to pa9e 160) CROSS-WORD PUZZLE (Answers from pnge 148) THE YOUNG CITIZEN. April, J<J40 4 5 ~ 8 3 7 Puzzles 1[. ICAMINA on page 163) ----t 9 10 t--+--+--+-.......__,____.,__. " t--+-+--+--. iz THIS Cross-word Puzzle has 16 answers. Write on the squares-one letter on each square. Each number shows where the first letter of every answer is to be placed. Write number one first. Downward 1. The magazine for young Filipinos. Across · 2. Children. 3. To perceive by the ear. 4. Objective case of they. 5. Plaything of children. 6. The sound made by a cow. 7. A vessel to contain water for washing or bathing. 8. The natural source of light at daytime. 9. A knapsack or a suitcase. 10. An ins~ct that chirp at night.. I I. A tavern or a lodging house. 12. A tailless, lea ping animal resemMINDA AT LOS BAfilOS (Continued from page 159) "How does goat milk taste?" "It does not taste as good as the carabao's or the cow's milk. Bu.t you will like it when you get used to it. The goat's milk together with the good cllmate here will make you healthy and fat." That afternoon Minda prepared a nice bed out of grass and dry leaves for the mother goat and the kid. Minda tuok good care of her kid. She would give it young grass and dean water to drink. Minda loved to romp with the kid under the groves. Afte.r watching her for some time, her grandfather wrote this for Minda : "Meehl Meehl" calls the little kid Shortly before sunrise 1 And I must hurry from my bed In order to be healthy and wise. "M uh! M eeh/1' say.s the mother goat . As I approach her with a glass 1 "If you want your glaSJ of milk 1 Give me my morning grass.'' When milking time is over 1 My goat and I will roam and play 1 And the milk will keep me healthier While I wait for another day. bling the frog, which breeds in water, but in the latter stages of its development lives for the most part in land and eats flies, worms, etc. 13. Any of several clinging vines with ornamental leaves. 14. An African animal with dark stripes on a white or tawny body. 15. The female of the sheep. 16. Wayward, bacl, michievous.