Preserves and marmalades


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Preserves and marmalades
Food preservation.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
(Continued from the March Number)
THE YOUNG CITIZEN April, 1940 . PRESERVES AND MARMALADES Orange Ma,rmalade S E L E c T s o u r , smoothskinned oranges. Wash them well. Remove the peeling and cut them into quarters. Place the peelings in enough boiling water to.cover them; cook uptil the peelings are soft. Then drain and remove the white part from the peelings by scraping it with a spoon. Cut thin yellow rind into strips, using a pair of scissors. Then divid·e the oranges into sections, removing the seeds and tough part pf the skin. Put into a kettle, and heat _ it to the boiling point. Then add sugar gradually, and cook slowly one hour. Add the rind, and cook one hour more. Then pour into glasses or jars, and seal. Some people like it if the orange marmalade has a somewha·t bitter taste. This is giv·en to orange (Continued from the March Number) marmalade if one grapefruit is added for each twelve oranges. Rhubarb and Orange Marmalade Wash eight oranges. Remove the peeling, quarter the fruit, and prepare as for orange marmalade. Divide the oranges into sections. Remove the seeds and the tough pa~t of the skin. Put into a kettle, and add five pounds of rhubarb, skinned and cut into small pieces. Heat to the boiling point and boil one hour. Then ad d f o u r pounds of sugar and the cut rind. Cook slowly for two hours. Pour into glasses or jars, and seal. Green Tomato Preserves Take one peck of green tomatoes, and 6 large, fresh lemons. \Vash the tomatoes and the lemons. Slice the lemons without· removing the skins, but be sure to take out the seeds. Add 6 pounds of white sugar, and spices if desired. Boil until transparent and thick. Pour into glasses or jars, and seal. Ripe Tomato P1·eserves Peel the tomatoes, and to every pound allow a pound of granulated sugar. Cover the tomatoes with · the sugar and set aside over night. In the morning drain off the syrup and boil it, skimming frequently. Lay in the torp.atoes and let them simmer for 20 minutes. Then remove them and spread ·on platters in the sunshine while the syrup boils until thick. Add the juice of 3 lemons to 7 pounds of sugar just before taking from the fire. Pack the tomatoes in jars, fill to overflowing with the syrup, and seal.