Conchita finds a playmate [short story]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Conchita finds a playmate [short story]
Flores, Pancita
Short stories, Philippine (English)
Philippine fiction (English)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
l.\1'.ARCH, 1941 THE 'YOUNG CITIZEN 91 LITTLE STORIES. FOR LITTLE PEOPLE CONCHITA FINDS A PLAYMATE ADAPTED BY PANCITA FLORES ONCE there was a little girl. Her name was Conchita. Conchita had .a father. She had a mother. She had toys. She had dolls. But she had no little girl to play with her. One day Conchita said, "I like my toys. I like my dolls. But I want" a little girl to play with me. I shall look for ' a little girl." She took a doll and went down the street. She saw some little boys playing~ "Hello!" said Conchita. "I am looking for a little girl to play with me. She saw some big girls playing tag. "Hello!" said Conchita. "I am looking for a little girl to .play with me. Is there a little girl here?" "No," said the. big girls. "There is no little girl here. But you may play tag with us." Conchita began to play tag .. But she could not catch the big girls. "I think I will look for a little girl;" said Conchita. She said, "Thank you" and "Goodby." Then she went down the street. Soon she saw a little girl. The little girl had toys. She had dolls. But she was playing all alone. Is there a little gir I here?" Both little girls were happy. "H e 11 o !" said Conchita. "No," said o n e of the little boys. "There is no little girl here. But you may play railroad engine with me." Conchita climbed up on the railroad engine. She wasn't sure she liked it. She fell off and bumped her nose. "I think I will look for a little girl," said Conchita. She said, "Thank you" and "Goodby." Then she went down the street. "He 11 o !" said the little gir I. "Why are you playing alone?" asked Conchita. "I have no one to play with _ me," said the Ii ttle gir I. "I want a little girl to play with me." "I will play with you," said Conchita. So they played with their dolls and were very happy. 92 THE YOUNG CITIZEN MARCH, 1941 QUESTIONS I. What is the name of the little girl in the .story on page 91? 2. What did Conchita have? 3. What did she not have? 4. How do you think she felt? 5. Do you like to play alone? 6. What did Conchita start out to find? 7. Tell whom she saw first. 8. What makes you think that the boys were kind children? 9. What were they playing? l 0. What happened to . Conchita when she played with them? 11. Was Conchita a polite or a rude child? How do you know? 12. After Conchita left the little boys, whom did she see and what were they playing? 13. Were these big girls kind or rude children? How do you know? 14. Did Conchita enjoy playing with the big girls? Why not? 15. After a while whom did she see? 16. What was the little girl doing? 17. What did Conchita say to her? 18. What did the little girl say she wanted? 19. So the two lonely little girls found each other. What did they do af.ter that? 20. Were they happy? 21. Did you like this story? Why? 22. Can you fini~h this story by telling what the two little girls did until it was time for Conchita to go home? 23. Do you think she invited the little girl to visit her next day? 24. What do you think was _ the name of Conchita's playmate? 25. Do you think Conchita and the little girl became good friends.? Why? THE LOST TWINS One day Mother called, "Come, Maria. Come, Jose .. " But Maria did not come. Jose did not come. Mother looked and looked for them. Big Gir 1 Next Door came. She looked and looked for them. Felipe came. He looked for them up the street. Luisa came. She looked for them down the street. They all called, "Maria! Maria! . Jose! Jose!" . But Maria and Jose did not come. "What shall we do?" said Mother. ·"The twins are lost." Then Mother saw Andoy, the· puppy dog. Andoy was in the aufo. He sat on the front seat. Mother went to. Andoy. There was Maria. There was Jose. They were fast asleep. IN THE AUTOMOBILE! QUESTIONS I. Who were Maria and Jose? 2. What · happened one .day when Mother looked for them? 3. Who came over to help Mother? 4. Tell the names of other helpers who came. 5. Where did they look for th~ twins? 6. Whom did Mother see? 7. Did ~ndoy know where Maria and Jose were? · 8. Where were they? 9. What were they doing?