The Young Citizen pantry


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The Young Citizen pantry
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Toast should be made of stale bread, or at least of bread that has been baked a day.
THE YOUNG CITIZEN TOAST TOAST should be made of tity of milk; as soon as the stale bread, or at least of milk on the fire boils, stir bread that has been baked a in the flour, add salt; let all day. Cut smoothly in slices, boil up once, remove from not more than half an inch the fire, and dip in thin thick. If the crust is baked slices of toasted bread. very hard, trim the edges When all are use~ up, ·pour and brown very evenly, but what is left of the scalded ·if it happens to burn, that milk over the toast. .. Cover, should be scraped 'off. and send to the table hot. Toast that is to be served c,·eam Toast with anything turned' over Ingredients needed: one it should have the slices pint of milk (either fresh first dipped quickly in a or diluted condensed milk), dish of hot water turned a piece of butter the size of from the boiling tea-kettle an egg, one egg, one tablewith a little salt thrown in. spoonful of flour, one cup The following pre para- of rich cream (or condensed tions of toast are all of them' milk), slices of toast. very nice dishes, served with Heat the milk to boiling, a family breakfast. and add the butter;. stir Milk Toast flour smoothly into the Ingredients needed : One cream, and add some of the quart of milk (either fresh, boiling milk to this; heat it or diluted condensed milk) , gradually and prevent the . one tablespoonful of butter, flour from· lumping; then one teaspoonful of· salt, one stir into the boiling milk, teaspoonful of flour, slices and let it cook a few minof toasted bread. utes; salt to taste. After Put the milk over the taking from the fire stir in fire, put into it cold butter, a beaten egg; strain the stir a heaping teaspoonful mixture on to to;ist slightly of ·flour · into a small · quan- buttered. Ill American Toast To one egg thoroughly beaten, put one cup of sweet milk (or condensed milk diluted), and a little salt. Slice bread and dip the slices into · the mixture, allowing each slice to absorb some of the milk. Then brown on a hot, buttered griddle or a thick-bottomed frying pan; spread with butter and serve hot. Nun's Toast Ingredients needed: 4 or 5 hard-boiled eggs, a piece of butter the size of an egg; one onion chopped, one teaspoonful of flour, one cup of milk (sweet or diluted condensed), slices of hot buttered toast. Cut the eggs into . slices . . Put the butter into a saucepan, and when it begins to bubble add a fine chopped onion: Let the onion cook a little without taking color, and then stir in the flour. Add the milk,. and stir until it becomes smooth; then put in the slices of eggs, and let them get hot.