Our East African study club


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Our East African study club
Flores, Moises
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
“The What-are-you-doping? Club”
110 Our East African Study Club By MOISES FLORES THE YOUNG CITIZEN A' Hiking Club for Vacation By MANUEL ALABASTRO ( I J YEARS OLD) ( I 7 YEARS OLD) IN THE YpUNG CITIZEN LAST YEAR near the close of for January we read a suggestion for an African Study Club. With the help of our geography teacher we· have organized such a club. We read about the rhinoceroses w h i ch destroyed a truck and about the large snake which killed a bull. Using the small map in THE YOUNG CITIZEN as a guide, we located the places named by turning to our larger map of Africa. Then we read about the different sections of East Africa. Next we took the two .encyclopedias in our school library, and read about each section named. Our teacher had us take ~urns in reading this information to the club members. We learned a great deal about the country, its people, products, etc. We made a list· of the African animals mentioned, (Please turn to page 119.) school some of us boys in the high school which I attend organized a vac~tion hiking club. It was the purpose of our club to take a long hike al least once every fortnight. There were six boys in the club. Each of us bought a knapsack, a canteen, and clothing suitable for hiking. Then· we took a map of Luzon (the island on which we live) and located places to which we wished to hike. These included a hike to Manila, and from there a hike to the ruins of Guadalupe; then a long hike to Antipolo to see ~he famed Virgin of Antipolo in the massive old church there; · next a hike to Calamba, the birthplace of our great hero, Rizal; a wonderful hike over the picturesque road to Montalban which winds along the banks of the Pasig and Mariquina (Please turn to page 119.) MARCH, 1941 Turning Pleasure into Profit By DANIEL VILLAREAL ( 16 YEARS OLD) AT CHRISTMAS I · received a fine kodak as a Christmas gift from my father and mother. For several years I have be~n an enthusia.stic amateur photographer. A professional · 1 ands cape photographer taught me how to make good photographs. We have a camera club at the private school which I attend, and I have been a member of this organization for some time. We learn much in that club about taking pictures. After receiving my kodak for Christmas, I thought of a plan whereby I could turn the pleasure of taking kodak pictures into· profit. Armed with. my kodak I . go to a neat appearing residence in my town. I ask the owner if he will permit me to take a picture of it. The owner is always willing. Sometimes the members of the family will pose in front of the resi(Please turn to page 119.) l\'1ARCH, 19.p THE YOUNG CITIZEN 119 ATTACKED BY LIONS EAST AFRICAN CLUB A HIKING CLUB (Continued from page 115) (Continued from page 110) (Continued from page 110) er beasts followed us for a and read about each one in rivers; a very enjoyable mile or two. I drove as fast the encyclopedi·a. We found hike to places on Laguna as the poor road would other information also in de Bay, the great inland sea permit. several animal books in our of Luzon; and. finally an When there was only ·one library. . extended trip to N aga; Lelion following us, I asked Our club was interested gazpi, and the famous my friend if he would like in the battles between the Mayon volcano. to stop and get a photograph Italian and JJritish troops Although our club was a of that animal. He told me in northeastern Africa. So hiking club, we did not to keep right on driving- we found out about 'those walk to all of these places. that he was not interested places, too. Our teacher Sometimes we went by bus, in photography just at that says she is very glad about sometimes we found a moment. Sorry to say, he our interest in studying friendly· truck driver who had not succeeded in tak- Africa. She says it is all let us ride in his empty ing a single picture of our due to the animal stories truck, an<i often we walked adventure. That is why I now being published in at least a part of the way to have no photographs of the THE YOUNG CITIZEN.· We our destination. Perhaps a attacking lions with which to liked the first t~o of those better name for our club illustrate this story, which, stories very much, and hope would be the Luzon Boys I assure you, is quite true. they will continue for a long Travel Club .. But to continue our story: time. They have aroused We saw a lot of interest! stepped on the gas, and great interest in our class at ing and historical places of d f · school and our East Afri- Luzon, and we had plenty we rove away as ast as ' . possible. Soon we left be- can Study Club has learned of healthful exercise. I hind us the last simba, the a great deal from them. would not take anything for the experience I had, nor great African lion, the king for the information I f th . 1 h 1 f h TURNING PLEASURE o e Jung e-t e ast o t e learned from actually seefift 1. h' h (Conti11ued· from page 110) een savage ions w ic ing things. had attacked our little Ford dence. Our expenses were not sedan. Then we breathed If I secure a good photo- very great and we had a a sigh of relief. My friend graph, I take it back to the good deal of fun ·as we said, "Attacked by fifteen own7r of the house, show it travelled togeth~r. We ate lions-all at once! What to him, .and ask for ?rders anywhere-there were alan adventure! And I didn't for copies of the p~cture. ways eating places along the get one picture." Almost always I receive ?r-1 way· and we slept wherders for a number of copies. ever we could find a suitA REVIEW From each of these orders able place when night over! make a neat profit. took us. 1. Have you read the Gradually I am building It was a ra"ther daring previous stories of adven- up a nice little business. I vacation venture, and we tures among the wild am~ am · turning pleasure into. found it strenuous, too, but mals of East Africa? profit. . I think it did us good.