Chats with the editor


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Chats with the editor
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
I20 THE YOUNG CITIZEN JF vou will turn to page 93 in I the next issue of :f'HE YOUNG this number of THE YouNG CITIZEN. Occasionally that hapC11·1iEN, you will find a most ex- pens, but usually before publicacellent story. It's the stor)' of a tion an article has to be kept quite bov who wanted an education, and a while-until I need just such wl~o got it. How? Well, read an article as yours. Then out it the story to learn the details. come$. You know we c011' t pub\Vhat I want to call to your lish every good contribution . just attention is the title of that story: as soon as it's received. If an H7 here There's a Will, There's a article is good and can be used, TF fl}'· Do you believe that? Your we notify the author and then file Editor does, and I've tested it for it a'rny in cold st~rage until it is many, many years. That proverb needed. That may be soon or will nearly always be true .. Next late-it depends upon the nature time you encounter a difficulty, of the article sent in. when you· come across something And speaking of contributions you find to be very hard, just re- for publication, here's some good member that wliere there's a will, ne"·s which I received just a few there's a way, and I think you will days ago in an air-mail letter from find you can do the difficult task Honolulu. From whom? From after all. none other than the author of those Changing the subject: Recently thrilling stories which are now I've been receiving numerous running in THE YouNG CITIZEN articles for publication in THE under the heading ·Among the YouNG CITIZEN. Some are good Animals of East Africa. Recently and some are not. Some I can use this young man went to Honolulu and some I shall have to return where he is busy writing for a (if postage has been enclosed). But paper published there._ In his airwhether or not they are good, whether or not I can use them in THE YouNG CITIZEN, your Editor thanks every_ one who went to the trouble of sending an article. And whether or not you have been successful in having your articles accepted, your effort has benefited you. mail letter he says that he's writing more animal stories for THE You NG CITIZEN. He says in his letter: ''I thank you for your sug .. gestion that" I write some more animal stories for THE YouNG CITIZEN. I shall be happy to write the stories during the next few weeks. I have finished one But even if your article is ac- already." cepted, do not expect to see it in So when the present supply of MARCH, I94I "true experiences among the animals of East Africa" is exhausted, I shall have some more in sight, and I can go right on publishing these interesting stories. Before I leave the subject of stories, I want to say this to all writers· and would-be writers: Your Editor wants more stories, and more stories, and more stories. A good story is always hard to get. I can get bushels of .poems and other articles, but stories~no. So, writers all, I wish you would turn your hand to writing short stories for children, and send them to me. If your article is a children's story, it stands a much better chance of being accepted than if it is a poem· about the lovely sampaguita or t~e pale moonlight (both subjects exhausted long ago). Read the stories in the back numbers of THE Yo UNG CITIZEN, and then-write one yourself. Of course, to be accepted it must be a story for boys and girls, a good story, and an interesting story. Will you, dear reader, answer this call and see what you cari do for your Editor in the way of short story writing? Of course, if you get ambitious and want to write a long story which could run through two or four or half a dozen numbers, so much the better, p~ovided it is a good serial. Or a series of informational articles along any line would be acceptable. There are many possibilities; why Rot try to utilize them? ' Well, I have just enough space left to wish you all a very happy vacation. And don't forget to keep your eyes open· for material for publication in THE YouNG CITIZEN. Goodbye.-THE EDITOR.