

Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Panlasigui, I.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The message this month.
T HE YOUNG CITIZEN NOVEMBER, 19.p THE MESSAGE THIS MONT THANKSGIVING This is November, the month of thanksgiving. All over the world Christian people observe thanksgiving. Every religious person gives thanks to God. We are thankfulto God. · Why? For many reasons: ( 1) Our country-the Philippines-is one of the most beautiful and most productive countries in the world. ' (2) We have schools where we learn many things. We have good and kind teachers. We have plenty of books, magazines, and newspapers. . (3) We have a government that make~ our people happy and prosperous. It builds roads. It provides schools for every child, poor or rich. ·It allows every one to go to the church of his own choice. It gives everypody an opportunity to work, to play, and happy. Our leaders are good and kind to our people. We are proud of our _ government and of our leaden;. Because of them we offer .our thanksgiving to Heaven. (4) We have a country which at present"is safe from the miseries and ruins flf war.- ' · We are still at peace with other nations. Our homes are still standing. Our fields are still green. Our flowers are stm in bloqm. Our streets and roads are still safe. Our birds are still singing. Our children are still happy in the playgrounds. Indeed, they are still in schools. They can still eat all what they want and plenty of it. Yes, at present our country-our beloved Philippiniis· -is the safest place to live in and the Filipinos are the happiest and the most peaceful people. For our safety, our peace, and our happiness in the midst of dangers, storms, and sorrows, we give thanks to God. This is November, the month of thanksgiving. But for all the goodness of God let us make every month a month of thanksgiving, every day a day of thanksgiving. We offer our thanks to God. -DR. I. PANLASIGUI