Our reading club


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Our reading club
Abuela, Tomasa
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
“The What-are-you-doping? Club”
NOVEMBER, 1941 Our Reading Club By TOMASA ABUELA ( 15 Y~ARS OLD) THE YOUNG CITIZEN Earning Money By DOROTEA CORTEZ ( 14 YEARS OLD) The Friendly Society By JUAN DE LA CRUZ (17 YEARS OLD) OUR teacher said. we were HAVE had piano lessons AT 'Rizal School which not reading enough books. for six years and my teach- attend we have an organizaSo she called a meeting of er says I play quite' well for tion called "The Friendly our class. a girl of my age. S~e says Society." The purpose of "What shdl we do about it is because I have learned this organization is to make it, boys and girls? You are how to practice well. new students acquainted not reading enough books." Now I will tell you how with the other students of "Let's organize a reading I earn money by my know!- the school, and to welcome club," suggested Romeo, edge of piano and my abil- them to our school. Many the brightest boy in the ity as a good "practicer." times students come to us class. Five of the young chi!- who are shy and timid. "That' is just what I was dren in our neighborhood They do not feel at home. going to suggest," said Miss have begun to 'take piano "The Friendly Society" was Torres. lessons. They did not know organized to help just such So we organized a read- how to practice very well, students as these. ing club. We met at each because they are so young. Our society has been oro other's homes each Wednes- So I went to the mothe}' ganized for about three day evening and each Satur- of each one and asked her years, and our principal day evening. to let me supervise and help thinks we are doing some Our teacher chose a book them in their piano practic- useful and necessary work which she thought we ing. For doing this I get in our school which is quite would like: At our reading ten centavos for each half large and has several thouclub we took turns in read- hour of supervising. I make sand students enrolled. ing. Sometimes our teacher several pesos each week, We do everything posread, but all of\ us got a and my "pupils" are get- sible which our name signichance to read aloud to the ting along splendidly, so fies. If a girl is lonely or club. We have continued their teacher says. homesick, we take her in this practice for two years. My work at supervising hand and she is"soon happy Our teacher says our read- is helping me also, for it and contented. If a boy is ing habits have been very teaches me to be very care- having financial troubles (Please turn to page 411.) (Pleau turn to page 411. ) ( Pleau turn to pa9e 411.) N OV HMRER, 1941 THE YOUNG CITIZEN CHASED BY·A LION READING CLUB, (Continued from page 406) ( Continued from page 409) - find a way through the much improyed Dy our thorn branches. In another Reading Club. hour darkness would come, Once our club had a picand tpe boy was afraid that nic. We went in a large bus the lion might in some way to a beautiful cool pl,ace. effect an entrance then. • We took our dinner with us, Once the y9ung man saw and ate it in pi~nic style. the yellow hide of the lion We didn't forget_ 'bur .readthrough the thorn branches. ing, even on the picnic, for Immediately he fired two• we took turns in reading to shots through the fence. An each other after dinner the angry roar • answered him stories and article; in the from the outside. Then latest number of THE there was quiet. "I must YOUNG CITIZEN. have scared the animal away · with that shot," ence of the lion. The herdsthought the boy. man called out to the cattle 411 EARNING MONEY ( C ontinued from page 409) ful, because I have to train my "pupils" to be very careful. M)' work is becoming so effective and so well known, that I am thipking oi raising my price to twenty centavos for each half hour. My teacher says that some day I will• be a very good piano teacher. I hope I will Qe able to earn enough money so I can help pay my expenseswhen I go to college. For a long while he list- to quiet them. FRIENDLY, SOCIETY ened in the quiet of the eve- • The young man shouted (Continued from page 409) ning. He heard no sound to the herdsman. "There is we do what we can to set from the lion. He did not a large si111ba ; (lion) out him or\ his feet. We have dare go outside th,e fence; there," he called in ' the parties and picnics to which the animal might be wait- native diakct. But the new students are invited, so in.g, ready to attack him. herdsman had already. seen they soon become acquaintPresently 'the bqy heard the lion. Yes, ihere was a ed. We he!.p students from the drawn-\ut call of a na- hon there, but- he was- out of town esp~cially girls tive herdsman. He bega_n dead . . The boy's _.one sh0t to find ·pl~asant and com'. to have hope. Pe_rha_ps this had killed the anurtal. . It fortable places in ~hich to herdsman was bfmgmi:; his was a chance ~it, and the live. If any student nee.ds cattle to the corral for the young man was greatly sur- d . h h . · night. He llstened and prised that it had killed his a v~ce, e or s e IS eoc~u~­ hear,d the sound of moving savage foe. ' . · age to come to our c u • cattle. -- He fired two shots Soon he started toward an(! we soon put him _ on the into the air to attract the at- his h ,ome which was not far right ·track." - tention of the herdsman. away. When he arrived There are many things The herd was coming to- home it was quite darkJThe for "The Friendly Society" \Vard the corral. All of a next morning father and son to do. Aod \ve try to do· at .,sudden the cattle stopped, went out to get the skin of least some of them. and the boy heard .their the lion, but the hye~as had Any school can easily fri ghtened sniffing and been there already during have a "Friendly Society" nervous pawing with their the night, and so there was like ours, and it will make hoofs. Perhaps they had not much left of the "king life brighter and happier become aware of the pres- of the forest." for the entire school.