Chats with the editor


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Chats with the editor
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
412 THE YOUNG CITIZEN Non:i.tBER, 1<)41 an older brother or sister to help you. If there is a pu~( zle to be solved, don't st'!,P'"" until you have worked it out. If there are things to be made- I am thinking now of the ff? ork an'd Play S~ction-make them. You should even read the pages for the first, the second, and .BOYS AND GIRLS, parents, had not been touched or the third graders; you will teachers-all readers of read by any pupil. learn much from those THE YOUNG CITIZEN: I By following such a pro- pages. wonder h"w much you are cedure, no use whatever is Parents, you will find making use of thi( splendid made of THE YOUNG Cm- many of the articles of THE magazine. Are you using ZEN, and the very purpose YOUNG CITIZEN interesting each issue as much as pos- for which the magazine is and infor'mational and sible and as your Editor has published is defeated. will I believe enjo~ readin mind when preparing Yes, we want y~u to USE ing 'them. Th'e Editor eneach number? every copy of THE YoUNfi joys them . . Or do you do as a .te~cher CITrnEN. .Read it and re- Then too if you wLll end1d. in a southern province? read. it until 1t IS wor? out. courage' yo~r children to This teacher carefully kept Pupils above the primary d h · . . all the copies of THE grade in every sch o o 1 rea t e many inter.esttng YOUNG CITIZEN as they ar- should read every word of thmgs of thIS magazine! 11 rived, put them away so it- not only once, but two will improve ~heir English. they would not get soiled or or three times: \ So you see, HE YOUNG damaged, and, when the If there are questions at CITIZEN is a v ry valuable superintendent visited the the end' of an article ~r story, magazine both for the home school, proudly displayed answer the questions. If land the school. all 'the copies-clean and necessary, get father or All my•space is .used, so undamaged, yes, but they1mother, or your teacher, or Goodbye.-THE EDITOR. ' COMPLIMENTS of A: C. RANSOM PHILIPPINE CORPORATION MANILA Tel. 2-22~21 Dealers in Coated, Bond, And Book Paper, Cover Paper, Index Bristol Board, Chipboard, Manila & Kraft Wrapping Paper, Newsprints and Waxed Paper Toilet Tissue, Napkins, Sheepskins for Coll&ge Diplomas.