A good son [short story]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

A good son [short story]
Munoz, Antonio C.
Short stories, Philippine (English)
Philippine fiction (English)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This is a story of a young boy named Rico who loves his father dearly despite being beaten by him. One day, he was tested by a lady he met on a balete tree, but his loyalty to his father prevails against the fortune offered to him. In the end, Rico was praised and rewarded, his father changed his temper and, they shared the received fortune to their neighbors.]
.Ju111,ftrJ1, J!J.16 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 3J7 A GOOD SON A Story By Antonio Muiioz MANY years ago a boy named Rico lived with his father and mother in a small house near a forest. The father was a woodcutter. He was a good man and everybody m the neighborhood liked him. The orny trouble witn him was that he was hot-tempered. :Sometimes when he became very angry, he would whip Rico but he always telt sorry about it afterwards. Rico loved his parents very much. H~ stayed at home most of the time because his mother needed him to fetch water, gathe1· fuel, and run errands. He had a few chickens which furnished the family with eggs when they had nothing else to eat. One day Rico saw a snake near the chickens' nest. To save the little chicks, he got his father's narra cane and struck the snake with it just as its head entered the nest. In his haste, he missed the snake and the cane hit a big stone on the ground. The cane broke. Rico took it back to the house and put it in its place. He knew his father would be very angry. When the woodcutter came and discovered the broken cane, he was mad. "Who broke my cane?" he thundered. "I did, father," answered Rico. "A snake came and ... " Rico could not finish what he wanted tu say for his father's whip was on his back. He did not say anything but tears rolled down his cheeks. He knew that his father was again the victim of his bad temper. When his father went away, Rico knew that he was sorry. A few minutes later, he went to gather fuel under the trees. At noon he had a big bundle of dead twigs and branches. He sat down under a balete tree to rest. "What are you doing here?" asked someone behind him. Rico looked around and saw a beautiful lady standing near him. "I am resting for I am very tired. I have (Please turn to page 353) January, 1936 THE YOUNG CITIZEN A GOOD SON TIT A'S DREAM ;,ho I am." (Continued from page 337) "I play with you all the time," just gathered a big bundle of fuel "Who are you?" continued the voice. "I cover tho! for my mother," answered Rico. "Don't you know me? 1 am your earth with bright sunshine. The "Why is your back bleeding?" friend. You play with me all the birds sing, the butterflies flutter, and the lady asked him. time the flowers smile at the sky when I "My father whipped me because "But I do not know you. I can- come to earth. I broke his cane when I used it to not see you. Where are you?'' "When I come to waKe you up kill a snake," Rico told her. asked Tica looking around in the from your sleep the air is still cold, "Your father is cruel and you hope of seeing the unseen visitor. the sky is soft and blue. The sun should do something to stop his "Listen!" said the voice. "And rises behind the moUntains and cruelty," said the lady. soon you will see me and know smiles over the tops of the trees, thl ''No, my father is not cruel. l Ie els. They were very attractive and stars close their twinkling eyes to is hot-tempered. That is his weak- would tempt an ordinary person but sleep, and the cock crows 'good ness. Although he whips me some- Rico loved his father and was blind morning' to the world.times, I don't think he is cruel for to all those riches. "I paint the distant mountains I know that he does not mean i£ "I love .my father," he said fi- with blue, the trees with green, aud and he always feels sorry after- nally, "and all the riches in the the flowers with all th.: colors of wards," explained Rico. world cannot make me hate him the rainbow. "But you must do something to or do him any harm. Please leave "When I am about ro go away correct your father's temper. If you me or let me go now." the sun gozs down behind the Con't, some day be may kill you," "Enough," the woman said. mountains against rhe weste.rn sky. argued the lady, am convinced now that you are a And the sun makes the clouds into "What do you want me to d~ good and loyal son. I was just try- flowers of many colors-gold. yelthen ?" asked Rico. ing you. Now you aescrve a reward. low, red, blue and soft hazy pur"Tonight." said the lady, "whit~ Take as much treasure as you can ple. Th:? heavens and the earth your father is sl~eping. get a big carry. You will find also that your part to go to sleep. stone and give him a heavy bfo~,, father is cured of his bad temper."/ "I mak; ch2 people of all nati0r:s on the forehead with it. That will Rico filled a sinall sack with gold work. and I play with th:? childre~ cure his temper. Then lie down and coins and precious stones. After of all race-;." go to sleep or p:-etend to be sleep· thanking the kind lady, h'= ran Tita listened with amJurrienl ing. In th:;- mo:ning your father homeward as fast as his legs could and wonder to the recitai of the will be cured of his bad temper.·· carry him. When he' reached home, voice. When the voice ceased to "I caitnot do it," Rico told her. he laid the sack in a corn2r at th~ speak, she recogni:.:ed the speaker "I love my father although he loses foot of the stairs. He went up to and understood the message. his temper someti:nes and whips me. his father with fear in his hearr. "Yes, I know, now. who you No, I cannot do it and I'll never He was surprised when he was greet- are." she said with glad excitement. do it." ed by his father in ~ v2ry pleasant ''You arc Day." And as she spoke. "Listen. my boy," persisted the tone. the place where she was c;itting belady. "I hat:? your father because "Come to me, my sou, and'kiss gan to get dark and chilly. he is cruel to yo:1. I like you and your old father.'' And he presse<l "It is getting dark.! Wait for a I don't want yo::r father to abuse Rico against his breast. "Forgive me while, come back, talk some more. you. my child for having been so cru1>l and play with me," cried the little "My father is taking care of to you ac times. girl. moth2r and me," said Rico. "If he "Oh. Farber, let us forgel the "I cannot tarry any longer, I dies or becomes sick, we shall have past. It was not your fault. I have must go away for the night is coma h:ird ti~e. Nobody will support a wonderful story to tell." ing," answered the voice as it rethc family for I am too young to Rico r.m do·.vnstairs for the sack. cedes away into the limitless discut trees and mother cannot do hard Placing ic carefully be~or~ his par- tance. . work.'' cnts, he related the story of the Tica hJrdly heard the last word, The lady smiled and s'aid, "J can beautiful lady of che balete tree. His of the voice. It was already dark. S'!:ive you all chat you need becaus'? parents were very happy over their and for an in'stant the flow::rs ant! I am rich. Come with me to the good fortune, but thi!y did not for- the butterflies that she saW on th' trunk of the balcte tree and I'll show get their poor neighbors. They ground when ic Was yet bright you my wealth." shared their riches with the poor seemed to have been transfered to Inside the h0le in the huge balete people. Everybody was made hap- the sky for the st_ars were :tlread~ tree, Rico saw piles of gold pieces. py and prosperous because of a son's sparkling over head. There were precious stones and jew- loyalty to his father. (P!ea.<Je tuJ"n to page 360)
337, 353