Among the boy scouts-cubbing in the Philippines


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Among the boy scouts-cubbing in the Philippines
Ochangco, Horacio
Philippines -- Boy Scouts
Conferences and conventions
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[Continued from the last issue]
-Ja1111ary, 1986 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 349 AMONG Tl-IE BOY SCOUTSCUBBING IN THE PHILIPPINES (Continued from the last issue) ITS PROGRAM By Horacio Ochangco' AN ADVANCEMENT PLAN. This plan stimulates the boys by giving recognition, in the form of badges and ranks. to those who are energetic. Th~ activities of this plan are graded. There are many electives. This makes the plan elastic enough to meet the individual demands of the boys. Because it is elastic, it can be adjusted to the conditions of the neighborhood and the community. NUMEROUS ASSOCIATIONS. This gives th' boy a greater chance to. meet and know other boys. They get acquainted with other men and other mothers. An opportunity co' "do together" and "do for" someone elese is open to each boy. All of these factors play an important part in building the character of the boy. VARIO US ACTIV !TIES OF THE CUB. Their ·i?ctivities, either individual or group. fiave a local or national setting. ~hey may thus be held in tht'" backyards and other places nry near the ·homes of the boys. Their meetings and other activities little by little will influence the boys to love their own native surroundings, adding more satisfaction to their life. Activities undertake:n near their home or in the ba.ckyard get more foIIowers as most of the playtime of boys is spent in these places. Needless to say that mothers and fathers have to give their help in this matter. The boys usually meet in thE' neighborhood "Den" where they usually play. Here they organize themselves under the leadership of the "Denner" who leads them in their play and other activities. The Denner, or the Den Chief, conducts the meetings and hears suggestions from the boys concerning their plans for the day or for the following dav. Or he thinks up a game that will be of new interest to the boys. (Note: All these aim towards, rather than away from, home.) • Manager, Publicity Department, Boy Scout Headquarters, Manila. HOW A CUB IS STARTED DESIRE FOR IT Some Institution Formally "acts on" and "asks for" (Ask the Local Scout Council. B. S. A.) L Appoints Pack Committee of 3 or more male citizens - - - ' Who Select Cubmasters and Assistants TRAINING NEXT FOR Pack Committee I fat boys in one after- Cub Master noon. Can be done Over- Assistants night 1:6 day session. Den Chiefs '--~~~~~~~~~~~D_a_d_s~of~I I I I First Meeting is with Parents I Second Meeting is with Boys I Pack Divides Into Dens I Den Den Den Den Den Den Boy Activities THE CUB PROMISE I. . promise TO "DO MY BEST" 1) to be square and 2) to OBEY the Law of th; Cub Pack THE LAW OF THE CUB PACK The Cub FOLLOWS Akela . The Cub HELPS the Pack go The Pack HELPS the Cub grow The Cub GIVES good-will