Philippines, the beautiful [song]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Philippines, the beautiful [song]
Munoz, Antonio C.
Songs, Philippine.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Jnn11ary, 1936 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 355 Philippines, t:he Beautiful Music by Antonio Muiioi Composed {!xclusive/g for The Young Citizen ,., o era ... - - '· T anjay, Oriental Negro. - - , - ~ 0 boou--1(-ful for s~ -c~us <Ski-zs, Tor" an"'l-bz.,. CJ.aves of .. Tor 9r'"''"' II " v . .,. 7. + 7 + , _g.. lf*' II ~ ~. J . . - - fru'tt-ed. pur-ple.. moun-~a\1'\ ma - jiz..s- -\:ie.s . A hove \f.-.e. rlait'\. . rry ,, - "~· + _,. :i;+· . -r -r -T +. - ..g.. n .J Ph'l .- ·' - 1 - •f' - p•N<s,D..or II J - fl oJ crow.I"\. thy~~ w;ti-_ () l ., - - And crowl'\ H;y ~ocd THE NEW YEAR-1936! (Continued fl'om page 834) Let us, therefore, make o'ur youn~ life now the beginning of a new chapter of a beautiful book. As school children let us do our school work diligently and earnestly so that we may not fail to achie"'-' our ambitions. We want to be doctors. lawyers. merchants. farmers, mechanics. or the like. But we will never become one of them if we ar1• lazy now when we have all thr chanccs to study. 'When we have bo.'.. + ' cl :Phil-. i.p -t•ne.s, Go shed 1-lis 9r"ce on .\1--:,A"'cl + - . _,. ..,.. ~---- ~ ~ ..,.. .-. Q I ' I bro~\...-,from s= .\-o sht".'"'9 ~eo,,.-. -.-+ - - come men and women. ten or fif· teen years hence, we might be unhappy because we have failed to takt advantage of our educational opportunities. We should do our best now to insure our future happiness. As school children we should put our best efforts to cultivacr in u<> desirable habits-skills. ideals. and attitudes-now th.:it we are still young. If we cultivate bad habit'i now, later on our bad habits will become our cruel master. Bad habit!ii will never make us happy. Every - -8- ' sea.-. new year will never mean to us a happy new year. Therefore. to us school children. "Happy New Year" should mean an earnest detirmination to makt? our life useful to our fellowmen and to our country because it is only in so doing that we b.:come truly happy. Let us greet e.ich other-··A HJ.ppy New Year to You!"' OR. I. PANLASIC.l"I