

Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

De Los Santos, Epifanio
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This contains a short memoir of Epifanio De Los Santos, most especially, his perseverance to achieve his goals.]
THE YOUNG CITIZEN ;l/arch, 1936 Diligence HAV.·E.' you ever heard of Epifania .d.e las Santos? He was a famous F1h· pino writer and art collector. He loved and collected beautiful music, literature and painting. He was among the best art collectors of the world. Don Panyong, as he is better known, cultivated early in life a love of diligence. He h9.d a hatred of laziness. He thought that no matter how gifted a man might be, he could not become great if he did not study well and work well. He gave a good example of diligence in this little story of how he studied Spanish: When Don Panyong left the University of Santo Tomas where he graduated as a lawyer, he did not know Spanish very well. He could not speak the language as fluently as his frienrls so they made fun of him. He suffered very much for his ig-noranco One day, when he could no longer e.tand the jeerings of his friends. he made up his mind to learn Sna1,isli. He bought a dozen e-ood Spanish Povels and began to read. He kent on buying and reading books until his library grew. At the end of three years. his knowledge of Snanish was for bevon<l t'rnt of his friends. It was then his turn h laugh. He once said that young boys and girls should re well prepared for their future ,. 01·k in life. As a rule, they try to bluff tldr way through life, getting what they want by hook or bv crook. Many young people seem to think that knowledge is not "S imn01·tant as courage. This is not so, Don Panyong thot1ght, because without prope1· knowledge there will be no good results. Artists cannot turn out m~st0r­ . nieces without preparation. Success canr>ot be had withont dilio.;ence. and the sooner voung neonle find this out. the better it will be for them. · ~~~~~~~~~~ The- Most Beautiful Child of 1936 How would you like to be the most beautiful child of 1936? Little Edilberto Cuenc3 must have liked it very much. He must have taken ·plenty of good milk. fresh air ""d sunshine to become the most beautiful child of this year. Little Edilberto is only one year and a half old He is the son of District Emdneer and Mrs. Nicolas L. Cuenca of Vigan, Ilocos Sur. He came to the Fancy Dress hqlJ rh·esserl in a b1faht Juan de ht Cruz costume. When he was given the prize and told to shnrl near the .iudges. he raise(! his hands and_ ran vpry fast to the middle of the auditorium. Everybody was delighted. He seemed such a happy, active child. Ca1·men Rivera, daughter of Mr. anrl Mrs. Carlos Rivera of Manila, won the second prize. She is a very healthy little girl. She wore a pretty costume of white tulle. Pacita Go, "Little Curly Top," won the thiro prize in the most beautiful child contest Five children won the fourth prize: Violeta Nava of Dagupan, Pangasinan, Francisca P01'tes of Manila, Mariano Tiano . .Tr. of TPrlac, Aooracion Glorioso of Manila, anrl Rornoncito Lopez of Manila. (f'f,·o:,• l11n1 lo,,,,,. f'i,.fnri,rf f'".•lf" (nr Pi(·'11,···~.)