Educating a pet dog


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Educating a pet dog
Training of dogs
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This article provides insights and recommendations on how to nurture a dog to become a friendly and useful pet.]
1l1r1rr:h, f!J,J(f THE YOUNG CITIZEN 57 Talking About Pets EDUCATING A PET DOG One good habit to teach a puppy while he is still young, is the habit of wiping his feel when he first comes in from the streets or from the yard. It is likely that he had been playing in wet puddles,. and if he is not taught to wipe his feet, he is going to get a chill. The trick of wipil)g the feet is easily taught and has two good uses. Beside~ preventing a chill, it keeps the house clean and tidy. Have you ever felt like running away? If you have, then you can understand why a clog wishes to run away when first it goes out for a walk. When he shows the tenD ID you know that clogs should be edu- dency to run away, he needs to be discicated? Not the "sit up," '!jump," plined. Perhaps showing him a piece of "kneel" sort of education, as most stick will be enough. If it is not, do not of you must suppose, but training which beat him, for beating is as bad for a little will make them healthy and happy pets. rloo: as it is for a little boy. Get a thin cord With p1·oper training, a pet dog can be both and fix one end in a slip-knot around your useful and agreeable. He can be both a lJet's neck. Tie the other end to your wrist. friend and a guard. When the dog runs away, a lesson will be The first step in the training of a puppy easily taught by the cord. The farther he ;s teaching him habits of cleanliness. Like runs away, the harder the cord will tie a11v child, a puppy should realize as early around his neck and hurt him. This pain as possible that he should be clean in order will make him remember that it is not wise to be healthy and happy. The pet owner ·to run away from those who love him. should be patient in this teaching of health Proper exercise is as important to a puphabits, but he should never allow them to PY as it is to a growing child. Keeping the be overlooked. It is not necessary to use dog indoors chained to a post is not very a stick on a puppy who forgets, but repeat- healthy. He should be allowed to run out of in<r the instruction again and again will be doors for a length of time daily. This will a great help. keep his muscles well exercised and strong. ~-=----~~~~~~~~~-=--~~~~_:__:__:_:_:::...:::.:.::....::.::..::::.'.:..: The Children's Fancy Dress Ball Philippine Carnival The Child1·en's F<incy Dress Ball was very successfully held last Feb. 23, at the Carnival Auditorium. Mrs. Jose Yulo was chairman of the committee in charge of it. Four groups of children presented pageants and dances during the Fancy Dress. Ball. The Filipino group presented "Cinderella at the Ball" which won a pl'ize for the most beautiful number. The Japanese group presented a Nipponese Dance. Sixty girls took part. This group won the prize for the most picturesque number of the program. The Spanish group showed "The Sleeping Beauty." This 'won a prize for the most elegant. The American group gave a tap dancing revue. It won a prize for the liveliest and most typical. The Chinese group showed a pageant portraying th~ coming of the Chinese to the Philippines. 'l'hi~ won the prize for the most origfoal number.