Scout Hermoso saves drowning boy


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Scout Hermoso saves drowning boy
Hermosa, Luciano
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This article briefly shares the heroic act made by Scout Luciano Hermosa by saving Jose c. Nicolas Jr. from drowning. ]
70 THE YOUNG CITIZEN I-low Places Where Named . (Old Legends) How Cebu Got Its Name to give away his sampaloc fruits if There is a story that Cebu was only he could have a child. named Cebu due to a Chinese ven- It seemed that God heard th('i March, 1936 -Scou~ l-lermoso Saves Drowning Boy Hero Belongs to Tribe 14 The timely "Good Turn" rendor residing in Cebu before the prayer so that within a few months clered by Scout Luciano Hermosa Spaniards came. Jacoba felt some change in her. In last February 17 is worth relating. It was said that the Chinese used a few more months, she gave birth At about three o'cIOck in the afto shout "Se-bu" meaning the fat to.a beautiful gi~l. They were wild of the cow. It so happened that the with joy and loved the child so Chinese shouted "se-bu" where th~ much that they would not even let Spanish fleet came to anchor. The a gust of wind touch her delicate features. ternoon of Feb. I 7, Scout Hermosa planned to go swimming in the river· near his school. tfe was with other Scouts .ind several classmates. Before they bathed, they noticed an Spaniards not knowing the name of the place, thought that what they heard was the name. When the King of Spain asked what new place in the Philippines they haw discovered, they answered "Cebu'· changing the spelling of the origin~d word, because they just spelled it according to what they heard not knowing what the real spelling ,was. From that time on until now tlic place is called Cebu. Years. passed and famine swept eleven-year-old boy going back and their barrio. The only tree bearing forth on the bank with his sprinkfruits was Bruno's sampaloc tree. His selfishness came back and he beler, fetching some water for his garden. At once Scout Hermoso sensed selling his fruits at exhorbitant the danger.· He was right, for soon prices. An old man asked him for there was a splash. This lad, Jose a fruit one day. He was so angr)' C. Nicolas. Jr., had fallen into the that he killed the ~Id m~n. Imme- river. There was a commotion. Bediately water rushed and flooded for anyone could shout for help. the barrio. Thus Sampaloc Lake began. however, the hero appeared. Scout Hermoso, attracted by the noise, Isabel V. Chipongu rushed and plunged into the stream Maria Cabaritan How Ma,r;antol Got Its Name The Origin of Sampaloc Lake During the Spanish regime, Ma· In the place where Sampaloc santol. was entirely covered with Lake now lies, there was once a many trees. This place was densely populated. There was only a prosperous barrio with several bun- couple living in this lonely place. dred people. In that barrio was a. childless couple whose names were One day, a Spaniard happened to meet the old woman. The old Bruno and Jacoba. Now, this coupie had a Sampaloc tree who!i,e fruits were famous for sweetness. Bruno being so selfish, would not give any of the fruits away without any payment. woman tried to run as fast as sh!! could. thinking that the Spaniard would do her harm. Later on, she found out that the Spaniard wanted cnly to know the name of that place. She cried ··Masantol. Masan· tol" pointing to the big santol trees Bruno and Jacoba were very un- surrounding their house. happy because God had not given lhem a child. They really wanted Hence, since that time. that place a child, so they went to Ubandu was called Masantol meaning "mato pray there. In Bruno's anguish. ny santol fruits." bis tongue slipped, and he promised EMcla H. Isip without taking off his clothes. H~ !>natched the boy and dragged him safely toward the bank:. Little Jo~;.! was extremely pale and cold. The other Scouts had to rub him to reslore his color and body temperai-ure. A sure death wquld have been met by this boy were it not for the timely arrival of the Hero Scout. The water was <l:eep, and the boy did not know how to swim. Upon hearing the story, the father of the boy wrote a letter of gratitude thanking the Scout for his preparedne"ss. He also thanked the organization for its teachings Jbout service to the community. Scout Luciano Hermosa belongs to Tribe 14. Leaders and sponsor'> are now working to recommend him for the Life Saving Award, which be descrws.