The magic of sleep


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The magic of sleep
Tensuan, Dolores
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This article highlights the importance of sleep and some rules to observe to have its full benefit.]
March, 193fi THE YOUNG CITIZEN HEALTH SECTION The Magic of Sleep By Miss DOLORES TENSUAN * Do you know that there is a certain magician who helps much in giving you strength, growth, and beauty and in making you more active, alert and cheerful? Well. that magician is sleep. No doubt, you wonder how sleep does all these. Furthermore, sleep makes a child more cheerful and more beautifu! .. A child who lacks sleep is usually thin. pale and cross, whereas one who gets the proper amount of ~leep is healthy, rosy, and cheerful. You see that sleep is indeed a magician. To have the full benefit· of sleep 65 St:range Facl:s China's first railroad was built in 1876. It cqnnected Shanghai and \\Tusung. But there were sevtral riots because of age-old superstitions that the government put a stop to the operation. They torr up the rails and ran the engines into the river. More than 160,000,000,000 cigarettes are smoked each year. Have you ever experienced sitting up late at night? Of course, you all have. When you come to class in the morning. you feel very weak. tired, cross and inattentive. No matter how hard you try to keep your eyes wide open and to understand your teacher's explanations, you can't help but sleep. It is b.:cause your tired muscles and your tired brain need rest. They are too weary to work, so· you must ,rest them. and that can be done by sleep. ing. you must observe these rule's: There is a law in Indiana which l. Have a regular bed time. h- prohibits cigarette smoking. Do you notice how little babies sleep and how fast they grow? Sleep, more than anything ehc, helps children grow. Some say that the only time you grow is while you sleep. Children need to grow fast, that is why you need mon: sleep than grown-ups. A baby is like a machine, say, an automobile. It wears out with constant use, but it is better than the machine because it can repair itself . md be as good as evt:r if it has a Lhance for sleep, fresh air, and nourishing food. The most important. however. is sleep. It makes no difference how much water you drink ur how much nourishing ·food you C'at, but you will not be able to work and grow unless you get plenty of sleep. Not only does sleep ::;how in your health and the growth of your body but it also shows in your school work and in your habits of mind. A child who has sufficient amount of sleep is more active and attentive in both studfrs and play than one who lacks sleep. order to get at least ten hours of sleep eve~y night. you must go to bed at eight o'clock. Don't be late . 2. Wash your face, neck, hands. and feet or take a sponge bath or a quick shower. 3. Change the clothes you ·have worn during the day. 4. Brush your teeth and hair. 5. Open the windows. 6. Use enough covering to keep warm but do not sleep with your head under the covers. 7. Use a mosquito net. 8. Go to sleep promptly. It i.~ not good to think about things after you go to bed. Think only of how sleepy you are as soon as you lie down. •Teacher, Washington Elementar.Y School. A modern machine for making cigarettes can produce more than 1,200 a min.ate, while a handworker can make only five a minute. The oldest newspaper in th~ world is the Peking News. It is 1400 years old already. It began publication 950 years before printing from movable type was invented in Europe. Tibet has only one newspaper. It is a monthly. It was found that Jews do not have the longest noses. Surgeons report that the Arffienians and the tall English have longer noses. In China, there is a very s.acrcd cnstom of politeness 'between ~ hos:. Jnd a guest. If the host invites his guest to enter first, the guest is supposed to refuse the invitation. And if the guest enters first, the host will be insulted. Thus, after the little ceremony of invitation and refusal. the host and his gu~st enter togrther. In Java, a person of a higher class pays the lower class a high compliment if he offers one of them his half-chewed betel. In Turkey, all beauty prize winr.ers are forbidden from teaching school.