How to make an aeta doll


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

How to make an aeta doll
Toy making
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
This article provides steps on how to make an aeta doll through the following materials: an old black stocking or a piece of black cloth, cotton or kapok, needle and thread, a piece of organdy, a piece of colored cloth for your doll's apron, a piece of thick cardboard and some paste and two small white buttons.]
October, 1936 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 259 ~=~===Y=P=A=G=E====J I-low To Make An Aeta Doll Before you make an Aeta Doll, I will ask you a question: Do you know who Aetas arc? I have no doubt that you can answer this question without opening your geography. But in case you have forgotten, I will tell you about the Aetas. The Aetas are the original people of the Philippines. The Aetas are commonly called negritoes. The adult Acta is very much shorter than an average Filipino. He has a flat nose. His eyes are far-apart. His hair is black and kinky. The A'etas do not build houses like yours. They live in the forest and mountains. They do not cuitivate the soil. They live by hunting wild animals. Most of them wear no clothing. Now that you know about the A~tas. let me tell now how to make an educated Aeta Doll. Before you start, get these ma'teri.als: an old black stocking or a piece of black cloth, cotton or kapok, needle and thread, a piece of organdy, a piece of colored cloth for your doll's apron, a piece of thick cardboard. some paste and two small white buttons. Whether it is a black stocking or a pi~cc of black cloth that you found. cut it and sew on the dotted CJ') _) F';.,. 5 line as shown in Figure I. Leave the bottom open. 'Through this opening, stuff it with cotton or kapok evenly. Cut the piece of cardboard as in Figure 2. Cut it in a way that its diametc:r is larger than the diameter of your doll. On this cardboard. sew. nail or paste the bottom of your doll. to make her stand. To make the neck and waist, you must tie a black thread around where you t~ink her neck and waist should be. In this step, she will look as in Figure 3. Now sew the two small white buttons for her eyes. Now make her mouth and two dots for her nose with your needle and thread. Untangle the threads of a small piece of black cloth. Gather the threads and crample them in your hands. These crumpled threads will be her kinky hair. Then appiy a little paste aroun~ her face and drape the crumpled threads on it. Sew on a little turban as shown in Figure 4. Now make her arms lik~ that in Figure 5. The procedure is lik~ Figure I. Make her a dress as shown in Figure 6 (a straight kimono). Finish her with a colored apron and place a colored cloth like a big handkerchief around her neck.