Chapel built at Mayaoyao, Ifugao


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

Chapel built at Mayaoyao, Ifugao
The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province 1 (1) June 1924
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
11 Chapel Built at Mayaoyao, lfugao T:wnks to the yener"sily mid the m1&<1nnw:1 spirit rf the Rer .. Sisters und the stwlen's ot' the Assw11ption Colleye ot" Jfrrnilu. What a lovely chapel, is it not, 111.v dear readers? It stands in the rn id st of God'" wildPrness at ~Iayao­ y:w, in the district of Qniangan. Do not think it is tilled whenever the father from Quiangan visits the place. ~Iayaoyao is one day's journey from Quiangan. Until lately the town was visited only rarely by the mis:;ionaries. As it is a center of many Ifugaos, none of them converted to the true faith, and as last year another Father was sent to Quiangan, it became imperative to extend the mission a" far as :Mayaoyao. But, on a visit to this pagan part of the Mountain Province, where would the Father pass the night, where could he offer up the sacrifice of the Mas::; ? In the house of an Ifugao ·? fmpos:;ible. Thus no other means 1wre left but to build a house for the Father and another one for God. Who would build it"? Our la.vhrothers and ::;ome other carpenters. All right. And who would pay the expenses ? - Becausr to build ~uch a chapel as this means an expense oi over one thousand pesos. - A great, almost an impossible problem which was solved .... guess by whom .... by the students of the Assumption College of Manila and their virtuous teachers, the Sisters. How? The students big and small, young and old, all of them, with an enthusiasm which oniy faith can create, set a working. They sacri12 lic-ed thern:-'c'.ve,.;. They eeouu11Jized on their daily and "·eekly buying of 1':llldie:0 and other delicaeies, they begged from their g,enerom• parents, they !'poke to their friends aht1nt their i ntelltion to build a 1·hapel. Little by little a fund was started. It inr.-rpased and, in no tirue, the great amount was gathered. As ,:0011 as the money was giYen in, two laybrother,.; were ordered t•> proceed to :\l<1y;1oyao. \\'ith the help of t10111e more or le!'s skilled Ifugao earpelitcr:", who1u they taught how to handlP a saw and a chisel, and, at the eust of much labor a:1d patience, of many hardships and pri mt ions they finished their work in six months. And there now it stands : the house of God at a place where God is unknown. The fathni' from Quiangan will visit that house. They will bring the God of heaven into that chapel. He will vi::<it His house, take possession of it, take possession of the inhabitants of :\layaoyao and ,.;o bring thern to Hi!:' house for e\·er. Reverend Sister:; and dear students of the Assumption college, I congratulate and thank you i 11 the name of God. :So doubt, God'" hle>'sings will return tn yon a hundredfold, what yon ha\·e so generously offered for His glory. l wi 11 ac:k you, nl'vertheless, something more: please, do not forget (.Jod's children of :\fayaoyao in your daily prayer,-. The :\lissionary may teach and preach, but God has to grant the graces of conversion. You ha \'e begun the com'ersion of l\layaoyao by permitting God to reside now-and then among His children, complete it by your fervent prayers. 1'he valiant boys of Room 11 (l(the catholic school of Kitchener, Carwda, 'who sold iron, tfres, etc. to support tM missions of the Jloiintain Province.