My first fight


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

My first fight
Carpio, Restituto
Children's conduct of life
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
264 THE YOUNG CITIZEN October, 1936 I~~] AND ~ CITIZENSHIP ~-=-'-~ My First Fight By RESTITUTO CARPIO * (You might haue had a fight with some boys of your age. As you read this true story of Crispulo, find out wheth11r you did the same thing that he did in his first fight.) I think I must be six or seven years old at that time. Poroc, whose real name was Fructuoso, lived just across the street. He was my playmate. We used to shoot at swallows with bows and arrows as they darted down the street at sundown. It -;o · happened that Wf' both took aim at one whose flight was very low. Swiftly whizzed our arrows into the air and soon I saw something fall to the ground. Both of us took to our heels, I ahead of him. The bird was only stunned because we used blunt arrows. "That bird is mine," Poroc demanded. "No, it was my arrow thai: got her," Crispulo answered, for that is my name. "So you won't give it to me, eh?" he growled. "No, I won't," I shouted at the top of my voice. Before I knew it, he had grabbed me by the waist. thrown me down against his right leg .. and away I fell into the ditch. As I got up, I ran straight home crying, and related the ·incident to my father. He, however, did no.t sympathize with me. Instead, he gave me three sound whippings with a piece of rattan the size of your small finger by causing me to lie on a bench face down. He said with a firm ·voice, "If you can't fight, don't fight!" I've had several fights afterwards and never reported about it to my father. I've learned to have confidence in myself. Happily, I owe it to my first fight. Questions on the Story I. Why was Crispulo .whipped by his father? 2. What did Crispulo dO when he had other fights afterwards? 3. Do you know of some boys who acted like Crispulo in his first fight? Relate it. 4. If your lessons are hard, do you usually ask someone to help you? 5. Tell an incident of how you overcame a difficult task either at home or at school. 6. Select partners and have an informal play of • Teacher of Character Educatioll. story. 7. An American woman was walkin.g along Rizal Avenue. Her child stufilbled and fell as he tottered after her. If you were in the place of woryian, which of lhe following would you do? a. I would help the child stand up. b. I would encourage the child to get up by himself. · · c. I would spank the child. INSIST on getting "LA PATRIA" AMERICAN BREAD everyday Familie~ of ex<1uisite tJt.ste have always Pre(ered them because o( their nutritive qua\ltil's. OUR AMERICAN BREAD are baked in MODERN GAS OVF.Ns' 1:hru hygienic meth~d. We used only materials of superior qualitythat is why the bread is clean, spongy, agreeable to the taste and nutritious. Various HOSPITALS, HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, AND DORMITORIES SERVE "LA PATRIA" AMERICAN BREAD EXCLUSIVELY TO THEIR PATRONS. :a~~!~.~:. LA PATRIA 63~T~~:r~. Tel. 2·23-94 Tel. 2-69-80 M. PAGLINAWAN, Mgr.