Santolan Barracks


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Santolan Barracks
Asuncion, Fortunato
Philippines -- Army -- Barracks and quarters
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[Half an hour walk from the Camp Murphy, still stands the Santolan Barracks which have withstood the test of time-why not, they were constructed out of stones and hard wood. Marks of old age can be
detected in and outside the deserted buildings. ]
October, 1936 BOYS and GIRLS I of OTl-lE:R LANDS - I IN the market place or business center of every town, you find Japanese bazaars and ice cream parlors run by Japanese. The Japanese are successful businessmen. They are courteous to the customers. Would you like to know more about them and their country? The Jap:mese live in Japan. There are so many Japanese that their country is crowded. Mariy of ... them work hard in the factories for small wages. The Japanese are industrious people. Their country is one of the greatest manufacturing countries of the world. THE YOUNG CITIZEN 263 INTERESTING PLACES Santolan Barracks By Fortunato Asuncion Half an hour walk from the newly constructed- Camp Murphy, .still stands the Santolan Barracks which have withstood the test ot t1me-why not, they were con.:structed out ot stones and hard wood. lV1arks ot old age can be uctected m and outside the desertca 1Ju11dings. .rrom a curve, as the road to tne !Jia'e 1s stopmg downward, che s1ce 100Ks desolate and 10r a rew mpa shacks that line rne ngnc s1ae Of the stony pacn. n nuge biack water pipe can be ::.u:u on tne ngnt cernunaung m a uuuomg WhICh wa.s once. cne mcer hOll::.e or lVlamia s water supp1y::.u rne people say. n 1one1y uon gate, without any imce accached to 1t, idly stands to greet tne strayed v1s1tors or cne place. Low-rooted bulldmgs wh1cn nave outgrown their. usetuJness are hned on the left side. Just in tront or these 1s a yard in the middle or which is a tall flowering tree without any flower and a warm-out tountain without any water. Inclosing these are wide-spreading branches of mango and acacia trees. dressed as we are, in European costume. Others, who looked the best, are clothed in beautifully colored kimonos. These kimonos look like long gowns. Their favorite food is ric~ and uncooked fish. Japanese children always rake off their wooden shoes before entering the house. This is the reason why Japanese houses are very clean. Both boys and girls have their own Protected by a bamboo fence is a d~ep ravine where W.Jter lazily flows. Standing against the bamboo fr:ice, you can feast your gaze at th~ b1.:autiful sight-below is a clear winding stream; further away is a vast expanse of. green things dotted here and there by the roofs of distant houses; and above is the beautitul blue sky. True or false? 1. Santolan Barracks, like Camp Murphy, is in Rizal Province. 2. It will take you about thirty minutes to reach Santolan Barracks from Camp Murphy. 3. Many soldiers are still stationed in Santolan Barracks. 4. People say that one of the buildings was a filter-house. 5. Clear cool water shoots upward from the fountain. 6. Many people have built their own homes near Santolan Barracks. 7. Santolan Barracks is a gay place. 8. A tall tree loaded with flowers is in the middle of the yard. The other festival is given to honor the sons of the family. And this is celebrated later in the same month. In this occasion, big fishes made of paper are hung in front of all houses. A little fish is hung in honor of the baby boy. The bigger ones are for the older boys. Perhaps you often wonder why Japanese here in the Philippines The children of this country special holidays. One of these fes- hang paper fishes in front of their have yellow skin. Their hair is rivals is called the Feast of the houses or stoies in the month of shiny black like ebony. Their ey-::~ Dolls. This is celebrated by the Ivlay. They do so to celebrate their are black and slanting. Some arc girls early in the month of May. ]Boys' Day.