Our Lady of the Atonement


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

Our Lady of the Atonement
Shrine of our Lady of the Atonement
The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province 1 (1) June 1924
Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic Church (Baguio City, Philippines)
Society of the Atonement.
Mary, -- Blessed Virgin, Saint -- Apparitions and miracles -- Philippines.
Mary, -- Blessed Virgin, Saint.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
f1 kl N [of auR LAt\Y of tbc ATONEMENT Our Lady of the Atonement Have you been in Ba1rnio? Did you see on top of one of the highest mountains the beautiful but only half finished Church'! It is the Church of Our Lady of the Atonement. Herewith on top of this page go the pictures of the said Church and of the Statue of Our Lady of the Atonement. ·when St. John the Baptist preached the CDmj ng of the kingdom of Christ, he preached penanee or atonement. Jes us came and He atoned for our sins. Tlw Blessed Virgin appeared at Lourdes and thr·ee times she sighed for atonement. If unhappily in the Philippines our faith is being shaken, if we see religious duties neglected on Sundays and at Eastertime. but above all if we ,-ee that much has to be done in the Philippines to restore the Church of Christ, let us first begin by atoning fur the sins committed: it is the will of Goel, the will of the Blessed Virgin. If ~lary were on earth, how she would do penance for sinners! and try to satisfy for those who offend Her beloved Son day and night, year in, year out. This will of God and of the Blessed Virgin, r.hat penance should be done, was the reason why the Church of Baguio was consecrated to the Blessed Virgin under the special title of OuR LADY OF THE ATONEMENT. But this is not enough. To make real atonement, each month of the year a solemn novena is celebrated at the church of Baguio in honor of Our Lady of the Atonement to satisfy for sins and to obtain the conversion of sinners in general and to beg- God's favors in particular for all those who make the novena. Moreover. anyone. interened in the conver~ion of a particular sinner or in need of a special favor, is requested to join the novena, hy making it at home as explained hereunder. However as union in prayer gives it greater strength aceording to the words of Jesus: "that whenever two shall pray together He will be with them". we should not pra) individually for the g-raees we need, but pray with all those who make the novena, to obtain the graces asked by each person in particular. Therefore whenever you a1 e in need of some particular grace, send the intention per letter to the Rev. Father Carlu. rector of the Atonement Church, Baguio, or drop it into the box erected for the purpose in the said Church. No names shall be published, unless desired. ·what should you write in your letter? Just mention the grace or favor you wish to be recommended to the prayers of those who make the novena. That intention shall be published in this review so that all the readers and others who make 1he monthly novena may know what they have to pray for. The first novena of this kind began 14 January 5th, HJ~+, in the Church of Our Lady of the Atonement. Six intentions only had come in. But 15 persons attended the no,·ena daily, although a few others claimed the~· made the novena at home. This first novena did not seem a suceessif one regards either the intentions prayed for, or thf' number of the faithful who attended Lhe exercises. "Nevertheless as four of the six who had brought in their intentions came later to announce that the favors they asked for had been granted, we may call the first novena a i;?Teat succe~s. Does that not show Our Lady wisht>s to be honored at her shrine of Baguio':' Does that not pro\·e that atonement offered for sins pleases her immensely? The novena of the month of February was a novena not only of petition but also of thanksgiving- for the above said favors granted. This time 27 petitions were found in the box at the foot of the statue of Our Lady of the Atonement and a good number of Her devotees followed daily the exercises. Each ernning at 5:30 the rosary was said, followed by the Litany of 0. L. of the Atonement and the exercises closed with the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. On the 10th, how impcessive it was to see many mothers present their babies to be blessed. Thus erer.1· month the exerci$eS are being more and more at.tended. They bPgin on the Saturd;;~-. following- the first Frid:.iy of the month. Therefore intentions tn be reC'ommended should be sent in time.. Those who obtain the requPst asked for, should, plea!'e, inform Father Carlu, and the Review will gladly pulillsh the favor granted. for the greater glor)· of God and 0. L. of the . .\ toneme11t. Tho~e who make the n"owna ~hould, morem'er, recehe Holy Communion at least once during the nine days and, after the daily recitation of the rosary. should sa~· the following prayer : I salute thee. Holy ~[ ar:·, Daughter of God the Father. and entreat thee to obtain for us a devotion like thine own to the mol't sweet '"ill of Gnd. I salute thee, Viqrin :\!other of God the Son, and entreat thee to obtain for us such union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus that our own hearts may Lurn with love of God and an ardent zeal for the salvation of souls. I salute thee, Immaculate Spouse of God the Holy Ghost and entreat thee to obtain for us such ;yielding of ourselves to the Bles>'ed Spirit. that He may in all things direct and rule our hearts and that we may never grieve Him in thought, or word, or deed. A Letter from father Claerhoudt Continued from page 6 sionary I know already a little of the Igorote dialect, but the lgorotes know so well to turn the letters, to suppress and to add syllables, that they seem to me very handy to talk. Thanking you again, dear Father, and with best wishes I remain : Yours in Jesus and Mary. Alphonse Claerhoudt. After such a consoling letter. Pxpressing so much hope. showing such great povert~· and activity. who would refuse some help to the Father of Bokod? The fund for his mission. the mission of the Blessed Little Flower of the Infant .Jesus should swell to overflowing. Anl· help mal· he sent to Rev. 0. Yandewalle. Herran 20211. Paco, Manna.