A visit to grandfather [short story]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

A visit to grandfather [short story]
Hernandez, Rosario V.
Short stories, Philippine (English)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[Trinidad and Epifania visit their grandfather at the farm. Grandfather gave them little chicks as a present.]
August, 1940 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 291 LITTLE STORIES FOR LITTLE PEOPLE A VISIT TO GRANDFATHER By MRS. ROSARIO V. HERNANDEZ• TR!NtDAD AND EPIFANIA wanted to see their grandfather. They said, "Mother, may we visit Grandfather out at the farm? We have not seen him for two months." "Yes," said Mother. So Trinidad and Epifania went to the farm to visit Grandfather. They went in the bus. They were glad to see Grandfather and Uncle Simeon. They were glad to be at the farm. They could play in the sunshine and see the farm animals. Grandfather and Uncle Simeon were glad to se~ the children. •Teacher, Donsol, Sorsogon. Grandfather said, "How happy. I am to see you I I am glad you came .. You must run and play in the sunshine while you are here." So every day they played out in the sunshine and had a good time. In the farm-yard they saw some little yellow chicks with old Mother Hen. Mother Hen was busy taking care of her babies and finding food for them. Mother Hen said, "Cluck! Cluck! Plai in the sunshine. ·sunshine is good for you. But do not go very far away. Do not go out into the road. An auto might run over you." So the little chicks said, "All right, Mother. We will play in the sunshine, but we will stay near you." Grandfather had told Trinidad that there were ten little chicks. So Trinidad counted them to see if all were there. "Dear me!" she said. "One of the little chicks is missing. There are only nine. I wonder what has happened to the other one. Let us go and look for it." The children looked for the missing chick, but did not find it. Then they werit into· one of the farm buildings nearby. There they found the little chick which was missing. After a short visit with Grandfather and Uncle Simeon, it was time for the children to return to their home in the city. Grandfather gave each" one a present to take home. What do you think it was? A little yellow chick for each of them. (Pleast turn to page 319.) August, 1940 MAKING A SHELL. BOX (Continued from page 315) THE YOUNG CITIZEN MAYON BY AIRPLANE (Continued from page 315) a thin layer over the entire were on our way to Legaspi. box-lid, sides, and ends. Pretty soon I could see The whole ,box, except, of Mayon volcano. There was course, the bottom, was no eruption from the main covered with this material. crater at the time, but froi:n While the putty was still one of the sides, smoke or soft, I stuck the shells and steam-I do not know the seeds in it which-was coming forth. I arranged my shells and The pilot 'lf the airplane seeds so as to form an at- ch.anged his cour.se a little, tractive pattern. I took some and flew over the volcano small, hard, red seeds, ·so I could look down upon which are plentiful in the Philippines, and placed a . it. I think he flew somewhat row of them around the on the side of the crater, top and bottom of the box, but even so, I got a good as well as the corners. Then· view of Mayon volcano I placed a flat shell in the from an airplane, and I middle of the top, and in shall never forget it. the middle of each end and the front of my box. Around these I arrangied small but pretty shells in a pleasing design. Then I set my box aside. In a week or two the putty had dried, and· was hard. The shells and red seeds had stuck fast in the putty, and so I had a very nice shell box in which to keep my handkerchiefs. REARRANGED LETTERS (Answers from page 311) !. DEAR 5. DAME 2. LEFT 6. SAW 3. NET 7. TEA 4. NAME 8. BEAR Soon we landed at the airport of Legaspi. While my father was taking care of his business, I went in an auto to see the ruins of the church which was destroyed more than a hundred years ago by an eruption of the volcano. I consider my airplane trip to Mayon volcano a very interesting experience. 9. SALT 15. MEAT IO. LEAP i6. ROSE fl. TOPS 17. VASE 12. HORSE 18. SHUT 13. NEST 19. TALE 14. NAP 20. POT 319 GROWING PANSIES (Continued from page 315) ware flower pots. I put two or three plants in each pot. After some weeks, they began to. have beautiful flowers on them. The flowers were of different colors, and I liked them very much. · I had to watch the plants because sometimes I found small caterpillars on some of them. These I picked off and destroyed. Any girl ~ho lives irr the Mountain Province of Luzon, where it is cool, can easily raise beautiful pa~­ sies, ju~t .as I did. VISIT TO GRANDFATHER (Continued from page 291) "You must give them food which they like and water," said Grandfather, "so they will grow and be. come strong, healthy chickens." "Thank you," said Trini, dad and Epifania. "We will take good car~ of our· little chicks." And then Un~le Simeon took them to the Illus which would carry them home. ' ,Ql,JESTIONS I. wh_ere did Trinidad and Ep\f~nia ·wish to go? 2. Tell of their visit. 3. What did they bring hom'e with them?
291, 319