Making the most of your time


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Making the most of your time
Mee, Arthur
Conduct of life
Time management
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
300 THE YOUNG CITIZEN August, 1940 CHARACTER AND CITIZENSHIP SECTION MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR TIME By ARTHUR MEE T/Je inventor of the telephone spent his time wifely. OF ALL the natural gifts of life, time is the most precious, for upon time the use of other gifts depends. It is said that . Queen Elizabeth, famous queen of England, when dying offered her kingdom for a. moment of time; but there was no wise man in all the land wpo could give her that. But you and I have thousands ~nd millions of these moments, and we waste perhaps thousands of them. . There are people who are thrifty with money, who. throw away golden moments as if they were of no value. Yet moments are golden things; for time, which we all share alike, whether we are kings or beggars or ordinary people, makes up our lives, and every bit of till!e we waste is a bit of wasted life. A moment is here and theri gone, forever. We should spend our time ':"isely. It . is for time given up to useless err even harmful amusements that we shall sigh for when sighing is in vain. Any one of us may look around and see two men we know, one with all the advantages of education, all the happiness of prosperity, all the influence of position; the other living a useless, idle life without distinction of any kind. All over the world we find people in pairs like this, and the whole of the difference between them lies in the way they use their time. It' would be easy to go through a list of the world's great men, ·the men who have helped mankind along, and to show that they . prized time more than anything else they p9ssessed. . Long before you .are old you will come . to regret the time you wasted in your youth; but there is one thing you will · never regret: you will never regret the time you gave to your books, and the attention you gave to your teachers. Men grow rich by using their money so' that it. brings them good interest, so that one peso grows into two, and two into four; but nothing pays such good in, terest as the hours which a wise boy or girl spends at school or with good books at home. Think of a minute and all it may mean! You may ~ake yourself immortal in it; you may give the world some great idea, invent some new thing, discover some great piece of knowledge, lift up some sad heart; or you may throw it away as if it were nothing, wasting this time which is the very gold of the world. Spend your time wisely.