Using left-overs


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Using left-overs
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[Continued from the July 1940 issue]
August, 1940 EVERY housekeeper wants to know what to do with her left-overs. Last month we gave a nu~ber of recipes for making tasty dishes from left-overs; we give more of those recipes in this number of THE YOUNG CITIZEN. Rice Croquettes Mix 2 cups of· rice, cooked in milk with one teaspoon of salt, one-fourth cup of melted butter, 2 egg yi>lks beaten, and one-fourth teaspoon of nutmeg. Mould the croquettes into the desired shape, crumb, and fry as other croquettes. (See The Young Citizen Pantry in the issue of last month.) These may be varied by using one whole egg instead of two yolks. Or by using one-half cup of thick white sauce instead of egg yolks. Or by adding two-thirds of a cup of grated cheese, and a dash of cayenne to the rice while hot. Hash Any. cold cooked meat may be minced and added THE YOUNG CITIZEN II THE II m@m -~ Pr:lNTRY ~us1NG LEFT-OVERS (Continued from the July number) to hot brown sauce, or in the case of veal and pork to a white sauce or cream; the proportions are usually one and one-half cups of meat to one cup of sauce. Another form of hash may be made by combining chopped or ·minced meat with po ta toes, green peppers, celery, onions, and any other desired vegetables. Ham Stuffed Peppers Cut a slice "from the end of six green peppers and remove the seeds. Parboil the peppers 15 minutes. Cook one finely chopped onion in 2 tablespoons of butter 15 minutes. Add 4 tablespoons of chopped mushrooms and 4 tablespoons of lean ham, finely chopped. Cook one minute. Add one-third of a cup of brown sauce and 3 tablespoons of bread crumbs. Cool the mixture and fill the peppers. Cover with buttered bread crumbs and bake for IO minutes. 313 Chicken Stuffed Peppers Mix equal parts of finely chopped cold cooked chicken or veal with softened bread crumbs. Season with salt, pepper, and onion juice. Prepare the peppers as directed in the recipe for ham stuffed peppers. Creamed Chicken Heat 2 cups of cold cooked diced chicken in 2 cups of white sauce, made with 4 tablespoons of butter, 4 tablespoons of flour, 2 cups of milk, one-half teaspoon of salt, a few grains of pepper, and oneeighth of a teaspoon . of celery salt. This may be varied by adding a few mushrooms or pimento. Stuffed Eggs The yolks of hard ·boiled eggs may be mixed with minced ham seasoned with a little mustard, pepper, and onion juice. Put the mixture back into the hard boiled whites of the eggs. (To be continued)