

Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Osbon, Bert Paul
Gounod, Charles Francois, 1818-1893.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This article provides short profile of Charles-François Gounod, a popular French opera musician. The Faust and Romeo and Juliette are two of his great operas compositions.]
THE YOUNG CITIZEN MUSIC APPRECIATION SECTION GREAT COMPOSERS OF ,MUSIC SECOND SERIES By 11ERT PAUL OSBON• IV. GOUNOD APRIL, 1941 WHEN the music so developed his piety and religious director- of zeal, thai, when he returned to France, t h e p a r i s he considered seriously becoming a priest, 0 per a was and adopted the title of Abbe Gounod. If asked to name you read the story of L(szt' in THE YOUNG the most pop- CITIZEN for February, 1941, you reular French member that abbe is the title given by the opera of to- Catholic Church in France to a clergyday, he re- man who has not taken vows and .does plied witlwut not receive his living from the church. hes it a ti on, While in Rome, Gounod devoted much "G o u n o d's time to the study of church music; later Faust!' And he studied theology, but he gave this tip Gounod, Idol of Frenc!. Op"a yet, when this in' order to devote himself to music, opera was especially to the writing of operas. His first produced in Paris in 1859, it was first operas were not well received, but a failure, Ten years later, after a total later he achieved success. His first sucof 300 successful ·performances outside of cessful opera was Faust, although, as France, it began to become. well-known previously stated, it was not liked in and liked in Paris. France until ten years after its first proGounod (pron'ounced goo-no), now · duction in Paris, "the idol of the French opera," was born I am sure in Paris in 1818. He received his first yo u have musical instruction froin his mother who heard some was an artist. She did her ·best to make of the lovea practical man of her son. After hav- ly melodies ing been taught music by his mother, the from the talented boy entered the great inusic 0 p e r a school of France which is known as. the Faust. Let Paris Conservatory. Here he did such me tell you outstanding work in music that he won a I i t t J e the Grand Prize, about this Later he went to Rome where he heard opera, and the music of Palestrina. (See THE y 0 u will YOUNG CITIZEN for.January, 1941.) This want to •Formerly of the Department ~f MUsic Educa~ tion, Sahool of Education, New York: University, New York City, U.'S, A. hear more of it. First, let. The Grand Stair-Case of the Frend 0 per a APRIL, 1941 NIGHT IN A HUT (Continued from page 147) THE YOUNG CITIZEN A GOOD-FOR-NOTHING (Continued from page I 38) GOUNOD {Continued from page 141) 149 sun, and then sell it to one So he added a little petition dramas, Wagner. (See THE of the farmer's wives. of his own to his prayer. YOUNG CITIZEN for NovThey offered us the skin, "Help me, God, to do some- ember, 1940.) but we thanked them and thing worth while, so I At seventy-five, crippled declined. We could not won't be a good-for-noth- and blinded by .a paralytic take the skin with us be- ing." stroke, Gounod composed cause we had no means of Just as he finished his a Requiem. He heard it· carrying it on our motor- prayer, he happened to played, and when it was cycle. notice the back cover of a finished, he fell over unWe cleaned the mud recent magazine for young conscious and died. This from our motorcycle, ·and people. "C.an you write a was in 1893. At the funeral waited until the hot sun had good story? Win a prize!" service hosts of his admirdried the road. Then we the advertisement read. He ers were present. said goodbye and climbed scanned the announcement Gounod's great operas onto our motorcycle which through. "I wonder. if I Faust, Rom(o and Juliette, took us to our farm in a could," he said, half aloud. and many of his sacred comshort time. He thought for a few mo- positions will always be We were glad that we ments. "Well;. I'll try." . heard and loved whenever had stayed with the natives He seated himself ~t his there is music. during the night, as th.is had study t~ble.. As he did so, given us the opportunity h~ agam said the words of REVIEW . of seeing their home life his prayer utter,~d a few I. What is Gounod d . . h . h . 1 moments before. Help me, ~n en1oymg t CI~ OS~lta - God, to do.something worth called? I!y.. But one night m a while, so I wonlt be a good- 2. What is his nationalnattv~ hut was enough, for-nothing." ity? especially when we had a Inspiration and strength 3. What are the dates of visit fro!TI an East African come to the boy. Soon he his life? . , leopard. was working away on a 4. What is Gounods short story to be sent in an- most famous opera? swer to the advertisement h.5. Tell of the success of t 1s opera. I. What can you tell he had read. Never before 6. What is an opera? about a leopard? (See the ha~ he had such an ea?er 7. Name some selections encyclopedia.) desire t~ do somethmg from Faust. · 2. Describe the skin of worth while. He wrot.e and 8. Name some other wrote. It was a simple compositions by Gounod. . story, and the plot unfolded 9. Tell of the disposition 3. Why do the natives naturally and easily. of Gounod not wish to make holes in "I think this is a pretty 11. Nam~ one contemQUESTIONS the leopard. the leopard's hide? good story," Pedro thought I porary. . 4. Find Kenya Colony when it was almost finished. 12. What was Gounod's on the map. Mount Elgon. (Please turn to page 151.) last composition?
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