Mother duck and her babies


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Mother duck and her babies
Short stories, Philippine (English)
Ducks -- Stories
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
130 THE YOUNG CITIZEN MOTHER DUCK AND HER. BABIES THIS MOTHER is a barnyard duck. Her babies are called ducklings, As soon as the baby ducks come out of the shells, .Mother Duck leads them to the; water. She does not have to teach them to swim and dive. They seem to know how. Their webbed feet are made < for swimming. ·They are like paddles. · .. · A mother duck makes her nest on the ground. She pulls down and feathers from her own breast to make the nest soft. When she leaves the nest, she covers it with dry grass and feathers; She will not leave it when it is time for the eggs to hatch. Father Duck is called a drake. Mother Duck and Father Duck both say "Quack! Quack!" A roasted duck makes a very good ·dinner, and a roasted halfgrown duckling is delicious. There are many kinds of wild ducks, too. Some are found in the Philippines. Hunters like to shoot them and carry them home for food. Have you ever seen duck eggs? They are larger than the eggs of a hen. Mother Duck makes a nice pet. She will learn to know het master and will follow him about for food. Have you. seen Mother Duck and her babies swim all together on the water?