Vacation games


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Vacation games
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This article features games such as Horseshoe Pitching, Touching Wood, Firefly, Poison Circle, and Zamboanga.]
APRIL, 1941 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 145 WORK AND PLAY SECTION VACATION GAMES Horseshoe Pitching IN INFORMAL horseshoe pitching two stakes are fixed 30 to 40 feet away from each other. New or discarded horseshoes are used. The first throw is determined by a 'toss. In turn each contestant then pitches his two horseshoes. A foul line is drawn, and any player who steps over it when throwing is disqualified for that throw. Each player tries to throw his two horseshoes nearest to the stake at the opposite end. If a horseshoe encircles the stake, it is called a ringer. The scoring is: ringer, 3; horseshoe leaning' against the stake (leaner), 2; horseshoe nearest to the stake, l ; both horseshoes nearest to the stake, 2. The game consists of 21 points. Circular metal rings may be used instead of horseshoes as in the game called quoits. Touclz~ng Wood THE PLAYER selected as the It starts inside a circle of the other players in soine yard, field, or grassy spot. A definite bounds is assigned, and a player who goes out of bounds immediately becomes the It. If the It tags a player inside bounds, he immediately become the It in turn, unl1ess he is touching something made of wood. As a player tempts the It from one side of the circle, players from the other side leave the wood and run to new sections of th.e circle, even across the entire circle. Firefly A CIRCLE is formed <if couples, each boy holding his girl partner's hand. One couple, the Fireflies, runs around the outside of the circle, carrying a flashlight. Suddenly they flash it on cine of. the couples in the circle. They then try to run around the circle to the right, while the other couple runs to the left, both couples trying to arrive first at the only vacancy in the circle. The couple that fails gets·the flashlight, and becomes the Fireflies. The game is best played after dark. Poison Circle THE PLAYERS stand in as .wide a circle as they can, with hands' clasping those of their neighbors. A circle is drawn four 'feet inside the circle, and a soft . rubber ball placed in !is center. At a signal all pull and push, endeavoring to force a player into the central Poison Circle. When a player is forceq in, the others cry "Poison!" and run . away. The player pushed inside gets the ball, and tries to hit one of the fleeing players. He continues until a player has been hit three times. If several players are pushed into the circle, they scramble for the ball, and the one securing it throws. A player who is hit by the ball has one score against him. When a· player has three scores against him, he stands with his back towards the others, and the "Poison" player has three more throws at him. Zamboanga Two GOAL LINES 60 feet apart are.drawn. Two teams are selected, one placed behind each goal line. Team No. 1 agrees upon some trade (planting rice, or sewing a coat, or some other occupation), and (Please turn to page 150.) HOW THE FOX LOST (Continued from page 134) 6. Why were the ducks and the turkey frightened? 7. What. did the fox say THE YOUNG CITIZEN VACATION GAMES (Continued from page 145) approaches the other team with this dialogue: Team No. I: Here we to them? come. 8. What request did they f Te;m No. 2 : Where make? rom 9 D"d th f . ? No. I: Zamboanga. APRIL, 19.p VACATION CAMPING (Continued from page 144) trees, birds, stones, stars, and water creatures, besides having fun and learning to know one another better. BUSINESS IN VACATION (Contjnued from page 144) · 1 e ox agree No. 2: What's . your 10. What did the ducks trade? sects. and the turkey do them? No. 1 : Lemonade. I foun_d no. difficulty Why? No. 2 : How's it made? whatever m selling two or I I.. Did the farmer hear Then team No. I acts out three trayfuls each afterthem? noon. After a person tasted the movements of the trade some of the delightful can12. What did he do? selected. As soon as a mem- dy which my sister can 13. What kind of story is ·ber of team No. 2 guesses make, thaf individual althis? (A fable.) it correctly and announces ways wanted more. Some14. What is a fable? it, the members of the first times, too, I took orders for 15. Which was wiser, the team race for their goal, several kilos of a certain fox or the fowls? the other team trying to tag kind which was well liked: 16. Did you lik~ this them. When my sister and I story? All who are tagged' or returned home after vaca17. What. did you learn "caught" before reaching tion, we each had nearly a their home join the hundred pesos. · from it? 18. Have you ever seen a duck? 19. Have you ever seen· a other team. Then team No. 2 selects a trllde, and the games proceeds as before. USING MY TIME (Continued from page 144) turkey? you about Grimm. activity. Of course I left a 20. Have you ever seen a 25. What else did Grimm generous allowance for unfox? Or a picture of a fox? write? (Many fairy stories looked-for activities. Each 21. What have you read and other stories which morning I made a daily or heard about a fox? have become famous.) schedule, and tacked it up 22. is the fox a wise ani- 26. Can you draw a pie- in the sala. I did my best ture to illustrate this story? to follow my schedule, and ma!? 27. What should be in the succeeded fairly well. Each 23. Do you think he was picture? (The ducks and night I wrote in my diary wise when he agreed to the turkey in a row making all the things I had done what the ducks and the a loud noise, and the fox during the day. At the end turkey asked? sitting nearby.) of vacation I wa·s astonished 24. This story was told 28. ·Have you ever read at the number of things I long ago by a man named any other fables?·(You will had accomplished, all on Grimm. Ask your· teacher 1 find some in other numbers I account of using my time or some other person to tell of THE YOUNG CITIZEN.) wisely.
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