Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines


Part of Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines

Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines
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BUDGET FOR 1937 OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE PHILIPPINES SUBMITTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES TO THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY MANILA BUREAU OF PRINTING 1936 CONTENTS Page Special Message.................................................................................................................... 7 Résumé of theBudget for 1937...................................................................................... 13 General Comparative Statement.................................................................................. 14 INCOME Diagram of Estimated Income for 1937 and Sources Thereof......................... 16 Detailed Statement of Ordinary Income— Revenue from Taxation ............................................................................................... 17 Incidental Revenue ........................................................................................................ 20 Earnings and Other Credits ...................................................................................... 21 Detailed Statement of Extraordinary Income........................................................ 29 Statement of Collections by Bureaus and Offices............................................. 30 EXPENDITURES Diagram of Proposed Expenditures for 1937 Shown by Departments Having Jurisdiction Thereon...................................................................................... 32 Summary of Expenditures Shown by Departments, Offices and Funds...... 33 Diagram of Proposed Expenditures for 1937 Showing the Purposes for Which They Are to Be Used...................................................................................... 36 Summary of Expenditures Classified by Functions............................................. 37 Diagram of Proposed Expenditures for 1937 Showing the Nature Thereof 39 Summary of Expenditures Shown by Budget Classification........................... 40 DETAILED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES National Assembly ............................................................................................................ 51 Salaries and Wages ..................................................................................................... 56 Sundry* Expenses .......................................................................................................... 56 Furniture and Equipment ........................................................................................ 58 Special Appropriations ............................................................................................... 58 Fixed Expenditures ....................................................................................................1. Continuing Appropriations ........................................................................................ 59 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 59 Special Provisions .......................................................................................................... 60 National Library ................................................................................................................ 61 Salaries and Wages ...................................................................................................... 64 Sundry Expenses .......................................................................................................... 64 Furniture and Equipment ........................................................................................ 65 Special Appropriations ............................................................................................... 66 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 67 Resident Commissioner to the United States........................................................ 68 Special Appropriations ............................................................................................... 68 Bureaus and Offices under the Direct Control of the President of the Philippines ......................................................................................................................... 69 Salaries and Wages— Office of the President of the Philippines....................................................... 70 General Auditing Office ...................................................................................... 72 Bureau of Civil Service........................................................................................ 79 Budget Commission ............................................................................................ 82 General Purposes ................................................................................................. 93 Sundry Expenses........................................................................................................... 94 Furniture and Equipment.......................................................................................- 96 .Special Appropriations.............................................................................................- 96 Fixed Expenditures ..................................................................................................... 115 Continuing Appropriations ........................................................................................ 115 Investments and Indefinite Expenditures ............................................................ 116 Summary .......................................................................................................................... 116 Special Provisions .................. 117 Philippiné Army .................................................................................................................. 118 Special Provisions ......................................................................................................... 124 3 4 CONTENTS Department of the Interior: Salaries and Wages— Page Office of the Secretary........................................................................................._ 125 Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes...................................................................... 128 Sundry Expenses ......................................................................................................... - 129 Furniture and Equipment ........................................................................................- 131 Special Appropriations................................................................................................ 131 Fixed Expenditures ..................................................................................................... 135 Continuing Appropriations ........................................................................................ 135 Summary .......................................................................................................................... 136 Special Provisions ......................................................................................................... 136 Philippine Constabulary ........................................... 137 Sundry Expenses .................................................................................................. 138 Furniture and Equipment.................................................................................... 138 Special Appropriations ........................................................................................ 138 Investments and Indefinite Expenditures..................................................... 139 Summary .................................................................................................................. 139 Department of Finance: Salaries and Wages— Office of the Secretary.......................................................................................... 140 Office of the Secretary—Division of Purchase and Supply................... 141 Bureau of Customs ..........................................................................-................- 145 Bureau of Internal Revenue................... 169 Bureau of the Treasury .................................................................................... 182 Bureau of Banking .............................................................................................. 184 Bureau of Printing.............................................................................................. 185 Sundry Expenses ........................................................................................................... 187 Furniture and Equipment........................................................................................ 190 Special Appropriations................................................................................................ 191 Fixed Expenditures ..................................................................................................... 204 Continuing Appropriations ............................................................................ 205 Receipts Automatically Appropriated .................................................................. 205 Investments and Indefinite Expenditures .............................................................. 208 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 209 Special Provisions ......................................................................................................... 209 Department of Justice: Salaries and Wages— Office of the Secretary.......................................................................................... 212 Bureau of Justice................................................................................................... 213 Courts of First Instance, Justice of the Peace Courts and Offices of Provincial Sheriffs .......................................................................................... 215 Public Service Commission................................................................................. 234 Bureau of Prisons .............................................................................................. 237 Bureau of Prisons—Industrial Division....................................................... 242 General Land Registration Office.................................................................... 243 Sundry Expenses........................................................................................................... 251 Furniture and Equipment.......................................................................................... 253 Special Appropriations................................................................................................ 254 Continuing Appropriations ........................................................................................ 261 Receipts Automatically Appropriated .................................................................. Investments and Indefinite Expenditures ............................................................ Summary ................................................................................................................. 261 Special Provisions ......................................................................................................... 262 Department of Agriculture and Commerce: Salaries and Wages— Office of the Secretary.......................................................................................... 263 Bureau of Plant Industry ................................................................................. 270 Bureau of Animal Industry ............................................................................. 277 Bureau of Forestry.............................................................................................. 281 Bureau of Lands .................................................................................................. 288 Bureau of Science .............................................................................................. 300 Bureau of Commerce ............................................................ 306 Weather Bureau .................................................................................................. 309 Sundry Expenses........................................................................................................... 312 Furniture and Equipment.......................................................................................... 315 Special Appropriations................................................................................................ 318 Fixed Expenditures ..................................................................................................... 349 Continuing Appropriations ......................................................................... 349 Receipts Automatically Appropriated .................................................................. 350 Investments and Indefinite Expenditures.............................................................. 350 Summary .......................................................................................................................... 350 Special Provisions ......................................................................................................... 351 CONTENTS Department of Public Works and Communications: Pn«e Salaries and Wages— Office of the Secretary.......................................................................................... 353 Bureau of Public Works...................................................................................... 354 Bureau of Posts ................................................................................................... 3G4 Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey............................................................ 380 Sundry Expenses............................................................................................................ 384 Furniture and Equipment.......................................................................................... 387 Special Appropriations................................................................................................. 388 Continuing Appropriations ........................................................................................ 406 Receipts Automatically Appropriated ................................................................... 409 Investments and Indefinite Expenditures................................................................ 409 Summary ........................................................................................................................... 409 Special Provisions .......................................................................................................... 410 Department of Public Instruction: Salaries and Wages— Office of the Vice-President and Secretary................................................... 412 Bureau of Education .......................................................................................... 414 Bureau of Health ............................................................................................... 432 Bureau of Public Welfare .................................................................................. 455 Philippine General Hospital ............................................................................. 459 Bureau of Quarantine Service ....................................................................... 474 Office of the National Physical Director ...................................................... 476 Sundry Expenses............................................................................................................ 477 Furniture and Equipment.......................................................................................... 480 Special Appropriations................................................................................................. 489 Fixed Expenditures ..................................................................................................... 518 Continuing Appropriations ........................................................................................ 518 Receipts Automatically Appropriated ................................................................... 519 Investments and Indefinite Expenditures ............................................................ 520 Summary ........................................................................................................................... 520 Special Provisions .......................................................................................................... 521 Department of Labor: Salaries and Wages— Office of the Secretary ........................................................................................ 525 Bureau of Labor ................................................................................................. 526 Sundry Expenses .......................................................................................................... 531 Furniture and Equipment ........................................................................................ 532 Continuing Appropriations ........................................................................................ 533 Summary ........................................................................................................................... 533 Special Provisions .......................................................................................................... 533 Supreme Court......................................................................................................................... 534 Salaries and Wages ..................................................................................................... 536 Sundry Expenses .................................................................... 536 Furniture and Equipment ........................................................................................ 537 Special Appropriations ............................................................................................... 538 Continuing Appropriations ........................................................................................ Receipts Automatically Appropriated ................................................................... Investments and Indefinite Expenditures ........................................................... Summary ......................................................................................................................... 539 Court of Appeals ................................................................................................................ 540 Salaries and Wages ..................................................................................................... 542 Sundry Expenses .......................................................................................................... 542 Furniture and Equipment ............................................................... 543 Special Appropriations ..................................................................... 543 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 545 University of the Philippines...................................................................................... 546 General Provisions Proposed for the 1937 Appropriation Bill..................... 560 APPENDIX REIMBURSABLE FUNDS Andres Bonifacio Monument Fund ................................................................................. 571 Momungan American Colonies .......................................................................................... 571 Mindanao and Sulu Filipino Colonies............................................................................... 571 Fidelity Fund ................... 572 Land Title Assurance Fund ............................................................................... 573 Property Insurance Fund ............................................... 574 Loan Fund Account................................................................................................................ 575 Municipal Loan Fund........................................................................................................... 575 6 CONTENTS Page National Loan and Investment Fund.................................................................................... 576 Tobacco Inspection Fund........................................................................................................... 578 Manila Harbor Board ......................................................................................................... <>579 Rice and Corn Fund...................................................................................................................... 580 Mutual Insurance of Work Animals................................................................................. 580 Operation of Chartered Vessels................................................................................................ 580 Stock Farm, Slaughterhouse and Breeding Station Fund...................................... 581 Establishment, Maintenance, Equipment and Operation of Seed Farms............ 582 Philippine Fiber Inspection Service.................................... 583 Bohol Filipino Colony ....................................................................................................... 583 Cagayan Filipino Colony .................................................................................................... 584 Friar Lands Estates ........................................................................................................... 585 Friar Lands Loan Fund....................................................................................................... 586 San Lazaro Estate.................................................................................................................. 586 San Lazaro Loan Fund ....................................................................................................... 587 Cadastral Survey Fund ....................................................................................................... 587 Private Surveyors’ Loan Fund.......................................................................................... 588 Public Lands Subdivision Fund ........................................................................................ 588 Fiber Research Fund ............................................................................................................ 589 Manila Trading Center and Exchange Fund................................................................ 590 Baguio Dwellings and Equipment for Rent.................................................................... 591 Los Baños Quarry............................................................................................. 592 Registration and Regulation of Motor Vehicles............................................................ 593 Irrigation Fund (Insurance Fund) ................................................................. 594 Irrigation Fund (Operation and Maintenance) ........................................................ 594 Highways Special Fund .................................................................................................... 595 Permanent Bridge Revolving Fund, Act No. 3500.................................................... 595 Permanent Bridge Revolving Fund, Act No. 3932..................................................... 596 Port Works Fund ................................................................................................................ 596 Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops ....................,........................ 597 National Radio Broadcasting Fund ................................................................................. 598 Air Mail Service....................................................................................................... 599 Central Luzon Agricultural School................................................................................. 600 For the Operation of the Normal Hall............................................................ 601 Care, Maintenance, Instruction, Reformation and Custody of Neglected and Delinquent Children ....................................................................................................... 602 University of the Philippines .......................................................................................... 603 BOND FUNDS Financial Interests Protection Bonds (Investment Fund)...................................... 605 Manila Port Works and Improvement Bonds ........................................................... 606 Cebu Port Works and Improvement Bonds.................................................................... 607 FIDUCIARY FUNDS Army Pension and Retirement Fund.................................................................... ,........... 608 Treasury Certificate Fund ................................................................................................ 608 Exchange Standard Fund ................. 609 Reverend Crisostomo Donation Fund ............................................................................. 610 Teachers’ Pension and Disability Fund ...................................................................... 612 Health Pension and Retirement Fund ........................................................................... 614 THE PRESIDENT’S SPECIAL MESSAGE MALACAÑAN PALACE MANILA June 23, 1936 Gentlemen of the National Assembly: In pursuance of section 9, paragraph (1), of Article VI of the Constitution of the Philippines, I am submitting herewith for your consideration the Budget of receipts and expenditures of the Government of the Commonwealth for the year 1937. The Constitution allows the President fifteen days from the date of the opening of the regular session of the National Assembly within which to submit the Budget, and although the opening date of this year’s regular session has been advanced thirty days, I have, nevertheless, endeavored to have this Budget ready within the first few days after the opening of the session to make possible your early enactment of the Gen­ eral Appropriation Law. This Budget has been prepared by the Budget Commission, the office newly created by me and to which I referred in my previous message to the National Assembly. The Chairman of this Commission and Director of the Budget is Hon. Serafin Marabut, former Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations of the National As­ sembly, who has, for many years, rendered efficient and patriotic service in the Com­ mittee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives. A new and important duty imposed upon the Budget Office, as created under Ex­ ecutive Order No. 25, is the close and constant supervision over the expenditures made by the different executive departments, bureaus and dependencies of the National Gov­ ernment, and for this purpose, their respective accounting services have been placed under the direct control of the Director of the Budget. In this manner, the expend­ iture of funds, although authorized by law, if found not actually necessary, may be suspended by the President, thus enabling him to prevent waste and extravagance. The total regular income for 1937, conservatively estimated, is 1*65,817,400. The revised estimated regular income for the current year is 1*66,133,900. The total ordinary expenditures proposed for 1937 amount to 1*64,767,138, which, compared with the estimated regular income for 1937, leaves a surplus of 1*1,050,262. The total ordinary expenditures proposed in the Budget is 1*35,031.50 more than the total ordinary expenditures authorized for 1936. However, the 1937 Budget contains increases in appropriations aggregating 1*1,618,732.15 for improvement and extension of such essential public services as revenue collection, health social welfare and others; and eliminates and/or reduces certain expenditures authorized for 1936 which have been found either excessive or no longer necessary. The appropriations which have been increased are those affecting the Bureaus of Internal Revenue, Cus­ toms and Forestry, which have been unable in the past to collect all the taxes due the Government for lack of adequate personnel, and about 1*330,500 of said increases is for the care of the insane and the sick and for the free distribution of medicine among the poor. In addition to the ordinary expenditures above referred to, there are extraordinary outlays and investments included in the Budget amounting to 1*1,440,800 which are charged against the accumulated surplus. There are a number of important changes effected in the present -Budget, as com­ pared with the last one, both as regards the organization of the Bureaus and the mat­ 7 8 THE PRESIDENT’S SPECIAL MESSAGE ters contained in the Budget. The reorganizations were effected by Executive Order in accordance with Commonwealth Act No. 5, and they are: (1) the creation of the Budget Commission; (2) the transfer of the Navigation Division from the Department of Agricul­ ture and Commerce to the Bureau of Customs; and (3) the reorganization of the Bureau of Civil Service. The creation of the Budget Commission has been discussed in my first message to the Assembly at this regular session; the transfer of the Navigation Division from the Department of Agriculture and Commerce to the Bureau of Customs has been done in the interest of economy and efficiency, and the reorganization of the Bureau of Civil Service is in line with, and designed to give full force and effect to, the provi­ sions contained in Article XI of the Constitution referring to Civil Service. Heretofore, the Bureau of Civil Service has been ranked among the bureaus of the second class and its functions have been limited to giving civil service examinations, rating of papers, and passing upon questions of eligibility of qualified applicants for Government positions or the promotion of employees already in the service. I have created a Civil Service Board of Appeals composed of the Auditor General, as Chair­ man, and the Solicitor General and the Director of the Budget, as members, and have raised the position of Director of Civil Service to that of Commissioner of Civil Service with a salary equal to that of an Undersecretary of Department, and that of his Assistant to Deputy Commissioner with the salary of an Assistant Director of a first-class Bureau. Under this reorganization, the Bureau of Civil Service, in addition to its existing duties, will have charge of, and pass upon all formal investigations against officers and employees of the Civil Service. Experience has demonstrated that sometimes the esprit de corps in a given bureau is so strong that complaints presented by private parties against em­ ployees of the Bureau do not receive due consideration; on the other hand, there are cases where for personal, political or other reasons, employees are not properly pro­ tected in their rights. The Bureau of Civil Service, as reorganized, will safeguard equally the rights of the public and of the employees. It will function as an admin­ istrative tribunal, acting as independently as the Courts of Justice. Appeals from the decision of the Commissioner of Civil Service may be taken to the Civil Service Board of Appeals, whose decision thereon will be final. It will also be noted that the Budget for 1937 includes appropriations which are payable from special funds created by the Legislature for certain purposes and which, without further action on the part of the legislative department,- are being spent by the executive offices vested by law with their administration. Heretofore, these special funds have not been included in the Budget supposedly for the reason that a yearly legislative action on the same was not deemed necessary. I believe, however, that the inclusion of these special funds in the Budget, as I am now doing, makes our budgetary system more comprehensive and is a forward step towards making the Budget the complete financial program of the Government that it should be. The appropriations for the Bureau of Printing and the Industrial Division of the Bureau of Prisons are being placed on revolving fund basis. The resulting elasticity in the working capital of each of these two industrial units will enable them, not only to function more economically and efficiently, but to adjust their operation to the vary­ ing requirements of the service. It is my purpose to recommend, as I do hereby recommend, the repeal of Act No3431, otherwise known as the Belo Act, effective on the first of January, 1938. THE PRESIDENT’S SPECIAL MESSAGE 9 During these first two years of the life of the Commonwealth, I feel that the Pres­ ident should have at his disposal the amount appropriated by the said Act and should have, in the use of the fund, the latitude given him by the law, so that he may be able to exercise supervision and control, not only over the affairs of the National Govern­ ment, but of the provinces and municipalities as well. These are years of investigation and reorganization of the whole government machinery and the Chief Executive should have all the assistance demanded by the multitude and extent of the questions that re­ quire his immediate attention until general administrative policies and procedures are established. To the Belo Fund, I have recurred also to give the Executive Departments additional personnel for technical work. Were it not for the above considerations, I should have recommended the immediate repeal of that Act. I wish also to bring to your attention the marked change in the form of presenting the General Comparative Statement and the different kinds of expenditures in the Bud­ get. In the General Comparative Statement, the expenditures are segregated into ordinary expenditures, and extraordinary expenditures and investments, and the allo­ cation of the net surplus is shown in detail. The financial condition of the Government is thus clearly presented. While in the budgets of previous years the permanent appro­ priations, continuing appropriations, indefinite appropriations and expenditures payable from receipts and revolving funds were scattered in subsidiary statements, in the Budget which I am submitting to you, they are conspicuously placed in tabulated form together with the general appropriations. Thus, anyone can see at a glance the amount of funds for expenditure at the disposal of each department of the Government. At the end of 1935, the net accumulated surplus of the Commonwealth Govern­ ment of the Philippines was P39,565,495.59. Of this amount and the current surplus of Pl,401,793.51 for the year 1936, the sum of P2,937,233.30 was used to cover a por­ tion of the amount appropriated by the former Philippine Legislature for public works; P990,000 for construction of roads in Mindanao; P388,000 for the election of the Com­ monwealth officials, and P3,361,597.38 for other extraordinary expenses. In its inau­ gural’session, the National Assembly authorized appropriations amounting to P500,000 for various purposes, including outlays for the expenses of the National Economic Coun­ cil and of the Government .Survey Board, extermination of locusts and budrot, and typhoon relief. The Chief Executive, on the other hand, has authorized the invest­ ment of Pl,000,000 in stock of the National Development Company for use of the Na­ tional Rice and Corn Corporation, in pursuance of the provisions of Act No. 2849, and P300,000 in stock of the Manila Railroad Company for the extension of its southern lines, as authorized under Act No. 3116. As a result of the extraordinary appropria­ tions and investments above mentioned, the accumulated net surplus of the Govern­ ment of the Commonwealth at the end of 1936 will be P31,490,458.41. With the ex­ ception of about P5,000,000, which represents supplies on hand, accounts receivable and other forms of liquid assets, the said accumulated net surpluses all in cash, of which P9,090,458.41 is unencumbered. It is needless to state that, except for some urgent and vital public need, further drain upon the accumulated surplus would not be ad­ visable. Any measure, involving the expenditure of public funds should be supple­ mented by the enactment of laws creating new sources of revenue or increasing those already in effect. The National Assembly Manila Very respectfully, President of the Philippines MENSAJE ESPECIAL DEL PRESIDENTE MALACAÑAN PALACE MANILA 23 de junio de 1936 Caballeros de la Asamblea Nacional: De conformidad con las disposiciones del artículo 9, párrafo (1), Título VI, de la Constitución de Filipinas, tengo el honor de someter a vuestra consideración el ad­ junto plan presupuestal del Gobierno del Commonwealth de Filipinas para el año 1937< La Constitución concede al Presidente de Filipinas un plazo de quince días a contar desde la apertura de cada período ordinario' de sesiones de la Asamblea Nacional, para someter dentro de dicho plazo, el presupuesto de ingresos y gastos, y aunque la fecha de la apertura del período ordinario de sesiones de este año ha sido anticipada en treinta días, he procurado, no obstante, tener listo el adjunto plan presupuestal dentro de los primeros días después de la apertura de vuestras sesiones para hacer posible la pronta aprobación de la Ley de Presupuestos Generales. Este plan presupuestal ha sido preparado por la Comisión del Budget, la Oficina recientemente creada por mí de la cual ya he hablado a la Asamblea Nacional en mi mensaje anterior. El Presidente de esta Comisión y Director del Budget es el Honorable Serafín Marabut, anterior Presidente del Comité de Presupuestos de la Asamblea Nacional, quien, por muchos años, ha prestado eficientes y patrióticos servicios en el Comité de Presupuestos de la Cámara de Representantes. La supervisión estricta y constante sobre los gastos de los diversos departamentos ejecutivos, oficinas y dependencias del Gobierno Nacional, es un nuevo e importante deber impuesto a la Oficina del Budget, creada mediante la Orden Ejecutiva No. 25, y para su cumplimiento, las respectivas secciones de contabilidad de dichas organiza­ ciones del Gobierno fueron colocadas bajo el control directo del Director del Budget. Por este medio, si algún gasto fuere hallado innecesario, puede, aunque hubiera sido auto­ rizado por ley, ser suspendido por el Presidente, capacitándole de este modo a impedir pérdidas y extravagancias. El total de ingresos ordinarios para el año 1937 se calcula conservativamente en la suma de 1*65,817,400. Los ingresos calculados según la última revisión para el año actual son 1*66,133,900. Eí total de gastos ordinarios que se propone para el año 1937 asciende a la suma de 1*64,767,138, la cual, comparada con los ingresos ordinarios calculados para 1937, re­ sulta un superávit de 1*1,050,262. El total de gastos ordinarios que se propone en el adjunto plan presupuestal es 1*35,031.50 más que el total de gastos ordinarios autorizados para 1936. Sin embargo, el plan presupuestal de 1937 contiene aumentos en las consignaciones que suman 1*1,618,732.15 par-a el mejoramiento y extensión de servicios públicos importantes, tales como la recaudación de rentas, sanidad, bienestar social, y otros; y elimina y/o reduce ciertos gastos autorizados para 1936 que han sido hallados excesivos o han de­ jado de ser necesarios. Las consignaciones que han sido aumentadas son aquellas que afectan las Oficinas de Rentas Internas, de Aduanas y de Montes, las cuales no pudieron recaudar en años anteriores todos los impuestos debidos al Gobierno por falta de per­ sonal adecuado, y unos 1*330,500 de dichos aumentos son para el cuidado de personas dementes y enfermas y para la distribución gratuita de medicinas entre los pobres. Además de los gastos ordinarios arriba referidos, hay gastos extraordinarios e in­ versiones incluidos en el plan presupuestal que ascienden a 1*1,440,800 con cargo contra el superávit acumulado. Se han introducido varios cambios importantes en el actual plan presupuestal en comparación con el anterior tanto en lo que respecta a la organización de las Oficinas 10 MENSAJE ESPECIAL DEL PRESIDENTE 11 como en lo que se refiere al contenido mismo del plan presupuestal. Las reorganizacio­ nes se efectuaron poi* Orden Ejecutiva de acuerdo con la Ley No. 5 del Commonwealth y son: (1) la creación de la Comisión del Budget; (2) el traslado de la División de Navegación del Departamento de Agricultura y Comercio a la Oficina de Aduanas; y (3) la reorganización de la Oficina del Servicio Civil. La creación de la Comisión del Budget ha sido ya comentada en mi primer mensaje a la Asamblea en este período ordinario de sesiones; el traslado de la División de Na­ vegación del Departamento de Agricultura y Comercio a la Oficina de Aduanas se ha hecho en interés de la economía y eficiencia, y la reorganización de la Oficina del Servicio Civil se ha hecho de acuerdo con las disposiciones contenidas en el Artículo XI de la Constitución referentes al Servicio Civil designada a dar fuerza y efecto a tales dis­ posiciones. En el pasado, la Oficina del Servicio Civil estaba colocada entre las oficinas de segunda clase y sus funciones se limitaban a dar exámenes del Servicio Civil, apreciar las composiciones de examen y resolver cuestiones sobre elegibilidad de solicitantes cali­ ficados para ocupar puestos en el Gobierno, o el ascenso de empleados dentro del ser­ vicio. He creado una Junta de Apelaciones del Servicio Civil compuesta del Auditor Ge­ neral como presidente, el Procurador General y el Director del Budget como miembros y elevado el puesto de Director del Servicio Civil al de Comisionado del Servicio Civil con un sueldo igual al de un Subsecretario Departamental y el de Director Auxiliar, al de Delegado Comisionado con el sueldo de un Director Auxiliar de oficina de primera clase. Bajo esta reorganización, la Oficina del Servicio Civil, además de sus deberes anteriores, se encargará de, y decidirá todas las investigaciones contra oficiales y em­ pleados del Servicio Civil. La experiencia ha demostrado que en algunas ocasiones el espíritu de cuerpo de una oficina es tan fuerte que las quejas presentadas por particulares contra empleados de dicha oficina no reciben la consideración debida; y por otra parte, hay casos en que por razones personales, políticas o de otra naturaleza, los derechos de los empleados no reciben adecuada protección. La Oficina del Servicio Civil, como está reorganizada, velará igualmente por los derechos tanto del público como del empleado. Funcionará como un tribunal administrativo obrando con igual independencia que los Tribunales de Justicia. Las decisiones del Comisionado del Servicio Civil serán apelables ante la Junta de Apelaciones del Servicio Civil cuya decisión será definitiva. Podréis notar también que el plan presupuestal para 1937 incluy consignaciones que son pagaderas de fondos especiales creados por la Legislatura para ciertos fines y que sin ulterior acción de parte del Departamento Legislativo, se gastan por las oficinas ejecutivas encargadas por la ley de su administración. En el pasado, estos fondos es­ peciales no se incluían en el plan presupuestal por razón quizás de que no era necesario que se tomara acción legislativa sobre ellos anualmente. Creo, sin embargo, que la in­ clusión de estos fondos especiales en el plan presupuestal, como lo hago ahora, hace más comprensivo nuestro sistema budgetario y es un avance para realizar que el budget sea completamente el programa financiero del Gobierno como debe ser. Las consignaciones para la Oficina de la Imprenta y de la División Industrial de la Oficina de Prisiones se han puesto sobre la base de fondos reembolsables. La elastici­ dad resultante en sus fondos de funcionamiento respectivos permitirá a estas actividades industriales del Gobierno no solamente funcionar económica y eficientemente sino tam­ bién ajustar su operación a las diversas necesidades del servicio. Es mi propósito recomendar, como por la presente recomiendo, la abolición de la Ley No. 3431, comúnmente conocida por Ley Belo, con efectividad el primer día de enero de 1938. 12 MENSAJE ESPECIAL DEL PRESIDENTE Soy de opinión de que durante estos primeros dos años de la existencia del Com­ monwealth, el Presidente debe tener a su disposición la cantidad apropiada en dicha ley así como también la discreción en ella concedida en lo que respecta al empleo de este fondo de tal modo que pueda ejercer supervisión y control no solamente sobre los asun­ tos del Gobierno Nacional sino también los de las provincias y municipios. Estos años son de investigación y de reorganización de toda la maquinaria gubernativa y el Jefe Ejecutivo debe tener toda la ayuda requerida por el número y la importancia de las cuestiones que solicita su atención inmediata hasta que se hayan establecido sistemas y procedimientos administrativos de carácter general. He recurrido a los fondos Belo para proporcionar personal adicional para trabajos técnicos a los Departamentos Ejecutivos. A no ser por las anteriores consideraciones, yo hubiera recomendado la inmediata deroga­ ción de dicha ley. Deseo también llamar vuestra atención al marcado cambio en la forma en que se presenta el Estado General Comparativo y las diferentes clases de gastos en el adjunto plan presupuestal. En el estado comparativo, los gastos se dividen en ordinarios y ex­ traordinarios incluyendo inversiones y se muestra detalladamente el destino del superávit neto. Con esta forma de presentación, la condición financiera del Gobierno queda clara­ mente descrita. Mientras en los planes presupuéstales de años anteriores las consigna­ ciones permanentes, las que se llevan de año en año, las que tienen carácter indefinido y los gastos que se pagan directamente de los ingresos y de fondos reembolsables aparecían desparramadas en estados subsidiarios, en el adjunto plan presupuestal aparecen clara­ mente en cuadros a continuación de las consignaciones ordinarias. Por este medio, cualquiera puede a simple vista saber las cantidades consignadas para los gastos de cada Departamento del Gobierno. A fines del año 1935, el superávit neto acumulado del Gobierno del Commonwealth de Filipinas montaba a ¥39,565,495.59. De esta suma y del superávit actual de 1*1,401,793.51 para el año 1936, la suma de ¥2,937,233.30 fué usada para cubrir una parte de la apropiación de la fenecida Legislatura Filipina para obras públicas; ¥=990,000 para la construcción de caminos en Mindanao; 5*388,000 para las elecciones de los funcionarios del Commonwealth, y ¥3,361,597.38 para otros gastos extraordinarios. La Asamblea Na­ cional, en sus sesiones inaugurales, autorizó consignaciones montantes a ¥500,000 para varios fines, incluyendo los gastos del Consejo Económico Nacional y de la Junta de In­ vestigación del Gobierno, extirpación de langostas y budrot, y socorro por causa de tifones. El Jefe Ejecutivo, por otro lado, obrando de acuerdo con las disposiciones de la Ley No. 2849, ha autorizado la inversión de ¥1,000,000 en acciones de la Com­ pañía de Fomento Nacional para el uso de la Corporación Nacional de Arroz y Maíz, y ¥300,000, en acciones de la Manila Railroad Company para la extensión de sus líneas del Sur, como quedó autorizada bajo la Ley No. 3116. Como resultado de las consig­ naciones extraordinarias e inversiones arriba mencionadas, el superávit neto acumulado del Gobierno del Commonwealth al fin del año 1936 será ¥31,490,458.41. Con excep­ ción de cerca de ¥5,000,000, que representan efectos y materiales en existencia, cuentas por cobrar y otras formas de activo líquido, dicho superávit consiste todo en efectivo del cual ¥9,090,458.41 está libre de gravamen. Es innecesario decir que, con excepción de gastos para urgentes y vitales necesidades públicas, cualquier merma posterior de nuestro superávit neto acumulado no es aconsejable y, por lo tanto, todas las me­ didas que envuelvan desembolso de fondos públicos deben ser suplementadas por leyes que creen nuevas fuentes de ingresos o aumenten el rendimiento de las ya existentes. Muy respetuosamente, Manuel L. Quezon Presidente de Filipinas A la Asamblea Nacional Manila RESUME OF THE BUDGET FOR 1937 Estimated regular income......................................................... 5*65,817,400.00 Estimated ordinary expenditures............................................ 64,767,138.00 Excess of regular income over ordinary expenditures......... P 1,050,262.00 13 BUDGET FOR 1937 GENERAL COMPARATIVE STATEMENT Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual ORDINARY INCOME: Revenue from taxation.............................................. Incidental revenue ........................................................ Earnings and other credits........................................ Total regular income................................................ EXPENDITURES: General expenditures— National Assembly ................................................ National Library ............................................ Resident Commissioner to the United States Bureaus and Offices under the direct control of the President ................................................ Philippine Army ............................................ Department of the Interior.................................. Philippine Constabulary .............................. Department of Finance .................... ................... Department of Justice ........................................ Department of Agriculture and Commerce.... Department of Public Works and Communi­ cations ........................................................1......... Department of Public Instruction................... Department of Labor ............................................ Supreme Court........................................................ Court of Appeals .................................................... University of the Philippines.............................. Total for general expenditures....................... Fixed expenditures— Bureaus and Offices under the control of the President— Retirement gratuities, Act 2589, as amended ........................................................ Retirement gratuities, Act 4051............... Retirement gratuities, Act 4151................. Fund to be expended in the manner and for Jhe purposes provided for in Act 3431 ................................................................ Department of the Interior— Gratuities, Act 1259...................................... Department of Finance— Public debt ...................................................... Advances to the Phllipipne Railway Co., Act 1730 .................................................... Department of Agriculture and Commerce— Protection of agricultural industries, Act 3027 ........................................................ Total for fixed expenditures........... TOTAL ORDINARY EXPENDITURES ....................... EXCESS OF TOTAL REGULAR ESTIMATED IN­ COME OVER TOTAL ORDINARY EXPEND­ ITURES FOR THE YEAR........................................... P51,122,000.00 P51,223,000.00 P49,673,365.05 4,325,600.00 4,234,900.00 4,204,892.21 10,369,800.00 10,676,000.00 14,151,241.38 P65,817,400.00 P66,133,900.00 P68,029,498.64 P1,137,894.00 P1,138,614.00 P1,687,752.00 155,735.00 151,941.60 144,343.87 51,200.00 51,200.00 10,645.16 1,378,530.00 1,403,090.00 932,912.33 15,955,972.00 15,952,503.00 637,056.00 732,986.00 708,713.31 5,500,022.82 2,989,044.00 3,403,660.60 3,131,808.02 3,355,718.00 3,466,640.90 3,297,535.91 3,955,925.00 3,722,716.00' 3,560,720.38 4,392,939.00 4,206,371.00 4,075,706.41 18,703,634.00 18,506,765.40 18,142,952.27 328,025.00 233,628.00 237,459.11 230,256.00 199,563.00 340,098.00 249,407.00 260,080.00 1,048,067.00 1,048,067.00 977,163.65 54,569,402.00 54,477,826.50 42,747,833.24 340,000.00 300,000.00 232,523.83 562,000.00 706,000.00 823,744.73 400,000.00 300,000.00 48,887.91 250,000.00 250,000.00 173,216.33 2,700.00 8,700.00 8,700.00 7,953,116.00 7,999,660.00 8,250,011.05 683,920.00 683,920.00 683,920.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,998.46 10,197,736.00 10,254,280.00 10,227,002.31 64,767,138.00 64,732,106.50 52,974,835.55 1,050,262.00 1,401,793.50 15,054,663.09 14 GENERAL COMPARATIVE STATEMENT .15 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized 1935 actual EXTRAORDINARY Add—extraordinary income— Transfer of surplus from Exchange Standard Fund, section 1624, Act 2711............................ Repayment from the Philippine National Bank on account of assets written off, Com­ monwealth Act No. 6........................................ Receipts automatically appropriated............... Total ...................................................................... Add—Accumulated Surplus, January 1.................... TOTAL ...................................................................................... Deduct—Extraordinary Expenditures and Investments— Continuing appropriations— Public Works Funds ............................................ Emergency fund for elementary classes, Act 4201 ................................................................ All Others ................................................................ Receipts automatically appropriated ...................... Extraordinary losses .................................................... Election expenses, Act 3567........................................ Restoration of cadastral survey receipts reverted in previous years, Act 3077...................................... Loan to the Manila Railroad Co., Commonwealth Act No. 4...................................................................... Advances to the Manila Railroad Co., Acts 1730 and 3008 ........................................................................ Subscription of stock of the National Develop­ ment Company, Act 2849 ........................................ Subscription of stock of the Manila Railroad Company under Act No. 3116, as amended....... Working capital for the purchase of textbooks for rent, Act 4139........................................................ Working capital for the Bureau of Prisons— Industrial Division Revolving Fund.................. Working capital for the Bureau of Printing Re­ volving Fund .............................................................. Total extraordinary expenditures and invest­ ments ................................................................. ... NET SURPLUS, December 31............................................ ALLOCATION OF NET SURPLUS— Reserve for Government Center, Act 3597........... Money Order reserve.................................................... Advances to disbursing officers.................................. Continuing assets .......................................................... UNENCUMBERED SURPLUS 6,050,000.00 ............................ 3,940,000.00 ............................ ..................... 734,863.43 1,050,262.00 31,490,458.41 11,391,793.50 39,565,495.59 15,789,526.52 36,900,492.19 32,540,720.41 50,957,289.09 52,690,018.71 2,937,233.30 2,333,383.50 776,120.95 2,726,175.30 530,816.77 183,724.61 144,846.17 3,181,055.82 4,075,343.17 199,604.21 9,990,000.00 . 964,650.00 1,015,800.00 1,748,400.00 1,000,000.00 ............................ 300,000.00 ........................... .................................................... 1,500,000.00 100,000.00 .............................................................. 325,000.00 .......................................... 1,440,800.00 19,466,830.68 13,124,523.12 31,099,920.41 31,490,458.41 39,565,495.59 5,400,000.00 5,400,000.00 3,400,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 6,500,000.00 8,000,000.00 8,000,000.00 8,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 16,600,000.00 22,400,000.00 22,400,000.00 34,500,000.00 P8,699,920.41 P9,090,458.41 P5,065,495.59 ESTIMATED INCOME FOR 1937 AND SOURCES THEREOF TOTAL P65.817.400 jl <y. Excise tax ...,. w.w, 16.5% PIO,865,900 OS®' V.» A**' ..•ws • '•Yj • • • • • • ii • Import duties 30.4% 920,054,100 i T £ Other credits Ct* \W*^' License and business tax 20.0% P13.129.500 i (□) Documentary tax___________________________________________________ 1*8% (b) Tonnage dues________________________________________________________ -76% (c) Inheritance tax____________________________________________________ *46% (d) Immigration tax--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.41 % (e) Franchise tax----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17% (/) Forest charges_______________________________________________________3.0% (g) United States internal revenue stamps---------------------------------------------------1.38% (h) Interest on bank deposits____________________________________________ -68% (i) Fines and forfeitures_____________________________ .66% Interest on investments______________________________________________.47% (j) Sales of public domain__________________________________ -__________ .19% Other incidental revenue______________________ .12% 91,162,500 500,000 300,000 270,000 110,000 2,000,000 915,000 450,000 437.200 313.200 130,000 80,200 16 DETAILED STATEMENT OF INCOME Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual ORDINARY REVENUE FROM TAXATION Import duties .......................................................................... P20,054,100.00 *20,399,100.00 *19,393,335.50 Stones, earths, glass and ceramic products: Stones and earths.................................................. 240,000.00 240,000.00 235,086.55 Precious stones, pearls and imitations thereof ................................................................ 40,000.00 40,000.00 37,040.02 Glass and manufactures thereof........................ 250,000.00 250,000.00 246,642.11 Coal, schists, bitumens and derivatives thereof: Coal............................................................................ 90,000.00 90,000.00 94,420.56 Schists, bitumens and derivatives thereof.... 460,000.00 460,000.00 463,703.79 Metals and manufactures thereof: Gold, silver and platinum; alloys thereof; gold and silver plated articles..................... 8,000.00 8,000.00 7,912.32 Cast iron................................................................... 30,000.00 30,000.00 27,494.56 Wrought iron and steel......................................... 610,000.00 610,000.00 610,465.02 Copper and alloys thereof.................................... 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,987.46 Other metals and alloys thereof......................... 30,000.00 30,000.00 34,889.18 Substances employed in pharmacy and chemical industries; drugs, chemicals, pigments and varnishes: Simple drugs............................................................ 20,000.00 1,000.00 86,498.39 Pigments, paints, dyes and varnishes.......... 130,000.00 130,000.00 132,250.30 Chemical and pharmaceutical products........... 400,000.00 400,000.00 447,153.87 Oils, fats, waxes and derivatives thereof.... 240,000.00 240,000.00 243,686.52 Others ....................................................................... 270,000.00 270,000.00 276,684.04 Cotton and manufactures thereof: Cotton waste........................................................... 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,892.86 Yarns, threads and cordage............................. 520,000.00 520,000.00 524,995.54 Textiles.................................................................... 5,060,000.00 5,060,000.00 5,061,520.24 Manufactures of hemp, flax, aloe, jute and vegetable fibers: Yarns, threads and cordage........................... 200,000.00 200,000.00 203,480.79 Textiles..................................................................... 400,000.00 400,000.00 404,800.07 Wool, bristles, hair and manufactures thereof : Yarns....................................................................... . 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,734.96 Manufactures.......................................................... 270,000.00 270,000.00 266,941.61 Wool, unmanufactured .................................. 1.60 17 299089----- 2 18. DETAILED STATEMENT OF INCOME Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual REVENUE FROM TAXATION Import duties—Continued. Silk and manufactures thereof: Silk spun, floss and threads............................. 100,000.00 100,000.00 99,590.62 Silk textiles and manufactures....................... 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,848.24 Rayon fibers, yarns and sheets....................... 10,000.00 10,000.00 12,760.68 Rayon textiles and manufactures................... 4,700,000.00 4,500,000.00 2,989,907.67 Paper and manufactures thereof............................. 240,000.00 240,000.00 235,869.09 Wood and other materials and manufactures thereof: Wood.......................................................................... 14,000.00 14,000.00 15,098.55 Manufactures of wood.......................................... 50,000.00 50,000.00 51,874.89 Others ...................................................................... 30,000.00 30,000.00 32,033.96 Animals and animal products and wastes: Live animals not otherwise provided for.... 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,999.96 Hides, skins, leather wares, intestines and wastes .................................................................. 160,000.00 160,000.00 204,004.48 Instruments, apparatus, machinery, vehicles and boats: Musical instruments, watches and clocks........ 70,000.00 70,000.00 72,331.56 Apparatus and machinery................................... 360,000.00 360,000.00 363,963.02 Vehicles.................................................... -............. 95,000.00 95,000.00 93,323.07 Boats and other watercrafts............................. 100.00 100.00 (7,159.44) Alimentary substances: Poultry, meats, soups and fish....................... 550,000.00 550,000.00 554,603.40 Grains, seeds, forage, cereals and prepara­ tions thereof....................................................... 906,000.00 1,470,000.00 1,473,999.53 Pulse, vegetables, fruits and nuts................ 805,000.00 805,000.00 946,343.08 Sugar, molasses, glucose and confectionery 20,000.00 20,000.00 22,205.06 Coffee, tea, cacao, spices, sauces, condi­ ments and flavoring extracts..................... 500,000.00 500,000.00 648,814.90 Spirits, wines, malt and other beverages.... 480,000.00 480,000.00 478,557.38 Others ...................................................................... 420,000.00 420,000.00 420,632.52 Miscellaneous................................................................... 1,105,000.00 1,105,000.00 1,103,450.92 Excise tax— Domestic............................................................................ 7,261,000.00 7,261,000.00 7,096,148.52 Distilled spirits....................................................... 1,920,000.00 1,920,000.00 1,829,423.05 Fermented liquors.................................................. 335,000.00 335,000.00 334,090.26 Manufactured tobacco........................................... 215,000.00 215,000.00 220,823.40 Cigars........................................................................ 315,000.00 315,000.00 302,116.18 Cigarettes............... -.............................................. 3,850,000.00 3,850,000.00 3,809,614.04 Matches................................................................. 495,000.00 495,000.00 454,441.47 Wines.................................................................... 115,000.00 115,000.00 110,181.50 Playing cards......................................................... 1,000.00 1,000.00 635.45 Cinematographic films.......................................... 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,099.58 Coal and coke...................................... „........... 10,000.00 10,000.00 29,723.59 DETAILED STATEMENT OF INCOME 19 Details 1937 1936 1935 estimated estimated actual REVENUE FROM TAXATION Excise tax—Continued. Imported........................................................................... 5,211,100.00 5,111,100.00 4,921,348.42 Distilled spirits........................................„............ 300,000.00 300,000.00 279,861.53 Fermented liquors..................................-............... 110,000.00 110,000.00 110,684.22 Manufactured tobacco........................................... 130,000.00 130,000.00 131,352.30 Cigars...................................................... -................ 0.76 Cigarettes.................................................................. 2,900,000.00 2,800,000.00 2,618,715.01 Matches..................................................................... 150,000.00 150,000.00 182,778.42 Wines......................................................................... 80,000.00 80,000.00 83,475.24 Skimmed milk................................................... ....... 200.00 200.00 205.51 Kerosene or petroleum.......................................... 1,100,000.00 1,100,000.00 1,080,772.44 Saccharine and crystalesettes.......................... 700.00 700.00 194.07 Playing cards........................-................................. 260,000.00 260,000.00 255,607.31 Coal and coke..................................... -.................... 120,000.00 120,000.00 118,991.05 Cinematographic films ........................................ 60,000.00 60,000.00 58,504.64 Medical preparations with prohibited drugs.. 200.00 200.00 205.92 License and business tax...................................................... 14,599,883.00 14,455,883.00 13,985,348.49 Dealers in alcohol and tobacco products.................... 635,000.00 635,000.00 647,429.33 Merchants, manufacturers, common carriers, etc.. 8,000,000.00 7,900,000.00 7,241,188.22 Nine-tenths of the additional tax on mer­ chants ......................................................................— 3,050,033.00 3,000,033.00 2,743,961.61 Firearm licenses and permits.................................. 120,000.00 120,000.00 121,841.93 Occupations, trades and professions: Internal Revenue................................................... 530,000.00 530,000.00 529,320.65 Labor ........................................ .............................. 6,850.00 12,850.00 1,356.00 Banks and bankers.......................................................... 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,423,282.00 Insurance companies...................................................... 150,000.00 150,000.00 161,169.85 Mines................................................................................... 1,090,000.00 1,090,000.00 1,095,004.38 Sparring or boxing exhibitions ........................... 6,000.00 6,000.00 7,552.00 Registered dealers in prohibited drugs.................. 12,000.00 12,000.00 13,242.52 Franchise tax.......................................................................... 110,000.00 110,000.00 139,045.95 Documentary stamp tax........................................................ 1,250,000.00 1,250,000.00 1,245,457.88 Customs .......................................................................... 570,000.00 570,000.00 567,122.64 Internal Revenue.......................................................... 680,000.00 680,000.00 678,335.24 Income tax................................................................................ 4,730,000.00 4,730,000.00 4,726,765.34 Immigration tax..................................................................... 270,000.00 270,000.00 269,600.00 Tonnage dues........................................................................... 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,692.64 Inheritance tax....................................................................... 300,000.00 300,000.00 558,106.42 Miscellaneous taxes . ................................................ 1,599.44 Apportionment of internal revenue to local govern­ ments ..........................................................................-....... (3,164,083.00) (3,164,083.00) (3,164,083.55) Total revenue from taxation................................. 51,122,000.00 51,223,000.00 49,673,365.05 20 DETAILED STATEMENT OF INCOME Details INCIDENTAL REVENUE Charges for forest products................................................ United States Internal revenue........................................ Fines and forfeitures............................................................ Customs ........................................................................... Internal Revenue............................................................ House of Representatives ........................................ Supreme Court ........................................................... Court of Appeals ....................................................... Office of the President............................................... General Auditing Office............................................... Philippine Army............................................................ Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes............................. Office of the Secretary of Finance— Division of Purchase and Supply................... Bureau of Customs ................................................... Bureau of Internal Revenue.................................... Bureau of the Treasury............................................ Bureau of Printing ..................................................... Courts of First Instance.......................................... Justice of the Peace Courts...................................... Bureau of Prisons .................................................... Bureau of Prisons—Industrial Division.............. General Land Registration Office......................... Office of the Secretary of Agriculture and Com­ merce ........................................................................... Bureau of Animal Industry...................................... Bureau of Forestry ........:.......................................... Bureau of L^nds ....................................................... Bureau of Science ....................................................... Bureau of Commerce................................................... Weather Bureau ......................................................... Bureau of Public Works .......................................... Bureau of Posts ....................-..............._.................. Bureau of Education ................................................. Bureau of Health ....................................................... Philippine General Hospital .................................. Bureau of Quarantine Service.................................. Bureau of Labor ....................................................... 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual 2,DOO,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,954,308.52 915,000.00 915,000.00 1,010,236.40 437,200.00 442,700.00 519,465.61 30,000.00 30,000.00 61,073.80 290,000.00 290,000.00 289,882.49 20.73 200.00 200.00 630.00 100.00 100.00 .. 4'7 0 1. 1 Í! 3,000.00 3,000.00 12,007.54 7,700.00 7,700.00 9,074.29 3.42 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,922.63 200.00 200.00 251.25 321.86 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 91.05 37,700.00 37,700.00 44,152.07 40,000.00 40,000.00 50,754.45 100.00 100.00 297.99 .................................................. 1.00 100.00........................100.00 130.27 285.08 108.50 20,000.00 500.00 25,000.00 500.00 37,081.56 895.59 56.64 131.10 68.40 4,769.02 511.81 406.40 613.62 2,916.81 0.87 0.65 100.00 100.00 1,500.00 500.00 300.00 600.00 2,100.00 1,500.00 500.00 300.00 600.00 2,100.00 DETAILED STATEMENT OF INCOME 21 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual INCIDENTAL REVENUE Sales of public domain............................................................ 130,000.00 130,000.00 160,710.90 Interest on bank deposits...................................................... 450,000.00 450,000.00 361,668.23 Interest on investments (Philippine Railway Com­ pany Bonds and City of Manila Public Improve­ ment Bonds and loan to the Manila Railroad Co.) 313,200.00 217,000.00 118,114.71 Other incidental revenue^..................................................... 80,200.00 80,200.00 80,387.84 Bureau of Commerce (Registration of corpora­ tions, trademarks and patents).............................. 69,700.00 69,700.00 69,761.00 Internal Revenue (Rental of water power).......... 10,500.00 10,500.00 10,626.84 Total incidental revenue.......................................... 4,325,600.00 4,234,900.00 4,204,892.21 EARNINGS AND OTHER CREDITS Operating income of commercial and industrial units 4,835,600.00 5,245,400.00 5,598,861.99 Office of the Secretary of Finance—Division of Purchase and Supply (Surcharges from sales of supplies and materials and on other gov­ ernment purchases, storage charges, hire of trucks, reimbursement of freight charges, rental of bodega and sales of waste materials) 208,000.00 219,200.00 249,587.30 Bureau of the Treasury (Fees for conducting examinations, filing of annual statements and issuance of certificates of authority of insur­ ance companies and benevolent societies; fees for certified copies of reports and permits to sell securities; reimbursement of salaries of employees for outside services and sales of waste materials) ..................................................... 30,600.00 31,000.00 32,951.31 Bureau of Printing (Profits from sales of public documents and stock forms and the Official Gazette, printing and binding, photo-engrav­ ing, numbering, perforating and electrotyping and sales of waste materials)................................ 100,000.00 700,000.00 684,237.91 Bureau of Prisons—Industrial Division (Sales of manufactured articles and furniture, re­ pair and laundry service, reimbursement of salaries for services rendered the Bureau of Prisons and sales of waste materials)................. 45,100.00 44,500.94 Bureau of Public Works (Rental of insular buildings and equipment, profits from sales of supplies and materials, sales of blueprints, photos and waste materials).................................. 20,000 00 28,000.00 36,868.36 Public Works Funds (Surcharges on insular, provincial and municipal projects and private jobs) ...............................................................~........... 554,000.00 700,000.00 802,029.97 22' DETAILED STATEMENT OF INCOME Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual EARNINGS AND OTHER CREDITS Operating income of commercial and industrial units—Continued. Bureau of Posts (Sales of postage stamps; tele­ graph, telephone and radio tolls; telegraphic transfer and money order fees; rental of lots and post-office boxes; stale money orders; re­ imbursement for the administration of the Postal Savings Bank and sales of loaste ma­ terials) ......................................................................... Income incidental to functional activities................... National Assembly (Sales of waste materials).. Senate (Sales of waste materials) ..................... House of Representatives (Sales of waste ma­ terials) ......................................................................... National Library (Copyright, registration and archive fees; fines on overdue books and pay­ ment for lost cards and sales of waste ma­ terials) ......................................................................... Supreme Court (Court costs, registration and bay' examination fees, sales of rules of Court and waste materials) ............................................. Court of Appeals (Docket fees) .............................. Office of the President (Notarial certificate fees, cable charges and sales of waste materials).. General Auditing Office (Sales of waste ma­ terials) ......................................................................... Bureau of Civil Service—Administrative Divi­ sion— (Sales of nomenclature of household re­ medies and copies of records)................................ Boards of Examiners (Excess)................................ Boards of Medical, Pharmaceutical, Dental, Optical and Nurse Examiners (Exami­ nation and registration fees)....................... Board of Examiners for Surveyors (Ex­ amination and registration fees).............. Boards of Examiners for Engineers and Architects (Examination and registration fees) .................................................................... Board of Accountancy (Examination and registration fees) .......................................... Board of Veterinary Examiners (Examina­ tion and registration fees)........................... Boards of Marine Examiners (Examination and registration fees) .................................. General Purposes (Sales of waste materials).... Office of the Secretary of the Interior—Super­ vision of Local Governments (Tramslation service, copying of records, certification and impression of seal, and sales of waste mate­ rials) ............................................................................. 15.84 73.70 3,923,000.00 3,522,100.00 3,748,686.20 2,644,700.00 2,668,000.00 2,936,920.34 25.36 6,600.00 ............................. 5,600.00 5,600.00 5,818.50 20,200.00 25,000.00 47,979.83 15,000.00 15,000.00 .... 700.00 700.00 20,257.25 46.94 200.00 200.00 231.32 .............. 32,000.00 35,880.90 900.00 920.01 .............. 10,000.00 13,286.60 .............. 5,500.00 6,181.40 .............. 300.00 350.50 .............. 3,600.00 3,960.00 ................................................ 1.87 1,000.00 3,400.00 1,589.01 DETAILED STATEMENT OF INCOME 23 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual EARNINGS AND OTHER CREDITS Income incidental to functional activities—Ctd. Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes (Sales of tools and other articles, and sales of waste materials) ........................................................................... 34.98 Philippine Army (Services by Army Band; re­ pair of firearms and other equipment; fares on Army launches; storage of firearms, am­ munitions and explosives; manufacture of ordnance, land transportation and office sup­ plies; sales of mess property and ivaste ma­ terials) ......................................................................... 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,536.36 Office of the Secretary of Finance (Lease of the Government ice and cold storage plant in Ma­ nila, and sales of waste materials)................... 108,000.00 108,000.00 108,000.00 Bureau of Customs (Piers and storage charges, rental of Customs premises, services rendered by Customs inspectors and guards, services of launches, immigration visa fees, profits from sales of supplies and sales of waste mat­ erials) ........................................................................... 212,700.00 218,700.00 212,925.80 Bureau of Internal Revenue (Sales of official labels and Internal Revenue forms, issuance of certificates of taxes paid, and sales of waste materials) ..................................................... 12,600.00 12,600.00 26,253.35 Bureau of Banking (Assessment of expenses for conducting examination of banking insti­ tutions) ....................................................................... 65,000.00 65,000.00 66,099.02 Office of the Secretary of Justice (Compromise fees for the violation of the Anti-Usury Law, notarial certificate fees, and certification of public documents) ................................................... 11,000.00 11,000.00 10,500.83 Bureau of Justice (Services of the SolicitorGeneral as administrator of the estate of de­ ceased Americans, and sales of notarial reg­ isters and supplies and waste materials)....... 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,134.15 Courts of First Instance (Clerk of court and sheriff fees, and certified copies of records and sales of waste materials)............................. 295,000.00 295,000.00 295,536.57 Justice of the Peace Courts (Justice of the peace fees) ................................................................ 240,000.00 240,000.00 269,257.59 General Land Registration Office (Registration fees, sales of blueprints, certification of plans and documents, reimbursement of cadastral court costs and sales of waste materials)........ 455,300.00 455,300.00 447,872.54 Public Service Commission (Reimbursement of cost of investigation of public utilities, fees for certificates of public convenience, fees for filing application to operate public utili­ ties, certification of public documents and sales of forms and waste materials)................ 52,800.00 52,800.00 55,512.37 24 DETAILED STATEMENT OF INCOME 1937 1936 1935 estimated estimated actual EARNINGS AND OTHER CREDITS Income incidental to functional activities—Ctd. Bureau of Prisons (Charges for maintenance of city and provincial prisoners, sales of farm products, services of prisoners rendered the Industrial Division, sales of retreat tickets and pictures of prison views, profits from sales of supplies and sales of waste materials) ............................................................................. 123,200.00 123,200.00 134,023.60 Office of the Secretary of Agriculture and Com­ merce (Operation of vessels; sales of publica­ tions, forms, and waste materials)..................... 1,100.00 1,400.00 1,946.44 Bureau of Plant Industry (Fumigation charges and sales of experiment station products, bul­ letins, photographic prints and waste mater­ ials) ............................................................................. 11,000.00 11,000.00 11,044.45 Bureau of Animal Industry (Quarantine, meat inspection and slaughter fees; inspection fees on copra meal and copra cake exportation; and sales of waste materials)............................. 25,200.00 25,200.00 24,332.09 Bureau of Forestry (Lease of forest lands; sales of bulletins, maps, plants and forest nurseries and wood samples; forest products licenses; fees on gratuitozis licenses; fees for inspection or grading of lumber and sales of waste materials) ..................................................... 38,300.00 38,300.00 38,889.03 Bureau of Lands (Homestead fees, lease of fore­ shore public and reclaimed land, certification of public documents, profits from sales of sup­ plies and sales of waste materials)................... 313,800.00 313,800.00 376,953.73 Bureau of Lands (Fees for verification of sur­ veys made by private land surveyors)................ 4,000.00 8,000.00 11,902.23 Bureau of Science (Fees for chemical and bio­ logical analysis of specimens and for photo­ graphic works; fees for assaying, smelting and refining of gold and other precious metals; sales of tikitiki extract; sales of aquarium tickets, post cards, fish and other aquatic products; sales of serum and vaccine; cer­ tification of reports of analysis; sales of elec­ tric current and steam; profits from sales of supplies and sales of waste materials)............ 109,000.00 109,000.00 134,225.21 Bureau of Commerce (Fees for issuance of cer­ tified copies of articles of incorporation; sales of publications and waste materials and sur­ charges on sales of supplies)................................ 8,000.00 8,000.00 9,224.61 Weather Bureau (Cost of repair and adjust­ ment of scientific instruments and clocks; sales of publications, pamphlets, forms and waste materials)....................................................... 200.00 200.00 338.97 National Research Council (Sales of waste mat­ erials) ........................„................................................ 102.95 DETAILED STATEMENT OF INCOME 25 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual EARNINGS AND OTHER CREDITS Income incidental to functional activities—Ctd. Office of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications (Charges for certified copies of official correspondence).................................... Public Works Funds (Irrigation charges)............ Public Works Funds (Tolls on Kennon Road).... Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey (Sales of maps and ruaste materials) ............................. Office of the Secretary of Public Instruction (Sales of manual of information for private schools) ...................................................................... Bureau of Education (Sales of books, publica­ tions, manufactured articles and farm prod­ ucts; tuition fees—Central School; rentals of tents, cottages, barracks, and Normal School auditorium; fares on launches, refund of sub­ sistence and sales of waste materials).............. Central Luzon Agricultural School (Excess)...... Bureau of Health (Hospital charges, rental of pavilion and sale of bath tickets in Sibul Springs, profits from sales of supplies and sales of waste materials)...................................... Bureau of Public Welfare (Profits from sales of supplies and sales of waste materials)........ Philippine General Hospital (Doctors' fees, ac­ commodation, subsistence and other hospital charges; X-ray, ambulance, laboratory and messengers' fees, sales of hospital garbage, Manual for Nurses, hospital rules and reg­ ulations, broken articles and waste materials) Bureau of Quarantine Service (Reimbursement of subsistence and lodging furnished at Marí­ neles Quarantine Station, fumigation of ves­ sels and sales of waste materials)..................... Bureau of Labor (Sales of seamen's certificates and labor bulletins, and sales of waste mat­ erials) ........................................................................... Credit adjustment—prior year............................................ National Assembly....................................................... Senate............................................................................... House of Representatives........................................ National Library .......................................................... Supreme Court .............................................................. Office of the President................................................. General Auditing Office............................................... Bureau of Civil Service............................................. General Purposes ....................................................... Office of the Secretary of the Interior................... 10.86 199,500.00 40,000.00 199,500.00 261,525.12 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,613.72 28.80 45,000.00 45,000.00 59,827.83 11,356.45 95,600.00 95,600.00 100,430.15 200.00 300.00 398.23 107,000.00 107,000.00 108,861.18 200.00 200.00 222.64 100.00 100.00 379.46 311,600.00 381,800.00 1,934,858.60 500.00 500.00 25.58 13,760.42 23,902.48 300.00 300.00 1,742.93 991.03 6,000.00 6,500.00 41,437.48 1,500.00 2,900.00 6,773.48 200.00 200.00 737.44 4,000.00 700.00 4,429.25 15,252.45 26 DETAILED STATEMENT OF INCOME Details EARNINGS AND OTHER CREDITS Credit adjustment—prior year—Continued. Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes........................... Philippine Army .......................................................... Office of the Secretary of Finance........................... Division of Purchase and Supply................ Division of Cold Storage.................................. Bureau of Customs ..................................................... Bureau of Internal Revenue...................................... Bureau of the Treasury............................................. Bureau of Banking....................................................... Bureau of Printing..................................................... Office of the Secretary of Justice............................. Bureau of Justice.......................................................... Courts of First Instance and Justice of the Peace Courts .............................................................. Public Service Commission ...................................... Bureau of Prisons ....................................................... Bureau of Prisons—Industrial Division................ General Land Registration Office........................... Office of the Secretary of Agriculture and Com­ merce ........................................................................... Bureau of Plant Industry.......................................... Bureau of Animal Industry...................................... Bureau of Forestry ..................................................... Bureau of Lands............................................................ Bureau of Science ....................................................... Bureau of Commerce................................................... Weather Bureau............................................................ Paris Exposition .......................................................... Office of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications ..................................................... Bureau of Public Works............................................. Bureau of Posts ............................................................ Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey................ Office of the Secretary of Public Instruction........ Bureau of Education ................................................. Bureau of Health.......................................................... Bureau of Public Welfare........................................ Philippine General Hospital...................................... Bureau of Quarantine Service.................................. National Physical Director........................................ Office of the Secretary of Labor........................... Bureau of Labor............................................................ 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual 200.00 500.00 2,697.46 10,800.00 10,800.00 168,634.58 300.00 300.00 5,456.17 25,000.00 80,000.00 (253,542.97) ÍT55 67) 5,000.00 5,000.00 13,894.77 15,000.00 15,000.00 33,804.20 8,678.44 312.33 300.00 500.00 7,911.98 500.00 500.00 2,407.56 600.00 600.00 3,440.15 48,000.00 48,000.00 107,084.50 100.00 100.00 258.03 300.00 300.00 21,973.48 2,000.00 2,000.00 (3,947.20) 1,000.00 1,000.00 26,618.83 1,700.00 3,600.00 113,836.92 400.00 400.00 107,552.26 500.00 4,000.00 9,823.49 15,000.00 16,000.00 37,187.98 7,000.00 10,000.00 91,316.54 15,700.00 15,700.00 66,300.32 3,000.00 3,000.00 10,436.62 600.00 1,000.00 15,125.71 1,000.00 100.00 100.00 7,229.33 31,000.00 31,000.00 747,208.87 60,000.00 60,000.00 220,830.70 500.00 600.00 717.11 200.00 200.00 3,229.53 20,200.00 20,200.00 45,969.01 30,000.00 35,800.00 166,523.03 100.00 500.00 867.44 2,000.00 2,000.00 6,390.34 1,477.08 405.08 207.89 2,000.00 2,000.00 26,644.17 DETAILED STATEMENT OF INCOME 27 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual EARNINGS AND OTHER CREDITS Sales of fixed property.......................................................... National Assembly ..................................................... Senate............................................................................... National Library ........................................... ... Supreme Court .............................................................. Office of the President................................................. General Auditing Office ............................................. Office of the Secretary of the Interior..................... Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes............................. Philippine Army............................................................ Office of the Secretary of Finance—Division of Purchase and Supply ............................................. Bureau of Customs ...................................................... Bureau of Internal Revenue...................................... Bureau of Printing........................................................ Bureau of Prisons ........................................................ Bureau of Prisons—Industrial Division................ General Land Registration Office........................... Office of the Secretary of Agriculture and Com­ merce ........................................................................... Bureau of Plant Industry........................................ Bureau of Animal Industry...................................... Bureau of Forestry ..................................................... Bureau of Lands .......................................................... Bureau of Science ........................................................ Bureau of Commerce................................................... Weather Bureau .......................................................... Bureau of Public Works............................................. Bureau of Posts ............................................................ Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey................... Office of the Secretary of Public Instruction...... Bureau of Education..................................................... Bureau of Health.......................................................... Bureau of Public Welfare........................................ Philippine General Hospital...................................... Bureau of Quarantine Service.................................. Bureau of Labor ..................................... .................... Repayment of loan to Manila Railroad Company, Com­ monwealth Act No. 4........................................................ Repayment of advances to Philippine Railway Com­ pany, Act No. 1730 ............................................................ Payment from the Philippine National Bank on ac­ count of fixed deposits written off, Act No. 3174.... 4,000.00 4,100.00 7,413.91 7.83 12.68 289.73 200.00 200.00 22.50 206.78 39.74 6.04 20.29 1,902.25 1,200.00 1,200.00 42.00 96.64 100.00 100.00 33.73 24.66 12.10 6.80 18.49 48.12 186.52 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 1,423.87 100.00 100.00 98.02 200.00 200.00 86.56 200.00 200.00 146.75 43.63 34.11 1,666.07 500.00 500.00 200.00 200.00 139.44 180.66 3.90 85.24 156.98 100.08 248.75 100.00 300.00 300.00 3.00 19.95 199,800.00 ... 100,000.00 103,400.00 77,973.81 1,000,0000.00 1,000,000.00 2,050,748.81 28' DETAILED STATEMENT OF INCOME Details EARNINGS AND OTHER CREDITS Collection of Agricultural Bank loans, Act No. 2938 Repayment of advances to the Port Works Fund for the contributions to the sinking fund and the in­ terests for the year 1937 on the Cebu and Iloilo Port Works Bonds issued by virtue of Acts 3413 and 3417, respectively ..................................................... Transfers of surplus.............................................................. Financial Interests Protection Bonds Investment Fund, Act No. 3828................................................... Friar Lands Estates, Act No. 2550....................... Municipal Loan Fund, Act No. 3932..................... San Lazaro Estate, Act No. 2478........................... Fidelity Insurance Fund, Section 325, Act No. 2711 ............................................................................. Land Title Assurance Fund, Act No. 496.......... Rice and Corn Fund, Act No. 2818....................... Port Works Fund, Act No. 4149 and Common­ wealth Act No. 8....................................................... Tobacco Inspection Fund, Act No. 2613................ Permanent Bridges Revolving Fund, Act No. 3500 ............................................................................... Seed Farms Fund, Act No. 3443............................. Friar Lands Loan Fund, Act No. 1736................ Bohol Filipino Colony, Act No. 2254....................... Cagayan Filipino Colony, Act No. 2254................ Total earnings and other credits........................... Total ordinary income ............................................ 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual 80.70 531,100.00 . 743,000.00 1,273,300.00 1,644,383.22 475,000.00 496,000.00 504,053.03 70,000.00 80,000.00 168,143.43 20,000.00 17,100.00 12,740.12 90,000.00 90,000.00 32,477.72 57,300.00 58,200.00 60,025.15 30,700.00 32,000.00 40,026.65 1.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 94.58 26,582.96 6.73 200,000.00 193.64 38.21 10,369,800.00 10,676,000.00 14,161,241.38 65,817,400.00 66,133,900.00 68,029,498.64 DETAILED STATEMENT OF INCOME .29 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual EXTRAORDINARY Payment from the Philippine National Bank on ac­ count of assets written off, Commonwealth Act No. 6 .............................................................................................. Transfer of surplus from Exchange Standard Fund, Sec. 1624, Act No. 2711........ .. ........................................ Receipts automatically appropriated— Interest on City of Manila Collateral bonds, Act No. 3051 (Treasury)...........................-....... Fiber Inspection Service, Act No. 3263 (Plant Industry) ................................................................ Operation of Central Luzon Agricultural School, Act No. 4032 (Education) .................................. Medical fees, Act No. 3319 (Health).................... Tolls on Kennon Road, Act No. 4059 (Public Works) .................................................................... Air mail service, Act No. 3869 (Posts)........... Fishing industry, Act No. 4003 (Science)........... National Parks, Act No. 3915 (Forestry)......... Rice Emergency Administration (Commerce).... Total extraordinary income................................ Total income ............................................... 3,940,000.00 ............................ 6,050,000.00 ............................ ..................... 249,243.92 72,000.00 ..................... 29,785.20 1,122.90 62,141.25 84,137.09 27,863.84 2,992.19 205,577.04 9,990,000.00 734,863.43 P65,817,400.00 P76,123,900.00 f>68,764,362.07 Note.—Under “receipts automatically appropriated” no amount was estimated for the years 1937 and 1936 as these collections are spent without further appropriation. The amounts collected during the year 1935 are shown to give an idea of the extent of the automatic appropriations already authorized. 30. STATEMENT OF COLLECTIONS BY BUREAUS AND OFFICES Details 1937 1936 1935 estimated estimated actual ORDINARY INCOME: Bureau of Internal Revenue .................................................................................. P32,964,150.00 Bureau of Customs .............................................................................................. 21,642,100.00 Bureau of Posts ................................................................................................... 3,983,700.00 Bureau of the Treasury .......................................................................................... 2,625,200.00 Bureau of Public Works ........................................................................................ 846,500.00 Bureau of Printing ................................................................................................ 100,300.00 Bureau of Lands ................................................................................................... 455,500.00 General Land Registration Office ........................................................................... 456,400.00 Courts of First Instance ............................................................................................. 380,700.00 Justice of the Peace Courts ......................................................................................... 280,000.00 Bureau of Health ................................................................................................... 126,200.00 Bureau of Science .................................................................................................. 124,900.00 Philippine Army ................................................................................................... 32,700.00 Bureau of Prisons .................................................................................................. 123,600.00 Bureau of Plant Industry ..................................................................................... 11,900.00 Philippine General Hospital ........................................................................................ 111,400.00 Office of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce..................................... 2,800.00 Office of the Secretary of Finance....................................................................... 108,300.00 Bureau of Forestry ...................-........................................................................ 73,400.00 Bureau of Education ................................................................................................ 65,500.00 Bureau of Commerce ............................................................................................ 80,800.00 Bureau of Banking ...................................................................................... 65,000.00 Office of the President .......................................................................................... 6,700.00 Public Service Commission .................................................................................. 52,900.00 Supreme Court ....................................................................................................... 20,400.00 Bureau of Prisons—Industrial Division............................................................... 2,000.00 Bureau of Civil Service—Boards of Medical, Pharmaceutical, Dental, Optical and Nurse Examiners ........................................................................................................ Bureau of Animal Industry.................................................................................... 26,200.00 Bureau of Labor ..................................................................................................... 8,950.00 House of Representatives ..................................................................................................................... General Auditing Office .......................................................................................... 4,500.00 Office of the Secretary of the Interior ................................................................ 1,000.00 Weather Bureau ..................................................................................................... 800.00 P32,714,150.00 21,993,100.00 3,582,800.00 1,802,400.00 960,500.00 700,500.00 462,500.00 456,400.00 380,700.00 280,000.00 132,100.00 124,900.00 32,700.00 123,600.00 11,900.00 111,400.00 5,000.00 108,300.00 79,400.00 65,500.00 80,800.00 65,000.00 7,200.00 52,900.00 25,200.00 47,100.00 32,000.00 29,700.00 14,950.00 5,900.00 3,400.00 1,200.00 Philippine Senate ................................................................................................... Bureau of Civil Service—Boards of Examiners for Engineers and Ar­ chitects ................................................................................................................... Office of the Secretary of Justice ......................................................................... 11,500.00 Central Luzon Agricultural School ........................................................ ........................................... Bureau of Justice ................................................................................................... 6,600.00 National Library ..................................................................................................... 6,100.00 Office of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications...................... 100.00 Bureau of Civil Service—Board of Accountancy........................................................................... General Purposes ................................................................................................... 4,000.00 Bureau of Civil Service—Board of Marine Examiners................................................................ Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey ............................................................... 3,100.00 Office of the Secretary of Public Instruction .................................................... 200.00 Bureau of Non-C^istian Tribes ........................................................................... 200.00 Bureau of Quarantine Service ............................................................................. 200.00 Bureau of Public Welfare .................................................................................. 300.00 Paris Exposition .................................................................................................................................... Bureau of Civil Service (Proper) .............................................................. 400.00 10,000.00 11,500.00 6,600.00 6,100.00 100.00 5,500.00 700.00 3,600.00 3,200.00 200.00 500.00 200.00 800.00 Bureau of Civil Service—Board of Examiners for Surveyors...................... Office of the National Physical Director........................................................... Bureau of Civil Service—Board of Veterinary Examiners............................. Office of the Secretary of Labor.......................................................................... National Research Council...................................................................................... 400.00 900.00 300.00 National Assembly ................................................................................................. 500.00 Office of the Secretary of Finance—Division of Cold Storage.................................................... Office of the Secretary of Finance—Division of Purchase and Supply....... 235,000.00 500.00 301,200.00 5*32,265,126.22 21,020,592.48 3,970,168.15 2,651,216.01 1,854,067.41 692.265.60 641.865.55 474.640.13 446.773.14 320,012.04 267,723.78 200,728.92 193.147.48 156.307.17 118,783,23 118,417.08 116.116.56 113.456.17 113,256.59 106.288.48 89,596.96 66.411.35 61.906.23 55,770.40 49.623.36 40,561.54 35,880.90 35,687.95 28.400.23 23,948.57 18,867.70 16,847.50 15,567.19 13,846.80 13.286.60 12,908.39 11,356.45 9,574,30 7,851.16 7,240.19 6,181.40 4,431.12 3,960.00 3,511.49 3,262.23 2,756.15 1,703.59 1,365.75 1,000.00 968.76 920.01 405.08 350.50 207.89 102.95 49.25 (155.67) (1,991.04) STATEMENT OF COLLECTIONS BY BUREAUS AND OFFICES 31 1937 1936 estimated estimated 1935 actual Court of Appeals...................................................................................................... Boards of Examiners................................................................................................ Transfers of Surplus— Financial Interest Protection Bonds Investment Fund.......................... Port Works Fund ............................................................................................ Friar Lands Loan Fund.................................................................................. Friar Lands Estate Fund................................................................................ Fidelity Insurance Fund.................................................................................. Land Title Assurance Fund........................................................................... San Lazaro Estate Fund................................................................................ Permanent Bridges Revolving Fund............................................................. Municipal Loan Fund...................................................................................... Bohol Filipino Colony...................................................................................... Tobacco Inspection Fund................................................................................. Cagayan Filipino Colony................................................................................ Seed Farms Fund.............................................................................................. Rice and Corn Fund........................................................................................ 193.64 94.58 38.21 6.73 1.00 15,100.00 15,100.00 .. 6,600.00 ... 475,000.00 496,000.00 504,053.03 500,000.00 500,000.00 200,000.00 70,000.00 80,000.00 168,143.43 57,300.00 58,200.00 60,025.15 30,700.00 32,000.00 40,026.65 90,000.00 90,000.00 32,477.72 26,582.96 20,000.00 17,100.00 12,740.12 EXTRAORDINARY INCOME: Bureau of the Treasury— Transfer of surplus from Exchange Standard Fund, Sec. 1624, Act 2711 ................................................................................................................. Payment from the Philippine National Bank on account of assets written off, Commonwealth Act No. 6.................................................... Receipts automatically appropriated— Bureau of the Treasury (Interest on City of Manila Collateral Bonds) - Bureau of Commerce (Rice emergency administration).......................... Bureau of Posts (Air n^ail service)............................................................ Bureau of Plant Industry (Fiber Inspection Service)............................ Bureau of Public Works (Tolls on Kennon Road)............................... Bureau of Education (Central Luzon Agricultural School)................ Bureau of Science (Fishing Industry)...................................................... Bureau of Forestry (National Parks)........................................................ Bureau of Health (Medical fees)................................................................. Total income ........................................................................................ 6,050,000.00 ........................ 3,940,000.00 ........................ P65,817,400.00 P76,123,900.00 249,243.92 205,577.04 84,137.09 72,000.00 62,141.25 29,785.20 27,863.84 2,992.19 1,122.90 P68,764,362.07 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR 1937 SHOWN BY DEPARTMENTS HAVING JURISDICTION THEREON TOTAL P64,767,I38 (a) Bureaus and Offices under the direet control of the President (including Retirement Gratuities)____________________________ --------- 4.5 % P2,930,630 (bj National Assembly (including Resident Commissioner and National Library)___________________________________________________ 2.07% 1,344,829 (c) University of the Philippines_________________________________________ 1.61% 1,048,067 (d) Department of the I nterior___________________________________________.98% 639,756 (e) Supreme Court (including Court of Appeals)_________________________ .74% 479,663 (/) Department of Labor________________________________________________ .50% 328,025 32 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY DEPARTMENTS, OFFICES AND FUNDS 1937 1936 1935 estimated estimated actual ORDINARY General Expenditures National Assembly ................................................................ Salaries and wages....................................................... Sundry expenses ............................................................ Furniture and equipment ........................................ Special appropriations ............................................... National Library ................................................................ Salaries and wages....................................................... Sundry expenses ........................................................... Furniture and equipment ........................................ Special appropriations ............................................... Resident Commissioner to the United States............. Special appropriations ............................................... Bureaus and offices under the direct control of the President .............................................................................. Salaries and wages....................................................... Sundry expenses .......................................................... Furniture and equipment ........................................ Special appropriations ............................................... Philippine Army ................................................................ Special appropriations................................................. Department of the Interior ................................................ Salaries and wages....................................................... Sundry expenses .......................................................... Furniture and equipment ........................................ Special appropriations ............................................... Philippine Constabulary....................... ............. Department of Finance ...................................................... Salaries and wages....................................................... Sundry expenses............................................................ Furniture and equipment ........................................ Special appropriations ............................................... Department of Justice ........................................................ Salaries and wages....................................................... Sundry expenses............................................................ Furniture and equipment ........................................ Special appropriations ............................................... Department of Agriculture and Commerce................... Salaries and wages....................................................... Sundry expenses............................................................ Furniture and equipment ........................................ Special appropriations ............................................... 299089-----3 33 1,137,894.00 1,138,614.00 1,687,752.00 1,014,614.00 1,014,614.00 1,337,751.14 106,280.00 107,000.00 210,821.33 2,000.00 2,000.00 9,985.72 15,000.00 15,000.00 129,193.81 155,735.00 151,941.60 144,343.87 121,155.00 121,154.60 108,402.71 14,380.00 15,587.00 11,790.24 8,000.00 8,000.00 19,671.33 12,200.00 7,200.00 4,479.59 51,200.00 51,200.00 10,645.16 51,200.00 51,200.00 10,645.16 1,378,530.00 1,403,090.00 932,912.33 1,113,529.00 1,093,752.00 684,325.66 152,703.00 155,560.00 125,431.30 6,361.00 6,361.00 19,779.27 105,937.00 147,417.00 103,376.10 15,955,972.00 15,952,503.00 .. 15,955,972.00 15,952,503.00 .. 637,056.00 732,986.00 708,713.31 154,049.00 153,199.00 164,698.45 40,425.00 42,425.00 29,537.50 267.00 267.00 487.30 442,315.00 537,095.00 513,990.06 5,500,022.82 3,131,808.02 2,989,044.00 3,403,660.60 2,307,982.00 2,440,419.60 2,338,239.58 608,259.00 922,194.00 726,876.02 24,803.00 7,303.00 30,187.51 48,000.00 33,744.00 36,504.91 3,355,718.00 3,466,640.90 3,297,535.91 2,666,656.00 2,706,061.00 2,613,244.64 513,754.00 574,908.00 567,955.36 4,366.00 4,366.00 7,217.25 170,942.00 181,305.90 109,118.66 3,955,925.00 3,722,716.00 3,560,720.38 2,729,782.00 2,655,852.00 2,495,821.95 602,533.00 637,983.00 657,916.67 20,805.00 20,805.00 33,692.98 602,805.00 408,076.00 373,288.78 34 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY DEPARTMENTS, OFFICES AND FUNDS Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual ORDINARY Department of Public Works and Communications.... Salaries and wages....................................................... Sundry expenses ............................................................ Furniture and equipment ........................................ Special appropriations ............................................... Department of Public Instruction.................................... Salaries and wages....................................................... Sundry expenses ............................................................ Furniture and equipment ........................................ Special appropriations ............................................... Savings ........................................................................... Department of Labor ............................................................ Salaries and wages....................................................... Sundry expenses............................................................. Furniture and equipment ........................................ Supreme Court ...................................................................... Salaries and wages....................................................... Sundry expenses ........................................................... Furniture and equipment .......-............................... Special appropriations ............................................... Court of Appeals .................................................................... Salaries and wages....................................................... Sundry expenses............................................................ Furniture and equipment.......................................... University of the Philippines............................................ Special appropriations ............................................... Total for general expenditures........................... Fixed Expenditures Bureaus and Offices under the control of the Pres­ ident ........................................................................................ Department of the Interior............................................... Department of Finance..................................................... Department of Agriculture and Commerce................ Total for fixed expenditures............................... Total Ordinary Expenditures................................. EXTRAORDINARY Extraordinary Expenditures and Investments National Assembly .............................................................. Bureaus and Offices under the direct control of the President ............................................................................ Department of the Interior.............................................. Philippine Constabulary .......................................... Department of Finance....................................................... 4,392,939.00 4,206,371.00 4,075,706.41 2,656,877.00 2,551,827.00 2,436,971.59 913,135.00 937,067.00 ' 940,172.21 14,417.00 4,549.00 5,040.43 808,510.00 712,928.00 693,522.18 18,703,634.00 18,506,765.40 18,142,952.27 5,048,108.00 4,989,456.15 4,580,463.21 2,163,581.90 2,065,549.90 2,034,179.24 30,760.00 21,720.00 29,559.06 11,728,818.90 11,697,674.15 11,498,750.76 (267,634.80) (267,634.80) .. 328,025.00 233,628.00 237,459.11 255,258.00 176,508.00 151,894.80 69,767.00 56,120.00 71,117.61 3,000.00 1,000.00 14,446.70 230,256.00 199,563.00 340,098.00 177,241.00 177,241.00 307,465.51 12,340.00 17,647.00 26,704.69 4,675.00 4,675.00 5,927.80 36,000.00 .. 249,407.00 260,080.00 . 203,997.00 206,597.00 13,410.00 18,201.00 32,000.00 35,282.00 1,048,067.00 1,048,067.00 977,163.65 1,048,067.00 1,048,067.00 977,163.65 54,569,402.00 54,477,826.50 42,747,833.24 1,552,000.00 1,556,000.00 1,278,372.80 2,700.00 8,700.00 8,700.00 8,637,036.00 8,683,580.00 8,933,931.05 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,998.46 10,197,736.00 10,254,280.00 10,227,002.31 64,767,138.00 64,732,106.50 52,974,835.55 177,148.49 183,550.49 144,984.50 583,440.93 825,959.57 49.20 351,950.80 4,643.56 1,820,554.00 13,026,302.00 2,023,490.23 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY DEPARTMENTS, OFFICES AND FUNDS 35 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual EXTRAORDINARY Department of Justice....................................................... Department of Agriculture and Commerce.................... Department of Public Works and Communications.. Department of Public Instruction..................................... Department of Labor.......................................................... University of the Philippines.......................................... Supreme Court ...................................................................... Total Extraordinary Expenditures and invest­ ments ........................................................................ Total Ordinary and Extraordinary Expenditures and Investments ........................................................................ CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES National Assembly................................................................ National Library ............................................................ Resident Commissioner to the United States............... Bureaus and Offices under the direct control of the President ............................................................................ Philippine Army ............................................................ Department of the Interior............................................... Philippine Constabulary ............................................ Department of Finance....................................................... Department of Justice....................................................... Department of Agriculture and Commerce................... Department of Public Works and Communications.. Department of Public Instruction.................................. Department of Labor ....................................................... Supreme Court .................................................................... Court of Appeals.................................................................. University of the Philippines.......................................... 3,715,453.50 20,232,999.68 13,124,523.12 124,252.00 995,735.00 386,105.00 239,023.00 233.283.77 2,057,403.22 3,290,463.30 614.908.77 250,000.00 69,922.30 3,581,083.32 2,498,783.06 3,585,139.79 4,800.00 .... P68,482,591.50 P84,965,106.18 P66,099,358.67 BY DEPARTMENTS, OFFICES AND FUNDS Pl,137,894.00 Pl,315,762.49 Pl,871,302.49 155,735.00 151,941.60 144^343.87 51,200.00 51,200.00 10,645.16 3,075,514.50 3,542,530.93 3,037,244.70 15,955,972.00 15,952,503.00 639,756.00 741,735.20 1,069,364.11 5,504,666.38 13,446,634.00 25,113,542.60 14,089,229.30 3,479,970.00 3,699,924.67 3,367,458.21 4,957,660.00 5,786,119.22 7,147,802.16 4,779,044.00 7,496,834.30 6,574,489.47 18,942,657.00 19,121,674.17 21,728,092.06 328,025.00 483,628.00 237,459.11 235,056.00 199,563.00 340,098.00 249,407.00 260,080.00 . 1,048,067.00 1,048,067.00 977,163.65 Grand total ................................................................ Deduct—Receipts automatically appropriated............. Net total ...................................................................... P68,482,591.50 2,274,653.50 a ■ P84,965,106.18 766,169.00 P66,099,358.67 P66,207,938.00 P84,198,937.18 P66,099,358.67 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY FUNDS General appropriations ........................................................ Fixed expenditures................................................................ Continuing appropriations ...................... ;.......................... Receipts automatically appropriated............................... Investments and indefinite expenditures........................ Deduct—Receipts automatically appropriated............. P54,569,402.00 P54,477,826.50 P42,747,833.24 10,197,736.00 10,254,280.00 10,227,002.31 7,012,576.47 9,157,247.61 2,274,653.50 965,773.21 535,150.90 1,440,800.00 12,254,650.00 3,432,124.61 68,482,591.50 84,965,106.18 66,099,358.67 2,274,653.50 766,169.00 P66,207,938.00 P84,198,937.18 f»66,099,358.67 Note.—Expenditures for purposes other than salaries, payable from revolving funds are not included. PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR 1937 SHOWING THE PURPOSES FOR WHICH THEY ARE TO DE USED TOTAL P64,767,138 {Conservation of natural resources------------------------------------------------1.29% 839,403 Unclassified economic development------------------------------------------ .73% 472,553 Development of industrial arts and sciences---------------------------- .38% 249,983 r Retirement gratuities______________________________________ 2. % 1,302,000 Advances to the Philippine Railway Co., Act 1730-------------------- 1.05% 683,920 Unclassified protective service________________________________ .49% 323,616 Law and order----------------------------------------------------------------------------- .28% 185,759 ( b) Protection against force majeure_____________________ .25% 165,512 Public charity____________________________________________ .24% 157,279 Publicity_______________________________________ .18% 120,000 Regulation of public service-------------------------------------------------------- -71% 74,717 36 EXPENDITURES CLASSIFIED BY FUNCTIONS Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual ORDINARY Expenses of revenue collection.......................................... Operating expenses of commercial and industrial units ...................................................................................... Public debt .............................................................................. Interest on purely Insular bonds.............................. Contributions to sinking funds.................................. General administration ...................................................... Legislation ...................................................................... Executive direction and control................................ Adjudication .................................................................... Protective service ................................................................ National defense............................................................ Law and order ............................................................ Public health ................................................................ Protection against force majeure........................... Regulation of public service...................................... Other protective service................................................ Social improvement ............................................................ Public education .......................................................... Public correction .......................................................... Public charity ................................................................ Economic development ........................................................ Conservation of natural resources....................... Development of commerce ........................................ Development of agriculture........................................ Publicity .......................................................................... Development of industrial arts and sciences....... Other economic development ........ ...................... Retirement gratuities, Act No. 2539.................................. Retirement gratuities, Act No. 4051................................ Retirement gratuities, Act No. 4151................................ Advances to Philippine Railway Company under guaranty contract .............................................................. Total ordinary expenditures................................. P1,924,296.00 f>1,845,402.60 P1,454,184.90 3,799,026.00 4,090,020.00 4,164,649.23 7,953,116.00 7,999,660.00 8,250,011.05 5,597,750.00 5,617,750.00 5,734,694.30 2,355,366.00 2,381,910.00 2,515,316.75 6,565,041.00 6,752,698.80 6,716,881.05 1,197,594.00 1,219,814.00 1,700,299.82 2,513,455.00 2,642,673.80 2,390,592.04 2,853,992.00 2,890,211.00 2,625,989.19 20,791,745.00 20,700,400.81 9,638,652.92 16,022,500.00 16,008,781.00 185,759.00 188,709.00 5,781,246.91 4,019,641.00 3,915,973.81 3,561,290.93 165,512.00 144,442.00 137,049.16 74,717.00 75,067.00 72,753.96 323,616.00 367,428.00 86,311.96 16,795,355.00 16,767,105.29 16,525,611.17 15,936,933.00 15,745,543.57 15,451,636.16 701,143.00 788,356.90 591,723.95 157,279.00 233,204.82 482,251.06 4,952,639.00 4,586,899.00 4,435,768.76 839,403.00 747,257.00 740,653.70 1,210,812.00 1,215,568.00 1,108,531.39 2,059,888.00 1,999,405.00 2,089,864.72 120,000.00 249,983.00 220,913.00 218,086.24 472,553.00 403,756.00 278,632.71 340,000.00 300,000.00 232,523.83 562,000.00 706,000.00 823,744.73 400,000.00 300,000.00 48,887.91 683,920.00 683,920.00 683,920.00 64,767,138.00 64,732,106.50 52,974,835.55 37 38 EXPENDITURES CLASSIFIED BY FUNCTIONS Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual EXTRAORDINARY Expenses of revenue collection........................................ Operating expenses of commercial and industrial units ...................................................................................... Public debt .............................................................................. Interest on City of Manila Public Improvement Collateral bonds ....................................................... General administration ........................................................ Legislation ...................................................................... Executive direction and control............................... Adjudication .................................................................. Protective service .................................................................. National defense .......................................................... Law and order .............................................................. Public health .................................................................. Other protective service ............................................. Social improvement ............................................................ Public education ............................................................ Public correction ......................................................... Public charity ................................................................ Economic development ........................................................ Conservation of natural resources ......................... Development of commerce.......................................... Development of agriculture...................................... Publicity........................................................................... Development of industrial arts and sciences...... Other economic development...................................... Investments ............................................................................ Loan to the Manila Railroad Company, Com­ monwealth Act No. 4............................................... Purchase of private shares of stock held by Philippine National Bank, Act No. 3174........ Working capital for the purchase of textbooks for rent, Act 4139................................................... Working capital for the Bureau of Prisons— Industrial Division Revolving Fund................... Working capital for the Bureau of Printing Re­ volving Fund .............................................................. Advances to Manila Railroad Company under guaranty contract, Acts 1730 and 3008............ Subscription of stock of the National Develop­ ment Company, Act 2849...................................... Subscription of stock of the Manila Railroad Company, Act 3116, as amended......................... Total extraordinary expenditures and invest­ ments .................................................................... Total expenditures ................................................ P500,000.00 P96.13 159,602.05 181,008.23 ............................. 249,243.92 249,243.92 699,379.48 1,118,212.96 181,111.44 190,047.83 518,268.04 924,808.20 3,356.93 932,427.98 749,833.16 25,000.00 .. ............................. 4,643.56 653,883.22 595,583.11 253,544.76 149,606.49 1,160,944.64 2,945,368.12 775,284.54 2,650,374.04 233,283.77 65,136.32 152,376.33 229,857.76 3,645,736.53 4,630,160.60 29.00 4,344.36 1,135,837.21 526,169.42 1,421,802.17 582,131.41 100,002.64 249,997.36 2,595.41 54,288.45 ............................. 985,470.10 3,213,229.60 1,440,800.00 12,368,740.00 3,250,600.00 9,990,000.00 114,090.00 2,200.00 1,500,000.00 100,000.00 .............................................................. 325,000.00 .............................................................. 1,015,800.00 964,650.00 1,748,400.00 1,000,000.00 ........................... .............................................. 300,000.00 ........................... 1,440,800.00 19,466,830.68 13,124,523.12 P66,207,938.00 P84,198,937.18 P66,099,358.67 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR 1937 SHOWING THE NATURE THEREOF TOTAL P64,767,138 (a ) Contributions and gratuities. _ 2.36 % (b) Retirement gratuities_________________________________________ 2.01% ( c ) Traveling expenses of personnel________________________________ 1.45% (d) Advances to the Philippine Railway Company, Act 1730 _ 1.05 % ( e) Other services_________________________________________________ .97% (/) Freight, express and delivery set vice____________________________ .87 % ( g) Maintenance and repair of public works_______________________ .84% (h) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service----------------------------- .43 % ( i ) Illumination and power service__________________________________ .36% ( j ) Purchase of furniture and equipment__________________________ .32% (k) Maintenance and repair of equipment---------------------------------------------«28% ( / ) Rental of buildings and grounds_________________________________ .28% (m) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications--------- .26% (n) Traveling expenses of persons not government employees_______ .12% P1,529,757 1,302,000 941,759 683,920 632,022 562,940 550,000 283,476 233,056 207,701 183,511 182,323 167,740 78,010 89 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATION Details ORDINARY Salaries and wages................................................................ Traveling expenses of personnel........................................ Freight, express and delivery service........................... Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service............ Illumination and power service........... ............................ Rental of buildings and grounds..................................... Consumption of supplies and materials....................... Printing and binding reports, documents and publi­ cations .................................................................................. Contributions and gratuities ............................................ Traveling expenses of persons not government em­ ployees ................................................................................. Maintenance and repair of equipment........................... Aid to local governments.................................................... Purchase of furniture and equipment......................... Purchase and improvement of land............................... Purchase and construction of public works................ Maintenance and repair of public works..................... Retirement gratuities, Act 2589........................................ Retirement gratuities, Act 4051........................................ Retirement gratuities, Act 4151..................................... Public debt............................................................................... Philippine Army .................................................................. Advances to Philippine Railway Co., Act 1730.......... Other services ........................................................................ Total ordinary expenditures ................................ EXTRAORDINARY AND INVESTMENTS Continuing appropriations— Public Works funds....................................................... All others ....................................................... ................. Receipts automatically appropriated............................. Extraordinary losses ............................................................ Election expenses .................................................................. Emergency fund for elementary classes, Act 4201.... Restoration of cadastral survey receipts reverted in previous years, Act 3077............................................. Loan to Manila Railroad Company, Commonwealth Act No. 4............................................................................. Advances to the Manila Railroad Co., Acts 1730 and 3008 ........................................................................................ Subscription of stock of the National Development Co., Act 2849...................................................................... Subscription of Manila Railroad Company stock, Act 3116 as amended ....................................................... Working capital for the purchase of textbooks for rent, Act 4139 .................................................................... Working capital for the Bureau of Prisons—Indus­ trial Division Revolving Fund...................................... Working capital for the Bureau of Printing—Revol­ ving Fund .......................................................................... Total extraordinary expenditures and invest­ ments ................................................................. Total ........................................................................ 1937 1936 1935 estimated estimated actual £19,384,443.00 P19,214,806.85 P22,097,786.99 941,759.00 992^437.00 1,512,069.94 562,940.00 512,888.00 605,619.47 283,476.00 290,072.00 310,835.08 233,056.00 244,061.00 249,767.70 182,323.00 202,697.50 186,760.54 2,886,838.00 3,106,105.10 3,504,637.05 167,740.00 193,362.00 152,508.37 1,529,757.00 1,345,470.65 1,561,706.34 78,010.00 81,905.80 91,638.09 183,511.00 217,660.00 151,850.30 11,048,554.00 11,268,980.00 10,825,229.39 207,701.00 150,985.95 792,533.48 34,938.52 178,836.29 550,000.00 500,000.00 478,596.29 340,000.00 300,000.00 232,523.83 562,000.00 706,000.00 823,744.73 400,000.00 300,000.00 48,887.91 7,953,116.00 7,999,660.00 8,250,011.05 15,955,972.00 15,952,503.00 683,920.00 683,920.00 683,920.00 632,022.00 468,591.65 200,434.19 64,767,138.00 64,732,106.50 52,974,835.55 2,937,233.30 2,333,383.50 4,075,343.17 2,726,175.30 199,604.21 530,816.77 183,724.61 144,846.17 776,120.95 3,181,055.82 9,990,000.00 1,015,800.00 964,650.00 1,748,400.00 1,000,000.00 300,000.00 1,500,000.00 100,000.00 325,000.00 1,440,800.00 19,466,830.68 13,124,523.12 P66,207,938.00 P84,198,937.18 P66,099,358.67 40 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATIONS 41 The amount of 1*19,384,443 for “salaries and wages” will be applied to the following purposes: General purposes ...... ..... 18,312,525.00 Members of the National Assembly .................. 497,000.00 President, Vice-president and Department heads ................................................................... 174,200.00 Justices of the Supreme.Court, justices of the Court of Appeals, judges of the Courts of First Instance and justices of the peace courts ..................................................................... 1,464,798.00 Chiefs and assistant chiefs of bureaus and offices ................................................................... 289,610.00 Attorneys and law clerks..................................... 193,239.00 Engineers, architects and hydrographers ....... 384,242.00 Physicians, surgeons, dentists and pharmacists 315,209.00 Veterinarians, livestock inspectors and hus­ bandmen ............................................................. 140,279.00 Scientists and scientific assistants...................... 156,738.00 Nurses and student nurses..................................... 278,968.00 Agriculturists, agronomists, sugar technologists and plant inspectors ..................................... 141,331.00 Foresters, forest guards, rangers and nursery­ men .........................-............................................ 491,920.00 Private secretaries, technical advisers and spe­ cial agents ........................................................... 168,260.00 Superintendents of schools, instructors, inspec­ tors and teachers................................................ 3,273,437.00 Chiefs and assistant chiefs of divisions........... 846,240.00 Accountants and auditors..................................... 186,418.00 Property inspectors ............................................ 33,880.00 Editors, correctors of style and proof-readers.. 21,970.00 Customs appraisers, assessors, calculators, ex­ aminers, wharfingers and inspectors ........... 214,549.00 Internal revenue examiners, agents and in­ spectors ........................._.................................. 488,935.00 Insurance, bank and other examiners .............. 94,006.00 Public service inspectors ..................................... 13,770.00 Medical, factory and other inspectors .............. 9,902.00 Chiefs and assistant chiefs of sections ........... 247,182.00 Officers and crews of vessels ............................ 303,539.00 Radio engineers and post-office inspectors .... 64,628.00 Sergeants-at-arms and secret service agents.. 73,909.00 Clerks of courts and deputies .......................... 236,921.00 Provincial sheriffs and deputies ...................... 164,784.00 Registers of deeds ................................................ 63,470.00 Surveyors, computers, land inspectors and draftsmen ........................................................... 721,174.00 Postmasters and telegraph and radio operators 949,254.00 Weather observers, forecasters and calculators 73,905.00 Sanitary inspectors, vaccinators and disinfec­ tors ..................................................................... 165,103.00 Commercial, employment and economic agents 149,621.00 Laboratory technicians and assistants ........... 32,265.00 Social workers, matrons and caretakers of children ............. „............ ......._..................... 16,031.00 Librarians, researchers, cataloguers and cura­ tors .......................... «.......... 47,714.00 Lightkeepers .......................................................... 120,873.00 Craftsmen and helpers ......................................... 10,944.00 Cashiers and disbursing officers, tellers and money counters .......-....................................... 63,977.00 Property clerks and buyers ............................. 48,590.00 Translators and interpreters................................. 77,013.00 Stenographers and typists ............................... 331,306.00 Clerks ..................................................................... 2,386,845.00 Messengers ............................................................. 216,985.00 Reenlistment pay .................................................. 1,500.00 Policemen, guards and watchmen ...................... 288,097.00 Storekeepers ......................................................... 89,298.00 Letter-carriers ............................................. 252,318.00 Photographers, artists and lithographers ....... 14,972.00 Mechanics, electricians and plumbers.............. 34,884.00 Telephone, elevator and roneo operators ....... 16,629.00 General purposes—Continued. Musicians ............................................................... 888.0C Attendants ................................................... 36,558.00 Chauffeurs and drivers ....................................... 62,629.00 Janitors and porters ......................................... 66,688.00 Foremen ................................................................. 32,983.00 Linemen and enginemen..................................... 94,984.00 Carpenters ............................................................ 19,000.00 Laborers and domestic serevants ...................... 549,172.00 Fees, per diems and additional salaries ........... 42,684.00 Subsistence ............................................................ 239,356.00 Clothing ................................................................. 12,904.00 Laundry .............. 12,047.00 Specific purposes ...................... 1,071,918.00 Preparation, printing and binding or pub­ lications of reports and other documents of the National Library ..................................... 3,590.00 Resident Commissioner to the United States ... 40,000.00 Accounting Office for the Philippine Army. .. 38,031.00 Trade Commissioner to the U. S....................... 17,100.00 Unpaid salary of the Chief, Records Division, Office of the Secretary of the Interior......... 1,700.00 Eradication of hog cholera, etc......................... 4,430.00 Weather stations ................................................ 4,320.00 National Research Council ............................... 6,300.00 Conservation of fisheries ................................. 13,200.00 Per diems of the members of the* Board of Marine Accidents ............................................. 3,000.00 Suppression of clandestine distillation of spirits ......................... 25,164.00 Salaries of temporary employees appointed under Act 3411 ................................................ 1,728.00 Salaries and wages of additional personnel, purchase of furniture and equipment, etc., Act 3579 ............................................................ 7,190.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office .......................................................... 61,780.00 Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts ...................................................... 28,632.00 Campaign for the eradication and control of rinderpest ............................................................ 34,000.00 For the classification of public lands.............. 3,564.00 For reforestation, Act 3283 ................................. 14,500.00 Investigation and survey of homesteads............. 37,496.00 Survey and subdivision of public land, Act 4031 ..................................................................... 68,508.00 Licensing of air men and aircrafts, Act 3909 15,619.00 Regulation and safeguarding of traffic on Kennon and Naguilian roads.......................... 5,602.00 Maintenance and repair of KennorA-Naguilian roads ................................................................... 48,302.00 Effective radio control, Act 3486........................... 6,750.00 Investigation of application for the use of water rights ...................................................... 13,113.00 Promotion of agricultural and vocational edu­ cation ................................................................... 11,747.00 Promotion of educational research .................. 7,972.00 Treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion 127,271.00 Maintenance of regional treatment stations.... 49,340.00 School of Nursing in Baguio............................. 4,624.00 Control of beriberi ................... 3,186.00 Control of malaria ............................................. 26,463.00 Public charity and welfare fund...................... 5,256.00 Operation of Maternity and Children's Hos­ pital ..................................................................... 9,330.00 Care of the invalids and aged persons.......... 3,312.00 Establishment and maintenance of community health and social centers............................. 55,538.00 For furthering the agricultural development, etc.......................................................................... 5,586.00 Emergency expenses, etc...................................... 4,416.00 42 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATIONS The amount of 5*19,384,443 for “salaries and wages” purposes—Continued. will be applied to the following purSpecific purposes—Continued. Establishment and maintenance of puericulture centers and public health nursing services ................................................................ 116,760.00 Maintenance and operation of the home for mentally-defective children............................. 16,920.00 Aid to Province of llocos Sur Provincial Hos­ pital ................................................................... 4,980.00 Specific purposes—Continued. Technical and civilian assistants to the Pres­ ident ..................................................................... 84,866.00 Anti-Usury Board ........... „.. 25,287.00 Promotion of agriculture and industry in penal colonies ........... 5,945.00 Total .............. #19,384,443.00 The amount of 1*941,759 for “traveling expenses of personnel” will be applied to the following purposes: General purposes ................................................... 765,862.00 Street car tickets ................................................ 10,699.00 Horse, bull and rig allowances.......................... 5,130.00 Motorcycle allowances ......................................... 240.00 Bicycle allowances ................................................ 846.00 Motorlaunch allowances ..................................... 7,620.00 Employees enroute from United States to Ma­ nila (Acts 2711 and 3186)............................. 57,935.00 Traveling expenses, per diems and subsistence 582,261.00 Calesa, electric car and auto bus zone fares.... 5,271.00 Hire of automobiles ............................................. 6,750.00 Land and water transportation.......................... 127,726.00 Reimbursement for traveling expenses of spe­ cial examiners .................................................. 34.00 Hire of cargadores .............................................. 11,150.00 Airplane fares ...................................................... 200.00 Specific purposes ................. ............-.... -............... 175,897.00 For traveling expenses of the President......... 10,000.00 For the Accounting Office, Philippine Army.. 600.00 Office of the Resident Commissioner in the United States .................................................... 3,000.00 Other expenses in accordance with Act No. 2935 ..................................................................... 140.00 Suppression of clandestine distillation of spirits ................................................................. 19,000.00 Traveling expenses of temporary employees appointed under Act No. 3411...................... 144.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office ............................................................... 8,700.00 Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts ...................................................... 2,376.00 Campaign for the control of rinderpest.......... 1,000.00 For the classification of public lands»............... 11,000.00 For reforestation, Act No. 3283.............................. 1,800.00 Specific purposes—Continued. Investigation and survey of homesteads......... 85,800.00 Office of the Trade Commissioner in the United States ................................................................. 600.00 Licensing of airmen and aircrafts.................. 1,929.00 Kennon and Naguilian roads .......................... 150.00 Effective radio control.......................................... 200.00 Investigation of application for the use of water for irrigation water supply etc.......... 5,478.00 Promotion of agricultural and vocational edu­ cation ................................................................. 5,700.00 Promotion of educational research, experimen­ tation and administration ............................. 698.00 Treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion 200.00 Regional treatment stations.................................. 1,100.00 School of Nursing in Baguio............................... 80.00 Control of beriberi................................................ 750.00 Control of malaria................................................ 1,300.00 Operation of the Maternity and Children's Hospital ............................................................. 100.00 Establishment and maintenance of community health social centers ....................................... 2,880.00 Establishment and maintenance of puericultura centers and public nursing services............... 28,172.00 Protection of agricultural industries................... 800.00 Technical and civilian assistants to the Pres­ ident ................................................................... 25,000.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 2,000.00 Promotion of agriculture and industry in penal colonies ............................................................. 500.00 Survey and subdivision of public lands........... 12,000.00 Weather stations .................................................. 250.00 Conservation of fisheries ..................................... 2,500.00 Total ..... -.......... #941,759.00 The amount of 1*562,940 for “freight, express and delivery service” will be applied to the fol­ lowing purposes: General purposes ........................... -........... 548,803.00 Transportation of supplies and materials........ 70,067.00 Transportation of mails .................................. 469,869.00 Transportation of equipment ........................ 7,100.00 Tranportation of leper effects ....... 290.00 Shipment of money ............................................. 300.00 Return of empty containers .........-.................- 100.00 Freight charges .................................................... 577.00 Cargadores hire .................... 500.00 Specific purposes __________ 14,137.00 Office of the Trade Commissioner in the United States .................................................... 50.00 For the Accounting Office, Philippine Army 100.00 Other expenses in accordance with Act No. 2935 ................................................-.................. 80.00 Specific purposes—Continued. Suppression of clandestine distillation of spirits ............ ...........................-................ 40.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office ........................... 80.00 Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts. Act No. 8169...... 812.00 Campaign for the eradication and control of rinderpest and other contagious and in­ fectious animal diseases........................ 700.00 For the classification of public lands.............. 200.00 For resforestation to be expended in accord­ ance with Act No. 3283..... — 600.00 Investigation and survey of homesteads, free patents and sales and leases under the pro­ visions of Act No. 2874 ................................. 4,000.00 Weather stations .............................................. - 100.00 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATIONS 43 The amount of F562,940 for “freight, express and delivery service” will be applied to the followng purposes—Continued. Specific purposes—Continued. Regulation, safeguarding of traffic and collec­ tion of tolls on Kennon and Naguilian roads ................................................................... 4,070.00 For the maintenance of regional treatment stations and dispensaries for the diagnosis and treatment of incipient cases of leprosy.. 1,650.00 Practical control of beriberi............................... 200.00 For the control of malaria ............................. 100.00 For the operation of the Maternity and Chil­ dren’s Hospital ..... 25.00 Specific purposes—Continued. Protection of agricultural industries .............. 100.00 Technical and civilian assistants to the Presid­ ent ....................................................................... 1,000.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 80.00 Promotion of agriculture and industry in penal colonies ................................................. 800.00 Conservation of fishery resources....................... 500.00 Total .............. ................................................. ^562,940.00 The amount of F283,476 for “postal, telegraph, the following purposes: General purposes ..... .......................-... 256,392.00 Postage stamps .................................................. 104,850.00 Post Office box rentals ....................................... 1,786.00 Telegrams ............................................................. 33,479.00 Cable charges ........................................................ 10,840.00 Telephone rentals .............................................. 103,346.00 Fees for money orders........................................... 196.00 Radiograms ............................................................ 1,555.00 Telephone tolls ...................................................... 26.00 Telephone installation charges............................ 299.00 Telephone extra listings....................................... 12.00 Sight drafts ............................................................ 3.00 Specific purposes ----------.---- --------------- ------------ 27,084.00 For the Accounting Office, Philippine Army.. 600.00 Office of the Resident Commissioner in the U. S. ?.................................................................. 1,000.00 Other expenses in accordance witth Act No. 2935 ..................................................................... 250.00 Suppression of clandestine distillation of spirit ................................................................... 80.00 For postage stamps for the mailing of notices of land registration cases................................. 5,000.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office ............................................................ 1,600.00 Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts, Act No. 3163...................... 130.00 Campaign for the eradication and control of rinderpest and other contagious and infec­ tious animal diseases......................................... 1,000.00 For the classification of public lands................ 126.00 For reforestation to be expended in accordance with Act No. 3283............................................ 150.00 Investigation and survey of homesteads, free patents and sales and leases under the pro­ visions of Act No. 2874................................... 2,050.00 War Department of the United States, etc.... 850.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3909, regarding the licensing of airmen and air­ crafts, and inspection of the same................ 360.00 telephone and cable service” will be applied to Specific purposes—Continued. Regulation, safeguarding of traffic and collec­ tion of tolls on Kennon and Naguilian roads ................................................................... 895.00 For the temporary administration, operation, maintenance and repair of the radio sta­ tions, etc............................................................... 400.00 For the investigation of application for the use of water for irrigation water supply and water power projects, and for adjudication of water rights.................................................... 182.00 Promotion of agricultural and vocational edu­ cation ................................................................. 125.00 For the continuation of the treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion........................ 40.00 For the maintenance of regional treatment stations and dispensaries for the diagnosis and treatment of incipient cases of leprosy.. 454.00 For the School of Nursing in Baguio.............. 9.00 For a general demonstration of the practical control of beriberi........................................ 132.00 Aid to Province of Hocos Sur Hospital........... 400.00 For the control of malaria in the regularly and specially organized provinces and munic­ ipalities .............................................................. 340.00 For the operation of the Maternity and Chil­ dren’s Hospital ................................................ 272.00 For the care of the invalids and aged persons 189.00 For the establishment and maintenance of community health and social centers............ 1,200.00 For the maintenance and operation of the home for mentally defective children, Act No. 4158 ............................................................ 150.00 Technical and civilian assistants to the Pres­ ident ................................................................... 2,000.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 1,000.00 W’eather stations .................................................. 7,000.00 Conservation of fisheries..................................... 800.00 Total .............. _............................... ... P283,476.00 The amount of 1*233,056 for “illumination and power service” will be applied to the following purposes: General purposes ________ .... 209,402.00 Specific purposes ....................... 23,654.00 Electric fluid ........................................................ 155,393.00 Gas ...................................... 29,724.00 Steam ...................................................................... 16,060.00 Power in saw mill ............................................... 180.00 Supplies consumed ............................................ 8,750.00 Coal consumption ................................................ 1,900.00 Electrical installation ......................................... 1,095.00 Electrical repairs ................................................ 950.00 Petroleum and candles ..................................... 850.00 For the accounting office, Philippine Army.... 240.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office ........................................................ 820.00 Campaign for the eradication and control of of rinderpest and other contagious and in­ fectious animal diseases ................................. 1,500.00 For the classification of public lands.............. 800.00 For reforestation to be expended in accord­ ance with Act No. 3288 ................................. 90.00 44 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATIONS The amount of F233,056 for “illumination and power service” will be applied to the following purposes—Continued. Specific purposes—Continued. Investigation and survey of homesteads, free patents and sales and leases under the pro­ visions of Act No. 2874 ............................. 224.00 War Department of the United States, etc...... 100.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3909, regarding the licensing of airmen and air­ crafts, and inspection of the same................ 290.00 Regulation, safeguarding of traffic and collec­ tion of tolls on Kennon and Naguilian roads 120.00 Conservation of fisheries ............................... 100.00 Promotion of agricultural and vocational edu­ cation ................................................................. 700.00 For the continuation of the treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion..................... 8,400.00 For the maintenance of regional treatment stations and dispensaries for the diagnosis and treatment of incipient cases of leprosy 4,300.00 Specific purposes—Continued. For the control of malaria in the regularly and specially organized provinces and mu­ nicipalities ......................................................... 180.00 For the operation of the Maternity and Chil­ dren’s Hospital ................................................ 3,600.00 For the care of the invalids and aged persons 240.00 For the establishment and maintenance of community health and social centers.......... 480.00 Belo Fund ........................................................... 300.00 For the maintenance and operation of the home for mentally defective children, Act No. 4158 ........................................................... 1,000.00 Protection of agricultural industries in penal colonies ...................................................................................... Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 720.00 Total ........................... -........... *233,056.00 The amount of 1*182,323 for “rental of buildings and grounds” will be applied to the follow­ ing purposes: General purposes .................. 113,416.00 Offices and barracks ........................................... 110,186.00 Quarters of personnel.......................................... 2,770.00 Warehouses ............................................................ 120-00 Leper camps .......................................................... 240.00 Others ..................................................................... 100.00 Specific purposes ..................... 68,907.00 Rental of the offices for Executive Depart­ ments and other offices in the Ayunta­ miento ................................................................. 36,000.00 Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts, Act No. 3165............................. 120.00 Specific purposes—Continued. For the classification of public lands................ 1,920.00 Investigation and survey of homesteads, free patents and sales and leases under the provisions of Act No. 2874............................. 4,620.00 Resident Commissioner, the Bureau of Insular Affairs, War Department of the United States, etc............................................................ 8,400.00 For the operation of the Maternity and Children’s Hospital ..................................... 3,800.00 For the establishment and maintenance of community health and social centers......... 5,647.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 900.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office ........................................................... 2,400.00 Belo Fund, Act No. 3431................................ 5,000.00 Protection of Agricultural Industries, Act No. 3027 ........................................................... 100.00 Total ...... *182,323.00 The amount of P=2,886,838 for “consumption following purposes: General purposes ....................................-............. 2,612,456.00 Office stationery .................................................. 302,902.00 Foodstuffs and expendable kitchen utensils.... 828,245.00 Ice ......................f.................................................... 26,677.00 Toilet supplies ...................................................... 14,382.00 Motor vehicle supplies........................................ 78,745.00 Water service ..................... 34,332.00 Medical, surgical and chemical supplies............. 267,130.00 Electrical supplies ................................................ 10,036.00 Watercraft supplies ............................................ 209,777.00 Cleaning materials .............................................. .11,237.00 Manufacturing supplies ................................ 119,659.00 Wearing apparel and linen................................. 119,303.00 Ordnance ............................................................... 2,957.00 Tacking supplies .................................................. 5,620.00 Materials and supplies for repairs................... 16,768.00 Photographic supplies ......................................... 3,842.00 Disinfectants ........................................................ 4,400.00 Books, pamphlets and periodicals....................... 13,120.00 Textbooks ............................................................. 138,927.00 Printed forms ........................................................ 22,165.00 Forage ................................................................... 12,150.00 Public works materials......................................... 13,000.00 Drafting, printing and artists’ supplies.............. 20,500.00 of supplies and materials” will be applied to the General purposes—Continued. Fuel and illumination supplies........................... 7,000.00 Laundry supplies .................................................. 3,550.00 Painting supplies and materials........................ 2,510.00 Fumigation supplies .......................................... 2,552.00 Internal-revenue stamps ..................................... 4,500.00 Fertilizers ............................................................. 3,000.00 Tower plant supplies including ammonia....... 21,500.00 Animals for manufacturing vaccines and serums ............................................................... 1,800.00 Meteorological, seismological and magnetic supplies ............................................................... 8,500.00 Telegraph and wireless supplies ...................... 68,600.00 Surveying materials ............................................ 700.00 Assemblymen’s allowance ................................... 9,000.00 Poultry and farming supplies........................... 14,000.00 Hospital supplies ................................................ 4,050.00 Gas ........................................................................ 1,000.00 Cigars and cigarettes............................................ 1,375.00 Printing and binding supplies............................. 1,225.00 Subsistence ........................................................... 165,000.00 Glassware ............................................................. 1,000.00 Miscellaneous ....................................................... 20,720.00 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATIONS 45 The amount of 1*2,886,838 for “consumption following purposes—Continued. Specific purposes ...»..................... 274,382.00 For the Accounting Office, Philippine Army.... 2,000.00 Other expenses in accordance with Act No. 2935 ..................................................................... 730.00 Suppression of clandestine distillation of spi­ rits .......................................................... ............ 20.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office .......................................................... 2,700.00 Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts, Act Nd. 3163........... 3,900.00 Campaign for the eradication and control of rinderpest and other contagious and infec­ tious animal diseases......................................... 20,070.00 For the classification of public lands.............. 8,272.00 For reforestation to be expended in accord­ ance with Act No. 3283................................. 7,000.00 Investigation and survey of homesteads, free patents and sales and leases under the provisions of Act No. 2874............................. 2,340.00 Trade Commissioner in United States.............. 400.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3909, regarding the licensing of airmen and air­ crafts, and inspection of the same.............. 700.00 Regulation, safeguarding of traffic and col­ lection of tolls on Kennon and Naguilian roads ................................................................... 27,470.00 Effective radio control ......................................... 972.00 Promotion of agricultural and vocational edu­ cation ................................................................. 107.00 For the continuation of the treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion.......................... 22,300.00 of supplies and materials!’ will be applied to the Specific purposes—Continued. For the maintenance of regional treatment stations and dispensaries for the diagnosis and treatment on incipient cases of lep­ rosy ..................................................................... 88,696.00 For the School of Nursing in Baguio.............. 1,910.00 For the general demonstration of the practical control of beriberi and for the improvement of the organization and operation of sanita­ tion ..................................................................... 3,050.00 For the control of malaria in the regularly and specially organized provinces and munic­ ipalities .............................................................. 2,452.00 For the operation of the Maternity and Chil­ dren’s Hospital ................................................ 24,400.00 For the care of the invalids and aged persons 6,446.00 For the establishment and maintenance of community health and social centers.............. 10,000.00 For the establishment and maintenance of puericulture centers and public health nurs­ ing services ........................................................ 16,928.00 lor the maintenance and operation of the home for mentally defective children, Aot No. 4158 ............................................................ 11,400.00 Protection of agricultural industries................ 4,000.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 1,000.00 Promotion of agriculture and industry in penal colonies ............................................................... 800.00 Aid to the Province of llocos Sur.................... 2,819.00 Weather Stations ................................................ 500.00 Conservation of fishing resources...................... 1,000.00 Total ........... 1*2,886,838.00 The amount of 1*167,740 for “printing and binding reports, documents and publications” applied to the following purposes: General purposes ........................... ..................... — 142,860.00 Printing charges ................................................ 86,237.00 Binding and rebinding charges ...................... 7,655.00 Publication of pamphlets ................................. 9,680.00 Publication of annual reports .......................... 13,718.00 Printing of brief in crimmal cases.................. 5,370.00 Publication of civil service laws, rules and regulations .......................................................... 400.00 Printing of stamps and stamped envelopes.... 19,800.00 Specific purposes .............. . ....... ........... ..... 24,880.00 For the preparation, printing and binding of publications, including the distribution and exchange of reports, etc................................. 1,610.00 For the Accountancy Office, Philippine Army 300.00 Boards of Examiners for Surveyors ..................................... will be Specific purposes—Continued. Other expenses in connection with Act No. 2935 ................................................................... 570 00 For publication of notices of land registration cases in the Official Gazette.......................... 20,000.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office .......................................................... 100.00 Person employed by the President to cooperate with the Resident Commissioners, the Trade Commissioner in U. S..................................... 100.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3909, regarding the licencing of airmen and air­ crafts, and inspection of the same.............. 400.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3846, regarding effective radio control .................. 200.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 1,600.00 Total ................................................................. 1*167,740.00 The amount of Pl,529,757 for “contribution and gratuities” will be applied to the following pur­ poses : Free distribution of public documents...................... 4,200.00 Contribution to the bulletin of the Medical Associa­ tion of the Philippine Islands for the publication of reports on ¿ases and subjects of scientific importance of the Philippine General Hospital.... 250.00 Support of children under care of bureaus.......... 1,500.00 Samples of products of the Philippine public schools furnished gratis on request of corpora­ tion, individuals or foreign governments.............. 250.00 Gratuities to lepers, including allowances to em­ ployees of the Bureau of Health or to their families in case such employees die or are 46 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATIONS The amount of M ,529,757 for “contribution and gratuities” will be applied to the following pur­ poses—Continued. disabled by diseases contracted or injuries re­ ceived in line of duty............................................ 38,000.00 Gratuities to prisoners ..................................................... 4,000.00 Development of agriculture and industry in penal colonies ............................................................................ 5,000.00 Contributions and gratuities, including the control or eradication of agricultural pests and dis­ eases ; the entertainment of foreign or local scientists, and agriculturists visiting the prop­ agation stations, seed farms and nurseries of the Bureau of Plant Industry; the payment of membership dues in, or contributions to, scien­ tific organizations : and the purchase and dis­ tribution of seeds and plants for propagation..... 40,000.00 Contributions and gratuities, including the manu­ facture of rinderpest serum; the manufacture or purchase of anti-epizootic serum ; the enter­ tainment of foreign or local scientists and agriculturists visiting the stock farms, slaugh­ terhouses and breeding and quarantine stations of the Bureau of Animal Industry ; the payment of membership dues, in or contributions to, scientific organizations; and the distribution of young animals for propagation............................. 80,000.00 Compensation of families of deceased assemblymen, Act 3799 ................................................................... 10,000.00 Medicines and medical and surgical supplies for distribution to public school dispensaries.......... 100,000.00 Aid to puericulture centers organized in ac­ cordance with the provisions of Acts 2633, 2905 and 2988 ................................................................... 92,791.00 Contribution to the Teochers’ Pension and Dis­ ability Fund, pursuant to the provisions of section 8 of Act No. 3050 ..................................... 101,069.00 Scholarships in the United States or in foreign countries ................................................................... 16,000.00 Pensions authorized by Acts 2756 and 2922.......... 18,180.00 Special scholarships for non-Christian inhabitants 11,550.00 Gratuities to the Sultan and advisers, Act No. 1259 ............................................................................ 2,700.00 Contribution to the University of the Philippines 1,048,067.00 Aid for scholarships of students in normal and vocational schools .................................................... 11,200.00 Total .............. -............................................. P1,529,757.00 The amount of 1*78,010 for “traveling expenses of persons not government employees” will be applied to the following purposes: General purposes ........-........................................... 75,784.00 Specific purposes ......... ........... 2,226.00 Transportation of lepers ................................... 3,500.00 Transportation of indigent sufferers ............. 4,079.00 Transportation of municipal teachers on special assignment ........................................... 1,000.00 Charter of boats .................................................... 11,260.00 Transportation furnished to shipwreck crews 1,046.00 Subsistence ............................................................. 140.00 Deportation of Chinese ..................................... 664.00 Transportation of witnesses ................ 1,225.00 Transportation of prisoners ................ 21,000.00 Transportation of colonists’ family ................ 5,000.00 Transportation of homeseekers .......................... 26,870.00 Transportation of persons and traveling ex­ penses not chargeable to other appropria­ tion ..................................................................... 2,000.00 Suppression of clandestine distillation of spirits .................... 46.00 For the maintenance of regional treatment stations and dispensaries for the diagnosis and treatment of incipient cases of leprosy.. 100.00 For the care of the invalids and aged persons 30.00 For the maintenance and operation of the home for mentally defective children, Act 4158 ........................................... -...........-.......... 50.00 Total .............. - 78,010.00 The amount of 1*183,511 for “maintenance following purposes: General purposes .............................................. 157,913.00 Automobile repairs ............................................ 11,493.00 Equipment repairs .............................................. 50,225.00 Bicycle repairs .................................................... Machineries ........................................................... 8,850.00 Watercrafts ....................... 50,658.00 Office and station equipment ............................ 35,187.00 Technical and scientific equipment and power plant ................................................................... 1,500.00 Specific purposes ........................-.... ............-........ 25,598.00 For the Accounting Office, Phil. Army............ 300.00 For reforestation to be expended in accord­ ance with Act No., 3283 ............................... 200.00 and repair of equipment” will be applied to the Specific purposes—Continued. Investigation and survey of homesteads, free patents and sales and leases under the pro­ visions of Act No. 2874 ................................. 70.00 For the maintenance and repair of a radio apparatus installed in the Manila Observa­ tory ..................................................................... 1,000.00 For the maintenance and upkeep of the Cebu typhoon signal ................................................ 50.00 Person employed by the President to cooperate with the Resident Commissioners, the Trade Commissioner in the U. S................... 50.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3909, regarding the licensing of airmen and air­ crafts, and inspection of the same .............. 150.00 For the continuation of the treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion ...................... 21,030.00 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATIONS 4-7 The amount of 1*183,511 for “maintenance following purposes—Continued. Specific purposes—Continued. For the maintenance of regional treatment stations and dispensaries for the diagnosis and treatment of incipient cases of leprosy 700.00 For the control of malaria in the regularly and specially organized provinces and mu­ nicipalities ........................................................ 190.00 For the operation of the Maternity and Chil­ dren’s Hospital ................................................ 160.00 Conservation of fishing resources .................... 100.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 100.00 Promotion of agriculture and industry ........... 575.00 The amount of Ml,048,554 for “aid to local poses: For educational purposes: Aid for the operation and maintenance of ele­ mentary schools ................................................ 375,000.00 Aid to the schools on the friar lands estates.. 35,610.00 Aid for the maintenance of special schools.... 74,895.00 Aid to elementary schools to be allotted in proportion to the daily average attendance, etc.......................................................................... 165,168.00 Aid to specially organized provinces under the direction of the Director of Education.. 414,273.00 Aid for the maintenance of elementary schools already established ........................................... 1,189,955.00 Aid for gratuitous elementary instruction..... 6,583,371.00 To meet any deficiency in the appropriation for aid for elementary instruction................ 1,200,000.00 Aid to specially organized provinces for edu­ cational purposes under the direction of the Director of Education or of his represent­ atives ................................................................. 313,957.00 Aid for the operation and maintenance of agricultural, farm and trade schools ........... 105,000.00 Aid for the operation and maintenance of nor­ mal schools ...................................................... 9,000.00 To carry out the provisions of Act No. 337 for the promotion of agricultural and vo­ cational education, Act No. 3470.................. 33,500.00 and repair of equipment” will be applied to the Specific purposes—Continued. Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office .......................................................... 250.00 Protection of agricultural industries, Act 3027 50.00 Aid to the Province of llocos Sur Provincial Hospital .............................................................. 100.00 Maintenance and repairs of the KennonNaguilian roads ................................................ 368.00 Scouting of locusts .............................................. 100.00 Classification of public lands..................................... 60.00 Total ........................... ..................................... P183,511.00 governments” will be applied to the following purAid for the payment of the salaries of the teachers of those classes in barrio schools established under Act No. 3628, to be distri­ buted and expended in accordance with the provisions of said Act ................. 67,500.00 For health purposes: For insular aid for the operation and mainte­ nance of hospitals created and established under the provisions of Acts 3114, 3168 and 3284 ............. i...................................................... 72,000.00 For public improvements: Aid for the maintenance of trails, roads and bridges in specially organized provinces, provided they comply with* the provisions of section 2115 of Act No. 2711.......................... 86,000.00 For other purposes: Aid to specially organized provinces.............. 313,325.00 Aid to the City of Baguio ............................. 10,000.00 Total ............................................................. P11,048,554.00 The amount of 1*207,701 for “purchase of furniture and equipment” will be applied to the fol­ lowing purposes: General purposes .............. _ 151,493.00 Additional equipment ......................................... 123,161.70 For replacing unserviceable equipment ............. 28,291.30 Specific purposes __________________ 56,248.00 For the purchase of salable publications of the Bureau of Printing exclusively for reciprocal exchange relations with foreign countries or institutions .................................................... 2,000.00 Other expenses in accordance with Act No. 2935 ....................................................................... 400.00 For the purchase of steel filing cabinets and card index files for the Public Service Com­ mission ................................................................. 1,200.00 For salaries and wages of additional person­ nel, purchase of furniture and equipment, etc., Act 3579 .................................................... 480.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office ........................................................... 1,000.00 Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts, Act No. 3163 .......................... 400.00 Campaign for the eradication and control of rinderpest and other contagious and infec­ tious animal diseases ...... 2,000.00 For reforestation to be expended in accordance with Act No. 3283 ......................................... 600.00 Trade Commissioner to U. S............................. 50.00 Specific purposes—Continued. To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3909, regarding the licensing of airmen and air­ crafts, and inspecton of the same .............. 600.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3846, regarding effective radio control .............. 3,500.00 For the continuation of the treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion ...................... 100.00 For the control of malaria in the regularly and specially organized provinces and mu­ nicipalities .......................................................... 218.00 For the operation of the Maternity and Chil­ dren’s Hospital ................................................ 1,204.00 For the establishment and maintenance of community health and social centers............. 2,500.00 Protection of agricultural industries................ 600.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 2,213.00 Promotion of agriculture and industry............ 9,880.00 Accounting Office, Philippine Army.................. 1,857.00 Aid to the Province of llocos Sur...................... 1,556.00 Purchase of an enlarging camera................... 8,590.00 Maintenance and repair of Kennon-Naguilian roads ................................................................... 400.00 Weather stations ................................................. 8,500.00 Conservation of fishing resources...................... 1,900.00 Construction of a kiln......................................... 4,500.00 Total ........................... -.........—........ -..... F207,701.00 48 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATIONS The amount of 1*632,022 for “other services” General purposes ................................................... P174,570.00 Sewer charges ...................................................... 23,151.00 Subscriptions ........................................................ 7,520.00 Bond premiums .................................................... 24,705.00 Laundry service .................................................... 44,635.00 Advertisements .................................................... 991.00 Electrical installation and repairs .................. 19,214.00 Medical attendance ............................................ 4.070.00 Fees for bar examination, court, sheriffs, ac­ tuarial and attorneys’ fees, money order and insurance fees ........................................... 1,840.00 Janitor and messenger service......................... 120.00 Printing of briefs ................................................ 924.00 Horseshoeing, carabaos and cows nose ring . . 38.00 Funeral and burial expenses............................. 4,180.00 Storage service .................................................... 20.00 Exchange of drafts and premiums on exchange 80.00 Translation service ................................................ 2,500.00 Vulcanizing tires and tubes............................. 220.00 Blueprinting and photographic developing services ............................................................... 200.00 Subsistence of employees working overtime ... 6,569.00 Reception and entertainment expenses.............. 3,000.00 Graduation expenses ......................................... 350.00 Rental of sanitary laboratory equipment....... 1,033.00 Towing and arrastre service................................. 830.00 Expenses of disbursing agent; Philippine rev­ enues, Washington, D. C................................. 10.00 Welding, casting, retouching negatives, etc...... 635.00 Payment of colonists’ share as settlers in Iwahig Penal Colony......................................... 5,370.00 Cutting and cleaning of grass.......................... 314.00 Rental of fire hydrants and gas meters.......... 205.00 Contracted services ............................................. 3,167.00 Child health day celebration............................. 200.00 Educational health exhibits and occasional health campaigns ............................................. 600.00 Epidemiological news service............................. 1,640.00 Membership fee to Civil Service Commission.... 600.00 Docket, registration and publication fees.......... 1,443.00 Charges on survey of under water damages.... 157.00 Purchase of checks and register books.......... 170.00 Other purposes and to cover partly any reserve or forced savings that may be required.... 9,702.00 Burglar alarm .................................................... 374.00 Insurance and money orders .......................... 2,568.00 Share in the maintenance of the Oriente Building ............................................................. 425.00 Printing of documents in Official Gazette....... 180.00 Publication of notices of sales and leases of public lands ...................................................... 620.00 Specific purposes ........................... 457,452.00 Bureau of Interparliamentary Union.............. 5,000.00 Discretionary fund of the President................ 30,000.00 Salaries and wages of additional personnel, purchase of furniture and equipment, etc., Act No. 3579 .................................................... 200.Q0 Sundry expenses in connection with secret service ............................................................... 26,320.00 Other expenses in accordance with Act No. 2935 ................................................................... 19,789.00 Suppression of clandestine distillation of spirits ................................................................. 650.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office .......................................................... 620.00 Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts, Act No. 3163. 30.00 will be applied to the following purposes: Specific purposes—Continued. Campaign for the eradication and control of rinderpest and other contagious and infec­ tious animal diseases ..................................... 300.00 For the classification of public lands.............. 1,450.00 For sundry expenses, including purchase of furniture and equipment in connection with commercial and industrial investigation, de­ monstration and promotion work .................. 2,785.00 For reforestation to be expended in accordance with Act No. 3283 ........................................... 60.00 Investigation and survey of homesteads, free patents and sales and leases under the pro­ visions of Act No. 2874..................................... 3,000.00 Trade Commissioner in United States.............. 400.00 For contracts with interisland steamers.......... 8,000.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3909, regarding the licensing of airmen and air­ crafts, and inspection of the same.............. 10,200.00 Regulation, safeguarding of traffic and col­ lection of tolls on Kennon and Naguilian roads ................................................................... 7,905.00 Collection, etc. of Filipino folklore, legends, myths, etc............................................................ 5,000.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3846, regarding effective radio control.................. 150.00 Promotion of agricultural and vocational edu­ cation ................................................................. 25.00 For the continuation of the treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion .................. 7,930.00 For the maintenance of regional treatment stations and dispensaries for the diagnosis and treatment of incipient cases of leprosy 3,000.00 For a general demonstration of the practical control of beriberi and for the improvement of the organization and operation of sani­ tation ................................................................... 2,058.00 For the control of malaria in the regularly and specially organized provinces and munic­ ipalities ............................................................. 1,270.00 Public charity and welfare fund...................... 4,738.00 For the operation of the Maternity and Chil­ dren’s Hospital ................................................ 4,227.00 For the care of the invalids and aged per­ sons ..................................................................... 1,250.00 For the establishment and maintenance of community health and social centers............. 14,522.00 For the establishment and maintenance of puericulture centers and public health nurs­ ing service ........................................................ 13,140.00 For the maintenance and operation of the home for mentally defective children, Act No. 4158 ........................................................... 480.00 Philippine Exposition in and outside of the Philippines ....................................................... 120,000.00 Furthering the agricultural development, etc. 13,319.00 Technical and civilian assistants to the Pres­ ident .................................................... 132,334.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 150.00 Promotion of agriculture and industry in penal colonies .................................................... 2,000.00 Protection of agricultural industries, Act 3027 350.00 Weather stations .................................................. 400.00 National Research Council ............................. 13,700.00 Conservation of fishery resourses ...................... 500.00 Aid to the Province of Hocos Sur Provincial Hospital ............................................................. 200.00 Total ................................................... . ..... P632,022.00 DETAILED STATEMENTS OF EXPENDITURES 29908 49 A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY For the year 1937, the sum of 1*1,137,894 is requested for the National Assembly as against 1*1, 138,614 authorized for the current year, or a decrease of 1*720. This de­ crease is due to the reduction made from the appropriation for “traveling expenses of personnel, etc.” under sundry expenses in view of the abolition of the automobile allowance. Para el año de 1937, se pide para la Asamblea Nacional la suma de Pl,137,894 la cual, comparada con la de Fl,138,614 autorizada para el presente año, arroja una disminución de 1*720. Esta disminución se debe a la reducción hecha en la consignación para “gastos de viaje del personal, etc.” bajo el encabeza­ miento de “Gastos Varios” por la abolición de las asignaciones para el uso oficial de automóviles parti­ culares. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to Item numbers of Commonwealth Act No. 19, unless otherwise stated SPEAKER 1. Speaker of the National Assembly.... 1*12,000.00 1*12,000.00 1 MEMBERS 2. Ninety-seven Members of the National Assembly, at T=5,000 per annum each.... 485,000.00 485,000.00 2 SECRETARY 3. Secretary of the National Assembly.. 5,000.00 5,000.00 3 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS 4. Sergeant-at-arms of the National Assembly OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER 3,600.00 3,600.00 4 5. One secretary to the Speaker............. 4,000.00 4,000.00 5 6. One private secretary to the Speaker 3,600.00 3,600.00 6 7. One stenographer ............................... 2,800.00 2,800.00 7 8. One stenographer ................................ 1,680.00 1,680.00 8 9. One stenographer ............................... 1,560.00 1,560.00 9 10. One clerk .............................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 10 11. Two clerks, at 5*720 per annum each 1,440.00 1,440.00 11 12. Two messengers, at 5*300 per annum each .. 600.00 600.00 12 13. One chauffeur........................................ 840.00 840.00 13 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Chief Clerk and Assistant Secretary 14. One ehief clerk and assistant secretary 4,800.00 4,800.00 14 51 52 A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 15. One disbursing officer and cashier..... 16. Two chiefs of divisions, at 1*3,800 per 4,200.00 4,200.00 15 annum each........................................................ 7,600.00 7,600.00 16 17. Three chiefs of divisions, at P3,120 per annum each.................................................. 9,360.00 9,360.00 17 18. One chief of division........................... 2,840.00 2,840.00 18 19. One chief of division........................... 2,580.00 2,580.00 19 ASSISTANT DISBURSING OFFICER AND COLLECTING AGENT 20. One assistant disbursing officer and collecting agent ......................... ...................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 20 STENOGRAPHERS 21. One debate stenographer................... 3,200.00 3,200.00 21 22. One debate stenographer ................... 23. Two debate stenographers, at 1*2,800 2,960.00 2,960.00 22 per annum each ................................................ 5,600.00 5,600.00 23 24. Two debate stenographers, at 1*2,700 per annum each ................................................ 5,400.00 5,400.00 24 25. Two debate stenographers, at 1*2,520 per annum each ................................................ 5,040.00 5,040.00 25-26 26. Two debate stenographers, at 1*2,280 per annum each................................................ 4,560.00 4,560.00 27 27. Four debate stenographers, at 1*2,000 per annum each ................................................ 8,000.00 8,000.00 28 28. One stenographer ................................ 29. Two stenographers, at 1*1,740 per 2,400.00 2,400.00 29 annum each........................................................ 3,480.00 3,480.00 30 30. One stenographer ............................... 31. Two stenographers, at 1*1,620 per an­ 1,680.00 1,680.00 31 num each .......................................................... 3,240.00 3,240.00 32 32. Three stenographers, at Pl,500 per annum each........ ............................................... 4,500.00 4,500.00 33-34 33. One stenographer ............................... 34. Four stenographers, at Pl,080 per 1,380.00 1,380.00 35 annum each........................................................ 4,320.00 4,320.00 36 35. Eight stenographers, at P840 per an­ num each............................................................ 6,720.00 6,720.00 37 TRANSLATORS 36. One translator..................................... 37. Two translators, at Pl,800 per an­ 2,400.00 2,400.00 38 num each ........................................................... 3,600.00 3,600.00 39 A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 53 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated PROOF-READERS 38. 39. One One proof-reader ........................... proof-reader ........................... 1,680.00 1,200.00 1,680.00 1,200.00 40 41 Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms 40. One assistant sergeant-at-arms......... 41. One assistant sergeant-at-arms......... 1,200.00 840.00 1,200.00 840.00 42 43 CLERKS 42. One clerk ............................................. 2,000.00 2,000.00 44 43. One clerk .............................................. 1,800.00 1,800.00 45 44. One clerk .............................................. 1,680.00 1,680.00 46 45. Two clerks, at Pl,440 per annum each 2,880.00 2,880.00 47-48 46. Four clerks, at Fl,200 per annum each .................................................................... 4,800.00 4,800.00 49 47. Five clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................................... 5,400.00 5,400.00 50-51 48. Three clerks, at P960 per annum each .................................................................... 2,880.00 2,880.00 52-53 49. Seven clerks, at P864 per annum each .................................................................... 6,048.00 6,048.00 54 50. Three clerks, at P840 per annum each .................................................................... 2,520.00 2,520.00 55 51. One clerk .............................................. 780.00 780.00 56 52. One clerk .............................................. 756.00 756.00 57 53. One clerk .............................................. 720.00 720.00 58 54. Seven clerks, at P648 per annum each .................................................................... 4,536.00 4,536.00 59 55. Four clerks, at P600 per annum each .................................................................... 2,400.00 2,400.00 60 56. Fifteen clerks, at P540 per annum each .................................................................... 8,100.00 8,100.00 61 57. Two clerks, at P432 per annum each 864.00 864.00 62 MESSENGERS 58. One messenger .................................... 648.00 648.00 63 59. Ten messengers, at P540 per annum each .................................................................... 5,400.00 5,400.00 64 60. One messenger .................................... 497.00 497.00 65 61. One messenger .................................... 435.00 435.00 66 62. One messenger .................................... 432.00 432.00 67 63. Four messengers, at P420 per annum each .................................................................... 1,680.00 1,680.00 68 64. One messenger .................................... 378.00 378.00 69 54 A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Commonwealth Act No. 19, unless otherwise stated 65. Three messengers, at 1*360 per annum each ............................................................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 70 66. Five messengers, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 71 67. Six messengers, at F300 per annum each .................................................................... 1,800.00 1,800.00 72 MISCELLANEOUS 68. One janitor and chief watchman, with quarters .................................................... 960.00 960.00 73 69. One chauffeur ...................................... 70. Four watchmen, at 1*540 per annum 600.00 600.00 81 each .................................................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 74 71. Four elevator operators, at 1*540 per annum each........................................................ 2,160.00 2,160.00 75 72. One laborer .......................................... 480.00 480.00 77 73. Six laborers, at 1*432 per annum each 74. Seventeen laborers, at 1*420 per an­ 2,592.00 2,592.00 78 num each............................................................ 7,140.00 7,140.00 79 75. Ten laborers, at 1*360 per annum each 76. Two porters, at 1*324 per annum 3,600.00 3,600.00 80 each .................................................................... 648.00 648.00 76 77. For clerks of the Members of the Na­ tional Assembly: Provided, That the said clerks may be appointed by the Members and the number and salaries of said clerks not exceeding a total of 1*3,000 per annum for each Member shall be fixed and determined by the respective Member, and said clerks shall render either full or part time service in Manila or outside as may be determined by the respective Member who shall fix their time of service: Provided, further, That said clerks shall not be paid per diems or traveling expenses when leaving Manila or rendering service outside of the city............. 294,000.00 294,000.00 82 78. Supplementary force ......................... 8,000.00 8,000.00 83 Total for salaries and wages........... 1,014,614.00 1,014,614.00 A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 55 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. Speaker of the National Assembly.................. P12.000.00 2. 97 members of the National Assembly, at P5.000 per annum each......................... 486,000.00 OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER 5. 1 secretary to the Speaker................. 4,000.00 6. 1 private secretary to the Speaker................. 3,600.00 7. 1 stenographer .................. 2,800.00 8. 1 stenographer .............................._...................... 1,680.00 9. 1 stenographer ....................................................... 1,560.00 10. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 11. 2 clerks, at P720 per annum each..................... 1,440.00 12. 2 messengers, at P300 per annum each................ 600.00 13. 1 chauffeur .............................................................. 840.00 OFFICE OF THE FLOOR LEADER AND COMMITTEE ON RULES 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,200.00 66. 1 messenger ......................................................... 324.00 OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE ON APPOINTMENTS 43. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,800.00 55. 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 67. 1 messenger ........................................................... 300.00 OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS 29. 1 stenographer ....................................................... 1,740.00 67. 1 messenger ............................................................ 300.00 OFFICE OF THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION 32. 1 stenographer ....................................................... 1,500.00 34. 1 stenographer ....................................................... 1,080.00 35. 1 stenographer ....................................................... 840.00 67. 1 messenger ............................................................ 300.00 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 3. 1 secretary to the National Assembly............. 5,000.00 29. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 1,740.00 31. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 1,620.00 54. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each...................... 1,296.00 59. 2 messengers, at P540 per annum each............ 1,080.00 67. 1 messenger .......................................................... 300.00 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF CLERK AND ASSISTANT SECRETARY 14. 1 chief clerk and assistant secretary............. 4,800.00 34. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 1,080.00 49. 1 clerk ...................... 864.00 50. 1 clerk .......................................... 840.00 51. 1 clerk .................................................................. 780.0Q 56. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 1,080.00 59. 1 messenger ............................................... ............ 540.00 63. 1 messenger ......................._................................. 420.00 OFFICE OF THE SERGEANT-AT-ARMS 4. 1 sergeant-at-arms of the National Assembly 3,600.00 40. 1 assistant sergeant-at-arms .............................. 1,200.00 41. 1 assistant sergeant-at-arms .............................. 840.00 61. 1 messenger ............................................................ 435.00 65. 1 messenger ............................................................ 360.00 DISBURSEMENT DIVISION 15. 1 disbursing officer and cashier...................... 4,200.00 20. 1 assistant disbursing officer and collecting agent ....................................... _........«... 2,160.00 46. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,200.00 48. 1 clerk ...........................................................„...... 960.00 49. 3 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................. 2,592.00 56. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 57. 1 clerk ............................ 432.00 59. 2 messengers, at P540 per annum each........... 1,080.00 62. 1 messenger_______________________ 432.00 JOURNAL DIVISION 16. 1 chief of division ........................................... 8,800.00 21. 1 debate stenographer ....................................... 3,200.00 22. 1 debate stenographer ....................................... 2,960.00 23. 2 debate stenographers, at P2,800 per an­ num each ......................................................... 5,600.00 24. 2 debate stenographers, at P2,700 per an­ num each ......................................................... 5,400.00 25. 2 debate stenographers, at P2,520 per an­ num each ......................................................... 5,040.00 26. 2 debate stenographers, at P2.280 per an­ num each ......................................................... 4,560.00 27. 4 debate stenographers, at P2.000 per an­ num each ........................................................ 8,000.00 45. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,440.00 49. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 50. 1 clerk .................................................................... 840.00 63. 1 messenger .......................................................... 420.00 BILLS AND INDEX DIVISION 16. 1 chief of division ............................................ 3,800.00 44. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,680.00 45. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,440.00 39. 1 proof-reader ......................................... 1,200.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,200.00 47. 3 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... ...... 3,240.00 49. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 52. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 756.00 53. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 720.00 54. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 56. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 57. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 59. 1 messenger ................................................................... 540.00 64. 1 messenger .......................................................... 378.00 65. 1 messenger ........................................................... 360.00 TRANSLATING DIVISION 17. 1 chief of division ................................ 3,120.00 36. 1 translator ........................................................... 2,400.00 37. 2 translators, at Pl,800 per annum each......... 3,600.00 56. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 60. 1 messenger ......................................................... 497.00 RECORDS DIVISION 17. 1 chief of division .............................................. 3,120.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 2,000.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 48. 1 clerk ................................................................... 960.00 64. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 55? 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 56. 4 clerks, at P540 per annum each....................... 2,160.00 63. 1 messenger ......................................................... 420.00 67. 1 messenger ......................................................... 300.00 CLIPPING AND PROOF-READING DIVISION 17. 1 chief of division ..... ........................................ 3,120.00 38. 1 proof-reader ...................................................... 1,680.00 48. 1 clerk .................................................................. 960.00 55. 1 clerk .................................................................. 600.00 56. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 66. 1 messenger ................................................. 324.00 PROPERTY DIVISION 18. 1 chief of division ............................................. 2,840.00 46. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,200.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 54. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each..........—......... 1,296.00 55. 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 56. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,620.00 63. 1 messenger ............................................................ 420.00 66. 2 messengers, at P324 per annum each.......... 648.00 56 A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE STENOGRAPHERS DIVISION 19. 1 chief of division ............................................. 2,580.00 28. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 2,400.00 30. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 1,680.00 31. 1 stenographer .................................................. 1,620.00 32. 2 stenographers, at Pl,500 per annum each.. 3,000.00 33. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 1,380.00 34. 2 stenographers, at Pl,080 per annum each.... 2,160.00 35. 7 stenographers, at P840 per annum each.......... 5,880.00 66. 1 messenger ........................................................... 324.00 MAILING DIVISION 47. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 50. 1 clerk .................................................................. 840.00 54. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 56. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 58. 1 messenger .......................................................... 648.00 59. 4 messengers, at P540 per annum each............. 2,160.00 65. 1 messenger .......................................................... 360.00 67. 1 messenger .......................................................... 300.00 PERSONNEL OP THE BUILDING 68. 1 janitor and chief watchman, faith quarters.... 960.00 70. 4 watchmen, at P540 per annum each......... 2,160.00 71. 4 elevator operators, at P540 per annum each 2,160.00 76. 2 porters, at P324 per annum each..... 648.00 72. 1 laborer ............................................................... 480.00 73. 6 laborers, at P432 per annum each. 2,592.00 74. 17 laborers, at P420 per annum each. 7,140.00 75. 10 laborers, at P360 per annum each. 3,600.00 69. 1 chauffeur ............................................................. 600.00 77. For 98 clerks of the Members of the National Assembly at P3,000 each ............................. 294,000.00 78. Supplementary force: 10 stenographers' for six months at P40 per month each ................................. 2,400.00 10 clerks for six months at P30 per month each ......................................... 1,800.00 30 pages for four months at P25 per month each ......................................... 3,000.00 8 laborers for four months at P25 per month each ......................................... 800.00 Total for salaries and wages__ _ Pl,014,614.00 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual I.—SALARIES AND WAGES Total for salaries and wages......... fl,014,614.00 Pl,014,614.00 Pl,337,751.14 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of Members, in­ cluding prior years expenses: Traveling expenses, including board and lodging, of 98 Members in coming to attend the session at the rate of approximately P51 each..... P5,000.00 Traveling expenses, including board and lodging, of 98 Members in returning after the session, at the rate of approximately P51 each.... 5,000.00 Total ............................................. P10,000.00 2. Traveling expenses of personnel, in­ cluding those of the Constitutional Commis­ sions, Committees, and Members of the Na­ tional Assembly when on journeys of investigation by order of the same: Petty expenses of personnel, includ­ ing those of the Constitutional Commissions, Committees and Mem­ bers of the National Assembly when on journeys of investigations by order of the same ........................ P800.00 Bicycle allowance for five mounted messengers at P96 each per annum 480.00 Total ............................................. Pl.280.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 47,703.73 1,280.00 2,000.00 8,320.08 A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 57 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES [Freight, express and delivery serv­ ice] ...................................................................... 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service: Rental of Post-office boxes.................. P100.00 Telephone rentals ................................. 16,400.00 Cables and telegrams .......................... 1,500.00 Postage stamps ..................................... 2,000.00 Total ............................................. P20.000.00 4. Illumination and power service: Electric current ................................... P15.000.00 Total ............................................ P15,000.00 5. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials : Office stationery ................................. P10,000.00 Ice service ............................................. 300.00 Water service ..................................... 500.00 Motor vehicle supplies ...................... 4,000.00 Allowance for postage, telegrams and stationery for Members .................. 9,000.00 Toilet supplies ..................................... 300.00 Cleaning materials .............................. 300.00 Electrical supplies .............................. 600.00 Total ........................................... P25,000.00 6. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications, including prior years expenses: Printing of “Diario de Sesiones” and "Aetas” ..................................... P8,000.00 Printing of acts including bills..... 4,000.00 Binding of reports, documents and other publications ............................ 3,000.00 Total ............................................ P15,000.00 7. Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment: Repair of furniture and equipment, including typewriters and Roneo machines ............................................. P5,000.00 Total .................................... P5.000.00 8. For the expenses of the Assembly in connection with official receptions and enter­ tainments ............................................................ 296.67 20,000.00 20,000.00 31,028.29 15,000.00 15,000.00 14,283.57 25,000.00 25,000.00 57,891.02 15,000.00 15,000.00 13,636.67 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,632.44 3,000.00 3,000.00 500.00 58 A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 9. Other services, including prior years expenses: Laundry service .................................... P600.00 Electrical repairs ................................. 1,000.00 Sewer charges ..................................... 50.00 Subscriptions ......................................... 200.00 Translation service ............................. 2,500.00 Bond premiums ................................... 150.00 Funeral service ..................................... 4,000.00 Meals ...................................................... 3,500.00 Total pi2.ooo.oo 12,000.00 Total for sundry expenses 106,280.00 12,000.00 31,528.86 107,000.00 210,821.33 III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment: 2 typewriters ......................................... P360.00 2 Gestetner duplicator.......................... 970.00 6 filing cases ......................................... 670.00 Total ................................................ P2.ooo.oo 2,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment.. 2,000.00 2,000.00 9,985.72 2,000.00 9,985.72 IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. Compensation of families of deceased Members of the National Assembly, Act No. 3799 .................................................................... 10,000.00 2. For the contribution of the Philip­ pines toward the maintenance of the Bureau of Inter-parliamentary Union......................... 5,000.00 10,000.00 6,120.00 5,000.00 11,169.16 [For the compensation, per diems and other expenses for the years 1935 and 1936 of the presiding officer of the National Assembly, of the committees designated by the National Assembly or by the presiding officer of the National Assembly, and such subordinate personnel as the said presiding officer may authorize and approve, in their trips to and from the United States and other countries to submit petitions and to confer with the Congress or Government of the United States, with proper authorities of said other countries or with representatives, deleA.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 59 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS gates, oi* agents of the Philippines abroad. The per diems of the presiding officer of the National Assembly or of the chairmen and members of the committees hereinabove re­ ferred to shall be fixed at the rate of thirtythree dollars, United States currency, per day each, from the date of their arrival in the United States or in said other countries to the date of their departure therefrom. This item shall become available for expend­ iture upon the approval of this Act]................................................................ 75,541.58 [For the necessary expenses to carry out the purposes of Act No. 3690, re­ garding the Legislative Service Office]............................................................ 36,363.07 Total for special appropriations.... 15,000.00 15,000.00 129,193.81 VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS 1. Committee on Taxation, Act No. 3718 ........................................................................... 69,812.55 2. Committee on National Economy, Act No. 3875 .................................................... 24,653.35 3. Election and holding of the Constitu­ tional Convention, Acts 4125 and 4226......... 4. For the printing of the “Diario de 179,499.37 61,733.71 Sesiones” of the Philippine Legislature, Act No. 4156 ............................................................ 20,948.88 4,051.12 Total for continuing appropriations 177,148.49 183,550.49 IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages....................... 1,014,614.00 1,014,614.00 1,337,751.14 Total for sundry expenses......................... 106,280.00 107,000.00 210,821.33 Total for furniture and equipment........... 2,000.00 2,000.00 9,985.72 Total for special appropriations................. 15,000.00 15,000.00 129,193.81 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the National Assembly.. 1,137,894.00 1,138,614.00 1,687,752.00 EXTRAORDINARY AddTotal for continuing appropriations 177,148.49 183,550.49 Grand total available for the National Assembly ..................... Fl,137,894.00 Fl,315,762.49 Fl,871,302.49 60 A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Any unexpended balance of the funds appropriated for the National Assembly may be used to cover deficit in any item of the appropriation for the said Assembly. 2. Any Member of the National Assembly may assign his yearly salary or any part thereof to any banking in­ stitution doing business in the Philippines, including the compensation to his family in the event of death, and upon such assignment being registered with the disbursing of­ ficer of the National Assembly, such officer shall issue warrants from time to time as the salary or death compen­ sation falls due, directly in favor of the creditor banking institution. 3. The Secretary of the National Assembly shall re­ ceive the compensation herein fixed from the date of his election, the provisions of any existing law to the contrary notwithstanding. 4. Any part of the appropriation for supplementary force may be expended for the payment of salaries of em­ ployees who may serve during any period in the office of the Secretary. 5. A part of the item for other services not exceeding two thousand pesos may be spent for subsistence of Mem­ bers and officers and clerks working overtime. 6. The appropriations in items 3 and 5 under Sundry Expenses may be spent for the postage and fees of official correspondence and telegrams of the Members, and for sup­ plies and materials that may be officially used by them, the total amount not to exceed two hundred pesos per annum for each Member. AA.—NATIONAL LIBRARY For the next fiscal year, the sum of 1*155,735 is requested. This amount is 1*3,793.40 more than that authorized in 1936. This increase is due to a new ap­ propriation of 1*5,000 to defray the expenses for collecting, classifying and preserving genuine Filipino folklore, legends, traditions, myths, songs, pictures, sculptures and such other historical and ethnographical materials and objects to meet the requirements of section 1689 (/) of Act No. 2711. However, this increase is partly offset by a reduc­ tion of 1*1,207 in certain items under sundry expenses. Para el año venidero, la suma de 1*155,735 se pide con destino a la Biblioteca Nacional. Dicha suma es 1*3,793.40 mayor que la autorizada para el presente año. Este aumento se debe a la nueva consignación de 1*5,000 para sufragar los gastos de la colección, clasificación y conservación de escritos sobre creencias y costumbres, leyendas, tradiciones, fábulas, cantos, cuadros y esculturas genuinamente filipinos y otros materiales y objetos históricos y etnográficos, con el fin de llenar los fines del Artículo 1689 (/) de la Ley No. 2711. Sin embargo, dicho aumento está parcialmente com­ pensado por la reducción de 1*1,207 en ciertas partidas para gastos varios. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated DIRECTORS 1. One Director ........................................ 2. One Assistant Director....................... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. Two chiefs of divisions, at 1*3,825 per annum each................................................ 4. One chief of division........................... 5. Three chiefs of divisions, at 1*3,060 per annum each................................................ 6. One chief of division........................... LEGISLATIVE RESEARCHERS 7. Two legislative researchers, at 1*3,060 per annum each................................................ 8. One legislative researcher................... CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 9. One chief of section.............................. 10. Three chiefs of sections, at 1*1,700 per annum each ................................................ 11. Two chiefs of sections, at 1*1,530 per annum each........................................................ 12. One chief of section............................. 1*5,100.00 1*5,100.00 1 4,080.00 4,080.00 2 7,650.00 7,650.00 3 3,400.00 3,400.00 4 9,180.00 9,180.00 5 2,975.00 2,975.00 6 6,120.00 6,120.00 7-8 2,550.00 2,550.00 9 2,040.00 2,040.00 10 5,100.00 5,100.00 11-13 3,060.00 3,060.00 14-15 1,326.00 1,326.00 16 61 62 AA.—NATIONAL LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARIANS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1937 1936 Reference to item Budget Item No. Details numbers of Act requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 13. Two branch librarians, at 1*1,080 per annum each........................................................ 2,160.00 2,160.00 17 14. One branch librarian........................... 972.00 972.00 18 15. Eight branch librarians, at 1*864 per annum each........................................................ 6,912.00 6,912.00 19-22 16. One branch librarian........................... 810.00 810.00 23 17. Two branch librarians, at 1*756 per annum each........................................................ 1,512.00 1,512.00 24-25 18. Three branch librarians, at 1*648 per annum each........................................................ 1,944.00 1,944.00 26-27 ASSISTANT CATALOGUERS 19. One assistant cataloguer..................... 972.00 972.00 28 20. Two assistant cataloguers, at 4*864 per annum each ................................................ 1,728.00 1,728.00 29-30 21. One assistant cataloguer................... 810.00 810.00 31 LIBRARY ASSISTANTS 22. One library assistant........................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 32 23. One library assistant........................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 33 24. Two library assistants, at 1*1,080 per annum each........................................................ 2,160.00 2,160.00 34 CLERKS 25. One clerk .............................................. .1,428.00 1,428.00 35 26. One clerk .............................................. 1,224.00 1,224.00 36 27. Three clerks, at 4*1,080 per annum each .................................................................... 3,240.00 3,240.00 37-39 28. One clerk ............................................. 936.00 936.00 40 29. One clerk .............................................. 864.00 864.00 41 30. One clerk .............................................. 810.00 810.00 42 31. Three clerks, at 1*756 per annum each 2,268.00 2,268.00 43-45 32. Six clerks, at 1*648 per annum each- 3,888.00 3,888.00 46-48 33. Four clerks, at 1*540 per annum each 2,160.00 2,160.00 49 34. Two clerks, at 1*486 per annum each- 972.00 972.00 50-51 35. Twenty-one clerks, at 1*432 per an­ num each............................................................ 9,072.00 9,072.00 52-59 36. Three clerks, at 1*324 per annum each 972.00 972.00 60-61 37. Nine clerks, at 1*240 per annum each 2,160.00 2,160.00 62 MISCELLANEOUS 38. Three apprentices paid by the hour 900.00 900.00 63 39. One messenger...... ............................... 240.00 240.00 64 40. One binder paid by the day............... 743.00 743.00 65 41. Nine binders paid by the day............. 4,783.00 4,782.60 66 AA.—NATIONAL LIBRARY 63 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 42. Two labellei’s paid by the day........... 1,350.00 1,350.00 67 43. One labeller .......................................... 540.00 540.00 68 44. Two labellers, at F324 per annum each .. 648.00 648.00 69 45. One carpenter ...................................... 648.00 648.00 70 46. One janitor........................................... 540.00 540.00 71 47. One watchman...................................... 432.00 432.00 72 48. Four guards, at 1*324 per annum each 1,296.00 1,296.00 73 49. Six laborers, at 5*324 per annum each 1,944.00 1,944.00 74 50. Five laborers, at 5*300 per annum each .. 1,500.00 1,500.00 75 51. One laborer .......................................... 240.00 240.00 76 52. One laborer .......................................... 144.00 144.00 77 Total.................................................... 121,155.00 121,154.60 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 1. 1 Director ....................................................... P5.100.00 37. 2 clerks ................................................................. 480.00 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 2. 1 Assistant Director ............................................. 4,080.00 30. 1 clerk ................................................................... 810.00 37. 1 clerk .................................................................. 240.00 FILIPINIANA DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ............................................... 3,825.00 9. 1 chief of section ............................................... 2,040.00 11. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,530.00 24. 1 library assistant ........................................... 1,080.00 28. 1 clerk ................................................................... 936.00 32. 2 clerks ............................................................ 1,296.00 35. 2 clerks ............................................................ 864.00 50. 1 laborer ............................................... 300.00 ADMINISTRATIVE, ACCOUNTING AND PROPERTY DIVISION 14. 1 branch librarian ............................................. 972.00 15. 8 branch librarians ............................................. 6,912.00 16. 1 branch librarian ............................................. 810.00 17. 2 branch librarians ............................................. 1,512.00 18. 3 branch librarians ............................................. 1,944.00 35. 11 clerks ..........................................................._.... 4,752.00 36. 2 clerks ................................................................. 648.00 37. 2 clerks .................................................................. 480.00 50. 1 laborer ................................................................ 300.00 BOOK REPAIR SHOP 40. 1 binder paid by the day................................. 743.00 41. 9 binders paid by the day................................. 4,783.00 42. 2 labellers paid by the day ................................ 1,350.00 PERSONNEL OF THE BUILDING 45. 1 carpenter ........................................................... 648.00 46. 1 janitor ................................................................ 540.00 47. 1 watchman ......................................................... 432.00 49. 4 laborers .............................................................. 1,296.00 4. 1 chief of division ................................................ 3,400.00 10. 1 chief of section ................................................. 1,700.00 LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE AND CIVIL REGISTRY DIVISION 25. 1 clerk ................................................................... L 3 clerks ................................................................... ). 1 clerk ................................................................... 31. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 33. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 35. 2 clerks ................................................................... 37. 3 clerks ................................................................... 39. 1 messenger ............................................................ 48. 1 guard ................................................................... 50. 1 laborer ................................................................. BRANCH LIBRARIES AND EXTENSION SERVICE 22. 1 library assistant ................................................ 23. 1 library assistant ............................................ 13. 2 branch librarians ............................................ 1,428.00 3. 1 chief of division .............................................. 3,825.00 3,240.00 7. 2 legislative researchers ...................................... 6,120.00 864.00 8. 1 legislative researcher ........................................ 2,550.00 756.00 31. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 756.00 540.00 32. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 648.00 864.00 35. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 432.00 720.00 240.00 CATALOG AND COPYRIGHT DIVISION 324.00 5 i chief of division .............................................. 3,060.00 300.00 10< j chief of section ................................................ 1,700.00 20. 2 assistant cataloguers ........................................ 1,728.00 21. 1 assistant cataloguer .......................................... 810.00 1,530.00 31. 1 clerk ...................... 756.00 1,122.00 82. 1 clerk ................................................... -.............. 648.00 2,160.00 35. 2 clerks ................................................................... 864.00 64 AA.—NATIONAL LIBRARY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 43. 1 labeller ................................................................. 540.00 44. 2 labellers ............................................................... 648.00 38. 3 apprentices paid by the hour...................... 900.00 CIRCULATION DIVISION 6. 1 chief of division ............................................... 2,975.00 10. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,700.00 24. 1 library assistant ............................................... 1,080.00 32. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 85. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 48. 1 guard ................................................................. 324.00 50. 2 laborers ....................................................... 600.00 GENERAL REFERENCE AND READING ROOMS DIVISION 5. 1 chief of division ............................................... 3,060.00 26. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,224.00 19. 1 assistant cataloguer .......................................... 972.00 33. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,080.00 32. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 34. 2 clerks .................................................................. 972.00 35. 2 clerks .................................................................. 864.00 37. 1 clerk ................................................................... 240.00 48. 2 guards ................................................................ 648.00 51. 1 laborer ........................................................ 240.00 52. 1 laborer ........................................................ 144.00 ARCHIVES DIVISION 5. 1 chief of division ................................................ 3,060.00 11. 1 chief of section ................................................. 1,530.00 12. 1 chief of section ................................................. 1,326.00 33. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 36. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 49. 2 laborers ........................................................ 648.00 Total for salaries and wages...................... 1*121,155.00 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual I.—SALARIES AND WAGES Total for salaries and wages........... ¥=121,155.00 ¥121,154.60 ¥108,402.71 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of personnel: Traveling expenses, transportation, per diems ............................................. Pl,080.00 Calesa, electric car and auto bus zone fares ......................................... 200.00 Total ............................................. Pl,280.00 2. Freight, express and delivery service: Transportation or shipment of sup­ plies and materials and delivery of mails ............................................... P100.00 Total ............................................. P100.00 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service: Postage stamps ......................-............. P400.00 Telegrams and cablegrams ............... 30.00 Money order fees ................................ 30.00 Telephone rentals ............................... 1,512.00 Miscellaneous repairs, connection or disconnection (telephone) service.... 28.00 Total ............................................ P2.000.00 1,280.00 2,000.00 1,980.95 100.00 100.00 104.58 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,909.81 AA.—NATIONAL LIBRARY 65 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 4. Illumination and power service: Electric fluid .......................................... P3.900.00 Total ............................................ P3.900.00 3,900.00 3,900.00 3,542.86 5. Consumption of supplies and rials: Office stationery ..................................... Ice ............................................................ Petroleum for book repair shop......... Metropolitan water ........................... mateP2,600.00 180.00 60.00 160.00 Total ............................................ P3,000.00 3,000.00 3,287.00 2,585.23 6. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications, including transla­ tion service: Printing of publications in the Bureau of Printing .......................... P2.000.00 Total ............................................ P2.000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 . 7. Maintenance and repair of ment: Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment .......................................... equipP100.00 Total ............................................ P100.00 100.00 100.00 30.52 8. Other services: Sewer charges ............................... Bond premiums ............................... Subscriptions ....................................... Repair of electrical installations....... P100.00 200.00 1,300.00 400.00 Total ............................................ P2,000.00 2,000.00 2,200.00 1,636.29 Total for sundry expenses 14,380.00 15,587.00 11,790.24 III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment: Provided, That this appropria­ tion shall not be used for the purchase of books for the library, the provisions of para­ graph 52, section 18 of Act No. 2935 to the contrary notwithstanding: 4 bookcases, narra, 4 sections, glass doors mahogany finish.................. P200.00 Total ..................................... P200.00 200.00 200.00 200.72 29908966 AA.—NATIONAL LIBRARY COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 2. For the purchase of bookcases, book­ shelves, tables, and chairs for reading rooms 3. For the purchase of books, including manuscripts: Provided, That no manuscript shall be purchased the cost of which exceeds P500 .................................................................... 4. For the purchase of books for branch libraries in the provinces............................... Total for furniture and equip­ ment ................................................ 100.00 100.00 . 3,900.00 3,900.00 8,674.14 3,800.00 3,800.00 10,796.47 8,000.00 8,000.00 19,671.33 IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. For the preparation, printing and binding of publications, including the dis­ tribution and exchange of reports, manu­ scripts, documents or any printed matter to be issued by the National Library, in accord­ ance with the requirements of section 1689 (g) of Act No. 2711, and for necessary extra personnel to sort, classify, translate, copy, type and proof-read the said materials before their being printed in the Bureau of Printing: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Two technical assistants, at 1*850 per annum each [One chief of section]........ Pl,700.00 (6) One clerk-cataloguer ................. 810.00 (c) Two typists, at P540 per annum each ........................................... 1,080.00 OTHER EXPENSES (d) Sundry expenses: For printing of historical publications in the Bu­ reau of Printing, in­ cluding transportation expenses of the technical assistants, supplies and materials and other services....... Pl,610.00 1,610.00 Total ............................... P5,200.00 5,200.00 5,200.00 4,479.59 AA.—NATIONAL LIBRARY 67 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 2. For the purchase of salable publica­ tions of the Bureau of Printing exclusively for reciprocal exchange relations with foreign countries or institutions as provided in section 1689 (z) of the Administrative Code: 50 copies, Official Roster................... P157.00 25 copies, Philippine Reports............... 225.00 25 copies, Jurisprudencia Filipina (paper bound) ............................. 250.00 50 copies, Public Laws (paper bound) ........................................... 300.00 50 copies, Leyes Públicas (paper bound) ........................................... 400.00 25 copies, Official Gazette ................... 300.00 14 copies. Gaceta Oficial .................... 168.00 50 copies, Executive Orders and Pro­ clamations ..................................... 200.00 Total ......................................... £2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 3. To defray the expenses for collecting, classifying, indexing and preserving genuine and authentic Filipino folklore, legends, local traditions, myths, songs, pictures, sculptures and such other historical and ethnographical materials and objects in accordance with the requirements of section 1689(f) of Act No. 2711 .................................................................... 5,000.00 ..................... Total for special appropriations..... 12,200.00 7,200.00 4,479.59 IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages....................... Total for sundry expenses........................... Total for furniture and equipment............. Total for special appropriations............... 121,155.00 14,380.00 8,000.00 12,200.00 121,154.60 15,587.00 8,000.00 7,200.00 108,402.71 11,790.24 19,671.33 4,479.59 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the National Library..... P155.735.00 ¥151,941.60 ¥144,343.87 68 B.—RESIDENT COMMISSIONER TO THE UNITED STATES For the ensuing year 1937, the sum of ¥51,200 is requested. This amount is the same as that authorized for the current year under Commonwealth Act No. 10. Para el año venidero, se pide la suma de 1*51,200. Esta suma es la misma que la autorizada para el presente año bajo la Ley No. 10 del Commonwealth. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual iv.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. Compensation and expenses of the Resident Commissioner of the Philippines to the United States: SALARIES AND WAGES Total ................................................... t*51,200.00 ¥=51,200.00 (a) Salary of the Resident Commissioner ............................. 1*20,000.00 (&) Salaries for secretarial and clerical staff ....................... 10,000.00 (c) Allowance in lieu of trans­ portation expenses ............ 4,000.00 (d) Allowance in lieu of rep­ resentation expenses ........ 6,000.00 Total for salaries and wages .............. 40,000.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (e) For actual and necessary traveling expenses of the Resident Commissioner within the United States and of his secretarial and clerical staff to and from the United States.............. 3,000.00 (/) Stationery, postage and tele­ graph service ..................... 1,000.00 (ff) Rental for the official resi­ dence and office of the Resident Commissioner .... 7,200.00 Total for sundry ex­ penses ....................... 11,200.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.................. 40,000.00 Total for sundry expenses......................... 11,200.00 ¥=51,200.00 ¥10,645.16 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Resident Commis­ sioner to the United States......... ¥=51,200.00 ¥=51,200.00 ¥=10,645.16 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT For the ensuing year 1937, the total amount of the appropriation requested for the Bureaus and Offices under the direct control of the President is 1*1,378,530, as com­ pared with the amount of 1*1,403,090 authorized for the current year, or a decrease of 1*24,560. Eight new positions are proposed for the Bureau of Civil Service for next year, namely, seven chiefs of sections and a property officer. These new positions are necessary to enable the Bureau to cope properly with the requirements of the Consti­ tution. A position of an assistant chief of section in the General Auditing Office is also included. The nine new positions, together with urgently needed increases in salaries of a few important positions, involve an additional outlay of 1*27,885. This increase, however, is wholly covered by savings made on account of the suppression of one item for additional salary and the reduction of others due to retirements of their previous incumbents, of the reductions in sundry expenses, and the conversion of the items for the expenses of the Boards of Examiners into expenditure payable directly from the receipts. Para el año venidero, la consignación total de 1*1,378,530 se pide para las Oficinas bajo el control directo del Presidente cuya suma, comparada con la de 1*1,403,090 autorizada para el presetate año, arroja una disminución de 1*24,560. Se propone la creación de ocho nuevos puestos para la Oficina del Servicio Civil para el año entrante, los cuales se destinan para siete jefes de secciones y un encargado de propiedades. Estos nuevos puestos se consideran necesarios para capacitar a la Oficina a cumplir debidamente con los preceptos de la Constitución. Un puesto de jefe auxiliar de sección ha sido también propuesto para la Oficina de la Auditoría General. Estos nueve puestos, juntamente con los aumentos necesarios en sueldos de algunos cargos importantes, envuelven un gasto adicional de 1*27,885. Este aumento, sin embargo, está cubierto en parte por los ahorros obtenidos de la supresión de una partida que cubre un sueldo adicional, la reducción de sueldos para puestos cuyos ocupantes fueron retirados, reducciones en gastos varios, y la conversión de las partidas para los gastos de las Juntas Exa­ minadoras en gastos pagaderos directamente de los ingresos. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES 1937 Budget Item No. 1. President of the Philippines............... 2. Vice-President of the Philippines....... ¥=30,000.00 15,000.00 ¥=30,000.00 15,000.00 1 la 3. SECRETARIES TO THE PRESIDENT Secretary to the President................. 10,200.00 6,375.00 2 [To adjust the difference between the present salary received by the Secretary to the President and that fixed by Act No. 2668] 2,975.00 3 4. ident .. One assistant secretary to the Pres6,120.00 6,120.00 4 5. ident . One assistant secretary to the Pres5,100.00 5,100.00 5 69 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 70 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 6. For per diems of 1*8.50 to the aid-de(1) OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES AIDE-DE-CAMP TO THE PRESIDENT camp to the President..................................... 3,103.00 3,111.00 G CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 7. One chief clerk...................................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 8 8. One cable clerk..................................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 9 9. One caretaker of Malacañang Palace.. 3,400.00 3,400.00 10 10. One chief of division........................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 12 ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 11. One assistant chief clerk and law clerk .................................................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 13 12. One assistant chief of division......... 1,800.00 2,720.00 14 13. One assistant chief of division......... 2,040.00 2,040.00 15 CLERKS 14. One clerk ............................................. 2,260.00 3,400.00 1G 15. One clerk .............................................. 1,800.00 2,720.00 17 16. One clerk ............................................. 2,550.00 2,550.00 18 17. Three clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each .................................................................... 4,590.00 4,590.00 20-21 18. One clerk .............................................. 1,360.00 1,360.00 22 19. Two clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each .................................................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 23 20. One clerk .............................................. 720.00 1,080.00 23 21. One clerk .............................................. 972.00 972.00 24 22. Two clerks, at ¥=864 per annum each 1,728.00 1,728.00 26 23. Two clerks, at 1*756 per annum each 1,512.00 1,512.00 27 24. One clerk .............................................. 702.00 702.00 28 25. Two clerks, at 1*648 per annum each 1,296.00 1,296.00 29-30 26. One clerk .............................................. 594.00 594.00 31 27. Two clerks, at 1*540 per annum each.. 1,080.00 1,080.00 32 28. One clerk ............................................. 486.00 486.00 33 29. Five clerks, at 1*432 per annum each 2,160.00 2,160.00 34-35 12. Retired position recreated. 14. Retired position recreated. 15. Retired position recreated. 20. Retired position recreated. C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 71 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated MESSENGERS 30. Six messengers, at 1*432 per annum OF THE PHILIPPINES each .................................................................... 2,592.00 2,592.00 36-39 31. Two messengers, at P378 per annum each .................................................................... 756.00 756.00 40-41 32. One messenger...................................... 324.00 324.00 42 CUSTODIAN FORCE OF MALACAÑANG PALACE 33. One steward.......................................... 1,510.00 1,510.00 43 34. One cook................................................ 1,004.00 1,004.00 44 35. One cook................................................ 896.00 896.00 45 36. One cook................................................ 486.00 486.00 46 37. One chauffeur........................................ 1,122.00 1,122.00 47 38. One chauffeur........................................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 48 39. One chauffeur........................................ 918.00 918.00 49 40. One chauffeur........................................ 864.00 864.00 50 41. One watchman...................................... 810.00 810.00 51 42. Two telephone operators, at F864 per annum each........................................................ 1,728.00 1,728.00 52 43. One telephone operator........................ 540.00 540.00 53 44. One chief janitor.................................. 648.00 648.00 54 45. Two laborers, at T486 per annum each .................................................................... 972.00 972.00 55 46. Five laborers, at P432 per annum each .................................................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 56-57 47. Two servants, at P486 per annum each .................................................................... 972.00 972.00 58-59 48. For temporary and emergency [Mis­ cellaneous] employees, including laborers, as follows: (a) W (c) (d) (e) (f) (¿7) W One clerk ....................................................... One gardener ................................................ Two servants, at F648 per annum each.... One laundrywoman ..................................... One laundryman ........................................... One chauffeur ............................................... One chauffeur ............................................... For skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled laborers ...................................................... Total 3,400.00 3,400.00 60(a) 972.00 972.00 60(6) 1,296.00 1,296.00 60(c) 540.00 540.00 60(d) 540.00 540.00 60(e) 648.00 648.00 60(f) 486.00 486.00 60(p) 846.00 846.00 60(6) 15,888.00 148,386.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT (1) OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 1. President of the Philippines............................. £30,000.00 5. 1 assistant secretary to the President.............. 5,100.00 6. For per diems of £8.50 to the aide-de-camp to the President.................................................. 3,103.00 VICE-PRESIDENT’S OFFICE 2. Vice-President of the Philippines.................... 15,000.00 secretary’s office 3. Secretary to the President................................... 10,200.00 4. 1 assistant secretary to the President.............. 6,120.00 10. 1 chief of division ................................................ 2,720.00 25. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 administrative division 7. 1 chief clerk ........................................................ 4,250.00 11. 1 assistant chief clerk and law clerk..........— 3,825.00 12. 1 assistant chief of division................................. 1,800.00 13. 1 assistant chief of division ................................ 2,040.00 17. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,530.00 17. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,530.00 18. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,360.00 21. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 972.00 23. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 23. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 27. 2 clerks, at £540 per annum each...................... 1,080.00 29. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 30. 1 messenger ........................................................... 432.00 31. 2 messengers, at £378 per annum each............... 756.00 32. 1 messenger ........................................................... 324.00 Pardon Section 16. 1 clerk .................................................................... 2,550.00 22. 1 clerk ........................ 864.00 Cable Clerk’s Office 8. 1 cable clerk ........................................................ 4,250.00 15. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,800.00 PROPERTY division 19. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,080.00 26. 1 clerk ................................................................ 594.00 28. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 486.00 records division 14. 1 clerk .................................................................... 2,2-60.00 17. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,530.00 19. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 20. 1 clerk .................................................................... 720.00 22, 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 24. 1 clerk .................................................................... 702.00 25. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 29. 4 clerks, at £432 per annum each.......................... 1,728.00 30. 5 messengers, at £432 per annum each............... 2,160.00 Telephone Operators 42. 2 telephone operators, at 1*864 per annum each 1,728.00 43. 1 telephone operator ............................... 540.00 Office Laborers and Janitors 44. 1 chief janitor ..................................................... 648.00 45. 2 laborers, at £486 per annum each.................. 972-00 46. 5 laborers, at £432 per annum each.................. 2,160.00 Custodian Force of Malacañang Palace 9. 1 caretaker of Malacañang Palace....................... 3,400.00 33. 1 steward .............................................................. 1,510.00 34. 1 cook .................................................................... 1,004.00 35. 1 cook ..................................................................... 896.00 36. 1 cook ...................................................................... 486.00 37. 1 chauffeur ........................................................... 1,122.00 38. 1 chauffeur ............................................................ 1,080.00 39. 1 chauffeur ............................................................ 918.00 40. 1 chauffeur ........................................................... 864.00 41. 1 watchman .......................................................... 810.00 47. 2 servants, at £486 per annum each.................... 972.00 48(a). 1 clerk ............................................................ 3,400.00 48(b). 1 gardener ..................................................... 972.00 48(c). 2 servants, at £648 per annum each............ 1,296.00 48(d). 1 laundry woman ............................................ 540.00 48(e). 1 laundryman ................................................. 540.00 48(/). 1 chauffeur ..................................................... 648.00 48 (p). 1 chauffeur ..................................................... 486.00 48 (h). For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers ........................................................ 846.00 Total for salaries and wages.............. £145,888.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1Q37 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested moe Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE DIRECTORS 1. One Auditor General........................... ?12,000.00 P12,000.00 2. One Assistant [Deputy] Auditor Gen­ eral ...................................................................... 1 6,000.00 7,225.00 2 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 73 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE DEPARTMENT MANAGERS 3. Six managers of departments at P4,675 per annum each.................................... 28,050.00 28,050.00 3-4 4. Two assistant managers of departments at P4,250 per annum each................... 8,500.00 8,500.00 5 SUPERVISING AUDITORS 5. Four supervising auditors at “?4,250 per annum each ................................................ 17,000.00 17,000.00 6 SPECIAL AUDITORS 6. One special auditor............................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 7 7. One inspector ...................................... 2,890.00 2,890.00 8 SUPERINTENDENTS OF DIVISIONS 8. One division superintendent............... 3,825.00 3,825.00 9 9. One division superintendent............. 10. Three division superintendents at 3,400.00 3,400.00 11 1*3,060 per annum each.................................... 9,180.00 9,180.00 12 11. Two division superintendents at 1*2,720 per annum each................................... 5,440.00 5,440.00 13-14 12. One assistant division superintendent 2,720.00 2,720.00 15 PROVINCIAL AND CITY AUDITORS One-half of salary only, the other half being payable by the province or city concerned in accordance with Act No. 3457. 13. One city auditor.................................... 14. Twenty-two provincial auditors at 2,125.00 2,125.00 16 Pl,912.50 per annum each............................... 42,075.00 42,075.00 17-18 15. Eight provincial auditors at Pl,700 per annum each ............................................... 13,600.00 13,600.00 19-20 16. Four provincial auditors at Pl,530 per annum each................................................ 6,120.00 6,120.00 21 17. One city auditor.................................. 18. Fifteen provincial auditors at Pl,360 1,530.00 1,530.00 22 per annum each................................................ 20,400.00 20,400.00 23 PROVINCIAL AUDITORS-AT-LARGE 19. Four provincial auditors-at-large at P2,720 per annum each................................... 10,880.00 10,880.00 24 FIELD ACCOUNTANTS 20. Three field accountants [who shall be detailed in the Bureau of Lands], at P3,060 per annum each................................... 9,180.00 9,180.00 25-26 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 74 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE 21. Five field accountants at F2,550 per annum each........................................................ 12,750.00 12,750.00 27-28 22. One field accountant............................. 2,040.00 2,040.00 29 DISBURSING, COLLECTING AND PROPERTY OFFICER 23. One disbursing, collecting and property officer ............................................................ 2,040.00 2,040.00 30 CHIEFS AND ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 24. Three chiefs of sections at P2,550 per annum each ...................................................... 7,650.00 7,650.00 31-32 25. Five chiefs of sections at 1*2,380 per annum each........................................................ 11,900.00 11,900.00 33-34 26. Nine chiefs of sections at 1*2,040 per annum each........................................................ 18,360.00 18,360.00 35-36 27. One chief of section............................. 1,700.00 1,700.00 37 28. Four chiefs of sections at 1*1,530 per annum each ...................................................... 6,120.00 6,120.00 38, 40 29. One assistant chief of section........... 1,700.00 1,700.00 41 30. Three assistant chiefs of sections at Pl,530 per annum each.................................... 4,590.00 4,590.00 42-44 31. One assistant chief of section........... 1,326.00 1,326.00 45 32. One assistant chief of section........... 1,200.00 PROPERTY INSPECTORS 33. Five property inspectors at Pl,700 per annum each ................................................ 8,500.00 8,500.00 46-47 34. Fifteen property inspectors at Pl,530 per annum each.................................................. 22,950.00 22,950.00 48-49 35. One property inspector..................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 50-53 48 STENOGRAPHERS 36. One clerk-stenographer....................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 54 37. One stenographer ............................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 55 38. One stenographer ............................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 56 39. One junior stenographer................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 57 40. One junior stenographer................... 972.00 972.00 58 41. One junior stenographer................... 648.00 648.00 59 EXAMINERS 42. One field examiner............................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 60 43. Five examiners at Pl,530 per an­ num each........................................................... 7,650.00 7,650.00 61-62 44. One examiner ..................................... 1,428.00 1,428.00 63 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 15 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE 45. One examiner ...................................... 46. Three examiners at 1*1,224 per an­ num each............................................................ 47. Three examiners at 1*1,122 per an­ num each............................................................ 48. One examiner........................................ 49. Eight examiners at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................................... 50. Five examiners at P972 per annum each .................................................................... 51. Six examiners at P864 per annum each .................................................................... 52. One examiner ...................................... CLERKS 53. Two clerks at Pl,530 per annum each .................................................................... 54. One clerk .............................................. 55. Three clerks at Pl,326 per annum each .................................................................... 56. One clerk .............................................. 57. Three clerks at Pl,122 per annum each .................................................................... 58. Six clerks at Pl,080 per annum each 59. Five clerks at P972 per annum each 60. Twenty clerks at P864 per annum each .................................................................... 61. One clerk .............................................. 62. One clerk ............................................. 63. Thirteen clerks at P756 per annum each ........................................ ,.......................... 64. One clerk [property inspector]......... 65. One clerk [examiner]....................... 66. Thirty-six clerks at P648 per annum each .................................................................... 67. One clerk .............................................. 68. One clerk .............................................. 69. Thirty-one clerks at P540 per annum each .................................................................... 70. One clerk .............................................. 71. One clerk ............................................. 72. Thirty-two clerks at P432 per annum each ................................................................... 72a. One clerk [property inspector]......... 1,326.00 1,326.00 64 3,672.00 3,672.00 65-66 3,366.00 1,098.00 3,366.00 1,098.00 67-69 61 8,640.00 8,640.00 71-73 4,860.00 4,860.00 74-75 5,184.00 756.00 5,184.00 756.00 76-77 78 112-116 49 3,060.00 3,060.00 79 1,428.00 1,428.00 81 3,978.00 3,978.00 82-83 1,224.00 1,224.00 84 3,366.00 3,366.00 85 6,480.00 6,480.00 86-87 4,860.00 4,860.00 88-89 17,280.00 17,280.00 90-94 780.00 780.00 80 774.00 774.00 52 9,828.00 9,828.00 95-98 756.00 756.00 52 690.00 690.00 70 23,328.00 23,328.00 99-105 648.00 648.00 80 594.00 594.00 106 16,740.00 16,740.00 107,109-111 450.00 450.00 48 438.00 438.00 49 13,824.00 13,824.00 432.00 432.00 76 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE 726. One clerk [examiner] ....................... 432.00 432.00 61 72c. One clerk [examiner] ....................... 432.00 432.00 70 73. One clerk .............................................. 378.00 378.00 117 74. One indexer-searcher ......................... 648.00 648.00 118 75. One typist.............................................. 540.00 540.00 119 76. Nine clerks, at i*240 per annum each 2,160.00 2,160.00 132(a) MESSENGERS 77. One messenger ................................... 432.00 432.00 120 78. Seven messengers at 1*324 per annum each .. 2,268.00 2,268.00 121-124 79. Three messengers at 1*300 per annum each .. LABORERS 900.00 900.00 125 80. One head janitor.................................. 864.00 864.00 132(6) 81. Three janitors, at 5*378 per annum each .. 1,134.00 1,134.00 132(c) 82. One laborer .......................................... 378.00 378.00 127 83. One laborer .......................................... 360.00 360.00 128 84. Two laborers at 1*324 per annum each 648.00 648.00 129 85. One janitor............................................ 324.00 324.00 132(d) 86. Three laborers at 1*300 per annum each .. 900.00 900.00 126,130 87. One laborer ......................................... 200.00 200.00 131 TEMPORARY AND EMERGENCY EMPLOYEES 88. For temporary and emergency em­ ployees, including laborers as follows: (a) Five laborers at F240 per annum each..... 1,200.00 1,200.00 132(e) (6) For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers ....................................................... 242.00 242.00 132(f) Total .................................................. 485,738.00 483,313.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Auditor General ................................................ P12,000.00 2. 1 Assistant Auditor General .....................-........ 7,225.00 LAW DEPARTMENT 3. 1 manager ................. —.................................... — 4,675.00 6. 1 special auditor .................................................. 4,250.00 19. 1 provincial auditor-at-large ............................ 2,720.00 25. 1 chief of section ..................................... 2,380.00 26. g chiefs of sections, at P2,040 per annum each.. 4,080.00 53. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,530.00 57. 1 clerk .. -...............— 1,122.00 60. 1 clerk ........................................... —.......-..... 864.00 63. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................... 1,512.00 37. 1 stenographer ...................................................... 1,122.00 38. 1 stenographer ........................................ -........... 1,080.00 41. 1 junior stenographer ......................................... 648.00 79. 1 messenger ...................-...................................... 300.00 77 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT (2) GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION ADMINISTRATIVE] DEPARTMENT PROVINCIAL AND CITY AUDITORS 3. 1 manager .........................................................— 4,675.00 CENTRAL OFFICE DIVISION 10. 1 division superintendent ------------------------ 3,060.00 Money and Property Section 23. 1 disbursing, collecting and property officer.... 2,040.00 80. 1 head janitor ...................................................... 864.00 81. 3 janitors, at P378 per annum each.................. 1,134.00 85. 1 janitor ................................ -............................... 324.00 88(a). 5 laborers, at P240 per annum each........... 1,200.00 88(6). For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers .......................................................... 242.00 Personnel Section 43. 1 examiner ............................................................ 1,530.00 63. 1 clerk .................... 756.00 Section of Fiscal Records 12. 1 assistant division superintendent.--------------- 2,720.00 27. 1 chief of section ----------------------------------- 1,700.00 30. 1 assistant chief of section------------------------ 1,530.00 31. 1 assistant chief of section................................. 1,326.00 32. 1 assistant chief of section................................. 1,200.00 43. 1 examiner .................................................... 1,530.00 34. 1 property inspector ........................................— 1,530.00 49. 1 examiner ........................................................ 1,080.00 60. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each...................... 1,728.00 63. 1 clerk ............................................................... 756.00 66. 1 clerk ...........................................................-........ 648.00 69. 1 clerk .—....-.......................................................... 540.00 72. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 864.00 Records Section 11. 1 division superintendent------------------------------ 2,720.00 26. 1 chief of section------------------------------------------ 2,040.00 40. 1 junior stenographer -.... —........... 972.00 60. 8 clerks, at P864 per annum each......... . ........... 2,592.00 63. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 66. 1 clerk _________________________________ 648.00 74. 1 indexer-searcher .......... 648.00 75. 1 typist ........ - 540.00 69. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each...._.... 1,620.00 72. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. — 864.00 76. 1 clerk __________________________________ 240.00 77. 1 messenger ........................................................— 432.00 78. 2 messengers, at P324 per annum each............ 648.00 82. 1 laborer .................................... 378.00 86. 2 laborers, at P300 per annum each.................. 600.00 84. 1 laborer .................................._............................. 324.00 87. 1 laborer ............................ 200.00 PROVINCIAL DIVISION 4. 1 assistant manager ........................-________ 4,250.00 Clerical Section 55. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,326.00 56. 1 clerk ................. 1,224.00 46. 1 examiner ........................................................... 1,224.00 72. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 One-half of salary only, the other half being payable by the province or city concerned in ac­ cordance with Act No. 3457. 13. 1 city auditor ...................................................... 14. 22 provincial auditors, at Pl,912.50 per annum each ................................................................... 15. 8 provincial auditors, at Pl,700 per annum each ................................................................. 16. 4 provincial auditors, at Pl,530 per annum each ................................................................. 17. 1 city auditor ........................................................ 18. 15 provincial auditors, at Pl,360 per annum each ................................................................. Revenue Audit Department 3. 1 manager .............................................................. 10. 1 division superintendent ................................... Central Office Section 42. 1 field examiner .................................................... 33. 1 property inspector ............................................ 55. 2 clerks, at Pl,326 per annum each.................. 58. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 49. 2 examiners, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... 59. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 61. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 63. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 65. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 66. 5 clerks, at P648 per annum each...................... 69. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each...................... 2,125.00 42,075.00 13,600.00 6,120.00 1,530.00 20,400.00 4,675.00 3,060.00 SUPERVISING AUDITORS 5. 4 supervising auditors, at P4,250 per annum each ................................................................. 17,000.00 PROVINCIAL AUDITORS-AT-LARGE 19. 3 provincial auditore-at-large, at P2,720 per annum each ..................................................... 8,160.00 72c. 1 clerk ................................................................. 72. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 72b. 1 clerk ................................................................. 72. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 73. 1 clerk ......................................... ........................... 76. 8 clerks, at P240 per annum each...................... Customs Section 24. 1 chief of section ................................................ 53. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 58. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 60. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................... 66. 3 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................... 79. 1 messenger ............................................................ 86. 1 laborer ................................................................. Postal Section 24. 1 chief of section ........................... —................. 29. 1 assistant chief of section................................. 43. 1 examiner ............................................................. 44. 1 examiner .............................................................. 57. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 58. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 59. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 63. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each...................... 66. 4 clerks, at P648 per annum each...................... 68. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 69. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each....... ........... 70. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 72. 6 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 78. 1 messenger ............................................................ 83. 1 laborer ........................................................... ..... 84. 1 laborer ................................................................. Bureau of Lands Section 20. 2 field accountants, at P3,060 per annum each Disbursement Audit Department 3. 1 manager ............................................................... 2,040.00 1,700.00 2,652.00 1,080.00 2,160.00 972.00 780.00 756.00 690.00 8,240.00 1,080.00 432.00 1,296.00 432.00 864.00 378.00 1,920.00 2,550.00 1,530.00 1,080.00 1,728.00 1,944.00 300.00 300.00 2,550.00 1,700.00 1,530.00 1,428.00 1,122.00 1,080.00 972.00 1,512.00 2,592.00 594.00 1,620.00 450.00 2,592.00 324.00 360.00 824.00 6,120.00 4,675.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT (2) GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION IS DIVISION A 4. 1 assistant manager ............................................ 4,250.00 Section No. 1 26. 1 chief of section ................................................. 2,040.00 49. 1 examiner ............................................................. 1,080.00 50. 2 examiners, at P972 per annum each............ 1,944.00 51. 1 examiner ............................................................. 864.00 66. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each...................... 1,296.00 69. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 72. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 864.00 Section No. 3 28. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,530.00 36. 1 clerk-stenographer ....................................... 1,122.00 52. 1 examiner ............................................................ 756.00 63. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 69. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each...................... 1,080.00 72. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 864.00 Section No. 6 28. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,530.00 51. 2 examiners, at P864 per annum each............... 1,728.00 60. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 63. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 66. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 69. 1 clerk ........................................................................ 540.00 Section No. 7 28. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,530.00 47. 1 examiner ........................................................... 1,122.00 51. 1 examiner ........................................................... 864.00 66. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 69. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 Section No. 8 25. 1 chief of section ............................................... 2,380.00 58. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 50. 1 examiner ........................................................... 972.00 59. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 69. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 72. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 DIVISION B 8. 1 division superintendent ................................. 3,825.00 Section No. 2 26. 1 chief of section ................................................ 2,040.00 49. 1 examiner ......................................................... 1,080.00 50. 1 examiner ......................................................... 972.00 60. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 66. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 69. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each........................ 1,080.00 72. 4 clerks, at P432 per annum each....................... 1,728.00 Section No. 4 21. 1 field accountant .............................................. 2,550.00 46. 1 examiner .......................................................... 1,224.00 47. 1 examiner ......................................................... 1,122.00 51. 1 examiner .......................................................... 864.00 60. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 63. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 72. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 Section No. 5 26. 1 chief of section .............................................. 2,040.00 54. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,428.00 45. 1 examiner .......................................................... 1,326.00 46. 1 examiner ......................................................... 1,224.00 72. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 864.00 MISCELLANEOUS GROUP 7. 1 inspector ............................................................ 2,890.00 34. 1 property inspector ............................... 1,530.00 60. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 66. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 1,296.00 69. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 1,620.00 72. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each..................... 864.00 78. 3 messengers, at P324 per annum each............. 972.00 79. 1 messenger ........................................................... 800.00 Field Audit Department 3. 1 manager ........... .................................................. 4,675.00 INVENTORY DIVISION 9. 1 division superintendent ................................. 8,400.00 Section No. 1 25. 1 chief of section ................................................ 2,880.00 43. 1 examiner ........................................................ 1,530.00 34. 1 property inspector .............................................. 1,530.00 60. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each....................... 1,728.00 66. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 69. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 Section No. 2 25. 1 chief of section ................................................ 2,880.00 48. 1 examiner ........................................................ 1,098.00 49. 1 examiner ............................................... 1,080.00 58. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 59. 1 clerk .................................................................... 972.00 60. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 66. 1 clerk .................................................... 648.00 69. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 Section No. 8 43. 1 examiner ............................................................ 1,530.00 60. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each...................... 1,728.00 66. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each...................... 1,296.00 Section No. 4 25. 1 chief of section ............................................... 2,880.00 34. 1 property inspector ......................................... 1,530.00 49. 1 examiner ............................................................ 1,080.00 60. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 66. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 1,296.00 78. 1 messenger .......................................................... 824.00 PROPERTY DIVISION 11. 1 division superintendent ..................................... 2,720.00 Inspection Section 33. 4 property inspectors, at Pl,700 per annum each ................................................................... 6,800.00 34. 11 property inspectors, at Pl,530 per annum each ............................................................... 16,830.00 35. 1 property inspector ....................................... 1,080.00 57. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,122.00 50. 1 examiner .............. 972.00 59. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 62. 1 clerk .................................................................. 774.00 64. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 71. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 438.00 72a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 Issue Audit Section 26. 1 chief of section ............................................... 2,040.00 30. 1 assistant chief of section................................... 1,530.00 49. 1 examiner .............................................................. 1,080.00 51. 1 examiner .............................................................. 864.00 60. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 79 (2) GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 63. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each....................... 1,512.00 67. 1 clerk ............................................................ 648.00 66. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each....................... 1,296.00 69. 5 clerks, at P540 per annum each....................... 2,700.00 72. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 Stamp Section 26. 1 chief of section ............................................... 2,040.00 47. 1 examiner ............................................................ 1,122.00 66. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 FIELD ACCOUNTING DIVISION 10 1 division superintendent .................................. 3,060.00 FIELD ACCOUNTANTS 20. 1 field accountant .......................................... 3,060.00 21. 4 field accountants, at P2.550 per annum each 10,200.00 22. 1 field accountant .............................................. 2,040.00 24. 1 chief of section .............................................. 2,550.00 28. 1 chief of section ............................................. 1,530.00 Trial Balance Section 26. 1 chief of section ............................................... 2,040.00 30. 1 assistant chief of section............................... 1,530.00 58. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 39. 1 junior stenographer ....................................... 1,080.00 60. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 66. 6 clerks, at 1*648 per annum each...................... 3,888.00 69. 4 clerks, at P540 per annum each...................... 2,160.00 72. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 SPECIAL DETAIL 3. 1 manager ............................................................. 4,675.00 Total for salaries and wages ...................... P485,738.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 1. One [Director] Commissioner of Civil Service ................................................................ 2. One [Assistant Director] Deputy Commissioner of Civil Service....................... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One chief examiner.............................. 4. One chief of division........................... ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 5. One assistant chief examiner............. 6. One assistant chief of division........... CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 7. One [chief of section] field examiner 8. One service examiner........................... 9. Six chiefs of sections, at F2¿00 per annum each ...................................................... 10. One chief of section............................ 11. One property officer........................... 12. Three [chiefs of sections] clerks, at Pl,700 per annum each................................... 13. One [chief of section] leave clerk..... 14. One [chief of section] clerk.......... P7.225.00 P5,100.00 1 5,100.00 4,080.00 2 4,250.00 3,825.00 3 3,995.00 3,570.00 4 2,720.00 2,720.00 5 2,380.00 2,380.00 6 2,720.00 2,720.00 7 2,550.00 2,550.00 8 14,400.00 1,800.00 1,440.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 9 1,530.00 1,530.00 10 1,088.00 1,088.00 12 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 80 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINERS 15. One examiner ...................................... 16. Two examiners at 1*2,040 per an­ num each............................................................ 17. Two examiners, at 1*1,700 per an­ num each............................................................ 18. One examiner....................................... 19. One examiner....................................... 20. Two examiners, at 1*1,088 per annum each .................................................................... JUNIOR EXAMINERS 21. Four junior examiners, at 1*972 per annum each........................................................ 22. Four junior examiners, at 1*864 per annum each........................................................ 23. Special examiners............................... CLERK-STENOGRAPHERS 24. One clerk-stenographer ..................... 25. Two clerk-junior stenographers, at 1*756 per annum each....................................... 26. One clerk-junior stenographer........... CLERKS 27. One clerk ......................................... 28. Two clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each .................................................................... 29. One clerk ............................................. 30. Two clerks, at 1*864 per annum each 31. Two clerks, at 1*756 per annum each 32. Six clerks, at 1*648 per annum each.... 33. Seven clerks, at 1*540 per annum each 34. One clerk .............................................. 35. Three clerks, at 1*432 per annum each MESSENGERS 36. One messenger ................................... 37. One messenger..................................... 38. Four messengers, at 1*300 per annum each .................................................................... 39. One messenger ................................... MISCELLANEOUS 40. Two watchmen, at ¥=540 per annum each .................................................................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 13 4,080.00 4,080.00 14 3,400.00 3,400.00 15 1,530.00 1,530.00 16 1,326.00 1,326.00 17 2,176.00 2,176.00 18-19 3,888.00 3,888.00 20-22 3,456.00 3,456.00 23-24 300.00 300.00 25 1,326.00 1,326.00 26 1,512.00 1,512.00 27-28 648.00 648.00 29 1,224.00 1,224.00 30 2,160.00 2,160.00 31-32 972.00 972.00 33 1,728.00 1,728.00 34-35 1,512.00 1,512.00 36 3,888.00 3,888.00 38-40, 42-43 3,780.00 3,780.00 44-49 486.00 486.00 50 1,296.00 1,296.00 51 378.00 378.00 52 324.00 324.00 53 1,200.00 1,200.00 54 240.00 240.00 55 1,080.00 1,080.00 56 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 81 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE 41. Three laborers, at F378 per annum each [Fees for the members of the Board of Accountancy: Provided, That in case of deficit in this item, the same may be covered by paying the members thereof from the fees actually collected from, the applicants for the C. P. A. examination or for exemption from such examination] ................................ Total.................................................... 1,134.00 1,134.00 57 1,785.00 58 103,892.00 84,042.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION COMMISSIONERS 1. 1 Commissioner of Civil Service ...................... P7,225.00 2. 1 Deputy Commissioner of Civil Service........... 5,100.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division .............................................. 3,995.00 6. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 2,380.00 8. 1 service examiner ............................................... 2,550.00 Appointment Section 9. 1 chief of section ............. 2,400.00 12. 1 clerk ..........................-.......................................... 1,700.00 29. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 30. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 31. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 32. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 34. 1 clerk .................................................................... 486.00 35. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 38. 1 messenger .................-........................................ 300.00 Leave Section 9. 1 chief of section ............................................... 2,400.00 12. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,700.00 13. 1 leave clerk .......................................................... 1,530.00 20. 1 examiner ............................................................ 1,088.00 28. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 25. 1 clerk-junior stenographer ................................. 756.00 31. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 32. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 33. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 35. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each....................... 864.00 Disciplinary Action and Miscellaneous Section 9. 1 chief of section .............................................. 2,400.00 12. 1 clerk . ................................................................. 1,700.00 24. 1 clerk-stenographer .......................................... 1,326.00 25. 1 clerk-junior stenographer ................. 756.00 26. 1 clerk-junior stenographer .............................. 648.00 299089----- 6 Collection, Disbursement and Property Section 11. 1 property officer ................................................ 1,440.00 32. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 33. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 Records Section 10. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,800.00 14. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,088.00 32. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 33. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................... 1,080.00 37. 1 messenger ................................. 324.00 38. 2 messengers, at P300 per annum each............. 600.00 Care of Building 40. 2 watchmen, at P540 per annum each.............. 1,080.00 41. 3 laborers, at P378 per annum each.................. 1,134.00 EXAMINING DIVISION 3. 1 chief examiner ................................................ 4,250.00 5. 1 assistant chief examiner ................................. 2,720.00 7. 1 field examiner .................................................... 2,720.00 Civil Service Proper Application Section 9. 1 chief of section ................................................ 2,400.00 20. 1 examiner ........................................................... 1,088.00 32. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 33. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 38. 1 messenger ........................................................... 300.00 Confidential and Examination Records Section 9. 1 chief of section ................................................ 2,400.00 16. 2 examiners, at P2,040 per annum each.......... 4,080.00 17. 1 examiner ............................................................. 1,700.00 19. 1 examiner ............................................................. 1,326.00 21. 1 junior examiner .............................................. 972.00 22. 1 junior examiner ................................................ 864.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 82 (3) BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION General Examining and Research Section 9. 1 chief of section 2,400.00 15. 1 examiner ........................................................... 2,550.00 17. 1 examiner ........................................................... 1,700.00 21. 2 junior examiners, at P972 per annum each 1,944.00 22. 2 junior examiners, at P864 per annum each 1,728.00 30. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 36. 1 messenger ........................................................... 378.00 39. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 23. Special examiners ............................................ 300.00 Boards of Examiners Section IV-5(b). 1 secretary of the Boards of Examiners (Salary of P2.400, payable from receipts) 18. 1 examiner .......................................................... 1,530.00 27. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 28. 1 clerk .......................................................... 1,080.00 21. 1 junior examiner ................................................. 972.00 22. 1 junior examiner ................................................. 864.00 32. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 33. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 Total for salaries and wages......................... P103.892.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUDGET COMMISSION By detail 1. One Chairman and Executive Officer (Director of the Budget) 2. One Member (Auditor-General) 3. One Member (Commissioner of Civil Service) 4. One Secretary (Assistant to the Di­ rector of the Budget) BUDGET OFFICE 5. One [Undersecretary of Finance] Director of the Budget, with the rank of Undersecretary of Department....................... 6. One [Chief of division] Assistant to ihe Director of the Budget............................. ¥=7,225.00 ¥=7,225.00 H-I-(l)-3 4,675.00 4,675.00 H-I-(2)-2a CLERKS 7. One [chief of division] clerk........... 8. One [chief of office, non-medical of­ 5,100.00 5,100.00 ficer] clerk ....................................................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 L-I-(3)-5 9. One [division superintendent] clerk 3,825.00 3,825.00 F-I-(2)-10 H-I-(l)-ll 9a. One [superintendent] clerk ............. 3,825.00 3,825.00 K-I-(3)-6 9b. One [chief accountant] clerk........... 3,825.00 3,825.00 L-I-(2)-5 9c. One [chief of division] clerk........... 3,825.00 3,825.00 G-I-(l)-8 10. One [chief accountant] clerk........... 3,400.00 3,400.00 H-I-(5)-9 10a. One [chief of division] clerk........... 3,400.00 3,400.00 F-I-(l)-ll 10b. One [examiner] clerk ....................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 H-I-(5)-10 11. One [chief accountant] clerk........... 3,060.00 3,060.00 K-I-(2)-10 11a. One [chief of division] clerk........... 3,060.00 3,060.00 I-I_(2)-16 12. One [chief accountant] clerk........... 2,890.00 2,890.00 G-I-(2)-6 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 83 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1937 requested 1936 1 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated Budget Details Item No. (4) BUDGET COMMISSION 13. One [chief accountant] clerk........... 2,720.00 2,720.00 I_I_(5)_4 13a. Two [assistant chiefs of divisions] clerks, at 1*2,720 per annum each................... 5,440.00 5,440.00 J_I_(2)-6 J_I_(5)_1O 14. One [accountant] clerk ................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 L-I-(3)-8 14a. One [chief] clerk [and disbursing officer] ................................................................ 2,550.00 2,550.00 H-I-(5)-7 14b. One [assistant superintendent] clerk 2,550.00 2,550.00 K-I-(3)-15 14c. One [special agent] clerk................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 L-I-(4)-7 15. One [chief accountant and assistant chief of division] clerk ................................. 2,380.00 2,380.00 H-I-(7)-6 15a. One [accountant] clerk ..................... 2,380.00 2,380.00 J_I_(1)_79 15b. One [chief of division] clerk........... 2,380.00 2,380.00 I-I-(7)-4 15c. One [chief of section] clerk............... 2,380.00 2,380.00 L-I-(2)-208 15d. One clerk ............................................. 2,380.00 2,380.00 F-I-(l)-19 16. Two [chiefs of sections] clerks, at 1*2,210 per annum each.................................... 4,420.00 4,420.00 L-I-(2)-209 17. Two [accountants] clerks, at 1*2,040 per annum each ................................................ 4,080.00 4,080.00 J_I_(1)_81 17a. One [assistant accountant] clerk..... 2,040.00 2,040.00 K-I-(2)-13 17b. One [assistant chief of division] clerk .................................................................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 H-I-(3)-22 17c. One [assistant chief] clerk [and chief of provincial section] ........................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 I_I_(5)_6 17d. One [chief of section] clerk............. 2,040.00 2,040.00 H-I-(2)-7 17e. One [agent] clerk............................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 H-I-(4)-98 17f. One [stenographer] clerk ............... 2,040.00 2,040.00 H-I-(2)-22 17g. Two clerks, at P2,O4O per annum each 4,080.00 4,080.00 H-I-(l)-7 17h. One [accountant] clerk ................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 L_I_(4)-31 I-I-(3)-59 18. One [accountant] clerk ................... 1,800.00 1,800.00 Commonwealth 19. One [computer] clerk ....................... 1,734.00 1,734.00 Act No. 3 K-I-(4)-28 20. One [chief accountant] clerk........... 1,700.00 1,700.00 M-I-(2)-g 20a. One [assistant chief of division] clerk ................................................................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 H-I-(3)-24 20b. One [cashier and disbursing officer] clerk ................................................................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 J_I_(1)_91 20c. One clerk ............................................. 1,700.00 1,700.00 H-I-(4)-35 20d. One [examiner] clerk ....................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 H-I-(3)-38 20e. One [general bookkeeper] clerk..-.... 1,700.00 1,700.00 K-I-(2)-20 21. One [chief accountant] clerk........... 1,530.00 1,530.00 E-I-9 21a. One [assistant accountant] clerk..... 1,530.00 1,530.00 H-I-(5)-42 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 84 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. (4) BUDGET COMMISSION 21b. One [assistant chief of division] clerk .................................................................... 21c. One [assistant superintendent and property] clerk ................................................ 21d. One [property record] clerk [and chief of section] .............................................. 21e. Three [chiefs of sections] clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each......... •......................... 21f. One [income tax examiner] clerk.... 21g. Five clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each 21h. One [junior commercial agent] clerk 22. One [assistant chief of section] clerk 23. One clerk .............................................. 24. One [assistant chief accountant] clerk .................................................................... 24a. Two clerks, at 1*1,326 per annum each .................................................................... 25. One clerk .............................................. 26. One [chief accountant] clerk, [with one-third subsistence] ...................................... 26a. One [assistant accountant] clerk....... 26b. Two [chiefs of sections] clerks, at 1*1,224 per annum each................................... 26c. One clerk............................................... 26d. One clerk [or operator]..................... 27. One [chief of section] clerk............. 27a. One [stenographer] clerk ................. 27b. Six clerks, at 1*1,122 per annum each...................................................................... 28. Three [assistant accountants] clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each............................... 28a. Two [chiefs of sections] clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each................................... 28b. One [property] clerk [and typist].. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1,530.00 1,530.00 I-I-(2)-19 1,530.00 1,530.00 L-I-(3)-63 1,530.00 1,530.00 H-I-(7)-12 4,590.00 4,590.00 F-I-(2)-39 K-I-(3)-21 1,530.00 1,530.00 H-I-(4)-167 7,650.00 7,650.00 F-I-(l)-20 L-I-(2)-225 L-I-(3)-78 1,530.00 1,530.00 J-I-(7)-25 1,440.00 1,440.00 L-I-(4)-10 1,428.00 1,428.00 H-I-(3)-141 1,326.00 1,326.00 G-I-(l)-45 2,652.00 2,652.00 K-I-(2)-147 L-I-(3)-81 1,275.00 1,275.00 H-I-(4)-38 1,224.00 1,224.00 L-I-(5)-67 1,224.00 1,224.00 J_I_(1)_87 I-I-(7)-21 2,448.00 2,448.00 F-I-(3)-ll 1,224.00 1,224.00 L-I-(2)-232 1,224.00 1,224.00 K-IV-5(o) 1,122.00 1,122.00 I-I-(6)-2 1,122.00 1,122.00 L-I-(2)-217 6,732.00 6,732.00 H-I-(4)-40 K-I-(2)-152, 153,154 L-I-(2)-240 3,240.00 3,240.00 j_I_(l)_89 2,160.00 2,160.00 I_I_(7)_23 K-I-(3)-27 1,080.00 1,080.00 H-I-(6)-12 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL 85 OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUDGET COMMISSION 28c. One clerk[-bookkeeper] ................... 28d. Nine clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each...................................................................... 28e. One [inspector] clerk.......................... 28f. One [calculator] clerk....................... 29. One [stenographer] clerk [with onethird subsistence]............................................. 29a. Seven clerks, at 1*972 per annum each .................................................................... 30. One clerk .............................................. 31. One clerk .............................................. 32. One [disbursing officer] clerk........... 32a. One [bookkeeper] clerk, [with onethird subsistence] ............................................ 32b. Twenty clerks, at 1*864 per annum each .................................................................... 33. Eight clerks, at 1*810 per annum each 1,080.00 1,080.00 I-I-(4)-24 9,720.00 9,720.00 F-I-(l)-23 H-I-(7)-24 I_I_(2)-30 K-I-(2)-155 K-I-(3)-46 L-I-(2)-245 L-I-(3)-84, 86 1,080.00 1,080.00 K-I-(3)-201 1,080.00 1,080.00 H-I-(3)-77 972.00 972.00 L-I-(5)-71 6,804.00 6,804.00 F-I-(l)-25 H-I-(2)-32 j_I_(l)_127, 125 K-I-(2)-156 M-I-(2)-18n 918.00 918.00 L-I-(2)-254 878.00 878.00 H-I-(7)-25 864.00 864.00 K-I-(3)-36 864.00 864.00 L_I_(5)_77 17,280.00 17,280.00 G-I-(l)-28 G-I-(2)-16,17 H-I-(3)-152 H-I-(4)-48 H-I-(7)-26 I-I-(2)-31 I_I_(5)_30 J-I-(l)-129 j_I_(3)_58 K-I-(3)-52 L-I-(2)-259, 260 6,480.00 6,480.00 H-I-(7)-28 I-I-(2)-32 J_I_(1)_134, 135 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 86 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUDGET COMMISSION 34. One [chief of section] clerk............... 34a. One clerk [and accountant]............... 34b. One [operator] clerk........................... 34c. One [property] clerk......................... 34d. Twenty-one clerks, at 5*756 per an­ num each ............................................................ G-I-(l)-30 G-I-(2)-18 H-I-(l)-9 756.00 756.00 I_I_(7)_26 756.00 756.00 L-I-(6)-17 756.00 756.00 K-I-(3)-138 756.00 756.00 E-I-10 15,876.00 15,876.00 F—I—(1)—27 H-I-Í2 -34, 37 35. One [property inspector] clerk......... 660.00 36. One [stenographer] clerk................. 648.00 37. One clerk, [with subsistence]........... 648.00 38. One clerk, [with one-third subsistence and with subsistence, furnished quarters and service, whenever on special detail]............... 648.00 39. Thirty-seven clerks, at 5*648 per an­ num each ............................................................ 23,976.00 660.00 648.00 648.00 H-I-(4)-54 I—I—(2)—33 J-I-(l)-137 K-I-(2)-160 K-I-(3)-55 L-I-(2)-273 L-I-(3)-92 F-I-(2)-49 I_I_(5)_37 L-I-(5)-81 648.00 23,976.00 L-I-(5)-82 H-I-(5)-37 E-I-22 F-I-(l)-29 F-I-(3)-38, 41 H-I-(2)-38, 39 H-I-(4)-58 H-I-(7)-29, 31 I_I_(2)-34 I-I-(5)-32 I_I_(7)_65 J_I_(1)_139 J-I-(2)-62 J-I-(4)-94 K-I-(2)-162 K-I-(3)-56 L-I-(2)-278 L-I-(3)-95 L-I-(4)-35 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL 87 OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUDGET COMMISSION 39a. One clerk [and assistant cashier]..... 648.00 648.00 I-I-(3)-142 40. One clerk .............................................. 600.00 600.00 M-I-(2)-41 41. Three clerks, at i*594 per annum each 1,782.00 1,782.00 J_I_(1)_145, 146 Lr-I-(2)-286 42. One [chief of section] clerk............... 540.00 540.00 K-I-(3)-34 42a. Two [postmasters or operators] clerks, at P540 per annum each....................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 K-I-(3)-96, 97 42b. One [calculator] clerk....................... 540.00 540.00 H-I-(3)-84 42c. Fifty-five clerks, at P540 per annum each .. 29,700.00 29,700.00 H-I-(3)-162 H-I-(5)-39 H-I-(2)-40 H-I-(4)-65 H-I-(7)-33, 34, 35 I-I-(2)-37 I-I-(6)-14, 15,16 I-I-(7)-70 J-I-(l)-147, 148, 152 J-I-(2)-64, 65 J-I-(5)-155, 157 J-I-(6)-62 K-I-(2)-164, 166 K-I-(3)-59 L-I-(2)-287, 291 L-I-(3)-96, 98,115 M-I-(2)-41a 43. One clerk, with quarters, Baguio..... 44. One clerk, [with one-third subsist­ 540.00 540.00 K-I-(2)-163 ence] .............. ,.................................................. 45. Two [junior computers] clerks, at 540.00- 540.00 L-I-(5)-85 F540 per annum each ................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 J_I_(5)_68, 69 H-I-(3)-165 K-I-(2)-167 46. Two clerks, at F529 per annum each 1,058.00 1,058.00 88 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES (4) BUDGET COMMISSION 1937 1Q,7 1Q,C Reference to item Hlirinnt netailc 3'5' 13,30 numbers of Act .7 a0K. uetans requested authorized No. 4231, unless Item No. otherwise stated 47. Four clerks, at 1*486 per annum each 1,944.00 1,944.00 I-I-(2)-38 K-I-(2)-169 L-I-(3)-101 48. One clerk .............................................. 480.00 480.00 Commonwealth Act No. 3 49. One [junior computer] clerk............. 432.00 432.00 j_I_(5)_70 49a. One clerk [-typist].............................. 432.00 432.00 I_I_(7)_82 49b. Sixty-six clerks, at 1*432 per annum each .. 28,512.00 28,512.00 G-I-(l)-35 G-I-(2)-20 H-I-(2)-44, 45 H-I-(3)-170 I-I-(2)-39, 42, 43 I-I-(7)-72 J-I-(l)-154, 155,156 J-I-(2)-66 J-I-(3)-63 J-I-(5)-161 K-l-(2)-171 K-I-(3)-63, 236 (/), 235 (i), 235 (t) L-I-(3)-102 L-I-(4)-38 j_I_(8)_54 50. 51. Nine clerks, at 1*378 per annum each One clerk ............................................. 3,402.00 342.00 3,402.00 342.00 J-I-(l)-159, 160 163 J-I-( 1)_166 52. 53. Five clerks, at 1*324 per annum each Three clerks, at 1*300 per annum 1,620.00 1,620.00 J-I-(l)_169, 170 K-I- (2) -174 K-I-(3)235(k) each .. 900.00 900.00 K-I-(2)-176, 177,178 54. Ten clerks, at ?240 per annum each.. 2,400.00 2,400.00 I-I-(2)-47 K-I-(2)-179 L-I-(3)256(d) C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 89 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated Budget Details Item No. (4) BUDGET COMMISSION 55. One clerk-messenger ......................... 240.00 240.00 I—I—<3>— 179(g) MESSENGERS 56. Two messengers, at P432 per annum each .................................................................... 864.00 864.00 J-I_(l)_172 L-I-(2)-301 57. Three messengers, at 1*324 per annum each ............................................................ 972.00 972.00 J_I_(3)_67 J-l-(l)-175 K-I-(3)-150 58. Two messengers, at 1*300 per annum each .................................................................... 600.00 600.00 G-I-(l)-52 E-I-31 59. Four messengers, at 1*240 per annum each .................................................................... 960.00 960.00 I-I-(2)-49 I_I_(7)_93 M-I-(2)-41Z HELPERS 60. One helper ............................................ 432.00 432.00 L-I-(4)49(e) 61. One helper ............................................ 300.00 300.00 L-I-(4)49(A) 62. One helper ............................................ 240.00 240.00 L-I-(5)-113 (h) 63. One helper ............................................ 192.00 192.00 L-I-(5)~ 113(A) 64. One helper ............................................ 156.00 156.00 L-I-(5)113(A) LABORERS 65. One [janitor and filer] laborer....... 803.00 803.00 K^I-(2)_ 181 (i) 66. One laborer .......................................... 648.00 648.00JfJ-I-d)i 227(s-l) 67. One laborer .......................................... 540.00 540.00 L—I—(3) 256(o) 68. One [janitor] laborer ....................... 567.00 567.00 L-I-(2)307(6) 69. Three laborers, at 1*494 per annum each ................................................................... 1,482.00 1,482.00 H-l-(2)47 (v) 70. One [janitor and filer] laborer......... 474.00 474.00 K-I-(2)181(0 90 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 1936 requested authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 4) BUDGET COMMISSION 71. Two laborers, at 1*432 per annum each .................................................................... 72. One laborer............................................ 72a. One laborer............................................ 73. One laborer .......................................... 73a. Two [janitor-porters] laborers, at ■P378 per annum each ..................................... 74. One laborer ......................................... 75. Two laborers, at 1*360 per annum each .................................................................... 76. One laborer ......................................... 77. Three [linemen or] laborers, at 5*324 per annum each ................................................ 77a. One laborer ......................................... 77b. One [janitor-messenger] laborer..... 77c. One [vault-keeper] laborer ............. 78. One laborer .......................................... 79. One laborer .................. ....................... 80. Five laborers, at 1*300 per annum each .............. .................................................... 81. Three laborers, at 1*240 per annum each 82. Subsistence of personnel.................. Total for salaries and wages........... 864.00 402.00 402.00 378.00 864.00 402.00 402.00 378.00 K—I—(2)— 181 (i) H-I-(2)47-(v) J—I—(2)— 74(A) G-IV-5-(/i) 756.00 756.00 K-I-(3)160,161 365.00 365.00 K-I-(3)235(z) 720.00 720.00 H-I-(2)47 (v) 346.00 346.00 G-I-(2)-24 972.00 972.00 K-I-(3)235(7/) 324.00 324.00 K-I-(3)-233 324.00 324.00 I-I-(3)179(p) 324.00 324.00 J—I—(5)—184 322.00 322.00 K-I-(3)235(z) 315.00 315.00 H-I-(2)47(v) 1,500.00 1,500.00 H-I-(2)47(f) J-I-(l)227(s-1) J-I-(5)-184 L—I—(3)—256(o) 720.00 720.00 74(A) L-I-(3)256(o) 1,000.00 1,000.00 L-I-(5)-115 372,061.00 372,061.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 91 (4) BUDGET COMMISSION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION By detail 1. 1 Chairman and Executive Officer (Director of the Budget) 2. 1 Member (Auditor General) 3. 1 Member (Commissioner of Civil Service) 4. 1 Secretary (Assistant to the BUDGET 5. 1 Director of the Budget..................................... P7.225.00 6. 1 Assistant to the Director of the Budget.... 4,675.00 17b. 1 clerk ................................................................. 2,040.00 9. 1 "clerk ................................................................. 3,825.00 14a. 1 clerk .......... 2,550.00 17e. 1 clerk ................................................................. 2,040.00 17g. 1 clerk ................................................................ 2,040.00 20d. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,700.00 21f. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,530.00 23. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,428.00 28f. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,080.00 34d. 1 clerk ................................................................. 756.00 42c. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................... 1,080.00 49b. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 69. 3 laborers, at P494 per annum each................ 1,482.00 72. 1 laborer ............................................................... 402.00 ACCOUNTING OFFICES Supreme Court 21. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,530.00 34c. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 58. 1 messenger ......................................................... 300.00 Court of Appeals 18. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,800.00 48. 1 clerk ................................................................. 480.00 Office of the President 10a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 3,400.00 15d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,380.00 21g. 1 clerk ................................................................ 1,530.00 28d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 29a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 34d. 1 clerk ..... 756.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 General Auditing Office 21e. 1 clerk ...........:....................................................... 1,530.00 35. 1 clerk ................................................................... 660.00 Bureau of Civil Service 26b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,224.00 39. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary 9c. 1 clerk ................................................................... 3,825.00 24. 1 clerk ........ -....................................................... 1,326.00 32b. 1 clerk .. ............................................................... 864.00 34d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 49b. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 58. 1 messenger ......................................................... 300.00 Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes 12. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,890.00 32b. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each................... 1,728.00 34d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 49b. 1 clerk .................................... 432.00 76. 1 laborer ............................................................ 346.00 73. 1 laborer .............................................................. 378.00 Director of the Budget) OFFICE Division of Purchase and Supply 10b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 3,400.00 17d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,040.00 17f. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,040.00 29a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 34d. 5 clerks, at P756 per annum each....................... 3,780.00 39. 4 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 2,592.00 42c. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 49b. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 864.00 75. 2 laborers, at P360 per annum each.............. 720.00 79. 1 laborer ................................................................ 315.00 80. 1 laborer ............................................................... 300.00 Bureau of Customs 20a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,700.00 32b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 42b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 42c. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 1,080.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................. 529.00 49b. 1 clerk ............ 432.00 Bureau of Internal Revenue 20c. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,700.00 25. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,275.00 27b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,122.00 32b. 3 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................. 2,592.00 34d. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 42c. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 1,080.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 Bureau of the Treasury 10. 1 clerk .................................................................. 3,400.00 21a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,530.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 Bureau of Banking 28b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 Bureau of Printing 15c. 1 clerk ................................................................... 2,380.00 21d. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,530.00 28d. 1 clerk .................................. 1,080.00 31. 1 clerk ................................................................... 878.00 32b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 33. 1 clerk ........................................................... 810.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 42c. 6 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 3,240.00 Department of Justice, Office of the Secretary, Bureau of Justice and Inferior Courts 11a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 3,060.00 17h. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,040.00 21b. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,530.00 28d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 32b. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 33. 1 clerk .................................................................. 810.00 34d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................. 648.00 39a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 92 (4) BUDGET COMMISSION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION BUDGET OFFICE 42c. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 48. 1 clerk ................................................................... 486.00 49b. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 864.00 49a. 1 clerk ................................................................. ,. 482.00 54. 1 clerk ................................................................... 240.00 55. 1 clerk-messenger ................................................ 240.00 59. 2 messengers, at P240 per annum each ....... 480.00 77b. 1 laborer ............................................................... 324.00 Public Service Commission 28c. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 Bureau of Prisons—Prisons Division and Bureau of Prisons—Industrial Division 13. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,720.00 17c. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,040.00 27. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 32b. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each..................... 1,728.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 36. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 42c. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 1,620.00 General Land Registration Office 15b. 1 clerk ................................................................ 2,380.00 26b. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,224.00 28a. 1 clerk ................................................................ 1,080.00 34. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 42c. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 49b. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 59. 1 messenger ......................................................... 240.00 Department of Agriculture and Commerce Office of the Secretary 7. 1 clerk .................................................................. 5,100.00 29a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 41. 1 clerk .................................................................. 594.00 49b. 1 clerk ................................................... 432.00 50. 1 clerk ......................................................... 378.00 80. 1 laborer ..................................................._..... ..... 300.00 Bureau of Plant Industry 13a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 2,720.00 28. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 32b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 33. 1 clerk ................................................................... 810.00 39.’ 3 clerks, at P64£ per annum each.................... 1,944.00 42c. 4 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 2,160.00 49b. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each .................... 864.00 50. 2 clerks, at P378 per annum each..................... 756.00 51. 1 clerk ................................................................... 342.00 66. 1 laborer ............................................................... 648.00 72a. 1 laborer ............................................................... 402.00 Bureau of Animal Industry 17. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,040.00 29a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 32b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 39. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 1,296.00 49b. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 864.00 56. 1 messenger ......................................................... 432.00 57. 1 messenger ...........................-........................... 324.00 Bureau of Forestry 15a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 2,380.00 29a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 33. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 810.00 39. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 41. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 594.00 42c. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 50. 1 clerk .................................................................... 378.00 Bureau of Lands 13a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 2,720.00 17. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 2,040.00 26a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,224.00 28. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 32b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 33. 2 clerks, at P810 per annum each...................... 1,620.00 39. 3 clerks, at P648 per annum each................... 1,944.00 42c. 4 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................... 2,160.00 45. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each...................... 1,080.00 49b. 9 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 3,888.00 49. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 50. 3 clerks, at P378 per annum each...................... 1,134.00 52. 2 clerks, at P324 per annum each........................ 648.00 57. 1 messenger ......................................................... 324.00 77c. 1 laborer ............................................................... 324.00 80. 2 laborers, at P300 per annum each.................. 600.00 Bureau of Science 28. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,080.00 32b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 33. 1 clerk ................................................. 810.00 34d. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 39. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 42c. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 50. 2 clerks, at P378 per annum each...................... 756.00 Bureau of Commerce 20b. 1 clerk ...................................................~.............. 1,700.00 32b. 1 clerk .............................................................. 864.00 33. 1 clerk .................................... 810.00 42c. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 Weather Bureau 49b. 1 clerk ........................................ 432.00 Manila Trading Center and Exchange 21h. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,530.00 Bureau of Public Works 11. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 3,060.00 17a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,040.00 20e. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,700.00 24a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,326.00 27b. 4 clerks, at Pl,122 per annum each............... 4,488.00 28d. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each............... 2,160.00 29a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 34d. 4 clerks, at P756 per annum each................... 3,024.00 39. 4 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................... 2,592.00 42c. 9 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 4,860.00 43. 1 clerk, with quarters, Baguio........................... 540.00 46. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 529.00 47. 2 clerks, at P486 per annum each__________ ’. 972.00 49b. 9 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 3,888.00 52. 1 clerk ...................................................... 324.00 53. 3 clerks, at P300 per annum each....................... 900.00 54. 5 clerks, at P240 per annum each..................... 1,200.00 65. 1 laborer ............................................................... 803.00 70. 1 laborer ............................................................... 474.00 71. 2 laborers, at P432 per annum each................ 864.00 Bureau of Postb 9a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 3,825.00 14b. 1 clerk ............................................................... 2,550.00 21e. 2 clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 3,060.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 93 (4) BUDGET COALMISSION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION BUDGET 26c. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,224.00 28a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 28d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 28d. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 32. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 32b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 34d. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each................... 1,512.00 34b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 30. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 42c. 8 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 4,320.00 42a. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 1,080.00 49b. 30 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 12,960.00 52. 2 clerks, at P324 per annum each.—...... .......... 648.00 74. 1 laborer ................................................................. 365.00 77. 3 laborers, at P324 per annum each.................. 972.00 77a. 1 laborer ....................................................... 324.00 73a. 2 laborers, at P378 per annum each................ 756.00 78. 1 laborer ...................................................-.........— 822.00 57. 1 messenger ...................................................-...... 324.00 Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey 19. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,734.00 Bureau of Education 9b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 3,825.00 15. 1 clerk ................................................................—. 2,380.00 16. 2 clerks, at P2.210 per annum each.............. 4,420.00 21g. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,530.00 26b. 1 clerk ............. ..........................-......................... 1,224.00 27a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 27b. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 28d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 30. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 918.00 32b. 3 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................. 2,592.00 84d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 41. 1 clerk .................................................................... 594.00 42c. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 56. 1 messenger ........................................................... 432.00 68. 1 laborer ................................................................. 567.00 Bureau op Health 8. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 4,250.00 14. 1 clerk .......................................... -......................... 2,550.00 21f. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,530.00 21g. 3 clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 4,590.00 OFFICE 24a. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,326.00 28d. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 28e. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,0S0.00 34d. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each................... 1,512.00 39. 3 clerks, at P648 per annum each.............. 1,944.00 42c. 5 clerks, at P540 per annum each.............. 2,700.00 47. 1 clerk ........................................................ 486.00 49b. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................... 864.00 54. 4 clerks, at P240 per annum each.................. 960.00 67. 1 laborer .................................................................. 540.00 80. 1 laborer .................................................................. 300.00 81. 3 laborers, at P240 per annum each................ 720.00 Bureau of Public Welfare 14c. 1 clerk ................................................................... 2,550.00 17g. 1 clerk .................................................................... 2,040.00 22. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 1,440.00 39. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 49b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 60. 1 helper ................................................................. 432.00 61. 1 helper ....................................................... 300.00 Philippine General Hospital 26. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,224.00 29. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 972.00 32a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 38. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 648.00 37. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 44. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 540.00 62. 1 helper .................. 240.00 63. 1 helper ................................ _................................. 192.00 64. 1 helper ................................................................... 156.00 82. Subsistence of personnel........... ........................... 1,000.00 Bureau of Quarantine Service 34a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 Bureau of Labor 20. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 1,700.00 29a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 40. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 600.00 42c. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 59. 1 messenger ............................................................ 240.00 Total for salaries and wages.............. P372.061.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to *tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. .4231, unless otherwise stated (5) GENERAL PURPOSES 1. One law officer of the Bureau of In­ sular Affairs, for legal services rendered the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines [Philippine Islands]................... P=2,550.00 2. One disbursing officer in Washington, D. C...................................................................... 3,400.00 P2,550.00 3,400.00 1 2 Total.................................................... 5,950.00 5,950.00 94 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item Nc Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual 1.—SALARIES AND WAGES (1) Office of the President....................... ¥145,888.00 ¥=148,386.00 ¥=136,734.63 (2) General Auditing Office....................... 485,738.00 483,313.00 458,119.60 (3) Bureau of Civil Service....................... 103,892.00 84,042.00 86,071.43 (4) Budget Commission ............................. 372,061.00 372,061.00 (5) General Purposes................................. 5,950.00 5,950.00 3,400.00 Total for salaries and wages........... 1,113,529.00 1,093,752.00 684,325.66 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of personnel: Street car tickets ................................. P2.000.00 Bicycle allowance ................................. 600.00 Traveling expenses and per diems..... 22,612.00 Subsistence ............................................ 2,000.00 Hire of automobiles and calesas....... 1,050.00 Reimbursement for traveling ex­ penses of special examiners.......... 34.00 Total ................... ........................... P28.296.00 28,296.00 30,096.00 18,950.11 2. Freight, express and delivery service: Transportation of supplies and materials ..................................................... P420.00 Transportation of furniture and equipment ............. ............................ 500.00 Freight charges ........ ............................ 77.00 Total ................................................ P997.00 997.00 1,057.00 372.21 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service Postage stamps .......................... Telegrams ..................................... Cablegrams ................................... Telephone rentals ...................... Rental of Post Office boxes.... ......... P10,752.80 ......... 2,236.00 ......... 5,610.00 ......... 10,026.20 ......... 96.00 Total .................................................... P28,721.00 28,721.00 28,721.00 28,786.03 4. Illumination and power service: Electric current and gas.......... Electrical installation ............... Electrical repairs ....................... ......... P12,239.00 ......... 1,095.00 ......... 950.00 Total ......................................... .......... P14.284.00 14,284.00 14,311.00 9,523.30 5. Rental of buildings and grounds: Rental of Recoletos building.... .......... P6,000.00 Total ......................................... .......... P6,000.00 6,000.00 6,900.00 6,000.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 95 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 6. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials : Kitchen utensils ..................................... P3.500.00 Office stationery .................... _............. 15,177.00 Ice ............................................................ 3,000.00 Gasoline, oil and automobile spare parts .................................................... 15,000.00 Printing materials ............................... 6,500.00 Water service ......................................... 550.00 Toilet supplies ....................................... 330.00 Cleaning supplies ................................. 169.00 Manual of information and official roster ............................................... 120.00 Total .....................................-......... P44,346.00 7. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications: Printing and binding charges.............. P3.644.00 Publication of annual reports............ 8,150.00 Publication of Civil Service laws, rules and regulations ...................... 200.00 Binding and rebinding of old records and books ........................................... 1,000.00 Total ................................................ P12,994.00 [Free distribution of public docu­ ments] ................................................................ 8. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees: Transportation of witnesses................ P200.00 Total .................................................... P200.00 9. Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment: Repair of furniture and equipment.... P7,600.00 Total ............... .................-................. P7,600.00 10. Other services: Subscriptions ......................................... Pl,000.00 Sewer service ......................................... 2,227.00 Electric repairs ..................................... 4,063.00 Laundry service ................................... 440.00 Bond premiums ..................................... 935.00 Membership fee ................................... 600.00 Total .................................................... P9,265.00 Total for sundry expenses 44,346.00 44,346.00 33,443.14 12,994.00 12,966.00 11,373.01 48.00 10.00 200.00 250.00 20.00 7,600.00 7,600.00 5,851.12 9,265.00 9,265.00 11,102.38 152,703.00 155,560.00 125,431.30 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 96 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment, including one automobile: OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT For replacing unserviceable equip­ ment : 4 typewriters ............................... P750.00 24 chairs and other furniture for Malacañang Palace ............. 279.00 Additional equipment: 10 volumes of public laws.......... 105.00 GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE Additional equipment: Public Laws (29 volumes)........... 200.00 4 copies, official roster, 193G (1935) paper bound.............. 12.00 For replacing unserviceable equip­ ment : Stands for water coolers.............. 30.00 4 water coolers .............................. 90.00 BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE Additional equipment: 1 copy, Public Laws .................. 12.00 1 file card index, “Allsteel”....... 22.00 BUDGET COMMISSION Miscellaneous equipment ............. 4,861.00 Total ....................................... 5*6,361.00 6,361.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 6,361.00 6,361.00 6,361.00 19,779.27 19,779.27 IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. For traveling expenses of the Pres­ ident with personnel in his office for official trips to and from the United States, includ­ ing expenses in 1936 [1935]: Transportation from Manila to Seattle and return ....................................... P5,000.00 Railroad fares, per diems and sub­ sistence, including tips .................. 5,000.00 Total ................................................ P10,000.00 10,000.00 2. For a fund to be expended in the dis­ cretion of the President.................................... 30,000.00 [Boards of Medical, Pharmaceutical, Dental, Optical and Nurse Examiners: Pro­ vided, That in case of deficit in this item, the same may be covered by paying the chairmen and members thereof from fees actually collected from each examination held during the year: 10,000.00 30,000.00 26,954.94 51,313.43 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 97 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Fees for the chairmen and mem­ bers of the Boards of Medical, Pharmaceutical, Dental, Opti­ cal, and Nurse Examiners, including emergency and tem­ porary employees ...................... ^23,000.00 Total for salaries and wages 23,000.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (b) Traveling expenses of personnel 1,500.00 (c) Freight, express and delivery service ........................................ 50.00 (d) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............................. 300.00 (e) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 600.00 (/) Printing and binding reports, do­ cuments and publications......... 50.00 (g) Maintenance and repair of equipment .................................. 100.00 (h) Other services .............................. 150.00 Total for sundry expenses...... 2,750.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (i) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ......................... 250.00 Total for furniture and equipment .......................... 250.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............. 23,000.00 Total for sundry expenses.................... 2,750.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 250.00 Total available for the Boards of Medical, Pharmaceutical, Den­ tal, Optical and Nurse Exam­ iners ............................................. P26,000.00] .......................... 26,000.00 9,006.52 [Boards of Marine Examiners: Pro­ vided, That in case of deficit in this item the same may be covered by paying the chair­ men and members thereof from fees actually collected from each examination held during the year: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of the Board of Exam­ iners for Marine Officers....... 1*3,750.00 299089------7 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 98 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (b) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of the Board of Exam­ iners for Marine Engineers.... 3,600.00 Total for salaries and wages 7,350.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (c) Traveling expenses of personnel 2,200.00 (d) Freight, express and delivery service ........................................ 25.00 (e) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............................. 100.00 (/) Consumption of supplies and ma­ terials ........................................ 225.00 (g) Other services ............................. 100.00 Total for sundry expenses....... 2,650.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............... 7,350.00 Total for sundry expenses................... 2,650.00 Total available for the Boards of Marine Examiners........... M0,000.00] 10,000.00 6,262.54 [Board of Examiners for Surveyors, Acts 3626 and 3889: Provided, That in case of deficit in this item the same may be cov­ ered by paying the chairmen and members thereof from fees actually collected from each examination held during the year: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of lhe Board..................... M,050.00 Total for salaries and wages 1,050.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (6) Traveling expenses of personnel 300.00 (c) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............................. 60.00 (d) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 100.00 (e) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.... 100.00 (/) Other services................................ 40.00 Total for sundry expenses....... 600.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 90 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (g) For the purchase of furniture and equipment: For surveying books, not other­ wise available at the Scien­ tific Library Division........... 50.00 Total for furniture and equip­ ment ............................................ 50.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............. 1,050.00 Total for sundry expenses.................... 600.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 50.00 Total available for the Board of Examiners for Surveyors.. M,700.00] .......................... 1,700.00 356.88 [Boards of Examiners for Engineers and Architects, Act No. 2985: Provided, That in case of deficit in this item the same may be covered by paying the chairmen and members thereof from fees actually collected from each examination held during the year: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of the Board of Exam­ iners for Civil Engineers....... ?2,625.00 (б) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of the Board of Exam­ iners for Mechanical Engi­ neers ............. 75.00 (c) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of the Board of Exam­ iners for Electrical Engineers 75.00 (d) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of the Board of Exam­ iners for Mining Engineers.... 75.00 (e) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of the Board of Exam­ iners for Architects................. 150.00 Total for salaries and wages 3,000.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (f) Traveling expenses of personnel 30.00 (g) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............................. 30.00 (h) Consumption of supplies and materials ................................... 150.00 (i) Other services............................... 20.00 Total for sundry expenses..... 230.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 100 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages........... 3,000.00 Total for sundry expenses ................. 230.00 Total available for the Boards of Examiners for Engineers and Architects ..................... 1*3,230.00] 3,230.00 1,856.09 [Veterinary Examining Board: PRO­ VIDED, That in case of deficit in this item the same may be covered by paying the chair­ man and members thereof from fees actually collected from each examination held during the year: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of the Board........................ P375.00 Total for salaries and wages.. 375.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (&) Traveling expenses of personnel 50.00 (c) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............................. 35.00 (d) Consumption of supplies and materials ................................... 90.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 175.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............. 375.00 Total for sundry expenses................... 175.00 Total Available for the Vete­ rinary Examining Board.... P550.00] .......................... 550.00 85.07 3. Other expenses in accordance with Act No. 2935, including expenses of extradi­ tion cases, special investigations and other general purposes: Expenses of the Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, D. C.: Traveling expenses of personnel P140.00 Freight, express and delivery serv­ ice ................ 30.00 Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ..................... 250.00 Consumption of supplies and ma­ terials ....................... 730.00 Printing and binding reports, documents and publications__ 570.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 101 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Other expenses (exchange on ex­ penses in the United States, subscription to periodicals, pre­ mium on bond of Disbursing Agent of Philippine Revenues, etc.) ...........................................- 380.00 Purchase of furniture and equip­ ment ............................................. 400.00 Miscellaneous expenses that may be approved by His Excellency, the President ............................. 19,409.00 Total ....................................... P21.909.00 5. For the necessary expenses of the Boards of Examiners, as follows: SALARIES AND WAGES Fees for Members (a) Fees for the chairmen and mem­ bers of the Boards of Medical, Pharmaceutical, Dental, Opti­ cal and Nurse Examiners; Boards of Marine Exam­ iners; Board of Examiners for Surveyors; Board of Examiners for Civil Engineers; Board of Ex­ aminers for Chemical En­ gineers; Board of Ex­ aminers for Mechanical En­ gineers; Board of Examiners for Electrical Engineers; Board of Examiners for Min­ ing Engineers; Board of 21,909.00 21,909.00 7,540.63 Examiners for Architects; Veterinary Examining Board; and Board of Accountancy........ ^36,560.00 (6) One Secretary of the Boards of Examiners .................................... 2,400.00 Total for salaries and wages 38,960.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (c) Traveling expenses of personnel 4,080.00 (d) Freight, express and delivery service ........................................... 75.00 (e) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................................ 525.00 (/) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 1,165.00 (g) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.... 150.00 102 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (h) Maintenance and repair of equipment .................................... 100.00 (t) Other services ................................ 310.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 6,405.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (j) For the purchase of furniture and equipment.............................. 300.00 Total for furniture and equipment.............................. 300.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and ivages.............. 38,960.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 6,405.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 300.00 Total available for the Ex­ amining Boards ................ 1*45,665.00 To be paid out of the re­ ceipts of the Boards.......... (P45,665.00) 0.00 .......................... 6. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Manila Harbor Board, Act No. 3002, as amended: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One clerk .......................................... P3,825.00 (б) One clerk ........................................ 1,080.00 Total available appropria­ tion .......................................... P4,905.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts of the Manila Harbor Board ....................... (1*4,905.00) 0.00 .......................... 7. For the expenses of the Accounting Office in connection with the establishment of new prisons and penal farms, Act No. 3732: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk .......................................... P 1,530.00 Total available appropria­ tion ........................................ 'Pl,530.00 Amount to be paid from the continuing appropriation provided in Act No. S7S2 (Pl,530.00) 0.00 .......................... C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL 103 OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 8. For the expenses of the Accounting Office of the National Research Council, Act No. 4190: SUNDRY EXPENSES (а) Traveling expenses of personnel 1*48.00 (б) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................................ 2.00 (c) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 30.00 Total available appropria­ tion ......................................... ^80.00 Amount to be paid out of the appropriation for the National Research Council (1*80.00) 0.00 .......................... 9. For the operating expenses of the Accounting Office for the University of the Philippines: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk ........................................... F2,440.00 (b) One clerk .......................................... 1,098.00 (c) One clerk .......................................... 840.00 (d) One clerk .......................................... 594.00 (e) One clerk.......................................... 432.00 Total for salaries and wages 5,404.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (/) Traveling expenses of personnel 40.00 (g) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 200.00 (h) Miscellaneous service .................... 30.00 (i) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 1,500.00 (j) Maintenance and repair of equipment .................................... 30.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 1,800.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (k) For the purchase of furniture equipment .................................... 200.00 Total for furniture and equipment ........................... 200.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 104 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............ 5,404.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 1,800.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 200.00 Total available appropriation.... 1*7,404.00 Amount to be paid out of the funds of the University of the Philippines .................................. (P7,404.00) 0.00 .......................... 10. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Philippine Charity Sweep­ stakes, Act No. 4130: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One cleric .......................................... 1*3,000.00 (b) One cleric ................... 1,200.00 (c) One cleric .......................................... 1,200.00 (ci) One clerk .......................................... 1,200.00 (e) One cleric .......................................... 840.00 (/) One cleric .......................................... 720.00 (g) One clerk ...................................... 720.00 (h) Four clerks, at 1*600 per annum each................................................. 2,400.00 (i) One clerk .......................................... 480.00 (;) Ten clerks, at PJ^.80 per annum each................................................. 4,800.00 (k) One clerk ...................................... 420.00 (l) Four clerks, at 1*360 per annum each................................................. 1,440.00 (m) One clerk ...................................... 300.00 (n) One messenger .............................. 240.00 Total for salaries and wages 18,960.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (o) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 1,000.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 1,000.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (p) For the purchase of furniture and equipment............................. 51.50 Total for furniture and equipment............................. 51.50 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 105COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages................ 18,960.00 Total for sundry expenses ............... 1,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 51.50 Total available appropriation 1*20,011.50 Amount to be paid out of the funds of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes, Act 4130............................................. (1*20,011.50) 0.00 11. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Bureau of Plant Industry in connection with the establishment, mainte­ nance, equipment, and operation of seed farms, Act No. 3443, as amended: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk .......................................... 1*648.00 Total available appropria­ tion ........................................ ^648.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts from the es­ tablishment, maintenance, equipment, and operation of seed farms, Act 3443.. (1*648.00) 0.00 ........................... 12. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Fiber Inspection Service, Act No. 3263: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk.......................................... F2,380.00 (b) One clerk .......................................... 756.00 Total for salaries and wages 3,136.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (c) Traveling expenses of personnel 24.00 (d) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 15.00 (e) Illumination and power service.. 36.00 (/) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 500.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 106 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (g) Rental of buildings and grounds 120.00 (h) Maintenance and repair of equipment...................................... 50.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 745.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.............. 3,136.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 745.00 Total available appropriation.... 881.00 Amount to be paid out of the Fiber Inspection Service, Act No. 3263 ...................................... (1*3,881.00) 0.00 ........................... 13. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Rice and Corn Fund, Act No. 2818, as amended: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One clerk ........................................... ^3,230.00 (б) One laborer...................................... 324.00 Total available appropria­ tion ........................................ 1*3,554.00 Amount to be paid out of the Rice and Corn Fund.. (F3,554.00) 0.00 ........................... 14. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Manila Trading Center and Ex­ change, Act NO. 4069: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One clerk ........................................... P984.00 (б) One clerk.......................................... 432.00 (c) Tzvo clerks, at F360 per annum each................................................. 720.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 107 1937 1936 requested authorized COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Total available appropria­ tion ........................................ 1*2,136.00 Amount to be paid out of the fzinds of the Manila Trading Center and Ex­ change, Act No. ^069........ (1*2,136.00) 0.00 ........................... 15. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops, Act No. SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One clerk........................................... 1*2,040.00 (б) One clerk.......................................... 1,080.00 (c) One clerk........................................... 800.00 (d) One clerk.......................................... 720.00 (e) Two clerks, at P720 per annum each ............................................... 1,440.00 (/) One clerk .......................................... 720.00 (g) One clerk.......................................... 720.00 (h) One messenger................................ 720.00 Total for salaries and wages 8,240.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (i) Traveling expenses of personnel 100.00 O’) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.................................. 300.00 (k) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 2,000.00 (0 Maintenance and repair of equip! ment ............................................... 200.00 (m) Other services .............................. 60.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 2,660.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (n) For the purchase of furniture and equipment............................. 500.00 Total for furniture and equipment ........................... 500.00 108 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............ 8,240.00 Total for sundry expenses ................ 2,660.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 500.00 Total available appropria-. tion ........................................ Pll,400.00 Amount to be paid out of the funds of the Govern­ ment Marine Railway and Repair Shops, Act No. 4111 ...................................... (Ml,400.00) 0.00 16. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Division of Motor Vehicles of the Bureau of Public Works, Act No. 3992: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk ........................................ ^=1,080.00 (b) One clerk................. 648.00 (c) One clerk ........................................ 432.00 Total for salaries and wages 2,160.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (d) Traveling expenses of personnel 50.00 (e) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................................ 30.00 (/) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 120.00 (g) Maintenance and repair of equipment...................................... 70.00 (h) Other services ................................ 30.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 300.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages ............ 2,160.00 Total for sundry expenses................ 300.00 Total available appropria­ tion ........................................ 1*2,460.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts of the Divi­ sion of Motor Vehicles, Act No. 3992 ..................... (1*2,460.00) 0.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 109 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 17. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Postal Savings Bank, Act No. 4093: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk ......................................... M,080.00 (&) Tivo clerks, at P432 per annum each................................................. 864.00 Total for salaries and wages .................................... 1,944.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (c) Traveling expenses of personnel 100.00 (d) Freight, express and delivery service.................... 20.00 (e) PostaJ, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................................ 100.00 (/) Illumination and power service 50.00 (g) Rentals of buildings and grounds ........................................ 50.00 (A) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 340.00 (i) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.... 200.00 (;) Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment ..................................—......... 40.00 (k) Other services.................................. 100.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 1,000.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (I) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ........................... 56.00 Total for furniture and equipment ........................... 56.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............ 1,944.00 Total for sundry expenses ................ 1,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 56.00 Total available appropria­ tion ........................................ F3,000.00 Amount to be paid out of the funds of the Postal Savings Bank .................... (F3,000.00) 0.00 110 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 1936 requested authorized 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 18. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the National Radio Broadcasting Committee, Act No. 3997: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk .......................................... 1*756.00 Total for salaries and wages 756.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (6) Traveling expenses of personnel 15.00 (c) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 60.00 (d) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.... 10.00 (e) Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment ............................................... 15.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 100.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages................ 756.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 100.00 Total available appropriation...... 1*856.00 Amount to be paid out of the funds of the National Radio Broadcasting Committee.......... (P856.00) 0.00 .......................... 19. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Teachers' Pension Fund, Act No. 3050, as amended: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One clerk ......................................... P2,000.00 (б) One clerk ........................................ 1,040.00 (c) One clerk .......................................... 1,040.00 (d) One clerk ........................................ 1,020.00 (e) One clerk ........................................ 900.00 (/) One clerk ....................................... 720.00 (g) One clerk ........................................ 600.00 (h) Five clerk, at ?480 per annum each ............................................... 2,400.00 (i) One clerk .......................................... 660.00 Total for salaries and wages 10,380.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT HICOMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUNDRY EXPENSES (j) Traveling expenses of personnel.. 10.00 (k) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.................................. 1,200.00 (Z) Illumination and power service.. 500.00 (m) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.... 100.00 (n) Consumption of supplies and materials ........................................ 300.00 (o) Other services.................................. 500.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 2,610.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.............. 10,380.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 2,610.00 Total available appropriation...... F12,990.00 Amount to be paid out of the Teachers' Pension Fund............ (M2,990.00) 0.00 .......................... 20. For the Expenses of the Accounting Office for the Irrigation Fund, Bureau of Public Works: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk ........................................ F432.00 (b) One clerk.......................................... 432.00 (c) Two clerks, at P2I>0 per annum each ................................................. 480.00 Total available appropriation Fl,344.00 Amount to be paid from the Irrigation Fund, Bureau of Public Works................ (Fl,344.00) 0.00 21. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Bureau of Public Welfare in connection with the care, maintenance, in­ struction, reformation and custody, of negC.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT '112 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS lected and delinquent children, Act No. 3203, as amended: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk .......................................... 1*540.00 Total available appropria­ tion .......................................... 1*540.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts under Act No. 3203 ........................................ (f=540.00) 22. For the expenses of the Accounting Office of the Bureau of Printing in accordanee ivith the provisions of Section 164^ of Act No. 2711, as amended: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One clerk .......................................... 1*2,380.00 (б) One clerk .......................................... 1,530.00 (c) One clerk .......................................... 1,080.00 (d) One clerk .......................................... 878.00 (e) One clerk .......................................... 864.00 (/) One clerk .......................................... 810.00 (g) Two clerks, at PG 48 per annum each................................................. 1,296.00 (h) Six clerks, at P540 per annum each ................................................. 3,240.00 Total for salaries and wages 12,078.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (i) Traveling expenses of personnel 15.00 (j) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................................ 250.00 (7i) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 800.00 (l) Maintenance and repair of equipment...................................... 25.00 (m) Other services ............................. 10.00 Total for sundry expenses........ 1,100.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL H3 OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages................ 12,078.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 1,100.00 Total available appropria­ tion .......................................... M3,178.00 Amount to be paid out of the revolving fund of the Bureau of Printing............ (M3,178.00) 0.00 23. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Industrial Division of the Bu­ reau of Prisons: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk .......................................... M,122.00 (b) Three clerks, at P5J>0 per annum each ................................................. 1,620.00 Total available appropria­ tion .......................................... M,742.00 Amount to be paid out of the Bureau of Prisons— Industrial Division revolv­ ing fund ................................ (1*2,742.00) 0.00 ............................ 24. For the operating expenses of the Accounting Office of the Philippine Army: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk ........................................... M,500.00 (b) One clerk ............................................ 2,400.00 (c) Three clerks, at P2,000 per an­ num each ...................................... 6,000.00 (d) One clerk ........................................... 1,800.00 (e) Two clerks, at Pl,200 per an­ num each ...................................... 2,400.00 (/) One clerk........................................... 960.00 (g) Two clerks, at P81>0 per an­ num ................................................. 1,680.00 (h) Three clerks, at P801> per an­ num each........................................ 2,412.00 (t) Two clerks, at P768 per annum each ................................................. 1,536.00 (j) Three clerks, at P720 per annum each ................................................. 2,160.00 (/c) Three clerks, at P660 per annum each................................................. 1,980.00 (Z) One clerk ......................................... 660.00 299089------ 8 114 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (m) One clerk ........................................ 498.00 (n) One laborer ...................................... 444.00 (o) One messenger ................................ 300.00 (p) One laborer,...................................... 300.00 (o) Two clerks, at P552 per annum each ................................................. 1,104.00 (p) Five clerks, at P600 per annum each ................................................. 3,000.00 (g) Two laborers, at P388.50 per annum each .................................. 777.00 (r) One typist ........................................ 480.00 (s) One clerk .......................................... 720.00 (O Four clerks, at P%80 per annum each ................................................. 1,920.00 Total for salaries and wages .................................. 38,031.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (u) Traveling expenses of personnel 600.00 (v) Freight, express, and delivery service .................... 100.00 (w) Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service .............................. 600.00 (a;) Illumination and power serv­ ice ................................................. 240.00 (i/) Consumption of supplies and materials .............................. 2,000.00 (z) Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications 300.00 (aa) Maintenance and repair of equipment .............................. 300.00 Total for sundry expenses 4,140.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (bb) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ......................... 1,857.00 Total for furniture and equipment ......................... 1,857.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.............. 38,031.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 4,140.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 1,857.00 Total available appropria­ tion ........................................ F44,028.00 44,028.00 Total for special appropriations..... 105,937.00 44,028.00 147,417.00 103,376.10 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 115' COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual V.—FIXED EXPENDITURES a. Retirement gratuities: Act No. 2589(D............................. Act No. 4051................................... Act No. 4151 ................................ b. For technical personnel and civilian assistants in the Office of the President, and for other purposes (Act No. 3431, as amend­ ed by Act No. 4006)....................................... 340,000.00 562,000.00 400,000.00 300,000.00 706,000.00 300,000.00 232,523.83 823,744.73 48,887.91 250,000.00 250,000.00 173,216.33 Total for fixed expenditures............. 1,552,000.00 1,556,000.00 1,278,372.80 (1) RETIREMENT GRATUITIES, ACT No. 2589, AS AMENDED DETAILED STATEMENT Tear No. of retire* meat 1916 to 1919 paid Pesos 1,204,955.31 730,280.05 327,975.23 12,536.92 Total.. 2,545 [2.275,747.511 1920 to 1923 paid Pesos 1924 and 1925 paid Pesos 11926 and 1927 paid Pesos 125,555.60 ..................................... 326.291.70 ..................................... 544.873.36..................................... 589,628.52 ..................................... 137,301.98J 31,056.01 ................. 102.371.02' 91.806.95 ................. ...........75.897.49 19.230.43 93,683.13 82.747.02 39,049. 46 133,552.04 ................. 102.306.98 ................. 39.836.18 19,062.22 1928 paid Pesos 29.781.44 63,061.12 49,000.61 49,702.91 1929 paid Pesos 1,844.974. 40 331,493.04|377.672.6S191,546.08|204.925.41 1930 paid Pesos 1931 paid Pesos 29,472.72 ......... . 82.235.70 41,572.73 83,291.68 72.714.24 51,124 63 80.713.03 1246,124.63 282.719.41 1932 paid Pesos 1933 paid Pesos 1934 paid Pesos 275,299.51 252,544.55 256,298.49 1935 paid Pesos 50.34 4,000.08 12,666.72 37,032.26 57,493.27 66.206.15 55.075.01 1936 payable Pesos 1937 payable 1300.000.001 Pesos 340,000.00 Total a To April 30, 1936. One hundred and thirty (130) employees estimated to be retired in 1936. VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS a. Committee and financial experts to conduct hearings in the Philippine Islands in connection with the Tydings-McDuffie Law, Act No. 4126........................................................ b. Purchase of the land on which Dr. Jose Rizal was born, Act No. 3483................. c. Transportation and other incidental expenses of the guests invited to attend the inauguration of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, Acts 4227 and 4248, and Com­ monwealth Act No. 9....................................... d. Expenses for the holding of the first election for President and Vice-President of 3,962.95 6,497.34 4,013.44 ..................... 40,002.64 249,997.36 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 116 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS the Philippines and Members of the National Assembly, Act No. 4203............................................................. e. Expenses incident to the inaugura­ tion of the Government of the Common­ wealth of the Philippines, Act No. 4257................................. f. Government Survey Board, Common­ wealth Act No. 5.......................................................................... g. Aid to the Philippine Amateur Ath­ letic Federation for expenses to the Eleventh Olympiad at Berlin, Commonwealth Act No. 16 .................................................................................................. h. For the acquisition of the Govern­ ment buildings and land in Mindoro to be converted into barracks and reservation of the Philippine Army, Act No. 4189......................................... i. Election expenses............................................................ Total for continuing appropriations ..................... 387,993.84 12,468.06 50,000.00 60,000.00 25,000.00 583,440.93 412,006.16 12,531.94 144,846.17 825,878.97 VII.—RECEIPTS AUTOMATICALLY APPROPRIATED a. Receipts automatically appropriated........... 120,925.50 b. Expenditures payable from special funds.. 24,059.00 Total for receipts automatically ap­ propriated ..................................... 144,984.50 VIII.—INVESTMENTS AND INDEFINITE EXPENDITURES a. Losses from uncollectible debts..................... Total for Investments and indefinite expenditures ................................. IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages....................... 1,113,529.00 Total for sundry expenses........................... 152,703.00 Total for furniture and equipment........... 6,361.00 Total for special appropriations................. 105,937.00 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Offices under the direct control of the President.... 1,378,530.00 Total for fixed expenditures........... 1,552,000.00 80.60 80.60 1,093,752.00 155,560.00 6,361.00 147,417.00 684,325.66 125,431.30 19,779.27 103,376.10 1,403,090.00 1,556,000.00 932,912.33 1,278,372.80 Total for ordinary expenditures for the Offices under the direct con­ trol of the President..................... 2,930,530.00 2,959,090.00 2,211,285.13 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 117 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IX.—SUMMARY EXTRAORDINARY Add— Total for continuing appropriations.... Total for receipts automatically ap­ propriated ......................................... Total for investments and indefinite expenditures ..................................... 144,984.50 583,440.93 825,878.97 80.60 Grand total available for the Bu­ reaus and Offices under the direct control of the President Deduct— Receipts automatically appropriated.... 3,075,514.50 144,984.50 3,542,530.93 3,037,244.70 Net amount available for the Bu­ reaus and Offices under the direct control of the President ^2,930,530.00 1*3,542,530.93 1*3,037,244.70 X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Any deficit in the appropriation for the purchase of furniture and equipment may be covered from any unex­ pended balance of any other appropriation provided in this Act [the funds appropriated for the Office of the President in Act No. 4187 may be used to purchase an automobile.] 2. Any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding, the unexpended balance of the funds appro­ priated in Act No. 3431 may be used to cover deficits in the appropriations for the Office of the President. 3. With the approval of the President, the Budget Com­ mission may change the designation of any position author­ ized for the Budget Office in this Act, and consolidate two or more of said positions: PROVIDED, That the salary for each consolidated position shall not exceed five thousand pesos per annum: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That this au­ thority shall only be in force until June 30, 1937. [3 Any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding, the President may authorize the payment as additional compensation to government employees who are chairmen or members of the Board of Examiners for Surveyors, the Veterinary Examining Board or the Boards of Marine Examiners, a fee for each person examined.] C4 The appropriation for “other expenses in accordance with Act No. 2935,” item IV-8, shall also include expenses of extradition cases, special investigations and other gen­ eral purposes.] CC—PHILIPPINE ARMY The appropriation requested for the year 1937 is 1*15,955,972, excluding the amount of 1*44,028 set aside for the expenses of the accounting office for the Philippine Army, as against 1*15,952,503 authorized for the current year, or an increase of 1*3,469. Increases aggregating 1*5,495,837 have been made in the appropriations for (1) pay, clothing allowance and commutation of quarters of the enlisted men, commissioned officers, cadets and trainees of the regular and reserve forces and the clothing allow­ ance of persons undergoing preparatory military training, (2) subsistence of the regular force and trainees, (3) hospitalization, training and education of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, (4) transportation of trainees and upkeep and operation of watercraft, (5) quartermaster and air corps equipment and supplies, and (6) construction of mobi­ lization and training centers. This increase, however, is partly offset by the reductions and suppressions of appropriations for (1) base pay of the commissioned officers of the regular force, pay and allowance of the cadets at the Philippine Military Academy and other expenses of the Academy, (2) reenlistment bonus, (3) supplies for upkeep and operation of motor vehicles, (4) purchase of armament, medical equipment and supplies, (5) expense for the construction of land and sea defenses, barracks quarters and ordnance and engineer establishments, (6) continuing expenses of the National Defense Mission, (7) subsistence of reservists on annual active duty, (8) field exercises and active duty training of the regular and reserve forces, and (9) transportation of reservists in connection with regular annual active duty training and purchase of animals for the regular and reserve forces. Para el año de 1937, se pide la consignación de 1*15,955,972, excluyendo la cantidad de 1*44,028 apropiada para los gastos de la oficina de cuentas para el Ejército de Filipinas, contra 1*15,952,503 autorizada para el presente año, o un aumento de 1*3,469. Los aumentos que suman 1*5,495,837 se han hecho en las consignaciones para (1) paga, gra­ tificación de vestuario y conmutación de alojamiento de los individuos de tropa, oficiales, cadetes e indi­ viduos de fuerzas regulares y de reserva que reciben instrucción de primera situación de servicio activo, y gratificación de vestuario de las personas que están recibiendo instrucción militar preparatoria, (2) subsistencia de la Fuerza Regular y de individuos que reciben instrucción de primera situación de ser­ vicio activo, (3) hospitalización, instrucción y educación del Cuerpo de Adiestramiento de Oficiales de Reserva, (4) transporte de individuos que reciben instrucción de primera situación de servicio activo, y manutención y funcionamiento de medios de transporte marítimo, (5) suministros y equipos de ad­ ministración militar y del Cuerpo de Aviación, y (6) construcción de centros de mobilización y centros de instrucción. Este aumento, sin embargo, queda en parte compensado por la reducción y supresión de las consignaciones para (1) paga básica de Oficiales de la Fuerza Regular, paga y gratificaciones de cadetes en la Academia Militar de Filipinas y otros gastos de la Academia, (2) bonificación de reengan­ che, (3) suministros para la manutención y funcionamiento de vehículos de motor, (4) compra de armamento,* suministros y equipos médicos, (5) gastos para la construcción de defensa terrestre y ma­ rítima, cuarteles y alojamientos, y para establecimientos de ingenieros y de maestranza, (6) gastos continuos de la Misión de Defensa Nacional, (7) subsistencia de reservistas en servicio activo anual, (8) ejercicios de campaña e instrucción de servicio activo de las Fuerzas Regulares y de Reserva, y (9) transporte de reservistas en relación con su instrucción reglamentaria anual de servicio activo, y compra de ganado de las Fuerzas Regulares y de Reserva. 118 CC.—PHILIPPINE ARMY 119COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details PURPOSE I.—PERSONNEL A. REGULAR FORCE—COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND CADETS 1. Base pay.................................................. 2. Longevity pay........................................ 3. Commutation of quarters..................... 4. Pay and allowances of cadets, Phil­ ippine Military Academy.................................. [For continuing expenses of the Na­ tional Defense Mission for a period of six (6) years] .................................................................. B. REGULAR FORCE—ENLISTED MEN 5. Base pay................................................ 6. Reenlistment bonus.............................. 7. Clothing allowance .............................. C. REGULAR FORCE—TRAINEES 8. Pay.......................................................... 9. Clothing allowance............................... Pl,622,038.00 P2,181,850.00 ..................... 191,437.00 80,000.00 ..................... 173,000.00 150,500.00 ..................... 93,220.00 177,000.00 ...................... 600,000.00 1,857,200.00 1,620,204.00 ..................... 30,000.00 45,000.00 ..................... 500,600.00 453,100.00 ..................... 336,000.00 330,000.00 ..................... 1,256,000.00 200,000.00 ..................... D. REGULAR FORCE—RETIREMENT COMPENSATION 10. Contribution to Retirement and Pen­ sion Fund, in accordance with Section 3, Act No. 3205, as amended........................................ 11. Additional contribution to [Constab­ ulary] Army Pension and Retirement Fund to cover any deficit in said fund in the year 1937 [1936]: Provided, That pensions paid under Act No. 3205, as amended, shall be subject to the reductions prescribed under section 6 [15] of this Act [No. 4187, as au­ thorized and amended by Act No. 4231]....... E. RESERVE FORCE—COMMISSIONED OFFICERS 12. Base pay................................................ 13. Longevity pay ...................................... 14. Commutation of quarters................... F. CIVIL EMPLOYEES 15. Salaries and wages, civil employees, General Staff.................................................... 16. Salaries and wages, civil employees, Adjutant-General’s Service............................. 17. Salaries and wages, civil employees, unskilled labor*—Quartermaster Service...... 18. Salaries and wages, civil employees, unskilled labor—Ordnance Service................. 100,000.00 100,000.00 ....... 200,000.00 200,000.00 ....... 213,180.00 20,000.00 51,840.00 213,180.00 ....... 5,500.00 ........ 4,200.00 ........ ........................... 17,986.00 17,986.00 ........ 22,678.00 22,678.00 ........ 56,591.00 56,591.00 ........ 145,452.00 145,452.00 ........ 120 CC.—PHILIPPINE ARMY COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized 1935 actual Details 19. Salaries and wages, civil employees, Medical Service.................................................. 21,896.00 20. Salaries and wages, civil employees, Judge Advocate General’s Service................... 4,692.00 21. Salaries and wages, civil employees, Chaplain’s Service ................ 1,364.00 22. Salaries and wages, employees of mo­ bilization centers .............................................. 22,000.00 23. Salaries and wages, civil employees, agents, Provost Marshal General Service .... 60,000.00 24. Salaries and wages, civil employees, Military Academy.............................................. 18,000.00 G. PERSONS UNDERGOING PREPARATORY MILITARY TRAINING 25. Clothing allowance, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps.................................................. 44,000.00 7,059,174.00 25a. Expected savings in 1936 under Pur­ pose I to be carried over to 1937, any provi­ sion of existing law to the contrary notwith­ 21,896.00 ..................... 4,692.00 ..................... 1,364.00 ..................... 22,000.00 ..................... 49,266.00 .................... 18,000.00 .................... 17,500.00 ..................... 6,737,959.00 6,737,959.00 standing .............................................................. 544,815.00 Total for Purpose I.—Personnel..... 6,514,359.00 Provided, That the number of posi­ tions and rates of pay for civilian personnel shall be fixed by Executive Order: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That the President shall have au­ thority to transfer and expend not to ex­ ceed twenty-five per cent (25%) of the sum appropriated for any item in tPurpose I to any other item or items included in the same Purpose: [Provided, finally, That the total amount, appropriated under item 5, Purpose I, shall be expended at the discretion of the President] Provided, further, That bonuses or retirement pay not exceeding 1*50,000 that may be paid to officers ivho may be retired under Executive Order N<o. 10, series 1936, shall be charged against the amount appro­ priated in item 1: Provided, finally, That until otherwise prescribed by Executive Order in accordance with section 90 of Commonwealth Act No. 1, no appropriation prbvided in this Act shall be used for the CC.—PHILIPPINE ARMY 121 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details payment [the granting] of automatic promo­ tions to medical officers and dental surgeons and of additional pay due to length of service to all officers of the Philippine Army [Con­ stabulary shall be suspended for the year 1936], the provisions of Acts 3400 and 2936, as amended by Act No. 3620, to the con­ trary notwithstanding. -This proviso shall not affect automatic promotions and addi­ tional pay already granted before January 1, 1933. PURPOSE II.—MAINTENANCE OF PERSONNEL A. SUBSISTENCE 26. Subsistence of the Regular Force..... 27. Subsistence of trainees....................... 28. Subsistence of probationary third lieutenants .......................................................... [Subsistence of reservists on annual active duty] ...................................................... B. SANITATION 29. Hospitalization .................................... 30. Constabulary medical and sanitary service ................................................................ C. QUARTERING 31. Maintenance, operation and rentals of posts, stations, hospitals and buildings......... D. TRAINING AND EDUCATION [Field exercises—Regular Force].... 32. Instruction of officers—Regular Force [Active duty training—R e s e r v e Force] ................................................................ 33. Expenses of Military Academy ....... 34. Training cost of Reserve Officers’ Training Corps.............. .................................. 35. Preparatory Military Training ....... 36. Military libraries................................. E. WELFARE 37. Recreation of the Army..................... F. BURIAL 38. Burial of officers, enlisted men and trainees who die while in active serv­ ice ........................................................................ Total for Purpose II.—Maintenance of Personnel................................... 3,569,230.00 3,646,700.00 812,820.00 722,700.00 2,016,000.00 1,930,500.00 54,000.00 54,000.00 ..................... 189,000.00 50,000.00 36,000.00 ..................... 4,000.00 4,000.00 ..................... 150,000.00 150,000.00 .................. 150,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 ..................... 140,000.00 27,000.00 40,000.00 ..................... 245,910.00 137,000.00 ..................... 176,000.00 64,000.00 ..................... 7,000.00 3,000.00 ..................... 3,000.00 3,000.00 ..................... 3,500.00 3,500.00 ..................... 122 CC.—PHILIPPINE ARMY COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details Provided, That the President shall have authority to transfer and expend not to ex­ ceed twenty-five per cent (25 %>) of the sum appropriated for any item included in this purpose to any other item or items. 39. Transportation expenses of military PURPOSE III.—TRANSPORTATION and civil personnel............................................ 269,400.00 269,400.00 40. Transportation of trainees............... 140,000.00 60,000.00 [Transportation of reservists in con­ nection with regular annual active duty training] ............................................................... 150,000.00 41. Transportation and packing of sup­ plies, equipment and armament..................... 199,900.00 199,900.00 [Purchase of animals]....................... 40,000.00 [Forage for animals of the Regular Force] ................................................................ 240,000.00 [Forage for animals of the Reserve Force] ................................................................ 67,000.00 42. Supplies for upkeep and operation of motor vehicles .................................................. 99,700.00 149,700.00 43. Upkeep and operation of watercraft.. 25,000.00 15,000.00 Total for Purpose III.—Transporta­ tion .................................................. 734,000.00 1,191,000.00 Provided, That the President shall have authority to transfer and expend not to ex­ ceed twenty-five per cent (25 %) of the sum appropriated for any item included in this Purpose to any other item or items. PURPOSE IV.—ARMAMENT, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES A. ARMAMENT 44. Ordnance, signal, engineer and chem­ ical defense armament ................................... 45. Ammunition of all calibers and types B. EQUIPMENT 46. Quartermaster equipment ................. 47. Medical equipment ............................. 48. Air Corps equipment ......................... 326,000.00 2,605,741.00 324,000.00 463,900.00 688,143.00 26,487.00 255,500.00 148,143.00 100,000.00 69,000.00 CC.—PHILIPPINE ARMY 123 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details C. SUPPLIES 49. Quartermaster supplies ..................... 50. Mobilization center supplies ............. 51. Medical supplies ................................. 52. Air Corps supplies .............................. 167,760.00 24,000.00 42,393.00 83,000.00 167,760.00 24,000.00 59,200.00 25,000.00 Total for Purpose IV.—Armament, Equipment, and Supplies............. 1,937,283.00 3,662,744.00 Provided, That the President shall have authority to transfer and expend not to ex­ ceed fifty per cent (50%) of the amount ap­ propriated for any item in this Purpose to any other item or items. PURPOSE V.—CONSTRUCTION 53. Land and sea defenses......................... 54. Barracks and quarters....................... 55. Mobilization centers ........................... 56. Training centers .................................. 57. Ordnance establishments................... 58. Quartermaster establishments ......... 59. Engineer establishments ................... 60. Air Corps establishments................... 10,000.00 70,000.00 60 75,000.00 85,000.00 61 261,000.00 100,000.00 62 2,541,000.00 75,000.00 63 20,000.00 80,000.00 64 30,000.00 30,000.00 65 10,000.00 20,000.00 66 75,000.00 75,000.00 67 Total for Purpose V.—Construction 3,022,000.00 535,000.00 Provided, [further] That the President shall have authority to transfer any part of the funds appropriated under any item of this Purpose to any other item or items: Provided, further, That all constructions re­ quired for the National Defense [except land and sea defenses,] shall be accomplished under the direction of the [Department of Public Works:] Chief of Staff of the Philip­ pine Army, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided, fur­ thermore, That funds appropriated under item 63 may be made available for expend­ iture upon the approval of this Act. 124 CC.—PHILIPPINE ARMY COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual PURPOSE VI.—MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES 61. Contingencies of the Army............... 62. Incidental expenses—Quartermaster 25,000.00 25,000.00 68 Service ................................................................ 49,700.00 49,700.00 69 63. Incidental and sundry expenses, Constabulary...................................................... 40,000.00 40,000.00 70 64. Incidental expenses—Adjutant General’s Service...................................................... 29,400.00 29,400.00 71 65. Incidental expense s—Recruiting Service ................................................................ 10,000.00 10,000.00 72 66. Incidental expenses—Judge Advo­ cate Service........................................................ 10,000.00 10,000.00 73 67. Incidental expenses—Chief of Staff.... 15,000.00 15,000.00 74 Total for Purpose VI.—Miscel­ laneous Expenditures ................. 179,100.00 179,100.00 Provided, That funds appropriated under item 74 shall include contingent expenses of the Chief of Staff which may be authorized by the President. SUMMARY Purpose I.—Personnel ............................... 6,514,359.00 6,737,959.00 Purpose II.—Maintenance of Personnel- 3,569,230.00 3,646,700.00 Purpose III.—Transportation ................... Purpose IV.—Armament, Equipment and 734,000.00 1,191,000.00 Supplies .............................................................. 1,937,283.00 3,662,744.00 Purpose V.—Construction ......................... 3,022,000.00 535,000.00 Purpose VI.—Miscellaneous Expenditures .179,100.00 179,100.00 >=15,955,972.00 >=15,952,503.00 Total X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Purchases of equipment and supplies chargeable against the appropriations for the Philippine Army may be made without the intervention of the Division of Pur­ chase and Supply of the Department of Finance, the provi­ sions of any existing law to the contrary notwithstanding: PROVIDED, That when expressly authorized by the Pres­ ident, the appropriations herein made may be used for the purchase of automobiles, auto jitneys, station wagons, trucks or other military motor vehicles. D.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR For next year, the amount requested for this Department is 1*637,056 which is 1*95,930 less than that authorized for 1936. This decrease is due to the following causes: reduction by 1*60,000 of the aid of the National Government now given to the City of Baguio; transfer’ to the Supreme Court of the appropriation of 1*36,000 for the rental of the Ayuntamiento Building; reduction by 1*480 of the appropriation for pensions au­ thorized under Acts 2756 and 2922; and the elimination of the appropriation of 1*2,000 for “traveling expenses of persons not government employees.” On the other hand, there have been included-in the appropriation for this Department two items of ex­ penditure involving an increase of 1*2,550: the first is the restoration of the former salary of the chief, records division, Office of the Secretary, from 1*3,400 to 1*4,250, or an increase of 1*850, and the second is the insertion of an item covering the unpaid additional salary of the same official for the years 1935 and 1936. Para el próximo año, la cantidad pedida para este Departamento es 1*637,056, que es 1*95,930 menos que la autorizada para 1936. Esta disminución se debe a las siguientes causas: reducción de 1*60,000 en la ayuda que el Gobierno Nacional da a la Ciudad de Baguio; transferencia a la Corte Suprema de la consignación de P36,000 pata el alquiler del Ayuntamiento; reducción de 1*480 de la consignación para las pensiones autorizadas por las Leyes Nos. 2756 y 2922; y la eliminación de la consignación de T=2,000 para “gastos de viaje de individuos no empleados del gobierno.” Por otra parte, se han incluido en las consignaciones para este Departamento dos partidas de gastos que envuelven un aumento total de ^2,550: la primera es la restauración del sueldo anterior del jefe de archivos de la Oficina del Secretario de 4*3,400 a 1*4,250, o un aumento de 1*850; y la segunda es la inserción de una partida que cubre el sueldo adicional no pagado al mismo oficial para los años de 1935 y 1936. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference t0 *teni 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY DEPARTMENT HEADS 1. Secretary of the Department........... 2. Undersecretary of the Department.... TECHNICAL ADVISER AND DELEGATE 3. One technical adviser and delegate.... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 4. One chief of division ......................... 5. Additional salary for the incumbent on January 1, 1932, of the position of chief of the translating division, item 4................... 6. One chief of division ......................... 7. One chief of division........................... 8. One chief of division........................... 1*10,200.00 1*10,200.00 1 7,225.00 7,225.00 2 5,100.00 5,100.00 3 4,675.00 4,675.00 4 2,125.00 2,125.00 5 4,675.00 4,675.00 6 4,250.00 4,250.00 7 4,250.00 3,400.00 9 125 126 D.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 F authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 9. One assistant chief of division........... 3,060.00 3,060.00 10 10. One assistant chief of division........... 1,530.00 1,530.00 11 LAW CLERKS 11. One law clerk ...................................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 12 12. One law clerk........................................ 2,380.00 2,380.00 13 13. One law clerk ...................................... 1,850.00 1,850.00 14 14. One law clerk........................................ 1,530.00 1,530.00 15 15. One law clerk........................................ 1,326.00 1,326.00 16 TRANSLATOR 16. One translator ................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 18 SENIOR CLERKS 17. One [translator] senior clerk........... 2,267.00 2,267.00 17 18. One senior clerk ............................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 19 19. Two senior clerks, at ^1,530 per annum each ...................................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 20 20. One senior clerk.................................... 1,326.00 1,326.00 21 CLERKS 21. One clerk .............................................. 1,693.00 1,693.00 22 22. One clerk .............................................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 23 23. One clerk .............................................. 1,428.00 1,428.00 24 24. Two clerks, at ¥=1,122 per annum each 2,244.00 2,244.00 25 25. Four clerks, at ¥1,080 per annum each ........................ ........................................... 4,320.00 4,320.00 26 26. Three clerks, at ¥972 per annum each .................................................................... 2,916.00 2,916.00 27 27. Two clerks, at ¥864 per annum each 1,728.00 1,728.00 28 28. Five clerks, at ¥756 per annum each 3,780.00 3,780.00 30-31 29. Three clerks, at ¥648 per annum each .................................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 32 30. Six clerks, at ¥540 per annum each.. 3,240.00 3,240.00 33 31. One clerk .............................................. 486.00 486.00 34 32. Eight clerks, at ¥432 per annum each 3,456.00 3,456.00 35 33. One clerk .............................................. 378.00 378.00 36 34. Three clerks, at ¥324 per annum each .... ............................................................... 972.00 972.00 37-38 35. One clerk ............................................ 300.00 300.00 39 D.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 127 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. Reference to *terTI 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 requested (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY MISCELLANEOUS 36. One disbursing and property officer.. 37. One private secretary.......................... 38. One special clerk ................................ 39. One assistant property clerk ........... 40. One janitor, with free quarters, water and light while required to live in the Ayun­ tamiento Building ........................................... 41. One watchman .................................... MESSENGERS 42. One messenger-laborer........................ 43. Three messengers, at 1*324 per annum each ............... .................................................... 44. One messenger-laborer....................... 45. Four messengers, at 1*300 per an­ num each............................................................ 4’6. One messenger-laborer ..................... LABORERS 47. Eight laborers, at 1*378 per annum each .................................................................... 48. One laborer .......................................... 49. One laborer .......................................... 50. Deduction for vacancies, absences, etc......................................................................... Total.................................................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 40 3,060.00 3,060.00 41 2,400.00 2,400.00 42 2,040.00 2,040.00 43 1,530.00 1,530.00 44 648.00 648.00 46 378.00 378.00 47 972.00 972.00 48-50 300.00 300.00 54 1,200.00 1,200.00 52-53 280.00 280.00 55 3,024.00 3,024.00 56 324.00 324.00 57 240.00 240.00 58 (1,870.00) (1,870.00) 59 115,290.00 114,440.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. Secretary of the Department............................. Pl 0,200.00 37. 1 private secretary .............................................. 3,060.00 22. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,530.00 45. 1 messenger ........................................................... 300.00 OFFICE OF THE UNDERSECRETARY 2. Undersecretary of the Department.................... 7,225.00 38. 1 special clerk ........................................................ 2,400.00 28. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 756.00 47. 1 laborer ................................................................. 378.00 46. 1 messenger-laborer ............................................. 280.00 OFFICE OF THE TECHNICAL ADVISER AND DELEGATE 3. 1 technical adviser and delegate...................... 5,100.00 LAW DIVISION 6. 1 chief of division ........................................... 4,675.00 11. 1 law clerk .................................... 2,550.00 12. 1 law clerk .......................................................... 2,380.00 13. 1 law clerk ............................................................ 1,850.00 14. 1 law clerk .......................................................... 1,530.00 15. 1 law clerk .......................................................... 1,326.00 24. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,122.00 25. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 28. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 34. 1 clerk ................................................................... 324.00 43. 1 messenger ........................................................ 324.00 DIVISION OF LOCAL ADMINISTRATION 26. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 972.00 48. 1 laborer ................................................................. 324.00 7. 1 chief of division ............................................... 4,250.00 9. 1 assistant chief of division .............................. 3,060.00 128 D.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 17. 1 senior clerk 2,267.00 18. 1 senior clerk ........................................................... 2,040.00 19. 2 senior clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each....... 3,060.00 20. 1 senior clerk ................................ 1,326.00 24. 1 clerk ............................ _...................................... 1,122.00 25. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each.................. 2,160.00 29. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 30. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 32. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 864.00 35. 1 clerk .................................................................... 300.00 42. 1 messenger-laborer ........................................... 378.00 MISCELLANEOUS DIVISION 36. 1 disbursing and property officer........................ 3,400.00 39. 1 assistant property clerk ................................ 2,040.00 23. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,428.00 28. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 30. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 33. 1 clerk .................................................................... 378.00 47. 1 laborer ................................................................ 378.00 49. 1 laborer ................................................................ 240.00 CUSTODIAN FORCE 40. 1 janitor with free quarters, water and light while required to live in the Ayuntamiento Building ................................................ 1,530.00 41. 1 watchman .......................................................... 648.00 47. 6 laborers, at P378 per annum each................ 2,268.00 44. 1 messenger-laborei- ............................................. 300.00 RECORDS DIVISION 8. 1 chief of division .................................................. 4,250.00 10. 1 assistant chief of division ................................ 1,530.00 25. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 26. 2 clerks, at P972 per annum each................... 1,944.00 27. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each................... 1,728.00 28. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each................... 1,512.00 29. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 30. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 1,080.00 31. 1 clerk .................................................................... 486.00 32. 6 clerks, at P432 per annum each................... 2,592.00 34. 2 clerks, at P324 per annum each................... 648.00 43. 2 messengers, at P324 per annum each........... 648.00 45. 2 messengers, at P300 per annum each........... 600.00 TRANSLATING DIVISION 4-5. 1 chief of division (under contract).............. 6,800.00 16. 1 translator ................................................. 1,530.00 21. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,693.00 30. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 45. 1 messenger .......................................................... 300.00 MISCELLANEOUS 50. Deduction for vacancies, absences, etc.............. (1,870.00) Total for salaries and wages...................... P115,290.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF NON-CHRISTIAN TRIBES DIRECTORS 1. One Director ........................................ 2. One Assistant to the Director........... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One chief of division........................... 4. One chief of division........................... 5. One chief clerk ................................... CLERKS 6. One clerk .............................................. 7. One clerk ............................................. 8. One clerk .............................................. 9. One clerk .............................................. 10. One clerk ............................................. 11. One clerk .............................................. 12. One clerk ............................................. 13. One clerk ............................................. 14. One clerk ............................... .............. 15. One clerk ............................................. r6,120.00 1*6,120.0'0 G-I-(2) 4,675.00 4,675.00 1 2 4,590.00 4,590.00 3 4,590.00 4,590.00 4 3,825.00 3,825.00 5 2,040.00 2,040.00 7 1,700.00 1,700.00 8 1,530.00 1,530.00 9 1,530.00 1,530.00 10 1,275.00 1,275.00 11 1,224.00 1,224.00 12 1,224.00 1,224.00 13 1,080.00 1,080.00 14 1,026.00 1,026.00 15 648.00 648.00 19 D.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 129 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF NON-CHRISTIAN TRIBES MESSENGERS 16. One messenger ........... 324.00 324.00 21 17. One messenger MISCELLANEOUS ............ 300.00 300.00 22 18. One watchman ........... 410.00 410.00 23 19. Two laborers .. ....... 648.00 648.00 25 Total ..... ............ 38,759.00 38,759.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 1. 1 Director ............................................................... P6.120.00 2. 1 Assistant to the Director ............................. 4,675.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 5. 1 chief clerk ............................................................ 3,825.00 7. 1 clerk ........................................-......................— 1,700.00 8. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,530.00 10. 1 clerk ........................................-........................... 1,275.00 11. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,224.00 13. 1 clerk ......................................... -.............. 1,224.00 14. 1 clerk ...................................................-.................. 1,026.00 15. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 16. 1 messenger ........................................................... 324.00 17. 1 messenger ........................................................... 300.00 LAW DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ................................................ 4,590.00 9. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,530.00 13. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,080.00 MISCELLANEOUS DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division .................................................. 4,590.00 6. 1 clerk .................................................................... 2,040.00 MISCELLANEOUS 18. 1 watchman ........................................................... 410.00 19. 2 laborers ............................................................... 648.00 P38,759.00 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual 29908) 1.—SALARIES AND WAGES (1) Office of the Secretary......................... F115,290.00 Fl14,440.00 F119,893.00 (2) Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes....... 38,759.00 38,759.00 44,805.45 Total for salaries and wages....... 154,049.00 153,199.00 164,698.45 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of personnel: Bicycle allowances ................................. P144.00 Transportation and per diems ......... 22,437.00 Total ......... P22.581.00 22,581.00 22,581.00 10,637.98 2. Freight, express and delivery service: Transportation of office supplies, equipment and materials.................. P105.00 Total ................................................ P105.00 105.00 105.00 6.98 9 130 D.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service: Postage stamps ..................................... P2.300.00 Telegraph' charges ............................... 2,464.00 Rental of telephones .......................... 2,718.00 Cable and radio charges.................... 315.00 Rental of Post Office boxes................ 64.00 Total .................................................. P7.861.00 4. Illumination and power service: Electric current ..................................... Pl,580.00 Total .................................................... Pl,580.00 5. Rental of buildings and grounds....... 6. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials : Stationery and office supplies......... P2.711.00 Ice and water .................................. 500.00 Total .................................................... P3.211.00 7. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications: Printing and binding service ........... P220.00 Total .................................................... P220.00 [Traveling expenses of persons not government employees] ................................. 8. Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment: Repairs of equipment.......................... P370.00 Total .................................................... P370.00 9. Other services: Subscriptions ........................................... P250.00 Sewer service .............................................. 95.00 Laundry service .......................................... 109.00 Bond premiums ........................................... 132.00 Repairs to supplies and electrical installations ............................................... 211.00 Meals ............................................................ 100.00 Total ................................................ P897.00 Total for sundry expenses 7,861.00 7,861.00 8,311.86 1,580.00 1,580.00 1,549.89 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,211.00 3,211.00 3,195.27 220.00 220.00 59.17 2,000.00 . 370.00 370.00 768.93 897.00 897.00 1,407.42 40,425.00 42,425.00 29,537.50 D.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 131 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment^ including one automobile or jitney for the Philippine Constabulary at a cost not to exceed ?=3,000]: Additional equipment: 2 copies of public laws, Vol. 31, Spanish ........................................... 20.00 3 copies of public laws, Vol. 31, English ............................................ 20.00 2 copies of Philippine Reports, Vol. 59, English ..................................... 18.00 2 copies of Philippine Reports, Vol. 59, Spanish ..................................... 18.00 3 sets of Executive Orders and Pro­ clamations, series of 1935-1936.... 69.00 1 copy of annual report of the Audi­ tor-General ..................................... 23.00 1 copy, Encyclopedia Espasa, 1936, supplement ....................................... 16.00 For replacement: 2 American flags ................................. 22.00 2 Filipino flags .................................... 22.00 2 water coolers .................................... 39.00 Total ................................................ P267.00 267.00 267.00 487.30 Total for furniture and equipment.. 267.00 267.00 487.30 IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. Aid to specially organized provinces, as follows: (a) Province of Batanes..................... (b) Province of Palawan................... [Rental of the offices for Executive Departments and other offices in the Ayunta­ miento Building: Provided, That this fund may be used to cover expenses for transfer­ ring the said offices to new premises and their installation therein] ....................................... 2. For scholarships in the United States or in foreign countries: Provided, That no new pensionado shall be appointed in 1937 [1936] except any of the following: one to specialize in actuarial science, one in coast geodetic survey, one in psychiatry, and one in fisheries [authorized in 1934, but not ap­ pointed in said year]..................................... 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 36,000.00 34,200.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 132 D.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 3. For pensions authorized by Acts 2756 and 2922: (a) One veteran, at P850 a month.. 1*10,200.00 (&) Thirty-five veterans, at P15 a month each .................................. 6,300.00 (c) Fourteen veterans, at PIO a month each .................................. 1,680.00 Total .......................................... 1*18,180.00 18,180.00 18,660.00 18,513.50 4. For furthering the agricultural, in­ dustrial and social development of the non­ Christian inhabitants of the Philippines and their progress in civilization, including inter­ migration expenses and the traveling ex­ penses of a non-Christian commission to visit the provinces in Luzon and Visayas: SALARIES AND WAGES Administrative Division (6) One Moro translator...... «.,428.00 (c) One clerk ......................................... 756.00 (d) One clerk ......................................... 594.00 (c) One clerk ......................................... 432.00 (/) One clerk ................. 432.00 (g) One clerk ......................................... 324.00 (i) One laborer-messenger........:. 324.00 Miscellaneous Division (j) One agricultural extension agent ............................................ 432.00 (k) One assistant agricultural ex­ tension agent............................. 432.00 (Z) One assistant agricultural ex­ tension agent 432.00 OTHER EXPENSES (m) Sundry expenses and special allotments: ............................... 13,543.00 Total ....................................... «9,129.00 5. For special scholarships, for the Bu­ reau of Non-Christian Tribes......................... 6. For emergency expenses in urgent cases where the public order is imperiled: 19,129.00 11,550.00 19,129.00 11,550.00 14,898.38 10,328.76 SALARIES (a) One Moro special agent in Sulu ............................................. F2,040.00 D.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 133 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (b) Two Moro special agents in Sulu, at F810 per annum each .............................................. 1,620.00 (c) One Moro special agent in Sulu .............................................. 432.00 (d) One Moro special agent in Lanao .......................................... 324.00 OTHER EXPENSES (e) Sundry expenses........................... 425.00 Total ....................................... W,841.00 4,841.00 4,841.00 4,782.60 7. Transportation of persons and travel­ ing expenses not chargeable to other appro­ priations, as the public interest may re­ quire .................................................................... 2,000.00 8. Aid to the provinces under the con­ trol of the Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes to be distributed by the Secretary of the Interior [: Provided, That there shall be de­ ducted from this appropriation F45,590 for work in connection with non-Christian in­ habitants in regularly organized provinces and in the Province of Palawan:] [salaries and wages] 2,000.00 1,999.42 [Bataan] [(1) One superintendent ................... 1*540.00] [Capiz] [(2) One superintendent ................ 864.00] [Iloilo] [(3) One superintendent ................. 648.00] [Mindoro] [(4) Three superintendents ............ 1,620.00] [(5) One superintendent.................. 1.00] [(6) Sixteen Mangyan presidents.... 960.00] [(7) Sixteen chiefs of police............ 576.00] [(8) Forty-eight policemen ............ 1,152.00] [Misamis Provinces] [(9) One superintendent.................... 540.00] [Oriental Negros] [(10) One superintendent................ 864.00] [(11) Five non-Christian presidents 360.00] [(12) Five chiefs of police................ 300.00] [(13) Twenty policemen................... 720.00] 134 D.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS [Pampanga] [(14) One superintendent................. 540.00] [(15) Three police captains............ 180.00] [(16) Three chiefs of police.............. 144.00] [(17) Ten policemen.......................... 360.00] [Palawan] [(18) One superintendent ................. 864.00] [Rizal] [(19) One superintendent.................. 648.00] [(20) One superintendent.................. 324.00] [Surigao] [(21) One superintendent................ 864.00] [Tarlac] [(22) One superintendent................ 540.00] [(23) One superintendent .............. 432.00] [(24) Four presidents ...................... 384.00] [(25) Six policemen ........................... 216.00] [(26) Two policemen ......................... 48.00] [Baler, Tayabas] [(27) One superintendent.................. 810.00] [Calabgan, Tayabas] [(28) One superintendent ............... 540.00] [(29) One president............................ 72.00] [(30) Nine presidents ...................... 432.00] [(31) One carabao caretaker............ 60.00] [(32) One carabao caretaker........... 48.00] [Infanta, Tayabas] [(33) One superintendent ................ 432.00] [Zambales] [(34) One superintendent................. 540.00] [(35) One assistant superintend• ent....................................... 540.00] [(36) Two presidents........................ 192.00] [(37) Six chiefs of police.................. 288.00] [(38) Two chiefs of police................ 48.00] [(39)_ Fourteen policemen................ 504.00] [(40) Five policemen........................ 120.00] [(41) Three policemen...................... 36.00] [Superintendent-at-Large] [(42) One superintendent-at-large.... 2,295.00] [(43) One superintendent-at-large.... 1,700.00] [(44) One assistant superintend­ ent-at-large 1,428.00] D.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 135 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS [other expenses] [(45) Other expenses for the ad­ ministration of n o n - Christians in regularly organized provinces and in the Province of Pala­ wan ...................................... 20,816.00] [(46) Aid to the provinces under the control of the Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes to be distributed by the Secretary of the Interior 290,325.00] [Total ............................. P335.915.00] 290,325.00 335,915.00 316,161.40 9. For salaries and wages and other ex­ penses in connection with the administration of the Non-Christian inhabitants in regularly organized provinces and in the Province of Palawan, to be spent at the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior.................................. 10. For contribution to the City of Ba­ 45,590.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 guio under section 2553 (a) of Act No. 2711, as amended, any provision of existing lato to the contrary notwithstanding......................... 11. To cover the unpaid additional salary of the chief, records division, Office of the Secretary of the Interior, corresponding to the years 1935 and 1936................................... 10,000.00 1,700.00 [To cover the unpaid portion of the salary of Acting Governor Spiller of Sulu]........ 4,106.00 Total for special appropriations..... 442,315.00 537,095.00 513,990.06 V.—FIXED EXPENDITURES a. Gratuities, Act 1259............................. 2,700.00 8,700.00 8,700.00 Total for fixed expenditures........... 2,700.00 8,700.00 8,700.00 VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS a. Erection of a monument or memorial to General Gregorio H. del Pilar, Act 3751.... b. For the ratification or rejection of 2,000.00 49.20 the Constitution of the Philippines with the Ordinance appended thereto, Act 4200......... . 349,950.80 Total for continuing appropriations 49.20 351,950.80 136 D.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages....................... 154,049.00 153,199.00 164,698.45 Total for sundry expenses......................... 40,425.00 42,425.00 29,537.50 Total for furniture and equipment............. 267.00 267.00 487.30 Total for special appropriations................. 442,315.00 537,095.00 513,990.06 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Department of the Interior................................... 637,056.00 732,986,00 708,713.31 Total for fixed expenditures........... 2,700.00 8,700.00 8,700.00 Total for ordinary expenditures for the Department of the Interior.... 639,756.00 741,686.00 717,413.31 EXTRAORDINARY AddTotal for continuing appropriations.... 49.20 351,950.80 Grand total available for the De­ partment of the Interior......... ¥639,756.00 ¥741,735.20 ¥1,069,364.11 X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS P- The granting of automatic promotions to medical officers and dental surgeons and of additional pay due to length of service to all officers of the Philippine Constab­ ulary shall be suspended for the year 1936 the provisions of Act No. 3400 and of Act No. 2936, as amended by Act No. 3620, to the contrary notwithstanding. This proviso shall not affect automatic promotions and additional pay already granted before January 1, 1933.J [2 The contribution of the Insular Government to the City of Manila is hereby abolished, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.] £3. The contribution of the Insular Government to the City of Baguio shall not exceed ¥=70,000 during the year, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwith­ standing.] D.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 137 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT (No appropriation for 1937 is requested for the Philippine Constabulary, the same having been fused with the Philippine Army in accordance with Commonwealth Act No. 1) 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized (From the appro­ priation of the Department of the Interior) 1935 actual [PHILIPPINE CONSTABULARY] [I.—SALARIES AND WAGES] [(1) Salaries and wages]......................... [(2) Salaries and wages (Items A to G, Act 4245)1 ........................................................ [Total for salaries and wages] ?4,154,110.50 ?3,970,381.82 1,061,678.88 ..................... 5,215,789.38 3,970,381.82 [II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES] [1. Traveling expenses of personnel]............................... [2. Traveling expenses of personnel (Item F, Act No. 4188)1............................................................ [3. Traveling expenses of personnel (Item H, Act No. 4245)1............................................................ [4. Freight, express and delivery service] ..................... [5. Freight, express and delivery service (Item I, Act No. 4245)1............................................................ [6. Postal, telegraph, telephone and ca­ ble service] .................................................................................. [7- Illumination and power service]............................... [8. Illumination and power service (Item G, Act No. 4188)1........................................................... [9. Illumination and power service (Item J, Act No. 4245)1............................................................ [10. Rental of buildings and grounds]............................. [11- Rental of buildings and grounds (Item H, Act No. 4188)1............................................................ [12. Rental of buildings and grounds (Item K, Act No. 4245)1.......................................................... [13. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials] ............................................................................................ [14. Supplies and materials (for repair of buildings) (Item I, Act No. 4188)1................................... [15. Supplies and materials (including the enlargement of all Government barracks occupied by enlisted men) (Item L, Act No. 4245)1 .......................................................................................... [16. Printing and binding reports, doc­ uments and publications]........................................................... 120,000.00 10,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 3,000.00 22,500.00 9,250.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 25,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 161,575.00 48,000.00 239,989.86 32,474.32 27,427.35 18,103.81 28,950.46 267,562.16 140,000.00 ................... 1,700.00 54.17 138 D.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR COMPARATIVE STATEMENT (No appropriation for 1937 is requested for the Philippine Constabulary, the same having been fused with the Philippine Army in accordance with Commonwealth Act No. 1) 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized (From the appro­ priation of the Department of the Interior) 1935 actual [PHILIPPINE CONSTABULARY] [II—SUNDRY EXPENSES] [17. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees] ................................. [18. Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment] .................................................................. [19. Other services] .................................. [20. Sundry expenses in connection with secret service] .................................................. [21. Rewards to informers of opium traffic, Act 2381, and also rewards to in­ formers for the capture of unlicensed arms].. [Total for sundry expenses]........... 1,000.00 18,000.00 17,000.00 5,000.00 8,000.00 668,025.00 4,605.65 29,772.37 31,606.76 12,320.79 915.00 693,782.70 [III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT] [1 Purchase of furniture and equip­ ment, including one automobile or jitney for the Philippine Constabulary at a cost not to exceed ?=3,000] ............................................................ [2 For miscellaneous equipment (Item E, Act No. 4188 as reduced by Item 27 of Act No. 4231)]............................................................ [Total for furniture and equipment] [IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS] [1. Constabulary Pension and Retire­ ment Fund, section 3, Act No. 3205].................... [2. Additional contribution to Constab­ ulary Pension and Retirement Fund to cover deficit in said fund in 1935: Provided, That pensions paid under Act No. 3205, as amended, shall be subject to the reductions prescribed under section 15 of this Act]............ [3- For purchase of 300 Springfield rifles, caliber 30, with bayonets and scab­ bards or any other arms]...................................... 20,000.00 30,000.00 50,000.00 100,000.00 205,000.00 25,650.00 292,682.93 292,682.93 100,000.00 117,445.67 25,359.00 D.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 139* COMPARATIVE STATEMENT (No appropriation for 1937 is requested for the Philippine Constabulary, the same having been fused with the Philippine Army in accordance with Commonwealth Act No. 1) 1937 1937 ,BudS«t Details requested Item No. 1936 authorized (From the appro­ priation of the Department of the Interior) 1935 actual [PHILIPPINE CONSTABULARY] [IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS] [4. For purchase of rifles, revolvers, ar­ mored cars, and other equipment needed to arm the additional men required (Item M, No. 4245)1 ........................................................ [5. For the purchase of books and pe­ riodicals for the Philippine Constabulary Academy in Baguio, section 12, Act No. 3496] [6. For an aviation unit in the Philip­ pine Constabulary, Act No. 4194]................. [7. For the completion of the construc­ tion of barracks and quarters at Camp Mur­ phy (Item N, Act No. 4245)J................................................... 306,621.12 400.00 219,000.00 327,000.00 370.70 300,000.00 [Total for special appropriations]........................... 1,183,671.12 543,175.37 [VIII.—INDEFINITE EXPENDITURES] [1. Deterioration of supplies and sales stock] ............................................................................................ 4,604.39 39.17 [2. Extraordinary losses] ............................................... [Total for indefinite expenditures] ..................... 4,643.56 [IX.—SUMMARY] [Total for salaries and wages]............................................. 5,215,789.38 668,025.00 50,000.00 1,183,671.12 3,970,381.82 693,782.70 292,682.93 543,175.37 [Total for sundry expenses]................................................. [Total for furniture and equipment]......... [Total for special appropriations]....................................... [Total appropriation for the Phil­ ippine Constabulary]............................................. 7,117,485.50 5,500,022.82 4,643.56 [Total for indefinite appropriations]......... [Transfer to Philippine Army, Common­ wealth Act No. 1]................................................................(P7,117,485.50) ....................... [Grand total appropriation for the Philippine Constabulary] ..................................... 0.00 ?=5^04,666.38 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE For the year 1937, the sum of P2,987,244 is requested for the bureaus and of­ fices under this Department, as against P3,403,660.60 authorized for the current year, making a net decrease of P416,416.60. This decrease has been accomplished in spite of the substantial increases that are given in the appropriations for the Bureaus of Internal Revenue, Customs and Treasury by the elimination of the appropriation for the Bureau of Printing, which has been placed on a revolving fund basis, and the reduction of items of appropriations which were found excessive. The increase in the personnel of the Bureaus of Internal Revenue and Customs is expected to result in increased col­ lection of the government revenues. Para el año 1937, la suma de 4*2,987,244 se pide para las Oficinas bajo este Departamento contra la suma de 1*3,403,660.60 autorizada para el presente año, resultando una disminución neta de 1*416,416.60. Esta disminución se ha obtenido, a pesar de los aumentos que se dieron a las consig­ naciones para las Oficinas de Rentas Internas, Aduanas y Tesorería, por la eliminación de la con­ signación para la Oficina de la Imprenta, que fué colocada sobre la base de fondos reembolsables, y por la reducción de partidas en las consignaciones que se han encontrado excesivas. Se espera que el aumento de personal en las Oficinas de Rentas Internas y Aduanas dará por resultado el aumento en la recaudación de las rentas del Gobierno. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY DEPARTMENT HEADS 1. Secretary of the Department............. P10,200.00 P10,200.00 1 2. Undersecretary of the Department.. 7,225.00 7,225.00 2 CHIEF CLERK [OF OFFICE] 3. One chief [Budget Office] clerk......... 3,825.00 3,825.00 4 Technical Assistant 4. One technical assistant [inspector of hulls and boilers]................................................ 3,400.00 3,400.00 H-I-(3)-97 Law Clerk 5. (Im p ln.m clerk. 1,800.00 CLERKS 6. Two clerks, at f*2,550 per annum each 5,100.00 5,100.00 5-6 7. One clerk .............................................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 8 8. One clerk .............................................. 540.00 540.00 10 Total .......................................... 33,620.00 31,820.00 140 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 141 (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 1. Secretary of the Department .......................... PIO,200.00 2. Undersecretary of the Department.................... 7,225.00 TECHNICAL DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 3. 1 chief clerk ....................................................... 3,825.00 6. 2 clerks, at P2.550 per annum each................ 5,100.00 7. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,530.00 8. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 4. 1 technical assistant .......-................... 3,400.00 5. 1 law clerk .................................................... 1,800.00 Total for salaries and wages...................... P33.620.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) DIVISION OF PURCHASE AND SUPPLY CHIEF OF OFFICE 1. One Purchasing Agent....................... P5,100.00 P5,100.00 1 CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 2. One chief of section [division]........... 4,250.00 4,250.00 2b 3. One chief of section [division]......... 2,550.00 2,550.00 5a 4. One chief of section............................. 1,693.00 1,693.00 8 5. One chief of section............................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 10 6. Two chiefs of sections, at Pl,530 per annum each........................................................ 3,060.00 3,060.00 9,11 7. One chief of section........................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 12 8. One chief of section........................... 864.00 864.00 13 BUYERS 9. One chief buyer................................... 4,675.00 4,675.00 2 10. One assistant chief buyer................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 5 11. One buyer.............................................. 2,550.00 2,550.00 14 12. Four buyers, at P2,380 per annum each .................................................................... 9,520.00 9,520.00 15-18 13. One buyer.............................................. 1,700.00 1,700.00 19 14. One buyer.............................................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 20 15. One buyer.............................................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 21 STENOGRAPHER 16. One stenographer................................ 1,224.00 1,224.00 23 WAREHOUSEMAN 17. One warehouseman............................. 1,224.00 1,224.00 24 CLERKS 18. One clerk .............................................. 1,428.00 1,428.00 26 19. One clerk ..........................................— 1,122.00 1,122.00 27 142 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details 1936 authorized (2) DIVISION OF PURCHASE AND SUPPLY 20. One stock clerk..................................... 21. One property clerk ............................. 22. Three clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................................... [One clerk] ........................................ 23. One clerk .............................................. 24. Six clerks, at P756 per annum each 25. Five clerks, at P648 per annum each.. 26. Twelve clerks, at P540 per annum each .................................................................... 27. Ten clerks, at P432 per annum each 28. Nine clerks, at 5*432 per annum, each 29. Thirteen clerks, at 1*360 per annum each .................................................................... 30. Temporary and emergency employees, including laborers, as follows: 1,080.00 1,080.00 28 1,080.00 1,080.00 29 3,240.00 3,240.00 30,31 1,080.00 31 97'2.00 972.00 33 4,536.00 4,536.00 34,37 3,240.00 3,240.00 38 6,480.00 6,480.00 40, 43 4,320.00 4,320.00 44-45 3,888.00 .. 47(v) 4,680.00 ... 47(v) {Based on 300 working days unless otherwise specified) Inspector (a) One inspector .................................................... Foreman (b) One foreman ................................................... Watchmen (c) One chief watchman........................................ (d) One watchman ................................................. (e) One watchman ................................................. (/) One watchman ................................................. (</) Two watchmen, at P432 per annum each.. Capataces (h) One capataz ..................................................... (i) One capataz ...................................................... Chauffeurs (;) One chauffeur .................................................... (k) One chauffeur .................................................. (Z) One chauffeur ................................................. (?n) One chauffeur ................................................. (n) One chauffeur ................................................... (o) One chauffeur ................................................... Marker (p) One marker 1,350.00 ..................... 47 (V) 1,147.50 (v) 2,448.00 2,448.00 (d) 702.00 702.00 (e) 464.00 464.00 (f) 454.00 454.00 (g) 864.00 864.00 (h)-(i) 660.00 (v) 600.00 ..................... (v) 540.00 ..................... (v) 510.00 (v) 480.00 ..................... (v) 435.00 ..................... (v) 390.00 ..................... (v) 351.00 ..................... <v) 315.00 ..................... (v) Former incumbent of item 31 of Act 4231 retired under Act No. 2589. E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 143 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference t0 *tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) DIVISION OF PURCHASE AND SUPPLY Checkers (q) One checker, at P2.35 per day..................... (r) One checker, at P2.34 per day...................... (s) One checker, at 1*2.15 per day..................... (t) One checker, at 1*1.95 per day...................... (u) Two checkers, at Pl.89 per day each........ (v) One checker, at 1*1.85 per day...................... (w) One checker, at 1*1.65 per day..................... (x) One checker, at 1*1.55 per day..................... (y) One checker, at Pl.lrf per day..................... (z) One checker, at 1*1.20 per day...................... (aa) One checker, at 1*1.15 per day.................. Packers (bb) One packer, at Pl.65 per day..................... (cc) One packer, at Pl.20 per day..................... Carpenters (dd) One carpenter, at Pl.55 per day.............. (ee) One carpenter, at Pl.35 per day.............. (ff) One carpenter, at Pl.26 per day............... (gg) Two carpenters, at Pl.20 per day each.. Janitors (hh) One janitor ................................................ (ii) One janitor, at Pl.60 per day..................... Pump Tender (jj) One pump tender, at PIJrf per day.......... Messengers (kk) One messenger ............................................ (Il) Two messengers, at F394 per annum each .......................................................... (mm) Two messengers, at F366 per annum each .......................................................... (nn) Two messengers, at P338 per annum each .......................................................... (oo) Seven messengers, at P300 per annum each ......................................................... (pp) One messenger ........................................... Coal Agent (qq) One coal agent............................................. 705.00 (v) 702.00 (v) 645.00 (v) 585.00 ... (v) 1,134.00 ... (v) 555.00 (v) 495.00 ... (v) 465.00 ... (v) 435.00 .. (v) 360.00 ... (v) 345.00 (V) 495.00 (v) 360.00 ... (v) 465.00 (V) 405.00 (V) 378.00 .. (v) 720.00 (v) 518.00 518.00 (j) 480.00 .. (v) 435.00 (v) 421.00 421.00 (k) 788.00 788.00 (l)-(m) 732.00 732.00 (n)-(o) 676.00 676.00 (p)-(q) 2,100.00 2,100.00 (r)-(t) 240.00 240.00 (u) 204.00 204.00 (c) 144 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details 1936 authorized (2) DIVISION OF PURCHASE AND SUPPLY Laborers (rr) Three laborers, at Fl.62 per day each... 1,458.00 (ss) One laborer, at Fl.56 per day..................... 468.00 (tt) Two laborers, at Fl.55 per day each........ 930.00 (uu) Five laborers, at Fl.lrf per day each..... 2,175.00 (vv) Fifteen laborers, at F1.35 per day each. 6,075.00 (ww) Two laborers, at Fl.30 per day each.... 780.00 (xx) One laborer, at F1.26 per day................... 378.00 (yy) Six laborers, at Fl.20 per day each......... 2,160.00 (zz) One laborer, at Fl.17 per day..................... 351.00 (aaa) One laborer, at Fl.1183 per day............. 335.50 (bbb) Six laborers, at Fl.10 per day each....... 1,980.00 (ccc) Two laborers, at F1.08 per day each.... 648.00 (ddd) Six laborers, at Fl per day each........... 1,800.00 [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers] ................................................... ............................ Total................................................ 130,094.00 45,078.00 131,203.00 (v) (v) (v) (v) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (v) INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Purchasing Agent.............................................. P5,100.00 19. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,122.00 30 (ww). 1 laborer, at Pl.30 per day...................... 390.00 BUYING DIVISION 9. 1 chief buyer .......................................................... 4,675.00 10. 1 assistant chief buyer........................................ 3,060.00 11. 1 buyer ................................................................... 2,550.00 12. 3 buyers, at P2,380 per annum each.............. 7,140.00 13 1 buyer ..................................................................... 1,700.00 14. 1 buyer ..................................................................... 1,530.00 15. 1 buyer ..................................................................... 1,326.00 4. 1 chief of sect;on .................................................. 1,693.00 16. 1 stenographer ...................................................... 1,224.00 22. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 23. 1 clerk ..................................................... 972.00 24. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each...................... 2,268.00 25. 3 clerks, at P648 per annum each...................... 1,944.00 26. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each...................... 1,080.00 27. 5 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 2,160.00 29. 3 clerks, at P360 per annum each...................... 1,080.00 30 (ü). 1 janitor, at Pl.60 per day...................... 480.00 30(1/1/). 1 laborer, at Pl.20 per day...................... 360.00 Circular Proposal Section 3. 1 chief of section .................................................... 2,550.00 30(i/i/). 1 laborer, at Pl.20 per day...................... 360.00 Import Section 7. 1 chief of section .................................................... 1,080.00 26. 1 clerk ............ 540.00 30(6). 1 foreman .......... 1,147.50 Billing Section 8. 1 chief of section.................................................... 864.00 22. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 26. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................... 1,080.00 27. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................... 864.00 28. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 29. 1 clerk ................. 360.00 Cashier 22. 1 clerk............................... 1,080.00 25. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 28. 1 clerk ............................................. -................. 432.00 Records Section 6. 1 chief of section —............................................ 1,530.00 24. 1 clerk ................... -................. 756.00 ?6. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 28. 1 clerk .................. - 432.00 29. 5 clerks, at P360 per annum each......... ........ 1,800.00 30 (lek) 1 messenger ......................... 421.00 30 (rr) 1 laborer, at Pl.62 per day................ 486.00 30 (yy) 1 laborer, at Pl.20 per day........................ 360.00 30(ddd) 2 laborers, at Pl per day each.—.......... 600.00 30(¿) 1 chauffeur .......—....—......... -........... 480.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 145 (2) DIVISION OF PURCHASE AND SUPPLY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Property Section ........... 1,080.00 ¿1. 1 prupciiy Licin ..................... 540.00 432.00 360.00 30(Zih) 1 janitor .......................... 518.00 Stock Section 6. 1 chief of section ................................................ 26. 2 clerks, at P340 per annum each .................... 27. 1 clerk .................................. -.............. 28. 1 clerk ............. ...........................-.......................... 29. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,530.00 1,080.00 432.00 432.00 360.00 Price Book Section 17. 1 warehouseman ..................................................... 25. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 26. 1 clerk ................................ —................................. 30(g) 1 watchman ...................................................... 30(oo) 1 messenger .............................. -................... 1,224.00 648.00 540.00 432.00 300.00 Supplies Section 2. 1 chief of section ................................................ 4,250.00 12. 1 buyer ................................................................... 2,380.00 5. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,530.00 18. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,428.00 20. 1 stock clerk .................................-....................... 1,080.00 24. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................. 1,512.00 26. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 27. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 864.00 28. 4 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 1,728.00 29. 2 clerks, at P360 per annum each...................... 720.00 30(a). 1 inspector ...................................................... 1,350.00 30(gg). 1 coal agent .................................................. 204.00 30(c). 1 chief watchman .......................................... 2,448.00 30(d). 1 watchman ................................................... 702.00 30(e). 1 watchman ................................................... 464.00 30(f). 1 watchman ..................................................... 454.00 30(g). 1 watchman ...........................-.......~............. 432.00 30(h) 1 capataz ........................................................ 660.00 30(t). 1 capataz ........................................................ 600.00 30 (j). 1 chauffeur ...................................................... 540.00 30(h). 1 chauffeur ...................................... -...... 510.00 30 (m). 1 chauffeur .................................................... 435.00 30 (n). 1 chauffeur ..................................................... 390.00 30(o). 1 chauffeur .................................................... 351.00 30(p). 1 marker ........................................................ 315.00 30(55). 1 packer, at Pl.65 per day...................... 495.00 30 (cc). 1 packer, at Pl.20 uer day.......................... 360.00 30 (jj). 1 pump tender, at (P1.45 per day............ 435.00 30 (dd). 1 carpenter, at Pl.55 per day ................. 465.00 30 (ee). 1 carpenter, at Pl.35 per day.................. 405.00 30(/F). 1 carpenter, at Pl.26 per day................. 878.00 30(gg). 2 carpenters, at Pl.20 per day each___ 720.00 30(g). 1 checker, at P2.35 per day ......................... 705.00 30 (r). 1 checker, at P2.34 per day........... ........ 702.00 30 (s). 1 checker, at P2.15 per day.............. 645.00 30(t). 1 checker, at Pl.95 per day_____________ 585.00 30 (u). 2 checkers, at Pl.89 per day each.............. 1,134.00 30(v). 1 checker, at Pl.85 per day____________ 555.00 30(w). 1 checker, at Pl.65 per day..._............„....... 495.00 30 (x) 1 checker, at Pl.55 per day........................... 465.00 30(y). 1 checker, at Pl.45 per day.......................... 435.00 30 (z). 1 checker, at Pl.20 per day..........„.....-.... ~ 860.00 30 (aa). 1 checker, at Pl.15 per day_________ 845.00 30 (rr). 2 laborers, at Pl.62 per day each.............. 972.00 30 (as). 1 laborer, at Pl.56 per day.........._.............. 468.00 30 (tt). 2 laborers, at Pl.55 per day each.............. 930.00 30 (uu). 5 laborers, at Pl.45 per day each.............. 2,175.00 30 (vv). 15 laborers, at Pl.35 per day each.............. 6,075.00 30 (ww). 1 laborer, at Pl.30 per day...................... 390.00 30(xx). 1 laborer, at Pl.26 per day........................ 378.00 30 (yy). 2 laborers, at Pl.20 per day each............... 720.00 30(1/2/). 1 laborer, at Pl.20 per day........................ 360.00 30 (zz). 1 laborer, at Pl.17 per day............ 851.00 30 (aaa). 1 laborer, at Pl.1183 per day............. ..... 335.50 30(bbb). 6 laborers, at Pl.10 per day each____ 1,980.00 30(ccc). 2 laborers, at Pl.08 per day each........ 648.00 30(ddd). 4 laborers, at Pl per day each. 1,200.00 30 (ZZ). 2 messengers, at P394 per annum each.... 788.00 30 (mm). 2 messengers, at P366 per annum each 732.00 30(nn). 2 messengers, at P338 per annum each 676.00 30(oo). 6 messengers, at P300 per annum each.... 1,800.00 30 (pp). 1 messenger ................................................ 240.00 Total for salaries and wages...................... P130,094.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS DIRECTORS 1. One Insular Collector of Customs.... 1*6,120.00 2. One Insular Deputy Collector of Cus­ toms 5,100.00 1*6,120.00 5,100.00 1 2 299089----- 10 146 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. ■la-jc Reference to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 requested Details (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS 3. Two collectors of customs, at 5*5,100 per annum each ................................................ 4. Four collectors of customs, at 5*4,250 per annum each ................................................ DEPUTY COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS 5. Two deputy collectors of customs, at P3,400 per annum each.................................... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 6. One chief of the customs secret serv­ ice 7. One [special agent] chief, Adminis­ trative Division.................................................. 8. One chief of cash division................... 9. One chief appraiser.............................. 10. One surveyor of the port................... 11. One supervising inspector of hulls and boilers.......................................................... 12. One chief of division........................... 13. One special agent................................. 14. Two chiefs of divisions, at 5*3,825 per annum each ........................................................ 15. Four chiefs of divisions, at 5*3,400 per annum each ................................................ ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 16. One assistant supervising inspector of hulls and boilers............................................ 17. One assistant chief appraiser............. 18. One assistant chief of the customs secret service...................................................... 19. One assistant chief of division........... 20. One assistant chief of division........... 21. One assistant chief of division........... 22. Three assistant chiefs of divisions, at 1*2,040 per annum each..................................... 22a. One assistant chief of division........... CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 23. One property clerk ............................. 24. One chief of section............................. 25. One chief of section............................. 26. One assistant chief of section............. 10,200.00 10,200.00 3 17,000.00 17,000.00 4 6,800.00 6,800.00 5-6 4,675.00 4,675.00 7 4,250.00 4,250.00 8 4,250.00 4,250.00 9 4,250.00 4,250.00 10 4,250.00 4,250.00 11 4,250.00 4,250.00 12 4,250.00 4,250.00 J-I(l)8a 4,000.00 . 7,650.00 7,650.00 13 13,600.00 13,600.00 14-16 3,825.00 3,825.00 17 3,400.00 3,400.00 18 3,060.00 3,060.00 19 3,060.00 3,060.00 J-I(l)20 2,720.00 2,720.00 20 2,380.00 2,380.00 21 6,120.00 6,120.00 22-23 2,040.00 . 1,530.00 1,530.00 25 1,530.00 1,530.00 26 1,224.00 1,224.00 27 972.00 972.00 28 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 147 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS APPRAISERS 27. One appraiser ..................................... 28. One appraiser [senior immigration 3,060.00 3,060.00 29 inspector] ......................................................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 99 29. Three appraisers, at P2,380 per annum each............................................................ 7,140.00 7,140.00 30-31 30. Five appraisers, at 1*2,040 per annum each .................................................................... 10,200.00 10,200.00 32 31. One appraiser ..................................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 33 32> One assistant appraiser....................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 34 EXAMINERS 33. Two examiners, at 1*2,040 per annum each .................................................................... 4,080.00 4,080.00 35-36 34. Four examiners, at Pl,700 per annum each........................................................... 6,800.00 6,800.00 37, 39-40 34a. One examiner ..................................... 1,700.00 35. Seven examiners, at 1*1,530 per an­ num each.............................. ............................. 10,710.00 10,710.00 41-43 36. Two examiners, at Fl,428 per annum each .................................................................... 2,856.00 2,856.00 44-45 37. One examiner....................................... 38. Three examiners, at Pl,224 per an­ 1,326.00 1,326.00 46 num each............................................................ 3,672.00 3,672.00 47 39. Four examiners, at Pl,122 per annum each .................................................................... 4,488.00 4,488.00 48-49 40. Twelve examiners, at Pl,080 per annum each ..................................................... 12,960.00 12,960.00 50-54 41. One examiner....................................... 42. Two examiners, at F972 per annum 1,026.00 1,026.00 55 each .................................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 56 43. Three examiners, at P900 per annum each .................................................................... 2,700.00 2,700.00 57-59 ASSISTANT EXAMINERS 44. Four assistant examiners, at F972 per annum each........................................................ 3,888.00 3,888.00 60-62 45. Three assistant examiners, at F864 per annum each................................................. 2,592.00 2,592.00 63 46. Four assistant examiners, at P756 per annum each....................................................... 3,024.00 3,024.00 64 47. One assistant examiner....................... 648.00 648.00 65 48. One assistant examiner....................... 540.00 540.00 66 49. One assistant examiner....................... 432.00 432.00 67 148 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Former incumbent of item 103 of Act 4231 retired under Act 2589. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 * authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS ASSESSORS 50. Three assessors, at ^1,530 per annum each.... CALCULATORS 4,590.00 4,590.00 68-69 51. One calculator ...................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 70 52. One calculator ...................................... 1,428.00 1,428.00 71 53. Six calculators, at Pl ,080 per annum each............. .............................................. 6,480.00 6,480.00 72-76, 78 53a. One calculator........................................ 1,080.00 54. Two calculators, at P972 per annum each .. 1,944.00 1,944.00 79-80 55. One calculator ...................................... 756.00 756.00 81 56. Two calculators, at P648 per annum each .. 1,296.00 1,296.00 82-83 57. Five calculators, at F540 per annum each.... 2,700.00 SURVEYORS OF CUSTOMS 58. One surveyor of customs..................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 85 59. One surveyor of customs..................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 86 WHARFINGERS 60. One wharfinger .................................... 2,380.00 2,380.00 87 61. Two wharfingers, at P2,O4O per annum each............................................................ 4,080.00 4,080.00 88-89 62. One wharfinger .................................... 1,693.00 1,693.00 90 63. One wharfinger .................................... 1,500.00 64. One assistant wharfinger................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 91 65. One wharfinger .................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 92 66. Two wharfingers, at P648 per annum each . BOARDING OFFICERS 1,296.00 1,296.00 93 67. Two boarding officers, at Pl,530 per annum each ...................................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 94 68. One boarding officer........................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 95 INSPECTORS 69. Seven inspectors of hulls and boilers, at ^3,400 per annum each.................. ............. 23,800.00 23,800.00 96 70. One customs medical inspector......... 2,550.00 2,550.00 98 71. Two immigration inspectors, at P2,040 per annum each................................... 4,080.00 4,080.00 100-101 72. One immigration inspector................. 1,700.00 1,700.00 102 [One immigration inspector]........... 1,080.00 103 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 149 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS 73. One immigration inspector................. 972.00 972.00 104 74. One immigration inspector................. 864.00 864.00 105 74a. One immigration inspector [clerk].. 864.00 864.00 151 75. Two immigration inspectors, at 1*756 per annum each.................................................. 1,512.00 1,512.00 106 76. One immigration inspector................. 594.00 594.00 107 77. One warehouse inspector................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 108 78. One assistant warehouse inspector.... 1,224.00 1,224.00 109 79. One bay and river chief inspector..... 1,530.00 1,530.00 110 80. One bay and river inspector............... 864.00 864.00 111 81. One customs district inspector with quarters .............................................................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 112 82. One inspector ...................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 113 83. One inspector....................................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 114 84. Two inspectors, at 5*1,122 per annum each .................................................................... 2,244.00 2,244.00 115 85. One inspector....................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 116 86. Two inspectors, at 1*972 per annum each .................................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 117 87. Five inspectors, at ¥=864 per annum each .................................................................... 4,320.00 4,320.00 118-119 88. Fourteen inspectors, at 1*756 per an­ num each............................................................ 10,584.00 10,584.00 120 89. One inspector........................................ 745.00 745.00 121 90. Three inspectors, at 1*648 per annum each .................................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 122 91. One inspector....................................... 540.00 540.00 123 91a. Four inspectors, at f*540 per annum each ................................................................. 2,160.00 OVERSEER 92. One overseer ....................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 123(a) DISBURSING OFFICERS 93. One deputy disbursing officer............. 1,530.00 1,530.00 125 94. One assistant disbursing officer......... 1,326.00 1,326.00 126 TELLERS 95. One teller .............................................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 127 96. One clerk-receiving teller................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 128 [ASSISTANT CASHIER and] CLERK-CASHIERS 97. One [assistant] clerk-cashier........... 972.00 972.00 129 98. One clerk-cashier ............................... 864.00 864.00 130 99. Two clerk-cashiers, at 1*648 per an­ num each............................................................ 1,296.00 1,296.00 131-132 150 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1QQ7 Reference to item Budget Details numbers of Act Item Nn requested authorized No. 4231, unless liem rM0‘ otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS STENOGRAPHERS 100. One stenographer ............................... 101. Two stenographers, at Fl,224 per annum each ........................................................ INTERPRETERS 102. One Chinese interpreter..................... 103. Two Chinese interpreters, at Fl,080 per annum each.................................................. CLERKS 104. One clerk .............................................. 104a. One clerk [accountant]..................... 104b. One clerk ............................................ 105. Five clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each .................................................................... 105a. One clerk [assistant accountant]..... 106. One clerk ............................................ 106a. One clerk ............................................ 107. Two clerks, at ¥=1,326 per annum each .................................................................... 108. Two clerks, at F 1,224 per annum each .................................................................... 109. Two clerks, at ¥=1,122 per annum each .................................................................... 109a. One clerk [assistant accountant].... 110. Ten clerks, at Fl,080 per annum each 110a. One clerk [assistant accountant].... 111. Seven clerks, at F972 per annum each 112. One clerk ............................................. 113. One clerk ............................................. 114. Ten clerks, at F864 per annnum each 115. One clerk ............................................. 116. Twelve clerks, at F756 per annum each .................................................................... 116a. One clerk............................................. 117. Twenty-six clerks, at F648 per an­ num each ............................................................ 118. One clerk ............................................. 119 Twenty clerks, at F540 per annum each .................................................................... 119a. One clerk ........................................... 119&. One clerk............................................. 120. One clerk ............................................. 1,428.00 1,428.00 133 2,448.00 2,448.00 134-135 1,275.00 1,275.00 136 2,160.00 2,160.00 137 2,040.00 2,040.00 138 2,040.00 2,040.00 J-I(l)80 2,040.00 2,040.00 J-I(1)120 7,650.00 7,650.00 139-140 1,530.00 1,530.00 J-I(1)83 1,428.00 1,428.00 141 1,428.00 2,652.00 2,652.00 142-143 2,448.00 2,448.00 144 2,244.00 2,244.00 145 1,122.00 1,122.00 J-I (1)88 10,800.00 10,800.00 146-147 1,080.00 1,080.00 J-I(1)89 6,804.00 6,804.00 148 961.00 961.00 149 918.00 918.00 150 8,640.00 8,640.00 151,153-154 810.00 810.00 155 9,072.00 9,072.00 156-158 756.00 756.00 J-I(1)137 16,848.00 16,848.00 159-160 594.00 594.00 161 10,800.00 10,800.00 162-163 540.00 540.00 J-I(1)147 540.00 . 529.00 529.00 164 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 151 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS 121. Six clerks, at 1*486 per annum each.. 122. Twenty-eight clerks, at 1*432 per an2,916.00 2,916.00 166-169 num each ............................................................ 12,096.00 12,096.00 170-172 123. Three clerks, at 1*378 per annum each 1,134.00 1,134.00 173-175 124. One clerk .............................................. 125. Temporary employees as follow^: 324.00 324.00 176 (a) Four clerks, at 1*240 per annum each.. 960.00 960.00 177(a) (6) One clerk, at 1*20 per month..................... 40.00 40.00 (M WEIGHERS 126. Four weighers, at 1*648 per annum each .................................................................... 2,592.00 2,592.00 178-179 127. Three weighers, at 1*540 per annum each .................................................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 180 128. One weigher ....................................... 129. Five weighers, at 1*432 per annum 529.00 529.00 181 each .................................................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 182 SEMAPHORE STATION 130. One chief of the semaphore station, ivith quarters in kind....................................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 183 131. One assistant chief of the semaphore station, with quarters in kind......................... 864.00 864.00 184 STOREKEEPERS 132. One storekeeper................................... 972.00 972.00 185 133. One storekeeper................................... 648.00 648.00 186 134. One assistant storekeeper................... 648.00 648.00 187 GUARDS 135. Nine guards, at F648 per annum each ................................................................... 5,832.00 5,832.00 188-189 136. Forty-eight guards, at 1*540 per an­ num each............................................................ 25,920.00 25,920.00 190 137. One guard............................................. 138. Ninety-eight guards, at 1*432 per an­ 486.00 486.00 191 num each .......................................................... 42,336.00 42,336.00 192-195 138a. Three guards, at ^^32 per annum each...................................................................... 1,296.00 . 139. One night guard................................... 432.00 432.00 196 140. One guard.............................................. 324.00 324.00 197 BAY AND RIVER GUARDS 141. One bay and river guard..................... 648.00 648.00 198 142. One bay and river guard..................... 637.00 637.00 199 152 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Reference to item nAfaile lyoo numbers of Act requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS 143. Nine bay and river guards, at 1*540 per annum each.................................................. 4,860.00 4,860.00 200-201 144. Two bay and river guards, at 1*432 per annum each.................................................. 864.00 864.00 202 TELEPHONE OPERATOR 145. One telephone operator....................... 324.00 324.00 203 MESSENGERS 146. One messenger..................................... 540.00 540.00 204 147. One messenger...................................... 378.00 378.00 205 148. Three messengers, at 1*360 per an­ num each............................................................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 206 149. Six messengers, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 207-209 150. Three mesengers, at 1*300 per annum each...................................................................... 900.00 900.00 210-211 151. Thirty-one messengers, at T240 per annum each........................................................ 7,440.00 7,440.00 212 SECRET SERVICE AGENTS [Secret agents engaged in the appre­ hension of violators of the customs, immigra­ tion and revenue laws, as follows:] 152. One supervising customs secret serv­ ice agent ...... ..................................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 213(a) 153. One supervising customs secret serv­ ice agent ............................................................ 2,397.00 2,397.00 (&) 154. One supervising customs secret serv­ ice agent.............................................................. 2,295.00 2,295.00 (<0 155. Three supervising customs secret service agents, at 1*2,040 per annum each..... 6,120.00 6,120.00 (d)-(e) 156. One supervising customs secret serv­ ice agent ............................................................ 1,870.00 1,870.00 (/) 157. One supervising customs secret serv­ ice agent.............................................................. 1,785.00 1,785.00 Iff) 158. Two supervising customs secret service agents, at 1*1,700 per annum each..... 3,400.00 3,400.00 W 159. One supervising customs secret serv­ ice agent ............................................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 (0 160. One customs secret service agent..... 1,700.00 1,700.00 (/) 161. One customs secret service agent.... 1,632.00 1,632.00 (fc) 162. Two customs secret service agents, at 1*1,080 per annum each............................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 (D E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 153 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS 163. Two customs secret service agents, at 1*972 per annum each..................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 (m)-(n) 164 One customs secret service agent..... 918.00 918.00 (o) 165. Three customs secret service agents, at 1*864 per annum each ............................... 2,592.00 2,592.00 (p) 166. Six customs secret service agents, at 1*810 per annum each....................................... 4,860.00 4,860.00 (?) 167. Seven customs secret service agents, at 1*756 per annum each............................... 5,292.00 5,292.00 (r)-(s) 168. Four customs secret service agents, at F702 per annum each ............................... 2,808.00 2,808.00 (t) 169. Twenty-four customs secret service agents, at 1*648 per annum each................... 15,552.00 15,552.00 W-(v) 170. One customs secret service agent.... 540.00 540.00 (w) 171. One customs secret service agent.... 432.00 432.00 M 172. One customs secret service agent....... 864.00 864.00 214 173. Two customs secret service agents, at 1*810 per annum each .................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 215 174. One customs secret service agent....... 756.00 756.00 216 175. Four customs secret service agents, at i*648 per annum each ............................... 2,592.00 2,592.00 217 POLICEMEN AND WATCHMEN 176. One chief of police............................... 972.00 972.00 218 177. One sergeant of police....................... 594.00 594.00 219 178. Three policemen, at 1*540 per annum each .................................................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 220 179. Twenty-three policemen, at 1*432 per annum each........................................................ 9,936.00 9,936.00 221 180. Two policemen, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 648.00 648.00 222 181. One chief watchman........................... 1,530.00. 1,530.00 223 182. Two watchmen, at 1*702 per annum each .................................................................... 1,404.00 1,404.00 22£ 183. Twelve watchmen, at 1*648 per an­ num each............................................................ 7,776.00 7,776.00 225-226 184. Fifteen watchmen, at 1*540 per an­ num each............................................................ 8,100.00 8,100.00 227 185. Three watchmen, at 1*432 per annum each .................................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 228 185a. Two watchmen, at per annum each ................................................................... 864.00 186. One watchman .................................... 378.00 378.00 229 154 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS 187. Four watchmen, at F324 per annum each .................................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 230 188. One watchman..................................... 300.00 300.00 231 189. Two wharf patrolmen, at 1*432 per annum each........................................................ 864.00 864.00 232 190. Two lookouts, at 1*324 per annum each .. GATEKEEPERS 648.00 648.00 233 191. Two gatekeepers, at 1*486 per annum each .. 972.00 972.00 234 192. Nine gatekeepers, at 1*432 per annum each............................................................ 3,888.00 3,888.00 235 192a. Two gatekeepers, at 1*432 per annum each ................................................. 864.00 .. 193. One gatekeeper ................................... 378.00 378.00 236 194. Five gatekeepers, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 237 OPENERS 195. Thirteen openers, at 1*432 per annum each .................................................................... 5,616.00 5,616.00 238-239 196. Four openers, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 240 JANITORS 197. One chief janitor......... ........................ 756.00 756.00 241 198. One janitor ......................................... 486.00 486.00 242 199. Nine janitors, at 1*378 per annum each .................................................................... 3,402.00 3,402.00 243 LABORERS 200. Two laborers, at 1*486 per annum each .................................................................... 972.00 972.00 244 201. Two laborers, at 1*378 per annum each .................................................................... 756.00 756.00 247 202. One laborer............................................ 324.00 324.00 248 203. One laborer ......................................... 300.00 300.00 249 204. One laborer [corporal] ..................... 432.00 432.00 253 205. For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, as follows: (a) Ten laborers ................................................... 4,500.00 4,500.00 246 (b) Four laborers [For laborers handling cargo in the pier and customs bodega].. 1,784.00 1,784.00 245 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 155 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested (e) Tiventy-five laborers [Laborers for trans­ ferring cargo from foreign vessels to (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS the customhouse bodega]......................... 1,200.00 1,200.00 250 (d) Fifteen laborers [Laborers for transferring cargo from foreign vessels to the customhouse bodega] ............................... 1,000.00 1,000.00 251 (e) Four laborers [Laborers for transferring cargo from foreign vessels to the customhouse bodega] ....................................... 1,200.00 1,200.00 252 (/) For emergency laborers............................... 400.00 . 206. One porter ........................................... 324.00 324.00 254 207. One porter ........................................... 300.00 300.00 255 208. One porter ........................................... 240.00 240.00 256 CHAUFFEURS AND MOTORCYCLIST 209. One chauffeur ..................................... 756.00 756.00 257 210. One chauffeur ......... -.......................... 648.00 648.00 258 211. One motorcyclist................................. 540.00 540.00 259 CRANE OPERATOR [MACHINIST] 212. One crane operator [machinist]....... 648.00 648.00 260 OFFICERS AND CREWS OF STEAMERS, LAUNCHES AND MOTORBOATS [Salaries of captain, officers and crew of the steamer “Arayat”, as follows:] CAPTAINS 213. One captain ......................................... P4.590.00 P4.590.00H-I (3)-261 (a) 214. Three captains, at 1*4,590 per an­ Í J-I-(l)-52 num each............................................................ 13,770.00 13,770.00\ J-I-(l)-53 OFFICERS 215. One first officer ................................. 2,805.00 2,805.00H-I(3)-261(b) 216. Two first officers, at 1*2,805 per an­ Í J-I-(1)-54 num each........................................................... 5,610.00 5,610.00 I J-I-(l)-55 217. One first officer ................................... 2,244.00 2,244.00 J-I-(1)-56 218. One second officer............................... 1,836.00 l,836.00H-I(3)-261(c) 219. Two second officers, at 1*1,836 per annum ................................................................ 3,672.00 3,672.00 J-I-(1)-57 220. One second officer............................... 1,683.00 1,683.00 J—I—(1)—58 221. One third officer ................................. 1,683.00 l,683.00H-I(3)-261(d) 222. Two third officers, at Pl,683 per an­ num each.......................................................... 3,366.00 3,366.00 J-I-(1)-59 223. One third officer................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 J-I-(1)-60 156 H.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item Nc Details L 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 224. (3) BUREAU OF ENGINEERS One chief engineer............................... CUSTOMS 4,590.00 4,590.00 H-I-(3)-261 225. annum Two chief engineers, at 1*4,590 per each ...................................................... 9,180.00 9,180.00 (f) J-I-(l)-37 226. One chief engineer ........................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 J-I-(1)-38 227. One first assistant engineer............... 2,805.00 2,805.00 H-I-(3)-261 228. 1*2,805 Two first assistant engineers, at per annum each ............................... 5,610.00 5,610.00 (g) J-I-(1)-39-40 229. One first assistant engineer............... 2,244.00 2,244.00 J-I-(l)-41 230. One second assistant engineer........... 1,836.00 1,836.00 H-I-(3)-261 231. 1*1,836 Two second asssitant engineers, at per annum each ................................. 3,672.00 3,672.00 (h) J-I-(1)-42232. One second assistant engineer........... 1,683.00 1,683.00 43 J-I-(1)-44 233. One third assistant engineer ........... 1,683.00 1,683.00 H-I-(3)-261 234. Pl,683 Two third assistant engineers, at per annum each ................................. 3,366.00 3,366.00 (i) J-I-(l)-45 235. One third assistant engineer ........... 1,530.00 1,530.00 J-I-(l)-46 236. One launch engineer........................... 918.00 918.00 J-I-(l)-47 237. RADIO OPERATORS One radio operator ........................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 H-I-(3)-261 238. annum Three radio operators, at =P1,53O per each........................................................ 4,590.00 4,590.00 (e) J-I-(l)-227 239. each .. MACHINISTS Three machinists, at 1*756 per annum 2,268.00 2,268.00 (n)-(p) H-I-(3)-261 240. Two motorboat machinists, at 1*648 per anuum each.................................................. 1,296.00 1,296.00 (k) H-I-(3)-261 241. each .. Two machinists, at 1*648 per annum 1,296.00 1,296.00 (j) J-I-(l)-227 242. One machinist ................................... 540.00 (x)-(y) 540.00J-4-(l)-227(z) 243. OILERS Six oilers, at 1*540 per annum each.... 3,240.00 3,240.00 H-I-(3)-261 (1) E— DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 157 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF 243a. Eleven oilers, at 1*540 per annum CUSTOMS each .................................................................... 5,940.00 5,940.00 J-I-(l)-227 (a-1) FIREMEN 244. Three firemen, at 1*486 per annum each .................................................................... 244a. Eighteen firemen, at 1*486 per annum 1,458.00 1,458.00 H-I-(3)-261 (m) each .................................................................... 8,748.00 8,748.00 J-I-(l)-227 (b-1) 245. One fireman ....................................... 428.00 428.00 J-I-(1)-227 (c-1) COAL-PASSERS 246. Three coal-passers, at 1*378 per annum each ......................................................... 1,134.00 1,134.00 H-I-(3)-261 (n) 246a. One coal-passer ................................... 378.00 378.00 J-I-(1)-227 (f-1) STOREKEEPERS 247. One storekeeper................................... 486.00 486.00 H-I-(3)-261 (o) 248. One storekeeper................................... 324.00 324.00 H-I-(3)-261 (P) BOATSWAINS 249. One boatswain ................................... 249a. Three boatswains, at 1*648 per annum 648.00 648.00 H-I-(3)-261 (q) each .................................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 J-I-(l)-227 (u) CARPENTERS 250. One carpenter ...................................... 250a. Three carpenters, at 1*648 per an­ 648.00 648.00 H-I-(3)-261 (r) num each.............................................................. 1,944.00 1,944.00 J-I-(1)-227 (v) QUARTERSMASTERS 251. Three quartermasters, at 1*378 per annum each........................................................ 251a.Nine quartermasters, at 1*378 per 1,134.00 1,134.00 H-I-(3)-261 (s) annum each ...................................................... 3,402.00 3,402.00 J-I-(1)-227 (d-1) 158 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized COXSWAINS 252. Two coxswains, at "F378 per annum (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS each .................................................................... 756.00 756.00 H-I-(3)-261 253. Six coxswains, at 1*356 per annum (t) each .................................................................... 2,136.00 2,136.00 J-I-(l)-227 (g-1) SEAMEN 254. Twelve seamen, at 1*378 per annum each .................................................................... 4,536.00 4,536.00 H-I-(3)-261 (u) STEWARDS 255. One steward ....................................... 256. Two stewards, at 1*648 per annum 810.00 810.00 J-I-(1)-227 (r) each .................................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 J-I-(l)-227 (s) 256a. One steward ........................................ 648.00 648.00 H-I-(3)-261 (v) SUPERCARGOES 257. Two supercargoes, at ^648 per an­ num each............................................................ 1,296.00 1,296.00 J-I-(l)-227 (t) COOKS 258. One first cook ..................................... 259. Three chief cooks, at 1*648 per an­ 648.00 648.00 H-I-(3)-261 (x) num each .......................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 J-I-(1)-227 (w) 260. One second cook ................................. 260a.Three second cooks, at 1*378 per an­ 378.00 378.00 H-I-(3)-261 (y) num each............................................................ 1,134.00 1,134.00 J-I-(1)-227 (e-1) SAILORS 261. Thirty sailors, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 262. Four sailors, at 1*300 per annum 9,720.00 9,720.00 J-I-(1)-227 (h-1) each .................................................................... 1,200.00 1,200.00 J-I-(1)-227 (i-1) BOATMEN 263. Two boatmen at 1*300 per annum each 600.00 600.00 J-I-(l)-227 (j-D E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 159 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 264. (3) BUREAU OF Twenty-two boatmen, at 1*240 per CUSTOMS annum 265. each....................................................... Five boatmen,. at 1*216 per annum 5,280.00 5,280.00 J-I-(1)-227 (l-l)-(m-l) each .. 266. Five boatmen, at 1*192 per annum 1,080.00 1,080.00 J-I-(l)-227 (n-1) each .. 267. Fifty-five boatmen, at T180 per an960.00 960.00 J-I-(1)-227 (o-l) num each.................................................. -........ 268. Four boatmen, at 4*120 per annum 9,900.00 9,900.00 J-I-(l)-227 (p-l)-(q-l) each .. 269. MESS BOYS Three messboys, at 1*264 per annum 480.00 480.00 J-I-(l)-227 (r-1) each .. 269a. Nine messboys, at 1*264 per annum 792.00 792.00 H-I-(3)-261 (w) each .. CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC 2,376.00 2,376.00 J-I-(l)-227 (k-1) 270. One chauffeur-mechanic..................... LABORERS 714.00 714.00 J-I-(1)-227 (s-1) 271. One laborer........................................... 594.00 594.00 J-I-(l)-227 (t-1) 272. One laborer ......................................... PATRON 405.00 405.00 J-I-(l)-227 (u-1) 273. One patron........................................... LIGHTKEEPERS 918.00 918.00 J-I-(l)-227 (q) 274. 275. One lightkeeper ................................. Two lightkeepers, at 1*972 per annum 1,122.00 1,122.00 J-I-(1)-176 (a) each .. 276. Sixteen lightkeepers, at 1*864 per an1,944.00 1,944.00 J-I-(1)-178 num each............................................................ 13,824.00 13,824.00 J-I-(1)-179182 277. 278. One lightkeeper................................... Six lightkeepers, at ?756 per annum 767.00 767.00 J-I-(l)-183 each .. 4,536.00 4,536.00 J-I-(1)-184186 160 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS 279. One lightkeeper ................................... 280. Thirty lightkeepers, at P648 per an659.00 659.00 J—I—(1)—187 num each .......................................................... 19,440.00 19,440.00 J-I-(l)-188281. Forty-four lightkeepers, at 1*540 per 190 annum each........................................................ 23,760.00 23,760.00 J-I-(l)-191282. Five lightkeepers, at 1*486 per annum 198 each .................................................................... 2,430.00 2,430.00 J—I—(1)—199201 283. One lightkeeper................................... 284. Twenty-three lightkeeprs, at 1*432 443.00 443.00 J-I-(l)-202 per annum each ................................................ 9,936.00 9,936.00 J-I-(1)-203285. Fifty-eight lightkeepers, at 1*378 per 208 annum each........................................................ 21,924.00 21,924.00 J-I-(l)-209286. Twenty-seven lightkeepers, at 1*324 217 per annum each ................................................ 8,748.00 8,748.00 J-I-(1)-218287. Twenty-three lightkeepers, at 1*300 219 per annum each ................................................ 6,900.00 6,900.00 J-I-(1)-220288. Eleven lightkeepers, at 1*240 per 221 annum each ...................................................... 2,640.00 2,640.00 J-I-(1)-222224 289. Ten lightkeepers, at 1*180 per an­ num each............................................................ 1,800.00 1,800.00 J-I-(l)-225290. Subsistence of officers, petty officers, 226 patrons and crews.............................................. 40,056.00 40,056.00 J-I-(1)-228 291. Clothing allowance to crews of ves­ sels ...................................................................... 2,328.00 2,328.00 J-I-(1)-229 292. Rations in kind furnished to light­ keepers and boatmen at light stations........... 13,600.00 13,600.00 J-I-(1)-230 293. Rations in kind furnished to light­ keepers and boatmen at light stations........... 2,880.00 2,880.00 J-I-(l)-231 294. Subsistence of captain, officers and crew of the steamer “Arayat”....................... 16,270.00 16,265.60 262 295. Clothing allowance to crew of the steamer “Arayat” ............................................ 296. Salaries and wages of officers [launch] foremen and crews of launches, 1,200.00 1,218.40 263 boats and motorboats, as follows: E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 161 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1Q,7 1o,e Reference to item RiirfHAt Details *y'50 numbers of Act if m ueians requested authorized No. 4231, unless Item INO. otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS Engineers (a) One engineer ........................................................ (b) One engineer ........................................................ (c) One engineer ........................................................ (d) One engineer ........................................................ (e) Two engineers, at 1*756 per annum each......... (/) One assistant engineer....................................... Foremen (g) One launch foreman............................................ (7?) One assistant foreman....................................... Patrons (i) One patron ............................................................. (;) One patron ............................................................ (k) Two patrons, at 1*972 per annum each........... (l) One patron ............................................................... (???) Three patrons, at 1*864 per annum each......... (n) Five patrons, at 1*648 per annum each........... (o) Two patrons, at 1*540 per annum each........... Machinists (p) Three machinists, at 1*864 per annum each.... (q) Three machinists, at 1*756 per annum each.... (?’) Two machinists, at f*648 per annum each..... (s) One machinist .......... ........................................... (t) Two machinists, at 1*540 per annum each..... (w) One machinist ..................................................... (v) One assistant machinist...................................... Carpenter (w) One carpenter ...................................................... Oiler (x) One oiler ................................................................ Quartermasters (y) One quartermaster .............................................. (z) One quartermaster .............................................. (aa) Four quartermasters, at 1*378 per annum each .................................................................... (bb) Two quartermasters, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 299089------ 11 2,397.00 1,530.00 1,080.00 2,397.00 1,530.00 1,080.00 270(/) 270 (</) 270(A) 972.00 972.00 267(<7) 1,512.00 1,512.00 270 (i) 648.00 648.00 261(h) 2,720.00 2,720.00 267(a) 1,080.00 1,080.00 267(6) 1,530.00 1,530.00 270(a) 1,275.00 1,275.00 270(6) 1,944.00 864 00 1,944.00 267(d), 270(c) 2,592.00 2,592.00 267(e) 273(a) 285(a) 3,240.00 3,240.00 270(d)-(e) 279(a)-279(b) 288(a) 1,080.00 1,080.00 267(7) 2,592.00 2,592.00 276(a) 273(6) 285(6) 2,268.00 2,268.00 270(j)-(/c) 279(c) 1,296.00 1,296.00 279(d),288(6) 570.00 570.00 267(7i) 1,080.00 1,080.00 267(o) 282(a) 432.00 432.00 267(p) 432.00 432.00 276(c) 810.00 810.00 267(c) 540.00 540.00 270(q) 540.00 540.00 276(6) 432.00 432.00 273(c) 1,512.00 1,512.00 270(0 270(771) 648.00 648.00 267(0 162 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS Firemen (cc) Five firemen, at 1*432 per annum each.......... (dd) Two firemen, at 1*378 per annum each.......... (cc) One fireman ............................................................ Seamen (ff) Twelve seamen, at F324 per annum each........ (gg) Eleven seamen, at 1*300 per annum each...... (hh) One seaman ............................................................ (ii) Three seamen, at 1*240 per annum each........ Sailors (jj) Three sailors, at 1*300 per annum each........ Boatmen (kk) One boatman .......................................................... (Il) One boatman .......................................................... (vim) One boatman ........................................................ (nn) Subsistence of officers and crews of launches, boats and motorboats...................................... [Subsistence of launch crews].......................... [Subsistence of officers and crews of launches and motorboats].............................. [Subsistence of crew of launch]..................... [Subsistence of crew of launch]..................... [Subsistence of crew of boat and motor­ boat] .................................................................... [Subsistence of crew of motorboat].............. . [Subsistence of crew of motor launch]...... [Subsistence of crew of launch]..................... (oo) Clothing allowance to crews of launches, boats and motorboats...................................... [Clothing allowance to crews]......................... [Clothing allowance to crews]......................... [Clothing allowance to crew of launch]...... [Clothing allowance to crew of launch]...... 2,160.00 756.00 276.00 2,160.00 756.00 276.00 267 (i) 267 (j) 213(d) 276(d) 267(k) 216(e) 3,888.00 3,888.00 210(n)-(p) 213(e) 279(e) 3,300.00 3,300.00 267 (m) 278.00 278.00 276 (f) 720.00 720.00 219(f) 900.00 900.00 288(c) 285(c) 300.00 300.00 279(g) 280.00 280.00 282(5) 240.00 240.00 279(A) 17,615.00 .. 5,280.80 268 7,272.00 271 923.20 274 1,188.00 277 1,588.00 280 264.80 283 657.60 286 ..................... 440.00 289 1,607.00 .. 788.80 269 400.00 272 64.00 275 64.00 278 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 163 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS [Clothing allowance to crew of boat and motorboat] ......................................................... [Clothing allowance to crew]............................ [Clothing allowance to crew of motor launch] ................................................................ [Clothing allowance of crew]............................ 136.00 56.00 64.00 34.40 281 284 287 290 Total ................................................... 1,166,191.00 1,145,848.60 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Insular Collector of Customs....................... P6,120.00 2. 1 Insular Deputy Collector of Customs........ 5,100.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 7. 1 chief, administrative division......................... 4,250.00 13. 1 special agent .................................................... 4,000.00 21. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 2,380.00 104. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,040.00 110. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 111. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 114. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................. 1,728.00 116. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................. 1,512.00 117. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................... 1,296.00 119. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 122. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 123. 1 clerk ................................................................... 378.00 125(a). 1 clerk ............................................................ 240.00 151. 10 messengers, at P240 per annum each....... 2,400.00 CASH DIVISION 8. 1 chief of cash division....................................... 4,250.00 22. 1 assistant chief of division............................... 2,040.00 23. 1 property clerk ................................................ 1,530.00 93. 1 deputy disbursing officer................................. 1,530.00 94. 1 assistant disbursing officer............................. 1,326.00 95. 1 teller ................................................................. 1,530.00 105. 2 clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 3,060.00 106a. 1 clerk ............................................ 1,428.00 107. 1 clerk ...........................................-.................... 1,326.00 114. 4 clerks, at P864 per annum each................. 3,456.00 116. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................. 1,512.00 117. 5 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 3,240.00 119. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 121. 1 clerk ................................................................... 486.00 122. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 125(b). 1 clerk, at P20 per month.......................... 40.00 146. 1 messenger ......................................................... 540.00 149. 2 messengers, at P324 per annum each.......... 648.00 151. 3 messengers, at P240 per annum each........ 720.00 200. 2 laborers, at P486 per annum each.............. 972.00 201. 2 laborers, at P378 per annum each............... 756.00 APPRAISERS DIVISION 9. 1 chief appraiser ............................................... 4,250.00 17. 1 assistant chief appraiser............................... 3,400.00 27. 1 appraiser ......................................................... 3,060.00 28. 1 appraiser ........................................................... 2,550.00 29. 2 appraisers, at P2,380 per annum each...... 4,760.00 30. 4 appraisers, at P2.040 per annum each...... 8,160.00 33. 2 examiners, P2,040 per annum each.............. 4,080.00 34. 3 ex’aminers, at Pl,700 per annum each........ 5,100.00 34a. 1 examiner ........................................................ 1,700.00 35. 5 examiners, at Pl,530 per annum each......... 7,650.00 36. 2 examiners, at Pl,428 per annum each......... 2,856.00 37. 1 examiner .......................................................... 1,326.00 38. 3 examiners, at Pl,224 per annum each........ 3,672.00 39. 4 examiners, at Pl,122 per annum each.......... 4,488.00 40. 11 examiners, at Pl,080 per annum each....... 11,880.00 41. 1 examiner .......................................................... 1,026.00 42. 1 examiner .......................................................... 972.00 44. 4 assistant examiners, at P972 per annum each ............................................................... 3,888.00 45. 3 assistant examiners, at P864 per annum each ............................................................... 2,592.00 46. 4 assistant examiners, at P756 per annum each ............................................................... 3,024.00 47. 1 assistant examiner ....................................... 648.00 48. 1 assistant examiner ....................................... 540.00 49. 1 assistant examiner ....................................... 432.00 108. 2 clerks, at Pl,224 per annum each................ 2,448.00 117. 4 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 2,592.00 164 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 119. 6 clerks, at P540 per annum each................. 3,240.00 120. 1 clerk ................................................................. 529.00 122. 3 clerks, at 1*432 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 126. 4 weighers, at F648 per annum each.............. 2,592.00 127. 3 weighers, at 1*540 per annum each.............. 1,620.00 128. 1 weigher ............................................................. 529.00 129. 5 weighers, at F432 per annum each............ 2,160.00 151. 4 messengers, at 1*240 per annum each.......... 960.00 195. 2 openers, at 1*432 per annum each................ 864.00 196. 2 openers, at 1*324 per annum each.............. 648.00 211. 1 motorcyclist ..................................................... 540.00 OFFICE OF THE SURVEYOR OF THE PORT 10. 1 surveyor of the port...................................... 4,250.00 70. 1 customs medical inspector............................. 2,550.00 77. 1 warehouse inspector ...................................... 1,530.00 78. 1 assistant warehouse inspector....................... 1,224.00 79. 1 bay and river chief inspector....................... 1,530.00 80. 1 bay and river inspector................ 864.00 100. 1 stenographer ................................................... 1,428.00 109. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 116. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 122. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 125(a). 1 clerk ............................................................ 240.00 130. 1 chief of the semaphore station, with quarters in kind............................................ 1,122.00 131. 1 assistant chief of the semaphore station, with quarters, in kind................................. 864.00 133. 1 storekeeper ....................................................... 648.00 141. 1 bay and river guard......................................... 648.00 142. 1 bay and river guard...................................... 637.00 143. 9 bay and river guards, at P540 per annum each ................................................................ 4,860.00 144. 2 bay and river guards, at 1*432 per annum each ................................................................ 864.00 148. 3 messengers, at 1*360 per annum each............. 1,080.00 151. 1 messenger ...................................................... 240.00 195. 1 opener .............................................................. 432.00 197. 1 chief janitor .................................................. 756.00 198. 1 janitor ............................................................. 486.00 199. 9 janitors, at 1*378 per annum each.................. 3,402.00 210. 1 chauffeur .......................................................... 648.00 MARINE DIVISION 14. 1 chief of division.............................................. 3,825.00 22(a). 1 assistant chief of division........................ 2,040.00 51. 1 calculator ....................................................... 1,530.00 105. 2 clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each.................... 3,060.00 109. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 110. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................... 2,160.00 111. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 112. 1 clerk ...... 961.00 114. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 116. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 117. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each................... 1,296.00 118. 1 clerk ........................................... 594.00 119. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each...,................. 1.Q80.00 121. 1 clerk ................................................ ...».............. 486.00 122. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 124. 1 clerk ................................................................. 324.00 150. 1 messenger .......................................................... 300.00 151. 3 messengers, at P240 per annum each......... 720.00 LAW DIVISION 125(a). 1 clerk ............................................................ 147. 1 messenger ......................................................... ACCOUNTING DIVISION 15. 1 chief of division.................................................. 22. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 50. 3 assessors, at Pl,530 per annum each............ 53. 5 calculators, at Pl,080 per annum each....... 53a. 1 calculator ........................................................ 54. 2 calculators ........................................................ 55. 1 calculator .......................................................... 56. 2 calculators, at P648 per annum each........... 57. 5 calculators ........................................................ 107. 1 clerk ................................................................... 111. 1 clerk ................................................................... 114. 1 clerk ................................................................... 116. 1 clerk ................................................................... 117. 3 clerks ................................................................... 119. 1 clerk ................................................................... 119b. 1 clerk ............................................................... 121. 1 clerk ................................................................... 122. 6 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 151. 4 messengers ........................................................ PIERS AND INSPECTORS DIVISION 15. 1 chief of division................................................ 22. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 60. 1 wharfinger ........................................................ 61. 1 wharfinger ........................................................ 62. 1 wharfinger ........................................................ 64. 1 assistant wharfinger ........................................ 67. 2 boarding officers ............................................. 82. 1 inspector ............................................................ 83. 1 inspector ............................................................ 84. 2 inspectors .......................................................... 85. 1 inspector ............................................................ 86. 2 inspectors, at P972 per annum each........... 87. 4 inspectors, at P864 per annum each........... 88. 12 inspectors, at P756 per annum each......... 90. 1 inspector ............................................................ 91a. 4 inspectors, at P540 per annum each......... 113. 1 clerk .................................................................. 117. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each............... 135. 6 guards, at P648 per annum each.................. 136. 32 guards, at P540 per annum each.............. 138. 53 guards, at P432 per annum each............. 151. 2 messengers, at P240 per annum each.....a.... 191. 2 gatekeepers, at P486 per annum each......... 192. 7 gatekeepers, at F432 per annum each......... 195. 10 openers, at 1*432 per annum each..... ........ 196. 2 openers, at 1*324 per annum each.............. 205(a). 10 laborers, at 1*450 per annum each___ 204. 1 laborer ............................................................... HULL AND BOILER INSPECTORS DIVISION 11. 1 supervising inspector of hulls and boilers.. 16. 1 assistant supervising inspector of hulls and boilers ............................................................ 69. 5 inspectors of hulls and boilers, at 1*3,400 per annum each ........~........................................ 110. 1 clerk ................................................................. 117. 1 clerk ................................................................... 123. 1 clerk ................................................................. 149. 1 messenger ........................................................ 240.00 378.00 3,400.00 2,040.00 4,590.00 5,400.00 1,080.00 1,944.00 756.00 1,296.00 2,700.00 1,326.00 972.00 864.00 756.00 1,944.00 540.00 540.00 486.00 2,592.00 960.00 3,400.00 2,040.00 2,380.00 2,040.00 1,693.00 1,530.00 3,060.00 1,530.00 1,224.00 2,244.00 1,080.00 1,944.00 3,456.00 9,072.00 648.00 2,160.00 918.00 1,296.00 3,888.00 17,280.00 22,896.00 480.00 972.00 3,024.00 4,320.00 648.00 4,500.00 432.00 4,250.00 3,825.00 17,000.00 1,080.00 648.00 378.00 324.00 lo. 1 chief of division................................................ 110. 1 clerk ................................................................... 117. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 119. 1 clerk ................................................................... 122. 1 clerk ................................................................... 123. 1 clerk ................................................................... 3,400.00 ’.080.00 1,296.00 STEAMSHIP AND LAUNCH SERVICE NAVIGATION division 540.00 12. 1 chief of division ............................................ 432.00 19. 1 assistant chief of division.......................... 378.00 214. 3 captains, at P4,590 per annum each......... 4,250.00 3,060.00 13,770.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 165 (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 225. 2 chief engineers, at F4.590 per annum each ........................................................... 9,180.00 226. 1 chief engineer .............................................. 3,825.00 228. 2 first assistant engineers, at F2.805 per annum each ....................... 5,610.00 229. 1 first assistant engineer .............. 2,244.00 231. 2 second assistant engineers, at Fl,836 per annum each ....................... 3,672.00 232. 1 second assistant engineer .......................... 1,683.00 234. 2 third assistant engineers, at Pl,683 per annum each ...................... 3,366.00 235. 1 third assistant engineer .............. 1,530.00 236. 1 launch engineei* ...................... 918.00 216. 2 first officers, at P2,805 per annum each.... 5,610.00 217. 1 first officer .................................................. 2,244.00 219. 2 second officers, at Pl,836 per annum each 3,672.00 220. 1 second officer ................................................ 1,683.00 222. 2 third officers, at Pl,683 per annum each 3,366.00 223. 1 third officer .................................................... 1,530.00 104a. 1 clerk ............................................................... 2,040.00 105a. 1 clerk ............................................................. 1,530.00 109a. 1 clerk ............................................................... 1,122.00 110a. 1 clerk ............................................................... 1,080.00 104b. 1 clerk ............................................................... 2,040.00 116a. 1 clerk .......................................................... 756.00 119a. 1 clerk ............................................................... 540.00 274. 1 lightkeeper .................................................... 1,122.00 275. 2 lightkeepers, at P972 per annum each.... 1,944.00 276. 16 lightkeepers, at P864 per annum each.... 13,824.00 277. 1 lightkeeper .................................................... 767.00 278. 6 lightkeepers, at P756 per annum each.. 4,536.00 279. 1 lightkeeper ..................................................... 659.00 280. 30 lightkeepers, at P648 per annum each.... 19,440.00 281. 44 lightkeepers, at P540 per annum each.... 23,760.00 282. 5 lightkeepers, at P486 per annum each.. 2,430.00 283. 1 lightkeeper .................................................... 443.00 284. 23 lightkeepers, at P432 per annum each.. 9,936.00 285. 58 lightkeepers, at P378 per annum each.... 21,924.00 286. 27 lightkeepers, at P324 per annum each... 8,748.00 287. 23 lightkeepers, at P300 per annum each... 6,900.00 •288. 11 lightkeepers, at F240 per annum each..... 2,640.00 289. 10 lightkeepers, at F180 per annum each..... 1,800.00 238. 3 radio operators, at Pl,530 per annum each ........................................................... 4,590.00 273. 1 patron .......................................................... 918.00 255. 1 steward ........................................................ 810.00 256. 2 stewards, at P648 per annum each......... 1,296.00 257. 2 supercargoes, at P648 per annum each.... 1,296.00 249a. 3 boatswains, at P648 per annum each..... 1,944.00 250a. 3 carpenters, at P648 per annum each..... 1,944.00 259. 3 chief cooks, at P648 per annum each....... 1,944.00 241. 2 machinists, at P648 per annum each....... 1,296.00 242. 1 machinist .................................................... 540.00 243a. 11 oilers, at P540 per annum each............... 5,940.00 244a. 18 firemen, at P486 per annum each........... 8,748.00 245. 1 fireman ........................................................ 428.00 251a. 9 quartermasters, at P378 per annum each 3,402.00 260a. 3 second cooks, at P378 per annum each... 1,134.00 246a. 1 coalpasser ................................................... 378.00 253. 6 coxswains, at P356 per annum each....... 2,136.00 261. 30 sailors, at P324 per annum each............. 9,720.00 262. 4 sailors, at P300 per annum each............. 1,200.00 263. 2 boatmen, at P300 per annum each........... 600.00 269a. 9 mess boys, at P264 per annum each....... 2,376.00 264. 22 boatmen, at P240 per annum each........... 5,280.00 265. 5 boatmen, at P216 per annum each............ 1,080.00 266. 5 boatmen, at P192 per annum each............ 960.00 267. 55 boatmen, at P180 per annum each............ 9,900.00 268. 4 boatmen, at P120 per annum each........... 480.00 270. 1 chauffeur-mechanic ..................................... 714.00 271. 1 laborer ........................................................... 594.00 272. 1 laborer ............................................................. 290. Subsistence of officers, petty officers, patrons and crews: 24 officers at Fl.60 per day each .............. 3 radio operators at Fl.60 per day each.. 2 supercargoes at F0.88 per day each....... 17 petty officers at F0.88 per day each..... 96 members of the crews at F0.40 per day each ........................................................ For additional personnel of vessels.............. 291. Clothing allowance to crews of vessels: 12 oilers .......................................................... 20 firemen ...................................................... 9 quartermasters ........................................ 3 second cooks ............................................ ' 3 coalpassers -.............................................. 6 coxswains .................................................. 34 sailors ........................................................ 9 mess boys .................................................. For clothing allowance of additional per­ sonnel of vessels ......................... ,.............. 292. Rations in kind furnished to lightkeepers and boatmen at light stations: 2 employees at Ambulong............................. 6 employees at Apo Reef............................. 2 employees at Balabac...^........................... 5 employees at Bojeador Cape.................... 5 employees at Bugui Point........................ 6 employees at Caba....................................... 5 employees at Capitancillo.......................... 5 employees at Capones............................... 4 employees at Capul..................................... 2 employees at Colorado Point.................... 5 employees at Engaño Cape...................... 5 employees at Gigantes ............................. 4 employees at Longoy................................. 4 employees at Manigonigo.......................... 2 employees at Matabao............. .................. 5 employees at Maniguin............................. 2 employees at Mataja................................. 6 employees at Melville Cape...................... 4 employees at Saluag ................................. 3 employees at San Agustin Cape.............. 6 employees at San Bernardino.................. 4 employees at San Miguel.......................... 2 employees at San Vicente.......................... 3 employees at Sialat Point.......................... 4 employees at Subic Bay............................ 5 employees at Suluan ................................. 5 employees at Tanguingui.......................... 6 employees at Tubataha ............................ 3 employees at Ungay Point........................ 293. Rations in kind furnished to lightkeepers and boatmen at light stations: 3 employees at Cabilisan, Samar.............. 3 employees at Apunan Point...................... 3 employees at Calavite Point...................... 4 employees at Pearl Bank.......................... 3 employees at Sibago, Zamboanga........... 4 employees at Tres Reyes, Marinduque.... 4 employees at Dumali Point........................ Salaries of captain, officers and crew of the steamer “Arayat*, as follows: 213. 1 captain ............................................................. 215. 1 first officer ........................................................ 218. 1 second officer .................................................... 221. 1 third officer ...................................................... 237. 1 radio operator .................................................. 224. 1 chief engineer .................................................. 227. 1 first assistant engineer ................................. 230. 1 second assistant engineer ............................. 405.00 14,016.00 1,752.00 642.40 5,460.40 14,016.00 4,169.20 288.00 480.00 216.00 72.00 72.00 144.00 816.00 72.00 168.00 240.00 720.00 240.00 600.00 600.00 720.00 600.00 600.00 189.10 94.56 600.00 236.34 480.00 480.00 240.00 600.00 240.00 720.00 480.00 360.00 720.00 480.00 240.00 360.00 480.00 600.00 600.00 720.00 360.00 360.00 360.00 360.00 480.00 360.00 480.00 480.00 4,590.00 2,805.00 1,836.00 1,683.00 1,530.00 4,590.00 2,805.00 1,836.00 166 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 233. 1 thii*d assistant engineer.................................... 1,683.00 240. 2 motorboat machinists, at P648 per annum each ................................................................ 1,296.00 239. 3 machinists, at P756 per annum each............ 2,268.00 243. 6 oilers, at P540 per annum each..................... 3,240.00 244. 3 firemen, at P486 per annum each................ 1,458.00 246. 3 coal-passers, at P378 per annum each........1,134.00 247. 1 storekeeper ......................................................... 486.00 248. 1 storekeeper ......................................................... 324.00 249. 1 boatswain ........................................................... 648.00 250. 1 carpenter ........................................................... 648.00 251. 3 quartermasters, at P378 per annum each.... 1,134.00 252. 2 coxswains, at P378 per annum each........... 756.00 254. 12 seamen, at 1*378 per annum each................ 4,536.00 256a. 1 steward ............................................................ 648.00 269. 3 messboys, at 1*264 per annum each.............. 792.00 258. 1 first cook ............................................................ 648.00 260. 1 second cook ...................................................... 378.00 294. Subsistence of captain, officers and crew of the steamer “Arayat”: 1 captain at. 1*1.80 per day ......................... 657.00 1 first officer at Pl.80 per day .................. 657.00 1 second officer at Pl.80 per day .............. 657.00 1 third officer at Pl.80 per day.................. 657.00 1 radio operator at Pl.80 per day............ 657.00 1 chief engineer at Pl.80 per day.............. 657.00 1 first assistant engineer at Pl.80 per day 657.00 1 second assistant engineer at Pl.80 per day ............................................................ 657.00 1 third assistant engineer at Pl.80 per day ............................................................ 657.00 2 motorboat machinists at P0.96 per day each ......................................................... 700.80 3 machinists at P0.96 per day each.......... 1,051.20 6 oilex-s at P0.96 per day each.................... 2,102.40 3 firemen at P0.40 per day each.............. 438.00 3 coal-passers at P0.40 per day each......... 438.00 2 storekeepers at P0.40 per day each....... 292.00 1 boatswain at P0.96 per day ................... 350.40 1 carpenter at P0.96 per day.................... .350.40 3 quartermasters at P0.96 per day each.... 1,051.20 2 coxswains at P0.96 per day each........... 700.80 12 seamen at P0.40 per day each.................. 1,752.00 1 steward at P0.96 per day...................... 350.40 3 messboys at P0.40 per day each....'........ 438.00 1 first cook at P0.40 per day...................... 146.00 1 second cook at P0.40 per day.................. 146.00 Other expenses not specifically detailed.... 49.40 295. Clothing allowance to crew of the steamer "Arayat”: 160 uniforms white suits at P3.70........... 592.00 140 uniforms black suits at P3.30........... 462.00 Other expenses not especifically detailed.. 146.00 Salaries and wages of launch foremen and crews as follows: Harbor Launch Nt>. 5 (xn) 1 patron .............................................. (d) 1 engineer ............................................ (cc) 1 fireman .............................................. (dd) 1 fireman ............ . .............................. (bb) 1 quartermaster ................................. (ffff) 4 seamen .............................................. Motor boat No. 1 (bb) 1 quartermaster ................................. (u) 1 machinist ........................................... Motorboat No. 2 (o) 1 patron ................................................ (t) 1 machinist ............................................ (ffff) 1 seaman ............................................ Motorboat No. 7 (o) 1 patron ................................................ («) 1 machinist ............................................. (ffff) 1 seaman ............................................ nn. Subsistence of launch crews: 27 members of the crew at P0.40 per day each ........................................................ oo. Clothing allowance to crews: 99 uniform white suits at P3.70.............. 95 uniform black suits at P3.30J............ Other expenses not specifically detailed.... IMMIGRATION DIVISION 14. 1 chief of division ............................................. 20. 1 assistant chief of division .......................... 71. 2 immigration inspectors, at P2.040 per an­ num each ............................ ....................... 72. 1 immigration inspector ................................. 73. 1 immigration inspector ................................... 74a. 1 immigration inspector ................................. 74. 1 immigration inspector ................................. 75. 2 immigration inspectors, at P756 per an­ num each .................................................... 76. 1 immigration inspector ................................. 92. 1 overseer ........................................................... 102. 1 Chinese interpreter ......................................... 103. 2 Chinese interpreters, at Pl,080 per annum each ............................................................... 114. 1 clerk ...................................._............................. 116. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each................ 117. 1 clerk ................................................................... 119. 1 clerk ................................................................... 121. 1 cleric ................................................................... 122. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 135. 3 guards, at P648 per annum each.............. 137. 1 guard ................................................................. 149. 1 messenger .............................. ........................... 151. 2 messengers, at P240 per annum each....... 864.00 972.00 432.00 378.00 324.00 1,200.00 324.00 432.00 540.00 540.00 300.00 540.00 570.00 300.00 5,281.40 366.30 313.50 108.80 3,825.00 2,720.00 4,080.00 1,700.00 972.00 864.00 864.00 1,512.00 594.0Í 1,530.00 1,275.00 2,160.00 864.00 1,512.00 648.00 540.00 486.00 1,296.00 1,944.00 486.00 324.00 480.00 Launch Office 296. (g) 1 launch foreman ............................... (h) 1 assistant foreman ............................ (w) 1 carpenter ........................................... Harbor Launch No. 2 (k) 1 patron .................................................. (e) 1 engineer .............................................. (f) 1 assistant engineer ............................ (cc) 1 fireman ............................................. (dd) 1 fireman ............................................. (go) 5 seamen at P300 per annum each STATISTICAL DIVISION 15. 1 chief of division ............................................. 2,720.00 105. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 106. 1 clerk ................................................................... 810.00 no. 3 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 111. 1 clerk ................................................................... 114. 1 clerk ................................................................... 115. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 116. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 H7. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 119. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each.............. 432.00 122. 5 clerks, at P432 per annum each................ 378.00 125(a). 1 clerk ............................................................ 1,500 00 151. 2 messengers, at P240 per annum each____ 3,400.00 1,530.00 1,428.00 3,240.00 972.00 864.00 810.00 756.00 648.00 1,620.00 2,160.00 240.00 480.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 167 (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION SECRET SERVICE DIVISION 6. 1 chief of the customs secret service........... 4,675.00 18. 1 assistant chief of the customs secret service 3,060.00 152. 1 supervising customs secret service agent.... 3,060.00 153. 1 supervising customs secret service agent.... 2,397.00 154. 1 supervising customs secret service agent.... 2,295.00 155. 3 supervising customs secret service agents, at P2.040 per annum each.......................... 6,120.00 156. 1 supervising customs secret service agent.... 1,870.00 157. 1 supervising customs secret service agent.... 1,785.00 158. 2 supervising customs secret service agents, at Pl,700 per annum each................. ~...... 3,400.00 159. 1 supervising customs secret service agent.... 1,080.00 160. 1 customs secret service agent........................... 1,700.00 161. 1 customs secret service agent........................... 1,632.00 162. 2 customs secret service agents, at Pl,080 per annum each............................................ 2,160.00 163. 2 customs secret service agents, at P972 per annum each ..................-............................ 1,944.00 164. 1 customs secret service agent.......................... 918.00 165. 3 customs secret service agents, at P864 per annum each .................................................. 2,592.00 166. 6 customs secret service agents, at P810 per annum each .................................................. 4,860.00 167. 7 customs secret service agents, at P756 per annum each .................................................. 5,292.00 168. 4 customs secret service agents, at P702 per annum each .................................................. 2,808.00 169. 24 customs secret service agents, at P648 per annum each............................................ 15,552.00 170. 1 customs secret service agent.......................... 540.00 171. 1 customs secret service agent ....................... 432.00 172. 1 customs secret service agent............ ....... 864.00 173. 2 customs secret service agents, at P810 per annum each .....................-........................... 1,620.00 174. 1 customs secret service agent_______ ___ 756.00 175. 4 customs secret service agents, at P648 per . annum each ................. _...... 2,592.00 176. 1 chief of police .............. -........—.................... 972.00 177. 1 sergeant of police ............. ~......................... 594.00 178. 3 policemen, at P540 per annum each.......... 1,620.00 179. 20 policemen, at P432 per annum each....... 8,640.00 181. 1 chief watchman ............. —.................. -...... 1,530.00 182. 2 watchmen, at P702 per annum each............ 1,404.00 183. 12 watchmen, at P648 per annum each........... 7,776.00 184. 14 watchmen, at P540 per annum each............ 7,560.00 209. 1 chauffeur ...................... 756.00 296. Salaries and wages of officers and crews of launches and motorboats, as follows: Customs Secret Service Motor No. 2 (i) 1 patron ............. -.................. -.............. 1,530.00 (a) 1 engineer .—............................. 2,397.00 (b) 1 engineer ________________________ 1,580.00 (q) 1 machinist _______________________ 756.00 (aa) 2 quartermasters, at P378 per annum each . ... ................................. 756.00 (//) 3 seamen, at P324 per annum each.. 972.00 Customs Secret Service Motor No. 4 (j) 1 patrqn .......................................... 1,275.00 (fc) 1 patron ................. 972.00 (c) 1 engineer_________________ ________ 1,080.00 (q) 1 machinist ____________________ ___ 756.00 (aa) 2 quartermasters, at P378 per annum each .................................... 756.00 (ff) 4 seamen, at P324 per annum each 1,296.00' (x) 1 oiler_________________ _______ ___ 540.00 Customs Secret Service Motor No. 5 (n) 2 patrons, at P648 per annum each 1,296.00 (e) 1 engineer .............................................. 756.00 (ff) 2 seamen, at P324 per annum each.. 648.00 (nn) Subsistence of officers and crews of launches and motorboats: Customs Secret Service Motor No. 2 1 patron at Pl.80 per day............................ 657.00 2 engineers at P0.80 per day each.............. 584.00 1 machinist at P0.80 per day...................... 292.00 2 quartermasters at P0.40 per day each.... 292.00 3 seamen at P0.40 per day each.................. 438.00 Customs Secret Service Motor No. 4 2 patrons at P0.80 per day each................ 584.00 1 engineer at P0.80 per day........... _.......... 292.00 1 machinist at P0.40 per day...................... 146.00 2 quartermasters at P0.40 per day each..... 292.00 4 seamen at P0.40 per day each.................. 584.00 1 oiler at P0.40 per day............................... 146.00 Customs Secret Service Motor No. 5 2 patrons at P0.36 per day each................ 262.80 1 engineer at P0.80 per day........................ 292.00 2 seamen at P0.40 per day each.................. 292.00 Other expenses not specifically detailed.... 2,118.20 (oo) Clothing allowance to crews: 50 uniform white suits at P3.70.................. 185.00 48 uniform black suits at P3.30.............. 158.40 Other expenses not specifically detailed.... 56.60 CEBU CUSTOMHOUSE 3. 1 collector of customs......................................... 5,100.00 5. 1 deputy collector of customs............................ 3,400.00 25. 1 chief of section............................................... 1,224.00 30. 1 appraiser ......................................................... 2,040.00 40. 1 examiner ........................................................... 1,080.00 43. 2 examiners, at P900 per annum each......... 1,800.00 53. 1 calculator ......................................................... 1,080.00 59. 1 surveyor of customs...................................... 1,530.00 61. 1 wharfinger ............._........................................ 2,040.00 65. 1 wharfinger ............ -........................................ 1,080.00 69. 1 inspector of hulls and boilers........................ 3,400.00 88. 1 inspector ............................................................ 756.00 89. 1 inspector .............. _..............................„........... 745.00 96. 1 clerk-receiving teller ..................................... 1,080.00 101. 1 stenographer .................................................. 1,224.00 110. 1 clerk ....... 1,080.00 116. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 117. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 121. 1 clerk ................................................................... 486.00 136. 6 guards, at P540 per annum each.............. 3,240.00 138. 15 guards, at P432 per annum each............... 6,480.00 139. 1 night guard ............. ;....................................... 432.00 179. 3 policemen, at P432 per annum each........... 1,296.00 180. 2 policemen, at P324 per annum each.......... 648.00 184. 1 watchman .......................................................... 540.00 185. 3 watchmen, at P432 per annum each........... 1,296.00 186. 1 watchman .......................................................... 378.00 187. L watchman .......................................................... 324.00 189. 2 wharf patrolmen, at 'P’432 per annum each 864.00 192. 2 gatekeepers, at P432 per ann^m each....... 864.00 193. 1 gatekeeper ........................................................ 378.00 194. 5 gatekeepers, at P324 per annum each....... 1,620.00 168 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 205 (6). For laborers handling cargo in the pier and customs bodega: 4 laborers ........................................................ 205(d). Laborers for transferring cargo from for­ eign vessels to the customhouse bodega: 15 laborers ...................................................... 212. 1 crane operator ................................................ 296. Wages of crew of launch as follows: (?n) 1 patron ................................................ (p) 1 machinist ........................................... (?) 1 quartermaster ................................... (cc) 2 firemen, at 1*432 per annum each (ff) 2 seamen, at 1*324 per annum each (????) Subsistence of crew of launch: 7 members of the crew at 1*0.36 per day each .......................................................... (oo) Clothing allowance to crew of launch: 10 uniform white suits at 1*3.70............ 5 uniform black suits at 1*3.30.................. Other expenses not specifically detailed..... ILOILO CUSTOMHOUSE 3. 1 collector of customs......................................... 5. 1 deputy collector of customs............................. 24. 1 chief of section........................................... ... 26. 1 assistant chief of section............................. 29. 1 appraiser ........................................................ 32. 1 assistant appraiser ......_............................. 43. 1 examiner .............................. ......................... 52. 1 calculator ........................................................ 58. 1 surveyor of customs...................................... 68. 1 boarding officer .................................. ............ 69. 1 inspector of hulls and boilers.......... ......... 63. 1 wharfinger ...................................................... 88. 1 inspector ...................................................-.... 90. 2 inspectors, at 1*648 per annum each.......... 97. 1 clerk cashier .................................................... 101. 1 stenographer .................................... .............. 111. 1 clerk ................................................................. 116. 1 clerk ................................................................. 119. 1 clerk ................................................................. 132. 1 storekeeper ...................................................... 134. 1 assistant storekeeper ..................................... 185a. 2 watchmen, at 1*432 per annum each........ 136. 1 guard ............................................................... 138. 21 guards, at 1*432 per annum each....... ...... 140. 1 guard ................................................................. 192a. 2 gatekeepers, at 1*432 per annum each....... 145. 1 telephone operator ......................................... 149. 1 messenger ....„......................................_.......... 150. 1 messenger ........................................................ 190. 2 lookouts, at P324 per annum each.............. 202. 1 laborer .............................................................. 203. 1 laborer ............................................. ................ 206. 1 porter ............................................................... 205(f). For emergency laborers: 3 laborers ...................................................... 296. Wages of crew of launch as follows: 296(I). 1 patron ............................................................ (p) 1 machinist ........................................... (y) 1 quartermaster ...................................(v) 1 assistant machinist .......................... (cc) 1 fireman ..................... —................... (ee) 1 fireman .............................................. (hh) 1 seaman .............................................. (nn) Subsistence of crew of launch: 6 members of the crew, at 1*0.36 per day each ..................................................*.... (oo) Clothing allowance to crew of launch: 10 uniform white suits at P3.70.............. 1,784.00 5 uniform black suits at P3.30................ Other expenses not specifically detailed.... 1,000.00 648.00 864.00 864.00 432.00 864.00 648.00 923.20 37.00 16.50 10.50 5,100.00 3,400.00 1,530.00 972.00 2,380.00 1,080.00 900.00 1,428.00 2,040.00 1,080.00 3,400.00 1,500.00 756.00 1,296.00 972.00 1,224.00 972.00 756.00 540.00 972.00 648.00 864.00 540.00 9,072.00 324.00 864.00 324.00 324.00 300.00 648.00 324.00 300.00 324.00 400.00 864.00 864.00 540.00 432.00 432.00 276.00 278.00 JOLO CUSTOMHOUSE 4. 1 collector of customs....................................... 35. 1 examiner ............. ............................................. 91. 1 inspector ........................................................... 98. 1 clerk-cashier ...................................................... 111. 2 clerks, at 1*972 per annum each.................. 138. 3 guards, at 1*432 per annum each .............. 187. 2 watchmen, at 1*324 per annum each........... 205(c). Laborers for transferring cargo from for­ eign vessels to the customhouse bodega: 25 laborers ...................................................... 208. 1 porter ............................................. 296. Wages of crew of boat and motorboat as follows: (n) 2 patrons ............................................... (q) 1 machinist ................ .......................... (r) 1 machinist ............................................. (ff) 1 seaman .............................. . .............. (ii) 3 seamen .............................................. (kk) 1 boatman ........................................... (mm) 1 boatman ......................................... (nn) Subsistence of crew of boat and motorboat: 1 patron at P0.48 per day.......................... 1 patron at P0.40 per day........................„ 1 machinist at P0.80 per day.................... 1 machinist at P0.40 per day.................. 1 seaman at P0.40 per day.............. ......... 3 seamen at 1*0.36 per day each.............. 2 boatmen at P0.36 per day each.............. Other expenses not specifically detailed.. (oo) Clothing allowance to crew of boat and motorboat: 20 uniform white suits at P3.70._ _ 13 uniform black suits at P3.30.............. Other expenses not specifically detailed.. ZAMBOANGA CUSTOMHOUSE 4. 1 collector of customs........................................ 35. 1 examiner .........................„................................ 66. 1 wharfinger ........................................................ 99. 1 clerk-cashier ...................................................... 117. 1 clerk ...................................................... ............ 119. 1 clerk ................................. ...... ............. 121. 1 clerk ................................................................. 136. 1 guard ................................... ,......—,___ 138. 6 guards, at P432 per annum each.............. 149. 1 messenger ................................... -T, - 205(e). Laborers for transfering cargo from for­ eign vessels to the customhouse bodega: 4 laborers ..........„................... —-----296. Wages of crew of boat and motorboat as follows: (t) 1 machinist .............. — (ll) 1 boatman ............................................ (nn) Subsistence of crew of motorboat: 2 members of the crew at ?0.36 per day each .............................................—.......... (oo) Clothing allowance to crew: 8 uniform white suits at P3.70................ 5 uniform black suits at P3.30................ Other expenses not specifically detailed.. LEGASPI CUSTOMHOUSE 4. 1 collector of customs....................~............... 1,188.00 34. 1 examiner ....... —..................... 37.00 16.50 10.50 4,250.00 1,530.00 540.00 864.00 1,944.00 1,296.00 648.00 1,200.00 240.00 1,296.00 756.00 648.00 324.00 720.00 300.00 240.00 175.20 146.00 292.00 146.00 146.00 394.20 262.80 25.80 74.00 42.90 19.10 4,250.00 1,530.00 648.00 648.00 648.00 540.00 486.00 540.00 2,592.00 824.06 1,200.00 540.00 280.00 264.80 29.60 16.50 9.90 4,250.00 1,700.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 169 (S) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 99. 1 clerk-cashier ................................................... 648.00 136. 3 guards, at P540 per annum each.............. 1,620.00 150. 1 messenger ........................................................ 300.00 188. 1 watchman ........................................................ 300.00 296. Wages of crew of motor launch as follows: (m) 1 patron ................................................ 864.00 (p) 1 machinist ........................................... 864.00 (jj) 2 sailors, at P300 per annum each 600.00 (nn) Subsistence of crew of motor launch: 4 members of the crew at P0.40 per day each .......;................................................. 657.60 (oo) Clothing allowance to crew of motor launch: 10 uniform white suits at P3.70................ 37.00 5 uniform black suits at P3.30................ 16.50 Other expenses not specifically detailed.. 10.50 DAVAO CUSTOMHOUSE 4. 1 collector of customs........................................... 4,250.00 31. 1 appraiser ........................................................... 1,700.00 42. 1 examiner ........................................................... 972.00 66. 1 wharfinger ................................................... 648.00 87 1 inspector .........................-............... -............... 864.00 110. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 117. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 136. 3 guards, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,620.00 138a. 3 guards, at P432 per annum each.............. 1,296.00 187. 1 watchman ...................................................... 324.00 207. 1 porter .............................................................. 300.00 296. Wages of crew of launch as follows: (n) 1 patron ................................................ 648.00 (r) 1 machinist ............................................ 648.00 (jj) 1 sailor .................................................. 300.00 (nn) Subsistence of crew of launch: 3 members of the crew at P0.40 per day each .......................................................... 440.00 (oo) Clothing allowance to crew: 5 uniform white suits at P3.70................ 16.50 3 uniform black suits at P3.30.................. 9.90 Other expenses not specifically detailed.. 8.00 APARRI CUSTOMS DISTRICT 81. 1 customs district inspector, with quarters.... 1,530.00 136. 2 guards, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 Total for salaries and wages.................Pl,166,191.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE DIRECTORS 1. One Collector of Internal Revenue.... 2. One Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue ............................................................. CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. Three chiefs of divisions, at 1*4,675 per annum each................................................ 4. One chief of division........................... 5. One special agent................................. 6. One chief of division......... .................. ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 7. Two assistant chiefs of divisions, at 1*3,825 per annum each................................... 8. Two assistant chiefs of divisions, at 1*2,720 per annum each ................................. 9. One assistant chief of division........... CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 10. One chief, secret service unit............. 11. One chief, inheritance tax section..... 12. One agent in charge of the secret service section ................................................. 13. One cashier and disbursing officer..... 14. One chief, records section................... 1*6,120.00 1*6,120.00 1 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 14,025.00 14,025.00 3-5 4,250.00 4,250.00 6 4,000.00 . 3,825.00 3,825.00 7 7,650.00 7,650.00 8-9 5,440.00 5,440.00 10-11 2,040.00 2,040.00 12 3,200.00 . 2,550.00 2,550.00 13 2,210.00 2,210.00 14 2,040.00 2,040.00 15 1,700.00 1,700.00 16 170 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1QQ7 moe Reference to item Details 1936 numbers of Act requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE 15. One chief of section 1,530.00 1,530.00 17 16. One bookkeeper .............. 1,530.00 1,530.00 18 17. One chief of section............................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 20 18. One chief of section ........................... 1,200.00 . 19. One chief, audit, index and assessment section ...................................................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 21 20. One chief, records and transcripts section ................................................................ 972.00 972.00 23 EXAMINERS 21. One examiner........................................ 2,040.00 2,040.00 24 22. One examiner........................................ 1,700.00 1,700.00 25 23. One examiner....................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 26 TRANSLATOR 24. One translator...................................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 27 STENOGRAPHERS 25. One stenographer ............................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 28 26. One stenographer ............................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 29 27. One stenographer ................................ 1,224.00 1,224.00 30 28. Three stenographers, at F81>0 per annum each........................................................ 2,520.00 .. LAW CLERKS 29. Two law clerks, at F2,040 per an­ num each............................................................ 4,080.00 4,080.00 31-32 30. Tivo law clerks, at Fl,500 per an­ num each ................. .......................................... 3,000.00 .. CLERKS 31. One clerk .............................................. 2,380.00 2,380.00 33 32. One clerk .............................................. 1,700.00 1,700.00 34 33. One personnel clerk............................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 19 34. Two clerks, at Fl,530 per annum each .................................................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 36-37 35. One clerk .............................................. 1,224.00 1,224.00 39 36. Three clerks, at Fl,122 per annum each .................................................................... 3,366.00 3,366.00 40 37. One property clerk................................ 1,122.00 1,122.00 22 38. Seven clerks, at Fl,080 per annum each .................................................................... 7,560.00 7,560.00 41-44 39. Seven clerks, at F972 per annum each 6,804.00 6,804.00 45-46 40. Two clerks, at F918 per annum each 1,836.00 1,836.00 47 41. Six clerks, at F864 per annum each 5,184.00 5,184.00 48-52 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 171 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE 42. Three clerks, at F840 per annum each ............. ...................................................... 43. Twelve clerks, at F756 per annum each ................................................................... 44. Two clerks, at F720 per annum each 45. Twenty-seven clerks, at 5*648 per annum each....................................................... 46. Eleven clerks, at F600 per annum each ................................................................... 47. Thirty-four clerks, at 5*540 per an­ num each........................................................... 48. One clerk .............................................. 49. Thirty-four clerks, at F480 per an­ num each........................................................... 50. Sixteen clerks, at 5*432 per annum each ................................................................... 51. One clerk ............................................. 52. Two clerks, at 5*324 per annum each AGENTS 53. Two supervising agents-at-large, at F3,600 per annum each................................... 54. One agent.............................................. 55. One agent............................................. 56. Two agents, at 5*3,315 per annum each .................................................................... 57. Four agents, at F3,000 per annum each ................................................ ................... 58. Two agents, at 5*2,975 per annum each ................................................................... 59. One agent............................................. 60. Eleven agents, at F2,700 per annum each ................................................................... 61. Six agents, at 5*2,550 per annum each ................................................................... 62. Twelve agents, at F2,400 per annum each ................................................................... 63. One agent............................................. 64. Ten agents, at 5*2,040 per annum each ................................................................... 65. Three agents, at Fl,800 per annum each ................................................................... 66. Two agents, at 5*1,700 per annum each ................................................................... 2,520.00 9,072.00 1,440.00 9,072.00 53, 55-57 17,496.00 17,496.00 58-64 6,600.00 18,360.00 18,360.00 65-68 486.00 486.00 69 16,320.00 6,912.00 6,912.00 70-76 378.00 378.00 77 648.00 648.00 78-79 7,200.00 ..................... 3,570.00 3,570.00 80 3,400.00 3,400.00 81 6,630.00 6,630.00 82-83 12,000.00 5,950.00 5,950.00 84-85 2,720.00 2,720.00 86 29,700.00 . 15,300.00 15,300.00 87-89 28,800.00 2,210.00 2,210.00 90 20,400.00 20,400.00 91-97, 99 5,400.00 3,400.00 3,400.00 100-101 172 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE 67. Six agents, at Fl,680 per annum each 68. Four agents, at 5*1,530 per annum each 69. Two agents, at 5*1,275 per annum each .................................................................... 70. One agent .............................................. 71. One agent.............................................. 72. One agent........... .................................. 73. For the employment of six [student] agents to be filled by non-Christian Filipinos [not subject to Civil Service rules], at 5*540 per annum each ............................................... 73 (a). For the employment of four agents to be filled by non-Christian Filipinos, at F540 per annum each........................................ agent’s assistants 74. Ten agent’s assistants, at 5*1,700 per annum each........................................................ 75. Eleven agent’s assistants, at 5*1,530 per annum each ................................................ 76. One agent’s assistant........................... 77. One agent’s assistant........................... 78. Three agent’s assistants, at 5*1,275 per annum each ................................................ 79. Seven agent’s assistants, at 5*1,224 per annum each ................................................ 80. Fifteen agent’s assistants, at 5*1,122 per annum each ................................................ 81. Four agent’s assistants, at 5*1,080 per annum each ................................................ 82. Three agent’s assistants, at 5*972 per annum each ................................................ 83. Six agent's assistants, at F960 per annum each........................................................ 84. One agent’s assistant........................... 85. Thirteen agent’s assistants, at 5*864 per annum each ................................................ 86. One agent’s assistant........................... 87. One agent’s assistant........................... 88. One agent’s assistant........................... 10,080.00 ... 6,120.00 6,120.00 102-105 2,550.00 2,550.00 106-107 1,200.00 .. 1,122.00 1,122.00 108 1,080.00 1,080.00 109 3,240.00 3,240.00 210-212 2,160.00 ..................... 17,000.00 17,000.00 110-113 16,830.00 16,830.00 114-121 1,428.00 1,428.00 122 1,326.00 1,326.00 123 3,825.00 3,825.00 124 8,568.00 8,568.00 125-127 16,830.00 16,830.00 128-135 4,320.00 4,320.00 136-138 2,916.00 2,916.00 139-140 5,760.00 . 918.00 918.00 141 11,232.00 11,232.00 142-151 810.00 810.00 152 756.00 756.00 153 648.00 648.00 154 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 173 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE INHERITANCE TAX EXAMINERS 89. One inheritance tax examiner........... 2,040.00 90. Two inheritance tax examiners, at Fl,530 per annum each................................... 3,060.00 INCOME TAX EXAMINERS 91. Two income tax examiners, at F3,400 per annum each.................................................. 6,800.00 92. One income tax examiner................... 2,550.00 93. One income tax examiner................... 2,210.00 94. Five income tax examiners, at F2,040 per annum each ................................................ 10,200.00 95. Tivo income tax examiners, at F2,000 per annum each................................................. 4,000.00 96. One income tax examiner................... 1,700.00 97. Seventeen income tax examiners, at Fl,530 per annum each................................... 26,010.00 98. Four income tax examiners, at Fl,500 per annum each................................................. 6,000.00 99. One income tax examiner................... 1,428.00 100. One income tax examiner................... 1,326.00 101. One income tax examiner................... 1,224.00 102. Two income tax examiners, at Fl,200 per annum each ................................................ 2,400.00 103. One income tax examiner................... 1,080.00 104. Eighteen income tax examiners, at F960 per annum, each........................................ 17,280.00 ASSISTANT INCOME TAX EXAMINERS 105. One assistant income tax examiner.... 1,800.00 106. Two assistant income tax examiners, at Fl,200 per annum each............................. 2,400.00 107. One assistant income tax examiner.... 1,122.00 108. Twelve assistant income tax exam­ iners, at Fl,080 per annum each..................... 12,960.00 109. Ten assistant income tax examiners, at F972 per annum each.................................. 9,720.00 110. Two assistant income tax examiners, at F864 per annum each................................. 1,728.00 111. One assistant income tax examiner.... 648.00 DRUG INSPECTORS 112. One drug inspector............................... 1,224.00 113. One drug inspector............................. 1,200.00 2,040.00 155 3,060.00 156-157 6,800.00 158 2,550.00 159 2,210.00 160 10,200.00 161-168 1,700.00 164 26,010.00 165-167 1,428.00 168 1,326.00 169 1,224.00 170 1,080.00 171 1,122.00 172 12,960.00 173-175 9,720.00 176-178 1,728.00 648.00 179-180 .181 1,224.00 182 174 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE Reference to item Details iyoo numbers of Act requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 114. One drug inspector........................ 115. Four drug inspectors, at F960 ;per 1,122.00 1,122.00 183 annum each ................................................ 3,840.00 . INSPECTORS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 116. Five inspectors of weights and measures, at 1*1,224 per annum each.................. 6,120.00 6,120.00 . 184-188 117. Five inspectors of weights and measures, at F960 per annum each.................. 4,800.00 . FOREST INSPECTORS 118. Two forest inspectors, at 1*1,080 per annum each................................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 189-190. 119. Tico forest inspectors, at Fl,080 per annum each ................................................ 2,160.00 [CHINESE AND JAPANESE] ACCOUNTANTS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES 120. One [Chinese] accountant........... 2,720.00 2,720.00 191 121. One [Chinese] accountant........... 2,040.00 2,040.00 192 122. One accountant [in Chinese]....... 2,040.00 2,040.00 193 123. One [Chinese] accountant............ 1,530.00 1,530.00 194 124. Seven accountants [in Chinese], at Pl,530 per annum each.............................. -10,710.00 10,710.00 195-199 125. Three [Chinese] accountants, at 1*1,530 per annum each.............................. 4,590.00 4,590.00 200-201 126. One [Chinese] accountant........... 1,122.00 1,122.00 202 127. Two [Chinese] accountants, at 1*1,080 per annum each.......... _................. 2,160.00 2,160.00 203 128. Four accountants [in Chinese], at 1*1,080 per annum each.............................. 4,320.00 4,320.00 204-206 129. One [Japanese] accountant......... 1,080.00 1,080.00 207 130. Three [Chinese] accountants, at 1*972 per annum each................................. 2,916.00 2,916.00 208-209 MESSENGERS 131. Four messengers, at P378 per annum each .............................................................. 1,512.00 1,512.00 213-214 132. Two messengers, at 1*300 per annum each ............................................................... 600.00 600.00 215-216 LABORERS 133. One mechanic.................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 217 134. One mechanic ............................... 648.00 648.00 218 135. One janitor, with free quarters while required to live in the Bureau of Internal Revenue building ......................................... 756.00 756.00 219 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 175 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE 136. Seven laborers, at 5*432 per annum each ................................................................... 3,024.00 3,024.00 220-222 137. One laborer........................................... 405.00 405.00 223 138. Eight laborers, at 5*324 per annum each .................................................................... 2,592.00 2,592.00 224-226 MISCELLANEOUS 139. For the employment of special inves­ tigators not subject to Civil Service rules, as follows: Investigators (a) Four special investigators, at 1*2,040 per annum each ................................................... 8,160.00 8,160.00 227(a)-(6) (6) One special investigator................................ 1,224.00 1,224.00 (c) (c) Three special investigators, at 1*1,080 per annum each .......................................... 3,240.00 3,240.00 (d) (d) One special investigator............................... 1,008.00 1,008.00 (e) (e) Six special investigators, at 1*756 per annum each ................................................... 4,536.00 4,536.00 (f)-(g) 140. Temporary employees and store­ keepers, including laborers, as follows: Secret Service Agents (a) One secret service agent................................. 972.00 972.00 228(a) (&) One secret service agent............................. 864.00 864.00 (&) (c) Two secret service agents, at 1*840 per annum each ................................................... 1,680.00 .. (d) Three secret service agents, at 1*756 per annum each ................................................... 2,268.00 2,268.00 (c) («) Five secret service agents, at F720 per annum each ................................................... 3,600.00 .. (/) Four secret service agents, at 1*648 per annum each ................................................... 2,592.00 2,592.00 (d) (ff) Two secret service agents, at 1*600 per annum each .................................................. 1,200.00 .. (h) Fifteen secret service agents, at 1*540 per annum each .......................................... 8,100.00 8,100.00 <e)-(A) (i) Seventeen secret service agents, at 1*480 per annum each............................................. 8,160.00 .. Head Gaugers (3) One head gauger............................................ 756.00 756.00 (i) (k) Three head gaugers, at 1*648 per annum each ............................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 (3) 176 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1937 1936 Reference to item Budget Item No. Details numbers of Act requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE Storekeepers (I) Two storekeepers, at P864 per annum each .................................................................. (???) Two storekeepers, at 1*756 per annum each .................................................................. (??) Eight storekeepers, at 1*648 per annum each .................................................................. (o) Twenty-six storekeepers, at ^540 per an­ num each ...................................................... (p) Three storekeepers, at 1*540 per annum each ................................................................. (q) Six storekeepers, at 1*486 per annum each.................................................................... (?•) One hundred twenty-five storekeepers, at 1*432 per annum each................................ (s) One storekeeper ............................................... Clerks (t) Nine clerks, at 1*240 per annum each........ Laborers (u) One chauffeur................................................... (v) One motorcycle-driver.................................... (???) One laborer-shipper ...................................... (.r) Four laborer-stampers, at 1*486 per an­ num each ...................................................... (y) Two laborer-stampers, at 1*432 per an­ num each ........................................................ (z) Ten laborer-stampers, at F360 per an­ num each ............................................... (a-1) One laborer-stamper .................................. (b-1) Two laborer-stampers, at 1*378 per an­ num each ................................................... (c-1) Three laborers, at 1*324 per annum each (d-1) One laborer-mechanic ................................ (e-1) One laborer-sailor ...................................... (f-1) Two laborer-janitors, at 1*324 per an­ num each ................................................... (g-1) Thirty-four laborer-messengers, at F21k0 per annum each.............................. (h-1) One labor er-janitor .................................. (i-1) One laborer-janitor...................................... 1,728.00 1,728.00 (fc)-(D 1,512.00 1,512.00 (m)-(n) 5,184.00 5,184.00 (o)-(p) 14,040.00 14,040.00 (</)-(«) 1,620.00 1,620.00 (t)-(v) 2,916.00 2,916.00 (w) 54,000.00 54,000.00 (x)-(o-l) 378.00 378.00 (b-1) 2,160.00 2,160.00 (c-1) 756.00 756.00 (d-1) 702.00 702.00 (e-1) 594.00 594.00 (f-1) 1,944.00 1,944.00 (g-l)-(hr-l) 864.00 864.00 d-1) 3,600.00 . 432.00 432.00 (i-1) 756.00 756.00 (k-1) 972.00 972.00 (l-l) 378.00 378.00 (m-1) 240.00 240.00 (n-1) 648.00 648.00 (o-l)-(p-l) 8,160.00 . 240.00 240.00 (q-D 120.00 120.00 (r-1) Total .................................................. 818,418.00 603,038.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 177 (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Collector of Internal Revenue...................... P6,120.00 2. 1 Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue....... 5,100.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 6. 1 chief of division............................................... 3,825.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division.............................. 2,720.00 31. 1 clerk ............................................................... 2,380.00 133. 1 mechanic ............................................................. 1,080.00 135. 1 janitor, with free quarters while required to live in the Bureau of Internal Revenue building .......................................................... 756.00 136. 7 laborers ............................................................. 3,024.00 140(u). 1 chauffeur .................................................. - 756.00 140 (v). 1 motorcycle-driver .....-.............................. 702.00 140 (u’). 1 laborer-shipper ......................................... 594.00 140(a-1). 1 laborer-stamper ....................-............... 432.00 Stenographic Section 25. 1 stenographer ................................................. 2,040.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................. 972.00 45. 1 clerk ................................................................. 648.00 Records and Mailing Section 14. 1 chief, records section ....................................... 1,700.00 38. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................... 2,160.00 43. 1 clerk ................. -............................................... 756.00 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 47. 6 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 3,240.00 50. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 138. 2 laborers, at P324 per annum each.............. 648.00 140(i-l). 1 laborer-janitor ............. -......................... 120.00 General Service Section 41. 1 clerk ................................................................- 864.00 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 140(x). 1 laborer-stamper ......................................- 486.00 131. 2 messengers, at P378 per annum each.......... 756.00 132. 2 messengers, at P300 per annum each....... 600.00 Property Section 16. 1 bookkeeper ........................................................ 1,530.00 37. 1 property clerk .................................................. 1,122.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 134. 1 mechanic .........-.....................-......................... 648.00 137. 1 laborer .............................................................- 405.00 138. 1 laborer .................................. 324.00 140(f). 1 clerk ........................................................... 240.00 140(x). 1 laborer-stamper ......................................... 486.00 140(1/). 1 laborer-stamper ......................................... 432.00 140 (b-I). 1 laborer-stamper .................................. _ 378.00 Cash and Disbursement Section 13. 1 cashier and disbursing officer.................... 2,040.00 33. 1 personnel clerk ................................................ 1,530.00 36. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,122.00 42. 1 clerk ................................................................... 840.00 43. 1 clerk ............................................................................... 756.00 45. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 50. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 138. 4 laborers, at P324 per annum each.............. 1,296.00 140(f). 1 clerk ........................................................... 240.00 140(x). 2 laborer-stampers, at P486 per annum each ........................................................ 972.00 140(i/). 1 laborer-stamper .....~................................ 432.00 140 (b-1). 1 laborer-stamper ...................................... 378.00 140 (z). 10 laborer-stampers, at P360 per annum each ....................................................... 3,600.00 .140(c-1). 1 laborer-stamper .................................... 324.00 140(d-1). 1 laborer-mechanic .................................... 378.00 LAW DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division......................... 4,675.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division........... ................... 2,720.00 24. 1 translator ............ -......_......... 1,122.00 27. 1 stenographer .................................................... 1,224.00 28. 2 stenographers, at P840 per annum each_ 1,680.00 29. 2 law clerks, at P2.040 per annum each...... 4,080.00 30. 2 law clerks at Pl,500 per annum each........„ 3,000.00 32. 1 clerk ................................................. 1,700.00 34. 1 clerk ......................................................... 1,530.00 38. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,080.00 41. 1 clerk ............ „...................................... 864.00 43. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................. 1,512.00 45. 1 clerk ............................................ ........_....... 648.00 50. 1 clerk ................................................................. _ 432.00 138. 1 laborer .........—....... 324.00 140(f). 1 clerk .............................................................. 240.00 REVENUE ACCOUNTS AND STATISTICAL DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division ............................................. 4,250.00 9. 1 assistant chief of division ..................... 2,040.00 21. 1 examiner ..................................—..... —..... 2,040.00 22. 1 examiner ...................................„.....~............._ 1,700.00 23. 1 examiner .......................—....................-....... — 1,530.00 35. 1 clerk ................................................... 1,224.00 36. 2 clerks, at Pl,122 per annum each............... 2,244.00 39. 4 clerks, at P972 per annum each.................... 3,888.00 40. 2 clerks, at P918 per annum each.................... 1,836.00 43. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................... 2,268.00 45. 8 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 5,184.00 47. 10 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 5,400.00 50. 7 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 3,024.00 51. 1 clerk .............................................. 378.00 52. 2 clerks, at P324 per annum each................. ..... 648.00 112. 1 drug inspector -................ .........._.... * 1,224.00 113. 1 drug inspector .................................... 1,200.00 114. 1 drug inspector ....... _ 1,122.00 115. 4 drug inspectors, at P960 per annum each 3,840.00 131. 1 messenger ................................._......... 378.00 140(f). 2 clerks, at P240 per annum each.............. 480.00 140(c-1). 1 laborer-stamper ..................................... 824.00 Typewriting Section 15. 1 chief of section -...................................... 1,530.00 38. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................ 2,160.00 39. 1 clerk ......................—..............-.............. 972.00 41. 1 clerk ........................................................... 864.00 Journal Section 17. 1 chief of section _................... ... 1,326.00 39. 1 clerk ............ -.................................... — 972.00 41. 1 clerk .............. —......................................-..... 864.00 43. 1 clerk ........................-......................... 756.00 Statistical Section 42. 1 clerk ..................... ..... 840.00 44. 1 clerk .................................................... 720.00 46. 4 clerks, at P600 per annum each--------------- 2,400.00 49. 2 clerks, at P480 per annum each ...... - 960.00 Checking Section 18. 1 chief of section -..............................................- 1,200.00 42. 1 clerk ....................................................-.............. 840.00 44. 1 clerk .........................................---- --------- ----- 720.00 46. 3 clerks, at P600 per annum each..................... 1,800.00 49. 2 clerks, at P480 per annum each------------29908! ■12 178 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION INCOME TAX DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ............................................. 4,675.00 7. 1 assistant chief of division ............................. 3,825.00 20. 1 chief, records and transcripts section......... 972.00 34. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,530.00 38. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 41. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 43. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 45. 8 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 5,184.00 47. 8 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 4,320.00 48. 1 clerk ................................................................... 486.00 131. 1 messenger ......................................................... 378.00 Income Tax Examiners 91. 2 income tax examiners, at P3,400 per an­ num each ........................................................ 6,800.00 92. 1 income tax examiner ...................................... 2,550.00 94. 4 income tax examiners, at 1*2,040 per annum each ................................................................. 8,160.00 95. 2 income tax examiners, at P2,000 per an­ num each ........................................................ 4,000.00 96. 1 income tax examiner ...................................... 1,700.00 97. 7 income tax examiners, at Pl,530 per annum each ......................................................... 10,710.00 99. 1 income tax examiner ...................................... 1,428.0.0 100. 1 income tax examiner ...................................... 1,326.00 103. 1 income tax examiner ...................................... 1,080.00 Assistant Income Tax Examiners 105. 1 assistant income tax examiner...................... 1,800.00 106. 2 assistant income tax examiners, at Pl,200 per annum each ............................................. 2,400.00 108. 6 assistant income tax examiners, at Pl,080 per annum each............................................ 6,480.00 109. 7 assistant income tax examiners, at P972 per annum each ................................................ 6,804.00 111. 1 assistant income tax examiner .................. 648.00 123. 1 accountant ........................................................ 1,530.00 124. 1 accountant ........................................................ 1,530.00 127. 2 accountants, at Pl,080 per annum each....... 2,160.00 129. 1 accountant ............................................ —..... - 1,080.00 130. 2 accountants, at P972 per annum each............ 1,944.00 139(a). 4 special investigators................................... 8,160.00 139(d). 1 special investigator..................................... 1,008.00 139(e). 2 special investigators.................................... 1,512.00 Audit, Index and Assessment Section 19. 1 chief, audit, index and assessment section.. 1,122.00 41. 1 clerk ................................................................ 864.00 43. 2 clerks ................................................................ 1,512.00 140 (t). 2 clerks ............................................................ 480.00 Inheritance Tax Section 11. 1 chief, inheritance tax section....................... 2,550.00 89. 1 inheritance tax examiner................................ 2,040.00 90. 1 inheritance tax examiner................................ 1,530.00 45. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 47; 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 50. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 INSPECTION DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division—.............................................. 4,675.00 5. 1 special agent .................................................... 4,000.00 7. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 3,825.00 53. 2 supervising agents-at-large, at P3.600 per annum each ................................................ 7,200.00 56. 2 agents ............................................................... 6,630.00 61. 3 agents ............................................................... 7,650.00 64. 3 agents ............................................................... 6,120.00 68. 3 agents ............................................................... 4,590.00 69. 2 agents ................................................................ 2,550.00 70. 1 agent .................................................................. 1,200.00 71. 1 agent .................................................................. 1,122.00 74. 3 agent’s assistants ........................................... 5,100.00 75. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 1,530.00 78. 1 agent’s assistant .................. 1,275.00 79. 2 agent’s assistants ............................................. 2,448.00 80. 5 agent’s assistants ........................................... 5,610.00 81. 2 agent’s assistants ........................................... 2,160.00 82. 2 agent’s assistants ............................................. 1,944.00 83. 6 agent’s assistants, at P960 per annum each 5,760.00 85. 4 agent’s assistants ........................................... 3,456.00 88. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 648.00 118. 2 forest inspectors ............................................... 2,160.00 119. 2 forest inspectors, at Pl,080 per annum each 2,160.00 26. 1 stenographer .................................................. 1,530.00 28. 1 stenographer .................................................. 840.00 38. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,080.00 43. 1 clerk ................................................................. 756.00 45. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 600.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 120. 1 accountant ........................................................ 2,720.00 124. 2 accountants ....................................................... 3,060.00 125. 1 accountant ........................................................ 1,530.00 128. 2 accountants .................................................... 2,160.00 73. 3 agents .......................,....................................... 1,620.00 73a. 4 agents, at P540 per annum each.............. 2,160.00 140 (Z). 2 storekeepers ................................................ 1,728.00 140(m). 2 storekeepers .............................................. 1,512.00 140(n). 6 storekeepers .............................................. 3,888.00 140 (o). 12 storekeepers ............................................ 6,480.00 140 (p). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 540.00 140 (r). 57 storekeepers ............................................ 24,624.00 140(s). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 378.00 140 (¿). 2 clerks ...................................................... 480.00 140 (g-1). 4 laborer-messengers, at P240 per an­ num each ...................................... 960.00 Secret Service Section 10. 1 chief, secret service unit................................ 3,200.00 12. 1 agent in charge of the secret service section 2,210.00 76 1 agent’s assistant ........................................... 1,428.00 80. 1 agent’s assistant ........................................... 1,122.00 116. 3 inspectors of weights and measures.............. 3,672.00 117. 5 inspectors of weights and measures, at P960 per annum each .......................................... 4,800.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 121. 1 accountant ...................................................... 2,040.00 140(a). 1 secret service agent.................................... 972.00 140(b). 1 secret service agent.................................... 864.00 140(c). 2 secret service agents, at P840 per an­ num each ................................................ 1,680.00 140(d). 2 secret service agents.................................. 1,512.00 140(f). 4 secret service agents........ ......................... 2,592.00 140 (h). 1 secret service agent................................. 540.00 Assignment of the Field Personnel of the Bureau of Internal Revenue in thf. Provinces district no. 1 Cagayan 60. 1 agent ................................................................. 2,700.00 64. 1 agent ................................................................ 2,040.00 84. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 918.00 85. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 864.00 108. 1 assistant income tax examiner........................ 1,080.00 116. 1 inspector of weights and measures................ 1,224.00 50. 1 clerk .......................................................... 432.00 124. 1 accountant ....................................................... 1,530.00 139(e). 1 special investigator ................................... 756.00 140(h). 1 secret service agent................................... 540,00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 179 (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 140(Ac). 1 head gauger ............................................... 648.00 140 (o). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 540.00 140 (r). 3 storekeepers ................................................ 1,296.00 140 (í7—1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Isabela 62. 1 agent ................................................................ 2,400.00 72. 1 agent .................................................................. 1,080.00 104. 1 income tax examiner......................................... 960.00 109. 1 assistant income tax examiner......................... 972.00 140 (t). 1 secret service agent................................... 480.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 140(g-1). 2 laborer-messengers, at P240 per an­ num each ............................................ 480.00 DISTRICT NO. 2 Hocos Sur 61. 1 agent ................................................................. 2,550.00 75. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 1,530.00 87. 1 agent’s assistant ................. -—.... -............... 756.00 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 960.00 50. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 140(7t). 1 secret service agent................. -................ 540.00 140(p). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 540.00 140(g). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 486.00 140(i). 1 secret service agent................................... 480.00 49. 1 clerk ............. -................................................... 480.00 140 (g-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Hocos Norte 62. 1 agent ................................................................. 2,400.00 79. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 1,224.00 104. 1 income tax examiner............. _....................... 960.00 140(h). 1 secret service agent..................... 540.00 140(i). 1 secret service agent................................... 480.00 140 (r). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 432.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................... _............ 480.00 140(g-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 La Union 62. 1 agent .... -................ — 2,400.00 97. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 1,530.00 80. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 1,122.00 Mountain Province 104. 1 income tax examiner __________________ 960.00 140 (t). 1 secret service agent... .............. 480.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................. 480.00 73. 1 agent .............. 540.00 DISTRICT NO. 3 Pangasinan 57. 1 agent ...... 3,000.00 61. 1 agent ................................................................. 2,550.00 74. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 1,700.00 98. 1 income tart examiner....................................... 1,500.00 79. 1 agent’s assistant .............................................. 1,224.00 45. 1 clerk ........ 648.00 139(c). 1 special investigator .................................. 1,080.00 140(e). 1 secret service agent.................................. 720.00 140(h). 1 secret service agent.................................. 540.00 140 (j). 1 head gauger .................................. 756.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................. 480.00 140(g). 3 storekeepers .............................................. 1,458.00 140 (r\. 3 storekeepers .............................................. >296.00 140 (c-1). 1 laborer-stamper ..................................... 324.00 City of Baguio 66. 1 agent ......... ............................................ „........ 1,700.00 93. 1 income tax examiner .......... 2,210.00 Pampanga 60. 1 agent ................................................................ 2,700.00 67. 1 agent ................................................................. 1,680.00 80. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 1,122.00 97. 1 income tax examiner.......................................... 1,530.00 140(h). 1 secret service agent.................................... 540.00 140 (o). 1 storekeeper .................................................. 540.00 140(g). 1 storekeeper ................................................. 486.00 49. 1 clerk .................................................................. 480.00 140 (r). 1 storekeeper ................................................. 432.00 140(g-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Nueva Eci ja 60. 1 agent ................................................................ 2,700.00 74. 1 agent’s assistant ......... 1,700.00 67. 1 agent ................................................................. 1,680.00 97. 1 income tax examiner.......................................... 1,530.00 124. 1 accountant ................................................... 1,530.00 139(b). 1 special investigator ........ 1,224.00 140(h). 1 secret service agent.................................... 540.00 140(g). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 486.00 140 (r). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 432.00 140(g-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Tarlac 62. 1 agent .................................................... 2,400.00 78. 1 agent’s assistant .......... 1,275.00 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 960.00 110. 1 assistant income tax examiner....................... 864.00 140 (i). 1 secret service agent................................... 480.00 140 (r). 3 storekeepers _____________ 1,296.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 140(g-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 DISTRICT NO. 4 Bui a can 60. 1 agent .............................~................................... 2,700.00 67. 1 agent .................................................................. 1,680.00 79. 1 agent’s assistant .............................. 1,224.00 107. 1 assistant income tax examiner.................... 1,122.00 140(o). 1 storekeeper ................................................. 540.00 140 (r). 1 storekeeper ..... 432.00 49. 1 clerk .................................................................... 480.00 140(g-1). 1 laborer-messenger .................................. 240.00 DISTRICT NO. 5 Rizal 65. 1 agent ....................................................... 1,800.00 74. 1 agent’s assistant ..... 1,700.00 46. 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 140(g-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 DISTRICT NO. 6 Batangas 60. 1 agent ............................................................... 2,700.00 63. 1 agent ................................................................ 2,210.00 66. 1 agent ................................................................ 1,700.00 75. 1 agent’s assistant ............................._.............. 1,530.00 81. 1 agent’s assistant .............................................. 1,080.00 109. 1 assistant income tax examiner....................... 972.00 45. 1 clerk ...........................-...................................... 648.00 139(c). 1 special investigator ................................. 1,080.00 140(o). 1 storekeeper ................................................. 540.00 140 (r). 2 storekeepers .................................... 864.00 140 (g-1). 1 laborer-messenger .................. 240.00 180 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Cavite 60. 1 agent ................................................................. 80. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 97. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. Mindoro 62. 1 agent ................................................................. 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 140(r). 2 storekeepers ................................................ 140 (?). 1 secret service agent..................................... 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. Bataan 62. 1 agent ................................................................. 80. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 140 (?"). 1 secret service agent................................... 49. 1 clerk ................................. —.............................. 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. Zambales 62. 1 agent ................................................................. 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 140 (?*) - 1 secret service agent..................................... 49 1 clerk ................................................................... 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. DISTRICT NO. 7 Laguna 55. 1 agent ................................................................. 60. 1 agent ................................................................. 64. 1 agent ................................................................. 78. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 85. 2 agent’s assistants ............................................. 97. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 101. 1 income tax examiner......................................... 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 126. 1 accountant ........................................................ 139(e). 2 special investigators ............................... 140(h). 4 secret service agents................................. 140(b). 1 head gauger .............................................. 140 (o). 4 storekeepers .............................................. 140 (r). 17 storekeepers .............................................. 140 1 laborer-janitor ....................................... Tayabas 57. 1 agent ................................................................. 65. 1 agent ................................................................. 75. 1 agent’s assistant .............................................. 98. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 80. 1 agent’s assistant .............................................. 108. 1 assistant income tax examiner...................... 140(e). 1 secret service agent................................... 140(h). 1 secret service agent................................. 140(o). 2 storekeepers .............................................. 140(r). 9 storekeepers ................................................ 46. 1 clerk ................................................................. 49. 1 clerk ................................................................. 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. Marinduque 62. 1 agent ................................................................. 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 140 (i). 1 secret service agent ................................. 2,700.00 1,122.00 1,530.00 480.00 240.00 2,400.00 960.00 864.00 480.00 480.00 240.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. DISTRICT NO. 8 Albay 59. 1 agent ................................................................. 64. 1 agent ................................................................. 85. 1 agent’s assistant .............................................. 97. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 125. 1 accountant ........................................................ 140(h). 2 secret service agents............................... 140(n). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 140 (r). 2 storekeepers .............................................. Camarines Sur 2,400.00 1,122.00 60- 1 a£ent ............................................................ .... 960.00 67- 1 a£en* ..........................-..................................... 480.00 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 480.00 $7' * income tax examiner....................................... 240 00 140 (r). 3 storekeepers ................................................ 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 2,400.00 960.00 480.00 480.00 240.00 3,400.00 2,700.00 2,040.00 1,275.00 1,728.00 1,530.00 1,224.00 540.00 1,122.00 1,512.00 2,160.00 648.00 2,160.00 7,344.00 324.00 3,000.00 1,800.00 1,530.00 1.500.00 1,122.00 1,080.00 720.00 540.00 1,080.00 3,888.00 600.00 480.00 240.00 2,400.00 960.00 480.00 480.00 240.00 2,720.00 2,040.00 864.00 1,530.00 540.00 1,530.00 1,080.00 648.00 864.00 2,700.00 1,680.00 1,530.00 1,530.00 1,296.00 480.00 240.00 Sorsogon 60. 1 agent ................................................................. 74. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 67. 1 agent ......... -................ . .................................. 102. 1 income tax examiner........................................ 140(0). 1 secret service agent................................. 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. Masbate 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 140(i). 1 secret service agent..................................... 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. DISTRICT NO. 9 Iloilo 2,700.00 1,700.00 1,680.00 1,200.00 600.00 480.00 240.00 960.00 480.00 480.00 240.00 57. 1 agent ................................................................. 61. 1 agent ................................................................. 64. 1 agent ................................................................. 65. 1 agent ................................................................. 74. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 75. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 79. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 80. 1 agent’s assistant ................................<........... 81. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 85. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 90. 1 inheritance tax examiner ............................. 98. 1 income tax examiner ..................................... 108. 2 assistant income tax examiners, at Pl,080 per annum each ........................................ 109. 1 assistant income tax examiner ...................... 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 124. 1 accountant ....................................................... 130. 1 accountant ....................................................... 140(e).*! secret service agent ................................. 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 140(o). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 140 (r). 6 storekeeper, at P432 per annum each.... 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 140 (e-1). 1 laborer-sailor ............................. ........... 3,000.00 2,550.00 2,040.00 1,800.00 1,700.00 1,530.00 1,224.00 1,122.00 1,080.00 864.00 1,530.00 1,500.00 2,160.00 972.00 1,080.00 1,530.00 972.00 720.00 480.00 540.00 2,592.00 240.00 240.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 181 (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Occidental Negros 60. 1 agent ............................................................ —- 2,700.00 74. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 1,700.00 85. 1 agent’s assistant .............................................. 864.00 139(c). 1 special investigator ................................. 1,080.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 140(h). 1 head gauger ................................................ 648.00 140(n). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 648.00 140 (o). 3 storekeepers, at P540 per annum each.... 1,620.00 140(r). 7 storekeepers, at P432 per annum each.... 3,024.00 140 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Capiz 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 960.00 140(t). 1 secret service agent..................................... 480.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 DISTRICT NO. 10 Cebu 54. 1 agent ................................................................. 3,570.00 57. 1 agent ................................................................. 3,000.00 64. 1 agent ..................................................................... 2,040.00 74. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................... 1,700.00 75. 2 agent’s assistant, at Pl,530 per annum each 3,060.00 79. 1 agent’s assistant .................................. -.......... 1,224.00 85. 2 agent’s assistants, at P864 per annum each 1,728.00 86. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 810.00 94. 1 income tax examiner .................................... 2,040.00 97. 1 income tax examiner ........................... 1,530.00 98. 1 income tax examiner...................................... 1,500.00 108. 1 assistant income tax examiner».................... 1,080.00 110. 1 assistant income tax examiner..................... 864.00 45. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 49. 1 clerk .................................................................. 480.00 116. 1 inspector of weights and measures ............ 1,224.00 122. 1 accountant .......................... -.............-.............. 2,040.00 124. 1 accountant ....................................................... 1,530.00 128. 1 accountant ....................................................... 1,080.00 140(e). 1 secret service agent................................... 720.00 140(h). 1 secret service agent.............................. 540.00 140 (r). 4 storekeepers, at P432 per annum each.. 1,728.00 140(7-1). 1 laborer-janitor ....................................... 324.00 Oriental Negros 104. 1 income tax examiner................ 960.00 140(d). 1 secret service agent................................... 756.00 140(f). 1 secret service agent..................................... 480.00 140(p). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 540.00 140 (r). 2 storekeepers, at P432 per annum each.... 864.00 140(p-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Bohol 60. J. agent ................................................................. 2,700.00 67. 1 agent ................................................................. 1,680.00 102. 1 income tax examiner ..................................... 1,200.00 140(p). 1 secret service agent.................................. 600.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 140(p-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Surigao 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 960.00 140(f). 1 secret service agent ................................... 480.00 49. 1 clerk .............. 480.00 Occidental Misamis 62. 1 agent ................................................................. 2,400.00 75. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 1,530.00 104. 1 income tax examiner ..................................... 960.00 140(f). 1 secret service agent ................................. 480.00 49. 1 clerk .................................................................. 480.00 140(p-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Oriental Misamis 62. 1 agent ........................................................ 2,400.00 80. 1 agent’s assistant ................................................ 1,122.00 104. 1 income tax examiner ..................................... 960.00 140 (í). 1 secret service agent................................... 480.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 140(p-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 DISTRICT NO. 11 Zamboanga 58. 1 agent .............................................................. 2,975.00 64. 1 agent .............................................................. 2,040.00 97. 1 income tax examiner......................................... 1,530.00 104. 1 income tax examiner ....................................... 960.00 50. 1 clerk .............................................................. 432.00 128. 1 accountant ................................................. 1,080.00 73. 1 agent .............................................................. 540.00 139(e). 1 special investigator .................................. 756.00 49. 1 clerk ..................................................... *480.00 140(p-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Davao 68. 1 agent .................................................................. 1,530.00 97. 1 income tax examiner ..................................... 1,530.00 Cotabato 62. 1 agent .................................................................. 2,400.00 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 960.00 73. 1 agent .................................................................. 540.00 140(f). 1 secret service agent.................................... 480.00 49. 1 clerk .................................................................. 480.00 140(p-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 DISTRICT NO. 12 Leyte 58. 1 agent ................................................................. 2,975.00 64. 1 agent ................................................ 2,040.00 75. 1 agent’s assistant ................................................ 1,530.00 80. 1 agent’s assistant ................................................ 1,122.00 82. 1 agent’s assistant ................................................ 972.00 85. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................... 864.00 108. 1 assistant income tax examiner...................... 1,080.00 46. 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 49. 1 clerk .....................................................-............ 480.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................ 540.00 125. 1 accountant ........................................................ 1,530.00 140(e). 1 secret service agent................................. 720.00 140 (r). 1 storekeeper ....................-.......................... 432.00 140 (h^-1). 1 laborer-janitor ..................................... 240.00 140(p-1), laborer-messenger .... ................................. 240.00 Samar 62. 1 agent ................................................................. 2,400.00 75. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 1,530.00 77. 1 agent’s assistant .............................................. 1,326.00 80. 1 agent’s assistant ................................................ 1,122.00 104. 1 income tax examiner............................ 960.00 140(f). 1 secret service agent................................... 480.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 140(p-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Total for salaries and wages.................. P818,418.00 182 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF THE TREASURY DIRECTORS 1. One [Insular] Treasurer of the Phil­ ippines ................................................................ 2. One Assistant [Insular] Treasurer of the Philippines ........................................... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One chief of division and cashier....... 4. One chief of division and currency and bond register ............................................ 5. One chief of division and second deputy insurance commissioner....................... 6. One superintendent [of the mint] and cashier of the mint............................................ PUBLIC DEBT RECORDER 7. One public debt recorder..................... ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 8. One assistant chief of division........... 9. One assistant cashier........................... 10. One [examiner] assistant chief of division......................................................,......... EXAMINERS 11. Three examiners, at 1*2,550 per an­ num each............................................................ 12. Six examiners, at 1*2,040 per annum each .................................................................... 13. Three assistant examiners, at Fl,530 per. annum each.................................................. 14. One bond clerk and assistant ex­ aminer ................................................................ TELLERS 15. One paying and receiving teller......... 16. One paying and receiving teller......... 17. One. paying and receiving teller......... CLERKS AND STENOGRAPHERS 18. One property clerk............................... 19. One clerk-stenographer....................... 20. One clerk .............................................. 21. One clerk ............................................. 22. One clerk-stenographer ..................... 23. One record clerk................................... 4*6,120.00 4*6,120.00 1 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 4,675.00 4,675.00 3 4,250.00 4,250.00 4 4,250.00 4,250.00 5 3,400.00 3,400.00 6 2,550.00 . 3,825.00 . 3,400.00 3,400.00 8 3,400.00 3,400.00 11 7,650.00 7,650.00 12-14 12,240.00 12,240.00 15-18 4,590.00 4,590.00 19-21 1,530.00 1,530.00 22 3,060.00 3,060.00 23 2,040.00 2,040.00 24 1,785.00 1,785.00 25 1,530.00 1,530.00 26 1,530.00 1,530.00 28 1,530.00 1,530.00 27 1,080.00 1,080.00 . 1,080.00 1,080.00 29 1,080.00 30 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 183 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 ' authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF THE TREASURY 24. Two clerks, at ^972 per annum each 1,944.00 1,944.00 31-32 25. One clerk-stenographer....................... 864.00 864.00 33 26. Two clerks, at 5*810 per annum each 1,620.00 1,620.00 34 27. One clerk .............................................. 756.00 756.00 35 28. One clerk .............................................. 702.00 702.00 36 29. Two clerks, at 5*540 per annum each.. 1,080.00 1,080.00 38, 40 30. One clerk .............................................. 432.00 432.00 41 [bookkeepers] clerks 31. One [bookkeeper] clerk..................... 864.00 864.00 43 32. One clerk [bookkeeper] ................... 864.00 864.00 44 MONEY-COUNTERS 33. One chief money-counter...................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 45 34. Four money-counters, at 5*756 per annum each........................................................ 3,024.00 3,024.00 46-47 35. One money-counter and chief janitor.. 756.00 756.00 48 36. Five money-counters, at 1*648 per annum each........................................................ 3,240.00 3,240.00 49-51 37. One money-counter.............................. 540.00 540.00 52 GUARDS 38. One chief guard...................................... 2,125.00 2,125.00 53 39. One assistant chief guard................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 54 40. Four guards, at ?=810 per annum each 3,240.00 3,240.00 55 41. Four guards, at 5*756 per annum each 3,024.00 3,024.00 56-57 42. Seven guards, at 5*540 per annum each .. MECHANIC 3,780.00 3,780.00 58-60 43. One foreman and mechanic................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 61 MESSENGERS 44. One messenger...................................... 324.00 324.00 62 45. One messenger..................................... 240.00 240.00 63 MISCELLANEOUS 46. Temporary employees, including laborers, as follows: (a) Two messengers, at P24G per annum each ........................................................ 480.00 480.00 64 (a) (6) One janitor ................................................ (c) For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled 486.00 486.00 64(d) laborers .................................................. 566.00 566.00 64(c) 47. Clothing and shoes for guards........... 461.00 461.00 65 Total................................................... 117,553.00 110,098.00 184 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (5) BUREAU OF THE TREASURY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Treasurer of the Philippines .......................... P6.120.00 2. 1 Assistant Treasurer of the Philippines ....... 5,100.00 DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATION, CURRENCY AND PUBLIC DEBT 4. 1 chief of division and currency and bond reg­ ister ............................................................... 4,250.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division................................ 3,825.00 7. 1 public debt recorder........................................ 2,550.00 20. 1 clerk .............................................. 1,530.00 19. 1 clerk-stenographer ........................................... 1,530.00 18. 1 property clerk ................................................. 1,530.00 21. 1 clerk ............................................ 1,080.00 23. 1 record clerk . ...... 1,080.00 22. 1 clerk-stenographer .............................. ~............ 1,080.00 24. 2 clerks, at P972 per annum each.................... 1,944.00 25. 1 clerk-stenographer ....—................................ 864.00 31. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 26. 2 clerks, at P81Q per annum each..................... 1,620.00 27. 1 clerk ......... - 756.00 29. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 1,080.00 44. 1 messenger ............................................................ 324.00 45. 1 messenger ............................................................ 240.00 46(a). 2 messengers, at P240 per annum each---- 480.00 46 (c). 1 janitor ...................„....... 486.00 Guard service 38. 1 chief guard ........................................................ 2,125.00 39. 1 assistant chief guard......................................... 2,040.00 40. 4 guards, at P810 per annum each-------------- 3,240.00 41. 4 guards, at P756 per annum each................... 3,024.00 42. 7 guards, at P540 per annum each................... 3,780.00 47. Clothing and shoes for guards: Uniforms for 15 guards, twice a year.......... 267.20 Shoes for 15 guards, once a year.......... ....... 112.50 Uniforms and shoes for new appointees.......... 81.30 INSURANCE DIVISION 5. 1 chief of division and second deputy insur­ ance commissioner ...................................... 4,250.00 10. 1 assistant chief of division............................... 3,400.00 11. 3 examiners, at F2,550 per annum each.......... 7,650.00 12. 6 examiners, at P2.040 per annum each........... 12,240.00 13. 3 assistant examiners, at Pl,530 per annum each ................................................................. 4,590.00 14. 1 bond clerk and assistant examiner................. 1,530.00 28. 1 clerk ................................................................... 702.00 CASH DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division and cashier............ ..... 4,675.00 9. 1 assistant cashier ............................................... 3,400.00 15. 1 paying and receiving teller............................ 3,060.00 16. 1 paying and receiving teller............................ 2,040.00 17. 1 paying and receiving teller............................ 1,785.00 30. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 32. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 33. 1 chief money-counter ....................................... 1,080.00 34. 4 money-counters, at P756 per annum each.... 3,024.00 35. 1 money-counter and chief janitor................... 756.00 36. 5 money-counters, at P648 per annum each.... 3,240.00 37. 1 money-counter .................................................. 540.00 46(6). 1 janitor ........................................................... 486.00 46(c). 2 laborers, at Pl.35 per day each................ 80.00 MNT DIVISION 6. 1 superintendent and cashier of the mint....... 3,400.00 43. 1 foreman and mechanic ...................................... 1,326.00 Total for salaries and wages...................... P117.553.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (6) BUREAU OF BANKING COMMISSIONERS 1. One Bank Commissioner.................... ¥6,120.00 ¥6,120.00 1 2. One Assistant Bank Commissioner.... 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 EXAMINERS 3. One chief examiner............................. 4,250.00 4,250.00 3 4. Two examiners, at ¥3,400 per annum each .... 6,800.00 6,800.00 5 5. Five examiners, at ¥2,550 per annum each .... 12,750.00 12,750.00 6-8 6. One [accountant and assistant] examiner .... CLERKS 2,550.00 2,550.00 9 7. One chief clerk and [stenographer] collecting and disbursing officer................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 10 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 185 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (6) BUREAU OF BANKING 8. One record clerk and typist.... ........... 1,080.00 1,080.00 11 9. One clerk-typist................................... 432.00 432.00 13 MISCELLANEOUS 10. Temporary employees, including la­ borers, as follows: (a) One clerk-hiessenger .................................... 486.00 486.00 14(a) (6) One messenger-janitor ............................... 378.00 378.00 (6) (c) For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled la­ borers ........................................................... 120.00 120.00 (c) Total.................................................... 42,106.00 42,106.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION COMMISSIONERS 1. 1 Bank Commissioner.............. P6,120.00 2. 1 Assistant Bank Commissioner.......—...........- 5,100.00 EXAMINERS DIVISION 3. 1 chief examiner ................. 4,250.00 4. 2 examiners, at P3,400 per annum each___ 6,800.00 5. 5 examiners, at P2.550 per annum each....... 12,750.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 6. 1 examiner .............................................................. 2,550.09 7. 1 chief clerk and collecting and disbursing officer ......................................................_....... 2,040.00 8. 1 record clerk and typist........... ................._...... i 080.00 9. 1 clerk-typist ........................................................ 432.00 10(a). 1 clerk-messenger ......................................... 486.00 10(6). 1 messenger-janitor ................................... 378.00 10(c). 1 laborer, at Pl a day................................. 120.00 Total for salaries and wages.................... P42.106.00 [BUREAU OF [directors] [One Director of Printing]............... [One Assistant Director of Printing] [CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS] [One superintendent of work and chief of division]................................................ [One chief clerk]............................... [Six chiefs of divisions, at F2,550 per annum each]................................................ [assistant chiefs of divisions] [Seven assistant chiefs of divisions, at Fl,870 per annum each]........................... [CHIEFS OF SECTIONS] [One supervising editor of publica­ tions and chief of section]............................... [One employee in charge of buildings, bodegas and transportation and chief of section] ............................................................. PRINTING] F5,100.00 1 4,080.00 2 3,230.00 3 2,720.00 4 15,300.00 5 13,090.00 7 2,380.00 8 2,210.00 9 186 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item *1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated [BUREAU OF PRINTING] [One employee in charge of proofs and chief of section].................................................................. 1,700.00 10 [One cashier and disbursing officer] .................... 1,700.00 11 [One property clerk (storekeeper) and chief of section].................................................................... 1,080.00 13 Ework-order writers, estimators and computers] [Two work-order writers and com­ puters, at 1*1,530 per annum each]......................................... 3,060.00 14-15 [One computer and assistant esti­ mator] .......................................................................................... 1,301.00 16 [One assistant work-order writer and computer] .................................................................................... 1,122.00 17 Etechnical employees] [One employee in charge of the Of­ ficial Gazette] .............................................................................. 2,040.00 18 [One press proof-reader]............................................. 1,530.00 19 [One artist-engraver] .................................................. 1,530.00 20 [One Diesel engine operator]..................................... 1,530.00 21 [One copy editor].......................................................... 1,377.00 22 Eclerks] i[One clerk] .................................................................. 1,080.00 23 [One clerk]...................................................................... 864.00 26 [One clerk]..................................................................... 864.00 27 [One clerk]...................................................................... 648.00 30 [One clerk]..................................................................... 594.00 32 Emiscellaneous] [Craftsmen, junior craftsmen, ap­ prentices, watchmen, chauffeurs, messengers, helpers, press feeders, mechanics, carpen­ ters, painters and laborers]........................... [Night and overtime work]............... [Extra compensation in accordance with section 1657 of the Administrative Code, as amended].............................................. 249,129.00 38 26,135.00 39 30,912.00 40 [Total]............................................... 376,306.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 187 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual I.—SALARIES AND WAGES (1) Office of the Secretary......................... 1*33,620.00 (2) Office of the Secretary—'Division of Purchase and Supply................. 130,094.00 (3) Bureau of Customs................................ 1,166,191.00 (4) Bureau of Internal Revenue.... ........... 818,418.00 (5) Bureau of the Treasury....................... 117,553.00(6) Bureau of Banking............................... 42,106.00 [Bureau of Printing]...................................................... 1*31,820.00 131,203.00 1,145,848.60 603,038.00 110,098.00 42,106.00 376,306.00 ¥=31,820.00 129,513.59 1,098,416.81 559,514.73 104,701.21 39,792.00 374,481.24 Total for salaries and wages........... 2,307,982.00 2,440,419.60 2,338,239.58 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of personnel: Hire of automobiles............................. P2,4 8 0.00 Street car, taxi and carromata fares 776.00 Transportation ..................................... 74,221.00 Fer diems .............................................. 12,833.00 Subsistence and lodging....................... 8,415.00 Total _________________________ P98,725.00 98,725.00 74,985.00 68,724.72 2. Freight, express and delivery service: Transportation of supplies and mate­ rials ................................. P8.645.00 Total ................................................ P8.645.00 8,645.00 8,457.00 5,839.49 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and ca­ ble service: Rental of Post Office boxes .............. P254.00 Telephone rentals ____ ______ __ _ 14,789.00 Telephone tolls .......... 26.00 Telephone installation charges.......... 22.00 Telephone extra listings .... 12.00 Telegrams ........... 3,166.00 Radiograms and cablegrams ............... 2,555.00 Postage stamps ......................... 15,284.00 Money order fees ________ 35.00 Sight drafts -..... 3.00 Total ----- ---------------------------------- P36,146.00 36,146.00 37,948.00 28,189.63 4. Illumination and power service: Electric current ......... ......................... P14,820.00 Power in Saw Mill ..... 180.00 Gas consumption ..................._............ 1,730.00 Total .................................................... P16,730.00 16,730.00 20,140.00 18,991.41 5. Rental of buildings and grounds: Rental of offices..................................... P16,750.00 Total ......................................... .......... P16,750.00 16,750.00 9,730.00 8,540.20 188 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1935 actual 1936 authorized Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 6. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials [, including overalls for employees and oil cloth for use by said employees on tables in the premises of the Bureau of Printing during meal time]: Office stationery ................................... P29,105.00 Ice and drinking water ...................... 5,091.00 Water service ..................................... 3,801.00 Motor vehicle supplies ...................... 4,305.00 Watercraft supplies ............................. 218,811.00 Ordnance supplies .............................. 530.00 Official label, tax-receipts, metal tags, lead seal, copper wire..................... 8,000.00 Forage .................................................. 150.00 Toilet supplies ......................-............. 2,640.00 Packing supplies ................................. 1,170.00 Cleaning materials ......_..................... 1,131.00 Disinfectants ......................................... 10.00 Electrical supplies .............................. 1,166.00 Repair supplies ........................-........... 1,360.00 Printed forms ....................................... 20,005.00 Internal Revenue stamps ..................... 4,500.00 Tiki-tiki ................................................ 10.00 Raw sugar ............................................. 25.00 Total .................................................... P301,810.00 7. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications: Printing and publication of annual reports .............................................. P4,595.00 Printing of briefs................................. 1,408.00 Binding ................................................ 217.00 Total .................-................................. P6.220.00 8. Free distribution of public documents in accordance with section 1653 of the Ad­ ministrative Code: Official Gazette (English and Spanish) ............................................... P700.00 Executive orders and proclamations 395.00 Public Laws, Philippine Reports and Administrative Code ........................ 2,508.00 Opinions of Attorney-General............ 210.00 Official rosters and Internal Revenue laws and regulations ...................... 187.00 Total ................................................ P4,000.00 301,810.00 631,477.00 440,343.20 6,220.00 11,372.00 9,589.59 4,000.00 8,202.00 3,526.69 E— DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 189 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 9. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees: Transportation furnished to ship­ wreck crew .......................................... Pl,0-16.00 Subsistence ............................................. 140.00 Deportation expenses .......................... 664.00 Government witnesses in Internal Revenue cases ................................... 75.00 Total ................................................ Pl,925.00 1,925.00 2,811.00 1,601.11 10. Maintenance, reconstruction and repair of equipment: Automobiles and trucks ...................... P12,022.80 Typewriters ............................................ 3,996.20 Adding machines ................................. 5,870.00 Tables and chairs .............................. 346.00 Clocks and water coolers.................. 349.00 Watercrafts ........................................... 46,530.00 Miscellaneous furniture and equip­ ment .................................................... 5,233.00 Total .............................................. P74,347.00 74,347.00 82,931.00 78,828.28 11. Other services: Subscriptions ......................................... Pl,331.00 Laundry service ................................. 1,222.00 Sewer charges ..................................... 1,385.00 Meals furnished to employees ....... 218.50 Horseshoeing ......................................... 18.00 Bond premiums ..................................... 3,479.50 Insurance, money order and sheriff’s fees ...................................................... 2,098.00 Vulcanizing ............................................ 220.00 Charges on survey of under water damage ................. ............................ 157.00 Advertisements ..................................... 723.00 Rental of fire hydrants..................... 96.00 Expenses of disbursing agent, Wash­ ington, D. C........................................ 10.00 Meter rentals ....................................... 12.00 Pierage .................................................... 91.00 Arrastre service ................................... 260.00 Cleaning, service ................................. 450.00 Sundry petty repairs ........................ 205.00 Photographs ............................ . ............ 200.00 Purchase of checks and register books 170.00 Docket fees .......................................... 813.00 Burglar alarm ..................................... 374.00 Printing of briefs ............................. 500.00 Repair of electrical installation....... 608.00 Retainer’s fee of consulting actuary 2,000.00 Total .................................................... P16,641.00 16,641.00 16,641.00 44,526.91 190 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 12. Sundry expenses in connection with secret service: Salaries of secret service agents......... P16.335.00 Compensation of spies ......................... 8,855.00 Telephone ................................................ 220.00 Traveling ................................................ 610.00 Subsistence .......................................... 134.00 Per diems ................................................ 160.00 Telegrams .............................................. 6.00 Total .................................................... P26,32o.oo 26,320.00 17,500.00 18,174.79 Total for sundry expenses 608,259.00 922,194.00 726,876.02 III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment, including one jitney: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Additional equipment: 3 copies, Public Laws, Vol. 31, English ...... F34.50 3 copies. Public Laws, Vol. 31, Spanish ............................... 11.50 1 copy, Executive Orders and Proclamations, 1935 ............ 4.00 1 copy, Philippine Reports, Vol. 57 7.00 1 copy, Official Roster............... 6.00 1 stand, dictionary, all steel......... 17.00 1 water cooler ............................ 30.00 DIVISION OF PURCHASE AND SUPPLY Additional equipment: 6 flags, U. S. 5' X 9' 6", wool.. 84.00 6 flags, P. I. 5' X 9' 6", wool.. 84.00 BUREAU OF CUSTOMS For replacing unserviceable equip­ ment : 6 chairs, narra .......................... 27.00 4 flags, American ...................... 40.00 4 flags, Filipino .......................... 40.00 6 chairs, plain, narra................ 27.00 2 numbering machines .............. 36.00 3 glasses, desk ............................ 7.50 1 water cooler ............................ 25.00 5 benches, wooden ...................... 20,00 4 lengths, hose, canvas IB"....... 126.00 2 lengths, hose, canvas, 2B"....... 206.00 10 blocks, wood, assorted............ 120.00 1 grinder, meat .......................... 6.00 1 grinder, coffee ........................ 6.00 12 blankets, white woolen........... 90.00 6 flags, American, assorted....... 50.00 6 flags, Filipino, assorted........... 50.00 6 flags, Customs, assorted......... 50.00 2 frigidaires ................................. 2,000.00 6 lengths, hose, canvas.............. 670.00 E— DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 191 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 6 chairs, steamer ...................... 36.00 8 flags, American, large............ 48.00 8 flags, Filipino, large.............. 48.00 6 flags, American, small............ 24.00 6 flags, Filipino, small.............. 24.00 6 flags, Customs .......................... 24.00 20 life-belts ................................... 80.00 6 life-buoys, round .................... 24.00 1 chair, revolving ...................... 21.00 1 dictionary ................................. 32.00 BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE Additional equipment: Law books ..................................... 2,000.09 Bookcases ....................................... 499.90 20 revolvers, colt, calibre 32........ 840.00 Miscellaneous equipment ........... 14,516.10 For replacing unserviceable equipment: 10 machines, numbering, “Bates” 7 wheels ................................. 570.00 5 office desks, 3' x 5' with 5 drawers ................................. 200.00 5 office chairs, revolving .......... 100.00 2 U. S. flags, 5' x 9' 6" wool.... 28.00 2 P. I. flags, 5' x 9' 6” wool 28.00 8 card index files, 4 drawers with steel lock, 5” x 8” .... 640.00 30 dispatch bags .......................... 300.00 4 office desks, 3' X5' with 5 drawers ................................... 160.00 4 typewriters, Underwood No. 5 700.00 Additional equipment: BUREAU OF THE TREASURY 3 copies, Public Laws, (2 English and 1 Spanish), Vol. 29 ...»............ . ............ 34.50 1 copy, Philippine Reports, Vol. 57 ............................... 7.00 1 copy, book, “Financial Exam­ ination by Thornton”....... 4.00 For replacing unserviceable equip­ ment : 2 flags, American ...................... 25.00 2 flags, Filipino ........................ 25.00 Total ....... ............................. P24,803.00 24,803.00 7,303.00 30,187.51 Total for furniture and equipment 24,803.00 7,303.00 30,187.51 IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. For per diems of the members of the Board of Marine Accidents: 2 members, non-government employ­ ees at P20 per day each for . 90 days ........................................... P3.000.00 Total ............................................ P3.000.00 3,000.00 3,'000.00 2,864.89 192 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 2. For the landing and transportation of immigrants’ baggage from ships to the Customs office, including salaries and wages, equipment and other expenses: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One foreman .................................. Pl,275.00 (б) One assistant foreman................ 648.00 OTHER EXPENSES (c) Transportation of packages..... 4,577.00 Total available appropriation.. P6,500.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts ............................. (P6,500.00) 6,500.00 3,869.01 3. Suppression of clandestine distilla­ tion of spirits: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Two secret service agents ........ Pl,512.00 (b) Nine secret service agents, at P648 per annum each ............ 5,832.00 (c) Twenty-two secret service agents, at P540 per annum each ........ 11,880.00 (d) Eleven secret service agents, at F5JfO per annum each ............ 5,940.00 OTHER EXPENSES (e) Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel ................ P19,000.00 Freight, express and delivery service....... 40.00 Postal, telegraph, tel­ ephone and cable service ...................... 80.00 For cutting nipa fruits’ stalks ....... 650.00 Consumption of sup­ plies and materials 20.00 Traveling expenses of persons not govern­ ment employees....... 46.00 Total P19.836.00 19,836.00 Total ............................................... 1*45,000.00 45,000.00 24,244.00 29,771.01 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 193 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1936 authorized 1937 requested 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 4. For the necessary expenses of the Na­ tional Loan and Investment Board in carry­ ing out the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 7: Salaries and Wages Manager (a) One Chairman and Man­ ager ......................... [PIO,000] P12,000.00 Chiefs of Departments (b) One secretary and attorney........ 6,000.00 (c) One comptroller .............................. 6,000.00 (d) One chief appraiser and prop­ erty custodian ............ [P6,000] 5,100.00 (e) One actuary and statistician ..................................... [P6,000] 5,100.00 (/) One cashier and disbursing of­ ficer ................................................. 4,800.00 (g) One chief administrative of­ ficer ................................................. 4,000.00 (h) One special agent........................... 3,400.00 Assistant Chiefs of Departments (i) One assistant chief appraiser.... 4,500.00 (j) One assistant cashier and teller ................................... [P2,550] 3,000.00 Assistant Attorneys and Law Clerks (k) One assistant attorney [P2,040] (l) One assistant attorney [Pl,800] (m) One assistant attorney [Pl,320] 2,400.00 2,400.00 1,800.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 (n) One law clerk ................[Pl,200] (o) One law clerk ................ [P648] Examiners (p) One chief examiner ....................... 2,400.00 (g) One assistant examiner ................................... [Pl,800] 2,000.00 (r) One assistant examiner................ 2,000.00 (8) One examiner.................................... 1,800.00 Computers and Assistants (t) One chief computer .... [Pl,200] (u) One computer ................ [P960] Assistants 1,800.00 1,200.00 (v) Thirty-six assistants, at P0.20 each per hour for 300 days of 4 hours a day ........ [P8,440] 8,640.00 Inspectors (w) One insurance inspector ............ (x) One property inspector .............. 29908 18 2,400.00 1,800.00 194 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1935 actual 1937 requested 1936 authorized Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Clerks and Stenographers (?/) One property clerk ........ 1,800.00 (z) One record clerk ........ [Pl,200] 1,800.00 (a-1) One clerk ..................... 1,260.00 (b-1) One clerk ....................... 1,200.00 (c-T One clerk-stenographer 1,200.00 (d^l) Two clerks, at Fl,080 per annum each.................. 2,160.00 (e-1 One clerk........................... 1,080.00 (f-1) One clerk ....................... 1,080.00 (g-1) One clerk....................... 1,080.00 (h-1) One clerk ..................... [1*960] 1,080.00 (i-1) One clerk ..................... 1,020.00 (j-1) One clerk ....................... 960.00 (k-1) One clerk-stenographer .......... 96Q.00 (l-l) One clerk-stenographer [P840] 960.00 (m^l) One clerk .................... [1*720] 840.00 (n-1) One clerk ..................... p*600] 840.00 (o-l) One clerk ..................... [1*756] 840.00 (p-1) One clerk ...................... 840.00 (q-1) One clerk ..................... [1*600] 720.00 (r-1) One clerk ...................... 720.00 (s-1) One clerk ....................... 660.00 (t-1) One clerk ..................... [1*540] 600.00 (u-1) One clerk....................... [1*480] 600.00 (v-1) One clerk..........................[4*540] 600.00 (w-1) One clerk ..................... [1*480] 600.00 (x-1) One clerk ..................... [1*540] 600.00 (y-1) One clerk ..................... [1*540] 600.00 (z-1) One clerk ..................... [1*432] 540.00 (a-2) One clerk ..................... [1*432] 540.00 (b-2) One clerk ...................... 480.00 (c-2) One clerk .................... 432.00 (d-2) One clerk-laborer........ t>324] 360.00 Teller and Collectors (e-2) One teller......... ......... 1^1,2243 1,320.00 (f-2) One collector ................ [F3603 480.00 (g-2) One collector .............. [f*.36O] 480.00 (h-2) One collector .............. [P560] 480.00 (i-2) One collector .............. [P240] 360.00 Messengers (j-2) One messenger ........... [f*500] 360.00 (k-2) One messenger ......... [7*300] 360.00 Miscellaneous (1—2) Temporary and emergency employees, including skilled semi-skilled and unskilled laborers: .... .......... [7*000] 1,500.00 Total for salaries and wages ............................... 121,632.00 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 195 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUNDRY EXPENSES (1-2) Traveling expenses of per­ sonnel ..................... [><?,£ 70] (m-2) Freight, express and delivery service ........................................ (n-2) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service..................... (o-2) Illumination and power serv­ ice .............................................. (p-2) Rental of buildings and grounds ................... [>100] (q-2) Consumption of supplies and materials................ ^f*3,527'1 (r-2) Printing and binding reports, documents and publica­ tions ......................... \Pl,1001 (s-2) Maintenance and repair of equipment ................ [P220] (t-2) Premium on bonds, etc. .................................. [F12,000j (u-2) {,Reserve for administrative burden! ..................... [F000] (v-2) Expenses on foreclosed mort­ gages ..................... [F20,000j (iv-2) Other services ........................... 6,150.00 150.00 2,650.00 700.00 1,800.00 4,500.00 1,400.00 350.00 20,000.00 50,000.00 5,050.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 92,750.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (x-2) For the purchase of furniture and equipment: 10 ceiling fans ......... P600.00 10 typewriter^ ......... 1,800.00 2 typewriters, long carriage ........... 630.00 10 desks, narra ..... 270.00 10 chairs, narra........ 53.00 40 chairs, ordinary.... 160.00 10 filing cases......... 1,000.00 2 filing index cards, all steel.............. 44.00 1 adding machine.... 500.00 2 water coolers......... 60.00 6 desk fans.............. 180.00 2 American flags..... 30.00 2 Filipino flags....... 30.00 2 sets public laws, English ............ 400.00 2 sets public laws, Spanish ............. 200.00 1 dictionary ............ 60.00 1 dictionary, stand.. 25.00 1 dictionary, En­ gl i s h and ^Spanish ........... 10.00 1 set, Executive Orders .............. 40.00 196 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS eluding engi­ neer’s equip ment, drawing and drafting inst rume n t s, etc....................... 207.00 1 Official Roster..... 6.00 1 s e t, Philippine Report .............. 500.00 1 set, ”C o r p u s Juris” .............. 900.00 1 Bouvier’s law dic­ tionary ............ 45.00 1 book, Legal Forms ------------ 25.00 3 book cases............ 75.00 16 glasses, desk......... 100.00 1 bicycle .................. Miscellaneous, in50.00 Total ............ P8.000.00 8,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment.. [1*8,010.00] 8,000.00 SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (y-2) Corporate counsel .... [^0,000] 12,000.00 (z-2) Repair and remodeling of building and site including electrical and plumbing installations ........ [7*5,000] 2,000.00 [C onstruction of vaultj ................................. [7*2,000] ................... (a-3) For the administration of the Rice and Corn Fund, Act No. 2818, as amended: SALARIES AND WAGES (1) One supervising rural credit agent .............. P2.380.00 (2) Two supervising rural credit agents, at 1*2,0^0 per annum each ........ 4,080.00 (5) One supervising rural credit agent ............. 1,700.00 (4) Three rural credit agents, at 1*1,224 per annum each 8,672.00 (5) Seven rural credit agents, at Pl,080 per annum each 7,560.00 (6) One rural credit agent .............. 864.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 197 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1935 actual 1936 authorized Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (7) Two rural credit agents, at P768 per annum each 1,536.00 (8) Two rural credit agents, at ?672 per annum each 1,344.00 (9) One rural credit agent .............. 648,00 (10) Two laborer-filers, P321 per annum each ................ 648.00 Total for sa­ laries and wages ........ 24,432.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (11) Traveling ex­ penses of per­ sonnel ................ 5,000.00 (if) Freigh t, express and delivery service ............. 26.00 (13) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... 260.00 (14) Rental of buildin g s and grounds ........... 264.00 (15) Consumption of sup plies and materials ...... 200.00 (16) Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment ................ 100.00 (17) Other services...... 50.00 Total for sun­ dry expenses.. 5,900.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (18) Purchase of fur­ niture and equipment ...... 618.00 Total for fur­ niture and equipment.... 618.00 SUMMARY Total for sala r i e s and wages 24,432.00 Total for sundry ex­ penses ...... 5,900.00 198 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Total for f u rniture and equip­ ment .... 618.00 Total avail­ able for the a dm i nistration of the Rice and Corn Fund ..... P30.950.00 30,950.00 Total for special appropriations 44,950.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages................ 121,632.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 92,750.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 8,000.00 Total for special appropriations 44,950.00 Total available for the Na­ tional Loan and Invest­ ment Board in carrying out the provisions of Common­ wealth Act No. 7..................... 1*267,332.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts from the various loanable funds under its jurisdiction and control, S e ct i o n 4, Common wealth Act No. 7.................................. (^267,332.00) 0.00 .......................... [For the necessary expenses of the Loan Board in carrying out the provisions of Acts 3335, 3420, 3532, 3838 and 4169: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One loan inspector......................... 1*3,825.00 (б) One clerk-stenographer............... 1,080.00 (c) One bookkeeper............................. 1,080.00 Total for salaries and wages.. 5,985.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (d) Traveling expenses of personnel 500.00 (e) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 500.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 199 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (/) Consumption of supplies and materials ................................... 327.00 (p) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications...... 100.00 (h) Other services.............................. 50.00 Total for sundry expenses....... 1,477.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (i) Purchase of furniture and equip­ ment ....................................... 100.00 Total for furniture and equipment ....................... 100.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............. 5,985.00 Total for sundry expenses................... 1,477.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 100.00 Total available for the Loan Board in carrying out the provisions of Acts 3335, 3420, 3532, 3838 and 4169.... F7,562.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts from investments of the Loan Fund under Acts 3335, 3420, 3532, 3838 and 4169 ................................. (F7,562.00) 0.00] 5. For the permanent personnel of the Bureau of Printing Revolving Fund: Directors (а) One Director of Printing............ P5,100.00 (б) One Assistant Director of Print­ ing ................................................. 4,080.00 Chiefs of Divisions (c) One superintendent of work and chief of division........................... 3,230.00 (d) One chief clerk ............................. 2,720.00 (e) Six chiefs of divisions, at P2f550 per annum each ......................... 15,300.00 200 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Assistant Chiefs of Divisions (/) Seven assistant chiefs of divi­ sions, at Pl,870 per annum each ................................................. 13,090.00 Chiefs of Sections (g) One supervising editor of publi­ cations and chief of section.... 2,380.00 (h) One employee in charge of build­ ings, bodegas and transporta­ tion and chief of section............ 2,210.00 (i) One employee in charge of proofs and chief of section................... 1,700.00 (;) One cashier and disbursing of­ ficer ................................................. 1,700.00 (k) One property clerk (store­ keeper) a,nd chief of section.... 1,080.00 Work-order Writers, Estimators and Computers (l) One work-order writer and com­ puter ............................................... 1,530.00 (m) One work-order writer and com­ puter ........................................ 1,530.00 (n) One computer and assistant es­ timator .......................................... 1,301.00 (o) One assistant work-order writer and computer................................ 1,122.00 Technical Employees (p) One employee in charge of the Official Gazette ........................... 2,040.00 (q) One press proof-reader................ 1,530.00 (r) One artist-engraver....................... 1,530.00 (s) One Diesel engine operator.......... 1,530.00 (t) One copy editor ............................. 1,377.00 Clerks (u) One cleric .......................................... 1,080.00 (v) One clerk .......................................... 864.00 (w) One clerk.......................................... 864.00 (a) One clerk ........................................... 648.00 (y) One clerk........................................... 594.00 Total available for the per­ manent personnel of the Bureau of Printing............ F70,130.00 Amount to be paid from the Bureau of Printing Re­ volving Fund....................... (F70,130.00) 0.00 .......................... E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 201 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 6. For salaries and wages of the perma­ nent personnel of the Manila Harbor Board, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One electrical and mechanical in­ spector .......................................... F3,060.00 (ó) One clerk .......................................... 1,080.00 (c) One first assistant mechanic........ 713.00 (d) One second assistant mechanic.... Total available for salaries and wages of the permanent per­ sonnel of the Manila Harbor 594.00 Board .......................................... Amount to be paid from the Manila Harbor Board Fund, F5,447.00 Act 3002 .................................... (F5,447.00) o.oo ................... 7. For salaries and wages of the perma­ nent personnel of the Fidelity Fund, any pro­ vision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk .......................................... Fl,530.00 (b) One clerk .......................................... 702.00 (c) One clerk ....................................... 540.00 Total available for salaries and wages of the permanent per­ sonnel of the Fidelity Fund.. F2,772.00 Amount to be paid from the Fidelity Fund, Section 325 of Act 2711 ............................. (F2,772.00) 0.00 .......................... 8. For the necessary expenses of the To­ bacco Board in carrying out the provisions of Act No. 2613, as amended by Act 3179 202 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS the provisions of any existing law to the contrary notwithstanding: SALARIES AND WAGES Project No. 1 (Bureare of Internal Revenue) Agents (a) One special agent........................... P4,675.00 (b) One special agent........................... 3,060.00 (c) One assistant agent......................... 1,224.00 Inspectors (d) One supervising tobacco in­ spector .......................................... 4,250.00 (e) One tobacco inspector..................... 2,160.00 (/) One tobacco inspector..................... 1,820.00 (g) One tobacco inspector................... 1,700.00 (h) One tobacco inspector..................... 1,530.00 (i) One tobacco inspector.................. 1,446.00 (j) One tobacco inspector..................... 1,242.00 (7c) Two tobacco inspectors, at Pl,200 per annum each............ 2,400.00 (l) One tobacco inspector................... 1,092.00 (m) Three tobacco inspectors, at Pl,080 per annum each............ 3,240.00 (n) Tivo tobacco inspectors, at P876 per annum each ......................... 1,752.00 (o) Three tobacco inspectors, at P840 per annum each................ 2,520.00 (p) One tobacco inspector.................... 768.00 (q) One tobacco inspector.................... 756.00 (r) One tobacco inspector.................... 648.00 Clerks (s) One clerk ......................................... 1,080.00 (t) One clerk ......................................... 540.00 Laborer (u) One laborer ..................................... 360.00 Project No. 2 Philippine Tobacco Agents in the United States (v) One Philippine tobacco agent..... 7,140.00 (w) One Philippine tobacco agent 5,100.00 (a;) One clerk (stenographer)............ 2,400.00 Project No. 3 (Bureau of Plant Industry) Chief of Section (y) One chief of tobacco research section ............................................ 4,250.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 203 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Agronomists (z) One agronomist............................... 3,060.00 (a-1) One assistant agronomist....... 2,040.00 (b-1) Tivo assistant agronomists, at 1*1,700 per annum each..... 3,400.00 (c-1) One assistant agronomist....... 1,530.00 (d-1) One assistant agronomist........ 1,224.00 (e-1) Three assistant agronomists, at 1*1,122 per annum each.. 3,366.00 (f-1) One assistant agronomist........ 1,020.00 (g-1) Five junior agronomists, at 1*5JtO per annum each............ 2,700.00 Clerks (h-1) One clerk ........................................ 280.00 (i-1) For temporary and emergency employees, including skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers .................................... 7,836.00 Total for salaries and wages ................................ 83,609.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (j-1) Traveling expenses of per­ sonnel ........................................ 15,100.00 (k-1) Freight, express and delivery service .......................................... 1,200.00 (l-l) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.................... 1,490.00 (m-1) Illumination and power service 360.00 (n-1) Rental of buildings and grounds ...................................... 1,650.00 (o-l) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 4,544.00 (p-1) Cash contributions and gra­ tuities ..................................... ..... 10.00 (q-1) Reconditioning of cigars.......... 5,000.00 (r-1) U. S. Internal Revenue stamps destroyed..................... 2,000.00 (s-1) Advertising in U. S. tobacco trade journals........................... 5,000.00 (t-1) Advertising in local publica­ tions ............................................ 500.00 (u-1) Tobacco pamphlets in U. S... 1,000.00 (v-1) Maintenance and repair of equipment .................................. 160.00 (w-1) Constructions and repairs...... 2,000.00 (x-1) Other services .......................... 800.00 (y-1) Prosecution of cases in China 2,400.00 Total for sundry ex­ penses ................................ 43,214.00 204 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (z-1) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ......................... 750.00 Total for furniture and equipment ......................... 750.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages................ 83,609.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 43,214.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 750.00 Total available in carrying out the provisions of Act No, 2613, as amended by Act No. 3179 ................................................. F127,573.00 Amount to be paid from its receipts.......................................... (^127,573.00) 0.00 Total for special appropriations.... 48,000.00 33,744.00 36,504.91 V.—FIXED EXPENDITURES a. Public debt: 1. Contributions to sinking funds (1)..... 2. Interests on purely insular bonds (2).... 2,355,366.00 5,597,750.00 2,381,910.00 5,617,750.00 2,515,316.75 5,734,694.30 Total public debt (3)......................... 7,953,116.00 7,999,660.00 8,250,011.05 ft. Advance for the payment of Interest on Philippine Railway Company bonds, Act No. 1730 .............................................................. 683,920.00 683,920.00 683,920.00 Total for fixed expenditures............. P8,637,036.00 P8,683,580.00 ?8,933,931.05 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 205 (1) and (2) SUBSIDIARY STATEMENT OF THE PUBLIC DEBT Details 1937 1936 1935 requested authorized actual Expense: Contributions to the following sinking funds: Public Improvement bonds of 1905............................................................ Public Improvement bonds of 1906............................................................ Public Improvement bonds of 1909............................................................ Manila Railroad Company Purchase bonds.............................................. Public Improvement bonds of 1921............................................................ Financial Interests Protection bonds.......................................................... Irrigation and Permanent Public Works (Sundry Purposes) bonds. Currency bonds ............................................................................................. Cebu Portworks bonds, first series.............................................................. Cebu Portworks bonds, second series......................................................... Cebu Portworks bonds, third series........................................................... lolilo Portworks bonds, first series............................................................ Iloilo Portworks bonds, second series....................................................... Iloilo Portworks bonds, third series.......................................................... Total contributions to sinking funds..........._............................. Income: Earnings from Investments of the following sinking funds: Public Improvement bonds of 1905........................................................... Public Improvement bonds of 1906.......................................................... Public Improvement bonds of 1909............................................................ Manila Railroad Company Purchase bonds............................................. Public Improvement bonds of 1921........................................................... Financial Interests Protection bonds......................................................... Irrigation and Permanent Public Works (Sundry Purposes) bonds. Currency bonds ............................................................................................ Cebu Portworks bonds, first series............................................................ Cebu Portworks bonds, second series....................................................... Cebu Portworks bonds, third series......................................................... Iloilo Portworks bonds, first series.......................................................... Iloilo Portworks bonds, second series....................................................... Iloilo Portworks, third series........................................................................ Total income ..............-..............-................-........ —..............-........ - Net contributions to sinking funds............-.... —....... .................. -... AddInterest on purely Insular bonds (2)..................—................................. Public Improvement bonds of 1905........................................................... Public Improvement bonds of 1906........................................................... Public Improvement bonds of 1909........................................................... Manila Railroad Company Purchase bonds........................................... Public Improvement bonds of 1921.......................................................... Financial Interests Protection bonds........................................................ Irrigation and Permanent Public Works (Sundry Purposes) bonds. Currency bonds .......................................................................................... Cebu Portworks bonds, first series.......................................................... Cebu Portworks bonds, second series...................................................... Cebu Portworks bonds, third series........................................................ Iloilo Portworks bonds, first series.......................................................... Iloilo Portworks bonds, second series....................................................... Iloilo Portworks bonds, third series......................................................... Exchange premium at on active bonds and other expenses........ Total public debt ........................................................................... ...................... P124.491.53 P44.270.00 104,769.28 P149,265.00 144,217.00 139,340.44 309,258.00 298,800.00 288,695.87 1,202,122.00 1,161,471.00 1,122,194.24 323,623.00 312,679.00 302,105.34 752,956.00 727,496.00 702,894.32 1,465,526.00 1,420,551.00 1,363,501.37 39,378.00 38,047.00 36,760.25 37,346.00 36,083.00 34,862.89 24,472.00 23,645.00 22,844.97 39,267.00 37,939.00 36,656.08 24,825.00 23,986.00 23,174.83 45,145.00 43,618.00 42,143.26 4,413,183.00 4,312,802.00 4,344,434.67 23,026.51 16,250.00 73,145.28 97,135.00 89,675.00 85,470.34 171,260.00 163,155.00 147,571.80 571,487.00 520.8Q7.00 477,038.23 160,840.00 150,290.00 132,769.33 351,055.00 330,855.00 295,971^25 650,965.00 611,545.00 553,331.22 12,115.00 10,935.00 9,482.62 9,670.00 8,470.00 6,954.88 5,755.00 4,975.00 4,207.23 11,675.00 10,435.00 9,327.58 6,085.00 5,265.00 4,192.19 9,775.00 8,235.00 6,629.46 2,057,817.00 1,930,892.00 1,829,117.92 2,355,366.00 2,381,910.00 2,515,316.75 5,597,750.00 5,617,750.00 5,734,694.30 50,000.00 20,000.00 80,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 320,000.00 320,000.00 320,000.00 1,100,000.00 1,100,000.00 1,100,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 l;062,000.00 1,062,000.00 1,062,000.00 2,070,000.00 2,070,000.00 2,070,000.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 83,250.00 83,250.00 83,250.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 56,944.30 ^7,953,116.00 P7,999,660.00 F8,250,011.05 206 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (3) SUBSIDIARY STATEMENT OF THE PUBLIC DEBT the Metropolitan Water District, the City of Manila, and the various Details . Act No. Maturity Amount Total sinking fund required in 1937 Total sinking fund required in 1936 Amount of contribution to sinking fund for 1937 Interest due in 1937 Purely Insular Bonds Public Improvement (Public Works): Second issue (1906), 10-30 years, 4%.............................. Third issue (1909), 10-30 1444 1936 Pesos (a) Pesos Pesos 2,000,000.00 Pesos Pesos years, 4%.. ........................... 1954 1939 3,000,000.00 2,729,364.00 2,580,099.00 149,265.00 120,000.00 Manila Railroad Company Purf 2615'j chase, 10-30 years, 4%............... X 2624 L 1 2625 1946 8,000,000.00 4,704,561.00 4,395,303.00 309,258.00 820,000.00 Public Improvement of 1921, 20 J years, 5 J%.................................... 2940 1941 20,000,000.00 15,047,461.00 13,845,339.00 1,202,122.00 1,100,000.00 Financial Interest Protection, 30 years, 5%...................................... Irrigation and Permanent Public 2999 1952 10,000,000.00 3,857,752.00 3,534,129.00 323,623.00 500,000.00 Works (Sundry): First sale, 30 years, 4 J% .. . . 3013 1952 10,000,000.00 3,803,242.00 3,484,192.00 319,050.00' Second sale, 30 years, 4j%. . 3013 1952 4,500,000.00 1,711,459.00 1,567,887.00 143,572.00 Third sale, 30 years, 4i%. . . . 3013 1952 1,500,000.00 570,486.00 522,629.00 47,857.00 Fourth sale, 30 years, 4$%.. 8013 1952 3,000,000.00 1,140,972.00 1,045,257.00 95,715.00 - 1,062,000.00 Fifth sale, 30 years, 4J%. . . . 3013 1952 1,500,000.00 570,486.00 522,629.00 47,857.00 Sixth sale, 30 years, 44%.... 3013 1952 2,000,000.00 760,648.00 696,838.00 63,810.00 Seventh sale, 30 years, 4J%. . 3013 1952 1,100,000.00 418,356.00 383,261.00 35,095.00, Currency: First sale, 30 years, 44%.... 3058 1952 20,000,000.00^ 17,469,838.00 16,004,312.00 1,465,526.00 2,070,000.00 Second sale, 30 years, 44%.. 3058 1952 26,000,000.00J Cebu Port Works: First issue, 30 years, 44% .... 3413 1958 1,500,000.00 310,064.00 270,686.00 39,378.00 67,500.00 Second issue, 30 years, 4J% ... 8413 1959 1,500,000.00 265,700.00 228,354.00 37,346.00 67,500.00 Third issue, 30 years, 4 J%.... 3413 1960 1,000,000.00 154,873.00 130,401.00 24,472.00 45,000.00 Iloilo Port Works: First issue, 30 years, 4J% .. . . 3417 1958 1,500,000.00 309,186.00 269,919.00 39,267.00 67,500.00 Second issue, 30 years, 4J% . 3417 1959 1,000,000.00 176,621.00 151,796.00 24,825.00 45,000.00 Third issue, 30 years, 4J% .. .. Metropolitan Water District Pur­ 3417 1960 1,850,000.00 285,702.00 240,557.00 45,145.00 83,250.00 chase: First sale, 10-30 years, 5%... 3204 1955 2,000,000.00 580,569.00 522,521.00 58,048.00 ] Second sale, 10-30 years, 5% . . 3204 1955 500,000.00 145,142.00 130,630.00 14,512.00 r 300,000.00 Third 9ale, 10-30 years, 5%. . 3204 1955 3,000,000.001 1,015,996.00 914,412.00 101,584.00. Fou rth sale, 10 -30 years, 5% .. 3204 1955 500,000.001 Metropolitan Water District Pur­ chase: First issue, 30 years, 4J%.. . . 3255 1959 3,000,000.00 530,632.00 456,048.00 74,584.00 135,000.00 Second issue, 10-80 years, 4J% 3255 1961 500,000.00 65,108.00 53,302.00 11,806.00 22,500.00 Third issue, 10-30 years, 5%. . 3255 1965 500,000.00 20,261.00 9,956.00 10,305.00 25,000.00 Fourth issue, 10-30 years, 5%, 3255 1965 500,000.00 19,823.00 9,741.00 10,082.00 25,000.00 Collateral Bends (b) City of Manila Public Improvement Collateral, 30 years, 44%........... City of Manila Lowland Imprové3051 1950 5,500,000.00 2,426,100.00 2,240,819.00 185,281.00 247,500.00 ment Collateral, 30years, 44%.. Province and 9 municipalities of 3352 1958 1,000,000.00 205,538.00 179,435.00 26,103.00 45,000.00 Iloilo Permanent Improvement Collateral, 10-30 years, 44% .. 3222 1956 1,953,000.00 514,586.00 459,353.00 55,233.00 87,885.00 Province of Pangasinan Permanent Improvement Collateral, 30 years, 44%.................................... 3228 1956 857,000.00 224,537.00 200,436.00 24,101.00 38,565.00 Province of Occidental Negros Permanent Improvement Collat­ eral, 30 years, 44%...................... 3229 1956 800,000.00 209,008.00 186,574.00 22,434.00 36,000.00 Province of Occidental Negros Permanent Improvement Collat­ eral: First issue, 30 years, 5%........ 3987 1963 1,277,700.00 106,149.00 78,227.00 27,922.00 63,885.00 Second issue, 30 years, 5% .. . 3987 1965 222,300.00 4,407.00 4,407.00 11,115.00 Province and 3 municipalities of IlocosNortePermanent Improve­ ment Collateral, 30 years, 44%.. 3266 1956 548,000.00 142,357.00 127,077.00 15,280.00 24,660.00 (a) P2,000,000 redeemed on February 1, 1936. (b) Interest and. sinking funds are reimbursable by municipal and provincial governments. E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 207 (3) SUBSIDIARY STATEMENT OF THE PUBLIC DEBT 59,435.00 Details Act No. Maturity Amount Total sinking ' fund required 1 in 1937 Total sinking 'und required . in 1936 r' Amount ot contribution □ sinking fund for 1937 Interest due in 1937 Collateral Bondi (b) Province of Marinduque Perma­ nent Improvement Collateral, Pesos Pesos Pesos Pesos Pesos 30 years, 4J%.............................. Province of Laguna Permanent Improvement Collateral, 80 3268 1956 111,000.00 28,917.00 25,814.00 3,103.00 4,995.00 years, 4j%................................... Province of Hocos Sur and munic­ ipality of Vigan Permanent Im­ provement Collateral, 30 years, 3265 1957 196,000.00 45,580.00 40,285.00 5,295.00 8,820.00 41%............................................. Province of Tarlac Permanent Improvement Collateral, 30 3278 1957 350,000.00 80,929.00 71,527.00 9,402.00 15,750.00 years, 4j%.................................. Province of Pampanga Permanent Improvement Collateral, 30 3279 1957 342,000.00 79,080.00 69,893.00 9,187.00 15,390.00 years, 4j%.................................. Province of Nueva Ecija Perma­ nent Improvement Collateral, 3282 1957 954,000.00 220,592.00 194,965.00 25,627.00 42,930.00 80 years, 4J%............................... Province of Bulacan Permanent Improvement Collateral, 30 3329 1957 690,000.00 159,548.00 141,013.00 18,535.00 31,050.00 years, 41%................................... Province and 4 municipalities of Camarines Sur Permanent Im­ provement Collateral, 80 3331 1957 474,000.00 109,567.00 96,838.00 12,729.00 21,330.00 years, 41%.................................. Province of La Union Permanent Improvement Collateral, 80 3280 1957 222,000.00 51,186.00 45,239.00 5,947.00 9,990.00 years, 4}%................................... Plus—Exchange premium at ¡% 3281 1958 220,000.00 45,734.00 39,926.00 5,808.00 9,900.00 on live bonds............................... Less— Income of sinking funds and repayment of sink­ ing fund advances.......... Repayment of interest ad­ vances and 1% exchange premiums thereon........... (c) (2,795,132.00) Total. 145,167,000.00 ..................... ..................... ................... (d)(1,231,700.00) 61,318,117.00 58,167,619.00 2,355,366.00 5,597775(7.00 (b) Interest and sinking funds are reimbursable by the Metropolitan Water District, the City of Manila, and the various municipal and provincial governments. (c) and (d) DEDUCTIONS Details Earnings and sinking fund advances (c) Interest advances (d) Earnings from investments of sinking funds of purely Insular bonds............................. .................. Other Insular bonds— Metropolitan Water District, Act 3204 ............................................................................................. Metropolitan Water District, Act 3255: First issue .............. ............................................................................................................................ Second issue .....~.................................... ................ ................................... —.______ _ .... ____ Third issue ........................................................................................-..... -..................................... Fourth issue ................................................................................ -.................................................... Collateral bonds— City of Manila Public Improvement, Act 3051.................................................................................. City of Manila Lowland Improvement, Act 3352........................................... .................................. Province and 9 municipalities of Iloilo Permanent Improvement, Act 3222............................. Province of Pangasinan Permanent Improvement, Act 3228............................................................ Province of Occidental Negros Permanent Improvement, Act 3229............................................. Province of Occidental Negros Permanent Improvement, Act 3987: First issue ............ ............................................................................................................................. Second issue .............................................................................................. . ...................................... Province and 3 municipalities of Hocos Norte Permanent Improvement, Act 3266..................... Province of Marinduque Permanent Improvement, Act 3268............ _............................................. Province of Laguna Permanent Improvement, Act 3265................................................................. Province of llocos Sur and Municipality of Vigan Permanent Improvement, Act 3278.......... Province of Tarlac Permanent Improvement, Act 3279................................................................... Province of Pampanga Permanent Improvement, Act 3282........................................................... Province of Nueva Ecija Permanent Improvement, Act 3329........................................................ Province of Bulacan Permanent Improvement, Act 3331............................................................... Province and 4 municipalities of Camarines Sur Permanent Improvement, Act 3280.............. Province of La, Union Permanent Improvement, Act 3281............................................................ Exchange premium at 8% on active bonds and other expenses.................................................... P2,057,817.00 .......... 174,144.00 74,584.00 11,806.00 10,305.00 10,082.00 185,281.00 26,103.00 55,233.00 24,101.00 22,434.00 27,922.00 4,407.00 15,280.00 3,103.00 5,295.00 9,402.00 9,187.00 25,627.00 18,535.00 12,729.00 5,947.00 5,808.00 Total P2,795,132.00 P300,000.00 135,000.00 22,500.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 247,500.00 45,000.00 87,885.00 38,565.00 36,000.00 63,885.00 11,115.00 24,660.00 4,995.00 8,820.00 15,750.00 15,390.00 42,930.00 31,050.00 21,330.00 9,990.00 9,900.00 9,435.00 Pl,231,700.00 208 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS a. Purchase of private shares held by the Philippine National Bank, Act No. 3174........................... b. Refund to the branch of the National City Bank in Manila for capital and deposit taxes collected, Act No. 357....................................................... c. National Economic Council, Common­ wealth Act No. 2.......................................................................... Total for continuing appropriations ..................... VII.—RECEIPTS AUTOMATICALLY APPROPRIATED a. Interest on City of Manila Collateral Bonds, Act 3051............................................................................ b. Receipts automatically appropriated.. 401,405.00 c. Expenses payable from special funds.. 78,349.00 Total for receipts automatically ap­ propriated ..................................... 479,754.00 114,090.00 500,000.00 150,000.00 764,090.00 7,562.00 7,562.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 249,243.92 249,243.92 VIII.—INVESTMENTS AND INDEFINITE a. Investments: Advance for the payment of interest on Manila Railroad Company Southern Lines bonds, Act No. 1730....................... Advance for the payment of interest on 8,170 Manila Railroad Company Southern Lines bonds redeemed, Act No. 1730 ................................................... Advance for the payment of interest on Manila Railroad Company Seven Per Cent Sinking Fund bonds, Act No. 3008 Advance for exchange charges............... Advance for the payment of interest on Manila Railroad Company bonds held by the Philippine National Bank......... Advance for the payment of interest on the loan to the Manila Railroad Com­ pany from the Government for the re­ demption of its bonds............................... Advance for the annual amortization on the said loan ............................................ Loan to the Manila Railroad Company for the redemption of the Southern Lines bonds, Commonwealth Act No. 4 Purchase of National Development Com­ pany stock, Act No. 2849....................... Subscription to the capital stock of the Manila Railroad Company ................... Working capital for the Bureau of Printing Revolving Fund ..................... Total investments..................... EXPENDITURES 278,400.00 278,400.00 1,483,252.94 105,000.00 165,600.00 159,800.00 ..................... 210,000.00 265,147.06 165,600.00 ..................... 67,200.00 50,950.00 ..................... 199,800.00 199,800.00 99,900.00 ..................... 9,990,000.00 ..................... 1,000,000.00 ..................... 300,000.00 ..................... 325,000.00 ............................................... Pl,340,800.00 P12,254,650.00 Pl,748,400.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 209 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual VIII.—INVESTMENTS AND INDEFINITE EXPENDITURES b. Deterioration and extraordinary losses: Losses incident to uncollectible loans from Agricultural Bank......................... 84.10 Deterioration of supplies and sales stock ........................................................... 22,497.10 Extraordinary losses................................... 988.42 Losses from uncollectible debts................. 76.69 Total deterioration and extraordin­ ary losses ............................................................................................ 23,646.31 Total for investments and indefinite expenditures ................................. 1,340,800.00 12,254,650.00 1,772,046.31 IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages....................... 2,307,982.00 2,440,419.60 2,338,239.58 Total for sundry expenses........................... 608,259.00 922,194.00 726,876.02 Total for furniture and equipment............. 24,803.00 7,303.00 30,187.51 Total for special appropriations................. 48,000.00 33,744.00 36,504.91 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Department of Fi­ nance .............................................. 2,989,044.00 3,403,660.60 3,131,808.02 Total for fixed expenditures............. 8,637,036.00 8,683,580.00 8,933,931.05 Total for ordinary expenditures for the Department of Finance......... 11,626,080.00 12,087,240.60 12,065,739.07 EXTRAORDINARY AddTotal for continuing appropriations.... 764,090.00 2,200.00 Total for receipts automatically ap­ propriated ......................................... 479,754.00 7,562.00 249,243.92 Total for investments and indefinite expenditures ..................................... 1,340,800.00 12,254,650.00 1,772,046.31 Grand total available for the De­ partment of Finance............... 13,446,634.00 25,113,542.60 14,089,229.30 Deduct— Receipts automatically appropriated.. 479,754.00 7,562.00 249,243.92 Net amount available for the De­ partment of Finance...............?=12,966,880.00T25,105,980.60 F13,839,985.38 29908! ■14 210 H — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. The charges for service rendered in connection with the landing and transportation of immigrants’ baggage from ships to the Customs office shall be fixed by the Insular Collector of Customs with the approval of the Secretary of Finance. 2. Any saving of the appropriations for the Bureau of Internal Revenue for 1937 [1936] may be used for the payment during the said year of additional compensation of ten per centum of the salary of officers and employees of the Bureau of Internal Revenue who have- demonstrated proficiency in the examination of books of accounts in a lan­ guage other than English, Spanish or Philippine dialects for internal-revenue tax purposes, of merchants engaged in business in the Philippines [Philippine Islands]: Pro­ vided, That the granting of the said additional compensa­ tion shall be made by the Secretary of Finance upon the recommendation of the Collector of Internal Revenue. [3. The Secretary of Finance is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with a private corporation, in behalf of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philip­ pines, for the furnishing of electric fluid to the Common­ wealth Government and its dependencies, and to the Government of the City of Manila and its dependencies, the latter by special contract with the Commonwealth Government, with the following conditions: First. That the said private corporation shall install and establish a hydroelectric plant producing twice as much electric fluid as that consumed at present by both govern­ ments and their dependencies; Second. That the price of the electric fluid supplied by the said corporation shall not exceed that paid at present by the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines and the Government of the City of Manila to the Manila Electric Company and that the conditions of the new con­ tract shall be at least as favorable to the Government as those contained in the present contracts between the said government and the Manila Electric Company; Third. That upon the expiration of 25 years from the date on which the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines will begin using the electric fluid furnished by the said private corporation, the hydroelectric plant there­ of with all its dependencies, machineries, fixtures, appara­ tus, equipment, supplies and other properties shall become the exclusive property of the Government of the Common­ wealth of the Philippines without consideration or payment of any kind to the private company owning the same: Pro­ vided, That the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, during the existence of the contract with the said private corporation, binds itself to use a quantity of electric fluid not less than that consumed at present by the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines and the Government of the City of Manila: Provided, further, That if for the purpose of economy or on account of the re­ organization of the Commonwealth Government the quanE.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 211 X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS tity of electric fluid used annually by the Commonwealth Government and the Government of the City of Manila becomes less than that used by said Governments during the year 1931, the time for the final transfer of ownership over the private hydroelectric plant supplying the same shall be extended proportionately, based upon the difference between the electric fluid consumption in the future and the consumption in 1931: And provided, further, That the said private corporation reserves the right to dispose of the excess electric fluid by separate contracts with persons residing outside of the City of Manila.] 3. [4] Subject to the approval of the Secretary of Finance, the Insular Collector of Customs may authorize the janitor assigned in the detention station at Engineer Island to lodge free of charge in said station while required to live therein. 4. [5] In the appointment of the employees receiving salaries from items 120 to 130, inclusive, of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, preference shall be given to duly qualified natives, if any. 5. A reimbursable fund which shall be known as “Bu­ reau of Printing Revolving Fund” is hereby created for the operation and maintenance of the Bureau of Printing. Upon the taking effect of this Act, all the assets and liabil­ ities of the Bureau of Printing and the sum of 1*325,000, as working capital, which is hereby appropriated out of the ac­ cumulated surplus of the General Fund, shall be transferred to this fund. The ivorking capital herein provided, together with all its future accretions from the operating income of the Bureau of Printing, shall be disbursed by the Director of Printing with the approval of the Secretary of Finance for the operation and maintenance of said Bureau, including the purchase of the necessary equipment when authorized by the Secretary of Finance: P ROVIDED, That, as soon as possible, after the close of each fiscal year, the Director of Printing shall render a detailed financial report of the operation of this fund during said year to the President of the Philip­ pines and the National Assembly, through the Secretary of Finance: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That any surplus fund ivhich, in the opinion of the Budget Commission, is not necessary for the operation of said service shall revert to the general fund in the Insular Treasury, and: PROVIDED, FINALLY, That all permanent positions of personnel shall be shown in detail in the annual Appropriation Acts. 6. With the approval of the Secretary of Finance, the National Loan and Investment Board may change the designation of any position authorized for the same in Commonwealth Act No. 7 and in this Act, and consolidate two or more of said positions: Provided, That the salary for each consolidated position shall not exceed five thousand pesos per annum: Provided, further, That this author­ ity shall only be in force until June 30, 1937. F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE A total appropriation of 1*3,355,718 is requested for the year 1937 for the bureaus and offices under this Department, as compared with 1*3,466,640.90 authorized for the current year, or a decrease of 1*110,922.90. This decrease is due to the elimination of the appropriation for the Industrial Division of the Bureau of Prisons, which has been placed on a revolving fund basis, and to reductions in items for salaries due to retirements and for sundry expenses. Of the total savings, the amount of 1*13,185.10 is offset by the proposed increase of the salary of the Solicitor-General, which is considered in­ commensurate with the importance of the position; new positions for stenographers and other personnel for the Courts of First Instance; and for a private secretary of the Sec­ retary of Justice. Una consignación total de 5*3,355,718 se pide para las Oficinas bajo este Departamento para 1937. Comparada esta suma con 5*3,466,640.90 autorizada para el presente año, resulta una dismi­ nución de 5*110,922.90. Esta disminución se debe a la eliminación de la consignación para la División Industrial de la Oficina de Prisiones, la cual fue colocada sobre la base de fondos reembolsables, y a las reducciones de las partidas para sueldos por causa de retiros, y para gastos varios. Del total de ahorros, la suma de 5*13,185.10 está compensada por el propuesto aumento del sueldo del Procurador General, lo cual se considera inadecuado para la importancia de su cargo; por nuevos puestos de taquígrafos y otros empleados para los Juzgados de Primera Instancia, y de un secretario privado del Secretario de Justicia. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY DEPARTMENT HEADS 1. Secretary of the Department............ P10,200.00 P10,200.00 1 2. Undersecretary of the Department... 7,225.00 7,225.00 2 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One chief clerk.................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 3 4. One chief of division.......................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 4 LAW CLERK 5. One law clerk .................................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 5 PRIVATE SECRETARY 6. One private secretary....................... 2,400.00 CLERKS 7. One clerk ............................................ 3,060.00 3,060.00 6 8. One clerk ............................................ 2,550.00 2,550.00 7 9. One clerk ........... ................................ 2,040.00 2,040.00 8 10. One clerk ............................................ 1,224.00 1,224.00 9 11. One clerk .................. ......................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 10 MESSENGER 12. One messenger .................................. 540.00 540.00 11 Total.................................................. 40,094.00 37,694.00 212 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 213 (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. Secretary of the Department----------------------- P10.200.00 2. Undersecretary of the Department---------------- 7,225.00 3. 1 chief clerk ......................—----- ------------ 3,825.00 4. 1 chief of division ...............-............................ 3,400.00 5. 1 law clerk ....... -................ 2,550.00 6. 1 private secretary .............................................. 2,400.00 7. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 3,060.00 8. 1 clerk .........................-.......................................... 2,550.00 9. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 2,040.00 10. 1 clerk ...................... 1,224.00 11. 1 clerk ......................... 1,080.00 12. 1 messenger ..........—...........-.......... 540.00 Total for salaries and wages...................... P40,094.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Details Reference to item numbers cf Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1937 Budget Item No. (2) BUREAU OF JUSTICE DIRECTORS 1. One Solicitor-General, with the rank of Undersecretary of. Department ............... 5*7,225.00 F6,800.00 1 2. One Assistant Solicitor-General......... 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS 3. Two assistant attorneys, at 5*5,100 per annum each.................................................. 10,200.00 10,200.00 3 4. Three assistant attorneys, at P4,250 per annum each................................................ 12,750.00 12,750.00 4-6 5. One assistant attorney......................... 3,655.00 3,655.00 7 6. Three assistant attorneys, at 5*3,400 per annum each................................................ 10,200.00 10,200.00 8 7. Five assistant attorneys, at 5*3,060 per annum each ................................................ 15,300.00 15,300.00 9 8. One assistant attorney........................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 10 9. Three assistant attorneys, at 1*2,550 per annum each................................................ 7,650.00 7,650.00 11-12 10- Four assistant attorneys, at 5*2,295 per annum each ................................................ 9,180.00 9,180.00 13 11. Two assistant attorneys, at 5*2,040 per annum each................................................ 4,080.00 4,080.00 14 12. Three assistant attorneys, at 5*1,700 per annum each................................................ 5,100.00 5,100.00 15 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 13. Two chiefs of divisions, at Fl,530 per annum each..................................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 17 ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 14. One assistant chief of division and librarian ........................................................... 2,380.00 2,380.00 18 15. One assistant chief of division and stenographer ..................................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 20 16. One assistant chief of division........... 972.00 972.00 21 214 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 ’ authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF JUSTICE CASHIER AND DISBURSING OFFICER 17. One cashier and disbursing officer.... 1,530.00 1,530.00 22 STENOGRAPHERS 18. One stenographer ............................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 23 19. Three stenographers, at 1*1,530 per annum each ...................................................... 4,590.00 4,590.00 24 20. Three stenographers, at 1*1,080 per annum each ...................................................... 3,240.00 3,240.00 25-27 21. One junior stenographer................... 648.00 648.00 28 CLERKS 22. One clerk .............................................. 1,224.00 1,224.00 29 23. One clerk .............................................. 810.00 810.00 32 24. One clerk................................................ 756.00 756.00 33 25. Three clerks, at 1*648 per annum each 1,944.00 1,944.00 34-35 26. Four clerks, at 1*540 per annum each 2,160.00 2,160.00 36-37 27. Six clerks, at f*432 per annum each.. 2,592.00 2,592.00 39-41, 43-44 28. One clerk .............................................. 324.00 324.00 45 MESSENGERS 29. One messenger...................................... 324.00 324.00 48 30. Two messengers, at 1*240 per annum each .. 480.00 480.00 49 JANITOR 31. One janitor............................................ 324.00 324.00 50 MISCELLANEOUS 32. Deductions for vacancies, absences, etc...... (2,550.00) (2,550.00) 51 Total.................................................... 121,198.00 120,773.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Solicitor-General .............................................. P7,225.00 2. 1 Assistant Solicitor-General................... 5,100.00 DIVISION OF CRIMINAL CASES 3. 1 assistant attorney ..........-................................ 5,100.00 4. 1 assistant attorney ............................................ 4,250.00 5. 1 assistant attorney ............. -............................. 3,655.00 6. 2 assistant attorneys, at P3,400 per annum each ................................................................. 6,800.00 9. 1 assistant attorney ............................................. 2,550.00 10. 1 assistant attorney ............................................. 2,295.00 11. 2 assistant attorneys, at P2.040 per annum each ................................................................. 4,080.00 12. 2 assistant attorneys, at Pl,700 per annum each ................................................................. 3,400.00 DIVISION OF CIVIL CASES 3. 1 assistant attorney ............................................ 5,100.00 4. 1 assistant attorney .............-............................. 4,250.00 6. 1 assistant attorney ............................................. 3,400.00 7. 2 assistant attorneys, at P3.060 per annum each ................................................................. 6,120.00 8. 1 assistant attorney ............................................. 2,720.00 10. 1 assistant attorney ..................................... 2,295.00 12. 1 assistant attorney .......................................— 1,700.00 DIVISION OF LAND, FORESTRY, EMINENT DOMAIN, IRRIGATION, MINING AND OTHER CASES 4. 1 assistant attorney ....................................-...... 4,250.00 9. 1 assistant attorney ..................-........................ 2,550.00 10. 2 assistant attorneys, at P2.295 per annum each 4,590.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 215 (2) BUREAU OF JUSTICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS DETAILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF JUSTICE 7. 3 assistant attorneys, at P3.060 per annum each ................................................................. 9,180.00 9. 1 assistant attorney .............................. -............ 2,550.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 14. 1 assistant chief of division and librarian----- 2,380.00 26. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 1,620.00 30. 1 messenger ..............-............................................. 240.00 CASH AND PROPERTY DIVISION 17. 1 cashier and disbursing officer.......... ......... — 1,530.00 22. 1 clerk............... _......... 1,224.00 STENOGRAPHERS DIVISION 15. 1 assistant chief of division and stenographer 1,530.00 18. 1 stenographer ........ 1,700.00 19. 3 stenographers, at Pl,530 per annum each.... 4,590.00 20. 3 stenographers, at Pl,080 per annum each.... 3,240.00 21. 1 junior stenographer ............ .................. . .... — 648.00 RECORDS DIVISION 13. 1 chief of division........................................-....... 1,530.00 23. 1 clerk ........................................... -..... 810.00 24. 1 clerk .............................. 756.00 25. 1 clerk ........ 648.00 27. 4 clerks, at P432 per annum each....................... 1,728.00 29. 1 messenger ............................................. „........ 324.00 30. 1 messenger ....... „... 240.00 31. 1 janitor ........... _.................„ 324.00 DOCKET DIVISION 13. 1 chief of division............................... 1,530.00 16. 1 assistant chief of division „...... 972.00 25. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each...................... 1,296.00 26. 1 clerk ..... 540.00 27. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 864.00 28. 1 clerk ............. 324.00 32. Deductions for vacancies, absences, etc.............. (2,550.00) Total for salaries and wages_________ P121,198.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested moc Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS DISTRICT JUDGES 1. Thirty-five judges, at P8,500 per an­ num each ........................................................... 2. Seven judges, at P7,650 per annum each .................................................................... 3. Five judges, at f>=6,800 per annum each .................................................................... JUDGES-AT-LARGE 4. One judge-at-large................................ 5. One judge-at-large............................... 6. One judge-at-large............................... 7. Five judges-at-large, at 5*6,800 per annum each........................................................ SUPERINTENDENT OF CLERKS OF COURTS 8. One superintendent of clerks of courts .................................................................. CLERKS OF COURTS 9. One clerk of court............................... 10. Four clerks of courts, at P2,975 per annum each....................................................... 11. Eleven clerks of courts, at P2,720 per annum each............................................... F297,500.00 5*297,500.00 1-3 53,550.00 53,550.00 4-5 34,000.00 34,000.00 6-7 9,000.00 9,000.00 8 8,000.00 8,000.00 9 7,000.00 7,000.00 10 34,000.00 34,000.00 11 3,060.00 3,060.00 12 4,250.00 4,250.00 13 11,900.00 11,900.00 14-16 29,920.00 29,920.00 17-20 216 F— DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 requested Details 1936 authorized (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS 12. Nine clerks of courts, at 1*2,040 per annum each ...................................................... 13. Four clerks of courts, at 1*1,700 per annum each........................................................ 14. Five clerks of courts, at 1*1,530 per annum each........................................................ 15. Eleven clerks of courts, at 1*1,275 per annum each........................................................ 16. Three clerks of courts, at Pl,080 per annum each ...................................................... 17. One clerk of court............................... DEPUTY CLERKS OF COURTS 18. One assistant clerk of court and exofficio chief of probate division....................... 19. Fifteen deputy clerks of courts, at 1*1,530 per annum each ................................ 20. Twelve deputy clerks of courts, at Pl ,275 per annum each................................... 21. Nine deputy clerks of courts, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................... 22. One deputy clerk of court................... 23. Four deputy clerks of courts, at P810 per annum each................................................ 24. Five deputy clerks of courts, at P648 per annum each................................................ 25. ’Eighteen deputy clerks of courts, at P540 per annum each ................................... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 26. One chief of statistical and docket division .............................................................. 27. One chief of civil division................... 28. One chief of criminal division........... 29. One archive clerk and chief of divi­ sion ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 30. One cashier and disbursing officer..... 31. One assistant chief clerk..................... STENOGRAPHERS 32. Eight stenographers, at P2,720 per annum each....................................................... 18,360.00 18,360.00 21-23 6,800.00 6,800.00 24-27 7,650.00 7,650.00 28 14,025.00 14,025.00 29-32 3,240.00 3,240.00 32(a), (6) 540.00 540.00 35 3,400.00 3,400.00 36 22,950.00 22,950.00 37-38 15,300.00 15,300.00 39-46 9,720.00 1,080.00 . 9,720.00 47-50 3,240.00 3,240.00 51 3,240.00 3,240.00 52-54 9,720.00 9,720.00 55-58 1,530.00 1,530.00 60 972.00 972.00 61 745.00 745.00 62 745.00 745.00 63 1,530.00 1,530.00 64 1,080.00 1,080.00 65 21,760.00 21,760.00 66-68 F— DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 217 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 33. Three stenographers, at F2,550 per (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS annum each....................................................... 7,650.00 7,650.00 69-70 34. Thirteen stenographers, at F2,040 per annum each ................................................ 26,520.00 26,520.00 71, 76 35. Five [junior] stenographers, at F2,040 per annum each.................................... 10,200.00 10,200.00 72-73 [One junior stenographer].................... 2,040.00 74 36. One stenographer in English........... 2,040.00 2,040.00 75 37. One stenographer ............................... 1,360.00 1,360.00 ' 77 38. Fourteen stenographers, at 1*1,700 per annum each................................................ 23,800.00 23,800.00 78-81 39. Thirty-one stenographers, at Fl,530 per annum each................................................ 47,430.00 47,430.00 82-90 40. Five stenographers, at Fl,200 per annum each........................................................ 6,000.00 41. One stenographer ............................... 972.00 972.00 91 42. One clerk-stenographer ..................... 864.00 864.00 92 INTERPRETERS 43. Three interpreters, at 1*2,040 per annum each........................................................ 6,120.00 6,120.00 93-95 44. Two Chinese interpreters, at F2,040 per annum each.................. ;............................ 4,080.00 4,080.00 96 45. Three interpreters, at Fl,700 per an­ num each............................................................ 5,100.00 5,100.00 97 46. Three interpreters, at Fl,530 per an­ num each............................................................ 4,590.00 4,590.00 98 47. Eight interpreters, at Fl,275 per an­ num each............................................................ 10,200.00 10,200.00 99-102 48. Ten interpreters, at Fl,080 per an­ num each........................................................... 10,800.00 10,800.00 103-105 49. One interpreter................................... 1,020.00 1,020.00 98(a) 50. Ten interpreters, at F864 per an­ num each .......................................................... 8,640.00 8,640.00 106 51. Seven interpreters, at F648 per an­ num each........................................................... 4,536.00 4,536.00 107 DOCKET CLERKS 52. One docket clerk................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 108 53. One docket clerk................................. 972.00 972.00 109 54. Four docket clerks, at F864 per an­ num each........................................................... 3,456.00 3,456.00 110-112 55. Six docket clerks, at F756 per an­ num each ......................................................... 4,536.00 4,536.00 113-116,118 218 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1937 requested 1936 ' authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated Budget Details Item No. (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL 56. One civil docket clerk......................... SHERIFFS 756.00 756.00 117 57. One docket clerk................................. 684.00 684.00 119 58. Two [criminal] docket clerks, at ^648 per annum each ................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 121 59. Nineteen docket clerks, at 1*648 per annum each ...................................................... 12,312.00 12,312.00 122-125 60. One docket clerk.................................. 576.00 576.00 112(a) 61. Three docket clerks, at 5*540 per an­ num each............................................................ 1,620.00 1,620.00 127-129 62. Tiuo docket clerks, at F480 per an­ num each............................................................ 960.00 .. 63. One docket clerk ................................. 432.00 432.00 130 64. One docket clerk ................................. 324.00 324.00 131 65. Two docket clerks, at i*240 per an­ num each ......... ................................................ 480.00 480.00 132 ASSISTANT DOCKET CLERKS 66. One assistant docket clerk ............... 972.00 972.00 133 67. One assistant docket clerk ............... 756.00 756.00 134 - 68. Three assistant docket clerks, at 5*648 per annum each .................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 135 69. Three assistant docket clerks, at i*540 per annum each ................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 136-137 CLERKS 70. One clerk................................................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 138 71. Two clerks, at ¥=918 per annum each 1,836.00 1,836.00 139 72. Two clerks, at 5*864 per annum each 1,728.00 1,728.00 140 73. Three clerks, at 1*756 per annum each 2,268.00 2,268.00 141 74. Five clerks, at 5*648 per annum each 3,240.00 3,240.00 143 75. Sixteen clerks, at 5*540 per annum each .................................................................... 8,640.00 8,640.00 145-146 76. One clerk .............................................. 497.00 497.00 147 77. Four clerks, at ¥=486 per annum each 1,944.00 1,944.00 148 78. Sixty-four clerks, at 1*432 per annum each .................................................................... 27,648.00 27,648.00 144,149-154, 79. One clerk ............................................. 421.00 421.00 156-160 161 80. Twelve clerks, at 1*324 per annum each ................................................................... 3,888.00 3,888.00 162-166 81. Five clerks, at 5*300 per annum each 1,500.00 1,500.00 167-168,170 82. Forty clerks, at 15240 per annum each 9,600.00 9,600.00 172,174 TYPISTS 83. Two typists, at 1*432 per annum each 864.00 864.00 175 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 219 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS MESSENGERS 84. One messenger [clerk]....................... 85. Three messengers [clerks], at 1*432 per annum each................................................ 86. One messenger...................................... 87. One messenger .................................... 88. Five messengers, at 1*240 per annum each .................................................................... 89. One messenger-janitor [clerk]........... MISCELLANEOUS 90. For compensation of bailiffs and emergency employees, including laborers as follows: INTERPRETER (а) One interpreter ............................................ CLERKS (б) Two clerks, at Fl,080 per annum each.... (c) One clerk ................ ....................................... (d) One clerk ...................................................... (e) Three clerks, at F432 per annum each.... (/) Two clerks, at F378 per annum each.... (g) Eight clerks, at F324 per annum each... (h) Sixteen clerks, at P240 per annum each.... BAILIFFS (0 Seven bailiffs, at F300 per annum each... MESSENGERS (;) One janitor-messenger ............................... (k) Three janitor-messengers, at P324 per annum each .......................................... EMERGENCY EMPLOYEES (Z) For emergency employees........................... JUSTICES OF THE PEACE 91. Salaries of justices of the peace and auxiliary justices of the peace outside of the City of Manila: Provided, That no appoint­ ment of a justice of the peace involving pay­ ment of any amount shall be made, unless there is a sufficient appropriation therefor.... 540.00 540.00 145 1,296.00 1,296.00 149,152,159 378.00 378.00 176 324.00 324.00 177 1,200.00 1,200.00 178 432.00 432.00 149 972.00 972.00 179(a) 2,160.00 2,160.00 179(6)-(c) 864.00 864.00 179(d) 648.00 648.00 179(e) 1,296.00 1,296.00 179(/)-(^) 756.00 756.00 179 (i) 2,592.00 2,592.00 179(»-(A:) 3,840.00 3,840.00 179(Z)-(th) 2,100.00 2,100.00 179(h) 432.00 432.00 179(o) 972.00 972.00 179(p) 3,623.00 3,623.00 179(g) 793,748.00 793,748.00 180 220 F— DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 requested Details 1936 authorized (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PROVINCIAL COURTS AND OFFICES SHERIFFS PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS 92. Seventeen provincial sheriffs, at 1*2,040 per annum each................................... 34,680.00 34,680.00 182-185 93. Twelve provincial sheriffs, at 1*1,530 per annum each................................................ 18,360.00 18,360.00 186-193 94. Four provincial sheriffs, at 1*1,275 per annum each................................................ 5,100.00 5,100.00 194-197 95. Fourteen provincial sheriffs, at 1*1,080 per annum each ................................. 15,120.00 15,120.00 198-199 DEPUTY SHERIFFS 96. One hundred seventeen deputy sheriffs, at T756 per annum each................... 88,452.00 88,452.00 200-208 Total.................................................... 1,901,544.00 1,895,544.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE District I 2. 1 judge ................................................................... P7,650.00 CAGAYAN 12. 1 clerk of court .................................................. 2,040.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court........................... -..... — 1,080.00 58. 1 docket clerk ....................................................... 648.00 78. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each..................... 864.00 80. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................... 300.00 BATANES 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ................................... 540.00 District II 3. 1 judge ................................................................... 6,800.00 ISABELA 14. 1 clerk of court ..... -..... - 1,530.00 24. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 648.00 58. 1 docket clerk ........................................... 648.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 NUEVA VIZCAYA 15. 1 clerk of court...................................................... 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 82. 1 clerk ................................................................... 240.00 District III 2. 2 judges, at P7,560 per annum each.................. 15,300.00 ILOCOS NORTE 12. 1 clerk of court ......................... —.........._..... 2,040.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court.......... .... _............ 1,080.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................. 540.00 78. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 864.00 82. 1 clerk ............................... 240.00 ILOCOS SUB 12. 1 clerk of court ..... 2,040.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court................ —;------ 1,080.00 61. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 540.00 85. 1 messenger ........................................................... 432.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................... 300.00 ABRA 15. 1 clerk of court.. ..... ..........................._..........— 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240 00 District IV 2. 1 judge _________________________________ 7,650.00 LA UNION 13. 1 clerk of court ..............--------------------------- 1,700.00 23. 1 deputy clerk of court ................................... 810.00 61. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 540.00 78. 1 clerk ..... 432.00 81. 1 clerk ................................... 300.00 MOUNTAIN PROVINCE (BENGUET) 15. J clerk of court ................................. —....... 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 63. 1 docket clerk .. ......... 432.00 MOUNTAIN PROVINCE (BONTOC) 15. 1 clerk of court___________ _________ ___ _ 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 221 (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION District V 1. 3 judges, at P8,500 per annum each................ 25,500.00 PANGASINAN 10. 1 clerk of court ........................ - 2,975.00 19. 2 deputy clerks of courts, at Pl,530 per annum each ................................................................. 3,060.00 52. 1 docket clerk ...................................................... 1,080.00 53. 1 docket clerk ...................................................... 972.00 66. 1 assistant docket clerk ...............-.......-............ 972.00 54. 1 docket clerk .....................................-................. 864.00 74. 1 clerk .......... 648.00 75. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 1,080.00 78. 7 clerks, at P432 per annum each..... . .............. 3,024.00 82. 2 clerks, at P240 per annum each..................... 480.00 ZAMBALES 15. 1 clerk of court----------------------------------------- 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court......................................... 540.00 65. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 240.00 82. 1 clerk .......................... -........................................ 240.00 District VI 1. 3 judges ....... —_______________ 25,500.00 TARLAC 12. 1 clerk of court —.........—.... -..................... 2,040.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court—.... —............. 1,080.00 59. 1 docket clerk ......................................................... 648.00 77. 1 clerk .................................................................... 486.00 78. 2 clerks, at p432 per annum each....................... 864.00 82. 1 clerk .....-............................................................. 240.00 NUEVA ECIJA 11. 1 clerk of court ------------- — 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court------------------------- - 1,275.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court.------------------------- - 1,080.00 55. 2 docket clerks, at P756 per annum each......... 1,512.00 59. 1 docket clerk ............—........-..... 648.00 75. 1 clerk ..... 540.00 78. 4 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 1,728.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 District VII I. 2 judges ....—.......-.......... —.................... 17,000.00 PAMPANGA 11. 1 clerk of court ....... —................... - 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court ____________ 1,275.00 55. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 756.00 59. 1 docket clerk ....................................................... 648.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 85. 1 messenger .......................................................... 432.00 80. 1 clerk ................................................................... 324.00 82. 1 clerk ................................................................... 240.00 BULACAN II. 1 clerk of court .......................... 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court........................... ............ 1,275.00 54. 1 docket clerk ........................................ 864.00 55. 1 docket clerk ........................ „............................. 756.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 79. 1 clerk .................................................................... 421.00 80. 1 clerk ........... 824.0p 82. 1 clerk ________ 240.00 District VIII , I. 1 judge ____________ _______ ____________ 8,500.00 CAVITE 13. 1 clerk of court ................................................... 1,700.00 23. 1 deputy clerk of court.......................................... 810.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................... 497.00 78. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each....................... 864.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 District IX I. 5 judges .....................-............................................ 42,500.00 MANILA 9. 1 clerk of court ................................................... 4,250.00 18. 1 assistant clerk of court and ex officio chief of probate division ......................................... 3,400.00 19. 7 deputy clerks of courts, at Pl,530 per annum each...............................................................10,710.0ft 26. 1 chief of statistical and docket division........ 1,530.00 27. 1 chief of civil division........................................ 972.00 28. 1 chief of criminal division.................................. 745.00 29. 1 archive clerk and chief of division............... 745.00 30. 1 cashier and disbursing officer....................... 1,530.00 31. 1 assistant chief clerk ........................................ 1,080.00 55. 1 docket clerk ....................................................... 756.00 59. 1 docket clerk ....................................................... 648.00 59. 1 docket clerk ....................................................... 648.00 62. 2 docket clerks, at P480 per annum each........ 960.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 72. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 73. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each..................... 2,268.00 84. 1 messenger ........................................................... 540.00 77. 1 clerk .................................................................... 486.00 78. 2 clerks .................................................................. 864.00 83. 2 typists, at P432 per annum each................... 864.00 80. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 86. 1 messenger .......................................................... 378.00 87. 1 messenger ........................................................... 324.00 88. 54 messengers, at P240 per annum each........... 1,200.00 District X 1. 2 judges, at P8,500 per annum each .............. 17,000.00 RIZAL II. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 1,275.00 59. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 648.00 69. 1 assistant docket clerk ..................................... 540.00 75. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 78. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 1,296.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 BATAAN 15. 1 clerk of court ................................................... 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court........................................ 540.00 69. 1 assistant docket clerk ........................................ 540.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 District XI 1. 1 judge .................................................................. 8,500.00 LAGUNA 11. 1 clerk of court .....................-.................... 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court ............................—.... 1,275.00 59. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 648.00 78. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................... 864.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 222 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION District XII 1. 1 judge ................................................................... 8,500.00 BATANGAS 11. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court ....................................... 1,275.00 59. 2 docket clerks ....................................................... 1,296.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 84. 1 messenger ........................................................... 540.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 80. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 MINDORO 15. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ......................................... 540.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 District XIII 1. 2 judges ................................................................. 17,000.00 TAYABAS 10. 1 clerk of court ................................................... 2,975.00 19. 2 deputy clerks of courts ..................................... 3,060.00 71. 1 clerk ................................................................... 918.00 54. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 864.00 59. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 648.00 78. 5 clerks ............................................................. 2,160.00 82. 2 clerks ............................................................. 480.00 MARINDUQUE 74. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 78. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 District XIV 1. 1 judge ................................................................... 8,500.00 CAMARINES NORTE 15. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ................................... 540.00 59. 1 docket clerk ...................................................... 648.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 CAMARINES SUR 12. 1 clerk of court .................................................. 2,040.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court ................................... 1,080.00 59. 1 docket clerk . of court ...................................... 648.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 78. 2 clerks ................................................................ 864.00 85. 1 messenger .......................................................... 432.00 District XV 1. 2 judges ................................................................. 17,000.00 ALBAY 11. 1 clerk of court ............................................ 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court ...................................... 1,275.00 56. 1 civil docket clerk ............................................ 756.00 59. 1 assistant docket clerk ....................................... 648.00 75. 1 clerk ........................ 540.00 77. 1 clerk .................................................................... 486.00 78. 2 clerks .................................................................. 864.00 SORSOGON 13. 1 clerk of court .................................................. 1,700.00 23. 1 deputy clerk of court ................................. 810.00 59. 1 docket clerk .................................................... 648.00 78. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 82. 2 clerks ................................................................. 480.00 MASBATE 15. 1 clerk of court .................................................. 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court......................................... 540.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 District XVI 1. 1 judge .................................................................. 8,500.00 CAPIZ 11. 1 clerk of court ............................................ 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court ...................................... 1,275.00 59. 1 docket clerk ................................................... 648.00 69. 1 assistant docket clerk ...................................... 540.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 80. 2 clerks .................................................................. 648.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 ROMBLON 15. 1 clerk of court ............................... 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court............................................. 540.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................... 300.90 District XVII 1. 3 judges ................................................................. 25,500.00 ILOILO 10. 1 clerk of court ................................................ 2,975.00 19. 2 deputy clerks of courts .............................. „. 3,060.00 54. 1 docket clerk ....................................................... 864.00 60. 1 docket clerk ....................................................... 576.00 67. 1 assistant docket clerk .................................... 756.00 78. 2 clerks .................................................................. 864.00 80. 2 clerks .................................................................. 648.00 82. 1 clerk ............ ........................................................ 240.00 District XVIII 1. 2 judges ................................................................. 17,000.00 NEGROS OCCIDENTAL 11. 1 clerk of court ................................................ 2,720.00 20. 2 deputy clerks of courts .................................. 2,550.00 59. 2 docket clerks .................................................... 1,296.00 68. 1 assistant docket clerk ..................................... 648.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 78. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 78. 2 clerks .................................................-............... 864.00 82. 1 clerk ................................................................... 240.00 District XIX 2. 1 judge .............................................................. 7,650.00 NEGROS ORIENTAL AND SIQUIJOR 12. 1 clerk of court ................................ 2,040.00 22. 1 deputy clerk of court ........................................ 1,080.00 59. 1 docket clerk ......................................... 648.00 78. 1 clerk ............................ -...................................... 432.00 82. 2 clerks ................................................................... 480.00 District XX 2. 1 judge ..............-... .....-............... -.........—...... 7,650.00 SAMAR 11. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court.................... 1,275.00 59. 1 docket clerk ............................ *....................... 648.00 F— DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 223 (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 78. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 BUKIDNON 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 District XXI 1. 2 judges ........................................-.....-................. 17,000.00 LEYTE (TACLOBAN) 11. 1 clerk of court —................................................ 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court....................................... 1,2(5.00 59. 1 docket clerk ...................................................... 648.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 LEYTE (MAASIN) 14. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 1,530.00 24. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 648.00 77. 1 clerk .................................................................... 486.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 District XXII 1. 3 judges ................................................................. 25,500.00 CEBU 10. 1 clerk of court .........-.................. -.....-............. 2,975.00 19. 2 deputy clerks of courts ................................ 3,060.00 71. 1 clerk ... ................................................................ 918.00 72. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 74. 3 clerks .................................................................. 1,944.00 78. 6 clerks ..........................................-....................... 2,592.00 78. 2 clerks .................-.........-.................................... 480.00 District XXIII 2. 1 judge ...... ..................... -..........-........................ 7,650.00 BOHOL 12. 1 clerk of court ............ —.... 2,040.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court —..... — 1,080.00 57. -1 docket clerk .................................................... 684.00 85. 1 messenger .......................................................... 432.00 78. 1 clerk ......................................-................... -....... 432.00 OCCIDENTAL MISAMIS 13. 1 clerk of court ----------------------- 1,700.00 23. 1 deputy clerk .................................................... 810.00 75. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 District XXIV 3. 2 judges ............... -.... —----------............................ 13,600.00 AGUSAN 17. 1 clerk of court ............... 540.00 SURIGAO 14. 1 clerk of court -.................. 1,530.00 24. 1 deputy clerk of court ......................................... 648.00 80. 1 clerk ........... 324.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 ORIENTAL MISAMIS 12. 1 clerk of court .......................... 2,040.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court .................................... 1,080.00' 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 78. 1 clerk -......................... ........................................ 432.00 82. 1 clerk .....................-............................................. 240.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ................................... 540.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 LANAO 16. 1 clerk of court ............................................... 1,080.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ......................................... 540.00 65. 1 docket clerk ................................................... 240.00 District XXV 1. 1 judge ................................................................... 8,500.00 ZAMBOANGA 12. 1 clerk of court ................~................................. 2,040.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court ........................................ 1,080.00 55. 1 docket clerk ..................................................... 756.00 68. 1 assistant docket clerk..................................... 648.00 75. 1 clerk .............................................................. 540.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 80. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 DIPOLOG, ZAMBOANGA 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 SULU 15. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 78. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 District XXVI 3. 1 judge .............-................. 6,800.00 DAVAO 14. 1 clerk of court ....................................................... 1,530.00 24. 1 deputy clerk of court .......................................... 648.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 78. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 COTABATO 16. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 1,080.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 81. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 300.00 District XXVII 3. 1 judge ................................................................... 6,800.00 ANTIQUE 14. 1 clerk of court ................................................... 1,530.00 24. 1 deputy clerk of court ....................................... 648.00 61. 1 docket clerk ....................................................... 540.00 80. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 324.00 PALAWAN 16. 1 clerk of court ...................................... 1,080.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 64. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 324.00 CUYO 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 JUDGES-AT-LARGE 4. 1 judge-at-large ..... _................... — 9,000.00 5. 1 judge-at-large ......................................... 8,000.00 224 F — DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 6. 1 judge-at-large .................................................... 7,000.00 7. 5 judges-at-large, at P6,800 per annum each.. 34,000.00 SUPERINTENDENT OF CLERKS OF COURTS 8. 1 superintendent of clerks of courts.............. 3,060.00 STENOGRAPHERS 32. 8 stenographers, at P2,720 per annum each.... 21,760.00 33. 3 stenographers, at P2,550 per annum each.... 7,650.00 34. 13 stenographers, at P2,040 per annum each.... 26,520.00 35. 5 stenographers, at P2.040 per annum each..... , 10,200.00 36. 1 stenographer in English .......................... 2,040.00 37. 1 stenographer ...................................................... 1,360.00 38. 14 stenographers, at Pl,700 per annum each.. 23,800.00 39. 31 stenographers, at Pl,530 per annum each.... 47,430.00 40. 5 stenographers, at Pl,200 per annum each 6,000.00 41. 1 stenographer ...................................................... 972.00 42. 1 clerk-stenographer ............................................. 864.00 INTERPRETERS 43. 3 interpreters, at P2.040 per annum each....... 6,120.00 44. 2 chínese interpreters, at P2,040 per annum each ................................................................. 4,080.00 45. 3 interpreters ......................................................... 5,100.00 46. 3 interpreters, at Pl,530 per annum each.......... 4,590.00 47. 8 interpreters, at Pl,275 per annum each.......... 10,200.00 48. 10 interpreters, at Pl,080 per annum each....... 10,800.00 49. 1 interpreter .......................................................... 1,020.00 50. 10 interpreters, at P864 per annum each......... 8,640.00 51. 7 interpreters, at P648 per annum each........... 4,536.00 MISCELLANEOUS 90. For compensation of bailiffs and emergency employees, including laborers, as follows: INTERPRETER (а) 1 interpreter ......................................... 972.00 CLERKS (б) 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each.... 2,160.00 (c) 1 clerk .................................................... 864.00 (d) 1 clerk .................................................... 648.00 (e) 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.... 1,296.00 (/) 2 clerks, at P378 per annum each.... 756.00 (p) 8 clerks, at P324 per annum each.... 2,592.00 (/i) 16 clerks, at P240 per annum each.... 3,840.00 BAILIFFS (?) 7 bailiffs, at P300 per annum each.... 2,100.00 MESSENGERS (j) 1 janitor-messenger ............................. 432.00 (k) 3 janitor-messengers, at P324 per an­ num each ......................................... 972.00 EMERGENCY EMPLOYEES (Z) 2 clerk-stenographers .......................... 864.00 (Z) 1 clerk-stenographer .............................. 216.00 (Z) 1 janitor-messenger ............................. 432.00 (Z) 1 janitor-messenger ............................. 324.00 (Z) 1 janitor ................................................ 300.00 (Z) 1 clerk-messenger ................................. 80.00 (l) 8 clerk-messengers ......... 720.00 (Z) 2 janitor-messeiigers ............................. 480.00 (Z) 1 janitor-messenger ............................. 207.00 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS 91. Salaries of justices of the peace and auxiliary justices of the peace outside of the City of Manila; Provided, That no appointment of a justice of the peace involving payment of any amount shall be made, unless there is a sufficient appropriation therefor, as fol­ lows : ABRA 1 justice of the peace for Bangued (capital) 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Bucay.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Danglas and La Paz ............................................................. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Dolores and mu­ nicipal district of Lacub, Buneg, Dangilo and Mataragan (combined)....... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Langangilan and municipal districts of Basy, Licoan and Malibcong (combined) .................. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Lagayan, Caganayan, Alava, Lanec, Naglibacan, and Anayan, Abra ........................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Langiden, and San Quintin ............................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Luba, Manabo, and municipal districts of Tiempo and Tubo ........................................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Peñarubia and Tayum ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Pidiggan.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pilar and Villaviciosa ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Salapadan and municipal districts of Bucloc, Daguiman, Danae and Bolinay, (combined).. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for San Juan.......... 648.00 AGUSAN 1 justice of the peace for Butuan (capital) 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Cabadbaran........ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Jabonga.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Nasipit............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Talacogon.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Bunawan, Mambaliti, Trento, Sta. Josefa, Veruela, Cuevas, Basa, Patrocinio, Tudela, San Isidro and Li­ bertad (combined) ................................. 1,275.00 1 justice of the peace for sub-provincial division of Wawa-Ojot and municipal districts of Las Nieves, Esperanza, Guadalupe, Sta. Ines, San Luis, Re­ medios, Milagros, Bakingking, Maasin, Bunaguit, Maygatawan, Verdu, Nuevo Sibagat, Concordia, Nuevo Trabajo and Baylo (combined) ..................................... 1 justice of the peeace for sub-provincial division of Gibung and municipal dis­ tricts of Ebro, Borbon, Prosperidad, Baba, Aspitia, Los Arcos, Novels and Rosario (combined) ................................. 1 justice of the peace for sub-provincial division of Umayan and municipal dis­ tricts of La Paz, Sagunto, Halapitan, Langasian, Loreto, Violanta, Santo Tomas, Waloe, Nueva Garcia and John­ son (combined) ..................................... 1,275.00 1,275.00 1,275.00 F — DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 225 (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION ALBAY 1 justice of the peace for Bacacay............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Baras .................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bato ................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calolbon.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Camalig ........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Daraga .............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Guinobatan....... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Jovellar ........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Legaspi (capital) 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Libog................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Libón................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Ligao................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Malilipot........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Malinao.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Manito............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Oas..................................756.00 1 justice of the peace for Pandan.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pañganiban....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Polangui........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tabaco.............. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Tiwi.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Viga...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Virac.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Rapu-rapu........... 648.00 ANTIQUE 1 justice of the peace for Barbaza............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bugasong............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Caluya.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Culasi.................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Dao............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lauaan.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pandan.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Patnongon....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Jose de Buenavista (capital) ............................. 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for San Remigio 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sibalom.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tibiao.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Valderrama....... 648.00 BATAAN 1 justice of the peace for Abucay and Samal 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Orani.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bagac.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Balanga (capital) 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Dinalupihan....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Hermosa........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Limay.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mariveles........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Moron................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Orion.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Pilar................... 648.00 BATANES 1 justice of the peace for Basco (capital).... 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Itbayat.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Uyugan, Ivanna and Mahatao (combined)........................ 1,200.00 BATANGAS 1 justice of the peace for Alitagtag and Cuenca ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Balayan and Tuy 1,428.00 1 justice of the peace for Batangas (capi­ tal) ........................ 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for Bauan.................. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Bolbok. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Calaca. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calatagan............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Ibaan and Rosario 1,428.00 1 justice of the peace for Lemery and Taal 1,836.00 1 justice of the peace for Lian and Nasugbu .......................................................... 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Lipa.................... 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Lobo.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mabini................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Malvar................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Jose............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Luis......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santo Tomas.... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Talisay............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tanauan............. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Taysan......... . 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mataasnakahoy.... 648.00 BOHOL 1 justice of the peace for Albuquerque and Loay ............................................................ 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Anda.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Antequera........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Baclayon and Dauis ............................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Balilihan............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Batuan................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bilar.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calapé.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Candijay and Guindulman ................................................. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Carmen................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Clarín................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Corella.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cortes................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dimiao and Va­ lencia ............................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Duero.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Garcia-Hernan­ dez ............................................................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Inabanga........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Jagna.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Jetafe................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lila...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Loboc................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Mabini............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Maribojoc............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Panglao................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sevilla.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sierra-Bullones.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sikatuna............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tagbilaran (cap­ ital) ............................................................. 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for Talibon.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tubigon................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Ubay...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Loon...................... 756.00 BUKIDNON 1 justice of tfie peace for Malaybalay and municipal district of Imposugon, Maramag, Sumilao and Maluko (combined).... .7,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Tancula............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Talacag and mu­ nicipal district of Bauñgon, Guiñaba» luron and Libuna (combined).................. 1,836.00 299089----- 15 226 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION BULACAN 1 justice of the peace for Angat............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Baliuag............. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Bigaa............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bocaue................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bulacan................ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Bustos.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calumpit............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Guiguinto............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Hagonoy............... 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Malolos (capital) 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Marilao................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Meycauayan........ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Norzagaray.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Obando............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Paombong......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Polo...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pulilan............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Quingua............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Ildefonso.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Miguel......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for San Rafael......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sta. Maria and San Jose del Monte................................. 1,326.00 CAGAYAN 1 justice of the peace for Abulug.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Alcala.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Al-lacapan.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Amulung and Iguig ............................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Aparri.............. 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Bagao................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Ballesteros.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Buguey.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Camalaniugan.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Claveria and mu­ nicipal district of Lagangan (combined) 810.00 1 justice of the peace for Calayan................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Enrile.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Faire.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Gattaran.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Gonzaga.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lal-loc.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pamplona............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Peñablanca.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Piat....................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Rizal...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sanchez-Mira....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Solana................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tuao.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tuguegarao (cap­ ital) ............................................................ 2,550.00 CAMARINES NORTE 1 justice of the peace for Basud................... 648.00 1 justicé of the peace for Capalonga........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Daet (capital).. 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Indan................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Labo.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mambulao.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Paracale.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace foi San Vicente...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Talisay............... 648.00 CAMARINES SUR 1 justice of the peace for Baao................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bato..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Buhi.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bula................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cabusao............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calabanga........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Camaligan and Gainza ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Caramoan............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Goa....................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Iriga.................... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Lagonoy............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Libmanan............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Lupi....................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Magarao................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Milaor.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Minalabac.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Nabua.................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Naga (capital) and Canaman ............................................ 3,162.00 1 justice of the peace for Pamplona and San Fernando ......................................... 972.00 1 justice of the peace for Pasacao............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pili....................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Ragay.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sagnay................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Jose............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sipocot................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Siruma.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tigaon.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tinambac.......... 648.00 CAPIZ 1 justice of the peace for Altavas................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Balete................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Banga................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Batan................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Buruanga............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Capiz (capital) .. 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for Dao................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Dumalag...... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Dumarao......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Ibajay............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Iuisan.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Jamindan...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Kalibo................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Libacao................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Makato................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Malinao............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Navas.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for New Washington 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Numancia.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Panay.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Panitan............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pilar...................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Pontevedra....... 75G.00 1 justice of the peace for Sapian.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tapaz.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sigma................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mambusao............ 756.00 CAVITE 1 justice of the peace for Alfonso.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Amadeo.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bacoor and Kawit 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Bailen and Ma­ gallanes ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Carmona.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cavite (capital) 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Corregidor............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dasmariñas......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for General Trias...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Imus..................... 756.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 227 (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 justice of the peace for Indang................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Maragondong and Ternate ................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Mendéz-Nuñez.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Naic..................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Noveleta.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Rosario................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Silang................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tanza................... 648.00 CEBU 1 justice of the peace for Alcantara............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Alcoy................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Alegria................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Argao................... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Asturias............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Badian................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Balamban............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bantayan, Madridejos and Santa Fe............................... 1,938.00 1 justice of the peace for Barili................... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Bogo..................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Boljo-on.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Borbon.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Carcar................. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Carmen................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Catmon................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cebu (capital)..... 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Compostela.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Consolación......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cordova............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Daanbantayan.... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Dalaguete............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Danao.................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Dumanjug............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Ginatilan.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Liloan.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Malabuyoc............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for. Mandaue.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Medellin................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Minglanilla.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Moalboal.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Naga.................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Opon.................... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Oslob....-................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pilar.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pinamuñgajan..... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Poro...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Ronda................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Samboan.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Fernando.... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Francisco.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Remigio....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santender............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sibonga................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Sogod..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tabogon............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Talisay................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Toledo.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tuburan.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tudela.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Aloguinsan.......... 648.00 COTABATO 1 justice of the peace for Cotabato and municipal district of Sub-pañgan, Libungan, Kalañganan, Dulauan, Nuling and Reina Regente (combined).................... 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Buayan and Gian (combined).... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Parang, Bugasan, Buldon, Barira and Balut (combined).................... 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Kling and Kiamba (combined) 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Lebac and Salaman (com­ bined) ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Pikit, Pagalugan and Silik (combined) ................................................ 1,200.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Kabadon, Kidapuan, Carmen, Balatican, Binasalan and Kilubud (combined) ........... .,................................. 960.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Awang, Dinaig, and Tumbao (combined) ............................................... 960.00 DAVAO 1 justice of the peace for Baganga............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Caraga and Manay ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Cateel.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Davao (Capital) and municipal district of Guianga (combined) ............................................... 2,142.00 1 justice of the peace for Mati.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sta. Cruz........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Batulaki, Caburan, Malita and Samal (combined) ................................. 2,448.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Pantukan, Lupon, Sigaboy and Surop (combined) ................................. 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Tagum, Saug, Kapalong, Camansa, Mankayo and Compostela (combined) 2,040.00 ILOCOS NORTE 1 justice of the peace for Bacarra ......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Badoc................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bangui ............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Banna and Nueva Era ................................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Burgos.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Currimao ........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dingras................ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Batac .................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Laoag (capital).. 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for Paoay.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Pasuquin ........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Piddig and mu­ nicipal district of Carasi (combined).... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pinili ............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Nicolas .... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Sarrat ............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Solsona ............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Vintar ............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Adams and Dumalneg (combined).... 1,224.00 ILOCOS SUR 1 justice of the peace for Bantay, Caoayan, San Vicente and Santa Catalina.......... 2,448.00 1 justice of the peace for Bauguen and mu­ nicipal district of Concepcion (com­ bined) ......................................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Burgos and Santa Maria .............................................. 1,326.00 228 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL/ SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 justice of the peace for Cabugao and set­ tlements of Nagsincaoan and Daligan.... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Candon .............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Cervantes and municipal district of Angaki (com­ bined) ........................................................ 2,652.00 1 justice of the peace for Galimuyod ........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lapog and settle­ ment of Aislang ..................................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lidlidda and mu­ nicipal district of San Emilio (com­ bined) ......................................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Magsingal ......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Nagbukel........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Narvacan ......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Esteban ..... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Ildefonso .... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa ................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Cruz and settlement of Pidpid ...... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Lucia ....... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Santiago and Banayoyo ....................................-................ 972.00 1 justice of the peace for Santo Domingo .... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Sinait ................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tagudin ............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Vigan (capital) 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ tricts of Suyo, Sigay, Sugpon and Alilim (combined) ................................................ 2,448.00 ILOILO 1 justice of the peace for Ajuy .................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Alimodian and Leon ............................................................ 1,428.00 1 justice of the peace for Arevalo............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Balasan.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Banate............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Barotac Nuevo and Dumangas .................................................... 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Barotac Viejo .... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Buenavista ........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cabatuan ........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Calinog .............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Carlos.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Concepcion ----- 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dingle............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Dueñas and Passi .......... .................................... -.................. 1,428.00 1 justice of the peace for Estancia ................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Guimbal ............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Igbaras ............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Iloilo (capital) 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Janiuay ............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Jaro and La Paz 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Jordan................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Lambunao ........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Maasin ............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Miagao ............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Oton ................. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Pavia and Santa Barbara ................................................... 1,428.00 1 justice of the peace for Pototan ............ 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for San Dionisio ..... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Joaquin ......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Miguel ...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sara ..................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tigbauan .......... 756.00 ISABELA 1 justice of the peace for Angadanan......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal district of Antatet.................................................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Bannagao, Dalig and Sili .................. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Cabagan and Santa Maria ............................................. 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Cauayan .............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Echague ........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Gamu................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for llagan (capital) 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Jones ................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Naguilian ........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Palanan ...»........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Reina Mercedes— 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Pablo ........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santiago .............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Mariano.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tumauini.......... 648.00 LANAO 1 justice of the peace for Dansalan (capi­ tal) ............................................................... 1,580.01 1 justice of the peace for Iligan and mu­ nicipal districts of Mumungan and Mandulug ........................................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Mabalang ......—. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Tamparan, Gata, Masitu, Lumbatan, Maging, Malundu, Taraka and Buting 1,200.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Bakulod, Binidayan, Ganassi, Madalum, Madamba, Bayan, Nunuñgan, Pau­ las, Tugaya, Uatu, Tubaran and Tatarikan ................. 1,500.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Balut, Bubong, Ditsaan, Tantar, Marantao, Pantao-Ragat, Susuguiran, Kapai and Sangud ....... ............._................. 1,500.00 LAGUNA 1 justice of the peace for Alaminos.......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bay and Calauan 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Biñan................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Cabuyao........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Calamba and Los Baños .............................................. 1,632.00 1 justice of the peace for Cavinti.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Famy................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lilio and Mag­ dalena ........................................................ 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Loñgos............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Luisiana............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lumban............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mabitac................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Majayjay............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Nagcarlan............ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Paete.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pagsanjan........ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Pakil................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pañgil................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pila........................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Rizal.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Pablo............ 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for San Pedro............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Cruz (capital) .................................................... 3,060.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 229 (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 justice of the peace for Santa Maria..... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Rosa..... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Siniloan............ 648.00 LA UNION 1 justice of the peace for Agoo and Santo Tomas ........................................................ 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Aringay and Caba 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Bacnotan and municipal district of San Gabriel (com­ bined) ........................................................ 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Balaoan and municipal district of Santol (combined) 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Bangar and mu­ nicipal district of Sudipen (combined).. 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Bauang, Naguilian and municipal district of Bagulin (combined) ................................................ 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Rosario.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Fernando (capital) .................................................... 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for San Juan........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tubao and munic­ ipal district of Pugo (combined)........... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal district of Burgos .................................................. 648.00 LEYTE 1 justice of the peace for Abuyog and La Paz .............................................................. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Alangalang........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Albuera................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Anahawan........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Babatñgon......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Barugo.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bato...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Baybay.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Biliran.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Burauen............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Cabalian............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calubian............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Caibiran............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Capoocan and Carigara .................................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Dagami............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dulag.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Hilongos............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Hindang............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Hinunangan........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Hinundayan........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Inopacan............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Jaro...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Kawayan.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Leyte................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Libagon............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Liloan........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Maasin.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Macrohon......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Malitbog............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Maripipi.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Matalom............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Merida.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Naval................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Ormoc............ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Palo.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Palompon........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Pastrana............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pintuyan............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Isidro.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Miguel........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sogod.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tacloban (cap­ ital) ............................................................ 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for Tanauan.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tolosa................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Villaba................. 648.00 MARINDUQUE 1 justice of the peace for Boac (capital) and Mogpog ............................................... 2,142.00 1 justice of the peace for Buenavista and Gasan .......................................................... 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Cruz......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Torrijos.............. 648.00 MAS BATE 1 justice of the peace for Aroroy................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cataiñgan............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dimasalang......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Masbate (capital) 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace fbr Milagros.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Fernando.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Jacinto........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Pascual....... 648.00 MINDORO 1 justice of the peace for Abra de Ilog....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bongabong and Pinamalayan ............................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Bulalacao............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calapan (cap­ ital) .............................................................. 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Looc...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lubang.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mamburao........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mansalay............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Naujan................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Paluan................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pola...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Puerto Galera and municipal districts of Baco and San Teodoro (combined) ............................... 1,836.00 1 justice of the peace for Sablayan.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Jose............. 756.00 MOUNTAIN PROVINCE 1 justice of the peace for Bon toe (capital) and municipal districts of Sadaga, Tinglayan, Sagada, Besao, Natunin, Talubin and Barlig (combined).................... 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of La Trinidad, Tublay, Kapangan, Sabían and Tuba (combined)................ 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Tawit and Allacapan. Subprovince of Apayao (com­ bined) ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Labuagan, Taboc, Subprovince of Kalinga, B alb alan, Pinuepue and Tanodan (combined)........... 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Kiangan, Hunduan, Bumay, Banaue and Mayayao (combined) ................................................ 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Bokod, Buguias, Atok and Kabayan (combined) .........................................,...... 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Ampasugong, Bucan, Kibungan and Manicayan, Sub­ province of Bontoc (combined)........... 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Conner and Cabugao (combined).... 1,080.00 230 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ tricts of Namaltugan and Bayag (com­ bined) ........................ 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Bauki, Kayan, Banao, Sabangan (combined) ................................................ 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Baguio and Itogon (combined) ....................................... 2,040.00 NUEVA ECIJA 1 justice of the peace for Aliaga.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bongabon............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cabanatuan (cap­ ital) .............................................................. 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Cabiao................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Carranglan....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cuyapo............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Gapan.............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Guimba.............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace *for Jaen.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Laur................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Licab.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lupao................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Muñoz................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Nampicuan...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pantabangan...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Papaya.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Peñaranda........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Quezon.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Rizal.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Antonio.... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Isidro........ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Jose.......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for San Leonardo.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Rosa...... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Santo Domingo.. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Talavera...... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Zaragoza...... 648.00 NUEVA VIZCAYA 1 justice of the peace for Aritao and Bang­ bang ............................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Bayombong (ca­ pital), Solano and Bagabag.................. 2,856.00 1 justice of the peace for Dupax and settle­ ment of Macabanga (combined)........... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Imugan, Kayapa and Pingkian (Santa Cjuz), (combined)...................... 1,836.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Pinapagan with territorial jurisdiction limited by the Eastern Watershed of the Magat River on the west, and by Eastern Watershed of the Cagayan River on the east.................... 648.00 OCCIDENTAL MISAMIS 1 justice of the peace for Aloran.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Baliangao........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Clarín.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Jimenez.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Lopez-Jaena....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Misamis.............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Oroquieta (cap­ ital) ............................................................ 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Plaridel............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tangub............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tudela.................. 648.00 ORIENTAL MISAMIS 1 justice of the peace for Balingasag....... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Cagayan (capital) 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Catarman........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Gingoog.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Initao.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mambajao........... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Sagay.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Salay................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Quinoguitan....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tagoloan............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Talisayan........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ tricts of Claveria, Lourdes and Lumbia (combined) ................................................ 648.00 OCCIDENTAL NEGROS 1 justice of the peace for Bacolod (capital) 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Bago.................. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Binalbagan.......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Cadiz and Sagay 1,734.00 1 justice of the peace for Calatrava............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace fjr Cauayan.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Escalante............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Himamaylan........ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Hinigaran............ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Ylog...................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Isabela.............. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Kabankalan......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for La Carlota........... 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for La Castellana.... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Manapla............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Murcia................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Pontevedra.......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Pulupandan......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for San Carlos........... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for San Enrique....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Saravia................ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Silay and Talisay 1,860.00 1 justice of the peace for Villadolid............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Victorias.............. 756.00 ORIENTAL NEGROS 1 justice of the peace for Ayuquitan and Tanjay ........................................................ 1,428.00 1 justice of the peace for Bacon and Dauin 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Bais and Manjuyod ........................................................... 1,428.00 1 justice of the peace for Dumaguete (cap­ ital) ........................................................... 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for Guijulñgan, Vallehermoso and La Libertad........................ 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Jimalalud, Taysan and Ayangon.................................... 1,836.00 1 justice of the peace for Larena............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lasi and Maria.. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Luzuriaga.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Juan and Siquijor ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Siaton.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sibulan................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Enrique Villa­ nueva ........................................................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tolong................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Zamboanguita.... 648.00 PALAWAN 1 justice of the peace for Bacuit, Dumaran and Taytay .............................................. 1,836.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 231 (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL/ SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 justice of the peace for Coron.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cuyo and Agutaya 972.00 1 justice of the peace for Puerto Princesa (capital) and Cagayancillo...................... 1,887.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Aborlan and Brooks Point and Balabac (combined) ..................................... 1,710.00 PAMPANGA 1 justice of the peace for Angeles and Mabalacat ........................................................ 1,734.00 1 justice of the peace for Apalit................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Arayat and Sta. Ana ............................................................. 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Bacolor and Minalin ............................................................ 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Candaba............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Floridablanca...... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Guagua................. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Lubao................... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Macabebe and Masantol .....................—.............................. 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Magalan.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Fernando (capital) and Mexico............................... 3,774.00 1 justice of the peace for San Luis.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Simon.— 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Rita and Porac ............................................................ 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Sexmoan............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Camp Stotsenburg ........-............................... _.................. 648.00 PANGASINAN 1 justice of the peace for Agno............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Aguilar.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Alaminos............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Alcala............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Anda................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Asingan.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Balungao______ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bant..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bautista............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bayambang......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Binalonan........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Binmaley............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bolinao.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bugallon............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Burgos............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calasiao.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Dagupan............. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for DasoL............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Infanta.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Labrador............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lingayen (capital) 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Mabini.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Malasiqui........... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Manaoag and Pozorrubio .................................................. 1,440.00 1 justice of the peace for Mangaldan.......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Mangatarem........ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Mapandan........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Natividad............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Rosales................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Carlos............ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for San Fabian........ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Jacinto........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Manuel........ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Nicolas....... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Quintin....... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Barbara.... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Maria....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santo Tomas...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sisón..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sual....................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tayug.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Umingan.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Urbiztondo....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Urdaneta and Villasis ........................................................ 1,440.00 RIZAL 1 justice of the peace for Antipolo and Teresa .......................................................... 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Baras.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Binangonan......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Cainta.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Caloocan............... 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Cardona................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Jalajala................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Las Pinas............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Makati and Fort McKinley (combined) ........ 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Malabon and Navotas ............................................................ 1,836.00 1 justice of the peace for Marikina.............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Montalban............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Morong............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Muntinlupa.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Parañaque............ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Pasig (capital).. 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Pililla................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Felipe Neri (Mandaluyong) ......................................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Juan........ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for San Mateo........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Taguig and Pa­ teros ................. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Tanay................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Taytay.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Pasay....................... 1,080.00 ROMBLON 1 justice of the peace for Despojol and Odiongan .................................................... 1,200.00 1 justice of the peace for Badajos.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cajidiogan and San Fernando ........................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Jones................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Concepcion.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Looc..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Romblon (capital) 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Corcuera.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Magdiwang......... 648.00 SAMAR 1 justice of the peace for Allen..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Almagro.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Balangiga........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Basey................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bobon................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Borongan and San Julian ................................................. 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Calbayog.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Calbiga................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Capul................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Catarman and Mondragon .................................................. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Catbalogan (cap­ ital) ............................................................. 2,550.00 232 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS (CITY OF MANILA NOT INCLUDED) INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 justice of the peace for Catubig............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dolores.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Gandara............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Guiuan............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Laoang.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Hernani............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lavezares........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Llórente................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Oquendo................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Oras...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Palapag................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pambujan............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Salcedo............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Antonio..... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Margarita.. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Rita......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santo Niño......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sulat.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Taft....................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tarangnan............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tinambacan.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Villareal................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Wright.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Zumarraga........... 648.00 SORSOGON 1 justice of the peace for Bacon.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Barcelona.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bulan................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bulusan............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Casiguran........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Castilla................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Donsol.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Gubat...................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Irosin.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Juban..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Magallanes........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Matnog................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pilar...................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Prieto Diaz........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Magdalena 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sorsogon (ca­ pital) .......................................................... 2,040.00 SULU 1 justice of the peace for Jolo (capital).... 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ tricts of Panamao, Lu-uk, Pata and Tonkil 'combined) ................................. 1,275.00 1 justice of the peace for Pangutaran, Marangas, Patikul, Parang, Mainbang and Talipao (combined) ................................. 1,632.00 SURIGAO 1 justice of the peace for Bacuag and Gi­ gaquit ......................................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Bislig.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cantilan.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Carrascal......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dapa and Numancia ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Dinagat................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for General Luna...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Hinatuan............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lanuza................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lianga.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lingig................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Loreto................ - 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mainit................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Placer. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Surigao (capital) 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Tandag and Tago 1,224.00 TAR LAO 1 justice of the peace for Anao. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bamban. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Camiling and San Clemente............................................ 1,632.00 1 justice of the peace for Capaz.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Concepcion.......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Gerona.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for La Paz................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Mayantoc.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Moncada.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Panique........ ..... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Pura..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Ramos.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Manuel.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Ignacia.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tarlac (capital).... 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for Victoria............... 864.00 TAYABAS 1 justice of the peace for Alabat.... ............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Atimonan........... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Baler..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calauag............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Candelaria.......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Casiguran........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Catanauan_........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dolores.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for General Luna...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Guinayangan........ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Gumaca................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Infanta................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Lopez.................... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Luchan.................. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Lucena (capital) 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Macalelon............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mauban.............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Mulanay.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Padre Burgos........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pagbilao.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Perez.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pitogo.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Polillo.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Quezon................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sampaloc............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Narciso....... _ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sariaya.................. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Tayabas................. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Tiaong................... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Unisan................ 756.00 ZAMBA LES 1 justice of the peace for Botolan.................. 648.00 1 justice óf the peace for Cabangan............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Candaleria............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Castillejos............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Iba (capital)....... 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Masinloc..............- 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Olongapo.............- 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Palauig.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Antonio..............— 648.00 1 justice oí the peace for San Felipe..........- 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Marcelino— 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Narciso 648.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 233 (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 justice of the peace for Santa Cruz.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for' Subic.................. 756.00 ZAMBOANGA 1 justice of the peace for D api tan................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bulong.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lubungan and Dipolog ........................................................ 1,428.00 1 justice of the peace for Isabela de Basilan and municipal districts of Maluso, Lamitan and Taluksañgay (combined).. 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Margosatubig, Kumalarang, Dinas and Labangan (combined)...................... 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Sibuko and Sirawi (combined).......... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Sindangan and Pangamuran (com­ bined) ......................................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Zamboanga (ca­ pital) ............................................................ 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for Kabasalan and Bangaan (combined) .................. 1,224.00 Salaries to be paid to auxiliary justices of the peace acting as justices of the peace when the regular incumbents are absent on official busi­ ness and to justices of the peace to be ap­ pointed by His Excellency, the President of the Philippines for municipal districts to be or­ ganized ....................................................................... 7,316.00 PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS ABBA 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,080.00 94. 2 deputy " sheriffs ................................................ 1,512.00 AGUSAN 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 1,080.00 94. 1 deputy sheriff ................. 756.00 ALBAY 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 ANTIQUE 92. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,275.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs ................................................ 1,512.00 BATAAN 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,080.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs ................................................ 1,512.00 BATANES 94. 1 deputy sheriff .................................................. 756.00 BATANGAS 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 BOHOL 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 BUKIDNON 94. 1 deputy sheriff .................................................. 756.00 BULACAN 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 CAGAYAN 91. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 CAMARINES NORTE 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,080.00 94. 1 deputy sheriff .................................................. 756.00 CAMARINES SUR 91. 1 provincial sheriff ........................................... 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 CAPIZ 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 CAVITE 91. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs ..................................... 2,268.00 CEBU 90. 1 provincial sheriff ........................................... 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 COTABATO 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,080.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 1,512.00 DAVAO 91. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 ILOCOS NORTE 91. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 ILOCOS SUR 91. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 ILOILO 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................ 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 ISABELA 92. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,275.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs ................................................. 1,512.00 LAGUNA 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 LANAO 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,080.00 94. 1 deputy sheriff .................................................. 756.00 LA UNION 91. 1 provincial sheriff .... ........................................ 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs ................................................ 2,268.00 234 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL/ SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION LEYTE PAMPANGA 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs ................................................ 2,268.00 MARINDUQUE 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,080.00 94. 1 deputy sheriff .................................................. 756.00 MASBATE 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,080.00 94. 1 deputy sheriff .................................................. 756.00 MINDORO 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 1,080.00 94. 1 deputy sheriff .................................................. 756.00 MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 1,080.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 1,512.00 MISAMIS ORIENTAL 91. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 MOUNTAIN PROVINCE 91. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 NEGROS OCCIDENTAL 90. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................... 2,268.00 NEGROS ORIENTAL 91. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs ................................................ 2,268.00 NUEVA ECIJA 90. 1 provincial sheriff ........................................... 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 NUEVA VIZCAYA 93. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 1,080.00 94. 1 deputy sheriff ................................................. 756.00 PALAWAN 93. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 1,080.00 94. 1 deputy sheriff .................................................... 756.00 90. 1 provincial sheriff ........................................... 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 PANGASINAN 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 RIZAL 90. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 ROMBLON 93. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 1,080.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 1,512.00 SAMAR 90. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 SORSOGON 91. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 SULU 92. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 1,275.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 1,512.00 SURIGAO 92. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 1,275.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 1,512.00 TARLAC 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs ........... :................................... 2,268.00 TAYABAS 90. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 ZAMBALES 93. 1 provincial sheriff................................................ 1,080.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 1,512.00 ZAMBOANGA 91. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 Total for salaries and wages......................Pl,901,544.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested tow Reference to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS By detail in accordance with Act No. 4042 1. One Public Service Commissioner 1 2. One Senior Associate Commissioner 2 3. One Junior Associate Commissioner 3 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 235 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item Nc Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 4. One secretary ........................................ 1*3,825.00 1*3,825.00 4 5. One supervising engineer................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 5 6. One electrical engineer....................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 6 7. One auditor ......................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 7 8. One chief of division........................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 8 CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 9. One attorney for the Commission..... 2,550.00 2,550.00 9 10. One assistant electrical engineer....... 2,550.00 2,550.00 10 INSPECTORS 11. Three inspectors, at 1*2,040 per annum each ............................................................ 6,120.00 6,120.00 11-12 12. Five inspectors, at f*l,530 per annum each .. STENOGRAPHERS 7,650.00 7,650.00 13-15 13. One stenographer ............................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 16 14. Three stenographers, at 1*1,700 per annum each........................................................ 5,100.00 5,100.00 17-18 15. One stenographer ............................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 19 16. One stenographer ............................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 20 CASHIER AND DISBURSING OFFICER 17. One cashier and disbursing officer.... 1,530.00 1,530.00 21 ASSISTANT SECRETARIES 18. One assistant secretary ..................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 22 19. Three interpreters and deputy secretaries, at 1*1,080 per annum each................... 3,240.00 3,240.00 23 CLERKS 20. One clerk ............................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 25 21. One clerk ............................................. 864.00 864.00 26 22. One clerk ............................................. 756.00 756.00 27 23. Four clerks, at 1*648 per annum each 2,592.00 2,592.00 28 24. Two clerks, at 1*540 per annum each 1,080.00 1,080.00 29 25. Two clerks, at 1*432 per annum each 864.00 864.00 30 26. Two clerks, at 1*240 per annum each 480.00 480.00 31 EMPLOYEES 27. [Technical assistants and] Temporary employees, as follows: (a) One [employee] clerk..................................... 324.00 324.00 32(a) (b) One [employee] clerk ................................. 240.00 240.00 32(6) 236 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1D37 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (c) One [employee] clerk, at T*20 per month.. 180.00 180.00 32(c) (d) One [employee] clerk, at P20 per month 120.00 120.00 32(d) (e) One [employee] clerk, at P=20 per month 100.00 100.00 32(c) MESSENGERS AND LABORERS 28. Two messengers, at 5*324 per annum each .................................................................... 648.00 648.00 33-34 29. One janitor-watchman, with quarters 540.00 540.00 35 30. Two laborers, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 648.00 648.00 36 Total.................................................... 64,340.00 64,340.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS 1. 1 Public Service Commissioner, by detail in accordance with Act No. 4042. 2. 1 Senior Associate Commissioner, by detail in accordance with Act No. 4042. 3. 1 Junior Associate Commissioner, by detail in accordance with Act No. 4042. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 4. 1 secretary ............................................................ P3.825.00 18. 1 assistant secretary ........................................ 1,700.00 16. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 1,080.00 23. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 26. 1 cleric ................................................................... 240.00 28. 2 messengers, at P324 per annum each............ 648.00 27(a). 1 clerk .......................................-...................- 324.00 27(b). 1 clerk ................................ -........................... 240.00 30. 2 laborers, at P324 per annum each.............. 648.00 29. 1 janitor-watchman, with quarters .................. 540.00 Legal Section 9. 1 attorney for the Commission ........................... 2,550.00 22. 1 clerk ................................... 756.00 23. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 Stenographers and Deputy Secretaries Section 13. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 2,040.00 14. 3 stenographers, at Pl,700 per annum each.... 5,100.00 19. 3 interpreters and deputy secretaries, at P1.080 per annum each ............................................. 3,240.00 TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 5. 1 supervising engineer ......................................... 5,100.00 11. 1 inspector ..............................................................- 2,040.00 12. 4 inspectors, at Pl,530 per annum each ............ 6,120.00 21. 1 clerk .................-................................................. 864.00 INDUSTRIAL DIVISION 6. 1 electrical engineer .............................................. 4,250.00 10. 1 assistant electrical engineer ........................... 2,550.00 11. 1 inspector ............................................................. 2,040.00 12. 1 inspector ............................................................ 1,530.00 15. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 1,224.00 AUDITING DIVISION 7. 1 auditor ................................................................ 3,825.00 11. 1 inspector ............................................................ 2,040.00 17. 1 cashier and disbursing officer......................... 1,530.00 23. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 24. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 RECORDS DIVISION 8. 1 chief of division.................................................. 2,040.00 20. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 23. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 24. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 25. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 864.00 26. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 27(c). 1 clerk, at P20 per month............................. 180.00 27(d). 1 clerk, at P20 per month............................ 120.00 27(c). 1 clerk, at P20 per month............................ 100.00 Total for salaries and wages .................... P64.340.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 237 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 1 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF PRISONS DIRECTORS 1. One Director of Prisons, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry and service ................................................................ ¥=4,250.00 ¥=4,250.00 1 2. One Assistant Director of Prisons, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laun­ dry and service ................................................ 3,400.00 3,400.00 2 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One chief clerk and executive inspector ................................................................ 2,975.00 2,975.00 8 4. One [intern] medical officer and chief of division, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .............................................................. 3,060.00 3,060.00 5 SUPERINTENDENTS All with quarters in kind 5. Two superintendents, with furnished quarters, at 1*3,400 per annum each............... 6,800.00 6,800.00 8-9 6. One superintendent for Bilibid Pris­ ons, with furnished quarters........................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 10 7. Two assistant superintendents, with furnished quarters, at 5*2,890 per annum each .................................................................... 5,780.00 5,780.00 11 physicians 8. Three [interns] medical officers, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at 1*2,040 per annum each................................................ 6,120.00 6,120.00 12-14 9. One [intern] medical officer, with subsistence, quarters and laundry................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 15 CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 10. One chief of section............................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 16 11. One chief of section............................. 1,428.00 1,428.00 17 12. One chief of section............................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 18 13. One chief of section............................. 1,275.00 1,275.00 19 CASHIERS 14. One cashier and disbursing officer..... 15. One chief clerk and cashier, with 1,530.00 1,530.00 20 quarters in kind................................................ 1,530.00 1,530.00 21 PROPERTY CLERKS 16. One property clerk, with quarters in kind................................................................ 1,275.00 1,275.00 22 238 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized inference to item humbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF 17. One property clerk, with quarters in kind................................................................ PRISONS 864.00 864.00 23 CLERKS 18. One clerk .............................................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 25 19. One clerk ............................................. 1,224.00 1,224.00 26 20. Two clerks, at 1*1,122 per annum each .................................................................... 2,244.00 2,244.00 27 21. One [assistant chief accountant] clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 7 22. One clerk ............................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 28 23. Two clerks, at 5*864 per annum each.. 1,728.00 1,728.00 29 24. One [bookkeeper] clerk..................... 756.00 756.00 24 25. One clerk ............................................. 756.00 756.00 31 26. Three clerks, at 1*540 per annum each .................................................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 33-35 STENOGRAPHER 27. One stenographer ............................... 972.00 972.00 36 TEACHERS AND INSTRUCTORS 28. One band leader................................... 864.00 864.00 38 29. One band leader, with quarters in kind .................................................................... 756.00 756.00 39 30. Two chaplains, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 40 31. Two chaplains, with quarters in kind, at Pl,080 per annum each............................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 41 32. One principal teacher........................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 42 33. Two teachers, at P648 per annum each .................................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 43-44 34. One farming instructor, with quar­ ters in kind........................................................ 1,530.00 1,530.00 45 NURSES AND ATTENDANTS All with subsistence, quarters and laundry 35. One nurse............................................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 46 36. One nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry in kind........................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 47 37. One nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry in kind........................................... 648.00 648.00 48 38. One hospital attendant....................... 648.00 648.00 49 39. Three hospital attendants, at 1*432 per annum each ............................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 50 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 239 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU PHARMACIST 40. One pharmacist, with subsistence, quarters and laundry....................................... DENTIST 41. One dentist............................................ INSPECTORS AND OVERSEER 42. Two guard inspectors, at 5=2,125 per annum each ...................................................... 43. One guard inspector........................... 44. One sanitary inspector, with subsist­ ence, quarters and laundry.............................. 45. One general overseer, with quarters in kind ................................................................ FOREMEN AND MATRON 46. One matron ......................................... 47. One ranch foreman, with quarters in kind .................................................................... 48. One kitchen and bakery foreman..... 49. One foreman, mechanical engineer, with quarters in kind........................................ 50. One agricultural foreman, with quar­ ters in kind ........................................................ 51. One agricultural foreman, with quar­ ters in kind........................................................ 52. One foreman, building construction, with quarters in kind....................................... 53. One road and bridge foreman, with quarters in kind................................................ 54. One copra foreman, with quarters in kind .................................................................... 55. One supply and equipment foreman, with quarters in kind........................................ 56. One cattle foreman, with quarters in kind .............................................. ,.................... 57. One fisher foreman, with quarters in kind .................................................................... SERGEANTS OF THE GUARDS 58. Three sergeants of the guards, at 5=864 per annum each....................................... OF PRISONS 1,700.00 1,700.00 51 1,080.00 1,080.00 52 4,250.00 4,250.00 54-55 1,938.00 1,938.00 56 432.00 432.00 57 1,530.00 1,530.00 58 1,080.00 1,080.00 59 2,040.00 2,040.00 60 1,080.00 1,080.00 61 1,080.00 1,080.00 62 972.00 972.00 63 648.00 648.00 64 864.00 864.00 65 810.00 810.00 66 648.00 648.00 67 540.00 540.00 68 432.00 432.00 69 324.00 324.00 70 2,592.00 2,592.00 71 240 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF PRISONS 59. One first sergeant, with quarters in kind .................................................................... 648.00 648.00 72 60. One provost sergeant, with quarters in kind ................................................................ 432.00 432.00 73 61. Three duty sergeants, with quarters in kind, at P360 per annum each................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 74 KEEPERS 62. Sixteen keepers, at P810 per annum each ................. .................................................. 12,960.00 12,960.00 75-77 GUARDS 63. Two first-class guards, at Pl,700 per annum each........................................................ 3,400.00 3,400.00 78-79 64. Two first-class guards, at Pl,530 per annum each........................................................ 3,060.00 3,060.00 80-81 65. Three first-class guards, at 1*1,080 per annum each........................................................ 3,240.00 3,240.00 82-83 66. Twenty-one second-class guards, at F648 per annum each....................................... 13,608.00 13,608.00 84-88 67. Four third-class guards, at 1*540 per annum each........................................................ 2,160.00 2,160.00 89-90 68. Fifty third-class guards, at P486 per annum each ................................................ ....... 24,300.00 24,300.00 91 69. Six corporals, with quarters in kind, at P300 per annum each................................... 1,800.00 1,800.00 92 70. Sixty-nine privates, with quarters in kind, at P240 per annum each....................... 16,560.00 16,560.00 93 MESSENGER 71. One messenger..................................... 324.00 324.00 94 MISCELLANEOUS 72. Subsistence, quarters and laundry for the employees of the sanitary division.... 6,240.00 6,240.00 95 73. Reenlistment pay (for San Ramon guards) .............................................................. 1,500.00 1,500.00 96 74. Subsistence of eighty prison guards at P0.24 per diem each..................................... 7,008.00 7,008.00 97 75. Subsistence of the Director and As­ sistant Director, at P768 per annum each.... 1,536.00 1,536.00 98 Total ................................................. 199,123.00 199,123.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 241 (5) BUREAU OF PRISONS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director of Prisons, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry and service....... P4.250.00 2. 1 Assistant Director of Prisons, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry and service ............................................................. 3,400.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 3. 1 chief clerk and executive inspector.............. 2,975.00 27. 1 stenographer ..............................................,...... 972.00 20. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,122.00 23. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 21. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 26. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 25. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 71. 1 messenger .................................... -..................... 324.00 Records Seption 13. 1 chief of section.................................................... 1,275.00 23. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 26. 1 clerk ....... 540.00 Documents Section 12. 1 chief of section..................................................... 1,326.00 19. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,224.00 24. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 756.00 Identification Section 11. 1 chief of section...................................................... 1,428.00 20. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,122.00 Miscellaneous Section 18. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,326.00 46. 1 matron ................................................................ 1,080.00 22. 1 clerk ........ 1,080.00 28. 1 band leader ......................................................_ 864.00 48. 1 kitchen and bakery foreman.......................... 1,080.00. Educational Section 30. 2 chaplains, at Pl,080 per annum each............„ 2,160.00 32. 1 principal teacher ............................................ 1,080.00 33. 2 teachers, at P648 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 Property Section 10. 1 chief of section.................................................. 1,530.00 Cash and Disbursing Section 14. 1 cashier and disbursing officer.......................... 1,530.00 26. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 GUARD DIVISION 6. 1 sueprintendent for Bilibid Prisons, with furnished quarters ...................................... 2,720.00 42. 2 guard inspectors, at P2,125 per annum each 4,250.00 43. 1 guard inspector ............. „........................... 1,938.00 63. 2 first-class guards, at Pl,700 per annum each ............................................................. 3,400.00 64. 2 first-class guards, at Pl,530 per annum each ............................................................... .. 3,060.00 65. 3 first-class guards, at Pl,080 per annum each ............................................... 3,240.00 58. 3 sergeants of the guards, at P864 per annum each ................................................................. 2,592.00 62. 16 keepers, at P810 per annum each................. 12,960.00 66. 21 second-class guards, at P648 per annum each ..................................................................... 13,608.00 67. 4 third-class guards, at P540 per annum each 2,160.00 68. 50 third-class guards, at P486 per annum each ................................................................... 24,300.00 SANITARY DIVISION All with subsistence, quarters and laundry 4. 1 medical officer and chief of sanitary division 3,060.00 8. 2 medical officers, at P2,040 per annum each.. 4,080.00 40. 1 pharmacist ........................................................ 1,700.00 35. 1 nurse ................-................................................. 1,530.00 41. 1 dentist ................................................................. 1,080.00 38. 1 hospital attendant ............................................. 648.00 39. 3 hospital attendants, at P432 per annum each ................................................................. 1,296.00 44. 1 sanitary inspector .............................................. 432.00 72. Subsistence, quarters and laundry for the em­ ployees of the sanitary division: 1 medical officer and chief of sanitary di­ vision ......................................................... 1,056.00 2 medical officers ....... 1,728.00 1 pharmacist ................................................ 576.00 1 nurse .............................................. 480.00 4 hospital attendants .................................... 1,920.00 1 sanitary inspector.................................... 480.00 IWAHIG PENAL COLONY DIVISION All with quarters in kind 5. 1 superintendent, with furnished quarters....... 3,400.00 7. 1 assistant superintendent, with furnished quarters .......................................................... 2,890.00 8. 1 medical officer, with subsistence, quarters and laundry ................................................... 2,040.00 36. 1 nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laun­ dry in kind .................................................. 1,080.00 47. 1 ranch foreman ................................................... 2,040.00 45. 1 general overseer .................................... „........ 1,530.00 34. 1 farming instructor ............................................. 1,530.00 15. 1 chief clerk and cashier..................................... 1,530.00 50. 1 agricultural foreman ....................................... 972.00 29. 1 band leader ......................................................... 756.00 51. 1 agricultural foreman ....................................... 648.00 31. 2 chaplains, at Pl,080 per annum each............ 2,160.00 52. 1 foreman, building construction...................... 864.00 17. 1 property clerk .................................................... 864.00 49. 1 foreman, mechanical engineer..........-............... 1,080.00 53. 1 road and bridge foreman................................. 810.00 55. 1 supply and equipment foreman...................... 540.00 56. 1 cattle foreman ........... 432.00 57. 1 fisher foreman .................................................. 324.00 SAN RAMON PENAL FARM DIVISION All with quarters in kind 5. 1 superintendent, with furnished quarters....... 3,400.00 7. 1 assistant superintendent, with furnished quarters ............................................................ 2,890.00 9. 1 medical officer, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................-......................... 1,530.00 16. 1 property clerk .................................................... 1,275.00 37. 1 nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laun­ dry in kind .................................................... 648.00 54. 1 copra foreman .................................................. 648.00 59* 1 first sergeant .................................................... 648.00 60. 1 provost sergeant .............................................. 432.00 61. 3 duty sergeants, at P360.00 per annum each 1,080.00 69. 6 corporals, at P300 per annum each........— 1,800.00 299081 -16 242 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (5) BUREAU OF PRISONS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 70. 69 privates, at P240 per annum each............... 16,560.00 73. Reenlistment pay: 1 first sergeant at Pl per month............ 12.00 2 duty sergeants at P6 per month each.. 144.00 1 duty sergeant at P2 per month............ 24.00 2 corporals at P6 per month each......... 144.00 1 corporal at P3 per month..................... 36.00 1 corporal at P2 per month..................... 24.00 1 corporal at Pl per month..................... 12.00 2 privates at P6 per month each........... 144.00 3 privates at P5 per month each............ 180.00 1 private at P4 per month...................... 48.00 4 privates at P3 per month each............ 144.00 4 privates at P2 per month each............ 96.00 41 privates at Pl per month each............ 492.00 74. Subsistence of eighty prison guards at P0.24 per diem each: 1 first sergeant .......................................... 87.60 1 provost sergeant ................................... 87.60 3 duty sergeants ....................................... 262.80 6 corporals .................................................. 525.60 69 privates ...................................................... 6,044.40 MISCELLANEOUS 75. Subsistence of the Director and Assistant Director at P768 per annum each................ 1,536.00 Total for salaries and wages.—.................. P199,123.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested iQOft Reference to item lydo numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated [BUREAU OF PRISONS---- INDUSTRIAL DIVISION] [chiefs of sections] [One chief of section].......................... [One chief of section].......................... [superintendents of shops] [One superintendent of machine and vehicle shop, Section “A”]............................... [One superintendent of hardwood furniture shop, Section “B”]......................... [One superintendent of building con­ struction and repair shop, Section “C”]....... [One superintendent of rattan and bamboo furniture shop, Section “D”]........... [One superintendent of tailor shop, Section “F”]...................................................... [One superintendent of laundry shop, Section “G”]...................................................... [clerks] [One clerk] ......................................... [Two clerks, at ¥=810 per annum each] .................................................................. [One clerk] .......................................... [One clerk] .......................................... [One clerk] ......................................... [One clerk] ......................................... [mechanic] [One automobile mechanic] ............. ¥=1,530.00 1 1,080.00 3 2,550.00 4 2,040.00 5 1,530.00 6 2,040.00 7 1,026.00 8 1,122.00 9 1,080.00 10 1,620.00 11 756.00 12 648.00 13 432.00 17 240.00 18 2,040.00 19 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 243 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1937 1936 Reference to item rWailc Iyó° numbers of Act Budget requested authorized No. 4231. unless Item No. otherwise stated [(G) BUREAU OF PRISONS---- INDUSTRIAL DIVISION] [chauffeur] [One chauffeur] ............................................................ 648.00 20 [laborers] [One wood-carver]........................................................ 1,530.00 1,530.00 810.00 21 [One blacksmith] ...................................................... 22 [One foreman] ...................................................... 23 [For skilled, semi-skilled and un­ skilled laborers] ....................................................................... 8,411.50 24 [miscellaneous] [For payment to the Bureau of Pris­ ons for services rendered by prisoners for the benefit of the Industrial Division, and paid for from Prison Fund]...................................................... 14,036.50 25 Total .......................................................................... 46,700.00 ( 7) GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE 1. One Chief of the Office........................ CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 2. One chief of division ......................... 3. Two chiefs of divisions, at P3,400 per annum each ................................................ 4. Two chiefs of divisions, at Fl,530 per annum each................................................ REGISTERS OF DEEDS 5. One superintendent of registers of deeds [clerk] .................................................... 6. One register of deeds......................... 7. Four registers of deeds, at P2,550 per annum each........................................................ 8. One [deputy] register of deeds......... 9. Ten registers of deeds, at P2,040 per annum each........................................................ 10. Fifteen registers of deeds, at Pl,530 per annum each ................................................ [One register of deeds]..................... 11. One deputy register of deeds............... P6,120.00 P6,120.00 1 4,080.00 4,080.00 2 6,800.00 6,800.00 3 3,060.00 3,060.00 5 2,040.00 2,040.00 44 4,250.00 4,250.00 7 10,200.00 10,200.00 8-9 2,550.00 2,550.00 6 20,400.00 20,400.00 10-11 22,950.00 22,950.00 12,14 1,530.00 13 1,080.00 1,080.00 15 244 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details 1936 authorized (7) GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 12. One chief of section............................. 13. One chief of section [clerk]............... 14. One chief of section........................... 15. One cashier and disbursing officer.... 16. One chief of section........................... 17. One chief of section............................. 18. One chief of section........................... 19. One chief of section............................. 20. One chief of section [clerk]............... 21. Two chiefs of sections, at 1*864 per annum each........................................................ 22. One chief of section [clerk]............... 23. One chief of section........................... SURVEYORS 24. Two surveyors, at P2,550 per annum each .................................................................... 25. One assistant surveyor....................... 26. One assistant surveyor...................... . STENOGRAPHERS 27. One clerk-stenographer....................... 28. Six stenographers, at 1*2,040 per an­ num each............................................................ 29. Two stenographers, at 1*1,700 per annum each........................................................ INTERPRETERS 30. Three interpreters, at 1*1,080 per annum each........................................................ DEPUTY CLERKS 31. Ten deputy clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each........................................................ CLERKS 32. Two clerks, at 1*2,040 per annum each .................................................................... 33. One clerk ............................................. 34. One clerk................................................ 35. Five clerks, at Pl,224 per annum each .................................................................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 16 2,040.00 2,040.00 42 1,700.00 1,700.00 17 1,530.00 1,530.00 18 1,530.00 1,530.00 19 1,224.00 1,224.00 20 1,122.00 1,122.00 22 1,080.00 1,080.00 23 972.00 972.00 53 1,728.00 1,728.00 24 864.00 864.00 57 756.00 756.00 25 5,100.00 5,100.00 28 1,326.00 1,326.00 29 1,224.00 1,224.00 30 2,040.00 2,040.00 31 12,240.00 12,240.00 32-35 3,400.00 3,400.00 36 3,240.00 3,240.00 37 10,800.00 10,800.00 38-40 4,080.00 4,080.00 41, 43 1,530.00 1,530.00 45 1,326.00 1,326.00 46 6,120.00 6,120.00 47-49 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 245 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 requested Details 1936 authorized (7) GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE 36. One clerk ............................................ 37. Eight clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum 1,122.00 1,122.00 50 each .................................................................... 8,640.00 8,640.00 51-52 38. Two clerks, at 1*972 per annum each.. 1,944.00 1,944.00 53 39. Twenty clerks, at 1*864 per annum each .................................................................... 17,280.00 17,280.00 54-56 40. Twenty-two clerks, at 1*756 per an­ num each............................................................ 16,632.00 16,632.00 58-62,64 41. One clerk [chief of section]............... 648.00 648.00 27 42. Forty-three clerks, at 1*648 per an­ num each ............................................................ 27,864.00 27,864.00 65-66 43. Forty-five clerks, at 1*540 per annum each .................................................................... 24,300.00 24,300.00 68-70 44. One clerk .............................................. 529.00 529.00 71 45. Forty-seven clerks, at 1*432 per an­ num each............................................................ 20,304.00 20,304.00 72-75 46. Sixteen clerks, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 5,184.00 5,184.00 76-78 47. Four clerks, at 1*240 per annum each 960.00 960.00 79 TYPISTS 48. One clerk-typist................................... 648.00 648.00 80 49. One clerk-typist.................................... 540.00 540.00 81 50. One clerk-typist.................................... 432.00 432.00 82 51. Five typists, at 1*540 per annum each 2,700.00 2,700.00 83 52. Ten typists, at 1*432 per annum each 4,320.00 4,320.00 84 53. Three typists, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 972.00 972.00 85 DRAFTSMEN 54. One draftsman ................................... 648.00 648.00 87 55. Three draftsmen, at 1*540 per annum each .................................................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 88 56. Three draftsmen, at 1*432 per annum each .................................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 89 COMPUTERS 57. One computer ...................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 90 58. Two computers, at 1*756 per annum each .................................................................... 1,512.00 1,512.00 91 MESSENGERS 59. Ten messengers, at 1*432 per annum each ................................................................... 4,320.00 4,320.00 92 246 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 60. Seven messengers, at 5*240 per annum (7) GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE each .................................................................... 1,680.00 1,680.00 93 61. One messenger-porter ....................... 240.00 240.00 94 MISCELLANEOUS 62. One mimeograph operator................... 324.00 324.00 95 63. One blueprinter ................................... 432.00 432.00 96 64. One head janitor.................................... 65. One janitor-messenger [vault648.00 648.00 98 keeper] .............................................................. 66. Two vault-keepers, at ¥=432 per an432.00 432.00 108 num each ............................................................ 67. Seven janitors, at '¥324 per annum 864.00 864.00 107 each .................................................................... 2,268.00 2,268.00 99,101, 102,104 68. One watchman...................................... 324.00 324.00 109 69. One watchman [janitor]................... 324.00 324.00 100 70. One janitor-porter ............................. 71. Two laborers, at ¥324 per annum 324.00 324.00 103 each ...... :............................................................ 648.00 648.00 110 72. One laborer-stitcher ........................... 324.00 324.00 97 73. One laborer-porter .............................. 74. Twenty-five janitors, at ¥240 per an­ 324.00 324.00 111 num each .......................................................... 75. Temporary and emergency em­ ployees, including laborers, as follows : 6,000.00 6,000.00 105,106 CLERKS (a) Eleven clerks, at 1*432 per annum each.. 4,752.00 4,752.00 112(a)-(e) (b) One clerk ....................................................... 378.00 378.00 (/) (c) One clerk ........................................................ 324.00 324.00 (iZ) (d) One cclerk ..................................................... 300.00 300.00 W (e) Thirty-six clerks, at F240 per annum each 8,640.00 8,640.00 (0 TYPISTS (/) Fourteen typists, at 1*432 per annum each 6,048.00 6,048.00 O')-(w) (p) One typist ...................................................... 324.00 324.00 M (/i) Three typists, at 1*240 per annum each.... MISCELLANEOUS (i) Seven draftsmen, at 1*432 per annum 720.00 720.00 (o) each ............................................................. 3,024.00 3,024.00 (p)-(q) (j) One messenger ............................................. 240.00 240.00 (t) (A;) One janitor-messenger ............................... 432.00 432.00 (r) (0 One janitor-messenger ............................... 378.00 378.00 (s) F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 247 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference t0 'tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (7) GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE (m) One janitor-messenger [laborer-vaultkeeper] ............................................................ (n) Three messenger-janitors, at F240 per annum each ................................................... (o) One janitor-messenger [laborer-assistant blueprinter] ................................................. (p) Four laborer-vault-keepers, at 1*324 per annum each ................................................... (q) Less—savings from item 75(a)' to item 75(p) .............................................................. Total.................................................... 324.00 324.00 (w) 720.00 720.00 M 324.00 324.00 (v) 1,296.00 1,296.00 (w) (1,740.00) (l,740.00>) M 340,357.00 341,887.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Chief of the Office ......................................... P6,120.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ..............-......................... 3,400.00 5. 1 superintendent of registers of deeds.......... ..... 2,040.00 27. 1 clerk-stenographer ......................................... 2,040.00 15. 1 cashier and disbursing officer............................ 1,530.00 37. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 Personnel Section 13. 1 chief of section .................................................. 2,040.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 43. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,080.00 60. 1 messenger ......................................................... 240.00 Records Section 21. 1 chief of section .................................................. 86Í.00 89. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 40. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 43. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 59. 1 messenger .......................................................... 432.00 75 (m). 1 janitor-messenger ..................................... 324.00 Typewriting Section 20. 1 chief of section ................................................. 972.00 45. 2 clerks .................................................................. 864.00 75(a). 1 clerk ............................................................. 432.00 75(e). 6 clerks ............................................................ 1,440.00 51. 5 typists ................................................................. 2,700.00 52. 10 typists ............................................................... 4,320.00 53. 1 typist ................................................................... 324.00 75(f). 12 typists .......................................................... 5,184.00 75(h). 3 typists .......................................................... 720.00 61. 1 messenger-porter ............................................ 240.00 62. 1 mimeograph operator ..................................... 324.00 Titles Checking and Mailing Section 22. 1 chief of section .............................................. 864.00 42. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 43. 3 clerks ................................................................. 1,620.00 45. 4 clerks ................................................................. 1,728.00 Detailed in the Office of the Secretary of Justice 49. 1 clerk-typist .......................................................... 540.00 50. 1 clerk-typist .......................................................... 432.00 75 (j). 1 messenger ...................................................... 240.00 75(h). 1 janitor-messenger ....................................... 432.00 LAND TITLES DIVISION 2. 1 chief of division ............................................... 4,080.00 57. 1 computer ............................................................. 1,080.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 48. 1 clerk-typist ......................................................... 648.00 60. 1 messenger ............................................................. 240.00 75 (Z). 1 janitor-messenger ......................................... 378.00 Section of Examination of Surveys and Plans 24. 2 surveyors ............................................................ 5,100.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,326.00 Drafting Section 16. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,530.00 26. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................. 1,224.00 58. 1 computer .......................................................... 756.00 54. 1 draftsman .......................................................... 648.00 55. 3 draftsmen .......................................................... 1,620.00 56. 3 draftsmen ............................................................ 1,296.00 75 (i). 7 draftsmen ...................................................... 3,024.00 75(e). 1 clerk ............................................................... 240.00 63. 1 blueprinter ......................................................... 432.00 60. 1 messenger .......................................................... 240.00 Section of Land Subdivision 17. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,224.00 58. 1 computer ............................................................ 756.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 43. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 45. 2 clerks .................................................................. 864.00 Publication Section 19. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,080.00 40. 1 clerk ..................................................... 756.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 43. 1 clerk .................................................................. 640.00 248 F— DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ( 7 ) GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 45. 3 clerks .................................................................. 1,296.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 75(e). 1 clerk ........................................................... 240.00 Ordinary Decree Section 18. 1 chief of section ................................................... 1,122.00 31. 1 deputy clerk .................................................... 1,080.00 37. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 42. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 43. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 Cadastral Decree Section 12. 1 chief of section ............................................... 2,720.00 31. 1 deputy clerk .................................................... 1,080.00 37. 1 clerk ............ 1,080.00 38. 1 clerk .................................................................... 972.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 40. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,512.00 42. 3 clerks .................................................................. 1,944.00 43. 3 clerks .... 1,620.00 45. 5 clerks .................................................................. 2,160.00 75(a). 1 clerk .............................................................. 432.00 47. 3 clerks ................................................................... 720.00 75(c). 7 clerks .............................................................. 1,680.00 75(f). 2 typists ............................................................ 864.00 JUDICIAL DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ............................................. 3,400.00 32. 2 clerks ...............................................................«... 4,080.00 42. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 648.00 60. 1 messenger ............................................................ 240.00 DOCKET DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division ......... 1,530.00 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 60. 1 messenger .......................................................... 240.00 Document Section 21. 1 chief of section ............................................... 864.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 40. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 42. 4 clerks ................................................................. 2,592.00 43. 1 clerk ............ 540.00 45. 3 clerks ................................................................. 1,296.00 75(c). 2 clerks ................. 480.00 72. 1 laborer-stitcher .................................................. 324.00 73. 1 laborer-porter ................................................... 324.00 Miscellaneous - Section 41. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 43. 3 clerks ................................................................ 1,620.00 44. 1 clerk ................................................................... 529.00 45. 3 clerks .......................v.......................................... 1,296.00 75(a). 2 clerks ............................................................ 480.00 60. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 Auditing Section 23. 1 chief of section ................................................ 756.00 PROPERTY DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division .................................................... 1,530.00 42. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 648.00 43. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 540.00 64. 1 head janitor ........................................................ 648.00 67. 2 janitors ............................................................... 648.00 74. 1 janitor ............................................................... 240.00 65. 1 janitor-messenger ............................................... 432.00 70. 1 janitor-porter .................................................. 324.00 75 (?n). 1 janitor-messenger ..................................... 324.00 66. 1 vault-keeper ........................................................ 432.00 75 (p). 3 laborer-vault-keepers ................................. 972.00 75(o). 1 janitor-messenger ....................................... 324.00 68. 1 watchman .......................................................... 324.00 69. 1 watchman ........................................................... 324.00 OFFICES OF THE REGISTERS OF DEEDS ABBA 45. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 AGUSAN 45. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 ALBAY 9. 1 register of deeds ................................................ 2,040.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 43. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 45.. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 75(a). 1 clerk ........ 432.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger ............................................. 240.00 ANTIQUE 43. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 46. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 324.00 75 (n). 1 janitor-messenger ....................................... 240.00 BATAAN 43. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 45. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger ............................................ 240.00 BATANES 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 BATANGAS 10. 1 register of deeds .............................................. 1,530.00 40. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 43. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger .............................................. 240.00 BENGUET AND BAGUIO 10. 1 register of deeds................................................. 1,530.00 40. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger .............................................. 240.00 BOHOL 10. 1 register of deeds ................................................ 1,530.00 43. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger ........................................... 240.00 BUKIDNON 43. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 BULACAN 9. 1 register of deeds ................................................ 2,040.00 39. 1 clerk ..................................................................-- 864.00 42. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 43. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 75(a). 1 clerk ............................................................. 432.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger ..................... 240.00 249 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ( 7 ) GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION ISABELA CAGAYAN 1,530.00 IV. X rufcioiur ui UUUU3 ........................................ 432.00 324.00 1 cliirlr ................................ 240.00 CAMARINES NORTE 540.00 Ad’ 1 ........... ...................................... 324.00 74. 1 janitor ............................................................ 240.00 CAMARINES SUR 10. 1 register of deeds ................................................ 40. 46. 1 clerk ................. 756.00 1 clerk ....................................... ............. 324.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger CAPIZ 10. ' 1 register of deeds ................................................ 1,530.00 42. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648 00 43. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger ...................... 240.00 CAVITE 10. 1 register of deeds ................................................ 1,530.00 42. 1 clerk ..................-.............-.................................. 648.00 45. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger ......................-...................... 240.00 CEBU 7. 1 register of deeds................................................ 2,550.00 35. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,224.00 37. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 39. 1 clerk ....................................................................- 864.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 43. 1 clerk ............. -..................................................... 540.00 46. 1 clerk ................................................................... 324.00 67. 1 janitor ............................................................... 324.00 COTABATO ^2. 1 clerk ..................................... ........... 648.00 DAVAO 10. 1 register of deeds ............................ ............. 1,530.00 40 1 clprlf ..... ................. ............ 756.00 45 1 cipria .............. ............... 432.00 74. 1 janitor ................. -......................... 240.00 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 75(a). 1 clerk .............................................................. 432.00 74. 1 janitor ................................................................. 240.00 LAGUNA 9. 1 register of deeds .............................................. 2,040.00 35. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 40. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 756.00 42. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 42. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 75(e). 1 clerk .............................................................. 240.00 74. 1 janitor ................................................................. 240.00 LANAO 75(a). 1 clerk .............................................................. 432.00 LA UNION 10. 1 register of deeds ................................................. 1,530.00 43. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 45. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 74. 1 janitor ............................................................... 240.00 LEYTE 9. 1 register of deeds ................................................. 2,040.00 11. 1 deputy register of deeds................................... 1,080.00 39. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 43. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 74. 1 janitor ............................................................... 240.00 MANILA. 6. 1 register of deeds................................................ 4,250.00 8. 1 register of deeds ............................................. 2,550.00 14. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,700.00 33. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,530.00 34. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,326.00 35. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 37. 3 clerks .................................................................. 3,240.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 40. 4 clerks ................................................................... 3,024.00 42. 2 clerks ................................................................... 1,296.00 43. 2 clerks ................................................................... 1,080.00 75(a). 2 clerks ............................................................ 864.00 75(e). 1 clerk .............................................................. 240.00 60. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 70. 1 janitor-porter ...................................................... 324.00 71. 1 vault-keeper ........................................................ 432.00 74. 2 laborers ............................................................... 648.00 ILOCOS NORTE 10. 1 register of deeds .................................................. 1,530.00 42. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 648.00 46. 1 clerk ............................ -........................................ 324.00 75(e). 1 clerk ............................................................. 240.00 75 (n). 1 messenger-janitor ......................................... 240.00 ILOCOS SUR 10. 1 register of deeds ................ 1,530.00 42. 1 clerk -............................................................... 648.00 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger ......—......_.......................... 240.00 ILOILO 7. 1 register of deeds................................................. 2,550.00 35. 1 clerk .................................... 1,224.00 89. 1 clerk .............................. 864.00 42. 1 clerk ...»................................................................. 648.00 43. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 75(c). 3 clerks ............ Í.... 720.00 67. 1 janitor ............................. 324.00 MARINDUQUE 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 MASBATE 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 MINDORO 42. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 46. 1 clerk .................. 324.00 75(e). 1 clerk ............................................................. 240.00 MOUNTAIN PROVINCE 42. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 NUEVA ECIJA 9. 1 register of deeds .............................................. 2,040.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648-00 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432-00 75(a). 1 clerk ............................................................. 432 00 250 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (7) GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 75(c). 2 clerks ............................................................. 480.00 samar 74. 1 janitor ................................................................. 240.00 NUEVA VIZCAYA 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 75(a). 1 clerk .............................................................. 432.00 OCCIDENTAL MISAMIS 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 OCCIDENTAL NEGROS 7. 1 register of deeds................................................... 2,550.00 35. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 40. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,512.00 42. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,296.00 43. 3 clerks .................................................................. 1,620.00 45. 4 clerks .................................................................. 1,728.00 72. 1 laborer-slitcher ..... 324.00 ORIENTAL MISAMIS 10. 1 register of deeds .................................................. 1,530.00 75(a). 1 clerk .............................................................. 432.00 75(d). 1 clerk ............................................................... 300.00 ORIENTAL NEGROS 10. 1 register of deeds............................................... 1,530.00 40. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 75(e). 1 clerk ................................................................ 240.00 74. 1 janitor ................................................................ 240.00 PALAWAN 75(e). 1 clerk ................................................................ 240.00 PAMPANGA 9. 1 register of deeds................................................. 2,040.00 39. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 864.00 42. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 648.00 43. 2 clerks .................................................................... 1,080.00 74. 1 janitor .............................................................. 240.00 PANGASINAN 7. 1 register of deeds................................................ 2,550.00 40. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 756.00 43. 2 clerks ................................................................... 1,080.00 46. 2 clerks ................................................................... 648.00 75(e). 1 clerk ............................................................... 240.00 53. 1 typist ................................................................... 324.00 68. 1 laborer-porter .................................................... 324.00 RIZAL 9. 1 register of deeds................................................... 2,040.00 36. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,122.00 39. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 864.00 40. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 756.00 42. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 648.00 43. 3 clerks .................................................................... 1,620.00 75(e). 3 clerks ............................................................. 720.00 75 (p). 1 typist ............................................... ,...... 324.00 74. 1 janitor ................................................................. 240.00 ROMBLON 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 10. 1 register of deeds.................................................. 1,530.00 43. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 540.00 SORSOGON 10. 1 register of deeds............................................... 1,530.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 74. 1 janitor ................................................................ 240.00 SULU 43. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 SURIGAO 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 53. 1 typist .................................................................. 324.00 TARLAC 9. 1 register of deeds............................................... 2,040.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 45. 2 clerks .................................................................. 864.00 75(e). 1 clerk ............................................................... 240.00 74. 1 janitor ................................................................. 240.00 TAYABAS 9. 1 register of deeds............................................... 2,040.00 37. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 45. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 75(c). 1 clerk ............................................................... 324.00 74. 1 janitor ........................................................... 240.00 ZAMBALES 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 74. 1 janitor ..................... 240.00 ZAMBOANGA 9. 1 register of deeds................................................ 2,040.00 38. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 75(b). 1 clerk ................................. 378.00 74. 1 janitor ............................................................... 240.00 CADASTRAL PERSONNEL 28. 6 stenographers .................................................. 12,240.00 29. 2 stenographers .................................................. 3,400.00 30. 3 interpreters ...................................................... 3,240.00 31. 8 deputy clerks .................................................. 8,640.00 39. 3 clerks ................................................................. 2,592.00 40. 3 clerks ................................................................. 2,268.00 42. 7 clerks ................................................................. 4,536.00 43. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 59. 9 messengers ........................................................ 3,888.00 77(q). Less—savings from item 79(a) to item 79 (p) (1,740.00) Total for salaries and wages.......................... P340,357.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 251 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget' Item No. Details I.—SALARIES AND WAGES (1) Office of the Secretary........................... (2) Bureau of Justice................................... (3) Courts of First Instance, Justice of the Peace Courts and Offices of Provincial Sheriffs............................................................... (4) (5) sion] (6) Public Service Commission................. Bureau of Prisons................................ [Bureau of Prisons—Industrial DiviGeneral Land Registration Office Total for salaries and wages 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual ¥=40,094.00 ¥=37,694.00 ¥=36,353.50 121,198.00 120,773.00 130,055.02 1,901,544.00 1,895,544.00 1,830,794.01 64,340.00 64,340.00 62,871.13 199,123.00 199,123.00 194,686.03 46,700.00 34,109.66 340,357.00 341,887.00 324,375.29 2,666,656.00 2,706,061.00 2,613,244.64 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of personnel: Transportation, per diems and sub­ sistence .......... Street car fares Bicycle allowance P64,912.00 674.00 144.00 Total P65.730.00 65,730.00 76,080.00 67,900.86 2. ice: Freight, express and delivery serv­ Transportation of supplies, furniture and equipment ............................... P10,836.00 Total P10,836.00 io,836.00 10,836.00 13,959.42 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service: Telephone rentals ................................. Messages transmitted thru long dis­ tance telephone ............................... Insertion of names in the telephone directory ............................................ Telegrams ............................................ Cablegrams and radiograms................ Postage stamps ................................... Rental of Post Office boxes................ Money order fees ................................. P8,547.00 100.00 20.00 2,055.00 100.00 11,151.00 272.00 15.00 Total P22,260.00 22,260.00 27,080.00 23,129.65 252 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 4. Illumination and power service: Electric fluid ......................................... P9.866.00 Supplies consumed for illumination and power service........................... 3,750.00 Total ................................................ P13.616.00 13,616.00 22,576.00 14,003.44 5. Rental of buildings and grounds: Rental of offices..................................... P16,500.00 Total .................................................. P16,500.00 16,500.00 17,715.00 16,480.00 6. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials : Stationery supplies ............................. P33,000.00 Ice and drinking water........................ 4,200.00 Toilet supplies ....................................... 4,100.00 Subsistence ............................................ 183,450.00 Wearing apparel including bedding.. 30,000.00 Medical and chemical supplies........... 18,000.00 Machinery and motor vehicle supplies 20,840.00 Watercraft supplies .................................. 3,500.00 Poultry and farming supplies.......... 6,800.00 Manufacturing supplies ...................... 700.00 Ordnance supplies ................................... 1,500.00 Supplies for maintenance and repair 14,500.00 Water service ............................................ 7,500.00 Firewood ..................................................... 3,500.00 Total .................................................... P331,590.00 331,590.00 353,819.00 370,782.83 7. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications: Binding reports and documents......... P10.00 Printing of brief in criminal cases.... 5,170.00 Printing of annual reports, documents and publications .............................. 1,300.00 Binding of official gazette, collections of briefs, bill of exceptions and opinions, public documents, law journals and citations .................. 200.00 Rebinding of books ............................ 200.00 Binding of public utility reports and official gazette ................................. 100.00 Total ................................................ P6,980.00 6,980.00 10,790.00 6,549.46 8. Contributions and gratuities: Gratuities to prisoners ...................... P4,000.00 Total .................................................... P4,000.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 3,257.77 F— DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 253 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 9. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees: Transportation of prisoners due to expiration of sentence and transfer of stations ......................................... P21,000.00 Transportation of colonists’ family.... 5,000.00 Total .................................................... P26.000.00 10. Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment: Repairs of furniture and equipment.. P3.020.00 Total .................................................... P3,020.00 11. Other services: Subscriptions ......................................... P610.00 Laundry ................. -............................. 200.00 Sewer service —....—......... —..... 1,650.00 Plumbing, installation of electric lights and telephones ............. 1,000.00 Advertisements .... 200.00 Bond premiums ..................................... 1,560.00 Publication of public auction sale.... 300.00 Registration fees of deeds of sale, writ of execution and attachments 230.00 Settlers’ share ..................................... 5,370.00 Rental of gas meter -------------- 12.00 Burial service ....................................... 130.00 Sheriff fees ........................................... 1,840.00 Wages of temporary messengers....... 120.00 Total ........................... -........ ........... P13,222.00 [Special compensation to prisoners, as provided for in Act No. 2489]....................... Total for sundry expenses 26,000.00 26,000.00 29,079.27 3,020.00 4,045.00 3,420.83 13,222.00 14,017.00 14,082.69 5,950.00 5,309.14 513,754.00 574,908.00 ----------------» — 567,955.36 III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Additional equipment: 1 typewriter ......................................... P178.50 2 glasses, desk ................................... 5.00 For law books ................................. 56.50 BUREAU OF JUSTICE Additional equipment: 12 copies, Philippine Reports, Vol. 57 .................................................... 102.(10 3 copies. Jurisprudencia Filipina, Tomo 57 ....................................... 25.50 5 copies, Public Laws, Vol. 29........ 55.00 254 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 3 copies, Leyes Públicas, Tomo 29.. 33.00 5 copies, Public Laws, Vol. 30......... 55.00 3 copies, Leyes Públicas, Tomo 30.. 33.00 20 books, Philippine Reports, An­ notated “Francisco” Vol. 13 to 22 (2 copies each).................... 200.00 Other law books ............................ 1,643.50 For replacing unserviceable equipment: For replacing unserviceable equipment: 2 flags, American ............................ 30.00 2 flags, Filipino ................................ 30.00 12 chairs ................... 1............................ 24.00 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Additional equipment: 1 voltmeter, for AC and DC............. 200.Ofl For replacing unserviceable equipment: 2 flags, American ........................................ 37.00 2 flags, Filipino ....................................... 37.00 12 chairs ........................................ 21.00 BUREAU OF PRISONS For replacing unserviceable equipment: 1 Huller, rice “Bandera” 70 to 100 cavanes capacity ........................ 225.00 1 Lathe, 14" X 10" engine complete rests and taper attachment....... 1,000.00 3 harrows, “La Crosse” single disc.. 375.00 Total ............................................. P4.366.00 4,366.00 4,366.00 7,217.25 Total for furniture and equipment.. 4,366.00 4,366.00 7,217.25 IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. Salaries and traveling expenses of temporary employees appointed under Act No. 3411 to assist the judges of Courts of First Instance designated to try and decide registration and cadastral cases: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Two clerks, at F864 per annum each ............................................. Fl,728.00 OTHER EXPENSES (6) Traveling expenses of personnel 144.00 Total ............................................ Fl,872.00 2. For postage stamps for the mailing of notices of land registration cases: Pro­ vided, That this appropriation shall not be used for the purchase of postage stamps for the routine office mail of the General Land Registration Office........................................... 1,872.00 1,872.00 1,721.08 5,000.00 7,000.00 3,068.61 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 255 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 3. For publication of notices of land registration cases in the Official Gazette..... 20,000.00 4. For the purchase of steel filing cab­ inets and card index files for the Public Service Commission.......................................... 1,200.00 30,684.00 1,200.00 11,460.62 1,133.73 5. For salaries and wages of additional personnel, purchase of furniture and equip­ ment and other necessary sundry expenses to carry out the purposes of Act No. 3579, transferring all female prisoners confined in Bilibid Prisons to Welfareville: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Twelve foremen at M.50 per day each ............................ -.............. M,570.00 (b) One chauffeur at M.70 per day 620.50 OTHER EXPENSES (c) Sundry expenses, including purequipchase of furniture and ment: Electrical installation.... 2 incubators, local make ...................... 1 brooder, Buckeys....... 8 plows, complete, NeP200.00 200.00 100.00 179.50 679.50 Total ............................................ ?7,870.00 7,870.00 7,870.00 6,533.34 6. For the necessary expenses to carry out the purposes of Acts Nos. 4103 and 4221, creating the Board of Indeterminate Sentence and the Probation Office, respectively, any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding, as follows: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) For compensation of the mem­ bers of the Board of Indeter­ minate Sentence, including the Chairman, at F10 per meet­ ing attended ........VFlh800.00'l ^3,000.00 Chiefs of Office (b) One Chief.................................. (c) One Assistant Chief ............. 6,800.00 3,180.00 256 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1935 actual 1937 1936 requested authorized Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Chiefs of Divisions (d) One chief clerk ............................. 2,800.00 (e) Tivo supervisors, at P2,400 per annum each ............................. 4,800.00 (/) Two supervisors, at Pl,800 per annum each.................................. 3,600.00 Probation Officers (g) Ten probation officers, at Pl,200 per annum each........................... 12,000.00 (h) Five probation officers, at 1*960 per annum each........................... 4,800.00 Technical Assistants (i) One psychiatrist ........................... 2,800.00 (;) Tzvo psychiatrists, at Pl,200 per annum each .................................. 2,400.00 (k) One psychologist ......................... 1,200.00 (Z) One psychologist ............................. 960.00 Stenographers (m) One stenographer ......................... 960.00 (n) One stenographer ......................... 720.00 Clerks (o) One record and property clerk.... 1,200.00 (p) Three clerks, at P720 per an­ num each ...................................... 2,160.00 (q) Four clerks, at P600 per an­ num each ...................................... 2,400.00 (r) Three clerks, at P360 per an­ num each ...................................... 1,080.00 Secret Service Agents (s) Eight secret service agents, at PJf80 per annum each.............. 3,840.00 Janitor-Messengers (t) Three janitor-messengers, at P360 per annum each................ 1,080.00 Total for salaries and 'wages - .....020,727.00] 61,780.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (u) Traveling expenses of personnel 3,700.00 (v) Freight, express and delivery service .......................................... 30.00 (w) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................... 1,600.00 (x) Illumination and power service.. 820.00 F— DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 257 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (y) Rental of buildings and grounds 2,400-00 (z) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 2,700.00 (aa) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 100.00 (bb) Maintenance and repair of equipment ................................. 250.00 (cc) Other services................................ 620.00 Total for sundry ex­ penses ........... .13*3,273,00] 12,220.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (dd) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ......................... 1,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment ............................. 1,000.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............ 61,780.00 Total for sundry expenses................... 12,220.00 Total for furniture and equipment 1,000.00 Total available for the Board of Indeterminate Sentence and the Probation Office P75,000.00 75,000.00 72,679.90 25,202.07 7. For the necessary expenses to carry out the purposes of Act No. 4109, as amended by Act No. 4168, creating the Anti-Usury Board, any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding : SALARIES AND WAGES Executive Officers (a) W (c) (d) (e) (e) (/) i One executive officer..................... 1*6,000.00 i One assistant executive officer.... 4,000.00 Chiefs of Divisions Two chiefs of divisions, at 1*2,840 per annum each ........ 5,680.00 Assistant Chiefs of Divisions I One assistant chief of division.. i One assistant chief of division.. One assistant chief of division.. Chief of section One docket and record clerk...... 299089------ 17 1,740.00 1,460.00 1,460.00 960.00 258 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1936 authorized 1937 requested 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Attorneys (g) One attorney ................................ 1,638.00 (h) Two attorneys, at 1*1,320 per annum each ...................................... 2,640.00 (t) One attorney ................................... 720.00 Secret Service Agents (j) One secret service agent............ 1,500.00 (k) Ttvo secret service agents, at 5*1,020 per annum each.............. 2,040.00 (Z) One secret service agent............. 984.00 (m) Three secret service agents, at 5*81>0 per annum each................ 2,520.00 (n) One secret service agent............ 785.00 Stenographers (o) One junior stenographer ............ 660.00 (p) One junior stenographer ............ 564.00 (q) Two junior stenographers, at 5*^80 per annum each.............. 960.00 Clerks (r) One clerk.......................................... 780.00 (s) One clerk ........................................ 720.00 (t) One clerk .......................................... 480.00 (u) One typist-clerk ............................. 552.00 (v) One typist-clerk ........................... 324.00 Miscellaneous (w) One researcher ............................. 840.00 (x) One messenger ............................. 420.00 (y) One janitor .................................... 480.00 (z) One chauffeur .................................. 540.00 (aa) One laborer .................................. 300.00 Totalffor salaries and wages 40,287.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (bb) Traveling expenses of personnel 3,000.00 (cc) Freight, express and delivery service................. 30.00 (dd) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 1,500.00 (ee) Illumination and power service 720.00 (ff) Rental of buildings and grounds 900.00 (gg) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 2,000.00 (hh) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.. 3,600.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 259 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (ii) Maintenance and repair of equipment .................................. 100.00 (;;) Other services ............................... 150.00 Total for sundry expenses 12,000.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (kk) For the purchase of furniture and equipment......................... 2,713.00 Total for furniture and equipment ............................. 2,713.00 SUMMARY Total for salames and wages ............ 40,287.00 Total for sundry expenses ................ 12,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment .... 2,713.00 Deductions for forced savings........ (20,000.00) Total available for the AnbiUsury Board ............................... ?35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 34,999.21 8. For the promotion and development of agricul­ ture and industry in penal colonies and for en­ couraging and promoting vocational training among the colonists, Act No. 4012, any provision of exist­ ing law to the contrary notwithstanding: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Two industrial supervisors, at Fl,200 per annum each ......... ^2,400.00 (6) Five industrial foremen ............ 3,545.00 Total for salaries and wages .... 5,945.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (c) Sundry expenses including pur­ chase of furniture and equip­ ment, and expenses in connection with agricultural and industrial research work, and payment of gratuities to skilled colonists engaged in agricultural and industrial ac­ tivities ............................................ 19,055.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 19,055.00 Total available for promotion and development of agricul­ ture and industry in penal colonies ...................................... 1*25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 260 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT —- -------------------------------------------------1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 9. For salaries and wages of the per­ manent personnel of the Bureau of Prisons— Industrial Division: CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 1. One chief of section. Fl,530.00 2. One chief of section. 1,080.00 SUPERINTENDENTS OF SHOPS 3. One superintendent of machine and vehicle shop, Section “A” 2,550.00 4. One superintendent of hardwood furniture shop, Section 2,040.00 5. One superintendent of building construction and repair shop, Section “C” .................................. 1,530.00 6. One superintendent of rattan and bamboo furniture shop, Sec­ tion “D” ........................................ 2,040.00 7. One superintendent of tailor shop, Section “F” ............................. 1,026.00 8. One superintendent of laundry shop, Section ilG” ..................... 1,122.00 CLERKS 9. One clerk ........................................... 1,080.00 10. Two clerks, at P810 per annum each ................................................. 1,620.00 11. One clerk ......................... 756.00 12. One clerk ........................................... 648.00 13. One clerk............................................: 432.00 14- One clerk .......................................... 240.00 MECHANIC 15. One automobile mechanic............ 2,040.00 CHAUFFEUR 16. One chauffeur................................... 648.00 LABORERS 17. One wood-carver ............................. 1,530.00 18. One blacksmith ............................... 1,530.00 19. One foreman..................................... 810.00 Total available for salaries and wages of the perma­ nent personnel of the Bu­ reau of Prisons—Industrial Division .................................... F24,252.00 Amount to be paid from the Bureau of Prisons—Indus­ trial Division Revolving Fund .......................................... (F24,252.00) 0.00 Total for special appropriations.... 170,942.00 181,305.90 109,118.66 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 261 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS a. Establishment of new prisons and penal farms in public lands reserved by the President of the Philippines, Act 3732..................................... Total for continuing appropriations ..................... 233,283.77 65,045.44 233,283.77 65,045.44 VII.—RECEIPTS AUTOMATICALLY APPROPRIATED a. Expenses payable from special funds 24,252.00 VIII.—INVESTMENTS AND INDEFINITE EXPENDITURES Investments— a. Working capital for the Bureau of Prisons Industrial Division Revolving Fund........ 100,000.00 Indefinite expenditures— a. Deterioration of supplies and sales stock.... b. Extraordinary losses ........................................ c. Losses from uncollectible debts.......................................................... 1,423.18 90.88 3,362.80 Total for investment and indefinite expenditures .................................. 100,000.00 4,876.86 IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages....................... 2,666,656.00 Total for sundry expenses............................ 513,754.00 Total for furniture and equipment............. 4,366.00 Total for special appropriations................. 170,942.00 2,706,061.00 574,908.00 4,366.00 181,305.90 2,613,244.64 567,955.36 7,217.25 109,118.66 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Department of Justice ............................................ 3,355,718.00 EXTRAORDINARY AddTotal for receipts automatically ap­ propriated .............. 24,252.00 Total for continuing appropriations ..................... Total for investments and indefinite expenditures .................................. 100,000.00 3,466,640.9(7 3,297,535.91 233,283.77 65,045.44 4,876.86 Grand total available for the Department of Justice......... 3,479,970.00 Deduct— Total for receipts automatically ap­ propriated ..................................... 24,252.00 3,699,924.67 3,367,458.21 Net amount available for the Department of Justice......... 5*3,455,718.00 5*3,699,924.67 5*3,367,458.21 262 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. With the approval of the [proper Head of Depart­ ment] Secretary of Justice, any unexpended balances of the appropriations of the Department of Justice may be used to cover deficits in the special appropriations for postage stamps for the mailing of notices of land registration cases (item IV-2) and for publication of notices of land registra­ tion cases in the Official Gazette (item IV-3). 2. The item “consumption of supplies and materials” shall include clothing and shoes for prisoners members of the Bilibid band and scouts, meals for prisoners, families of penal colonists and guards of the Prison rendering not less than 12 hours service daily: Provided, That the amount for subsistence shall not exceed the rates fixed in section 12 of this Act. 3. The item “other services” shall include laundry for the employees, guards and foremen and the cost of mate­ rials used for laundry, as fixed by the Director of Prisons, with the approval of the Department Head, to be charged against them. 4. A reimbursable fund, which shall be known as “Bu­ reau, of Prisons—Industrial Division Revolving Fund” is hereby created for the operation and maintenance of the Bureau of Prisons—Industrial Division. Upon the taking effect of this Act, all the assets and liabilities of the Bureau of Prisons—Industrial Division and the sum of 1*100,000, as working capital, which is hereby appropriated from the accumidated surplus of the general fund in the National Treasury, shall be transferred to this fund. The working capital herein provided, together with all its future accretions from the operating income of the Bureau of Prisons—Industrial Division, shall be disbursed by the Director of Prisons with the approval of the Secretary of Justice for the operation and mainten­ ance of said division, including the purchase of necessary equipment in an amount not to exceed 1*50,000 when au­ thorized by tfie Secretary of Justice: PROVIDED, That, a» soon as possible, after the close of each fiscal year, the Director of Prisons shall render a detailed financial report of the operation of this fund during said year to the Pres­ ident of the Philippines and the National Assembly, through the Secretary of Justice: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That any surplus fund, tvhich, in the opinion of the Budget Commis­ sion, is not necessary for the operation of said service shall revert to the general fund in the National Treasury and: Provided, finally, That all permanent positions of per­ sonnel shall be shown in detail in the annual Appropriation Acts. G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE For next year, F3,955,925 is requested as against 5*3,722,716 authorized for this year, or an increase of 5*233,209. The total amount of the increases reach 5*316,154 consisting of (1) the creation of 116 new positions for rangers and forest guards, (2) reforestation expenses in accordanee with Act No. 3283, (3) expenses for the control or eradication of agricultural and animal pests and diseases, (4) expenses of the National Research Council in accordance with Act No. 4120, (5) construction and equipment of a dry-kiln and wood-treating plant, (6) expenses in connection with the conservation of the fishery resources and the promotion and development of the fishing industry, (7) a new item for expenses of pub­ licity of the Philippines and (8) expenses of establishing, operating and maintaining ten new weather forecasting stations. These increases, however, are partly offset by reductions of other items of appropriations amounting to a total of 5*82,945. Para el año próximo, la suma de 5*3,955,925 se pide para este Departamento contra 5*3,722,716 autorizada para el año en curso, o sea, un aumento de 5*233,209. La cantidad total de aumentos alcanza a 5*316,154 consistentes en (1) la creación de 116 nuevos puestos de monteros y guardias forestales; (2) gastos de replantación de bosques de conformidad con la Ley No. 3283; (3) gastos para la prevención o extirpación de las plagas y enfermedades de animales y agrícolas; (4) gastos del Consejo Nacional de Investigación de acuerdo con la Ley No. 4120; (5) construcción y equipo de un horno de desecación y planta para el tratamiento de madera; (6) gastos relacionados con la conservación de los recursos piscatorios y el fomento y desarrollo de la industria pesquera; (7) una nueva partida para gastos de publicidad de Filipinas y (8) gastos para esta­ blecer, funcionar y mantener diez nuevas estaciones de previsión del tiempo. Estos aumentos, sin embargo, están en parte compensados por las reducciones de otras partidas en las consignaciones que montan a un total de 5*82,945. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY DEPARTMENT HEADS 1. Secretary of the Department............. 2. Undersecretary of the Department.. CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One chief of division........................... 4. One chief of division........................... 5. One chief of division........................... [Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on January 1, 1932, of the position of chief of division, item 5] .............................................................. 6. One chief of division [and special agent] ................................................................ P10,200.00 7,225.00 P10,200.00 7,225.00 1 2 5,100.00 5,100.00 8 4,250.00 4,250.00 4 4,250.00 4,250.00 6 1,700.00 7 4,080.00 4,080.00 10 263 264 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 1 authorized Reference lo item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 7. Two chiefs of divisions, at ¥=3,825 per annum each........................................................ 7,650.00 7,650.00 11-12 8. One chief of division........................... 3,570.00 3,570.00 13 ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 9. One assistant chief of division........... 4,080.00 4,080.00 14 10. One assistant chief of division........... 11. Two assistant chiefs of divisions, at 3,825.00 3,825.00 15 ¥=3,400 per annum each................................... 6,800.00 6,800.00 16-17 12. Two assistant chiefs of divisions, at ¥3,230 per annum each................................... 6,460.00 6,460.00 18-19 13. One assistant chief of division........... 3,060.00 3,060.00 21 14. One assistant chief of division........... 2,040.00 2,040.00 22 SCIENTISTS 15. One scientist.......................................... 3,655.00 3,655.00 23 16. One assistant scientist....................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 24 17. One assistant scientist....................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 25 18. One assistant scientist....................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 26 19. One junior scientist............................. 2,040.00 2,040.00 27 20. One junior scientist.............. ............... 1,700.00 1,700.00 28 21. One junior scientist............................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 29 22. One scientific assistant....................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 30 GEOLOGISTS 23. One geologist....................................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 31 24. One assistant geologist....................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 32 MINING ENGINEERS 25. One mining engineer........................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 33 26. One assistant mining engineer......... 27. Two assistant mining engineers, at 2,380.00 2,380.00 34 ¥1,080 per annum each.................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 35-36 MINERAL LANDS SURVEYORS 28. One assistant mineral lands surveyor 1,224.00 1,224.00 48 29. One assistant mineral lands surveyor 30. Two assistant mineral lands survey­ 1,122.00 1,122.00 49 ors, at ¥1,080 per annum each......................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 50-51 LAND ATTORNEYS 31. One land attorney ............................. 3,060.00 3,060.00 61 32. One land attorney ;............................... 33. Two land attorneys, at ¥2,040 per an­ 2,210.00 2,210.00 62 num each.............................................. -............ 4,080.00 4,080.00 63-64 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 265 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Details 1937 requested Reference t0 'tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY STATISTICIANS 34. One assistant statistician ................. 2,040.00 2,040.00 65 35. One assistant statistician ................. 1,700.00 1,700.00 66 36. One assistant statistician................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 67 37. One assistant statistician ................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 68 LIBRARIANS 38. One assistant librarian ..................... 39. Two assistant librarians, at 1*1,530 2,040.00 2,040.00 69 per annum each ................................................ 3,060.00 3,060.00 70 40. One assistant librarian....................... 1,428.00 1,428.00 71 41. One assistant librarian ..................... 1,148.00 1,148.00 72 42. One assistant librarian ..................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 73 43. One junior librarian............................ 44. Three junior librarians, at 1*756 per 810.00 810.00 74 annum each........................................................ 2,268.00 2,268.00 75 45. One junior librarian........................... 648.00 648.00 76 46. One junior librarian........................... 486.00 486.00 77 CASHIERS AND DISBURSING OFFICERS 47. Two cashiers and disbursing officers, at f*l,700 per annum each............................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 91-92 COPY EDITORS 48. One copy editor................................... 49. Two copy editors, at 1*2,720 per an­ 3,060.00 3,060.00 93 num each............................................................ 5,440.00 5,440.00 94 50. One copy editor................................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 95 51. One copy editor.................................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 96 PHOTOGRAPHERS 52. One photographer................................ 53. Two photographers, at 1*765 per an­ 864.00 864.00 97 num each............................................................ 1,530.00 1,530.00 98-99 GAME WARDENS 54. Eight game wardens, at 1*810 per an­ num each............................................................ 6,480.00 6,480.00 100-101 ASSAYERS 55. One assayer ......................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 102 56. One assistant assayer......................... 648.00 648.00 103 HOME ECONOMICS AGENTS 57. One home economics agent ............. 1,530.00 1,530.00 104 58. One home economics agent ............. 1,080.00 1,080.00 105 266 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Reference to item Budget Details 1937 1936 numbers of Act Item No. requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 59. Seven home economics agents, at 1*864 per annum each ..................................... 6,048.00 6,048.00 106-108 60. Six home economics agents, at 1*648 per annum each ................................................ 3,888.00 3,888.00 109-110 61. One home economics agent................. 594.00 594.00 111 62. One home economics agent ............... 540.00 540.00 112 DEMONSTRATORS 63. One demonstrator ............................... 1,591.00 1,591.00 113 64. One demonstrator ............................... 810.00 810.00 114 65. Two demonstrators, at 1*486 per annum each............................................................ 972.00 972.00 115 66. Two demonstrators, at 5*421 per annum each............................................................ 842.00 842.00 116 CLERKS 67. One clerk .............................................. 3,060.00 3,060.00 117 68. One clerk .............................................. 2,550.00 2,550.00 118 69. One [accountant] clerk....................... 2,380.00 2,380.00 78 70. One clerk .............................................. 2,040.00 2,040.00 119 71. One [accountant] clerk....................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 82 72. Two clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each 3,060.00 3,060.00 121-122 73. Five [assistant accountants,] clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each............................... 7,650.00 7,650.00 83-84 74. One [assistant accountant] clerk....... 1,428.00 1,428.00 85 75. One [assistant accountant] clerk..... 1,326.00 1,326.00 86 76. One clerk ............................................. 1,275.00 1,275.00 123 77. One [assistant accountant] clerk..... 1,224.00 1,224.00 87 78. One clerk ............................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 124 79. Two [assistant accountants,] clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each............................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 89-90 80. Four clerks, at 1*972 per annum each 3,888.00 3,888.00 125-126,128 81. Seven clerks, at 1*864 per annum each .................................................................... 6,048.00 6,048.00 129-133 82. Three clerks, at 1*810 per annum each 2,430.00 2,430.00 134-136 83. One clerk ............................................. 702.00 702.00 138 84. Fourteen clerks, at ¥=648 per annum each .................................................................... 9,072.00 9,072.00 139-143 85. One clerk .............................................. 594.00 594.00 144 86. Fifteen clerks, at 1*540 per annum each .................................................................... 8,100.00 8,100.00 147-151 87. One clerk ............................................. 486.00 486.00 153 88. Eight clerks, at ¥=432 per annum each 3,456.00 3,456.00 154,157-158 89. Eight clerks, at 1*378 per annum each 3,024.00 3,024.00 159,165 90. Two clerks, at 1*324 per annum each 648.00 648.00 167,168 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 267 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY DRAFTSMAN 91. One assistant topographical draftsman ...................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 171 MESSENGERS 92. One messenger 432.00 432.00 173 93. One messenger ................................... 324.00 324.00 174 94. Two messengers, at 1*240 per annum each .................................................................... 480.00 480.00 176 MISCELLANEOUS 95. For temporary and emergency em­ ployees, including skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, as follows: Chauffeur, motorcycle driver and mechanic (a) One chauffeur ................................................... 756.00 .. 227 (s-1) (6) One [chauffeur] motorcycle driver............ 702.00 702.00 227(a) (c) One mechanic..................................................... 600.00 .. 227 (s-1) Clerks (d) Twelve clerk-typists, at F432 per annum each .............................................................. 5,184.00 5,184.00 227(6)-(d) (e) Two clerks, at 1*342 per annum each...... 684.00 684.00 227(e)-(/) (/) Five copyists, at 1*240 per annum each... 1,200.00 1,200.00 227(p)-(A) Messenger (g) One messenger............................................... 240.00 240.00 227 (i) Laboratory Helpers (h) Six laboratory helpers, at 1*300 per an­ num each .................................................... 1,800.00 1,800.00 227 U) (i) Two laboratory helpers, at 1*486 per an­ num each .................................................... 972.00 972.00 227(1) Preparator (j) One preparator.............................................. 540.00 540.00 227 (m) Livestock inspector (k) One livestock inspector............................... 432.00 432.00 227(fc) Carpenter (I) One carpenter................................................... 540.00 ... 227 (s-1) Laborers (m) One laborer.................................................... 594.00 .. 227 (s-1) (n) One lab or er-filer ............................................. 360.00 .. 227(s-1) (o) Two laborer-filers, at F300 per annum each.................................................................. 600.00 .. 227(s-1) 268 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to ‘tem •936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) (p) Eight lab or er-filers, at P21>0 per annum each.................................................................. (q) One lab or er-janitor at Pl per day, for 182 days ....................................................... (r) One laborer ...................................................... (s) Two laborers, at P360 per annum each.. (t) Two laborers, at P300 per annum each... Janitor (u) One janitor ...................................................... Multigraph operators (v) One multigraph operator (chief)............ (w) One multigraph operator (assistant chief) .............................................................. (x) One multigraph operator ........................... (y) Ten multigraph operators, at P240 per annum each .................................................. Mimeograph operators (z) One mimeograph operator........................... (aa) One mimeograph operator....................... Bookrepairers (bb) One bookrepairer.......................................... (cc) Seven bookrepairers, at P2JÍ0 per an­ num each ..................................................... Artists (dd) One artist ..................................................... (ee) One artist ....................................................... (ff) One artisan ................................................... CF^r skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers] ................................................ Total................................................ OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 1,920.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 182.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 405.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 720.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 600.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 300.00 ..................... 227(s-1) 972.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 648.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 486.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 2,400.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 648.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 324.00 ..................... 227(s-1) 300.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 1,680.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 480.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 432.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 540.00 ..................... 227(s-1) .............. 16,487.00 227 (s-1) 282,268.00 283,968.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. Secretary of the Department.......................... PIO,200.00 2. Undersecretary of the Department................ 7,225.00 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 3. 1 chief of division.................................................. 5,100.00 4. 1 chief of division ............................................... 4,250.00 12. 1 assistant chief of division............................... 3,230.00 8. 1 chief of division.................................................. 3,570.00 31. 1 land attorney ..................................................... 3,060.00 32. 1 land attorney ................................................... 2,210.00 33. 2 land attorneys, at P2,040 per annum each.... 4,080.00 67. 1 clerk ............................................... 3,060.00 68. 1 clerk ................................................................. 2,550.00 70. 1 clerk ................................................................. 2,040.00 72. 2 clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each.................. 3,060i00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 82. 1 clerk ...................................................-............... 810.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................... 702.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 269 (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 86. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 88. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 81. 1 clerk .............................................................. 864.00 84. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 95(b). 1 motorcycle driver ....................................... 702.00 95 (Z). 1 carpenter ....................................................... 540.00 95(a). 1 chauffeur ....................................................... 756.00 95 (m). 1 laborer ............ 594.00 95(c). mechanic .......................................................... 600.00 95(r). 1 laborer ............................................................ 405.00 95(0- 2 laborers .......................................................... 600.00 95 (s). 2 laborers ........................................................ 720.00 STATISTICS DIVISION 7. 1 chief of division.............................................. 3,825.00 12. 1 assistant chief of division... .......................... 3,230.00 34. 1 assistant statistician .......................................... 2,040.00 35. 1 assistant statistician ......................................... 1,700.00 36. 1 assistant statistician .......................................... 1,530.00 37. 1 assistant statistician .......................................... 1,080.00 84. 2 clerks ...........................-.......................... 1,296.00 86. 4 clerks ............................... 2,160.00 88. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 95(d). 8 clerk-typists .................................................. 3,456.00 95 (f). 5 copyists .......................................................... 1,200.00 95(o). 2 laborer-filers ............................... ................. 600.00 95 (p). 8 laborer-filers ................................................ 1,920.00 95 (u). 1 janitor ............................................................ 300.00 Bureau of Forestry 73. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 74. 1 clerk ................................................................... 82. 2 clerks ................................................................... 86. 4 clerks ................................................................... 89. 2 clerks ................................................................... 94. 1 messenger ............................................................ Bureau of Lands 13. 1 assistant chief of division.—......................... 69. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 77. 1 clerk ..:.................................................................. 47. 1 cashier and disbursing officer.......................... 76. 1 clerk ................................................................... 80. 1 clerk ...................-...........-.................................. 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 84. 3 clerks —................................................................ 86. 1 clerk .................................................... -............... 88. 2 clerks ............................ -.................................... 89. 3 clerks ................................................................... 92. 1 messenger ............................................................ 94. 1 messenger ............................................................ Bureau of Science 1,530.00 1,428.00 1,728.00 2,160.00 756.00 240.00 3,060.00 2,380.00 1,224.00 1,700.00 1,275.00 972.00 810.00 1,944.00 540.00 864.00 1,134.00 432.00 240.00 DIVISION OF PUBLICATIONS 5. 1 chief of division.............. 4,250.00 11. 1 assistant chief of division......... . .................... 3,400.00 40. 1 assistant librarian -------- 1,428.00 49. 2 copy editors -.................................................... 5,440.00 50. 1 copy editor ........................................................ 2,550.00 51. 1 copy editor ......................................................... 2,040.00 53. 2 photographers ................................................... 1,530.00 80. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 972.00 81. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 864.00 84. 1 clerk ......... 648.00 86. 1 clerk ...................................................... 540.00 88. 1 clerk ..................................... 432.00 95(v). 1 multigraph operator [chief]...................... 972.00 95(w).l multigraph operator [assistant chief].... 648.00 95 (íe). 1 multigraph operator ..........-..... .. 486.00 95(i/). 10 multigraph operators ............. 2,400.00 95 (z). 1 mimeograph operator ................. ................ 648.00 95(aa). 1 mimeograph operator___ ______ ..____ 824.00 95 (bb). 1 bookrepairer .............................................. 300.00 95 (cc). 7 bookrepairers ............................................ 1,680.00 95(dd). 1 artist ........................... 480.00 95 (ee). 1 artist ............................................................ 432.00 95 (ff). 1 artisan ...................................................~.... 540.00 95 (q). 1 laborer-janitor, at Pl per day for 182 days ........ 182.00 71. 1 clerk ................................................................... 73. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 79. 1 clerk .................................................................... 86. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 88. 1 clerk ...................................... .-.............................. 52. 1 photographer ..................................................... Fish and Game Administration 15. 1 scientist ................................................................ 16. 1 assistant scientist ............................................. 17. 1 assistant scientist ............................................. 18. 1 assistant scientist ............................................. 19. 1 junior scientist ................................................. 20. 1 junior scientist ................................................. 21. 1 junior scientist ................................................ 22. 1 scientific assistant ............................................ 54. 8 game wardens .................................................... 87. 1 clerk .............................................................-...... 89. 1 clerk ................................................... —.............. 95(d). 4 clerk-typists .................................................. 95(c). 2 clerks .............................................................. 95 (7t). 6 laboratory helpers ....................................... 95 (i). 2 laboratory helpers ....................................... 95O’). 1 preparator .................................................... Division of Mines PERSONNEL ASSIGNED TO BUREAUS Plant Industry 73. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,530.00 82. 1 clerk _______________ ________ _________ 810.00 84. 1 clerk .................................... 648.00 90. 2 clerks ................................................................... 648.00 Animal Industry 73. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,530.00 75. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,326.00 81. 1 clerk .......................................... „........................ 864.00 84. 4 clerks ....................... 2,592.00 85. 1 clerk .........................«.....w.....„........ „................. 594.00 95(A). 1 livestock inspector ..................................... 432.00 9. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 10. 1 assistant chief of division.............................. 23. 1 geologist .............................................................. 24. 1 assistant geologist ............................................. 25. 1 mining engineer .........................~...................... 26. 1 assistant mining engineer .............................. 27. 2 assistant mining engineers ......................... 28. 1 assistant mineral lands surveyor.................. 29. 1 assistant mineral lands surveyor.................. 30. 2 assistant mineral lands surveyors ............... 55. 1 assayer ................................................................. 56. 1 assistant assayer ................................................ 78. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 84. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 86. 1 clerk .................................................................... 89. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 91. 1 assistant topographical draftsman............... — 2,040.00 1,530.00 1,080.00 972.00 540.00 432.00 864.00 3,655.00 3,400.00 3,060.00 2,550.00 2,040.00 1,700.00 1,530.00 1,224.00 6,480.00 486.00 378.00 1,728.00 684.00 1,800.00 972.00 540.00 4,080.00 3,825.00 3,400.00 1,080.00 3,060.00 2,380.00 2,160.00 1,224.00 1,122.00 2,160.00 1,080.00 648.00 1,080.00 648.00 540.00 378.00 1,080.00 270 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Scientific Library Division 6. 1 chief of division ........................................... 4,080.00 11. 1 assistant chief of division............................ 3,400.00 38. 1 assistant librarian .......................................... 2,040.00 39. 2 assistant librarians ....................................... 3,060.00 41. 1 assistant librarian .......................................... 1,148.00 42. 1 assistant librarian ......................................... 1,080.00 43. 1 junior librarian .............................................. 810.00 44. 3 junior librarians ............................................ 2.268.00 45. 1 junior librarian .............................................. 648.00 46. 1 junior librarian .............................................. 486.00 86. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 89. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 378.00 95 (</). 1 messenger .................................................... 240.00 Home Economics Division 7. 1 chief of division................................................ 3,825.00 14. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 2,040.00 57. 1 home economics agent ..................................... 1,530.00 58. 1 home economics agent......................................... 1,080.00 59. 7 home economics agents ................................... 6,048.00 60. 6 home economics agents ................................. 3,888.00 61. 1 home economics agent .................................... 594.00 62. 1 home economics agent...................................... 540.00 63. 1 demonstrator ..................................................... 1,591.00 64. 1 demonstrator ..................................................... 810.00 65. 2 demonstrators .................................................... 972.00 66. 2 demonstrators ..................................................... 842.00 84. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 88. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 95 (n). 1 laborer-filer ................................ 360.00 bureau of Commerce 73. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,530.00 79. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,080.00 47. 1 cashier and disbursing officer........................ 1,700.00 48. 1 copy editor ........................................................ 3,060.00 80. 1 clerk ................................. 972.00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 88. 1 clerk ................................................................. 482.00 93. 1 messenger ......................................................... 824.00 Total for salaries and wages......................... P282,268.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1930 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 2) BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY DIRECTORS 1. One Director, with quarters at the Central [Propagation] Experiment Station, as may be determined by the Secretary....... 2. One Assistant Director....................... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. Three chiefs of divisions, at ?4,675 per annum each................................................ 4. One chief of division........................... ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 5. Two assistant chiefs of divisions, at 1*3,825 per annum each..................................... PLANT PATHOLOGISTS 6. One plant pathologist........................... 7. One plant pathologist........................... 8. One plant pathologist........................... 9. One plant pathologist........................... AGRONOMISTS 10. One agronomist................................... 11. Eight agronomists, at 1*3,060 per an­ num each............................................................ 12. Two agronomists, at T2,720 per an­ num each........................................................... 1*6,120.00 1*6,120.00 1 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 14,025.00 14,025.00 3 3,400.00 3,400.00 4 7,650.00 7,650.00 5 2,550.00 2,550.00 7 2,380.00 2,380.00 8 2,040.00 2,040.00 9 1,530.00 1,530.00 10 3,825.00 3,825.00 11 24,480.00 24,480.00 12-16 5,440.00 5,440.00 17-18 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 271 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY 13. One assistant agronomist................... 2,380.00 2,380.00 20 14. Five assistant agronomists, at ¥*2,040 per annum each ................................................ 10,200.00 10,200.00 18a,21-22 15. One assistant agronomist................... 1,836.00 1,836.00 23 16. Three assistant agronomists, at Pl,700 per annum each..................................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 24-25 17. Seven assistant agronomists, at Pl,530 per annum each................................... 10,710.00 10,710.00 26-27 18. Two assistant agronomists, at Pl,428 per annum each................................................ 2,856.00 2,856.00 28-29 19. Eight assistant agronomists, at Pl,326 per annum each................................... 10,608.00 10,608.00 30-32 20. Three assistant agronomists, at Pl,224 per annum each...................................... 3,672.00 3,672.00 33-34 [One assistant agronomist].................. 1,224.00 33 21. Fourteen assistant agronomists, at Pl,122 per annum each................................... 15,708.00 15,708.00 35-38 22. Sixteen assistant agronomists, at Pl,080 per annum each................................... 17,280.00 17,280.00 39-43 23. Three junior agronomists, at P972 per annum each.................................................. 2,916.00 2,916.00 44-45 24. Three junior agronomists, at P864 per annum each.................................................. 2,592.00 2,592.00 46-48 25. Six junior agronomists, at P756 per annum each........................................................ 4,536.00 4,536.00 49-50 26. Four junior agronomists, at P648 per annum each........................................................ 2,592.00 2,592.00 51 27. Three junior agronomists, at P540 per annum each.................................................. 1,620.00 1,620.00 52 CLERKS 28. One clerk .............................................. 2,720.00 2,720.00 53 29. One clerk............................................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 54 30. Two clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each 3,060.00 3,060.00 55-56 31. One clerk .............................................. 918.00 918.00 57 32. One clerk ............................................ 864.00 864.00 58 33. Three clerks, at P756 per annum each 2,268.00 2,268.00 59-61 34. Six clerks, at P648 per annum each.. 3,888.00 3,888.00 62 35. Three clerks, at P540 per annum each 1,620.00 1,620.00 63-65 36. Two clerks, at P432 per annum each.... 864.00 864.00 66-67 [draftsman] [One junior topographical drafts­ man! ................................................ 972.00 68 Former incumbents of Items Nos. 33 and 68 of Act 4231 retired under Act 2589. 272 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Q Reference to item Details numbers of Act requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) MESSENGERS 37. Five messengers, at P324 per annum each .................................................................... 38. One messenger .................................... MISCELLANEOUS 39. Temporary and emergency employees, including skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, as follows: (a) Three plant sanitation foremen, at 1*972 per annum each............................. (b) One plant sanitation foreman................ (c) One plant sanitation foreman................ (d) Two plant sanitation foremen, at 1*648 per annum each....................................... (c) Two plant sanitation foremen, at F540 per annum each......................................... [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers] ................................................... (/) One foreman ................................................. (¿7) One foreman, at Fl.80 per day for 300 days ............................................................. (h) One foreman, at Fl.50 per day for 300 days ............................................................. Copyists (i) Two copyists, at 1*240 per annum each. Chauffeurs (j) One chauffeur ............................................... (k) One chauffeur............................................... (l) Two chauffeurs, at FJ+32 per annum each ............................................................. Motorcycle Drivers (m) One motorcycle driver................................ (n) One motorcycle driver................................ (0) Four motorcycle drivers, at F402 per annum each ............................................... (p) One motorcycle driver................................ Mechanic Helper (q) One mechanic helper........................-......... BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY 1,620.00 240.00 1,620.00 240.00 69-72 73 2,916.00 2,916.00 74(a) 864.00 864.00 (&) 756.00 756.00 (c) 1,296.00 1,296.00 (d)-(e) 1,080.00 1,080.00 (/) 65,210.00(1) -227 (s-1), (2)-74 (h) 540.00 . 540.00 . 450.00 . 480.00 480.00 74(h) 756.00 . 540.00 . 864.00 . 648.00 . 540.00 . 1,608.00 . 378.00 . 648.00 . G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 273 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Details Item No. (2) BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY Carpenters (r) Two carpenters, at F648 per annum each ............................................................. (s) Two carpenters, at F540 per annum each ............................................................. Laborers (i) One skilled laborer........................................ (u) One skilled laborer....................................... (v) One skilled laborer....................................... (w) One skilled laborer...................................... (x) One skilled laborer....................................... (y) Two skilled laborers, at F432 per an­ num each .................................................... (z) One skilled laborer....................................... (aa) One skilled laborer, at Fl.62 per day for 300 days............................................. (bb) One skilled laborer, at F1.50 per day for 300 days.......................................... (co) One semi-skilled laborer.......................... (dd) Three laborers, at F51f0 per annum each ........................................................... (ee) Nine laborers, at FJ>32 per annum each (ff) Two laborers, at FJtf)2 per annum each (gg) Two laborers, at F378 per annum each ............................................................ (hh) One laborer ............................................... (ii) Five laborers, at F324 per annum each (jj) Nine laborers, at F300 per annum each ........................................................... (kk) One laborer ............................................... (Il) One laborer, at F2.40 per day for 300 days .......................................................... (mm) One laborer, at F1.80 per day for 300 days .......................................................... (nn) One laborer, at Fl.62 per day for 300 days ........................................................... (oo) One laborer, at Fl.50 per day for 300 days ........................................................... (pp) Six laborers, at Fl.35 per day each for 300 days .................................................... (qq) One laborer, at Fl.35 per day for 250 days ........................................................... 1,296.00 ..................... 1,080.00 ..................... 918.00 ..................... 864.00 ..................... 810.00 ..................... 486.00 ..................... 480.00 ..................... 864.00 ..................... 420.00 ..................... 486.00 ..................... 450.00 ..................... 594.00 ..................... 1,620.00 ..................... 3,888.00 ..................... 804.00 ..................... 756.00 ..................... 365.00 ..................... 1,620.00 ..................... 2,700.00 ..................... 240.00 ..................... 720.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 486.00 ..................... 450.00 ..................... 2,430.00 ..................... 338.00 ..................... 299089------18 274 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Reference to item lydo numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated Details (2) BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY (rr) One laborer, at Fl.SO per day for 365 days ...................................... 475.00 (ss) Tivo laborers, at F1.30 per day each for 300 days............................................. 780.00 (tt) One laborer, at Fl.26 per day for 350 days ........................................................... 441.00 (uu) Two laborers, at Fl.25 per day each for 300 days............................................. 750.00 (vv) Four laborers, at Fl.17 per day each for 300 days............................................. 1,404.00 (ww) One laborer, at Fl.17 per day for 150 days ........................................................... 176.00 (a,\r) One laborer, at Fl.10 per day for 300 days ........................................................... 330.00 (yy) Two laborers, at Fl.08 per day each for 300 days............................................. 648.00 (zz) One laborer, at F1.035 per day for 300 days ..................................... 311.00 (aaa) One laborer, at Fl per day for 365 days ............................................... 365.00 (bbb) Twenty-six laborers, at Fl per day each for 300 days.............................. 7,800.00 (ccc) Three laborers, at F.99 per day each for 300 days.......................................... 891.00 (ddd) One laborer, at F.95 per day for 131 days ...................................................... 125.00 (eee) Seven laborers, at F.90 per day each for 300 days......................................... 1,890.00 (fff) One laborer, at F.85 per day for 365 days ....................................................... 311.00 (ggg) One laborer, at F.85 per day for 300 days ....................................................... 255.00 (hhh) Nine laborers, at F.80 per day each for 300 days.......................................... 2,160.00 (m) One laborer, at F.80 per day for 250 days ....................................................... 200.00 (jjj) One laborer, at F.80 per day for 200 days ....................................................... 160.00 (kkk) One laborer, at F.75 per day for 365 days ...................................................... 274.00 (III) One laborer, at F.75 per day for 300 days....................................................... 225.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 275 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated Details (2) BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY (nwnw) Two laborers, at P.70 per day each for 300 days......................................... (nnn) One laborer, at P.68 per day for 300 days ...................................................... (ooo) One laborer, at P.65 per day for 300 days ...................................................... (PPP) Three laborers, at P.JÍO per day each for 300 days......................................... . (qqq) For seasonal emergency laborers needed at the various experiment and .propagation stations, etc......... 420.00 ..................... 204.00 ..................... 195.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 10,843.00 ..................... Total .................................................... 265,850.00 268,046.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director, with quarters at the Central Ex­ periment Station, as may be determined by the Secretary .................................................. P6.120.00 2. 1 Assistant Director.............................................. 5,100.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division ............................................... 3,400.00 29. 1 clerk ............................................-..................... 2,040.00 21. 1 assistant argronomist ...................................... 1,122.00 General Service Section 30. 1 clerk .............................................................. 1,530.00 33. 1 clerk .........................................................-.......... 756.00 34. 1 clerk —............................................................... 648.00 63. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 35. 1 clerk —........................................................... 540.00 36. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 39 (i). 2 copyists ........................................................ 480.00 39 (ii). 2 laborers .—.............-.............-.............-...... 648.00 39 (v). 1 skilled laborer ............................................. 810.00 39(ii). 1 laborer .......................................................... 300.00 39(dd). 2 laborers .........................-........................... 1,080.00 39(dd). 1 laborer ....................................................... 540.00 39(cc). 1 semi-skilled laborer ................................ 594.00 39(ee). 1 laborer ....................................................... 432.00 39(ii)- 1 laborer ........................................................ 300.00 39(ee). 6 laborers ...................................................... 2,592.00 Records Section 28. 1 clerk .................................................................... 2,720.00 31. 1 clerk .................................................................... 918.00 33. 1 clerk ................................... 756.00 34. 3 clerks .................................................................. 1,944.00 34. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 37. 3 messengers ......................................................... 972.00 37. 1 messenger ........................................................... 324.00 37. 1 messenger ........................................................... 324.00 38. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 89 (jj). 1 laborer .......................................................... 300.00 89 (m). 1 motorcycle driver ...........................w........ 648.00 Reference Library and Publication Section 19. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,326.00 21. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,122.00 30. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,530.00 39(í). 1 skilled laborer ............................................. 918.00 AGRONOMY DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ............................................. 4,675.00 11. 1 agronomist .......................................................... 3,060.00 14. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 2,040.00 20. 1 assistant agronomist ....................................... 1,224.00 21. 1 assistant agronomist ..................................... 1,122.00 25. 1 junior agronomist ............................................. 756.00 34. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 39(u). 1 skilled laborer ............................................. 864.00 39(f). 1 foreman ........................................................ 540.00 HORTICULTURE DIVISION 10. 1 agronomist ........................................................ 3,825.00 17. 2 assistant agronomists ....................... 3,060.00 19. 1 assistant agronomist ...................................... 1,326.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist ...................................... 1,080.00 26. 1 junior agronomist ......................................... 648.00 39(z). 1 skilled laborer ............................................. 420.00 39(ee). 1 laborer ........................................................ 432.00 PLANT BREEDING DIVISION 11. 1 agronomist .......................................................... 3,060.00 16. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,700.00 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY AND SOIL TECHNOLOGY DIVISION 18. 1 assistant agronomist ....................................... 1,428.00 21. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,122.00 35. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 39 (jj). 1 laborer .......................................................... 300.00 DIVISION OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION 3. 1 chief of division.................................................. 4,675.00 5. 1 assistant chief of division................................. 3,825.00 276 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (2) BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 13. 1 assistant agronomist ....................................... 2,380.00 32. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 864.00 33. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 756.00 39 (ee). 1 laborer .............................. ......................... 432.00 39(jj). 2 laborers ........................................................ 600.00 Farmers' Meetings and Agricultural Fairs Section 14. 1 plant pathologist ................................................ 2,040.00 Annual Crops Section 17. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,530.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,080.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,080.00 26. 1 junior agronomist ...................................... 864.00 Perennial Crops Section 11. 1 agronomist ......................................................... 3,060.00 14. 1 assistant agronomist ..................................... 2,040.00 21. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,122.00 23. 1 junior agronomist ............................................ 972.00 Rural Improvement Section 25. 1 junior agronomist ............................................. 756.00 ENTOMOLOGY DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ................................................ 4,675.00 5. 1 assistant chief of division ............................. 3,825.00 17. 1 assistant agronomist ..................................... 1,530.00 39(d). 1 plant sanitation foreman ...................... 648.00 39 (w). 1 skilled laborer ................................... 486.00 Field Control Section 20. 1 assistant agronomist ................ 1,224.00 39(a). 1 plant sanitation foreman ...................... 972.00 39 (//). 1 laborer ........................................................ 402.00 39(<jp). 1 laborer ...................................................... 378.00 Plant Quarantine Section 16. 1 assistant agronomist .......................................... 1,700.00 21. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,122.00 39(a). 1 plant sanitation foreman ................. «... 972.00 39(c). 1 plant sanitation foreman ...................... 540.00 39(aaa). 1 laborer ..................................................... 365.00 39 (íi). 1 laborer .......................................................... 324.00 PLANT PATHOLOGY DIVISION 11. 1 agronomist ........................................................ 3,060.00 12. 1 agronomist ......................................................... 2,720.00 7. 1 plant pathologist ............................................ 2,380.00 9. 1 plant pathologist ............................................ 1,530.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,080.00 27. 1 junior agronomist ............................................ 540.00 39(1/). 2 skilled laborers ............................................ 864.00 39 (bb). 1 skilled laborer, at Pl.50 per day for 300 days ........................................................ 450.00 39(//). 1 laborer ......................................................... 402.00 39 (jj). 1 laborer .......................................................... 300.00 DIVISION OF PLANT PROPAGATION Seed and Plant Distribution Section 19. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,326.00 24. 1 junior agronomist ............................................ 864.00 36. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 432.00 Novaliches Mango Station (Caloocan, Rizal) 23. 1 junior agronomist ............................................ 972.00 39(bbb). 1 skilled laborer, at Pl per day for 300 days.......... ................ — 300.00 Los Baños Economic Garden 11. 1 plant pathologist ............................................ 3,060.00 39 (aa). 1 skilled laborer, at Pl.62 per day for 300 days ......................................................... 486.00 39 (pp). 1 skilled laborer, at Pl.35 per day for 300 days ................................................ 405.00 39(bbb). 3 skilled laborers, at Pl per day each for 300 days ..................................... 900.00 39 (bbb). 1 laborer, at Pl per day for 300 days.... 300.00 39 (hh). 1 laborer ........................................................ 365.00 Central Experiment Station, Manila 14. 1 assistant agronomist ....................................... 2,040.00 39 (ll). 1 laborer, at P2.40 per day for 300 days.. 720.00 39(mm). 1 laborer, at Pl.80 per day for 300 days 540.00 39 (nn). 1 laborer, at Pl.62 per day for 300 days.. 486.00 39(pp). 5 laborers, at Pl.35 per day each for 300 days .......................................................... 2,025.00 39(qq). 1 laborer, at Pl.35 per day for 250 days 338.00 39(ss). 1 laborer, at Pl.30 per day for 300 days 390.00 39 (vv). 3 laborers, at Pl.17 per day each for 300 days .......................................................... 1,053.00 39 (ww). 1 laborer, at Pl.17 per day for 150 days 176.00 39(zz). 1 laborer, at Pl.35 per day for 300 days 311.00 39(bbb). 17 laborers, at Pl per day each for 300 days ................................................ 5,100.00 39 (2/2/). 1 laborer, at Pl.08 per day for 300 days 324.00 39(2/2/). 1 laborer, at Pl.08 per day for 300 days 324.00 39(ccc). 2 laborers, at P0.99 per day each for 300 days ........................................................ 594.00 39(ccc). 1 laborer, at P0.99 per day for 300 days 297.00 39(eee). 5 laborers, at P0.90 per day each for 300 days ........................................................ 1,350.00 39 (Wi). 3 laborers, at P0.80 per day each for 300 days .............................................. 720.00 39(jjj). 1 laborer, at P0.80 per day for 200 days 160.00 39 (g). 1 foreman, at Pl.80 per day for 300 days 540.00 39(lek). 1 laborer ....... l...................... 240.00 39(eee). 1 motorcycle driver, at P0.90 per day for 300 days .................................................... 270.00 DIVISION OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIES 11. 1 agronomist ........................................................ 3,060.00 14. 1 assistant agronomist ..................................... 2,040.00 27. 1 junior agronomist ........................................... 540.00 39 (q). 1 mechanic helper ......................................... 648.00 39(I). 2 chauffeurs ...................................................... 864.00 39 (o). 1 motorcycle driver ..................................... 402.00 39(o). 1 motorcycle driver .................................... 402.00 39 (o). 1 motorcycle driver ..................................... 402.00 39 (a;). 1 skilled laborer ............................................ 480.00 39(jj). 2 laborers ........................................................ 600.00 39(ii). 2 laborers, at P324 per month each.......... 648.00 39 (j). 1 chauffeur ...................................................... 756.00 39 (7c). 1 chauffeur ........................................w............ 540.00 39 (n). 1 motorcycle driver ...».................................. 540.00 39 (p). 1 motorcycle driver ....................................... 378.00 39 (r). 2 carpenters .................................................... 1,296.00 39 (s). 2 carpenters .................................................... 1,080.00 39(á/p). 1 laborer ........................................................ 878.00 FIELD SERVICE Agronomical District No. 1 19. 2 assistant agronomists ....................................... 2,652.00 26. 1 junior agronomist ........................................... 648.00 39(7i7i7i). 1 laborer, at P0.80 per day for 300 days 240.00 Agronomical District No. 2 14. 1 assistant agronomist ..................................... 2,040.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist ....................................... 1,080.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 277 (2) BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 39(h). 1 foreman, at Pl.50 per day for 300 days.. 450.00 39 (vnmni). 1 laborer, at P0.70 per day for 300 days .................................................. 210.00 Agronomical District No. 3 19. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,326.00 39(eee). 1 animal caretaker, at P0.90 per day for 300 days ...................................................... 270.00 39(nnn). 1 laborer, at P0.68 per day for 300 days 204.00 39(ppp). 3 laborers, at P0.40 per day each for 300 days ............................................................ 360.00 Agronomical District No. 4 6. 1 plant pathologist .............................................. 2,550.00 17. 1 assistant agronomist . ........................................ 1,530.00 21. 2 assistant agronomists ........................................ 2,244.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist .......................................... 1,080.00 39(bbb). 1 semi-skilled laborer, at Pl per day for 300 days ...................................................... 300.00 39 (vv). 1 laborer, at Pl.17 per day for 300 days 351.00 ' Agronomical District No. 5 18. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,428.00 22. 3 assistant agronomists ........................................ 3,240.00 27. 1 junior agronomist ............................................. 540.00 39(d). 1 plant sanitation foreman........................... 648.00 39(o). 1 motorcycle driver ......................................... 402.00 Agronomical District No. 6 17. 1 assistant agronomist ............................... -........ 1,530.00 20. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,224.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,080.00 25. 1 junior agronomist ............................................. 756.00 39(e). 1 plant sanitation foreman............................ 540.00 39 (oo). 1 laborer, at Pl.50 per day for 300 days.... 450.00 39 (uu). 1 laborer, at Pl.25 per day for 300 days.... 375.00 39(xx). 1 laborer, at Pl.10 per day for 300 days.... 330.00 39 (bbb). 1 laborer, at Pl per day for 300 days.... 300.00 Agronomical District No. 7 11. 1 agronomist ........................................................... 3,060.00 21. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,122.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,080.00 26. 1 junior agronomist ............................................ 648.00 39 (bbb). 1 laborer, at Pl per day for 300 days.... 300.00 39(hhh). 3 laborers, at P0.80 per day for 300 days 720.00 39 (u). 1 laborer, at Pl.26 per day for 350 days.... 441.00 39(uu). 1 laborer, at Pl.25 per day for 300 days.... 375.00 39(ddd). 1 laborer, at P0.95 per day for 131 days 125.00 39(í7pp). 1 laborer, at P0.85 per day for 300 days.. 255.00 39 (iii) - 1 laborer, at P0.80 per day for 250 days.... 200.00 Agronomical District No. 8 15. 1 assistant agronomist .......................................... 1,836.00 Agronomical District No. 9 19. 1 assistant agronomist .......................................... 1,326.00 25. 1 junior agronomist ............................................ 756.00 26. 1 junior agronomist ............................................. 648.00 Agronomical District No. 10 22. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,080.00 39(b). 1 plant sanitation foreman........................... 864.00 Agronomical District No. 11 17. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,530.00 19. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,326.00 39(bbb). 1 laborer, at Pl per day for 300 days.... 300.00 Agronomical District No. 12 12. 1 agronomist ........................................................ 2,720.00 22. 3 assistant agronomists .................................... 3,240.00 25. 1 junior agronomist ........................................... 756.00 25. 1 junior agronomist ............................................ 756.00 39 (ss). 1 laborer, at Pl.30 per day for 300 days.... 390.00 39 (rr). 1 laborer, at Pl.30 per night for 365 days ............................................................ 475.00 39 (///). 1 laborer, at P0.85 per day for 365 days 311.00 39 (kkk). 1 laborer, at P0.75 per day for 365 days ...................................................... 274.00 39 (III). 1 laborer, at P0.75 per day for 300 days.. 225.00 39 (hhh). 2 laborers, at P0.80 per day each for 300 days ............................................................ 480.00 39(mmm). 1 laborer, at P0.70 per day for 300 days ............................................... 210.00 39(ooo). 1 laborer, at P0.65 per day for 300 days.. 195.00 Agronomical District No. 13 16. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................... 1,700.00 21. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,122.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist ....................................... 1,080.00 24. 1 junior agronomist .............................................. 864.00 39(c). 1 plant sanitation foreman............................ 756.00 Agronomical District No. 14 14. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................... 1,122.00 23. 1 junior agronomist ............................................. 972.00 Agronomical District No. 15 11. 1 agronomist .......................................................... 3,060.00 21. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,122.00 21. 2 assistant agronomists ....................................... 2,244.00 39(a). 1 plant sanitation foreman.......................... 972.00 Other Stations 39(qqq). For emergency laborers.............................. 10,843.00 Total for salaries and wages........................ P265,850.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY DIRECTORS 1. One Director ....................................... T6,120.00 T6,120.00 1 2. One Assistant Director....................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 278 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested ■kmc Reference to item lyoo numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. Two chiefs of divisions, at F5,100 per annum each........................................................ 4. Two chiefs of divisions, at 5*4,250 per annum each ........................... .......................... 5. One chief of division........................... ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 6. One assistant chief of division......... 7. One assistant chief of division......... 8. Three assistant chiefs of divisions, at F3,060 per annum each................................... VETERINARIANS 9. One veterinarian ................................. 10. Three veterinarians, at 5*3,060 per annum each........................................................ 11. One veterinarian ............................... 12. Two veterinarians, at 5*2,550 per an­ num each............................................................ ASSISTANT VETERINARIANS 13. Three assistant veterinarians, at 5*2,380 per annum each................................... 14. One assistant veterinarian................. 15. Ten assistant veterinarians, at 5*2,040 per annum each................................... 16. One assistant veterinarian................. 17. Fifteen assistant veterinarians, at Fl,530 per annum each ............................. ANIMAL HUSBANDMEN 18. One aiiimal husbandman..................... 19. One assistant animal husbandman.... 20. One assistant animal husbandman.... 21. One assistant animal husbandman.... 22. Two assistant animal husbandmen, at Fl,080 per annum each................................... LIVESTOCK INSPECTORS 23. One livestock inspector....................... 24. One livestock inspector....................... 25. One livestock inspector........... ............ 26. Two livestock inspectors, at 5*972 per annum each....................................................... 10,200.00 3-4 10,200.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 5-6 3,400.00 3,400.00 7 3,825.00 3,825.00 8 3,400.00 3,400.00 9 9,180.00 9,180.00 10-11 3,825.00 3,825.00 12 9,180.00 9,180.00 13-14 2,720.00 2,720.00 15 5,100.00 5,100.00 16 7,140.00 7,140.00 17-18 2,142.00 2,142.00 19 20,400.00 20,400.00 20-21 1,700.00 1,700.00 22 22,950.00 22,950.00 23-25 2,720.00 2,720.00 26 2,176.00 2,176.00 27 2,040.00 2,040.00 28 1,122.00 1,122.00 29 2,160.00 2,160.00 30-31 2,380.00 2,380.00 32 1,224.00 1,224.00 33 1,080.00 1,080.00 34 1,944.00 1,944.00 35 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 279 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized (3) BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY 27. Two livestock inspectors, at 1*864 per annum each........................................................ 28. Eight livestock inspectors, at 1*756 per annum each................................................ 29. Two livestock inspectors, at ¥702 per annum each........................................................ 30. Eighteen livestock inspectors, at T648 per annum each...................................... 31. Twenty-two livestock inspectors, at 1*540 per annum each .................................... 32. Thirty-five livestock inspectors, at P432 per annum each...................................... CLERKS 33. One clerk .............................................. 34. One clerk .............................................. 35. Two clerks, at 1*1,326 per annum each 36. One clerk .............................................. 37. Three clerks, at 1*756 per annum each .................................................................... 38. Four clerks, at 1*648 per annum each MES SEN GER S 39. One messenger .................................... 40. Two messengers, at t*324 per annum each .................................................................... MISCELLANEOUS 41. For temporary and emergency em­ ployees, including laborers, as follows: FOREMEN (a) One breeding station foreman........... [For skilled, semi-skilled and un­ skilled laborers]................................................ Blacksmith (6) One blacksmith ............................................... Mechanics (c) One mechanic ................................................... (d) One assistant mechanic ............................. Saddler (e) One saddler ..................................................... 37,000.00 (l)-227(s-I), (3)-68(6) 1,728.00 1,728.00 36 6,048.00 6,048.00 37-41 1,404.00 1,404.00 42-43 11,664.00 11,664.00 44-46 11,880.00 11,880.00 47-48 15,120.00 15,120.00 49-52 1,700.00 1,700.00 53 1,428.00 1,428.00 54 2,652.00 2,652.00 55-56 1,122.00 1,122.00 57 2,268.00 2,268.00 59 2,592.00 2,592.00 60-62 432.00 432.00 64 648.00 648.00 65-67 1,122.00 1,122.00 68(a) 1,080.00 ..................... 768.00 ..................... 648.00 ..................... 648.00 280 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized (3) BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY Chauffeurs (/) Two chauffeurs, at 1*648- per annum each (g) One chauffeur ............................................... (h) One chauffeur ................................................. Motor Drivers (i) One motor driver ............................................. (j) Tivo motor drivers, at 1*51*0 per annum each .................................................................. (k) One motor driver .......................................... Carpenters (l) One carpenter ................................................... (m) Two carpenters, at 1*61*8 per annum each ................................................................ (n) Two carpenters, at 1*51*0 per annum each (o) One carpenter ................................................. Foremen 1, 296.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 594.00 ..................... 1, 080.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 864.00 ..................... 1, 296.00 ..................... 1, 080.00 ..................... 486.00 ..................... (p) Three foremen, at 1*756 per annum each ................................................................ (q) One foreman ................................................... 2,268.00 ..................... 486.00 ..................... Laborers (>■) One skilled laborer ...................................... (s) Three laborers, at 1*648 per annum each.. (i) Two laborers, at 1*594 per annum each.. (u) Three laborers, at 1*540 per annum each.. (v) Four laborers, at 1*486 per annum each.. (w) Seven laborers, at 1*432 per annum each (x) Three laborers, at 1*420 per annum each (y) Three laborers, at 1*378 per annum each (z) One laborer ...................................................... (aa) Four laborers, at 1*360 per annum each (bb) Twenty laborers, at 1*324 per annum each .............................................................. (cc) Two laborers, at 1*300 per annum eacch.. (dd) One laborer ................................................... 730.00 ..................... 1, 944.00 ............... ..... 1, 188.00 ..................... 1, 620.00 ..................... 1,944.00 ..................... 3,024.00 ..................... 1,260.00 ..................... 1,134.00 ..................... 372.00 ..................... 1,440.00 ..................... 6,480.00 ..................... 600.00 ................... 240.00 ..................... Watchman (ee) One watchman ............................................... Janitor (ff) One janitor ...................................... ............ 486.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... Total.................................................... 240,536.00 240,536.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 281 (3) BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director ............................................................... >>6-2C M 2. 1 Assistant Director ........................................... 5,100.00 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 5. 1 chief of division .....................-....................... 8. 1 assistant chief of division............................... 34. 1 clerk ................................................................... 35. 2 clerks, at Pl,326 per annum each .............. 36. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 37. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................. 38. 4 clerks, at P648 per annum each .................. 39. 1 messenger ........................................................... 40. 2 messengers, at P324 per annum each.......... 41(b). 1 blacksmith .................................................... 41(c). 1 mechanic ........................................................ 41(d). 1 assistant mechanic ..................................... 41 (c). 1 saddler .......................................................... 41(f). 2 chauffeurs, at P648 per annum each....... 41 (g). 1 chauffeur ..................................................... 41 (h). 1 chauffeur ........................................................ 41 (i). 1 motor driver ................................................ 41(f). 2 motor drivers, at P540 per annum each.. 41 (/;). 1 motor driver ................................................ 41(Z). 1 carpenter ........................................................ 41 (m). 2 carpenters, at P648 per annum each.... 41 (n). 2 carpenters, at P540 per annum each.... 4L(o). 1 carpenter ...................................................... 41 (r). 1 skilled laborer ......-.........-.................-....... 41 (t). 1 laborer ................................ -......................... 41 (u). 3 laborers, at P540 per annum each......... 41 (aa). 4 laborers, at P360 per annum each....... 41(cc). 1 laborer ........................................-............... 41 (dd). 1 laborer ........................................... . .......... 41 (ee). 1 watchman .................................................... 41(ID. 1 janitor ........................................-.................. 41(z). 1 laborer ..................................—..... -...... 3,400.00 3,060.00 1,428.00 2,652.00 1,122.00 2,268.00 2,592.00 432.00 648.00 1,080.00 768.00 648.00 648.00 1,296.00 540.00 432.00 594.00 1,080.00 432.00 864.00 1,296.00 1,080.00 486.00 730.00 594.00 1,620.00 1,440.00 300.00 240.00 486.00 540.00 372.00 13. 3 assistant veterinarians, at P2.380 per an­ num each ...................................................... 7,140.00 14. 1 assistant veterinarian ..................................... 2,142.00 15. 9 assistant veterinarians, at P2,040 per an­ num each ...................................................... 18,360.00 16. 1 assistant veterinarian .................................... 1,700.00 17. 15 assistant veterinarians, at Pl,530 per an­ num each .................................................... 22,950.00 19. 1 assistant animal husbandman......................... 2,176.00 25. 1 livestock inspector .......................................... 1,080.00 26. 2 livestock inspectors, at P972 per annum each 1,944.00 27. 2 livestock inspectors, at P864 per annum each 1,728.00 28. 8 livestock inspectors, at P756 per annum each 6,048.00 29. 2 livestock inspectors, at P702 per annum each 1,404.00 30. 18 livestock inspectors, at P648 per annum each ................................................................. 11,664.00 31. 22 livestock inspectors, at P540 per annum each ................................................................. 11,880.00 32. 35 livestock inspectors, at P432 per annum each .................................................................. 15,120.00 VETERINARY RESEARCH DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division................................................ 5,100.00 6. 1 assistant chief of division. ......................... 3,825.00 11. 1 veterinarian ............-.......................................... 2,720.00 24. 1 livestock inspector ............................................. 1,224.00 ANIMAL DISEASE CONTROL DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division............................................... 5,100.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division....... . .................. 3,060.00 9. 1 veterinarian _............................ ....................... 3,825.00 10. 3 veterinarians, at P3,060 per annum each.... 9,180.00 12. 2 veterinarians, at P2,5Í0 per annum each.... 5,100.00 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division.................................................. 4,250.00 7. 1 assistant chief of division................................ 3,400.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division................................. 3,060.00 15. 1 assistant veterinarian ....................................... 2,040.00 18. 1 animal husbandman ........................................ 2,720.00 20. 1 assistant animal husbandman.......................... 2,040.00 21. 1 assistant animal husbandman.......................... 1,122.00 22. 2 assistant animal husbandmen, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................... 2,160.00 23. 1 livestock inspector ............................................. 2,380.00 33. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,700.00 41(a). 1 breeding station foreman .......................... 1,122.00 41(p). 3 foremen, at P756 per annum each........... 2,268.00 41(g). 1 foreman .............................. 486.00 41 (s). 3 laborers, at P648 per annum each........... 1,944.00 41 (v). 4 laborers, at P486 per annum each........... 1,944.00 41 (w). 7 laborers, at P432 per annum each........... 3,024.00 41(x). 3 laborers, at P420 per annum each............ 1,260.00 41(i/). 3 laborers, at P378 per annum each........... 1,134.00 41 (bb). 20 laborers, at P324 per annum each ....... 6,480.00 41 (cc). 1 laborer .......................................................... 300.00 ANIMAL PRODUCTS DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division................................................ 4,250.00 41(¿). 1 laborer .................. 594.00 Total for salaries and wages. P240.536.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF FORESTRY DIRECTORS 1. One Director ....................................... 2=6,120.00 2=6,120.00 1 2. Additional salary for the incumbent on January 1, 1932, of the position of Di­ rector, item 1.................................................... 4,080.00 4,080.00 2 3. One Assistant Director....................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 3 282 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF FORESTRY CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 4. Two chiefs of divisions, at 9*4,675 per annum each ............................................... 9,350.00 9,350.00 4-5 5. One chief of division........................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 6 6. Two chiefs of divisions, at 1*3,825 per annum each ............................................... 7,650.00 7,650.00 7 ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 7. One assistant chief of division........... 3,825.00 3,825.00 8 8. Two assistant chiefs of divisions, at 1*3,400 per annum each................................... 6,800.00 6,800.00 9-10 9. One assistant chief of division........... 3,060.00 3,060.00 11 10. One assistant chief of division........... 2,720.00 2,720.00 12 FORESTERS 11. Six foresters, at 1*2,720 per annum each .. 16,320.00 16,320.00 13-16 12. One forester ........................................ 2,550.00 2,550.00 17 ASSISTANT FORESTERS 13. Nine assistant foresters, at F2,380 per annum each................................................ 21,420.00 21,420.00 18-19 FOREST SUPERVISORS 14. Two forest supervisors, at 1*2,040 per annum each........................................................ 4,080.00 4,080.00 20-21 15. Five forest supervisors, at Fl,700 per annum each........................................................ 8,500.00 8,500.00 22-23 16. Four forest supervisors, at Fl,530 per annum each............................................... 6,120.00 6,120.00 24-25 RANGERS 17. One ranger........................................... 1,326.00 1,326.00 26 18. Two rangers, at 1*1,275 per annum each .. 2,550.00 2,550.00 27 19. Four rangers, at Fl,224 per annum each .. 4,896.00 4,896.00 28-29 20. Eight rangers, at Fl,122 per annum each .. 8,976.00 8,976.00 30-31 21. Twenty rangers, at Fl,080 per annum each............................................... ............ 21,600.00 21,600.00 32-36 22. Twelve rangers, at Fl,026 per annum each ......................................................... 12,312.00 12,312.00 37-39 [One ranger]............................................ 1,026.00 37 Former incumbent of item 37 of Act 4231, retired under Act 2589. G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 283 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF FORESTRY 23. Seventeen rangers, at ¥972 pei- annum each ......................................................... 16,524.00 16,524.00 40-43 24. Three rangers, at 5*918 per annum each ................................................................... 2,754.00 2,754.00 44 25. Twenty-nine rangers, at 5*864 per annum each ...................................................... 25,056.00 25,056.00 45-47 26. Two hundred twenty-one rangers, at P810 per annum each..................................... 179,010.00 179,010.00 48-53 26a. Ninety-six rangers, at F810 per annum each ............................................................ 77,760.00 . FOREST GUARDS 27. Twenty-nine forest guards, at 1*810 per annum each ................................................ 23,490.00 23,490.00 54-63 28. Four forest guards, at 5*648 per annum each............................................................ 2,592.00 2,592.00 64-66 29. Three forest guards, at 5*540 per annum each ...................................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 67-68 30. Twenty-one forest guards, at 1*486 per annum each........................................ ....... 10,206.00 10,206.00 69-73 31. Forty-six forest guards, at 5*432 per annum each ...................................................... 19,872.00 19,872.00 74-78 32. Three forest guards, at ¥=378 per an­ num each............................................................ 1,134.00 1,134.00 79 33. Thirty-seven forest guards, at ¥=324 per annum each................................................ 11,988.00 11,988.00 80-82 33a. Twenty forest guards, at ¥324 per annum each........................................................ 6,480.00 . 34. One forest guard................................. 300.00 300.00 83 CLERKS 35. One clerk .............................................. 1,870.00 1,870.00 84 36. One clerk .............................................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 85 37. One clerk ............................................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 86 38. One clerk .............................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 87 39. Two clerks, at 1*864 per annum each 1,728.00 1,728.00 88 40. Seven clerks, at ¥810 per annum each 5,670.00 5,670.00 89-91 41. One clerk .............................................. 756.00 756.00 92 42. One clerk ........................................... 702.00 702.00 93 43. Five clerks, at 1*648 per annum each 3,240.00 3,240.00 94-97 44. One clerk ....................................... 594.00 594.00 98 45. One clerk ........................ 540.00 540.00 99 46. Two clerks, at ¥=486 per annum each 972.00 972.00 100 47. Twenty-two clerks, at ¥=432 per an­ num each ............................ 9,504.00 9,504.00 101-105 48. Six clerks, at F324 per annum each.... 1,944.00 1,944.00 106 284 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF FORESTRY MESSENGERS 49. Four messengers, at 5*300 per annum each .................................................................... 1,200.00 1,200.00 107 DRAFTSMEN 50. One assistant topographical draftsman .................................................................... 1,428.00 1,428.00 108 51. One assistant topographical draftsman .................................................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 109 52. One junior topographical draftsman.. 53. Four junior topographical draftsmen, 864.00 864.00 110 at 1*810 per annum each................................. 3,240.00 3,240.00 111-112 54. Two junior topographical draftsmen, at 1*648 per annum each................................. 1,296.00 1,296.00 113-114 55. Three junior topographical drafts­ men, at 5*540 per annum each....................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 115-116 56. Ten junior topographical draftsmen, at 5*432 per annum each................................. 4,320.00 4,320.00 117 57. One junior topographical draftsman 58. Two junior topographical draftsmen, 324.00 324.00 118 at 5*300 per annum each................................. 600.00 600.00 119 COMPUTERS 59. Two junior computers, at 1*432 per annum each ...................................................... 864.00 864.00 120 MISCELLANEOUS 60. For temporary and emergency em­ ployees, including laborers, as follows: (а) One nurseryman............................................ (б) Two nurserymen, at F432 per annum 540.00 540.00 121(a) each .............................. -........................... 864.00 864.00 121(c)-(d) (c) Two nurserymen, at P378 per annum each 756.00 756.00 121(e) (d) One nurseryman............................................ 324.00 324.00 121(f) (e) One janitor...................................................... 378.00 378.00 121(0) (/) Two watchmen, at 1*378 per annum each.. 756.00 756.00 121 (i) (g) One blue-printer............................................ (h) Two blue-printers, at F324 per annum 432.00 432.00 121 (» each .............................................................. 648.00 648.00 121(&) (i) Five preparators, at 1*540 per annum each (j) Six laboratory helpers, at 1*300 per an­ 2,700.00 2,700.00 121 (Z) num each ................................................... 1,800.00 1,800.00 121 (th) [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labor­ ers] 10,048.00 121 (n) G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 285 Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 1936 requested authorized (4) BUREAU OF FORESTRY Draftsmen (k) Two junior topographical draftsmen, at 1*360 per annum each.................................. 720.00 (Z) Two junior topographical draftsmen, at 1*324 per annum each.................................. 648.00 Laborers (m) One laborer ................................................... 756.00 (?i) Three laborers, at 1*540 per annum each.. 1,620.00 (o) One laborer ........................................................ 450.00 (p) One laborer......................................................... 432.00 (q) One laborer ........................................................ 390.00 (r) One laborer ....................................................... 378.00 (s) Three laborers, at 1*360 per annum each.. 1,080.00 (i) Seven laborers, at P300 per annum ecali.. 2,100.00 (u) One laborer ........................................................ 271.00 (v) Two laborers, at 1*240 per annum each.. 480.00 (w) Three laborers, at 1*225 per annum each.. 675.00 [For additional compensation of for­ est officers and guards at the rate of from T3.50 to T10 per month each while detailed to scaling lumber, survey and land classification work, or assigned to remote places when in the judgment of the Department Head such additional compensation may be necessary]........................... 61. For compensation of fire-wardens throughout the Mountain Province at the rate of from T2 to T15 per month each for six months during the hot season, January to 5,000.00 122 June, 1937 [1936] ........................................... 3,000.00 Total................................................... 612,881.00 3,000.00 534,715.00 123 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1-2. 1 Director (under contract)............................. 3. 1 Assistant Director P10,200.00 5,100.00 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 6. 1 chief of division..-.....-...... „ 3,825.00 10. 1 assistant chief of division.......... ......._......... 2,720.00 11. 1 forester ................. —...................... 2,720.00 26. 5 rangers ............................ 4,050.00 26(a). 6 rangers ......................................................... 4,860.00 31. 2 forest guards ........................ 864.00 33. 1 forest guard .....-.............................. .............. 324.00 33(a). 3 forest guards ................................................ 972.00 36. 1 clerk ....................... ....... —.............. 1,530.00 37. 1 clerk —...................—...... —.....—..... 1,326.00 38. 1 clerk ....................—------------------------------ 1,080.00 40. 1 clerk —..... —----------------------------- 810.00 41. 1 clerk —______ _ ______ ________________ 756.00 42. 1 clerk ........ -.............. 702.00 47. 4 clerks .................. —.......... 1,728.00 48. 4 clerks ................................-...... ........... . ........ 1,296.00 49. 4 messengers ............ —.......—......... 1,200.00 60(e). 1 janitor -............ .......... — - ........... 378.00 60(f). 2 watchmen -------------- -----------------........ 756.00 60 (i). 5 preparators ................................................ 2,700.00 286 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (4) BUREAU OF FORESTRY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 60 (j). 6 laboratory helpers ....... 1,800.00 60(p). 1 laborer ....................................................... 432.00 60 (r). 1 laborer ...................................................... 378.00 60 (s). 2 laborers ....................................................... 720.00 60(0. 6 laborers ..................................................... 1,800.00 60 (v). 1 laborer ....................................................... 240.00 60(v). 1 laborer ...................................................... 240.00 DIVISION OF FOREST CONCESSIONS DIVISION OF FOREST STUDIES AND RESEARCH 4. 1 chief of division....................................... 4,675.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 3,400.00 11. 2 foresters ............................................-............. 5,440.00 13. 2 assistant foresters ............................................ 4,760.00 15. 2 forest supervisors ...........-.....................-....... 3,400.00 16. 1 forest supervisor ............... 1,530.00 18. 1 ranger ..............................—................ 1,275.00 20. 2 rangers .........—................................................ 2,244.00 21. 9 rangers ............................................................ 9,720.00 22. 4 rangers ............................................................. 4,104.00 23. 1 ranger .............................................................. 972.00 25. 3 rangers ...................................-........-..........— 2,592.00 26. 10 rangers ..................................-....................... 8,100.00 26(a). 10 rangers ...................................................... 8,100.00 27. 4 forest guards ........................................... 3,240.00 30. 1 forest guard ..................... —............................. 486.00 31. 1 forest guard .................................................... 432.00 32. 1 forest guard ........................................ -.......... 378.00 33. 3 forest guards —..............................................- 972.00 40. 1 clerk ............................... -................................ 810.00 47. 2 clerks ................................................... -........... 864.00 56. 1 junior topographical draftsman.................... 432.00 60(a). 1 nurseryman ................................................. 540.00 60(6). 2 nurserymen -................—.................... — 864.00 60(c). 2 nurserymen ................................................. 756.00 60(d). 1 nurseryman ................................................ 324.00 GO (???). 1 laborer ...................................................... 756.00 60 (??). 3 laborers ...................................................... 1,620.00 60(o). 1 laborer ........................................................ 450.00 60 (q). 1 laborer ........................................................ 390.00 60(O. 1 laborer ........................................................ 300.00 60 (w). 1 laborer ...................................................... 225.00 4. 1 chief of division ............................ 4,675.00 7. 1 assistant chief of division ......... 3,825.00 16. 1 forest supervisor ........._........ ........ ... ....._.... 1,530.00 19. 2 rangers ............................................. 2,448.00 22. 1 ranger ............ _............................ 1,026.00 23. 1 ranger ........................................................... 972.00 25. 1 ranger ....................................................... :___ 864.00 26. 16 rangers ........................................................... 12,960.00 26(a). 50 rangers ...................................................... 40,500.00 27. 2 forest guards ......................._......... 1,620.00 30. 2 forest guards ............... 972.00 31. 3 forest guards ....................... 1,296.00 33. 2 forest guards .................. _......... 648.00 33(a). 12 forest guards .......................................... 3,888.00 34. 1 forest guard ......................................... 300.00 35. 1 clerk ......................................._.......... 1,870.00 39. 2 clerks ............ „.........-.......... 1,728.00 40. 2 clerks ................................................................. 1,620.00 43. 2 clerks —................... „..... 1,296.00 47. 2 clerks ........................................... 864.00 DIVISION OF FOREST DELIMITATION AND IMPROVEMENT DIVISION OF FOREST AND RANGE MANAGEMENT 5. 1 chief of division............................................ 4,250.00 9. 1 assistant chief of division........................„.... 3,060.00 11. 1 forester _.......................................................— 2,720.00 13. 1 assistant forester ......... —...............— 2,380.00 20. 2 rangers .................................... -.......................- 2,244.00 23. 4 rangers ............................................................. 3,888.00 24. 1 ranger ....................................................—...... 918.00 25. 4 rangers ............................................................. 3,456.00 26. 10 rangers .......................................-................ - 8,100.00 26(a). 15 rangers ...................................................... 12,150.00 30. 1 forest guard ................................. 486.00 31. 8 forest guards ................. 3,456.00 33. 1 forest guard .................................................... 324.00 33(a). 5 forest guards ............................................. 1,620.00 40. 2 clerks ............ -................................................ 1,620.00 43. 1 clerk ................................................................. 648.00 44. 1 clerk ................................................................. 594.00 45. 1 clerk ................................................................. 540.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 48. 1 clerk ..... -............... 324.00 6. 1 chief of division ........................................ 3,825.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division..............................„ 3,400.00 17. 1 ranger .............................................................. 1,326.00 23. 1 ranger .................................................. „ 972.00 25. 2 rangers ........................................................... 1,728.00 26. 15 rangers .......... ~..............................................- 12,150.00 26(a). 15 rangers ...................................................... 12,150.00 31. 3 forest guards ................................................. 1,296.00 33. 1 forest guard ................................. 324.00 43. 1 clerk .......................................... .... 648.00 46. 2 clerks ................... — 972.00 47. 1 clerk ....................................................... 432.00 47. 3 clerks ...................................... — 1,296.00 50. 1 assistant topographical draftsman ............... 1,428.00 51. 1 assistant topographical draftsman ............... 1,080.00 52. 1 junior topographical draftsman ................... 864.00 53. 4 junior topographical draftsmen............. 3,240.00 54. 2 junior topographical draftsmen ----- 1,296.00 55. 3 junior topographical draftsmen ~................. 1,620.00 56. 9 junior topographical draftsmen .................... 3,888.00 57. 1 junior topographical draftsman .................... 324.00 58. 2 junior topographical draftsmen .................... 600.00 59. 2 junior computers ............................................ 864.00 60 (q). 1 blueprinter ............................................... 432.00 60(A). 2 blueprinters ................................................ 648.00 60 (7c). 3 junior topographical draftsmen... ......... 720.00 60(1). 2 junior topographical draftsmen............... 648.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 1 16. 1 forest supervisor ............................................ 1,530.00 21. 1 rapger .............................................................. 1,080.00 22. 2 rangers ............................................................ 2,052.00 25. 2 rangers .............. -............................................ 1,728.00 26. 8 rangers ............................................................ 6,480.00 27. 1 forest guard ................................................... 810.00 30. 2 forest guards .................................................. 972.00 31. 2 forest guards ................................................... 864.00 33. 3 forest guards .................................................. 972.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 287 (4) BUREAU OF FORESTRY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION FOREST DISTRICT NO. 2 15. 1 forest supervisor ............................................. 1,700.00 20. 1 ranger .................................................................. 1,122.00 25. 1 ranger .................................................................. 864-00 26. 6 rangers —.....---- ----- ------—----- ------------ 4,860.00 29. 1 forest guard ........................... -...................... 540.00 30. 1 forest guard ...................................—............... 486.00 31. 3 forest guards . ................................................. 1,296.00 33. 1 forest guard .................................................... 324.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432-00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 3 11. 1 forester .............................................................. 2,720.00 15. 1 forest supervisor ............................................. 1,700.00 21. 1 ranger ..................-........................................... 1,080.00 25. 1 ranger .............................................................. 864-00 26. 16 rangers ........................................................... 12,960.00 27. 2 forest guards ................................................... 1,620.00 28. 1 forest guard .................................-.................. 648.00 30. 2 forest guards--------------------------------------- 972.00 31. 2 forest guards ............................. -.................... 864.00 33. 1 forest guard .................................................... 324.00 47. 1 clerk .......:....................................................-.... 432.00 60 (s). 1 laborer .......................................................... 360.00 60 (u). 1 laborer .......................................................... 271.00 60 (w). 2 laborers ........................................................ 450.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 4 13. 1 assistant forester ............................................ 2,380.00 16. 1 forest supervisor ............................................ 1,530.00 21. 1 ranger ............................................................... 1,080.00 22. 1 ranger ............................................................... 1,026.00 25. 3 rangers ............................................................. 2,592.00 26. 9 rangers -..........—.........------ --------------------- 7,290.00 27. 2 forest guards —.....-.............. 1,620.00 30. 1 forest guard ..................................................... 486.00 31. 2 forest guards —.......—----- ------------------— 864.00 33. 2 forest guards .................................................... 648.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 5 12. 1 forester .........................-.................................... 2,550.00 21. 1 ranger ............................................................... 1,080.00 23. 3 rangers ............................................................... 2,916.00 25. 1 ranger .........................................-...................... 864.00 26. 12 rangers .........-..............-..............—............... 9,720.00 27. 3 forest guards ..... -........-................. 2,430.00 29. 1 forest guard .................................................... 540.00 30. 1 forest guard ............................ -..................... 486.00 31. 5 forest guards ................... 2,160.00 33. 1 forest guard .................................................... 324.00 47. 1 clerk ..................................................................- 432.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 6 13. 1 assistant forester ............................................ 2,380.00 18. 1 ranger -.................................. 1,275.00 21. 1 ranger ............................................................... 1,080.00 23. 2 rangers ............................................................... 1,944.00 25. 2 rangers ................................................................ 1,728.00 26. 12 rangers ........................................................... 9,720.00 27. 2 forest guards ......................... 1,620.00 28. 1 forest guard ..................................................... 648.00 29. 1 forest guard ...................................................... 540.00 30. 1 forest guard ...................................................... 486.00 31. 3 forest guards ............. „.................. 1,296.00 82. 2 forest guards .................................................... 756.00 47. 1 clerk ........................................................... 432.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 7 14. 1 forest supervisor ...................... 2,040.00 19. 1 ranger ............................................................... 1,224.00 20. 1 rangei' ............................................................... 1,122.00 21. 2 rangers ............................................................... 2,160.00 22. 2 rangers ............................................................. 2,052.00 25. 1 ranger ............................................................... 864.00 26. 17 rangers ............................................................ 13,770.00 27. 3 forest guards .................................................. 2,430.00 30. 2 forest guards ..... —.......—....... _..... 972.00 31. 3 forest guards ---------------- ----- —.................. 1,296.00 33. 5 forest guards ..... 1,620.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 8 15. 1 forest supervisor ........................................... 1,700.00 21. 1 ranger .............................................................. 1,080.00 25. 2 rangers .............................................................. 1,728.00 26. 13 rangers ....................-........—................ _......... 10,530.00 27. 1 forest guard.......................................................... 810.00 28. 1 forest guard......................................................... 648.00 30. 1 forest guard.......................................................... 486.00 31. 1 forest guard......................................................... 432.00 33. 1 forest guard.......................................................... 324.00 47. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 9 13. 1 assistant forester............................................... 2,380.00 23. 1 ranger .................................................................. 972.00 24. 1 ranger .................................................................. 918.00 25. 3 rangers ................................................................. 2,592.00 26. 12 rangers ................ -.................... -.................... 9,720.00 27. 4 forest guards ............ _ 3,240.00 28. 1 forest guard .............................................. _..... 648.00 30. 1 forest guard.......................................................... 486.00 31. 2 forest guards......................................................... 864.00 33. 3 forest guards ...................................................... 972.00 43. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 10 26. 5 rangers ............................................................... 4,050.00 31. 1 forest guard....................................................... 432.00 48. 1 clerk ................................................................... 324.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 11 13. 1 assistant forester................................................... 2,380.00 21. 2 rangers ............................................................... 2,160.00 24. 1 ranger ................................................................. 918.00 25. 1 ranger ................................................................. 864.00 26. 13 rangers .............................................................. 10,530.00 31. 1 forest guard......................................................... 432.00 33. 4 forest guards ..................................................... 1,296.00 47. 1 clerk ....................................................... 432.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO 12 13. 1 assistant forester................................................ 2,380.00 14. 1 forest supervisor................................................. 2,040.00 20. 2 rangers ................................................................ 2,244.00 21. 1 ranger .............................. 1,080.00 22. 2 rangers .............................................................— 2,052.00 23. 1 ranger ................................................................. 972.00 25. 1 ranger ...........................-.................................... 864.00 26. 16 rangers .............................................................. 12,960.00 27. 1 forest guard.......................................................... 810.00 30. 4 forest guards ........................... -...................... - 1,944.00 31. 2 forest guards .....-........ 864.00 33. 6 forest guards ..... „...........— 1,944.00 47. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 432.00 288 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (4) BUREAU OF FORESTRY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION FOREST DISTRICT NO. 13 MISCELLANEOUS 13. 1 assistant forester ............................................... 2,380.00 23. 1 ranger ................................................................. 972.00 26. 7 rangers ............................................................... 5,670.00 26. 1 ranger ................................................................. 810.00 26. 2 rangers ............................................................... 1,620.00 31. 1 forest guard .................................................... 432.00 33. 1 forest guard ..................................................... 324.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 14 11. 1 forester ............................................................... 2,720.00 19. 1 ranger ................................................................. 1,224.00 23. 2 rangers ............................................................... 1,944.00 25. 1 ranger ................................................................ 864.00 26. 16 rangers .............................................................. 12,960.00 27. 4 forest guards ...................................................... 3,240.00 30. 1 forest guard ......................................................... 486.00 31. 1 forest guard ....................................................... 432.00 33. 1 forest guard ..................... 324.00 40. 1 clerk ..........»............................................ 810.00 62. For compensation of fire wardens throughout the Mountain Province at the rate of from P2 to P15 per month each for six months during the hot season, January to June, 1937: 2 fire wardens at P12 per month each.... P144.00 6 fire wardens at P10 per month each.... 360.00 2 fire wardens at P8 per month each.... 96.00 38 fire wardens at P5 per month each..» 1,140.00 4 fire wardens at P4 per month each.... 96.00 38 fire wardens at P3 per month each— 684.00 27 fire wardens at P2 per month é'ach.... 324.00 1 fire warden at P2 per month, from February to June ............................. 10.00 1 fire warden at P2 per month from April to May ..................................... 4.00 11 fire wardens at P2 per month each.... 142.00 Total for salaries and wages........ P612.881.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF BANDS DIRECTORS 1. One Director ........................................ 1*6,120.00 1*6,120.00 1 2. One Assistant Director ..................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One special agent............................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 3 4. One chief of division ......................... 4,675.00 4,675.00 4 5. One chief of division ......................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 5 6. One chief of division ....................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 6 ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 7. One assistant chief of division........... 4,250.00 4,250.00 7 8. One assistant chief of division........... 3,825.00 3,825.00 8 9. One assistant chief of division........... 3,400.00 3,400.00 9 INSPECTORS 10. One inspector....................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 11 11. Two inspectors, at ?3,400 per annum each .. SURVEYORS 6,800.00 6,800.00 12 12. Two surveyors, at 1*3,400 per annum each .. 6,800.00 6,800.00 13 13. Three surveyors, at 1*3,060 per annum each........................................................... 9,180.00 9,180.00 14 14. One surveyor ....................................... 2,890.00 2,890.00 15 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 289 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF LANDS 15. Four surveyors, at ¥2,720 per annum each ................................................................... 10,880.00 10,880.00 16 16. Four surveyors, at ¥2,380 per annum each ................................................................... 9,520.00 9,520.00 17 17. Six surveyors, at ¥2,040 per annum each ................................................................... 12,240.00 12,240.00 18 18. Nine surveyors, at 1*1,700 per annum each .................................................................... 15,300.00 15,300.00 19-20 19. Three surveyors, at 1*1,530 per annum each........................................................... 4,590.00 4,590.00 21 20. One assistant surveyor-instructor..... 21. Eight assistant surveyors, at 1*1,428 2,040.00 2,040.00 22 per annum each ................................................ 11,424.00 11,424.00 23-26 22. One assistant surveyor....................... 23. Seven assistant surveyors, at ¥=1,224 1,326.00 1,326.00 27 pei' annum each ............................................. . 8,568.00 8,568.00 28-30 24. Twenty assistant surveyors, at ¥=1,122 per annum each ............................................... 22,440.00 22,440.00 31-32 25. Sixty-one assistant surveyors, at ¥=1,080 per annum each................................... 65,880.00 65,880.00 33-38 26. Twelve junior surveyors, at ¥=756 per annum each........................................................ 9,072.00 9,072.00 39-42 27. Eighty-five junior surveyors, at ¥540 per annum each ............................................... 45,900.00 45,900.00 44-48 28. Fifteen apprentice surveyors, at ¥=378 per annum each ................................................ 5,670.00 5,670.00 49 29. Thirty-three apprentice surveyors, at ¥300 per annum each ..................................... 9,900.00 9,900.00 52-53 COMPUTERS 30. One assistant computer....................... 31. Ten assistant computers, at ¥1,080 1,275.00 1,275.00 56 per annum each ............................................... 10,800.00 10,800.00 57-59 32. One junior computer........................... 33. Five junior computers, at ¥864 per 972.00 972.00 60 annum each....................................................... 4,320.00 4,320.00 61-62 34. Eight junior computers, at ¥756 per annum each....................................................... 6,048.00 6,048.00 63-64 35, Eight junior computers, at ¥648 per annum each....................................................... 5,184.00 5,184.00 65-67 36. Sixty-six junior computers, at ¥540 per annum each ............................................... 35,640.00 35,640.00 68-69 37. One hundred fifty-six junior com­ puters, at ¥432 per annum each................... 67,392.00 67,392.00 70-81 299089------ 19 290 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. ( 5 ) BUREAU OF LANDS DRAFTSMEN 38. One topographical draftsman........... 1,870.00 1,870.00 82 39. One topographical draftsman............. 40. One assistant topographical drafts1,700.00 1,700.00 83 man .................................................................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 84 41. One assistant topographical draftsman .................................................................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 85 42. Sixteen assistant topographical draftsmen, at 5*1,080 per annum each........... 17,280.00 17,280.00 86 43. Three junior topographical drafts­ men, at ?972 per annum each......................... 2,916.00 2,916.00 87 44. Five junior topographical draftsmen, at 1*864 per annum each................................. 4,320.00 4,320.00 88-90 45. Five junior topographical draftsmen, at 1*756 per annum each................................... 3,780.00 3,780.00 91-93 46. Three junior topographical drafts­ men, at 5*648 per annum each....................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 94-95 47. Twelve junior topographical drafts­ men, at 1*540 per annum each....................... 6,480.00 6,480.00 96-98 48. Eighty-seven junior topographical draftsmen, at 5*432 per annum each............. 37,584.00 37,584.00 99-105 PUBLIC LANDS INSPECTORS 49. Three assistant public lands in­ spectors, at Pl,530 per annum each............... 4,590.00 4,590.00 106-107 50. Eight assistant public lands in­ spectors, at Pl,275 per annum each............... 10,200.00 10,200.00 108-110 51. Forty-six assistant public lands in­ spectors, at Pl,080 per annum each............... 49,680.00 49,680.00 111-115 52. Forty-eight junior public lands in­ spectors, at P540 per annum each................. 25,920.00 25,920.00 116-118 LAND ATTORNEYS 53. Three land attorneys, at 1*4,080 per annnum each .................................................... 12,240.00 12,240.00 119-121 54. One land attorney................................. 2,720.00 2,720.00 122 55. One land attorney................................. 56. Five land attorneys, at P2,040 per 2,380.00 2,380.00 123 annum each........................................................ 10,200.00 10,200.00 124-126 57. Four land attorneys, at Pl,530 per annum each........................................................ 6,120.00 6,120.00 127-128 58. One land attorney................................. 1,428.00 1,428.00 129 59. One land attorney................................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 130 60. One land attorney............................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 131 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 291 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF LANDS 61. Four land attorneys, at Fl,080 per annum each......................................... 4,320.00 4,320.00 132-133 CLERKS 62. Two clerks, at Pl,700 per annum each ...................................................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 184 63. Four clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each ...................................................... 6,120.00 6,120.00 135-136 64. One clerk ............................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 137 65. One clerk ............................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 138 66. Ten clerks, at Fl,080 per annum each ...................................................... 10,800.00 10,800.00 139-142 67. Three clerks, at P972 per annum each ...................................................... 2,916.00 2,916.00 143-144 68. Nine clerks, at P864 per annum each 7,776.00 7,776.00 145-148 69. Seven clerks, at P756 per annum each 5,292.00 5,292.00 149-151 70. Twenty-two clerks, at P648 per annum each............................................. 14,256.00 14,256.00 152-154 71. Eighteen clerks, at P540 per annum each ........................................... 9,720.00 9,720.00 155-160 72. Fifty-one clerks, at P432 per annum each..................................... ....... 22,032.00 22,032.00 161-169 73. Nineteen clerks, at P378 per annum each.............................................. 7,182.00 7,182.00 170-173 74. One clerk ............................... 342.00 342.00 174 75. Sixteen clerks, at P324 per annum each ..................................................... 5,184.00 5,184.00 175-178 76. One clerk ............................... 300.00 300.00 179 77. One clerk ............................... 240.00 240.00 180 MESSENGERS 78. One messenger ..................... 432.00 432.00 181 79. Eleven messengers, at P240 per annum each............................................. 2,640.00 2,640.00 182-183 MISCELLANEOUS 80. For skilled semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, as follows: ......................... 76y376.00 184 Chauffeur (a) One chauffeur ................................ 432.00 (b) One chauffeur................................ 378.00 Mechanic (e) One typewriter-mechanic .......... 486.00 292 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated ( 5 ) BUREAU OF LANDS Blueprinters (d) One blueprinter ............................................... (e) One blueprinter.................................................. Vaultkeepers (/) One vaultkeeper ............................................ (g) Two vaultkeepers, at 1*300 per annum each.................................................................... (h) Two vaultkeepers, at 1*240 per annum each.................................................................... Laborer-Filers (i) One laborer-filer................................................ (;) One laborer-filer ............................................... (k) Three lab or er-filers, at 1*324 per annum each.................................................................... (l) Twenty-two lab or er-filers, at 1*300 per annum each ................................................. (m) Fifteen lab or er-filers, at 1*240 per annum each.................................................................... Janitors (n) Two janitors, at 1*420 per annum each.... (o) One janitor........................................................ (p) One janitor........................................................ (q) Four janitors, at 1*300 per annum each (r) One janitor......................................................... Surveymen (s) One survey man ................................................ (t) One survey man ................................................. (u) One survey man ................................................ (v) Two surveymen, at 1*486 per annum each (w) One surveyman ............................................. (x) Six survey men, at 1*432 per annum each (y) One surveyman................................................. (z) One survey man ................................................. (a-1) Three surveymen, at 1*324 per annum each................................................................ (a-2) Two surveymen, at F240 per annum each................................................................ Sketchmen (a-3) Two sketchmen, at 1*432 per annum each................................................................ (a-4) One sketchman............................................. . 540.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 324.00 600.00 ..................... 480.00 ..................... 378.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 972.00 ..................... 6,600.00 3,600.00 ..................... 840.00 ..................... 378.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 1,200.00 ..................... 240.00 ..................... 810.00 ..................... 702.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 972.00 ..................... 480.00 ..................... 2,592.00 ..................... 378.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 972.00 ...................... 480.00 ..................... 864.00 ..................... 240.00 ..................... G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 293 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference t0 *tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF LANDS Chainmen (a-5) Three chainmen, at F378 per annum each...................................................... -....... (a-6) Twenty-two chainmen, at 1*324 per an­ num each .................................................... (a—7) Seventeen chainmen, at 1*300 per an­ num each ................................................... (a-8) One chainman ............................................. (a-9) Seven chainmen, at 1*240 per annum each................................................................ 1,134.00 ..................... 7,128.00 ..................... 5,100.00 ..................... 270.00 ..................... 1,680.00 ..................... Rodmen (a-10) One rodman ................................................. (a-11) One rodman ................................................ (a-12) Twenty-nine rodmen, at 1*300 per an­ num each.................................................... (a-13) Sixteen rodmen, at 1*240 per annum each ........................................................... Instrument Caretakers (a-14) Five instrument caretakers, at F360 per annum each..................................... (a-15) One instrument caretaker........................ (a-16) Twenty-three instrument caretakers, at 1*240 per annum each...................... (a-17) One instrument caretaker....................... Office Caretakers (a-18) Fourteen office caretakers, at 1*300 per annum each....................................... (a-19) One office caretaker.................................... (a-20) Seventeen office caretakers, at 1*240 per annum each...................................... (cl—21) One caretaker.............................................. Foremen (a-22) Two foremen, at 1*180 per annum each (a-23) For emergency laborers........................... 432.00 ..................... 324.00 ..................... 8,700.00 ...................... 3,840.00 ..................... 1,800.00 ..................... 300.00 ..................... 5,520.00 ..................... 210.00 ..................... 4,200.00 ..................... 264.00 ..................... 4,080.00 ..................... 216.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 2,528.00 ..................... Total......................................................... 826,043.00 826,343.00 294 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (5) BUREAU OF LANDS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 1. 1 Director ............................................................. P6.120.00 2. 1 Assistant Director ......................................... 5,100.00 6. 1 chief of division ............................................ 3,825.00 54. 1 land attorney ................................................... 2,720.00 11. 2 inspectors, at P3.400 per annum each.............. 6,800.00 13. 1 surveyor .............................................................. 3,060.00 62. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,700.00 66. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................... 2,160.00 67. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 78. 1 messenger ......................................................... 432.00 General Service Section 66. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 68. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 71. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 1,080.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................ 540.00 37. 2 junior computers, at P432 per annum each 864.00 80 (tj). 2 janitors, at P420 per annum each.......... 840.00 80(a). 1 chauffeur ..................................................... 432.00 80(b). 1 chauffeur ...................................................... 378.00 80(c). 1 typewriter mechanic .................................... 486.00 80 (o). 1 janitor ......................................................... 878.00 80(;>). 1 janitor ......................... 360.00 80(q). 4 janitors, at P300 per annum each............. 1,200.00 80 (r). 1 janitor ......................................................... 240.00 80 (fc). 1 laborer-filer ............................................... 324.00 80 (Z). 1 laborer-filer ............................................... 300.00 80 (m). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 240.00 S0(a-23). 1 laborer ...................................................... 260.00 Records Section 62. 1 clerk ............................................................... 1,700.00 63. 2 clerks ............................................................... 3,060.00 66. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................... 2,160.00 65. 1 clerk ............................................................... 1,122.00 67. 1 clerk ............................................................... 972.00 68. 1 clerk ............................................................... 864.00 69. 4 clerks, at P756 per annum each..................... 3,024.00 70. 3 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................... 1,944.00 71. 6 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 3,240.00 72. 15 clerks, at P432 per annum each....................... 6,480.00 73. 3 clerks, at P378 per annum each....................... 1,134.00 74. 1 clerk .................................................................. 342.00 75. 8 clerks, at P324 per annum each....................... 2,592.00 79. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 80 (i). 1 laborer-filer ............................................. 378.00 80 (j). 1 laborer-filer ............................................. 360.00 80 (k). 1 laborer-filer ............................................. 324.00 80 (Z). 6 laborer-filers, at P300 per annum each.... 1,800.00 80 (Z). 2 laborer-filers*, at P300 per annum each.... 600.00 80 (m). 4 laborer-filers, at P240 per annum each.... 960.00 Cash and Property Section 72. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 75. 4 clerks, at P324 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 73. 2 clerks, at P378 per annum each................. , 756.00 79. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 80 (7c). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 324.00 80(7). 2 laborer-filers, at P300 per annum each.... 600.00 80 (m). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 240.00 public lands division 5. 1 chief of division ............................................ 4,250.00 9. 1 assistant chief of division .......................... 3,400.00 66. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 79. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 Sales, Leases and Miscellaneous Section 56. 1 land attorney .................................................. 2,040.00 58. 1 land attorney .................................................. 1,428.00 51. 5 assistant public lands inspectors, at Pl,080 per annum each............................................ 5,400.00 52. 2 junior public lands inspectors, at P540 per annum each.................................................... 1,080.00 66. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each.................... 2,160.00 73. 2 clerks, at P378 per annum each........................ 756.00 Homesteads and Free Patents Section 56. 2 land attorneys .................................................... 4,080.00 50. 2 assistant public lands inspectors.................... 2,550.00 64. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 51. 10 assistant public lands inspectors.............. 10,800.00 52. 4 junior public lands inspectors......................... 2,160.00 70. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 73. 1 clerk ................................................................... 378.00 80 (o-5). 2 sketchmen ................................................ 864.00 80(a-4). 1 sketchman ................................................ 240.00 80 (?n). 1 laborer ........................................................ 240.00 Fees and Rent Section 63. 1 clerk ..................................................... 1,530.00 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector........................ 1,080.00 52. 2 junior public lands inspectors........................... 1,080.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 72. 2 clerks .................................................................. 864.00 73. 1 clerk .................................................................... 378.00 Steno-Typb Subsection 68. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 68. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,728.00 69. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 70. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,296.00 71. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,080.00 72. 8 clerks .................................................................. 3,456.00 73. 8 clerks .................................................................. 3,024.00 77. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 79. 3 messengers ......................................................... 720.00 FIELD SERVICE Land District No. 1—Ilagan, Isabela 49. 1 assistant public lands inspector.................... 1,530.00 51. 2 assistant public lands inspectors...................... 2,160.00 52. 4 junior public lands inspectors......................... 2,160.00 70. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 72. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Tuguegarao, Cagayan 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector...................... 1,080.00 52. 1 junior public lands inspector......................... 540.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 Land District No. 2—Vigan, Hocos Sur 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector..,................. 1,080.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 295 ( 5) BUREAU OF BANDS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Public Lands Inspection Office—Baguio, Mountain Province Public Lands Inspection Office—Tagbilaran, Bohol 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector.................. 1,080.00 52. 1 junior public lands inspector......................... 540.00 Land District No. 3—Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija 57. 1 land attorney ................................................... 1,530.00 51. 3 assistant public lands inspectors.................. 3,240.00 52. 2 junioi- public lands inspectors......................... 1,080.00 72. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya 49. 1 assistant public lands inspector...................... 1,580.00 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector...................... 1,080.00 52. 1 junior public lands inspector......................... 540.00 Land District No. 4—Manila 51. 4 assistant public lands inspectors...................... 4,320.00 52. 4 junior public lands inspectors......................... 2,160.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Puerto Princesa, Palawan 52. 1 junior public lands inspector........................ 540.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Dagupan, Pangasinan 56. 1 land attorney........................................................ 2,040.00 51. 2 assistant public lands inspectors.................. 2,160.00 52. 1 junior public lands inspector.......................... 540.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Tarlac, Tarlac 52. 1 junior public lands inspector.......................... 540.00 72. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—San Fernando, Pampanga 52. 1 junior public lands inspector.......................... 540.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Calapan, Mindoro 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector .................. 1,080.00 Land District No. 5—Lucena, Tayabas 50. 2 assistant public lands inspectors...................... 2,550.00 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector.................. 1,080.00 52. 8 junior public lands inspectors........................ 1,620.00 Land District No. 6—Naga, Camarines Sur 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector.................. 1,080.00 52. 2 junior public lands inspectors.......................... 1,080.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Legaspi, Albay 50. 1 assistant public lands inspector.................... 1,275.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Sorsogon, Sorsogon 52. 1 junior public lands inspector........................ 540.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—San Jose, Antique 52. 1 junior public lands inspector.......................... 540.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Capiz, Capiz 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector...................... 1,080.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Bacolod, Occidental Negros 50. 1 assistant public lands inspector...................... 1,275.00 51. 2 assistant public lands inspectors...................... 2,160.00 52. 2 junior public lands inspectors....................... 1,080.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Dumaguete, Oriental Negros 50. 1 assistant public lands inspector.................. 1,275,00 52. 2 junior public lands inspectors.................... 1,080.00 Land District No. 9—Tacloban, Leyte 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector.................. 1,080.00 Land District No. 10—Butuan, Agusan 52. 2 junior public lands inspectors...................... 1,080.00 Land District No. 12—Zamboanga, Zamboanga 51. 2 assistant public lands inspectors.............. 2,160.00 52. 1 junior public lands inspector...................... 540.00 Land District No. 13—Cotabato, Cotabato 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector.................. 1,080.00 52. 3 junior public lands inspectors.................... 1,620.00 Land District No. 14—Davao, Davao 56. 1 land attorney .................................................. 2,040.00 52. 3 junior public lands inspectors.................. 1,620.00 70. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 Land District No. 15—Lanao and Occidental Misamis 51. 2 assistant public lands inspectors................ 2,160.00 52. 2 junior public lands inspectors...................... 1,080.00 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SURVEYOR 4. 1 chief of division ............................................. 4,675.00 7. 1 assistant chief of division ......................... 4,250.00 12. 2 surveyors ........................................................... 6,800.00 17. 1 surveyor ........................................................... 2,040.00 23. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,224.00 24. 2 assistant surveyors ........................................ 2,244.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors ........................................ 2,160.00 35. 1 junior computer ............................................ 648.00 37. 1 junior computer ............................................. 432.00 66. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,080.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 71. 2 clerks ................................................................. 1,080.00 75. 1 clerk .................................................................. 324.00 79. 1 messenger ......................................................... 240.00 CADASTRAL SURVEY COMPUTATIONS SECTION 13. 1 surveyor ............................................................ 3,060.00 16. 1 surveyor ........................................................... 2,380.00 26. 1 junior surveyor .............................................. 756.00 27. 11 junior surveyors ............................................ 5,940.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ........................................ 300.00 31. 3 assistant computers ....................................... 3,240.00 32. 1 junior computer ............................................. 972.00 34. 1 junior computer ............................................. 756.00 35. 2 junior computers ............................................ 1,296.00 36. 22 junior computers ......................................... 11,880.00 37. 46 junior computers ......................................... 19,872.00 CADASTRAL SURVEY MAPS SECTION 14. 1 surveyor ......................................................,.... 2,890.00 38. 1 topographical draftsman ............................. 1,870.00 40. 1 assistant topographical draftsman.............. 1,224.00 41. 1 assistant topographical draftsman................ 1,122.00 42. 6 assistant topographical draftsmen .............. 6,480.00 43. 2 junior topographical draftsmen .................. 1,944.00 44. 1 junior topographical draftsman ................. 864.00 45. 2 junior topographical draftsmen................... 1,512.00 46. 1 junior topographical draftsmán................... 648.00 48. 34 junior topographical draftsmen ................ 14,688.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 72. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 37. 1 junior computer .............................................. 482.00 296 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (5) BUREAU OF BANDS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION ISOLATED SURVEY COMPUTATIONS SECTION 15. 1 surveyor ............................................................ 2,720.00 21. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,428.00 25. 3 assistant surveyors .......................................... 3,240.00 31. 5 assistant computers .......................................... 5,400.00 33. 3 junior computers ............................................. 2,592.00 34. 3 junior computers ............................................. 2,268.00 35. 3 junior computers ............................................. 1,944.00 36. 18 junior computers ........................................... 9,720.00 37. 20 junior computers ........................................... 8,640.00 ISOLATED SURVEY PLANS SECTION 13. 1 surveyor .............................................................. 3,060.00 17. 1 surveyor ............................................................ 2,040.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,080.00 39. 1 topographical draftsman ................................ 1,700.00 42. 9 assistant topographical draftsmen............... 9,720.00 43. 1 junior topographical draftsman................... 972.00 44. 3 junior topographical draftsmen ................... 2,592.00 45. 2 junior topographical draftsmen ................... 1,512.00 46. 2 junior topographical draftsmen ................... 1,296.00 47. 11 junior topographical draftsmen .............. 5,940.00 48. 26 junior topographical draftsmen .................. 11,232.00 SURVEY INFORMATION SECTION 15. 1 surveyor .......................................................... 2,720.00 23. 1 assistant surveyor ....................................... 1,224.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ......................................... 1,080.00 29. 2 apprentice surveyors ..................................... 600.00 34. 1 junior computer .............................................. 756.00 35. 1 junior computer ............................................ 648.00 36. 2 junior computers ............................................ 1,080.00 37. 20 junior computers 8,640.00 67. 1 clerk ................................................................ 972.00 68. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 69. 2 clerks ................................................................ 1,512.00 70. 4 clerks ................................................................ 2,592.00 71. 3 clerks ................................................................ 1,620.00 72. 4 clerks ................................................................ 1,728.00 75. 2 clerks ................................................................ 648.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................. 300.00 79. 1 messenger ....................................................... 240.00 80(d). 1 blueprinter ............................................... 540.00 80(e). 1 blueprinter ................................................. 432.00 80(f). 1 vaultkeeper ............................................... 324.00 80(g). 2 vaultkeepers ............................................... 600.00 80(h). 2 vaultkeepers .............................................. 480.00 CADASTRAL ACCOUNTS SUB-SECTION 63. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,530.00 66. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................ 540.00 37. 18 junior computers .......................................... 7,776.00 72. 2 clerks ................................................................ 864.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................. 324.00 SURVEYING SCHOOL 17. 1 surveyor ........................................................... 2,040.00 20. 1 assistant surveyor-instructor ....................... 2,040.00 28. 10 apprentice surveyors ................................... 3,780.00 29. 9 apprentice surveyors ..................................... 2,700.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyoi* ......................................... 300.00 FIELD SERVICE Land District No. 1—llagan, Isabela 18. 1 surveyor ........................................................... 1,700.00 25. 3 assistant surveyors ....................................... 3,240.00 27. 2 junior surveyors ............................................ 1,080.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................ 540.00 80 (w). 1 laborer-filer .............................................. 240.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker ................................. 240.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Tuguegarao, Cagayan 21. 1 assistant surveyor ....................................... 1,428.00 24. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,122.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors ........................................ 2,160.00 27. 3 junior surveyors ............................................ 1,620.00 37. 1 junior computer .............................................. 432.00 80(1). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 800.00 80(a-18). 1 office caretaker 300.00 80(a-5). 1 chainman ................................................ 378.00 80(a-7). 1 chainman .............................................. 300.00 80 (y). 1 surveyman ................................................ 378.00 80(a-12). 1 rodman ............................................... 300.00 80(a-13). 1 rodman ................................................. 240.00 80(a-16). 1 instrument caretaker ........................... 240.00 80 (a-20). 1 office caretaker .................................... 240.00 80(a-22). 2 foremen ............................................... 360.00 Land District No. 2—Vigan, llocos Sur 16. 1 surveyor ............................;............................. 2,380.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,080.00 26. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 756.00 27. 1 junior surveyor................................................... 540.00 37. 1 junior computer .............................................. 432.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman.................... 432.00 29. 2 apprentice surveyors ..................................... 600.00 80(1). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 300.00 80(a-19). 1 office caretaker ................................... 264.00 80(t). 1 surveyman .................................................. 702.00 80(a-6). 1 chainman ................................................ 324.00 80(a-7). 1 chainman .............................................. 300.00 80(a-12). 2 rodmen, at P300 per annum each....... 600.00 80(a-ll). 1 rodman ................................................ 324.00 80(a-14). 1 instrument caretaker ......................... 360.00 80(a-16). 1 instrument caretaker ......................... 240.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Baguio, Mountain Province 23. 1 assistant surveyor ......................................... 1,224.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors ........................................ 2,160.00 26. 1 junior surveyor ................................................ 756.00 27. 3 junior surveyors ............................................ 1,620.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ....................................... 300.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................ 540.00 37. 3 junior computers ............................................ 1,296.00 80(1). 1 laborer-filer .............................................. 800.00 80(a-18). 1 office caretaker .............................. ..... 300.00 80 (x). 1 surveyman ............................................... 432.00 80 (a-1). 1 surveyman ........................................... 324.00 80(a-6). 4 chainmen .............................................. 1,296.00 80(a-7). 1 chainman ............................................... 300.00 80(a-10). 1 rodman ................................................. 432.00 80(a-12). 4 rodmen ............................................ 1,200.00 80(a-13). 1 rodman ................................................ 240.00 80(a-16). 3 instrument caretakers ........................ 720.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker .................................... 240.00 Land District No. 3—Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija 21. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,428.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................ 1,080.00 27. 3 junior surveyors .............................................. 1,620.00 29. 3 apprentice surveyors ....................................... 900.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker .................................... 240.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 297 (5 ) BUREAU OF BANDS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 36. 1 junior computer ................................................ 37. 2 junior computers .............................................. 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 72. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 80(f). 1 laborer-filer .................................................... 80(a-18). 1 office caretaker ..................................... Public Land Inspection Office—Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya 864.00 432.00 432.00 300.00 300.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .............................................. 1,080.00 37. 2 junior computers ................................................ 864.00 72. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 80 (m). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 240.00 80 (a-20). 1 office caretaker ....................................... 240.00 Land District No. 4—Manila 24. 2 assistant surveyors ............................................ 2,244.00 25. 4 assistant surveyors ............................................ 4,320.00 26. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 756.00 27. 5 junior surveyors ............................................... 2,700.00 29. 2 apprentice surveyors ........................................ 600.00 30. 1 assistant computer ............................................ 1,275.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................... 540.00 37. 1 junior computer ............................................... 432.00 48. 3 junior topographical draftsmen..................... 1,296.00 72. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 80 (m). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 240.00 80 (x). 1 surveyman .................................................... 432.00 80 (a-2). 2 surveymen ................................................ 480.00 80 (ar-5). 3 chainmen ................. -............................... 972.00 80(o-7). 5 chainmen .................................................. 1,500.00 80(a-15). 7 rodmen .................................................... 2,100.00 80 (o-9). 4 chainmen .................................................. 960.00 80(a-15). 2 rodmen ....................._............................. 480.00 80(a-14). 1 instrument caretaker ........................... 360.00 8Q(a-16). 4 instrument caretakers .......................... 960-00 80 (?n). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 240.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Dagupan, Pangasinan 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ........................................... 300.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 432.00 80(a-9). 2 chainmen, at P240 per annum each.... 480.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Calapan, Mindoro 24. 2 assistant surveyors ............................................ 2,244.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor .......................................... 300.00 33. 1 junior computer ................................................ 864.00 36. 1 junior computer ................................................ 540.00 37. 2 junior computers ................................................ 864.00 80(¿). 1 laborer-filer .................................................. 300.00 80(a-15). 1 office caretaker ....................................... 300.00 30 (v). 1 surveyman .................................................... 486.00 80(a—5). 2 chainmen .................................................. 648.00 80(a^l2). 2 rodmen .................................................... 600.00 80(a-14). 1 instrument caretaker ........................... 360.00 80(a-15). 1 instrument caretaker ............................ 240.00 80 (a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Puerto Princesa, Palawan 25. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,080.00 27. 2 junior surveyors .................................................. 1,080.00 37. 1 junior computer .................................................. 432.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman........................ 432.00 80 (Z). 1 laborer-filer .................................................... 300.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 Land District No. 5—Lucena, Tayabas 15. 1 surveyor ............................................................. 2,720.00 21. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,428.00 25. 3 assistant surveyors ............................................ 3,240.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ........................................ 300.00 36. 1 junior computer ................................................ 540.00 37. 1 junior computer ................................................ 432.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman..................... 432.00 80(f). 1 laborer-filer .................................................... 300.00 80(a-14). 1 instrument caretaker ........................... 360.00 21. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,428.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,080.00 26. 2 junior surveyors ............................................... 1,512.00 27. 3 junior surveyors ................................................ 1,620.00 33. 1 junior computer .............................................. 864.00 72. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 80(1). 1 laborer-filer .................................................. 300.00 80(a-15). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 300.00 80 (v). 1 surveyman .................................................... 486.00 80(a-5). 2 chainmen .................................................. 648.00 80(a-15). 2 rodmen .................................................... 480.00 80 (a-12). 1 rodman .................................................... 300.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Tarlac, Tarlac 17. 1 surveyor ........................................................... 2,040.00 21. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,428.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .............................................. 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 540.00 36. 1 junior computer .... 540.00 37. 3 junior computers ............................................. 1,296.00 80(a-15). 1 office caretaker ................................... 300.00 80 (a-5). 1 chainman .................................................. 324.00 80(a-12). 1 rodman ........................... -.......... 300.00 80 (a-15). 1 instrument caretaker ........................... 300.00 80 (a-18). 1 instrument caretaker ............................ 300.00 Public Land Inspection Office—San Fernando, Pampanga 24. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,122.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ........................... 540.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ........... -..................... 300.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Batangas, Batangas 18. 1 surveyor ............................................................... 1,700.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ................ 1,080.00 Land District No. 6—Naga, Camarines Sur 16. 1 surveyor ............................................................ 2,380.00 24. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................. 1,122.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors ........................................... 2,160.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 540.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................... 540.00 37. 1 junior computer ............................................... 432.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman..................... 432.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman..................... 432.00 80 (f). 1 laborer-filer .................................................. 300.00 80(a-15). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 300.00 80(x). 1 surveyman ............................. 432.00 80(a-1). 1 surveyman ................................................ 324.00 80(a-5). 3 chainmen .................................................. 972.00 80 (a-7). 1 chainman .................................................. 300.00 80(a-12). 4 rodmen ................................................... 1,200.00 80(a-15). 2 rodmen ................................................... 480.00 80(a-15). 2 instrument caretakers ............................ 480.00 8Q(a-23). 2 laborers ................................................... 600.00 80(o-20). 1 office caretaker .................................... 240.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Legaspi, Albay 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................ 540.00 80(f). 1 laborer-filer .................................................... 300.00 80(a-15). 1 office caretaker .... ................................ 300.00 80 (x). 1 surveyman .................................................... 432.00 80(a-5). 1 chainman .................................................. 824.00 80(a-7). 1 chainman .....................-........................... 300.00 80(a-15). 1 rodman ....... 240.00 80(a-15). 1 instrument caretaker ............................ 240.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Sorsogon, Sorsogon 25. 3 assistant surveyors .............................................. 8,240.00 26. 1 junior surveyor ........................ —................. 756.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ............................. —.......... 800.00 298 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (5) BUREAU OF BANDS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 34. 1 junior computer ............................................... 756.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................... 540.00 37. 1 junior computer ............................................... 432.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman..................... 432.00 80 (m). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 240.00 80(a-15). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 300.00 Land District No. 7—Iloilo, Iloilo 26. 1 junior surveyor .................................................. 756.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................... 540.00 37. 2 junior computers ............................................... 864.00 80 (s). 1 surveyman .................................................... 810.00 80 (a-5). 2 chainmen .................................................. 756.00 80 (a-12). 1 rodman .................................................... 300.00 80(a-16). 1 instrument caretaker .......................... 240.00 Public Land Inspection Office—San Jose, Antique 25. 1 assistant surveyoi* ............................................ 1,080.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Capiz, Capiz 24. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,122.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ........................................ 300.00 37. 1 junior computer ............................................... 432.00 44. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 864.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 432.00 80 (a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 80(u). 1 surveyman .................................................... 540.00 80 (a-7). 1 chainman .................................................. 300.00 80(a-9). 1 chainman .................................................. 240.00 80(a-12). 1 rodman .................................................... 300.00 80 (a-15). 1 rodman .................................................... 240.00 80(a-16). 2 instrument caretaker ........................... 480.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Bacolod, Occidental Negros 25. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor .................................................. 540.00 80(a-18). 1 office caretaker ....................................... 300.00 80 (x). 1 surveyman .................................................... 482.00 80 (a-5). 1 chainman .................................................. 324.00 80 (a-8). 1 chainman .................................................. 270.00 80 (a-12). 1 rodman .................................................... 300.00 80(a-15). 1 rodman .................................................... 240.00 80 (a-14). 1 instrument caretaker .......................... 360.00 Land District No. 8—Cebu, Cebu 25. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 540.00 37. 1 junior computer ............................................... 432.00 80 (a—23). 1 laborer-filer ......................................... 300.00 80(a-21). 1 caretaker .............................................. 216.00 80 (x). 1 surveyman<.................................................... 432.00 80 (a-1). 1 survey man .............................. 324.00 80 (a-6). 2 chainmen .................................................. 648.00 80(a-7). 2 chainmen .................................................. 600.00 80(a-12). 2 rodmen .................................................... 600.00 80(a-15). 2 rodmen .................................................... 480.00 80 (a-16). 3 instrument caretakers .......................... 720.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Tagbilaran, Bohol 18. 1 surveyor ......................................................... 1,700.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .............................................. 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 540.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 80(a-20). 2 office caretakers ..................................... 480.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Dumaguete, Oriental Negros 24. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,122.00 27. 1 junior surveyor .................................................. 540.00 87. 1 junior computer ................................................ 482.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 432.00 72. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 80 (a—23). 1 laborer-filer ............................................ 300.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 80 (z). 1 surveyman .................................................... 360.00 80(a-6). 1 chainman .................................................. 324.00 80(a-7). 1 chainman .................................................. 300.00 80(a-12). 2 rodmen .................................................... 600.00 80(a-16). 1 instrument caretaker ......................... 240.00 Land District No. 9—Tacloban, Leyte 16. 1 surveyor ............................................................ 2,380.00 23. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,224.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 540.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................... 540.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman..................... 432.00 80 (I). 1 laborer-filer .................................................. 800.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 80 (w). 1 surveyman .................................................. 480.00 80 (a-7). 2 chainmen .................................................. 600.00 80 (a-15). 2 rodmen .................................................... 480.00 80(a-16) 2 instrument caretakers ......................... 480.00 Land District No. 10—Butuan, Agusan 18. 1 surveyor ............................................................. 1,700.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,080.00 37. 2 junior computers .............................................. 864.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 80 (a-23). 1 surveyman .............................................. 240.00 80(a-6). 1 chainman .................................................. 324.00 80 (a-7). 1 chainman ................................................ 300.00 80(a-15). 1 rodman .................................................... 240.00 80(a-16). 1 instrument caretaker ........................... 240.00 80 (a-17). 1 instrument caretaker .......................... 210.00 Land District No. 11—Cagayan, Oriental Misamis 15. 1 surveyor ......................................................... 2,720.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .............................................. 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ............................................... 540.00 72. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 80 (m). 2 laborer-filers ................................................ 480.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 Land District No. 12—Zamboanga, Zamboanga 24. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,122.00 26. 1 junior surveyor ................................................ 756.00 27. 4 junior surveyors ............................................ 2,160.00 31. 1 assistant computer ........................................ 1,080.00 37. 2 junior computers .............................................. 864.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 432.00 80(a-23). 1 laborer-filer ............................................ 320.00 80(a-15). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 300.00 Land District No. 13—Cotabato, Cotabato 27. 2 junior surveyors ................................................ 1,080.00 37. 1 junior computer .............................................. 432.00 45. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 756.00 80(a-23). 1 laborer-filer ............................................ 320.00 80 (a-15). 1 office caretaker .... .............................. 800.00 80 (a—23). 1 laborer .................................................. 188.00 Land District No. 14—Davao, Davao 24. 1 assistant surveyor ...................................._...... 1,122.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors ........................................ 2,160.00 27. 3 junior surveyors ................................................ 1,620.00 37. 3 junior computers ............................................ 1,296.00 80(a-i5). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 800.00 80 (m). 1 laborer-filer ......................—..................... 240.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 299 (5) BUREAU OF BANDS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Land District No. 15—Dansalan, Lanao 17. 1 surveyor .........................................-................ 2,040.00 24. 1 assistant surveyor ....—.......... 1,122.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................ 540.00 34. 1 junior computer .......................-..................... 756.00 36. 1 junior computer ................................................ 540.00 37. 2 junior computers ....................................-........ 864.00 CADASTRAL SURVEY PARTIES Survey Party No. 1-A, Gattaran, Cagayan 24. 2 assistant surveyors ............... -..................... 2,244.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................ 540.00 28. 2 apprentice surveyors ...................................... 756.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ........................................ 300.00 36. 2 junior computers .............................................. 1,080.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman..................... 432.00 Survey Party No. 1-B, San Juan, Gamu, Isabela 19. 1 surveyor .................................. -..................... 1,530.00 24. 1 assistant surveyor ............. -............................. 1,122.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................. 1,080.00 27. 2 junior surveyors ............. ..............-................. 1,080.00 28. 1 apprentice surveyor ......................................... 378.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ......................................... 800.00 31. 1 assistant computer ............_.......-................... 1,080.00 36. 2 junior computers .............................................. 1,080.00 37. 2 junior computers ............................................. 864.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman------- --------- 432.00 Survey Party No. 4-E, Famy, Laguna 24. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,122.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .......... —...... 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ..................... -.............. 540.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ......................................... 300.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................. 540.00 Survey Party No. 4-F; Castillejos, Zambajes 23. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,224.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ............................................... 540.00 36. 1 junior computer ....................... 540.00 Survey Party No. 4-G, Tanay, Rizal 19. 1 surveyor ............................................................ 1,580.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ............................................... 540.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman............... „.... 482.00 Survey Party No. 4-H, San Jose, Mindoro 21. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,428.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,080.00 27. 2 junior surveyors .... ......................................... 1,080.00 37. 1 junior computer...... _...................................... 432.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman........................ 412.00 Survey Party No. 3-A, Pinapaggan, N. Vizcaya 21. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................. 1,428.00 26. 1 junior surveyor ................................................ 756.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................. -...................... 540.00 Survey Party No. 3-B, Sta. Rosa, Nueva Ecija 23. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,224.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ..... 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ..................... 540.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ......................................... 800.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 432.00 72. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 Survey Party No. 4-A, Malasiqui, Pangasinan 18. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,700.00 24. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................. 1,122.00 28. 1 apprentice surveyor ....................................... 878.00 37. 2 junior computers ....................... 864.00 Survey Party No. 5-A, Calauag, Tayabas 18. 1 surveyor ............................................................ 1,700.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors ............................................. 2,160.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 432.00 Survey Party No. 4-B, Tarlac, Tarlac 25. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 540.00 34. 1 junior computer ................................................ 756.00 36. 1 junior computer ................................................. 540.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman....................... 432.00 72. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 Survey Party No. 4-D, Batangas, Batangas 25. 2 assistant surveyors ........................................... 2,160.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 540.00 42. 1 assistant topographical draftsman................ 1,080.00 Survey Party No. 5-B, Lopez, Tayabas 22. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,826.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,080.00 27. 2 junior surveyors ............................................... 1,080.00 37. 2 junior computers ............................................... 864.00 47. 1 junior topographical draftsman.................... 540.00 Survey Party No. 8-B, Tagbilaran, Bohol 24. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,122.00 27. 2 junior surveyors ................................................ 1,080.00 37. 1 junior computer ................................................. 482.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman........................ 482.00 Survey Party No. 10-A, Butuan, Agusan 25. 1 assistant surveyor ......................................... 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ........................................ 540.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman.................... 482.00 Survey Party No. 11-A, Lala, Kolambugan, Lanao 17. 1 surveyor ............................................................ 2,040.0(1 27. 2 junior surveyors ............................................. 1,080.00 Survey Party No. 13-A, Cotabato, Cotabato 18. 1 surveyor .............................................. 1,700.00 Survey Party No. 14-A, Sta. Cruz, Davao 18. 1 surveyor ............................................................. 1,700.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors ................................... _.... 2,160.00 27. 3 junior surveyors ................................................ 1,620.00 35. 1 junior computer ................. _................. 648.00 Survey Party No. 14-B, Tagum, Davao 18. 1 surveyor ............................................................. 1,700.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors ....................................... 2,160.00 300 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (5) BUREAU OF LANDS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 26. 1 junior surveyor ................................................ 756.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................ 540.00 28. 1 apprentice surveyor ........................................ 878.00 36. 1 junior computer ................................................ 540.00 37. 1 junior computer ................................................ 432.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman..................... 432.00 Survey Party No. 14-C, Pantukan, Davao 19. 1 surveyor ............................................................. 1,530.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors .......................................... 2,160.00 26. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 756.00 27. 2 junior surveyors .................... 1,080.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ....................................... 300.00 36. 2 junior computers ............................................ 1,080.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 432.00 Special Survey Party No. 1, Naga, Camarines Sur 23. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,224.00 27. 3 junior surveyors .............................................. 1,620.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ....................................... 300.00 Special Survey Party No. 2, Baguio, Mountain Province 25. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,080.00 27. 3 junior surveyors ................................................ 1,620.00 LAW DIVISION 3. 1 special agent .................................................... 5,100.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division............................... 3,825.00 CLAIMS AND CONFLICTS SECTION 57. 1 land attorney .................................................. 1,530.00 50. 1 assistant public lands inspector....................... 1,275.00 60. 1 land attorney .................................................. 1,224.00 59. 1 land Attorney .................................................. 1.326.00 49. 1 assistant public lands inspector..................... 1,530.00 61. 4 land attorneys .................................................. 4,320.00 51. 2 assistant public lands inspectors.................... 2,160.00 52. 1 junior public lands inspector....................... 540.00 72. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 36. 1 junior computer .......................................... 540.00 37. 1 junior computer .......................................... 432.00 LAND REGISTRATION SECTION 53. 3 land attorneys ................................................... 12,240.00 55. 1 land attorney ................................................... 2,380.00 10. 1 inspector .......................................................... 8,825.00 57. 2 land attorneys ................................................... 3,060.00 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector..................... 1,080.00 68. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 68. 2 clerks ................................................................. 1,728.00 70. 4 clerks .................................................................. 2,592.00 71. 3 clerks .................................................................. 1,620.00 72. 4 clerks ................................................................. 1,728.00 73. 2 clerks ..............................................„.................. 756.00 79. 3 messengers .......................................................... 720.00 37. 4 junior computers ............................................ 1,728.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 432.00 Total for salaries and wages...................... P826.043.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item lyoo numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (6) BUREAU OF SCIENCE DIRECTORS 1. One Director ....................................... 2. One Assistant Director ..................... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One chief of division........................... 4. Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of chief of organic chemistry division, item 3................. 5. Four chiefs of divisions, at ?5,100 per annum each................................................ 6. One chief of division ......................... SCIENTISTS 7. One scientist ....................................... 8. Eight scientists, at 1*4,250 per an­ num each............................................................. T6,120.00 ^6,120.00 1 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 5,100.00 5,100.00 3 1,700.00 1,700.00 4 20,400.00 20,400.00 5-8 2,380.00 2,380.00 9 5,100.00 5,100.00 10 34,000.00 34,000.00 11-13 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 301 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details requested 1933 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (6) BUREAU OF SCIENCE 9. One scientist ....................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 14 10. One scientist ........................................ 3,400.00 3,400.00 15 ASSISTANT SCIENTISTS 11. One assistant scientist....................... 12. Two assistant scientists, at 1*2,890 3,060.00 3,060.00 16 per annum each ............................................... 5,780.00 5,780.00 17-18 13. Five assistant scientists, at T=2,720 per annum each ............................................... 13,600.00 13,600.00 19-21 14. One assistant scientist ....................... 15. Six assistant scientists, at 1*2,380 per 2,550.00 2,550.00 22 annum each....................................................... 14,280.00 14,280.00 23-26 16. One assistant scientist ....................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 27 JUNIOR SCIENTISTS 17. Five junior scientists, at T2,040 per annum each....................................................... 10,200.00 10,200.00 28-30 18. Three junior scientists, at Pl,700 per annum each....................................................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 31-32 19. Nine junior scientists, at Pl,530 per annum each....................................................... 13,770.00 13,770.00 33-37 ENGINEERS 20. One engineer ....................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 38 21. One assistant engineer......................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 39 22. One assistant engineer....................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 40 23. One assistant engineer......................... 24. Two assistant engineers, at Pl,080 1,326.00 1,326.00 41 per annum each ............................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 42 25. One assistant engineer......................... 810.00 810.00 43 26. One assistant engineer....................... 756.00 756.00 44 SCIENTIFIC ASSISTANTS 27. One scientific assistant......................... 28. Two scientific assistants, at Pl,224 1,428.00 1,428.00 45 per annum each ............................................... 2,448.00 2,448.00 46-47 29. Four scientific assistants, at Pl,080 per annum each ............................................... 4,320.00 4,320.00 48 30. One scientific assistant......................... 31. Two scientific assistants, at P864 per 972.00 972.00 49 annum each ..................................................... 1,728.00 1,728.00 50 302 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE Reference to 'tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested (6) BUREAU OF SCIENCE 32. Four scientific assistants, at 1*756 per annum each ....................................................... 3,024.00 3,024.00 33. Eight scientific assistants, at F648 per annum each ....................................................... 5,184.00 5,184.00 CLERKS 34. One clerk............................................... 1,700.00 35. One clerk ............................................. 1,530.00 36. One clerk............................................... 1,122.00 37. One clerk ............................................ 972.00 38. One clerk................................................ 810.00 39. Two clerks, at 1*756 per annum each 1,512.00 40. One clerk............................................... 432.00 1,700.00 1,530.00 1,122.00 972.00 810.00 1,512.00 432.00 51-52 53-55 56 57 58 59 60 61 63 MISCELLANEOUS 41. Temporary and emergency employees and laborers, as follows: (а) One foreman....................................................... 1,080.00 (б) One oiler............................................................. 756.00 1,080.00 756.00 64(a) (6) Oilers (c) One oiler ........................................................... (d) Two oilers, at P540 per annum each........ (e) One oiler ........................................................... (/) One oiler.............................................................. (g) One oiler ............................................................ 648.00 ..................... 1,080.00 ..................... 432.00 432.00 378.00 ..................... 324.00 324.00 (c) (d) Scientific Illustrators (h) One scientific illustrator.................................. (i) One scientific illustrator................................. (j) One scientific illustrator.................................. (k) Two scientific illustrators, at F32If per annum each ............................................ (l) Two scientific illustrators, at P300 per annum each ............................................ 600.00 ..................... 378.00 ............. ........ 360.00 ..................... 648.00 ..................... 600.00 ..................... Laboratory Assistants (m) One laboratory assistant............................. (n) One laboratory assistant............................. (o) Two laboratory assistants, at ^^20 per annum each ................................................... 756.00 ..................... (p) One laboratory assistant.............................. 755.00 ..................... 840.00 ..................... 378.00 ..................... Laboratory Helpers (q) One laboratory helper.................................. (r) One laboratory helper.................................... 574.00 ..................... 486.00 ..................... G— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 303 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (6) BUREAU OF SCIENCE (s) Four laboratory helpers, at 1*486 per annum each ....................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 (c) -(g) (t) One laboratory helper...................................... 432.00 432.00 (h) (m) Two laboratory helpers, at 1*432 per annum each ................................................... 864.00 (v) Four laboratory helpers, at 1*420 per annum each ................................................... 1,680.00 (w) Two laboratory helpers, at 1*378 per annum each ................................................... 756.00 (X) Seventeen laboratory helpers, at 1*360 per annum each............................................ 6,120.00 (2/) Thirteen laboratory helpers, at 1*324 per annum each .......................................... 4,212.00 (*) Fourteen laboratory helpers, at 1*300 per annum each .................................................... 4,200.00 (aa) Two laboratory helpers, at P300 per an­ num each ................................................... 600.00 600.00 (i) Preparator (bb) One preparator............................................... 648.00 Museum Guards (cc) One museum guard........................................ 378.00 (dd) Three museum guards, at 1*300 per annum each .................................................... 900.00 (ee) One museum guard........................................ 240.00 Watchmen (ff) Three watchmen, at 1*648 per annum each ................................................................ 1,944.00 (gg) One watchman ............................................ 486.00 (hh) One watchman ............................................... 486.00 486.00 (j) (ii) One watchman ................................................. 432.00 432.00 (k) Electrician (jj) One electrician.......................... Mechanic (kk) One mechanic ........................ Chauffeurs (ll) One chauffeur............................ (mm) One chauffeur ........................ Plumber (nn) One plumber .......................... 648.00 648.00 600.00 378.00 453.00 304 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES dMii Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested (6) BUREAU OF SCIENCE Carpenters (oo) Two carpenters, at f*648 per annum each ................................................................ (pp) One carpenter .............................................. (qq) One carpenter ................................................. (rr) One carpenter ................................................. Janitor (ss) One janitor....................................................... Laborers (tt) Six laborers, at F432 per annum each.... (uu) Two laborers, at per annum each... (vv) Three laborers, at F378 per annum each ............................................................... (ww) Five laborers, at F360 per annum each ............................................................... (xx) Five laborers, at t*324 per annum each... (yy) Thirty-eight laborers, at PSOO per an­ num each ................................................... (zz) One laborer ..................................................... [(;) For skilled, semi-skilled and un­ skilled laborers] ............................... (aaa) Deductions for vacancies and absences.. 1,296.00 ............................ 540.00 ............................ 432.00 ............................ 378.00 ............................ 594.00 ............................ 2,592.00 840.00 ............................ 1,134.00 ............................ 1,800.00 ............................ 1,620.00 ............................ 11,400.00 ............................ 240.00 ............................ (1) -227 (s-1), ..................... 52,000.00 (5)-184, (4/502.00) ............................ (6)-64(o) Total 254,804.00 254,804.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director ............................................................... P6,120.00 2. 1 Assistant Director ............................................. 5,100.00 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 6. 1 chief of division .............................................. 2,880.00 13. 1 assistant scientist .............................................. 2,720.00 34. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,700.00 35. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,530.00 36. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 37. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 38. 1 clerk .................................................................. 810.00 39. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,512.00 40. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 41 (s). 2 laboratory helpers ....................................... 972.00 41 (//). 3 watchmen .................................................... 1,944.00 41 (8S). 1 janitor ......................................................... 594.00 41 (ll). 1 chauffeur .................................................... 600.00 41 (as). 1 laboratory helper .................................... 360.00 41(2). 1 laboratory helper ....................................... 300.00 41(y). 2 laboratory helpers ..................................... 648.00 41 (<7). 1 laboratory helper .....................-.............. 574.00 41 (tt). 2 laborers ....................................................... 864.00 41 (uu). 2 laborers ...................................................... 840.00 41 (vv). 3 laborers ....................................................... 1,134.00 41(iv?v). 2 laborers .................................................... 720.00 41 (xx). 2 laborers ........... 648.00 41 (yy). 6 laborers ...................................................... 1,800.00 41 (zz). 1 laborer ......................................................... 240.00 DIVISION OF TESTS AND STANDARDS 5. 1 chief of division ............................................... 5,100.00 8. 3 scientists ........................................................... 12,750.00 10. 1 scientist ............................................................. 3,400.00 13. 1 assistant scientist ............................................ 2,720.00 15. 1 assistant scientist ........................................... 2,380.00 17. 1 junior scientist ................................................. 2,040.00 18. 2 junior scientists ............................................... 3,400.00 19. 1 junior scientist ................................................. 1,530.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 305 (6) BUREAU OF SCIENCE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 27. 1 scientific assistant ............................................ 1,428.00 28. 1 scientific assistant ............................................ 1,224.00 28. 1 scientific assistant ........................................... 1,224.00 29. 2 scientific assistants ........................................... 2,160.00 31. 1 scientific assistant ............................................ 864.00 32. 2 scientific assistants ........................................... 1,512.00 33. 4 scientific assistants ........................................... 2,592.00 41(i). 1 laboratory helper ....................................... 432.00 41(x). 1 laboratory helper ....................................... 360.00 41(i/). 3 laboratory helpers ................................... 972.00 41(z). 2 laboratory helpers ................................... 600.00 41(i/i/). 9 laborers ....................................................... 2,700.00 CHEMICAL RESEARCH DIVISION 3-4. 1 chief of division (under contract)........... 6,800.00 8. 2 scientists ............................................................... 8,500.00 8. 1 scientist ............................................................... 4,250.00 9. 1 scientist ............................................................... 3,825.00 13. 1 assistant scientist .............................................. 2,720.00 15. 1 assistant scientist .............................................. 2,380.00 19. 3 junior scientists ................................................ 4,590.00 30. 1 scientific assistant ............................................. 972.00 32. 1 scientific assistant ............................................. 756.00 33. 2 scientific assistants ........................................... 1,296.00 41 (m). 1 laboratory assistant ................................. 756.00 41(z). 1 laboratory helper ........................................ 300.00 41(x). 1 laboratory helper ...................................... 360.00 41 (v). 1 laboratory helper ...................................... 420.00 41(i/). 1 laboratory helper ...................................... 324.00 42(i/i/)« 3 laborers ..................................................... 900.00 DIVISION OF BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS 5. 1 chief of division ............................................. 5,100.00 8. 1 scientist .............................................................. 4,250.00 13. 1 assistant scientist ............................................ 2,720.00 15. 2 assistant scientists .......................................... 4,760.00 16. 1 assistant scientist ............................................ 1,224.00 17. 2 junior scientists ................................................ 4,080.00 19. 3 junior scientists ................................................ 4,590.00 32. 1 scientific assistant ............................................ 756.00 41(i/). 3 laboratory helpers ..................................... 972.00 41 (ww). 1 laborer ...................................................... 360.00 41 (xx). 1 laborer ........................................................ 324.00 ALABANG SERUM LABORATORY 8. 1 scientist .............................................................. 4,250.00 11. 1 assistant scientist .............................................. 3,060.00 15. 2 assistant scientists ................. 4,760.00 17. 1 junior scientist .................................................. 2,040.00 41 (aa). 1 laboratory helper ..................................... 300.00 41 (n). 1 laboratory assistant ................................. 755.00 41 (rr). 1 carpenter .................................................... 378.00 41 (z). 2 laboratory helpers ...................................... 600.00 41(i/). 2 laboratory helpers ...................................... 648.00 41 (v). 1 laboratory helper ...................................... 420.00 41 (r). 1 laboratory helper ........................................ 486.00 41 (ww). 1 laborer ..................................................... 360.00 41 (xx). 1 laborer ........................................................ 324.00 41 (3/1/). J.7 laborers ...................................................... 5,100.00 ILOILO BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY 14. 1 assistant scientist ............................................ 2,550.00 41 (aa). 1 laboratory helper ..................................... 300.00 CEBU BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY 13. 1 assistant scientist .............................................. 2,720.00 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 20. 1 engineer .............................................................. 21. 1 assistant engineer ............................................ 22. 1 assistant engineer ............................................. 23. 1 assistant engineer ............................................. 24. 2 assistant engineers ........................................... 25. 1 assistant engineer ............................................. 26. 1 assistant engineer ............................ .............. 41(a). 1 foreman ........................................................ 41 (nn). 1 plumber ............................. ...................... 41(b). 1 oiler .............................................................. 41(e). 1 oiler ................................................................ 41 (g). 1 oiler .............................................................. 41 (s). 2 laboratory helpers ..................................... 41 (hh). 1 watchman .................................................. 41 ( ii). 1 watchman .................................................... 41(c). 1 oiler ...................... ........................................ 41 (d). 2 oilers ............................................................ 41 (f). 1 oiler ................................................................ 41 (jj). 1 electrician .................................................... 41 (kk). 1 mechanic .................................................... 41 (oo). 2 carpenters ................................................... 41 (pp). 1 carpenter .................................................. 41(qq) 1 carpenter ...................................................... 41 (tt). 1 laborer .......................................................... 41(2/1/). 2 laborers ...................................................... NATIONAL MUSEUM 5. 1 chief of division ............................................ 12. 2 assistant scientists ............................................. 17. 1 junior scientist ................................................. 18. 1 junior scientist .................................................. 19. 2 junior scientists ................................................ 29. 2 scientific assistants ......................................... 31. 1 scientific assistant ............................................. 33. 1 scientific assistant ............................................. 41(z). 1 laboratory hleper ......................................... 41 (tí). 3 laborers ........................................................ 41 (xx). 1 laborer ........................................................ 41 (cc). 1 museum guard ........................................... 41 (dd). 3 museum guards ....................................... 41 (ce). 1 museum guard ......................................... 41 (h). 1 scientific illustrator ................................... 41(0. 1 scientific illustrator ..................................... 41 (j). 1 scientific illustrator ................................. 41 (k). 2 scientific illustrators ................................. 41 (I). 2 scientific illustrators ................................. DIVISION OF MINES 5. 1 chief of division ............................................. 41 (o). 1 laboratory assistant ................................. 41 (p). 1 laboratory assistant ..................... 41 (w). 2 laboratory helpers, at P378 per annum each ............................................................ 41(2/). 2 laboratory helpers, at P324 per annum each .......................................................... 41 (z). 4 laboratory helpers, at P300 per annum each .......................................................... FISH AND GAME ADMINISTRATION DIVISION 7. 1 scientist .......„.................................................... HOME ECONOMICS DIVISION 41 (bb). 1 preparator ..................... _......... 41 (mm). 1 chauffeur .................................................. 41 (o).. 1 laboratory assistant ................................... 41 (v). 1 laboratory helper ......................................... 41 (z). 2 laboratory helpers, at P300 per annum each .......................................................... 41 (pp). 1 watchman .................................................. 3,825.00 2,040.00 1,530.00 1,326.00 2,160.00 810.00 756.00 1,080.00 453.(10 756.00 432.00 324.00 972.00 486.00 432.00 648.00 1,080.00 378.00 648.00 648.00 1,296.00 540.00 432.00 432.00 600.00 5,100.00 5,780.00 2,040.00 1,700.00 3,060.00 2,160.00 864.00 648.00 300.00 1,296.00 324.00 378.00 900.00 240.00 600.00 878.00 360.00 648.00 600.00 5,100.00 420.00 878.00 756.00 648.00 1,200.00 5,100.00 648.00 378.00 420.00 420.00 600.00 486.00 299089------20 306 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (6) BUREAU OF SCIENCE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY DIVISION 33. 1 scientific assistant ............................................ 648.00 41 (m). 2 laboratory helpers, at 1*432 per annum each ............................................................... 864.00 41 (v. 1 laboratory helper .......................................... 420.00 41 (x). 14 laboratory helpers, at 1*360 per annum each ............................................................... 5,040.00 41 (z). 1 laboratory helper ....................................... 300.00 41 (ww). 1 laborer ....................................................... 360.00 41(1///). 1 laborer ....................................................... 300.00 41(ao«). Deduction for vacancies and absences.. (4,502.00) Total for salaries and wages.......... P2541804.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (7) BUREAU OF COMMERCE DIRECTORS 1. One Director ........................................ 1*6,120.00 1*6,120.00 1 2. One Assistant Director....................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One chief of division........................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 3 4. One chief of division........................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 4 5. One chief of division........................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 5 6. One chief of division........................... 3,570.00 3,570.00 6 7. One chief of division........................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 7 ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 8. One assistant chief of division........ . 3,060.00 3,060.00 8 9. One assistant chief of division........... 2,890.00 2,890.00 9 10. Two assistant chiefs of divisions, at 1*2,550 per annum each................................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 10 11. One assistant chief of division........... 2,380.00 2,380.00 11 COMMERCIAL AGENTS 12. One commercial agent......................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 12 13. One commercial agent......................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 13 14. One commercial agent......................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 14 15. One commercial agent ....................... 2,380.00 2,380.00 15 16. Five commercial agents, at ^2,040 per annum each................................................. 10,200.00 10,200.00 16-19 17. One commercial agent......................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 20 18. One commercial agent......................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 21 19. One commercial agent......................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 22 20. One junior commercial agent............. 2,040.00 2,040.00 23 21. Two junior commercial agents, at 1*1,530 per annum each................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 24, 26 22. One junior commercial agent............. 1,275.00 1,275.00 27 23. One junior commercial agent............. 1,122.00 1,122.00 28 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 307 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to *tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated ( 7 ) BUREAU OF COMMERCE 24. Eight junior commercial agents, at ■Pl,080 per month each.................................. 25. One junior commercial agent............. 26. Three junior commercial agents, at 1*864 per annum each ................................... 27. Six junior commercial agents, at 1*756 per annum each.................................................. 28. Six junior commercial agents, at 1*648 per annum each........................................ 29. Two junior commercial agents, at 1*540 per annum each...................................... CLERKS 30. One clerk................................................ 31. One clerk................................................ 32. One clerk .............................................. 33. Four clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each 34. Five clerks, at 1*864 per annum each 35. Two clerks, at per annum each.. 36. Five clerks, at 1*648 per annum each 37. Four clerks, at 1*540 per annum each.. 38. Six clerks, at 1*432 per annum each.. MESSENGERS 39. One messenger...................................... 40. One messenger..................................... 41. Two messengers, at 1*240 per annum each .................................................................... MISCELLANEOUS 42. For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, as follows: Demonstrators (a) Two demonstrators, at per annum each .................................................................. Chauffeur (b) One chauffeur ................................................. Driver (c) One motorcycle driver.................................... Carpenter (d) One carpenter ................................................ 8,640.00 972.00 8,640.00 972.00 29-33 34 2,592.00 2,592.00 35-36 4,536.00 4,536.00 37-39 3,888.00 3,888.00 40-41 1,080.00 1,080.00 42 2,040.00 2,040.00 48 1,700.00 1,700.00 44 1,224.00 1,224.00 45 4,320.00 4,320.00 46-49 4,320.00 4,320.00 50-51 1,512.00 1,512.00 52 3,240.00 3,240.00 53 2,160.00 2,160.00 54-55 2,592.00 2,592.00 56-57 432.00 432.00 58 324.00 324.00 59 480.00 480.00 60 1,080.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 308 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized ( 7 ) BUREAU OF COMMERCE Laborers (e) Two watchmen, at F324 per annum each.. (/) Tivo laborers, at P432 per annum each.... (g) Two laborers, at i*410 per annum each.... (h) Three laborers, at ^08 per annum each.. (i) Five laborers, at F324. per annum each.... [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers] ....................................................... [Allowance for caps and badges for tourist guides] ............................................... Total.................................................... 648.00 648.00 61(6) 864.00 ... 820.00 ... 1,224.00 ... 1,620.00 1,620.00 61(a) 5,500.00 (l)-227(s-l) 40.00 62 131,672.00 131,712.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director ............................................................... P6.120.00 2. 1 Assistant Director ............................................. 5,100.00 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 5. 1 chief of division ................................................ 3,825.00 9. 1 assistant chief of division................................. 2,890.00 Cash Section 35. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 Records Section 24. 1 junior commercial agent ................................ 1,080.00 33. 1 clerk .......................................................-............ 1,080.00 37. 1 clerk ................................................................ 540.00 39. 1 messenger ........................................................... 432.00 General Service Section 30. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 2,040.00 24. 1 junior commercial agent..................................... 1,080.00 34. 1 clerk .............................. -........ 864.00 41. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 42 (t). 5 laborers .......................................................... 1,620.00 42(e). 2 watchmen ..................................................... 648.00 42(a). 2 Demonstrators ............................................ 1,080.00 42(5). 1 chauffeur ..................................................... 540.00 42(c). 1 motorcycle driver ......................................... 540.00 42(d). 1 carpenter ...................................................... 432.00 42(f). 2 laborers ....................................................... 864.00 42(p). 2 laborers ....................................................... 820.00 42(h). 3 laborers ....................................................... 1,224.00 TRADE INFORMATION DIVISION 6. 1 chief of division ................................................ 3,570.00 11. 1 assistant chief of division ............................... 2,380.00 35. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 756.00 41. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 Research Section 16. 2 commercial agents ........................................ 4,080.00 17. 1 commercial agent ............................................ 1,700.00 22. 1 junior commercial agent .........................-...... 1,275.00 24. 2 junior commercial agents ................................. 2,160.00 26. 1 junior commercial agent .................................... 864.00 27. 2 junior commercial agents .............................. 1,512.00 Publicity Section 27. 1 junior commercial agent ................................ 756.00 28. 2 junior commercial agents .............................. 1,296.00 38. 1 clerk ................ .................................................... 432.00 40. 1 messenger ............................................................ 824.00 Trade Connection Section 13. 1 commercial agent .............................................. 2,720.00 18. 1 commercial agent .............................................. 1,530.00 21. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 1,530.00 24. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 1,080.00 26. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 864.00 28. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 648.00 MARKETS AND CREDITS DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division .............................................. 4,250.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 3,060.00 12. 1 commercial agent .............................................. 3,400.00 Sales Section 16. commercial agent ............................................... 2,040.00 19. 1 commercial agent .............................................. 1,080.00 26. 1 junior commercial agent .................................. 864.00 28. 1 junior commercial agent .................................. 648.00 Retail Trade Section 16. 1 commercial agent .............................................. 2,040.00 23. 1 junior commercial agent .............................. 1,122.00 27. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 756.00 29. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 540.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 309 (7) BUREAU OF COMMERCE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Market Reports Section 24. 1 junior commercial agent ............................. 1,080.00 27. 1 junior commercial agent................................... 756.00 28. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 648.00 38. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 432.00 Rural Credits Section 24. 1 junior commercial agent ................... 1,080.00 34. 1 clerk ...... ............................................................. 864.00 33. 1 clerk ...7............................................................... 1,080.00 Cooperative Marketing Section 15. 1 commercial agent ........................................ 2,380.00 20. 1 junior commercial agent ................................... 2,040.00 21. 1 junior commercial agent.................................... 1,530.00 28. 1 junior commercial agent .................................. 648.00 37. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 38. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS DIVISION 7. 1 chief of division ............................................. 3,400.00 10. 1 assistant chief of division.................................. 2,550.00 84. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 Manila Trading Center and Exchange 24. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 1,080.00 36. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 648.00 29. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 540.00 37. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 38. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 Fairs and Expositions Section 16. 1 commercial agent .............................................. 2,040.00 33. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 COMMERCIAL LAWS DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ................................................. 5,100.00 10. 1 assistant chief of division ................................ 2,550.00 32. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 Mercantile Registry Section 31. 1 clerk ................................................................ 1,700.00 33. 1 clerk ................................................................ 1,080.00 36. 2 clerks ................................................................ 1,296.00 37. 1 clerk ................................................................ 540.00 38. 1 clerk ................................................................ 432.00 Trade Regulation Section 14. 1 commercial agent .............................................. 2,550.00 25. 1 junior commercial agent .................................. 972.00 34. 1 clerk ................................................................ 864.00 27. 1 junior commercial agent .................................. 756.00 36. 2 clerks ................................................................ 1,296.00 38. 1 clerk ................................................................ 432.00 34. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 Total for salaries and wages...................... P131,672.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (8) WEATHER BUREAU DIRECTORS 1. One Director ....................................... ¥=4,250.00 ¥=4,250.00 1 2. One Assistant Director....................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 2 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. Three chiefs of divisions, at 1*3,060 per annum each ................................................ 9,180.00 9,180.00 3-4 4. One chief of division............................ 2,720.00 2,720.00 5 ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 5. One assistant chief of division........... 2,720.00 2,720.00 6 6. One assistant chief of division........... 2,380.00 2,380.00 7 FORECASTERS 7. One forecaster...................................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 8 8. One assistant forecaster..................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 9 OBSERVERS 9. One observer ........................................ 2,550.00 2,550.00 10 10. One observer ....................................... 2,380.00 2,380.00 11 310 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details 1937 requested 1936 1 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated Item No. (8) WEATHER 11. Two assistant observers, at 1*2,380 per annum each ................................................ BUREAU 4,760.00 4,760.00 12-13 12. One assistant observer......................... 1,785.00 1,785.00 14 13. Two assistant observers, at Pl,428 per annum each................................................ 2,856.00 2,856.00 15 14. One assistant observer....................... 1,326.00 1,326.00 16 15. One assistant observer....................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 17 16. Seven assistant observers, at 1*1,122 per annum each ................................................ 7,854.00 7,854.00 18-21 17. One assistant observer......................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 22 18. Three junior observers, at P972 per annum each........................................................ 2,916.00 2,916.00 23-25 19. Three junior observers, at P864 per annum each........................................................ 2,592.00 2,592.00 26-27 20. Twelve junior observers, at P648 per annum each........................................................ 7,776.00 7,776.00 28-31 21. Two junior observers, at P540 per annum each........................................................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 32 22. Twenty-seven junior observers, at P432 per annum each........................................ 11,664.00 11,664.00 35-36 23. Ten junior observers, at P324 per annum each........................................................ 3,240.00 3,240.00 38-39 24. One junior observer ........................... 300.00 300.00 40 25. Thirteen junior observers, at P180 per annum each................. ;............................. 2,340.00 2,340.00 33-34, 41-42 26. Three junior observers, at P120 per annum each........................................................ 360.00 360.00 37 COMPUTERS 27. One assistant computer.............. ....... 1,700.00 1,700.00 43 28. One assistant computer.... ................. 1,428.00 1,428.00 44 29. One assistant computer ..................... 1,326.00 1,326.00 45 30. One assistant computer..................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 46 31. One assistant computer..................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 47 32. One junior computer......................... 972.00 972.00 48 33. Four junior computers, at P756 per annum each........................................................ 3,024.00 3,024.00 50-52 34. One junior computer ......................... 648.00 648.00 49 CLERKS 35. One clerk ............................................. 864.00 864.00 53 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 311 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to ’tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated DRAFTSMEN (8) WEATHER BUREAU 36. One assistant draftsman................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 55 37. One assistant draftsman ................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 56 MECHANICS 38. One assistant mechanic ..................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 57 39. One assistant mechanic ..................... 1,275.00 1,275.00 58 40. One junior mechanic........................... 972.00 972.00 59 41. One junior mechanic........................... 864.00 864.00 60 42. One junior mechanic........................... 432.00 432.00 61 OPERATORS 43. One assistant radio operator............... 1,224.00 1,224.00 62 44. One assistant wireless operator......... 45. Two assistant telegraph operators, at 1,224.00 1,224.00 63 Pl,224 per annum each.................................... 2,448.00 2,448.00 64 46. One junior telegraph operator........... 864.00 864.00 65 MESSENGERS 47. Two messengers, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 648.00 648.00 66-67 MISCELLANEOUS 48. Temporary and emergency employees, including skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, as follows: (a) Two laborers, at 1*432 per annum each.... 864.00 864.00 68(«)-(6) (&) One laborer .................................................... 240.00 240.00 (5)-184 (c) One janitor .................................................... 432.00 432.00 68(c) (d) One messenger during the typhoon season 300.00 300.00 68(d) Total .................................................... 115,728.00 115,728.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director .............................................................. P4.250.00 2. 1 Assistant Director ..........~............................... 3,400.00 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 4. 1 chief of division ............................................. 2,720.00 35. 1 clerk ............. 864.00 36. 1 assistant drafstman ....................................... 1,700.00 37. 1 assistant draftsman ......................................... 1,122.00 38. 1 assistant mechanic ......................................... 1,700.00 39. 1 assistant mechanic ............................................ 1,275.00 40. 1 junior mechanic .............................................. 97,2.00 41. 1 junior mechanic ................................................ 864.00 42. 1 junior mechanic ................................................ 432.00 43. 1 assistant radio operator ............................. 1,224.00 44. 1 assistant wireless operator .......................... 1,224.00 45. 2 assistant telegraph operators ...................... 2,448.00 46. 1 junior telegraph operator .............................. 864.00 47. 2 messengers ........................................................ 648.00 48(a). 2 laborers ....................................................... 864.00 48(d). 1 laborer ........................................................... 240.00 48(c). 1 janitor ........................................................... 432.00 48(d). 1 messenger during the typhoon season.... 300.00 METEOROLOGICAL DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ............................................. 3,060.00 6. 1 assistant chief of division ..................... 2,380.00 7. 1 forecaster ........................................................... 2,720.00 8. 1 assistant forecaster ............................................ 1,700.00 312 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (8) WEATHER BUREAU INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 9. 1 observer .............................................................. 10. 1 observer .............................................................. 11. 1 assistant observer ............................................ 12. 1 assistant observer ............................................ 18. 2 assistant observers ......................................... 14. 1 assistant observer ............................................ 15. 1 assistant observer ............................................ 16. 7 assistant observers ......................................... 17. 1 assistant observer ............................................. 18. 3 junior observers ............. _............................... 19. 3 junior observers .............................................. 20. 10 junior observers ............................................. 21. 2 junior observers .............................................. 22. 27 junior observers ........................................— . 23. 9 junior observers .............................................. 24. 1 junior observer ................................................ 25. 13 junior observers ............................................ 26. 3 junior observers ................................................ 27. 1 assistant computer ......................................... 28. 1 assistant computer .................................-...... 2,550.00 2,880.00 2,380.00 1,785.00 2,856.00 1,326.00 1,224.00 7,854.00 1,080.00 2,916.00 2,592.00 6,480.00 1,080.00 11,664.00 2,916.00 300.00 2,340.00 360.00 1,700.00 1,428.00 29. 1 assistant computer ........................................... 1,826.00 80. 1 assistant computer ........................................... 1,224.00 31. 1 assistant computer ........................................... 1,080.00 32. 1 junior computer .............................................. 072.00 33. 3 junior computers ............................................ „ 2,268.00 34. 1 junior computer ................................................ 648.00 SEISMIC AND MAGNETIC DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ................ 5. 1 assistant chief of division.. 33. 1 junior computer ................ 20. 1 junior observer .................. 23. 1 junior observer ..........„...... ASTRONOMICAL DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division .................................... 11. 1 assistant observer .................................. 20. 1 junior observer ...................................... Total for salaries and wages. 3,060.00 2,720.00 756.00 648.00 324.00 3,060.00 2,380.00 648.00 P115,728.00 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual I.—SALARIES AND WAGES (1) ‘ Office of the Secretary........................... (2) Bureau of Plant Industry..................... (3) Bureau of Animal Industry............... . (4) Bureau of Forestry............................. (5) Bureau of Lands................................. (6) Bureau of Science................................. (7) Bureau of Commerce............................. (8) Weather Bureau................................... 1*282,268.00 265,850.00 240,536.00 612,881.00 826,043.00 254,804.00 131,672.00 115,728.00 1*283,968.00 268,046.00 240,536,00 534,715.00 826,343.00 254,804.00 131,712.00 115,728.00 1*134,163.83 261,783.84 243.867.44 511,913.68 769.333.45 347,460.83 132,741.67 94,557.21 Total for salaries and wages............. 2,729,782.00 2,655,852.00 2,495,821.95 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of personnel, in­ cluding those of commercial and cooperative promotion agents in the provinces: Street car fares..................................... P960.00 Horse allowance ......-........................... 200.00 Per diems and subsistence.................. 129,600.00 Transportation ..................................... 48,145.00 Hire of cargadores .............................. 11,150.00 Motorcycle allowance ...................-.... 240.00 Bicycle allowance ............................... 200.00 Taxi and cab fares ............................. 220.00 Railroad fares ..................................... 5,360.00 Truck fares ........................................... 780.00 Carromata fares ................................... 940.00 Total .................................................... P197,745.00 197,745.00 207,695.00 194,067.74 [Traveling expenses of commercial and cooperative promotion agents in the provinces^ ........................................................ 5,000.00 3,877.93 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 313 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 2. Freight, express and delivery service: Transportation of supplies and mate­ rials .... P15.855.00 Cargadores hire for supplies................ 500.00 rials .... P15.855.00 Cargadores hire for supplies................ 500.00 Total ................................................... P16.355.00 16,355.00 19,355.00 15,873.36 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service: Postage stamps ..................................... P31.500.00 Post office box rentals.............. ........... 680.00 Telegrams .............................................. 14,077.00 Cablegrams .... ................. ;.......... .......... 3,000.00 Telephone rentals ..................... .......... 13,000.00 Money order fees and insurance....... 50.00 Total .................................................... P62,307.00 62,307.00 62,307.00 68,979.28 4. Illumination and power service: Electric fluid .............................. .......... P17,500.00 Petroleum and candles......................... 350.00 Total ......................................... .......... P17,850.00 17,850.00 17,850.00 19,610.71 5. Rental of buildings and grounds, ineluding Yap Station: Rental of offices.......................... .......... P30.350.00 Rental of grounds ................... .......... 100.00 Total ....... ................................. .......... P30,450.00 30,450.00 41,450.00 30,267.20 6. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials : Office supplies and stationery............ P54.000.00 Foodstuffs and kitchen utensils........... 1,500.00 Ice and drinking water........................ 2,500.00 Toilet supplies ..................................... 1,100.00 Motor vehicles supplies ...................... 15,000.00 Water service ......................................... 4,000.00 Medical and chemical supplies........... 27,000.00 Electrical supplies ............................... 900.00 Watercraft supplies ............................. 250.00 Cleaning supplies ................................. 1,500.00 Manufacturing supplies ...................... 3,000.00 Ordnance supplies ........................ 350.00 Packing supplies ................................. 1,200.00 Materials and supplies for repairs.... 2,000.00 Photographic supplies ............._......... 3,700.00 Disinfectants ................................ 190.00 Forage ............ 12,000.00 Gas ........ 1,000.00 Books, pamphlets and periodicals....... 13,000.00 Fertilizers .........................„................... 3,000.00 Power plant supplies ........................ 21,500.00 Carabaos, cows, guinea pigs and mon­ keys .................................................... 1,800.00 Public works materials ..... 3,000.00 314 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES Drafting and artist supplies.............. 12,000.00 Painting supplies ............................... 900.00 Printed forms ....................................... 2,100.00 Meteorological, seismological, magnet and astronomical supplies................ 3,500.00 Gasoline and oil ................................... 1,000.00 Glassware .............................................. 1,000.00 Printing and binding supplies ........... 1,225.00 Total .................................................... P195,215.00 7. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications: Printing of annual reports, docu­ ments and publications .................. P54,000.00 Total ................................................ P54.000.00 8. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees: Traveling expenses of witnesses....... P450.00 Total .................................................... P450.00 195,215.00 195,215.00 231,816.13 54,000.00 60,000.00 54,145.60 450.00 950.00 325.83 9. Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment: Repair of furniture and equipment.. P13.480.00 Total P13,480.00 13,480.00 13,480.00 9,622.23 10. Other services: Sewei charges ....................................... P3.870.00 Medical attendance ............................. 410.00 Horeshoeing ........................................... 20.00 Bond premiums ..................................... 1,831.00 Electrical installation and repairs..... 3,000.00 Advertisements ..................................... 68.00 Cutting and cleaning of grass............ 314.00 Subscriptions ......................................... 630.00 Laundry service ................................... 1,300.00 Welding .................................................. 278.00 Storage service .....................-.............. 20.00 Printing of briefs on land cases in courts ............................................-.... 424.00 Docketing fees and cost of suits.......... 100.00 Share in the maintenance of the Oriente Building ............................... 425.00 Fire hydrant in Manila Office............. 24.00 Contracted services ............................. 1,167.00 Printing of documents in Official Gazette ................................................ 180.00 Publication of notices of sales and leases of Public Lands...................... 620.00 Total ................................................ . P14,681.00 Total for sundry expenses............... 14,681.00 602,533.00 14,681.00 637,983.00 29,330.66 657,916.67 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 315 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY For replacing unserviceable equipment: 1 calculating machine ............................ P250.00 1 typewriter, long carriage.............. 250.00 15 filing cases for the Records Section 1,500.00 BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY For replacing unserviceable equipment: 1 typewriter, long carriage.............. 250.00 1 electric fan, 18", oscillating....... 24.00 1 bag, traveler’s leather, 16" X 18" 16.00 4 flags, American, 3’ X 5', reinforced corners ......................................... 32.00 4 flags, Filipino, 3* X 5', reinforced corners ........................................... 32.00 2 coolers, water, 15 liters capacity.... 70.00 1 cooler, water, 12 liters capacity.... 25.00 1 register, tally .................................... 8.00 1 cabinet, file, vertical, 4 drawers, narra ............................................. 32.00 2 syringes for anay control.............. 25.00 1 aparador for insect specimens..... 30.00 20 rat dusters ....................................... 100.00 15 insect boxes .................................... 60.00 3 exhibition cases ........................ 36.00 Additional Equipment: 1 Van Slyke, amino acid nitrogen apparatus, #7560-AHT ............. 103.00 1 eye piece micrometer disc, #6840AHT .............................................. 6.00 1 magnifier, triple applanat, 14X.... 12.00 1 chemical cabinet with drawers.... 88.40 1 herbarium case with pigeon holes and doors for mounted speci­ mens .............................................. 50.00 2 books and pamphlet stands........ 30.00 4 chairs, office, tanguile, Norte style, #101 ................................................ 8.00 1 oat roller ........................................... 27.00 1 flour hand grinder .......................... 27.00 1 flour hand roller ............................ 27.00 1 bailing apparatus for hay........ 15.00 1 apparatus for rice glutten deter­ mination ....................................... 10.00 1 roaster for popping rice, 1 liter capacity ....................................... 85.00 1 book, Productive Soils by Wilbert W. Weir ....................................... g oo 1 book, Productive Farm Crops, 3rd edition, revised, by E. G. Mont­ gomery ........................................... 6.00 1 book. Rice Directory and Manual.. 7.00 1 book. The Rice of Siam, Bankok, 1827 by Sanedvonge, Yai.............. 6.00 1 book, Common Commodities and Industries, by W. H. Simmons.... 18.00 1 embedding table. No. 1806.............. 14.00 1 embedding table, No. 1800............. 80.00 2 desks, office, tangile, 3’ X 5', 5 drawers ......................................... 40.00 316 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 3 chairs, revolving, narra, high back .............................................. 45.66 1 typewriter, long carriage, Elite type ................................................ 262.50 1 desk, office, tangile, narra finish, 3' X 5', 5 drawers, locks & slides .............................................. 40.00 2 chairs, revolving, office, narra, high back ..................................... 30.44 1 lens, hand, 12X, triple applanat.... 12.00 1 set, dissecting ................................. 9.00 1 embedding table. Razon, electric.... 40.00 1 set measure, liquid.... 20.00 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY For additional equipment: Cabinets, vertical, steel without lock 200.00 Safe, steel, small..................................... 200.00 Canteens ................................................ 50.00 Veterinary instruments ........................ 250.00 1 gut cleaning machine...................... 600.00 1 sausage stuffing machine.............. 400.00 For replacing unserviceable equipment: Flags, Filipino......................................... 30.00 Flags, American ................................. 30.00 Saddles, pony ......................................... 60.00 BUREAU OF FORESTRY For replacing unserviceable equipment: 1 flag, P. I. 5 X 9i woolen............ 15.85 1 flag, U. S. 5 X 9i woolen............ 15.85 6 dividers, proportional at P9.50....... 57.00 6 compasses, box at P9.20............... 55.20 6 magnifiers, 20-X at P4.20............... 25.20 9 marking hatchets at P5.80............ 52.20 8 canteens, U. S. with cover strap.... 28.00 6 haversacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 18.60 6 rucksacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 40.80 6 compasses, box ............................... 55.20 6 magnifiers, 20-X ............................. 25.20 7 dividers, proportional .................... 66.50 5 marking hatchets ............................ 29.00 9 canteens, U. S. with straps.......... 31.50 6 haversacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 18.60 6 rucksacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 40.80 9 compasses, box ................................. 82.80 8 magnifiers, 20-X .............................. 33.60 5 dividers, proportional ......-............ 47.50 7 marking hatchets ............................ 40.60 6 canteens, U. S. with straps........... 21.00 7 haversacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 22.20 9 rucksacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 61.20 28 flags, U. S. 8* X 5* woolen........... 117.60 28 flags, P. I. 3* X 5' woolen............ 117.60 8 compasses, box ............................... 73.60 5 magnifiers, 20-X ............................. 21.00 4 dividers, proportional .................... 38.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 317 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 5 marking hatchets ............................. 29.00 10 canteens, U. S. with straps.......... 35.00 8 haversacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 24.80 6 rucksacks with straps, khaki can­ vass*................................................ 40.80 7 compasses, box ................................. 64.40 11 magnifiers, 20-X ............................. 46.20 14 dividers, proportional .................... 133.00 12 marking hatchets ........................... 69.60 6 canteens with straps and cover ... 28.00 10 haversacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 31.00 10 rucksacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 68.00 BUREAU OF LANDS For additional equipment: 1 cabinet Van Dorn, with 8-2 com­ partment drawers for index cards 6" X 4" Mastercrafts­ manship ......................................... 235.00 1 cabinet file with 3 drawers 6" X 8" ......................................... 70.00 1 typewriter, Remington, 24" car­ riage .............................................. 195.00 1 revolving chair ................................. 20.30 2 typewriters, Remington, ordinary 350.00 2 typewriters, ordinary .................... 350.00 9 chain band, 100 m........................... 306.00 5 chain band, 50 m............................. 90.00 12 umbrellas, field ............................... 168.00 12 compasses, military ...................... 139.70 For replacing unserviceable equipment: 1 wall clock ......................................... 50.00 1 numbering machine, Bates............ 26.00 BUREAU OF SCIENCE Additional equipment: 2 hygro-thermograph, self recording, complete ......................................... 300.00 1 card catalog cabinet with 112 trays and 4 slides (narra).................. 150.00 Books on general science..................... 300.00 Books on agriculture............................. 200.00 Books on animal industry.................... 200.00 Books on forestry.................................. 200.00 Books on chemistry............................... 200.00 Boosk on medicine................................. 300.00 Books on biology.................................... 200.00 Books on meteorology........................... 100.00 Books on commerce............................... 100.00 Books on statistics ............................. 100.00 Books on home economics................... 100.00 Books on mining................................... 300.00 Books on fishing industry................... 300.00 Books on other industries, such as leather, ceramics, papers, etc......... 400.00 For replacing unserviceable equipment: 1 furnace-muffle, Hoskins Electric, Type F-D ..................................... 160.00 1 Rheostat for 110 volts for above.... 27.00 1 oven Frees Electric No. 100........... 270.00 1 Refractometer, Attbee and Lomb.... 1,003.00 1 Olsen special microscope for Beinell hardness testing................... 70.00 318 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1 balance .............................................. 176.00 1 McCool Pulverizer, Type C, size 6i with 2 extra discs.................. 329.00 BUREAU OF COMMERCE For additional equipment: 4 typewriters, standard size for field agents at P187.50........... ............ 750.00 4 tables, typewriters, for the above at P6.70 ......................................... 26.80 2 typewriters, standard size, for Market Division at P187.50....... 375.00 2 typewriters, standard size, for Commercial Intelligence Division, at P187.50 ..................................... 375.00 5 cabinets, vertical file, 4 drawers steel for Market and Cooper­ ative Marketing and Credits Divisions at P102.......................... 510.00 2 typewriters, standard size, for Trade Regulation Division at P187.50 ......................................... 375.00 2 tables, typewriters, for above......- 13.90 5 filing cases, card index, 4 drawers, 3 X 5 at P61 for Trade Regula­ tion Division ................................. 305.00 5 cabinets, vertical file, 4 drawers, steel, for Trade Regulation Divi­ sion ................................................ 570.00 1 numbering Machine for Trade Regulation Division ........................... 15.00 1 adding machine for the Manila Trading Center and Exchange.... 190.00 For replacing unserviceable equipment: 1 typewriter, long carriage ........... 307.30 WEATHER BUREAU For additional equipment: 1 typewriter, Underwood, No. 12....... 175.00 1 dozen tables, at P180 per dozen.... 180.00 3 anemometers at P160 each.............. 480.00 3 supports for windvane, at P100 each ................................................ 800.00 2 supports for anemometer and windwane ..................................... 865.00 Total ......................................... P20.805.00 20,805.00 Total for furniture and equipment.. 20,805.00 20,805.00 33,692.98 20,805.00 33,692.98 IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts, Act No. 3163, and to control and eradicate other agricultural pests and diseases: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One agronomist ............................. 1*3,060.00 (b) Two assistant agronomists, at 1*1,080 per annum each............ 2,160.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 319 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (c) One plant sanitation inspector and aviator .................................. 2,550.00 (d) Two plant sanitation foremen, at P864 per annum each............. 1,728.00 (e) One plant sanitation foreman 756.00 (/) Two plant sanitation foremen, at 1*720 per annum each............ 1,440.00 (g) One plant sanitation foreman.. 648.00 (h) Six plant sanitation foremen, at 1*600 per annum each....... 3,600.00 (i) Two plant sanitation foremen, at 5*594 per annum each........ 1,188.00 (;) Seventeen plant sanitation fore­ men, at 1*540 per annum each 9,180.00 (k) One assistant mechanic.................. 810.00 (0 One chauffeur .................................. 540.00 (m) One laboratory helper .................. 540.00 (n) One laborer ..................................... 432.00 Total for salames and wages 28,632.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (0) Traveling expenses of personnel 2,376.00 (p) Freight, express and delivery service . 312.00 (q) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................... 130.00 (r) Rental of buildings and grounds 120.00 (s) Consumption of supplies and ma­ terials ............................................ 3,900.00 (t) Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment .......................................:....... 100.00 (u) Other services .................................. 30.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 6,968.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (v) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ........................... 400.00 Total for furniture and equipment ............................. 400.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages................ 28,632.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 6,968.00 Total for furniture and equipment...... 400.00 Total available appropriation.. F36,000.00 36,000.00 36,038.00 34,170.06 320 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 2. Campaign for the eradication and control of rinderpest and other contagious and infectious animal diseases, Act No. 3166, including payment for animals utilized for purposes of experimentation, breeding or vaccination: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One laboratory chemist................ 1*2,040.00 (б) One assistant veterinarian ........ 1,080.00 (c) Four livestock inspectors, at F5J>0 per annum each................ 2,160.00 (d) Three livestock inspectors, at F432 per annum each................ 1,296.00 (e) Three livestock inspectors, at 1*378 per annum each................ 1,134.00 (/) One motor driver............................ 486.00 (g) One laboratory helper ................ 648.00 (h) One machinist ............................... 1,080.00 (i) One assistant mechanic ................ 486.00 (;) One motor driver ........................ 540.00 (k) One laborer .................................... 810.00 (Z) One laborer .................................... 702.00 (m) One motor driver ......................... 460.00 (n) For emergency laborers.............. 21,078.00 Total for salaries and wages 34,000.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (o) Traveling expenses of personnel 1,000.00 (p) Freight, express and delivery service .................... 700.00 (q) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................... 1,000.00 (r) Illumination and power service 1,500.00 (s) Consumption of supplies and ma­ terials ............................................ 9,500.00 (i) Other services ............................... 300.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 14,000.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (u) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ....................... 2,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment ........................... 2,000.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 321 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............ Total for sundry expenses................ Total for furniture and equipment.. 34,000.00 14,000.00 2,000.00 Total available appropriation.. P50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 47,499.41 3. For the classification of public lands: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) Three draftsmen, at P324 per annum each ............................. (б) Eight computers, at P324 per annum each ............................. P972.00 2,592.00 Total for salaries and wages 3,564.00 SUNDRY [OTHER!EXPENSES [Sundry expenses, including the purchase of furniture and equipment:] (c) Traveling expenses of person­ nel .............................................. (d) Freight, express and delivery service ...................................... (e) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................ (/) Illumination and power serv­ ice .............................................. (g) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................. (h) Maintenance and repair • of equipment .................................. (i) Other services ............................. 11,000.00 200.00 126.00 300.00 300.00 60.00 450.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 12,436.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.............. Total for sundry expenses..................... 3,564.00 12,436.00 Total available appropriation.. «6,000.00 16,000.00 18,060.00 16,059.72 4. For sundry expenses, including pur­ chase of furniture and equipment in con­ nection with commercial and industrial in­ vestigation, demonstration and promotion work ......................................................... 2,785.00 2,785.00 2,231.19 299089------21 322 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual 1937 Budget Details Item No. IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 5. For the maintenance, operation and improvement of National Parks, Act No. 3915: SUNDRY EXPENSES (a) Sundry expenses ......................... 1*5,000.00 Amount to be paid out of the re­ ceipts under Act No. 3915....... (1*5,000.00) 6. For the development of the fishing industry and the promotion of the fisheries resources of the Philippines, Act No. 4003: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) Two technical assistants, at 1*4,250 per annum each........... 1*8,500.00 (б) One technical assistant ............. 4,250.00 (c) Four technical demonstrators, at 1*1,080 per annum each........... 4,320.00 (d) One technical demonstrator....... 1,080.00 (c) Five [student assistant] tech­ nical helpers, at FJf.32 per annum each .................................. 2,160.00 (/) One [student assistants] tech­ nical helper.................................... 432.00 (g) One inspector ............................... 2,040.00 (h) One patron ................................... 1,530.00 (i) One engineer ............................... 1,080.00 [(;') Temporary and emergency employees, including skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers ................. 1*4,320] (;) One chauffeur .................................. 378.00 (k) One laboratory helper ................ 432.00 (Z) Three laboratory helpers, at F360 per annum each.............. 1,080.00 (m) One laboratory helper................ 324.00 (n) Five laboratory helpers, at f*306 per annum each............ 1,530.00 (o) One laboratory helper ................ 240.00 (p) For emergency laborers ............ 336.00 Total for salaries and wages.... 29,712.00 SUNDRY [OTHER] EXPENSES [Sundry .expenses, including the purchase of furniture and equip­ ment] (q) Traveling expenses of personnel 100.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 323 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (r) Freight, express and delivery service .......................................... 150.00 (s) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 38.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 288.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages 29,712.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 288.00 Total available for the de­ velopment of the fisheries resources, Act No. 4003. .. P30,000.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts under Act No. 4003 ..................................... (M0,000.00) 0.00 7. For reforestation to be expended in accordance with Act No. 3283: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Two laborers, at M60 per an1*720.00 num each ............. [1*778.00] (t) One laborer.... ......... [^356.00] 360.00 (C) Three laborers, at 1*360 per annum each...... ........ [P972.00] 1,080.00 (c-1) Four laborers, at P360 per annum each.......... 1,440.00 (d) Two laborers, at M00 per annum each............. .. [1*502.00] 600.00 (e) Four laborers, at M00 per annum each............. .. [M64.00] 1,200.00 (e-1) Four laborers, at P300 per annum each ........ 1,200.00 (/) One laborer ............ 275.00 (g) One laborer........... .. [1*125.00] 240.00 (g-1) Three laborers, at 1*240 per annum each..... .. [1*360.00] 720.00 (*7-2) Six laborers, at P21f0 per annum each ....... 1,440.00 [Ten laborers........... 1*900.00] . [Five laborers, at F64 per annum each............... 1*420.00] [One laborer........ ...... M1.00] [One laborer........ ...... P75.00] [Five laborers, at 1*72 per annum each............... 1*360.00] [Five laborers, at 1*54 per annum each............... 1*270.00] 324 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS [Ten laborers, at 1*45 per an­ num each............... 1*450.00] ................... [One laborer............... 1*14.00] ................... (h) Five emergency laborers, at 1*45 a month for 3 months................ 675.00 (t) Five emergency laborers, at 1*30 a month each for 5 months...... 450.00 (;) Five emergency laborers, at 1*27 a month for 5 months................ 675.00 (k) Five emergency laborers, at 1*27 a month for 3 months.............. 405.00 (Z) Five emergency laborers, at 1*25 a month for 5 months................ 625.00 (m) Five emergency laborers, at 1*25 a month for 3 months.............. 375.00 (n) Five emergency laborers, at 1*20 a month each for 4 months.... 400.00 (o) Ten emergency laborers, at 1*18 a month each for 5 months.... 900.00 (p) Five emergency laborers, at 1*12 a month each for 3 months.... 270.00 (q) Ten emergency laborers, at 1*15 a month each for 3 months.... 450.00 Total for salaries and wages 14,500.00 SUNDRY TOTHER3 EXPENSES [Sundry expenses, including the purchase of furniture and equipment ............... 1*2,133.00] ................... (r) Traveling expenses of personnel 1,800.00 (s) Freight, express and delivery service .................... 600.00 (t) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service......... 150.00 (?i) Ilhiminat'on and power service.. 90.00 (v) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 7,000.00 (w) Maintenance and repair of equipment .................................... 200.00 (x) Other services......... 60.00 Total for sundry expenses........ 9,900.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (y) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ............................. 600.00 Total for furniture and equipment ........................... 600.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 325 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages 14,500.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 9,900.00 Total for furniture and equipment ........................... 600.00 Total available appro­ priation ....................... 1*25,000.00 25,000.00 8,660.00 7,595.99 8. Investigation and survey of home­ steads, free patents and sales and leases under the provisions of Act No. 2874: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Five assistant public lands in­ spectors, at Pl,530 per annum each .............................................. P7,650.00 (6) Five assistant public lands in­ spectors, at Pl,080 per annum each .............................................. 5,400.00 (c) Ten junior public lands in­ spectors, at P540 per annum each .............................................. 5,400.00 [For skilled, semi-skilled and un­ skilled laborers.... P19,046.00] ................... (d) One surveyman................................ 648.00 (e) Two survey men, at per an­ num each ...................................... 1,080.00 (/) Three surveymen, at FJÍ32 per annum each .................................. 1,296.00 (g) One surveyman ............................. 300.00 (h) Five chainmen, at F378 per an­ num each........................................ 1,890.00 (i) Three chainmen, at F321> per annum each .................................. 972.00 (j) Seven chainmen, at F300 per annum each .................................. 2,100.00 (k) One chainman ................................ 240.00 (l) Four rodmen, at 1^324 per an­ num each........................................ 1,296.00 (m) Fifteen rodmen, at F300 per an­ num each........................................ 4,500.00 (n) Four rodmen, at 1*2^0 per an­ num each........................................ 960.00 (o) Two instrument caretakers, at P324 per annum each................ 648.00 (p) Five instrument caretakers, at F300 per annum each................ 1,500.00 (q) For emergency laborers.............. 1,616.00 Total for salaries and wages.. 37,496.00 326 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUNDRY [OTHER] EXPENSES [Q) Sundry expenses.....1*50,500.00] ................... (?*) Traveling expenses of personnel 35,800.00 (s) Freight, express and delivery service .................. 3,000.00 (O Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................................ 1,550.00 (u) Illumination and power service.. 124.00 (v) Rental of buildings and grounds 4,620.00 (w) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 2,340.00 (x) Maintenance and repair of equipment ...................................... 70.00 (y) Other services.......... 3,000.00 Total for sundry expenses........ 50,504.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.. 37,496.00 Total for sundry expenses........ 50,504.00 Total available appropriation .................................... 1*88,000.00 88,000.00 87,996.00 73,780.10 9. For the maintenance and repair of a radio apparatus installed in the Manila Ob­ servatory ............................................................ 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,087.18 10. For the maintenance and upkeep of the Cebu typhoon signal.................................. 50.00 50.00 . 11. For the administration of the Friar Lands Estates: SALARIES AND WAGES Agents (a) One agent......................................... Fl,530.00 (b) One agent .................................... 1,224.00 (c) One agent ................................... 1,224.00 (d) One agent ................................... 1,122.00 (e) Two agents, at 1*1,080 per an­ num each ................................... 2,160.00 (/) One agent ................................... 972.00 (g) One agent .................................... 972.00 (h) One agent .................................... 756.00 (0 One agent .................................... 540.00 O’) One agent ................................... 540.00 (k) One agent .................................... 540.00 (l) One agent ..................................... 432.00 (m) One agent ..................................... 432.00 Clerks (n) One clerk ..................................... 864.00 (o) Two clerks, at F540 per annum each ............................................. 1,080.00 (p) Four clerks, at 1*432 per an­ num each ................................... 1,728.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 327 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (q) One clerk ...................................... 324.00 (r) Two clerks, at tF324 per annum each ............................................. 648.00 (s) One clerk ...................................... 324.00 (O Five clerks, at F240 per annum each ............................................. 1,200.00 (u) One clerk ..................................... 240.00 Messenger (v) One messenger ............................. 240.00 Miscellaneous [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers..... P23,028] Rangers (w) Two rang er s, at 1*360 per an­ num each...................................... 720.00 (x) Two assistant rangers, at 1*324 per annum each.......................... 648.00 (y) One ranger ...................................... 240.00 Foremen (z) Five irrigation foremen, at 1*540 per annum each......................... 2,700.00 (aa) Two irrigation foremen, at 1*480 per annum each.............. 960.00 (bb) Two irrigation foremen, at 1*300 per annum each................ 600.00 Watertenders (cc) Two watertenders, at 1*324 per annum each.................................. 648.00 (dd) Twenty-seven watertenders, at 1*300 per annum each.............. 8,100.00 (ee) Twelve watertenders, at 1*240 per annum each......................... 2,880.00 Laborers (ff) Two laborers, at 1*300 per an­ num each .................................... 600.00 (gg) Fifteen laborers, at 1*240 per annum each ................................ 3,600.00 (hh) One laborer ................................. 120.00 Guards (ii) Three guards, at 1*180 per an­ num each.................................... 540.00 (jj) Two guards, at P120 per an­ num each.................................... 240.00 (kk) One guard ...................................... 96.00 (R) Two guards, at 1*92 per annum each ............................................ 184.00 (mm) One guard.......................■............ 80.00 (nn) One guard ................................... 72.00 Total for salaries and wages 42,120.00 328 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUNDRY EXPENSES (oo) Traveling expenses of person­ nel .............................................. 4,000.00 (pp) Freight, express and delivery service ...................................... 50.00 (qq) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................... 500.00 (rr) Illumination and power serv­ ice .............................................. 500.00 (ss) Rental of buildings and grounds .................................... 420.00 (it) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................. 1,100.00 (iiu) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.. 100.00 (vv) Maintenance and repair of equipment ................................ 100.00 (wiu) Other services .......................... 300.00 Total for sundry expenses 7,070.00 SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (.tx) Resurvey and reclassification of the friar lands: Salaries and Wages [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers] (1) One laborer 1*432.00 (2) Tivo labor­ ers, at 1*336 per a n n u m each ........ 672.00 (3) Six labor­ ers, at 1*300 per annum each ........ 1,800.00 (4) For emerg e n c y laborers .. 896.00 Sundry [Other] Expenses (5) Traveling expens e s of personnel .... (6) Cons u m pti o n of supplie s and ma­ terials .. (7) Trac in g s and tech­ nical de­ scriptions 90.00 10.00 100.00 Total .. ?4,000.00 4,000.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 329 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (yy) Construction and maintenance of roads and bridges within the friar lands estates, to be allotted by the Secretary of Agriculture and Com­ merce : Provided, That 1*2,000 of this amount shall be used for the construction and improvement of roads in the friar lands estates in the Province of Bulacan: (yy)-l San Roque-Sta. Clara road, Santa Maria and Bigaa, Bu­ lacan ................... (yy)-2 Bunsuran-M atibo road, Bigaa, Bu­ lacan .................. (yy)-3 L o m a-d e-G atoS an Vicente, San Jose and Sta. Maria, Bu­ lacan ................... (yy)-4 Pasongtinta-Pati­ paran road, Dasmariñas, Cavite (yy)-5 Palange-Bubuyan road, Naic, Ca­ vite ..................... (yy)-6 Naic-Sa king road, Naic, Cavite .... (yy)-7 P a I u b I u banri,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Aliang road, Ge­ neral Trias, Ca­ vite ..................... (yy)-8 Cruces JunctiovrQuintana road, Tanza, Cavite.... (yy)-9 Cabatuan-Sili-Ca2,000.00 2,000.00 llang road, Daleg, Isabela........ (yy)-10 Cabatuan-Cadanlang-Oscaris, Cauayan, Isabela ............ (yy)-U Tulay-TungkopAbono road, Ming lanilla, Cebu ................ 3,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 330 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (yy)-12 Sanggi-Tubod road, Minglanilla, Cebu .......... 1,000.00 Total............ P20,000.00 20,000.00 (zz) Construction, maintenance, al­ teration and repair of irri­ gation systems to be allotted by the Secretary of Agri­ culture and Commerce: Bulacan (zz)-l Prensa dam, ca­ nals and head­ gates, Lolomboy M,000.00 (zz)-2 Excavation of ca­ nals and con­ struction of headgates, San­ ta Maria de Pandi ................ 1,000.00 (zz)-3 Kupeng dam, ca­ nals, etc., Santa Maria de Pan­ di ......................... 500.00 Cavite (zz)-Ji P a s o n g b uaya dam, canals, etc., Imus .......... (zz)-5 Julian dam, ca­ nals, etc., Imus (zz)-6 For the purchase and installation of gates, Imus.. (zz)-7 Idgar dam, toes, and canals, Imus (zz)-8 Sahing dam, toes, canals, etc., Naic (zz)-9 Construction of headgates and excavation o f canals Marigondon g section, Naic .................. (zz)-10 Kulang-kul an g dam, canals and gates, Naic 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 331 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (zz)-ll Plucena dam, toes, canals, etc., San Fran­ cisco de Malabon..................... (zz)-12 Butas dam, ca­ nals, etc., San Francisco de Malabon .......... (zz)-13 Sampalukan dam, canals, San Francisco d e Malabon .......... (zz)-lJ^ Construction of headgates Matanda system, Santa Cruz de Malabon .......... (zz)-15 Manggol dam, canals, etc., Santa Cruz de Malabon .......... (zz)-16 Construction of headgates Cruc e s section, Santa Cruz de Malabon .......... 2,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 Isabela (zz)-17 For the* con­ struction o f canals and headgates ........ 2,500.00 Laguna (zz)-18 Construction of headgates and excavation o f canals, Bi­ nan .............. 1,000.00 (zz)-19 Tubigan dam, canals, etc., Bi­ nam, ..................... 1,000.00 (zz)-20 Campana dam and tunnels, Calumba .......... 1,000.00 (zz)-21 Lechería exten­ sion, Calamba.. 1,000.00 332 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (zz)-22 D ir m o dam, tunnels and ca­ nals, Santa Ro­ sa ....................... 1,000.00 (zz)-23 Makabling dam, c an a I 8, etc., Santa Rosa..... 1,500.00 Total ..............£30,000.00 30,000.00 (aaa) Maintenance and repair of buildings ................................ 1,000.00 Total for special appro­ priations ....................... 55,000.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............. 42,120.00 Total for sundry expenses................. 7,070.00 Total for special appropriations....... 55,000.00 Total available for the admin­ istration of the Friar Lands Estates .................................... £104,190.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts therefrom ............... (£104,190.00) 0.00 [For the administration of the San Lazaro Estate:] [salaries and wages] [Agent] [(a) One agent ..................................... £1,530.00] [Clerks] [(6) One clerk ........................ 756.00] [(c) One clerk ..................................... 540.00] [(d) One clerk ................................... 432.00] [(e) One clerk ..................................... 432.00] [(/) One clerk ..................................... 240.00] [Total for salaries and wages 3,930.00] [sundry expenses] [(<7) Traveling expenses of person­ nel ........................................... 200.00] [(A) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service................... 100.00] G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 333 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS [(i) Illumination and power service 80.00] [(;) Consumption of supplies and materials ............................... 700.00] [(&) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 250.00] [(Z) Maintenance and repair of equipment ............................ 70.00] [(?n) Other services ......................... 247.00] [Total for sundry expenses 1,647.00] SUMMARY [Total for salaries and wages........... 3,930.00] [Total for sundry expenses............... 1,647.00] [Total available for the ad­ ministration of the San Lazaro Estate ................... 1*5,577.00] [Amount to be paid out of the receipts therefrom.... (1*5,577.00)] 0.00 12. For the verification of surveys sub­ mitted by~ private land surveyors to the Bureau of Lands, Act No. 3950, payable from the receipts, any provision of existing law to the contrary notivithstanding, as folloivs: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) Forty computers, at 1*432 per annum each ............................... (б) Two computers, at 1*378 per an­ num each ............. [1*864.00] (c) Three computers, at 1*240 per annum each ....... [1*1,296.00] (d) Two computers, at 1*240 per annum each ......... [1*648.00] (e) One computer ........... [F224.00] (/) Ten junior topographical drafts­ men, at 1*432 per annum each (g) one junior topographical drafts­ men ............................[1*432.00] (h) Five junior topographical drafts­ men, at 1*432 per annum each ............................... [1*2,160.00] (i) One junior topographical drafts­ men ............................[1*432.00] 1*17,280.00 756.00 720.00 480.00 220.00 4,320.00 360.00 1,620.00 324.00 334 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (;) Eight junior topographical draftsmen, at P432 per an­ num each ............. [P3,456.00] 1,920.00 [Four draftsmen, at P432 per annum each ......... Pl,728.00] ................... [Five draftsmen, at P432 per annum each ....... P2,160.00] ................... Total available appropriation P28,000.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts ................................... (P28,000.00) 0.00 .......................... 35,000.00 27,982.35 13. To encourage and facilitate the sur­ vey and subdivision of public land, Act No. 4031: SALARIES AND WAGES Survey men (a) One surveyman ............................. P702.00 (b) Three survey men, at 1*648 per annum each .................................. 1,944.00 (c) Three survey men, at 1*540 per annum each ......................... 1,620.00 (d) Three surveymen, at 1*486 per annum each .................................. 1,458.00 Laborers (e) Sixteen linemen, at 1*432 per annum each .................................. 6,912.00 (/) Sixteen chainmen, at 1*432 per annum each .................................. 6,912.00 (g) Sixteen chainmen, at 1*360 per annum each ............................... 5,760.00 (h) Thirty-tu^o rodmen, at 1*300 per annum each ................................. 9,600.00 (i) Sixteen instrument caretakers, at 1*300 per annum each........ 4,800.00 (j) Ninety-six laborers, at 1*300 per annum each .................................. 28,800.00 Total for salaries and ivages 68,508.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (k) Traveling expenses of personnel 12,000.00 (Z) Freight, express and delivery service .......................................... 1,000.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 335 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details iv.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (??i) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................... 500.00 (n) Illumination and power service 100.00 (o) Rental of buildings and grounds 1,920.00 (p) Consumption of supplies and materials ................................... 7,972.00 (q) Other services ................................ 1,000.00 Total for sundry expenses 24,492.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and ivages Total for siindry expenses ... 68,508.00 24,492.00 Total available appropria­ tion ........................................ 1*93,000.00 93,000.00 14. Contributions and gratuities, including 93,087.00 87,909.16 the control or eradication of agricultural pests and diseases; [the entertainment of foreign or local scientists and agriculturists visiting the propagation stations, seed farms and nurseries of the Bureau of Plant Indus­ try ;] the payment of membership dues in, or contributions to, scientific organizations; and the purchase [and distribution] of seeds and plants as well as the cost of their [for] propagation and distribution and of such experiments as may be undertaken in con­ nection therewith, to be allotted by the Se­ cretary of Agriculture and Commerce ....... 40,000.00 15. Contributions and gratuities, including the manufacture and purchase of antisera vaccines, viruses and other biologies for the control of epizootics; purchase of animals, supplies, materials, equipment and all inci­ dental expenses required in their propaga­ tion or [of rinderpest serum the] manufac­ ture; [or purchase of anti-epizootic serum; the entertainment of foreign or local scien­ tists and agriculturists visiting the stock farms, slaughterhouses and breeding and quarantine stations of the Bureau of Animal Industry;] the payment of membership dues in, or contributions to scientific organiza­ tions ; and the distribution of young animals for propagation, to be allotted by the Se­ cretary of Agriculture and Commerce......... 30,000.00 30,000.00 28,890.29 25,000.00 23,748.45 336 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 16. For the necessary expenses of estab­ lishing, operating and maintaining ten new weather forecasting stations to be established at strategic places of the Islands to be spent by the Director of the Weather Bureau with the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Ten forecasters at T*%32 per 1*4,320.00 4,320.00 annum each .................................. Total for salaries and wages .................................... SUNDRY EXPENSES (b) Traveling expenses of person­ nel ................................................... 250.00 (c) Freight, express and delivery service .......................................... 100.00 (d) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 7,000.00 (e) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 500.00 (/) Other services .................................. 400.00 Total for sundry expenses 8,250.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (g) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ........................... 8,500.00 Total for furniture and equipment ........................... 8,500.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.............. 4,320.00 Total for sundry expenses ................ 8,250.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 8,500.00 Total available for the necessary expenses of ten weather fore­ casting stations ............................. F21,070.00 21,070.00 ..................... G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 337 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 17. For the folloiving personnel of the Public Lands Subdivision employed through­ out the year, Act No. 3673: Chiefs of Survey Parties (a) Two chiefs of survey parties, at Pl,700 per annum each........ 5*3,400.00 (b) Four chiefs of survey parties, at Pl,500 per annum each...... 6,000.00 Surveyors (c) Ten assistant surveyors, at Pl,080 per annum each............ 10,800.00 (d) Ten junior surveyors, at P61>8 per annum each........................... 6,480.00 (e) One junior surveyor....................... 570.00 (/) Fourteen junior surveyors, at P5J& per annum each............ 7,560.00 Public Lands Inspectors (g) Two assistant public lands in­ spectors, at Pl,530 per annum each ................................................. 3,060.00 (h) Two assistant public lands in­ spectors, at Pl,275 per annum each.................. 2,550.00 (i) Two assistant public lands in­ spectors, at Pl,080 per annum each................................................. 2,160.00 (j) Two junior public lands in­ spectors, at P756 per annum each................................................. 1,512.00 (k) Two junior public lands in­ spectors, at P6£8 per annum each ................................................. 1,296.00 Computers (l) Twenty-two junior computers, at P540 per annum each................ 11,880.00 (m) Twelve junior computers, at Pit 3 2 per annum each................ 5,184.00 Draftsmen (n) Ten junior topographical drafts­ men, at P540 per annum each 5,400.00 338 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 I requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Survey men (o) Two surveymen, at F648 per annum each .................................. 1,296.00 (p) Ttvo surveymen, at F570 per annum each .................................. 1,140.00 (?) Five surveymen, at F51/.0 per annhmi each .................................. 2,700.00 Sketchmen (r) One sketchman ................................ 378.00 (s) One sketchman ............................. 360.00 (t) One sketchman ................................ 300.00 Linemen M Tiventy linemen, at F1/.32 per annum each .................................. 8,640.00 Chainmen (v) Nine chainmen, at Fli32 per annum each .................................. 3,888.00 (w) Thirty-four chainmen, at F360 per annum each ......................... 12,240.00 (•?) One chainman ................................ 324.00 (v) Seventeen chainmen, at 1*300 per annum each .................................. 5,100.00 Rodmen (z) Twenty-five rodmen, at F32Jf per annum each .................................. 8,100.00 (aa) Twenty-five rodmen, at 1*300 per annum each ......................... 7,500.00 (bb) One rodman .................................. 285.00 (cc) Three rodmen, at 1*270 per an­ num each ...................................... 810.00 (dd) One rodman .................................. 264.00 Temporary Clerks («e) Two temporary clerks, at 1*2 ¿0 per annum each............ 480.00 Instrument Caretakers (#) Twelve instrument caretakers, at i*300 per annum each.......... 3,600.00 Office Caretakers (gg) Eight office caretakers, at 1*300 per annum each......................... 2,400.00 (hh) Two office caretakers, at 1*21*0 per annum each......................... 480.00 Laborers (ii) Twenty-six laborers, at 1*300 per annum each.................................. 7,800.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 339 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 193$ authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (jj) One hundred thirty-five labor­ ers, at per annum each.... 32,400.00 Total available for the per­ sonnel of the Public Lands Subdivision employed thruout the year......................... 1*168,337.00 Amount to be paid from re­ ceipts .........................¿........ («68,337.00) 18. For the personnel of the Stock Farms, Herds, Breeding Stations and Slaughter­ houses, employed thruout the year, Acts 2758 and 3632: Central Office (a) One clerk ........................................ F876.00 Bongabon Stock Farm (b) One foreman ................................... 552.00 (c) One carpenter................................. 468.00 (d) One cowboy..................................... 444.00 Dumarao Stock Farm (e) One superintendent......................... 1,080.00 (/) One foreman .................................... 444.00 (g) Two cowboys, at P312 per an­ num each ...................................... 624.00 (h) Four cowboys, at P2¿0 per an­ num each ...................................... 960.00 Ubay Stock Farm (i) One foreman ................................. 660.00 (;) One cowboy ..................................... 504.00 (k) One cowboy .................................... 396.00 Total available for the per­ sonnel of the Stock Farms, Herds, Breeding Stations and Slaughterhouses em­ ployed throughout the year.. 1*7,008.00 Amount to be paid from the receipts ...................................... («,008.00) 0.00 340 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 19. For the expenses of the National Re­ search Council in accordance with Act No. 4120: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One secretary ................................. 1*4,500.00 (б) One clerk-stenographer................ 1,080.00 (c) One technical assistant.............. 480.00 (d) One clerk-messenger ................... 240.00 Total for salaries and wages.. 6,300.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (e) Sundry expenses ............................. 3,700.00 (/) Grants to laboratories for scien­ tific purposes ................................ 10,000.00 Total for siindry expenses.... 13,700.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages .............. 6,300.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 13,700.00 Total available appropriation 1*20,000.00 20,000.00 ..................... 20. For expenses in connection with the conservation of the fishery resources and for the promotion and development of the fish­ ing industry, to be spent by the Director of Science with the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One fishery technologist.............. ^=3,200.00 (б) One assistant technologist.......... 1,000.00 (c) Three technical demonstrators, at 1*1,000 per annum each........ 3,000.00 (d) Ten fish and game wardens, at 1*500 per annum each................ 5,000.00 (e) Forr emergency laborers............ 1,000.00 Total for salaries and wages .................................... 13,200.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (/) Traveling expenses of personnel 2,500.00 (g) Freight, express and delivery service .................... 50DÜ00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 341 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (/i) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................................ 200.00 (t) Illumination and power service.. 100.00 (j) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 1,000.00 (k) Maintenance and repair of equipment .................................... 100.00 (l) Other services.................................. 500.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 4,900.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (m) For the purchase of scientific apparatus...................................... 1,900.00 Total for purchase of equipment ........................... 1,900.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.. 13,200.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 4,900.00 Total for purchase of equip­ ment .......................................... 1,900.00 Total available appro­ priation ....................... 1*20,000.00 20,000.00 ..................... 21. For the administration of the Fiber Inspection Service, Section 1771-A, Act No. 2711: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One manager Manager ................................ M,120.00 Chiefs of Divisions (b) One chief inspector ...................... 4,800.00 (c) One assistant chief inspector........ 4,000.00 (d) One chief clerk................................. 3,200.00 (e) One assistant chief clerk and cashier .......................................... 2,800.00 Fiber Inspectors (/) Three district fiber inspectors.... 10,800.00 (g) Three district fiber inspectors.... 9,180.00 (h) One fiber inspector ........... 2,550.00 (i) One fiber inspector ....................... 2,380.00 (;) Seven fiber inspectors.................. 14,280.00 (k) Six fiber inspectors....................... 11,220.00 (0 ,One agent ........................................ 1,800.00 342 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (?n) Eighteen assistant fiber inspec­ tors ................................................. 21,600.00 (n) Four junior fiber inspectors...... 4,320.00 (o) Two junior fiber inspectors........ 1,920.00 (p) Seven junior fiber inspectors..... 5,880.00 (q) Five junior fiber inspectors........ 3,600.00 Clerks (r) One clerk ......................................... 2,950.00 (s) One clerk ......................................... 2,440.00 (i) One clerk ......................................... 1,482.00 (u) One clerk ......................................... 1,242.00 (v) One clerk ......................................... 1,170.00 (w) Two clerks ...................................... 1,776.00 (.t) One clerk......................................... 768.00 (z) Three clerks .................................... 2,268.00 (aa) One clerk ...................................... 720.00 (bb) Three clerks .................................. 1,980.00 (cc) Two clerks ..................................... 1,104.00 (dd) Three clerks .................................. 1,620.00 Messengers (ee) Three messengers......................... 1,440.00 (//) One messenger ..„........................ 360.00 {99) For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers ................... 10,000.00 Total for salaries and wages .................................. 141,770.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (hh) Traveling expenses of person­ nel ................................................. 10,000.00 (ii) Freight, express and delivery service ...................... 200.00 (jj) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 2,000.00 (kk) Illumination and power service 200.00 (II) Rental of buildings and grounds 5,000.00 (mm) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 2,000.00 (nn) Printing and binding reports.... 200.00 (00) Maintenance and repairs of equipment ................................. 400.00 (PP) Other services ............................ 1,000.00 Total for sundry expenses...... 21,000.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (qq) For the purchase of furniture arid equipment ......................... 1,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment............................. 1,000.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 343 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages .................................. 141,770.00 Total for sundry ex­ penses .................................. 21,000.00 Total for special appropria­ tions ...................................... 1,000.00 Total available for the administration of the Fiber Inspection Service .......................... «63,770.00 Amount to be paid from the receipts........ («63,770.00) 0.00 .......................... 22. For the personnel of the Cadastral Survey fund, employed throughout the year, Act No. 3077: Chiefs of Survey Parties (а) Twelve chiefs of survey parties, at Pl,700 per annum each.... P20,400.00 (б) Twenty-four assistant survey­ ors, at Pl,080 per annum each 25,920.00 (c) Twenty-four junior surveyors, at P61>8 per annum each........ 15,552.00 (d) Twenty-four junior surveyors, at P51f0 per annum each........ 12,960.00 Computers (e) Twenty-four junior computers, at P5JfO per annum each........ 12,960.00 (/) Forty-eight junior computers, at Pl>32 per annum each.............. 20,736.00 (g) Twenty-five junior computers at P21f0 per annum each........ 6,000.00 (h) Twenty-four junior draftsmen, at P5^0 per annum each........ 12,960.00 (i) Thirty junior draftsmen, >at P240 per annum each.............. 7,200.00 Clerks (j) Twenty-two temporary clerks, at P2W per annum each........ 5,280.00 Vault keeper (k) One vault keeper ......................... 540.00 (l) One vault keeper ......................... 432.00 344 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Watchmen (m) One watchman ........................... 540.00 (n) One watchman ............................. 360.00 (o) One watchman ............................. 300.00 Laborers (p) Three janitors, at F300 per an­ num each ................. ,................... 900.00 (q) One carpenter ............................. 432.00 (?') One blueprinter .......................... 240.00 (s) Forty-eight linemen, at Flt.32 per annum each ......................... 20,736.00 (t) Twenty-four sketchmen, at ^^32 per annum each ......................... 10,368.00 (it) Twenty-four surveymen, at Flf80 per annum each.............. 11,520.00 (v) One hundred tiventy chainmen, at F360 per annum each........ 43,200.00 (w) One hundred forty-four rodmen, at F300 per annum each........ 43,200.00 (x) Forty-eight transit carriers, at T300 per annum each.............. 14,400.00 (y) Four hundred twenty laborers, at F300 per annum each........ 126,000.00 Total available for the per­ sonnel of the Cadastral Sur­ vey Fund employed through­ out the year ......................... 1*413,136.00 Amount to be paid from the Cadastral Survey Fund..... (1*413,136.00) 0.00 23. For the personnel for the establish­ ment, maintenance, equipment and operation of Seed Farms, employed throughout the year, Act No. 3J^3, as amended: (a) One seed farm manager.............. 4,675.00 (b) One assistant seed farm man­ ager .............................................. 3,825.00 (c) One junior bookkeeper ................ 648.00 (d) Seven laboratory helpers, at per annum each............ 3,780.00 (e) Two laboratory helpers, at F300 per annum each................ 600.00 (/) Two foremen, at ^6^8 per arc­ num each ...................................... 1,296.00 (g) One skilled laborer ...................... 756.00 (h) One skilled laborer ..................... 702.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 345 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No> 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (i) One skilled laborer ............... 300.00 (;) One semi-skilled laborer ........... 594.00 (k) Two laborers, at 1*540 per an­ num each .................................... 1,080.00 (Z) Two laborers, at 1*432 per an­ num each ...................................... 864.00 (m) One laborer .................................. 300.00 (n) One tractor operator ................... 648.00 (o) One chief watchman, at 1*2 per day, for 365 days............... 730.00 (p) Two watchmen, at 1*1.35 per day, for 365 days each............ 986.00 (q) One watchman, at 1*1.20 per day, for 365 days ..................... 438.00 (r) One night guard, at Fl per day, for 365 days ..................... 365.00 Total available for the per­ sonnel for the establish­ ment, maintenance and operation of Seed Farms employed throughout the year ........................................ Amount to be paid from the Seed Farms Fund ............ P22,587.00 (?22,587.00) 0.00 24. For the expenses of the Fiber Re­ search Fund, Act No. 3263: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One chief of section ..................... F4,675.00 (б) One assistant agronomist............ 2,720.00 (c) Two assistant agronomists, at 1*1,224 per annum each............ 2,448.00 (d) One fiber research assistant........ 1,530.00 (e) Two fiber research assistants, at 1*1,122 per annum each............ 2,244.00 (/) One junior bookkeeper................. 756.00 (g) One clerk-stenographer................ 600.00 (h) One laboratory helper..................... 648.00 (i) One skilled laborer, at 1*2 p. d. for SOO days ................................ 600.00 O’) Two semi-skilled laborers, at 1*1.71 per day for 300 days each ................................................. 1,026.00 (k) One laborer, at 1*1.53 a day for 300 days ...................................... 459.00 (Z) One supervising weaver, at 1*1.50 a day for 300 days..................... 450.00 346 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1935 actual 1937 requested 1936 authorized Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (m) One laborer, at Pl.26 a day for 300 days ........................................ 378.00 (n) One laborer, at Pl.17 a day for 300 days ........................................ 351.00 (o) Fifteen laborers, at Pl a day for 300 days each................................ 4,500.00 (p) Tivo silk reelers, at P0.80 a day for 300 days each .......... 480.00 (g) Two “abatex” weavers, at P0.80 a day for 300 days each............ 480.00 (r) Thirteen laborers, at P0.80 a day for 300 days each......................... 3,120.00 (s) For temporary and emergency employees, including skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled la­ borers ............................................. 3,328.00 Total for salaries and wages 30,793.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (t) Traveling expenses of personnel.. 3,000.00 (u) Freight, express, and delivery service .......................................... 2,500.00 (v) Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service ................................ 500.00 (w) Illumination and power service.. 500.00 (a?) Rental of buildings and grounds 60.00 (y) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 4,000.00 (z) Other services .................................. 600.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 11,160.00 Furniture and Equipment (aa) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ......................... 2,010.00 Total for furniture and equipment ........................... 2,010.00 Summai'y Total for salaries and wages.. 30,793.00 Total for sundry expenses........ 11,160.00 Total for furniture and equip­ ment .......................................... 2,010.00 Total available for the ex­ penses of the Fiber Re­ search Fund..................... ^43,963.00 Amount to be paid from receipts ............................. (1*43,963.00) 0.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 347 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 26. For the personnel of the Manila Trad­ ing Center and Exchange employed thrnout the year, Act No. 4069: (a) One general manager, by detail. (6) One assistant manager in charge of the Trading Center, by detail. (c) One stock clerk ..................... Pl,080.00 (d) One sales clerk ..................... 540.00 (e) Three sales clerk, at 1*480 per annum each................... 1,440.00 (/) Two sales clerk, at 1*360 per annum each ....................... 720.00 (g) One checker............................. 360.00 (h) Two chauffeurs, at 1*432 per annum each ......................... 864.00 (i) Three laborers, at 1*600 per annum each ......................... 1,800.00 (;) One laborer-filer................... 360.00 (fc) One laborer-filer................... 300.00 (l) Two laborers, at 1*360 per annum each......................... 720.00 (m) Two janitors, at 1*360 per annum each ......................... 600.00 (n) Four laborers, at 1*240 per annum each ......................... 960.00 Total available for the Manila Trading Cen­ ter and Exchange employed thruout the year ............................... P9,744.00 Amount to be paid from the receipts ................ (P9,744.00) 0.00 27. For salaries, sundry expenses and purchase of furniture and equipment for the office of the person employed by the Pres­ ident of the Philippines to cooperate with the Resident Commissioner, the Bureau of In­ sular Affairs, War Department of the United States, and such other agencies as have been or may hereafter be created by the Gov­ ernment of the Commonwealth of the Phil­ ippines to care for the commercial interests of the Philippines in the United States under Act No. 3442 ..................................................... 20,400.00 20,400.00 22,334.88 348 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 28. For publicity expenses of the Philip­ pines, inchiding participation of the Commonwealth Government in expositions in and outside of the Philippines: Nagoya Exposition ..................................... P50.000.00 Paris Exposition ......................................... 50,000.00 Philippine Exposition ................................. 20,000.00 Total .................................................... P120,000.00 120,000.00 ..................... 29. For the eradication and control of hog cholera and other dangerous and communic­ able diseases of sivine and fowls, including payment for animals and birds and supplies and materials utilized for purposes of ex­ perimentation, breeding or vaccination as folloivs: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One assistant veterinarianserologist ............................. Fl,700.00 (b) One technician .................... 540.00 (c) Six laborers at Fl per day each ...................................... 2,190.00 OTHER EXPENSES (d) Other expenses, including the purchase of experi­ mental animals, feed for their maintenance, drugs and chemicals needed in the experiments, materials for the construction and maintenance of hog pens, runs, chicken houses and segregation crates.............. 10,570.00 Total available ap­ propriation .......... Fl 5,000.00 15,000.00 ..................... 30. For the construction and equipment of a Dry-Kiln and loood treating plant, to be spent by the Director of Forestry with the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce................................................... Total for special appropriations..... 4,500.00 ............................................... 602,805.00 408,076.00 373,288.78 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 349 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details V.—FIXED EXPENDITURES a. Protection of agricultural industries, Act No. 3207 ...................................................... 6,000.00 Total for fixed expenditures........... 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,998.46 6,000.00 5,998.46 VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS a. Reorganizing and strengthening the Division of Fisheries, Act No. 3307......................... b. Purchase of rubber seeds, Act No. 3230 ............................................................................. c. Promotion and development of na­ tional industries, Act No. 3953.................................. d. Fighting, exterminating or controling locusts, Act No. 4127......................................... e. Purchase, planting, preparation and distribution of seeds in the regions affected by the recent typhoons, Act No. 3527.................... /. Establishment, equipment, mainte­ nance and operation of an economic garden in Camp Eldridge, Los Baños, Laguna, Act No. 3910 ..................................................................... g. National Research Council, Act No. 4120 ............................................................................. h. Construction of a modern laboratory, purchase of equipment and maintenance of said laboratory, Act No. 3390................................. i. Development of home canning and food preservation industry, Acts 3308 and 3231 ............................................................................. j. Occupation and cultivation of public land at present unoccupied by the establish­ ment of settlement districts, Act No. 4197 as amended by Commonwealth Act No. 18............ k. Establishment, maintenance and operation of a small unit of a fiber sack fac­ tory, Act No. 4274..................................................... l. Campaign for the extermination or control of locusts, including budrot and other coconut pests, Commonwealth Act No. 12............ m. Restoration of cadastral survey re­ ceipts -........... Total for continuing appropria­ tions ........................................................ . 302.29 267.02 417,700.00 12,158.52 2.70 9,201.36 21,151.31 29,300.00 90,684.85 8,178.49 10,798.64 2,644.65 2,293.12 990,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 1,681,925.01 10,000.00 3,181,055.82 3,353,813.76 350 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual VII.—RECEIPTS AUTOMATICALLY APPROPRIATED a. Development of the fishing industry and the promotion of the fisheries resources of the Philippines, Act No. 4003................... 30,000.00 50,000.00 22,040.22 b. Maintenance, operation and improve­ ment of National Parks, Act No. 3915......... 5,000.00 5,029.00 4,344.36 c. Promotion, encouragement, improve­ ment, etc. of the Philippine fiber industry, section 1796-B of Act No. 2711..................... 40,619.84 35,714.29 d. Emergency rice administration......... 158,955.37 46,621.67 e. For the administration of the Friar Lands Estates .................................................. 104,190.00 115,297.00 /. For the administration of the San Lazaro Estate.................................................... 5,577.00 g. For the expenses of the Fiber In­ spection Service ................................................ 163,770.00 h. For the expenses payable from the Fiber Research fund ....................................... 43,963.00 Expenditures payable from special funds .................................................................. 648,812.00 Total for receipts automatically ap­ propriated ..................................... 995,735.00 375,478.21 108,720.54 VII.—INVESTMENTS AND INDEFINITE EXPENDITURES a. Deterioration of supplies and sales stock.............................................................................................. 118,246.77 &. Extraordinary losses........................... 86.00 c. Losses from uncollectible debts......... 216.25 Total for indefinite expenditures.. 118,549.02 IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages..................... 2,729,782.00 2,655,852.00 2,495,821.95 Total for sundry expenses........................... 602,533.00 637,983.00 657,916.67 Total for furniture and equipment........... 20,805.00 20,805.00 33,692.98 Total for special appropriations............... 602,805.00 408,076.00 373,288.78 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Department of Agri­ culture and Commerce................. 3,955,925.00 3,722,716.00 3,560,720.38 Total for fixed expenditures........... 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,998.46 Total for ordinary expenditures for the Department of Agriculture and Commerce............................... 3,961,925.00 3,728,716.00 3,566,718.84 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 351 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IX.—SUMMARY EXTRAORDINARY AddTotal for continuing appropriations..... 1,681,925.01 3,353,813.76 Total for receipts automatically appro­ priated .................................................... 995,735.00 375,478.21 108,720.54 Total for investments and indefinite ex­ penditures ............................................. 118,549.02 Grand total available for the De­ partment of Agriculture and Commerce ..................................... 4,957,660.00 5,786,119.22 7,147,802.16 Deduct— Receipts automatically appropriated..... 995,735.00 375,478.21 108,720.54 Net amount available for the De­ partment of Agriculture and Commerce ..................................... P3,961,925.00 ?5,410,641.01 ^7,039,081.62 1. Subject to the approval of the Secretary of Agricul­ ture and Commerce, the sum appropriated for the organiza­ tion of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts, as pro­ vided for in Act No. 3163, may likewise be expended by the Director of Plant Industry if deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of section 23 of Act No. 2472. 2. [3] Any unexpended balance of the appropriations made in this Act for the Bureau of Lands may be used for reimbursement of the cost of surveys as required by section 92(6) of Act No. 2874. 5. [7] The Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce may authorize the officers and employees of any bureau or office under the Department to lodge free of charge in gov­ ernment buildings controlled by the Department: Provided, That this privilege shall be limited to the superintendents, officers and employees of the seed farms, nurseries, exper­ imentation and propagation stations, stock farms, slaugh­ terhouses, breeding and quarantine stations, provincial 352 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS land and forest offices and stations, Alabang laboratories and experiment stations ivhose salaries and wages are pay­ able from the appropriations provided in this Act: Pro­ vided, further, That the officer's and employees herein mentioned shall not be allowed to lodge in rented buildings without requiring them to reimburse to the Government their corresponding reasonable share of the rent. 4. The Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce may authorize the expenditure of the appropriations under the items ‘‘contributions and gratuities" for the entertainment of foreign or local scientists and agriculturists visiting prop­ agation stations, seed farms, nurseries, stock farms, slaughterhouses, breeding and quarantine stations of the Bureaus under the said Department. [8. The sum of 4*200,000 of the Friar Lands Loan Fund established by Act No. 1736 is hereby reverted to the general unappropriated funds in the Insular Treasury on the effectivity of this Act.] [2 All amounts collected by the Bohol Filipino Colony and Cagayan Filipino Colony shall revert to the unappro­ priated general fund in the Insular Treasury, and shall not be made available for expenditure except by a subsequent legislative enactment, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.] [5. Upon recommendation of the Director of the Bu­ reau of Science, the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce is hereby authorized to appoint such honorary scientific collaborators as the needs of the service may require.] [6. Whenever a ship’s officer or member of the crew is absent on accrued leave or leave without pay, the Sec­ retary of Agriculture and Commerce may appoint a tem­ porary substitute in his place if the needs of the service or the customs law and regulations so require.] H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS The total amount of appropriations requested for 1937 is P4,392,939 for the bu­ reaus and offices under this Department. This is 1*186,568 greater than the total appro­ priations authorized for the current year. The increase is due to the creation of a num­ ber of new positions, the great majority for the Bureau of Posts; increases in some items of sundry expenses, mostly for transportation of mail, and in that for furniture and equipment, as well as in those for the upkeep, maintenance and repair of air ports, landing fields and air navigation facilities, maintenance and repair of the Kennon and Naguilian Roads and the road from Camp One to Damortis, and maintenance and re­ pair of cable and telegraphic lines and radio stations; and the elimination of the forced saving of 1*82,487 in the appropriation for salaries and wages of the Bureau of Posts. The said increases, however, have been partly offset by reductions Jn other items of salaries and wages, sundry expenses and special appropriations. La cantidad total que se pide para las Oficinas bajo este Departamento para el año 1937 es 1*4,392,939. Esta suma es 1*186,568 mayor que la consignada para el presente año debido a la crea­ ción de nuevos puestos, la mayoría de los cuales es para la Oficina de Correos; al aumento en algunas partidas para gastos varios, mayormente la transportación de correspondencia y la compra de mobi­ liario y equipo; al aumento en las consignaciones para la conservación y reparación de puertos aéreos, campos de aterrizaje y otras facilidades para la navegación aérea, conservación y reparación de las carreteras Kennon y Naguilian y la carretera desde el Campamento Uno a Damortis, y conservación y reparación de las líneas cablegráficas y telegráficas y estaciones radiotelegráficas; y’ a la elimi­ nación del ahorro forzoso de 1*82,487 en la consignación para sueldos en la Oficina de Correos. Estos aumentos, sin embargo, están en parte compensados por las reducciones en otras partidas para sueldos y salarios, gastos varios y consignaciones especiales. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY DEPARTMENT HEADS 1. Secretary of the Department............. PIO,200.00 'PIO,200.00 1 2. Undersecretary of the Department.... 7,225.00 7,225.00 2 CHIEF CLERK 3. One chief clerk .................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 3 CLERKS 4. One clerk .............................................. 3,060.00 3,060.00 4 5. One clerk ............................................. 2,550.00 2,550.00 5 6. One clerk .............................................. 2,040.00 2,040.00 6 7. One clerk ............................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 7 STENOGRAPHER 8. One stenographer ................................ 1,224.00 1,224.00 8 MESSENGER 9. One messenger .................................... 432.00 432.00 9 Total................................................... 31,636.00 31,636.00 299081 -23 353 354 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. Secretary of the Department............................... PIO,200.00 2. Undersecretary of the Department.................... 7,225.00 3. 1 chief clerk ............................._........................... 3,825.00 4. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 3,060.00 5. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 2,550.00 6. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 2,040.00 7. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,080.00 8. 1 stenographer ...........................„........................... 1,224.00 9. 1 messenger ............................................................. 432.00 Total for salaries and wages.................... P31,636.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 1. One Director of Public Works........... [Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of Director of Public Works, item 1]...................................... ASSISTANT DIRECTORS 2. One chief constructing engineer....... 3. Additional compensation for the chief constructing engineer acting as Assistant Director, item 2.................................................. 4. One chief designing engineer........... 5. Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of chief design­ ing engineer, item 4........................................... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 6. One consulting architect..................... 7. One Qhief irrigation engineer........... 8. One chief of division........................... SUPERINTENDENTS 9. One chief surveyor............................... 10. One chief electrician........................... LAW CLERK 11. One law clerk.............................. ......... CASHIERS AND DISBURSING OFFICERS 12. One cashier and disbursing officer.... 13. One assistant cashier........................... 14. One cashier and disbursing officer, with quarters, Baguio..................................... 1*6,120.00 1*6,120.00 1 4,080.00 2 5,100.00 5,100.00 3 850.00 850.00 4 5,100.00 5,100.00 5 5,100.00 5,100.00 6 5,100.00 5,100.00 6a 5,100.00 5,100.00 6b 4,590.00 4,590.00 9 3,825.00 3,825.00 11 2,550.00 2,550.00 12 3,400.00 3,400.00. 14 2,380.00 2,380.00 15 2,040.00 2,040.00 16 1,530.00 1,530.00 17 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 355 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS PROPERTY CLERKS 15. One property clerk, with quarters..... 16. One property clerk, with quarters, 2,550.00 2,550.00 18 Baguio ................................................................ 864.00 864.00 19 CHIEF OF SECTION 17. One assistant chief clerk..................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 21 DESIGNING ENGINEERS 18. One designing engineer....................... 19. Additional appropriation to provide 5,100.00 5,100.00 22 for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of designing engineer, item 18.............................................. 4,250.00 4,250.00 23 20. Four designing engineers, at P=5,100 per annum each................................................ 20,400.00 20,400.00 24-25 21. One designing engineer..................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 26 CONSTRUCTING ENGINEER 22. One constructing engineer................. 5,100.00 5,100.00 27 [Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of constructing engineer, item 22]............................................ 2,550.00 28 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS 23. One mechanical and electrical engi­ neer .................................................................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 29 [Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of mechanical and electrical engineer, item 23]................... 2,550.00 30 24. One mechanical and electrical engi­ neer .................................................................... 3,825.00 3,400.00 3,825.00 3,400.00 31 25. One mechanical engineer..................... 32 26. One electrical engineer....................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 34 27. One assistant electrical engineer....... 2,210.00 2,210.00 35 HYDRAULIC ENGINEER 28. One hydraulic engineer....................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 36 CIVIL ENGINEERS 29. Two civil engineers, at 1*4,250 per an­ num each........................................................— 8,500.00 8,500.00 37 30. Two civil engineers, at 1*3,570 per annum each............ ............................................... 7,140.00 7,140.00 38 356 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized Details Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS 31. Two civil engineers, at 1*3,400 per an­ num each ............................................................ 32. One civil engineer............................... 33. One civil engineer............................... 34. Five civil engineers, at 1*2,720 per an­ num each .......................... ................................. 35. One civil engineer............................... 36. One civil engineer............................... 37. One assistant civil engineer............... 38. One assistant civil engineer............... 39. Two assistant civil engineers, at Fl,530 per annum each..................................... 40. One assistant engineer......................... 41. One assistant engineer....................... 42. One assistant engineer....................... PROJECT ENGINEERS 43. One project engineer ......................... [Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of project engi­ neer, item 43]...................................................... 44. One project engineer........................... [Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of project engi­ neer, item 44].................................................... HIGHWAY ENGINEER 45. One highway engineer....................... DIVISION ENGINEERS 46. Two division engineers, at ?5,100 per annum each ................................................ 47. One division engineer........................... DISTRICT ENGINEERS 48. One district engineer, with quarters, Baguio ............................................................... [Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of district engi­ neer, Baguio, item 48]....................................... 49. Seven district engineers, at T5,100 per annum each ............................................... 6,800.00 6,800.00 39-40 3,230.00 3,230.00 42 3,060.00 3,060.00 43 13,600.00 13,600.00 44 2,550.00 2,550.00 45 2,380.00 2,380.00 46 2,720.00 2,720.00 47 2,380.00 2,380.00 48 3,060.00 3,060.00 50-51 2,380.00 2,380.00 52 2,040.00 2,040.00 53 1,530.00 1,530.00 54 5,100.00 5,100.00 55 1,700.00 56 5,100.00 5,100.00 57 1,700.00 58 5,100.00 5,100.00 59 10,200.00 10,200.00 60 5,100.00 . 5,100.00 5,100.00 60a 1,700.00 60b 35,700.00 35,700.00 60c-60e 47. Recreated position. H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 357 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2 ) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS 50. One district engineer ......................... 4,675.00 4,675.00 60f 51. Three district engineers, at 1*4,420 per annum each ................................................ 13,260.00 13,260.00 60g-60h 52. Four district engineers, at P4,250 per annum each ............................................... 17,000.00 17,000.00 60i-60k 53. One district engineer ......................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 601 54. Nine district engineers, at 1*3,400 per annum each............................................... 30,600.00 30,600.00 60m-60p 55. One district [civil] engineer......... 3,400.00 3,400.00 41 56. Two district engineers, at 1*3,230 per annum each ..................................................... 6,460.00 6,460.00 60q 57. Three district engineers, at 1*3,060 pei1 annum each ................................................ 9,180.00 9,180.00 60r-60s 58. Eighteen district engineers, at 1*2,720 per annum each.................................................. 48,960.00 48,960.00 n09~^09 ASSISTANT ENGINEERS 59. Two assistant engineers, at T2,040 per annum each.............................. -............... 4,080.00 4,080.00 84 ARCHITECTS 60. One architect........................................ 5,100.00 5,100.00 85 61. One architect........................................ 3,825.00 3,825.00 86 DRAFTSMEN 62. One architectural draftsman............. 63. Three architectural draftsmen, at 2,550.00 2,550.00 88 1*2,040 per annum each................................... 6,120.00 6,120.00 89-90 64. One architectural draftsman............. 1,836.00 1,836.00 91 65. One architectural draftsman.............. 1,800.00 1,800.00 87 66. One draftsman ................................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 92 67. One architectural draftsman............. 1,530.00 1,530.00 93 68. One architectural draftsman............. 69. One assistant topographical drafts­ 1,430.00 1,430.00 87 man .................................................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 94 70. One assistant topographical drafts­ man ..................................................................... 1,360.00 1,360.00 95 71. One assistant topographical drafts­ man .................................................................... 1,275.00 1,275.00 96 72. Two draftsmen, at 1*1,224 per annum each ................................................................... 2,448.00 2,448.00 97 73. One assistant architectural drafts­ man .................................................................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 98 74. One assistant topographical drafts­ man .................................................................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 99 358 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2 ) BURE AU OF PUBLIC WORKS 75. Two draftsmen, at 5*1,122 per annum each .................................................................... 76. Three assistant architectural drafts­ men, at 5*1,080 per annum each..................... 77. One assistant draftsman..................... 78. One junior architectural draftsman.. 79. Three junior architectural draftsmen, at 5*972 per annum each................................. 80. One assistant draftsman..................... 81. Three junior architectural draftsmen, at 5*864 per annum each................................. 82. Two junior draftsmen, at 5*864 per annum each........................................................ 83. Two assistant draftsmen, at 5*864 per annum each........................................................ 84. One junior topographical draftsman 85. Two junior architectural draftsmen, at 5*756 per annum each................................. 86. One junior topographical draftsman 87. Two assistant draftsmen, at 1*756 per annum each........................................................ 88. Two junior draftsmen, at 1*756 per annum each........................................................ 89. Three junior architectural draftsmen, at 5*540 per annum each.... ............................. 90. Two assistant draftsmen, at 5*540 per annum each....................................................... 91. Three junior architectural draftsmen, at 5*432 per annum each................................... 92. One assistant draftsman..................... HYDROGRAPHERS 93. One district hydrographer................. 94. One junior hydrographer................... 95. Three junior hydrographers, at 5*1,080 per annum each ................................. 96. One hydrographic assistant............... PLUMBER 97. One master plumber........................... PHOTOGRAPHERS 98. One photographer ............................... 99. One assistant photographer............... 2,244.00 2,244.00 100-101 3,240.00 3,240.00 102 1,080.00 1,080.00 103 1,026.00 1,026.00 104 2,916.00 2,916.00 105-106,108 972.00 972.00 107 2,592.00 2,592.00 109-111 1,728.00 1,728.00 112 1,728.00 1,728.00 113 810.00 810.00 114 1,512.00 1,512.00 115-116 756.00 756.00 117 1,512.00 1,512.00 118-119 1,512.00 1,512.00 120-121 1,620.00 1,620.00 122 1,080.00 1,080.00 123-124 1,296.00 1,296.00 125-126 432.00 432.00 127 2,040.00 2,040.00 128 1,360.00 1,360.00 129 3,240.00 3,240.00 130-131 810.00 810.00 132 1,785.00 1,785.00 133 918.00 918.00 134 486.00 486.00 135 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 359 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTORS 100. One special agent ............................... 101. One inspector....................................... 102. One machinery inspector................... 103. One inspector of water rights........... STENOGRAPHERS 104. One clerk-stenographer ..................... 105. One junior stenographer ................... 106. One stenographer ............................... CLERKS 107. One division clerk................................ 108. One district clerk, with quarters, Baguio ................................................................ 109. Two clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each 110. One clerk................................................ 111. Three clerks, at 1*1,224 per annum each .................................................................... 112. One clerk .............................................. 113. One librarian ....................................... 114. One clerk, with quarters, Baguio....... 115. One clerk................................................ 116. Five clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each 117. One clerk................................................ 118. One clerk .............................................. 119. Eleven clerks, at ?864 per annum each ........... ........................................................ 120. Seven clerks, at S*756 per annum each 121. Three clerks, with quarters, Baguio, at 1*648 per annum each................................... 122. Sixteen clerks, at f*648 per annum each ................................................................... 123. One clerk, with quarters, Baguio....... 124. Twelve clerks, at 1*540 per annum each .................................................................... 125. One clerk............................................... 126. One clerk, with quarters, Baguio....... 127. Two clerks, with quarters, Baguio, at 1*432 per annum each........ ....................... 128. Nine clerks, at 1*432 per annum each 129. One clerk .............................................. 130. Three clerks, at P=324 per annum each 3,400.00 3,400.00 136 2,380.00 2,380.00 137 2,040.00 2,040.00 138 1,700.00 1,700.00 139 1,326.00 1,326.00 140 756.00 756.00 141 648.00 648.00 142 2,040.00 2,010.00 143 2,040.00 2,040.00 144 3,060.00 3,060.00 145 1,326.00 1,326.00 146 3,672.00 3,672.00 148 1,224.00 1,224.00 149 1,122.00 1,122.00 150 1,122.00 1,122.00 151 1,122.00 1,122.00 152 5,400.00 5,400.00 155 972.00 972.00 156 918.00 918.00 157 9,504.00 9,504.00 158--159 5,292.00 5,292.00 160 1,944.00 1,944.00 161 10,368.00 10,368.00 162 540.00 540.00 163 6,480.00 6,480.00 164--165 529.00 529.00 167 486.00 486.00 168 864.00 864.00 170 3,888.00 3,888.00 171 378.00 378.00 172 972.00 972.00 173--175 360 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2 ) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS 131. One clerk................................................ 300.00 300.00 176 132. Six clerks, at 4*240 per annum each.... 1,440.00 1,440.00 179 133. One messenger ................................... 300.00 300.00 180 MISCELLANEOUS 134. For temporary and emergency em­ ployees, including skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, as follows: Timekeeper (a) One timekeeper, at F240 per day for 300 days .................................................................. Blueprintmen (b) One bliieprintman, at F3.51 per day for 300 days ......................................................... (c) One blueprintman, at F3.15 per day for 300 days ......................................................... (d) One blueprintman, at F2.70 per day for 300 days ......................................................... (e) One blueprintman, at F2.70 per day for 21>1 days ......................................................... Mimeographer (/) One mimeographer, at F3.15 per day for 300 days ......................................................... Storeman (g) One storeman, at F7.35 per day for 365 days .................................................................. Packer (h) One packer, at F2.16 per day for 300 days................................................................ Watchmen (i) One chief watchman..................................... (j) One assistant watchman .............................. (k) One night watchman..................................... (l) Two watchmen, at Fl.92 per day each for 365 days ......................................................... (m) One watchman, at Fl.80 per day for 365 days .................................................................. Janitors (n) Two janitors, at 1*540 per annum each... (o) One janitor ................................................... 720.00 ..................... 181(i) 1,053.00 ..................... 181(i) 945.00 ..................... 181 (t) 810.00 ..................... 181(i) 650.00 ..................... 181(0 945.00 ..................... 181(0 493.00 ............. ....... 181(0 648.00 ..................... 181(0 972.00 972.00 181(a) 540.00 540.00 181(6) 540.00 540.00 181(c) 1,402.00 ..................... 181(0 657.00 ..................... 181(0 1,080.00 1,080.00 181(d) 486.00 486.00 181(e) H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 361 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2 ) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS (p) Three janitors, at P432 per annum each... (q) One janitor, at F2.09 per day for 300 days ................................................................ (r) One janitor, at Fl.70 per day for 306 days.................. ............................................... (s) Two janitors, at Fl.20 per day each for 300 days ......................................................... (t) One janitor, at F1.08 per day for 300 days .................................................................. (u) One janitor, at Fl per day for 300 days.... (v) One janitor, at Fl per day for 365 days.. Chauffeur (w) One chauffeur ............................................. Capataz (x) One capataz, at F2.16 per. day for 300 days .................................................................. Laborers (y) One laborer ................................................... (z) One laborer, at F2.k0 per day for 295 days .................................................................. (aa) One laborer, at F2.2k per day for 289 days ................................................................ (bb) Two laborers, at F2.16 per day each for 295 days .................. .................................... (cc) One laborer, at F2.09 per day for 300 days ................................................................ (dd) Two laborers, at F2.08 per day each for 295 days ....................................................... (ee) Two laborers, at F2 per day each for 300 days................................................................ (ff) One laborer, at Fl.98 per day for 300 days.........................'...................................... (gg) Three laborers, at Fl.9 k per day each for 300 days................................................... (hh) One laborer, at Fl.87 per day for 300 days ................................................................ (ii) One laborer, at Fl.87 per day for 294 days ................................................................ (jj) One laborer and driver, at Fl.8k per day for 300 days........................................ 1,296.00 1,296.00 181 (/) 627.00 ..................... 181(0 521.00 ..................... 181(0 720.00 181(0 324.00 ..................... 181 (O 300.00 ..................... 181(0 365.00 ..................... 181(0 864.00 864.00 181 (g) 648.00 ..................... 181 (i) 486.00 486.00 181(A) 708.00 ..................... 181 (i) 650.00 ...................... 181 (i) 1,286.00 ...................... 181 (i) 627.00 ........... .......... 181 (i) 1,238.00 ..................... 181 (i) 1,200.00 ..................... 181 (t) 594.00 ..................... 181 (i) 1,746.00 ..................... 181 (Í) 561.00 ..................... 181(0 551.00 ..................... 181 (t) 552.00 ..................... 181(0 362 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2 ) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS (kk) One laborer, at F1.80 per day for 29k days ................................................................ (Il) One laborer, at F1.73 per day for 29k days................................................................ (mm) One laborer, at Fl.73 per day for 285 days ........................................................... (nn) Two laborers, at Fl.68 per day each for 300 days ....................................................... (oo) One laborer, at Fl.kk per day for 300 days ................................................................ (pp) One laborer, at F1.15 per day for 300 days ......................................................-....... [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers] ............................................... Total.................................................... 530.00 181(i) 510.00 181(i) 493.00 181(0 1,008.00 ..................... 181(0 432.00 181(0 345.00 181(0 .................. 27,988.00 181(0 577,853.00 590,162.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director of Public Works............................ P6.120.00 2-3. 1 chief constructing engineer.......................... 5,950.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 8. 1 chief of division ........................................... 4,590.00 17. 1 assistant chief clerk .................................... 1,530.00 11. 1 law clerk ....................................................... 3,400.00 12. 1 cashier and disbursing officer..................... 2,380.00 13. 1 assistant cashier ........................................... 2,040.00 101. 1 inspector .......................................................... 2,380.00 103. 1 inspector of water rights.............................. 1,700.00 106. 1 stenographer ................................................... 648.00 111. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,224.00 115. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 116. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 119. 6 clerks, at P864 per annum each..................... 5,184.00 120. 1 clerk .........t........................................................ 756.00 122. 7 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 4,536.00 124. 4 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 2,160.00 128. 5 clerks, at P432 per annum each........_.......... 2,160.00 130. 2 clerks, at P324 per annum each.................... 648.00 132. 3 clerks, at P240 per annum each..................... 720.00 133. 1 messenger .......................................................... 300.00 134(7). 1 chief watchman ......................................... 972.00 134 (j). 1 assistant watchman ................................ 540.00 134(7c). 1 night watchman ........................................ 540.00 134 (n). 2 janitors, at P540 per annum each........ 1,080.00 134 (o). 1 janitor ......................... 486.00 134(p). 3 janitors, at P432 per annum each.......... 1,296.00 134(w).l chauffeur ................................................... 864.00 134(2/). 1 laborer ......................................................... 486.00 134(f). 1 janitor, at Pl.08 per day for 300 days.. 324.00 134(v). 1 janitor, at Pl per day for 365 days.... 365.00 134(?¿). 1 janitor, at Pl per day for 300 days.... 300.00 ACCOUNTING DIVISION 15. 1 property clerk, with quarters...................... 2,550.00 110. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,326.00 111. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,224.00 117. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 120. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each..................... 1,512.00 122. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each...................... 1,296.00 124. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 125. 1 clerk ................................................................... 529.00 126. 1 clerk, with quarters, Baguio........................... 486.00 128. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 131. 1 clerk .................................................................. 300.00 132. 1 clerk ................................................................... 240.00 134(e). 1 capataz, at P2.16 per day for 300 days ......................................................... 648.00 134 (7t). 1 packer, at P2.16 per day for 300 days.... 648.00 134(a). 1 timekeeper, at P2.40 per day for 300 days ........................................................ 720.00 134(66). 1 laborer, at P2.16 per day for 295 days.. 643.00 134(g). 1 janitor, at P2.09 per day for 300 days.. 627.00 134(z). 1 laborer, at P2.40 per day for 295 days.... 708.00 134 (aa). 1 laborer, at P2.24 per day for 289 days 650.00 134 (?n). 1 watchman, at Pl.80 per day for 365 days ....................................................... 657.00 134 (dd). 2 laborers, at P2.08 per day each for 295 days ................................................ 1,238.00 134 (TiTi). 1 laborer at Pl.87 per day for 300 days 561.00 134(7). 2 watchmen, at Pl.92 per day each for 365 days .................................................. 1,402.00 134 (ü). 1 laborer, at Pl.87 per day for 294 days 551.00 134 (ee). 1 laborer, at P2 per day for 300 days.... 600.00 134(pp). 3 laborers, at Pl.94 per day each for 300 days .................................................... 1,746.00 134(66). 1 laborer, at P2.16 per day for 295 days.. 643.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (2) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 363 134(nn). 2 laborers, at Pl.68 per day each for 300 days .................................................... 1,008.00 134 (oo). 1 laborer, at Pl.44 per day for 300 days 432.00 134(cc). 1 laborer, at P2.09 per day for 300 days.. 627.00 134 (kk). 1 laborer, at Pl.80 per day for 294 days 530.00 134 (mm). 1 laborer, at Pl.73 per day for 285 days 493.00 134 (ll). 1 laborer, at Pl.73 per day for 294 days.. 510.00 134(jj). 1 laborer and driver, at Pl.84 per day for 300 days.......................................... 552.00 134 (ee). 1 laborer, at P2 per day for 300 days..... 600.00 ARCHITECTURAL DIVISION 6. 1 consulting architect ........................................ 5,100.00 20. 1 designing engineer ........................................ 5,100.00 34. 2 civil engineers, at P2.720 per annum each.. 5,440.00 36. 1 civil engineer ................................................ 2,380.00 37. 1 assistant civil engineer ................................. 2,720.00 40. 1 assistant engineer ........................................ 2,380.00 60. 1 architect ........................................................... 5,100.00 61. 1 architect ........................................................... 8,825.00 65. 1 architectural draftsman ................................. 1,800.00 68. 1 architectural draftsman ................................. 1,430.00 62. 1 architectural draftsman ................................. 2,550.00 63. 3 architectural draftsmen, at P2,040 per an­ num each ........................................................ 6,120.00 64. 1 architectural draftsman ................................. 1,836.00 66. 1 draftsman ......................................................... 1,700.00 73. 1 assistant architectural draftsman................. 1,122.00 76. 3 assistant architectural draftsmen, at Pl,080 per annum each ........................................... 3,240.00 78. 1 junior architectural draftsman....................... 1,026.00 79. 3 junior architectural draftsmen, at P972 per annum each .................................................. 2,916.00 81. 2 junior architectural draftsmen, at P864 per annum each .................................................. 1,728.00 85. 2 junior architectural draftsmen, at P756 per annum each .................................................. 1,512.00 89. 3 junior architectural draftsmen, at P540 per annum each .................................................. 1,620.00 91. 2 junior architectural draftsmen, at P432 per annum each .................................................. 864.00 92. 1 assistant draftsman ........................................ 432.00 67. 1 architectural draftsman ................................. 1,530.00 104. 1 clerk-stenographer .......................................... 1,326.00 124. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................... 1,080.00 128. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 130. 1 clerk ................................................................... 324.00 132. 1 clerk .................................................................. 240.00 DESIGNING DIVISION 4-5. 1 chief designing engineer (under contract) 10,200.00 18-19. 1 designing engineer (under contract)....... 9,350.00 20. 3 designing engineers, at P5,100 per annum each ............................................................... 15,300.00 23. 1 mechanical and electrical engineer............... 5,100.00 24. 1 mechanical and electrical engineer............... 3,825.00 25. 1 mechanical engineer .................. 3,400.00 26. 1 electrical engineer ........................................ 3,060.00 27. 1 assistant electrical engineer ......................... 2,210.00 29. 1 civil engineer ................. 4,250.00 32. 1 civil engineer .................................................. 3,230.00 34. 1 civil engineer .................................................... 2,720.00 39. 2 assistant civil engineers, at Pl,530 per an­ num each ...................................................... 3,060.00 42. 1 assistant engineer .......................................... 1,530.00 72. 2 draftsmen, at Pl,224 per annum each.......... 2,448.00 75. 2 draftsmen, at Pl,122 per annum each......... 2,244.00 77. 1 assistant draftsman ....................................... 1,080.00 80. 1 assistant draftsman ........................................ 972.00 864.00 1,728.00 1,512.00 1,512.00 1,080.00 432.00 918.00 486.00 1,122.00 1,080.00 2,592.00 756.00 1,296.00 1,080.00 432.00 1,053.00 945.00 945.00 810.00 650.00 594.00 CONSTRUCTING DIVISION 43. 1 project engineer ............................................. 10. 1 chief electrician ............................................... 14. 1 cashier and disbursing officer, with quar­ ters, Baguio ................................................ 16. 1 property clerk, with quarters, Baguio....... 22. 1 constructing engineer .................................... 31. 1 civil engineer .................................................. 45. 1 highway engineer ........................................... 46. 2 division engineers, at P5.100 per annum each ................................................................ 47. 1 division engineer ............................................. 48. 1 district engineer, with quarters, Baguio.... 49. 7 district engineers, at P5,100 per annum each ................................................................ 50. 1 district engineer ............................................. 51. 3 district engineers, at P4,420 per annum each ................................................................ 52. 4 district engineers, at P4,250 per annum each .................................................... 53. 1 district engineer ................................................ 54. 9 district engineers, at P3.400 per annum each ................................................................ 55. 1 district engineer .............................................. 56. 2 district engineers, at P3.230 per annum each ................................................................ 57. 3 district engineers, at P3,060 per annum each ............................................................... 58. 18 district engineers, at P2,720 per annum each .......................................................... 59. 1 assistant engineer ........................................... 97. 1 master plumber .............................................. 100. 1 special agent ....................................... 102. 1 machinery inspector ................... 107. 1 division clerk .................................................... 108. 1 district clerk, with quarters, Baguio........... 109. 2 clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 111. 1 clerk ................................................................... 114. 1 clerk, with quarters, Baguio......................... 116. 3 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................ 5,100.00 2,550.00 1,530.00 864.00 5,100.00 3,400.00 5,100.00 10,200.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 35,700.00 4,675.00 13,260.00 17,000.00 3,825.00 30,600.00 3,400.00 6,460.00 9,180.00 48,960.00 2,040.00 1,785.00 3,400.00 2,040.00 2,040.00 2,040.00 3,060.00 1,224.00 1,122.00 3,240.00 81. 1 junior architectural draftsman...................... 83. 2 assistant draftsmen, at P864 per annum each ............................................................... 87. 2 assistant draftsmen, at P756 per annum each ............................................................... 88. 2 junior draftsmen, at P756 per annum each 90. 2 assistant draftsmen, at P540 per annum each ............................................................... 91. 1 junior architectural draftsman.................... „ 98. 1 photographer .................................................... 99. 1 assistant photographer ................................. 113. 1 librarian ............................................................ 116. 1 clerk ................................................................... 119. 3 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................... 120. 1 clerk ................................................................... 122. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each......... .......... 124. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 128. 1 clerk ................................................................... 134(b). 1 blueprintman, at P3.51 per day for 300 days .......................................................... 134(f). 1 mimeographer, at P3.15 per day for 300 days .................................................. 134(c). 1 blueprintman, at P3.15 per day for 300 days .......................................................... 134(d). 1 blueprintman, at P2.70 per day for 300 days .......................................................... 134(e). 1 blueprintman, at P2.70 per day for 241 days ........................................................ 134(//). 1 laborer, at Pl.98 per day for 300 days.. 364 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (2 ) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 119. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 120. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................... 1,512.00 121. 3 clerks, with quarters, Baguio, at P648 per annum each .................................................. 1,944.00 122. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each....................... 1,296.00 123. 1 clerk, with quarters, Baguio............................ 540.00 127. 2 clerks, with quarters, Baguio, at P432 per annum each ............................................... 864.00 128. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 129. 1 clerk .................................................................. 378.00 134 (<7). 1 storeman, at Pl.35 per day for 365 days 493.00 134 (pp). 1 laborer, at Pl.15 per day for 300 days 345.00 134 (s). 2 janitors, at Pl.20 per day each for 300 days ......................................................... 720.00 134 (r). 1 janitor, at Pl.70 per day for 306 days.... 521.00 DIVISION OF HYDRAULICS 7. 1 chief irrigation engineer .............................. 5,100.00 9. 1 chief surveyor ................................................ 3,825.00 21. 1 designing engineer ............. -......................... 4,250.00 28. 1 hydraulic engineer ......................................... 5,100.00 29. 1 civil engineer ........................................-.......... 4,250.00 30. 2 civil engineers, at P3.570 per annum each.. 7,140.00 31. 1 civil engineer ............................................. 3,400.00 33. 1 civil engineer ............................................. 3,060.00 34. 2 civil engineers, at P2,720 per annum each.. 5,440.00 35. 1 civil engineer ............................................. 2,550.00 38. 1 assistant civil engineer ................................. 2,380.00 44. 1 project engineer ............................................ 5,100.00 41. 1 assistant engineer ........................................... 2,040.00 59. 1 assistant engineer ........................................... 2,040.00 69. 1 assistant topographical draftsman................. 1,530.00 70. 1 assistant topographical draftsman................. 1,360.00 71. 1 assistant topographical draftsman................. 1,275.00 74. 1 assistant topographical draftsman............. 1,122.00 82. 2 junior draftsmen, at P864 per annum each 1,728.00 84. 1 junior topographical draftsman.................. 810.00 86. 1 junior topographical draftsman.................. 756.00 93. 1 district hydrographer ................................... 2,040.00 94. 1 junior hydrographer ..................................... 1,360.00 95. 3 junior hydrographers, at Pl,080 per annum each ............................................................... 3,240.00 96. 1 hydrographic assistant ................................ 810.00 105. 1 junior stenographer ..................................... 756.00 112. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,224.00 118. 1 clerk .......................................................„.......... 918.00 119. 1 clerk ............. _........................_..... 864.00 120. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 122. 3 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................... 1,944.00 124. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each........................ 1,620.00 132. 1 clerk .................................................................. 240.00 Total for salaries and wages................ P577,853.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF POSTS DIRECTORS 1. One Director of Posts........................... 2. One Assistant Director of Posts......... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. Two superintendents, at 1*4,250 per annum each........................................................ 4. Two superintendents, at 1*3,825 per annum eaci;......................................................... 5. One superintendent ........................... 6. One superintendent ........................... 7. One superintendent............................. 8. One superintendent............................. SUPERVISORS 9. Two supervisors, at 1*4,250 per an­ num each............................................................ ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 10. Three assistant superintendents, at 5*2,550 per annum each................................... 11. One [supervising inspector] assist­ ant superintendent.......................... -............... 1*6,120.00 1*6,120.00 1 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 8,500.00 8,500.00 3-4 7,650.00 7,650.00 6-7 3,570.00 3,570.00 8 3,400.00 3,400.00 9 3,060.00 3,060.00 10 2,550.00 2,550.00 11 8,500.00 8,500.00 IV-5(1) 7,650.00 7,650.00 12-14 2,550.00 2,550.00 196 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 365 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Details 1937 requested ■laift Reference to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. (3) BUREAU OF POSTS 12. Two assistant superintendents, at 5*2,040 per annum each............. =...................... 4,080.00 4,080.00 16-17 CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 13. One operator in charge....................... 14. Two chiefs of sections, at 5*2,040 per 2,550.00 2,550.00 18 annum each........................................................ 4,080.00 4,080.00 19 15. Two chiefs of sections, at ^1,700 per annum each........................................................ 3,400.00 3,400.00 20 16. Four chiefs of sections, at Pl,530 per annum each........................................................ 6,120.00 6,120.00 21-22 17. One chief of section............................. 1,440.00 ... 18. One chief of section............................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 23 19. One chief of section............................. 20. Three chiefs of sections, at Pl,224 1,275.00 1,275.00 24 per annum each ................................................ 3,672.00 3,672.00 25 21. Two chiefs of sections, at Pl,122 per annum each............................................... 2,244.00 2,244.00 26 22. Three chiefs of sections, at Pl,080 per annum each................................................ 3,240.00 3,240.00 27-28 23. Two chiefs of sections, at P972 per annum each ...................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 29-30 24. One chief of section........................... 25. Three chiefs of sections, at P756 per 864.00 864.00 31 annum each.................................................... 2,268.00 2,268.00 32 26. One chief of section............................. 648.00 648.00 33 27. One chief of section............................... 540.00 540.00 34 DISBURSING OFFICER 28. One special disbursing officer........... 1,530.00 1,530.00 35 CLERKS 29. One clerk .............................................. 2,040.00 2,040.00 37 30. Two clerks, at Pl,700 per annum each 31. Three clerks, at Pl,530 per annum 3,400.00 3,400.00 38-39 each ................................................................ 4,590.00 4,590.00 40 32. Two clerks, at Pl,428 per annum each 33. Four clerks, at Pl,326 per annum 2,856.00 2,856.00 41 each .................................................................. 5,304.00 5,304.00 42 34. Two clerks or operators, at Pl,326 per annum each................................................ 2,652.00 2,652.00 IV-5(n) 35. Two clerks, at Pl,275 per annum each ................................................ 2,550.00 2,550.00 43 36. Five clerks, at Pl,224 per annum each .................................. .. 6,120.00 6,120.00 44 366 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1Qo7 <O9C Reference to item Details lyoo numbers of Act requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF POSTS 37. One clerk or operator......................... 38. Nine clerks, at Fl,122 per annum each .................................................................... 39. Twenty-four clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each........................................................ 40. Eight clerks, at F972 per annum each .................................................................... 41. Twenty-one clerks, at 1*864 per an­ num each............................................................ 42. Twenty-five clerks, at 1*756 per an­ num each............................................................ 43. One clerk or operator......................... 44. Forty-two clerks, at 1*648 per an­ num each............................................................ 45. Sixteen clerks or operators, at 1*648 per annum each ................................................ 46. One clerk .............................................. 47. Eighty-three clerks, at 1*540 per an­ num each............................................................ 48. Eleven clerks or operators, at 1*540 per annum each.................................................. 49. One stenographer ............................... 50. One junior stenographer..................... 51. One clerk .............................................. 52. One hundred sixty-seven clerks, at 1*432 per annum each........................................ 53. Three clerks, at FJ+32 per annum each 54. One clerk............................................... 55. One clerk ............................................. POSTMASTERS OR OPERATORS 56. One ^postmaster or operator............... 57. One postmaster or operator............... 58. One postmaster or operator............... 59. Four postmasters or operators, at Fl,700 per annum each................................. 60. Four postmasters or operators, at Fl,530 per annum each................................... 61. Eight postmasters or operators, at Fl,326 per annum each................................... 62. Twenty-three postmasters or opera­ tors, at Fl,224 per annum each..................... 63. Five postmasters or operators, at Fl,122 per annum each..................................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 IV-5(o) 10,098.00 10,098.00 45 25,920.00 25,920.00 46-49 7,776.00 7,776.00 50-51 18,144.00 18,144.00 52-53 18,900.00 18,900.00 54-55 756.00 756.00 IV-5(p) 27,216.00 27,216.00 56-57 10,368.00 10,368.00 IV-5(g) 594.00 594.00 58 44,820.00 44,820.00 59-61 5,940.00 5,940.00 IV-5(r) 540.00 432.00 486.00 486.00 62 72,144.00 1,296.00 . 378.00 72,144.00 63-65 378.00 66 324;00 324.00 67 3,060.00 3,060.00 68 2,550.00 2,550.00 69 2,040.00 2,040.00 70 6,800.00 6,800.00 71-72 6,120.00 6,120.00 73-74 10,608.00 10,608.00 75 28,152.00 28,152.00 76-77 5,610.00 5,610.00 78 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 367 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1937 193fi Reference to item □ nAtailc numbers of Act Budget requested authorized No. 4231, unless Item No. otherwise stated 64. Fifty-two postmasters or operators, (3) BUREAU OF POSTS at 1*1,080 per annum each............................... 56,160.00 56,160.00 79-80 65. Fifty-nine postmasters or operators, at 1*972 per annum each ............................... 57,348.00 57,348.00 81-84 66. Seventy-nine postmasters or opera­ tors, at 1*864 per annum each....................... 68,256.00 68,256.00 85, 102-103 67. One postmaster or operator............... 68. Two hundred fifty-nine postmasters 810.00 810.00 86 or operators, at 1*756 per annum each........... 195,804.00 195,804.00 87-90 69. One hundred fifty-five postmasters or operators, at ¥=648 per annum each............. 70. Ten postmasters or operators, at F600 per annum each ................................................ 71. Two hundred thirty-two postmasters 100,440.00 6,000.00 100,440.00 91-94 or operators, at 1*540 per annum each........... 125,280.00 125,280.00 96-97 72. One postmaster or operator............... 73. Sixty-two postmasters or operators, 486.00 486.00 98 at 1*432 per annum each.................................. 26,784.00 26,784.00 99-101 POSTMASTERS 74. Additional salaries for municipal treasurers acting as postmasters who issue postal money orders in one hundred two pos­ tal money-order offices at the rate of not to exceed 1*6 per month or i*72 per annum each 7,344.00 7,344.00 103a 75. One postmaster ................................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 105 76. One postmaster .................................... 77. Fifty-five postmasters, at 1*240 per 300.00 300.00 106 annum each........................................................ 13,200.00 13,200.00 107-112 78. Two hundred forty-one postmasters, at 1*180 per annum each.................... ............... 43,380.00 43,380.00 113-121 79. One postmaster .................................... 80. Two hundred thirty-five postmasters, 144.00 144.00 122 at 1*120 per annum each................................. 28,200.00 28,200.00 123-126 OPERATORS 81. One operator ....................................... 82. Three operators, at 1*2,550 per an­ 3,060.00 3,060.00 IV-5(6) num each............................................................ 7,650.00 7,650.00 IV-5 (c)-(d) 83. One assistant operator in charge....... 84. Six operators, at 1*2,040 per annum 2,380.00 2,380.00 127 each ................................................................... 12,240.00 12,240.00 IV-5(e)-(f) 85. One chief operator ............................. 86. Two operators, at 1*1,870 per annum 1,870.00 1,870.00 IV-5(<7) each .............................................. ..................... 3,740.00 3,740.00 IV-5(ft) 368 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF POSTS 87. Eight operators, at 5*1,530 per annum each .................................................................... 12,240.00 12,240.00 IV-5(i) 88. One operator ....................................... 1,326.00 1,326.00 128 89. Forty-three operators, at 5*1,224 per annum each ...................................................... 52,632.00 52,632.00 129, IV-5(;) 90. One operator-instructor ..................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 129a 91. Four operators, at 5*1,080 per annum each...................................................................... 4,320.00 4,320.00 131-132 92. Twelve operators, at 5*972 per annum each .................................................................... 11,664.00 11,664.00 133-135 93. Ten operators, at 5*864 per annum each .................................................................... 8,640.00 8,640.00 136-137, IV-5 94. Six operators, at 5*756 per annum W each .................................................................... 4,536.00 4,536.00 138-139 95. Two operators, at 5*648 per annum each .................................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 140-141 96. One operator-at-large......................... 756.00 756.00 142 97. One operator-at-large ......................... .540.00 540.00 143 98. Thirty-three [student] operators, at 5*324 per annum each..................................... 10,692.00 10,692.00 143a-1436 MESSENGERS AND JANITOR-PORTERS - 99. Nine messengers (motorcycle), at 5*756 per annum each........................................ 6,804.00 6,804.00 IV-5(s) 100. Forty-six messengers, at 5*378 per annum each........................................................ 17,388.00 17,388.00 146-149, IV-5 101. One hundred eleven messengers, at (O 5*324 per annum each....................................... 35,964.00 35,964.00 150-152 102. One messenger-engineman................. 324.00 324.00 153 103. Twenty-three messengers, at 5*324 per annum each............................................... 7,452.00 7,452.00 IV-5(u) 104. Four janitors or messengers, at 5*324 per annum each................................................ 1,296.00 1,296.00 IV-5(v) 105. Three watchmen or messengers, at 5*432 per annum each....................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 IV-5(w) 106. Six telegraph messengers, at per annum each............................................... 1,944.00 107. Twenty-eight messengers, at 1*300 per annum each.................................................. 8,400.00 8,400.00 154 108. Forty-nine messengers, at ¥=240 per annum each...................................... ................. 11,760.00 11,760.00 155 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 369 299089----- 24 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF POSTS 109. Forty-five messengers, at 1*192 per annum each........................................................ 8,640.00 8,640.00 157 110. Thirty-seven messengers, at 1*180 per annum each.................................................. 6,660.00 6,660.00 158 111. One messenger..................................... 112. Five janitor-porters, at 1*378 per an144.00 144.00 159 num each ... ........................................................ 1,890.00 1,890.00 160 113. Seventeen janitor-porters, at 1*324 per annum each.................................................. 5,508.00 5,508.00 162-163 ENGINEMEN 114. Two enginemen, at f*972 per annum each ........................ ........................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 164 115. Two enginemen, at F864 per annum each .................................................................... 1,728.00 1,728.00 165-166 116. Two enginemen, at 1*756 per annum each .................................................................... 1,512.00 1,512.00 167 117. Three enginemen or operators, at 1*756 per annum each........................................ 2,268.00 2,268.00 IV-5(Z) 118. One engineman or operator............... 119. Four enginemen, at 1*648 per annum 648.00 648.00 IV-5 (m) each .................................................................... 2,592.00 2,592.00 168-169 120. Twelve enginemen, at ¥=540 per an­ num each............................................................ 6,480.00 6,480.00 170-171 121. Five enginemen, at 1*486 per annum each .................................................................... 2,430.00 2,430.00 172-173 122. Twenty-seven enginemen, at 1*432 per annum each ................................................ 11,664.00 11,664.00 174-177 123. One engineman .................................... 124. Twelve enginemen or linemen, at 378.00 378.00 178 F324 per annum each....................................... 3,888.00 3,888.00 179-181 telegraph linemen 125. One supervising lineman..................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 182 126. One supervising lineman..................... 1,870.00 1,870.00 183 127. One supervising lineman..................... 128. Nine supervising linemen, at Fl,080 1,326.00 1,326.00 184 per annum each.................................................. 9,720.00 9,720.00 185-186 129. One supervising lineman..................... 130. Six supervising linemen, at 1*864 per 972.00 972.00 187 annum each........................................................ 5,184.00 5,184.00 188-190 131. One supervising lineman..................... 132. Five linemen, at 1*324 per annum 756.00 756.00 191 each ................................................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 192 370 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF POSTS POST OFFICE INSPECTORS 133. One supervising inspector................... 134. One supervising inspector................... 135. Three inspectors, at 1*2,040 per an­ num each ............................................................ 136. Seventeen inspectors, at 1*1,530 per annum each........................................................ 137. Four inspectors, at 1*1,080 per an­ num each ............................................................ 138. One inspector ....................................... MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES 139. One radio engineer or supervisor....... 140. Two radio inspectors, at 1*2,040 per annum each....................................:................... 141. Two radio inspectors, at 1*1,530 per annum each........................................................ 142. One telegraph or radio constructor.... 143. One telegraph or radio constructor.... 144. One telegraph or radio constructor.... K145. One cable electrician........................... ^146. One cable seaman................................. 147. Five drivers, at 1*540 per annum each .......................................... ......................... 148. Four drivers, at 1*432 per annum each .................................................................... 149 One driver ........................................... 150. Four driver-helpers, at 1*378 per an­ num each ............................................................ 151. Four drivers, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................. 152. One chauffeur....................................... 153. One patron ........................................... 154. One engineman ................................... 155. Three firemen, at 1*432 per annum each ................................................................... 156. One boatswain ..................................... 157. Three sailors, at 1*300 per annum each .................................................................... 158. Three clerk-carriers, at 1*864 per an­ num each............................................................ 159. Two clerk-carriers, at 1*756 per an­ num each ........................................................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 195 2,380.00 2,380.00 197 6,120.00 6,120.00 198 26,010.00 26,010.00 199-200 4,320.00 4,320.00 201-202 1,080.00 4,250.00 4,250.00 203 4,080.00 4,080.00 204 3,060.00 3,060.00 205 2,380.00 2,380.00 206 2,040.00 2,040.00 207 1,700.00 1,700.00 208 2,380.00 2,380.00 209 1,428.00 1,428.00 210 2,700.00 2,700.00 211-212 1,728.00 1,728.00 213 378.00 378.00 214 1,512.00 1,512.00 215 1,296.00 1,296.00 216 540.00 540.00 217 756.00 756.00 218 864.00 864.00 219 1,296.00 1,296.00 220 324.00 324.00 221 900.00 900.00 222 2,592.00 2,592.00 223 1,512.00 1,512.00 224 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item • Voo numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF POSTS 160. Seven clerk-carriers, at P648 per an­ num each............................................................ 161. Fourteen clerk-carriers, at 1*540 per annum each ...................................................... 162. Thirty-three clerk-carriers, at 1*432 per annum each ............................................... 163. One mechanic................................. ...... 164. Thirty-three stamp agents, at 1*120 per annum each................................................ 165. Three elevator operators, at 1*540 per annum each........................................................ 166. Two laborers, at 1*378 per annum each .................................................................... 167. One laborer .......................................... 168. One draftsman...................................... 169. Linemen, temporary employees and laborers, as follows: (a) Two clerks, at F51>7.50 per annum each.... (b) One clerk............................................................ (c) Three clerks, at 1*540 per annum each.... (d) Seven clerks, at 1*486 per annum each.... (c) Two clerks, at per annum each........ (/) Twenty-nine clerks, at 1*432 per annum each .............................................................. (p) One clerk ........................................................ (h) One clerk............................................................ (i) Twenty-four clerks, at 1*324 per annum each .............................................................. (j) Forty-three [student] operators, at 1*324 per annum each......................................... (Zc) One stamp agent ......................................... (l) Ten letter-carriers, at 1*540 per annum each ............................................................. (m) Four messengers, at 1*378 per annum each ............................................................. (n) Twenty-five messengers, at 1*324 per annum each ............................................... (o) One messenger .............................................. (p) One lineman or laborer................................ (q) One lineman or laborer............................... (r) Five linemen or laborers, at 1*432 per annum each ........................................... 4,536.00 4,536.00 225-226 7,560.00 7,560.00 227 14,256.00 14,256.00 228 648.00 648.00 229 3,960.00 3,960.00 230 1,620.00 1,620.00 231 756.00 756.00 232 324.00 324.00 233 756.00 756.00 234 1,095.00 . 548.00 1,620.00 1,620.00 235(a)-(6) 3,402.00 3,402.00 235(c)-(e) 876.00 . 12,528.00 12,528.00 235(/)-(A) 378.00 378.00 235(;) 365.00 . 7,776.00 7,776.00 235 (k)-(l) 13,932.00 13,932.00 235 (m) 120.00 120.00 235(n) 5,400.00 5,400.00 235(o) 1,512.00 1,512.00 235(p) 8,100.00 8,100.00 235(g)-(r) 240.00 240.00 235(s) 540.00 540.00 235(¿) 486.00 486.00 235(u) 2,160.00 2,160.00 235(v) 372 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES (aa) Eighteen laborers, at f*216 per annum 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF POSTS (s) Nineteen linemen or laborers, at 1*378 per annum each......................................... 7,182.00 7,182.00 235(w)-(a;) (t) Seventy-nine linemen or laborers, at 1*324 per annum each............................... [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled 25,596.00 25,596.00 235(2/) laborers]................................................... 27,806.00 235(z) Carpenters («) One carpenter................................................... 540.00 235 (z) 235(z) (v) One carpenter ................................................... 432.00 Drivers (tv) Five drivers, at P432 per annum each.... 2,160.00 235(z) (rv) Four drivers, at F378 per annum each.... 1,512.00 235(z) Policemen (v) Eight special policemen, at FJ+32 per annum each ................................................... 3,456.00 235(z) Laborers (0 Twenty-three laborers, at P32b per an­ num each ....................................................... 7,452.00 235 (z) each ............................................................. 3,888.00 ................. 235(z) [provincial] letter-carriers 170. [For provincial] Letter-carriers as follows: (a) One letter-carrier ....................................... 486.00 486.00 236(a) (&) Five letter-carriers, at 1*432 per annum each ............................................................. 2,160.00 2,160.00 236(6) (c) Ten letter-carriers, at P¿32 per annum each .................................................................. 4,320.00 . (d) Eighty-nine letter-carriers, at ^324 per annum each ............................................... 28,836.00 28,836.00 236(c) (e) Six letter-carriers, at F302 per annum each ............................................................. 1,812.00 1,812.00 236(d) (/) One hundred nineteen letter-carriers, at 1*300 per annum each............................... 35,700.00 35,700.00 236(e) (17) Two letter-carriers, at 1*288 per annum each ............................................................. 576.00 576.00 236(/) (A) Eighteen letter-carriers, at 1*276 per annum each ............................................... 4,968.00 4,968.00 236(g) (D Twenty-four letter-carriers, at 1*264 per annum each ............................................... 6,336.00 6,336.00 236(h) H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 373 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to ¡tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF POSTS (;) One hundred twenty-four letter-carriers, at 1*240 per annum each......................... (k) One letter-carrier ........................................ (0 [For] Three-hundred fifty letter-carriers, at [not more than] 1*216 per annum each ........................................................... (m) One hundred letter-carriers, at F216 per annum each................................................... MISCELLANEOUS 171. For subsistence of the crew of the launch “Mail”.................................................... 172. Clothing allowance of the crew of the launch “Mail” .................................................... [Additional compensation, not to ex­ ceed 1*16 per month, to employees of this Bu­ reau assigned to stations where the cost of living is excessively high, at the discretion of the Secretary of Public Works and Com­ munications] ...................................................... 173. Uniform and shoe allowance for let­ ter-carriers, drivers, special policemen and messengers, in Manila and other important municipalities, at not to exceed P24 each....... [Deduction for vacancies, absences, etc.] .................................................................... 29,760.00 228.00 29,760.00 228.00 236(0-0) 236 (k) 75,600.00 75,600.00 236(0 21,600.00 . 1,600.00 1,600.00 237 160.00 160.00 238 6,400.00 23!) 5,568.00 4,800.00 210 (82,487.00) 240a Total .................................................. 1,936,583.00 1,826,558.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION DIRECTORS 1. 1 Director of Posts............................... P6.120.00 2. 1 Assistant Director of Posts.......... 6,100.00 3. 2 superintendents, at P4,250 per annum each 8,600.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 6. 1 superintendent ................................................ 3,400.00 10. 1 assistant superintendent ............................... 2.550.00 33. 3 clerks, at Pl,326 per annum each... 3,978.00 38. 1 clerk .................................. 1,122.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 52. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each....... 1,296.00 112. 1 janitor-porter ................................................... 378.00 113. 3 janitor-porters, at P324 per annum each.... 972.00 165. 3 elevator operators, at P540 per annum each 1,620.00 169(i). 16 linemen or laborers, at P324 per an­ num each .............................................. 5,184.0'0 169(1/). 8 special policemen, at P432 per an­ num each ........................................... 3,456.00 169(g). 5 laborers, at P324 per annum each ......... 1,620.00 General Service Section 39. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,080.00 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 1,080.00 52. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 113. 1 janitor-porter ................................................. 324.00 136. 1 inspector ........................................................ 1,530.00 169(0. 1 clerk ............................................................. 324.00 Employment Section 16. 1 chief of section................................................ 1,530.00 42. 2-clerks, at P756 per annum each................... 1,512.00 44. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each................... 1,296.00 47. 4 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 2,160.00 52. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each................... 864.00 101. 1 messenger .......................................................... 324.00 169 (/). 1 clerk .................................................-.......... 432.00 Provincial Personnel Section 13. 1 operator in charge......................................... 2,550.00 84. 1 operator ............................................................ 2,040.00 374 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (3) BUREAU OF POSTS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 20. 1 chief of section .............................................. 1,224.00 44. 1 clerk ............................................................... 648.Q0 47. 1 clerk ............................................................... 540.00 G4. 2 postmasters or operators, at Pl,080 per annum each ................................................... 2,160.00 G5. 2 postmasters or operators, at 1*972 per an­ num each ...................................................... 1,944.00 68. 2 postmasters or operators, at P756 per an­ num each .................................................... 1,512.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator.................................. 648.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator................................... 540.00 Provincial Employees 88. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,122.00 39. 5 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................ 5,400.00 40. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 41. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each................... 1,728.00 42. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................. 2,268.00 44. 9 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................... 5,832.00 47. 10 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 5,400.00 52. 47 clerks, at P432 per annum each................... 20,304.00 55. 1 clerk ................................................................... 324.00 48. 2 clerks or operators, at P540 per annum each ................................................................ 1,080.00 82. 1 operator ........................................................... 2,550.00 84. 1 operator .......................................................... 2,040.00 58. 1 postmaster or operator................................... 2,040.00 59. 2 postmasters or operators, at Pl,700 per an­ num each .................................................... 3,400.00 GO. 4 postmasters or operators, at Pl,530 per annum each .................................................. 6,120.00 61. 5 postmasters or operators, at Pl,326 per annum each .................................................. 6,630.00 G2. 19 postmasters or operators, at Pl,224 per an­ num each ...................................................... 23,256.00 63. 3 postmasters or operators, at Pl,122 per an­ num each ...................................................... 3,366.00 64. 30 postmasters or operators, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................. 32,400.00 65. 42 postmasters or operators, at P972 per an­ num each ...................................................... 40,824.00 6G. 63 postmasters or operators, at P864 per an­ num each ........................ 54,432.00 G7. 1 postmaster oi' operator ............................... 810.00 G8. 184 postmasters or operators, at P756 per annum each ......................................... 139,104.00 69. 120 postmasters or operators, at P648 per annum each ......................................... 77,760.00 70. 10 postmasters or operators, at P600 per annum each ................................................ 6,000.00 71. 171 postmasters or operators, at P540 per annum each ......................................... 92,340.00 72. 1 postmaster or operator .................................. 486.00 73. 43 postmasters or operators, at P432 per annum each ..................................... 18,576.00 74. Additional salaries for municipal treasurers acting as postmasters who issue postal money orders in one hundred two postal money-order offices at the rate of not to exceed P6 per month or P72 per annum each ................................................................... 7,344.00 75. 1 postmaster ........................................................ 1,224.00 76. 1 postmaster ........................................................ 300.00 77. 55 postmasters, at P240 per annum each....... 13,200.00 78. 241 postmasters, at f*180 per annum each.... 43,380.00 79. 1 postmaster ........................................................ 144.00 80. 235 postmasters, at P120 peí- annum each.... 28,200.00 89. 2 operators, at Pl,224 per annum each.......... 2,448.00 96. 1 operator-at-large ............................................ 756.00 98. 27 operators, at P324 per annum each....... 8,748.00 105. 2 watchmen or messengers, at P432 per an­ num each ..................................................... 112. 1 janitor-porter .................................................. 113. 4 janitor-porters, at P324 per annum each 148. 2 drivers, at P432 per annum each.............. 149. 1 driver ................................................................. 150. 1 driver-helper ...........................................~ 151. 3 drivers, at P324 per annum each.................. 169(a). 1 clerk ...........................................................’ 169(d). 2 clerks, at P486 per annum each............ 169(f). 7 clerks, at P432 per annum each.............. 169(f). 4 clerks, at P324 per annum each.............. 169(f). 37 operators, at P324 per annum each..... 169 (£). 1 lineman or laborer..................................... 169(2). 3 laborers, at P324 per annum each.......... RECORDS DIVISION 7. 1 superintendent .................................................. 30. 1 clerk .................................................. Filing and Issuing Section 19. 1 chief of section ................................................ 45. 1 clerk or operator ............................................ 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 52. 5 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 101. 1 messenger ......................................................... 169(d). 1 clerk ................................................ 169(f). 1 clerk ........................................................... 169 (p). 1 clerk ........................................................... 169(f). 2 clerks, at P324 per annum each.............. Receiving and Mailing Section 21. 1 chief of section ................................................ 44. 1 clerk ................................................................. 47. 1 clerk ................................................................. 52. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 101. 1 messenger ......................................................... Department Records Section 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 42. 1 clerk ................................................................... 52. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 169(i). 2 linemen or laborers, at P324 per an­ num each .............................................. 169 (aa). 2 laborers, at P216 per annum each....... Mimeographing Section 20. 1 chief of section ................................................ 23. 1 chief of section .............................................. PROPERTY DIVISION 5. 1 superintendent ................................................ 136. 1 inspector ........................................................... Accounting Section 45. 1 clerk or operator ......................................... 47. 2 clerks, at 1*540 pel* annum each .................. 52. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each .................. 113. 1 janitor-porter .................................................. 169(f). 1 clerk ........................................................... 169(f). 1 clerk ............................................................. Equipment Section 22. 1 chief of section ............................................ 42. 1 clerk ................................................................... 52. 4 clerks, at P432 per annum each .............. 101. 1 messenger ....................................... ................ 864.00 378.00 1,296.00 864.00 378.00 378.00 972.00 540.00 972.00 3,024.00 1,296.00 11,988.00 324.00 972.00 3,060.00 1,700.00 1,275.00 648.00 1,080.00 2,160.00 324.00 486.00 432.00 378.00 648.00 1,122.00 648.00 540.00 1,296.00 324.00 1,080.00 756.00 864.00 648.00 432.00 1,224.00 972.00 3,570.00 1,530.00 648.00 1,080.00 864.00 324.00 432.00 324.00 1,080.00 756.00 1,728.00 324.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 375 (3) BUREAU OF POSTS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 113. 2 janitor-porters, at P324 per annum each .... 648.00 169(f). 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each............ 864.00 169 (£). 3 clerks, at P324 per annum each............ 972.00 169 (t). 1 lineman or laborer ..................................... 324.00 Requisition Section 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................ 432.00 Telegraph and Radio Supply Section 44. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 132. 1 lineman ............................................................ 324.00 169(7). 1 clerk .................................................. 432.00 169 (r). 1 lineman or laborer ................................... 432.00 Stationery Supply Section 27. 1 chief of section ............................................ 540.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 52. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each ......-.......... 864.00 Accountable Blank Forms Section 25. 1 chief of section ............................................ 756.00 47. 1 clerk ........................................................... 540.00 113. 1 janitor-porter .................................................... 324.00 Packing and Shipping Section 25. 1 chief of section ..................... 756.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................. 540.00 169(e). 1 clerk ............................................................. 438.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 113. 1 janitor-porter .................................................... 324.00 150. 1 driver-helper .................................................... 378.00 169(s). 1 lineman or laborer ................................... 378.00 169 (t). 2 linemen or laborers, at P324 per annum each .......................................................... 648.00 Blank Forms Section 26. 1 chief of section ............................................. 648.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 169(/t). 1 clerk ............................................................. 365.00 169(£). 2 linemen or laborers, at P324 per annum each ......................................................... 648.00 Repair Shop 142. 1 telegraph or radio constructor .................. 2,380.00 169(a). 2 clerks, at P547.50 per annum each...... 1,095.00 169(d). 1 clerk ........................................................... 548.00 169(e). 1 clerk ............................................................ 438.00 169(f). 1 clerk ............................................................ 432.00 169 (t). 5 linemen or laborers, at P324 per annum each ......................................................... 1,620.00 169(a). 1 carpenter ................................................... 540.00 169 (v). 1 carpenter ................................................... 432.00 INSPECTION DIVISION 8. 1 superintendent ................................................ 2,550.00 12. 1 assistant superintendent ......................... 2,040.00 164. 33 stamp agents, at P120 per annum each.... 3,960.00 166. 1 laborer ............................................................... 378.00 169 (7c). 1 stamp agent .............................................. 120.00 169 (t). 3 linemen or laborers, at P324 per annum each ......................................................... 972.00 169 (z). 9 laborers, at P324 per annum each........... 2,916.00 General Service Post Office Inspectors 56. 1 postmaster oi* operator ................................ 62. 1 postmaster or operator ................................. 11. 1 assistant superintendent ............................. 134. 1 supervising inspector ..................................... 135. 2 inspectors, at P2,040 per annum each' ....... 136. 15 inspectors, at Pl,530 per annum each ....... 137. 3 inspectors, at Pl,080 per annum each ....... 138. 1 inspector ............................................................ 143. 1 telegraph or radio constructor .................. 144. 1 telegraph or radio constructor ...................... 85. 1 chief operator .................................................. Legal Section 44. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 137. 1 inspector ............................................................ Inspection Section 44. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each .................. 52. 1 clerk ................................................................... 105. 1 watchman or messenger ................................. 169(771). 2 messengers, at P378 per annum each.... 169 (p). 1 lineman or laborer ................................... Dead Letter Office Section 20. 1 chief of section ............................................. 21. 1 chief of section ............................................. 52. 1 clerk .................................................................. MONEY ORDER DIVISION 10. 1 assistant superintendent .............................. 17. 1 chief of section ............................................. 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 52. 1 clerk ................................................................... 53. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 107. 1 messenger ......................................................... 133. 1 supervising inspector ..................................... 169(f). 1 clerk .............................................................. 169 (t). 9 linemen or laborers, at P324 per annum each .......................................................... 169(z). 2 laborers, at P324 per annum each....... General Service Section 24. 1 chief of section ............................................. 38. 1 clerk ................................................................... 44. 1 clerk ................................................................... 101. 1 messenger ................. ...................... ........... __ Duplicate Money Order Section 25. 1 chief of section ................................................ 36. 1 clerk ................................................................... 44. 1 clerk ................................................................... 52. 4 clerks, at P432 per annum each .................. 68. 1 postmaster or operator ................................. Stamps Section 22. 1 chief of section ............................................. 47. 1 clerk ............................... _................................ 52. 1 clerk ................................................................. 166. 1 laborer ............................ w................... _.......... 3,060.00 1,224.00 2,550.00 2.380.00 4,080.00 22,950.00 3,210.00 1,080.00 2,040.00 1,700.00 1,870.00 1,296.00 1,080.00 1,296.00 432.00 432.00 756.00 540.00 1,224.00 1,122.00 432.00 2,550.00 1,440.00 540.00 432.00 1,296.00 300.00 3,400.00 432.00 2,916.00 648.00 864.00 1,122.00 648.00 824.00 756.00 1,224.00 648.00 1,728.00 756.00 1,080.00 540.00 432.00 378.00 33. 1 clerk .................................................. 42. 1 clerk .................................................. 44. 1 clerk ................................................... 52. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each 158. 1 clerk-carrier ......... . .................... . Philatelic Section 756.00 648.00 22. 1 chief of section ........................... 864.00 41. 1 clerk ................................................. 864.00 47. 1 clerk ............................................... 1,080.00 864.00 540.00 376 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (3) BUREAU OF POSTS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Tellers Section 23. 1 chief of section ............................................... 972.00 36. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,224.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 47. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each' ................... 1,620.00 52. 2 clerks, at 1*432 per annum each ................... 864.00 61. 1 postmaster or operator ................................ 1,326.00 68. 2 postmasters or operators, at P756 per an­ num each ........................................................ 1,512.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator ................................ 540.00 89. 1 operator ............................................................ 1,224.00 167. 1 laborer .............................................................. 324.00 169 (?). 1 clerk ................................... 324.00 FINANCE DIVISION 28. 1 special disbursing officer ................................. 1,530.00 31. 2 clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each .............. 3,060.0035. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,275.00 39. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each ............. 2,160.00 44. 1 clerk ................................................................. 648.00 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each ................... 1,080.00 52. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each ................... 1,296.00 61. 1 postmaster or operator................................. 1,326.00 68. 1 postmaster or operator ............................... 75G.00 112. 1 janitor-porter .................................................. 378.00 169(0. 1 clerk ............................................................. 324.00 MANILA POST OFFICE 4. 1 superintendent ................................................ 3,825.00 12. 1 assistant superintendent .............................. 2,040.00 General Service Section 41. 1 clerk ................................................................ -864.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 113. 2 janitor-porters, at P324 per annum each .... 648.00 116. 1 engineman ....................................................... 756.00 132. 1 lineman ........................................-................... 324.00 City Delivery Section 30. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,700.00 36. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,224.00 112. 1 janitor-porter ................................................... 378.00 113. 1 janitor-porter ................................................... 324.00 169(f). 4 linemen or laborers, at P324 per annum each ........................................................ 1,296.00 169(z). 1 laborer ......................................................... 324.00 Information Sub-Section 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each ................. 1,080.00 52. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 101. 1 messenger ........................................................ 324.00 Lock Boxes Sub-Sectioñ 42. 1 clerk ................................................................. 756.00 44. 1 clerk ............................................................... 648.00 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 52. 5 clerks, at P432 per annum each ................ 2,160.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator ................................ 648.00 48. 1 clerk or operator ............................................ 540.00 169(d). 1 clerk ............................................................. 486.00 169(/). 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each’ .......... 864.00 169(f). 1 clerk ............................................................. 324.00 City Distribution Sub-Section 38. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,122.00 39. 1 clerk ............................................... 1,080.00 41. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each ....._........... 1,728.00 42. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each .................. 2,268.00 44. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each .................. 1,296.00 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each ............... 1,080.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 169 (/). 1 clerk ............................................................. 432.00 Stamps Sub-Section 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 52. 4 clerks, at P432 per annum each .................... 1,728.00 45. 1 clerk or operator ................................................ 648.00 United States Parcel Post Sub-Section 40. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 Arhay and Navy General Delivery and Postage Due Section 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 44. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator ......_........................... 648.00 Directory Sub-Section 38. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,122.00 42. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 169(f). 1 clerk ............................................................. 324.00 Special Delivery Sub-Section 41. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................. 540.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator .................................. 540.00 100. 4 messengers, at P378 per annum each .......... 1,512.00 101. 23 messengers, at P324 per annum each' ....... 7,452.00 169 (n). 1 messenger .................................................. 324.00 100. 2 messengers, at P378 per annum each ... 756.00 Letter-carriers Subsection 36. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,224.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 40. 2 clerks, at P972 per annum each.................. 1,944.00 158. 1 clerk-carrier ...................................._............... 864.00 159. 2 clerk-carriers, at P756 per annum each....... 1,512.00 160. 7 clerk-carriers, at P648 per annum each....... 4,536.00 161. 14 clerk-carriers, at P540 per annum each..... 7,560.00 162. 33 clerk-carriers, at P432 per annum each..... 14,256.00 169(Z). 10 letter-carriers, at P540 per annum each 5,400.00 Mailing Section 15. 1 chief of section ................................................. 1,700.00 16. 1 chief of section ................................................. 1,530.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 44. 1 clerk ................................................................. 648.00 52. 4 clerks ............................................................... 1,728.00 62. 1 postmaster or operator ............................... 1,224.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator ............................... 648.00 169(f). 10 linemen or laborers, at 1*324 per annum each ...................................................... 3,240.00 169(aa). 10 laborers, at P216 per annum each....... 2,160.00 Philippine Mail Subsection 88. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,122.00 40. 2 clerks, at P972 per annum each.................. 1,944.00 41. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................. 1,728.00 44. 4 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 2,592.00 47. 8 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 4,320.00 52. 20 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 8,640.00 89. 1 operator .............. 1,224.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 377 (3) BUREAU OF POSTS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 65. 1 postmaster or operator..................................... 972.00 68. 1 postmaster or operator..................................... 756.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator..................................... 648.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator..................................... 540.00 73. 2 postmasters or operators, at P432 per an­ num each ............................................ 864.00 169(c). 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each............. 1,080.00 169(d). 1 clerk ........................................................... 486.00 169(/). 5 clerks, at P432 per annum each............. 2,160.00 169(t). 2 clerks, at P324 per annum each.............. 648.00 169 (J). 1 operator ...................................................... 324.00 United States Provincial Insured Parcels Subsection 41. 1 clerk ................................................................. 864.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator................................. 540.00 169 (i). 1 clerk ........................................................... 324.00 United States Mail Subsection 38. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,122.00 54. 1 clerk ................................................................. 378.00 98. 1 operator .............................................................. 324.00 169(n). 1 messenger .................................................. 324.00 169(z). 1 laborer .......................................................... 324.00 Mail Shipping Subsection 36. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,224.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 44. 1 clerk ............................ -.................................... 648.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 Raters and Routers Subsection 35. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,275.00 52. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................... 1,296.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator...................................... 648.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator...................................... 540.00 73. 2 postmasters or operators, at P432 per an­ num each _.... 864.00 95. 1 operator ............................................................. 648.00 48. 1 clerk or operator ............................. 540.00 113. 1 janitor-porter ................................................ 324.00 169(/). 1 clerk ........................................................... 432.00 Motor Vehicle Subsection 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 147. 5 drivers, at P540 per annum each.................. 2,700.00 148. 1 driver ...... 432.00 150. 2 driver-helpers, at P378 per annum each....... 756.00 151. 1 driver .......... 324.00 152. 1 chauffeur ..._..................................................... 540.00 169(w). 5 drivers, at P432 per annum each.......... 2,160.00 169 (x). 4 drivers, at P378 per annum each.......... 1,512.00 169(z). 2 laborers, at P324 per annum each...,..... 648.00 99. 2 messengers (motorcycle), at P756 per an­ num each ...................................................... 1,512.00 Crew of Launch “Mail” 153. 1 patron .......... —............................................... 756.00 154. 1 engineman ........................................................ 864.00 155. 3 firemen, at P432 per annum each................ 1,296.00 156. 1 boatswain ......................................................... 324.00 157. 3 sailors, at P300 per annum each.................. 900.00 Registry Section 14. 1 chief of section ................................................ 2,040.00 16. 1 chief of section .............................................. 1,530.00 41. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................. 1,728.00 42. 1 clerk ....................................„........................... 756.00 47. 2 clerks, at P540 pfer annum each.................... 1,080.00 52. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. S64.00 112. 1 janitor-porter .................................................. 378.00 169 (r). 1 lineman or laborer..................................... 432.00 169 (t). 2 linemen or laborers, at P324 per. an­ num each ............................................... 648.00 169(an). 2 laborers, at P216 per annum each....... 432.00 Delivery Subsection 38. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,122.00 42- 1 clerk ................................................................. 756.00 44- 1 clerk ................................................................. GlS.'.'u 47* 1 clerk ................................................................. 540.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator................................... 648.00 169 (i). 1 clerk .............................................................. 324.00 Receiving Subsection 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 41- 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each...................... 1,080.00 52. 5 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................... 2,160.00 69. 2 postmasters or operators, at P648 per an­ num each ...................................................... 1.296.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator.......................... 549 qq 169(d). 1 clerk ............................................................ 486.00 Opening Subsection 39. 1 clerk ....... 1 oro nn 41. 1 clerk ....... 864 00 42. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each.... 1,512.00 44. 1 clerk ....... nn 47. 1 clerk ....... Kin nn 52. 9 clerks, at P432 per annum each......... 3,888.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator.................. 540 00 73. 1 postmaster or operator.............. 432.00 169(/) . 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each..... 864.00 169(0 . 1 clerk .. 324.00 Insular Dispatching Subsection 32. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,428.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 44. 4 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................... 2,592.00 47. 4 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................... 2,160.00 52. 4 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................... 1,728.00 169(/). 1 clerk .............................................................. 432.00 169(í). 1 clerk ............................ 324.00 United States Dispatching Subsection 31. 1 clerk ............................................. 1 qq 41. 1 clerk ............................. nn , C. O. D. Subsection 41. 1 clerk ................... 47. 1 clerk ............................... nn 52. 1 tlerk ........................ 432 00 69. 1 postmaster or oDerator. 648.00 Pier 7 Postal Station 41. 1 clerk .......................... 864 00 Postal Station No. 2 52. 1 clerk ............................ 432 00 71. 1 postmaster or operator................. 540.00 Foreign Mail Section 29. 1 clerk ....................................................... 2,040.00 39. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................ 2,160.00 42. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................. 2,268.00 169 (aa). 1 laborer ...................................................... 216.00 41. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................. 1,728.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator................................... 648.00 378 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (3) BUREAU OF POSTS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 169(i). 1 clerk ............................................................. 324.00 52. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................... l,296.0(F 169 (/). 2 clerks, at i*432 per annum each............ 864.00 32. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,428.00 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 MAIL TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 4. 1 superintendent ............................................... 3,825.00 14. 1 chief of section ............................................. 2,040.00 40. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 52. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 49. 1 stenographer ................................................... 540.00 50. 1 junior stenographer ...................................... 432.00 135. 1 inspector .......................................................... 2,040.00 169 (()• 2 linemen or laborers, at 1*324 per annum each .......................................................... 648.00 45. 1 clerk or operator ........................................... 648.00 Provincial Free Mail Delivery Service 18. 1 chief of section ........................................... 1,326.00 44. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 1,296.00 47. 4 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 2,160.00 52. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 169 (i). 1 clerk ............................................................. 324.00 Mail Boat Service Section 15. 1 chief of section................................................ 1,700.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 52. 1 clerk ........... ;...................................................... 432.00 68. 1 postmaster or operator.................................. 756.00 158. 1 clerk-carrier ..................................................... 864.00 168. 1 drafstman ......................................................... 756.00 Railway Mail Service Section 16. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,530.00 38. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 42. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each................... 1,512.00 47. 6 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 3,240.00 51. 1 clerk .................................................................. 486.00 52. 5 clerks, at P432 per annum each................... 2,160.00 Provincial Letter-Carrierá 170(a). 1 letter carrier ............................................. 486.00 170(6). 5 letter-carriers, at P432 per annum each 2,160.00 170(c). 10 letter-carriers, at P432 per annum each 4,320.00 170(d). 89 letter-carriers, at P324 per annum each .......................................................... 28,836.00 170(e). 6 letter-carriers, at P302 per annum each 1,812.00 170(f). 119 letter-carriers, at P300 per annum each .......................................................... 35,700.00 170(p). 2 letter-carriers, at P288 per annum each 576.00 170 (h). 18 letter-carriers, at P276 per annum each 4,968.00 170 (i). 24 letter-carriers, at P264 per annum each 6,336.00 170 (j). 124 letter-carriers, at P240 per annum each ............................. 29,760.00 170(7c). 1 letter-carrier .............................................. 228.00 170(7). 350 letter-carriers, at P216 per annum each ......................................................... 75,600.00 170(w) 100 letter-carriers, at P216 per annum each .......................................................... 21,600.00 TELEGRAPH DIVISION 9. 2 supervisors, at P4,250 per annum each....... 8,500.00 10. 1 assistant superintendent ............................. 2,550.00 41. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 139. 1 radio engineer or supervisor........................ 4,250.00 169 (aa). 1 laborer ...................................................... 216.00 General Service Personnel 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 42. 1 clerk ................................................................. 756.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 64. 1 postmaster or operator................................... 1,080.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator................................... 540.00 86. 1 operator .......................................................... 1,870.00 89. 2 operators, at Pl,224 per annum each............. 2,448.00 93. 1 operator ............................................................ 864.00 169 (aa). 1 laborer ...................................................... 216.00 100. 1 messenger ......................................................... 378.00 101. 1 messenger ......................................................... 324.00 Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Section 125. 1 supervising lineman ........................................ 2,040.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator.................................... 540.00 73. 1 postmaster or operator................................... 432.00 126. 1 supervising lineman ........................................ 1,870.00 129. 1 supervising lineman ........................................ 972.00 82. 1 operator .......................................................... 2,550.00 89. 1 operator ............................................................ 1,224.00 Radio Construction and Maintenance Section 82. 1 operator ........................................................... 2,550.00 37. 1 clerk or operator .............................................. 1,224.00 Message Receiving Section 90. 1 operator-instructor ........................................ 1,224.00 91. 1 operator ............................................................ 1,080.00 93 1 operator ............................................................. 864.00 45. 1 clerk or operator ........................................... 648.00 48. 1 clerk or operator ............................................. 540.00 4G. 1 clerk ................................................................. 594.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................. 540.00 68. 1 postmaster or operator................................. 756.00 71. 3 postmasters or operators, at P540 per an­ num each .................................................... 1,620.00 .73. 1 postmaster or operator ............................... 432.00 169(n). 3 messengers, at 1*324 per annum each.... 972.00 Message Delivery Section 57. 1 postmaster or operator................................. 2,550.00 44. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 52. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 864.00 45. 1 clerk or operator ............................................ 648.00 68. 1 postmaster or operator.................................... 756.00 73. 1 postmaster or operator.................................... 432.00 81. 1 operator .......................................................... 3,060.00 89. 1 operator ......................................................... 1,224.00 93. 1 operator ............................................................ 864.00 94. 1 operator ............................................................ 756.00 98. 1 operator ............................................................ 324.00 99. 3 messengers (motorcycle), at P756 per an­ num each ...................................................... 2,268.00 100. 15 messengers, at P378 per annum each..... 5,670.00 103. 5 messengers, at P324 per annum each......... 1,620.00 100. 2 messengers, at P378 per annum each......... 756.00 101. 26 messengers, at P324 per annum each....... 8,424.00 106. 6 telegraph messengers, at P324 per annum each ............................................................... 1,944.00 107. 1 messenger ........................................................ 300.00 109. 1 messenger ........................................................ 192.00 169(d). 1 clerk ........................................................... 486.00 169(5). 1 operator ...................................................... 324.00 169 (m). 1 messenger .................................................. 378.00 169 (n). 6 messengers, at ?324 per annum each.... 1,944.00 169(i). 3 linemen or laborers, at P324 per an­ num each ................................................ 972.00 169(aa). 1 laborer ............. 216.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 379 (3) BUREAU OF POSTS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Central Operating Section 40. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 972.00 47. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 52. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 34. 1 clerk or operator ............................................. 1,326.00 45. 1 clerk or operator ............................................. 648.00 48. 3 clerks or operators, at P540 per annum each 1,620.00 64. 4 postmasters or operators, at Pl,080 per an­ num each .................................................... 4,320.00 65. 1-postmaster or operator.................................. 972.00 66. 1 postmaster, or operator.................................. 864.00 68. 18 postmasters or operators, at P756 per an­ num each .................................................... 13,608.00 69. 6 postmasters or operators, at P648 per an­ num each .................................................... 3,888.00 71. 22 postmasters or operators, at P540 per an­ num each .................................................... 11,880.00 84. 1 operator .......................................................... 2,040.00 87. 2 operators, at Pl,530 per annum each........... 3,060.00 89. 12 operators, at Pl,224 per annum each....... 14,688.00 93. 2 operators, at P864 per annum each........... 1,728.00 91. 1 operator ........................................................... 1,080.00 92. 7 operators, at P972 per annum each........... 6,804.00 94. 3 operators, at P756 per annum each........... 2,268.00 95. 1 operator ........................................................... 648.00 101. 1 messenger ....................................................... 324.00 117. 1 engineman or operator................................ 756.00 122. 2 enginemen, at P432 per annum each........... 864.00 132. 2 linemen, at P324 per annum each............. 648.00 145. 1 cable electrician ............................................ 2,380.00 169(f). 1 clerk ............................................................. 324.00 169(j). 3 operators, at P324 per annum each....... 972.00 169 (n). 2 messengers, at P324 per annum each.... 648.00 103. 1 messenger ......................................................... 324.00 169(a). 2 linemen or laborers, at P378 per an­ num each ....................................... 756.00 169(f). 8 linemen or laborers, at P324 per an­ num each ....................................... 2,592.00 Manila Tuning Station 64. 1 postmaster or operator.................................. 1,080.00 68. 1 postmaster or operator.................................. 756.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator.................................. 648.00 87. 1 operator ........................................................... 1,530.00 89. 2 operators, at Pl,224 per annum each.......... 2,448.00 92. 1 operator ........................................................... 972.00 115. 1 engineman ............................................. 864.00 120. 1 engineman ............................................. 540.00 122. 1 engineman ............................................. 432.00 123. 1 engineman ............................................. 378.00 169 (;). 1 operator ...................................................... 324.00 Transmitting Station (Pasay) 83. 1 assistant operator in charge ........................ 2,380.00 120. 2 enginemen, at P540 per annum each........... 1,080.00 122. 2 enginemen, at P432 per annum each............ 864.00 140. 1 radio inspector ............................................... 2,040.00 141. 1 radio inspector ............................................... 1,530.00 92. 4 operators, at P972 per annum each........... 3,888.00 93. 1 operator .......................................................... 864.00 94. 2 operators, at P756 per annum each........... 1,512.00 97. 1 operator-at-large ............................................ 540.00 104. 1 janitor or messenger.................................... 324.00 Provincial Personnel 59. 2 postmasters or operators, at Pl,700 per an­ num each ........................................................ 3,400.00 61. 1 postmaster or operator.................................... 1,326.00 62. 2 postmasters or operators, at Pl,224 per an­ num each ...................................................... 2,448.00 63. 64. 2 postmasters or operators, at Pl,122 per annum each ... 14 postmasters or num each ... operators, at Pl,080 per an65. 13 postmasters or operators, at P972 per annum each ... 66. 15 .postmasters or operators. at P864 per annum each 68. 46 postmasters or operators, at P756 per annum each 69. 17 postmasters or operators, at P648 per annum each ... 71. 25 postmasters or operators, at P540 per annum each ... 73. 11 postmasters or operators, at P432 per annum each ... 84. 3 operators, at P2,040 per annum each. 86. 1 operator 87. 5 ioperators, at Pl ,530 per annum each.... 89. 20 operators, at Pl,224 per annum each....... 93. 3 operators, at P864 per annum each.......... 88. 1 operator ............................................................ 91. 2 operators, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... 98. 4 operators, at P324 per annum each............ 117. 2 enginemen or operators, at P756 per an­ num each ...................................................... 118. 1 engineman or operator................................. 34. 1 clerk or operator.............................................. 43. 1 clerk or operator............................................... 45. 9 clerks or operators, at P648 per annum each ................................................................ 48. 2 clerks or operators, at P540 per annum each 99. 4 messengers (motorcycle), at P756 per an­ num each ...................................................... 100. 17 messengers, at P378 per annum each..... J03. 17 messengers, at P324 per annum each....... 104. 3 janitors or messengers, at P324 per annum each ............................................................... 100. 5 messengers, at P378 per annum each....... 101. 54 messengers, at P324 per annum each....... 102. 1 messenger-engineman ..................................... 107. 26 messengers, at P300 per annum each....... 108. 49 messengers, at P240 per annum each....... 109. 44 messengers, at P192 per annum each.......... 110. 37 messengers, P180 per- annum each........... 111. 1 messenger ....................................................... 114. 2 enginemen, at P972 per annum each.......... 115. 1 engineman ........................................................ 116. 1 engineman ........................................................ 119. 4 enginemen, at P648 per annum each......... 120. 9 enginemen, at P540 per annum each......... 121. 5 enginemen, at P486 per annum each......... 122. 22 enginemen, at P432 per annum each......... 169(f). 9 linemen or laborers, at P324 per annum each ........................................................ 169 (r). 3 linemen or laborers, at 1*432 per annum each ............................................................ 124. 12 enginemen, at 1*324 per annum each......... 127. 1 supervising lineman .................................... 169 (p). 8 linemen or laborers, at P324 per aneach ............................................................... 130. 6 supervising linemen, at P864 per annum each ................................................................. 131. 1 supervising lineman ..................................... 132. 1 lineman ............................................................ 140. 1 radio inspector ................................................ 141. 1 radio inspector ................................................ 146. 1 cable seaman ................................................... 148. 1 driver ............................................................... 163. 1 mechanic ......................................................... 2,244.00 15,120.00 12,636.00 12,960.00 34,776.00 11,016.00 13,500.00 4,752.00 6,120.00 1,870.00 7,650.00 24,480.00 2,592.00 1,326.00 2,160.00 1,296.00 1,512.00 648.00 1,326.00 756.00 5,832.00 1,080.00 3,024.00 6,426.00 5,508.00 972.00 1,890.00 17,496.00 324.00 7,800.00 11,760.00 8,448.00 6,660.00 144.00 1,944.00 864.00 756.00 2,592.00 4,860.00 2,430.00 9,504.00 2,916.00 1,296.00 3,888.00 1,326.00 9,720.00 5,184.00 756.00 324.00 2,040.00 1,530.00 1,428.00 432.00 648.00 380 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (3) BUREAU OF POSTS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1G9(/h-). 1 messenger .................................................. 378.00 169(h). 12 messengers, at P324 per annum each.. 3,888.00 169(o). 1 messenger .................................................. 240.00 169 (q). 1 lineman or laborer..................................... 486.00 169(a). 16 linemen or laborers, at P324 per annum each ............................................................... 6,048.00 RADIO REGULATIONS DIVISION S9. 1 operator ............................................................. 1,224.00 93. 1 operator ............................................................. 864.00 48. 1 clerk or operator................................................ 540.00 41. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 MISCELLANEOUS 171. For subsistence of the crew of launch “Mail”: 1 patron at Pl a day................................. 365.00 1 engineman at P0.60 a day.................... 219.00 1 boatswain at P0.40 a day...................... 146.00 3 firemen at P0.40 a day.......................... 438.00 3 sailors at P0.40 a day.......................... 438.00 Savings .......................................................... (6.00) 172. Clothing allowance for the crew of launch “Mail”: 1 boatswain .................................................. 24.00 3 firemen ...................................................... 68.00 3 sailors ........................................................ 68.00 173. Uniform and shoe allowance for letter-car­ riers, drivers, special policemen and mes­ sengers in Manila and other important mu­ nicipalities, at not to exceed P24 each, as follows: 69 letter-carriers, Manila ........................ 1,656.00 30 special delivery messengers, Manila.... 720.00 61 telegraph messengers, Manila .... 1,464.00 5 letter-carriers, Pasay ........................... 120.00 1 telegraph messenger, Pasay................. 24.00 3 letter-carriers, San Juan del Monte— 72.00 8 letter-carriers, Cebu............................ 192.00 7 letter-carriers, Iloilo ............................ 168.00 6 letter-carriers, Bacolod ........................ 144.00 3 letter-carriers, Baguio ......................... 72.00 4 letter-carriers, Zamboanga ................. 96.00 4 letter-carriers, Lucena ........................ 96.00 4 letter-carriers, Legaspi .................... 96.00 1 letter-carrier, Davao ............................. 24.00 4 letter-carriers, Tacloban ..................... 96.00 26 drivers, Manila ....................................... 624.00 8 special policemen, Manila........................ 192.00 Savings ................................................................. (288.00) Total for salaries and wages.................... Pl,936,583.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY DIRECTOR 1. Per diem of 1*8.50 for the officer of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey detailed as Director of the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey ........................................ CHIEF OF DIVISION 2. One [chief accountant and assistant] chief of division................................................ TECHNICAL SUPERVISORS 3. One technical supervisor................... 4. Per diem at 1*4.25 [each] for [the two] one officer[s] of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey detailed as tech­ nical supervisor^ of the geographical divi­ sion] .................................................................... ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 5. One assistant chief of division........... 6. One assistant chief of division........... 1*3,103.00 1*3,111.00 1 4,080.00 4,080.00 2 4,250.00 1,552.00 3,111.00 3 2,210.00 2,210.00 4 1,938.00 1,938.00 5 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 381 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated Budget Details (4) BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 7. Two chiefs of sections, at 5*1,700 per annum each....................................................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 6-7 8. One chief of section............................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 8 CLERKS 9. One supply clerk................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 9 10. One clerk-computer............................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 10 11. One clerk ............................................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 11 12. One property clerk............................. 1,224.00 1,224.00 12 13. One clerk ............................................. 540.00 540.00 13 ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER 14. One assistant civil engineer............... 2,040.00 2,040.00 K-I(2)-49 DRAFTSMEN 15. One chief draftsman............................ 1,488.00 1,488.00 14 16. One draftsman .................................... 1,352.00 1,352.00 15 17. Two assistant draftsmen, at ?1,326 per annum each................................................ 2,652.00 2,652.00 16 18. Four assistant draftsmen, at 5*1,224 pei* annum each ................................................ 4,896.00 4,896.00 17-18 19. One assistant draftsman..................... 1,173.00 1,173.00 19 20. Four assistant draftsmen, at ?1,122 per annum each................................................ 4,488.00 4,488.00 20 21. Four assistant draftsmen, at ?l,080 per annum each ................................................ 4,320.00 4,320.00 21 22. One assistant draftsman..................... 1,008.00 1,008.00 22 23. One assistant draftsman..................... 918.00 918.00 23 24. One assistant draftsman..................... 810.00 810.00 24 25. One assistant draftsman.........,........... 756.00 756.00 25 26. Two junior draftsmen, at 5*648 per annum each........................................................ 1,296.00 1,296.00 26 27. One junior draftsman......................... 540.00 540.00 27 COMPUTERS 28. One computer ..................................... 1,734.00 1,734.00 28 29. One computer............... ........................ 1,224.00 1,224.00 29 SPECIALISTS IN LITHOGRAPHIC WORK 30. One process transferer....................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 30 31. One photographer................................ 1,530.00 1,530.00 31 32. One pressman ......................... 1,190.00 1,190.00 32 33. One lithographic draftsman............... 1,080.00 1,080.00 33 382 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY 34. One lithographic draftsman............... 900.00 900.00 34 35. One assistant lithographer................. 810.00 810.00 35 36. One assistant pressman..................... 432.00 432.00 36 ship’s complement 37. Pay [and rations] of petty officers and crew of the steamer “Fathomer” on [in­ sular] Philippine rolls[; pay of laborers in the field and special shore parties; and uni­ forms, including shoes, for petty officers and crew of the steamer “Fathomer” on insular rolls] 37 (a) One chief writer............................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 (a) (6) One first-class ship’s writer....................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 (&) (e) Three junior officers, at FT,200 per an­ num each......................................................... 3,600.00 .. (d) One second-class ship’s writer.................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 («) (c) One wireless operator...................................... 1,275.00 1,275.00 (d) (/) One assistant engineer.................................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 (e) (g) One boatswain.................................................... 810.00 810.00 (7) (/¿) One first-class boatswain’s mate................. 540.00 540.00 (4Z) (i) One second-class boatswain’s mate............. 432.00 432.00 W (;) One carpenter.................................................... 648.00 648.00 (i) (7c) One first-class quartermaster........................ 432.00 432.00 (D (7) Three second-class quartermasters, at T378 per annum each................................. 1,134.00 1,134.00 W (?n) Two third-class quartermasters, at F328 per annum each........................................... 656.00 656.00 (D (n) Ten seamen, at i*324 per annum each... 3,240.00 3,240.00 (»») (o) Four ordinary seamen, at ^300 per an­ num each ....................................................... 1,200.00 1,200.00 (n) (p) Onb machinist.................................................... 972.00 972.00 (o) (q) Two machinists, at i*864 per annum each 1,728.00 1,728.00 (p) (r) One motor engineer......................................... 864.00 864.00 (7) (s) Three oilers, at ¥*540 per annum each..... 1,620.00 1,620.00 (r) (i) Three firemen, at M86 per annum each... 1,458.00 1,458.00 (s) (u) Two trimmers, at P300 per annum each 600.00 600.00 (O (u) Two stewards, at ^648 per annum each 1,296.00 1,296.00 (w) (w) One officer’s cook.............................................. 648.00 648.00 (v) (,r) One ship’s cook.................................................. 432.00 432.00 (w) (p) Three mess attendants, at ?324 per an­ num each ....................................................... 972.00 972.00 («) (z) One mess attendant.......................................... 300.00 300.00 (p) (aa) One laundryman............................................. 432.00 432.00 (*) H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 383 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference numbers No. 4231, otherwise to item of Act unless stated (4) BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY JANITOR 38. One janitor ......................................... 486.00 486.00 38 MISCELLANEOUS 39. Hire of laborers for office and carpen­ ters for construction of frames for relief maps from Pl.35 to P2.25 per day................. 180.00 180.00 39 40. For clothing allowance of thirty-six men at P56.96 each............................................ 2,051.00 2,051.00 40 41. For rations of [six] nine men at P0.96 each per day ................. ........................ 3,154.00 2,103.00 41 42. For rations of forty-four men at P0.48 each per day............................................ 7,709.00 7,709.00 42 43. One laborer at Pl.80 per day......... 162.00 162.00 43 44. Ten laborers at Pl.35 each per day.. 405.00 405.00 44 45. One laborer at Pl.26 per day........... 33.00 33.00 45 Total.................................................... 110,805.00 103,471.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director of the Bureau of Coast and Geo­ detic Survey, per diem only ...................... P3.103.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 2. 1 chief of division ............................................... 4,080.00 9. 1 supply clerk ...................................................... 1,530.00 12. 1 property clerk ............................................. 1,224.00 13. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 38. 1 janitor ............................................................... 486.00 39. 1 carpenter at P2.25 per day ............................... 100.00 39. 1 laborer at Pl.50 per day ................................ 50.00 39. 1 laborer at Pl per day ..................................... 30.00 DRAFTING DIVISION 5. 1 assistant chief of division ............................. 2,210.00 15. 1 chief draftsman .............................. 1,488.00 16. 1 draftsman ........................................................... 1,352.00 17. 2 assistant draftsmen, at Pl,326 per annum each ................................................................... 2,652.00 18. 4 assistant draftsmen, at Pl,224 per annum each ................................................................... 4,896.00 19. 1 assistant draftsman .......................................... 1,173.00 20. 3 assistant draftsmen, at Pl,122 per annum each ................................................................... 3,366.00 21. 4 assistant draftsmen, at Pl,080 per annum each ................................................................... 4,320.00 25. 1 assistant draftsman .......................................... 756.00 26. 2 junior draftsmen, at P648 per annum each 1,296.00 27. 1 junior draftsman .... ................... 540.00 nautical division 14. 1 assistant civil engineer ...................................... 2,040.00 8. 1 chief of section .............................................. 1,530.00 10. 1 clerk-computer ...................................................... 1,530.00 24. 1 assistant draftsman ........................................ 810.00 11. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,326.00 GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISION 3. 1 technical supervisor ;........................................ 4,250.00 4. 1 technical supervisor, per diems only .............. 1,552.00 20. 1 assistant draftsman ........................................ 1,122.00 22. 1 assistant draftsman ........................................ 1,008.00 23. 1 assistant draftsman ........................................ 918.00 COMPUTING DIVISION 6. 1 assistant chief of division ............................. 1,938.00 28. 1 computer ............................................................. 1,734.00 29. 1 computer ........................................ 1,224.00 DIVISION OF PHOTOLITHOGRAPHY Section of Process and Printing 7. 1 chief of section .................................................. 1,700.00 30. 1 process transferer .............................................. 1,530.00 32. 1 pressman .............................................................. 1,190.00 35. 1 assistant lithographer ...................................... 810.00 36. 1 assistant pressman .............................................. 432.00 Section of Art and Photography 7. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,700.00 31. 1 photographer ....................................... 1,530.00 33. 1 lithographic draftsman ......... 1,080.00 34. 1 lithographic draftsman ..................................... 900.00 DIVISION OF VESSELS 37. Pay of petty officers and crew of the steamer “Fathomer” on Philippine rolls: 384 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (4) BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Steamer “Fathomer” (а) 1 chief writer ..................................... >1,530.00 (б) 1 first-class ship’s writer .................. 1,224.00 (c) 3 junior officers, at Pl,200 per an­ num each ......................................... 3,600.00 (d) 1 second-class ship’s writer .............. 1,080.00 (c) 1 wireless operator ............................. 1,275.00 (f) 1 assistant engineer .............................. 1,122.00 ((/) 1 boatswain ............................................ 810.00 (/¿) 1 first-class boatswain’s mate............ 540.00 (i) 1 second-class boatswain’s mate ....... 432.00 (■;) 1 carpenter ............................................ 648.00 (A.) 1 first-class quartermaster .................. 432.00 (Z) 3 second-class quartermasters, at P378 per annum each ............................. 1,131.00 (m) 2 third-class quartermasters, at P328 per annum each ............................. 656.00 ( h ) 10 seamen, at P324 per annum each 3,240.00 (o) 4 ordinary seamen, at P300 per an­ num each ......................................... 1,200.00 (p) 1 machinist ............................................ 972.00 (q) 2 machinists, at P864 per annum each 1,728.00 (r) 1 motor engineer ................................. 864.00 (s) 3 oilers, at P540 per annum each .... 1,620.00 (Z) 3 firemen, at P486 per annum each 1,458.00 (?t) 2 trimmers, at P300 per annum each 600.00 (v) 2 stewards, at P648 per annum each 1,296.00 (w) 1 officer’s cook ..................................... 648.00 (x) 1 ship’s cook .......................................... 432.00 (2/) 3 mess attendants, at P32.4 per an­ num each ......................................... 972.00 (z) 1 mess attendant ................................... 300.00 (aa) 1 laundryman ..................................... 432.00 40. For clothing allowance of thirty-six men at P56.96 each ......................................................... 2,051.00 41. For rations of nine men at P0.96 each per day 3,154.00 42. For rations of forty-four men at P0.48 each per day ............................................................... 7,709.00 43. 1 laborer at Pl.80 per day .................................. 162.00 44. 10 laborers at Pl.35 each per day .................. 405.00 45. 1 laborer at Pl.26 per day ................................. 33.00 Total for salaries and wages .................. P110,805.00 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized 1935 actual |._SALARIES AND WAGES (1) Office of the Secretary ....................... ?31,636.00 (2) Bureau of Public Works....................... 577,853.00 (3) Bureau of Posts.................................... 1,936,583.00 (4) Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey 110,805.00 Total for salaries and wages........... 2,656,877.00 F31,636.00 590,162.00 1,826,558.00 103,471.00 2,551,827.00 T31,268.59 586,405.20 1,723,989.48 95,308.32 2,436,971.59 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of personnel: Street-car tickets and carromata and cab fares ........................................... P2.734.00 Bicycle allowance ................................. 19,200.00 Allowance equivalent to carromata hire ...................................................... 1,234.00 Transportation, traveling expenses and per diems of officials and em­ ployees ................................................ 45,412.00 Total ................................................ P68.580.00 68,580.00 71,100.00 75,058.86 2. Freight, express and delivery serv­ ice, including transportation of mails: Transportation of office supplies, materials and equipment.................. P7,330.00 Transportation of mails .................... 484,580.00 Total .................................................... P491,910.00 491,910.00 432,065.00 492,618.44 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 385 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service: Postage stamps for official mail.......... P4.460.00 Rental of post-office boxes.................. 64.00 Telegram and cable charges ........... 1,700.00 Rental of telephones............................ 11,772.00 Miscellaneous charges including in­ stallation and moving telephones.... 249.00 Total ................................................ P18.245.00 4. Illumination and power service: Electric current ................................... P35,619.00 Gas services ........................................... 68.00 Total .................................................... P35,687.00 5. Rental of buildings and grounds: Rental of Offices, buildings and grounds ............................................... P28,105.00 Rental of quarter and warehouse.... 10.00 Total .................................................... P28,115.00 18,245.00 20,595.00 19,033.88 35,687.00 35,679.00 41,660.17 28,115.00 39,625.00 28,858.44 6. Consumption of supplies and ma­ terials : Office supplies and stationery............ P58.497.00 Ice and drinking water.......................... 1,560.00 Metropolitan Water District .............. 840.00 Ordnance supplies ..........-..................... 100.00 Motor vehicle accessories.................... 11,800.00 Watercraft supplies .......................... 23,198.00 Supplies for the repair of furniture and equipment ................................. 1,000.00 Tracing paper, tracing cloth and duplex ............ -................................. 2,000.00 Medical and chemical supplies............ 400.00 Manufacturing supplies ...................... 10,000.00 Telegraph supplies ............................. 24,200.00 Radio supplies ..................................... 44,400.00 Surveying materials .......................... 700.00 Wearing apparel and linen .............. 50.00 Miscellaneous, including supplies for electrical, toilet, photographing, packing, disinfectants and household utensils ................................................ 12,720.00 29908! Total ................................................ P191.460.00 -25 191,460.00 251,762.00 200,046.57 386 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 7. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications, including the pur­ chase of stamps and stamped envelopes for the Bureau of Posts: Printing and binding office forms, periodicals, magazines, worn out books, etc............................................. P186.00 Publications and notices in the offi­ cial gazette, etc.................................. 200.00 Printing of stamps and stamped en­ velopes ................................................ 19,800.00 Publication of annual reports......... 2,543.00 Total .................................................... P22.729.00 8. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees: Traveling expenses and subsistence of indigent witnesses........................ P500.00 Total ................................................ P500.00 9. Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment: Maintenance and repair of office fur­ niture .................................................. P2.923.00 Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment .................................................... 31,897.00 Total ................................................ P34,820.00 10. Other services, including subsistence of employees of the Bureau of Posts work­ ing overtime: Subscription to various publications.. P286.50 Laundry service ..................................... 800.00 Sewer service ......................................... 330.00 Premium on bonds and insurance of funds .................................................... 13,452.00 Subsistence of employees working overtime .............................................. 1,700.00 Medical attendance ............................... 211.00 Miscellaneous, including electrical re­ pairs, shoeing horses, burial, re­ charging of prest-o-lite tanks, ad­ vertisements, pail service, etc....... 4,809.50 Total ................................................ P21,089.00 22,729.00 30,186.00 22,918.87 500.00 500.00 30.57 34,820.00 34,463.00 37,705.56 21,089.00 21,092.00 22,240.85 Total for sundry expenses............... 913,135.00 937,067.00 940,172.21 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized 1935 actual III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 2 filing cabinets ................................... P204.00 1 office desk .......................................... 54.00 1 revolving chair ................................. 20.00 1 typewriter ......................................... 230.00 BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS Additional equipment: 7 filing cabinets ............................... 735.00 4 unit, Van Dorn............................. 150.00 12 triangular scales, metric.............. 96.00 1 T-square 32" ................................. 8.00 3 scale, metric wood......................... 8.00 5 revolving chairs ........................... 75.00 3 desks narra ................................. 90.00 1 typewriter ..................................... 175.00 1 set drawing instrument................ 20.00 2 triangles 60° & 45°........................ 7.00 4 types French curves...................... 20.00 1 T-square ...................................... 4.00 1 mechanical engineer scale............ 10.00 1 set irregular curves........................ 15.00 1 barometer, P. Faura’s.................... 50.00 BUREAU OF POSTS 100 chairs .............................................. 120.00 3 cases, distribution, 30-hole.............. 88.17 6 tables, ordinary ........................... 91.98 30 clocks .............................................. 378.00 5 lamps, “Rayo” ............................. 42.00 12 satchels, leather for letter­ carriers .............. 168.00 6 satchels, leather for telegraph mes­ sengers ........................................ 40.98 4 flags ................................................ 63.00 5 sacks, 4-lb.......................................... 126.75 10 boxes-mail, letter-drop .................. 162.80 5 boxes-mail, package-drop.............. 106.25 100 rain coats ....................................... 442.00 8 typewriters ..................................... 1,435.04 2 adding machines ........................... 553.00 1 mail truck ....................................... 1,757.03 2 motor-generators .......................... 6,000.00 BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY 1 volume, Public Laws...................... 10.00 25 canteens ....................... .................. 40.00 4 fire extinguishers, Pyrene............... 30.00 12 oars, 8 ft.......................................... 30.00. 10 oars, 10 ft........................................ 50.00 6 oars, 12 ft........................................ 40.00 11 shovels ............................................ 30.09 2 lanterns, Dietz ................................. 6.00 2 preservers, life, cork....................... 50.00 1 anchor ............................................ 285.00 2 fire hoses ....................................... 300.00 Total ............................................ P14,417.00 14,417.00 4,549.00 5,040.43 Total for furniture and equipment 14,417,00 4,549.00 5,040.43 388 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. For contracts with interisland steamers: Provided, That at least 5*8,000 of this sum shall be set aside] for [the] sub­ vention to any steamship company that can maintain a transportation service between Manila and Batanes via Calayan ............. 2. To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3909, regarding the licensing of airmen and aircrafts, and inspection of the same: SALARIES AND WAGES Chiefs (a) Per diem of 1*8.50 for the officer of the United States Army Air Corps detailed as Chief of the Aeronautics Division ............................... [1*3,111.001 1*3,103.00 8,000.00 20,000.00 8,765.97 (6) One assistant chief ..................... 3,060.00 Miscellaneous (c) For temporary and emergency aeronautical inspectors and employees, including per diems of Army Officers............. 6,000.00 Clerks (d) One chief clerk............................. 1,080.00 (e) One clerk-stenographer ............. 864.00 (/) One property clerk .................. 756.00 (g) One record clerk........................... 432.00 Messenger-J anitor (h) One messenger-j anitor ............... 324.00 Total for salaries and wa­ ges [1*15,627.00J ................. 15,619.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (i) Traveling expenses of person­ nel ............................................... 1,929.00 (?) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 360.00 (k) Illumination and power service 290.00 (l) Consumption of supplies and materials ................................... 700.00 (m) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 400.00 (n) Maintenance and repair of equipment ................................. 150.00 (0) Other services ............................. 200.00 Total for sundry expenses..... 4,029.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 389 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budgét Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details (P) (9) IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT For the purchase of furniture and equipment ......................... Total for furniture and equip­ ment ........................................... 600.00 600.00 SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS For upkeep, maintenance and repair of airports, landing fields and air navigation fa­ cilities and for the employ­ ment of caretakers and labor­ ers .................. - 10,000.00 Total for special appro­ priations ............................... 10,000.00 SUMMARY for salaries and wages ............................... [1*15,627.00] Total for sundry expenses ..................... Total for furniture and equipment....... Total for special appropriations.............. Total 15,619.00 4,029.00 600.00 10,000.00 Total available for licensing of airmen and aircrafts, and inspection of the same 1*30,248.00 30,248.00 20,256.00 19,248.20 (r) Any funds saved under items IV-2(a) to IV-2(p) above may be used for the purpose of acquiring, constructing and maintaining public land­ ing fields. 3. Regulation, safeguarding of traffic and collection of tolls on Kennon and Naguilian roads as follows: SALARIES AND WAGES Kennon Road toll collector and dispatcher, at Pl.80 per day..................... toll collector and dispatcher, at Pl.62 per day..................... toll collector, at PlJflf per day gateman, at Pl per day.......... mechanics or inspectors, at P2 each per day ......................... (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 1 1 1 1 2 ■F657.00 592.00 526.00 365.00 1,460.00 390 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Naguilian Road (/) 1 chief dispatcher, at 1*1.35 per day ............................................. 483.00 (<7) 2 gatemen, at 1*1.08 each per day ............................................. 789.00 (h) 1 inspector, at 1*2 per day........ 730.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (i) Traveling expenses of personnel 150.00 (j) Freight, express and delivery service .......................................... 70.00 (k) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............................. 310.00 (Z) Illumination and power serv­ ice ................................................... 120.00 (m) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 600.00 (n) Other services ................................ 148.00 Total ........................................... 1*7,000.00 7,000.00 8,000.00 7,193.44 4. For the operation of the Division of Motor Vehicles of the Bureau of Public Works: SALARIES AND WAGES Superintendents (a) One superintendent and exam­ iner ........................................... 1*3,825.00 (b) One assistant superintendent and examiner........................... 2,380.00 Chiefs of Sections (c) One division clerk....................... 1,530.00 (cZ) One assistant division clerk......... 540.00 (e) Two chiefs of sections, at 1*1,080 per annum each.......... 2,160.00 (/) One chief collector....................... 1,080.00 (g) Two chiefs of sections, at 1*972 per annum each............. 1,944.00 (h) One chief of section................... 864.00 (t) Two chiefs of sections, at 1*756 per annum each........... 1,512.00 (;) One chief of section.................... 648.00 (k) One bookkeeper ........................... 648.00 (Z) One chief of section................... 540.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 391 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Assistant Chiefs of Sections (m) One assistant chief of section.... 648.00 (n) Three assistant chiefs of sec­ tions, at 1*540 per annum each 1,620.00 (o) One assistant chief of section..... 432.00 (p) Four assistant chiefs of sec­ tions, at 1*432 per annum each 1,728.00 Motor Vehicles Inspectors [One chief inspector F2,040.00] ................... (g) One inspector................................... 1,080.00 (r) One inspector .................................. 960.00 (s) One [automobile] inspector........... 1,700.00 (£) Two [automobile] inspectors, at Fl,080 per annum each........ 2,160.00 Clerks (u) Two collectors, at 1*1,080 per annum each ............................... 2,160.00 [One clerk ................. Fl,080.00] ................... (v) One clerk ....................................... 756.00 [One clerk ................... F648.00] (w) Four clerks, at F540 per an­ num each ................................... 2,160.00 (x) Thirty clerks, at F432 per annum each ............................... 12,960.00 [One clerk ................... F432.00] (y) Two clerk-indexers, at F540 per annum each ............................... 1,080.00 (z) Two clerk-filers, at F432 per annum each ............................... 864.00 Stenographers (aa) One stenographer ..................... 432.00 (bb) One clerk-stenographer ........... 540.00 Typists (co) One typist ................................... 540.00 (dd) Three typists, at 1*432 per an­ num each ............................... 1,296.00 (ee) Two clerk-typists, at 1*540 per annum each ........................... 1,080.00 Watchmen (//) Three watchmen, at 1*788 per annum each ........................... 2,364.00 Mechanics (gg) Three mechanics, at 1*788 per annum each ........................... 2,364.00 392 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Painters (hh) One painter ..................................... 493.00 (ii) One painter ..................................... 394.00 Platemen (jj) One plateman ................................ 657.00 (kk) One helper....................................... 493.00 Drivers (ll) One driver ...................................... 788.00 (mm) One driver .................................... 657.00 (nn) One washing.................................. 493.00 Toolkeeper (oo) One toolkeeper ............................. 493.00 Total for salaries and wages ........................... [P63,223.00] 61,063.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (pp) Traveling expenses of person­ nel ..................... [P24,310.00] (qq) Freight, express and delivery service ...................................... (rr) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. [P5,000.00] (ss) Illumination and power serv­ ice ............................................... (tt) Rental of buildings and grounds................ [P250.00] (uu) Consumption of supplies and materials ........ [P65,280.00] (vv) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications (ww) Maintenance and repair of equipment ..... [P10,121.00] (xx) Other services........ [P3,151.00] 13,950.00 2,000.00 2,970.00 3,000.00 5,050.00 40,880.00 400.00 7,930.00 2,970.00 Total for sundry expenses ................ [P113,512.00] 79,150.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (yy) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ......................... 2,278.00 Total for furniture and equipment ....................... 2,278.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 393 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages ............................. [F63,223.00] 61,063.00 Total for sundry expenses ........................... 0113,512.00] 79,150.00 Total for furniture and equip­ ment ........................................... 2,278.00 Total available for the Divi­ sion of Motor Vehicles of the Bureau of Public Works ....................... 0179,013.00] 142,491.00 Amount to be paid out of receipts under Act 3992, [3045] any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding 0179,013.00] ....................... (F142,491.00) 0.00 5. For the purchase of an enlarging camera to make copies of original field sheets, including the purchase of photographic sup­ plies, for the Burea/u of Coast and Geodetic Survey, to be spent by the Director of said Bureau with the approval of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications......... 8,590.00 6. To carry ’out the purposes of Act No. 3846, regarding effective radio control: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One radio inspector ................... 1*2,550.00 (б) One assistant radio inspector.... 2,040.00 (c) One stenographer ....................... 1,080.00 (d) One clerk...................................... 756.00 (e) One messenger-janitor .............. 324.00 Total for salaries and wages 6,750.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (/) Traveling expenses of personnel 200.00 (g) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............................. 400.00 (A) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 972.00 (i) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.... 200.00 (j) Other services ............................. 150.00 Total for sundry expenses..... 1,922.00 394 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (k) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ......................... 3,500.00 Total for furniture and equipment ......................... 3,500.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages........... 6,750.00 Total for sundry expenses................. 1,922.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 3,500.00 Total available for effective radio control .......................... 1*12,172.00 12,172.00 12,172.00 10,248.43 (0 Provided, That any unexpended balances from sub-items (h) and (k) of item K-IV-6 of Act No. 1>231 [4187] shall be available for the same pur­ poses during the year 1937 [1936] in the event it shall be decided by the Secretary of Public Works and Communic­ ations to acquire and operate a frequency-measuring ap­ paratus. 7. For the personnel of the National Radio Broadcasting fund, employed through­ out the year, Act No. 3997: (а) One superintendent of division.. F4,800.00 (б) One action clerk ........................... 1,428.00 (c) One chief teller and special col­ lecting officer ............................. 1,224.00 (d) One chief of records..................... 1,080.00 (e) One clerk-bookkeeper .................... 756.00 (/) One action clerk............................ 756.00 (g) One clerk-typist............................... 648.00 (h) One clerk ........................................... 648.00 (t) One junior typist ....................... 540.00 (j) One clerk-stenographer ............... 432.00 (k) Two clerk-operators ...................... 864.00 (l) One operator-teller ....................... 432.00 (m) One clerk-typist.............................. 324.00 (n) Two radio set inspectors.............. 1,728.00 (o) One assistant radio set inspector 864.00 (p) One assistant radio set inspec­ tor ................................................... 756.00 (q) Two assistant radio set inspec­ tors ................................................. 1,296.00 (r) One assistant radio set inspector 840.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 395 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (s) One assistant radio set repair­ man ............................................... 432.00 (i) One messenger ............................ 324.00 (u) One janitor ..................................... 324.00 Total available for the per­ sonnel of the National Radio Broadcasting fund, employed throughout the year.............. P20,496.00 Amount to be paid from the receipts .................................... (P20,496.00} 0.00 .......................... 9. For the operation of the Postal Sav­ ings Bank, Act No. 4093: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One superintendent [F5,100.00] W,250.00 (b) One assistant superintendent.... 2,550.00 (c) One chief clerk .......................... 1,530.00 (d) One chief of section................... 2,040.00 (e) One chief of section................... 1,530.00 (/) One chief of section................... 1,224.00 (g) One chief of section................... 1,080.00 (h) One clerk....................................... 1,080.00 (i) One clerk-stenographer ............. 972.00 (;) One clerk ....................................... 972.00 (Zc) One clerk ..................................... 756.00 (I) Two clerks ..................................... 1,512.00 (th) Two clerks ....................... 1,440.00 (n) One clerk....................................... 648.00 (o) One clerk ....................................... 648.00 (p) Four clerks ................................... 2,592.00 (q) Three clerks ................................. 1,620.00 (r) One clerk ....................................... 540.00 (s) Two clerks ................................... 1,080.00 (t) Five clerks............... 2,160.00 (u) Sixteen clerks............................... 6,912.00 (v) Four clerks ................................... 1,680.00 (w) Two messengers........................... 600.00 (x) One teller ..................................... 1,275.00 (y) One teller ....... 1,224.00 (z) One teller....................................... 1,080.00 (a~l) One teller................................... 864.00 (b-1) Two tellers, at P864 per an­ num each .................................. 1,728.00 (c-1) One laborer, [at Fl per day] 360.00 (d-1) One janitor ............................... 378.00 Total for salaries and wages ...........[F45,447.00] 46,325.00 396 H— DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUNDRY EXPENSES (e-1) [Traveling expenses of person­ nel ......................... P900.00] (/-I) [Freight, express and delivevery service............. P55.00] (g-1) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service[P5,400.00] Illumination and power serv­ ice ....................... [P800.00] (i-1) Rental of buildings and grounds ........... [Pl,350.00] (j-1) Consumption of supplies andmaterials ......... [P4,460.00] (k-1) Printing and binding reports, documents and publica­ tions ................. [Pl,800.00] (l-l) Maintenance and repair of equipment........... [P320.00] (th-1) [Reserve for] Administrative burden ........... [P52,129.00] (n-1) Other services .....[Pl,400.00] 4,600.00 800.00 510.00 3,860.00 1,500.00 160.00 123,000.00 1,300.00 Total for sundry expenses ..................... [P68,614.00] 135,730.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (o-l) For the purchase of furniture and equipment.....[P944.00] 444.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... [P944.00] 444.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages ......................... [P45,447.00] Total for sundry expenses ...................................... [P68,614.00] Total for furniture and equip­ ment ............................... [P944.00] 46,325.00 135,730.00 444.00 Total available for the Postal Savings Bank.... [Pl 15,005.00] P182,499.00 Amount to be paid out of the profits of the Postal Savings Bank, any provision of exist­ ing law to the contrary not­ withstanding ......................... (P182,499.00) H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 16. For the permanent personnel of the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops [employed throughout the year], Act No. 4111: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One chief of division, with quar­ ters .............................................. 1*5,100.00 (б) Three engineers and chiefs of sections ....................................... 9,180.00 (c) One assistant engineer ............................... [1*2,387.00] 2,380.00 (d) One disbursing and collecting of­ ficer ............................................. 1,700.00 (e) One property clerk....................... 1,530.00 (f) One personnel clerk..................... 1,080.00 (g) One draftsman ............................ 1,530.00 (h) One dispensary attendant........... 864.00 Total available for the permanent personnel of the Government Ma­ rine Railway and Re­ pair Shops [employed throughout the year] Act No. 4111 ................. [1*23,371.00] 1*23,364.00 Amount to be paid from [receipts] the funds of the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops ................................ (1*23,364.00) 0.00 .......................... (O When the present available quarters at En­ gineer Island are not occupied by the Chief of Division, the Director of Public Works may assign the quarters to one of the three senior engineers employed under item (b). 17. For the maintenance and repair of public buildings and monuments, including upkeep of adjacent grounds and of the mau­ soleum of Filipino heroes and martyrs at the ‘‘Cementerio del Norte” of the City of Manila in an amount not to exceed 1*200: Provided, That this fund shall not be used to improve, 398 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS alter or repair a building in such a manner as to make it appear practically new: PROVIDED, That the salaries of the follow­ ing permanent personnel shall be paid from this appropriation: (а) One civil engineer ......................... J*3,825.00 (б) One junior topographical drafts­ man ................................................. 864.00 Total ................................... 1*4,689.00 Animal Industry ............................................. ^6,000.00 Auditor General Office ................................. 3,000.00 Ayuntamiento Building ................... 8,000.00 Baguio ............................................................... 15,000.00 Banking .............................................................. 200.00 Civil Service .................................................... 1,000.00 Coast and Geodetic Survey............................. 4,000.00 Commerce .......................................................... 500.00 Court of First Instance ................................. 1,000.00 Court, Supreme ................................................ 1,000.00 Philippine Army ............................................. 20,000.00 Customs ............................................................. 10,000.00 Education .......................................................... 20,000.00 Forestry .............................................................. 4,000.00 General Land Registration Office.................. 500.00 General Hospital ............................................ 18,000.00 Health ............................................................... 20,000.00 National Assembly ......................................... 6,000.00 Internal Revenue ............................................. 8,000.00 Intendencia Building ..................................... 6,000.00 Justice ............................................................... 2,000.00 Lands ................................................................. 8,000.00 Malacañang Palace ......................................... 25,000.00 National Library ............................................. 2,000.00 Non-Christian Tribes ..................................... 500.00 Old Spanish walls surrounding Intramuros 5,000.00 Office of the Secretary of Justice.............. 3,000.00 Office of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce ...................................................... 3,000.00 Old Aduana Buildings ................................. 10,000.00 Office of the Secretary of Finance.............. 8,000.00 Office of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications ......................-.................. 1,000.00 Office of the Secretary of Public Instructions 1,000.00 Office of the Secretary of the Interior........... 2,000.00 Office of the Secretary of Labor.................... 2,000.00 Oriente Building ............................................. 5,000.00 Posts ................................................................. 22,000.00 Printing ............................................................ 5,000.00 Plant Industry ................................................ 6,000.00 Public Service ................. 2,000.00 Public Welfare ................................................ 6,000.00 Public Works ..................................._.............. 12,000.00 Prisons ............................................................... 12,000.00 Quarantine Service ......................................... 3,000.00 Science ............................................................. 6,000.00 Treasury ........................................................... 3,000.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 399 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual 1937 Budget Details Item No. IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS United States Veterans ................................. 500.00 Engineer Island Buildings .......................... 3,000.00 Explosive Magazine Buildings at Tapao Point, Binañgonan, Rizal .......................... 500.00 Legislative Building ..................................... 2,500.00 Arellano Building ........................................... 1,000.00 Andres Bonifacio Monument, Caloocan, Rizal ............................................................... 300.00 Rizal Monument at Dapitan, Zamboanga.. 500.00 Total ........................................................ P300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 288,671.00 18. For the maintenance and repair of the Kennon and Naguilian roads, Subprov­ ince of Benguet, and the road from Camp One to Damortis, Province of La Union, including the payment of the salaries and wages of the folloiving personnel: [Provided, That toll collections from the Kennon Road shall be expended for the maintenance of said road, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding:] (а) One overseer ......................... 1*2,040.00 (б) One foreman ........................... 1,706.00 (c) One foreman ......................... 864.00 Total ............................... W,610.00 Salaries and wages: KENNON ROAD 1 overBeer, at Pl70 per month, for one-half year ............................... Pl,020.00 1 foreman, at P5.50 per day for 865 days ................................................ 1,706.00 1 capataz, at Pl.98 per day for 250 days .............................................. 495.00 1 capataz, at Pl.50 per day. 375.00 3 capataces, at Pl.08 per day each 810.00 2 capataces, at Pl per day each..... 500.00 2 timekeepers, at Pl.50 per day each 750.00 1 carpenter, at Pl.80 per day......... 450.00 1 carpenter, at Pl.44 per day......... 360.00 1 carpenter, at Pl.26 per day...... 815.00 1 carpenter, at Pl.20 per day..... 800.00 1 carpenter, at Pl per day.. 250.00 1 roadroller engineer, at P2.16 per day . ............ — 540.00 1 fireman, at P0.90 per day.............. 225.00 1 fireman, at Pl per day.................. 250.00 1 blacksmith, at P2 per day. 500.00 16 camineros, at P0.80 per day each 8,200.00 14 camineros, at P0.70 per day each 2,450.00 5 camineros, at P0.60 per day each 750:00 2 laborers, at P0.90 per day each.... 460.00 400 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 26 laborers, at P0.75 per day each.... 4,875.00 18 laborers, at P0.60 per day each.... 2,700.00 3 masons, at P0.96 per day each.... 675.00 36 laborers, at P0.80 per day each...... 7,200.00 Total for salaries and wages.... 31,146.00 Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel.......... 340.00 Freight and delivery service.................. 2,000.00 Postal, telephone and cable service.... 60.00 Miscellaneous service ............................. 95.00 Consumption of supplies and materials 19,000.00 Purchase of road equipment.................. 200.00 Total for sundry expenses.................. P21,695.00 Total for Kennon Róad...................... P52.841.00 NAGUILIAN ROAD 1 overseer, at Pl70 per month, for one-half year ................................. Pl,020.00 1 foreman, at P72 per month.............. 864.00 1 capataz, at Pl.80 per day.................. 450.00 2 capataces, at, Pl.62 per day each.... 810.00 3 capataces, at Pl.35 per day each.... 1,012.00 15 camineros, at P0.70 per day each.... 2,625.00 5 camineros, at P0.60 per day each.... 750.00 1 roadroller engineer, at P2 per day.. 500.00 1 fireman, at Pl.50 per day................ 375.00 5 masons, at P0.70 per day each.......... 875.00 3 laborers, at P0.70 per day each...... 525.00 44 laborers, at P0.60 per day each....... 6,600.00 6 laborers, at P0.50 per day each......... 750.00 Total for salaries and wages....... 17,156.00 Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel.......... P850.00 Freight and delivery service................ 2,000.00 Postal, telephone and cable service..... 25.00 Miscellaneous service ............................. 50.00 Consumption of supplies and materials 7,378.00 Purchase of equipment............................. 200.00 Total for sundry expenses.................. 10,003.00 Total for Naguilian Road...................... P27,159.00 Total for the maintenance and equip­ ment of the Kennon and Naguilian roads ........................................................ P80,000.00 80,000.00 40,000.00 35,000.00 19. For aid for the maintenance of trails, roads and bridges in specially organized provinces, provided they comply with the provisions of section 2115 of Act No. 2711, and, by a resolution of the provincial board, H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 401 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS guarantee by continuing annual appropria­ tions the establishment of a system of main­ tenance as may be necessary in the judgment of the Director of Public Works on all trails, roads and bridges now constructed or which may be constructed in the future: Province of Agusan ....................................... P6.000.00 Province of Bukidnon ................................... 6,000.00 Province of Cotabato .................................... 6,000.00 Province of Davao ......................................... 6,000.00 Province of Lanao ......................................... 5,000.00 Mountain Province: Subprovince of Apayao .......................... 5,000.00 Subprovince of Benguet ........................ 5,000.00 Subprovince of Bontoc ........................... 5,000.00 Subprovince of Ifugao ........................... 5,000.00 Subprovince of Kalinga .......................... 5,000.00 Maintenance of Abra-Kalinga trail, Province of Abra ............................. 5,000.00 Province of Nueva Vizcaya.......................... 5,000.00 Province of Palawan: Province of Palawan .............................. 5,000.00 Culion Leper Colony ............................. 5,000.00 Province of Sulu ..................................... 6,000.00 Province of Zamboanga ......................... 6,000.00 Total ....................................................... P86,000.00 86,000.00 86,000.00 86,000.00 20. For the investigation of application for the use of water for irrigation, water sup­ ply and water power projects, and for ad­ judication of water rights, including the pay­ ment of salaries and wages of the permanent personnel; maintenance and operation of the San Miguel Irrigation System, Province of Tarlac; and for gaging streams, including salaries of gagekeepers: Provided, That of­ ficers and employees of the Government may be appointed as gagekeeprs and rain observ­ ers under this project and may receive extra compensation therefor in addition to what they receive as Government employees: And provided, further, That persons appointed as gagekeepers and rain observers under this project who are not Government employees may be allowed to accept other Government employment, upon recommendation of the Director of Public Works and approved by the Secretary of Public Works and Com402 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS munications, and may receive compensation therefor: Salaries and Wages (a) One water rights inspector. Pl,700.00 (b) One superintendent of irrigation 1,560.00 (c) One junior topographical drafts­ man ................................................. 1,120.00 (d) One ivater rights inspector....... 930.00 (e) One laborer ...................................... 528.00 (/) One disbursing officer and col­ lector ............................................... 324.00 (g) One gatetender ............................... 280.00 (h) One ditchtender ............................. 279.00 (z) Tzvo laborers, at Fl 50 per an­ num each ...................................... 300.00 (j) One driver ..................................... 100.00 (g) One messenger and janitor ....... 70.00 Total ................................... P7,191.00 For gaging streams, including salaries of gagekeepers: SALARIES AND WAGES First hydrographic District 1 assistant hydrographer, Mangaldan, Pangasinan ......................................... Pl,530.00 1 gagekeeper, Itogon, Mountain Prov­ ince ...................................................... 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Camp One, Mountain Province .............................................. 108.00 1 gagekeeper, Tubao, La Union........ 108.00 1 gagekeeper, Bacnotan, La Union..... 108.00 1 gagekeeper, Balaoan, La Union...... 108.00 1 gagekeeper, San Manuel, Pangasinan 120.00 Second Hydrographic District 1 gagekeeper, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Umingan, Pangasinan.... 108.00 1 gagefc^eper, Mayantoc, Tarlac.......... 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Rizal, Nueva Ecija...... 108.00 1 gagekeeper, Rizal, Nueva Ecija...... 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Tarlac, Tarlac .............. 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Peñaranda, Nueva Ecija 96.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 403 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details iv.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Third Hydrographic District 1 gagekeeper, Banban, Tarlac................. 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Balanga, Bataan............. 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Balanga, Bataan.............. 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Dinalupihan, Bataan...... 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Pasig, Rizal ................... 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Del Carmen, Pampanga 108.00 1 gagekeeper, Floridablanca, Pam­ panga .................................................. 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Marikina, Rizal................ 108.00 1 gagekeeper, Los Baños, Laguna........ 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Pulilan, Bulacan............... 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Santa Cruz, Laguna.... 120.00 Fourth Hydrographic District 1 gagekeeper, Iriga, Camarines Sur.... 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Goa, Camarines Sur...... 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Polangui, Albay.............. 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Malinao, Albay............... 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Sorsogon, Sorsogon....... 96.00 Fifth Hydrographic District 1 gagekeeper, Leon, Iloilo...................... 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Pototan, Iloilo............. 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Pototan, Iloilo................. 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Talisay, Negros Occiden­ tal .... 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Bago, Negros Occidental 108.00 1 gagekeeper, Binalbagan, Negros Oc­ cidental .............................................. 108.00 Sixth Hydrographic District 1 gagekeeper Momuñgan, Lanao............. 108.00 1 gagekeeper, Dansalan, Lanao................ 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Balamban, Cebu............... 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Barili, Cebu .....v........... 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Lumbatan, Lanao............ 120.00 Under Project Engineer 1 gagekeeper, Dingras, llocos Norte.... 108.00 Total for salaries and wages.......... 5,922.00 SUNDRY EXEPENSES Traveling expenses, per diems, or sub­ sistence .................................................... 2,648.00 Consumption of supplies and materials 400.00 Other services ....................................... 1,030.00 Total for sundry expenses.................... 4,078.00 For the investigation of application for the use of water for irrigation, water supply and water power projects and for the adjudication or water rights on streams designated by the Secretary of Public Works and Communications: SALARIES AND WAGES One water rights inspector...................... 1,700.00 One water rights inspector .................. 930.00 One junior topographical draftsman ... L 120.00 One laborer ................................................ 528.00 404 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUNDRY EXPENSES Traveling expenses and per diems......... 1,940.00 Stationeries for office use...................... 80.00 Postage and telegrams........................... 100.00 Other services ......................................... 6,102.00 .................... 8,222.00 Total for sundry expenses For the maintenance and operation of the San Miguel Irrigation System, Province of Tarlac: SALARIES AND WAGES One superintendent of irrigation........... 1,560.00 One disbursing officer and collector .... 324.00 One ditchtender ....................................... 279.00 One gatetender ......................................... 280.00 One messenger and janitor ..................... 70.00 One driver .................................................. 100.00 2 laborers, at P150 per annum each.... 300.00 2,913.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES Traveling expenses and per diems....... 200.00 Postal, telegraph and telephone service 32.00 Consumption of supplies and materials 12.00 Other services ............................................... 480.28 Maintenance, repairs and improve­ ments ............................................................ 362.72 Total for sundry expenses............ 1,087.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.......... 13,113.00 Total for sundry expenses.............. 13,387.00 Total ................................................ P26,500.00 26,500.00 26,500.00 25,175.00 21. For the maintenance and repair of cable and tei-egraphic lines and radio stations, including the payment of the salaries and wages of the following personnel: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One supervising lineman-atlarge .............................................. (b) One radiotrician ........................... (c) Two linemen, at F756 per an annum each ............................... (d) One lineman .................................... (e) One lineman .................................... 1*2,000.00 1,530.00 1,512.00 648.00 540.00 (/) Five linemen, at 1*^86 per an­ num each ...................................... 2,430.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 405 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (g) Nineteen linemen, at F432 per annum each .................................. 8,208.00 (h) Twenty-six linemen, at P378 per annum each .................................. 9,828.00 (i) One hundred seventy-two line­ men, at f*324 per annum each 55,728.00 (;) One lineman .................................... 288.00 Other Expenses (fc) For emergency laborers not employed throughout the year ............................... P7.788.00 (O Traveling expenses of per­ sonnel ............................ 83,500.00 (m) Supplies and materials and other expenses .............. 26,000.00 67,288.00 Total available appropriation.. P150,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 117,225.29 22. For the maintenance and repair of lighthouses, buoys and beacons, and for the necessary repair of lighthouses equipment, as follows: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One lighthouse inspector ............ (b) One foreman, lighthouse and Fl,080.00 buoy construction and repairs 1,500.00 (c) One laborer........................................ (d) Two laborers, at P720 per an­ 810.00 num each........................................ 1,440.00 (e) Seven laborers, at P648 per an­ num each...................................... 4,536.00 (/) One laborer........................................ 540.00 (g) One laborer ...................................... 432.00 (h) One laborer ...................................... (i) Three laborers, at F360 per an­ 378.00 num each ...................................... 1,080.00 (j) Eight laborers, at ?405 per an­ num each ...................................... 3,240.00 (k) One laborer .................................... 324.00 (Z) One laborer ...................................... 300.00 Other Expenses (m) Sundry expenses ......................... 84,340.00 Total ........................................ F100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 89,999.85 23. For salaries of the following person­ nel of the Bureau of Public Works whose salaries are charged against the projects in 406 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 1937 1936 1935 Bud9et Details requested authorized actual Item No. IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS ivhich they are engaged, the provisions of any existing law to the contrary notwith­ standing: (а) One superintendent of irrigation 1*5,lQ0.00 (б) One superintendent of irrigation 4,250.00 (c) One designing engineer.............. 4,080.00 (d) One supervising driller.............. 3,825.00 0.00 Total available for salaries.... 1*17,255.00 Amount to be paid from the appropriations for projects in which engaged.................. (1*17,255.00) [For extraordinary repairs to the steamer “ Fathomer ”1 ................................................................ 6,000.00 •A Total for special appropriations.... 808,510.00 712,928.00 693,522.18 VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS a. Construction of National Government buildings, and alteration and improvement of the official residences of the President in the cities of Manila and Baguio, Act 3597 ..................... 21,729.71 673.37 b. Aganao River and Santa Barbara ca­ dastral surveys, Act 1854 ............................... 5,539.22 84.81 c. Construction and completion of wharf and river wall garage, and other auxi­ liary structures to the Post-Office Building, Act 3717 ...................................................................................... 646.68 6,895.41 d. Construction, reconstruction or re­ pair of public works and improvements in the devastated provinces, Act 3524......................................... 8,568.74 2,873.78 e. Construction of additional buildings in the Insular Psychopathic Hospital, Act 4157 .............................................................................................. 13,225.91 266,774.09 f. Construction of a port near San Il­ defonso, Port of Vigan, llocos Sur, Act 3614 ..................... 7,539.38 5,165.70 g. Coordination of domestic electrical communications, Act 3871 ................................................ 40,000.00 h. For alterations, repairs and im­ provement of public buildings, grounds and equipment to be occupied and/or used by H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 407 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, Act 4259 ....................................... i. For the construction, operation, and maintenance of emergency or intermediate landing fields and other air navigation facil­ ities, Act 4193.................................................... j. Public works funds, Acts 4180 and 4241— 1. For the construction, improvement, alteration or repair of insular buildings....... 2. For the construction, reconstruction, completion, improvement and repair of agricultural schools and other school build­ ings in the regularly and especially organized provinces ..................................................................... 3. For aid to municipalities for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, re­ pair, extension, completion and improvement of the elementary and intermediate school buildings ...................................................................... 4. For the investigation and survey of special road and bridge projects to be des­ ignated by the Secretary of Public Works and Communications, including the purchase, operation and maintenance of test-boring ap­ paratus ......................................................................... 5. For aid for the construction and im­ provement of special road projects provided the provinces in which such projects are sit­ uated comply with the provisions of section 2113 of Act No. 2711, and, by a resolution of the provincial board, guarantee by continu­ ing annual appropriations the establishment of such a system of maintenance as may be necessary in the judgment of the Director of Public Works on all first-class roads now con­ structed or which may be constructed in the future and declared as such by the Director of Public Works......................................................... 6. For the construction, completion, reconstruction and improvement of the roads and bridges in the regularly or46,027.23 3,972.77 153,099.65 46,900.35 57,000.00 ..................... 74,920.06 3,079.94 645,750.00 826,900.00 14,415.30 5,584.70 708,000.00 603,000.00 408 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS ganized provinces, provided they comply with the provisions of section 2113 of Act No. 2711, and, by resolution of the provincial board, shall guarantee by contin­ uing annual appropriations the establish­ ment of such a system of maintenance as may be necessary in the judgment of the Director of Public Works, on all first-class roads now constructed or which may be con­ structed in the future and declared as such by the Director of Public Works ............... 7. For making preliminary investiga­ tions and surveys of irrigation, water supply, water power, sea and river control projects .... 8. For the drilling of artesian wells by the Bureau of Public Works, including the purchase and maintenance of well-drilling equipment and expenses incurred in previous years ............................................................................. 9. For the construction of the Insular projects and for the aid in the construction or extension of provincial and municipal waterworks projects, drainage, sewerage, public toilets, with their corresponding equip­ ment lavatories, bidet and cisterns or public baths and public laundries, provided the province or municipality concerned shall ap­ propriate funds to cover the cost of one-third of the work and provided that, by resolution of the respective provincial board or munic­ ipal council, as the case may be, it shall be guaranteed by means of continuous assign­ ment of funds, the establishment of a sys­ tem of maintenance and conservation neces­ sary, at the discretion of the sanitary official of the province and of the district engineer. No municipality shall be entitled to receive as aid more than 1*25,000 a year, but in the case of a provincial or municipal project benefiting two or more municipalities, each municipality concerned shall be entitled to the said 1*25,000 ...................................................... 200,000.00 16,264.60 147,410.08 253,818.83 213,100.00 3,735.40 95,739.92 196,181.17 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 409 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS 10. For the maintenance, improvement and construction of the river and sea pro­ tection works .............................................................................. 11. For the construction of telegraph and cable lines and radio stations .................................................. 12. For the construction of lighthouses, buoys, beacons and other aids to navigation ..................... Total for continuing appropriations ..................... 354,843.25 68,680.24 99,754,42 2,937,233.30 21.156.75 31.319.76 245.58 2,333,383.50 VII.—RECEIPTS AUTOMATICALLY APPROPRIATED a. Expenses for the carriage of air mails payable from the revenue collected from additional postage, Act 3869............... b. Maintenance of the Kennon road payable from toll collections on said road, Act 4187 ............................................................ c. Other receipts automatically appro­ priated ................................................................ d. Expenses payable from special funds Total for receipts automatically appropriated ................................. 84,137.09 .................. 62,141.25 324,990.00 353,230.00 61,115.00 ................................................ 386,105.00 353,230.00 146,278.34 VIII.—INDEFINITE EXPENDITURES a. Deterioration of supplies and sales stock................................................................... 10,781.66 6,142.85 2,196.71 b. Extraordinary losses ......................... c. Losses from uncollectible debts....... Total for indefinite expenditures.— 19,121.22 IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages................. Total for sundry expenses............... Total for furniture and equipment....... Total for special appropriations..... 2,656,877.00 913,135.00 14,417.00 808,510.00 2,551,827.00 937,067.00 4,549.00 712,928.00 2,436,971.59 940,172.21 5,040.43 693,522.18 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Department of Pub­ lic Works and Communications.. 4,392,939.00 4,206,371.00 4,075,706.41 410 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IX.—SUMMARY EXTRAORDINARY AddTotal for continuing appropriations.. Total for receipts automatically ap­ propriated ......................................... Total for investments and indefinite expenditures ..................................... 2,937,233.30 353,230.00 2,333,383.50 146,278.34 19,121.22 386,105.00 Grand total available for the De­ partment of Public Works and Communications ....................... Deduct— Receipts automatically appropriated.. 4,779,044.00 386,105.00 7,496,834.30 353,230.00 6,574,489.47 146,278.34 Net amount available for the De­ partment of Public Works and Communications ....................... 4,392,939.00 7,143,604.30 6,428,211.13 1. No public works officer or employee whose salary, [is] not being fixed by law, [whether] or not othenvise provided herein, is paid from [general or special] any appropriation provided in this Act [for insular projects], shall receive a compensation of more than twelve pesos daily or more than three hundred pesos per month: [Pro­ vided, That the following positions created before the en­ actment of Act No. 4032 shall be exempted from these limitations, viz.: One superintendent of irrigation—1*6,000 per annum. One superintendent of irrigation—1*5,000 per annum. One designing engineer—1*4,800 per annum. One civil engineer—1*4,500 per annum. One supervising well driller—1*4,500 per annum. Provided, further, That the salaries of the incumbents shall be reduced in accordance with section 15 of this Act: And provided, finally, That when the present incumbents cease, the salaries for the above positions shall be reduced to three thousand six hundred pesos per annum.] [3. No employee or laborer of the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops employed under Act No. 4111 shall be paid more than P10 per day or more than P250 per month.] H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS ~ [4J- Operators and enginemen of the Bureau of Posts whose compensations are appropriated in this Act and as­ signed to any radio station occupying a government ozvned building shall be entitled to quarters and light. 3 [5]. The Director of Posts is authorized to purchase home savings boxes for sale to the public out of the un­ expended balance of any appropriation for the Bureau of Posts: Provided, That the amount to be invested in such purchase shall not exceed ^8,000. 4 [6] With the approval of the proper Head of Depart­ ment, any unexpended balances not exceeding F30,000 of the appropriations for the Bureau of Posts may be ex­ pended to cover the costs of plates and printing of postage stamps with new designs, to replace the regular postage stamps of all denominations. 5 [9], The sums appropriated in items IV-17 to 22 shall be released and distributed in the discretion of the Secretary of Public Works-and Communications for the purposes mentioned in the respective items. 6. The Director of Posts is authorized to itse any un­ expended balance of the appropriation of the Bureau of Posts not more than 1*10,000 ¿for the prompt payment of claims arising from fraudulent encashment or wrong pay­ ment of money orders. [2. Any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding, the appropriation for the Division of Motor Vehicles of the Bureau of Public Works shall not be avail­ able, directly or indirectly, for the purchase of automobiles unless specifically authorized in this Act.] [7 The members of the crew of any vessel of the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey shall be entitled to pay not more than sixty days when they are sick in a hospital, in accordance with the United States regulations for Coast and Geodetic Survey vessels: Provided, That each member of the crew shall be entitled to ten days vacation leave with pay in a calendar year.] [8. Temporary employees paid by the United States Government who have been on detail for duty in the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey in the Philippines for not less than 10 years shall be entitled to the same leave priv­ ileges with pay as granted to permanent civil service em­ ployees of the Insular Government, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.] I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION For the next fiscal year, the sum of 5*18,703,634 is requested for this Depart­ ment as against 1*18,506,765.40 authorized for the current year, or an increase of T 196,868.60. This additional outlay is needed for the creation of a number of new posi­ tions for doctors, nurses, attendants and other personnel for the Psychopatic Hospital, Philippine General Hospital and San Lazaro Hospital, the present personnel being in­ adequate to the extent of the services that are being required of these institutions; for the increase in the appropriations for consumption of supplies and materials (due to increased cost of subsistence of the greatly increased number of patients in the Psy­ chopatic Hospital) and other sundry expenses; and for purchase of medicines and med­ ical supplies and instruments for distribution to public dispensaries in the municipali­ ties. The said additional expenditures, however, are partly offset by reductions in other items of appropriations. Para el próximo año, la suma de P18,703,634 se pide para este Departamento contra la suma de P18,506,7G5.40 autorizada para el presente año, resultando un aumento de 1*196,868.60. Este gasto adicional es necesario para la creación de nuevos puestos para médicos, enfermeros, asistentes y otros empleados para el Hospital Psicopático, Hospital General de Filipinas y Hospital de San Lázaro, siendo inadecuado el personal actual de dichos hospitales para rendir los servicios que se requieren de estas instituciones; para el aumento en las consignaciones para consumo de efectos y materiales (de­ bido al aumento del costo de subsistencia del creciente número de pacientes en el Hospital Psicopá­ tico), y para otros gastos y compra de medicinas, efectos e instrumentos médicos para la distribución en los dispensarios públicos en los municipios. Parte de dichos gastos adicionales está, sin embargo, compensada por las reducciones en otras partidas de las consignaciones. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference t0 ltem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated DEPARTMENT HEADS ( 1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 1. Secretary of Public Instruction......... 5*10,200.00 1*10,200.00 1 2. Undersecretary of the Department.. 7,225.00 7,225.00 2 3. Commissioner of Health and Welfare 7,225.00 7,225.00 3 CHIEF CLERK 4. One chief clerk..................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 4 PRIVATE SECRETARY 5. One private aeeretarn 3.600.00 INSPECTORS OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES 6. One superintendent............................. 4,675.00 4,675.00 5 7. One inspector of test and measure­ ment .................................................................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 6 412 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 413 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 8. One inspector....................................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 7 9. One inspector....................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 8 10. One inspector....................................... 2,890.00 2,890.00 9 11. One inspector....................................... 12. Two inspectors, at 1*2,040 per annum 2,550.00 2,550.00 10 each .................................................................... 4,080.00 4,080.00 11 13. Three inspectors, at Pl,700 per annum each............................................................ 5,100.00 5,100.00 12 14. Two inspectors, at Pl,530 per annum each .................................................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 13 PHARMACY INSPECTORS 15. One pharmacy inspector..................... 1,500.00 16. One pharmacy inspector..................... 1,200.00 CLERKS 17. One clerk ............................................. 2,550.00 2,550.00 14 18. One clerk .............................................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 15 19. One clerk .............................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 16 20. One clerk-stenographer ..................... 1,275.00 1,275.00 17 21. One clerk-stenographer ...................... 810.00 810.00 18 22. One clerk .............................................. 810.00 810.00 19 23. One clerk................................................ 756.00 756.00 F-I-(3)--37 24. Two clerks, at P432 per annum each 864.00 864.00 20--21 STENOGRAPHERS 25. One stenographer ............................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 22 26. One stenographer ............................... 648.00 648.00 23 MESSENGER 27. One clerk-messenger........................... 480.00 28. One messenger..................................... 432.00 432.00 24 MISCELLANEOUS 29. One chauffeur ...................................... 30. For the employment of temporary 720.Ó0 help for the correction of test papers........... 405.00 405.00 25 Total.................................................... 80,430.00 72,930.00 414 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION omCE OF THE SECRETARY 1. Secretary of Public Instruction........................ PIO,200.00 2. Undersecretary of the Department .................. 7,225.00 3. Commissioner of Health and Welfare.............. 7,225.00 4. 1 chief clerk ....................................................... 3,825.00 5. 1 private secretary .............................................. 3,600.00 17. 1 clerk .................................................................... 2,550.00 18. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,530.00 15. 1 pharmacy inspector ........................................ 1,500.00 16. 1 pharmacy inspector ........................................ 1,200.00 21. 1 clerk-stenographer ............................................ 810.00 23. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 756.00 26. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 648.00 27. 1 clerk-messenger ................................................ 480.00 28. 1 messenger ........................................................... 432.00 29. 1 chauffeur ........................................................... 720.00 DIVISION OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES 6. 1 superintendent .................................................. 4,675.00 7. 1 inspector of test and measurement.............. 3,400.00 8. 1 inspector ............................................................ 3,400.00 9. 1 inspector ............................................................ 3,060.00 10. 1 inspector ............................................................ 2,890.00 11. 1 inspector ............................................................ 2,550.00 12. 2 inspectors, at P2,040 per annum each........... 4,080.00 13. 3 inspectors, at Pl,700 per annum each............. 5,100.00 14. 2 inspectors, at Pl,530 per annum each........... 3,060.00 19. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 20. 1 clerk-stenographer .......................... 1................ 1,275.00 22. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 810.00 24. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 864.00 25. 1 stenographer ...................................................... 1,080.00 30. 1 temporary corrector of test papers for 3 months at P50 per month .......................... 150.00 30. 1 temporary corrector of test papers for 3 months at P45 per month ......................... 135.00 30. 1 temporary corrector of test papers for 3 months at P40 per month ...................... 120.00 Total for salaries and wages.................... P80.430.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1937 1936 Reference to item RudnPt Dpfailc iyá0 numbers of Act Budget Details requested authorized No. 4231, unless Item No. otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION 1 DIRECTORS ¥*6,120.00 1. One Director of Education................. 2. Additional salary for the incumbent 1*6,120.00 on January 1,1932 of the position of Director of Education, item 1 ..................................... 4,080.00 4,080.00 2 3. One Assistant Director....................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 3 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 4. One chief clerk ................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 4 5. One property officer........................... 3,570.00 3,570.00 6 6. One chief of records............................. 2,550.00 2,550.00 7 SUPERINTENDENTS 7. One superintendent ........................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 8 [Additional salary for the incumbent on January 1, 1932 of the position of super­ intendent of the City of Manila, item 8].... . 850.00 9 8. Ten superintendents, at ¥*5,100 per annum each ....................................................... 51,000.00 51,000.00 10-11 9. One superintendent ........................... 4,930.00 4,930.00 12 10. Thirteen superintendents, at ?4,675 per annum each ............................................... 60,775.00 60,775.00 13-15 11. Fourteen superintendents, at 1*4,250 per annum each .................................. ............. 59,500.00 59,500.00 16-20 12. Ten superintendents, at ¥*3,825 per annum each....................................................... 38,250.00 38,250.00 21-26 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 415 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION 13. Three superintendents, at 1*3,570 per annum each ...................................................... 10,710.00 10,710.00 27-28 14. Eight superintendents, at 1*3,400 per annum each....................................................... 27,200.00 27,200.00 29-34 15. One superintendent ........................... 3,230.00 3,230.00 35 16. One superintendent............................. 3,060.00 3,060.00 36 TEACHERS 17. Twelve teachers, at 1*3,825 per annum each ........................................................... 45,900.00 45,900.00 37-38 18. One teacher ......................................... 19. Two teachers, at F3,570 per annum 3,613.00 3,613.00 40 each .................................................................... 7,140.00 7,140.00 41-41a 20. Three teachers, at 1*3,570 per annum each .................................................................... 10,710.00 10,710.00 416 21. Eleven teachers, at 1*3,400 per an­ num each............................................................ 37,400.00 37,400.00 43-44c 22. Twenty-two teachers, at 1*3,230 per annum each....................................................... 71,060.00 71,060.00 47-48 23. Forty teachers, at 1*3,060 per annum each .................................................................... 122,400.00 122,400.00 49-57 24. Forty-two teachers, at 1*2,890 per annum each........................................................ 121,380.00 121,380.00 58-61a 25. One hundred fifty teachers, at 1*2,720 per annum each ................................................ 408,000.00 408,000.00 64-85 [One teacher ........................ 1*2,720] 2,720.00 85 26. Forty-four teachers, at F2,550 per annum each........................................................ 112,200.00 112,200.00 86-92 [One teacher ........................ 1*2,550] 27. Twelve teachers, at 1*2,380 per an­ 2,550.00 91 num each............................................................ 28,560.00 28,560.00 93-96 28. Eight teachers, at F2,210 per annum each .................................................................... 17,680.00 17,680.00 98-100 29. Thirty-seven teachers, at 1*2,040 per annum each ...................................................... 75,480.00 75,480.00 101-104 30. Seventeen teachers, at 1*1,870 per annum each....................................................... 31,790.00 31,790.00 105 31. Forty-nine teachers, at Fl,700 per annum each....................................................... 83,300.00 83,300.00 106-109 32. Ten teachers, at Fl,581 per annum each ................................................................... 15,810.00 15,810.00 110-113 33. Sixty-two teachers, at Fl,530 per annum each....................................................... 94,860.00 94,860.00 114-121 Former incumbents of items 85 and 91 of Act 4231, retired under Act 2589. 416 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION 34. Thirty-eight teachers, at 1*1,479 per annum each........................................................ 56,202.00 56,202.00 122-123 35. Thirty-eight teachers, at fl,428 per annum each ....................................................... 54,264.00 54,264.00 124-126 36. Two hundred sixty-five teachers, at 1*1,377 per annum each................................... 364,905.00 364,905.00 127-134 37. One hundred forty-eight teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each................................... 196,248.00 196,248.00 135-144 38. Fifty teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each .................................................................... 63,750.00 63,750.00 145 39. One hundred seventy-nine teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............................... 219,096.00 219,096.00 146-159 [One teacher .......................Pl ,224] 1,224.00 156 40. Twenty-five teachers, at 1*1,173 per annum each........................................................ 29,325.00 29,325.00 160-162 41. One hundred five teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each ................................................ 117,810.00 117,810.00 163-164 42. Three hundred ninety-nine teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each ........................... 430,920.00 430,920.00 165-183 43. Thirty teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each .................................................................... 30,780.00 30,780.00 184-186 44. Eighty-six teachers,. at P972 per annum each........................................................ 83,592.00 83,592.00 187-201 45. Twenty-five teachers, at 1*918 per annum each........................................................ 22,950.00 22,950.00 202 46. Sixty-six teachers, at 1*864 per an­ num each .......................................................... 57,024.00 57,024.00 203 47. One teacher........................................... 810.00 810.00 204 48. One teacher .......................................... 702.00 702.00 205 49. One teacher .......................................... 648.00 648.00 206 CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 50. One chief of section............................. 2,720.00 2,720.00 207 51. One chief of section............................. 52. Three chiefs of sections, at Pl,530 2,210.00 2,210.00 209 per annum each ............................................... 4,590.00 4,590.00 210 53. One chief of section............................. 54. Two chiefs of sections, at Pl,080 per 1,326.00 1,326.00 211 annum each....................................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 212 55. One chief of section............................. 864.00 864.00 213 56. One chief of section............................. 756.00 756.00 214 STENOGRAPHERS 57. One stenographer ............................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 215 58. One stenographer ............................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 215a L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 417 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details 1OQC Referenee to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION 59. One stenographer ............................... 60. One stenographer ................................ 61. One stenographer ............................... 62. One stenographer ............................... CLERKS 63. One custodian ............................... ...... 64. One clerk .............................................. 65. One clerk .............................................. 66. Two clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each .................................................................... 67. One clerk .............................................. 68. Two clerks, at 1*1,377 per annum each 69. One clerk .............................................. 70. Four clerks, at 1*1,275 per annum each .................................................................... 71. Nine clerks, at 1*1,224 per annum each .................................................................... 72. Two clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each 73. Six clerks, at 1*1,173 per annum each 74. Five clerks, at Pl,122 per annum each 75. Eight clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................................... 76. Seven clerks, at Pl,026 per annum each .................................................................... 77. Six clerks, at P972 per annum each.... 78. Thirteen clerks, at P918 per annum each ................................................................... 79. Seventeen clerks, at P864 per annum each .................................................................... 80. Ten clerks, at P810 per annum each.... 81. Twenty-seven clerks, at P756 per an­ num each........................................................... 82. Eight clerks, at P702 per annum each 83. Thirty-four clerks, at P648 per an­ num each............................................................ 83a. One clerk................................................ 84. One clerk................................................ 85. Eighteen clerks, at P540 per annum each ................................................................... 86. Three clerks, at P486 per annum each 87. Thirteen clerks, at P432 per annum each ................................................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 218 972.00 972.00 219 918.00 918.00 220 918.00 918.00 221 2,720.00 2,720.00 222 2,040.00 2,040.00 223 1,700.00 1,700.00 224 3,060.00 3,060.00 225 1,428.00 1,428.00 226 2,754.00 2,754.00 227-228 1,326.00 1,326.00 229 5,100.00 5,100.00 230-231 11,016.00 11,016.00 232-234 2,160.00 2,160.00 234a 7,038.00 7,038.00 236-239 5,610.00 5,610.00 240-243 8,640.00 8,640.00 244-245 7,182.00 7,182.00 247-249 5,832.00 5,832.00 250-253 11,934.00 11,934.00 254-257 14,688.00 14,688.00 258, 260-263 8,100.00 8,100.00 264-268 20,412.00 20,412.00 269-273 5,616.00 5,616.00 274-276 22,032.00 22,032.00 277, 279-285 600.00 .. 594.00 594.00 286 9,720.00 9,720.00 287-292 1,458.00 1,458.00 293-294 5,616.00 5,616.00 295-297 299089------27 418 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to ‘tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated DRAFTSMEN (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION 88. One draftsman..................................... 89. Two draftsmen, at 1*918 per annum 1,080.00 1,080.00 298 each .................................................................... 1,836.00 1,836.00 299 90. One draftsman...................................... 432.00 432.00 300 MESSENGERS 91. One messenger ................................... 432.00 432.00 301 92. One messenger...................................... 240.00 240.00 302 MISCELLANEOUS 93. Honoraria to be paid to teachers giving instruction in the annual vacation assemblies, in accordance with section 18, paragraph 35 of Act No. 2935......................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 303 94. Honoraria to be paid to teachers giving instruction in the agricultural, arts and trades and commercial schools, during vacation time, in accordance with section 18, paragraph 35 of Act No. 2935......................... 95. Temporary and emergency employees at not more than 4*2,040 per annum each, as follows: 425.00 425.00 304 TEACHERS (a) One teacher .................................................. 1,870.00 1,870.00 305(a) (6) One teacher.................................................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 305(6) (c) One teacher ................................................... 1,479.00 1,479.00 305 (</) (d) Two teachers, at Pl,428 per annum each.. 2,856.00 2,856.00 305(6) (e) Two teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.. 2,754.00 2,754.00 305(6) (/) Three teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each 3,978.00 3,978.00 305(Z)-(n) (g) Three teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each 3,825.00 3,825.00 305 (p) (h) One teacher..................................................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 305(q) (i) One teacher .................................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 305 (s) (;) One teacher..................................................... 842.00 842.00 305(¿) CLERKS (k) One clerk ....................................................— 648.00 648.00 305(u) (Z) One clerk ........................................................ (?n) Less—savings from item 95(a) to item 432.00 432.00 305(v) 95(Z).............................................................. (4,748.00) (4,748.00) 305 (w) 96. For student labor in [insular] na­ tional schools under the provisions of section 931 of the Administrative Code....................... 25,000.00 50,000.00 306 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 419 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION 97. Pay for matron and laborers, as fol­ lows: Matron (a) One matron ................................................. 324.00 324.00 307(a) Laborers (6) Two janitors, at F567 per annum each.. 1,134.00 1,134.00 307(6) (c) Three janitors, at 1*540 per annum each 1,620.00- 1,620.00 307(c) (d) One janitor .................................................... 513.00 513.00 307(d) (e) Five janitors, at 1*486 per annum each.. 2,430.00 2,430.00 307(e) (/) One janitor ................................................... 486.00 486.00 307(e) (p) One janitor ................................................... 459.00 459.00 307(f) (h) Two janitors, at 1*432 per annum each.... 864.00 864.00 307(g) (t) Twelve janitors, at 1*378 per annum each 4,536.00 4,536.00 307(h) (;) One janitor .................................................... 378.00 378.00 307(i) (k) One watchman ............................................. 594.00 594.00 307(f) (0 One watchman ............................................ 540.00 540.00 307(fc) (th) One watchman ............................................. 513.00 513.00 307 (Z) (n) Three watchmen, at 1*486 per annum each ............................................................ 1,458.00 1,458.00 307 (m) (o) Two watchmen, at 1*432 per annum each 864.00 864.00 307(n) (p) One mimeograph operator.......................... 594.00 594.00 307(o) (q) Two mimeograph operators, at 1*486 per annum each ................................................ 972.00 972.00 307 (p) (r) One motorcycle driver and messenger..... 702.00 702.00 307(g) (s) One chauffeur ............................................... 864.00 864.00 307(r) (i) One chauffeur ................................................ 756.00 756.00 307 (s) (u) Two chauffeurs, at 1*594 per annum each 1,188.00 1,188.00 307(t) (v) One laundryman ......................................... 300.00 300.00 307(u) (w) One cook ........................................................ 648.00 648.00 307(d) (x) One assistant cook....................................... 276.00 276.00 307 (w) (y) One houseboy ............................................... 240.00 240.00 307(») (z) One houseboy................................................ 204.00 204.00 307(y) (a-2) One dining room boy............................... 240.00 240.00 307 (z) (b-1) One yardman ........................................... 324.00 324.00 307 (a-1) (c-1) One gardener ........................................... 648.00 648.00 307(6-7) (d-I) One gardener ........................................... 378.00 378.00 307 (c-1) (e-7) One caterer ................................................ 432.00 432.00 307 (d-1) (f-1) One machinist .......................................... 702.00 702.00 307 (e-1) (ff-1) One patron ................................................ 648.00 648.00 307 (f-1) (h-1) One steerman ........................................... 432.00 432.00 307 (g-1) (i-1) One launch helper................................... 300.00 300.00 307 (h-1) (j-1) One sailor ................................................. 240.00 240.00 307 (i-1) 420 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to ’tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF (k-1) One laborer .............................................. (l-l) One foreman ............................................. (m-1) One foreman ............................................ (n~l) Two laborers at Fl.75 per day each for 90 days............................................... (o-l) One laborer at Fl.30 per day for 90 days ............................................................ (p-1) Three laborers at F1.20 per day each for 90 days ............................................. (q-1) Two laborers at Fl.15 per day each for 90 days ............................................ (r-1) Four laborers at Fl.10 per day each for 90 days ............................................ (s-1) One laborer at F0.95 per day for 90 days ............................................................ (t-1) Fourteen laborers at F0.90 per day each for 90 days ............................................ (u-1) Ten laborers at F0.85 per day each for 90 days ..................................................... (v-1) Thirteen laborers at F0.80 per day each for 90 days ............................................ (w-1) One hundred laborers at Fl per day each for 120 days.................................. (x-1) One laborer at F2.52 per day for 300 days ............................................................ (y-1) Two laborers at F2.16 per day each for 300 days .......................................... (z—1) One laborer at F2.12 per day for 300 days ............................................................ (a-2) Two laborers at F1.89 per day each for 300 days .......................................... (b-2) Two laborers at Fl.80 per day each for 300 days .......................................... (c-2) Two laborers at Fl.62 per day each for 300 days .......................................... (d-2) One laborer at Fl.53 per day for 300 days ............................................................ (e-2) One laborer at Fl.35 per day for 300 days ............................................................ (f-2) One laborer at Fl.26 per day for 300 days ............................................................ (g—2) One laborer at Pl.20 per day for 300 days ........................................................... EDUCATION 264.00 264.00 307G-1) 972.00 972.00 307(fc-l) 864.00 864.00 307 (l-l) 315.00 ..................... 117.00 ..................... 324.00 ..................... 207.00 ..................... 396.00 ..................... 85.50 ..................... 1,134.00 ..................... 765.00 ..................... 936.00 ..................... 12,000.00 ..................... 756.00 ..................... 1,296.00 ..................... 636.00 ..................... 1,134.00 ..................... 1,080.00 ..................... 972.00 ..................... 459.00 ..................... 405.00 ..................... 378.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 421 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference t0 *tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF (h-2) Thirteen laborers at Fl.17 per day each for 300 days .......................................... (i-2) Four laborers at Fl.08 per day each for 300 days .......................................... (j-2) One laborer at Fl per day for 300 days (k-2) One laborer at F0.83 per day for 300 days ............................................................ Less—probable savings............................. 98. Deductions for vacancies, absences, etc Total.................................................... EDUCATION 4,563.00 1,296.00 ..................... 300.00 ..................... 249.00 ..................... (364.50) 29,799.00 307 (m-1) (28,600.00) (53,458.95) 308 3,576,974.00 3,583,859.05 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1-2. 1 Director ............................................................. P10,200.00 3. 1 Assistant Director ........................................... 5,100.00 ACADEMIC DIVISION 8. 1 superintendent ....... „ 5,100.00 SUPERVISORY DEPARTMENT 23. 1 teacher _............................................................... 3,060.00 24. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,890.00 25. 1 teacher „............................................................. 2,720.00 CURRICULUM DEPARTMENT 10. 1 superintendent ......................._........._............ 4,675.00 21. 1 teacher ...................... .......... ........_.................. 3,400.00 22. 2 teachers, at P3.230 per annum each............. 6,460.00 23. 1 teacher ....................................„................. 3,060.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.............. 5,440.00 28. 1 teacher ........................... 2,210.00 29. 2 teachers, at P2,040 per annum each............... 4,080.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each............... 3,400.00 32. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,581.00 33. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,530.00 36. 3 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 4,131.00 37. 1 teacher ........................................................... 1,326.00 38. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,275.00 41. 1 teacher ........................... 1,122.00 42. 4 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 4,820.00 MEASUREMENT AND RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 10. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,675.00 25. 1 teacher ................. 2,720.00 27. 1 teacher ............ 2,380.00 27. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,380.00 36. 2 teachers, at P1.377 per annum each............... 2,754.00 40. 1 teacher ..................................„.........„..... _...... 1,173.00 Library Section 33. 1 teacher ...................................................... 1,530.00 Clerical Section 60. 1 stenographer ........-........... 972.00 62. 1 stenographer ..................... 918.00 79. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 80. 1 clerk .............................................................. 810.00 81. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each........................ 2,268.00 83. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 1,296.00 85. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each ................... 1,080.00 25. 1 teacher ............ 2,720.00 Statistical Section 52. 1 chief of section .............................................„ 1,530.00 71. 1 clerk ..._............................................................ 1,224.00 DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Department of Agricultural Instruction 24. 2 teachers, at P2.890 per annum each.............. 5,780.00 25. 1 teacher .............................................................. 2,720.00 41. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,122.00 Department of Trades and Industries 22. 1 teacher „............................................................. 3,230.00 25. 1 teacher ...................................................... 2,720.00 39. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,224.00 42. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,080.00 44. 1 teacher .............................................................. 972.00 Department of Home Economics 24. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,890.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.......... _ 5,440.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,550.00 29. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,040.00 36. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,377.00 Clerical Section 78. 2 clerks, at P918 per annum each.................... 1,836.00 81. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each .......... 1,512.00 83. 1 clerk ................................................................. 648.00 85. 1 clerk ................................................................. 540.00 89. 2 draftsmen, at P918 per annum each............. 1,836.00 24. 1 teacher ................................_............................ 2,890.00 42. 1 teacher .............................................. — 1,080.00 422 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION DIVISION OF PUBLICATIONS 12. 1 superintendent ................................................. 3,825.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 918.00 85. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 83. 1 teacher ...... 1,530.00 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF CLERK 4. 1 chief clerk ......................................................... 3,825.00 57. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 2,040.00 58. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 1,700.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,275.00 87. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 91. 1 messenger .......................................................... 432.00 Service Section 50. 1 chief of section ............................................... 2,720.00 52. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,530.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,275.00 74. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,026.00 77. 2 clerks ................................................................ 1,944.00 81. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each ................. 2,268.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 PROPERTY DIVISION 5. 1 property officer ................................................ 3,570.00 63. 1 custodian ........................................................... 2,720.00 Audit Section 71. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,224.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,026.00 80. 1 clerk ................................................................... 810.00 80. 1 clerk .................................................................... 810.00 81. 1 clerk ...... 756.00 83. 3 clerks .................................................................. 1,944.00 85. 2 clerks ........................-....................................... 1,080.00 Requisition Section 53. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,326.00 72. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,080.00 74. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,122.00 78. 1 clerk ..................................................................- 918.00 Storehouse Section 52. 1 chief of section .....-......................................... 1,530.00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................. 756.00 83. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................... 1,296.00 Records Division 6. 1 chief of records ............................................. 2,550.00 67. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,428.00 92. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 Miscellaneous Section 54. 1 chief of section................................................. 1,080.00 78. 1 clerk ................................................................... 918.00 80. 2 clerks, at P810 per annum each ................. 1,620.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 83. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 87. 2 clerks .. .............................................................. 864.00 Personal File Section 54. 1 chief of section ....... - 1,080.00 83. 1 clerk ..................... 648.00 87. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 Mailing Section 56. 1 chief of section .............................................. 756.00 88. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 Printing Section 55. 1 chief of section................................................. 864.00 BUILDINGS DIVISION 59. 1 stenographer .................................................... 1,080.00 87. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 88. 1 draftsman ........................................................... 1,080.00 29. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,040.00 insular schools Central Luzon Agricultural School 14. 1 superintendent _..................................... 3,400.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 85. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 5,440.00 30. 1 teacher ......... 1,870.00 31. 1 teacher .................................................... 1,700.00 36. 6 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 8,262.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............... 3,978.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............... 3,672.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............... 2,244.00 42. 3 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 3,240.00 44. 1 teacher .......................................................... 972.00 46. 2 teachers, at P864 per annum each.............. 1,728.00 Philippine Nautical School 14. 1 superintendent ................................................. 3,400.00 85. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 23. 1 teacher ................... 3,060.00 Philippine Normal School 8. 1 superintendent ................................................. 5,100.00 68. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,377.00 75. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 17. 3 teachers, at P3,825 per annum each............ 11,475.00 18. 1 teacher .......................... .-................................... 3,613.00 21. . 2 teachers, at P3,400 per annum each............... 6,800.00 22. 2 teachers, at P3,230 per annum each............... 6,460.00 23. 4 teachers, at P3,060 per annum each............... 12,240.00 24. 7 teachers, at P2,890 per annum each............... 20,230.00 25. 13 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.......... 35,360.00 26. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,550.00 29. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,040.00 31. 5 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each............... 8,500.00 33. 3 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 4,590.00 34. 2 teachers, at Pl,479 per annum each............- 2,958.00 35. 1 teacher .............. —............................. 1,428.00 36. 10 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each........- 13,770.00 37. 4 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each ........... 5,304.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl-,275 per annum each.............. 2,550.00 39. 8 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 9,792.00 41. 3 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 3,366.00 42. 8 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 8,640.00 Philippine School of Arts and Trades 10. 1 superintendent .................................................. 4,675.00 73. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,173.00 79. J clerk .................................................................. 864.00 19. 1 teacher ................................................................ 3,570.00 23. 1 teacher ........................................................ 3,060.00 25. 1 teacher .............................................................- 2,720.00 29. 1 teacher .............................................................- 2,040.00 30. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,870.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each ......... - 3,400.00 32. 1 teacher ................................................ 1,581.00 35. 1 teacher ..................................................... 1,428.00 36. 4 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............. 5,508.00 37. 4 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............. 5,304.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 423 (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 39. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,224.00 42. 9 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 9,720.00 43. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,026.00 44. 7 teachers, at P972 per annum each............... 6,804.00 45. 2 teachers, at P918 per annum each............... 1,836.00 46. 1 teacher ........................................... _ 864.00 School for the Deaf and the Blind 17. 2 teachers, at P3.825 per annum each............... 7,650.00 22. 1 teacher ................................................................ 3,230.00. 33. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,530.00 36. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,377.00 42. 3 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............... 3,240.00 43. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,026.00 44. 3 teachers, at P972 per annum each.................. 2,916.00 46. 3 teachers, at P864 per annum each.................. 2,592.00 Abra 12. 1 superintendent .................................................. 3,825.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,026.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 702.00 25. 6 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each............. 16,320.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 31. 1 teacher ................................................... 1,700.00 33. 1 teacher ... ........................................................... 1,530.00 36. 4 teachers .............................................................. 5,508.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............ 2,652.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............ 2,448.00 40. 2 teachers, at Pl,173 per annum each............ 2,346.00 41. 3 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............ 3,366.00 42. 2 teachers ............................................................. 2,160.00 Agusan 11. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,250.00 78. 1 clerk .................................... 918.00 80. 1 clerk .................................................................... 810.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each ............. 5,440.00 29. 1 teacher ,............................................................... 2,040.00 36. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,377.00 37. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,326.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,275.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 2,448.00 41. 2 teachers ............................................................ 2,244.00 42. 3 teachers ............................................................ 3,240.00 44. 1 teacher ................................................................ 972.00 Albay 10. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,675.00 75. 1 clerk ......................................................... 1,080.00 33. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 85. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 17. 1 teacher ....................................................... 3,825.00 23. 1 teacher ..................................... .. 3,060.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.............. 5,440.00 26. 3 teachers, at P2,550 per annum each.............. 7,650.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each.............. 3,400.00 32. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,581.00 33. 2 teachers ............................................................ 3,060.00 36. 4 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 5,508.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 3,978.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,275.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............ 2,448.00 41. 3 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............ 3,366.00 42. 8 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............ 8,640.00 43. 2 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each............ 2,052.00 44. 1 teacher ....:................................ _......................... 972.00 46. 3 teachers, at P864 per annum each................ 2,592.00 Antique 13. 1 superintendent ,................................................... 8,570.00 78. 1 clerk ................................................................... 918.00 79. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 25. 3 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each............. 8,160.00 26. 2 teachers, at P2.550 per annum each............. 5,100.00 30. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,870.00 31. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,700.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,479.00 36. 4 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............ 5,508.00 37. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,326.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,275.00 39. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,224.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,122.00 42. 9 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............. 9,720.00 44. 1 teacher ................................................................. 972.00 Bataan 11. 1 superintendent ................................................... 4,250.00 71. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 87. 2 clerks ................................................................... 864.00 25. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,720.00 29. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,040.00 33. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,530.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,479.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each............... 2,550.00 39. 4 teachers ............................................................. 4,896.00 42. 4 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............... 4,320.00 Batanes 15. 1 superintendent ................................................... 3,230.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 702.00 87. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 23. 1 teacher ................................................................. 3,060.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,550.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,479.00 37. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,326.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,122.00 42. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,080.00 44. 3 teachers, at P972 per annum each.................... 2,916.00 46. 1 teacher ................................................................. 864.00 Batangas 10. 1 superintendent ................................................... 4,675.00 71. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 79. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................. 1,728.00 85. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 17. 1 teacher ................................................................ 3,825.00 23. 2 teachers, at P3,060 per annum each.............. 6,120.00 25. 3 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each.............. 8,160.00 26. 1 teacher ................:................................................ 2,550.00 27. 1 teacher ............................................................ 2,380.00 29. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,040.00 30. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,870.00 33. 2 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 3,060.00 34. 1 teacher .......................................................... 1,479.00 35. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,428.00 36. 5 teachers ............................................................ 6,885.00 39. 4 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............. 4,896.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,173.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 2,244.00 42. 13 teachers ............................................................ 14,040.00 43. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,026.00 44. 3 teachers, at P972 per annum each................. 2,916.00 45. 2 teachers, at P918 per annum each.................... 1,836.00 46. 3 teachers, at P864 per annum each.................. 2,592.00 Bohol 11. 1 superintendent .................................................... 4,250.00 71. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,224.00 77. 1 clerk .................................... 972.00 88. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 648.00 24. 2 teachers ............................................................. 5,780.00 25. 1 teacher ............................................................. 2,720.00 26. 1 teacher .................................................................. 2,550.00 424 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 29. 1 teacher .......................................................... 2,040.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each............... 3,400.00 34. 1 teacher .......................................................... 1,479.00 35. 1 teacher .................................................................. 1,428.00 36. 5 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 6,885.00 40. 1 teacher .......................................................... 1,173.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 2,652.00 38. 4 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each.............. 5,100.00 39. 7 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............... 8,568.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............. 2,244.00 42. 23 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............ 24,840.00 44. 6 teachers, at 972 per annum each.................... 5,832.00 45. 1 teacher ................................................................. 918.00 46. 3 teachers, at P864 per annum each................ 2,592.00 Bukidnon 14. 1 superintendent .................................................. 3,400.00 79. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................. 648.00 25. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,720.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,550.00 29. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,040.00 31. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,700.00 33. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,530.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each................ 3,978.00 39. 1 teacher .................................................... 1,224.00 42. 1 teacher .................................................... 1,080.00 Bulacan 10. 1 superintendent ................................................ 4,675.00 61. 1 stenographer .................................................... 918.00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 83. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 22. 1 teacher .................................................... 3,230.00 23. 1 teacher ................................................................. 3,060.00 25. 3 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each................. 8,160.00 30. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,870.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each.................. 3,400.00 33. 1 teacher .................................................... 1,530.00 36. 8 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............ 11,016.00 37. 4 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............. 5,304.00 38. 1 teacher .................................................... 1,275.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.................. 3,672.00 40. 1 teacher ........................ 1,173.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............ 2,244.00 42. 13 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... 14,040.00 44. 1 teacher ............................................................. 972.00 46. 1 teacher ............................................................. 864.00 Cagayan 12. 1 superintendent .................................................. 3,825.00 78. 1 clerk .......... 918.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 86. 1 clerk .................................................................... 486.00 22. 2 teachers, at P3,230 per annum each................ 6,460.00 23. 1 teacher ................................................................. 3,060.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each............... 5,440.00 26. 2 teachers, at P2.550 per annum each............... 5,100.00 33. 2 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each............ 3,060.00 35. 2 teachers, at Pl,428 per annum each............ 2,856.00 36. 4 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............ 5,508.00 37. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,326.00 39. 8 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 9,792.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl, 122 per annum each............ 2,244.00 40. 2 teachers, at Pl, 173 per annum each.............. 2,346.00 42. 10 teachers, at Pl,080.00 per annum each..... 10,800.00 44. 4 teachers, at 972 per annum each.................. 3,888.00 Camarines Norte 12. 1 superintendent ................................................. 3,825.00 79. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 83. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 25. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,720.00 31. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,700.00 33. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,530.00 36. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,377.00 41. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,122.00 42. 2 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............. 2,160.00 44. 1 teacher ......................................................... 972.00 46. 1 teacher ......................................................... 864.00 Camarines Sur 11. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,250.00 65. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,700.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,275.00 79. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 22. 1 teacher ................................................................ 3,230.00 23. 1 teacher ................................................................ 3,060.00 25. 3 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each.............. 8,160.00 26. 1 teacher .................................................... 2,550.00 29. 3 teachers, at P2.040.00 per annum each......... 6,120.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each............. 3,400.00 34. 2 teachers, at Pl,479 per annum each............. 2,958.00 36. 2 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 2,754.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............. 3,978.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,173.00 41. 3 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 3,366.00 43. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,026.00 35. 3 teachers, at Pl,428 per annum each.............. 4,284.00 38. 3 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each.............. 3,825.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 2,448.00 42. 6 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............. 6,480.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each............... 1,944.00 46. 4 teachers, at P864 per annum each............... 3,456.00 Capiz 12. 1 superintendent ... ............................................... 3,825.00 73. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,173.00 79. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 85. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 24. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,890.00 25. 1 teacher ................ 2,720.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each.............. 3,400.00 33. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,530.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,479.00 36. 6 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 8,262.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............. 3,978.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............. 3,672.00 42. 11 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each......... 11,880.00 30. I teacher .......................................................... 1,870.00 35. 3 teachers, at Pl,428 per annum each............ 4,284.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each............. 2,550.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............ 2,244.00 44. 1 teacher ......................................................... 972.00 46. 4 teachers, at P864 per annum each.............. 3,456.00 Cavite 10. 1 superintendent ............................................... 4,675.00 77. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 80. 1 clerk ................................................................._ 810.00 19. 1 teacher .......................................................... 8,570.00 25. 4 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 10,880.00 27. 1 teacher ............................................................ 2,380.00 36. 6 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 8,262.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............... 3,978.00 39. 5 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............... 6,120.00 40. 3 teachers, at Pl,173 per annum each............... 8,519.00 46. 2 teachers, at P864 per annum each............... 1,728.00 26. 1 teacher ......................................................... 2,550.00 32. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,581.00 41. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,122.00 42. 4 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 4,820.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 425 (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 43. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,026.00 46. 3 teachers, at P864 per annum each.............. 2,916.00 Cebu 8. 1 superintendent ................ -............................... 5,100.00 64. 1 clerk ... ............................................................... 2,040.00 69. 1 clerk .................................................-.............. 1,326.00 78. 1 clerk.............................-..............-................... 918-00 81. 1 clerk ................................................ -................. 756.00 83. 1 clerk ....... 648.00 21. 1 teacher ................................................. -............. 3,400.00 22. 2 teachers, at P3,230 per annum each.............. 6,460.00 23. 2 teachers, at P3.060 per annum each.............. 6,120.00 24. 4 teachers, at P2.890 per annum each.............. 11,560.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each.............. 5,440.00 26. 3 teachers, at P2,550 per annum each.............. 7,650.00 29. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,040.00 30. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,870.00 31. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,700.00 33. 1 teacher _............................................................. 1,530.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,479.00 35. 2 teachers, at Pl,428 per annum each.............. 2,856.00 36. 16 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............ 22,032.00 37. 6 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 7,956.00 88. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,275.00 39. 19 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............ 23,256.00 41. 4 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 4,488.00 42. 20 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............ 21,600.00 43. 2 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each............... 2,052.00 44. 7 teachers, at P972 per annum each............... 6,804.00 46. 1 teacher .............................................................. 864.00 Cotabato 11. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,250.00 82. 2 clerks, at P702 per annum each................... 1,404.00 22. 1 teacher ............................. 3,230.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 5,440.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,479.00 36. 2 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 2,754.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 3,978.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each.............. 2,550.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 2,448.00 Davao 11. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,250.00 77. 1 clerk .............................................................. ;. 972.00 81. 1 clerk .............................. 756.00 25. 1 teacher ... ........................ 2,720.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................... 2,550.00 30. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,870.00 31. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,700.00 33. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,530.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,479.00 36. 3 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.......... 4,131.00 37. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,326.00 38. 1 teacher ............................................................._ 1,275.00 39. 3 teachers, at P1.224 per annum each........... 3,672.00 42. 1 teacher . ............................................................... 1,080.00 Docos Norte 14. 1 superintendent ................................................. 3,400.00 73. 1 clerk ...... -........ 1,173.00 75. 1 clerk .................................... 1,080.00 83. 1 clerk ........................................... 648.00 22. 2 teachers, at P8,230 per annum each_______ 6,460.00 24. 2 teachers, at P2.890 per annum each................. 5,780.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each............._ 5,440.00 26. 2 teachers, at P2,550 per annum each............... 5,100.00 29. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,040.00 33. 2 teachers, at Pl,580 per annum each.............. 8,060.00 34. 2 teachers, at Pl,479 per annum each............ 2,958.00 36. 13 teachers, at Pl,377 peer annum each.......... 17,901.00 37. 8 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each................ 10,608.00 39. 1 teacher ........................................................... 1,224.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,122.00 42. 10 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 10,800.00 43. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,026.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 pel* annum each..................... 1,944.00 llocos Sur 12. 1 superintendent ................................................. 3,825.00 75. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 79. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 24. 1 teacher ............................................................ 2,890.00 25. 6 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.............. 16,320.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 28. 2 teachers, at P2,210 per annum each.............. 4,420.00 29. 2 teachers, at P2,040 per annum each.............. 4,080.00 33. 1 teacher ..................................................... 1,530.00 34. 4 teachers, at Pl,479 per annum each............... 5,916.00 35. 1 teacher ...................................................... 1,428.00 36. 9 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 12,393.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 3,978.00 38. 1 teacher ................................ 1,275.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............... 2,448.00 41. 4 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............... 4,488.00 42. 3 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............... 3,240.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each................... 1,944.00 45. 2 teachers, at P918 per annum each................... 1,836.00 46. 4 teachers, at P864 per annum each................... 3,456.00 Iloilo 8. 1 superintendent .................................................. 5,100.00 73. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,173.00 76. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,026.00 83. 1 clerk ................................................................. 648.00 85. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 17. 1 teacher ....................................................... 3,825.00 21. 1 teacher ....................................................... 3,400.00 25. 6 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 16,320.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,550.00 27. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,380.00 30. 1 teacher, ....................................................... 1,870.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each............... 3,400.00 32. 1 teacher ...'...................................................... 1,581.00 33. 3 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each............... 4,590.00 34. 2 teachers, at Pl,479 per annum each............... 2,958.00 36. 13 teachers at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 17,901.00 37. 4 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 5,304.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,275.00 39. 14 teachers at Pl,224 per annum each............ 17,136.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,173.00 41. 5 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 5,610.00 42. 14 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... 15,120.00 44. 2 teachers at P972 per annum each.................. 1,944.00 45. 1 teacher ............................................................... 918.00 Isabela 14. 1 superintendent .................................................... 3,400.00 79. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................... 1,728.00 23. 1 teacher ............................................................... 3,060.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.............. 5,440.00 26. - 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 30. 2 teachers, at Pl,870 per annum each.............. 3,740.00 31. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,700.00 33. 3 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 4,590.00 35. 3 teachers, at P1.428 per annum each.............. 4,284.00 36. 4 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 5,508.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............... 2,652.00 38. 1 teacher ..........................................-................... 1,275.00 426 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 2,448.00 42. 6 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 6,480.00 43. 2 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each.............. 2,052.00 Laguna 12. 1 superintendent .................................................. 3,825.00 71. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,224.00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 87. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 23. 1 teacher ................................................................ 3,060.00 25. 3 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each.............. 8,160.00 29. 3 teachers, at P2.040 per annum each............... 6,120.00 31. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,700.00 32. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,581.00 33. 2 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each............... 3,060.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,479.00 35. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,423.00 36. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,377X10 37. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,326.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,275.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 2,448.00 41. 4 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............ 4,488.00 42. 10 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............ 10,800.00 43. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,026.00 44. 5 teachers, att P972 per annum each.............. 4,860.00 Lanao 76. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,026.00 87. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 17. 1 teacher .............................................................. 3,825.00 20. 1 teacher .............................................................. 3,570.00 31. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,700.00 36. 2 teachers ............................................................. 4,131.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............ 2,652.00 La Union 13. 1 superintendent ................................................... 3,570.00 73. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,173.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 87. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 23. 1 teacher ....................................... 3,060.00 24. 2 teachers, at P2,890 per annum each............... 5,780.00 27. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,380.00 29. 2 teachers, at P2.040 per annum each............... 4,080.00 33. 1 teacher ....................................... 1,428.00 36. 9 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 12,393.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............... 2,652.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,275.00 39. 4 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............... 4,896.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,173.00 41. 5 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each ............... 5,610.00 42. 8 teachers at ^1,080 per annum each.............. 8,640.00 45. 4 teachers, at P918 per annum each................ 3,672.00 46. 2 teachers, at P864 per annum each................ 1,728.00 Leyte 11. 1 superintendent ................................................ 4,250.00 66. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,530.00 75. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................. 918.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 86. 1 clerk ........................................... 486.00 23. 1 teacher ....................................... 8,060.00 24. 2 teachers, at P2,890 per annum each............ 5,780.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.............. 5,440.00 27. '1 teacher ............................................................... 2,380.00 29. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,040.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each............... 3,400.00 33. 2 teachers at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 3,060.00 84. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,479.00 35. 3 teaechers, at Pl,428 per annum each......... 4,284.00 36. 9 teachers, atPl,377 per annum each................ 12,393.00 37. 8 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each .............. 10,608.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,275.00 39. 6 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 7,344.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,173.00 41. 7 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 7,854.00 42. 15 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 16,200.00 43. 3 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each............... 3,078.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each................. 1,944.00 46. 9 teachers, at P864 per annum each................. 7,776.00 Manila 7. 1 superintendent ................................................... 5,100.00 17. 3 teachers, at P3,825 per annum each............... 11,475.00 20. 1 teacher ............................................................... 3,570.00 21. 2 teachers, at P3.400 per annum each............... 6,800.00 22. 2 teachers, at P3.230 per annum each............... 6,460.00 23. 5 teachers, at P3,060 per annum each............... 15,300.00 24. 11 teachers, at P2,890 per annum each.......... 31,790.00 25. 14 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.............. 38,080.00 26. 2 teachers, at P2,550 per annum each............... 5,100.00 27. 2 teachers, at P2.380 per annum each............... 4,760.00 28. 3 teachers, at P2,210 per annum each............. 6,630.00 29. 4 teachers, at P2.040 per annum each............... 8,160.00 30. 1 teacher ................................................. 1,870.00 31. 3 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each............. 5,100.00 33. 3 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each ............ 4,590.00 34. 2 teachers, at Pl,479 per annum each............. 2,958.00 35. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,428.00 36. 14 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.......... 19,278.00 37. 8 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 10,608.00 39. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,224.00 46. 1 teacher ............................................................ 864.00 47. 1 teacher ............................................................. 810.00 48. 1 teacher ............................................................ 702.00 49. 1 teacher ............................................................. 648.00 Marinduque 13. 1 superintendent ................................................. 3,570.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,026.00 85. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 25. 3 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 8,160.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 38. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,275.00 40. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,173.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,122.00 42. 2 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............... 2,160.00 Masbate 11. 1 superintendent ................................................... 4,250.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 918.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 25. 1 teacher ............................................................ 2,720.00 30. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,870.00 33. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,530.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 2,652.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each................ 2,550.00 39. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,224.00 42. 2 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 2,160.00 Mindoro 14. 1 superintendent ................................................... 3,400.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 25. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,720.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 35. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,428.00 36. 7 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 9,639.00 37. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,326.00 39. 4 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 4,896.00 42. 4 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 4,320.00 43. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,026.00 46. 1 teacher ............................................................... 864.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 427 (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Misamis Occidental 36. 2 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 2,754.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 2,448.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 2,244.00 42. 6 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 6,480.00 46. 1 teacher ................................................................. 864.00 83a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 Misarais Oriental 14. 1 superintendent ..................................................... 3,400.00 71. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,224.00 81. 1 clerk ..................... 756.00 84. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 594.00 25. 1 teacher .................................................................. 2,720.00 30. 1 teacher .................................................................. 1,870.00 31. 1 teacher .................................................................. 1,700.00 33. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,530.00 34. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,479.00 36. 2 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 2,754.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 3,672.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,122.00 42. 8 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 8,640.00 45. 1 teacher .................................................................. 918.00 Mountain Province 9. 1 superintendent ................................................... 4,930.00 11. 1 superintendent ................................................... 4,250.00 73. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,173.00 83. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 85. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 21. 2 teachers, at P3,400 per annum each.............. 6,800.00 23. 1 teacher ...................................................... 3,060.00 25. 1 teacher ............................................................. 2,720.00 26. 1 teacher ............. _................................................. 2,550.00 29. 3 teachers, at P2.040 per annum each.............. 6,120.00 33. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,530.00 36. 3 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 4,131.00 37. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,326.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 2,448.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,122.00 42. 3 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 3,240.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each................... 1,944.00 46. 2 teachers, at P864 per annum each................... 1,728.00 Negros Occidental 11. 1 superintendent .......... -....................................... 4,250.00 77. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 82. 1 clerk ........................................................... 702.00 83. 1 clerk .....:............................................................... 648.00 22. 1 teacher .......................................... 3,230.00 23. 3 teachers, at P3.060 per annum each.............. 9,180.00 24. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,890.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each.............. 5,440.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 35. 1 teacher ..................................... 1,428.00 36. 4 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 5,508.00 37. 4 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............. 5,304.00 38. 3 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each............. 3,825.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............. 3,672.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,173.00 41. 5 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 5,610.00 42. 16 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 17,280.00 43. 3 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each................ 3,078.00 45. 2 teachers, at P918 per annum each.................. 1,836.00 46. 3 teachers, at P864 per annum each....:............. 2,592.00 Negros Oriental 10. 1 superintendent .................................................... 4,675.00 68. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,377.00 80. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 810.00 81. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 756.00 28. 2 teachers, at P3,060 per annum each................ 6,120.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 5,440.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 31. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,700.00 33. 2 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each:............... 3,060.00 35. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,428.00 36. 4 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each................ 5,508.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each................ 2,652.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each............... 2,550.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each................ 2,448.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,173.00 41. 3 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each................ 3,366.00 42. 7 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each................ 7,560.00 43. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,026.00 44. 1 teacher ................................................................ 972.00 45. 1 teacher ................................................................ 918.00 46. 5 teachers, at P864 per annum each................. 4,320.00 Nueva Ecija 10. 1 superintendent ................................................... 4,675.00 79. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 82. 2 clerks, at P702 per annum each................. 1,404.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 5,440.00 26. 2 teachers, at P2,550 per annum each............... 5,100.00 29. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,040.00 31. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,700.00 33. 4 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each............... 6,120.00 35. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,428.00 36. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,377.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............... 3,978.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,275.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............... 2,448.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,173.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............... 2,244.00 42. 7 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............... 7,560.00 44. 9 teachers, at P972 per annum each................... 8,748.00 45. 1 teacher ................................................................ 918.00 Nueva Vizcaya 11. 1 superintendent ................................................... 4,250.00 79. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each............... 5,440.00 36. 3 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 4,131.00 39. 4 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............... 4,896.00 42. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,080.00 46. 2 teachers, at P864 per annum each................... 1,728.00 Palawan 16. 1 superintendent ................................................. 3,060.00 81. 1 clerk -................................................................ 756.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 23. 1 teacher ................................................. 3,060.00 25. 1 teacher ............................................................. 2,720.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each.............. 3,400.00 36. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,377.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............... 3,978.00 38. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,275.00 39. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,224.00 41. 3 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 3,366.00 42. 8 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............... 8,640.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972.00 per annum each............. 1,944.00 45. 1 teacher .................................................. 918.00 Pampanga 8. 1 superintendent ................................................... 5,100.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,275.00 74. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,122.00 79. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 23. 1 teacher ............................................................ 3,060.00 25. 5 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.............. 13,600.00 26. 2 teachers, at P2,550 per annum each............... 5,100.00 31. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,700.00 428 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 33. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,530.00 35. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,428.00 36. 12 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............ 16,534.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each........... 3,978.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each.............. 2,550.00 39. 7 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 8,568.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 2,244.00 42. 6 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 6,480.00 43. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,026.00 Pangasinan 8. 1 superintendent .................................................... 5,100.00 66. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,530.00 71. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,224.00 78. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 918.00 85. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 86. 1 clerk ................................................................... 486.00 20. 1 teacher .......................................................... 3,570.00 21. 2 teachers, at P8,400 per annum each................... 6,800.00 23. 1 teacher ........................................................... 3,060.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 5,440.00 30. 1 teacher ........................................................... 1,870.00 33. 7 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each............... 10,710.00 34. 4 teachers, at Pl,479 per annum each............... 5,916.00 35. 2 teachers, at Pl,428 per annum each............... 2,856.00 36. 18 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.......... 24,786.00 37. 6 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............... 7,956.00 38. 1 teacher ........................................................... 1,275.00 39. 4 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............... 4,896.00 40. 3 teachers, at Pl,173 per annum each............... 3,519.00 41. 7 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............... 7,854.00 42. 26 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... 28,080.00 43. 5 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each............... 2,052.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each............... 1,944.00 45. 1 teacher .................................................................. 918.00 46. 2 teachers, at P864 per annum each................... 1,728.00 Rizal 8. 1 superintendent .................................................... 5,100.00 72. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 83. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 85. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 5,440.00 29. 1 teacher .......................................................... 2,040.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each............... 3,400.00 32. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,581.00 33. 1 teacher .......................................................... 1,530.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,479.00 36. 5 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each................ 6,885.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each........... 3,978.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each........... 2,550.00 39. 4 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each........... 4,896.00 40. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,173.00 41. 3 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each........... 3,366.00 42. 11 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... 11,880.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each............... 1,944.00 45. 1 teacher ............................................................... 918.00 Romblon 12. 1 superintendent ........-........................................ 3,825.00 79. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 25. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,720.00 33. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,530.00 35. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,428.00 36. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,377.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 3,978.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 3,672.00 43. 7 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each.............. 7,560.00 43. 2 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each .............. 2,052.00 Samar 11. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,250.00 74. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,122.00 80. 1 clerk ................................................ 810.00 83. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 87. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 22. 2 teachers, at P3.230 per annum each........... 6,460.00 25. 3 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each........... 8,160.00 28. 1 teacher ............................................................ 2,210.00 29. 1 teacher ............................................................ 2,040.00 31. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,700.00 33. 3 teachers ............................................................ 4,590.00 34. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,479.00 36. 8 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.......... 11,016.00 37. 8 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each................ 10,608.00 38. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,275.00 39. 7 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.......... 8,568.00 40. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,173.00 41. 5 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.......... 5,610.00 42. 10 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... 10,800.00 43. 2 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each.......... 2,052.00 14. 1 teacher ............................................................... 972.00 45. 2 teachers, at P918 per annum each.................... 1,836.00 46. 1 teacher ................................................................ 864.00 Sorsogon 12. 1 superintendent ............................................... 8,825.00 71. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 81. 1 clerk ........................................... 756.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 24. 1 teacher ............................................................ 2,890.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each........... 5,440.00 26. 1 teacher ...................................... 2,550.00 34. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,479.00 35. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,428.00 36. 2 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each........... 2,754.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each........... 2,652.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each................ 2,550.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each........... 3,672.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............. 2,244.00 42. 7 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each................ 7,560.00 Sulu 10. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,675.00 79. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................. 702.00 22. 1 teacher .............................................................. 8,230.00 24. 1 teacher .............................................................. 2,890.00 26. 1 teacher ...................... 2,550.00 27. 1 teacher .............................................................. 2,380.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.......... 2,652.00 42. 2 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 2,160.00 Surigao 12. 1 superintendent .................... 3,825.00 75. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,080.00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 23. 1 teacher ............................................................... 8,060.00 25. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,720.00 26. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,550.00 31. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,700.00 32. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,581.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,479.00 35. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,428.00 36. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,377.00 37. 1 teacher .................................................... 1,326.00 38. 1 teacher ..................... 1,275.00 39. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,224.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,173.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,122.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 429 (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 42. 9 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... 9,720.00 43. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,026.00 44. 1 teacher ............................................................... 972.00 46. 2 teachers, at P864 per annum each............ 1,728.00 Tarlac 10. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,675.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,026.00 80. 1 clerk .................................................................... 810.00 88. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 23. 1 teacher .................................................... 3,060.00 24. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,890.00 25. 1 teacher ...................................................... 2,720.00 26. 1 teacher ..................................................... 2,550.00 28. 1 teacher ...................................................... 2,210.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each........... 3,400.00 32. 2 teachers, at Pl,581 per annum each............. 3,162.00 34. 2 teachers, at Pl,479 per annum each............ 2,958.00 36. 3 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............. 4,131.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............ 3,978.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,275.00 39. 4 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............ 4,896.00 42. 10 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 10,800.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each................ 1,944.00 45. 1 teacher ............................................................... 918.00 Tayabas 11. 1 superintendent .................................................. 4,250.00 74. 1 clerk ....... -.................................... -.....-.......... 1,122.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................. 918.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 23. 1 teacher ............................................................ 3,060.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each........... 5,440.00 26. 1 teacher ............................................................ 2,550.00 27. 1 teacher ........................................................... 2,380.00 33. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,530.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,479.00 35. 3 teachers, at Pl,428 per annum each............. 4,284.00 36. 8 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each........... 11,016.00 37. 6 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............. 7,956.00 38. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,275.00 39. 5 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............ 6,120.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............. 3,366.00 42. 11 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............ 11,880.00 43. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,026.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each.................. 1,944.00 Zambales 14. 1 superintendent .............................................. 3,400.00 83. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 85. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each.................. 5,440.00 29. 2 teachers, at P2,040 per annum each............. 4,080.00 38. 1 teacher .......................................<....................... 1,275.00 27. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,380.00 30. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,870,00 31. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,700.00 33. 2 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 3,060.00 35. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,428.00 36. 3 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............. 4,131.00 37. 4 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............. 5,304.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 3,672.00 42. 3 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 3,240.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each.................... 1,944.00 46. 1 teacher .................................................................. 864.00 Zamboanga 11. 1 superintendent ................................................... 4,250.00 81. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 756.00 83. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 85. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 25. 3 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............. 8,160.00 30. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,870.00 37. 4 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 5,304.00 42. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,080.00 24. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,890.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 29. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,040.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,479.00 39. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,224.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,122.00 44. 1 teacher ................................................................ 972.00 Vacant 8. 3 superintendents, at P5,100 per annum each.... 15,300.00 10. 2 superintendents, at P4.675 per annum each.... 9,350.00 51. 1 chief of section .................................................. 2,210.00 90. 1 draftsman ................................................... 432.00 22. 1 teacher ................................................................. 3,230.00 23. 2 teachers, at P3,060 per annum each.............. 6,120.00 25. 13 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each........... 35,360.00 26. 2 teachers, at P2.550 per annum each.............. 5,100.00 36. 4 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 5,508.00 39. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,224.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,122.00 45. 2 teachers, at P918 per annum each................... 1,836.00 46. 1 teacher ................................................................. 864.00 MISCELLANEOUS 93. Honoraria to be paid to teachers giving instruction in the annual vacation as­ semblies, in accordance with section 18, paragraph 35 of Act No. 2935 : 1 teacher .................................................... 191.33 3 teachers at P164 each........................... 492.00 1 teacher .................................................... 150.33 7 teachers at P116.16 each........................ 813.12 2 teachers at P109.33 each ....................... 218.66 6 teachers at P102.50 each ....................... 615.00 1 teacher ........................................................ 187.16 2 teachers at P88.83 each......................... 177.66 23 — Less—probable savings ...................... (295.26) 94. Honoraria to be paid to teachers giving instruction in the agricultural, arts and trades and commercial schools, during vacation time, in accordance with section 18, paragraph 35 of Act No. 2935: 1 teacher ....................................................... 157.16 1 teacher ....................................................... 150.33 1 teacher ........................................... 136.66 3 — Less—probable savings............................... (19.15) 95. Temporary and emergency employees at not more than P2.040 per annum each: Antique (h) 1 teacher ............................................. 1,224.00 Bukidnon (6) 1 teacher ............................................... 1,700.00 Capis (d) 1 teacher ................................................ 1,428.00 430 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Temporary and emergency employees at not more than P2,040 per annum each—Ctd. Cebu (g) 1 teacher 1,275.00 llocos Sur (g) 1 teacher 1,275.00 Lanao (d) 1 teacher ............ 1,428.00 (р) 1 teacher ................................................ 1,275.00 Manila (с) 1 teacher ................................................ 1,479.00 Misamis Oriental (f) 1 teacher .............................................. 1,326.00 Palawan (i) 1 teacher .................................................. 1,080.00 Samar (e) 1 teacher ................................................ 1,377.00 Sulu (/) 1 teacher 1,326.00 Tarlac (c) 1 teacher ................................................ 1,377.00 Deaf and Blind (i) r teacher ................................................ 842.00 Trades (a) 1 teacher .............................................. 1,870.00 Teachers' Pension Board (fc) 1 clerk 432.00 97. Pay for matron and laborers—Continued. (z-1) 1 laborer ............................................ 636.00 (ar-2) 2 laborers ......................................... 1,134.00 (b-2) 1 laborer ........................................... 540.00 (f—2) 1 laborer ........................................... 378.00 (h-2) 7 laborers .......................................... 2,457.00 (i-2) 3 laborers ......................................... 972.00 Records Division (p) 1 mimeograph operator ...................... 594.00 (q) 2 mimeograph operators .................. 972.00 (r) 1 motorcycle driver and messenger.... 702.00 (h-2) 1 laborer .......................................... 351.00 School for the Deaf and the Blind (a) 1 matron .......................... 324.00 (n) 1 watchman ........................................ 486.00 (v) 1 laundryman ................................ 300.00 (w) 1 cook .................................................. 648.00 (x) 1 assistant cook .................................... 276.00 (y) 1 houseboy ............................................ 240.00 (z) 1 houseboy ............................................ 204.00 (a-1) 1 dining room boy .......................... 240.00 (b-1) 1 yardman ........................................ 324.00 (k-1) 1 laborer ........................................... 264.00 (k—2) 1 laborer ............................................ 249.00 Philippine Normal School (c) 1 janitor .............................................. 540.00 (e) 3 janitors ............................................. 1,458.00 (h) 1 janitor ............................................... 432.00 (i) 11 janitors ............................................ 4,158.00 (n) 2 watchmen ........................................... 972.00 (o) 1 watchman .......................................... 432.00 (b-2) 1 laborer ........................................... 540.00 (c-2) 1 laborer ........................................... 486.00 Philippine School of Arts and Trades Vacant (f) 1 teacher ................................................ 1,§26.00 (j) 1 clerk .................................................... 648.00 Less—probable savings .............................. (4,748.00) 96. For student labor in national schools under the provisions of section 931 of the Ad­ ministrative Code (995 students at the rate of from P0.07 to 0.30 per hour).................. 25,000.00 97. Pay for matron and laborers, as follows: Division of Vocational Education (d-2) 1 laborer ........................................... 459.00 (e-2) 1 laborer ........................................... 405.00 (g-2) 1 laborer ............................................ 360.00 (h-2) 5 laborers .......................................... 1,755.00 (j-2) 1 laborer ............................................ 300.00 Office of the Chief Clerk (s) 1 chauffeur ............................................ 864.00 Property Division (b) 2 janitors .............................................. 1,134.00 (d) 1 janitor ................................................. 513.00 (g) 1 janitor ................................................. 459.00 (k) 1 watchman .......................................... 594.00 (l) 1 watchman ............................................ 540.00 (m) 1 watchman ......................................... 513.00 (u) 2 chauffeurs ......................................... 1,188.00 (b-1) 1 foreman ........................................... 972.00 (x—1) 1 laborer ........................................... 756.00 (y-1) 2 laborers .......................................... 1,296.00 (c) 2 janitors ............................................. 1,080.00 (e) 2 janitors .............................................. 972.00 (h) 1 janitor ................................................ 432.00 (j) 1 janitor ............................................... 378.00 (t) 1 chauffeur ........................................... 756.00 (c-2) 1 laborer ........................................... 486.00 (i-2) 1 laborer ..................................... 324.00 Philippine Nautical School (i) 1 janitor ................................................ 378.00 (o) 1 watchman ........................................ 432.00 (d—1) 1 gardener ........................................ 378.00 (e-1) 1 caterer ........................................... 432.00 Teachers? Camp (c-1) 1 gardener ....................................... 648.00 (m-1) 1 foreman ......................................... 864.00 (n-1) 1 laborer ............................................ 157.50 (n-1) 1 laborer .......................................... 157.00 (o—1) 1 laborer .......................................... 117.00 (p-1) 3 laborers .................................... 324.00 (q—1) 2 laborers ......................................... 207.00 (r—1) 4 laborers ............................. 396.00 (8-1) 1 laborer ......................................~.... 85.50 (t-1) 14 laborers ..... -..... 1,184.00 (u-lj 10 laborers ........................------------ 765.00 (v—1) 18 laborers ......................................... 986.00 Vacant (f) 1 janitor ...... —.................................... - 486.00 431 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION for matron and laborers—Continued. Abra (w-1) 1 laborer ............................................ 120.00 Albay (iv-l) 2 laborers ..........-............................. 240.00 Antique (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Bataan (w-1) 1 laborer ............................................ 120.00 Batangas (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Bohol (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Bulacan (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Cagayan (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Camarines Norte (w-1) 1 laborer ............................................ 120.00 Camarines Sur (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Capiz (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Cavite (w-1) 2 laborers ......-................................. 240.00 Cebu (w-1) 5 laborers ......................................... 600.00 llocos Norte (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 llocos Sur (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Iloilo (w-1) 5 laborers ......................................... 600.01, Isabela (w-1) 2 laborers ......................................... 240.00 Laguna (w-1) *2 laborers ......................................... 240.00 La Union (w-1) 2 laborers ........................................ 240.00 Leyte (g-1) 1 patron ............................................ 648.00 (v-1) 1 launch helper ............................... 300.00 (w-1) 4 laborers ........................................ 480.00 Pay for matron and laborers—Continued. Marinduque (w-1) 1 laborer ............................................. 120.00 Masbate (w-1) 1 laborer ........................................... 120.00 Mindoro (w-1) 1 laborer ....................... 120.00 Misamis Oriental (w-1) 2 laborers ......................................... 240.00 Negros Occidental (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Negros Oriental (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Nueva Ecija (w-1) 4 laborers ......................................... 480.00 Nueva Vizcaya (w-1) 1 laborer .....—.................................... 120.00 Palawan (w-1) 1 laborer ............................................. 120.00 Pampanga (w-1) 4 laborers ......................................... 480.00 Pangasinan (w-1) 5 laborers ......................................... 600.00 Rizal (w-1) 3 laborers ................................... 860.00 Romblon (w-1) 1 laborer ............... 120.00 Samar (f-1) 1 machinist ....................................... 702.00 (h—1) 1 steersman ....................................... 432.00 (j-1) 1 sailor ............................................... 240.00 (w-1) 3 laborers .......................................... 360.00 Sorsogon (w-1) 2 laborers ......................................... 240.00 Surigao (w-1) 2 laborers „....................................... 240.00 Tarlac (w-1) 3 laborers ........................................... 360.00 Tayabas (w-1) 4 laborers ......................................... 480.00 Zambales (w-1) 1 laborer ............................................ 120.00 Zamboanga (w-1) 1 laborer ............................................ 120.00 Less—probable savings................. (864.50) 98. Deductions for vacancies, absences, etc.......... (28,600.00) Total for salaries and wages ......................P8,576,974.00 432 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details 1937 1936 Reference to item numbers of Act Item No. requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH DIRECTOR 1. One Director of Health ..................... 1*6,120.00 5*6,120.00 1 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS [AND OFFICES] 2. Four chiefs of divisions, at 1*5,100 per annum each ................................................ 20,400.00 20,400.00 3 3. One chief of division ....................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 4 CHIEFS AND ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 4. Three chiefs of sections, at 1*4,250 per annum each, medical officers..................... 12,750.00 12,750.00 6 5. One chief of section, non-medical officer .................................................................. 3,400.00 3,400.00 7 6. One assistant chief of section ........... 1,870.00 1,870.00 9 MEDICAL OFFICERS 7. One consulting pathologist, Culion Leper Colony, without compensation. 8. Five district inspectors, at 1*4,250 per annum each ....................................................... 21,250.00 21,250.00 10 11-12 9. Six medical officers, at 1*3,400 per an­ num each............................................................ 20,400.00 20,400.00 14-15 10. Two medical officers, at 5*3,060 per annum each ..................................................... 6,120.00 6,120.00 17-18 11. One medical officer............................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 19 12. Six medical officers, at “1*2,550 per annum each....................................................... 15,300.00 15,300.00 20 13. Three medical officers, at 1*2,380 per annum each........................................................ 7,140.00 7,140.00 21-22 14. Four medical officers, at 5*2,040 per annum each........................................................ 8,160.00 8,160.00 23-24 15. One physician-pathologist ................. 2,040.00 2,040.00 27 16. Seventeen medical officers, at 1*1,530 per annum each....................... .......................... 26,010.00 26,010.00 26 17. Assistant medical officers, and tem­ porary physicians, for emergency cases as follows: (a) Three assistant medical officers, at 1*2,040 per annum each............................................ 6,120.00 6,120.00 28(a)-(c) (6) Two assistant medical officers, at 1*1,530 per annum each .......................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 (d) 18. Six supernumerary physicians, at Pl,080 per annum each................................... 6,480.00 6,480.00 29-31 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 433 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH DISTRICT HEALTH OFFICERS One-half of the salary only, the other half being payable by the province concerned in accordance with Act 3297. 19. Seventeen district health officers, at Pl,912.50 per annum each............................. 32,512.50 32,512.50 13a, 14a, 16, 20a, 23a 20. One district health officer ................. 21. Fourteen district health officers, at 1,785.00 1,785.00 206 Pl,700 per annum each................................... 22. Nine district health officers, at Pl,530 23,800.00 23,800.00 15a, 20c, 236, 25a per annum each ................................................ 23. Seven district health officers, at 13,770.00 13,770.00 23c, 26a Pl,275 per annum each................................... 8,925.00 8,925.00 20d, 23d, 266 24. One district health officer ................. 1,020.00 CHIEFS AND ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF HOSPITALS AND LEPROSARIA [All] With subsistence and quarters 1,020.00 136 25. One chief of the Culion Leper Colony 4,250.00 4,250.00 36 26. One medical superintendent............... 3,850.00 . 27. One chief of hospital......................... 3,315.00 3,315.00 37 28. One medical supervisor....................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 38 29. One chief of hospital........................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 39 30. One chief alienist ...... -....................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 40 31. One chief of hospital........................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 41 32. One assistant alienist......................... RESIDENT PHYSICIANS With subsistence and quarters 33. One resident physician and pathol­ 2,380.00 2,380.00 43 ogist and in charge of department............... 34. One bacteriologist resident physi­ 3,366.00 3,366.00 44 cian ...................................................................... 35. Two alienists, at P2,380 per annum 2,550.00 2,550.00 45 each .................................................................... 4,760.00 4,760.00 46 36. One resident physician....................... 2,210.00 2,210.00 47 37. One alienist ......................................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 48 38. One resident physician....................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 49 39. One resident physician....................... 40. One resident physician, with laun­ 1,530.00 1,530.00 50 dry ..................................................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 51 299081 -28 434 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 ' authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH 41. Three resident physicians, with laundry, at 1*1,080 per annum each....................... 42. One physician-radiologist, half time, with subsistence and quarters whenever on 3,240.00 3,240.00 52 24 hours’ duty.................................................... 43. One bacteriologist, part time, without 1,080.00 1,080.00 53 subsistence and quarters................................. 44. One oculist and aurist, half time, with subsistence and quarters whenever on 1,080.00 1,080.00 54 24 hours’ duty.................................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 55 45. One resident physician, with laundry 46. Seven internes, without compensa­ tion, but with subsistence and quarters. 1,080.00 540.00 55a 57 SANITARY ENGINEERS 47. One sanitary engineer......................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 32 48. One assistant sanitary engineer....... 3,400.00 3,400.00 33 49. One assistant sanitary engineer......... 50. One draftsman, with knowledge of 2,550.00 2,550.00 34 sanitary engineering ........................................ 1,530.00 1,530.00 35 CASHIER AND DISBURSING OFFICER 51. One cashier and disbursing officer.... 2,040.00 2,040.00 58 SUPERINTENDENTS AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS With subsistence and quarters 52. One superintendent ........................... 2,890.00 2,890.00 59 53. One finance and supply officer........... 2,380.00 2,380.00 60 54. One administrative officer and cashier 2,040.00 2,040.00 61 55. One administrative officer and cashier 1,530.00 1,530.00 62 CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT With subsistence and quarters 56. One superintendent of construction.... 2,040.00 2,040.00 65 PHARMACISTS AND PHARMACY CLERKS With subsistence and quarters 57. One pharmacist................................... 1,275.00 1,275.00 66 58. Two pharmacists, at 1*972 per annum each .................................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 67 59. One pharmacist................................... 864.00 864.00 68 60. One pharmacy clerk........................... 540.00 540.00 69 61. One pharmacy clerk........................... 360.00 .. DENTISTS 62. One dentist, half time......................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 70 63. One dentist, half [part] time........... 1,080.00 1,080.00 71 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 435 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH 64. One dentist, half [part] time, with one-tliird subsistence ........................................ 648.00 648.00 72 CHAPLAINS With subsistence, quarters and laundry 65. Two chaplains, at =P1,53O per annum each .................................................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 73-74 SISTERS OF CHARITY 66. Nine sisters of charity, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at 1*810 per annum each............................................................ 7,290.00 7,290.00 75 CLERKS 67. One clerk .............................................. 1,700.00 1,700.00 77 68. Four clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each .................................................................... 6,120.00 6,120.00 78-80 69. One clerk................................................ 1,275.00 1,275.00 82 70. Two clerks, at Pl,224 per annum each 2,448.00 2,448.00 83 71. One inventory clerk ............................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 85 72. One clerk................................................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 87 73. Two clerks, at P972 per annum each.. 1,944.00 1,944.00 88-89 74. One clerk .............................................. 918.00 918.00 90 75. One clerk .............................................. 864.00 864.00 91 76. Four clerks, at P756 per annum each 3,024.00 3,024.00 92-93 77. One clerk .............................................. 702.00 702.00 94 78. Seven clerks, at 1*648 per annum each 4,536.00 4,536.00 95 79. Seven clerks, at P540 per annum each 3,780.00 3,780.00 96, 97, 99 80. One clerk ............................................. 486.00 486.00 100 81. Six clerks, at P432 per annum each.... 2,592.00 2,592.00 102-104 82. Two clerks, at P378 per annum each 756.00 756.00 105-106 83. One clerk .........'.................................... 324.00 324.00 107 84. One clerk .............................................. 240.00 240.00 108 CLERKS With [subsistence and J quarters 85. One chief clerk and cashier................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 109 86. One senior clerk.................................... 1,080.00 87. One clerk .............................................. 972.00 972.00 110 88. One clerk-bookkeeper ......................... 756.00 756.00 111 89. One clerk .......................................... 720.00 .. 90. Four clerks, at i*648 per annum each 2,592.00 2,592.00 112-113 91. One junior stenographer.............. 600.00 .. 92. Three clerks, at 1*540 per annum each 1,620.00 1,620.00 114 93. One clerk .............................. 540.00 .. 94. One information clerk ....................... 540.00 540.00 116 436 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated BUREAU OF HEALTH (3) 95. One storekeeper and property clerk.. 96. One clerk, [with subsistence only].... 97. Three clerks, at 1*432 per annum each [with one-third subsistence]................. 98. Two clerks, at ¥=432 per annum each.. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSES With subsistence and quarters 99. One chief nurse, with laundry........... 100. Four supervisors, at 1*1,122 per an­ num each............................................................ 101. Four supervisors, at Fl,080 per an­ num each........ :.................................................. 102. One supervisor, with laundry............. 103. Two supervisors, with laundry, at ¥=864 per annum each....................................... 104. Two nurses, at 1*972 per annum each.. 105. Nine nurses, at 1*864 per annum each 106. Eleven nurses, at 1*756 per annum each .................................................................... 107. Six nurses, with laundry, at 1*648 per annum each........................................................ 108. Ten nurses, with laundry, at 1*540 per annum each........................................................ 109. One assistant [superintendent] chief nurse .................................................................. INSTITUTIONAL NURSES With subsistence, quarters and laundry 110. One chief nurse and principal of training school for nurses............................... 111. One chief nurse................................... 112. Two chiefs nurses, at Fl,080 per an­ num each............................................................ 113. Five supervisors, at F864 per annum each .................................................................... 114. Two supervisors, at F810 per annum each .................................................................... 115. Two supervisors, at F756 per annum each .................................................................... 116. Three supervisors, at 1*720 per an­ num, each............................................................ 117. One surgical supervisor....................... 118. One dietitian ....................................... 540.00 540.00 117 432.00 432.00 118 1,296.00 1,296.00 119 864.00 864.00 120 1,530.00 1,530.00 122 4,488.00 4,488.00 123-124 4,320.00 4,320.00 125-126 900.00 900.00 127 1,728.00 1,728.00 128 1,944.00 1,944.00 129-130 7,776.00 7,776.00 131-132 8,316.00 8,316.00 133-136 3,888.00 3,888.00 137 5,400.00 5,400.00 138 1,530.00 1,530.00 63a 1,530.00 1,275.00 1,275.00 139 2,160.00 2,160.00 140 4,320.00 4,320.00 142-145 1,620.00 1,620.00 146 1,512.00 1,512.00 147 2,160.00 .. 756.00 756.00 148 1,080.00 1,080.00 149 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 437 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 3) BUREAU OF HEALTH 119. One dietitian ....................................... 120. One dietitian and supervisor............... 121. One dietitian ....................................... 122. One dietitian ........................................ 123. One assistant dietitian......................... 124. One assistant dietitian ....................... 125. One head nurse.................................... 126. Three nurses, at P810 per annum each .................................................................... 127. Nine nurses, at 1*756 per annum each 128. Thirty nurses, at 1*648 per annum each .................................................................... 129. Seventeen nurses, at P540 per annum each .................................................................... 130. One nurse ........................................... 131. Tiventy-five nurses, at 1*480 per an­ num each............................................................ 132. Four nurses, at 1*480 per annum each 133. Student nurses: seniors at ?168; in­ termediates and juniors at 1*144; and pro­ bationers at 1*120 per annum each, with [subsistence and quarters and] an allowance of 1*4 each per month; Provided, That new student nurses who may be admitted on or after January 1, 1937, shall receive compen­ sation at the folio icing rates: seniors and as­ sociate seniors at 1*144; juniors, sophomores and freshmen at 1*120; and probationers at 1*96 per annum each furnished quarters and service, and an allowance of not more than 1*2 per month each............................................ INSTRUCTORS AND SOCIAL WORKERS 134. One instructor in occupational ther­ apy, with subsistence and quarters............... 135. One social worker, with subsistence, quarters and laundry....................................... SANITARY INSPECTORS 136. One chief sanitary inspector at 1*2,720 per annum, payable by the City of Manila. 137. One sanitary inspector....................... 138. One sanitary inspector....................... 1,920.00 ..................... 864.00 864.00 150 864.00 864.00 151 756.00 756.00 152 600.00 .. 864.00 648.00 648.00 154 720.00 .. 2,430.00 2,430.00 156 6,804.00 6,804.00 157,159 19,440.00 19,440.00 160-162 9,180.00 9,180.00 163,165-167 518.00 518.00 169 12,000.00 . 10,218.00 10,218.00 170 864.00 864.00 171 864.00 864.00 172 173 1,836.00 1,836.00 175 1,122.00 1,122.00 176 438 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH 139. Four sanitary inspectors, at 5*864 per annum each............................................ 3,456.00 3,456.00 178-180 14.0. One sanitary inspector............. 141. Two sanitary inspectors, at 5*756 per 840.00 840.00 174 annum each........................................................ 1,512.00 1,512.00 181-182 142. Eight sanitary inspectors, at 5*648 per annum each.................................................. 5,184.00 5,184.00 183-184 143. One sanitary inspector, with subsist­ ence and quarters.............................................. 648.00 648.00 186 ASSISTANT SANITARY INSPECTORS 144. One assistant sanitary inspector at 1*605 per annum, payable by the City of Manila. 187 145. One assistant sanitary inspector at 1*551 per annum, payable by the City of Manila. 188 146. Forty-four assistant sanitary inspec­ tors, at 1*540 per annum each......................... 23,760.00 23,760.00 189-194 [One assistant sanitary inspector^.......... 540.00 189 147. One assistant sanitary inspector....... 148. Sixty-six assistant sanitary inspec­ 486.00 486.00 195 tors, at 5*432 per annum each......................... 28,512.00 28,512.00 196-197 149. One assistant sanitary inspector....... 432.00 432.00 256(j) DISINFECTOR 150. One chief disinfector........................... 2,380.00 2,380.00 198 FOOD INSPECTOR 151. One food inspector............................. 2,380.00 2,380.00 199 DRAFTSMEN 152. One draftsman ................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 200 153. One draftsman ................................... 756.00 756.00 201 154. One assistant draftsman ................... 540.00 540.00 202 VACCINATORS 155. Vaccinators and inoculators, includ­ ing one senior medical officer in charge at 1*3,400 per annum, and chiefs and assistant Former incumbent of item 189 of Act 4231, retired under Act 3589. L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 439 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details iQ9c Reference to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH chiefs of parties at a rate not to exceed 1*1,530 per annum each, as follows : LABORATORY TECHNICIANS AND ASSISTANTS (a) One medical officer in charge................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 203(a) (&) One supervisor ............................................ 972.00 972.00 (&) (c) Three chiefs of parties, at 1*1,224 per an­ num each .................................................... 3,672.00 3,672.00 (c) (d) Five chiefs of parties, at 1*1,080 per an­ num each ................................................... 5,400.00 5,400.00 (d)-(e) (e) Two chiefs of parties, at 1*864 per an­ num each .................................................... 1,728.00 1,728.00 (/)-(/;) (/) One chief of party ...................................... 648.00 648.00 W (g) One assistant chief of party..................... 810.00 810.00 (0 (h) Seven assistant chiefs of parties, at 1*637 per annum each.......................................... 4,459.00 4,459.00 O)-(w) (0 Three assistant chiefs of parties, at 1*540 per annum each............................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 (n)-(p) (;) Nine vaccinators, at 1*540 per annum each 4,860.00 4,860.00 (<?)-(«) (fc) Five vaccinators, at 1*486 per annum each 2,430.00 2,430.00 (t) (0 Eighty-nine vaccinators, at F432 per an­ num each ...............................................— 38,448.00 38,448.00 (tl)-(u-l) 156. One junior chemist [sanitary inspec156. Split approved by Secretary of Public Instruction by 4th indorsement August 22, 1935. tor]...................................................................... 1,200.00 1,200.00 174 157. One laboratory technician................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 204 158. Three laboratory technicians, at 1*540 per annum each, with subsistence and quarters.............................................................. 1,620.00 1,620.00 205 159. One laboratory assistant................... 756.00 756.00 206 160. One laboratory assistant, with sub­ sistence and quarters....................................... 432.00 432.00 207 ATTENDANTS 161- One hospital attendant, with subsist­ ence, quarters and laundry.............................. 864.00 864.00 208 162. One hospital attendant, with subsist­ ence, quarters and laundry............................. 540.00 540.00 209 163. Eight hospital attendants, at 1*432 per annum each, with subsistence, quarters and laundry........................................................ 3,456.00 3,456.00 210, 212-213 440 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to ¡tem numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH 164. Three field dispensary attendants, at 1*864 per annum each, including an allow­ ance of P=0.80 per diem each for subsistence 2,592.00 2,592.00 214-215 165. Two field dispensary attendants, at T756 per annum each, including an allowance of 1*0.80 per diem each for subsistence....... 1,512.00 1,512.00 216 166. Two bath attendants, at 1*486 per annum each........................................................ 972.00 972.00 217 167. One bath attendant for four months.. 162.00 162.00 218 GUARDS With subsistence and quarters 168. One senior guard ............................... 648.00 648.00 219 169. One senior guard................................. 540.00 540.00 220 170. One senior guard ............................... 171. Six first-class guards, at 1*432 per 5Í8.00 518.00 221 annum each........................................................ 2,592.00 2,592.00 222-223 172. Four second class guards, at 1*378 per annum each................................................ 1,512.00 1,512.00 223a MESSENGERS 173. One messenger .................................... 378.00 378.00 225 174. One messenger ................................... 300.00 300.00 227 175. One messenger ................................... 240.00 240.00 228 MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES AND LABORERS 176. One agronomist................................... 177. One occupational therapist............... 178. One storekeeper................................... 179. One employee....................................... 480.00 600.00 720.00 756.00 756.00 229 180. One employee, with subsistence and quarters .............................................................. 432.00 432.00 230 181. One ejnployee........................................ 182. One mechanic, with subsistence and 240.00 240.00 231 quarters ............................................................. 864.00 864.00 232 183. One plumber-electrician, with subsist­ ence and quarters .... ......................................... 864.00 864.00 233 184. One plumber, with subsistence and quarters.............................................................. 540.00 540.00 234 185. One coalman, with subsistence and quarters.............................................................. 432.00 432.00 235 186. One foreman, with subsistence and quarters.............................................................. 540.00 540.00 286 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 441 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH 187. One foreman, with subsistence and quarters .............................................................. 432.00 432.00 237 188. One foreman and gardener, with sub­ sistence and quarters....................................... 432.00 432.00 238 189. One tinsmith, with subsistence and quarters ............................................................. 432.00 432.00 239 190. One laborer........................................... 378.00 378.00 240 191. One chauffeur, with subsistence and quarters .............................................................. 540.00 540.00 241 192. Two ambulance drivers, at 1*432 per annum each, with subsistence....................... 864.00 864.00 242 193. Two carpenters, at 1*518 per annum each, with subsistence and quarters............. 1,036.00 1,036.00 243 194. One carpenter, with subsistence and quarters .............................................................. 540.00 540.00 244 195. One morgue and crematory attendant, with subsistence and quarters......................... 432.00 432.00 245 196. One storekeeper, with subsistence and quarters .............................................................. 324.00 324.00 246 197. One seamstress, with subsistence and quarters.............................................................. 240.00 240.00 247 198. One chief cook, with subsistence and quarters.............................................................. 778.00 778.00 248 199. One cook, with subsistence and quar­ ters ...................................................................... 648.00 648.00 249 200. One cook, with subsistence............... 648.00 648.00 250 201. Two cooks, at 1*540 per annum each, with subsistence and quarters........................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 251 202. One assistant cook, with subsistence and quarters ...................................................... 324.00 324.00 252 203. One assistant cook, with subsistence.. 324.00 324.00 253 204. One assistant cook, with subsistence.. 264.00 264.00 254 MISCELLANEOUS 205. Additional pay of 10 per cent to phy­ sicians detailed for duty in the Culion Leper Colony, pursuant to section 966 of the Ad­ ministrative Code............................................. 680.00 680.00 255 206. Non-medical temporary employees, skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, and allowances herein authorized for sub­ sistence, quarters and laundry, including 442 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to 'tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH subsistence, quarters and laundry of public health nurses, items 99, 102, 103, 107 [122, 127, 128, 137] and [138] 108, supra, as fol­ lows: Sisters of Charity (а) Two sisters of charity, at 1*300 per an­ num each ................................................... Clerks (б) Ten clerks, at 1*240 per annum each Messengers (c) One messenger .............................................. (d) One messenger ............................................ (e) Seven messengers, at 1*240 per annum each .............................................................. (/) One messenger .............................................. Telephone Operators (g) One telephone operator............................... (h) One telephone operator............................... (i) One telephone operator............................... (;) Two telephone operators, at 1*192 per annum each ............................................. Miscellaneous [Laborers] [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers] ................................................... (k) One employee ................................................... (0 One employee ................................................... (m) Two employees, at F35 per month each (n) One storekeeper ............................................... (o) One"*assistant sanitary inspector.............. (p) One employee-for eman.................................... (q) One employee-timekeeper .......................... (r) Four employees, at F25 per month each.. (s) Two chauffeurs, at F76.50 per month each (t) One chauffeur ................................................... (u) Three chauffeurs, at P63 per month each (v) One chauffeur ................................................... (w) One chauffeur................................................... (x) One chauffeur................................................... (y) One chauffeur................................................... (z) One chauffeur ................................................... 600.00 600.00 256(a) 2,400.00 2,400.00 256(6)-(c) 288.00 288.00 288.00 288.00 256(d) 256(e) 1,680.00 216.00 1,680.00 216.00 256(/)-(£) 256(h) 324.00 300.00 240.00 324.00 300.00 240.00 256(k) 256(Z) 256 (m) 384.00 384.00 256 (n) ..................... 102,437.50 256(o) 480.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 840.00 ..................... 480.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 1,200.00 ..................... 1,836.00 ..................... 810.00 ..................... 2,268.00 ..................... 648.00 ..................... 637.00 ..................... 600.00 ..................... 576.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 443 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH (a-1) Three chauffeurs, at F36 per month each ............................................................. (b-1) Two chauffeurs, at F35 per month each (c—1) Two chauffeurs, at F30 per month each (d-1) One chauffeur ............................................... (e-1) Two chauffeurs, at F25 per month each (f-1) One mechanic ............................................... (g-1) One plumb er-machinist............................. (h-1) One plumber-machinist............................. (ir-1) One launch-machinist ................................. (j-1) One pump-machinist .................................. (k-1) One machinist-for eman............................. (l-l) One foreman ................................................. (rru-l) Two foremen, at F25 per month each (n-1) One electrician ............................................ (o-l) One second-class guard............................... (p-1) Three third-class guards, at F31.50 per month each ................................................ (q-1) One third class guard .............. -.............. (r-1) One watchman ............................................. (s-1) One watchman ............................................ (t-1) One watchman............................................... (u~l) One watchman ............................................. (v-1) One policeman ............................................. (w-1) One policeman ............................................ (x-1) Two policemen, at F25 per month each (y-1) One ward attendant.................................... (z-1) Eight ward attendants, at F25 per month each................................................. (a-2) Fourteen ward attendants, at F20 per month each .............................................. (b-2) Three ward attendants, at Fl 5 per month each ............................................... (c-2) One gardener ............................................... (dr-2) One gardener .......................................... . (e-2) One carpenter-foreman............................. (f-2) One carpenter............................................... (g-2) One carpenter............................................... (hr-2) One tinsmith................................................. (ir-2) One blacksmith ....................................-...... (j-2) One seamstress ............................................ (kr-2) One seamstress .......................................... (1^2) One assistant cook...................................... 1,296.00 ..................... 840.00 ..................... 720.00 ..................... 324.00 ..................... 600.00 ..................... 1,085.88 ..................... 504.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 420.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 396.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 600.00 ..................... 396.00 ..................... 378.00 ..................... 1,134.00 ..................... 300.00 ..................... 648.00 ..................... 300.00 ..................... 276.00 ..................... 216.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 324.00 ..................... 600.00 ..................... 324.00 ..................... 2,400.00 ..................... 3,360.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 378.00 ...................... 660.00 ..................... 312.00 ..................... 300.00 ....... .............. 336.00 ..................... 312.00 ..................... 324.00 ..................... 240.00 ..................... 240.00 ..................... 444 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference t0 *tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH (m-2) One assistant cook .................................... 180.00 (n-2) One laborer.................................................. 810.00 (o-2) One laborer ................................................. 788.40 (p-2) One laborer ................................................. 778.00 (q-2) One laborer ................................................. 722.70 (r-2) One laborer ................................................. 648.00 (s-2) Two laborers, at P49.50 ....................... 1,188.00 (t—2) One laborer ................................................. 540.00 (u-2) One laborer .................................................. 486.00 (v-2) One laborer .................................................. 480.00 (w-2) One laborer ................................................. 444.00 (x-2) Thirteen laborers, at P36 per month each ............................................................. 5,616.00 (y-2) Four laborers, at P31.50 per month each ............................................................. 1,512.00 (z-2) One laborer ................................................... 346.00 (os-3) Ten laborers, at P27 per month each.... 3,240.00 (b-3) One laborer in charge of Culion ranch 300.00 (c-5) Sixteen laborers, at P25 per month each ............................................................. 4,800.00 (d-3) Three laborers, at P21f per month each 864.00 (e-3) Four laborers, at P22 per month each.. 1,056.00 (f—3) Eleven laborers, at P21 per month each 2,772.00 (g-3) Eight laborers, at P20.875 per month each ............................................................. 2,004.00 (h-3) Twenty-two laborers, at P20 per month each ............................................................. 5,280.00 (1-3) Three laborers, at P18 per month each 648.00 (j—3) One laborer........................... 180.00 (k-3) One laborer.............................. 144.00 (L-3) Two laborers, at P7 per month each... 168.00 (mr-3) One sailor................................. 264.00 (n-3) Eight laundrymen, at P15 per month each ............................................................. 1,440.00 (o-3) One laundryman.......................................... 120.00 (p-3) Two laundrymen, at P20 per month each ............................................................. 480.00 (q-3) One laundrywoman..................................... 228.00 (r-3) Five laundrymen, at Pl 5 per month each ............................................................. 900.00 (s-3) One laundress................................................ 180.00 (t—3) Four laundresses, at Pl2 per month each ............................................................. 576.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 445 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details low Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH (u-3) One attendant................................................ (v-3) One laboratory helper................................. (w-3) Two laboratory helpers, at P20 per month each................................................. (x-3) One pharmacy helper................................. (y-3) One kitchen helper...................................... (z-3) Six kitchen helpers, at P15 per month each ............................................................. (a-4) One helper...................................................... (b-4) Two helpers, at P27 per month each... (c-4) Six helpers, at P25 per month each....... (d-4) Nine helpers, at 1*20 per month each... (e-4) Two helpers, at 1*18 per month each... (/-4) One helper....................................................... (g-4) One helper...................................................... . (h^4) Four helpers, at Pl 5 per month each. (i-4) Two helpers, at P74 per month each. (j-4) Two helpers, at P12 per month each.... (fc-4) Thirty helpers, at PIO per month each (1-4) Fourteen helpers, at 1*8 per month each (m^4) One litter bearer......................................... (n-4) Two litter bearers, at 1*27 per month each ............................................................. (o-4) One dormitory boy....................................... (p-4) One assistant janitor........................... ...... (q-4) One janitor..................................................... (r-4) Two servants, at P25 per month each. (s-4) Eight servants, at P20 per month each. (t-4) Forty-four servants, at Pl 5 per month each ............................................................. (u-4) Twenty-six servants, at 'PIO per month each ............................................................. Less savings........................................... Additional positions for Insular Psychopa­ thic Hospital: (v-4) One chauffeur................................................. (w-4) One plumber................................................... (x-4) Eighteen guards, at P20 per month each ............................................................. (y-4) Seventy-seven ward attendants, at Pl5 per month each....................................... „ (z-4) Two gardeners, at P25 per month each.. (a-5) Two carpenters, at P30 per month each 120.00 ..................... 300.00 ..................... 480.00 ..................... 300.00 ...................... 240.00 ..................... 1,080.00 ..................... 378.00 ..................... 648.00 ..................... 1,800.00 ..................... 2,160.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 204.00 ..................... 192.00 ...................... 720.00 ...................... 336.00 ..................... 288.00 ...................... 3,600.00 ............ ......... 1,344.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 648.00 ..................... 180.00 ..................... 637.00 ...................... 300.00 ..................... 600.00 ...................... 1,920.00 ..................... 7,920.00 ...................... 3,120.00 ..................... (3,939.48) ..................... 360.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 4,320.00 ..................... 13,860.00 ..................... 600.00 ..................... 720.00 ..................... 446 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. (3) BUREAU (b-5) One tailor ...................................................... (c-5) Five seamstresses, at i*25 per month each ............................................................. (d^5) Two barbers, at F25 per month each.... (e-5) Two cooks, at F30 per month each........ (f-5) Forty-seven helpers, at F10 per month each ............................................................. Leper Employees [For leper employees] ............................. (g-5) One general foreman.................................. (h-5) One physical instructor............................. (i—5) One superintendent of agriculture........ (j-5) One clerk, justice of the peace............ (k-5) One clerk, colony post office..................... (1-5) One clerk, general leper kitchen............ (m-5) One clerk....................................................... (n^5) Five clerks, at P7 per month each.... (o-5) One employee .............................................. (p-5) One employee in charge of storehouse.. (q—5) One employee ............................................... (r-5) One employee ............................................... (s-5) One assistant sanitary inspector............ (t-5) Three assistant sanitary inspectors, at F6 per month each.................................. (u-5) One fish inspector ...................................... (v-5) One foreman ............................................... (w-5) One chief of police...................................... (x-5) One sergeant of police................................ (y-5) One sergeant of police............................. (z-5) Twenty-one policemen, at F10 per 4 month each ............................................... (a-6) Three special policemen, at F5 per month each ............................................ (b-6) Six policemen, at 1*6 per month each.... (c-6) Two ward attendants, at 1*8 per month each ............................................................ (d—6) Two ward attendants, at 1*6 per month each ............................................... (e-6) One nursing aid............................................ (f-6) One laborer-carpenter ............................. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated OF HEALTH 360.00 1,500.00 .......................... 600.00 .......................... 720.00 .......................... 5,640.00 .......................... ................ 15,717.00 256 (p) 480.00 .......................... 240.00 .......................... 216.00 .......................... 120.00 .......................... 120.00 .......................... 120.00 ..............;........... 120.00 .......................... 420.00 .......................... 180.00 .......................... 168.00 .......................... 120.00 .......................... 36.00 .......................... 96.00 .......................... 216.00 .......................... 120.00 .......................... 324.00 .......................... 300.00 .......................... 216.00 .......................... 144.00 .......................... 2,520.00 .......................... 180.00 .......................... 432.00 ...... ................... 192.00 .......................... 144.00 .......................... 144.00 .......................... 144.00 ........................_ I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 447 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated BUREAU OF HEALTH (3) (g-6) Eight laborers, at F7 per month each.... (h-6) Seven carpenters, at F6 per month each (i-6) One music band leader............................. (j-&) Sixteen musicians, at per month each .............................................................. (k-6) Two lieutenants of firemen, at Fl 2 per month each ............................................... (1—6) Twenty firemen, at F9 per month each.. (m-6) One assistant laundryman....................... (n-6) Seven assistant cooks, at F7 per month each .............................................................. (o-6) Four assistant cooks, at F6 per month each .............................................................. (p-6) Two food carriers, at F4 per month each .............................................................. (q-6) One janitor, Colony Hall........................... (r-6) One janitor ................................................... (s-6) One in charge of litter bearers................ (t-6) Twelve litter bearers, at F8 per month each.............................................................. (u-6) One helper..................................................... (v-6) Thirteen helpers, at F6 per month each (w-6) One helper ................................................... (x-6) Five helpers, at F3 per month each.... (y-6) Three toilet cleaners, at F9 per month each ............................................................ (z-6) Eight toilet cleaners, at F8 per month each .............................................................. (ar-7) Four servants, at F5 per month each.. (b-7) Three servants, at F3.75 per month each .............................................................. (c-7) One servant................................................... Less—savings from vacancies and absences .................................................... Allowances (<L-7) For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry................................... Total......................... ,......................... 672.00 ..................... 504.00 ..................... 120.00 ..................... 768.00 ..................... 288.00 ..................... 2,160.00 ..................... 72.00 ..................... 588.00 ..................... 288.00 ..................... 96.00 ..................... 84.00 ..................... 60.00 ..................... 144.00 ..................... 1,152.00 ..................... 180.00 ..................... 936.00 ..................... 48.00 ...................... 180.00 ...................... 324.00 ..................... 768.00 ..................... 240.00 ..................... 135.00 ..................... 36.00 ..................... (1,638.00) ..................... 35,833.00 35,833.00 256(g) 898,939.00 841,155.00 448 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 1. 1 Director of Health ......................................... P6,120.00 9. 1 medical officer ................................................ 3,400.00 76. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 206 (f)- 1 chauffeur .................................................... 810.00 DISTRICT INSPECTORS 8. 5 district inspectors, at P4.250 per annum each ............................................................... 21,250.00 DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATION Division Proper 2. 1 chief of division ............................................. 5,100.00 51. 1 cashier and disbursing officer........................ 2,040.00 90. 1 clerk, with quarters....................................... 648.00 156. 1 junior chemist .................................................. 1,200.00 206 (u). 1 chauffeur .................................................... 756.00 (y). 1 chauffeur .................................................... 576.00 (s—2). 1 laborer ............................... 648.00 (x-2). 1 laborer ....................................................... 432.00 (c-S). 3 laborers, at P25 per month each.......... 900.00 Clerical Section 5. 1 chief of section, non-medical officer................ 3,400.00 70. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,224.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................. 864.00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 90. 1 clerk, with quarters ........................................... 648.00 206(e). 1 messenger .................................................. 240.00 206 (r-1). 1 watchman ............................................... 648.00 (p-4). 1 assistant janitor ................................. 637.00 (x-2). 1 laborer .................................................... 432.00 (y-2). 1 laborer ................................................... 378.00 (z-2). 1 laborer ................................................... 346.00 (a-S). 1 laborer ................................................... 324.00 (c-S). 1 laborer ................................................... 300.00 Section of Personnel 67. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,700.00 78. 1 clerk ............................................... -.................. 648.00 79. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 81. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 864.00 206(e). 1 messenger .................................................... 240.00 Section of Records 78. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 77. 1 clerk ................................................................... 702.00 78. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 79. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 173. 1 messenger .............................. 378.00 174. 1 messenger ..................................................... 300.00 206 b. 1 clerk ............................................................... 240.00 206 e. 2 messengers .................................................... 480.00 206 (y—2). 1 laborer .................................................... 378.00 206(7i-5). 2 laborers, at ?240 per annum each..... 480.00 Section of Property 6. 1 assistant chief of section................................ 1,870.00 68. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,530.00 69. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,275.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 78. 1 clerk ........................................................... _ 648.00 79. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 179. 1 employee .......................................................... 756.00 181. 1 employee ........................................................... 240.00 190. 1 laborer ............................................................. 378.00 206 (n-2). 1 laborer ................................................... 810.00 (p-2). 1 laborer, at P2.16 per day.................. 778.00 (u—2). 1 laborer ................................................... 486.00 (w-2). 1 laborer ................................................... 444.00 (a-3). 3 laborers, at P27 per month each........ 972.00 (h-3). 3 laborers, at P20 per month each.......... 720.00 (w). 1 chauffeur ............................................... 756.00 (b-1). 1 chauffeur ............................................... 420.00 (d-1). 1 chauffeur ................................................ 324.00 Section of Publicity 4. 1 chief of section, medical officer...................... 4,250.00 16. 1 medical officer .......................................... 1,530.00 71. 1 inventory clerk ................................................ 1,080.00 148. 1 assistant sanitary inspector .......................... 432.00 153. 1 draftsman .................................................. 756.00 Section of Nutrition 12. 1 medical officer ................................................ 2,550.00 Section of Nursing 99. 1 chief nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry ......................................................... 1,530.00 102. 1 supervisor, with subsistence, quarters and laundry........................................................... 900.00 103. 2 supervisors, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P864 per annum each.......... 1,728.00 107. 6 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P648 per annum each.......... 3,888.00 108. 10 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P540 per annum each.......... 5,400.00 206(5). 2 clerks, at P240 per annum each.......... 480.00 206 (d-7). For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry: 20 nurses .............................................. 10,176.00 School of Hygiene and Public Health 18. 1 supernumerary physician ................................ 1,080.00 Section of Food and Drug Inspection 151. 1 food inspector .............................................. 2,380.00 146. 1 sanitary inspector ........................................... 540.00 DIVISION OF HOSPITALS Division Proper 2. 1 chief of division ............................................ 5,100.00 68. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,530.00 76. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 164. 3 field dispensary attendants, at P864 per annum each including an allowance of P0.80 per diem each for subsistence....... 2,592.00 165. 2 field dispensary attendants, at P756 per annum each including an allowance of P0.80 per diem each for subsistence....... 1,512.00 San Lazaro Hospital 27. 1 chief of hospital, with subsistence and quarters ......................................................... 3,315.00 15. 1 physician-pathologist .................................... 2,040.00 16. 1 medical officer ................................................. 1,530.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 449 (3) BUREAU OF HEARTH INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 18. 1 supernumerary physician ............................. 1,080.00 33. 1 resident physician and pathologist in charge of department, with subsistence and quarters ......,.................................................. 3,366.00 34. 1 bacteriologist, resident physician with sub­ sistence and quarters ................................. 2,550.00 36. 1 resident physicians, with subsistence and quarters ......................................................... 2,210.00 38. 1 resident physician, with subsistence and quarters ........................................................ 2,040.00 39. 1 resident physician, with subsistence and quarters ......................................................... 1,530.00 45. 1 resident physician, with subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry ......................................... 1,080.00 46. 3 internes, without compensation, but with subsistence and quarters .......................... 52. 1 superintendent with subsistence and quar­ ters ................................................................. 2,890.00 79. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 59. 1 pharmacist, with subsistence and quarters.. 864.00 60. 1 pharmacy clerk, with subsistence and quar­ ters ................................................................. 540.00 84. 1 clerk .................................................................. 240.00 87. 1 clerk, with quarters ....................................... 972.00 90. 1 clerk, with quarters.......................................... 648.00 92. 1 clerk, with quarters ....................................... 540.00 94. 1 information clerk, with quarters. 540.00 97. 1 clerk, with quarters.......................................... 432.00 111. 1 chief nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 1,275.00 113. 2 supervisors, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P864 per annum each.............. 1,728.00 114. 2 supervisors, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P810 per annum each............ 1,620.00 125. 1 head nurse, with subsistence and quar­ ters ................................... 720.00 118. 1 dietitian, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 1,080.00 123. 1 assistant dietician, with subsistence and quarters .......................................................... 864.00 124. 1 assistant dietitian, with subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry .......................................... 648.00 127. 7 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P756 per annum each............. 5,292.00 128. 15 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P648 per annum each........... 9,720.00 129. 10 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P540 per annum each........... 5,400.00 132. 4 nurses, at ?480 per annum each, with subsistence and quarters ........................ 1,920.00 130. 1 nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry ............................................................ 518.00 157. 1 laboratory technician ................................... 1,080.00 158. 2 laboratory technicians, with subsistence and quarters, at P540 per annum each.... 1,080.00 160. 1 laboratory assistant, with subsistence and quarters ......................................................... 432.00 162. 1 hospital attendant, with subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry ......................................... 540.00 168. 1 senior guard, with subsistence and quarters 648.00 169. 1 senior guard, with subsistence and quarters 540.00 170. 1 senior guard, with subsistence and quar­ ters ................................................................. 518.00 171. 6 first-class guards, with subsistence and quarters, at ?432 per annum each........... 2,592.00 172. 4 second-class guards, with subsistence and quarters, at P378 per annum each........... 1,512.00 180. 1 employee, with subsistence and quarters.... 432.00 184. 1 plumber, with subsistence and quarters___ 540.00 185. 1 coalman, with subsistence and quarters...... 432.00 187. 1 foreman, with subsistence and quarters...... 432.00 189. 1 tinsmith, with subsistence and quarters...... 432.00 193. 2 carpenters, with subsistence and quarters, at P518 per annum each ...................... 1,036.00 195. 1 morgue and crematory attendant, with sub­ sistence and quarters ........ 432.00 197. 1 seamstress, with subsistence and quarters.. 240.00 198. 1 chief cook, with subsistence and quarters.... 778.00 201. 1 cook, with subsistence and quarters............. 540.00 206(a). 2 sisters of charity, at P300 per an­ num each ...................................................... 600.00 (g) . 1 telephone operator ................................. 324.00 (f-1). 1 mechanic ................................................. 1,085.88 (o—2). 1 laborer ................................................... 788.40 (q-2). 1 laborer .................................................... 722.70 (s-2). 2 laborers, at P49.50 per month each.... 1,188.00 (t—2). 1 laborer ................................................... 540.00 (v-2). 1 laborer ................................................. 480.00 (y-2). 1 laborer .................................................... 378.00 (c-S). 7 laborers, at P25 per month each.......... 2,100.00 (h-3). 2 laborers, at P20 per month each............. 480.00 (o—l). 1 second-class guard ............................... 378.00 (p-1). 3. third-class guards, at 1*31.50 per month each ......................................... 1,134.00 (q-1). 1 third-class guard ................................... 300.00 (s). 2 chauffeurs at 1*76.50 per month each 1,836.00 (u) . 1 chauffeur ................................................ 756.00 (v) . 1 chauffeur ................................................ 648.00 («). 1 chauffeur ................................................ 600.00 (m-4). 1 litter bearer ......................................... 432.00 (n-4). 2 litter bearers, at ?27 per month each 648.00 (v-S). 1 laboratory helper .................................. 300.00 (w-S). 2 laboratory helpers, at ?20 per month each .................................................... 480.00 (a-4). 1 helper ...................................................... 378.00 (b-4). 1 helper ...................................................... 324.00 (c-4). 3 helpers, at 1*25 per month each....... 900.00 (d-4). 4 helpers, at P20 per month each.......... 960.00 (h-4). 1 helper ..................................................... 180.00 (fc-4). 1 helper ..................................................... 120.00 (n-S). 5 laundrymen, at P15 per month each.. 900.00 (c-S). 1 laundryman ............................................ 120.00 (s-S). 1 laundress ............................................... 180.00 (r-4). 2 servants, at 1*25 per month each....... 600.00 (c-4). 1 helper ....................................................... 300.00 (8-4). 7 servants, at P20 per month each....... 1,680.00 (t-4). 44 servants, at 1*15 per month each....... 7,920.00 (u-4). 26 servants, at F10 per month each....... 3,120.00 (m-1). 2 foremen, at 1*25 per month each....... 600.00 Leper Employees (o-5). 1 employee ................................................. 180.00 (r-5). 1 employee .................................................. 36.00 (e-6). 1 nursing aid ............................... 144.00 (c-6). 2 ward attendants, at P8 per month each ...................................................... 192.00 (d-6). 2 ward attendants, at 1*6 per month each ...................................................... 144.00 (v-5). 1 foreman ................................................. 324.00 (h—6). 7 carpenters, at 1*6 per month each .... 504.00 (b-6). 5 policemen, at 1*6 per month each.... 360.00 (a-7). 4 servants, at 1*5 per month each....... 240.00 (b-7). 3 servants, at P3.75 per month each.... 135,00 29908! -29 450 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH INTERNAL ORGANIZATION (c-7). 1 servant ................................................... 36.00 (u-6). 1 helper ..................................................... 180.00 (v-6). 13 helpers, at P6 per month each ....... 936.00 (b-6). 1 policeman ................................................ 72.00 (w-6). 1 helper ...................................................... 48.00 (x-6). 5 helpers, at P3 per month each.......... 180.00 (c-7). For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry: Subsistence: 1 chief, San Lazaro Hospital..... 864.00 1 resident physician .................. 720.00 1 resident physician and patho­ logist in charge of depart­ ment ................................. 720.00 1 resident physician .................... 540.00 1 superintendent ........................ 864.00 Subsistence and quarters: 1 clerk ................. 288.00 Laundry: 1 resident physician .................. 76.80 1 chief nurse ............................... 76.80 4 supervisors ............................... 307.20 1 dietitian .........-.......................... 76.80 1 assistant dietitian .................. 76.80 33 nurses ......................................... 2,534.40 1 hospital attendant...................... 76.80 Insular Psychopathic Hospital 26. 1 medical superintendent, with subsistence and quarters ................................................ 3,850.00 30. 1 chief alienist, with subsistence and quarters 2,550.00 32. 1 assistant alienist, with* subsistence and quarters ........................................................ 2,380.00 35. 2 alienists, with subsistence and quarters, at P2,380 per annum each ............................. 4,760.00 37. 1 alienist, with subsistence and quarters...... 2,040.00 54. 1 administrative officer and cashier with sub­ sistence and quarters................................... 2,040.00 58. 1 pharmacist, with subsistence and quarters.. 972.00 61. 1 pharmacy clerk, with subsistence and quar­ ters ................................................................. 360.00 64. 1 dentist, half time, with one-third subsistence 648.00 86. 1 senior clerk, with quarters only ................. 1,080.00 89. 1 clerk, with quarters....................................... 720.00 91. 1 junior stenographer, with quarters............. 600.00 93. 1 clerk, with quarters ........................................ 540.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 112. 1 chief nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 1,080.00 113. 2 supervisors, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P864 per annum each............ 1,728.00 117. 1 supervisor, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 756.00 116. 3 supervisors, with subsistence and quarters 2,160.00 119. 1 dietitian, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 864.00 122. 1 dietitian, with subsistence and quarters... 600.00 128. 5 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P648 per annum each .... 3,240.00 129. 4 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P540 per annum each.............. 2,160.00 131. 25 nurses, at P480 per annum each, with sub­ sistence and quarters ................................. 12,000.00 134. 1 instructor in occupational therapy, with subsistence and quarters ............................. . 864.00 135. 1 social worker, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .................................................. 864.00 158. 1 laboratory technician, with subsistence and quarters ......................................................... 540.00 176. 1 agronomist ....................................................... 480.00 177. 1 occupational therapist .................................... 600.00 178. 1 storekeeper ....................................................... 720.00 161. 1 hospital attendant, with subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry .............................................. 864.00 163. 8 hospital attendants, with subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry, at P432 per annum each................................................................. 3,456.00 182. 1 mechanic, with subsistence and quarters.... 864.00 183. 1 plumber-electrician, with subsistence and quarters ........................................................ 864.00 186. 1 foreman, with subsistence and quarters...... 540.00 191. 1 chauffeur, with subsistence and quarters.... 540.00 194. 1 carpenter, with subsistence and quarters.... 540.00 201. 1 cook, with subsistence and quarters.............. 540.00 202. 1 assistant cook, with subsistence and quar­ ters ................................................................. 824.00 206 (h). 1 telephone operator ................................. 300.00 (d-2). 1 gardener ................................................. 378.00 (j—2). 1 seamstress ............................................. 324.00 (lc-2). 1 seamstress ............................................... 240.00 (y-1). 1 ward attendant .................................... 324.00 (z-1). 8 ward attendants, at 1*25 per month each ...................................................... 2,400.00 (a-2). 14 ward attendants, at P20 per month' each ........................................-.............. 3,360.00 (b-2). 3 ward attendants, at P15 per month each ...................................................... 540.00 (b-4). 1 helper ...................................................... 324.00 (c-4). 1 helper ...................................................... 300.00 (d-4). 1 helper ................. 240.00 (x-3). 1 pharmacy helper ................................. 300.00 (h-3). 2 laborers, at P20 per month each......... 480.00 (m—2). 1 assistant cook ....................................... 180.00 (y-3). 1 kitchen helper ........................................ 240.00 (z-3). 6 kitchen helpers, at P15 per month each ............................................... 1,080.00 (o-4). 1 dormitory boy ....................................... 180.00 (h-4). 1 helper ............................................... 180.00 (s-4). 1 servant ............................ -..................... 240.00 Additional positions for Insular Psychopathic Hospital (v-4). 1 chauffeur ................................................ 360.00 (w-4). 1 plumber .................................................. 360.00 (x-4). 18 guards at P20 per month each....... 4,320.00 (y-4). 77 ward attendants, at P15 per month each ...................................................... 13,860.00 (z-4). 2 gardeners, at P25 per month each....... 600.00 (o~5). 2 carpenters, at P30 per month each.... 720.00 (b-5). 1 tailor ....................... 360.00 (c—5). 5 seamstresses, at P25 per month each 1,500.0 (d-5). 2 barbers, at P25 per month each..... 600.00 (e-5). 2 cooks, at P30 per month each............. 720.00 (f—5). 47 helpers, at P10 per month each........... 5,640.00 (d-7). For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry: Subsistence: 1 chief alienist ............................. 876.00 1 administrative officer ................ 657.00 Laundry. 1 chief nurse ................................. 76.80 2 supervisors ............................... 153.60 1 dietitian ..................................... 76.80 10 nurses ................. 768.00 1 social worker ...................... 76.80 9 hospital attendants .................. 691.20 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 451 Southern Islands Hospital (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 31. 1 chief of hospital, with subsistence and quarters ......................................................... 2,550.00 40. 1 resident physician, with subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry ......................................... 1,530.00 41. 3 resident physicians, with subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry, at Pl,080 per annum each ................................................................. 3,240.00 42. 1 physician-radiologist, half time, with sub­ sistence and quarters whenever on 24 hours’ duty .................................................... 1,080.00 43. 1 bacteriologist, part time, without subsist­ ence and quarters..................................-.... 1,080.00 44. 1 oculist and aurist, half time, with subsist­ ence and quarters whenever on 24 hours’ duty ............................................................... 1,080.00 46. 2 interns, without compensation but with subsistence and quarters. 57. 1 pharmacist, with subsistence and quarters.... 1,275.00 62. 1 dentist, half time .................................... 1,080.00 85. 1 chief clerk and cashier, with subsistence and quarters .................................................. 1,530.00 96. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 97. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 1,296.00 110. 1 chief nurse and principal of training school for nurses, with subsistence hnd quarters ................................ -....................... 1,530.00 113. 1 supervisor, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 864.00 115. 1 supervisor, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 756.00 120. 1 dietitian and supervisor, with subsistence, quarters and laundry..................................... 864.00 127. 1 nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 756.00 128. 10 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P648 per annum each............ 6,480.00 133. Student nurses: seniors at P168; interme­ diates and juniors at P144; and proba­ tioners at P120 per annum each, with an allowance of P4 each per month; Pro­ vided, That new student nurses who. may be admitted on or after January 1, 1937, shall receive compensation at the follow­ ing rates; seniors and associate seniors at P144; juniors, sophomores and fresh­ men at P120 and probationers at P96 per annum each, furnished quarters and serv­ ice, and an allowance of not more than P2 per month each. 14 seniors ............................................ 2,352.00 20 intermédiates ............................... 2,880.00 28 juniors ........................................... 4,032.00 41 probationers ................................. 4,920.00 Allowances at P4 a month each for the above students.......................... 4,944.00 Less—savings ..................................... (8,910.00) 188. 1 foreman and gardener, with subsistence and quarters ................................................ 432.00 192. 2 ambulance drivers, with subsistence, at P432 per annum each................................... 864.00 200. 1 cook, with subsistence................................... 648.00 203. 1 assistant cook, with subsistence.................. 324.00 204. 1 assistant cook, with subsistence................. 264.00 206(c). 1 messenger ................................................... 288.00 (d). 1 messenger .................................................. 288.00 (f). 1 messenger ................................................. 216.00 (tt-2). 1 watchman ................................................ (a-1). 1 watchman ................................................ (d-4). 1 helper ...................................................... (c-4). 1 helper ........................................................ (f-4). 1 helper ...................................................... (X7—4)- 1 helper ........................................................ (7t-4). 1 helper ........................................................ (i-4). 2 helpers, at P14 per month each.......... (j-4). 2 helpers, at P12 per month each.......... (fc-4). 21 helpers, at P10 per month each......... (c—5). 2 laborers, at P25 per month each....... (e-5). 2 laborers, at P22 per month each1....... (f—3). 2 laborers, at P21 per month each.......... (i-5) 3 laborers, at P18 per month each........... (p-3). 2 laundry women, at P20 per month each ...................................................... (q-3). 1 laundry woman ....................................... (r-3). 5 laundry woman, at P15 per month each 206 (d-7). For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry: Laundry: 4 resident physicians.................. 1 supervisor ................................. 1 dietitian and supervisor........... 11 nurses ....................................... Baguio Hospital 29. 1 Chief of hospital with subsistence and quarters .......................................................... 16. 1 medical officer ................................................ 18. 1 supernumerary physician ....................*....... 46. 1 interne, without compensation, but with subsistence and quarters. 55. 1 administrative officer and cashier, with subsistence and quarters............................. 58. 1 pharmacist, with subsistence and quarters 92. 1 clerk, with quarters ................................ ...... 112. 1 chief nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry ............................................................ 115. 1 supervisor, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 121. 1 dietitian, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 127. 1 nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry ............................................................ 129. 3 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P540 per annum each............ 159. 1 laboratory assistant ....................................... 199. 1 cook, with subsistence, and quuarters........... 206(a-1). 1 chauffeur .................................................... (c-2). 1 gardener .................................................. (1-2). 1 assistant cook ......................................... (d,-4). 1 helper ........................................................ (e-4). 1 helper ...................................................... (7i-4). 1 helper ...................................................... (fc-4). 7 helpers, at P10 per month each......... 206(d-7). For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry: Laundry: 1 chief nurse ................................. 1 supervisor ................................... 1 dietitian ....................................... 4 nurses ........................................... Sibul Springs Sanitarium 18. 1 supernumerary physician ............................. 166. 2 bath attendants, at P486 per annum each 167. 1 bath attendant for four months.................. 276.00 216.00 240.00 216.00 204.00 192.00 180.00 336.00 288.00 2,640.00 600.00 528.00 504.00 648.00 480.00 228.00 900.00 307.20 76.80 76.80 844.80 2,720.00 1,530.00 1,080.00 1,530.00 972.00 540.00 1,080.00 756.00 756.00 756.00 1,620.00 756.00 648.00 432.00 432.00 240.00 240.00 216.00 180.00 840.00 76.80 76.80 76.80 307.20 1,080.00 972.00 162.00 452 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH INTERNAL ORGANIZATION DIVISION OF MATERNAL AND CHILD HYGIENE Division Proper 3. 1 chief of division.................................................. 4.250.00 18. 1 supernumerary physician .............................. 1,080.00 109. 1 assistant chief nurse, with subsistence and quarters .......................................................... 1,530.00 72. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 73. 1 clerk .................................................................... 972.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 100. 1 supervisor, with subsistence and quarters.. 1,122.00 206 (d-4). 1 helper ...................................................... 240.00 206 (d-7). For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry: Subsistence: 1 assistant chief nurse .................. 384.00 1 supervisor ..................................... 192.00 Section of School Health Supervision 9. 1 medical officer ................................................. 3,400.00 14. 1 medical officer .................................................. 2,040.00 17(a). 2 assistant medical officers, at P2.040 per annum each ............................................ 4,080.00 18. 1 supernumerary physician ............................ 1,080.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................. 324.00 Puericulture Center Clinics 11. 1 medical officer................................................... 2,720.00 16. 1 medical officer ................................................. 1,530.00 63. 1 dentist, half time........................................... 1,080.00 100. 3 supervisors, with subsistence and quarters, at Pl,122 per annum each.......................... 3,366.00 101. 4 supervisors, with subsistence and quarters, at Pl,080 per annum each.......................... 4,320.00 104. 2 nurses, with subsistence and quarters, at P972 per annum each.................................. 1,944.00 105. 7 nurses, with subsistence and quarters, at P864 per annum each.................................. 6,048.00 106. 2 nurses, with subsistence and quarters, at P756 per annum each.................................. 1,512.00 106. 1 nurse, with subsistence and quarters.......... 756.00 206 (c-4). 1 helper ...................................................... 300.00 206(d-4). 1 helper ...................................................... 240.00 206 (e-7). For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry: Subsistence: 2 supervisors ................................. 480.00 6 nurses ........................................... 1,152.00 Less—savings ................ (176.55) Maternity and Children’s Hospital 10. 2 medical officers, at P3,060 per annum each 6,120.00 13. 2 medical officers, at P2.380 per annum each 4,760.00 46. 1 interne, without compensation, but with subsistence and quarters. 105. 1 nurse, with subsistence and quarters........ 864.00 106. 6 nurses, with subsistence and quarters, at P756 per annum each ................................. 4,636.00 206 (e-1). 2 chauffeurs at P25 per annum each.... 600.00 (8—1). 1 watchman ......................................... 300.00 (c-3). 2 laborers, at P25 per month each.......... 600.00 (h-3). 1 laborer .................................................... 240.00 (k-3). 1 laborer .................................................... 144.00 (lr-8). 2 laborers, at P7 per month each.......... 168.00 Health and Social Centers 9. 1 medical officer ................................................ 3,400.00 12. 2 medical officers, at P2,550 per annum each 5,100.00 13. 1 medical officer .............................................. 2,380.00 16. 3 medical officers, at Pl,530 per annum each 4,590.00 28. 1 medical supervisor, with subsistence and quarters .......................................................... 3,060.00 105. 1 nurse, with subsistence and quarters.......... 864.00 106. 2 nurse, with subsistence and quarters, at P756 per annum each ................................. 1,512.00 DIVISION OF EPIDEMIOLOGY Division Proper 2. 1 chief of division................................................ 5,100.00 78. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 146. 1 assistant sanitary inspector..................„..... 540.00 148. 2 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each ............................................ 864.00 155 (I). 3 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 1,296.00 206 (z). 1 chauffeur ................................................... 540.00 (c-3). 1 laborer ..................................................... 300.00 (h-3). 1 laborer ..................................................... 240.00 (j-3). 1 laborer ..................................... 180.00 Section of Vital Statistics 4. 1 chief of section ............................................. 4,250.00 68. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,530.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,224.00 74. 1 clerk .................................................................. 918.00 79. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 81. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 82. 2 clerks, at P378 per annum each...................... 756.00 148. 1 assistant sanitary inspector............................ 432.00 206(b). 7 clerks, at P240 per annum each........... 1,680.00 206(c). 1 messenger —................................................. 240.00 Section on Leprosy 4. 1 chief of section.;.............................................. 4,250.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 Section on Malaria Control 12. 1 medical officer .............................................. 2,550.00 Section of Other Preventable Diseases 14. 1 medical officer ........ 2,040.00 16. 1 medical officer ................................................. 1,530.00 17(b). 1 medical officer ......................................... 1,530.00 146. 1 assistant sanitary inspector......................... 540.00 Culion Leper Colony 25. 1 chief of the Culion Leper Colony, with subsistence and quarters............................. 4,250.00 7. 1 consulting pathologist, Culion Leper Colony, without compensation. 53. 1 finance and supply officer, with subsistence and quarters ................................................ 2,380.00 56. 1 superintendent of construction, with sub­ sistence and quarters............................. 2,040.00 65. 2 chaplains, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at Pl,530 per annum each....... 3,060.00 66. 9 sisters of charity, with subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry, at P810 per annum each ............................................................... 7,290.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 453 (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 88. 1 clerk-bookkeeper, with subsistence and quarters .......................................................... 756.00 90. 1 clerk, with quarters ...................................... 648.00 92. 1 clerk, with quarters ...................................... 540.00 95. 1 storekeeper and property clerk, with quar­ ters ................................................................... 540.00 97. 1 clerk, with quarters ....................................... 432.00 125. 3 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laun­ dry, at P810 per annum each...................... 2,430.00 143. 1 sanitary inspector, with subsistence and quarters .......................................................... 648.00 196. 1 storekeeper, with subsistence and quarters.. 324.00 205. Additional pay of 10 per cent to physicians detailed for duty in the Culion Leper Col­ ony, pursuant to section 966 of the Ad­ ministrative Code: 1 chief, Culion Leper Colony................ 425.00 1 assistant chief, Culion Leper Colony.. 255.00 206(t) 1 telephone operator ................................... 240.00 206(j). 2 telephone operators ................................ 384.00 206(Ar). 1 employee ................................................... 480.00 (i). 1 employee ................................................... 432.00 (m) . 2 employees ................................................. 840.00 (r). 4 employees, at P25 per month each».... 1,200.00 (n) . 1 storekeeper ............................................... 480.00 (p) . 1 employee-foreman .................................... 540.00 (q) . 1 employee-timekeeper ................................ 540.00 (o) . 1 assistant sanitary inspector..................... 432.00 (v-1). 1 policeman ............................................... 360.00 (w-1). 1 policeman ............................................... 324.00 (x—1). 2 policemen, at P25 per month each.... 600.00 (q-4). 1 janitor ................................................... 300.00 (b-3). 1 laborer in charge of Culion ranch.... 300.00 (c—1). 2 chauffeurs, at P30 per month each.... 720.00 (i—1). 1 launch machinist ................................ 420.00 (m-3). 1 sailor ....................................................... 264.00 (e-2). 1 carpenter foreman .............................. 660.00 (g-2). 1 carpenter ............................................... 300.00 (i-2). 1 blacksmith ........................................... 312.00 (h-2). 1 tinsmith ................................................. 336.00 (c-3). 2 laborers, at P22 per month each....... 528.00 (d-3). 3 laborers, at P24 per month each..... 864.00 (g-3). 8 laborers, at P20.85 per month each.... 2,004.00 (f-3). 9 laborers, at P21 per month each....... 2,268.00 (g-1). 1 plumber machinist .............................. 504.00 (j-1). 1 pump machinist ................................... 360.00 (h-1). plumber machinist ................................. 360.00 (n-1). 1 electrician .............................................. 396.00 (k-1). 1 machinist foreman ............................... 396.00 (i-1). 1 foreman .................................................. 360.00 (h-3). 10 laborers, at P20 per month each.... 2,400.00 (f—2). 1 carpenter ................................................ 312.00 (n-3). 3 laundrymen, at P15 per month each.. 540.00 (t—3). 4 laundresses, at P12 per month each.... 576.00 (u-3). 1 attendant ................................................ 120.00 (i-4). 14 helpers, at P8 per month each........... 1,344.00 Leper Employees (g-5). 1 general foreman, Colony proper...... 480.00 (h-5). 1 physical instructor __________ 240.00 (t-5). 1 superintendent of agriculture........... 216.00 (j-5). 1 clerk, Justice of the Peace................ 120.00 (k—5). 1 clerk, Colony Post Office ..................... 120.00 (q-6). 1 janitor, Colony Hall ......................... 84.00 (w-5). 1 chief of police .................................... 300.00 (x-5). 1 sergeant of police ................................ 216.00 (y-5). 1 sergeant of police ............................. (z-5). 21 policemen, at P10 per month each.... (a-6). 3 special policemen, at P5 per month each .................................................... (m-6). 1 assistant laundryman .......................... (r-6). 1 janitor ........................................................ (p-6). 2 food carriers, at P4 per month each.... (s—5). 1 assistant sanitary inspector................ (t-5). 3 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P6 per month each ............................. (g-6). 8 laborers, at P7 per month each....... (i-6). 1 music band leader ............................. (j-6). 16 musicians, at P4 per month each.... (u-5). 1 fish inspector ......................................... (1-5). 1 clerk, General Leper Kitchen.............. (p—5). 1 employee in charge of storehouse....... (ni-5). 1 clerk ........................................................ (n-5). 5 clerks, at P7 per month each............ (n-5). 7 assistant each ... cooks, at P7 per month (o-6). 4 assistant cooks, at P6 per month each ... (q-5). 1 employee (s-6). 1 in charge of litter bearers.................. (t-6). 12 litter bearers, at P8 per month each (k-6). 2 lieutenants of firemen, at P12 per month each ..................................... (1-6). 20 firemen, at P9 per month each....... (z~6) • 3 toilet cleaners, at P9 per month each.. (z-6). 8 toilet cleaners, at P8 per month each (f—6). 1 laborer-carpenter ................................... 206(d-7) For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry: Subsistence: 1 chief, dulion Leper Colony..... 1 junior administrative officer.... 1 superintendent of construction 1 clerk-bookkeeper .......................... 9 sisters of charity...................... 3 clerks ............................................. 1 storekeeper and property clerk 3 nurses ........................................... 1 sanitary inspector .................... 3 telephone operators ................ 1 timekeeper . .................................. 6 employees ..................................... 2 policemen ..................................... 1 farm foreman ............................ 1 mechanic carpenter .................. 1 pump operator .......................... 3 laundrymen ................................. DIVISION OF SANITATION Division Proper 2. 1 chief of division ............................................. 9. 1 medical officer ................................................ 17a. 1 assistant medical officer............................. 16. 2 medical officers, at Pl,530 per annum each 68. 1 clerk ................................................................. 73. 1 clerk ..................................................... 79. 1 clerk ................................................................... 139. 1 sanitary inspector ......................................... 147. 1 assistant sanitary inspector.......................... 148. 3 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each ................................................ 144.00 2,520.00 180.00 72.00 60.00 96.00 96.00 216.00 672.00 120.00 768.00 120.00 120.00 168.00 120.00 420.00 588.00 288.00 120.00 144.00 1,152.00 288.00 2,160.00 324.00 768.00 144.00 627.80 627.80 627.80 365.00 3,942.00 730.00 219.00 930.75 292.00 164.25 219.00 1,270.20 394.20 182.50 219.00 219.00 154.25 5,100.00 3,400.00 2,040.00 3,060.00 1,530.00 972.00 540.00 864.00 486.00 1,296.00 454 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 155 (Z). 1 vaccinator .................................................... 432.00 175. 1 messenger .......................................................... 240.00 206 (w). 1 chauffeur .................................................... 637.00 206 (a-1). 1 chauffeur ................................................ 432.00 206(6-1). 1 chauffeur ................................................ 420.00 Health District No. 1, Meisic 9. 1 medical officer .............................................. 3,400.00 16. 2 medical officers, at Pl,530 per annum each 3,060.00 142. 2 sanitary inspectors, at P648 per annum each ......................................................... 1,296.00 146. 6 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P540 per annum each ................................................ 3,240.00 148. 11 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each ................................. 4,752.00 155(Z). 1 vaccinator .................................................... 432.00 206 (y-2). 1 laborer .................................................... 378.00 Health District No. 2, San Lazaro 9. 1 medical officer .................................................... 3,400.00 16. 1 medical officer .................................................... 1,530.00 139. 1 sanitary inspector ......................................... 864.00 142. 2 sanitary inspectors, at P648 per annum each .................................................... 1,296.00 146. 5 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P540 per annum each .................................................... 2,700.00 148. 11 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each ............................. 4,752.00 206 (x-2). 1 laborer .................................................. 482.00 Health District No. 3, Intramuros 12. 1 medical officer ................................................. 2,550.00 14. 1 medical officer .................................................. 2,040.00 17(6). 1 assistant medical officer.............................. 1,530.00 129. 1 sanitary inspector ....................................... 864.00 140. 1 sanitary inspector ............................................. 840.00 142. 2 sanitary inspectors, at P648 per annum each 1,296.00 146. 2 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P540 per annum each ................................................ 1,080.00 148. 12 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each ................................................ 5,184.00 155 (Z). 1 vaccinator .................. 432.00 206 (a-3). 1 laborer .................................................... 324.00 Section of Licenses 14. 1 medical officer ................................................ 2,040.00 16. 1 medical officer ................................................ 1,530.00 138. 1 sanitary inspector .......................................... 1,122.00 146. 4 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P540 per annum each ................................................ 2,160.00 148. 1 assistant sanitary inspector ......................... 432.00 155 (Z). 3 vaccinatox-s, at P432 per annum each.... 1,296.00 206(6-3). 1 laborer .................................................... 240.00 Urban Health Demonstration 16. 1 medical officer ................................................. 1,530.00 Sanitation in the Provinces One-half of the salary only, the other half being payable by the province concerned, in accordance with Act 3297. 19. 17 district health officers at Pl,912.50 per annum each ..................... ............... 32,512.50 24. 1 .district health officer............... 1,020.00 21. 14 district health officers at Pl,700 per an­ num each .................................................... 23,800.00 12. 1 medical officer ................................................ 2,550.00 20. 1 district health officer ..................................... 1,785.00 23. 7 district health officers, at Pl,275 per an­ num each ....................................................... 8,925.00 22. 9 district health officers, at Pl,530 per annum each ............................................................... 13,770.00 16. 2 medical officers, at Pl,530 per annum each 3,060.00 Section of Sanitary Engineering 47. 1 sanitary engineer ............................ _.............. 5,100.00 48. 1 assistant sanitary engineer............................. 3,400.00 49. 1 assistant sanitary engineer............................. 2,550.00 50. 1 draftsman, with knowledge of sanitary engineering .................. 1,530.00 80. 1 clerk .................................................................. 486.00 137. 1 sanitary inspector ........................................ 1,836.00 139. 1 sanitary inspector .......................................... 864.00 146. 2 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P540 per annum each ................................................ 1,080.00 148. 3 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each ................................................ 1,296.00 152. 1 draftsman ......................................................... 1,080.00 154. 1 assistant draftsman ........................................ 540.00 206(e). 2 messengers ................................................ 480.00 Smallpox Vaccination and Immunization Work CENTRAL OFFICE 155(a). 1 medical officer in charge...................... 3,400.00 155(6). 1 supervisor .................................................. 972.00 142. 1 sanitary inspector ......................................... 648.00 146. 17 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P540 per annum each ................................................ 9,180.00 148. 12 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each ................................................ 5,184.00 155(6:). 1 vaccinator .................................................... 486.00 155 (Z). 9 vaccinators .................................................. 3,888.00 Vaccinating Party No. 1 155(c). 1 chief of party ............................................ 1,224.00 (6) . 2 assistant chiefs of parties, at P637 per annum each ......................................... 1,274.00 (j). 2 vaccinators, at P540 per annum each.... 1,080.00 (Z). 5 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 2,160.00 Vaccinating Party No. 2 (d) . 1 chief of party............................................. 1,224.00 (6) . 1 assistant chief of party........................... 637.00 (j). 1 vaccinator ................................................ 540.00 (Z). 7 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 3,024.00 Vaccinating Party No. 3 (e) . 1 chief of party ............................................ 864.00 (t). 1 assistant chief of party.......................... 540.00 (j). 1 vaccinator ................................................ 540.00 (Z). 6 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 2,5-92.00 Vaccinating Party No. 4 (d). 1 chief of party........................................... 1,080.00 (Z). 9 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 3,888.00 Vaccinating Party No. 5 (d). 1 chief of party........................................... 1,080.00 (6) . 1 assistant chief of party............................. 637.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 455 (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH INTERNAL ORGANIZATION (j). 2 vaccinators, at P540 per annum each.... 1,080.00 (I). 6 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 2,592.00 Vaccinating Party No. 6 (c) . 1 chief of party............................................... 1,224.00 (h) . 1 assistant chief of party ......................... 637.00 (j) . 2 vaccinators, at P540 per annum each— 1,080.00 (Z).5 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 2,160.00 Vaccinating Party No. 7, Group 1 (p). 1 assistant chief of party............................ 810.00 (I). 4 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 1,728.00 Vaccinating Party No. 7, Group 2 Cd). 1 chief of party...................... 1,080.00 (I). 3 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 1,296.00 Vaccinating Party No. 8 (e). 1 chief of party..................... 864.00 (i) . 2 assistant chiefs of parties, at P540 per annum each ............................................ 1,080.00 (I). 6 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 2,592.00 Vaccinating Party No. 9 (d) . 1 chief of party............. 1,080.00 (h). 1 assistant chief of party............................ 637.00 (k) . 2 vaccinators, at P486 per annum each.... 972.00 (l) . 6 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 2,592.00 Vaccinating Party No. 10 (d). 1 chief of party............................................. 1,080.00 (h). 1 assistant chief of party.......................... 637.00 (7c). 1 vaccinator .................................................. 486.00 (I). 6 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 2,592.00 Vaccinating Party No. 11 (f) . 1 chief of party............................................ 648.00 (j). 1 vaccinator ................................................ 540.00 (I). 7 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 3,024.00 Rat, Fly and Mosquito Extermination Brigade 136. 1 chief sanitary inspector at P2,720 per annum, payable by the City of Manila. 141. 1 sanitary inspector ........................................... 756.00 141. 1 sanitary inspector ........................................... 756.00 142. 1 sanitary inspector ........................................... 648.00 144. 1 assistant sanitary inspector at P605 per annum, payable by the City of Manila. 145. 1 assistant sanitary inspector at P551 per annum, payable by the City of Manila. 146. 4 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P540 per annum each ................................................... 2,160.00 148. 5 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each ................................................... 2,160.00 158 (fc). 1 vaccinator ................................................... 486.00 149. 1 sanitary inspector ............................................ 432.00 (x-2). 4 laborers, at P432 per annum each.... 1,728.00 Disinfecting Brigade 150. 1 chief disinfector ..............-............................. 2,380.00 146. 1 assistant sanitary inspector......................... 540.00 148. 4 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each .................................................. 1,728.00 155(7). 1 vaccinator ....................................................... 432.00 206(x-2). 6 laborers, at P36 per month each....... 2,592.00 (a-3). 5 laborers, at P27 per month each....... 1,620.00 (a-1). 1 chauffeur ................................................ 432.00 Less—savings from items 206 (k) to 206 (u-4) .................................................... (3,939.48) Less—savings from items 206 (g-5) to 206(c-7)....................................................... (1,638.00) Total for salaries and wages.............. P898,939.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested ■laoc Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WELFARE DIRECTOR 1. One Director of Public Welfare, with ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS AND CHIEFS OF SECTIONS subsistence, quarters and service.................. 1*6,120.00 1*6,120.00 1 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 2. One chief of division.......................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 2 3. One special agent................................ 3,060.00 3,060.00 3 4. One assistant chief of division, by designation. 5 456 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item lyoo numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WELFARE 5. One chief of section............................. 2,720.00 2,720.00 6 6. One social worker-probation officer.... 2,550.00 2,550.00 8 7. One superintendent, with subsistence and quarters ...................................................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 9 MEDICAL OFFICER 8. One medical officer............................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 12 NURSES AND SOCIAL WORKERS All with subsistence and quarters 9. Three supervisors, at 1*1,122 per annum each........................................................ 3,366.00 3,366.00 13 10. Three supervisors, at Pl,080 per annum each........................................................ 3,240.00 3,240.00 14-15 11. One nurse .............................................. 972.00 972.00 16 12. Two nurses, at P864 per annum each 1,728.00 1,728.00 17 13. Five nurses, at P756 per annum each 3,780.00 3,780.00 18-20 social workers 14. One social worker............................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 21 15. One social worker............................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 22 16. One social worker............................... 1,581.00 1,581.00 23 17. Two social workers, at 1*1,224 per an­ num each............................................................ 2,448.00 2,448.00 24 18. Four social workers, at Pl,080 per annum each........................................................ 4,320.00 4,320.00 25 TEACHERS All with subsistence and quarters 19. One supervisor..................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 26 20. One teacher ......................................... 864.00 864.00 27 21. Two teachers, at 1*648 per annum each .................................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 28 22. Six teachers, at 1*540 per annum each 3,240.00 3,240.00 29 23. One teacher ......................................... 432.00 432.00 30 CLERKS 24. One clerk ............................................. 1,224.00 1,224.00 32 25. One clerk ............................................. 1,122.00 1,122.00 33 26. Three clerks, at F648 per annum each 1,944.00 1,944.00 34, 36 27. One clerk [assistant chief of section] 600.00 600.00 10 28. One clerk ............................................. 540.00 540.00 37 29. Two clerks, at 1*432 per annum each 864.00 864.00 38 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 457 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details 1Q9C Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated BUREAU OF PUBLIC WELFARE (4) MATRONS AND CARETAKERS OF CHILDREN All with subsistence and quarters 30. One matron ......................................... 31. One matron .......................................... 32. Two caretakers of children, at 5*432 per annum each................................................ 33. One caretaker of children................... HELPERS, ATTENDANTS, ETC. All with subsistence and quarters 34. One cook................................................ 35. Four attendants, at 5*324 per annum each .................................................................... 36. Three helpers, at 5*324 per annum each .......................................................-........... 37. Six helpers, at 5*300 per annum each.. 38. Two helpers, at 5*180 per annum each MISCELLANEOUS 39. For emergency employees, including laborers, as follows: Nurse (a) One nurse ...................................................... Teachers (b) One teacher, part time............................... (c) One teacher ................................................... Artist (d) One artist ...................................................... Helpers (e) One helper....................................................... (/) One helper...................................................... (g) Three helpers, at 1*324 per annum each.. (h) Four helpers, at i*300 per annum each.... (i) One helper ...................................................... Attendants (;) Two attendants, at T=378 per annum each ............................................................. (k) One attendant, part time............................ 972.00 972.00 39 540.00 540.00 40 864.00 864.00 41 378.00 378.00 42 432.00 432.00 43 1,296.00 1,296.00 44 972.00 972.00 45-46 1,800.00 1,800.00 47 360.00 360.00 48 756.00 756.00 49(a) 432.00 432.00 (6) 432.00 432.00 (c) 1,530.00 1,530.00 (d) 432.00 432.00 (e) 378.00 378.00 (7) 972.00 972.00 (?) 1,200.00 1,200.00 (h) 120.00 120.00 (i) 756.00 756.00 180.00 180.00 (0 458 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WELFARE (Z) One attendant....... 120.00 120.00 (w) (m) One attendant-boy ................................ 60.00 60.00 (w) 40. Commutation of subsistence and quarters .......................... 2,486.00 2,118.00 50 41. Subsistence of the Director of Public Welfare .............................................................. 730.00 ..................... Total .................................................... 80,999.00 79,901.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director of Public Welfare, with subsistence, quarters and service ................................. P6,120.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 3. 1 special agent .................................................... 3,060.00 5. 1 chief of section ................................................. 2,720.00 25. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,122.00 26. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each........................ 1,296.00 27. 1 clerk ............................................... 600.00 29. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 38. 1 helper ................................................................... 180.00 39(d). 1 artist ............................................................. 1,530.00 39. /). 1 helper ............................................................ 378.00 39 (g). 2 helpers, at P324 per annum each ........... 648.00 GENERAL WELFARE DIVISION Social Service Unit 8. 1 medical officer ...................................................... 2,720.00 7. 1 superintendent, with subsistence and quar­ ters ............................................................ 2,550.00 9. 3 supervisors, at Pl,122 per annum each ........ 3,366.00 10. 3 supervisors, at Pl,080 per annum each........ 3,240.00 11. 1 nurse .................................................................... 972.00 12. 2 nurses, at P864 per annum each ........ 1,728.00 13. 2 nurses, at P756 per annum each ........ 1,512.00 CHILD WELFARE DIVISION 2. 1 chief of division ............................................. 4,250.00 4. 1 assistant chief of division, by designation. 16. 1 social worker ...................................................... 1,581.00 26. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 Probation Unit 6. 1 social worker-probation officer............ 2,550.00 14. 1 social worker ...................................................... 2,040.00 15. 1 social worker ....................................................... 1,700.00 17. 2 social workers, at Pl,224 per annum each .... 2,448.00 18. 4 social workers, at Pl,080 per annum each.... 4,320.00 DEPARTMENT “a” OF THE ORPHANAGE (All with subsistence and quarters) 19. 1 supervisor ........................................................... 1,530.00 20. 1 teacher .................................-.............................. 864.00 21. 1 teacher ................................................................. 648.00 22. 4 teachers, at P540 per annum each' .............. 2,160.00 39(b). 1 teacher, part time....................................... 432.00 39(c). 1 teacher ........................................................... 432.00 13. 1 nurse .................................................................. 756.00 31. 1 matron ..................... 540.00 32. 2 caretakers of children, at P432 per annum each ................................................................... 864.00 36. 3 helpers, at P324 per annum each................... 972.00 37. 2 helpers, at P300 per annum each ...................... 600.00 39 (g). 1 helper ............................................................. 324.00 39(h). 1 helper ............................................................. 300.00 39 (k). 1 attendant, part time ................................. 180.00 39 (Z). 1 attendant ....................................................... 120.00 39(?n). 1 attendant-boy ..................................................... 60.00 DEPARTMENT “B” OF THE ORPHANAGB (All with subsistence and quarters) 30. 1 matron ............................................................... 972.00 13. 2 nurses, at P756 per annum each ................ 1,512.00 39(a). 1 nurse ............................................................. 756.00 21. 1 teacher ........................................... ..................... 648.00 22. 2 teachers, at P540 per annum each ................ 1,080.00 23. 1 teacher ................................................................ 432.00 33. 1 caretaker of children ..................................... 378.00 34. 1 cook ....................................................................... 432.00 35. 4 attendants, at P324 per annum each ........... 1,296.00 37. 3 helpers, at P300 per annum each ................ 900.00 38. 1 helper ................................................................... 180.00 39 (7i). 2 helpers, at P30O per annum each .......... 600.00 39 (í). 1 helper ........................................................... 120.00 WELFAREVILLE ADMINISTRATION 24. 1 clerk ........................................ 1,224.00 28. 1 clerk ..................... 540.00 29. 1 clerk ............. -.............................................. -.... 432.00 37. 1 helper ............................ -.................................... 300.00 39(e). 1 helper ............................................................. 432.00 39 (h), 1 helper ........................................................... 300.00 39(J). 2 attendants .................................................... 756.00 40. Commutation of subsistence and quarters: 1 superintendent, social service unit......... 384.00 2 supervisors ................................. 576.00 1 supervisor .................................................. 240.00 6 nurses (social workers) ..................... 1,286.00 41. Subsistence of the Director of Public Welfare 730.00 Total for salaries and wages ..........«... P80.999.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 459 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL DIRECTORS 1. One Director of the Philippine Gen­ eral Hospital, additional compensation, with subsistence, furnished quarters and service.. 2. One executive officer, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters and service........... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One chief, administrative division, [with one-third subsistence]......................... 4. One physician and chief of physical therapy department, part time....................... 5. One superintendent, chief of division and of the school of nursing, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ........................................................ 6. One chief, department of laborato­ ries, additional compensation, part time.... 7. One chief, division of pharmacy, ad­ ditional compensation, part time................... PHYSICIANS 8. One assistant clinical pathologist, [bacteriological assistant] with one-third subsistence, and with full subsistence, fur­ nished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty ....................................................... 9. One assistant clinical pathologist, [pathological assistant] with one-third sub­ sistence, and with full subsistence, furnished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty .................................................................... 10. One assistant clinical pathologist, [bacteriological technician] with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ....................................................... 11. One resident and assistant to the chief of heart station clinic, additional com­ pensation, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service............... 12. Four residents, additional compensa­ tion, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at f*540 per annum each....................................................... P2,040.00 P2.040.00 1 4,250.00 4,250.00 la 3,825.00 3,825.00 2 3,060.00 3,060.00 3 2,550.00 2,550.00 4 540.00 540.00 5 540.00 540.00 6 1,080.00 1,080.00 8 864.00 864.00 9 648.00 648.00 10 540.00 540.00 11 2,160.00 2,160.00 12 460 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. imc Reference to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 requested Details (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL 13. One junior clinical pathologist, [tech­ nician] with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service....................... 14. One junior clinical pathologist, [chemical technician] with one-third sub­ sistence ................................................................ 15. One bacteriologist, additional com­ pensation, with one-third subsistence, part time .................................................................... 16. Twenty-two resident physicians, without compensation, but with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service. 17. Twelve assistant adjunct residents, without compensation, but with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service. PHARMACISTS 18. One pharmacist in charge, with onethird subsistence .............................................. 19. One pharmacist, with one-third sub­ sistence .............................................................. 20. One pharmacist, with one-third sub­ sistence .............................................................. 21. One pharmacist, with one-third sub­ sistence .............................................................. 22. One pharmacist, with one-third sub­ sistence .............................................................. 23. One pharmacist, with two-thirds sub­ sistence .............................................................. 24. One pharmacist, with one-third sub­ sistence ................................................................ 25. One pharmacist, with one-third sub­ sistence ................................................................ DENTIST 26. One dentist, with one-third sub­ sistence INSTRUCTORS 27. One nurse and physical instructor, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service..................................... 540.00 540.00 13 378.00 378.00 73 540.00 540.00 14 15 15a 2,040.00 2,040.00 16 1,700.00 1,700.00 17 1,275.00 1,275.00 18 1,080.00 1,080.00 19 756.00 756.00 20 648.00 648.00 21 648.00 648.00 22 648.00 648.00 22a 1,530.00 1,530.00 23 864.00 864.00 24 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 461 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL 28. One instructor in dietetics, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry allow­ ance and service................................................ 648.00 648.0C 25 29. One instructor in practical nursing, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service....................................... 648.00 648.00 26 30. One instructor in English, part time.. 540.00 540.00 27 31. One instructor in massage, part time 540.00 540.00 28 NURSES 32. One principal of the school of nurs­ ing, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service...................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 30 33. One dietitian, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and serv­ ice ........................................................................ 1,530.00 1,530.00 31 34. One nurse, [in charge of the social service] with one-third subsistence and laundry allowance ............................................ 1,275.00 1,275.00 32 35. One supervising nurse of the surgical division, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service............... 1,224.00 1,224.00 33 36. One sanitary supervisor, with onethird subsistence .............................................. 1,122.00 1,122.00 34 37. One anaesthetist, with susbsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ................................................................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 35 38. One assistant to the superintendent and chief nurse, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service....... 1,080.00 1,080.00 36 39. One assistant to the principal, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ lowance and service......................................... 972.00 972.00 37 40. One assistant anaesthetist, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry allow­ ance and service................................................ 864.00 864.0C 38 41. One assistant dietitian, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ....................................................... 864.00 864.00 39 42. One assistant dietitian, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ..................................................... 864.00 864.00 40 462 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTIQN GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Reference to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 requested Details 43. Four supervising nurses, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry allow(5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL anee and service, at P864 per annum each.... 44. One supervising nurse, with subsist3,456.00 3,456.00 41 ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ........................................................ 864.00 864.00 42 45. Two assistant dietitians, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry allow­ ance and service, at i*756 per annum each.... 1,512.00 1,512.00 43 46. Eleven supervising nurses, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry allow­ ance and service, at T756 per annum each.... 8,316.00 8,316.00 44 47. One supervising nursg, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ........................................................ 756.00 756.00 45 48. One supervising nurse, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ........................................................ 756.00 756.00 L-I-IV-(5)49. One supervising nurse, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ........................................................ 756.00 756.00 35(a) 46 50. One sanitary supervisor, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ........................................................ 756.00 756.00 47 51. One sanitary supervisor, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ........................................................ 648.00 648.00 48 52. Two nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and serv­ ice, at 1*643. per annum each........................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 49 53. Eighteen nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at 1*648 per annum each................... 11,664.00 11,664.00 50 54. Three nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and serv­ ice, at F648 per annum each........................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 51 55. One nurse, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and serv­ ice ........................................................................ 648.00 648.00 52 56. Two nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and serv­ ice, at F648 per annum each........................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 53 463 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL 57. One nurse, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service........................................................................ 58. Three nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and serv648.00 648.00 54 ice, at 1*648 per annum each........................... 59. One nurse, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and serv1,944.00 1,944.00 55 ice........................................................................ 60. One nurse, with subsistence ancl laun648.00 648.00 56 dry ...................................................................... 61. Two nurses, with subsistence and 1,080.00 laundry, at per annum each................. 62. Two nurses, with subsistence and 1,728.00 laundry, at F6JÍ8 per annum each ...... ......... 63. Thirty graduate nurses, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance 1,296.00 and service, at 1*540 per annum each........... 64. Four graduate nurses, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at ^5^0 per annum each........... 65. Six nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and serv­ 16,200.00 2,160.00 16,200.00 57 ice, at 1*540 per annum each........................... 66. Four graduate student nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ 3,240.00 3,240.00 L-I-IV-(5)_ 35(b) lowance and service, at 1*240 per annum each 67. Two graduate student nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ 960.00 960.00 58 lowance and service, at 1*240 per annum each 68. Three graduate student nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ 480.00 480.00 59 lowance and service, at 1*240 per annum each 69. One graduate student nurse, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ 720.00 720.00 60 lowance and service.......................................... 70. Two graduate student nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ 240.00 240.00 61 lowance and service, at 1*240 per annum each 71. Five post graduate nurses, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry allow­ 480.00 480.00 62 ance and service, at t*240 per annum, each.... 1,200.00 464 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1QQ7 Reference to item nAfaile > lyao numbers of Act requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL 72. Fifteen attendants, with subsistence and quarters, at ^168 per annum each......... 2,520.00 73. Student nurses: seniors and associate seniors at 4*144; juniors, sophomores and freshmen at 4*120; and probationers at 4*96 per annum each, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters and service, and an allowanee of not more than 4*2 per month each.... 36,048.00 48,048.00 63, L-I-IV(5)—35(c) CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 74. One engineer [electrician] and chief of machinery, repairing and transportation section, [with one-third subsistence]........... 1,700.00 1,700.00 64 75. One cashier and disbursing officer, with one-third subsistence and with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters and service when­ ever on special detail................. ...................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 65 76. One chief of supply section [with one-third subsistence]..................................... 1,326.00 1,326.00 66 77. One chief of statistics and records section, [with one-third subsistence]........... 972.00 972.00 68 78. One chief of section [with one-third subsistence]........................................................ 756.00 756.00 69 79. One chief, general service section, [division with one-third subsistence]........... 1,530.00 1,530.00 7 STENOGRAPHERS 80. One stenographer [with one-third subsistence] ...................................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 70 81. One stenographer [with one-third subsistence]....................................................... 648.00 648.00 72 TECHNICIANS [laboratory preparatorsI 82. One serological technician, [labora­ tory preparator] with subsistence and quar­ ters ...................................................................... 300.00 300.00 74 83. One clinical laboratory technician, [laboratory preparator] with subsistence and quarters .............................................................. 300.00 300.00 74 84. One histopathological technician, [laboratory preparator] with subsistence and quarters ............................................................. 300.00 300.00 75 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 465 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Details 5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL CLERKS 85. One information clerk, with twothirds subsistence............................................. 86. One assistant cashier and disbursing officer, [clerk] with one-third subsistence, and with full subsistence, furnished quarters and service whenever on special detail......... 87. One clerk [with one-third subsist­ ence] 88. One assistant chief of statistics and records section, [cashier and disbursing offi­ cer with one-third subsistence and with subsistence, furnished quarters and service whenever on special detail]............................ 89. One clerk [with two-thirds subsist­ ence] 90. One information clerk, with one-third subsistence.......................................................... 91. Two clerks [with one-third subsist­ ence] at 1*648 per annum each......................... 92. Eight clerks, [with one-third subsist­ ence] at 1*540 per annum each....................... 98. Four clerks [with one-third subsist­ ence] at 1*432 per annum each....................... 94. One clerk [with one-third subsist­ ence] 95. One laundry checker [with subsist­ ence] TELEPHONE OPERATORS 96. Two telephone operators, with onethird subsistence, at 1*648 per annum each.... 97. One telephone operator, with onethird subsistence............................................... 98. One telephone operator, ivith onethird subsistence............................................... ELECTRICIANS 99. Two assistants to electricians, [with one-third subsistence] at 1*432 per annum each ................................................................... MECHANICS 100. One mechanic and assistant chief of machinery, repairing and transportation sec­ tion [, with one-third subsistence]............... 299089------ 80 1,122.00 1,122.00 76 540.00 540.00 86 864.00 864.00 78 756.00 756.00 79 756.00 756.00 80 648.00 648.00 83 1,296.00 1,296.00 84 4,320.00 4,320.00 85 1,728.00 1,728.00 86 432.00 432.00 87 432.00 432.00 88 1,296.00 1,296.00 89 540.00 540.00 90 480.00 .. 864.00 864.00 9! 864.00 864.00 92 466 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 requested 1936 authorized Details 101. One assistant to mechanic [, with (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL one-third subsistence] ................................... 486.00 486.00 93 CARPENTERS 102. One carpenter [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ............................................................ 648.00 648.00 94 103. One carpenter [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ........................................................... 540.00 540.00 95 PLUMBERS 104. One plumber [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ............................................................ 648.00 648.00 96 105. One assistant plumber [, with onethird subsistence] ........................................... 486.00 486.00 97 PAINTERS 106. One painter [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ............................................................ 648.00 648.00 98 107. One painter [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ............................................................ 432.00 432.00 99 COOKS 108. One cook [, with subsistence]........... 648.00 648.00 100 109. One cook [, with subsistence]........... 110. Two cooks, [with subsistence,] at 540.00 540.00 101 5*432 per annum each ................................... 864.00 864.00 102 FOREMAN 111. One foreman [, with subsistence and quarters] ........................................................... 648.00 648.00 103 CHAUFFEURS 112. One chauffeur [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ..............................♦............................. 648.00 648.00 104 113. One. chauffeur [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ........................................................... 605.00 605.00 105 114. One chauffeur [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ............................................................ 572.00 572.00 106 115. One chauffeur [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ........................................................... 486.00 486.00 107 116. One chauffeur [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ........................................................... 480.00 480.00 107a LITTER-BEARERS 117. Two litter-bearers, [with one-third subsistence,] at T=378 per annum each.... . 756.00 756.00 108 118. Two litter bearers, [with one-third subsistence,] at 5*378 per annum each......... 756.00 756.00 108a L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 467 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Details (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL WATCHMEN 119. One watchman, [with one-third sub­ sistence] .............................................................. 120. One watchman, [with one-third sub­ sistence] ............................................................ ’121. One watchman, [with one-third sub­ sistence] ............................................................ GARDENER 122. One gardener, half time....................... MISCELLANEOUS 123. For temporary and emergency em­ ployees, including laborers at rates of com­ pensation not exceeding W32 per annum each, with or without subsistence and quar­ ters in the discretion of the Director of the Hospital, as follows: Clerk (a) One clerk........................................................ Helpers (&) Twenty helpers with subsistence and quarters, at 1*96 per annum each........ (c) Four helpers, with subsistence, at P96 per annum each ................................................ Messengers (d) Two messengers, at 1*432 per annum each (e) One messenger .............................................. (/) One messenger .............................................. (g) Two messengers, at P300 per annum each (h) Eleven messengers, at P300 per annum each ........................................................... Laborers (i) For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers as follows: 1. One sewing woman at Fl per day for 300 days .......................................................... 2. One pharmacy helper at F0.80 per day for 300 days ........................................................... 3. One gardener at Fl .38 per day for 313 days .................................................................... 4. One gardener at Fl.2^ per day for 313 days ................................................................... 540.00 540.00 109 432.00 432.00 110 432.00 432.00 111 432.00 432.00 112 240.00 240.00 113(6) 1,920.00 1,920.00 113(6)—1 384.00 384.00 L-IN-(5) 864.00 864.00 113(c) 324.00 324.00 113(d) 300.00 300.00 113(e) 600..00 600.00 113(f) 3,300.00 3,300.00 113(g) 300.00 300.00 240.00 240.00 432.00 432.00 389.00 389.00 468 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 ' authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL 5. One gardener at F1.01> per day for SI3 days ................................................................... 324.00 324.00 6. Five gardeners at F.96 per day each for 313 days .......................................................... 1,500.00 1,500.00 7. One carpenter at 7*1.44 per day for 300 days ................................................................... 432.00 432.00 8. One garage laborer at Fl.08 per day for 300 days .......................................................... 324.00 324.00 9. One assistant plumber at Fl.33 per day for 325 days..................................................... 432.00 432.00 10. One chauffeur at Fl per day for 365 days 365.00 365.00 11. One helper at FIJM per day for 300 days ................................................................... 432.00 432.00 12. One helper at F.82 per day for 365 days 300.00 300.00 13. One helper at Fl per day for 300 days.... 300.00 300.00 14. Three helpers at F.80 per day each for 800 days ........................................................... 720.00 720.00 15. Nine helpers at F.71 per day each for 339 days .......................................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 16. One helper at F.64 per day for 339 days... 216.00 216.00 17. One helper at F.60 per day for 339 days... 204.00 204.00 18. Two helpers at F.64 per day for 300 days ................................................................... 384.00 384.00 19. Two helpers at F.57 per day each for 339 days .......................................................... 384.00 384.00 20. Six helpers at F.60 per day each for 300 days ................ .................................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 21. Nine helpers at F.53 per day each for 339 days .................................................................. 1,620.00 1,620.00 22. One helper at F.56 per day for 300 days... 168.00 168.00 23. Three helpers at F.50 per day each for 339 dajjs ................................................................... 504.00 504.00 24. Five helpers at F.52 per day each for 300 days ................................................................... 780.00 780.00 25. Three helpers at F.£6 per day each for 339 days .................................................. 468.00 468.00 26. Seven helpers at F.k2 per day each for 339 days .......................................................... 1,008.00 1,008.00 27. Three helpers at F.4O per day each for 300 days .......................................................... 360.00 360.00 28. Forty-nine helpers at F.35 per day each for 339 days.................................................... 5,880.00 5,880.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 469 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 19oo numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL 29. Twenty-five helpers at P0.28 per day each for 339 days..................................................... 30. Less probable savings.................................... 124. Commutation of laundry allowance, not to exceed ?6.40 per month each............... 125. Subsistence of personnel, including 22 resident physicians [additional person­ nel] and 12 assistant adjunct residents [pro­ vided by Act No. 4231] and extra meals furnished those persons who may be required to be on 24 hours’ duty or render overtime service ................................................................ Total................................................... 2,400.00 (1,581.00) 2,400.00 (1,581.00) 12,046.50 11,355.60 114, L-I-N(5)-35(e) 93,174.50 93,174.50 115, L-I-N(5>-35(/) 331,570.00 332,415.10 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 8. 1. 1 Director of the Philippine General Hos­ pital, additional compensation, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters and service.. 2. 1 executive officer, with subsistence, furnished quarters and service ................................. 80. 1 stenographer, with one-third subsistence.... P2,040.00 4,250.00 1,080.00 9. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 10. 4. 1 11. 1 12. 4 16. 17. 26. physician and chief of physical therapy department, part time ...*.......................... resident and assistant to the chief of heart station clinic, additional compensation, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service.............. residents, additional compensation, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P540 per annum each ------------------ —-------------- --- ---- --22 resident physicians, without compensa­ tion, but with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service 12 assistant adjunct residents, without com­ pensation, but with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service 1 dentist, with one-third subsistence.............. 3,060.00 540.00 2,160.00 1,530.00 DEPARTMENT OF LABORATORIES 6. 1 chief, department of laboratories, addi­ tional compensation, part time .............. 540.00 15. 1 bacteriologist, additional compensation, with one-third subsistence, part time .............. 540.00 13. 1 14. 1 82. 1 83. 1 84. 1 7. 1 18. 1 assistant clinical pathologist, with third subsistence, and with full subsist­ ence, furnished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty..................... assistant clinical pathologist, with onethird subsistence, and with full subsist­ ence, furnished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty...................... assistant clinical pathologist, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ lowance and service ................................... junior clinical pathologist, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service .................................................... junior clinical pathologist, with one-third subsistence .................................................... serological technician, with subsistence and quarters ........................................................ clinical laboratory technician, with sub­ sistence and quarters ................................. histopathological technician, with subsist­ ence and quarters ..................................... one1,080.00 864.00 648.00 540.00 378.00 300.00 800.00 800.00 DIVISION OF PHARMACY (The chief is without subsistence; the others are with one-third subsistence each, except the one designated as night duty pharmacist who is provided with two-thirds subsistence.) chief, division of pharmacy, additional com­ pensation, part time ................................. pharmacist in charge, with one-third sub­ sistence ........................................................ 540.00 2,040.00 1 1 470 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 19. 1 pharmacist, with one-third subsistence..... . 1,700.00 20. 1 pharmacist, with one-third subsistence....... 1,275.00 21. 1 pharmacist, with Oone-third subsistence.... 1,080.00 22. 1 pharmacist, with one-third subsistence....... 756.00 23. 1 pharmacist, with two-thirds subsistence.... 648.00 24. 1 pharmacist, with one-third subsistence....... 648.00 25. 1 pharmacist, with one-third subsistence.... 648.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 3. 1 chief, administrative division, with onethird subsistence ......................................... 3,825.00 78. 1 chief of section, with one-third subsistence 756.00 92. 1 clerk, with one-third subsistence...... ........... 540.00 105. 1 assistant plumber ............................................ 106. 1 painter ............................................................... 107. 1 painter ............................................................... 112. 1 chauffeur ........................................................... 113. 1 chauffeur ............ „............................................. 114. 1 chauffeur ........................................................... 115. 1 chauffeur ........................................................... 116. 1 chauffeur ....... ................................................... 486.00 648.00 432.00 648.00 605.00 572.00 486.00 480.00 Accounting Section (All with one-third subsistence, except one specified below) 93. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 Cash and Disbursing Section 75. 1 cashier and disbursing officer, with onethird subsistence and with subsistence, furnished quarters and service whenever on special detail ......................................... 1,530.00 86. 1 assistant cashier and disbursing officer, with one-third subsistence and with full subsistence, furnished quarters and serv­ ice whenever on special detail.................. 540.00 92. 1 clerk, with one-third subsistence.............. 540.00 95. 1 laundry checker, with subsistence............... 432.00 Free Dispensary Section (All with one-third subsistence) 92. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each................ 1,080.00 93. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 864.00 Statistics and Records Section (All with one-third subsistence) 77. 1 chief of statistics and records section....... 972.00 88. 1 assistant chief of statistics and records section ........................................................... 756.00 92. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each........... ........ 1,080.00 93. 1 clerk ............................... 432.00 94. 1 clerk ......................................... 432.00 General Service Section 79. 1 chief, general service section ...................... 36. 1 sanitary supervisor, with one-third sub­ sistence ..........................................................„ 50. 1 sanitary supervisor, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ..........................................................„ 51. 1 sanitary supervisor, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ........................................................... 85. 1 information clerk .......................................... 90. 1 information clerk ..................................... . .... 117. 2 litter-bearers, at 1*378 per annum each....... 118. 2 litter-bearers, at P378 per annum each .... 119. 1 watchman .......................................................... 120. 1 watchman .....................„.................................. 121. 1 watchman ......................................................... 108. 1 cook ................................................................... 109. 1 cook ................................................................... 110. 2 cooks, at P432 per annum each .............. 111. 1 foreman .................................._......................... 96. 2 telephone operators, with one-third subsist­ ence, at P648 per annum each ................ 97. 1 telephone operator, with one-third subsist­ ence ......................................................... ..... 98. 1 telephone operator, with one-third subsist­ ence ............................................................... 122. 1 gardener, half time ......................................... 123(c). 4 helpers, with subsistence, at P96 per annum each .................................................. 123. For temporary and emergency employees, in­ cluding laborers at rates of compensation not exceeding P432 per annum each, with or without subsistence and quarters in the discretion of the Director of the Hospital, as follows: 1,530.00 1,122.00 756.00 648.00 1,122.00 648.00 756.00 756.00 540.00 432.00 432.00 648.00 540.00 864.00 648.00 1,296.00 540.00 480.00 432.00 384.00 Supply Section (All with one-third subsistence, except the clerk, item 89, assigned to the Commis­ sary Office, who is provided with twothirds subsistence.) 76. 1 chief of supply section................................. 1,326.00 87. 1 clerk .........................-..... -..................... 864.00 89. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 91. 2 clerks —......................... 1,296.00 92. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 Machinery, Repairing and Transportation Section 74. 1 engineer and chief of machinery, repair­ ing and transportation section ................ 1,700.00 100. 1 mechanic and assistant chief of machinery, repairing and transportation section.... 864.00 99. 2 assistants to electricians, at P432 per annum each ................................ ~............................. 864.00 101. 1 assistant to mechanic............................ „...... 486.00 102. 1 carpenter ........................................................... 648.00 103. 1 carpenter ......................................................... 540.00 104. 1 plumber ............... 648.00 (a) 1 clerk .................................................. (&) 20 helpers with subsistence and quarters ........................................ (d) 2 messengers ........ «......................... (e) 1 messenger ........................................ (/) 1 messenger .............. ........................... (<7) 2 messengers ........................................ (h) 11 messengers ..................................... (i) For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers as follows: 1. 1 sewing woman, at Pl per day for 300 days ............................................ 2. 1 pharmacy helper, at P0.80 per day for 300 days......... ................. ........ 3. 1 gardener, at Pl.38 per day for 313 days .—............................................. 4. 1 gardener, at Pl.24 per day for 313 days —........................ ........................ 5. 1 gardener, at Pl.04 per day for 313 days ............. —........—;-------------- - 6. 5 gardeners, at P0.96 per day each for 313 days ..................—..... — 7. 1 carpenter, at Pl.44 per day for 300 days ............................ -.................... 240.00 1,920.00 864.00 324.00 300.00 600.00 3,300.00 300.00 240.00 432.00 889.00 824.00 1,500.00 432.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 471 (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 123. For temporary and emergency employees, in­ cluding laborers, etc.—Continued. 8. 1 garage laborer, at Pl.08 per day for 300 days ............................................. 324.00 9. 1 assistant plumber, at Pl.33 per day for 325 days ................................... 432.00 10. 1 chauffeur, at Pl per day for 365 days .................................................... 365.00 11. 1 helper, at Pl.44 per day for 300 days .................-...............—...... 432.00 12. 1 helper, at P0.82 per day for 365 days ................................ -................ - 800.00 13. 1 helper, at Pl per day for 300 days 300.00 14. 3 helpers, at P0.80 per day each for 300 days .....................-................... 720.00 15. 9 helpers, at P0.71 per day each for 339 days ........................................... 2,160.00 16. 1 helper, at P0.64 per day for 339 days ................................................ 216.00 17. 1 helper, at P0.60 per day for 339 days ................................................ 204.00 18. 2 helpers, at P0.64 per day for 300 days .................................................. 384.00 19. 2 helpers, at P0.57 per day each for 339 days . .... -......... 384.00 20. 6 helpers, at P0.60 per day each for 300 days ...... 1,080.00 21. 9 helpers, at P0.53 per day for 339 days -........ 1,620.00 22. 1 helper, at P0.56 per day for 300 days .................................................. 168.00 23. 3 helpers, at P0.50 per day each for 339 days ...................................... 504.00 24. 5 helpers, at P0.52 per day each for 300 days ..... —...........—....... 780.00 25. 8 helpers, at P0.46 per day each for 339 days ...... 468.00 26. 7 helpers, at P0.42 per day each for 339 days ...................................... 1,008.00 27. 3 helpers, at P0.40 per day each for 300 days ........................................... 360.00 28. 49 helpers, at F0.35 per day each for 339 days .... _............................. 5,880.00 29. 25 helpers, at F0.28 per day each for 339 days ........................................... 2,400.00 Less—probable savings ............... (1,581.00) SCHOOL AND DIVISION OF NURSING 5. 1 superintendent, chief of division and of the school of nursing, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ............................................................ 2,550.00 27. 1 nurse and physical instructor, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ lowance and service ................................... 864.00 28. 1 instructor in dietetics, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service .................................................... 648.00 29. 1 instructor in practical nursing, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ lowance and service ................................. 648.00 30. 1 instructor in English, part time.................. 540.00 31. 1 instructor in massage, part time.................. 540.00 32. 1 principal of the school of nursing, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service................................. 1,530.00 33. 1 dietitian, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service........... 1,530.00 34. 1 nurse, with one-third subsistence and laun­ dry allowance ................................................ 1,275.00 35. 1 supervising nurse of the surgical division, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service-------------- 1,224.00 37. 1 anaesthetist, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service.. 1,080.00 38. 1 assistant to the superintendent and chief nurse, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service....... 1,080.00 39. 1 assistant to the principal, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service .................................................... 972.00 40. 1 assistant anaesthetist, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ................................................ 864.00 41. 1 assistant dietitian, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ............................................................ 864.00 48. 1 supervising nurse, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ............................................................ 756.00 65. 6 nurses, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service, at 1*540 per annum each ............................... 3,240.00 42. 1 assistant dietitian, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ............................................................ 864.00 43. 4 supervising nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P864 per annum each ........... 3,456.00 44. 1 supervising nurse, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ............................................................ 864.00 45. 2 assistant dietitians, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P756 per annum each ........... 1,512.00 46. 11 supervising nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P756 per annum each ........... 8,316.00 47. 1 supervising nurse, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ............................................................ 756.00 49. 1 supervising nurse, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ............................................................ 756.00 52. 2 nusres, with’ subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service, at P648 per annum each ................................. 1,296.00 53. 18 nurses, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service, at P648 per annum each ................................. 11,664.00 54. 3 nurses, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service, at P648 per annum each................................... 1,944.00 55. 1 nurse, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service.................. 648.00 56. 2 nurses, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service, at P648 per annum each ................................. 1,296.00 57. 1 nurse, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service.......... 648.00 58. 3 nurses, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service, at P648 per annum each ................................. 1,944.00 59. 1 nurse, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service........... 648.00 63. 30 graduate nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at ?540 per annum each ........... 16,200.00 60. 1 graduate nurse, with subsistence and laundry ............................................................ 1,080.00 61. 2 graduate nurses, with subsistence and laundry, at P864 per annum each.......... 1,728.00 62. 2 graduate nurses, with subsistence and laundry, at P648 per annum each ........... 1,296.00 64. 4 graduate nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P540 per annum each ........... 2,160.00 472 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 71. 5 post graduate nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at ¥"240 per annum each.............. 72. 15 attendants, with subsistence and quarters, 1,200.00 at P168 per annum each ......................... 2,520.00 66. 4 graduate student nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P240 per annum each....... 960.00 67. 2 graduate student nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P240 per annum each....... 480.00 68. 3 graduate student nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P240 per annum each ....... 720.00 69. 1 graduate student nurse, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and and service..................................................... 240.00 70. 2 graduate student nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P240 per annum each ....... 480.00 73. Student nurses: seniors and associate seniors at Pl44; juniors, sophomores and fresh­ men at P120; and probationers at P96 per annum each, with subsistence, furnished quarters and service, and an allowance of not more than P2 per month each: 54 seniors from January 1 to March 31, 1937 ........................:............................. 52 associate seniors, from January 1 to March 31, 1937, and as seniors from April 1 to September 30, 1937 ....... 59 juniors from January 1 to March 31, 1937, as associate seniors from April 1 to September 30, 1937, and as se­ niors from October 1 to December 3,024.00 6,720.00 81, 1937 ................................................ 52 sophomores from January 1 to March 81, 1937, as juniors from April 1 to September 30, 1937, and as associate seniors from October 1 to December 31, 1937 ................................................ 59 freshmen from January 1 to March 81, 1937, as sophomores from April 1 to September 30, 1937, and as ju­ niors from October 1 to December 31, 1937 ................................................ 48 probationers from January 1 to March 31, 1937, freshmen from April 1 to September 30, sophomores from Oc­ tober 1 to December 31, 1937....... 48 probationers from April 1 to Sep­ tember 30, 1937, freshmen from OctobeT 1 to December 31, 1937.......... 48 probationers from October 1 to De­ cember 31, 1937 ..................................... Less—estimated savings ...................... KI. J stenographer, with one-third subsistence.... 92. 1 clerk, with one-third subsistence ................ 9,468.00 7,800.00 8,496.00 6,570.00 4,608.00 1,440.00 (12,078.00) 648.00 540.00 ALLOWANCES 124 Commutation of laundry allowance, not to exceed P6.40 per month each: At P6.40 per month each CHIEF OF DIVISION I superintendent, chief of division and of the school of nursing.................... 76.80 124. Commutation of laundry allowance, not to exceed 1*6.40 per month each—Continued. PHYSICIANS 1 assistant clinical pathologist................ 1 resident and assistant to the chief of heart station clinic............................. 4* residents .................................................. 1 junior clinical pathologist...................... 22 resident physicians ................................. 12 assistant adjunct residents.................... INSTRUCTORS 1 nurse and physical instructor................ 1 instructor in dietetics............................. I instructor in practical nursing............ NURSES 1 principal of the school of nursing....... 1 dietitian .................................................... 1 nurse ......................................................... 1 supervising nurse ................................... 1 anaesthetist .............................................. 1 assistant to the superintendent and chief of nurse...................................... 1 assistant to the principal........................ 1 assistant anaesthetist ............................. 1 assistant dietitian ................................... 1 assistant dietitian .............................. ... 4 supervising nurses ................................. 1 supervising nurse ................................... 2 assistant dietitians ................................. 1 supervising nurse ................................. II supervising nurses ................................. 1 supervising nurse ................................... 1 supervising nurse ................................... 1 sanitary supervisor ............................... 1 sanitary supervisor ............................... 2 nurses ....................................................... 18 nurses ........................................................ 3 nurses ....................................................... 1 nurse ....................................................... 2 nurses ........................................................ 1 nurse ....................................................... 3 nurses ....................................................... 1 nurse ......................................................... 6 nurses ........................... . ........................ 30 graduate nurses ....................................... 9 graduate nurses ..................................... At P4.80 per month each 4 graduate student nurses ....................... 2 graduate student nurses........................ 3 graduate student nurses......................... 1 graduate student nurse.......................... 2 graduate student nurses........................Less—estimated savings ........................ 125. Subsistence of personnel, including 22 resident physicians, and 12 assistant adjunct res­ idents and extra meals furnished those persons, who may be required to be on 24 hours’ duty or render overtime service: At P0.45 per day each DIRECTOR 1 Director of the Philippine General Hospital .............................................. 76.80 76.80 307.20 76.80 1,689.60 921.60 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 307.20 76.80 153.60 77.00 844.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 153.60 1,382.40 230.40 76.80 153.60 76.80 230.40 76.80 461.00 2,304.00 691.20 230.40 115.20 172.80 57.60 115.20 (472.00) 164.25 473 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 125. Subsistence of personnel, including 22 resident physicians, etc.—Continued. EXECUTIVE OFFICER 1 Executive Officer of the Philippine General Hospital ................................. 164.25 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 1 Chief, Administrative Division, with one-third subsistence .......................... 54.75 1 Superintendent, chief of division and of the school of nursing .................. 164.25 PHYSICIANS 1 assistant clinical pathologist, with onethird subsistence and with subsist­ ence, whenever on 24 hours’ duty.... 164.25 1 assistant clinical pathologist, with one-third subsistence and with sub­ sistence whenever on 24 hours’ duty ........................................................ 164.25 1 assistant clinical pathologist................. 164.25 1 resident and assistant to the chief of heart station clinic.............................. 164.25 4 residents .................................................... 657.00 1 junior clinical pathologist......................... 164.25 1 junior clinical pathologist with onethird subsistence ................................. 54.75 1 bacteriologist, with one-third sub­ sistence .................................................. 54.75 22 resident physicians, without compensa­ tion ........................................................ 3,613.50 12 assistant adjunct residents without compensation ....................................... 1,971.00 7 interns (2 assistant ambulance sur­ geons, 2 emergency interns, 2 assist­ ant obstetricians and 1 assistant pediatrician) ....................................... 1,149.75 PHARMACISTS 1 pharmacist in charge, with one-third subsistence ............................................. 54.75 1 pharmacist with one-third subsistence.. 54.75 1 pharmacist, with one-third subsistence.. 54.75 1 pharmacist with one-third subsistence.. 54.75 1 pharmacist with one-third subsistence.. 54.75 1 pharmacist with two-thirds subsistence 109.50 1 pharmacist with one-third subsistence.. 54.75 1 pharmacist with one-third subsistence.. 54.75 DENTIST 1 dentist, with one-third subsistence.....„ 54.75 INSTRUCTORS 1 nurse and physical instructor................ 164.25 1 instructor in dietetics..................... 164.25 1 instructor in practical nursing............. 164.25 NURSES 1 principal of the school of nursing....... 164.25 1 dietitian .................................................... 164.25 1 supervising nurse of the surgical di­ vision .................... 164.25 1 sanitary supervisor, with one-third sub­ sistence ......... 54.75 1 anaesthetist .... 164.25 1 assistant to the superintendent and chief none ______________ _____ ____ 164.25 125. Subsistence of personnel, including 22 resident physicians, etc.—Continued. 1 assistant to the principal........................ 164.25 1 assistant anaesthetist ............................. 164.25 1 assistant dietitian ................................... 164.25 1 assistant dietitian ................................... 164.25 4 supervising nurses ................................. 657.00 1 supervising nurse ................................... 164.25 2 assistant dietitians ................................. 828.50 11 supervising nurses ................................. 1,806.75 2 supervising nurses ................................. 328.50 1 supervising nurse ................................... 164.25 1 sanitary supervisor .............................. 164.25 1 sanitary supervisor ............................. 164.25 2 nurses ........................................................ 328.50 18 nurses ........................................................ 2,956.50 9 nurses ........................................................ 1,478.25 1 nurse .......................................................... 164.25 2 nurses ........................................................ 828.50 1 nurse .......................................................... 164.25 3 nurses ........................................................ 492.75 1 nurse ......... 164.25 30 graduate nurses ..................................... 4,927.50 4 graduate student nurses......................... 657.00 2 graduate student nurses......................... 828.50 3 graduate student nurses........................ 492.75 1 graduate student nurse......................... 164.25 2 graduate student nurses......................... 328.50 STUDENT NURSES 48 seniors from January 1 to March 81, 1937 ........................................................ 1,965.60 48 associate seniors from January 1 to March 31, 1937, and as seniors from April 1 to September 30, 1937......... 5,918.40 54 juniors from January 1 to March 31, 1937, as associate seniors from April I to September 30, 1987, and as seniors from October 1 to December 31, 1937 ................................................ 8,893.80 52 sophomores from January 1 to March 81, 1937, as juniors from April 1 to September 30, 1937, and as asso­ ciate seniors from October 1 to De­ cember 31, 1937................................... 8,564.40 57 freshmen from January 1 to March 31, 1937, as sophomores from April 1 to September 30, 1937, and as juniors from October 1 to December 31, 1937 ................................................. 9,387.90 30 probationers from April 1 to Septem­ ber 30, 1937, and as freshmen from October 1 to December 81, 1^37....... 8,712.50 20 student nurses ......................................... 3,294.00 50 attendants with subsistence.................. 8,212.50 CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 1’cashier and disbursing officer, with subsistence and with subsistence, quarters and service whenever on special detail ....................................... 164.25 1 chief supply section with one-third subsistence ........................................... 54.75 1 chief of statistics and record section with one-third subsistence................ 54.75 1 chief of section with one-third sub­ sistence .................................................. 54.75 1 stenographer with one«*third subsist­ ence ......................................................... 54.75 474 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 125. Subsistence of personnel, including 22 resident physicians, etc.—Continued. TECHNICIANS 1 serological technician with subsist­ ence ........................................................ 1 clinical laboratory technician with sub­ sistence .................................................. 1 histopathological technician with sub­ sistence .............................. „................. 164.25 164.25 164.25 125. Subsistence of personnel, including 22 resident physicians, etc.—Continued. MISCELLANEOUS For temporary and emergency employees, including laborers at rates of compen­ sation not exceeding 1M32 per annum each, with or without subsistence and quarters in the discretion of the Di­ rector of the Hospital as follows: CLERKS At F0.45 per day each 1 assistant chief of supply section with one-third subsistence ........................ 54.75 1 assistant cashier and disbursing officer with one-third subsistence and with subsistence whenever on special de­ tail .......................................................... 164.25 1 clerk with one-third subsistence.......... 54.75 1 clerk with one-third subsistence.......... 54.75 1 assistant chief of statistics and record section with one-third subsistence.... 54.75 1 clerk with two-thirds subsistence......... 109.50 1 information clerk with one-third sub­ sistence ..........................................-...... 54.75 1 clerk with one-third subsistence.......... 54.75 9 clerks with one-third subsistence......... 492.75 4 clerks with one-third subsistence......... 219.00 1 laundry checker with subsistence....... 164.25 2 telephone operators with one-third sub­ sistence .................................................. 109.50 1 telephone operator with one-third sub­ sistence ................................................ 54.75 At ?0.30 per day each CLERK 1 clerk with one-third subsistence........... 36.50 HELPERS 20 helpers with subsistence.................... 2,190.00 MESSENGERS 2 messengers with one-third subsistence 73.00 1 messenger with one-third subsistence.. 36.50 1 messenger with one-third subsistence.. 36.50 1 messenger with subsistence.................. 109.50 1 messenger with one-third subsistence.. 36.50 11 messengers with one-third subsistence 401.50 LABORERS For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers 1 sewing-woman with one-third subsist­ At P0.30 per day each ELECTRICIANS 2 assistant electricians with one-third subsistence ............. _..... -..................... 73.00 LITTER-BEARERS 2 litter-bearers with one-third subsistence 73.00 2 litter-bearers with one-third subsistence 73.00 WATCHMEN ence ........................................................ 36.50 1 pharmacy helper with one-third sub­ sistence ............................................. 36.50 1 chauffeur with one-third subsistence.... 36.50 1 helper with subsistence.......................... 109.50 2 helpers with subsistence........................ 219.00 13 helpers with subsistence........................ 1,423.50 1 helper with subsistence............... _.......... 109.50 1 helper with subsistence.......................... 109.50 15 helpers with subsistence........................ 1,642.50 4 helpers with subsistence........................ 438.00 5 helpers with subsistence....................... 547.50 7 helpers with subsistence........................ 766.50 49 helpers with subsistence........................ 5,365.50 49 helpers with subsistence........................ 5,365.50 4 helpers ...................................................... 430.25 Less—allowance for absences.............. (7,374.40) 1 watchman with one-third subsistence.. 36.50 1 watchman with one-third subsistence.. 36.50 Total for salaries and wages.. P331,570.00 1 watchman with one-third subsistence.. 36.50 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details Reference to item 1937 1936 numbers of Act requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (6) BUREAU OF QUARANTINE SERVICE 1. Salaries of employees of the Public Health Service of the United States as pro­ vided by the regulations of said Service....... 1*18,986.00 F18,986.00 1 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 475 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item Nc Details ). 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 2. (6) BUREAU OF QU AR MEDICAL OFFICER One medical officer .............................. ANTINE SERVICE 3,400.00 3,400.00 2 3. SUPERINTENDENTS One superintendent ........................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 3 4. One superintendent.............................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 4 5. FUMIGATORS One foreman-fumigator..................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 5 6. annum Two chief fumigators, at ¥864 per each........................................................ 1,728.00 1,728.00 6-7 7. ATTENDANTS One attendant ...................................... 756.00 756.00 8 8. One attendant ..................................... 648.00 648.00 9 9. each .. Two attendants, at ¥540 per annum 1,080.00 1,080.00 10 10. each .. Seven attendants, at ¥432 per annum 3,024.00 3,024.00 11 11. each .. Two attendants, at ¥=378 per annum 756.00 756.00 12-13 12. each .. Eight attendants, at ¥=324 per annum 2,592.00 2,592.00 14 13. each .. Ten attendants, at ¥240 per annum 2,400.00 2,400.00 15 14. CLERKS One clerk ............................................. 864.00 864.00 16 15. One clerk and druggist....................... 648.00 648.00 18 16. CREWS OF LAUNCHES Wages of launch crews....................... 16,410.00 16,410.00 19 MISCELLANEOUS 17. For temporary employees and for the payment of inspection fees to temporary physicians, not to exceed ¥20 for inspect­ ing arriving vessels and ¥5 for issuing bills of health at ports where no regular quaran­ tine officer is stationed................................... 7,000.00 7,000.00 20 18. For clothing allowances of employees 1,136.00 1,136.00 21 19. For subsistence of employees........... 6,080.00 6,080.00 22 Total .................................................. 72,668.00 72,668.00 476 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (6) BUREAU OF QUARANTINE SERVICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION DIRECTOR 1. 1 Director, per diem only................................... P3,102.50 CLERICAL DIVISION 1. 1 chief of section .............................................. 4,590.00 14. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 15. 1 clerk and druggist ............................................ 648.00 INSPECTION AND DETENTION DIVISION 1. 1 quarantine officer ........................................... 6,290.00 17. 1 inspector, part time ....................................... 2,244.00 5. 1 foreman-fumigator .......................................... 1,080.00 G. 1 chief fumigator ............................................... 864.00 9. 1 attendant .......................................................... 540.00 10. 6 attendants ......................................................... 2,592.00 17. 1 temporary disinfector ................................... 702.00 17. 1 supervising nurse ........................................... 1,530.00 Mariveles 3. 1 superintendent ................................................. 2,550.00 6. 1 chief fumigator ............................................... 864.00 8. 1 attendant .......................................................... 648.00 9. 1 attendant .......................................................... 540.00 10. 1 attendant .......................................................... 432.00 12. 7 attendants ........................................................... 2,268.00 13. 1 attendant ........................................................... 240.00 Cebu 4. 1 superintendent ................................................. 1,530.00 11. 2 attendants ......................................................... 756.00 12. 1 attendant .......................................................... 324.00 13. 7 attendants ......................................................... 1,680.00 Iloilo 1. 1 quarantine officer ............................................... 3,740.00 7. 1 attendant .......................................................... 756.00 13. 1 attendant .......................................................... 240.00 Zamboanga 2. 1 medical officer ................................................... 3,400.00 13. 1 attendant .......................................................... 240.00 Davao 1. 1 physician, part time ......................................... 810.00 Sitankai 17. 1 sanitary inspector ............................................ 864.00 LAUNCH DIVISION Launch “Burma,” Manila 16. 1 patron ................................................................ 1,122.00 16. 1 engineer ............................................................... 1,122.00 16. 1 assistant engineer ............................................. 583.20 16. 1 quartermaster ................................................... 584.00 16. 1 fireman .............................................................. 486.00 16. 3 sailors ................................................................ 972.00 16. 1 attendant .......................................................... 228.00 Launch “Viola,” Manila 16. 1 patron ................................................................ 864.00 16. 1 engineer ............................................................ 1,101.60 16. 1 assistant engineer ............................................ 583.20 16. 1 fireman .............................................................. 486.00 16. 1 watchman .......................................................... 424.00 16. 3 sailors ................................................................ 972.00 Launch “Zapote,” Iloilo 16.1 patron ................................................................... 810.0'0 16. 1 engineer ............................................................ 810.00 16. 1 quartermaster ................................................... 300.00 16. 2 firemen .............................................................. 600.00 16. 3 sailors ........................................ 720.00 Launch “Sanidad,” Cebu 16. 1 patron ................................................................ 972.00 16. 1 engineer ............................................................ 972.00 16. 1 quartermaster ................................................... 378.00 16. 2 firemen .............................................................. 600.00 16. 3 sailors ................................................................ 720.00 MISCELLANEOUS 1. For temporary employees for short periods when epidemics prevail and accrued leave.... 458.50 17. For temporary employees and for the payment of inspection fees to temporary physicians, not to exceed P20 for inspecting arriving vessels and P5 for issuing bills of health at ports where no regular quarantine officer is stationed ........................................................ 1,660.00 18. For clothing allowances of employees: Launch crews, 32 men, 4 suits per year, at P4.50 per suit..................................... 576.00 Disinfectors handling chemicals which ruin clothing, 25 men, 5 suits each at P4.48 per suit ...................................................... 560.00 19. Subsistence of employees: 53 employees, 365 days each, estimated at P0.25 per day.................. 4,886.25 8 employees, 365 days each, commuta­ tion at P0.36 per day ...................... 1,051.20 For emergency laborers in time of quarantine ............................................ 192.55 Total for salaries and wages....... ?72,668.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (7) OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL DIRECTOR 1. One National Physical Director....... F5,100.00 9*5,100.00 1 2. One clerk-messenger ......................... 648.00 648.00 2 3. One clerk-cashier ............................... 540.00 540.00 3 4. One messenger ................................... 240.00 240.00 4 Total................................................... 6,528.00 6,528.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 477 (7) OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL DIRECTOR INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 National Physical Director ............................. P5,100.00 2. 1 clerk-messenger .................................................. 648.00 3. 1 clerk-cashier ........................................................ 540.00 4. 1 messenger ............................................................ 240.00 Total for salaries and wages...................... P6.528.00 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual I.--SALARIES AND WAGES (1) Office of the Secretary....................... ¥=80,430.00 ¥=72,930.00 ¥80,898.88 (2) Bureau of Education........................... 3,576,974.00 3,583,859.05 3,269,188.45 (3) Bureau of Health ............................... 898,939.00 841,155.00 788,465.69 (4) Bureau of Public Welfare................. 80,999.00 79,901.00 74,541.55 (5) Philippine General Hospital............... 331,570.00 332,415.10 294,619.65 (6) Bureau of Quarantine Service........... 72,668.00 72,668.00 66,220.99 (7) Office of the National Physical Di­ rector .............................................................. 6,528.00 6,528.00 6,528.00 Total for salaries and wages............ 5,048,108.00 4,989,456.15 4,580,463.21 ll.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of personnel: Street car tickets ................................. P460.00 Horse allowance ................................. 4,930.00 Sailboat allowance ............................... 40.00 Bicycle allowance ................................. 790.00 Motor launch allowance ......~............. 80.00 Employees enroute from United States to Manila (Acts 2711 and 3186) or vice-versa .......................... 57,935.00 Traveling expenses, per diems and subsistence ......-................................ 201,601.00 Total ................................................ P265,836.00 265,836.00 302,206.00 250,646.64 2. Freight, express and delivery service: Transportation of supplies and ma­ terials ................................................ P32,835.00 Transportation of mails ...................... 60.00 Transportation of furniture and equipment ........................................... 600.00 Shipment of money .......................... 300.00 Transportation of leper effects......... 100.00 Return of empty containers.............. 100.00 Total ........... P33.995.00 33,995.00 33,995.00 33,913.04 478 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service: Postage stamps ................................... P19.643.00 Post office box rentals ...................... 184.00 Telegrams and radiograms.................. 4,500.00 Cable charges ....................................... 50.00 Telephone rentals ............................... 18,600.00 Fees for money orders ...................... 62.00 Total .................................................. P43.039.00 4. Illumination and power service: Electric fluid ......................................... P46.404.00 Gas .......................................................... 27,926.00 Steam ...................................................... 16,060.00 Total .................................................. P90.390.00 5. Rental of buildings and grounds: Offices ...................................................... P5.880.00 Quarters of personnel ..................... 2,760.00 Warehouses ......................................... 120.00 Leper camps ......................................... 240.00 Total .................................................. P9.000.00 43,039.00 48,289.00 44,951.46 90,390.00 85,510.00 87,087.09 9,000.00 13,380.00 8,460.65 6. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials, including the publication of a news magazine not exceeding 1*35,000 for the Bureau of Education: Foodstuffs and expendable kitchen utensils .............................................. P962.171.15 Wearing apparel and linen.................. 89,253.00 Motor vehicle supplies ...................... 12,700.00 Watercraft supplies ............................ 14,023.00 Medical, surgical, and chemical supplies .................................. ................. 262,614.75 Textbooks, school supplies and materials ............................... ................ 107,000.00 Manufacturing supplies .... ................. 30,509.00 Ice and drinking water..... ................ 8,371.00 Electrical supplies ............ ................ 4,420.00 Toilet supplies ..................... ................. 5,687.00 Water service ........................................ 15,981.00 Cleaning materials ............ ................ 6,367.00 Supplies for repairs ......................... 3,408.00 Disinfectants ........................................ 4,200.00 Painting supplies ................ ................ 1,610.00 Laundry supplies ................ ................ 3,550.00 Ordnance supplies .............. ................ 477.00 Hospital supplies ................ ................ 4,050.00 Fumigation supplies ........................... 2,552.00 Public works materials ..... ................ 10,000.00 Photographic supplies ....................... 142.00 Packing supplies ................ ................ 3,250.00 Fuel and lighting supplies.................. 3,500.00 Cigarettes ............................. ................ 1,375.00 Total ................................... ................Fl,557,210.90 1,557,210.90 1,407,210.90 1,449,144.35 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 479 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 7. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications: Printing charges ................................. P6.657.00 Binding and rebinding charges....... 1,738.00 Publications of pamphlets .............. 9,680.00 Publication of annual reports........... 1,625.00 Total .................................................. P19.700.00 19,700.00 22,777.00 19,546.12 8. Contributions and gratuities, includ­ ing 5*250 for the contribution to the bulletin of the Medical Association of the Philippine Islands for the publication of reports on cases and subjects of scientific importance of the Philippine General Hospital and a sum not exceeding 1*250 for industrial exhibits and samples of products of the s Philippine public schools furnished gratis by the Bureau of Education on request of corporations, individuals or foreign governments, with the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruc­ tion: Children under care of bureaus...... Pl,500.00 Contribution to the bulletin of the Philippine Medical Association...... 250.00 Samples of products .......................... 250.00 Gratuities for lepers ......................... 33,000.00 Total ............................................... ... P35,000.00 9. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees, including a sum not exceeding 1*5,000 for the maintenance and care during the transportation, from their homes to government hospitals, of insane persons: Lepers .................................................. P3,500.00 Indigent poor ........................................ 4,079.00 Municipal teachers on special assign­ ment ................................................. 1,000.00 Charter pf boats....... ................................. 11,260.00 Total ..... P19.839.00 10. Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment: Office and station equipment and furniture ............................................ P3,290.00 Motor vehicles and watercraft.......... 12,978.00 Technical and scientific equipment and apparatus and power plant..... 1.5Q0.00 Total ............................................... P17,768.00 35,000.00 35,579.00 34,960.46 19,839.00 19,839.00 15,568.75 17,768.00 23,065.00 16,843.38 480 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 11. Other services: Subscription ........................................... P891.52 Bond premiums ................................ 2,248.80 Laundry service ..................................... 39,368.58 Sewer charges ....................................... 8,114.00 Medical attendance ............................. 2,840.90 Insurance premiums and exchange fees ...................................................... 470.00 Rental of sanitary and laboratory equipment .......................................... 1,033.44 Rental of water and gas meters....... 60.60 Educational health campaign and ad­ vertisements ....................................... 600.00 Emergency service, towing, etc.......... 479.50 Epidemiological News Service............ 1,640.00 Electrical repairs ................................. 8,453.00 Funeral seiwice ..................................... 50.00 Graduation expenses ........................... 350.00 Child Health and Hospital Day cele­ bration ................................................ 200.00 Meals for overtime work...................... 1,020.00 Other purposes and to cover partly any reserve and forced savings.... 3,983.66 Total .................................................. P71,804.00 71,804.00 73,699.00 73,057.30 Total for sundry expenses ........... 2,163,581.90 2,065,549.90 2,034,179.24 III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment: (а) Office of the Secretary Additional equipment: 2 steel cabinets .............. P200.00 (б) Bureau of Education Additional equipment: 2 sets library books......... 180.00 For replacing unserviceable equipment: 3 lots tools ...................... 700.00 1 lot instrument ........... 50.00 1 lot equipment .............. 250.00 1 lot Physics and Biol­ ogy Laboratory Apr paratus .......... 150.00 2 garbage cans .............. ^20.00 1 water cooler ................ 25.00 1 lot Braille books.......... 50.00 1 lot kitchen equipment.. 25.00 2 stapling machines ....... 10.00 (c) Bureau of Health Additional equipment: 2 No. Flags, wool, Amer­ ican, 5'x9J' .............. 24.00 2 No. Flags, wool, Fili­ pino, 5'x9i' .............. 24.00 20 No. Files, document, wooden with roller.... 1,200.00 12 No. Chairs, office, Batibot ...................... 10.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 481 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1 No. Typewriter, long carriage ...... 392.70 1 No. Typewriter, 12" carriage .................... 185.00 1 No. Typewriter, long carriage, 27J" ......... 323.00 1 No. Typewriter, Stand­ ard letter size.......... 183.50 1 No. Typewriter, Stand­ ard letter size.......... 183.50 1 No. Cabinet, medicine, rads wood, W. E. paint .......................... 40.00 1 No. chair, carrying, with wheels ............. 40.00 2 No. chairs, invalid, with four wheels....... 160.00 150 No. chairs, ward, me­ tal, folding .............. 300.00 6 No. mirrors, wooden frame, beveled, 24" x 16" .............. 36.00 299081 ■31 1 oxygen meter and tent outfit, complete, with truck and 2 cylin­ ders, 130 gal. capa­ city, Guedal, Max Wocher & S’ons Cat. No. WD 26-a........... 290.00 1 No. suction and pres­ sure pump, Pilling, with bottle 220 volt, A. C., No. 9 A3003.. 200.03 6 No. Stretcher, hand, collapsible, canvas, Army style .............. 90.00 24 No. Tables, bedside, W. E. with screen wire enclosure ......... 288.00 2 No. Tables, examining, mefeal ........................ 240.00 24 No. beds, iron, single, folding legs .............. 192.00 6 No. Coolers, water, BH pattern, 20 lit.... 60.00 1 No. Cutter, pipe, large, 3 wheels .................... 6.00 6 No. Fans, electric, desk, oscillating, 12" 150.00 2 No. Flags, P. I., 5' x 9i' ...................... 24.00 2 No. Flags, U. S., 5' x 9i' ...................... 24.00 2 No. Freezers, i c ecream, 1 qt................ 12.00 2 No. Freezers, ice­ cream, 3 gal.............. 36.00 1 No. Grinder, meat. Enterprise, large..... 22.00 3 No. Mirrors, wooden frame, beveled, 24" x 16" ............................. 18.00 3 No. Mowers, lawn, Philadelphia, 18"....... 120.00 2 No. Pumps, disinfect­ ing, hand.................. 12.00 482 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 2 No. Spygmomanometers, mercury B.D. 120.0b 2 No. Stethoscopes, Boyle 16.00 12 No. Tables, bedside, W.D....... 120.00 1 No. Typewriter, long carriage .................... 240.00 1 No. Typewriter, No. 12 ............................... 180.00 6 No. Wheelborrows, tubular ...................... 42.00 (d) Bureau of Public Welfare Additional equipment: 1 lot Library books......... 49.20 Beds .......................... 285.00 For replacing unserviceable equipment: 2 Nos. Flags, American.. 8.40 2 Nos. Flags, Filipino.... 8.40 (c) Philippine General Hospital Additional equipment: 1 Scialitic light, type B.. 1,000.00 1 Illuminating apparatus with high voltage filament lamp, with revolving mirror, mounted on tall tri­ pod stand .................. 130.00 1 U.S. Major table....... 300.00 1 Semiflexible Gastroscope, Wolf & Schind­ ler ............................. 120.00 2 Desks, tanguili, for doctors ...................... 40.00 1 Cabinet with glass front, tanguili........... 10.30 6 Chairs, Batibot, with rattan seats ............ 7.20 8 Chairs, Batibot, with rattan seat ............. 3.60 1 Top glass, 19 x 24.... 5.00 1 Top glass, 19 x 24.... 5.00 8 Chairs, Batibot, with rattan seat .............. 3.60 1 Set Gas anaesthesia ap­ paratus .................... 1,955.00 1 Telepheoscope (Uni­ versal) with acces­ sories ........................ 6,680.00 1 D.E.W. 200/6 Douglas Therapy Coolidge Tube for oil cooling.. 880.00 1 Lister’s bandage Scis­ sors ............................ 3.00 3 Top glasses, 19 x 24. 15.00 1 Office table, 27" x 40".... 25.00 3 Chairs, Batibot, with rattan seat. 3.60 5 Cots, canvas .............. 40.00 3 Forceps, round nose.... 9.00 3 Forceps, round nose.... 12.00 2 Mayo’s Scissors, straight, 5i" ... 6.00 2 Kelly pads, Davol... 24.00 2 Silver canulas .... 6.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 483 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1 Table, narra, round..... 12.00 2 Mayo’s Scissors, straight, 5i" ............ 6.00 2 Kelly pads, Davol......... 24.00 1 Set Dressing, for gas bacillus (forceps).... 8.00 5 Beds, dormitory........... 100.00 6 Aparadores, tanguili.... 90.00 1 Standard Wall Clock.. 25.00 1 Electric Fan, 12"......... 35.00 1 Basin stand, double form .......................... 50.00 For replacing unserviceable equipment: 3 Tonsil seizing forceps, Andrew’s .................. 27.00 6 Ear forceps, Wild’s serrated jaw, steel.... 36.00 1 Scienssors, hospital, heavy, 6".............. 10.00 3 Nasal specula, Viena.... 15.00 1 Amblaoscope, with 12 set of pictures (com­ plete) ........................ 45.00 3 Hartman’s dressing forceps, 8J"............... 18.00 1 Tunning fork set in case, containing five numbers .................... 30.00 1 Mastoid Rongeurs, curved ........................ 15.00 1 Mastoid Rongeurs, Kenison, smallest size ............................ 29.00 1 Eustachian’s currette, Yankener, medium.... 5.00 2 Nasal snares................ 12.00 1 Mastoid Retractor, Jansen’s .................... 11.00 1 Brawley’s Frontal Si­ nus Rasp .................. 8.00 6 Bard-Parker’s Scissors, with renewable edges, dissecting, straight .................... 60.00 6 Bard-Parker's Scissors, with renewable edges, 5i" dissecting, curved 60.00 4 Trocars, Coakley’s....... 44.00 12 Halstead’s mosquito forceps, curved......... 37.00 1 Stevenson’s original model Lacrymal Re­ tractors ...................... 13.00 3 De Wecker’s spatula.... 13.80 3 Eicken’s antrum cá­ nula ........................... 10.50 3 Beren’s dressing for­ ceps ............................ 22.80 2 Douglas’ cutting edge forceps, right or left 12.00 3 Lawson’s Iris scissors, angular on flat, 1/2" blade .......................... 24.00 484 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1 Eye Irrigator, La­ grange’s .................... 12.00 3 Knife Needles, Beer’s with top .................. 15.00 3 Knife needles, Hay’s.... 15.00 3 Tonsil Scissors, Prince’s 45.00 1 Rasparatory, Mathiew’s straight convex ele­ vator .................................. 5.00 7 Bone Currette, Spratt’s, straight, one size each from 00 to 4.... 42.00 2 Bone Gouges, U.S. Army, 10 mm. width 10.00 2 Bone Gouges, U.S. Army, 8 mm. width 10.00 2 Bone Rongeurs, small, Frazier ............................ 26.00 1 Tracheotomic Bistopy, Jackson, corved blunt for enlarging tracheo­ tomic fistula ........... 4.00 6 Weiss Pattern operatin knives, size A..... 20.00 2 Mastoid Retractors, Buch’s ...................... 10.00 1 Fischer’s Needle holders for eye needles......... 10.00 1 Septal Knife swivel, Ballenger’s .............. 7.00 2 Septal Knives, Freer’s, original .................... 7.00 3 Iris forceps, Graefe’s delicate pattern, curved ........................ 10.50 1 Hartman n’s tonsil punch, oval form.... 23.00 2 Rhiniscopes, Michel’s.. 15.00 2 Freer’s submucous Re­ tractors, reinforced edge ............................ 12.00 2 Struycken’s nasal cut­ ting forceps .............. 48.00 1 Hartmann’s cutting forceps, improved pattern ...................... 24.00 1 Esophagoscope, full lu­ men, C. Jackson, 5 mm. x 45 cm. with 2 light carriers and 2 lamps ...................... 39.00 1 Esophagoscope, safety, 6 mm. x 10 mm. x 40 with 2 light car­ riers and 2 lamps.... 45.00 2 Light Carriers for Child’s ant. com­ missure laryngoscope, 12A ............................ 12.00 18 Retrograde Bougie Tuc­ ker, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 36 and 40 Fr............ 22.00 1 Esophageal Bougie flex­ ible end .................... 19.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 485 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details 1937 Budget Item No. r III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 2 Jackson’s Lary n geal Knife, hand forged.. 5.00 1 Broncgoscope, infant, 4 mm. x 30 cm. with 2 light carriers and 2 lamps ................... 28.00 1 Bronchoscope, infant, 4 mm. x 20 cm. with 2 light carriers and 2 lamps ................... 28.00 1 Bronchoscope, New born infant size, 3-1/2 mm. x 30, complete with 2 of one piece light car­ rier lamps ............... 36.00 1 Extra one piece light carrier lamps for above _......................... 7.00 1 Delicate Suction tube for newborn bron­ choscope 35 cm....... 2.00 1 Forceps for Upholstery pin, will pass tru 5 mm tube and larger length 45 cm............ 36.00 1 Safety pins .cases, me­ dium will pass thru 5 mm. tube and lar­ ger length 45 cm...... 33.00 1 Detachable stem eso­ phageal bougies, size 12-40 Fr...................... 17.00 1 Forceps, Tack and Pin small delicate will pass thru 4 mm. tube and larger length 40 cm................................. 33.00 1 Forceps, ring rotation, delicate length, 40 cm................................. 30.00 1 Forceps, broad brade staple, to hold the staple, delicate, length 40 cm............. 39.00 2 Sken’8 uterine curette, blunt, flexible shank, No. 3 ............ 10.00 2 Sim’s uterine currette, sharp, size No. 5.... 10.00 1 Microscope, Zeiss ..... 420.00 1 Evacuateur du Dr. Chas. Mayer ........... 80.00 1 Autoclave, vertical, 1930 research model, double wall, for gas heating ....................... 1,125.00 1 Serological bath for inactivation, electric, for 110 volts d.c....... 125.00 4 Cook’s syringes ........... 34.00 6 McCall curettes .......... 20.00 6 McCall scalers ........... 20:00 8 Wards’ Instrument for pyorrhea . ........ 40.00 486 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1935 authorized 1935 actual III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 2 Transill u m i n a t i o n lamp curved ............ 22.00 6 Extracting forceps, S.S.W.......................... 66.00 4 Perineuraphy Scissors.. 18.00 3 Dr. Heidbrink’s apicol fragment ejectors.... 18.00 1 Set Drs. Jones and Dunm Third Molars tissue retractors....... 24.00 1 Surgical mallet ........... 12.00 6 Boyd Gardner Chisels Nos. 51 to 56............ 50.00 1 Dunmores Dental Elec­ tric Engine ........... 200.00 1 Gauze packer ............. 7.00 6 Hemostatic forceps .... 36.00 3 Mayo’s Scissors, straight, dissecting J 2 ............................ 9.00 2 Mayo’s Scissors, curved on flat, dissecting # 3 6.00 12 Mosquito forceps, straight .................... 24.00 6 Antrum trocars, Coak­ ley’s with tight ba­ yonet .......................... 48.00 24 Hemostatic forceps, Pean’s Mayo pat­ tern, 6-1/2" long, curved ...................... 120.00 1 Syringe, 50 cc. Leur tip .............................. 2.50 3 Kelly pads, rubber, Davol ............................ 36.00 2 Irrigating stand, white enamel ...................... 14.00 2 Kelly pads, rubber, Davol .............................. 24.00 4 Chairs, tanguili, Norte style ........................... 14.00 2 Needle holders, 7" long 10.00 6 Small round nose for­ ceps, 6" .................... 18.00 1 Bold’s plain serrated point forceps, 7".... 10.00 5 Mayo Scissors, 5". 10.00 2 Emergency bags ........... 100.00 1 Syringe, 50 cc. Luer tip 8.00 1 Wheel Chair. 150.00 1 Syringe, 50 cc. Luer tip . ..... 3.00 1 Wheel chair.... 150.00 1 Syringe, 50 cc. Luer tip ........ 3.00 1 Chair, wheel ............... 150.00 1 Standard Time Clock 25.00 2 Top glasses, 19 X 24 10.00 1 Lister’s Scissors ........ 3.00 1 Standard Time Clock 25.00 2 Top glasses, 19 X 24.. 10.00 2 Kelly pads, Davol___ 24.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 487 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 2 Syringes, 50 cc. B. & D. hard glass..... ..... 5.00 2 Kelly pads, Davol....... 24.00 12 Pean-Mayo’s forceps, 6-1" curved, box lock ______ ______ 48.00 16 Pen-Mayo’s forceps, 6-1", curved, box lock 64.00 2 Syringes, 50 cc. hard glass, B & D............. 16.00 1 Chiffeuner ........... ........ 50.00 40 Beds, students’, 80" X 75".............................. 800.00 1 Kelly pad, Davol.„........ 12.00 2 American flags, all wool, 4’ X 8’............. 26.00 2 Filipino flags, all wool, 4' X 8’......................... 26.00 1 Lawn Mower, Philadel­ phia, style K, 16" blade ------------ --------- 30.00 1 Truck, steel platform, “Colson” model 2528 140.00 1 Desk, office, narra, 63" X 35" X 81-1, 7 drawers .... —............ 40.00 1 Chair, revolving ------ 18.00 86 Artery forceps, Hal­ stead’s, straight....... 64.80 24 Mosquito forceps, Hal­ stead’s, with 1X2 teeth ........... .............. 46.80 48 Iris forceps, with mouse teeth, curve.. 108.00 100 Scissors, Mayo, curved on flat, 14 cm. long 250.00 12 Scissors, * Mayo, curved on flat, 17 cm. long 21.00 60 Tissue forceps, 1X2 teeth, narrow fluted, 14-1 cm....................... 90.00 86 Tissue forceps, 1X2 teeth, narrow fluted, 20 cm. ____________ 99.00 50 Dressing scissors, Fer­ guson’s, curve on flat .... ......... ................ 187.00 100 Dressing Scissors, straight, sharp-sharp 13 cm........................... 145.00 48 Dressing Scissors, straight, sharp­ sharp, 16-1 cm....... 96.00 24 Intestinal forceps, Al­ lis’, 5X6 teeth.... 90.00 2 Suture forceps, Mi­ chel’s automatic .... 48.00 24 Suture forceps, Wachenfeldt’s Kifa’s..... 74.00 4 Needle Reverdins, Figs, 1 & 2, two of each kind ................. 82.00 2 Needle Reverdins, Fig. 8___________________ 17.00 488 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 12 Needle holders, MayoHarar’s, 18 cm. long 56.00 12 Needle holders, Ma­ thew Kerstein, 20 cm. long .................. 60.00 12 Emersion glass jars.... 72.00 100 Hemostatic forceps, Pean’s Mayo pattern. 6-1/2" curved ......... 650.00 24 Hemostatic forceps, Pean’s Mayo pattern, 6-1/2" ...................... 156.00 48 Hemostatic forceps, Oschner’s Mayo pat­ tern, 6-5" with box mortice joint ............ 312.00 4 Skene’s tenaculum forceps ........................... 47.00 72 Towel clamps, small, 3" ............................... 252.00 2 Goodell’s dilator, 2 valves ........................ 27.00 2 Uterine dilator, Ellinger’s ...................... 35.00 24 Thumb forceps, Gutsch handles, 3" .............. 36.00 4 Esmarch’s plaster of Paris knives, 7-1/2" 18.00 50 Minor operating knives, English pattern, hollow metal handles, styles 2 & 3 .......... 180.00 6 Reiner’s clip forceps, for removing suture clips .......................... 150.00 48 Kelly’s fistula scissors, curved, 7" .............. 105.00 6 Dressing containers, 15-1/2" diam. 8" depth .......................... 240.00 Quarantine Service Additional equipment: 2 Flags, Signal, for launches at P5.00 .... 10.00 1 lot Books (laws, codes and medical texts).... 20.00 For replacing unserviceable equipment: 15 Flags, Quarantine, for launches .................... 90.00 15 Flags, U. S., for launches .................. 90.00 10 Gasmasks, for fumiga­ tion work .................. 300.00 1 lot Flashlights, special apparatus, etc., for fumigation work ..... 20.00 1 lot Instruments, phy­ sician’s, for qua­ rantine stations and medical inspection of immigrants .............. 80.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 489 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details ill.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1 lot Furniture, chairs and station equip­ ment, with 1 large cook stove .............. 120.00 1 lot Fumigation, and station apparatus..... 540.00 1 lot Small tools for launches ................... 100.00 1 lot Small tools for quarantine stations.. 100.00 3 lengths Fire hose, fire protection items, quarantine stations.... 180.00 (¿7) National Physical Director’s Office Additional equipment: 1 steel filing cabinet....... 100.00 Total' ........................ P30,760.00 Total for furniture and equipment.. 30,760.00 21,720.00 29,559.06 30,760.00 21,720.00 29,559.06 IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. Aid for scholarships for students in normal and vocational schools of the speciallyorganized provinces of Mindanao and Sulu: 10 pensionados at P45 per month for lOi months .......................... P4.725.00 12 pensionados at P31.50 per month for 10J months .......................... 8,969.00 3 pensionados at P15 per month for 10i months ................................. 472.50 Traveling expenses of same......... 2,033.50 Total ............................................. Pll,200.00 2. Aid to elementary schools to be al­ lotted in proportion to the daily average at­ tendance in such schools for the month of September of the previous year..................... 3. Aid for the maintenance of special schools, as follows: (а) Villar, Zambales ....................................... (б) Pantabangan, Nueva Eci ja....................... (c) Langangilang, Abra ................................... (d) Surigao ......................................................... (e) Mindoro ........................................................... </) llocos Sur ....................................................... (g) La Union ..................................................... (h) Cagayan ....................................................... 11,200.00 11,200.00 9,255.71 165,168.00 165,168.00 165,168.00 3,375.00 3,375.00 3,375.00 1,875.00 1,875.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 9,750.00 9,750.00 9,750.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 6,375.00 6,375.00 6,375.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 490 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (i) Bais, Oriental Negros................................... 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 (;) Tayasan, Oriental Negros......................... 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 (k) Calabgan, Dipaculao and Kiddayakan, Tayabas ...................................................... 6,825.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 (Z) Tarlac ............................................................ 1,845.00 1,845.00 1,845.00 (m) Misamis ........................................................ 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 (n) Balanga, Bataan ....................................... 1,125.00 1,125.00 1,125.00 (o) Amio, Tolong, Oriental Negros............... 900.00 900.00 900.00 (p) Barrio of Daan, Tapaz, Capiz................. 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 (g) Less—savings from items 3 (a) to (p) ............................................................... (3,825.00) 4. Aid to the schools on the friar lands estates, as follows: (a) Cavite ............................................................ 15,120.00 15,120.00 15,120.00 (b) Cebu ............................................................... 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 (c) Bulacan .......................................................... 5,250.00 5,250.00 5,250.00 (d) Laguna .......................................................... 4,680.00 4,680.00 4,680.00 (e) Bataan............................................................. 900.00 . 900.00 900.00 (/) Rizal ................................................................ 1,260.00 1,260.00 1,260.00 (<7) Isabela ............................................................ 900.00 900.00 900.00 5. Aid to specially organized provinces for educational purposes under the direction of the Director of Education or of his rep­ resentatives, as follows: (a) Agusan ........................................................... 35,025.00 35,025.00 35,025.00 (6) Bukidnon........................................................ 18,204.00 18,204.00 18,204.00 (c) Cotabato.......................................................... 39,237.00 39,237.00 39,237.00 (d) Davao .............................................................. 32,514.00 32,514.00 32,514.00 (e) Lanao ............................................................... 41,529.00 41,529.00 41,529.00 (/) Sulu .................................................................. 57,658.00 57,658.00 57,658.00 (g) Zamboanga ................................................... 47,460.00 47,460.00 47,460.00 (Zi) Mountain Province....................................... 93,180.00 93,180.00 93,180.00 (i) Nueva Vizcaya .............................................. 23,216.00 23,216.00 23,216.00 (j) Palawan ......................................................... 22,500.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 (A;) Batanes ......................................................... 3,750.00 3,750.00 3,750.00 6. Aid for the maintenance of elemen­ tary schools already established................... 1,189,955.00 1,189,955.00 1,189,955.00 7. Aid for gratuitous elementary in­ struction ......................................................................... 6,583,371.00 6,583,371.00 6,550,755.52 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 491 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 8. Aid for the operation and mainte­ nance of agricultural, farm and trade schools: Abra .......................................................... P2.000.00 Agusan ............................................ 2,000.00 Albay ........................................................ 1,000.00 Batangas ................................... 500.00 Bohol .................................................... 1,250.00 Bukidnon .......................... 500.00 Bulacan ...... 500.00 Cagayan .................................................. 1,500.00 Camarines Sur .—........ -....................... 1,500.00 Capiz .... ~........ 1,500.00 Cavite ....................................................... 500.00 Cebu ..............-......... -.............................. 500.00 Cotabato .................................................. 1,500.00 Davao .................................. ......—- ...... 750.00 Hocos Norte ............................-.............. 1,000.00 llocos Sur ................................................ 500.00 Iloilo ..................-............................ -...... 500.00 Isabela ...................................................... 2,000.00 Lanao .......... 750.00 La Union ..........-................................... 500.00 Leyte ..................... _................................ 2,500.00 Mountain Province .............................. 500.00 Nueva Ecija .......................................... 500.00 Nueva Vizcaya ...................................... 1,500.00 Oriental Misamis ...................-............. 500.00 Oriental Negros .............. 500.00 Palawan .........._..................................... 1,000.00 Pampanga ............................................... 2,500.00 Bombion ................................. 750.00 Samar ...................................................... 3,000.00 Sorsogon ................................................... 500.00 Sulu ........................................................... 500.00 Tayabas ........................... -...................... 500.00 Zambales .................................................. 1,500.00 Zamboanga .............................................. 500.00 Less—savings ................. (4,000.00) Total ................... .................................. P33,500.00 33,500.00 37,500.00 37,500.00 9. Aid for the operation and mainte­ nance of normal schools: Albay ..........-........................................... Bukidnon ................................;................ P786.00 744.58 Cagayan ..................... 588.82 Cebu ......................... _.............................. 1,859.84 llocos Norte .................. 850.45 Iloilo .............. 1,431.71 Lanao ....................................................... 166.42 Leyte ..................................... 1,112.76 Mountain Province .................................. 516.06 Pangasinan .............................................. 931.12 Zamboanga .............................................. 1,067.24 Less—savings ...................................... (1,000.00) Total ................................................. P9,000.00 9,000.00 10,000.00 9,584.44 492 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 10. To carry out the provisions of Act No. 3377 for the promotion of agricultural and vocational education, Act No. 3470: (а) Aid for the payment of salaries of teachers, supervisors or directors of agricultural sub­ jects and maintenance of agricultural schools ................................................................ (б) Aid for the payment of salaries of teachers of trade, commercial, home economics and industrial subjects and maintenance of schools in which these subjects are taught.. (c) To the Bureau of Education for the main­ tenance of the division of vocational educa­ tion, the administration of Act No. 3377 and the making of studies, investigations and reports: 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 105,000.00 105,000.00 105,000.00 SALARIES AND WAGES (1) One chief, vocational di­ vision .............................. f*5,950.00 (2) One superintendent, de­ partment of home eco­ nomics ............................ 4,675.00 (3) One stenographer............. 1,122.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (4) Sundry expenses and pur­ chase of furniture and equipment: Traveling expenses of personnel ........ P5,700.00 Postal, telegraph, tele­ phone and cable service ............. 125.00 Illumination and power service ............ 700.00 Consumption of supplies and materials.... 107.00 Other services .... 25.00 Total .............. P6,657.00 6,657.00 Total ............. £18,404.00 18,404.00 18,404.00 12,957.68 11. For the promotion of educational re­ search, experimentation and administration in the Bureau of Education, to be expended L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 493 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1935 actual 1936 authorized Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS for the necessary personnel, supplies and materials: Provided, That the personnel to be employed for this purpose shall be ap­ pointed by the Secretary of Public Instruc­ tion upon the recommendation of the Director of Education, and said personnel shall be under the direction of the Director of Educa­ tion as all other employees of the Bureau: SALARIES (а) One teacher.................................... 5*2,380.00 (б) Two teachers, at 1*1,326 per an­ num each .................................... 2,652.00 (c) One teacher.................................... 1,080.00 (d) One stenographer ......................... 1,428.00 (e) One stenographer.......................... 1,080.00 (f) One clerk ......................................... 432.00 OTHER EXPENSES (p) Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel ................................ 698.00 Total ................................... 1*9,750.00 9,750.00 9,750.00 6,933.04 12. Aid for the payment of the salaries of the teachers of those classes in barrio schools established under Act No. 3628, to be distributed and expended in accordance with the provisions of said Act: Provided, That when, due to the effects of a typhoon or any other public calamity, the revenues of a municipality decrease, such municipality shall only be required to appropriate from its general fund the same percentage of the total collections accruing to said fund as that of the previous year as determined by the Auditor General, [Insular Auditor], the pro­ visions of Act No. 3628 to the contrary not­ withstanding ................ ..................................... 13. For expenses in connection with the Central Luzon Agricultural School to be paid out of its receipts in 1937 [1936], any provi375,000.00 375,000.00 374,229.90 494 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS sion of existing law to the contrary notwith­ standing: [Provided, however, That the necessary amount to meet the expenses while there are yet no collections made may be taken from the receipts of the School for 1935:] SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One cashier ..................................... F648.00 (b) One bookkeeper ............................. 432.00 (c) One clerk ........................................ 432.00 (d) Two clerks, at 1*432 per annum each ............................................ 864.00 (e) One assistant farm manager .... 594.00 (/) Student wages of 1,000 students at the rate not to exceed F0.15 per hour ...................................... 7,000.00 Total for salaries and wages 9,970.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (g) Freight, express and delivery service .......................................... 2,000.00 (h) Supplies and materials, including tools costing less than 1*2 each 10,000.00 (i) Maintenance and repair of equipment .................................. 1,500.00 (j) Payment of irrigation fees ......... 3,300.00 Total for sundry expenses ..... 16,800.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (k) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ....................... 3,140.00 Total for furniture and equip­ ment ........................................ 3,140.00 SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (Z) For the maintenance, repair, al­ teration and construction of buildings, irrigation struc­ tures and fences ....................... 3,000.00 Total for special appropria­ tions ......................................... 3,000.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 495 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages ........... 9,970.00 Total for sundry expenses ............... 16,800.00 Total for furniture and equipment .. 3,140.00 Total for special appropriations....... 3,000.00 Total available for the Central Luzon Agricultural School.. M2,910.00 Amount to be paid out of its receipts .................................... (M2,910.00) 0.00 .......................... 14. For the continuation of the treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion and other leper stations in accordance with Act No. 2978: Provided, That temporary officers and employees detailed for duty in Culion Leper Colony may be granted, in the discretion of the proper Head of Department, 28 days’ va­ cation leave with pay for each year of service in said Colony, which vacation must be en­ joyed during the year in which earned, any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding : SALARIES AND WAGES (All with subsistence and quarters) Pathological Section (а) One chief pathologist...................... M,500.00 (б) One assistant chief pathologist 3,825.00 (c) One assistant pathologist ........... 2,550.00 (d) One clerk-stenographer ............... 1,700.00 (e) One scientific assistant ............... 1,530.00 (/) One technician in pathology ... 648.00 (g) One technician in clinical mi­ croscopy ..................................... 648.00 (h) One laboratory helper and mes­ senger ......................................... 300.00 (i) Two laboratory helpers, at M40 per annum each ........................ 480.00 Medical Section O’) One chief physician ................... 4,675.00 (k) Two supervising physicians, at M,825 per annum each........... 7,650.00 496 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (l) Two senior physicians, at P3,400 per annum each ........................ 6,800.00 (m) . One senior physician ............... 3,060.00 (n) Two junior physicians, at P2,550 per annum each ....................... 5,100.00 (o) One junior physician ................. 2,040.00 Nurses (p) One chief nurse ........................... 2,040.00 (g) Two supervisors, at Pl,700 per annum each ................................ 3,400.00 (r) Six senior nurses, at Pl,275 per annum each ................................ 7,650.00 (s) One nurse........................................ 864.00 (t) Four junior nurses, at Pl,080 per annum each ....................... 4,320.00 (u) One junior nurse ....................... 972.00 (v) Four junior nurses, at P810 per annum each ............................. 3,240.00 Miscellaneous (w) One pharmacist ......................... 2,040.00 (a) One clerk-stenographer ............. 1,700.00 (y) One typist and record clerk....... 864.00 (z) One junior typist ....................... 648.00 (a-1) One pharmacy clerk ............... 432.00 (b-1) One pharmacy attendant ..... 240.00 (c-1) Three pharmacy attendants, at P180 per annum each..... 540.00 (d-1) One office helper ....................... 300.00 (e-1) Two office boys, at P180 per annum each ........... 360.00 (f-1) One ward attendant ............... 216.00 (g-1) One clinic messenger ............ 144.00 (h^l) One physiotherapy attendant.. 180.00 (i-1) One office boy ......................... 144.00 (j-1) One ward attendant ............... 180.00 Leper Employees (k-1) One hundred four nursing aids and substitutes of va­ rious grades ......................... 8,332.00 (l-l) Four employees in charge of hospital, at P120 per annum each .................................. 480.00 (m-1) One clerk for school of nur­ sing aids ............................... 300.00 (r^l) One employee in charge of in­ valids ..................................... 96.00 (o-l) One clinic caretaker ............... 36.00 (p-1) Nine servants, at P84 per an­ num each 756.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 497 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (q-1) Eight servants, at 1*72 per an­ num each ................................ 576.00 (r-1) One toilet caretaker ............... 108.00 (s-1) Nine toilet caretakers, at 1*96 per annum each ................... 864.00 (t-1) One laundryman .................... 120.00 (u-1) Eleven laundrymen, at 1*96 per annum each .................... 1,056.00 (v-1) Seven dishwashers, at 1*60 per annum each ............................ 420.00 (w-1) One linen mender .................... 120.00 (x-1) Three linen menders, at 1*90 per annum each .................... 270.00 (y-1) Two bed cleaners, at ?90 per annum each............................ 180.00 (z-1) One chief cook ...................... 300.00 (a-2) One assistant chief cook, hos­ pital kitchen ......................... 204.00 (b-2) One assistant cook, hospital kitchen .................................... 180.00 (c-2) One assistant cook, hospital kitchen .................................... 120.00 (d-2) Eight cooks, at 1*84 per an­ num each ................................ 672.00 (e-2) Three woodcutters, at 1*84 per annum each .......................... 252.00 (f—2) One rice cleaner ...................... 72.00 (g-2) Eleven waiters, at 1*72 per annum each ................ »........... 792.00 (h-2) Two kitchen clerks, at 1*84 per annum each.................... 168.00 (i-2) Two waiters, at 1*72 per an­ num each ......................... 144.00 (j-2) One employee at San Lazaro Hospital .................................. 300.00 Administrative Section (k-2) One senior clerk ..................... 1,700.00 (b-2) One farm adviser ...... 1,530.00 Chemical Section (7^2) One junior chemist .................. 2,040.00 (n-2) Two technicians, at F810 per annum each ......................... 1,620.00 (o-2) One laborer .............................. 540.00 (p-2) One laborer............................... 432.00 (q-2) One laborer .............................. 378.00 Allowances (r-2) For commutation of subsist­ ence ......................................... 22,133.00 299089------ 82 498 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS OTHER EXPENSES (s-2) Sundry expenses and purchase of furniture and equipment including construction and repair of buildings: Traveling expenses of personnel .................. 200.00 Postal, telegraph, tele­ phone and cable serv­ ice .............................. 40.00 Illumination and power service ........................ 8,400.00 Other services ........... 1,500.00 Consumption of sup­ plies and materials 22,300.00 Maintenance and repair of equipment.............. 30.00 Purchase of furniture and equipment........... 100.00 Alteration, maintenance and repairs ........... 21,000.00 Other expenses to cover partly expenses in the regional treatment stations and dispen­ saries .......................... 6,430.00 Total ......................... P60,000.00 60,000.00 Total ................... 1*187,271.00 187,271.00 187,271.00 175,301.58 15. For the maintenance of regional treatment stations and dispensaries for the diagnosis and treatment of incipient cases of leprosy, including the allowances for sub­ sistence, quarters and laundry of regional treatment personnel: SALARIES AND WAGES Section on Leprosy (а) One general supervisor of treat­ ment stations ............................. 1*4,930.00 (б) One nurse....................................... 864.00 (c) One clerk ........................................ 2,040.00 Eversley Childs Treatment Stations, Mandawe, Cebu All with subsistence and quarters (d) One resident physician................. 3,060.00 (e) One administrative and supply officer........................................... 1,080.00 (/) Two nurses, at 1*864 per annum each ............................................ 1,728.00 (g) One clerk....................................... 540.00 (h) One supply employee...................... 432.00 (i) One chauffeur ............................... 648.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 499 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1935 actual 1936 authorized Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (;) Two guards, at 1*432 per annum each ............................................ 864.00 (k) One cook.................................. 324.00 (Z) One assistant cook .......................... 240.00 (?n) One janitor ................................. 240.00 Leper Employees (n) One chief of police....................... 240.00 (o) Three nursing aids, at 1*120 per annum each .............................. 360.00 (p) Two attendants, at 1*60 per an­ num each .................................... 120.00 (q) Two policemen, at 1*120 per an­ num each .................................... 240.00 Lanao Subtreatment Station (r) One nurse....................................... 864.00 (s) One attendant................................. 432.00 Cebu Skin Dispensary (t) One clinic physician..................... 2,550.00 (u) One pharmacist ........................... 1,080.00 (v) One laboratory technician........... 1,224.00 (w) One nurse ...................................... 864.00 (x) One nurse and supply officer..... 864.00 (y) One clerk....................................... 432.00 (z) One chauffeur ................................ 648.00 (dr-1) One laboratory attendant........ 432.00 (b-1) One dispensary attendant........ 432.00 (c-1) One helper .................................. 240.00 (d-1) One janitor ................................. 180.00 Allowances (e-1) For subsistence and quarters allowance ...................... ......... 4,633.00 Western Visayas Treatment Stations, Santa Barbara, Iloilo All with subsistence and quarters (f-1) One resident physician.............. 3,060.00 (g-1) One nurse ................................. 864.00 (h^l) One clerk and supply officer.... 864.00 (1-1) One janitor .............................. 180.00 (j-1) One guard ................................. 432.00 Leper Employees (k-1) One cook ................................... 240.00 (Z-l) One nursing aid.................... 120.00 (m-1) One policeman ....................... 120.00 (n-1) One attendant........................... 60.00 Allowances (o-l) Subsistence and quarters al­ lowance of non-leper em­ ployees ................................... 935.00 500 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Bicol Treatment Station, Legaspi, Albay All with subsistence and quarters (p-1) One resident physician........... 3,060.00 (q-1) One nurse ................................. 864.00 (r-1) One clerk and supply officer.... 864.00 (s-1) One janitor ............................... 180.00 (t-1) One guard ................................ 378.00 Leper Employees One cook .................................... 240.00 (v-1) One nursing aid....................... 120.00 (w-1) One policeman........................... 120.00 (x-1) One attendant........................... 60.00 Allowances Subsistence and quarters al­ lowances of non-leper em­ ployees .................................... 935.00 Mindanao Treatment Stations All with subsistence and quarters Mindanao Central Treatment Station (z-1) One nurse.................................... 864.00 (a-2) One attendant ........................... 240.00 (b-2) One nursing aid........................... 180.00 Cotabato Subtreatment Station (c-2) One nurse..................................... 864.00 Allowances (d-2) Subsistence and quarters al­ lowance of personnel ........... 671.00 OTHER EXPENSES (e-2) Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel .................. Pl,100.00 Freight, express and delivery service ....... 1,650.00 Postal, telegraph, tele­ phone and cable serv­ ice .............................. 454.00 Illumination and power service ........................ 4,300.00 Other services ........ 1,000.00 Consumption of sup­ plies and materials.... 88,696.00 Miscellaneous equipment ............................ 2,000.00 Traveling expenses of persons not govern­ ment employees ....... 100.00 Maintenance and repair of equipment ............. 700.00 Total .................... P100,000.00 Total ........................... f*149,340.00 149,340.00 149,340.00 150,072.19 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 501 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 1936 reguested authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 16. Aid to the following specially organ­ ized provinces to be expended in connection with any public health work until exhausted at the discretion of the Director of Health, with the approval of the Department Head, including allowances for subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry of hospital personnel: (a) Province of Agusan............................... 17,023.00 17,023.00 17,023.00 (6) Province of Batanes............................. 8,302.00 8,302.00 8,302.00 (c) Province of Bukidnon............................. 19,293.00 19,293.00 19,293.00 (d) Province of Cotabato............................. 33,933.00 33,933.00 33,933.00 (e) Province of Davao ............................... 25,876.00 25,876.00 25,876.00 (/) Province of Lanao................................. 22,698.00 22,698.00 22,698.00 (0) Mountain Province................................. 71,260.00 71,260.00 71,260.00 (7t) Province of Nueva Vizcaya................. 14,753.00 14,753.00 14,753.00 (i) Province of Palawan............................. 22,533.00 22,533.00 22,533.00 (;) Province of Sulu..................................... 27,067.00 27,067.00 27,067.00 (Zc) Province of Zamboanga....................... 51,219.00 51,219.00 61,219.00 17. Aid to the Province of llocos Sur for the improvement, alteration, repair, opera­ tion, maintenance and equipment of the Cer­ vantes Emergency Hospital: Salaries and wages: 1 resident physician, with laundry.... Pl,530.00 1 nurse-administrative officer, cashier and property clerk, with laundry 756.00 1 nurse, with laundry ....... 702.00 1 nurse, with laundry ____________ 540.00 3 ward attendants, at P240 per annum each------------------ —---- — 720.00 1 cook ..... 300.00 2 helpers, at P144 per annum each__ 288.00 1 helper ...... _......................................... 144.00 Total for salaries and wages.... 4,980.00 Sundry expenses: Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... ................. 400.00 Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials : Provided, That any un­ expended balance of the Insular aid to the Cervantes Emergency Hospital may be utilized for pay­ ment of expenses under this item.... 1,200.00 For subsistence and food supplies.... 1,619.00 Other expenses .............. — 200.00 Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment ---- ----------- , .......... - 100.00 Total for sundry expenses........... 3,519.00 502 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Furniture and equipment: Purchase of furniture and equip­ ment .................................................... 1,700.00 Total for furniture and equip­ ment ............................................. 1,700.00 Summary: Total for salaries and wages.............. 4,980.00 Total for sundry expenses .............. 3,519.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 1,700.00 Less—forced savings .......................... (144.00) Total .................................................... P10,055.00 10,055.00 10,055.00 9,552.25 18. For the School of Nursing in Baguio: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) For student nurses: seniors at P14 each per month; interme­ diates and juniors at 5*12 each per month; and probationers at 1*10 each per month............. P=3,628.00 (b) For laborers .................................. 996.00 (c) Sundry expenses: OTHER EXPENSES Traveling expenses of personnel .................. P30.00 Postal, telegraph, tele­ phone and cable serv­ ice ............................... 9.00 Consumption of supplies and materials ........... 1,910.00 Total ...................... Pl,949.00 1,949.00 Total .................. 1*6,573.00 19. For the purchase of medicines and medical [and surgical] supplies and instru­ ments [for distribution] to be distributed to public [school] dispensaries in the municipal­ ities by the Commissioner of Health and Welfare with the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction....................................... 20. For a general demonstration of the practical control of beriberi and for the im­ provement of the organization and operation of sanitation, including personnel, equipment and purchase of tiki-tiki in connection with said demonstration: (a) For laborers 6,573.00 6,573.00 5,165.90 100,000.00 4,000.00 3,556.79 SALARIES AND WAGES ................................. 1*3,186.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 503 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1935 actual 1936 authorized Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS OTHER EXPENSES (6) Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel .................. P750.00 Freight, express and delivery service ....... 200.00 Postal, telegraph, tele­ phone and cable service ...................... 182.00 Other services ......_...... 30.00 Consumption of sup­ plies and materials.... 3,050.00 For other purposes and to cover partly the required reserve and forced savings of the Bureau of Health..... 2,028.00 Total ........-............ P6,190.00 6,190.00 Total ............................... 5=9,376.00 9,376.00 9,376.00 7,906.61 21. For the control of malaria in the reg­ ularly and specially organized provinces and municipalities and in municipal districts, in­ cluding salaries and wages, traveling ex­ penses of personnel, purchase of supplies and materials, furniture and equipment and con­ struction of buildings of light materials that may be required in connection with the con­ trol work, to be expended subject to terms and conditions specified in regulations issued by the Director of Health, with the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One chief field director and en­ tomologist ................................... 1*3,060.00 (б) Two physicians, at Fl,785 per annum each ....................... 3,570.00 (c) Two physicians, at Fl,530 per annum each ............................... 3,060.00 (d) One entomologist .......................... 2,550.00 (e) One field director and entomo­ logist ........................................... 2,550.00 (/) One field director.......................... 864.00 (g) One chief technician................... 1,080.00 (h) One clerk-technician and prop­ erty officer ................................. 864.00 (i) One clerk ....................................... 1,080.00 (;) One technician............................... 864.00 (k) One technician ............................. 756.00 (l) One technician ............................. 648.00 (m) For laborers................................. 5,517.00 504 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS OTHER EXPENSES (n) Sundry expenses, purchase of furniture and equipment and construction of buildings of light materials: Traveling expenses of per­ sonnel ............................... Pl,300.00 Freight, express and deliv­ ery service ..................... 100.00 Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .......... 340.00 Illumination and power service ............................... 130.00 Other services ................... 1,270.00 Maintenance and repair of equipment ........................ 190.00 Consumption of supplies and materials .................. 2,452.00 Purchase of furniture and equipment: 1 Binocular Mi­ cros cope No. 37750.. P154.00 1 Paired eye­ piece for same (lOx) 20.00 1 Paired o bi­ jective for same (37x) 20.00 1 Turn table No. 38160 12.00 6 D i s s e cting scissors No. 25870 a t P2.00 ....... 12.00 218.00 6,000.00 Total ........................... ?32,463.00 32,463.00 32,463.00 28,991.48 22. For [insular] aid of the National Gov­ ernment for the operation and maintenance of hospitals created and established under the provisions of'Acts 3114, 3168 and 3284 and in conformity with Act No. 3361 to be available also for aid obligations prior to 1937 [1936]: Albay Provincial Hospital—type—30-50 bed hospital. Allotment—P15.000. In operation since January 3, 1928. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937—5% of P15.000 (January-De­ cember) ...................................................... P750.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 505 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Antique Provincial Hospital— type—Antique type—(20-30 beds). Allotment—P10.850. In operation since Septem­ ber 16, 1935. Aid for oper­ ation and maintenance: During 1937—20% of P7.233.33 (JanuaryAugust) ................ ........... Pl,446.67 During 1937—15% of P3,616.67 (SeptemberDecember) .................... 542.50 1,989.17 Batangas Provincial Hospital—type— 20-30 bed hospital. Allotment—P28,633. In operation since January 3, 1928. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937—5% of P28.633 (Jan­ uary-December) ........................................ 1,431.65 Bohol Provincial Hospital— type—Stages I, II, and III. Allotment—Stage I—P10,800 ; Stages II and III—P19.200. Stage I has been in operation since October 18, 1929 ; while Stages II and HI which were already constructed, and Stage IV which is to be constructed very soon are proposed to be operated about the latter part of 1936. Aid for oper­ ation and maintenance: During 1937—Stage I—15% of P8,000 (JanuarySeptember) ..................... Pl,215.00 Stage 1—10% of P2.700 (October-December) 270.00 Stages II, III and IV—50% of P19.200 (JanuaryDecember) ..................... 9,600.00 11,085.00 Bulacan Provincial ’ Hospital—type— 20-30 bed hospital. Allotment— P29.875. In operation since Jan­ uary 1, 1932. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937—25% of P29.875 (January-December) ....................... Capiz Provincial Hospital— type—20-30 bed hospital. Allotment—P22.749. In oper­ ation since May 12, 1930. Aid for operation and main­ tenance: During 1937—20% of P7.583 (January-April)_ Pl.516.60 15% of P15.166 (May-De­ cember) ........................-.......... 2,274.90 2,468.75 8,791.50 506 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details iv.—SPECÍAL APPROPRIATIONS llocos Sur Provincial Hospital.—TypeStages I, II and III. Date of opera­ tion—Stage I—January, 1926 ; Stages II and III, to be constructed very soon and proposed to be operated about the beginning of 1937. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937—StageB II and III—50% of P19.200 (Jan­ uary-December) ........................................ Laguna Provincial Hospital— type—Stages I, II, IH and IV. Allotment—Stage I— P4,931.52; Stages II and III— P15,780.86; Stage IV— Pl0,109.62. Dates of opera­ tion : Stage I—January 2, 1925; Stages II and IH— April 1, 1927; Stage IV— August 1, 1930. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937—Stages II and III—5% of P3,945.22 (Jan­ 9,600.00 uary-March) ........................... P197.26 Stage IV—20% of P5,897.29 (January-July) ............... 1,179.46 Stage IV—15% of P4,212.33 (August-December) ....... 631.85 2,008.57 Leyte Provincial Hospital—type—20-30 bed hospital. Allotment: P24,500. In operation since April, 1936. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937-50% of P6,125 (January-March— P3,062) 45% of P18,375 (April-De­ cember) 8,268.75 Nueva Ecija Provincial Hospital—type— Stage IV. A 11 o t m e n t—P53,113. In operation since December 16, 1980. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937-20% of P53.113. (January-De­ cember ) ........................................................ Occidental Negros Provincial Hospital—type—S t a g e s III and IV. Allotment—Stage III—P45.360 ; IV—P22.140. Date of operation—Stage III— March 2, 1926; Stage IV— April 1, 1929. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937— Stage IV—15% of P5,535 11,331.25 10,622.60 (January-March) ........... 830.25 Stage IV—10% of P16.605 (April-December) ......... 1,660.50 2,490.75 Oriental Misamis Provincial Hospital—type—Antique type (20-30 beds). Allotment— P18.252. In operation since July 1, 1933. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1987—35% of P9,126 (January-June).. P3,198.10 30% of P9,126 (JulyDecember) -............ 2,737.80 5,935.90 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 507 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Pampanga Provincial Hospital—type— 30-50 bed hospital. Allotment—P35.910. In operation since January 1, 1931. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937—20% of P35.910 (Jan­ uary-December) ........................................ 7,182.00 Sorsogon Provincial Hospital— type—20-30 bed hospital— Allotment—Pl0,870. In oper­ ation since March 9, 1930. Aid for operation and main­ tenance : During 1 9 3 7—20% of Pl,728.33 (JanuaryFebruary) ....................... P345.66 15% of P8.641.67 (MarchDecember) ................. 1,196.25 1,541.91 Less—force savings .................................... (175.28) Total ......................... ......... . ................ P72,000.00 72,000.00 131,635.00 80,000.00 23. Public charity and welfare fund: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Two medical officers, part time, at Fl,122 per annum each....... F2,244.00 (b) For skilled, semi-skilled and un­ skilled laborers .......................... 3,012.00 OTHER EXPENSES (c) Sundry expenses and special ap­ propriations ................................ 4,738.00 Total ............................... F9,994.00 9,994.00 9,994.00 8,467.38 24. For the operation of the Maternity and Children’s Hospital, Manila, including the training of midwives in the City of Ma­ nila : SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One matron and nurse super­ visor ............................................. Fl,224.00 (6) One pharmacist .......................... 648.00 (c) For skilled, semi-skilled and un­ skilled laborers ......................... 7,458.00 OTHER EXPENSES (d) Sundry expenses, furniture and equipment and special appro­ priations : Traveling expenses of personnel P100.00 Freight, express and delivery service .......................................... 25.00 Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............. 272.00 Illumination and power service.. 3,600.00 508 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Other services .............................. 7,315.60 Rental of buildings and grounds 3,800.00 Consumption of supplies and materials ..........-......................... 24,400.00 Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment ........................................-... 160.00 Purchase of furniture and equip­ ment: 4 Nos. Kelly pads, Davol No. 602 with pump 4 Nos. Holder, needle, 15 cm. chrom. plated 2 Nos. Speculum, va­ ginal, medium chrom plated 4 prs. Scissors, mayo carved 14 cm. chrom. plated 4 prs. Scissors, straight, chrom, plated 14 cm. 1 No. Trocarr, Chrom. plated 1 No. Tray instrument w/ stand Mayo 1 Delivery table 1 No. Cabinet steel, W.E. for instru­ ments w/shelves 22 Nos. Cribs, Pediatrics, iron W.E. w/one detachable side up and down 1 No. Drop light w/ stand for examining room 1 No. Cabinet, File, wooden^ w/ 7 "XS" drawers, narra finished * for birth certificate 2 Nos. Table, Dining, for 8 persons narra finish 6 Nos. Com­ mode, W.E. 11 by 12 1 set Resuscitation Bath 1 No? Doll for demons­ tration Contribution t o the School of Midwifery ......... (7,140.85) For other pur­ poses and to cover partly the required and forced savings of the Bureau of Health ....... 4,052.80 1,204.45 37,789.00 Total ------------------------- ¥47,119.00 47,119.00 47,119.00 45,879.26 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 509 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 25. Aid to puericulture centers organized in accordance with the provisions of Acts 2633, 2905 and 2988: Abra—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only --------------------------- ------------Agusan—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only —............... ..............~.... ........ Albay—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only ..................... - Antique—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only .............. ....... ........ ......... ........ Bataan—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only .................................................. Ba tan gas—with 1 puericulture center with maternity house; and 1 puericul­ ture with nurse only---------------------- ---Bohol—with 1 puericulture center with maternity house; and 4 puericulture centers with nurses only---------------------Bukidnon—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only....... ..... ...... ........ _....... Bulacan—with 5 puericulture centers with nurses only; and 1 puericulture ’tenter with midwife only-------------------Cagayan—with 2 puericulture centers with nurses only----------------- ----- ---------Camarines Sur—with 1 puericulture center with nurses only--------------------------------Capiz—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only ----------------------------------------Cavite—with 2 puericulture centers with nurses only----------------------------------------Cebu—with 1 provincial puericulture center: special; 2 puericulture centers with maternity houses; 3 puericulture centers with nurses and midwife; 7 puericulture centers with nurses only; and 35 puericulture centers with mid­ wives only ___ ________________________ Cotabato—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only______________________ Davao—with 6 puericulture centers with nurses only-------------------------- —----------llocos Norte—with 1 provincial puericul­ ture center with maternity house; and 6 puericulture only _________ P400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 1,000.00 2,200.00 400.00 2,200.00 800.00 400.00 400.00 800.00 19,091.00 400.00 2,400.00 3,000.00 400.00 400.00 1,400.00 400.00 400.00 6,000.00 centers with nurse Hocos Sur—with 1 puerieulture center with nurse only ______________________ Iloilo—with 1 puericulture center with nurse pnly __________ ____ __________ „ Laguna—with 1 puericulture center with maternity house; and 2 puericulture centers with nurses only______________ Lanao—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only______ ___ _________________ La Union—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only ______________________ Leyte—with 5 puericulture centers with maternity house; 7 puericulture cen­ ters with purses only; and 1 puericul­ ture center with midwife only________ 510 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details iv.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Marinduque—with 2 puericulture centers with nurses only ....................... 800.00 Mindoro—with 3 puericulture centers with nurses only ....................................- 1,200.00 Nueva Eci ja—with 1 puericulture center with nurse and midwife; and 6 pueri­ culture centers with nurses only.......... 8,000.00 Occidental Misamis—with 2 puericulture centers with nurses and midwives; and 5 puericulture centers with nurses only 8,200.00 Oriental Misamis—with 1 puericulture center with maternity house; and 3 puericulture centers with nurses only— 1,800.00 Occidental Negros—with 1 provincial puericulture center with maternity house; 3 puericulture centers with maternity houses; 23 puericulture centers with nurses and midwives; 1 puericulture center with nurse only; and 1 puericulture center with mid­ wife only .................................................. 21,000.00 Oriental Negros—with 2 puericulture centers with nurses and midwives; 3 puericulture centers with nurses only; and 5 puericulture centers with mid­ wives only ............................. -.............. — 3,400.00 Pampanga—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only .......„...........................— 400.00 Pangasinan—with 3 puericulture centers with nurses only .................._.................. 1,200.00 Rizal—with 1 puericulture center serv­ ing as training center ....................... 1,500.00 Romblon—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only ........................ -........ - 400.00 Samar—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only; and 5 puericulture centers with midwives only ........................ -..... - 1,400.00 Sorsogon—with 1 puericulture center with maternity house; and 1 puericulture center with midwife only ..... —..... 800.00 Sulu—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only ................~........................... 400.00 Surigao—with 1 puericulture center with maternity house; 3 puericulture centers with nurses only; and 2 puericulture centers with midwives only................... 8,200.00 Tarlac—with 2 puericulture centers with nurses only .............................. 800.00 Tayabas—with 1 puericulture center with nurse and midwife; 4 puericulture centers with nurses only; and 2 pueri­ culture centers with midwives only------ 8,000.00 Zambales—with 1 puericulture center with nurses only ............. 400.00 Zamboanga—with 2 puericulture centers with nurses only ........................................ 800.00 Total ....................................................... P92,791.00 92,791.00 92,791.00 92,791.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 511 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1936 authorized 1937 requested 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 26. For the care, maintenance, in­ struction, reformation and custody of neg­ lected and delinquent children, in accord­ ance with the provisions of Act No. 3203, as amended: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One special agent......................... 1*3,060.00 (b) One supervisor of buildings and grounds ...................................... 2,720.00 (c) One property clerk........................ 1,224.00 (d) One clerk ...................................... 864.00 (e) One clerk ........................................ 540.00 (/) One recreation and physical director........................................ 1,530.00 (g) One medical officer .................... 2,040.00 (7i) One dentist .................................. 2,040.00 (t) One nurse supervisor.................... 1,530.00 (;) One head nurse ......................... 1,080.00 (k) One nurse .................................... 972.00 (Z) Two nurses, at 1*864 per annum each.............................................. 1,728.00 (m) Three attendants, at 1*432 per annum each .............................. 1,296.00 (n) One social worker....................... 2,040.00 (o) One social worker......................... 1,700.00 (p) Two social workers, at Fl,428 per annum each ....................... 2,856.00 (q) One social worker......................... 1,224.00 (r) One social worker......................... 1,224.00 (s) One teacher-supervisor ............. 2,040.00 (i) One teacher .................................. 1,080.00 (u) One teacher................................... 864.00 (v) Two teachers, at F864 per an­ num each .................................... 1,728.00 (w) One teacher ................................. 648.00 (x) One teacher.................................. 648.00 (y) One trade instructor................... 1,530.00 (z) One trade instructor................... 1,224.00 (a-1) One trade instructor.............. 1,080.00 (b-1) One house officer...................... 648.00 (c-1) One house officer..................... 648.00 (¿-1) One house officer...................... 648.00 (e-1) One house officer..................... 648.00 (f-1) One supervisor of children..... 864.00 One supervisor of children..... 864.00 512 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (h-1) Temporary officers, teachers, nurses, foremen, watchers, laborers and other emer­ gency employees................... 16,370.00 Total for salaries and wages ............................. 61,200.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (i-1) Traveling expenses of per­ sonnel ...................................... 300.00 (j-1) Freight, express and delivery service .............................. 250.00 (k-1) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................. 2,267.00 (l-l) Illumination and power serv­ ice ............................................ 3,850.00 (m-1) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................... 96,000.00 (n-1) Contributions and gratuities.. 3,000.00 (o-l) Maintenance and repair of equipment ............................. 1,000.00 (p-1) Other services ........................ 4,000.00 (q-1) Traveling expenses of per­ sons not government em­ ployees .................................... 400.00 Total for sundry expenses 111,*067.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (r-1) For the purchase of furniture and equipment....................... 6,214.00 Total for furniture and equipment ..................... 6,214.00 SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (s-1) Construction, maintenance, al­ teration and repair of build­ ings, parks and roads: 1. Industrial Shop-con­ tinuation (another wing) ----------------- W,000.00 2. T w o dormitories. Boys’ Training School ... ....... 8,000.00 3. For minor repairs and alterations of existing buildings including electrical and plumbing re­ pairs ....... 1,695.00 17,695.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 513 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual 1937 Budget Details Item No. IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (t-l) Three per centum of all sums appropriated for salaries of one supervisor, teachers and instructors, in accordance with the provisions of sec­ tion 8, Act No. 3050........... 417.00 Total for special appro­ priations ....................... 18,112.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages........... 61,200.00 Total for sundry expenses................. 111,067.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 6,214.00 Total for special appropriations....... 18,112.00 Total available for the care, maintenance, instruction, re­ formation and custody of neg­ lected and delinquent chil­ dren ............................................. 1*196,593.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts under section 6 of Act No. 3203, as amended, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.. (1*196,593.00) 0.00 .......................... 27. For the care of the invalids and aged persons: SALARIES AND WAGES All with subsistence and quarters (а) One matron ................................... 1*972.00 (б) One nurse ..................................... 756.00 (c) For temporary and emergency employees, such as helpers, house-boys, cooks, etc................ 1,584.00 Total for salaries and wages 3,312.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (d) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 139.00 (e) Illumination and power service.. 240.00 (/) Consumption of supplies and materials ................................... 6,446.00 (g) Other services ............................. 1,250.00 (h) Traveling expenses of persons not government employees........ 30.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 8,105.00 299081 ■38 514 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1936 authorized 1937 requested 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages........... 3,312.00 Total for sundry expenses................. 8,105.00 Total available for the care of the invalids and aged per­ sons ....................................... Ml,417.00 11,417.00 11,417.00 10,583.60 28. Contribution to the Teachers’ Pen­ sion and Disability Fund, pursuant to the provisions of section 8 of Act No. 3050: (а) Three per centum of the sums appropriated for salaries of the superintendent and in­ spectors of private schools and colleges ............................... P966.50 (б) Three per centum of the sums appropriated for salaries of the Director and Assistant Director and of superintend­ ents and teachers of the Bureau of Education ........................... [M00,089.15] 99,868.90 (c) Three per centum of the sums appropriated for salaries of one chief of division, super­ visors and teachers of the Bureau of Public Welfare..... 234.00 Total ........................................ M01,069.40 101,069.40 101,289.65 101,289.60 29. To meet any deficiency in the appro­ priations for aid for elementary instruction, to be distributed upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Public Instruction, by the [Governor-General] President [with the approval of the Council of State]................... 30. For the establishment and mainte­ nance of community health and social cen­ ters: SALARIES AND WAGES 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 (a) One medical officer ..................... 1*4,250.00 (5) One dentist ................................... 960.00 (c) Four chief nurses, at 1*1,080 per annum each ............................. 4,320.00 (d) Fifty-two nurses, at 1*756 per annum each............................... 39,312.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 515 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (e) Four nurse-niidwives or social workers, at P756 per annum each .............................................. 3,024.00 (/) For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers ................... 3,672.00 Total for salaries and wages .................................. 55,538.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (g) Traveling expenses of personnel 2,880.00 (h) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 1,200.00 (i) Illumination and power servcie.. 480.00 (j) Rental of buildings and grounds ...................................... 5,647.50 (k) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 10,000.00 (l) Other services ............................... 14,522.00 Total for sundry ex­ penses .................................. 34,729.50 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (m) For the purchase of furniture and equipment: 3 Pelvimeter 4 Nasal Speculum 4 Ear Speculum 2 Head Mirror 3 Sphygmomanometer 3 Kelly pads 4 Remington typewriting machine 3 Medical Bag (For Emergency) 4 Demonstration Aparador for La­ yettes 5 File Cabinet (Allsteel) 2 Dental chairs 3 Seale-Fairbanks 2 Electric fans 2,500.00 Total for furniture and equipment....................... 2,500.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............. 55,538.00 Total for sundry expenses................. 34,729.50 Total for furniture and equipment.... 2,500.00 Total available for the estab­ lishment and maintenance of community health and social centers ....................... 1*92,767.50 92,767.50 92,767.50 70,502.14 516 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 31. For the establishment and mainte­ nance of puericulture centers and public health nursing services: Provided, That this amount shall only be available for munic­ ipalities not benefited by the appropriation made in item 30 supra: Salaries and wages: 18 supervisors, at P900 per annum each.. 1*16,200.00 Total for salaries and wages .......... Pl 16,760.00 116,760.00 2 supervisors, at P900 1,800.00 per annum each.. 1 supervisor .............. 900.00 9 supervisors, at P900 per annum each.. 8,100.00 108 nurses, at P720 per annum each......... 77,760.00 5 nurses, at P480 per annum each......... 2,400.00 20 nurses, at P480 per annum each......... 9,600.00 Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel .................. 23,172.00 Consumption of sup­ plies and materials.. 16,928.00 Other services to meet partly forced savings from appropriation of the Bureau of Health ........................ 13,140.00 Total for sundry expenses ..............P53.240.00 53,240.00 Total ........................................ ¥=170,000.00 170,000.00 170,000.00 117,757.65 32. For the maintenance and operation of the home for mentally-defective children, Act No. 4158: SALARIES AND WAGES All with subsistence and quarters (а) One physician-psychiatrist ....... T=3,000.00 (б) One psychologist ......................... 1,200.00 (c) One social worker ....................... 960.00 (d) Three nurses, at 1*840 per an­ num each .................................... 2,520.00 (e) One matron-dietitian................... 1,440.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 517 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (/) Fifteen attendants for the wards, at P240 per annum each 3,600.00 (g) Six helpers, at P120 per an­ num each ................................... 720.00 (h) Five teachers, at 1*600 per an­ num each .................................... 3,000.00 (i) One clerk ........................................ 480.00 Total for salaries and wages 16,920.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (;) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............................. 150.00 (7v) Illumination and power service.. 1,000.00 (Z) Consumption of supplies and ma­ terials ........................................ 11,400.00 (m) Other services .............................. 480.00 (n) Traveling expenses of persons not government employees..... 50.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 13,080.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages........... 16,920.00 Total for sundry expenses................... 13,080.00 Total ............................................ 1*30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 15,284.04 33. For the permanent personnel of the Normal Hall whose salaries and wages are payable from its receipts: (а) One dean .................................. Pl,800.00 (б) Two assistant deans.............. 2,400.00 (c) One clerk .................................. 600.00 (d) One steward and chief cook 1,080.00 (e) One cook ................................... 300.00 (f) One cook ................................... 180.00 (g) Nine wait er-janitors................ 1,296.00 (h) One dish washer...................... 228.00 (i) Two dish washers.................... 288.00 (;) Three kitchen boys................. 432.00 (k) One office boy........................... 144.00 (Z) One door boy............................ 204.00 (m) One door boy............................. 144.00 (n) One gardener............................. 168.00 (o) One gardener............................. 144.00 518 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (p) One night watchman........... 432.00 (g) One chauffeur ......................... 720.00 (r) Less—savings during the vacation period................... (1,040.00) 0.00 Total available for the permanent personnel of the Normal Hall.... 1*9,520.00 Amoiint to be paid out of the receipts.......... (1*9,520.00) Total for special appropriations..... 11,728,818.90 11,697,674.15 11,498,750.76 VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS a. Committee on Cancer of the Medical Association of the Philippine Islands, Act No. 2976 .............................................................................................. 49.07 127.50 b. Construction and equipment of pro­ vincial hospitals, Acts 3284 and 3261...................................... 18,968.09 14,000.00 c. Undertaking an effective campaign against tuberculosis in the Philippine Islands, Act No. 3743 ................................................................................ 34,603.67 19,034.41 d. National Congress for the considera­ tion of the medical, social and economic as­ pects of the tuberculosis problems in the Philippine Islands, Act No. 3237............................................. 1,500.00 e. Development of educational leader­ ship, Act No. 3290 ...................................................................... 209.57 /. Construction or purchase of an elec­ tric light, power and ice plant in Culion, Act No. 3363 ...................................................................................... 100,000.00 g. Aid to unemployed and other persons seeking relief, Act No. 4095 ...................................................... 211.36 1,111.34 h. Relief of indigent sufferers from the typhoons and for attending to urgent repairs of public school buildings damaged by ty­ phoons, Acts 4160 and 4217..................................................... 50,223.97 1,035,670.49 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 519 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS i. Aid to the unemployed and other per­ sons seeking relief, Act No. 4154................... j. Traveling expenses of insane patients, including the necessary attendants, Act No. 4208 .................................................................... k. Maintenance and operation of an in­ stitution for the care of babies below two years of age who are negative lepers, Act No. 4209 .................................................................... l. For the operation and maintenance of additional wards in the Insular Psycho­ pathic Hospital, Act No. 4246.......................... m. Relief and rehabilitation of indigent sufferers from typhoons, floods, or other pub­ lic calamities, Commonwealth Act No. 13.... n. Additional appropriation as aid for the establishment of new elementary classes, Act No. 4213 .................................................... o. For the construction of buildings for the mentally-defective children, Act No. 4158 p. Emergency fund for the reopening of elementary classes, Act 4201............................ Total for continuing appropria­ tions ............................................... 21,213.01 28,786.99 5,000.00 ..................... 25,951.96 6,048.04 27,307.57 692.43 ..................... 100,000.00 . ..................... 167.50 99,832.50 ................................................ 60,000.00 776,120.95 ..................... 385,405.77 2,041,424.65 VII.—RECEIPTS AUTOMATICALLY APPROPRIATED a. Share privileges of receipts for pro­ fessional service rendered by Government physicians outside of office hours, Act No. 3319 ........................................................................................... b. Other receipts automatically appro­ priated ................................................................ 229,503.00 c. Expenses payable from special funds 9,520.00 229,503.00 1,122.90 29,785.20 Total receipts automatically appro­ priated ............................................ 239,023.00 229,503.00 30,908.10 VIII.—INVESTMENTS AND INDEFINITE EXPENDITURES Investments— a. Working capital for the purchase of textbooks for rent and sale, Act 4139 ............................................................... 1,500,000.00 520 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details Indefinite expenditures— a. Deterioration of supplies and sales VIII.—INVESTMENTS AND INDEFINITE EXPENDITURES stock .................................................. b. Extraordinary losses................. .......... c. Losses from uncollectible debts......... ..................... 10,994.53 ..................... 587.14 ................................................ 1,225.37 Total for investments and inde­ finite expenditures................... 1,512,807.04 IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages....................... 5,048,108.00 4,989,456.15 4,580,463.21 Total for sundry expenses........................... 2,163,581.90 2,065,549.90 2,034,179.24 Total for furniture and equipment............. 30,760.00 21,720.00 29,559.06 Total for special appropriations............... 11,728,818.90 11,697,674.15 11,498,750.76 Less—forced savings to be distributed by the Secretary of Public Instruction: Pro­ vided, That said savings shall not be taken from items 2 to 7, 12 and item 29 of the Spe­ cial Appropriations hereof............................. (267,634.80) (267,634.80) Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Department of Public Instruction ....................... 18,703,634.00 18,506,765.40 18,142,952.27 EXTRAORDINARY AddTotal for continuing appropriations.... 385,405.77 2,041,424.65 Total for receipts automatically ap­ propriated .......................................... 239,023.00 229,503.00 30,908.10 Total for investments and indefinite expenditures ..................................... 1,512,807.04 Grand total available for the De­ partment of Public Instruction 18,942,657.00 19,121,674.17 21,728,092.06 Deduct— Receipts automatically appropriated.. 239,023.00 229,503.00 30,908.10 Net amount available for the Department of Public Instructional^,703,634.00F18,892,171.17F21,697,183.96 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 521 X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS l.[2] Subject to the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction, part of the sum appropriated for the item “traveling expenses of personnel” may be used to pay the passage from their place of residence in the Philippine Islands to some port of the United States, of public school teachers suffering from mental aberration or physically in­ capacitated whose separation from the service is absolutely necessary. 2- [3] The appropriation made in item “aid for the maintenance of elementary schools already established” shall be distributed among all the provinces and municipalities on the basis of population, and no part thereof shall be ex­ pended for supplementary books. 3. [3a] The appropriation made in item “aid for gra­ tuitous elementary instruction” shall be distributed among all the provinces on the following basis: Fifty per centum of the entire sum shall be distributed in accordance with the population, and the other fifty per centum in accordance with the average daily attendance in the public schools of the provinces during the month of September of the preceding year. The sum allotted to each province shall be distributed among its municipalities on the same basis: Provided, how­ ever, That no province nor municipality shall receive less than seventy-five per centum of what it received during the year 1928: Provided, further, That no part of this amount shall be used for the salaries of teachers in the training department of normal schools: Provided, further, That from this fund there shall first be deducted the sum of 1*247,500 to be distributed by the Director of Education, with the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction, using the same basis of distribution as that given in Act No. 3347, the difference of 1*22,500 between this sum and the sum appropriated by said Act to be distributed in ac­ cordance with the provisions of section 1, paragraph (d), thereof: Provided, further, That from this fund there shall also be deducted the sum of 1*525,000 which shall be distributed by the Director of Education, with the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction, to be used only for the maintenance of classes in the barrio schools, opened by virtue of the appropriation for 1929 for this purpose: Provided, further, That any balance remaining from this sum not needed for the maintenance of such classes may be used for the establishment of additional classes in the barrio schools; but no portion of the said sum shall be ex­ pended to increase the salaries of teachers who are at present in the public school service: Provided, further, That any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding, no unexpended balance of the amounts ap522 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS propriated from this fund for salaries of teachers shall be transferred to the credit of the “Teachers’ Pension and Disability Fund,” nor any saving obtained from regular appropriations of the Bureau of Education for the salary of a teacher whose position became vacant on account of his having been appointed to another position of teacher the salary of which is paid from this fund: And provided, finally, That no municipality shall receive aid from this fund, for the establishment of new classes in the barrio schools, unless the same appropriates from its own funds for school purposes, at least an amount equal to that appro­ priated by it in the previous year; except when, due to the effects of a typhoon or any other public calamity, the rev­ enues of a municipality decrease, in which case such mu­ nicipality shall only be required to appropriate from its general fund the same percentage of the total collections accruing to said funds as that of the previous year as deter­ mined by the Insular Auditor. [14 The Director of Health and the Director of Public Welfare are authorized to sell food and miscellaneous sup­ plies at prices not below cost to officers and employees stationed in isolated places and inmates under their super­ vision and care for their personal use.] It. [16] Municipalities and municipal districts receiving aid from the [Insular] National Government for the main­ tenance of their schools, shall have the salaries of all teachers and othei’ employees paid from the school fund reduced effective January 1, 1934, at least in the amount as pre­ scribed in section 6 of this Act, the reduction to be based on the highest basic pay received during 1932 or 1933, the provisions of Act No. 3359 to the contrary notwithstanding. 5. [16a] Any provision of law or executive order to the contrary notwithstanding, whatever amount is derived from matriculation fees in municipalities and provinces receiving aid from any appropriation provided in this Act for the maintenance pf their schools shall accrue to the school funds of the municipality or province concerned'and shall be ap­ propriated by the municipal council and the provincial board, respectively, primarily for library books and period­ icals and for athletic purposes: Provided, That in the ex­ penditure of this fund articles of local manufacture shall be preferred. 6. [18] To provent the closing of any elementary school or class [in any municipality] for lack of funds in any municipality receiving aid from any appropriation provided in this Act for the maintenance of its schools, the Sec­ retary of Public Instruction may order the holding of double single-session in the elementary grades, or authorize the I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 523 X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS employment of teachers with salaries lower than the min­ imum prescribed by existing law: Provided, That for the purpose of accommodating all pupils of school age, in one single class the number of pupils may be raised to fifty: Provided, further, That where the double single-session is not adopted the number of pupils for each class may be raised to sixty. 7. Any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding, no unexpended balance of the appropriations herein made for salaries and ivages or any portion thereof shall be transferred to the credit of the Teachers’ Pension and Disability Fund, Act No. 3050. [1 Whenever the Vice-Governor and Secretary of Public Instruction performs the duties of the Governor-General and receives the salary assigned to this office, the Undersecretary of the Department shall be entitled to re­ ceive the difference between the salary of an Undersecretary and that of a Secretary of Department, during the time in which the Undersecretary is in charge of the work of the Department, and for this purpose any unexpended balance in the appropriation for the Office of the Vice-Governor and Secretary of Public Instruction is hereby made avail­ able.] 8. [6] In cases of emergency, the item for “traveling expenses of personnel” for the Bureau of Health shall in­ clude expenses of local officers and employees specifically approved and payable from the fund by the Director of Health and the Secretary of Public Instruction. 9. [6a] The item for “consumption of supplies and materials” for the Bureau of Health shall include first uniform for newly appointed sanitary inspectors; uniforms for minor employees of hospitals and the Culion Leper Colony; and aid to poor provinces in the form of medicines for the treatment of yaws [and syphilis] and extract of tiki-tiki for the treatment of beriberi: Provided, That when the Bureau of Science or the Bureau of Public Welfare is not able to furnish the Bureau of Health with the toxins, serums, vaccines and tiki-tiki it needs, the same may be purchased in open market payable from the appropriation for consumption of supplies and materials. 10. [8] The item for “contributions and gratuities” for the Bureau of Health shall include allowances to its employees or their families in case such employees die or are disabled by diseases contracted or injuries received in line of duty. 11. [9] The item for “other services” for the Bureau of Health shall include expenses for educational exhibits; occasional health campaigns; participation in the Exposi524 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS tion [Carnival] of 1937 [1936]; practical training school for sanitary inspectors; and payment of not exceeding five centavos (1*0.05) for each mouse or rat presented to the Bureau of Health by any person, not an employee of the said Bureau, caught in connection with the campaign for the extermination of mice and rats in the City of Manila. 12. [15] The appropriation for the operation of the Maternity and Children’s Hospital and training of mid­ wives in the City of Manila shall include expenses for graduation of midwives and diplomas not to exceed 5*200. 13. [10] The appropriation for “other services” for the Philippine General Hospital shall include refreshments, music and other expenses in connection with the Hospital Day celebration in the amount not to exceed T200. U- CH] The resident physicians of the Philippine Gen­ eral Hospital whose salaries are paid from the appropriation provided in this Act designated by the Director of the Hospital to attend to pay patients and whose fees for medical services collected by the Hospital amount to a sum in excess of the salary and laundry allowances assigned to them by law, may, upon recommendation of the Director of the Hospital, approved by the Department Head, in ad­ dition to their salary and laundry allowance, be paid twenty per centum of the amount of such fees collected in excess of the said salary and laundry allowance, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding. 15. [12 The two additional free wards in the Philippine General Hospital authorized in item IV-35 shall be used exclusively for charity patients in addition to the present accommodation of the Hospital for pay and free patients: Provided, That in each of said additional wards a] A sufficient number of beds shall be reserved at all times in the free wards of the Philippine General Hospital, the expenses for, ivhich are paid from the appropriations pro­ vided in this Act, to take care of emergency cases [: Provided, further, That] and the maximum capacity of the Philippine General Hospital to admit free patients shall not be reduced to meet any forced savings. 16. [13] Officers and employees ivhose salaries are paid from the appropriation provided in this Act and de­ tailed for duty requiring residence in an institution under the supervision of the Director of Public Welfare shall be furnished with subsistence and quarters in kind. J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR For the ensuing year, the sum of ¥=328,025 is requested for the Department of Labor as against ¥233,628 authorized for the current year, giving an increase of ¥94,397. This additional outlay is needed to enable the newly created Department of Labor to function properly. New positions for public defenders, labor agents and others have to be created to reinforce the inadequate personnel of both the Department and the Bu­ reau of Labor. Para el año venidero, se pide la suma de 1*328,025 para el Departamento del Trabajo la cual, comparada con la suma de 1*233,628 autorizada para el presente año, arroja un aumento de 1*94,397. Este aumento de gasto es necesario para capacitar a este Departamento nuevamente creado a funcio­ nar debidamente. Nuevos puestos para defensores públicos, agentes del trabajo y otros han tenido que ser creados para reforzar el personal inadecuado tanto del Departamento como de la Oficina del Trabajo. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 1 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1. (1) OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT HEADS Secretary of the Department............... SECRETARY’' ¥10,200.00 ¥10,200.00 1 2. Undersecretary of the Department.... 7,225.00 7,225.00 2 3. INSPECTOR-GENERAL OF LABOR One inspector-general of labor........... 4,250.00 4,250.00 3 4. CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS One chief of division........................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 4 5. One chief of division............................ 3,060.00 3,060.00 5 6. ASSISTANT CHIEF OF DVISION One assistant chief clerk ................... 2,400.00 7. One assistant chief of division........... 2,040.00 2,040.00 8 8. LAW CLERK One law clerk........................................ 2,400.00 2,400.00 9 9. STENOGRAPHERS One stenographer ................................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 15 10. One stenographer ........,...................... 840.00 840.00 16 11. One stenographer ............................... 720.00 720.00 17 12. MISCELLANEOUS One private secretary ....................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 24 13. One publishing clerk............................ 2,040.00 2,040.00 25 14. each .. LABORERS Two laborers, at ¥300 per annum 600.00 600.00 29 Total............................ ...................... 44,165.00 41,765.00 525 526 J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. Secretary of the Department ............................. PIO,200.00 2. Undersecretary of the Department.................. 7,225.00 12. 1 private secretary .............................................. 3,060.00 7. 1 assistant chief of division ............................. 2,040.00 14. 1 laborer ................................................................. 300.00 OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR-GENERAL OF LABOR 3. 1 inspector-general of labor ............................. 4,250.00 10. 1 stenographer ....................................................... 840.00 DEPARTMENT OFFICE 4. 1 chief of division ................................................ 4,250.00 6. 1 assistant chief clerk ..................................... 2,400.00 8. 1 law clerk .......................................................... 2,400.00 9. 1 stenographer .................................................... 1,080.00 14. 1 laborer 300.00 ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION 5. 1 chief of division ........................................... 3,060.00 13. 1 publishing clerk ............................................. 2,040.00 11. 1 stenographer .................................................... 720.00 Total for salaries and wages............ P44.165.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF LABOR DIRECTORS 1. One Director of Labor....................... T=4,250.00 W,250.00 (a) 2. One Assistant Director of Labor....... 3,400.00 3,400.00 (6) TECHNICAL ADVISER 3. One technical adviser........................... 4,250.00 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 4. One chief clerk...................................... 3,230.00 3,230.00 (c) 5. One chief of division and attorney of labor .. 3,230.00 3,230.00 (d) 6. One chief of division........................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 (e) 7. Two chiefs of divisions, at F2,040 per annum each........................................................ 4,080.00 4,080.00 (/> PUBLIC DEFENDERS 8. One chief public defender and chief of division .............................................................. 4,000.00 9. One supervising public defender....... 3,600.00 10. Five public defenders, at F2,l>00 per annum, each........................................................ 12,000.00 11. Seven p u b li c defenders [labor agents], at F2,400 per annum each............... 16,800.00 16,800.00 15 12. Five public defenders, at Fl,800 per annum each........................................................ 9,000.00 13. Nine public defenders [labor agents], at Fl,800 per annum each............................... 16,200.00 16,200.00 17 ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 14. One assistant chief of division........... 1,080.00 1,080.00 (A) 15. One assistant chief of division........... 648.00 648.00 (<) J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 527 _ Refercnee to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Details 1937 requested 1937 Budget Item No. (2) BUREAU OF LABOR ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS 16. One assistant attorney....................... 2,400.00 .. 17. One assistant attorney......................... 1,800.00 .. CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 18. One chief of records section............... 2,040.00 .. 19. Three chiefs of section, at 3*1,800 per annum each........................................................ 5,400.00 .. 20. Two chiefs of sections, at ¥1,530 per annum each........................................................ 3,060.00 3,060.00 O) 21. One chief of section........................... 1,275.00 1,275.00 (0 22. Three chiefs of sections, at ¥1,080 per annum each................................................ 3,240.00 3,240.00 (ntr-1) CASHIER AND DISBURSING OFFICER 23. One cashier and disbursing officer.... 1,530.00 1,530.00 , (n) INSPECTORS 24. One medical inspector....................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 (p) 25. One inspecting engineer..................... 2,400.00 .. 26. One mechanical inspector................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 (<Z) 27. One woman inspector........................... 1,200.00 .. 28. Two factory inspectors, at ¥756 per annum each ...................................................... 1,512.00 1,512.00 (r)-(s) 29. One factory inspector........................... 540.00 540.00 (t) LABOR AGENTS 30. One labor agent.................................... 2,400.00 2,400.00 15 31. Five labor agents, at 3*1,800 per an­ num each............................................................ 9,000.00 .. 32. Five labor agents, at Fl,500 per an­ num each............................................................ 7,500.00 .. 33. Six labor agents, at ¥1,440 per an­ num each............................................................ 8,640.00 8,640.00 18 EMPLOYMENT AGENTS 34. One special agent................................. 1,700.00 1,700.00 18(a) 35. One employment agent....................... 1,275.00 1,275.00 18(6) 36. Four employment agents, at ¥1,080 per annum each................................................ 4,320.00 4,320.00 18(c) 37. One employment agent....................... 972.00 972.00 18(d) 38. One employment agent....................... 810.00 810.00 18(e) 39. One employment agent....................... 756.00 756.00 18(f) 40. Two employment agents, at ¥648 per annum each....................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 18 (p) 528 J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. Details 41. Seven employment agents, at 1*540 (2) BUREAU OF LABOR per annum each .............................................. 3,780.00 3,780.00 18 (fc) 42. One employment agent...................... 432.00 432.00 18 (i) STENOGRAPHERS 43. One stenographer .............................. 972.00 972.00 180) 44. One clerk stenographer ................... 864.00 864.00 18 (fc) 45. One stenographer .............................. 648.00 648.00 18(1) CLERKS 46. Two clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................................... 2,160.00 47. One clerk ................................................ 960.00 48. One clerk................................................ 840.00 49. One [clerk] assistant bookkeeper..... 972.00 50. Three clerks, at 1*756 per annum each .................................................................... 2,268.00 51. Two clerks at i*720 per annum each.. 1,440.00 52. Five clerks, at P648 per annum each.. 3,240.00 53. Twenty-four clerks, at P600 per an­ num each............................................................ 14,400.00 54. Four clerks, at t*600 per annum each 2,400.00 55. Four clerks, at 1*540 per annum each 2,160.00 56. One clerk .............................................. 497.00 57. Four clerks, at P480 per annum each 1,920.00 58. Nine clerks, at 1*432 per annum each 3,888.00 59. Three clerks, at 1*378 per annum each 1,134.00 MISCELLANEOUS 60. One chauffeur ....................................... 600.00 61. One janitor ......................................... 432.00 62. One janitor.......................................... 324.00 63. Two1 watchmen, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 648.00 64. Four laborers, at 1*300 per annum each .................................................................... 1,200.00 65. Fifteen laborers, at f*240 per annum each .................................................................... 3,600.00 66. Seven messengers, at 1*240 per an­ num each............................................................ 1,680.00 134,743.00 2,160.00 18 (m) 972.00 18 (n) 2,268.00 18(o) 3,240.00 18 (p) 14,400.00 41 2,160.00 41(a) 497.00 41-b 3,888.00 41(c) 1,134.00 41(/j—41(p) 432.00 41 (h) 324.00 410) 648.00 410) 1,200.00 41 (k) 1,680.00 41(1) Total................................................ 211,093.00 529 J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (2) BUREAU OF BABOR INTERNAL ORGANIZATION DIRECTORS 1. 1 Director of Labor .......................................... P4.250.00 2. 1 Assistant Director of Labor ..................... 3,400.00 34. 1 special agent ..................................................... 1,700.00 50. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 43. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 972.00 44. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 864.00 Detailed in the Office of the Secretary INSPECTOR GENERAL OF LABOR 31. 1 labor agent ........................................................ 1,800.00 DEPARTMENT OFFICE 3. 1 technical adviser .............................................. 4,250.00 60. 1 chauffeur ............................................................. 600.00 Administrative Section 19. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,800.00 48. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 840.00 65. 2 laborers ............................................................... 480.00 Records Section 18. 1 chief of section ...................................... 2,040.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 23. 1 cashier and disbursing officer.......................... 1,530.00 49. 1 assistant bookkeeper ....................................... 972.00 56. 1 clerk ................................................................ -.... 497.00 58. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 61. 1 janitor ................................................................ 432.00 62. 1 janitor ............................................................... 324.00 63. 2 watchmen .......................................................... 648.00 64. 4 laborers .............................................................. 1,200.00 66. 1 messenger .............. 240.00 Miscellaneous Section 22. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,080.00 Records Section 20. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,530.00 52. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 53. 2 clerks ................................................................... 1,200.00 55. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 66. 5 messengers ......................................................... 1,200.00 WORKMAN’S COMPENSATION SECTION 5. 1 chief of division.................................................. 2,550.00 24. 1 medical inspector .............................................. 2,550.00 14. 1 assistant chief of division................................. 1,080.00 32. 1 labor agent ....................................................... 1,500.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 50. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 52. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 36. 1 employment agent .............. 1,080.00 53. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 600.00 55. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 59. 1 clerk .................................................................... 378.00 OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER GENERAL 8. 1 chief public defender and chief of division.... 4,000.00 9. 1 supervising public defender............................. 3,600.00 10. 1 public defender .............. 2,400.00 16. 1 assistant attorney ............................................. 2,400.00 13. 1 public defender ................................................ 1,800.00 22. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,080.00 53. 1 clerk ....................................... 600.00 Criminal Section 19. 1 chief of section ................................................. 1,800.00 17. 1 assistant attorney ............................................. 1,800.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 960.00 51. 1 clerk ................................................................... 720.00 54. 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 Civil Section 19. 1 chief of section ..... 1,800.00 51. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 720.00 54. 2 clerks ..................................................................... 1,200.00 Provincial Public Defenders Batangas 10. 1 public defender ................................................. 2,400.00 57. 1 clerk .................................................................... 480.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................ 240.00 Camarines Norte and Camarines Sur 10. 1 public defender .................................................. 2,400.00 57. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 480.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................. 240.00 Oriental Negros 10. 1 public defender .................................................. 2,400.00 57. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 480.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................. 240.00 Bataan 10. 1 public defender .................................................... 2,400.00 57. 1 clerk ..................................................... 480.00 Tayabas 11. 1 public defender .................................................... 1,800.00 65. 1 laborer .................................................... 240.00 llocos Sur 12. 1 public defender ................................................. 1,800.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................ 240.00 Masbate 12. 1 public defender ................................................ 1,800.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................ 240.00 Rizal 12. 1 public defender ................................................... 1,800.00 58. 1 clerk ............................................................ 432.00 65. 1 laborer ............................................................ 240.00 Samar 12. 1 public defender .................................................. 1,800.00 65. 1 laborer ............................................................ 240.00 Surigao 31. 1 labor agent ....................................................... 1,800.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................ 240.00 Mountain Province 11. 1 public defender ................................................. 2,400.00 31. 1 labor agent ......................................................... 1,800.00 53. 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................ 240.00 299089------ 34 530 J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (2) BUREAU OF LABOR INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Tarlac 13. 1 public defender ................................................. 1,800.00 32. 1 labor agent ........................................................ 1,500.00 59. 1 clerk .................................................................... 378.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................ 240.00 Nueva Ecija 13. 1 public defender ................................................. 1,800.00 32. 1 labor agent ....................................................... 1,500.00 53. 1 clerk .................................................................... 600.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................ 240.00 Bulacan 11. 1 public defender ................................................. 2,400.00 32. 1 labor agent ....................................................... 1,500.00 53. 1 clerk .................................................................... 600.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................ 240.00 Cagayan 11. 1 public defender ................................................... 2,400.00 53. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 600.00 58. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 llocos Norte 13. 1 public defender ................................................... 1,800.00 55. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 540.00 59. 1 clerk .................................................................... 378.00 Pangasinan 11. 1 public defender ................................................ 2,400.00 53. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 600.00 Pampanga 11. 1 public defender ................................................ 2,400.00 50. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 756.00 Cavite 13. 1 public defender ................................................... 1,800.00 53. 1 clerk .................................................................... 600.00 Laguna 13. 1 public defender ................................................... 1,800.00 53. 1 clerk .................................................................... 600.00 Albay 13. 1 public defender ................................................... 1,800.00 58. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 Mindoro 33. 1 labor agent ....................................................... 1,440.00 58. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 Leyte 13. 1 labor agent ........................................................ 1,800.00 Occidental Negros 11. 1 public defender .................................................. 2,400.00 53. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 600.00 Iloilo 11. 1 public defender .................................................. 2,400.00 58. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 33. 2 labor agents ........................................................ 2,880.00 Cebu 30. 1 labor agent ....................................................... 2,400.00 53. 2 clerks, at P600 per annum each...................... 1,200.00 Oriental Misamis 33. 1 labor agent ........................................................ 1,440.00 58. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 DAVAO 13. 1 labor agent ....................................................... 1,800.00 LEGAL DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division and attorney of labor........ 3,230.00 46. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 53. 2 clerks ......................................................... 1,200.00 41. 2 employment agents ......................................... 1,080.00 Wage Claims Section 7. 1 chief of division.................................................. 2,040.00 20. 1 chief of section................................................... 1,530.00 45. 1 stenographer .................................................... 648.00 53. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,200.00 58. 1 clerk .............................................................. 432.00 Strikes and Lockout Section 21. 1 chief of section................................................... 1,275.00 35. 1 employment agent ............................................. 1,275.00 55. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 53. 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 DIVISION OF INSPECTION AND LABOR RESEARCH 4. 1 chief clerk ...................................................... 3,230.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 66. 1 messenger .......................................................... 240.00 Inspection Section 25. 1 inspecting engineer ......................................... 2,400.00 31. 1 labor agent ........................................................ 1,800.00 26. 1 mechanical inspector ....................................... 1,700.00 28. 2 factory inspectors, at P756 per annum each 1,512.00 29. 7 factory inspector .............................................. 540.00 36. 2 employment agents, at Pl,080 per annum each ................................................................. 2,160.00 33. 2 labor agents, at Pl,440 per annum each...... 2,880.00 37. 1 employment agent ............................................ 972.00 42. 1 employment agent ............................................ 432.00 41. 5 employment agents .......................................... 2,700.00 38. 1 employment agent ........................................... 810.00 40. 2 employment agents, at P648 per annum each ................................................................. 1,296.00 32. 1 labor agent ........................................................ 1,500.00 Women and Children Labor Section 29. 1 woman inspector ............................................. 1,200.00 36. 1 employment agent ........................................... 1,080.00 53. 1 clerk-stenopragher .......................................... 600.00 Labor Research’Section 52. 1 clerk .................. 648.00 53. 4 clerks, at P600 per annum each...................... 2,400.00 MIGRATION AND PLACEMENT DIVISION 7. 1 chief of division ........................... 2,040.00 15. 1 assistant chief of division................................... 648.00 Placement and Marine Section 42. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 Migration Section 22. 1 chief of section................................................... 1,080.00 31. 1 labor agent ................................. — 1,800.00 39. 1 employment agent —...................................... 756.00 53. 1 clerk .................................................................... 600.00 Total ............................................................. P211.093.00 J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 531 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details I.—SALARIES AND WAGES (1) Office of the Secretary......................... F44,165.00 (2) Bureau of Labor ................................. 211,093.00 Total for salaries and wages........... 255,258.00 ¥=41,765.00 134,743.00 ¥=38,258.35 113,636.45 176,508.00 151,894.80 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of personnel: Steamship and banca fares.................. P7.500.00 Travel expenses and per diems.......... 7,520.00 Street car and train fares.................. 3,095.00 Automobile and taxi fares................. 3,000.00 Calesa and bus fares........................ 2,500.00 Airplane fares (in urgent cases only) 200.00 Total ............................................. P23.815.00 2. Freight, express and delivery servTransportation of furniture and equipment and supplies.................... P190.00 Total .........._.................................... P190.00 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service: Rental of telephone............................ P2.294.00 Postage stamps ..................................... 1,465.00 Telegrams .................................... 916.00 Rental of Posts-Office Box ............ 40.00 Total .................................................... P4.715.00 4. Illumination and power service: Electric current ..................................... Pl,925.00 Total ..........-........................................ Pl,925.00 5. Rental of buildings and grounds: Rental of offices ................................... P3,000.00 Total ............................................... . P3,000.00 6. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials : Office stationery ................................... P4.105.00 Ice for drinking water ...................... 25.00 Water hydrants ................................. 200.00 Toilet supplies ..................................... 175.00 Cleaning supplies ................................. 160.00 Electrical supplies ............................... 150.00 Other printed forms ............................ 60.00 Total ......................... -........................ P4,875.00 23,815.00 8,935.00 19,400.00 190.00 27.00 170.12 4,715.00 2,515.00 4,467.03 1,925.00 1,175.00 1,460.00 3,000.00 850.00 998.50 4,875.00 3,125.00 4,021.32 532 J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 7. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications: Printing of reports, bulletins and pamphlets and the binding of books, gazette and periodicals.......... Pl,947.00 1,947.00 1,197.00 1,199.19 Total ................................................ Pl,947.00 8. Maintenance and repair of equipment: Repair of furniture and office equip­ ment .................................................... P960.00 Total .................. ............................. P960.00 960.00 360.00 835.45 9. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees, including freight of agricultural tools of homeseekers: Transportation of homeseekers.......... P26.870.00 Total .................................................... P26,870.00 26,870.00 37,365.80 37,365.80 10. Other services. Subscriptions ......................................... P378.00 Bond premiums ..................................... 382.00 Laundry .................................................. 290.00 Sewer and plumbing service................ Electrical installations and recharg­ 130.00 ing of battery ................................... 180.00 Dinner and lunch of employees....... 30.00 Exchange of drafts ............................. 80.00 Total .................................................... Pl,470.00 1,470.00 570.20 1,200.20 Total for sundry expenses............... 69,767.00 56,120.00 71,117.61 Ill;—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment: Additional equipment: 6 typewriters ....................................... Pl,125.00 8 files cap size..................................... 816.00 15 chairs, revolving, narra.................. 225.00 15 desks, office, narra........................... 450.00 18 tables, office, tanguile.................... 384.00 Total ............................................ P3,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 14,446.70 Total for furniture and equipment.. 3,000.00 1,000.00 14,446.70 J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 533 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1936 authorized 1937 requested 1935 actual Details VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS a. For the acquisition of land and construction of buildings for laborers, Act 4184 ..................... 250,000.00 ..................... Total for continuing appropriations 250,000.00 IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages........................ 255,258.00 176,508.00 151,894.80 Total for sundry expenses........................... 69,767.00 56,120.00 71,117.61 Total for furniture and equipment.......... 3,000.00 1,000.00 14,446.70 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Department of Labor 328,025.00 233,628.00 237,459.11 EXTRAORDINARY Add— Total for continuing appropriations.... 250,000.00 Grand total available for the De­ partment of Labor ................... 4*328,025.00 4*483,628.00 1*237,459.11 X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1- [3] The appropriation in item 11,-9 shall be disbursed by the Director of Labor upon understanding with the Director of Lands: Provided, however, That no payment shall be made for expenses of homeseekers who do not take with them the necessary agricultural tools to cultivate their homesteads: Provided, further, That in the selection of homeseekers preference should be given to those who take with them their families: And provided, finally, That no homeseekers shall be sent to Mindanao except in specific places to be designated by the Director of Lands. El The chief of the division of woman and child labor, inspectors, publishing clerk and labor agents in the Depart­ ment of Labor, shall.not be subject to Civil Service exam­ ination.] [2. Any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding, any unexpended balance of the appropriation for sundry expenses of the Department of Labor for 1936 may be used to cover deficit in any item of the said appro­ priation except for salaries and wages.] K.—SUPREME COURT For the ensuing year, the sum of 1*230,256 is requested. This amount is 1*30,693 more than that authorized for the Court in 1936, after setting aside a saving of 1*87,660 due to the abolition, in accordance with the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 3, of four positions of Associate Justices and to the resulting reduction in personnel and ap­ propriations for sundry expenses. The increase is due to the item of 1*36,000 for rental of the Ayuntamiento, which formerly formed part of the appropriations for the Department of the Interior. Part of it, however, is offset by slight reductions in the appropriations for sundry expenses and the conversion of the item for holding the bar examinations into expenditure payable directly from the receipts. Para el año venidero, se pide la suma de 1*230,256 para la Corte Suprema. Esta cantidad es f*30,693 mayor que la consignación total para 1936 después de haber realizado un ahorro de 1*87,660 por la abolición de cuatro puestos de Magistrados, de acuerdo con la Ley No. 3 del Commonwealth, y la reducción consiguiente del personal y de las consignaciones para gastos varios. El aumento se debe a la partida de 1*36,000 para el alquiler del Ayuntamiento, que anteriormente formaba parte de las consignaciones para el Departamento del Interior. Parte de dicho aumento está, sin embargo, compen­ sada por ligeras reducciones en las consignaciones para gastos varios y por la conversión de las partidas para celebrar exámenes de abogados en gastos pagaderos directamente de sus ingresos. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated JUSTICES 1937 Budget Item No. 1. Chief Justice ....................................... 2. Six Associate Justices, at 1*15,000 per 1*16,000.00 1*16,000.00 1 annum each ...................................................... 90,000.00 90,000.00 2 [Four Associate Justices, at 1*15,000 nor annum panhl ............. 60,000.00 2 PRIVATE-SECRET ARIES 3. Seven private secretaries [steno­ graphers], at 1*2,295 per annum each........... 16,065.00 16,065.00 3 [Four stenographers, at 1*2,295 per annum paohT .................................... 9,180.00 3 CHIEFS AND ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 4. One clerk of court............................... 5. Additional salary for the person act­ 5,100.00 5,100.00 4 ing as clerk of court on November 9, 1926.... 1,020.00 1,020.00 5 6. One deputy clerk................................. 4,250.00 4,250.00 6 7. One deputy clerk................................. 3,400.00 3,400.00 7 rOnp dpnnt.v rlprkl 3,400.00 7 ■ yy AA^ V4 VI VXV1 1k ■ - - - CASHIER AND DISBURSING OFFICER 8. One cashier and disbursing officer..... 2,720.00 2,720.00 8 LIBRARIAN 9. One librarian [clerk]......................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 16 534 K.—SUPREME COURT 535 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES . 7 10T7 <o« Reference to item Budget Details 1936 numbers of Act Item No requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated CLERKS 10. Two clerks, at P3,060 per annum each 11. Two clerks, at P2,720 per annum each .................................................................... 12. One clerk .............................................. 13. Three clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each .................................................................... 14. One clerk .............................................. 15. One clerk............................................... [One clerk] .......................................... 16. Three clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................................... 17. Two clerks, at P864 per annum each.. [One clerk] .......................................... 18. Six clerks, at P648 per annum each 19. Two clerks, at P540 per annum each.. [One clerk] .......................................... [One clerk] .......................................... [One clerk] ............... .......................... [One clerk] .......................................... [One clerk] .......................................... [One clerk] .......................................... 20. One clerk .............................................. MESSENGERS 21. Two messengers, at P648 per annum each .................................................................... 22. Two messengers, at P300 per annum each .................................................................... 23. Eight messengers, at P240 per annum each .................................................................... [One messenger] ............................... JANITORS AND LABORERS 24. Four janitors, at P324 per annum each .................................................... _............. 25. One temporary laborer........................ 26. Four temporary laborers, at P300 per annum each.................................................. [Less—savings in salaries and wages trans­ ferred to the Court of Appeals in accord­ ance with Commonwealth Act No. 3]....... Total................................................... 6,120.00 6,120.00 11 5,440.00 5,440.00 12 2,040.00 2,040.00 13 4,590.00 4,590.00 14 1,224.00 1,224.00 15 1,122.00 1,122.00 16 ......................................... 1,112.00 17 3,240.00 3,240.00 18-19 1,728.00 1,728.00 20 ......................................... 756.00 21 3,888.00.............3,888.00 22 1,080.00 1,080.00 23 ......................................... 540.00 23 ......................................... 529.00 24 .......................................... 432.00 25 ......................................... 421.00 26 .......................................... 378.00 27 .......................................... 378.00 28 240.00................240.00 29 1,296.00 1,296.00 30 600.00 600.00 31-32 1,920.00 1,920.00 33 ........................................ 240.00 33 1,296.00 1,296.00 34 540.00 540.00 35 1,200.00 1,200.00 36 ............. (77,366.00) 177,241.00 177,241.00 536 K.—SUPREME COURT INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE JUSTICES 1 Chief Justice .......................................................... P16,000.00 2. 6 Associate Justices, at P15.000 per annum each ................................................................... 90,000.00 3. 7 private secretaries at P2,295 per annum each ................................................................. 16,065.00 OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF COURT 4. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 5,100.00 5. Additional salary for the person acting as clerk of court on November 9, 1926 ........... 1,020.00 7. 1 deputy clerk ......................................... 3,400.00 8. 1 cashier and disbursing officer........................... 2,720.00 9. 1 librarian ............................................................. 1,122.00 10. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 3,060.00 11. 2 clerks, at 1*2,720 per annum each................... 5,440.00 13. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,530.00 14. 1 clerk .............................................. 1,224.00 16. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 17. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 18. 3 clerks, at P648 per annum each ............ 1,944.00 19. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each........................ 1,080.00 20. 1 clerk ................................................................... 240.00 21. 2 messengers, at P648 per annum each ......... 1,296.00 22. 1 messenger .......................................................... 300.00 23. 7 messengers, at P240 per annum each......... 1,680.00 24. 4 janitors, at P324 per annum each ............. 1,296.00 25. 1 temporary laborer ........................................... 540.00 26. 4 temporary laborers, at 1*300 per annum each 1,200.00 OFFICE OF THE REPORTER 6. 1 deputy clerk ...................................................... 4,250.00 10. 1 clerk .................................................................... 3,060.00 12. 1 clerk .................................................................... 2,040.00 13. 2 clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each................. 3,060.00 15. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,122.00 16. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................. 2,160.00 17. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 18. 3 clerks, at P648 per annum each ................. 1,944.00 22. 1 messenger .......................................................... 300.00 23. 1 messenger .......................................................... 240.00 Total for salaries and wages...................... P177.241.00 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual 1.—SALARIES AND WAGES Total for salaries and wages........... ¥=177,241.00 ¥=177,241.00 ¥=307,465.51 1. II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES Traveling expenses of personnel: Bicycle allowance for 3 messengers.... P288.00 Street car fares ............................. 120.00 Emergency transportation .................. 1,309.00 Total ................................................ Pl,717.00 1,717.00 2,105.00 12,065.63 2. Freight, express and delivery service: Transportation of records, criminal and civil cases to provincial courts P200.00 Emergency transportation of exhibits as of ballot boxes, etc...................... 50.00 Yotal -............................ -..............- P250.00 250.00 250.00 227.43 3. service Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable Postage .................................................... P2.084.00 Telegraph charges ........... - 300.00 Telephone service -....... 2,000.00 Money Order fees for miscellaneous subscriptions ..................................... 4.00 Total ................................................ P4,388.00 4,388.00 4,592.00 4,024.77 4. Illumination and power service: Consumption of electric fluid for light and fans at P120 per month........... P2,000.00 2,000.00 1,440.00 1,067.71 K.—SUPREME COURT 537 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES [Rental of buildings and grounds].............................. 5. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials : Office stationery ...................................... Pl,230.00 Cleaning materials and toilet sup­ plies .....-........... -...... 100.00 Ice ................................................-........... 150.00 Water service ........................................ 400.00 450.00 Total .................................................... Pl,880.00 1,880.00 3,030.00 6. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications: Binding of Official Gazette ............... P30.00 Binding of original decisions and minutes of the Supreme Court..... 100.00 Binding of opinion of justices........... 50.00 Binding of Supreme Court calendars 40.00 Rebinding of law books.......................... 280.00 Total .............................................-...... P500.00 500.00 570.00 7. Free distribution of public documents: Exchange of Philippine Reports with several United States Reports....... P200.00 200.00 225.00 8. Maintenance and repair of equipment: Repair of typewriters............................ P120.00 Repair of furniture and equipment.. 100.00 Total ..............-..............-..................... P220.00 220.00 220.00 9. Other services: Laundry service .................................... P96.00 Sewer charges----------------------------------- 100.00 Subscriptions _______ ______ -..... 500.00 Bond premiums ...................................... 235.00 Miscellaneous service .—.....-................ 254.00 Total .............-...................................... Pl,185.00 1,185.00 5,215.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 12,340.00 17,647.00 2,583.72 469.34 175.00 367.82 5,273.27 26,704.69 III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment: OPTICS OF THE JUSTICES Additional equipment: 8 lamps, desk w/ink stand for justices at P50....... _............... P150.00 14 copies. Public Laws (English and Spanish)___ ___________ 168.00 14 copies. Philippine Reports (English and Spanish).... — 112.00 538 K.—SUPREME COURT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT OFFICE OF THE CLERK Additional equipment: 1 file, cards 3" X 5" with 120 drawers, all narra................. 200.00 5 desks, office 3" X 5" (Standard size) at P30............................ 150.00 2 copies, Public Laws (English and Spanish) ........................ 24.00 2 coppies, Philippine Reports (English and Spanish)....... 16.00 1 typewriter, tabulating (re­ placing unserviceable one).. 350.00 2 flags (1 P. I. and 1 U. S.), replacing old ones................... 30.00 OFFICE OF THE REPORTER Additional equipment: 1 file, cards 3" X 5" with 60 drawers, all narra................. 100.00 2 copies, Public Laws (English and Spanish) .................... 24.00 2 copies, Philippine Reports (English and Spanish)....... 16.00 1 desk office 3" X 5" (Standard size) at P30............................ 30.00 SESSION HALLS Additional equipment: 2 clocks for session rooms at P80 . ................................ 160.00 4 copies. Public Laws (English and Spanish)_____ ______ 48.00 □ 4 copies*, Philippine Reports (English and Spanish)..-..... 32.00 LIBRARY Additional equipment: 4 book cases, at P80..................... 320.00 2 copies, Public Laws (English and Spanish) ... ..................... 24.00 2 copies, Philippine Reports (English and Spanish)....... 16.00 Purchase of Law Books........... 2,705.00 Total .................................... P4.675.00 Total for furniture and equipment 4,675.00 4,675.00 4,675.00 4,675.00 5,927.80 5,927.80 IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. Rental of the offices of the National Government [for Executive Departments and other offices] in the Ayuntamiento Build­ ing and in lieu of aid to the City of Manila in return for the privileges and exemptions enjoyed by the National Government within the City, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding: [Provided, That K.—SUPREME COURT 539 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1935 actual 1937 requested 1936 authorized Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS this fund may be used to cever expenses for transferring the said offices to new premises and their installation therein]....................... 36,000.00 2. Expenses for holding bar examina­ tions: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Fees for eight bar exam­ iners, at 1*500 each............ IM,000.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (6) Consumption of supplies and materials ..................... 500.00 (c) Other services ......................... 300.00 Total available for holding bar examinations............ IM,800.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts there­ from ................................ (F4,800.00) 0.00 .......................... Total for special appropriations 36,000.00 VII.—RECEIPTS AUTOMATICALLY APPROPRIATED a. Receipts automatically appropriated.. 4,800.00 IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages....................... Total for sundry expenses........................... Total for furniture and equipment............. Total for special appropriations................. 177,241.00 12,340.00 4,675.00 36,000.00 177,241.00 17,647.00 4,675.00 307,465.51 26,704.69 5,927.80 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Supreme Court......... EXTRAORDINARY AddTotal for receipts automatically ap­ propriated ...................................... Grand total available for the Su230,256.00 4,800.00 199,563.00 340,098.00 preme Court ................................. Deduct— Receipts automatically appropriated.... 235,056.00 4,800.00 199,563.00 340,098.00 Net amount available for the Su­ preme Court ............................. 2=230,256.00 2=199,563,00 2=340,098.00 L.—COURT OF APPEALS The amount requested for the Court of Appeals for next year is P249.407 as against P260,080 authorized in 1936, or a decrease of 1*10,673. This decrease is due to the re­ duction in the salaries of a few positions, the abolition of two positions and slight reduc­ tions in the appropriations for sundry expenses and furniture and equipment. La cantidad que se pide para el Tribunal de Apelación para el año entrante es F249,407 contra P260,080 autorizada para el año de 1936, o una disminución de í*10,673. Esta disminución se debe a la reducción en los sueldos de algunos puestos, la abolición de dos puestos y las ligeras reducciones en las consignaciones para gastos varios y compra de mobiliario y equipo. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Commonwealth Act No. 3, unless otherwise stated JUDGES 1. One Presiding Judge........................... P12,000.00 1*12,000.00 2. Ten Appellate Judges, at Pl 1,000 per annum each......................................... 110,000.00 110,000.00 PRIVATE SECRETARIES 3. Eleven private secretaries, at P2,295 per annum each ................................................ 25,245.00 25,245.00 CHIEFS AND ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 4. One clerk of court............................... 4,000.00 4,000.00 5. One deputy clerk.................................... 3,200.00 3,200.00 6. One reporter ........................................ 3,000.00 3,000.00 TRANSLATORS 7. Two translators, at P2,400 per an­ num each............................................................ 4,800.00 4,800.00 8. One translator .................................... 1,800.00 1,800.00 STENOGRAPHERS 9. One stenographer-at-large................. 1,800.00 2,400.00 10. Five stenographers, at Pl,200 per an­ num each............................................................ 6,000.00 6,000.00 [One stenographer] ..................................................... 1,200.00 [One stenographer] ................................................ 600.00 COLLECTING AND DISBURSING OFFICER 11. One collecting and disbursing officer.. 1,800.00 1,800.00 PROPERTY CLERK 12. One property clerk............................. 1,000.00 1,200.00 540 L.—COURT OF APPEALS 541 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Details Reference to Item numbers of Commonwealth Act No. 3, unless otherwise stated LIBRARIAN 13. One librarian ...................................... 1,200.00 1,200.00 CLERKS 14. One clerk .............................................. 2,400.00 2,400.00 15. Two clerks, at ¥1,800 per annum each .................................................................... 3,600.00 3,600.00 16. Two clerks, at ¥=1,200 per annum each .................................................................... 2,400.00 2,400.00 17. Six clerks, at ¥=840 per annum each.... 5,040.00 5,040.00 18. Two clerks, at ¥=720 per annum each 1,440.00 1,440.00 19. Eight clerks, at ¥=600 per annum each 4,800.00 4,800.00 20. Two clerks, at ¥=480 per annum each .................................................................... 960.00 960.00 MESSENGERS 21. Fourteen messengers, at ¥=300 per an­ num each............................................................ 4,200.00 4,200.00 JANITORS AND LABORERS 22. Eight janitors, at ¥=324 per annum each .................................................................... 2,592.00 2,592.00 23. Two temporary laborers, at ¥=360 per annum each................ 720.00 720.00 Total for salaries and wages........... 203,997.00 ’ 206,597.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE JUDGES 1. Presiding Judge .................................................... P12,000.00 2. 10 Appellate Judges, at P11.000 per annum each ............................................................... 110,000.00 3. 11 private secretaries, at P2,295 per annum each ................................................................. 25,245.00 10. 5 stenographers, at Pl,200 per annum each.... 6,000.00 21. 6 messengers, at P300 per annum each............. 1,800.00 22. 6 janitors, at P324 per annum each................ 1,944.00 CLERKS OFFICE 4. 1 clerk of court.................................................... 4,000.00 5. 1 deputy clerk ...................................................... 3,200.00 18. 1 clerk ................................................... 720.00 19. 4 clerks, at P600 per annum each................ 2,400.00 21. 1 messenger ........................................................... 800.00 22. 1 janitor ................................................................. 324.00 23. 2 temporary laborers, at P360 per annum each ....................................................... 720.00 Cash and Property Section 11. 1 collecting and disbursing officer...................... 1,800.00 12. 1 property clerk .................................................... 1,000.00 19. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 600.00 21. 4 messengers, at P300 per annum each........... 1,200.00 Docket Section 14. 1 clerk .................................................................... 2,400.00 16. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,200.00 17. 1 clerk .................................................................... 840.00 19. 1 clerk ...........................................................„........ 600.00 Calendar Section 15. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,800.00 17. 1 clerk .................................................................... 840.00 21. 1 messenger .......................................................... 300.00 Judgment Section 15. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,800.00 17. 1 clerk .................................................................... 840.00 19. 1 clerk .................................................................... 600.00 542 L.—COURT OF APPEALS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Reporter’s Office 6. 1 reporter ............................................................ 3,000.00 16. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,200.00 17. 2 clerks, at P840 per annum each.................. 1,680.00 18. 1 clerk ................................................................... 720.00 19. 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 21. 1 messenger .......................................................... 300.00 22. 1 janitor ............................................................... 324.00 Brief Section 17. 1 clerk ................................................................... 840.00 20. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 Translating Section 7. 2 translators, at P2.400 per annum each......... 4,800.00 9. 1 stenographer-at-large ..................................... 1,800.00 8. 1 translator .......................................................... 1,800.00 Library Section 13. 1 librarian ............................................................ 1,200.00 20. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 21. 1 messenger .......................................................... 300.00 Total for salaries and wages.................... P203.997.00 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual I.—SALARIES AND WAGES Total for salaries and wages............. 1*203,997.00 1*206,597.00 ..................... II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of personnel: Street car fares and caromata hire.. P277.00 Total .................................................... P277.00 277.00 277.00 -................... 2. Freight, express and delivery service: Transportation of records of criminal and civil cases to provincial courts.. P250.00 Total ................................................ P250.00 250.00 250.00 ..................... 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service: Postage stamps at the rate of P300 per month ........................................... P3.510.00 Rent of post-office box in Manila....... 32.00 Telegrams ........................................... 300.00 Telephone service................................... 2,868.00 Total .................................................... P6.710.00 6,710.00 6,710.00 4. Illumination and power service: Consumption of electricity at P120 a month .............................................. Pl,440.00 Total ................................................ Pl,440.00 1,440.00 1,440.00 ..................... 5. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials : Office stationery ................................... P2.058.00 Cleaning materials ............................... 50.00 Ice and drinking water.......................... 300.00 Water service.......................................... 400.00 Toilet supplies ....................................... 50.00 Total ................................................ P2,858.00 2,858.00 3,658.00 L—COURT OF APPEALS 543 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Details 1935 actual II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 6. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications: Binding of Official Gazette.................. P30.00 Binding of original decisions and minutes of the Court.......................... 100.00 Binding of opinions of Judges........... 55.00 Binding of calendars of the Court....... 60.00 Rebinding of law books.......................... 325.00 Total .................................................... P570.00 570.00 570.00 ..................... 7. Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment: Repair of typewriters....... P128.00 Repair of furniture and equipment.... 100.00 Total .................................................... P228.00 8. Other services: Laundry service at P10 per month.... P120.00 Sewer charges ..................................... 100.00 Electrical repairs ................................. 257.00 Subscriptions ........................................ 500.00 Bond premiums ................................. 100.00 Total ................................................ Pl;077.00 228.00 228.00 ...................... Total for sundry expenses. 1,077.00 5,068.00 ..................... 13,410.00 18,201.00 ..................... III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment: OFFICE OF THE JUDGES 2 typewriters for private secretaries to Judges ..................................... P360.00 6 typewriters for 6 stenographers in the office of the Judges....... 1,080.00 6 desks, typewriter for 6 steno­ graphers ......................................... 300.00 6 chairs, typewriter for 6 steno­ graphers -............ 150.00 11 fans, desk ......................................... 550.00 Session Room (First and Second Division) 1 clock, wall_______________________ 80.00 1 table for 11 Judges...................... 700.00 1 table for 5 Judges...................... 300.00 16 chairs, revolving ............................. 800.00 2 ceiling fans ................................... 300.00 12 book-cases ................................. 720.00 50 chairs, ordinary „............................ 750.00 544 L.—COURT OF APPEALS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT office of the judges—continued Clerk’s Office 1 clock wall ....................................... 80.00 2 desk fans ......................................... 100.00 5 typewriters ....................................... 900.00 5 desks, typewriter ........................... 250.00 5 chairs, typewriter .......................... 125.00 20 chairs, ordinary ............................. 100.00 1 bandy clock ..................................... 500.00 Accounting Section 1 safe .................................................... 500.00 2 cabinets, for books of account and other records .......................... 500.00 2 typewriters ...................................... 860.00 1 scale ................................................. 100.00 1 file-cabinet, for stubs of warrants 140.00 1 stamp-clock .................................... 100.00 1 adding machine .......................... 850.00 4 cases, for office supplies................ 249.00 Docket Section 1 table, inclining top, for Register Books ............................................. 25.00 1 chair, revolving, high ................. 25.00 10 filing-cabinet ..................................... 320.00 1 table, without drawers .................. 50.00 6 chairs, ordinary ....................... 30.00 2 typewriters ..................................... 860.00 2 safe-cabinets, for exhibits .............. 500.00 Judgment Section 1 typewriter ......................................... 180.00 1 desk, typewriter ............................. 50.00 1 chair typewriter ............................. 25.00 Reporters Office 2 desks .................................................. 120.00 2 chairs, revolving ............................. 70.00 2 desks, typewriter ............................ 100.00 2 chairs, typewriter .......................... 50.00 4 typewriters ....................................... 720.00 1 book-case .......................................... 60.00 1 clock, wall ......................................... 80.00 4 file-for cards 3" x 5," with 3 drawers each ................................. 120.00 6 chairs, ordinary ............................. 30.00 Brief Section 2 desks, ordinary ............................... 50.00 2 chairs, ordinary ............................. 10.00 4 shelves, for briefs ........................ 100.00 L.—COURT OF APPEALS 545 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT office of the judges—continued Library Section 1 desk, for librarian ............................. 60.00 1 chair, revolving ............................. 35.00 1 typewriter ....................................... 180.00 1 desk, for typewriter ...................... 50.00 1 chair, for typewriter .................. 25.00 2 reading tables ................................. 150.00 20 chairs, ordinary ............................. 100.00 20 book-cases ......................................... 1,200.00 1 file, cabinet, for cards 5" x 8".... 30.00 1 filing-cabinet—4 drawers legal size 32.00 For purchase of law books au­ thorized by the Presiding Judge ......................................... 16,628.00 Total ......................................... P32.000.00 32,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment 32,000.00 35,282.00 ..................... 35,282.00 ..................... IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages....................... Total for sundry expenses........................... Total for furniture and equipment........... 203,997.00 13,410.00 32,000.00 206,597.00 18,201.00 35,282.00 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Court of Appeals..... 1*249,407.00 F260,080.00 ..................... 299089-----35 M.—UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES The total appropriation of 1*1,048,067 requested for the University of the Philip­ pines for 1937 is the same amount of contribution provided in the current Appropriation Act, increased by 1*30,000 authorized by Commonwealth Act No. 15. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT La suma total de 1*1,048,067 que se pide para la Universidad de Filipinas para 1937 es la misma cantidad de contribución provista en la actual Ley de Presupuestos Generales más la suma de 1*30,000 autorizada por la Ley No. 15 del Commonwealth. 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. Contribution to the University of the Philippines, in addition to its current re­ ceipts, to be disbursed by the Board of Re­ gents of said University, in accordance with subsection (a) of section 6 of Act No. 1870 and paragraphs 83 and 84 of section 18 of Act No. 2935, including the maintenance of the fellowships provided for by Act No. 2095, which are actually filled by persons who are already abroad on the date of the approval of this Act; the payment of pensionados for the College of Veterinary Science, in accord­ ance with Act No. 2040; the maintenance of the experimental station annexed to the College of Agriculture at Los Baños, estab­ lished by Act No. 2730, and the sum of 1*7,000 due the Department of Justice for medico-legal services, in accordance with the agreement made under Act No. 3043, including likewise the construction of build­ ings and permanent improvements............... 2. Aid to the College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, for the estab­ lishment of the Department of Agricultural Education for the training of teachers and supervisors of secondary agricultural in­ struction, in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 3377 ............................................... 3. For contribution to the University of the Philippines to be spent for the opera­ tion of the School of Hygiene and Public Health and for demonstration units and field 546 1*942,103.00 1*942,103.’00 1*942,103.00 16,442.00 16,442.00 16,442.00 M.—UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 547 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS work in connection therewith, including sal­ aries, wages, sundry expenses including per diems or allowances, furniture and equipment and incidental expenses, extra compensation for lecturers, lectures and services given or rendered by officials and employees of the University of the Philippines or by any other official of the [Insular] National Govern­ ment outside of their respective regular office hours and of the United States and part-time professors of the University of the Philip­ pines for the necessary travel and other ex­ penses of the students of the School of Public Health Nursing and the School of Hygiene and Public Health and the Sanitary inspec­ tors on special detail in connection with practical field training in public health: Provided, however, That full-time profes­ sors, officials or employees of the University of the Philippines who are required to render full-time service thereto, shall not be entitled to additional compensation: And provided, further, That the net surplus of this item of appropriation, at the end of the year, shall be reverted to the general fund of the [Insular] National Treasury............................... 26,308.00 26,308.00 26,308.00 4. For the School of Sanitation of grad­ uate nurses, including expenses for gradua­ tion and diplomas ........................................... 9,537.00 9,537.00 9,537.00 5. Contribution to the University of the Philippines for the maintenance and opera­ tion of the branch College of Liberal Arts at Vigan, llocos Sur, Act No. 3667............... 23,677.00 23,677.00 23,677.00 6. Contribution to the University of the Philippines for the operation of the Junior College of Cebu................................................ 30,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 1,048,067.00 1,048,067.00 1,028,067.00 Less—Forced savings....................... (50,903.35) Total general appropriations avail­ able for the University of the Philippines................................. . Pl,048,067.00 Pl,048,067.00 P977,163.65 548 M.—UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. The appropriation and contribution herein provided tor the University of the Philippines shall be subject to the following additional conditions and special provisions: (а) Employees of the National [Insular] Government rendering service as instructors at the School of Sanitation for Nurses and other instructors or lecturers teaching out­ side of their respective regular office hours, may receive additional pay at the rate to be fixed by the University authorities. (б) Any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding, the salary of the President of the University of the Philippines shall not exceed 1*12,000 per annum; and the salaries of the faculty and teaching staff, as well as the executive and administrative officers and employees, of the University of the Philippines shall be subject to the reductions prescribed in section 6 hereof: Provided, how­ ever, That no member of the faculty and teaching staff, officer or employee of the University shall receive a salary greater than that received in 1933, except when promoted to a higher position: Provided, further, That when the needs of the University so require, the services of profes­ sors from the United States or foreign countries may be contracted at salaries not exceeding 1*9,000 per annum each. (c) Students of the College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, shall be exempt from the payment of any matriculation or tuition fees. (d) No portion of any fund of the University of the Philippines, including the income from matriculation and other fees, shall be used to pay the expenses of entertain­ ing visitors in the University of the Philippines except what may be necessary for the entertainment of visiting edu­ cators from abroad in an amount not to exceed Fl,000. (e) The University of the Philippines may send new pensionados abroad as follows: tivo to specialize in mining, one in ceramics, one in fisheries, one in tannery, one in cellulose industries, three in agriculture, one in medicine, and one in hygiene and public health. M.—UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 549 GENERAL BUDGET EXPENDITURES Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Salaries and wages ........................................................ Pl,088,409.07 Pl,088,409.07 Pl,029,724.46 Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel............................ 5,170.00 5,170.00 4,385.62 Freight, express, and delivery service............... 2,490.00 2,490.00 1,126.83 Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service.... 11,530.00 11,530.00 11,587.67 Illumination and power service........................... 18,440.00 18,440.00 22,413.59 Consumption of supplies and materials............... 99,772.00 99,772.00 90,570.96 Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications ............................................................ 11,040.00 11,040.00 10,767.88 Contributions and gratuities.................................... 2,000.00 2,000.00 9,319.23, Maintenance and repair of equipment................. 3,928.00 3,928.00 2,702.82 Deterioration and extraordinary losses.................... 5,385.00 1,088.40 Other services .......................................................... 5,385.00 4,200.36 Discretionary expenditures .................................... 1,500.00 1,500.00 924.97 Furniture and equipment: Purchase of furniture and equipment................... 22,850.00 22,850.00 28,698.01 Purchase of books...................................................... 36,413.00 36,413.00 29,425.81 Special appropriations: Establishment of a Department of Agricultural Education for the training of teachers and supervisors of secondary agricultural instruction, Act 3377 ........................................................ 16,412.00 16,412.00 12,405.99 Operation of the School of Hygiene and Public Health and for demonstration unit and field work in connection therewith.............................. 57,955.00 57,955.00 55,097.00 For the School of Sanitation of graduate nurses, including expenses for graduation and diplo­ mas .......................................................................... 12,843.50 12,843.50 10,024.08 Maintenance and operation of the branch, Col­ lege of Liberal Arts at Vigan, llocos Sur, Act No. 3667 ........................................................ 27,757.00 27,757.00 24,847.84 Maintenance and operation of the Cebu Junior College .................................................................... 37,086.00 37,086.00 36,158.64 Accrued leave .................................................................... 3,000.00 3,000.00 10,600.37 Miscellaneous appropriations ........................................ 61,062.50 225,839.30 175,157.71 Miscellaneous special allotments .................................. 103,376.47 103,376.47 30,265.83 Amount to be paid from the University Funds............ (580,352.54) (745,129.34) (624,330.42) Total contribution to the University of the Phil­ ippines .................................................................... Pl,048,067.00 Pl,048,067.00 P977,163.65 550 M.—UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES INTERNAL ORGANIZATION GENERAL ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT President .................................................................... PIO,200.00 secretary to the President.................................... 2,380.00 ; assistant secretary to the President....................... 1,200.00 I receiving clerk ....................................................... 606.00 1 chauffeur and traffic guard .................................. 984.00 OFFICE OF THE BUSINESS DIRECTOR AND SECRETARY 1 business director and secretary............................. 4,250.00 Administrative Division 1 assistant to the secretary......................................... 1,930.00 1 clerk-stenographer .................................................... 756.00 1 file and stencil clerk................................................ 864.00 1 record clerk ............................................................... 733.00 1 clerk ........................................................................... 480.00 2 messengers, at P432 per annum each.................. 864.00 Treasury Division 1 cashier and assistant to the treasurer.................. 2,040.00 1 computer ................................................................... 756.00 1 clerk (sundry warrants) and collector.............. 936.00 1 clerk (gratuity fund) ................................................................... 1 clerk (salary warrants) ....................................... 648.00 Property Division 1 property and supply officer..................................... 3,400.00 1 property clerk and inspector................................. 1,548.00 1 assistant buyer ........................................................ 1,260.00 1 junior stenographer ................................................ 594.00 1 storekeeper ............................................................... 756.00 1 clerk ........................................................................... 486.00 1 clerk ........................................................................... 540.00 1 clerk ........................................................................... 540.00 1 clerk ............................................................................. 432.00 1 clerk ........................................................................... 432.00 Grounds and Buildings 1 superintendent .......................................................... 2,550.00 1 chauffeur ................................................................... 648.00 Janitors, gardeners, carpenters, laborers and watchmen ................................................................... 21,894.00 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 1 comptroller ............................................................... 4,250.00 Accounting Division 1 chief accountant and assistant to the comptroller 2,440.00 1 bookkeeper and assistant accountant.................... 1,098.00 1 audit clerk and inspector....................................... 1,260.00 1 chief of statistics .................................................... 594.00 1 clerk ........................................................................... 540.00 1 assistant audit clerk ................................................ 840.00 1 clerk-stenographer .................................................... 594.00 1 messenger ................................................................. 378.00 1 cash examiner and property inspector................... 540.00 1 clerk .......................................................................... 486.00 1 clerk .......................................................................... 432.00 OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR 1 registrar, with rank of professor, part salary.... 510.00 1 custodian of student records and assistant to the registrar ............................................................... 3,300.00 1 examiner ................................................................... 1,360.00 1 record clerk ............................................................... 540.00 1 draftsman-clerk ....................................................... 648.00 1 stenographer and minute clerk................................. 810.00 1 clerk-stenographer .................................................... 648.00 1 clerk .......................................................................... 432.00 1 clerk .......................................................................... 702.00 6 clerks, at P270 per annum each ............................ 1,620.00 1 assessor ....................................................................... 1,080.00 1 messenger ................................................................. 324.00 OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF MEN 1 dean of men..................................................................................... 1 clerk .......................................................................... 432.00 OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF WOMEN 1 dean of women ................................................................................ 1 clerk .......................................................................... 432.00 SUMMER SCHOOL 1 directoi* ...................................................................... Replacement fund .................................................. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION 500.00 1 physical director ...................................................... 2,550.00 1 physical director for women, with rank of assistant professor ................................................ 2,300.00 1 assistant physical director ..................................... 1,870.00 1 assistant physical director (Los Baños).......... 1,700.00 1 instructor (Manila) ................................................ 1,080.00 1 instructor (Manila) ................................................ 1,080.00 1 assistant (Manila) .................................................. 864.00 1 stenographer ............................................................. 540.00 1 clerk .......................................................................... 432.00 Student assistants .................................................... 1,278.00 DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY SCIENCE AND TACTICS 1 commandant (professor) ..................................... 540.00 1 executive officer ........................................................ 432.00 1 assistant executive officer ..................................... 432.00 1 assistant commandant ........................................... 432.00 1 assistant commandant (Los Baños) .................. 432.00 1 stenographer ............................................................. 864.00 1 chief armorer (Manila).......................................... 432.00 1 chief armorer (Los Baños)................................... 400.00 2 assistant armorers (Manila), at F324 per annum each ........................................................................ 648.00 1 assistant armorer (Los Baños)............................. 400.00 1 assistant armorer (Cebu) ........................................................... 2 student assistants, at P324 per annum each (Manila) ............................................................... 648.00 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1 librarian and head, with rank of professor........... 4,250.00 1 reference librarian, with rank of assistant professor ............................................... 3,060.00 1 business librarian, with rank of assistant pro­ fessor ............................ ........................................ 2,550.00 1 loan librarian, with rank of instructor................ 1,700.00 1 cataloguer, with rank of instructor...................... 1,700.00 1 senior assistant and reviser..................................... 1,802.00 1 assistant cataloguer ................................................ 1,080.00 1 assistant librarian (Law Library)........................ 1,122.00 1 senior assistant, with rank of instructor............ 1,181.00 1 junior assistant ........................................................ 756.00 1 clerk and cataloguer ................................................ 1,080.00 1 bookbinder ................................................................. 540.00 1 messenger ................................................................... 432.00 Student assistants and apprentices........................ 4,428.00 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE 1 dean .......................................................................... 510.00 Baker memorial chair...................................................................... 1 secretary ......................................................................................... M.—UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 551 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION DEPARTMENT OF AGRONOMY 1 professor and head.................................................... 4,675.00 1 professor ........................................................................................... 1 associate professor .................................................. 3,400.00 1 associate professor ................................................. 2,550.00 1 assistant professor ......................... 2,550.00 1 assistant professor .................................................. 2,550.00 1 assistant professor ................................................. 1,870.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,870.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,700.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,080.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 864.00 1 aSsistant ..................................................................... 756.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 864.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 1,080.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 756.00 DEPARTMENT OF SOILS 1 professor and head.................................................... 2,722.00 1 professor of soil chemistry....................................... 2,210.00 1 instructor .......................................................................................... 1 assistant, by detail.................................................... 1,080.00 1 technician ................................................................. 378.00 DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 1 professor and head.................................................... 5,100.00 1 professor and assistant head................................. 3,400.00 1 associate professor.................................................... 3,400.00 1 assistant professor .................................................... 2,550.00 1 assistant professor .............................................. 3,060.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,870.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,870.00 1 instructor .......................................................................................... 1 instructor ...........................................................—............................ 1 assistant ..................................................................... 864.00 1 assistant ...................................................................... 864.00 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 1 professor and bead..................................................... 4,675.00 1 professor ............................................................................................ 1 associate professor ................................................... 3,400.00 1 associate professor........................................................................... 1 assistant professor ................................................... 2,550.00 1 assistant professor ................................................... 1,700.00 1 assistant professor ........................................................................... 1 assistant professor ........................................................................... 1 assistant professor .......................................................................... 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,530.00 1 instructor .......................................................................................... 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,870.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,530.00 1 instructor .................................................v.............. 1,360.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 1,080.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 864.00 1 assistant ........................................................................................... 1 assistant .......................................................... -........ 1,080.00 1 assistant ........................................................................................... 1 assistant ........................................................................................... 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,530.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 1,080.00 DEPARTMENT OF RURAL ECONOMICS 1 professor ........................................................................................... 1 assistant professor .................................................. 2,550.00 1 instructor ......................................................................................... 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,870.00 1 instructor .......................................................................................... 1 instructor ......................................................................... ............... 1 assistant ..................................................................... 1,080.00 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, PHYSICS, AND MATHEMATICS 1 professor and head.................................................. 3,400.00 1 associate professor ................................................... 3,060.00 1 assistant professor ................................................... 2,550.00 1 assistant professor ................................................... 1,360.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,700.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 1,080.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 864.00 1 draftsman ................................................................. 432.00 1 draftsman ................................................................... 432.00 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH 1 professor and head........................................ 4,250.00 1 associate professor .................................................... 3,060.00 1 assistant professor .................................................. 3,060.00 1 assistant professor .................................................. 2,890.00 1 instructor, under contract ............................................................ 1 instructor, under contract ...........................................................; 1 instructor .......................................................................................... DEPARTMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY 1 professor and head ................................................ 4,250.00 1 associate professor ........................................................................... 1 assistant professor ................................................... 2,550.00 1 instructor .......................................................................................... 1 assistant .................................................................... 864.00 1 assistant .................................................................... 864.00 1 assistant .................................................................... 864.00 1 preparator ........................................................................................ DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGES 1 assistant professor ........................................................................... DEPARTMENT OF PLANT PATHOLOGY 1 professor and head .................................................. 3,400.00 1 assistant professor .......................................................................... 1 instructor .................................................................. 1,870.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 1,080.00 1 herbarium assistant ................................................ 648.00 1 technician ................................................................. 486.00 DEPARTMENT OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 1 professor and head .................................................... 4,250.00 1 assistant professor ................................................. 2,550.00 1 assistant ............................................................................................ 1 assistant .................................................................... 1,080.00 1 assistant .................................................................... 864.00 1 junior typist (laboratory helper)............................. 486.00 MISCELLANEOUS FORCE * 1 chief clerk and disbursing officer.......................... 2,040.00 1 physician and director of infirmary, with rank of assistant professor........................................... 2,550.00 1 farm engineer ............................................................ 3,230.00 1 assistant mechanic .................................................... 1,080.00 1 property clerk ............................................................ 1,080.00 1 assistant property clerk ......................................... 702.00 1 nurse ........................................................................... 864.00 1 librarian .... 1,360.00 1 stenographer .............................................................. 972.00 1 clerk ............................................................................. 756.00 1 typist ................. 648.00 1 chauffeur ................................................................... 648.00 1 clerk (chemistry........................................................ 486.00 1 clerk (agronomy) ........................■............................ 648.00 1 student record cien ................................................ 864.00 1 clerk ........................................................................... 540.00 1 technical laboratory assistant ............................. 486.00 1 assistant record clerk ............................................. 486.00 1 laborer ............................................................................................... 552 M.—UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Day laborers ............................................................. 32,200.00 Student assistants .................................................... 4,500.00 Student laborers ...................................................... 6,600.00 Janitors ..................................................................... 2,700.00 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 1 dean .......................................................................... 510.00 1 secretary, with rank of instructor ...................... 1,900.00 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 1 professor ................................................................... 5,100.00 1 associate professor .................................................. 3,400.00 1 assistant professor .................................................. 3,060.00 1 assistant professor .................................................... 2,550.00 1 assistant professor .................................................... 2,550.00 1 instructor ........................................-................................................ 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,360.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,700.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,360.00 1 instructor .......................................................................................... Professorial lecturers ................. —........ DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY 1 professor and head ............. ~.................................. 2,550.00 1 (instructor) ...................................................................................... 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,700.00 1 instructor ...................................................-........................ —...... 1 instructor ....... ........................................................... 1,360.00 DEPARTMENT OF HOME ECONOMICS 1 associate professor .................................................. 2,890.00 1 instructor .......... 1,360.00 1 assistant .......................................... -........................ 864.00 TRAINING DEPARTMENT 1 assistant professor and principal ......................... 2,720.00 1 assistant professor .................................................. 2,550.00 1 instructor ...................... 1,080.00 1 instructor ....................................-................................................... 1 assistant professor .................................................. 2,550.00 1 assistant professor ................................................... 2,550.00 1 instructor ............. _................................................... 1,360.00 1 instructor .................................................................. 1,530.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,360.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,360.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,530.00 1 librarian ..................... -.................................. 756.00 1 professor and head ................................................ 4,880.00 1 professor and acting head ................................... 4,250.00 1 assistant professor (part time).......................... 1,530.00 1 assistant professor ................................................. 2,550.00 1 electrician ................................................................. 864.00 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 1 professor and head ................................................ 7,650.00 1 assistant professor ........................................................................ 1 professor .................................................................... 4,250.00 1 associate professor ................................................. 3,400.00 1 assistant professor ........................................................................ 1 assistant professor .................................................. 2,550.00 Professorial lecturer for courses in mining......... 8,000.00 CLERICAL FORCE 1 clerk .......................................................................... 864.00 1 property clerk ...................................................... 864.00 1 clerk .......................................................................... 864.00 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 1 librarian ........................................................... 540.00 1 messenger-watchman .............................................. 486.00 Student assistants ................................................. 1,000.00 Laborers ........................................................... 250.00 COLLEGE OF LAW 1 dean and professor ............. 5,610.00 1 secretary .................................................... ............ .............. . ...... 1 professor ....................................................... 4,590.00 1 professor ........................................................ 4,590.00 1 professor ................................................................. 4,250.00 1 professor ................................................................. 4,250.00 1 associate professor (part time).............................. 1,700.00 1 associate professor ................................................. 3,400.00 1 assistant professor (part time).............................. 1,700.00 Professorial lecturers .............................................. 6,184.00 1 stenographer .......................................................... 972.00 1 clerk ............................. 864.00 1 messenger ................................................................ 432.00 1 assistant librarian ..................................... 324.00 1 assistant librarian ................................................. 648.00 1 library assistant ...................................... 360.00 1 library assistant ........................................ 360.00 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS 1 dean ....................................................................... 510.00 1 associate professor and secretary.................. 3,400.00 DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY OFFICE PERSONNEL 1 stenographer ................. -......... 972.00 1 clerk ............................................. -.......-...... 540.00 1 clerk ................ 432.00 1 clerk-stenographer .................................................... 378.00 1 student assistant .................................................... 1,000.00 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 1 dean .......................................................................... 510.00 1 secretary, with rank of assistant professor....... 3,240.00 DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 1 professor and head .................................... 5,100.00 1 assistant professor (part time)........................... 1,530.00 1 assistant professor .................................„......_...... 3,060.00 DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY 1 professor and head ................................................ 4,250.00 1 professor (assistant instructor)......................— 864.00 1 associate professor ...................................................................... 1 assistant professor ............................................... 2,550.00 1 instructor ....................................................................................... 1 instructor .................................................................. 1,360.00 1 instructor .................................................................. 1,530.00 1 instructor ........................,........................................ 1,530.00 1 instructor ................................................................. 1,360.00 1 artist .......................................................................... 540.00 1 graduate assistant .................................................. 540.00 1 graduate assistant ........................................................................ 1 storekeeper ............................................................... 432.00 1 photographer ........................................................... 432.00 1 laboratory helper ................................................... 324.00 1 laboratory helper ................................................... 324.00 1 gardener .................................................................. 324.00 1 professor and head .................................................. 6,800.00 1 professor ................................................................... 4,250.00 1 associate professor (part time)........................... 1,700.00 1 associate professor .................................................. 3,400.00 1 associate professor .................................................. 3,400.00 1 senior shop teacher ................................................ 1,009.00 1 shop teacher ........................................................... 864.00 1 mechanic ................................................................... 972.00 1 mechanic ................................................................... 324.00 M.—UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 553 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 professor and head ................................................ 4,675.00 1 professor (instructor) ........................................... 1,530.00 1 associate professor ................................................... 3,400.00 1 assistant professor ................................................... 2,550.00 1 assistant professor (part time)............................. 1,530.00 1 assistant professor ................................................... 2,550.00 1 instructor ..... 1,360.00 1 instructor ................................................................. 1,530.00 1 instructor ....... 1,700.00 1 assistant ................................................................... 864.00 1 assistant ................................................................... 1,080.00 1 assistant .......................................................................................... 1 assistant ..... 864.00 1 instructor ................................................................. 1,360.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,360.00 1 assistant ................................................................... 864.00 1 graduate assistant .................................................. 432.00 1 storekeeper ............................................................... 756.00 1 laboratory helper ..................................................... 324.00 1 laboratory helper ..................................................... 486.00 1 laboratory helper ..................................................... 432.00 1 laboratory helper ..................................................... 378.00 1 ¡laboratory helper ..................................................... 324.00 1 laboratory helper .................................................... DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH 1 professor and head ................................................ 1 professor and head ...................... 4,250.00 1 associate professor ................................................. 3,570.00 1 associate professor ................................................. 3,400.00 1 associate professor ................................................. 3,400.00 1 assistant professor ................................................. 3,060.00 1 assistant professor ................................................. 3,060.00 1 associate professor .................................................. 3,400.00 1 assistant professor ................................................. 3,060.00 1 assistant professor ................................................ 2,550.00 1 assistant professor ............................ 3,060.00 1 instructor ................................................................. 1,700.00 1 instructor ........................................................................................ 1 instructor _.................. 1,700.00 DEPARTMENT OF MODEJIN LANGUAGES 1 assistant professor .................................................. 1 assistant professor .................................................. 1 assistant professor .................................................. 1 instructor ................................................................... 1 instructor ................................................................... DEPARTMENT OF ORIENTAL LANGUAGES 1 assistant professor and head................................. DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY 1 assistant professor .................................................. 1 instructor part time................................................ DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS 1 professor and head.................................................... 1 professor ..................................................................... 1 associate professor .................................................. 1 assistant professor .................................................. 1 assistant professor (instructor) .......................... 1 instructor ................................................................. 1 instructor ................................................................. 1 instructor ................................................................. 1 instructor ................................................................... 1 laboratory helper .................................................... DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE 1 professor and head (instructor)............................ 1 associate professor .................................................. 1 assistant professor .................................................. 1 assistant professor .................................................. 1 instructor ................................................................. Professorial lecturers .............................................. DEPARTMENT OF SPANISH 1 professor and head .................................................. 1 associate professor (assistant professor)............ 1 assistant professor (instructor) (part time)..... 1 instructor ....................... ........................................... 1 instructor ................................................................... 1 instructor ................................................................... 1 instructor ................................................................... DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY 3,400.00 3,060.00 2,550.00 1,360.00 1,700.00 2,550.00 2,550.00 720.00 3,400.00 3,400.00 2,550.00 1,870.00 1,870.00 1,870.00 1,870.00 324.00 1,700.00 3,400.00 3,060.00 3,060.00 5,100.00 3,060.00 1,360.00 1,360.00 1,360.00 1,360.00 1 professor and head ....................................-.......... 3,825.00 1 assistant professor —........... 3,060.00 1 instructor ....................... —.................. 1,870.00 1 instructor ............. —................. 1,700.00 DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY 1 professor and head ................ —.............................. 4,250.00 1 assistant professor (part time) .................... 1,530.00 Professorial lecturer .......................... ............................................ 1 instructor ____ ___ ~__ ___________ _____ ____ 1,360.00 1 assistant (part time) ___ __ —........ 540.00 1 laboratory helper and clerk ___ __ ____-_____ 324.00 DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY 1 professor and head .... —......... 5,100.00 1 associate professor.................... 3,825.00 1 associate professor ............................ _.................... 3,400.00 1 assistant professor ........................._....................... 3,060.00 1 instructor .......................................... _.................... „ ............ ..... 1 assistant professor ...........-..................................... 2,550.00 1 professor and head.................................................... 1 professor (associate professor)............................. 1 assistant professor .................................................. 1 assistant professor (instructor)............................ 1 instructor ................................................................. 1 assistant ..................................................................... 1 assistant ..................................................................... 1 assistant ..................................................................... 1 assistant ..................................................................... 1 assistant ..................................................................... 1 assistant ..................................................................... 1 preparator ................................................................. 1 preparator ................................................................. 1 laboratory helper .................................................... 1 laboratory helper ..................................... ................ 3,400.00 2,550.00 1,870.00 1,530.00 1,080.00 864.00 864.00 324.00 432.00 378.00 824.00 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 1 professor and head _______________ ____ ____ — 5,100.00 1 professor .... 4,675.00 1 associate professor ____________________________ 8,400.00 1 assistant professor_________ 3,060.00 OFFICE PERSONNEL 1 clerk ............................................................................ 1 stenographer................................ -............................. 1 junior stenographer ................................................ 1 clerk ........................................................................... 1 clerk .......................................................................... 1 typist ..............-........................................................... 1 clerk ........................................................................... 1 clerk ............................................................................ 1 clerk ......„.................................................... ............... 1 watchman ................................................................... 1,122.00 702.00 864.00 540.00 540.00 432.00 702.00 540.00 554 M.—UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. messenger ................................................................... 378.00 Student assistants .................................................... 2,000.00 2 caretakers, marine biological station, at P240 per annum each.................................................... 480.00 1 professor, botany ................................................... 708.32 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 1 dean ............................................................................ 510.00 1 secretary .................................................................... DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS 1 professor and head .................................................... 5,100.00 1 associate professor .................................................. 3,400.00 1 professor and head.................................................. 4,250.00 1 professor .................................................. 4,250.00 1 assistant professor .................................................. 3,060.00 1 assistant professor .................................................. 2,550.00 1 assistant professor (part time).............................. 1,275.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,870.00 1 assistant ........................................................................................... 1 assistant (part time).............................................. 432.00 1 technical assistant ....................................._........... 540.00 1 laboratory helper .................................................... 378.00 1 laboratory helper .................................................... 824.00 1 assistant professor .................................................... 1 assistant professor .................................................... 1 instructor ................................................................... 1 instructor ................................................................... DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY AND BACTERIOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING AND STATISTICS 1 professor .................................................................... 1 associate professor .......................................................................... 1 assistant professor (part time) ................................................ 1 assistant professor .......................................................................... 1 instructor .......................................................................................... I instructor ................................................................... 1,700.00 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND BANKING L professor .................................................................... I associate professor .................................................. 3,400.00 L assistant professor .................................................. 1,700.00 1 professor and head................................................... 5,100.00 1 professor .................................................................... 2,550.00 1 associate professor ................................................. 3,400.00 1 associate professor ................................................. 3,060.00 1 assistant professor ................................................. 2,550.00 1 instructor ......................................................................................... 1 instructor ................................................................. 1,870.00 1 assistant ........................................................................................... 1 curator ...................................................................... 648.0Q 1 technical assistant .................................................... 648.00 1 technical assistant .......................................................................... 1 technical assistant .................................................. 432.00 1 laboratory helper ............................................................................ 1 laboratory helper .................................................... 324.00 1 laboratory helper .................................................... 324.00 L assistant professor .................................................... 1 instructor (part time) ............................................ DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT L professor ..................................................................... L associate professor .................................................. L associate professor ................... .............................. 1 professor and head.................................................... 1 assistant professor (part time) .......................... 1,530.00 I assistant professor ........................................................................... I instructor ................................................................... 1,360.00 1 instructor ........................................................................................... Additional teaching personnel and other assist­ ants ......................................................................... 7,500.00 CLERICAL FORCE 1 stenographer ............................................................. 540.00 1 clerk ................................................................................................... 1 clerk .......................................................................... 432.00 COLLEGE OF MEDICINE OFFICE OF THE DEAN 1 dean ............................................................................ 510.00 1 chief of clinic .................................................................................. 1 secretary, with' ?ank of professor ...................... 5,400.00 DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY 1 professor and head .................................................. 5,100.00 1 professor ................................................................... 4,675.00 1 associate professor .................................................... 2,550.00 1 assistant professor .................................................... 3,060.00 1 assistant professor .................................................. 2,550.00 1 instructor ......................................................................................... 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,870.00 1 instructor ......................................................................................... 1 instructor ......................................................................................... 1 artist .......................................................................... 1,026.00 1 technician ................................................................... 864.00 1 technical assistant .................................................... 648.00 1 laboratory helper ..................................................... 432.00 1 laboratory helper .................................................... 378.00 1 laboratory helper .................................................... 378.00 1 professor ................................................................... 4,250.0Q 1 associate professor .................................................. 3,400.00 1 instructor ......................................................................................... 1 instructor ......................................................................................... 1 technical assistant .................................................... 540.00 1 laboratory helper .................................................... 432.00 1 laboratory helper ..................................................... 324.00 DEPARTMENT OF LEGAL MEDICINE 1 professor and head ................................................. 5,100.00 1 assistant professor ................................................. 2,550.00 1 instructor ......................................................................................... 1 clerk .......................................................................... 720.00 1 technician ......................................................... 432.00 1 laboratory helper .................................................... 824.00 DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE 1 professor and head (part time)........................... 2,849.20 1 professor (part time) ................................... 2,317.49 1 associate professor (part time)............................. 1,737.82 1 assistant professor (part time)............................. 1,389.89 1 assistant professor (part time)............. 1,282.08 1 assistant professor (part time) ............................. 603.31 1 assistant professor (part time)............................- 1,105.00 1 instructor (resident) .............................................. 900.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 864.00 1 assistant ......................................................... 648.00 1 assistant ......................................... 324.00 1 assistant ........................ 324.00 1 assistant ........................ „.................... 324.00 1 professorial lecturer ................................................ 95.00 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL THERAPHY 1 laboratory helper ..................................................... 1 associate professor (part time)__________ —..... 754.18 1 instructor (part time) ............................................ 904.96 1 assistant (part time).............. —....... 728.97 M.—UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 555 DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 professor and head (part time)............................. 2,849.20 1 professor (part time) ............................................. 1,930.40 1 associate professor (part time)............................. 1,544.33 1 assistant professor (part time) .......................... 1,389.89 1 assistant professor (part time)............................. 1,389.89 1 assistant professor (part time)............................. 1,105.00 1 assistant professor (part time)............................. 1,105.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 900.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 864.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 648.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 324.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 324.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 324.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 32^.00 1 laboratory helper ...................................................... 378.00 1 messenger ................................................................ 432.00 1 gardener .................................................................... 324.00 1 janitor ........................................................................ 324.00 1 carpenter .................................................................. 594.00 1 plumber-mechanic ................................................... 480.00 1 general assistant ............................................................................. 1 laborer ...................................................................... 378.00 1 laborer ...................................................................... 324.00 1 laborer ...................................................................... 324.00 1 laborer ...................................................................... 324.00 Temporary carpenter, office and student assist­ ant and laboratory helper ................................. 684.00 1 library assistant ..................................................... 300.00 Labor ........................................................................... 276.00 1 special lecturer ....................................................... 500.00 1 temporary instructor ........................................... 300.00 DEPARTMENT OF OBSTETRICS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY 1 professor and head (part time) ............................ 2,849.20 1 associate professor (part time).............................. 1,912.96 1 assistant professor (part time).............................. 1,530.00 1 assistant professor (part time).............................. 900.00 1 instructor ................................................................. 964.00 1 assistant ................................................... 748.00 1 assistant .................................................. 424.00 1 assistant .................................................. 424.00 1 assistant ........................... -....................................... 324.00 DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS 1 professor and head and chief of clinics (part time) ....................................................................... 3,352.00 1 assistant professor (part time) ........................... 1,282.03 1 assistant professor (part time)............................ 1,105.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 900.00 1 assistant -.................................................................. 864.00 1 assistant ...................................-................................ 648.00 1 assistant ...................... 324.00 DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY 1 dean ............................................................................ 510.00 1 professor and head ................................................. 5,100.00 1 associate professor ................................................. 3,400.00 1 instructor ................................................................. 1,530.00 1 assistant .................................................................... 1,080.00 1 laboratory helper ................................................... 432.00 1 laboratory helper ................................................... 324.00 DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACY 1 professor and head ................................................ 5,100.00 1 associate professor (part time) .............................. 1,500.00 1 instructor ................................................................. 1,530.00 1 assistant ..................................................................... 1,080.00 Graduate student assistants ........................................................ 1 clerk ........................................................................... 756.00 1 laboratory helper .................................................... 324.00 1 clerk ........................................................................... 480.00 SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY OPTHALMOLOGY, OTOLOGY AND RHINOLARYNGOLOGY 1 professor and head (part time).............................. 2,849.20 1 associate professor (part time)............................. 1,737.82 1 assistant professor (part time)............................. 1,282.03 1 assistant professor (part time)............................. 1,105.00 1 instructor ................................................................. 900.00 1 assistant .................................................................... ; 864.00 1 assistant .....-.............................................................. 648.00 1 assistant .................. 324.00 DEPARTMENT OF GENECOLOGY 1 professor and head.................................................... 5,100.00 1 professor, by detail. 1 professor and director ............................................. 4,658.00 1 assistant professor ................................................. 2,550.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,530.00 1 laboratory helper .................................................... 324.00 1 clerk ............................................................................. 432.00 COLLEGE OF VETERINARY SCIENCE 1 dean ................................................................................. 1 associate professor and resident........................... 1 instructor, by detail. 1 assistant dean ............................................................ 510.00 DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,530.00 DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY ANATOMY 1 associate professor .................................................... 3,825.00 1 assistant professor .................................................. 2,550.00 DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY 1 chief, administrative division................................. 8,825.00 1 assistant chief........................................................... 1,820.00 1 assistant engineer ................................... 1,224.00 1 property clerk........................................................... 972.00 1 senior stenographer and assistant to secretary.. 1,104.00 1 clerk stenographer ............................. 972.00 1 record clerk ............................................................... 840.00 1 junior stenographer ..... 540.00 1 assistant property clerk ................................... 768.00 1 artist ................................................................................................. 1 assistant to superintendent of city morgue ....... 1,020.00 1 morgue assistant ..................................................................600.00 1 technical assistant ............................ ~................ 702.00 1 technical assistant ....... 594.00 1 watchman ......................................„........................... 540.00 1 assistant professor .................................................. 2,210.00 DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY SURGERY 1 professor ........................................................................................... DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY AND BACTERIOLOGY 1 professor ..................................................................... 1 instructor ................................................................... DEPARTMENT OF PARASITOLOGY 1 assistant professor .................................................... DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY HYGIENE 1 instructor ................................................................... 4,250.00 1,870.00 1,530.00 556 M.—UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES INTERNAL ORGANIZATION CLERICAL FORCE 1 chief clerk ................................................................ 918.00 1 clerk ........................................................................... 432.00 1 chauffeur ..................................................................... 432.00 2 janitors, at P420 per annum each............................. 840.00 Laborers and helpers ............................................... 2,100.00 Student assistants ........................................................................... SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS 1 director, with rank of associate professor ........... 3,875.00 1 secretary, with rank of instructor......................... 2,090.00 1 assistant professor ............................................... 2,110.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,530.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,530.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,770.00 1 assistant professor ............................................... 2,110.00 1 assistant professor ............................................... 2,110.00 1 instructor ................................................... 1,870.00 1 assistant ........................................................................................... 1 assistant ........................................................................................... OFFICE PERSONNEL 1 chief clerk and librarian ...............„....................... 1,050.00 1 head janitor ............................................................ 648.00 1 model and laborer .................................................. 378.00 1 model and laborer ............................. 324.00 Temporary models (Labor Fund)........................... 1,960.00 SCHOOL OF FORESTRY 1 in charge, with rank of professor ~...................... 5,610.00 1 professor of tropical forestry ................................ 6,000.00 1 associate professor ............................................... 3,825.00 1 assistant professor .................................................... 2,210.00 1 assistant professor ............................................... 2,410.00 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,700.00 1 clerk ............................................................................ 480.00 1 assistant in botany and dendrology ......................................... 1 stenographer-property-clerk ................................. 864.00 1 clerk .................„.................... _.......... 540.00 1 janitor ....................................................................... 324.00 Miscellaneous lecturers ................................................................... Laborers and student laborers ............................. 2,900.00 CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC 1 director, with rank of professor .............................. 4,250.00 1 secretary, with rank of instructor ......................... 1,440.00 VOICE CULTURE 1 professor ............................................................... 1,710.00 1 instructor .............................................................. 1,530.00 1 instructor ............................................................... 1,710.00 1 assistant ............................................................... 864.00 1 assistant ........................................................................................... 1 assistant professor ........................................................................... 1 contract professor (instructor part time)....... 720.00 HARMONY AND COMPOSITION 1 instructor —.............................................................. 1,340.00 1 instructor ...................................... 1,820.00 1 instructor ........................._...... 1,820.00 1 assistant .....................................................„.................................... PIANO 1 contract professor ..........„........................................ . ................ 1 assistant professor .......................................................................... 1 assistant professor ............................. 1,294.00 1 instructor .............................................................. 1,710.00 1 assistant professor .......................................... 2,110.00 1 instructor ................................................ 1,820.00 1 instructor ............................. 1,710.00 1 instructor ......................................................................................... 1 instructor ......... 1,480.00 1 assistant professor ................................................. 2,110.00 1 instructor .................................................................. 1,480.00 1 assistant .................................................................. 450.00 1 assistant ................................................................... 864.00 Student assistants .......................................................................... 1 assistant ..................................................................... 450.00 STRING INSTRUMENTS 1 assistant professor ........................................................................ 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,480.00 1 instructor ......................................................................................... 1 instructor ......................................................................................... 1 instructor ................................................................... 1,700.00 1 assistant (part time) ............................................ 450.00 1 teacher ............................................................................................. 1 téacher ........................................................................................ .... 1 teacher ............................................................................................. 1 teacher ............................................................................................. 1 teacher ............................................................................................. OFFICE PERSONNEL 1 librarian, clerk and music copyist............................ 648.00 2 clerks (part time) .................................................... 648.00 1 janitor ....................................................................... 378.00 1 janitor ........................ 324.00 1 janitor ........................................................................ 378.00 Total for salaries and wages..................... Pl,088,409.07 Establishment of a Department of Agricultural Education for the training of teachers and supervisors of secondary agri­ cultural instruction in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 3377: Salaries and wages: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION 1 professor and head ................................. P2,550.00 1 associate professor, by detail ........................................ 1 assistant professor (farm manager) ......................... 1 assistant professor (agricultural educa­ tion) ....................................................... 2,550.00 RURAL HIGH SCHOOL 1 assistant professor, by detail (English) .................. 1 assistant professor (English) ..................................... 1 assistant professor (English) .................................... 1 instructor (horticulture) ......................... 1,530.00 1 instructor (animal husbandry) ..................................... 1 instructor (farm crops) ................................................ 1 instructor (farm manager) ..................... 1,530.00 1 instructor (mathematics) ......................... 1,080.00 1 instructor (physics) .................................. 1,530.00 1 assistant (animal husbandry) ............. 1,080.00 1 assistant (farm crops) ................................................ 1 assistant (farm management) .—................................ 1 assistant (mathematics) ......................... 1,080.00 1 instructor (biology) ....................................................... 1 instructor (history) .—............................ 1,700.00 1 instructor (horticulture) ................................................ 1 clerk .—....................................... 648.00 1 laborer ....... —................. 340.00 Total for salaries and wages .............. 15,618.00 Sundry expenses: Sundry expenses ............................................ 194.00 University of the Philippines contribution to Retirement Fund .................-.............. 600.00 Total for sundry expenses ........ 794.00 Total ........................... ....... Pl 6,412.00 M.—UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 557 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Operation of the School of Hygiene and Public Health and for demonstration units and field work in connection there­ with : Salaries and wages: 1 director .............................................................................. 1 secretary ............................................................................ EPIDEMIOLOGY, STATISTICS AND PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINISTRATION 1 professor and head ..................................... P4,675.00 1 assistant professor ............... -................... 2,550.00 1 instructor ............................................................................ 1 technician .................................................... 756.00 Flaboratory helper .......-......-..................... 378.00 1 field instructor ._.......................................... 900.00 1 field instructor ............................................. 900.00 1 urban field nurse......................................... 324.00 1 rural field nurse ...................................... 324.00 1 urban sanitary inspector .......................... 324.00 1 urban sanitary inspector .......................... 324.00 1 rural sanitary inspector —..................... 324.00 Professorial lecturers and lecturers....... 2,295.00 SANITARY BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 1 professor and head ................................. 4,675.00 1 associate professor ..................................... 1,700.00 1 assistant professor ..................................... 2,550.00 1 technician .................................................... 540.00 1 laboratory helper......................................... 324.00 1 laboratory helper ....................................... 378.00 Professorial lecturers and lecturers ....... 875.00 1 bacteriological technician ......-................. 432.00 1 laboratory helper ..................................... 324.00 Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel .............. 1,500.00 Freight, express, and delivery service .... 100.00 Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service ......................................................... 800.00 Illumination and power service .................. 1,900.00 Rental of buildings and grounds .............. 840.00 Consumption of supplies and materials .... 7,000.00 Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications ......... 100.00 Maintenance and repair of equipment .... 200.00 Other services ................................................ 200.00 Total for sundry expenses .................. 12,640.00 Furniture and equipment: Purchase of books ......................................... 200.00 Total for furniture and equipment .... 200.00 Total ........................................................ P57,955.00 Maintenance and operation of the Cebu Junior College: Salaries and wages: 1 professor and dean ..................................... 5,610.00 1 registrar ............................................................................ DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY 1 instructor ................. 1,700.00 1 instructor .......................................................................... PARASITOLOGY 1 associate professor and head _................ 3,825.00 1 instructor .................................................... 1,080.00 1 technician .................................................... 432.00 1 technician ...............................-................... 432.00 1 laboratory helper ....................................... 324.00 Professorial lecturers and lecturers--------- 450.00 SANITARY ENGINEERING, INDUSTRIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY 1 assistant professor and acting head ........ 2,550.00 1 assistant professor .................................. 1,080.00 1 instructor..................................................... 1,080.00 1 technician ............................................. -.... 540.00 1 laboratory helper .................................. 432.00 Professorial lecturers and lecturers .... 1,002.00 1 field technician ........................................... 648.00 CLERICAL FORCE 1 clerk-stenographer ...................................... 648.00 1 clerk-stenographer ...................................... 648.00 1 chauffeur ................................ 648.00 1 gardener ....................................................... 324.00 1 janitor ........................................................... 324.00 1 janitor ..................-..... _............................... 324.00 1 janitor ........................................................ 324.00 1 janitor .......... 324.00 Special lecturers, extra curricular on to­ pics of scientific interest bearing on public health by foreign visiting scien­ tists and local investigators not mem­ bers of the graduate faculty ............... 100.00 1 librarian .......... 540.00 Miscellaneous labor......................-.............. 516.00 1 demonstrator ................................. 648.00 Total for salaries and wages ............... 45,115.00 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 1 instructor .................................................. 1,700.00 1 instructor ................................................... 1,360.00 1 instructor .................................................. 1,700.00 DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY 1 instructor .................................................... 1,530.00 1 instructor .................................................... 1,870.00 1 assistant (part time) ............................. 540.00 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 1 instructor ............................................. 1,870.00 1 assistant ............................................. 432.00 1 laboratory helper....................................... 300.00 DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGES 1 lecturer ........................................................ 884.00 1 instructor (assistant) ................................. 1,080.00 DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY 1 assistant professor ..................................... 2,550.00 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS 1 instructor .................................................... 1,870.00 1 assistant ...................................................... 630.00 1 laboratory helper ..................................... 300.00 DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY 1 librarian ........................................................ 1,530.00 1 student assistant ........._..... 150.00 1 student assistant ......................................... 150.00 1 student assistant ......................................... 180.00 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1 instructor .................................................... 1,530.00 DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY SCIENCE AND TACTICS 1 commandant (assistant professor) ....... 432.00 558 M.—UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OFFICE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY SCIENCE 1 collecting, disbursing and property offi­ cer ........................................................... 756.00 1 clerk ............................................................. 324.00 1 clerk ............................................................. 432.00 1 messenger .................................................... 300.00 1 laboratory helper ..................................... 378.00 1 janitor ......................................................... 300.00 1 janitor ......................................................... 324.00 1 janitor ......................................................... 300.00 1 nightwatchman .......................................... 324.00 1 laborer ......................................................... 100.00 Total for salaries and wages .............. 33,436.00 Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel .............. 200.00 Freight, express, and delivery service ....... 100.00 Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service ......................................................... 450.00 Illumination and power service .................. 790.00 Consumption of supplies and materials .... 700.00 Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications ......................................... 130.00 Maintenance and repair of equipment ....... 70.00 Other services ....................................................... 100.00 University of the Philippines contribution to Retirement Fund ....................................... 800.00 1 librarian ................._.................................... 1,152.00 1 assistant ..................................................... 180.00 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1 instructor and assistant physical director 1,360.00 OFFICE PERSONNEL 1 disbursing collecting property officer .... 756.00 1 stockroom keeper .................................... 540.00 1 clerk ............................................................. 324.00 1 clerk ................................................................................... 1 janitor ......................................................... 300.00 1 janitor ......................................................... 300.00 1 laborer ......................................................... 100.00 Total for salaries and wages .......... 23,757.00 Total sundry expenses ......................... 3,340.00 Furniture and equipment: Purchase of furniture and equipment 310.00 Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel .............. 200.00 Freight, express, and delivery service .... 200.00 Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service ......................................................... 150.00 Illumination and power service .................. 200.00 Consumption of supplies and materials .... 1,450.00 Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications ........................................ 200.00 Maintenance and repair of equipment .... 50.00 Other services ................................................ 50.00 University of the Philippines contribution to Retirement Fund ................................. 1,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment .... 310.00 Total for sundry expenses .................. 3,500.00 Total ......................................................... P37.086.00 Maintenance and operation of the branch College of Liberal Arts at Vigan, llocos Sur, Act No. 3667 : Salaries and wages: 1 dean ............................................................. 510.00 1 registrar ........................................................................... department of education 1 associate professor ..................................... 3,825.00 DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AND SOCIOLOGY 1 assistant professor ................................... 2,850.00 1 instructor .................................................... 1,700.00 DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY 1 instructor .................................................... 1,870.00 1 instructor .................................................... 1,530.00 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 1 instructor .................................................... 1,530.00 1 assistant .............................................................................. DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGES 1 instructor ........................-.......................... 1,700.00 1 instructor .................................................... 1,700.00 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS 1 instructor .................................................... 1,530.00 1 laboratory helper............................................................... Furniture and equipment: Purchase of furniture and equipment ....... 500.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 500.00 Total ......................................................... P27,757.00 For the School of Sanitation of Graduate Nurses: Salaries and wages: 1 director ............................................................................ 1 assistant professor ...... 2,550.00 1 instructor and secretary ...................._ 1,530.00 1 instructor ............................................... 1,530.00 1 clerk .......................................................... 432.00 20 students (allowance) .......................... 4,800.00 Lecturers .................................................. 1,000.00 Total for salaries and wages........... 11,842.00 Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel.............. 344.00 Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service ......................................................... 12L00 Consumption of supplies and materials.... 200.00 University of the Philippines contribution to retirement fund--------- 280.50 Total for sundry expenses.................. 945.50 Total ....................................................... P12,787.50 M.—UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 559 SUBSIDIARY STATEMENT MISCELLANEOUS APPROPRIATIONS University of the Philippines Infirmary—Manila: Salaries and wages: 1 director (rank of assistant professor).. 3,060.00 1 senior physician ....................................... 1,320.00 1 oculist .............................................. 1,560.00 1 nurse, with quarters and subsistence..... 756.00 1 nurse, with quarters and subsistence..... 756.00 1 nurse, with quarters and subsistence.... 756.00 1 nurse, with quarters and subsistence.... 756.00 1 chief nurse, with quarters and sub­ sistence .................................................... 1,162.00 1 helper, with quarters and subsistence.... 230.00 1 helper, with quarters and subsistence.... 230.00 1 helper, with quarters and subsistence.... 230.00 1 cook, with quarters and subsistence....... 324.00 1 chief clerk, with subsistence when on duty ....................................... 660.00 2 laborers, with quarters and subsistence.. 460.00 1 watchman, with quarters and subsistence 230.00 1 chauffeur, with subsistence when on duty ................. 300.00 1 resident physician, with subsistence when on duty ......................................... 324.00 1 resident physician, with subsistence when on duty .....~.................................. 324.00 1 temporary dentist ..................................... 1,080.00 1 temporary assistant................................... 432.00 Los Baños Infirmary: Salaries and wages: 1 nurse .......................................................... 594.00 1 nurse .......................................................... 594.00 1 nurse .......................................................... 378.00 1 student assistant .................................... 186.00 Total for salaries and wages.................. 1,752.00 Sundry expenses: Consumption of supplies and materials.... 1,858.00 Other services ................................................ 890.00 Total for sundry expenses ...................... 2,248.00 Furniture and equipment: Purchase of furniture and equipment.... 2,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment....... 2,000.00 Total ............................................................ P6.000.00 Total for salaries and wages.............. 14,950.00 Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel .............. 10.00 Freight, express and delivery service....... 10.00 Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ........................................................ 150.00 Illumination and power service.................. 100.00 Consumption of supplies and materials ... 6,001.00 Printing and binding reports, documents and publications ......................................... 50.00 Maintenance and repair of equipment.... 100.00 Other services ................................................ 440.00 Total for sundry expenses ...................... 6,861.00 Furnitur® and equipment: Purchase of furniture and equipment..... 8,189.00 Total for furniture and equipment....... 8,189.00 Total ............................................................. P30.000.00 Miscellaneous appropriations: Maintenance and repairs (buildings and grounds) .................................................... P17.000.00 Animal husbandry revolving fund ........... 8,500.00 Chemistry revolving fund .......................... 400.00 Agronomy revolving fund .......................... 4,300.00 Limnological Station revolving fund ......... 200.00 Northern Luzon Junior College Infirmary 530.00 Philippine Law Journal revolving fund.... 1,600.00 Cebu Junior College Infirmary .................. 1,500.00 Dermatology Clinic revolving fund.......... 500.00 Ballet and interpretative dance-music....... 94.40 Library revolving fund ............................. 3,587.00 Filipiniana book fund ................................. 68.76 Summer school ............................................. 3,000.00 Accrued leave fund ..................................... 3,000.00 U. P. contribution to retirement fund..... 46,000.00 Retirement fund payments .......................... 1,062.50 Foreign travel expenses .............................. 8,000.00 Repair of scientific equipment.................. 3,000.00 Informing the people of what the Uni­ versity is doing ......................................... 2,000.00 Construction of gymnasium—Manila ....... 20,000.00 Carnival participation .................. 1,500.00 Construction of commencement shed ....... 1,500.00 Printing publication fund .......................... 3,000.00 School of Dentistry building........................ 30,000.00 General improvements and miscellaneous 30,376.47 Equipping the School of Dentistry ........... 15,000.00 Mining course—College of Engineering.... 5,000.00 Total miscellaneous appropriations ....... P205,719.13 GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. Title of Act.—This Act shall be known as “General Appropriation Act for nineteen hundred and thirty-seven [six].” Sec. 2. Appropriation of funds.—The following sums or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, [In case that a new General Appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirty-six is not enacted before the first day of the said fiscal year, Acts Numbered Forty-one hundred and eighty-seven, Forty-one hundred and fifty­ eight and Forty-one hundred and eighty-eight, shall con­ tinue in force for the operation of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines during the portion of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirty-six for which such new General Appropriation Act is not in force, and for this purpose, there] are hereby appropriated [from] out of any [fund] funds in the [Insular] National Treasury not [otherwise] appropriated for other purposes, [the sums equal to the various items of appropriations authorized by said Acts, as modified by the following amendments which are hereby made.] in compensation of the service of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines for the fiscal year ending December thirty-first, nineteen hun­ dred and thirty-seven, unless otherwise stated: Sec. 3 [23]. Allotment of appropriations.—The appro­ priations for sundry expenses, furniture and equipment, and special appropriations for the bureaus and offices under the direct control of the President and for the Executive De­ partments shall be allotted, respectively, by the President and the proper Head of Department among the bureaus and offices under their respective control as the needs of the service may require. Sec. 4 [3]. Unexpended balance of salaries and wages.— Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstand­ ing, any unexpended balance of the appropriations herein made for salaries and wages of a bureau or office is hereby made available for the payment of compensation to injured employees as contemplated by Act Numbered Thirty-four hundred and twenty-eight as amended, and subject to the approval of the Department Head concerned, may be used to cover any deficit in the appropriations for sundry expenses, furniture and equipment, and special appropriations, of any bureau or office in the same Department. [Provided, That in no case shall such unexpended balance or any portion 560 GENERAL PROVISIONS 561 thereof be transferred to the credit of the Teachers’ Pen­ sion and Disability Fund, Act No. 3050.] Sec. 5 [13]. Lower salary shall prevail.—When the amount appropriated herein for salary of any position is larger than that [the salary] fixed [in the Classification and Standardization Act, or] in any special Act fixing the salary of the same, [a position] the latter salary shall pre­ vail. [; but when the amount appropriated herein for salary is less than the salary fixed in the Classification and Standarization Act, or in any special Act fixing the salary of a position, the salary fixed herein shall prevail.] Sec. 6 [15] Reduction of salaries, wages and allow­ ances.—The salaries, wages and allowances of all officers and employees payable from any lump sum appropriation au­ thorized [either] in this Act [or in any other special Act, including those payable from any special or trust fund created by an Act of the Legislature] shall be reduced ac­ cording to the following schedule, the reduction to be based upon the rates of salaries, wages and allowances prior to the reduction prescribed in the Memorandum Ordei' of the Governor-General, dated April 8, 1932. More than 1*1,200 a year, more than ¥100 a month, or more than 1*4 a day................... 15% ¥=1,200 a year, ¥=100 a month, or ¥=4 a day, or less, but more than ¥300 a year, ¥25 a month, or ¥1 a day.......................................... 10% Allowances .......................................................... 20% Provided, That the officer or employee whose fixed salary is ¥300 a year, ¥25 a month, or ¥1 a day or less shall suffer no reduction: Provided, further, That the officer or em­ ployee whose fixed salary has been reduced by 15% shall not receive less than ¥1,080 a year, ¥90 a month, or ¥3.60 a day, and the officer or employee whose fixed salary has been reduced by 10% shall not receive less than ¥300 a year, ¥25 a month, or ¥1 a day: And provided, further, That this provision shall not apply to the salaries of [those officers whose compensations are fixed in Acts of the United States Congress and also to the salaries of insular] tea­ chers payable from appropriations provided in this Act and contracted prior to January 1, 1933, by virtue of the provi­ sions of section 697 of the Revised Administrative Code, but the difference between the contract salary and the appropriation available shall be offset by corresponding savings in any item or items of the appropriation of the Bureau of Education for salaries and wages. Sec. 7 [21]. Use of lump-sum appropriations for sala­ ries and wages.—Hereafter, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, whenever lump-sum ap­ propriations provided under the general headings [head­ ing] “I.—Salaries and Wages” and [salaries and wages 299089------ 36 562 GENERAL PROVISIONS under the general heading] “IV.—Special Appropriations” in this [the General Appropriation] Act are used for the payment of salaries and wages, such appropriations shall be limited only to the employment of laborers paid by the month, by the day or by the hour and of emergency em­ ployees other than laborers: Provided, That said emergency employees shall in no case be paid a salary in excess of 1*36 a month, nor shall their employment continue for a whole [more than one] year: Provided, further, That these limitations shall not be applicable to the National Assembly, to the Bureau of Health, to craftsmen, helpers, and other employees of the Bureau of Printing, to justices of the peace, to officers and employees of the Bureau of Public Works whose salaries and wages are payable from appro­ priations for projects authorized in this Act, to officers and employees of the Quarantine Service, and to emergency employees appointed on or before July 1, 1933, but said emergency employees shall not be granted promotion in salary from the date of the approval of this Act. Sec. 8 [18]. Compensation of persons receiving life pension.—A person receiving life pension, annuity or gra­ tuity from the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines or any subdivision thereof, who is reappointed to any position, the appropriation for the-salary of which is provided in this Act, [in any branch of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines including the municipalities and the provinces, and who receives pay or compensation on account of such reappointment,] or a per­ son receiving life pension, annuity or gratuity from any fund, to which the National Government contributes with an ap­ propriation provided in this Act who is reappointed to any position in any province, municipality or any subdivision of the Government of the Commomvealth of the Philippines, shall have the option to receive [, during the period of such reemployment,] either the pay or compensation for the position, or the pension, gratuity, or annuity; but in no case shall he receive both: Provided, [That the provision of this section shall not affect those occupying elective positions: Provided, further,] That the provisions [contained in] of this section [and in the section immediately preceeding] shall not be applicable to employees receiving both pension and salary on the date of the approval of this Act. Sec. 9 [J-VI-6]. Employment of temporary ship’s officer or member of crew.—Whenever a ship’s officer or member of the crew whose salary is payable from any appropria­ tion provided in this Act, is absent on accrued leave or leave without pay, [the Secretary of Agriculture and Com­ merce may appoint a temporary substitute in his place if the needs of the service or the customs law and regula­ tions so require] the temporary substitute who may be em­ GENERAL PROVISIONS 563 ployed in his place may receive compensation from the appropriation corresponding to the position of the absent ship's officer or member of the crew. Sec. 10 [20]. Extra compensation for overtime work.— Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstand­ ing, the officers and employees of the Budget Office [Depart­ ment of Finance] below the rank of Director of the Biidget and those detailed therein from other bureaus and offices, when working overtime on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, or during half-day sessions, and after six o’clock p. m. on regular days, in connection with the Budget and the Gen­ eral Appropriation and Public Works Bills, shall each be paid from any unexpended balance of the appropriations made under this Act an overtime pay at a rate to be fixed by the [Secretary of Finance] Budget Commission. Sec. 11 [30a]. Voluntary service.—No person shall be employed or appointed in the Government service under the guise of voluntary service without compensation but with privilege of reimbursement of traveling expenses and per diems payable from any appropriation herein provided, in the absence of specific position therefor or specific legisla­ tion authorizing the creation of such position. Sec. 12 [10]. Schedule of per diems for [insular] officers and employees of the National Government.—Based on the net salaries hereunder prescribed, per diems or actual ex­ penses for subsistence and lodging of [insular] officers and employees of the National Government, when traveling on official business, may be allowed only in accordance with the following schedule, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding: (a) Officers and employees receiving a salary of ^2,0^0 [Tl,530] or less per annum, a per diem of not to exceed T2 [T1J. [(b) Those receiving more than Pl,530 but not exceed­ ing P2,040 per annum, a per diem of not to exceed P2.J [(c)] (b) Those receiving more than P2,040 but not exceeding P5.100 per annum, a per diem of not to exceed P3. [(d)] (c) Those receiving more than P5,100 per annum and United States Army and Navy officers detailed without salary to the [Insular] National Government, a per diem of P4. [(c)] (d) Those whose rates of compensation are not stated on a yearly basis may be allowed the amount of per diems authorized for officers and employees receiving an equivalent pay on a yearly basis. Sec. 13 [30b]. Allowance for subsistence.—The provisions of this Act or any other existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding, no officer or employee of the [Insular] Na­ tional Government shall be given subsistence chargeable 564 GENERAL PROVISIONS against the appropriation herein provided, except the fol­ lowing : (a) Marine officers, engineers and crew of the govern­ ment vessels, launches, and motorboats, who shall take their meals in the mess on board the vessels, launches, or motor­ boats when on duty during meal time; (b) Lightkeepers who shall be furnished raw food mate­ rials ; (c) Those officials and employees who have been granted subsistence heretofore, at the discretion of the Department Head concerned, when required to render continuous serv­ ice and covering meal time at not to exceed one-third subsist­ ence for every meal time, allowing full subsistence when required to live within the premises of hospitals, prisons, Philippine [Constabulary] Army barracks, training schools, leper institutions or similar institution to make their serv­ ices available at any and all time: Provided, That said sub­ sistence shall be furnished in kind, requiring those entitled thereto to take their meals in the mess provided therefor and maintained at the expense of the Government and under no condition shall the same be commuted or paid in cash or given in raw foodstuffs, except as otherwise provided in this section in the case of lightkeepers, and except further that commutation of subsistence may be granted to enlisted men of the Philippine [Constabulary] Army as provided in the [Constabulary] Army regulations, and the following officers and employees heretofore allowed such commuta­ tion at rates not exceeding one-half of the corresponding per diems prescribed in section 12 hereof when no mess is con­ ducted or maintained by the institution in which such officers and employees are serving: (1) District nurses of the Bureau of Health and nurse­ social workers of the Bureau of Public Welfare in Manila not assigned to any particular institution; (2) Officers and employees in leper institutions; (3) The Director and Assistant Director of Prisons, physicians, pharmacists, dentists, sanitary inspectors, at­ tendants and nurses of the Bureau of Prisons; (4) Officials and employees of the Insular Psychopathic Hospital and Welfareville; and (5) Employees of the Bureau of Quarantine Service at thirty-six centavos daily. Sec. 1-i [9]. Allowance for use of private automobiles.— Notwithstanding the provisions of section 561 of the Admin­ istrative Code, no officer or employee of the [Insular] Na­ tional Government shall be paid any allowance, directly or indirectly, for the use of his own automobile on official busi­ ness, payable from any appropriation provided in this Act. [except the following: (a) those employed under Act No. GENERAL PROVISIONS 565 3431; (b) officers of the Federal Government assigned for service in the Office of the President; (c) the Secretaries and Undersecretaries of Departments; (e) the secretary and assistant secretaries to the President; (/) Directors and Assistant Directors of bureaus and offices; (g) district com­ manders, provincial commanders and 15 inspectors of the Philippine Constabulary; (h) superintendents of schools assigned in the provinces; (t) the chief of the sanitary sec­ tion and the chief of the division of provincial sanitation of the Bureau of Health; (k) the secretary and assistant sec­ retary of the National Assembly and the Secretary to the Speaker of the National Assembly; (Z) the medical inspec­ tor and surveyor of the port of the Bureau of Customs: Provided, however, That the automobile allowance author­ ized in this Act is subject to the regulations governing the payment of such allowance; And Provided, further, That the rate of automobile allowance shall be . determined by the proper Head of Department but it shall not exceed 1*60 per month.] Sec. 15 [28]. Availability of appropriations on rental of buildings and grounds.—The appropriation authorized in this Act for the rental of buildings and grounds for the dif­ ferent Executive Departments and the various bureaus and offices under their respective supervision and control shall be available only for the rental of buildings and grounds authorized by the Department Head concerned, during the year 1937 [1936]. Sec. 16 [6]. Application of appropriations.—No appro­ priation for “consumption of supplies and materials” au­ thorized in this Act shall be used for the construction of new buildings, except buildings of light materials in emergency cases: Provided, however, That in all purchases of products, materials and supplies preference shall be given to local and United States manufactures, materials and pro­ ducts, and only in case of a difference of fifteen per centum or more in the cost of the local or United States over the foreign imported products, materials or supplies, or in case such products, materials or supplies made in the Philip­ pines or United States are not available, shall it be lawful to make purchases with these funds of non-Philippine or non-United States products, materials or supplies. Sec. 17 [8]. Purchase of automobiles.—Unless otherwise specifically authorized herein, no appropriation made in this Act [for “Furniture and equipment”] shall be used for the purchase of automobile or auto jitney, or station wagon, the provision of any existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding, nor fund appropriated in this Act for travel­ ing expenses or any other purposes shall be available to purchase any automobile, auto jitney or station wagon, by the method of paying for it in installments under the guise 566 GENERAL PROVISIONS of rentals or by any other indirect method nor to pay for rental of automobile in excess of the rate provided in exist­ ing contract for automobile hire entered into under section 568 of the Administrative Code, as amended. [Provided, That this provision shall not be applicable to contracts duly approved prior to November first, nineteen hundred and thirty.] Sec. 18. Economy in the use of supplies and materials.— Supplies and materials including equipment purchased from any appropriation authorized in this Act shall be used ex­ clusively for the necessary and actual requirements of any official or employee in the performance of his official duties. In the case of gasoline and other fuel supplies and lubri­ cating oil f<or use of government automobiles, other motor vehicles, vessels and tvatercrafts, a detailed report shall be submitted monthly to the General Auditing Office by the official or employee responsible for the operation thereof, showing the official trips made, places visited, distance traveled, time consumed, quantities of gasoline, fuel sup­ plies and <oil received, quantities on hand, and such other data as may be necessary for the proper determination of the quantities of supplies actually and necessarily consumed in connection with the performance of official duties. The Auditor General shall prescribe such necessary supplemen­ tary rules and regulations as may be necessary for the ef­ fective enforcement of this provision. Sec. 19 [14] Manufacture of vaccines, sera, etc.—Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, whenever the appropriations for the Bureau of Science become insufficient, any appropriation authorized herein for the Bureau of Health and the Bureau of Public Welfare may be used for the manufacture of vaccines, sera, and other biological products in the Bureau of Science. Sec. 20 [22]. Pensionados.—Any provision of existing law to the contrary nothwithstanding, no institution or office receiving financial aid from any appropriation contained in this Act [the Insular Government] shall send any new pensionado abroad unless specifically authorized in this Act [or any subsequent Act of the Legislature.] Sec. 21 [6a]. Reduction of appropriations.—Nothing con­ tained in this Act shall be construed as limiting the power of the President to reduce the expenditures chargeable to appropriations authorized in this Act for the Executive Departments, bureaus, offices and de­ pendencies of the Government whenever in his opinion the public interest so requires. [Whenever it shall become apparent that the income of the Government for the year 1936 will not be sufficient to cover the authorized expen­ ditures for such year, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of Finance to bring such fact to the attention of the PresGENERAL PROVISIONS 567 ident who is hereby authorized to reduce the appropriations made in this Act so as to effect a saving not to exceed ten per centum (10%) of the total sum authorized herein.] Sec. 22 [31]. This Act shall take effect on January first, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven [six] unless otherwise stated. [Sec. 4. Employees under contract.—Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, no person shall be employed under contract by the Insular Govern­ ment unless this be authorized by an appropriation in this Act: Provided, however, That this provision shall not apply to persons employed under Act Numbered Thirtyfour hundred and thirty-one.] [Sec. 5. Disposition of old government vessels.—Upon rec­ ommendation of the proper Head of Department, the Pres­ ident is hereby authorized to order the sale of any old government vessel which is no longer needed by the Gov­ ernment. The sale shall be made by the Auditor General at public auction or otherwise under the terms most favor­ able to the Government, in which latter case the sale shall not be effective until it has been approved by the Pres­ ident.] [Sec. 11. Inhibition against increase in salary.—No pro­ vincial auditor, district health officer, justice of the peace, or any other official or employee paid in whole or in part from insular funds shall, during the year 1936, receive an increase in salary due to the reclassification of provinces and municipalities neither shall the number of deputy sheriffs be increased on account of such reclassification, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstand­ ing.] [Sec. 12. Simplification of government organization.—For the purpose of promoting efficiency and effecting economy in the service, the proper Head of Department is hereby authorized to eliminate any activity which is not indis­ pensable, transfer any activity from one division to another, add a new authorized activity to any division, or consolidate into one or more divisions all activities and functions of a similar nature of the different bureaus and offices of the Department: Provided, That no transfer, addition, or con­ solidation shall be made if it will result in duplication of work: Provided, further, That the personnel of such di­ visions, sections, or services as may be placed under the immediate supervision of the Department Head, in accord­ ance with the provisions of this Act shall be subject to all the provisions of the Civil Service Law, rules and regula­ tions governing the classified service: And provided, fin­ ally, That no new activity, division, office, or unit in any branch of the Insular Government shall be created; and any activity, division, office, or unit which may be suspended 568 GENERAL PROVISIONS or abolished in this Act or in any other Act shall not be revived or recreated except by appropriate legislative enact­ ment.] [Sec. 16. Reduction to be made on actual salary.—When­ ever an employee is not receiving the maximum salary au­ thorized for his position, the salary which he is actually receiving shall be reduced in accordance with the schedule prescribed in section 15 hereof, unless the salary stated in the appointment is declared to be net.] [Sec. 17. Abolition of additional compensation.—Any existing act, rule or order to the contrary notwithstanding, no full time officer or employee of the Governemnt shall hereafter receive directly or indirectly any kind of additional or extra compensation or salary including per diems and bonuses from any fund of the Government, its dependencies, and semi-government entities or boards created by law, except (a) officers serving as chairmen or members of boards of entities and enterprises organized, operated owned or controlled by the Government, who may be paid per diems for each meeting actually attended or when on official travel; (b) auditors and accountants; (c) provincial and municipal treasurers and their employees; (d) em­ ployees serving as observers of the Weather Bureau; and (e) those authorized to receive extra or additional compen­ sation by virtue of the provisions of this Act. This section is hereby made permanent legislation.] [Sec. 24. Repeal of section 12 of Act No. 2935.—Section 12 of Act No. 2935 is hereby repealed provided that ad­ vances of the cost of instruction made heretofore shall be liquidated in accordance with the provisions of said section 12 of Act No. 2935.] [Sec. 25. Reversion of appropriations.—Any unexpended balance of any appropriation herein made or of any appro­ priation hereafter made by special Act shall revert to the unappropriated surplus in the Insular Treasury at the end of the year in which it was enacted and shall not be avail­ able for expenditure except upon subsequent appropriation by the Legislature, unless otherwise specifically provided in said Act. This section is hereby made permanent legisla­ tion.] [Sec. 29. Payment of retirement gratuities to officers and employees whose positions are abolished in this Act.—Any person who up to and including December 31,1934, occupied a position eliminated from the General Appropriation Act of 1935, shall be considered retired from the Government service and shall be given a gratuity equivalent to what he would get if he were retired under Act No. 4051: Pro­ vided, That his years of service shall be computed to De­ cember 31, 1934.] [Sec. 30. Payment of gratuity for officers, employees or laborers in the Department of Labor who may be retired or GENERAL PROVISIONS 569 separated from the service as a result of any reorganization in that Department.—Any officer, employee or laborer who may be separated or retired from the service as a result of any reorganization that may be effected in the Depart­ ment of Labor or in the bureau or office under it during the years nineteen hundred and thirty-four and nineteen hun­ dred and thirty-five may be granted gratuity in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Forty hundred and fifty-one which is hereby revived in so far as said officer, employee, or laborer is concerned: Provided, however, That the positions of officers, employees or laborers so re­ tired shall not be filled except those which may be filled under Act Numbered Forty hundred and fifty-one.] APPENDIX REIMBURSABLE FUNDS The following accounts cover funds voted by the Legislature for certain specific purposes. These funds are kept entirely separate from the general fund, as the re­ ceipts derived from the operation of the enterprises for which they were set aside are automatically appropriated for disbursements. Las siguientes cuentas son de fondos votados por la Legislatura para ciertos fines específicos. Estos fondos se conservan enteramente separados de los fondos generales, puesto que los ingresos pro­ venientes de la operación de sus empresas para las cuales se han destinado, son automáticamente dis­ ponibles para ser gastados. D.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ANDRES BONIFACIO MONUMENT FUND, ACTS 2760 AND 3602 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Surplus, January 1 ................................................................ Expenditures: Salaries and wages.................................................... Traveling expenses of personnel......................... Freight, express and delivery service................. Consumption of supplies and materials............... Printing and binding report............... ................. Total expenditures .................................................... Surplus, December 31............................................................ P889.86 P889.86 P4,387.06 813.72 60.11 17.00 967.66 1,638.71 3,497.20 P889.86 P889.86 P889.86 MOMUNGAN AMERICAN COLONIES. ACT No. 2254 Surplus, January 1 ................................................................ Expenditures: Consumption of supplies and materials............... Extraordinary losses .............................................. Total expenditures .................................................... Surplus, December 31 .......................................................... (P45,132.94) (P45,132.94) (P44,272.19) .08 860.67 860.75 (P45,132.94) (P45,132.94) (P45,132.94) MINDANAO AND SULU FILIPINO COLONIES, ACT No. 2280 Surplus, January 1................................................................. P165,391.18 P165,391.18 P165,602.26 Expenditures—Extraordinary losses ................. 211.08 Surplus, December 31 ............................................. ........... P165,391.18 P165,391.18 P165,391.18 571 572 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REIMBURSABLE FUNDS FIDELITY FUND, SECTION 325, ACT No. 2711 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Interest on bank deposits.......................................... Premiums on surety bonds........................................ Prior year credits ....................................................... Miscellaneous ................................................................ Total income .............................................................. Expenditures: Salaries and wages....................................................... Losses and shortages paid........................................ Other services ................................................................ Total expenditures .................................................... Excess of income over expenditures............................... Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... Total ........................................................................................ Deduct—Excess funds transferred to General Fund ... Surplus, December 31............................................................ Pl,125.00 109,000.00 Pl,875.00 109,000.00 110.00 P600.00 109,176.87 (1,626.03) 54.40 110,125.00 110,985.00 108,205.24 2,772.00 2,765.00 2,751.36 50,000.00 50,000.00 38,992.95 53.00 20.00 .. 52,825.00 52,785.00 41,744.31 57,300.00 58,200.00 66,460.93 100,000.00 100,000.00 93,564.22 157,300.00 158,200.00 160,025.15 57,300.00 58,200.00 60,025.15 P100,000.00 P100,000.00 P100,000.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 573 REIMBURSABLE FUNDS LAND TITLE ASSURANCE FUND, ACT No. 496 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Interest on investments: Provincial and Municipal Government loans Manila Railway Company Debenture bonds Manila Sewer and Waterworks bonds, first Manila Sewer and Waterworks bonds, third Cebu Sewer and Waterworks bonds........... Financial Interests Protection bonds........... Metropolitan Water District Purchase bonds ................................................................ Currency bonds.................................................. Stock, Bank of the Philippine Islands......... United States Fourth Liberty Loan bonds......... Interest on bank deposits........................................ Land title assurance fees..................................... Miscellaneous receipts.............................................. Prior year credits .................................................... Allotment from the National Loan and Investment Fund, Commonwealth Act No. 7.................................. Total income .............................................................. Expenditures: Losses and damages from misfeasance of regis­ ter ............................................................................ Other services .......................................................... Total expenditures.................................................. Excess of income over expenditures................................ Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... Total .......................................................................................... Deduct—Income transferred to General Fund........... Surplus transferrd to the National Loan and Investment Fund, Commonwealth Act No. 7.............................................................. Surplus, December 31............................................................ P9.718.51 599.28 420.00 480.00 400.00 1,200.00 400.00 337.50 42.00 85.00 843.15 25,321.21 16.40 222.39 40,026.65 P6,000.00 P6,000.00 .... ...................................................... 6,000.00 6,000.00 40,085.44 6,000.00 6,000.00 .... 58.79 P6,000.00 6,000.00 58.79 40,026.65 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 440,026.65 P400,000.00 .............................. P400,000.00 574 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REIMBURSABLE FUNDS PROPERTY INSURANCE FUND, SECTION 340, ACT No. 2711 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Interest on investment— Manila Railroad Company Seven Per Cent bonds .................................................................. Metropolitan Water District Purchase P840.00 bonds, Act No. 3204........................................ 7,500.00 Financial Interests Protection bonds............ 8,300.00 Public Improvement bonds of 1921................ 4,840.00 Currency bonds..................................................... Manila Sewer and Waterworks bonds, first 6,907.50 sppips 60.00 Premiums on insurance .............................................. 123,367.75 Interest on bank deposits.......................................... 10,528.78 Prior year credits ....................................................... 7,022.92 Allotment from the National Loan and Investment Fund, Commonwealth Act No. 7................................... P120,100.00 P120,100.00 ... Total income .............................................................. 120,100.00 120,100.00 169,366.95 Expenditures: Payment of property losses........................................ 120,000.00 120,000.00 115,526.76 Other services ................................................................ 100.00 100.00 57.36 Total expenditures .................................................... 120,100.00 120,100.00 115,584.12 Excess of income over expenditures.................................................................................................... 53,782.83 Add—Surplus, January 1........................................................................................ 1,030,992.34 977,209.51 Deduct—Surplus transferred to the National Loan and Investment Fund, Commonwealth Act No. 7...................................... 1,030,992.34 ............................. Surplus, December 31............................................................ P1,030,992.34 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 575 1935 actual REIMBURSABLE FUNDS LOAN FUND ACCOUNT, ACTS 3335, 3532, 3838 AND 4169 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated Income: Fines and forfeitures................................................ Interest on investments............................................ Prior year credits..................................................... Allotment from the National Loan and Investment Fund, Commonwealth Act No. 7.................................... Total income .............................................................. Expenditures: Salaries and wages.................................................... Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... Consumption of supplies and materials............... Total expenditures .................................................... Excess of income over expenditures................................ Add—Surplus, January 1.................................................... Deduct—Surplus transferred to the National Loan and Investment Fund, Commonwealth Act No. 7.... Surplus, December 31............................................................ P139,926.59 3.43 P6,030.00 P6,030.00 .............................. 6,030.00 6,030.00 139,930.02 5,850.00 5,850.00 5,815.25 150.00 150.00 154.56 30.00 30.00 25.34 6,030.00 6,030.00 5,995.15 133,934.87 4,333,945.82 4,467,880.69 4,467,880.69 .............................. ..................... P4,467,880.69 MUNICIPAL LOAN FUND, ACT No. 3932 Income: Interest on loans........................................................ Total income .............................................................. Expenditures .......................................................................... Excess of income over expenditures................................ Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... Total .............................. 1.......................................................... Deduct—Income transferred to General Fund............. Surplus transferred to the National Loan and Investment Fund, Commonwealth Act No. 7.... Adjustment of the surplus transferred from the unexpended balance of the proceeds from sale of bonds issued under Act No. 2940................. fTotal deductions ............................................ Surplus, December 31 .......................................................... P12,740.12 12,740.12 ........................................................... 12,740.12 P1,899,993.24 1,999,993.24 1,899,993.24 2,012,733.36 .......................................................... 12,740.12 1,899,993.24 ........................ 100,000.00 P1,899,993.24 112,740.12 ........................ P1,899,993.24 576 1935 actual E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REIMBURSABLE FUNDS NATIONAL LOAN AND INVESTMENT FUND, COMMONWEALTH ACT No. 7 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated Income: Interest on Government bonds................................. Interest on real estate loans....................................... Interest on bank deposits............................................ Interest on loans to teachers..................................... Interest on loans to pensioners............................... Interest on railway bonds.......................................... Interest on provincial and municipal government loans .............................................................................. Interest on sales of foreclosed mortgaged prop­ erties .............................................................................. Interest on contributions refunded by reinstated pensioners .................................................................... Interest on agricultural loans.................................... Interest on loans to corporations of private sur­ veyors .......................................................................... Discount on assigned gratuities............................... Dividends on bank stock............................................ Income from rentals .................................................... Insurance premiums ...................... ............................. Land title assurance fees............................................ Sales of San Lazaro real estate............................. Miscellaneous receipts ................................................ Prior year credits ........................................................ Interest on advances for taxes............................... Interest on advances for insurance........................... Interest on advances for repairs............................... Contributions refunded by reinstated pensioners Personal contributions: Insular ...................................................................... Provincial ................................................................ Municipal ................................................................ Administrative fines .................................................... Summary court fines and forfeitures by enlisted men ................................................................................ Deductions from pensions of retired employees: Insular ...................................................................... Provincial ................................................................ Government contributions— Three per centum of the total sums ap­ propriated for pay or compensation of employees entitled to pension under the provisions of Act No. 3050: Insular ............................................................ Provincial ...................................................... Municipal ...................................................... Salary savings for positions of employees entitled to pension under the provisions of Act No. 3050: Provincial ...................................................... Municipal :...................................................... Contribution to Retirement and Pension Fund, in accordance with section 3, Act No. 3205, as amended ................................... Additional contribution to Army Pension and Retirement Fund to cover any de­ ficit in said fund............................................... Total income ...................................................... P560,770.00 P581,515.00 ............................. 900,000.00 883,900.00 ..................... ....... 154,902.00 155,532.00 ............................. 35,000.00 30,000.00 ............................. 7,000.00 5,000.00 ............................. 2,679.00 1,439.00 ............................. 294,700.00 293,856.00 .......................... 65,000.00 104,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 .......................... 59,850.00 59,850.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 ............................ 50,000.00 53,000.00 ............................. 30.00 30.00 50,000.00 46,000.00 ............................. 120,000.00 120,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 ............................. 9,000.00 12,000.00 ............................. 53,450.00 53,460.00 ............................. 200.00 200.00 ............................. 4,000.00 4,150.00 ............................. 2,000.00 2,160.00 ............................. 100.00 100.00 ........................... 10,000.00 10,000.00 ............................. 251,500.00 226,730.00 ............................. 80,500.00 80,340.00 ............................. 450,000.00 450,000.00 ............................. 2,510.00 2,240.00 ............................. 3,000.00 2,400.00 ............................. 204.00 200.00 ......................... 60.00 70.00 ............................. 102,000.00 102,672.87 ................ ............. 50,000.00 50,000.00 ............................. 440,000.00 440,000.00 ............................. 8,000.00 8,000.00 ............................. 95,000.00 94,997.00 ............................. 100,000.00 100,000.00 ............................. 200,000.00 200,000.00 ............................. 4,189,455.00 4,201,841.87 ............................. E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 577 REIMBURSABLE FUNDS NATIONAL LOAN AND INVESTMENT FUND, COMMONWEALTH ACT No. 7 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Expenditures: Salaries and wages.................................................. Traveling expenses of personnel........................... Freight, express and delivery service............... Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.. Illumination and power service............................. Rental of buildings and grounds......................... Consumption of supplies and materials............. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications .......................................................... Maintenance and repair of equipment............... Premium on bonds.................................................... Reserve for administrative burden..................... Expenses on foreclosed mortgages....................... Other services .......................................................... Purchase of furniture and equipment............... Corporate counsel .................................................... Repair and remodeling of building and site in­ cluding electrical and plumbing installations Construction of vault ........................................... For the administration of the Rice and Corn Fund ...................................................................... Total expenditures .................................................. Excess of income over expenditures............................... Add—Surplus transferred from various investable funds, Commonwealth Act No. 7..................... Surplus, January 1................................................................ Total .............................................................................. Deduct—Funds transferred to cover the expenses of various investable funds, Commonwealth Act No. 7............................................................ Funds reverted to General Fund..................... Total deductions ........................................................ Surplus, December 31.......................................................... 121,632.00 84,615.00 6,150.00 3,910.00 150.00 150.00 2,650.00 2,650.00 700.00 700.00 1,800.00 100.00 4,500.00 3,527.00 ............................ 1,400.00 1,100.00 350.00 220.00 20,000.00 12,000.00 .............................. 600.00 50,000.00 20,000.00 ............................ 5,050.00 5,050.00 8,000.00 8,010.00 12,000.00 9,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 ............................ 2,000.00 ............................ 30,950.00 .............................. 267,332.00 158,632.00 ............................ 3,922,123.00 4,043,209.87 ........................... 34,737,731.72 ............................ 36,764,140.61 40,686,263.61 38,780,941.59 ............................ 2,210,475.00 1,967,700.98 ............................ 50,700.00 49,100.00 ........................... 2,261,175.00 2,016,800.98 ..... ...................... 1*38,425,088.61 f>36,764,140.61 ........................... 299089------ 37 578 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REIMBURSABLE FUNDS TOBACCO INSPECTION FUND, ACT No. 2613, AS AMENDED BY ACTS 3179 AND 3424 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Tobacco inspection fees ............................................ P128,000.00 P128,000.00 P186,297.67 Sales of fixed property............................................... - 84.95 Prior year credits ....................................................... 1,000.00 1,000.00 7,502.60 Total income .............................................................. 129.000.00 129,000.00 •193,885.22 Expenditures: Salaries and wages ..................................................... 83,609.00 83,609.00 79,169.15 Traveling expenses of personnel............................. 15,100.00 15,100.00 15,360.81 Freight, express and delivery service..................... 1,200.00 1,200.00 634.79 Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... 1,490.00 1,490.00 808.84 Illumination and power service.................................. 360.00 360.00 353.11 Rental of buildings and grounds............................. 1,650.00 1,650.00 1,599.84 Consumption of supplies and materials................ 4,544.00 5,484.00 5,046.85 Cash contributions and gratuities......................... 10.00 10.00 40.00 Reconditioning of cigars .......................................... 5,000.00 5,000.00 ... United States internal revenue stamps destroyed 2,000.00 2,000.00 ... Advertising in United States tobacco trade journals ..................................................................... 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Advertising in local publications............................. 500.00 500.00 549.00 Tobacco pamphlets in United States..................... 1,000.00 1,000.00 ... Maintenance and repair of equipment................ 160.00 160.00 130.60 Construction and repairs .......................................... 2,000.00 2,500.00 8,575.13 Other services ......................................... -......-........... 800.00 800.00 28,162.65 Prosecution of cases in China.................................. 2,400.00 2,400.00 ... Purchase of furniture and equipment................ 750.00 750.00 974.11 Total expenditures .................................................... 127,573.00 129,013.00 146,404.88 Excess of income over expenditures............................... Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... 1,427.00 365,784.25 (13.00) 365,797.25 47,480.34 318,401.86 Total .......................................................................................... Deduct—Income transferred to General Fund............. 367,211.25 365,784.25 365,882.20 84.95 Surplus, December 31........................................................... f>367,211.25 ^365,784.25 P365,797.25 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REIMBURSABLE FUNDS 579 < MANILA HARBOR BOARD, ACTS 3002 AND 3851 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Rental of equipment.................................................. Percentage on gross receipts................................. Fifty per cent of water sales.................................... Two per cent on sales of spare parts............... Interest on bank deposits, Philippine National Bank ........................................................................ Five per cent on Manila Electric Company’s paid bill .................................................................. Sales of fixed assets................................................ Total income .............................................................. Expenditures: Salaries and wages.................................................... Traveling expenses of personnel............................ Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... Illumination and power service........................... Consumption of supplies and materials............... Depreciation and losses of equipment................... ♦Printing and binding reports, documents and publications ............................................................ Maintenance and repair of equipment................... Other services ............................................................ Purchase of furniture and equipment............... Total expenditures .................................................... Excess of income over expenditures............................... Add—Surplus, January 1........... .......................................... Surplus, December 31.......................................................... P18,000.00 P18,000.00 P18,000.00 55,000.00 42,000.00 67,912.85 10,000.00 10,000.00 12,418.51 25.00 20.00 54.18 6,000.00 5,500.00 4,649.39 1,421.85 29.60 89,025.00 75,520.00 104,486.38 9,272.00 30,752.00 26,419.19 200.00 200.00 ... 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,114.76 850.00 950.00 674.04 700.00 700.00 84.04 17,490.00 17,316.32 2,750.00 3,500.00 2,333.32 8,000.00 8,000.00 4,744.05 579.00 578.50 1,287.76 8,100.00 8,100.00 3,217.44 31,701.00 71,520.50 57,190.92 57,324.00 3,999.50 47,295.46 327,925.46 323,925.96 276,629.50 P385,249.46 P327,925.46 F323,925.96 580 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE REIMBURSABLE FUNDS RICE AND CORN FUND, ACT No. 2818, AS AMENDED Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Interest on agricultural loans.................................... Miscellaneous receipts ................................................. Allotments from the National Loan and Investment Fund, Commonwealth Act No. 7................................... Total income............................................................... Expenditures: Salaries and wages ..................................................... Traveling expenses of personnel............................. Freight, express and delivery service................ Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... Rental of buildings and grounds............................. Consumption of supplies and materials................ Maintenance and repair of equipment................... Other services ................................................................ Purchase of furniture and equipment................... Total expenditures .................................................... Excess of income over expenditures................................ Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... Total .......................................................................................... Deduct—Income transferred to General Fund............. Surplus transferrd to the National Loan and Investment Fund, Commonwealth Act No. 7.............................................................. Surplus, December 31............................................................ ............................. #36,217.67 ............................. 1.00 #30,965.00 #34,504.00 ............................. 30,965.00 34,504.00 36,218.67 24,432.00 27,986.00 23,417.71 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,367.87 26.00 26.00 17.90 260.00 260.00 187.38 264.00 264.00 152.86 200.00 200.00 142.57 100.00 100.00 ..... 50.00 50.00 34.24 618.00 618.00 922.89 #30,950.00 34,504.00 29,243.42 6,975.25 918,889.43 911,915.18 918,889.43 918,890.43 1.00 #918,889.43 ............................. ..................... #918,889.43 MUTUAL INSURANCE OF WORK ANIMALS, ACTS 2573, 2682 AND 2903 Surplus, January 1.................................................................. #2,527.84 #2,527.84 #2,527.84 Surplus, December 31............................................................ #2,527.84 #2,527.84 #2,527.84 OPERATION OF CHARTERED VESSELS Surplus, January 1...................................... #3,689.03 #3,689.03 #3,689.03 Surplus, December 31........................................................... #3,689.03 #3,689.03 #3,689.03 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 581 REIMBURSABLE FUNDS STOCK FARM, SLAUGHTERHOUSE AND BREEDING STATION FUND, ACTS 2758 AND 3632 Details +1937+ , I936 1935 estimated estimated actual Income: Income from rentals.................................................. Service income .......................................................... Sales of fixed property............................................ Production account .................................................. Miscellaneous receipts ............................................. Prior year credits...................................................... Total income .............................................................. Expenditures: Salaries and wages .................................................. Traveling expenses of personnel........................... Freight, express and delivery service................... Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... Illumination and power service............................... Consumption of supplies and materials............. Maintenance and repair of equipment................... Other services .......................... -.....-........................ Alterations, repairs, maintenance and upkeep of buildings, sheds, corrals, etc................................ Purchase of breeding animals............................... Purchase of furniture and equipment................... Total expenditures .................................................... Excess of income over expenditures................................ Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... Surplus, December 31............................................................ P2.000.00 18,000.00 10,000.00 16,000.00 P326.74 1,700.00 18,000.00 10,000.00 16,000.00 800.00 P1.00 2,350.17 25,782.08 9,520.34 16,248.46 2,274.86 46,000.00 46,826.74 56,176.91 13,812.00 13,812.00 10,030.82 1,000.00 1,000.00 464.11 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,159.80 90.00 90.00 59.32 500.00 500.00 ... 6,000.00 6,000.00 7,067.49 1,500.00 1,500.00 369.71 1,000.00 1,000.00 749.46 4,000.00 4,000.00 .... 3,000.00 33,978.00 1,046.52 3,000.00 6,500.00 562.10 35,902.00 70,380.00 21,509.33 10,098.00 (23,553.26) 34,667.58 168,528.42 192,081.68 157,414.10 P178,626.42 P168,528.42 P192,081.68 582 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE REIMBURSABLE FUNDS ESTABLISHMENT, MAINTENANCE, EQUIPMENT AND OPERATION OF SEED FARMS, ACT No. 3443, AS AMENDED Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Sales of agricultural products................................. Service income .......................................................... Production account .................................................. Total income ............................................................... Expenditures: Salaries and wages.................................................... Traveling expenses of personnel........................... Freight, express and delivery service................... Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... Illumination and power service............................... Consumption of supplies and materials, includ­ ing contributions and gratuities....................... Deterioration and extraordinary losses............... Maintenance and repair of equipment................... Other services, including survey of lands, irriga­ tion charges, labor under “paquiao” system, etc.............................................................................. Construction, completion, maintenance and re­ pair, etc. of buildings, fences, water system, including adjacent grounds and purchase of land and improvements....................................... Purchase of furniture and equipment................... Total expenditures ..................................................... Excess of income over expenditures.................................. Add—Surplus, January 1........................................................ Surplus, December 31............................................................ P7,500.00 P8,000.00 P8,266.90 4.20 41,000.00 43,000.00 47,711.13 48,500.00 51,000.00 55,982.23 48,000.00 2,000.00 1,800.00 650.00 47,000.00 1,800.00 .... 1,800.00 650.00 6,091.18 220.00 220.00 8,000.00 7,100.00 11.27 2.52 120.00 120.00 .... 15,000.00 12,000.00 ............................. 10,000.00 300.00 42,812.00 300.00 .... 5,350.21 86,090.00 113,802.00 11,455.18 (37,590.00) 63,958.41 (62,802.00) 126,760.41 44,527.05 82,233.36 P26,368.41 P63,958.41 P126,760.41 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 583 REIMBURSABLE FUNDS PHILIPPINE FIBER INSPECTION SERVICE, SECTION 1771-A, ACT No. 2711 Details 1937 1936 1935 estimated estimated actual Income: Grading permits ........................................................ Inspection fees .......................................................... Miscellaneous receipts ............................................. Prior year credits...................................................... Total income .............................................................. Expenditures: Salaries and wages.................................................... Accrued leave ............................................................ Traveling expenses of personnel............................ Freight, express and delivery service.................. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... Illumination and power service............................. Rental of buildings and grounds.......................... Consumption of supplies and materials............... Printing and binding reports, documents and publications ............................................................ Maintenance and repair of equipment.................. Other services ............................................................ Purchase of furniture and equipment.................. Total expenditures .................................................... Excess of income over expenditures................................ Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... Total .......................................................................................... Deduct—Income transferred to General Fund............. Surplus, December 31............................................................ P15,000.00 F15,000.00 P20,300.00 163,950.00 163,950.00 200,834.98 1,050.00 2,316.53 2,166.75 8.00 825.69 180,000.00 181,274.53 224,127.42 116,645.00 116,645.00 101.253.02 43,723.39 ... 9,000.00 9,000.00 8,661.88 200.00 200.00 99.62 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,478.37 200.00 200.00 65.26 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,284.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,271.53 500.00 500.00 ... 500.00 500.00 70.34 800.00 800.00 197.83 1,000.00 1,000.00 216.07 181,568.39 137,845.00 117,597.92 (1,568.39) 43,429.53 106,529.50 196,756.41 189,326.88 154,797.38 195,188.02 232,756.41 261,326.88 36,000.00 36,000.00 72,000.00 P159,188.02 •P-196,756.41 P189,326.88 BOHOL FILIPINO COLONY, ACT No. 2254 Income: Sales of fixed assets................................................. Miscellaneous income ............................................... Total income .............................................................. Expenditures: Extraordinary losses ................................................ Total expenditures .................................................... Excess of income over expenditures............................ Add—Surplus, January 1....................................... ............ Total .................................................... _................................... Deduct—Income transferred to General Fund............. Surplus, December 31.......................... . ............................... P99.91 93.73 193.64 9.47 9.47 184.17 19,506.63 P19,497.16 P19,497.16 19,497.16 19,497.16 19,690.80 193.64 P19,497.16 P19,497.16 F19,497.16 584 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE REIMBURSABLE FUNDS CAGAYAN FILIPINO COLONY, ACT No. 2254 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Sales of fixed assets..................................................... Prior year credits......................................................... Total income .............................................................. Expenditures: Deterioration and extraordinary losses................ Total expenditures .................................................. Excess of income over expenditures............................... Add—Surplus, January 1.................................................... Total ....................... *.................................................................. Deduct—Income transferred to General Fund........... Surplus, December 31............................................................ P75.00 (36.79) 38.21 5,580.98 5,580.98 (5,542.77) 53,802.50 1*48,221.52 P48,221.52 48,221.52 48,221.52 48,259.73 38.21 P48,221.52 P48,221.52 f*48,221.52 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 585 REIMBURSABLE FUNDS FRIAR LANDS ESTATES, ACT No. 2550 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Fines and forfeitures................................................ Income from rentals.................................................. Interest on deferred payments....... ........................ Service income .......................................................... Sales of friar lands real estates........................... Miscellaneous receipts ........................................... Prior year credits .................................................... Sales of equipment...................................................... Total income ........................................................... Expenditures: Salaries and wages .................................................. Traveling expenses of personnel........................ . Freight, express and delivery service.................. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... Illumination and power service............................. Rental of buildings and grounds......... .................. Consumption of supplies and materials............... Printing and binding reports, documents and publications .............................. -........-................. Maintenance and repair of equipment..... .............. Other services ........................................................... Resurvey and reclassification of the friar lands.. Construction, maintenance, alteration and repair of irrigation systems............................................. Construction and maintenance of roads and bridges .................................................................... Construction and maintenance of buildings....... Total expenditures .................................................... Excess of income over expenditures............................... Deduct—Income transferred to General Fund............. Surplus, December 31 .......................................................... P5.00 P5.00 P18.10 100.00 100.00 122.00 55,000.00 60,000.00 62,402.74 17,000.00 18,000.00 32,296.26 100,000.00 100,000.00 111,908.53 1,500.00 14,190.00 6,062.21 585.00 700.00 55,573.99 .50 174,190.00 192,995.00 268,384.33 42,120.00 42,120.00 38,589.89 4,000.00 4,000.00 3,591.84 50.00 120.00 22.71 500.00 900.00 373.21 500.00 875.00 366.81 420.00 1,120.00 495.00 1,100.00 2,000.00 1,078.92 100.00 180.00 ... 100.00 200.00 ... 300.00 480.00 175.57 4,000.00 10,000.00 3,994.72 30,000.00 30,000.00 26,999.62 20,000.00 20,000.00 18,997.55 1,000.00 1,000.00 900.00 104,190.00 112,995.00 95,585.84 70,000.00 80,000.00 172,798.49 P70,000.00 P80,000.00 P172,798.49 586 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 1935 actual REIMBURSABLE FUNDS FRIAR LANDS LOAN FUND, ACT No. 1736 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated Income: Interest on investments and securities................. P12,500.00 Total income................................................................. 12,500.00 Expenditures ............................................................................................................ Excess of income over expenditures............................... 12,500.00 Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... 282,609.17 Total .......................................................................................... 295,109.17 Deduct—Excess funds transferred to General Fund, Act No. 4187 .......................................................................................................... Surplus, December 31............................................................ P295,109.17 P12,500.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 270.109.17 282.609.17 P282,609.17 Pll, 163.89 11,163.89 11,163.89 458,945.28 470,109.17 200,000.00 P270,109.17 SAN LAZARO ESTATE, ACT No. 2478 Income: Fines and forfeitures........................................................................................................................ P12.49 Income from rentals ........................................................................................................................ 2,783.50 Interest on investment and securities........................................................................................... 99,187.84 Interest on deferred payments....................................................................................................... 1,475.62 Service receipts ............................................................ 9.00 Miscellaneous receipts .................................................................................................................... 15,178.86 Prior year credits ................................... 911.81 Total income ................................................................................................................................... 119,559.12 Expenditures: Salaries and wages ....................................................................................... :....................... 3,456.72 Traveling expenses of personnel.................................................................................................. 124.84 Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... ................................................................ 20.55 Illumination and power service .................................................................................................. 49.24 Consumption of supplies and materials..................................................................................... 454.19 Deterioration and extraordinary losses................ 9,381.59 Printing and binding reports, documents and publications ..................................................................................................................................... 200.00 Maintenance and repair of equipment................................................................................-..................................... Other services .................................................................................................................................... 213.11 Total expenditures .................................................................................................................... 13,900.24 Excess of income over expenditures.................................................................................................... 105,658.88 Deduct—Income transferred to General Fund.................................................................................. 105,658.88 Surplus, December 31............................................................ G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 587 1935 actual REIMBURSABLE FUNDS SAN LAZARO LOAN FUND, ACT No. 2478 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated Income: Sales of lands ............................................................ Total income .............................................................. Expenditures .......................................................................... Excess of income over expenditures................................ Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... Surplus, December 31............................................................ P9,000.00 P12,000.00 P12,192.62 9,000.00 12,000.00 12,192.62 .............................. .............................. ............................. 9,000.00 12,000.00 12,192.62 1,962,738.07 1,950,738.07 1,938,545.45 P1,971,738.07 P1,962,738.07 P1,950,738.07 CADASTRAL SURVEY Income: Fines and forfeitures................................................ Interest on deferred payments................................ Service income............................................................ Sales of fixed property.......... -..............-............... Inventory adjustment .............................................. Miscellaneous receipts ............................................. Prior year credits ........................................................ Repayment of cadastral survey costs....................... Total income .............................................................. Expenditures: Salaries and wages.................................................... Traveling expenses of personnel........................... Freight, express and delivery service................... Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... Illumination and power service........................... Rental of buildings and grounds........................... Consumption of supplies and materials............... Other services ............................................................ Rent of Office Building, Port Area....................... Purchase of furniture and equipment................. Total expenditures .................................................... Excess of income over expenditures................................ Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... Contribution from General Fund (Repayment of ca­ dastral survey costs) ...................................................... Surplus, December 31 .......................................„................. FUND, ACT No. 3077 P25,000.00 30,000.00 P25,000.00 30,000.00 P176.97 24,426.06 24,356.03 4.15 .38 100.00 100.00 193.91 500.00 500.00 15,702.02 400,000.00 300,000.00 283,292.31 455,600.00 355,600.00 348,151.83 417,160.00 108,904.00 106,685.39 30,000.00 12,000.00 11,928.73 3,600.00 4,000.00 3,068.16 4,000.00 4,000.00 3,332.00 3,600.00 1,500.00 1,045.75 3,600.00 3,000.00 2,436.27 20,000.00 15,000.00 11,247.43 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,022.77 7,200.00 7,200.00 7,350.00 8,000.00 25,000.00 3,774.36 500,160.00 183,604.00 152,890.86 (44,560.00) 171,996.00 195,260.97 4,478,237.62 4,306,241.62 929,924.83 ......................... 3,181,055.82 P4,433,677.62 P4,478,237.62 P4,306,241.62 588 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE REIMBURSABLE FUNDS PRIVATE SURVEYORS’ LOAN FUND, ACTS 3327 AND 3452 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Interest on loans to corporations of private sur­ veyors ........................................................................... Total income ........................................................... Expenditures .......................................................................... Excess of income over expenditures................................ Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... Deduct—Surplus transferred to the National Loan and Investment Fund, Commonwealth Act No. 7... Surplus, December 31 .......................................................... P2,238.50 2,238.50 ..................................................... 2,238.50 620,454.00................618,215.50 (620,454.00) ............................. ................... P620,454.00 PUBLIC LANDS SUBDIVISION Income: Service income............................................................ Prior year credits .................................................... Total income .............................................................. Expenditures: Salaries and wages .................................................. Traveling expenses of personnel............................ Freight, express and delivery service................. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... Illumination and power service.................. ......... Rental of buildings and grounds........................... Consumption of supplies and materials............. Other services .............................. -........................... Total expenditures ...........................-....................... Excess of income over expenditures................................ Add—Surplus, January 1.................................-................... Surplus, December 31............................................................ FUND, ACTS 3673 AND 4031 P172.50 P500.00 P400.00 4,103.37 500.00 400.00 4,275.87 12,000.00 12,000.00 10,893.88 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,260.98 400.00 400.00 311.28 50.00 50.00 23.50 10.00 10.00 .90 500.00 500.00 210.35 3,340.00 3,340.00 392.72 200.00 200.00 123.39 19,500.00 19,500.00 14,217.00 (19,000.00) (19,100.00) (9,941.13) 320,925.21 340,025.21 349,966.34 #301,925.21 #320,925.21 #340,025.21 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 589 REIMBURSABLE FUNDS FIBER RESEARCH FUND, ACT No. 3263 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Share of all fees collected by the Fiber Inspec­ tion Service, Section 1796-B, Administrative Code ............................................................................. ................................................................ P72,000.00 Total income ............................................................................................................................... 72,000.00 Expenditures: Salaries and wages....................................................... Traveling expenses of personnel............................. Freight, express, and delivery service................... Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service.. Illumination and power service................................ Rental of buildings and grounds........................... Consumption of supplies and materials.............. Maintenance and repair of equipment................ Other services ................................................................ Purchase of furniture and equipment................... Total expenditures .................................................... Excess of income over expenditures................................ Add—Surplus, January 1 .................................................... Surplus, December 31 .......................................................... P30|793.00 P30,700.00 27,593.57 3,000.00 ’ 2,500.00 1,727.94 2,500.00 2,400.00 792.49 500.00 500.00 236.78 500.00 480.00 .... 60.00 60.00 50.00 4,000.00 3,900.00 3,059.59 300.00 250.00 1.50 300.00 300.00 184.33 2,010.00 2,000.00 2,068.09 43,963.00 43,090.00 35,714.29 36,285.71 4,334.13 2,470.16 40,619.84 (P-41,492.84) P2,470.16 P40,619.84 590 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE REIMBURSABLE FUNDS MANILA TRADING CENTER AND EXCHANGE FUND, ACT No. 4069 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Profit from sales of retail stock............................. P2,500.00 P2,500.00 Pl,854.37 Commission on consignment sales......................... Commission and profit from fairs and exposi­ 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,681.78 tions ............................................................................. 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,223.67 Interest on bank deposits.......................................... 500.00 500.00 1,007.38 Storage fees .................................................................. 50.00 50.00 171.79 Inspection fees on rice............................................... 50.00 50.00 526.53 Miscellaneous receipts ............................................... 500.00 500.00 606.11 Surplus adjustment...................................................... 82.00 82.00 711.25 Surplus—Philippine Exposition Fund..................... - 79.94 Total income .............................................................. 7,682.00 7,682.00 9,862.82 Expenditures: Salaries and wages....................................................... 15,064.00 15,064.00 9,605.48 Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... 300.00 300.00 301.32 Illumination and power service............................. 350.00 350.00 233.72 Rental of buildings and grounds............................. 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,050.00 Consumption of supplies and materials................ Printing and bindings reports, documents and 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,109.74 publications ................................................................ 300.00 300.00 157.86 Maintenance and repair of equipment..................... 80.00 80.00 36.00 Other services ................................................................ 500.00 500.00 916.03 Advertising .................................................................... 480.00 480.00 354.00 Purchase of furniture and equipment..................... 1,000.00 1,000.00 952.60 Total expenditures .................................................... 20,274.00 20,274.00 14,716.75 Excess of income over expenditures............................. (12,592.00) (12,592.00) (4,853.93) Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... 80,489.95 93,081.95 97,935.88 Surplus, December 31.......................................................... P67,897.95 P80,489.95 P93,081.95 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 591 REIMBURSABLE FUNDS BAGUIO DWELLINGS AND EQUIPMENT FOR RENT, ACT No. 3340 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Rental of cottages .................................................... Rental of Department Secretaries* cottages....... Rental of dormitories................................................ Rental of equipment.................................................. Rental of Hotel Pines.............................................. Rental of Service Hall............................................ Sales of equipment.................................................... Surcharges on equipment sold............................... Miscellaneous receipts ............................................. Prior year credits .................................................... Total income .............................................................. Expenditures: Salaries and wages................................... ................ Traveling expenses of personnel............................ Freight, express and delivery service................. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... Illumination and power service............................. Construction of servant’s bath and toilet........... Consumption of supplies and materials.............. Maintenance and improvement of Baguio cot­ tages and apartments, roadways, walks and adjacent grounds .................................................. Construction of cottages for the postmaster and employees of the Post Office, Baguio............... Maintenance and repair of equipment............... Other services ............................................................ Maintenance and repair of Baguio cottages and suites ........................................................................ Extraordinary losses ............ -............................... Purchase of furniture and equipment................... Total expenditures .................................................... Excess of income over expenditures................................ Add—Surplus, January 1................................................—• Surplus, December 31............................................................ P26,920.00 300.00 17,470.00 300.00 9,600.00 1,200.00 P26,920.00 300.00 17,470.00 300.00 9,600.00 1,200.00 P30,030.76 14.00 15,233.21 1,572.79 8,800.00 1,046.67 169.26 15.97 30.00 387.81 470.00 11,181.96 55,790.00 56,290.00 68,452.43 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 60.00 60.00 .... 50.00 50.00 50.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 .... 20.00 978.18 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 8,950.00 1,052.07 7,300.00 .... 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 650.00 650.00 490.81 28,000.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 9.19 5,000.00 5,000.00 6,500.00 43,060.00 59,330.00 45,780.25 12,730.00 (3,040.00) 22,672.18 40,957.76 43,997.76 21,325.58 P53,687.76 F40,957.76 P43,997.76 592 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS REIMBURSABLE FUNDS LOS BAÑOS QUARRY, ACT No. 3459 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Sales of crushed rock................................................... Electric fluid .................................................................. Sales of equipment....................................................... Miscellaneous receipts ................................................. Prior years’ credit ..................................................... Total income .............................................................. Expenditures: Salaries and wages...................................................... Traveling expenses of personnel........................... Freight, express and delivery service.................... Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service... Consumption of supplies and materials............... Maintenance and repair of equipment.................... Other services ................................................................ Extraordinary losses................................................... Improvement of hydro-electric system.................. Purchase of furniture and equipment..................... Total expenáitures .................................................... Excess of income over expenditures............................... Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... Surplus, December 31............................................................ P38,000.00 5,000.00 P38,710.00 5,000.00 80.00 P42,509.51 6,363.60 80.00 27,210.20 43,000.00 43,870.00 76,083.31 25,687.00 25,687.00 29,986.15 220.00 220.00 194.67 225.00 225.00 205.34 20.00 20.00 15.97 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,602.29 800.00 800.00 961.09 3,500.00 3,500.00 4,253.12 .40 16,840.00 1,656.02 500.00 500.00 79.91 38,952.00 55,792.00 45,954.96 4,048.00 (11,922.00) 30,128.35 183,046.34 194,968.34 164,839.99 P187,094.34 P183,046.34 94,968.34 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 593 REIMBURSABLE FUNDS REGISTRATION AND REGULATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES, ACT No. 3992 299089------ 38 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Registration fees ......................................................... P2,353,000.00 P2,350,000.00 P2,325,851.23 Registration fees (prior years)............................. 52,000.00 52,000.00 51,498.44 Drivers’ licenses ............................................................ 125,930.00 125,000.00 123,695.00 Drivers’ licenses (prior years).................................. 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,898.00 Temporary permits ..................................................... 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,140.00 Temporary permits (prior years)........................... 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,418.00 Delinquent drivers’ license fees............................. 10,000.00 10,000.00 11,829.00 Penalty for renewal of dilinquent registration.. 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,892.97 Penalty for renewal of delinquent drivers’ li­ censes ........................................................................... 50.00 50.00 38.00 Court fines for violation of motor vehicle law.... 4,000.00 4,000.00 3,968.70 Stock inventory adjustment...................................... 20.00 20.00 15.76 Miscellaneous receipts ................................................. 12,000.00 12,000.00 14,098.94 Prior years credits....................................................... 5,000.00 8,930.00 214,006.26 Gain on badges sold..................................................... 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,573.66 Total income .............................................................. 2,600,000.00 2,600,000.00 2,786,923.96 Expenditures: Salaries and wages....................................................... 61,063.00 63,223.00 63,198.74 Traveling expenses of personnel............................. 13,950.00 24,310.00 15,177.99 Freight, express and delivery service..................... 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,996.10 Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... 2,970.00 5,000.00 2,997.90 Illumination and power service.................................. 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,282.35 Rental of buildings and grounds............................ 5,050.00 250.00 250.00 Consumption of supplies and materials................ 40,880.00 65,280.00 49,730.82 Cash contributions to local governments (road allnf.mpnt.q) ______________________ _______ 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 2,600,000.00 Printing and binding reports, documents and publications ................................................................ 400.00 400.00 400.00 Maintenance and repair of equipment..................... 7,930.00 10,121.00 7,755.27 Other services ................................................................ 2,970.00 3,151.00 2,799.62 Purchase of furniture and equipment..................... 2,278.00 2,278.00 2,278.00 Total expenditures .................................................... 2,642,491.00 2,679,013.00 2,748,866.79 Excess of income over expenditures............................... (42,491.00) (79,013.00) 38,057.17 Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... 95,457.16 174,470.16 136,412.99 Surplus, December 31 .......................................................... P52,966.16 P95,457.16 P174,470.16 594 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS REIMBURSABLE FUNDS IRRIGATION INSURANCE FUND, ACTS 2152 AND 3523 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Irrigation charges P22,000.00 P22,000.00 P24,846.57 Total income .............................................................. 22,000.00 22,000.00 24,846.57 Expenditures: Reconstruction and repair of irrigation system.... 30,000.00 30,000.00 11,274.03 Total expenditures .................................................... 30,000.00 30,000.00 11,274.03 Excess of income over expenditures................................ Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... (8,000.00) 63,737.83 (8,000.00) 71,737.83 13,582.54 58,165.29 Surplus, December 31............................................................ P55,737.83 P63,737.83 P71,737.83 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, ACTS 2152, 3523 AND 4185 Income: Irrigation charges ........................................................ Total income................................................................. Expenditures: Maintenance and operation of irrigation system.. Total expenditures .................................................... Excess of income over expenditures............................... Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... Surplus, December 31............................................................ P200,000.00 P200,000.00 P217,337.01 200,000.00 200,000.00 217,337.01 180,000.00 180,000.00 224,672.33 180,000.00 180,000.00 224,672.33 20,000.00 20,000.00 (7,335.32) (194,957.28) (214,957.28) (207,621.96) (P174,957.28) (P194,957.28) (>214,957.28) H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 595 REIMBURSABLE FUNDS HIGHWAYS SPECIAL FUND, ACT No. 3248 1937 1936 1935 Deta i I s estimated estimated actual Income: Excise tax— Lubricating oil ..................................................... P300,000.00 P300,000.00 P326,990.33 Gasoline .................................................................. 4,700,000.00 4,700,000.00 4,823,478.53 Total income ...................................................... 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,150,468.86 Expenditures: Repair of roads of Camp Henry R. Allen, Baguio ............................................................................... 487.65 Construction of the San Miguel Estero Bridge on Arlegui Street Extension, Manila................ 746.72 Construction of bridge over Engineer Island Channel and Street Port Area, Manila............ 3,310.42 Cash contributions to local governments (roads and bridges) .............................................................. 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 4,876,995.00 Total expenditures ............................................ 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 4,881,539.79 Excess of income over expenditures..................................... 268,929.07 Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... 1,621,526.96 1,621,526.96 1,352,597.89 Surplus, December 31 .......................................................... P1,621,526.96 P1,621,526.96 P1,621,526.96 PERMANENT BRIDGE REVOLVING FUND, ACT No. 3500 Income: Collection of tolls........................................................ Prior year credits .................................................... Total income ...................................................... Expenditures: Construction of permanent bridges....................... Salaries and sundry expenses in connection with the collection of tolls on completed bridges.... Total expenditures ............................................ Excess of income over expenditures............................... Add—Surplus, January T.................................................... Surplus, December 31............................................................ P445,000.00 5,000.00 P445,000.00 5,000.00 P447,682.68 8,827.39 450,000.00 450,000.00 456,510.07 500,000.00 500,000.00 452,697.41 60,000.00 60,000.00 66,806.00 560,000.00 560,000.00 519,503.41 (110,000.00) 1,246,078.81 (110,000.00) 1,356,078.81 (62,993.34) 1,419,072.15 F1,136,078.81 *1,246,078.81 F1,356,078.81 596 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1935 actual REIMBURSABLE FUNDS PERMANENT BRIDGE REVOLVING FUND, ACT No. 3932 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated Income: Collection of tolls......................................................... Total income .............................................................. Expenditures: Construction of permanent bridges......................... Salaries and wages including sundry expenses and purchase of equipment, Act No. 3932....... Total expenditures .................................................. Excess of income over expenditures............................... Add—Surplus, January 1 .................................................... Funds transferred from the unexpended balance of the proceeds from sale of Public Improve­ ment bonds issued under Act 2940, in accord­ ance with Act 3932................................................... Total .......................................................................................... Deduct—Net income reverted to General Fund, Act 3932 ........................................................................................ Surplus, December 31 .......................................................... ................................................................ P30,232.19 30,232.19 152,083.75 1,000,000.00 1,391,481.35 3,649.23 152,083.75 1,000,000.00 1,395,130.58 (152,083.75) (1,000,000.00) (1,364,898.39) 152,083.75 1,152,083.75 2,422,565.10 121,000.00 ............................. 152,083.75 1,178,666.71 26,582.96 ............................. P152,083.75 P1,152,083.75 PORT WORKS FUND, ACT No. 3592 Income: Wharfage charges ........................................................ Total income .............................................................. Expenditures: Construction and improvement of port works.... Maintenance of ports ................................................ Investigation and survey of portworks projects and foreshore leases ............................................... Total expenditures .................................................. Excess of income over expenditures............................... Add—Surplus, January 1 .................................................... Total .......................................................................................... Deduct—Funds transferred to General Fund............... Surplus, December 31............................................................ P2,837,000.00 P2,834,000.00 P2,660,236.35 2,837,000.00 2,834,000.00 2,660,236.35 1,690,000.00 1,200,000.00 401,163.98 1,222,480.33 1,200,000.00 10,000.00 28,764.04 1,200,000.00 2,900,000.00 1,652,408.35 1,637,000.00 5,611,118.65 (66,000.00) 6,177,118.65 1,007,828.00 5,669,290.65 7,248,118.65 531,100.00 6,111,118.65 500,000.00 6,677,118.65 500,000.00 P6,717,018.65 P5,611,118.65 P6,177,118.65 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS REIMBURSABLE FUNDS GOVERNMENT MARINE RAILWAY AND REPAIR SHOPS (SPECIAL FUND), ACT No. 4111 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Service income— Productive repair work...................................... P480,000.00 P470,000.00 P427,894.00 Productive docking............................................... 25,000.00 24,000.00 18,652.60 Manufacture of artesian well parts.............. 35,000.00 30,000.00 30,270.54 Production account ..................................................... 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,973.29 Miscellaneous receipts ................................................. 4,000.00 3,200.00 4,029.16 Rental of buildings ................................................... 264.00 264.00 242.00 Prior year credits ........................................................ 500.00 500.00 12,303.84 Total income ........................................................... — 546,764.00 529,964.00 495,365.43 Expenditures: Salaries and wages....................................................... 307,389.00 280,000.00 280,848.87 Traveling expenses of personnel................................ 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,106.96 Freight, express and delivery service..................... 1,000.00 800.00 609.68 Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... 800.00 750.00 659.69 Illumination and power service.................................. 26,400.00 26,000.00 25,320.13 Consumption of supplies and materials................ 12'4,000.00 120,000.00 120,370.41 Deterioration and extraordinary losses.............. ................................................................ 582.57 Maintenance and repair of equipment..................... 18,000.00 12,000.00 11,988.96 Other services ................................................................ 800.00 500.00 197.45 Workmen’s compensation and medical supplies.. 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,295.06 Improvements to slipways, grounds, dock and wharves, shop buildings and existing equip­ ment ............................................................................. 35,000.00 30,000.00 31,981.96 Purchase of furniture and equipment..................... 12,000.00 10,000.00 7,615.73 Total expenditures .................................................. 531,389.00 486,050.00 484,577.47 Excess of income over expenditures................................ 15,375.00 43,914.00 10,787.96 Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... 322,754.50 278,840.50 268,052.54 Surplus, December 31................. ....................„.................... P338,129.50 P322,754.50 P278,840.50 598 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS Income: REIMBURSABLE FUNDS NATIONAL RADIO BROADCASTING FUND, ACT No. 3997 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Registration fees ...................................................... Fines and surcharges............................................... Miscellaneous receipts ....................................... ...... Prior year credits........................................................ Total income .............................................................. Expenditures: Salaries and wages.................................................... Traveling expenses of personnel........................... Freight, express and delivery service................. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... Illumination and power service, and other serv­ ices rendered by Bureau of Posts................... Consumption of supplies and materials............... Financial assistance to municipalities................... Financial assistance to provinces......................... Financial assistance to Insular Government offices and other institutions................................, Maintenance and repair of equipment................. Other services ............................................................ Broadcasting service ................................................ Incidental expenses .................................................. Total expenditures .................................................. Excess of income over expenditures................................ Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... Balance, December 31................................... _................ P106,500.00 P108,000.00 1,500.00 4,000.00 108,000.00 112,000.00 24,000.00 24,570.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 50.00 50.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,800.00 500.00 500.00 80,400.00 80,400.00 800.00 800.00 111,950.00 111,820.00 (3,950.00) 180.00 4,379.79 4,199.79 P429,79 P4,379.79 Pill,202.76 5,050.11 .22 442.08 116,695.17 21,404.38 936.41 29.81 1,084.85 195.00 874.60 1,444.81 170.00 15.75 786.89 88,794.88 1,349.48 117,086.86 (391.69) 4,591.48 P4,199.79 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 599 REIMBURSABLE FUNDS AIR MAIL SERVICE (ACT 3869) 1937 1936 1935 Details estimated estimated actual Income: Air mail stamp sales—domestic....................... P30,000.00 P30,000.00 1 QR 7fi7 QK Air mail stamp sales—foreign....................... 25,000.00 25,000.00 J Ou,l O 1 .Oi) Air mail stamp sales—clippers....................... 221,000.00 170,000.00 63,154.50 Total income ...................................................... 276,000.00 225,000.00 98,921.85 Expenditures: Salaries and wages 3,000.00 .. Other services ....................................................... 200.00 200.00 240.00 Handling of air mails.......................................... 800.00 800.00 ... Air mail transportation—domestic................ 25,000.00 25,000.00 17,106.86 Air mail transportation—foreign ................ 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,136.48 Air mail transportation—clippers ................ 205,400.00 158,000.00 50,000.00 Purchase of furniture and equipment............ 1,600.00 1,000.00 1,653.75 Total expenditures ............................................ 251,000.00 200,000.00 84,137.09 Excess of income over expenditures....................... 25,000.00 25,000.00 14,784.76 Deduct—income transferred to General Fund..... P25,000.00 P25,000.00 P14,784.76 Surplus, December 31 .......................................................... 600 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION REIMBURSABLE FUNDS CENTRAL LUZON AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Fines and forfeitures ................................................. Sales income (net)....................................................... P8.800.00 Income from rentals ..................................................................................... Service income ............................................................ 10,600.00 Sales of fixed assets ................................................... 500.00 Inventory adjustments ............................................... 160.00 Production account....................................................... 11,000.00 Miscellaneous receipts ................................................. 1,600.00 Prior year credits.................................................._..... 250.00 P8,800.00 P44.50 8,844.61 48.00 10,600.00 10,602.31 500.00 576.08 160.00 2,442.60 11,000.00 14,522.44 1,600.00 1,601.41 250.00 2,459.70 32,910.00 41,141.65 Total income .............................................................. 32,910.00 Expenditures: Salaries and wages ................................................... 9,970.00 Freight, express and delivery service..................... 2,000.00 Consumption of supplies and materials................ 10,000.00 Deterioration of supplies and sale stock............ ............................. Maintenance and repair of equipment..................... 1,500.00 Payment of irrigation fees........................................ 3,300.00 Other services .................................................................................................. Maintenance and repair of buildings...................... 3,000.00 Purchase of furniture and equipment................... 3,140.00 Total expenditures .................................................... P32,910.00 11,356.45 P11,356.45 9,970.00 9,430.00 2,000.00 1,563.10 10,000.00 10,000.00 1,130.40 1,500.00 1,496.48 3,300.00- .... 30.00 3,000.00 2,997.56 3,140.00 3,137.66 P32,910.00 29,785.20 Excess of income over expenditures................................ Deduct—Income reverted to General Fund................... Surplus, December 31............................................................ 601 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION REIMBURSABLE FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE NORMAL HALL Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: From boarders .......................................................... From lunch room ...................................................... From piano ................................................................ Interest on deposits .................................................. Miscellaneous ............................................................ Total Income .............................................................. Expenditures: Salaries ...................................................................... Wages .......................................................................... Supplies ................. .................................................. Telephone ................................................................... Water service ........................................................... Automobile operation ............................................. Bread .......................................................................... Coal .............................................................................. Drinking water ......................................................... Egfrs ............................................................................ Entertainment............................................................ Equipment .................................................................. Gas .............................................................................. Groceries .................................................................... Illumination................................................................ Laundry ...................................................................... Library ...................................................................... Market purchases ................................................... Meat ............................................................................ Miscellaneous ............................................................ Office ............................................................................ Periodicals .................................................................. Repairs ........................................................................ Rice .............................................................................. Total expenditures .................................................... Excess of income over expenditures............................... Add—Surplus January 1...................................................... Surplus, December 31 ........................................................ P37,000.00 P37,000.00 P37,051.60 475.00 475.00 475.25 170.00 170.00 170.50 2,000.00. 2,000.00 2,261.16 285.00 285.00 285.77 39,930.00 39,930.00 40,244.28 4,800.00 3,895.16 1,800.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,620.50 825.00 825.00 827.73 250.00 250.00 241.70 600.00 600.00 575.41 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,276.94 1,150.00 1,150.00 1,150.71 400.00 400.00 396.00 0.00 0.00 960.00 2,025.00 2,025.00 2,031.75 150.00 200.00 291.10 150.00 150.00 658.92 440.00 440.00 442.10 6,750.00 6,750.00 6,793.89 475.00 475.00 430.50 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,247.66 250.00 250.00 258.11 50.00 50.00 128.82 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,386.19 5,200.00 5,200.00 5,200.70 500.00 500.00 827.71 100.00 100.00 188.80 90.00 90.00 91.00 500.00 1,000.00 3,787.40 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,651.60 41,705.00 41,350.16 45,265.24 (1,775.00) (1,420.16) (5,020.96) 53,789.61 55,209.77 60,230.73 P52,014.61 P53,789.61 P55,209.77 602 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION REIMBURSABLE FUNDS FOR THE CARE, MAINTENANCE, INSTRUCTION, REFORMATION AND CUSTODY OF NEGLECT­ ED AND DELINQUENT CHILDREN, ACT No. 3203, AS AMENDED 1937 1936 1935 estimated estimated actual Income: Fines and forfeitures................................................ Service income .......................................................... Miscellaneous receipts ............................................ Prior year credits .................................................... Total income.............................................................. Expenditures: Salaries and wages.................................................... Traveling expenses of personnel........................... Freight, express and delivery service................. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... Illumination and power service............................. Consumption of supplies and materials............... Cash contributions and gratuities......................... Maintenance and repair of equipment............... Other services ............................................................ Traveling expenses of persons not government employees ................................................................ Construction, maintenance, alteration and re­ pair of buildings, parks and roads................... Three per centum of all sums appropriated for salaries of one supervisor, teachers and in­ structors, in accordance with the provisions of section 8, Act No. 3050................................. Purchase of furniture and equipment................... Total expenditures .................................................... Excess of income over expenditures............................... Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... Surplus, December 31..........................................................P26.88 P130,000.00 P130,000.00 131,732.44 10.83 50.00 48.84 618.21 130,050.00 130,048.84 132,388.36 61,200.00 44,000.00 42,376.93 300.00 130.00 131.24 250.00 20.00 19.76 2,267.00 1,700.00 1,723.87 4,850.00 3,850.00 4,150.00 95,000.00 62,000.00 64,924.58 3,000.00 1,000.00 1,182.80 1,000.00 600.00 684.76 4,000.00 4,000.00 9,000.00 400.00 350.00 319.20 17,695.00 17,695.00 17,695.00 417.00 417.00 417.00 6,214.00 2,000.00 484.77 196,593.00 137,762.00 143,109.91 (66,543.00) (7,713.16) (10,721.55) 798.28 8,511.44 19,232.99 (P65,744.72) F798.28 M,511.44 M.—UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 603 REIMBURSABLE FUNDS Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Fines and forfeitures................................................ Income from rentals................................................... Interest on bank deposits......................................... Service income— Tuition fees ............................... ........................ Laboratory fees ............................................... Library fees ...................................................... Entrance fees .................................................... Medical fees........................................................ Registration fees................................................ Rental of caps and gowns............................... Dental service fees............................................ Diploma 'and certificate fees........................... Infirmary fees................................................... Miscellaneous student fees............................. Miscellaneous receipts— Electric light service......................................... Payment of cottages by installments........... Miscellaneous..................................................... Sales of fixed property............................................ Voluntary contribution .......................................... . Sales of agricultural products....................... ........ Prior year credits .................................................... Total income ................. ,........................................... P100.00 P100.95 P766.55 1,600.00 1,600.00 3,179.21 8,000.00 8,000.00 14,773.36 305,000.00 305,000.00 324,403.19 119,750.00 119,747.04 133,700.74 31,240.00 31,235.00 35,361.30 8,660.00 8,660.00 11,366.17 31,330.00 31,330.00 32,649.10 38,200.00 38,200.00 42,496.00 500.00 500.00 637.50 200.00 200.00 257.00 15,760.00 15,765.00 16,910.70 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,086.38 4,170.00 4,167.50 5,518.55 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,779.15 2,160.00 2,157.74 2,504.57 10,220.00 10,216.77 12,919.07 80.00 76.02 860.52 350.00 348.00 15,031.00 10,350.00 10,353.24 11,427.88 3,410.00 3,422.74 44,890.39 595,080.00 595,080.00 714,518.33 604 M.—UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES REIMBURSABLE FUNDS Details Expenditures: Salaries and wages................................................... Traveling expenses of personnel........................... Freight, express and delivery service................... Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... Illumination and power service............................. Rental of buildings and grounds........................... Consumption of supplies and materials............... Printing and binding reports, documents and publications ............................................................ Contributions and gratuities (fellowships)....... Maintenance and repair of equipment................... Discretionary expenditures ................................... Other services ............................................................ Deterioration and extraordinary losses............... Purchase of furniture and equipment................... Purchase of books and periodicals....................... Establishment of a Department of Agricultural Education for the training of teachers and supervisors of secondary instruction, Act No. 3377 .......................................................................... Operation of the School of Hygiene and Public Health and for demonstration units and field work in connection therewith........................... For the School of Sanitation of graduate nurses, including expenses for graduation and di­ plomas ...................................................-................. Maintenance and operation of the branch Col­ lege of Liberal Arts at Vigan, llocos Sur, Act No. 3667 ........................................................ Maintenance and operation of the Cebu Junior College..................................................................... Accrued leave ................................. .......................... Miscellaneous appropriations ............................... Miscellaneous special allotments................. ~........ Total expenditures .................................................... Excess of income over expenditures............................... Add— Contributions from General Fund............................. Surplus, January 1........................................................... Surplus, December 31............................................................ 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual 1,088,409.07 1,088,409.07 1,029,724.46 5,170.00 5,170.00 4,385.62 2,490.00 2,490.00 1,126.83 11,530.00 11,530.00 11,587.67 18,440.00 18,440.00 22,413.59 99,772.00 99,772.00 90,570.96 11,040.00 11,040.00 10,767.88 2,000.00 2,000.00 9,319.23 3,928.00 3,928.00 2,702.82 1,500.00 1,500.00 924.97 5,385.00 5,385.00 4,200.36 1,088.40 28,698.01 22,850.00 22,850.00 36,413.00 36,413.00 29,425.81 16,412.00 16,412.00 12,405.99 57,955.00 57,955.00 55,097.00 12,843.50 12,843.50 10,024.08 27,757.00 27,757.00 24,847.84 37,086.00 37,086.00 36,158.64 3,000.00 3,000.00 10,600.37 61,062.50 225,839.30 175,157.71 103,376.47 103,376.47 30,265.83 1,628,419.54 1,793,196.34 1,601,494.07 (1,033,339.54) (1,198,116.34) (886,975.74) 1,048,067.00 1,048,067.00 977,163.65 399,442.46 549,491.80 459,303.89 P414,169.92 P399,442.46 «49,491.80 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 605 BOND FUNDS The following statements show the disposition of the balances of the proceeds from sale of the various bonds issued. Los siguientes cuadros demuestran la disposición de los saldos del producto de la venta de los distintos bonos emitidos. FINANCIAL INTERESTS PROTECTION BONDS (INVESTMENT FUND), ACTS 2999, 3723 AND 3828 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual ncome: Interest on investments— Public Improvement bonds of 1906................ 800.00 800.00 800.00 Public Improvement bonds of 1909................ 4,400.00 4,400.00 4,400.00 Manila Railroad Company Purchase bonds 5,200.00 5,200.00 5,200.00 Public Improvement bonds of 1921............... 127,490.00 127,490.00 127,490.00 Financial Interests Protection bonds........... 94,600.00 94,600.00 94,267.50 Currency bonds.................................................. 98,415.00 98,415.00 98,415.00 (Sundry Purposes) bonds............................ 51,615.00 51,615.00 51,615.00 Metropolitan Water District bonds, Act No. 3204 .......................................................... 13,300.00 13,300.00 13,300.00 Cebu Sewer and Waterworks bonds........... 480.00 480.00 480.00 Cebu Portworks bonds, first series.............. 4,050.00 4,050.00 4,050.00 Cebu Portworks bonds, second series.......... 21,510.00 21,510.00 21,510.00 Iloilo Portworks bonds, first series............... 3,150.00 3,150.00 3,150.00 Manila Sewer and Waterworks bonds........ 2,080.00 2,080.00 2,080.00 City of Manila Permanent Improvement Collateral bonds .................................. -....... 13,590.00 13,590.00 13,590.00 Provincial Collateral bonds............................. 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 Manila Railroad Company Southern Lines bonds ................................................................ 33,680.00 33,680.00 30,720.00 Manila Railroad Company Seven Per Cent Sinking Fund bonds ................................... 2,240.00 2,240.00 2,240.00 Discount on bonds purchased................................. 21,000.00 44,005.00 Cash uninvested, Dec. 31, 1935—^45,587.34, f*40,000 to be invested at 4 per cent............... 1,600.00 1,600.00 .. Total Income .......................................................... .. 480,000.00 501,000.00 519,112.50 Expenditures: Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... 10.00 10.00 7.80 Other services (premiums on bonds purchased) 5,000.00 5,000.00 15,051.67 Total expenditures .................................................... 5,010.00 5,010.00 15,059.47 Excess of income over expenditures............................... 474,990.00 495,990.00 504,053.03 Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... 10,156,000.00 10,156,000.00 10,156,000.00 Total ............................................................................... 10,630,990.00 10,651,990.00 10,660,053.03 Deduct—Income reverted to General Fund................... 474,990.00 495,990.00 504,053.03 Surplus—December 31 ........................................................ P10,156,000.00 P10,156,000.00 P10,156,000.00 606 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1935 actual BOND FUNDS MANILA PORT WORKS AND IMPROVEMENT BONDS, ACTS 2908 AND 3013 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated Surplus, January 1.................................................................. P45,062.62 P93,792.08 F313,121.56 Expenditures— Construction of Pier 7.............................................. 1,555.29 Completion of Pier Head (Pier 7)....................... 3,280.93 Widening of the approaches on Pier 5................. 33.48 Extension of South Breakwater........................... 38.79 Improvement of Pier 3................................... 8.37 Replacing docks of Piers 3 and 5......................... 4.63 Construction of cross-section of seawall............. 4,949.49 Reclamation of additional land at Engineer Is­ land ........................................................... 21,489.29 244.52 39.43 481.34 447.52 6,680.23 Reclamation of land for an airport ................... Completion of Muelle Magallanes River Wall, Pasig River ............................................................ Completion of Pasig River Wall from Calle Soda to Jones Bridge .................................................... Construction of Manila Airport site................... Total expenditures .................................................... 31,360.27 Surplus, December 31...........................................«............... P13,702.35 11.30 24.40 26,011.86 198.42 3,234.71 47,568.56 27,431.44 951.18 154,734.03 48,729.46 219,329.48 P45,062.62 P93,792.08 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FUNDS, ACTS 2940, 3013 AND 3994 Details Surplus, January 1 .............................................................. Expenditures: Construction and extension of irrigation systems Construction of concrete floors and other perma­ nent improvement irv the Bureau of Public Works storehouse on Port Area....................... Total expenditures ...........................................-...... Surplus, December 31...........................................-............... 1937 1936 1935 estimated estimated actual 175,889.02 375,889.02 381,452.40 100,000.00 100,000.00 5,563.38 100,000.00 .. 100,000.00 200,000.00 5,563.38 f>75,889.02 F175,889.02 ^375,889.02 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 607 BOND FUNDS CEBU PORT WORKS AND IMPROVEMENT BONDS, ACT No. 3413 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Surplus, January 1.................................................................. P30,046.75 P70,046.75 P114,015.47 Expenditures: Extension of the port works and improvement of the harbor facilities in the City of Cebu.... 30,046.75 40,000.00 43,968.72 Total expenditures .............................................. 30,046.75 40,000.00 43,968.72 Surplus, December 31 .......................................................... 0.00 P30,046.75 P70,046.75 ILOILO PORT WORKS AND IMPROVEMENT BONDS, ACT No. 3417 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Surplus, January 1....................................................... P160,270.38 P660,270.38 P1,210,368.79 Expenditures: Construction of works and improvement in the marginal wharf, Iloilo............................................ P160,270.38 P500,000.00 P550,098.41 Total expenditures.......................................-....... 160,270.38 500,000.00 550,098.41 Surplus, December 31 .......................................................... * 0.00 P160,270.38 P660,270.38 608 D.—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FIDUCIARY FUNDS The following statements show the different funds held by the Insular Government in trust. These funds derive their receipts from their investments and from contribu­ tions made by the Government. Los siguientes cuadros demuestran los fondos que posee el Gobierno Insular en fideicomiso. Sus ingresos provienen de sus inversiones y de las contribuciones que el Gobierno aporta. ARMY PENSION AND RETIREMENT FUND, ACT No. 1638, AS AMENDED Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Interest on investment and securities.................. Pl,240.00 . Pl,838.56 Deduction from pay of officers............................... 60,000.00 P47,000.00 41,807.^67 Deduction from pay of enlisted men................... 70,000.00 58,000.00 57,349.22 Administrative fines of officers............................. 400.00 400.00 295.00 Summary court fines and forfeitures by enlisted men .......................................................................... 3,000.00 2,400.00 2,486.65 Savings in salaries and wages (Act No. 3591) 36,517.81 Additional contribution to Pension and Retire­ ment Fund to cover deficit in said fund......... 200,000.00 200,000.00 117,445.67 Contributions from General Fund.......................... 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 Total income .............................................................. 434,640.00 407,800.00 357,740.58 Expenditures— Pension of disabled officers..................................... 15,000.00 13,500.00 13,009.74 Pension of disabled enlisted men........................... 33,000.00 30,500.00 29,364.76 Pension of officers retired after 20 or more years of service .................................................... 157,000.00 150,000.00 147,756.80 Pension of enlisted men retired after 20 or more years of service...................................................... 218,000.00 213,000.00 204,453.74 Miscellaneous expenses ........................................... 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,752.44 Total expenditures .................................................... 425,000.00 409,000.00 397,337.48 Excess of income over expenditures................................. 9,640.00 (1,200.00) (39,596.90) Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... 62,418.00 63,618.00 103,214.90 Surplus, December 31 ........................................................ P72,058.00 P62,418.00 P63,618.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE TREASURY CERTIFICATE FUND, ACT No. 4199 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Accrual—'Treasury certificates issued............................. P80,000,000.00 P80,000,000.00 P77,326,595.00 Withdrawal—Treasury certificates retired.................... 70,000,000.00 65,000,000.00 62,179,930.00 Excess of accrual over withdrawal................................... 10,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 15,146,665.00 Add—Surplus, January 1 .................................................... 121,369,706.00 106,369,706.00 91,223,041.00 Surplus, December 31.......................................... -............... P131,369,706.00 P121,369,706.00 P106,369,706.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 609 FIDUCIARY FUNDS EXCHANGE STANDARD FUND, ACT No. 4199 Detai Is 1937 1936 1935 estimated estimated actual Income: Fines and forfeitures................................................ P4,061.07 Interest on bank deposits........................................ Pl,800,000.00 Pl,800,000.00 1,912,500.00 Service income— Premium on exchange .................................... 68,000.00 68,000.00 70,063.35 New coinage ...................................................... 20,000.00 20,000.00 27,726.81 Recoinage............................................................ 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,522.04 Miscellaneous .................................................... 1,830.00 2,480.00 2,046.09 Production profit from new coinage................... 75,000.00 150,000.00 78,880.72 Production profit from recoinage.......................... 25,000.00 25,000.00 28,635.38 Miscellaneous receipts ............................................ 20.00 26.00 40.41 Discount on coins for recoinage........................... 2,344.09 Prior year credits .................................................... (116.93) 69,913.01 Total income............................................................ 1,998,850.00 2,074,389.07 2,205,732.97 Expenditures: Salaries and wages .................................................. 23,400.00 25,703.00 22,350.96 Traveling expenses of personnel........................... 60.00 60.00 48.17 Freight, express and delivery service................. 600.00 600.00 411.31 Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,655.36 Illumination and power service............................... 3,800.00 4,150.00 3,314.40 Consumption of supplies and materials................. 25,500.00 55,005.00 12,199.88 Maintenance and repairs of equipment............... 1,700.00 1,700.00 217.42 Other services .......................................................... 162,030.00 163,272.00 151,157.29 Total expenditures ................................................ 220,090.00 253,490.00 192,354.79 Excess of income over expenditures............................. 1,778,760.00 1,820,899.07 . Add—Surplus, January 1.................................................. 50,875,738.43 49,054,689.36 47,041,311.18 Surplus, December 31........................................................ P52,654,498.43 P50,875,588.43 P49,054,689.36 29908! ■89 610 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE FIDUCIARY FUNDS REVEREND CRISOSTOMO DONATION FOND Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Income from rentals................................................. Miscellaneous receipts.............................................. Prior year credits...................................................... Total income ........................................................... Expenditures: Salaries and wages.................................................... Traveling expenses of personnel........................... Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... Rental of buildings and grounds........................... Consumption of supplies and materials............... Cash contributions and gratuities......................... Other services ............................................................ Purchase of furniture and equipment............... Total expenditures .................................................... Excess of income over expenditures................................ Add—Surplus, January 1.................................................... Surplus, December 31............................................................ P5.000.00 160.00 P4.500.00 160.00 P5.876.80 361.71 (871.63) 5,160.00 4,660.00 5,366.88 360.00 360.00 75.96 120.00 120.00 141.55 12.00 12.00 .30 3.00 25.00 25,00 7.78 17,500.00 1.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 117.30 617.00 617.00 17,846.89 4,543.00 4,043.00 (12,480.01) 11,267.47 7,224.47 19,704.48 P15,810.47 P11,267.47 P7.224.47 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 611 1937 requested 1936 authorized POSTAL SAVINGS BANK, ACTS 1493, 4093 and 4169 Details 1935 actual Income: Interest on investments and securities— Philippine Railway Company bonds............. Real estate loans ................................................ Manila Railway Company bonds................... Interest on bank deposits.................................. City of Manila Sewer and Waterworks bonds Provincial and municipal Government loans Foreclosed mortgaged properties................... Discount on assigned gratuities................................ Income from rentals.................................................... Service income .............................................................. Fines and forfeitures.................................................. Miscellaneous receipts................................................ Prior year credits ........................................................ Allotment from the National Loan and Investment Fund, Commonwealth Act No. 7.................................... Total income ............................................................ Expenditures: Salaries and wages........................................................ Traveling expenses of personnel ............................ Freight, express and delivery service................... Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... Illumination and power service.............................. Rental of buildings and grounds.............................. Consumption of supplies and materials............... Printing and binding reports, documents and publications ................................................................ Maintenance and repair of equipment................... Other services................................................................ Interest due depositors.............................................. Reserve for administrative burden......................... Purchase of furniture and equipment................... Extraordinary losses.................................................... Losses from sales of foreclosed mortgaged properties .................................................................... Total expenditures-.............................................. Excess of income over expenditures............................... Add—Surplus, January 1.................................................... Total .......................................................................................... Deduct—Surplus transferred to National Loan and Investment Fund, Commonwealth Act No. 7........... Surplus, December 31............................................................ P22,317.14 294,043.15 8,219.80 59,003.06 18,297.77 125,492.43 3,776.27 49,129.52 25,297.46 50,402.24 4.05 10,757.08 (6,956.86) 390.00 f>482,499.00 P447,726.00 ..................... 482,499.00 447,726.00 659,783.11 46,325.00 66,947.00 68,893.22 2,200.00 938.42 150.00 4,600.00 6,500.00 5,711.51 800.00 1,000.00 963.54 510.00 1,500.00 560.27 3,860.00 6,000.00 5,477.91 1,500.00 2,800.00 2,548.20 160.00 400.00 220.65 1,300.00 6,000.00 5,903.08 300,000.00 300,000.00 297,756.88 123,000.00 52,729.00 50,123.09 444.00 1,500.00 924.47 2,982,228.57 5,626.26 1*482,499.00 P447,726.00 F446,037.50 213,745.61 2,768,482.96 2,982,228.57 F2,982,228.57 ........................... ............. ................ P2,982,228.57 612 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION FIDUCIARY FUNDS TEACHERS’ PENSION AND DISABILITY FUND, ACT No. 3050 Total income .............................................................. 1,333,700.00 1,327,330.84 2,693,174.95 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Income: Interest on investments and securities: Real estate loans .............................................. P0.00 P0.00 ^603,839.94 Bonds .................................................................. 0.00 0.00 583,135.37 Time deposits, Philippine National Bank.... 0.00 0.00 55,693.41 Advanced gratuities.......................................... 0.00 0.00 9,650.45 Loans to teachers.............................................. 35,000.00 30,000.00 29,904.18 Loans to pensioners .......................................... 7,000.00 5,000.00 4,075.84 Advances for taxes .......................................... 0.00 0.00 2,013.45 Advances for insurance ................................. 0.00 0.00 863.27 Advances for repairs....................................... 0.00 0.00 0.84 Miscellaneous income: Application fee .................................................. 0.00 0.00 280.20 Mortgage and cancellation fees................... 0.00 0.00 2,364.00 Notarial fee ...................................................... 0.00 0.00 250.22 Miscellaneous .................................................... 500.00 506.74 799.89 Income from sales of fixed assets........................... 0.00 0.00 2.80 Income on foreclosed mortgages: Rent...................................................................... 0.00 0.00 26,693.14 Penal clause ...................................................... 0.00 0.00 9,549.20 Credit adjustment prior year’s expenses........... 200.00 200.00 40.71 Personal contributions: Insular ................................................................ 95,000.00 95,000.00 93,557.95 Provincial............................................................ 40,000.00 40,000.00 37,195.04 Municipal ............................................................ 450,000.00 450,000.00 494,192.10 Contributions refunded by reinstated teachers.... 10,000.00 10,000.00 14,471.32 Interest on contributions refunded by reinstated teachers .................................................................... 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,205.06 Government contributions: Insular ................................................................ 102,000.00 102,672.87 100,740.15 Provincial............................................................ 50,000.00 50,000.00 54,563.20 Municipal ............................................................ 440,000.00 440,000.00 445,309.72 Salary savings, etc: Insular ................................................................ 0.00 (48.77) (3,677.96) Provincial................................................ -.......... 8,000.00 8,000.00 6,949.64 Municipal ............................................................ 95,000.00 95,000.00 119,511.82 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 613 FIDUCIARY FUNDS TEACHERS’ PENSION AND DISABILITY FUND, ACT No. 3050 Details Expenditures: Salaries and wages................................................... Traveling expenses of personnel.......................... Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service... Consumption of supplies and materials.............. Other services ......................................................... Printing and binding reports, documents and publications ........................................................... Maintenance and repair of equipment.................. Premium on bonds, etc............................................ Illumination and power service.............................. Expenses on foreclosed properties: Taxes ................................................................. Insurance ........................................................... Repairs ............................................................... Water ................................................................. Light ................................................................... Plumbing ........................................................... Painting ............................................................. Labor ................................................................. Miscellaneous ................................................... Retirement pension ................................................. Compulsory retirement pension............................ Disability pension ................................................... Pension to surviving families................................ Salary deductions returned to teachers.............. Interest on salary deductions returned tc teachers ................................................................. Purchase of furniture and equipment................ Total expenditures Excess of income over expenditures. Add—Surplus, January 1 .................... Surplus, December 31 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual 25,280.00 28,293.08 32,924.03 900.00 1,076.17 1,565.46 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,148.88 1,500.00 1,053.44 1,906.75 1,000.00 3,315.47 12,737.29 1 100.00 100.00 20.35 100.00 70.00 58.74 0.00 0.00 21,099.30 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,105.00 0.00 0.00 3,851.73 0.00 0.00 2,358.52 0.00 0.00 4,689.92 0.00 0.00 1,596.63 0.00 0.00 269.83 0.00 0.00 1,109.16 0.00 0.00 251.00 0.00 0.00 419.28 0.00 0.00 1,925.75 900,000.00 840,000.00 791,874.07 15,000.00 12,000.00 8,416.66 7,000.00 5,000.00 3,197.12 32,000.00 30,000.00 20,834.97 250,000.00 200,000.00 191,194.78 0 35,000.00 30,000.00 28,306.87 500.00 415.00 1,255.55 1,271,780.00 1,154,723.16 1,134,117.64 61,920.00 172,607.68 1,559,057.31 20,241,947.97 20,069,340.29 18,510,282.98 P20,303,867.97 F20,241,947.97 F20,069,340.29