Farming and Cooperatives


Part of Farming and Cooperatives

Farming and Cooperatives
Issue Date
Volume I (Issue No. 9) July 1946
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
MECHANIZING PHILIPPINE AGRICULTURE (Continul!twn) A. L. TEODORO Of the Department of Agriculturn/ Engineering, College oi Agricult 11re t E.I. ~ot«: \\"c wi .. h tt1 th:inl Dr. TC"utlorn for l:i .. Lind ,.,,operation in m:llin~ ;n-ailahlt• l•' "' :ind tlu.· waiting: puhlic. thi:-. ,·alu;ibll! inform:iti1111 in 1hi-. :irtidt'. \\"c wb.h tn 1h:ml :d ... 1 tht" ('111 ·pt·ratinn uf the Collt'g:c: c1f .\g-riculture ~tuthority. Pr. ·1\•, ... ,lo:-11 i~ Head nf the [n!,!ineerin:;: llcp:J.rtmc.·111. l'ollrgc of .·\gricuhur~. and i~ l'(•n:-idc:"rt'd <'llt' 0°f the: t.·ountry\. leading authoritie .. in '.\let·hanil'ation ni Farm Opcr;uion".) Mechanization as applied to land preparation 1 shows how tractors and modem steel plows and harrows may be used to save time and to reduce tillage costs. In this article, the effects of mechanization on other farm operations are briefly discussed. PLANTERS AND PLANTING Rice, com, sugar cane, tobacco, c2s5:ava~ camotes. peanuts, cowpeas, and soybeans are generally planted by hand. Rice may be transplanted, broadcast, or sown. The proper spacing and setting of certain number of seeds or of seedlings in a hill depend largely on the skill of the men and women who are hired during the planting season. In lowland rice field. some 20 to 25 man-hours are spent per hectare to pull, bundle, top, and transport the seedlings from the seedbed to the paddies. Planting which requires from 60 to 70 man-hours per hectare, is facilitated by hiring gang of planters varying from five to ten persons per paddy. It takes about 20 man-hours to furrow, from 3 to 5 man-hours to broadcast and from 30 to 40 man-hours to co;,er a hectare of upland rice field. In "bakal" sys· tern where skillful planters dig first a hole by a pole, then plant and cover, greater number of man-hours ,,-Umvers11y of r/1c Philippines than the transplanting system are required to plant a hectare. A mechanized unit that may be used to replace the transplanting method has not as yet appeared in the market. Special devices which will enable the prime mover and the planter to work efficiently on a very well puddled mud to a depth of not less than 15 centimeters will be needed for this purpose. In upland fields. no difficulty will be found in the use of seeders. of transplanters. or of any power driven planting machinery to replace the animal and hand operated devices. Mechanized seeding machinery accomplish the work of distributing the seeds uniformly, planting them at uniform rate and depth. and covering them. Some devices are provided with attachment to spread controlled amount of fertilizers at some proper distances from the seeds. To suit various farm conditions. mechan. ical planters are made available either as walking or as riding machinery. The walking types include devices that can be pulled by single, double. or by pairs of teams of horses, carabaos, and bullocks. The tractordriven drills, planters. and seeders vary in sizes depending upon the number of rows that can be planted in one operation. Of all the upland crops. sugar cane needs the greatest amount of work for planting. The land which has previously been plowed and harrowed from three to five times is next furrowed. It requires at least two plowings using special wooden mold---- .s·rE·--·-·----· ~J board that can throw the dirt up on both sides of the harrow, to prepare a satisfactory furrow bed of about 20 to 30 centimeters deeps. From 60 to 80 man-and-animal hours are needed in this preparation. Hauling of the cut points requires from 60 to 65 and planting from 75 to 85 man-;inimal hours per hectare. The cost of harrowing. hauling of points. and of planting per hectare of cane field in the College of Agriculture using n1an-and-animal labor, was computed to be from 1'20 to '1'25. A mechanized furrower and planter with fertilizer attachment can plant a hectare for Jess than 5 hours at a cost not exceeding I' 6.00. The cost of furrowing. broadcasting. and covering of seeds per hectare of upland rice was estimated to he about l' 6.00. The use of a tractor-driven grain drill which planted eighteen rows at a time in a 3-meter cut required only about 2 hours to plant a hectare at a cost not exceed· ing 1'3.00. Corn requi1 es from 15 to 20 mananimal hours for furrowing and about 20 man-hours for planting at a cost of about I' 3 to 1'4 per hectare. With " single-row planter furrowing and planting requires about 35 to 40 mananimal hours. Tractor drawn threerow planter requires only 3 to 4 hours at a cost not exceeding 1'"4.00. Tobacco needs about 60 mananimal hours for furrowing at a cost between "1'5.00 and 1"6.00 per hectare. Planting requires from 130 to 140 man-hours at about Pl5.00 per hectare. With mechanically driven ··~ us 111 our office: \L\="IL\. 301--Di·: LEIJ:'\ BLDl;., RIZ.\I .. \\T ... 11r write w ll>. If \11u lL\\T lands to he surveyed, or plans t" be re-made \ CONSULT i ! CERTEZA SURVEYING ,CO. ~--·----------··-----· ·-· -----------·-- --· I -~ 2 tobacco transplanter. the time may be reduced considerably at a slightly less cost. CULTIVATORS AND CULTIVATION Cultivation makes it possible to reduce the soil particles to a fine state thus regulating the water-holding capacity of the soil. By pulverizing the soil. aeration. is enhanced. soil temp.:?rature is modified. and plant food is freed. Weeds are destroyed. the depth of the seed bed is increased, and a certain means of adding green manures is accomplished by proper cultivation. The importance of using efficient cultivators within a certain specified time cannot thus be over-emphasized. In lowland rice fields weeding is generally done by hand or by the use of a metal pointed weeder which cuts or digs the weeds. When properly done very efficient work is accomDlished 'W;th this tool. Considerable man-hours are however. si:-ent in very weedy areas. A mechanical weeder that can be adapted to a very wet soil offers an important problem for investigation towards the mechanization of lowland rice fields. In producing upland rice no less than 150 man-hours is needed to weed a hectare of land. What modem cultivators of the walking or traction type can do in upland rice fields has yet to be investigated. Fields grown to sugar cane. com, cassava, camotes, and soybeans are generally cultivated by means of the native plow. In the College of Agriculture some 270 to 300 man-andanimal hours are needed at an expense of from 1"25 to 1"30 to hill-up. to off bar. and to hill-up again a hectare of cane field. Corn requires from 50 to 60 man-and-animal hours at a cost of not less than 1"5 to cultivate, one hectare of land. With tractor drawn cultivator, the time required was only from 4 to 5 hours at an expense not exceeding 1"4.00. Modem cultivators vary from oneanirnal cultivators to multiple-row tractor-drawn types with either pegtooth or shovel-tooth points. Different attachments are used to make soil pulverization easy and to kill weeds effectively. Some could be raised or lowered depe~ding upon the size of the plants grown. HARVESTERS AND HARVESTING Hand and hand-operated tools are principally used to harvest most of the Philippine field crops. Rice is cut by several types of hand cutters corn is plucked by hand, sugar can~ is cut by bolos, and root crops are dug either by mattocks or shovels, or are plowed up. Mechanized harFARMING AND COOPERATIVES vesters have been developed to make the work less laborious, to save time. to economi1e. and to combine several harvesting jobs. Harvesting and threshing of rice requires from 200 to 250 man-hours per hectare. Harvesting corn requires from 170 to 180 man-hours. sugar cane topping 120 to 125 hours, sugar cane cutting 180 to 190 hours and cassava over 700 man-hours by using .nattock-axe and 190 to 200 man-animal hours by plowing. Tests made in the College of Agriculture showed that a rice mechanical harvester and binder hitched to a team of three animals cut approximately 2.5 hectares within eight hours. Plowine uo cassava roots using tractor reQl;ired 11bout 50 man-hours and 16tractor-hours to harvest one hectare. The writer's experience in a California rice field showed thilt grain binders with at least a 7-foot cul pushed by a tractor could easily harvest 10 hectares per day. Large combined harvesters and threshers were noted to be capabie of harvesting no less than 35 hectares per day. The cost of harvesting rice in the College of Agriculture by hand cutters is estimated to be between l''20 to 'F'25 per hectare. Harvesting corn costs from 1"15 to '1''20; sugar cane. 1" 10 to P15 for topping and 1''18 'o P20 for cutting; and cassava about i'70 by using mattock-axe and P20 by piowing. The estimated cost with the use of animal-drawn rice binder was not higher than +• 4 per hectare. The writer estimates the cost of rice harvesting by tractor and btnder to be not more than '1*2.00 per hectare. THRESHERS AND THRESHING The methods employed to thresh rice grains in the Philippines are by trampling with human feet. or with animals, by "hampas," by flail, and by power-driven threshing machines. The rice bundles are first either shocked or stacked and then laid on bamboo slatted platform or on the ground usually lined with carabao dung, to be trampled by feet. Wind is utilized to blow the chaff away, "Hampas" system requires the use of· wooden sticks to serve as handle for hitting the bundled rice straw against a rock. In the "flail" system, the rice bundles are laid on the p;round and are hit by a revolving bamboo stick which is freely fastened to another pole by a short peg. The separated grains are then winnowed. Tractor-driven rice threshers ure used extensively on the big rice farm~ in the Philippines. The machines worked so well in loosening the grains from the straw in separating the cha ff from the grains, and in cleanning the palay, that many farmers find its use better than the hand or foot operated threshers. Not only are the grains shelled out of heads without cracking the kernels but the wE'cdseeds are sifted out and only clean grains are obtained. ~tudies made in the College of Agriculture gave approximately 115 man-hours as the labor requirement in threshing rice harvest from one hectare of land by trampling by feet, 80 man-animal hours by trampling bv driven animals. 81 man-hours by ii.ail. 63 mnn-hours by "Hampas" and only 8- man hours and about 1 tractor-hour by power driven threshing 1nachine. l\IIISCELLANEOUS MACHINERY Hu/Jers and polishers. Rice hullers. whether of the locally so-called ··:nsk1san or ··cono·· type have mel with great su-:cess and are thus used in nearly all rice-growing regions ol the Philippines. Except in small h<=!n io-:. or in n1ountainous regions where the mortar pestle. and the "riling,rn" are found to the great ~d'.'r!ntnge of individual farn1ers. mod~rn hullers and polishers are r'1e('\ing with a great deal of favor. It is not uncommon to see two or three hullers in a certain town that me operated by some kind of power nrits. It ic. the practice to carry the ''8hv to town nnd pay either by c0 sh or by ct>rtain percentage of the ricf' per cc.van or per ganta for having it hulled. Punr in.~ macl1i11ery. Some farms or a group of farmers frequently find it to their advantage to irrigate their farm from small streams either by the t•se of temporary dams or by pumping. The common use of small power units, as gasoline or kerosene engines from 1.5 to 10 horsepower has made the use of centrifugal pumps not only desirable but profitable. Special machinery. Individual farmers also find it of great advantage to mill his canes to make "panocha," to grind some of his agricultural products, to pull stumps, to cut wood, and to strip his abaca or ramie. Possessing a power unit similar to the one used for pumping machinery becomes desirable for the proper handling of these jobs. ADVANTAGE OF MECHANIZATION Very slow progress has been made in farm methods and machines here in the Philippines. Our farmers, have not used extensively powerdriven machines for tilling the soil. ( Co11ti1111··d 011 Pw1r 7 I) 3 THE PROBLEM OF THE HOUR ls it agrnrian? Many say it is-we believe othenvise. After some careful analyses, you will find out too. Some say it is a ticklish problem. It is not so be;;ause it does not hurt anybody in particular. The growth of any nation and its people is fraught with ticklish problems. It is the Jaw of nature, and "cause anri effect"" solves these ticklish problems and ad· vances the nation. Mistakes correct the peoples' ills. We must accept them as such ·and with vigor and thought, overcome them. It is the only wise course to follow to be content and happy people. A poor man who acquires wealth in the long run, after a fling at travel and city life finally settles in the countr:y on a farm. A rich man necessarily longs for a country home for relaxation. It seems that at the back of even• man's mind if he could af· ford it. -is to buy a farm big or small, with that beautiful country home surrounded by tall trees and gardens and la'.':ns. The proverbial swimming pool must be there and where chicken. vegetables, fruits. and milk ?bound. This dream to those who don"t have the money becomes a reality when they acquire wealth. The Hollywood stars are examples of this. Clark Gable, Gary Coo;Jer, Bing Crosby. and a legion of stars who were once poor realized that dream. Rich men of America have their farms. As a matter of fact the great men of America were raised on the farm and those who were not raised there, have farms just the same. And this observation is true of the English Lords, French Counts, German Barons, Argentine Gaucho Kings. Australian Ranchers, Russian peasants, Oriental philosophers, etc. Land is the backbone of every country whether rich or poor. The poorest to the richest country, agriculture is the firmest foundation of food, shelter, EUld clothing. And for this reason, as man comes from "dust," he is attracted by nature and is always subconsciously seeking in life to work and profit and derive happiness from it. Agriculture is truly from time immemorial, the most noble, most profitable materially and spiritually or otherwise, profession. It is the most romantic for that matter and the most healthy. It is not only the Philippine backbone but any country's backbone in peace, and more so in war. Ame4 By. R. R. DE ARANA rica with all her industrial developments still depends on her farms for food. Without her farms today, she would not be able to feed the world inspite of all her industries. Without her farms. she could not have won the war. It is perhaps the farm that will win for her and for all of us. our peace. Russia's might today is in a large measure due to her agricultural development and progress. Germany wanted her for her farm produce, her wheat granary, not her might or industries. It was what her land gave and gives that communisn1 is what it is today. As it was the farm and its produce that made America and democracy what it is today. The fat of the land is the secret of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.'' Land is the body and its produce the soul of every country. It is agriculture that lays the golden egg. It is the true source of life and not gold or silver or iron or factories. It is the only profession that can stand alone without all the rest. From it, all other professions can come and grow but not vice-versa. Vlhen the Spaniards conquered the Philippines. Spanish Dons were gifted by the king of Spain with large tracts of land here. The Spanish Generals assigned governors, practically owned the country. The Filipinos were mere slaves and because of this customary state of affairs. even Filipinos who became big and rich because of their friendship with high Spanish dignitaries of the church or state, developed an attitude of servility. It was a common practice of the "Espanoles" to use their cane with candor on the hide of the native if the native displeases them either in the privacy of their domicile with their "muchachos", and in public, if the native neighbor happens to forget to say "buenas noches Amo." This attitude of the Spanish masters therefore was acquired by the Filipinos when they too, acquired wealth or high government positions and became masters themselves. This mental outlook for generations became a national habit. With that habit also came the habit of "gifting lands" to Filipino favorites with Spanish titles, disregarding the real owners of the land-small farmers who by · birthright worked that land for generations. He had no say when the "Cabesa de Barangay" or the "Guardia Civil" ejected him and his family out of the property unless he acceded to work as a tenant slave. Because the poor people were helpless. they bore all the injustices and humiliations with resignation. From such a resignation to fate. came the saying "once a tenant. always a tenant." Older people are familiar with this history. Suffice that for a long time the people of the farms were not able to extricate themselves from this situation and their courage to voice out their feelings became lower and lower. They consoled their lot by their homespun philosophies and looked up to heaven and prayed and feared God and waited for miracles to happen. Their minds became stagnated it is true. but not their hearts. In their hearts they kept a prayer that someday. justice would be done them by God. Thev suffered the land grabbC'rs. the irr~sponsible rich, the indifferent government. But they believed also that a future day would come when a showdown would happen. they knew not how. as they did not have the mind to reason it out, only their instincts told them so-it was a belief like their belief in their religion. This was the seed that later on would grow and fruit. In the meantime, the rich hacenderos sucked all the fat of the land and loan sharks manipulated with lending money to their tenants to the extent that the grand-children-to-be of the head of the family of some tenants were buried in debt. so much so that there was no way of their leaving the land and work elsewhere for they, and their children to be, were tied down to work there until they paid up with their labor, and that was until their dying day. And these were not exceptional cases either. These were common in big haciendas in the Philippines. This state of affairs was often referred to by Dr. Rizal in his writings. But as time passed on, some of the intelligent farmers' sons who had the opportunity to have some schooling started thinking. During the time of Rizal and thereafter, the poor began to have more courage to think of their lot. Their pent-up dreams of justice began to flicker. America came and conquered the Philippines-freedom of thought was encouraged. Better government jobs were created and many "provincianos" came to the city and studied and work~ in government offices. The city became a land of paradise to them. And so. labor on the land became a shameful. lowly profession, in their opinion. White collared or office job was the thing they thought. On the other hand, the rich hacenderos at this time, began to build beau· tiful homes in the city. acquired ''caruajes"' and cars later on. and left their haciendas to their ''encargados". These Mcncargados" with the exception of a few, also plundered the poor tenants with their authority to enrich themselves in tum. although in most cases they were of the blood of the tenants. But the city contact and studies bore fruit for the tenant cause. Lawyers became plentiful and some of these lawvers became the medium of awakening t_he lethargy of the poor tenant. Their plight was reasoned out to them by these jobless young lawyers. "'Agitators" were born. Leaderagitators of tenants were all right in principle but m practice were generally racketeers who also took advantage of the poor tenants. Tenam Associations sprouted. An example of this group as the lawyer-leaderagitator would put it: l . Any member or any member of his family would be defended free of charge, should he, or any member of family, have a case in court (which never happened, if ever, very seldom). 2. All their grievances would be voiced by him in the papers and other means to prove their rights. 3. All members would be treated equally. 4. All they had to do was give as contribution to their association from one cavan of palay to four cavans, depending on their generosity during harvest To be sure, this was very good, the tenants thought. They would have a protector. What was one or two cavans of palay at harvest time? That was nothing. ·But a group of several hundreds, or a few thousand members, as in some cases with these associations, gave security in income and assured the lawyer-agitator from hunger. This is mentioned as historical detail because they, although immoral in principle, had their psychological effect on the tenants. Because of these associations, the tenants were set to thinking now more reasonably. The tenants began to have courage and recognized the wrong done them for scores of years. FARMING AND COOPERATIVES They began to have confidence, to at least voice their rights. They knew they had a right now. In Central Luzon. Associations grew. Socialism came in and complicated matters. The people did not recognize the difference. But because the poor "'tao'" like a floating mass of debris or a mother cricket in an inundated river in a storm of ignor· ance and doubt. had to grab and hang on to something like a sheltering rock. or they would sink and drown. They had to hang on to something. r.o m<.itt~r what it \Vas in principle, as long as that group or association defended their rights and protected their harvest share. Tht> landowners on the other h;md. except for a few. continued leading a life of ease in the cities. These ab:;entee landlords did not care what happened to their tenants as long as they received their usual share of the crops at harvest time, not recognizing what was transpiring in the hearts of their tenants. The seed of the be· lief of their ancestors that Justice would be done them and themselves. became now a growing plant. It was now a reality. Democratic form of life with the Americans. became a God-sent gift to them. Now. the tenants could go to the "municipio" and file a case again" his own landlord. They now were their equals before the law. Added to these democratic rights, the government established nurseries :;nd farms and opened up the eyes oi the tenant to the wealth that could come from their labors. In the Central Luzon provinces in the 1920's, democracy was on the march. But all along this time, the inhibitions of the tenants were not given freedom of expression in their farm practices as the absentee landlords threatened them with expulsion or court summons. They had not yet enough courage to face their masters in a court of justice. Therefore, outbursts of their passions once in a while, took the form of silent action of murder or theft or animal slaughter, at which the rich influential landlords hammered with the law as unjust, ungrateful tenants, bunch of "outlaws to the hand that feeds them". and all sorts of com· plnints that drove the officers of the law. the constabulary then, to deal with an iron hand with the unfortunate victim or victims and with harshness at times. The advent of President Quezon's "Social Justice Program" inspite of th< Tc1rnncy Law. was a step higher :;till in the ladder of the growing support to the interest of the tenant farmer. But tenant insistance of their prerogatives did not really bloom and took solid form until the Japanese subjugated and occupied the Philippines. The Japanese regime drove the lrnccr.d~ros from their farms. Life was cheap then and cheaper still in the provinces. This was the main reason why the rich, because of their means. stayed continuously in the cities. \\'lierc there was some semblance of law and order. Now. the tenants began to have real control 0f their work and harvesl. The en.:argado now for fear of being denounced and be a victim of I he guerrill<I' by information to the effect that he is pro-Jap or. conversely. be " \ icti:n of t\oe Japs by his name being given as supporter of the guer· rillas. loosened up in his vigilance of \l'nants. And the landowners. valuing thteir lives after nil more than their proncrty. did not mind thei,. losses. completely resigned to their fate because of fear of death. Now. for more than three long years, the ten~nts took of 1he fruit of the land to thernsc>lves. Now. the harvest was all th2irs. Now. the dream of justice W8S fully realized. Now. they became obsessed with ownership of the land. for it was good to feel secure in the abundance of food. This was the climax to the new order of thought. Now, they developed courage and confidence in themselves, strong "nough, to face their landlords in any court and for that matter, in majority of cases, with arrogance. This was the result of pent-up inhibitions for so long that now had free expression. (Cr,11ti1111cd '"' pnt}t' 79) Vicente Gotamco Hermanos S.'\W MILL. LUMBER DEALERS & BUii.DiNG CONTRACTORS HARRISON SUBDIVISION, PASAY Phone ....... . 430 Tanduay MANILA, P. I. 5 Rizal As An Agriculturist A country. like ours. after its rehabilitation and reconstruction has to cast her eyes and appraise her industries which among them can be of immense help in these processes. The Philippines is by and large an agricultural country. Agriculture is oi a paramount importance in the reconstruction of its ruthless destruction wrought by the invader. There is gold in the agricultural lands. vast virgin soil in our country. To speak of agriculture is to call to mind Jose Rizal's many sided-genius whose interest in farming was prominent. In the execution of this industry one necessarily has to fall upon some model. Rizal, that highest denominator of Filipino genius really creeps into our lives at all times and all reasons. He could very well serve as an inspiring spirit and a pattern of emulation for the By HERMINIA M. ANCHETA youth in particular. For it especially behooves the youth to strive to help preserve the remnants of human dignity and life. The interest of Rizal in farming was evinced in his early years by his love of nature and outdoors. A charming description of his childhood home-a little cottage of nipa in the middle of a garden under the shade of the bananas and other trees reveals this interest. Rizal concretely showed his liking for farming when he was deported to Dapitan. Being a scientist at heart, he discovered wonderful sources of specimens in Dapitan and the other parts of Mindana.o Some of the speciments he gathered from the coasts were sheils, bugs, and new varieties of plants. He once wrote to his unforgettable friend, Blumentritt: '"In order to be happy I lack CONGRATULATIONS TO PRESIDENT MANUEL A. ROXAS AND THE l REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Philippine Chinese General l.==C=h=a=m=b=e=r=O=f=C=o=m=m=e=rc=e=~11 6 Dee C. Chuan & Sons, Inc. Cable Address: "CHUAN'' MANILA, PHILIPPINES Saw M-ill, Lumber Dealers & Building Contractors Te!. 4-68-32 Main Office: 14-30 Soler St. only my liberty. my family. and my books. . . But in recompense. I am very near nature, the murmur of the leaves, and I see the continuous waving of the palms agitated by the breezes."' As an agriculturist RizHI wanted others to love nature. When he taught his boys in Dapitan he included nature study in his curriculum. This subject consisted in helping Rizal collect his specimens of flowers. shells, insects, and reptiles. He required his pupils to engage in practical farming activities. The recess period was then spent in building fires in the garden to smoke the plants and drive away the insects. or in manuring the soil and pruning the lanzoncs. uanca. and other trees. The adult 1woplc of Oapitan were taught the use of modern agricultural implements which he had bought from abroad. He taught the Dapitan farmers how lo use them to a great extent. Once luck came along his way when a lottery ticket which he and the Commandant F. Equillen bought together won a second prize, the share of each being P6,000.00. Part of this money he spent in buying a piece of lane\ along the bay a few hundred meters east of the town of Dapitan, and here he constructed his home made of bamboo. Here he lived with his wife Josephine. Later on. however, he bought a rather extensive piece of land. Here he dreamed of building another Kalamba. He gave his sister Trinidad an attractive picture of the site to inspire her to join him. He wrote to her: "My land is half an hour from the sea.· .. it is very poetic. There are da/ag and pako." To interest his mother, he told her of his land with 6,000 abaca plants, of their beauty, and of the fertility of the soil. Rizal could not be blamed for his enthusiasm because there came a time when his lanzones, cacao, ca/uno, mango and nanca were heavy with fruits. This desire to build a new Kalamba was expressed in some fragments of a letter to his brother-in-law, Ma· nuel Hidalgo. They run as follows: "You can come here and have a big hacienda. The government is going to grant three months' exemption from service . . . All the people of Kalamba, Tanawan. Lipa, etc. can come with their implements. We will establish a new Kalamba!" This was one of the instances when Rizal dreamed of establishing an agricultural colony. On one occasion, a colony was intended in Mindanao. It was in the sitio of Ponot where he thought of planting coco. coffee, and cacao. On this site he had in mind to raise four to five thousand heads of cattle. There was a good port nearby and plenty of water in the streams. The government gave him authorization for this project but later for unknown reasons the same government placed obstacles on the way. Once again, when Rizal planned to found a Filipino colony in Borneo. his aim was to establish an agricultural colony. Among the plants he wanted to cultivate there was sugar cane. There were other reasons which prompted Rizal to become a farmer. He did not want to dedicate himself to anything else but to agriculture. the only means by which he could assure his future. To quote his own words: "Although of speaking of agriculture I myself am not one by profession, I would remain here and dedicate myself very willingly to the soil .... " "I am turning agriculturist because I hardly practice medicine here." Com pli men t.r of According to Father Pastells, this kind of manual labor wns too common and vulgar for Rizal, but Rizal engaged in this work because he thought that planting coffee and cacao was one way of cooperating with God. Rizal wanted his people to be farmers because he wanted them to love real manual work. It was his one great desire to make them see that real wealth in life is in the soil and that there is gold and life in farming. To engage in farming is to be nearer God, for are we not a part of nature itself? In this time of scarcity of food and clothing one should learn lessons from Rizal's attachment to the soil. One way of solving the problem of food is to dedicate more time to planting vegetables and crops such as corn, rice. sugar cane, and others. We likewise wished the people to engage in hard manual labor, which planting involves, in order to give them practice in the hardening process. As an agriculturist Rizal was modP.rn and scientific, a fact proved in the first paragraphs of this article. He was diligent and practical. For instance, from his sixteen hectares he could obtain an annual income of aporoximately two thousand pesos. He delved into the secrets of plant, land and discovered wonderful riches which he contributed to the progress of knowledge. He once turned his attention to horticulture and in RADIO BROKERAGE CO., INC. Customs Broker 329 DASMARitil'AS MANILA FRANCISCO C. Y. CHAN Manager FRISCO BAKERY1828 Azcarraga ELITE ICE CREAMCor. Azcarraga & Rizal Ave. Free Delivery FARMING AND COOPERATIVES less than a week he planted over 500 pineapples in the lot near the government house, in addition to bananas and a few coconut trees. For a simple man to accomplish this in less than a week needs extraordinary di· ligence and will of iron. With the help of this students he formed a good-sized herbarium and noted the characteristics of each species. He was loyal to agriculture, for he was a man not given to defeatism. On these occasions, he wanted to found an agricultural colony. He was also economical. Rizal's activities as an agriculturist were part of the Rizal way. Thus if we wish to live the Rizal Way we should learn to like farming as Rizal did. Nature never failed to stir the poe· tic urge in Rizal's soul. When he wns in Dapitan he wrote a poem entitled: Hymn to the Talisay Tree as an indication of his love for tree planting. Recall the following lines: "Hail, 0, Ta/isay! Firm and untiring, Ever aspiring, Stalely, thy gait Things everywhere Jn sea, land and air, Shalt thou dominate." ATTENTION Free Service for Stockholders of PHILIPPINE FARMERS ASSOCIATION Make your Order for Rice, Corn, Milk, Flour, Sugar, Seeds, Fertilizers, Clothes, Insecticides, Fungicides, Soap. Sacks, Abaca Strings, Twines. Cement, G. I. Sheets, Lumber, Native plows, shovels, Carabao Feeds for Poultry & Livestock. Alcohol & Coconut Products. Farm Machineries-imi:lements Tractors, Threshing, Bulldozers. Address your requisition to PHILIPPINE FARMERS . ASSOCIATION 1055 Arlegui Quiapo, Manila RIVERVIEW HOSPITAL Excellent tre:ument and ::issistance to parients. DR. J. JOSE 2 Uli-Uli 7 Questions And Answers On Turkey Raising By CARLOS X. BURGOS Chief, Livestock Extension Division Bureau of Animal Industry (With the last issue we finished the domesticated turkey. In the weigh as much as 22 or 23 kilos. In with Livestock and Poultry Questions United States, they are the Mammoth color, they are black or brownishand Answers. We start with this is- Bronze, the Medium White, the black, with a copperish sheen or brilsue Questions and Answers on Tur- Bourbon Red, Narragansett, and liance. There are also narrow white key Raising. After this set, we wi// Slate. The last is a blend produced barrings on the wings, tail feathers. publish Questions and Answers on from the crossing of the Black and tail coverts, and breast. Duck Raising. Goat Raising. Rabbit White turkeys of Europe. 12 D R . . escribe the native turkey. a1sing and Fish Culture.) 7. Why do not many people rai·se Th e native turkey is very small 1. From what country did the turk~ys originate? The turkeys originated from America, where they are still found in a wild state. They were first domesticated by the Aztecs in Mexico. from which country they found their way to Spain in the 16th century and then to England. Later, turkeys were reintroduced into America from Europe as new breeds. 2. How did the name "turkey'' originate? Some believe that it originated out of the resemblance of the fowl to a Turk with his fez on, or, possibly, from the fact that the Moors known as Turks brought it to England from Spain. In Spain the turkey is known as "pavo." This fowl is related to the pheasant. 3. Where did the Philippine turkey come from? Most probably, it came from Mexico, as Spain governed the Philippines largely through that colony. turkeys in this country? compared with the Bronze. The toms Because of the general belief that weigh, on the average, 5 to 8 kilos; too much hand feeding is essential and the hens. 3 to 4 kilos. The black to the successful raising of turkeys. turkeys of Bulacan may weigh a lit8. Is that belief based on facts? tie heavier than these. The average No. Turkeys can be raised as native turkey. however, resembles the easily as chickens. In fact as to the Bronze in appearance, except that it growth of meat the turkey is a faster does not have that metallic sheen the grower than the chicken, and once latter has. it is over one month old and it gets 13. How may the ma/es be distin"'.ell accustomed to the range, espe- guished from the females? c1ally a suitable range, it is very eco- The males, even when very young. nomical and easy to raise. are usual!y larger than the females, 9. What do they like most to eat Psoecially as to size of shanks an<l in the range? body. As they grow older, their difTender grass, shoots, berries, fruits, ference in size becomes more marked grass seeds, beetles, grasshoppers, :rnd the foce caruncles of the males worms, frogs, tadpoles, and lizards. appear to be more prominent. LikeIf left to range over newly harvested wise, the fleshy appendage over the fields of palay or corn, they will pick nostril that shortens and elongates at up fallen grains and other seeds that will is much more developed in the had escaped the eye of the harvester. male than in the female. Moreover, For this reason, in Calfiornia, many only the male, when full grown, grows rice growers use turkeys to clean spurs and a tuft of tough hair over their fields after harvesting. the crop. 10. Can turkeys be raised on a As to behavior the male, when large scale in the Philippines? adult, may easily be distinguished 4. What do the census figures show about the turkey population in the Yes, and this has been done. Early from the female, especially in the in 1939, a man from Bataan who had presence of the latter by his various turkeys never raised turkeys started with a showy ways-the spreading of the tail 27,754; few dozen turkey eggs. He raised feathers into fan-shaoed forms, his Philippines? In 1903 there were 9,201 in the Philippines; in 1918, and in 1939, 43,419. his poults (young turkeys), guided strutting gait, and his long-drawn goblargely by instructions furnished by bles which he emits when hearing the Bureau of Animal Industry. By sharp and piercing sounds. The feChristmas in 1940, he had over 200 male sometimes imitates th~ strutting Bronze turkeys. In some barrios of of male, but she is a poor imitator. 5. What were the leading provinces in turkey produ;;tion according to the 1939 census? They were, together with their respective populations, as follows: a. Pampanga . . . . . . 5,586 b. Bulacan . . . . . . . 4,494 c. Negros Occidenal. 4,139 d. Nueva Ecija .... 3,883 e. Laguna . . . . . . . . 3,640 f. Pangasinan . . . . . 3.542 g. Rizal . . . . . . . . . . 3,457 h. Cebu .......... 2,928 i. Tarlac ......... 2,162 j. Iloilo . . . . . . . . . . 1,685 6. What are the most important breeds of turkeys? In Europe, they are the White Holland, a continental popular breed, and the Black Norfolk, an English breed, both of which played an important part in the development of 8 Tuguegarao, Cagayan, before the war, 14. What is a satisfactory place farmers preferred to raise turkeys in for turkeys? flocks of fifty or more. In Binango- A place that drains easily during nan and Angono, Rizal; and in Ha- the rainy weather and where no staggonoy and Paombong, Bulacan; there nant water collects. If possible, the were also many raisine; th Pm. I .ike- soil should be sandy loam if it is not wise, many farmers in Cebu City; in a rolling country. The range should Janiuay, Iloilo: and in some towns be wide and rich in green feed, tender of Occidental Negros were successful edible buds, fruits, berries, weed in raising them. seeds, grasshopners, and oth<>r insects. 11. Describe the Bronze turkeys. Wild or semi-wild surroundings with They are the largest breed of tur- no predatory animals help to reduce keys; they weigh 13.5 to 15 kilos for the cost of maintenance and to protoms and 7 to 9 kilos for hens. In the mote successful turkey production. Philippines, they weigh only 10 to 13 15. If the range is limited what is kilos for full-grown toms and 5 to 6 the best policy to lo/low? kilos for hens. Exceptionally large Divide it into at least two parts Bronze turkeys in the United States so as to rotate the range and let the plants of one part recuperate. 16. Is a house necessary in raising turkeys? It is always better to have at least a shed with one or two sides covered as protection against the prevailing winds that usually accompany heavy continuous rain. Some people raise turkeys in the open. Even in such case. however. their roosting place sho~ld be also provided with a windbre8.k against the prevailing winds which are accompanied by heavy continuous rain. 17. Are enclosures important for turkeys? Yes, when there are neighbors nearby. But where there are none or they are far away. the turkeys will do better if allowed to roam as they please in the open fields. 18. Will turkeys return to roost in the same place as cllickens do? They will; but as a precautionary measure when the flock is fairly big. a bov or some other person should herd ·them. keeping them where food is plentiful and mal..-ing sure that they are not lost ormolested. Turkeys can be easily herded in the same way as goats and sheep. But it should be remembered that they have a higher market value than the ordinary goat. 19. How many eggs do the native turkey hens lay? They lay ordinarily a clutch of 14 to 16 eggs, which may be increased when feed of better quality and greater variety is available. They lay two to three clutches a year. 20. What is the egg production of Bronze turkey hens? The Bronze turkey hens lay 16 to 20 eggs to a clutch. If the eggs laid are removed so that only one is left in the nest at a time, tbey will lay as many as 26 eggs or more to a clutch. If the nest is removed at the end of a period of a clutch, they will lay again in 10 days to 2 weeks. The average number of eggs laid in a year by a small flock of 20 hens, frequently supervised by the Bureau of Animal' Industry during 1940 and 1941, was over 90 eggs per hen. It may be stated here that this flock was fed a laying mash similar to that given to the White Leghorn commercial flock kept by the same owner. 21. Where do turkey hens prefer fo lay their eggs? shape, and color. Their eggs are large, oval. very much more pointed than the average chicken egg. whitish. and abundantly spotted with reddish brown dots. The Bronze turkey eggs are much larger and have a more prominent coloration thnn those laid by the native stock. In fact. there are times when many of the native turkey eggs are almost spotlessly white so that they may be mistaken for White Leghorn eggs. 23. How. then. may nests be placed to control egg production? Empty barreis or fairly big boxes, used as nests. may be arr2nged in dark places in the turkey house or shed. or they may be spread and fairiv concealed among the shrubbery. ft is in1portant, however, to visit such places daily to collect the eggs, or if other nests are put in other places they should be protected against rain or against attack by pigs or any other predatory 2nimals. 24. Ho\r.1 n1ay tl1e eggs be collected without disturbing the hen? This may be done by first locating the nesting pl>ice of the hen at a distar.ce early in the morning. When the place is located, one shoul9 wait un~i! the hen leaves. It is easy to tell when she leaves. because she continually calls out the flock to know its whereabouts. The gobblers, as soon as they hear her calL will inform her of their whereabouts by their typical answer call. 25. Whal is the procedure in collecting the e1Uis? An egg should be dated as soon as it is laid, and the egg last laid is left in the nest, unless there are available China eggs or other artificial eggs which should, of course, be left in the nests. 26. Are turkey eggs as palatable £1.S chi~lcen eggs? Yes. If the turkeys have continuous access to a laying mash or are fed daily with a grain mixture, the fresh eggs laid by them cannot be distinguished from chicken eggs except for their larger size. Older eggs, kept away from feeds or other products emitting odors which may be absorbed by eggs, will have the same flavor as chic!<cn eggs similarly kept. 27. How many eggs may be set under a turkey hen? Generally, about 15 turkey eggs. If there are broody chicken hens at They prefer to lay them in nests that are well concealed and difficult to find. In fact, whenever they lay, they leave their roost early in the noming and go quietly direct to their lests. 22. Describe their eggs, as to size, - the time the turkey hen sits, as many as nine eggs may be set under each of these hens. When the poults hatch they may all be given to the turkey hen. On the seventh day after the rARMING AND COOPERATIVES infertile or dead germ eggs have beer removed, two or three chicken egg! shoulct be included to hatch. The rea· son for this will be explained later Oider large turkey hens that havE proved to be good mothers may bE given as many as twenty eggs, bul their nests should be well made. 23. What is the incubation perioc of turkey eggs? The incubnion period of turkey eggs is 28 days. This is the reasor '"·by chicken eggs, to be incubatec with turkey eggs, are included afte1 the 7th day of incubation, for both ki•!cls of eggs lo hatch at the sam~ time. 29. l·Vhaz is the reason for includ· in!:! a few chickens eggs with the turhc.v eggs? To have chicks in the sGme hatch tc:at will teach the poults to eat. C!!icks readily learn to eat he mash feed placed before them and the i:oults try to imitate whatever thE• chic''s do. 30. Wli.•i precautions should be taken in setting eggs under turkey h'::n.-o;? The sam·~ prec'1utions taken with c!:jcJ.:ens. Se~ to it that tl1e n1.:sting macerial is sufficiently thick and that tl:e n0st is w€!l1 m2de. That the hen in alip.;bi:ir:g on itS nest does not break ~ny egg. That the necessary measures are taken to get rid of lice and rnitc:; before p~acing the eggs under ?r.cub:'ltion. 1'hHt steps are taken to p;·otect egg~ from ants. crows. snakes. rats. and such other animals that may cau~e disturbance to the sitting hen. 3 1. TV hat months are most favorable for raising poults? In places where weather conditions are similar to those in Manila, incubation may be started as early as the middle of October and as late as the midctle of January. 32. What is the reason for this? Generally, the conditions in these parts of the year are more favorable for raising poults. From November onward, there are longer spells of good weather. Green, especially tender greens, are easily available, end there are usually plenty of insects. Continuous rainy weather and coarse pasture feeds are not favornble to turkey production. The period for raising young turkeys, however, could be extended if in spite of adverse weather conditions, they could be properly sheltered and given tender green forage. 33. Can turkey eggs be hatched under artificial incubation? Yes, but to be successful in ordi( C1,,1ti11111'1/ ,,,, pt191· 17) 9 PROGRESSIVE FARMING Preparation And Application 0£ Compost lnrroducrion: The addition of compost or artificial farm yard manure from organic matter has never been a generalized farm practice in the Philippines. Although its effects in improving the physical. chemical and biological properties of the soil and increasing crop ~;elds are known. yet most of our farmers as well as gardeners fail to use compost in renovating the depleted soil. From field observations as well as literaure on the subject. it appears that the pre· paration of this artificial farm yard m:mure from agricultural wastes and city garbage is not common in this country. According to literature. Switzerland is credited as the originator of making compost. Once upon a time every home in Switzerland either urban or rural had a compost pit as it was a national requirement to every family home. Later. the system spreed to other countries of Europe through immigration and colonization. Definition: Compost is defined as a mixture of earth along with every sort of decayed organic matter or refuse. Systems of composting: There are three ~ystems known; namely, the shed, the tomb and the pit. The first two are considered standard types, and they are used by the most civilized countries of the world. The third type which the open pit system is a practical one, and is being adopted gradually nowadays by practical farmers and gardeners in this country. As the third type is the most economical of all, it will be discussed lengthlly in this article. Procedure of preparing the compost bv tT1e open pit system: Select a place in the garden, on the farm, or in the orchard, preferably under a shade where you will not grow food crops. A shady place is preferable because shades foster quicker fermentation. The place should be high enough so that it will not be flooded during the rainy season. It should be located at the side, corner, or rear of a garden or farm. The size of the pit depends upon the availability of garden refuse or agricultural wastes. The recommended one is 3 meters by 10 Prepared by GREGORIO S. CHAN (Prov. Agric. Supen-isor of Bataan) 4 meters for a large $ize pit and 2 meters by 3 meters for a small size pit. Dig the portion selected to a depth of two to three feet. The depth of course depends upon the water table. If the water table is shailow or near the surface of the soil. the excavation should be shallow. and vice versa. This is an in1~ portant factor to consider because the presence of water in the pit will in· terfere greatly in the decomposition of the organic matter to be dumped into the pit. A clay wall of about two to three fet>t high may be constructed around the pit to prevent the compost mat<?rials from falling off and avoid leaching. See the first sketch. Dump the garden refuse into the pit to a foot high as the first layer. The garden refuse before dumping it should be sprinkled uniformly with water in order to hasten the decomposition. Put on any animal dung or excrement, two to four inches thick, covering entirely the first layer. Earth may be substituted with animal dung if this is not procur2blc in the locality. Wood ashes can be mixed with animal dung. Ashes, besides supplying the soil with potash, are also deodorizers. They relieve the foul odor from the pile. For the second layer, place another sufficient quantity of agricultural wastes to a height similar to the first layer. See to it that they are also moistened with water before dumping them. Animal dung and ashes should be alternated after every layer of garden wastes. Continue building the pile until it reaches a height of six feet. Make a shallow concave surface at the top of the pile to hold moisture when it rains. (See the first sketch.) The rain water accumulates in the basin-like top which percolates and ramifies through the different parts of the pile; thus moistening uniformly the entire pile. On the top of the whole pile, spread enough soil two inches thick to serve as covering to prevent drying up of the compost materials within. It would be better if a vine (squash or cucumber) is allowed to creep on the top of the pile to minimize the evaporation of water from the heap. (See the second sketch.) Under field or open air conditions, the compost is ready ior use within four to five months. If there is an abundance of garden wastes around, it is pr<'ferable to build a new pile rather than to exceed the prescribed height which is six feet. When the compost is used to fertilize a large area, it is advisable when taking it away. to leave a thin layer of the old compost on the ground. Then build up the new pile on this residue. This residue will serve as a starter and help greatly in the early decomposition of the agricultural wastes to be deposited later. All sorts of plant refuse free from pests and diseases, chaffs from threshing. kitchen gmbage containing peelings of fruits and chicken offals, road scrapings free from stones and sticks. seaweeds. hedge trimmings. slaughter house refuse with horns and hoofs. and bone meal can be used as compost materials. Uses and application of compost: It is recommended that compost should be used only in backyard gardening owing to limited quantity that can be produced. For practical applirntion. for every garden plot with an area of 10 square meters. use six to ten petroleum canfuls of th<? compost. Mix it thoroughly with the soil by using a spading fork. Compost is used also lo conserve soil moisture. It increases the moisture-holding cnpacity of soils and prevents gullying, washing away and baking. Addicional mformation: I. Different periods of the decomposition of compost materials under laboratory conditions as experimented by Mr. Isidoro Romero, College of Agriculture, University of the Philippinesa. From 81 to 85 days-straw with soil b. From 96 to 100 days-straw with ash c. From 78 to 84 days-straw with carabao dung d. From 75 to 79 days-straw with horse dung 2. Mr. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer does not recommend the use of concrefe, grass, ( Co11ti111u·d ''" 11r.\·/ f>".'lf) Mechanizing ... { C<.1nti1111t"1l jr11m f'Otlf' 3) The products oi ·the farm are not yet sufficient to feed the ever-growing inhabitants. Modem farm motors and power machinery have the definite advantage of giving better quality of work and of doing the job in much le~ time then by the man and animal labor. By increasing the area un· der cultivation 'l>.oith the use of me· chanized units, it is possible to supply food to our millions of population plus food for additional millions outside of the Philippines. The use of carabaos and of bullocks as the main source of native power has the disadvantage of being slow. weak. and subject to attack of pest~ and . diseases. With mechanized units unnecessary delays can be minimized or ultimately cut out, and land preparation, planting. cultivat· ing. harvesting. threshing, preparation of finished agricultural products, and delivery to market will all be done on time. Although estimates made in the College of Agriculture always indicate better economy with the use of modem implements it is difficult to figure comparative costs owing to different rates of local wages and ol unfixed prices of motors and machinery. In large sugar centrals and m Koronadal Valley where power-driven machinery have been found to be "n absolute necessity and where no other tools are used or called upon to do various heavy farm work for ~o many days in the year, the utilization of modern farm mechanical equipment proved desirable and profitable. MECHANIZATION PROBLEMS There are thousands and thousands of individual farmers in the Philippines at present who consider the native plow the one and only tool that seems to be able to do good tillage work on their small farms. The College of Agriculture has gathered plenty of locai data to prove the suitability of tractors and of some agricultural machinery in ratsmg some crops. Some big sugar centrals, the Government owned Land Settlement Administration at Cotabato few big landed estates, and the Bu· reau of Plant Industry have demonstrated to some extent the efficient and profitable use of some of some mechanized units in large tracts of land. Where men and women are still to be had for planting and harvesting by hand, where method of FARMING AND COOPERATIVES FOOD FOR THOUGHT (Reprint) ""The progress of the Western civilization is marked by the improvement of the plough. The pre-historic plough was the crooked stick drawn by man. It was merely a scratching tool. Every man was his own draught animal Somehow the farmer and his family could manage to eke out their existence with this crude method of tillage. In India too we find refer· ence to this kind of tool in the hands of Balaram. the brother of Sri Krishna who is considered to be the father of Indian agriculture, Balaram used to carry a plough as his emblem and was also called by the name of Haladhra or the carrier of a plough. ~in ancient Egypt a form of hoe made from a crooked stick used to serve the purpose of a plough. "The Roman plough which Virgil describes used to be made of two pieces of wood meeting at an acute angle and plated with iron. "In the middle ages no improvement of the plough· was noticed. The Dutch were the first people to greatly modify the Roman plough. They first conceived the fundamental ideas of the modem plough. They made their plough with a curved mouldboard, a beam and two handles. In England in the beginning of the eighteenth century the Dutch plough served as a model ... "In America after the Revolutionfarming, specially that for lowland rice, has to be carried on in small plots of well puddled mud or on limited areas, and where farmers are still available to work with the meager returns that they get from their farms either as part owners or as tenants, it will not he an easy matter to generalize the use of mechanization. A very thorough process of proving. approving. disapproving, and improving of various farm power and farm machinery will still have to be carried out extensively. What types of farming can best be mechanized. what size of. land and machines must be secured to suit various farm conditions, what engines and devices will give the most efficient and protable return, and what will be the ultimate effect of mechanization to the mode of living, happiness, and welfare of the Filipino people, art" the problems that must be welJ considered in relation to the mechanization of Philippine agriculture. ary War the English plough was gra du~lly replaced by ploughs made in the United States. Among those who gave first thought to the improvement of the plough, the names o! Thomas Jefferson. Daniel Webster, Charles Newbold and Jethro Wood are prominent .... ··The Indian plough is a wedgeshaµed toothed implement provided with one handle, a long wooden beam and a long iron pointed share all attached to its wooden body. It stirs the soil all nght but inverts it very little. It closely resembles a medieval plough. It takes much time and labour to prepare a seed bed with this plough .... " -The Allahabad Farmer. (India) Preparation And ... ( (,'ro1ti11111 d / l"'J!// II/'.\"/ pa111·) or turf as floors of the pit. He believes that these materials are obstacles for the earthworms to get access into the compost materials. Earthwonns and microorganis1ns in the soil aid greatly in the decomposition of the compost materials. Earthworms provide fertilizing substance when they die after performing humus formation activity. 3. The maintenance of the proper amount of moisture is one of the most important requirements of the com4. The iermentation occurring in,·ide of the pile is a life process, hence the pile must he allowed to breathe. and it should he well aerated. 5. A compost pile that is too dry requires watering. Dry compost gets hot very easily and fermentation is destroyed. 6. The guiding principle is the fact that the compost pile itself must be treated as a living organism because of the bacterial content and its internal fermentation. 7. In the case of a big compost heap, turning the pile is necessary. In turning. the outside of the orignal heap should be made the inner part of the new, and the former inner part now becomes the new outside. It results into a uniform decomposition of the compost materials in the same heap. 8. Weeds should not be allowed to grow on the compost pile. A growth of grass on the pile is harmful because it prevents the air from coming into the pile due to its thick root system, thus precluding fermentation. 11 COOPERATIVE MOVEMENT By HI LARI ON S. SILA YAN HOW TO ORGANIZE A FARMERS' COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION INTRODUCTION There is no fixed formula for organizing a farmers' cooperative association. The organization of a cooperati\·e in itself is not a hard task. But to make of the cooperative a going concern. that is, to maintain and run it for the attainment of maximum benefits to the organizers and members and the community in general is a task that requires all the planning and executive ingenuity of the organizers and officers of the association. It is necessary that the pitfalls of hasty organization be avoided. This can best be accomplished by conducting a survey of economic condition$ in the area to be served by the co· operative. PRELIMINARY SURVEY The preliminary survey of economic conditions may be undertaken either by cooperative supervisors of the Bureau of Plant Industry in closscollaboration with organizers of thP proposed association, or by a committee formed from among the or·· ganizers. An important feature of this survey is information regarding the quantity of agricultural products available in the territory. The agricultural extension service of the Bureau of Plant Industry, teachers of vocational agriculture, and other agencies may be of material assist· ance in planning the survey. A form t.'1at may be used in obtaining such information is shown hereunder: ~AME ADORFS5 Pedro Santos Munoz ·, 4 4 with organization. a more- detailed survey including history of coopera1 ive efforts in the territorv should be made. · SURVEY It is essential to understand the farmers' present and p8st experience in cooperation. 1. Number and kind of cooperatives operating in the area, if any:There are four basic kinds of farmo-rs' cooperatives. to' wit: (a) producers' cooperative. (b) marketing cooperative, ( c) financing cooperative, and ( d) consumers' cooperative. Is any or are al! of these cooperatives organized and functioning in the area? Study each cooperative. Are there other cooperatives? What are the effects of the associations on the community? 2. How long has each been in operation?-In order to determine the causes. of failure or success of an association or associations, their length of service should be looked into carefully. 3. Estimated volume· of business handled by each.-The life of the as~ociation is practically, if not largely, dependent upon the volume of business to be handled. Sufficient volume of business is essential to permit economical operation and competition with other existing market :ogioncies, and for realizing reasonable margin. If, on the other hand, the " 4. Facilities for operation, such as w:ird1ous!"s. ctc.-Of equal impo1tance as the volu1ne of business, are the !acilil ies for operation. There should be a warehouse for storage, classification and standardization of th·~ products ie seasonal and it varies in accord;rnce with the presence of tl•e rnriou'.oi factors affecting it. Thus a certain product may be abundant at H cenain season and its supply insufficient at another. This condition results in either periodicfll surplus or shor1:3~€ of the product. On the other hand, consumption is relativdy uniform. Storage then of the products is ('.Ssential in adjusting the varieblc s;_1ppl~.' to the relatively cnn'...;l".'1nt needs of consumers. Do these conperatives have warehousf's of thc-ir own or are they le<1sing them? Do they usr ot!wr buildings? Give estiinatcd cost a~ci rent of each. 5. Sources of finn11L·e:.\ whether private or governmentc11.-Are the sources of finance aclequa~e? Whac are the sources of finan.:e in the proposed area? Farmers and producer~ of all kinds of commodities have need of the service of financing. Without the cash or credit which financing provides. both commercial farming and marketing are utterly impossible. The service of finCJncing shauld be adequately rendered to provide capital for efficient operation of the business of the association. Macklin (I) classified the capital needs of an as' ~ t v -T Cabanutuan ! 120 cav. PlOO :..;i;; r. . ... c :: Y. ~ c r. /' ~ ------p- - -- --- - -I ! I No Yes Will assist in organization work ·----·-----··--------!·_ ·-· ·-The information called for in the aforementioned form may be easily obtained at local meetings. Ordinarily it will not be necessary to make 2 -house-to-house canvass. If the preliminary survey shows a volume of business sufficient for the purposes of an association, and the farmers manifest a desire to proceed 12 volume is inadequate, the costs of ooeration are greater than those ot p~ivate concerns. The very farmers then who established the association soon find that the financial advantages from private concerns are greater than those gained through the association and as a result their interest in the association wanes, sociation as (a) need for equipment or relatively fixed and permanent capital, as office equipment or relatively fixed and permanent capital, as office equipment, machinery, buildings, and all permanent facilities for transacting and housing the business or storing its raw materials and finished products; and (b) need for supplies or relatively free and therefore changeable or circulating capital. The second need for capital refers to the money required for supplies of raw materials handled or stored, to meet operating expenses, and to cope with all unforeseen problems confronting the business, including the storage of products as may be required to stabilize prices and marketing. What are the sources of capital of these associations? Individual members? Banks or other institutions of credit? Furnished by the government? Or furnished by moneyed individuals. Are they adequate? 6. Do the farmers feel that these associations have been successful?Jones( 2) gives three outstanding indications of the success of cooperative associations: (a) sound financial set-up and financial operating policies; (b) skill in merchandising; and <c) satisfactory membership relations. Are these indications strongly manifested in the association? If they are, the farmers will feel that the associations are successful on account of the beneficial effects that could be derived therefrom. 7. If the farmers are not satisfied with the association, what are the causes for the dissatisfaction?The failure of an association may be due to the following causes as givt<n in ''Formation of Cooperative Associations": (a) Organization mistakes: ( 1) Failure to study the needs of an or· ganization and the problems to be met; l 2) creation of an organization out of proportion to the business to be handled; (3) organization extravagance in the matter of equipment needed, promotion'!! expenses, and initial salaries paid. (b) Mismanagement: Due to (I) lack of understanding of local conditions, (2) marketing problems, (3) financial requirements, and ( 4) inexperienced officers and managers. (c) Lack of membership support: Due to ( 1) dissatisfaction with results obtained, (2) loss of interest, and (3) failure of association to establish local points of contact with members, all of which results in an insufficient volume of business. (d) Economic conditions: Such as price declines and falling off in demand either in domestic or export ,markets. ( e) Internal dissensions: Due to FARMING AND COOPERATIVES selfish motives and the playing of politics on the part of officials. The .other causes of failure of cooperatives according to Burley(3) are: (a) Small Capital. (b) Small Membership (c) Small business volume. ( d) Conflicting methods, particularly as regards ( 1 ) Extension of credit (2) Pricing policy ( e) Lack of strong wholesale groups. ( f) Poor location of stores. (g) Lack of proper accounting and auditing methods. (h) Lack of adequate education in cooperation. (i) Waning of &nthusiasm of members, frequently because of failure to receive large dividends. (j) Chain store competition. Summarizing the causes of failure of cooperatives, Burley(3) made four general classifications: (a) Faults of management. (b) Inadequacies surrounding membership. ( c) Industrial and economic factors in !!'.eneral. (d) Acts of God. 8. What percentage of the farmers in the area utilize the services of the cooperatives?-The percentage is determined by the number of farmers affiliated with the association. Nonmembers may utilize the services of the association in proportion to the benefits they derive from the cooperative. 9. Transportation facilities for the products-farm to warehouse or assembling points; farm to market centers; warehouse or assembling points to market centers. Transportation facilities very often soell success or failure for the business organization. What transportation facilities are used by these associations in transporting their products from the farm to the ware1->ouse or assembling points; from the farm to the market centers; from the warehouse or assembling points to the market centers; and other busiIn Lighter Vein SHOT DOWN IN FLAMES By PAQUITO SERRANO, Albay On the table top A pile of old letters lays Beside is a note Returned with pleasure-it says. Seated at the table Is a fellow of ewtnty Whose handsome face is now A pie of gilded misery. FLIGHT A MOON, A BOY, A GIRL, A BENCH. THE MOON SHINES IN ALL HER SPLENDOR ... THE BOY AND THE GIRL SAT IN CLOSE FORMATION. MY PIN-UP GIRL P-is for PULCHRITUDINOUS ... You make the other girls look like apologies I-is for INTOXICATING ... That is what I always think of your kisses N-is for NYMPHAL ... The proofs are your pies in thrilling poses, U-is for UNCTUOUS ... Your voice haunts me whenever you call P-is for PANACEA ... Indeed you are to an afflicted soul. ness places? What are the freight or transportation charge or charges? Are all- means of transportation, e.g., carts, sledges, trucks, railroad or water, available? Are the roads good? P.·P. GOCHECO & Co., Inc. LUMBER DEALER BUILDING CONTRACTOR CIGAR BOXES FACTORY 1219 AZCARRAGA ST. MANILA 13 MARCH OF EVENTS l)FFICE OF UNITED STATES HIGH COMMISSIOl'IER TO THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Highlights of l\Ir. McNutt's Service as High Commissioner. During First Tenn of Service 1937-1939 1. Organization of Office of High Commissioner from Staff of Governor-General. 2. Round-Robin Letter to Foreign Consuls 3. Rebuke to German Consul fer acti\·ities in connection with Anschi us.< Plebiscite. . 4. Support of congressional appropriation for construction of Residence of High Commissioner. 5. Proposal for re-examination ot Philippine Independence. 6. Proposal for de,·elopment of continued economic relations with Philippines on preferential basis. During Second Tenn of Service I. ~ormulation of proposal tor postmdependence trade relations with and advocacy of Philippine inde!'endence with free trade and postmdependence aid and cooperation. 2. Direction of administration forces and successful campaign for pas•a!!:e of Bell Act. 3. Formulation of war damage payments proposal. . 4. Direction of administration forces and successful campaign for approval of \Var Damage Bill by House including amendments increasing War Damages from 435,000.000 to 620,000,000. S· Advocacy of benefits for Philippine veterans and formulation of interim emergency veterans bill •known as Philippine Veterans Bill of 1946. 6. Securing administration pledge to provide additional benefits for Philippine veterans in the form of educational and emplovment opportunities. · 7. Advocacy of settlement of emergenq• currencr obligations and definition of obligations for guerrilla money. 8. Mission to Washington with President-elect Roxas and support of loans for Philippine Government. 9. Arrangement for establishment of Embassy in Manila. 10. Organization of Council of Federal Agencies and coordination of all Federal activities under super\•ision of High Commissioner. 11. Arrangements for transition of Federal agencies to new status un14 der independence. 12. Initiation of congressional mandate for holding national election in Philippics. I 3. Arrangement ior settlement for collaborationist question hv dt•cision to place responsibility in i'hilippine hands. q. Public advocacy, by speech and state1nent1 of the following a. Elevation of statu,; of the Tao and elin1ination of rconomtc ieudalism. h. ln,lustrialization of Philippine ~conom\· and diversification of agriculiural enterprise. c Avoidance of super-nationali,m. <l. i\ !aintenance of "hands-of!'" polic\· in national election. e. l\!aintenance of 111t1mate Philippine-American relations after independence. f. Support of American aid to repair ravages of \\'ar in Philippines. Commonwealh of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL AGRICULTURAL SUPERVISOR Cebu, Cebu May 23, 1946 The Officer in Charge Manila Sir: On May 24 and 25, 1946, there will be a Farmers National Convention in Manila as per attached copy of the letter of invitation from the Philippine Farmers Association. We have sent copies of this invitation to some prominent farmers near Cebu City, because the invitation came rather late. Inasmuch as we cannot attend the convention I wish to state here thru you and for the Farmers National Convention the points vitally important for the immediate rehabiliation of agriculture in Cebu and possibly hroughout the Philippines: 1. Cheap commercial fertilizers within reach of the ordinary farmer. 2. Baby tractors with pneumatic tires to be operated by the government and to be rented to small farmers or planters at operating cost. 3. Easy long term loans to farmers. Very respectfully, (Sgd.) ANTONIO DERECHO Act. Prov. Agric. Supervisor Biographical Sketch of Honorable Paul V. McNutt Paul Vories McN utt, appointed first Ameri<·an Amhas,;ador to the Philippines, crlehratt<I in Januarv of this vrar the middle mark of his c;;reer, thirt~en years of which he spent as a law professor and law school dean, and thirteen years in public life. He received his law degree from Harvanl University in 1916. after completing his undeq:raduate studie> at the Universit)" of Indiana in 1913. But even before attending Harvard, l\-IcNutt \\·as admitted to the Indiana State bar, as a result of hi' having '"read'" law in the office of his father, a distinguished lawyer and political leader of Indiana. Ju>t a> hr was graduating from Har· vanl. the lJ nite1l States hegan prepar• ing for possible t"\'rntualities arising from the conflict then raging in F~uropr. 'i,.oung !\'fcNutt \\'as commissioned :1 captain in the Fielcl Artillen· reserve<. Just heiore America hecam.e inrnh·e,I in the \\'ar, i\IcNutt \\'as namrd an :1ssistant professor of la\\' at lndian:1 lTniversity, less th:-111 a year :ifter his graduation from Harvard. :\lcl'\utt wa< called into artive sen1 icr, :1nd rosr durine: the war to thr rank of Lieut<nant Colonel in the Field Artillerr. In 192.~ he \Vas promoted, in the re:'.erves, tn thr rank of Colonel. Although active in the organiz:;tion of the American Legion and in other similar activities, i\ lcN utt remained primarilv a teacher. In 192 <; he was named dean of the law school of the U nivrrsit1• of Indiana. At ).1, he was one of th~ voungest law sch~ol deans in the nation In 1928, Dean i\kNutt became national commander of the American Legion, becoming overnight a national figure. In 1932, the Democratic Party, hv unanimous vote. nominated him to run for Governor of Indiana. His name was placed in nomination hy his own father. Overwhelmigly elected, Governor l\kN utt proceeded to institute a '"new deal" in his state, even before the New Deal was taking shape in \.Y ashington. He: established social securit:y, a workmen's compensation board, and converted a heavy state deficit into an unprecedented surplus by the time his term was ended in 1936. Prohibited by the state constitution from being a candidate to suc· ceed himself, McN utt campaigned for thP reelection of President Roosevelt. Early in 1937, President Roosc1•eh named McNutt, who had never bee~ wr:o-t of San Fram.:is..:o. a:-; .:\mrrican H.ig,h Commissioner to thr Philirrim-,. to succcecl Commi"inner Frank ;\lurphr . .-\1rcatlr one oi thr rising ti~ures on the nati~nal political horiz,;n. ;\k:\'utt came to the Philippines in the midst oi natinna 1 pn-:os pn· .. liction~ that hi~ :'-tay hen· would h .. · :'-hort anti that he \\"3$ hein~ ··~ro.::1netl"' for othl'r as~i;!nmrnts. H1· n·mained in the Philippines for tW•l vrars. he..::une det'ph intf'rcstt·d in the l.'hilippines. and t'YC;, :ift,•r he left thr Hi~h Cnmmis=--iont"r0 :'po~t to hcconw Ft•clcral SrcuritY Administrator with ,·.-.hi net rank. G;11·crnor ;\le'.\' ult maint:.ined his contacts with Filipino lraders :incl his ;!rt":tt intcre'1 in Philippine aifafr,_ Hr frrquemlr spoke on the Far East and on the Philippinrs during the 1.-ar. ;\ f rs. ;\ fc :\'Ult 11·as one ni the lead in I! figures in the Philippine "' ar Rrlief drin-s, and ;\k:\' utt. him>eli. was prominent in 1nany or~anization~ interr~tf'd in Far Eastern 1n;1ttcrs. including the Unit<d China Relief. In 19.p. Gm·ernor ;\le:\ utt "·as f'am·'d h Pre~idcnt Roose,·elt to be ''czar'' of ci,·ilian manpo,n."r in . the l! nitrd States with title of \Var :.\Tanpower Conunis:--iorier, retainin;? his post :1, Frdt•r.I Securit\· Administrator. He >rn-ccl as \ V :ir ;\ r :u;power Commis>ioner throughout the war. hring the nnh· one nf thr war-timr "czar::• to finish ti1e assi;?mnent lw started. In late summer cf 19+5 President Tru man sent Commissioner :.\le:\' utt t~ :.\Ia: nila to study conditions here and to report 011 le;!islati\-e and ~onumic need~ of rhc I.lands. Shorth- after :.\le" utt rt·turned ancl reported". the President asked him to return to ;\lanila for a second tenn as J-li~h Cmnn1issioner. '\'ATIO'."AL LIBRARY HEAD REQl'ESTS DONATION OF JULY +TH SOFVE;>.;IRS FOR POSTERITY COLLECTION' Strl"!'sing the historical importance of the date Julv +th in the histon· of our countrr. Assistant Director -Luis :Montilla is appealing thru the columns of all our mt·tropolitan newspapers to urge e\·eryhody to donate for the Lihrary's plsterity rnllections of at least six samples of any commemorative object that they may issue ih connection with the inaugurntion of our Republic. "ft i$ our obligation to posterity," he said, "to consen·e everr object of whatever kind, whether it be a medal, book, pamrh l~t. picturr, coin, stamp, etc. that has ""me relation with the hirth of our new independent state. Future generations shall find in these ohjective testimonials of thr great day inspiration to patriotic impulses and cause ·for the. · \"cneration FARMING AND COOPERATIVES Revolution In The Corn Belt (Condensed from Harper's Magazine-Kurt Steel) Four and a half million American farmers have put 13,000,000 bushels of seed corn into the ground this year. If all of it were planted in one field. that field would be about the size <>f the state of California. The harvest will be more than three billion bushels-enough to fill a freight train stretching half-way around the world. Corn is our greatest crop by any measurement-acreage, bulk or value. It is usually worth about as much as our cotton, wheat and oat crops combined. The story of corn is more exciting than any list of statistics. To begin with, it is a mystery story. No one knows how corn originated. It is an orphan among grains, belonging to no known family. As if to make up for this, com has attached itself so devotedly to man for unnumbered centuries it has depended on man's help for its survival. No corn has ever been found growing wild. Why? Look at an ear, its kernels tightly packed together and wrapped in many layers of husk. When it falls to the ground, this wrapping prevents the individual kernel from sprouting. Or if by accident they do sprout, there will be so many in a hill that they will starve each other out. We do know that the birthplace of corn was somewhere in North or Central America. Probably Mexico or Guatemala. It has been continuously cultivated in the Western Hemisphere for perhaps 20,000 years. Taken to of their :;ires who made freedom a reality through ;anifices not :ilnne in battle hut also in peace." The :\'ational Lihrary i,; maintaining the Gallen· of Art ancl Historr Division whcr; not onl\' \\'orks of .art arc kept, presen·cd anci <·xhibitcd but also historical objects. It is the plan of :.\fr. ;\fontilla to maintain c\·cntuallv a special collc:ction of J ulr +th som:enirs or commemorative objects, and 11·orks or publications for the daih• inspiration of future :,!;enerations \\"ho. mar desire to l"isit the gallery. In America, according to :\fr. Montilla all the souvenirs of July +th in I 776, arc priceless rarities which arc ze:J!ously kept and preserved i1y colJ("ctnrs and mu:;cmn curators. Each clonation will be exhibited with indi"idual legends hearing the names of the donors s~ that the future mar know its hcnefacturs, said the Libr~rr Chief. Europe in the 16th century, corn rapidly made itself at home. Today it is the one global plant. It can be grown in every land where man carries on agriculture. Thus a revolution in corn culture should be of incalculable value in feeding and rehabilitating a war shattered world. And just such a revolution is taking place. Its cyclonic is "hybrid" corn. This scientific revolution can be seen from a train window in all but four states. In Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, and Ohio the change has been so complete as to leave almost no traces of the old order. In the other eight states of the corn belt, and to a lesser degree in the rest of the 48 states the revolution is still going on. What the traveler sees is first a field with the same ragged unbarbered look that cornfields have had for thousands of years-and 200 yards beyond, a second field where the tasseled crest is as neat and trim as a crow haircut. In the first field some stalks Are lofty and spindling, others short and stocky; the ears grow high, low and middling; and hundreds of stalks have been broken and uprooted by wind and hail. In the second field the plants are like identical paper dolls. not a single stalk is bent over, and the ears hang uniformly at waist height. At harvest time. since no machine can; reach high and stoop low to gather earn, the first farmer must bring in his crop by hand, and it will take a good man to husk as much as 100 bushels a day. But in the second field any two high school boys able to drive a tractor can bring in the harvest with a machine which picks and husks 1000 bushels of corn a day. In many sections of Illinois and Iowa 90 per cent of the corn is husked by machinery. In 1925 it took 14 man-hours of hard work to grow an acre of corn. Machinery on the best farms has cut this to six man-hoUl'S of labor. Last fall the old-fashioned farmer lair! out no cash for seed; he used the most likely-looking ears saved from his own crop. The progressive farmer this spring paid a commercial producer about $80 for enough hybrid seed to plant his 60-acre field. ( Co11li11111•d "" page 19) 15 PROFESSIONALS' DIRECTORY PANIQUI SUGAR CENTRAL ~111.l~ .\'>!l Di~Tll.l.ERIE~ :'\lalt" Rf':-cn-:uino .. Pani<1ui. T;Hl:~t· International Forwarders C11.~trnr..c llrrih·•·s TrnC"k!i fnr ~eneral c:irgo lbuling, Farm Prt)tlucl~ Orut1uicta. corner Zurb:iran. ~lanila LVN PICTURES Enjo~-ing Better thiln ever Bo.1L;i11!! Oifo.·t· Q:1t'!'••ll Bouh:·\·ard :'-.lanila Cht·m~c~illy Purt' Alcohol :.-;an Ca rh. \\"hi:oky SAN CARLOS DISTILLERIES NEPA EMPORIUM ~!:!J!•blt:na Tr::rn,.it · . ·\n_e:,.;c ... L. '.\ladri<I Ri:.ral .\n:nm: Corner Uororeo jo,.e S. L. SISON & Co.-REAL ESTATE Shippiug. Farming. 105; .\rl~~ui :vlerch::mcli .. ing. ~lanufacturing ~lanila Children's and Women's Dbc:::t:-t•. Ere!', ~o:oe~. etc. DP..\. TGl.1.\$.\ FR.\SCl~CO H.\J.JU r ~~~~H.l~~~~~~T Con:!ouhatiou, t-: .. 1imates Inspecrion. 1-hLARION s. Sll .. \\".\S JfJOJ Oroquieta Manila 16 WITH OUR CROPS ALBAY B. P .I. AGENTS vs. RICE ARMY-WORMS PAQUITO SERRANO, Albay At no other time has the adage- quantity of either of the three above··Nccessity is the mother of inven- cited plants, pack inside a sack (burtion"-been more fully illustrated lap prefernble) and shower a handful than at present when rice cut-and of lime. At one corner of the padarmy-worms are doing great havoc <lies where the water rushes in, make to the seedlings in four municipalities a small depression on where the sack ot Albay. Up to this writing. the num- should be inserted in such a way that "oer of sacks of palay seedlings at- wi1en the stream flows into the seedtacked by these pests is nearing the bed. the water will carry the aroma 900 mark. ui the concoction in the sack, sufloAt the inception of the infestatiutt. the local B. P. I. agents were virtually sailing smoothly in combating the crawling saboteurs due to the fact that at the time one drum of calcium arsenate, used in dusting. was available in the office of the Provincial Agricultural Supervisor. Farmers began to feel the pinch of the sabotage as soon as the arsenics\ poison got exhausted. And since the worms threatened to decrease the production of palay for this regular season and the requisitioned cnlcium arsenate from the B. P. I. at Manila was long in coming. the farmers and thP field agents had no other alternative but to apply practical control measures in a concerted effort to suppress the rnvages immediately. Aside from overflowing, brooming. picking, crushing and burning thP worms, the other measures recom· mended by the Bureau men proved . to some extent, effective. Some of these are1. Application of coconut meal, bin/id or tiki-tiki. The infested area is dried for a period of two or three days by altering the course of the water supply. Broadcast evenly tiki-tiki, binlid or finely shredded coconut meat over the dried area. The theory here is: These materials will at first attract the ants whose next objective will then be the destructive worms. They are either murdered or gorged in by the ants. 2. Application of tubli (fish poison), kanda or madre de cacao. Dry thoroughly the seedbed attacked. Pound to a puli;i a sufficient A. PE~A OTEYZA J{E,\I. ESTATE HROKER "L.\'\i> • 11171Ll>J:>;(; • J·l<Jl'SE 1.0:\:" • RENT,\L. ETC. J.IJi (;a.,.tamhidc: S1., Sampaloc, .Momil:t ~·2-ting and poisoning the worms. 3. Appl icd io11 of cement. Drain the seedbed well and spread Jie powdery coement over the seed1 ings. Although an Albayano farmer rubbed in this control measure, which 2ccording to him is successful espe· cia!ly in non-irrigated places as he h3d experimented already on his infested seedbeds. the field workers ol the B. P. I. are skeptical as to the advis::ibil ity of this method inasmuch as the cement. if used excessively, might pro\· e f8lal not only to the en.emy but to the tender seedlings as well. The inadc>quacy of control"laborcrs (no avnilable fund to hire them) and calcium arsenate coupled by the increasing scope of infestation that tend to spread like butter to other ricegrowing localities of the province, spur the local field workers of the B. P. I. to unfurl new discoveries in comb?.ting the noxious rice plague. Commendable is the recent revelation of Plant Sanitation Inspector Julian C. Ilagan who pulled off a tf'St on the mixture of rice bran ( darak) and white arsenic in three different harassed seedbeds owned by three different cooperators in Legaspi. The mixture was in the proportion of one petroleum c"n ricehrnn to onefourth salmon can nf white arsenic. Found to bP 95 ~;. effective, this rnmbination is hroadcast over the seedbeds. drameci of thP last drop of water two or thre!" days previously. In four hours the pests succumbed. The treated seedbeds were then re-irrigated or overflooded to wash the leaves of the seedlings in order to circumvent any possible bad effect of the arsenical poison. To produce tangible results, the application of this poisonous compound should be done early in the morning or late in ( CfJ/1th1111•d 011 pnge 17) Questions And ... t Cr111ti11111·1i fr''"' p11g1· Q) nary incubators it is necessary that only turkey eggs of the same size be set and that the bulb of the thermometu be placed on the same le\•el with the uppermost portion of the eggs. All other factors to be considered, such as age of eggs, moisture, and heat should be. the same as those for chicken eggs. 34. What is the best ratio of toms to hens? Use one vigorous tom for as many as ten hens in small flocks. In large flocks use one tom for every 6 to 8 hens. 35. What is the percentage of fertility in turkey eggs? Usually. it is 90'; to 100';, which is higher than the percentage in chicken eggs, but sometimes all the eggs in a clutch are infertile. 36. Why is this so? It appears that a successful breeding is sufficient to fertilize the whole clutch of eggs. However, when one tom is too big and heavy for the hens or if other toms continually interfere during mating, the turkey hen lays infertile eggs. 37. How many turkeys can be reised in a hectare of pasture land? It is from 20 to 30 hens, depending on the luxuriance of plant growth, and on the number of toms to be used. If most of the food, however, can be given in well-balanced con..:entrated feed mixtures, even 500 turk~~-~!!Y.. b«:.!~!!~_per .hectare. Albay B. P. ! .... ( Co11Ji111(1'(( from page 16) the afternoon. In one of these experiments conducted on the 15 cavans seedlings of Tomas Alianza of Bagumbayan, Legasoi. Mr. Ilagan found the seedbeds studded with cracks or slits where the worms absconded. Broadcasting of the compound was accomplished around 6: 30 p.m. but on account of these slits which practically sheltered the pet peeve of the farmers, success was about 80% only. Several kilos of white arsenic have been requisitioned from the Manila office of the Bureau of Plant Industry and with the farmers themselves ready and willing to furnish the ricebran, it would ·not be amiss to avert that this simple mixture may prove a real substitute for calcium arsenate in subjugating the rice cut- and armyworms that today are proving real thorns on the side of the rice planters. FARMING AND COOPERATIVES JVITH OUR •TENANTSJ New American Farm Machinery Will Help Farmers Everywhere Br IL\1rn1.D FA1R Ri·11frr.,·· Spc·(illl :'\Ew YORK, June b (Reuter)-:\""" iarm m;h .. ·hincry dl':-:.ignl'd in the l'Xperinwnrnl \nlrbhop:< oi the l' nited State; Gu\'crnml·nt's ·rt'nnl':'"l'l' \"allry Authority projrt·t. a ::'7~0.000.000 hrdro-cl,·ctril' po\\-l'r and flood l'ontrol den_·lopnwnt. will lwneiit farmers thrmq.dttout the world. ·rhe Ill'\\- machinl·ry is heing made :ffailahle for rnanufacturcr lw conunercial con\.'.'ern:', much of it con:-<iderrcl useful for increasing food production in Eurup<' and ihia. The L: nit~d ;\at ions Rcli .. i and R .. hahilitation Admini>traIt should be remembered that th" more birds there are, the more shoots, buds, fruits, and insects are needed for feed every day. 38. Give a poult mash feed mixture. Mix the following according to weight: 3 parts, first-ciass tiki-tiki 2 parts, finely-ground yellow corn part, finely-ground mango (or soybean oil meal) 1 part, binlid 1 part, fish meal (or shrimp meal or meat meal) To every 100 kilos of the abovegiven mixture add 3 kilosof finelyground oyster or clam shells and }~ kilo of salt. 39. When should the leedins ol poults start? 1'he feeding of poults should start 36 to 48 hours after hatching. Like chicks there is sufficient food in their bodies to keep them from getting hungry. 40. Where is the mash feed placed when aiven to the poults? On the second and third days small amounts of poult feed may be spread over clean newspaper or other clean surface or directly in the feed trough. From the fourth day on, the feed should be given in the trough and it should be either dry or in moist form but never wet. If moist, the amount should be such that the poults may clear in 15 minutes; they should be fed every three hours. Larger amounts if not consumed are liable to spoil and do harm. (To br rr111/i1111rd) (.'f1rrn-po11dt'11/ lion has or<lrrrd 500 units of a new thrc:-;hing- machine for U"'l' in Central Europe. J\notiH"l" 250 units ha\"c hecn nrdnc<l lw South American burer>. .\lodcl; of the machinery h:{ve been placcil on public exhibition for manufacturer:-.' in:-;pn:tion and some are on fartor\' :t:'st·mhh- line:-;. '"l'he lll'W <lcYdop11w1;t> \\ill h;·lp farn1e1-,; thrr:<h \\·heat mill ilour. drr hay, irri~atr fields and ;-;hell pranuts. One 111ad1inr rn11'idercd ,uitablc for l; :'\ R RJ\ and South Americ·an use is a trailer thrl':<hcr. It can lw to\\Td behind an autonwhilr from onr <mall hill field to anothl"r ancl thn·slH·s-\\ idr Yarictr of ;!rains. :\ frcd .!!rindl"r ha::-; been de\·rloprd to meet th!' needs of the small farm. It wri!!h!:' only -J.i pounds exclu~i\"e of hopper motor and control :1ttad1nwnt ;1utomaticall~- rq .. !ulates the flo"of grain into the mill and does not require the con":'tant atkndanre ·of .the farmer. 'frsts ha,·e shown this mill ran grind all the g-rain required durin.:! the year for an an·rngc size farm. A Ill"\\" machine also ha:< hrrn dn-iscd to scarifr sel'<i>-to hreak the hard seed roating 'to speed gcnnin.ation. Laboratory expcrimrnts show 85 to 90 per cent of bmh dm·rr :<ced \\·ill ~erminate within 21 day:< if it ha:< been :<carilied. Only 20 per cent of the uns~arificd seed~ g-erminate in he same period. J)rin~n I)\" a onc-horsepo"·rr motor the machine. con:<ists of an abrasi,·c disc and fan. It ha:< a capacity of 200 to 300 pounds oi seed> per hour. A spri.:ial peanut harvester i:::- tractordr:nn1 and equipped with a series of moving forks that pull the peanuts krour;<l nut>) from the ground, shake the dirt from them and throw them into loose ro\\'s for effective drying. One man can operate this harvester and lw working two rows at a time can puil and shake 15 to 30 acres of peanuts a day. Another Ill"\\' devise i> a portable :<prinkler for irrigation. !t consists of a motor-driven pump, a series of sprinklers nnd durable lig:htweig:ht pipe with connections that can he rcadill' detached so distribution lines can be easilv moved from one place to another over ti1e fields. 17 WITH OUR GOVERNMENT SEcosn :"ATIOSAI. AssE~tBI.' Frns1· S11ss1os H. :So. 1022 (Cini ~1oswli.\l.TH AcT :So. 5.p) PASTCRE LA.ND ACT Re· it 1·1wcl;:1/ b.r tht· .Yut,:r,1111/ ./ ssonb/_\' ~t t/11· Pliilif>f'i11n: St:CTIOS 1. This act shall apply to all lantk which arc a,laptcd to pasture St:c. 2. '.'\o person shall occupy or use any par,·d of public land for pasture purposes ";thout first securing therefor a lease or pem1it from the Dirt"Ctor of Fore>tn· in accordance with the provi~ion; of this Act. Si:c. ;. The Bureau of Forestn· ,;hall haw ju~i;dictic;n and authority O\:er the administration. protection, and management of pasture lands and o\·er the cr:intin:! of lea;:;es or penniu. for pasture purpose's to any citizen of lawful age of rhe Philippines and any corporation or a>>ociation of which at least sixty per centum of the capital stock belongs "-holly to citizens of the Philippines, and which is or;...ranized and constituted under the law; of the Philippines for an area of not more than two thousand h....:tares in accordance with the provi>ions of this Act. Such leases shall run for a period of not more than twentytive ,·ears. but ma\· be renewed once for anofh.-r period n~t to exceed_ twentr-livc \·ears. in case the le;see shall have made important impron~ents, \\-hich in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce justify a renewal. SEc. + The Director of Forestry, with the apprO\·al of the Secretaf\" ot Agriculture and Commerce, shall -promulgate rules and regulations consistent \\;th this Act. as may be neces.<arr .md propt·r to i:arry into efh·i:t the provi:-:.ion~ tlwr,•of. SEC. 5. All parcds of public land applied ior g-razin~ purpo$t's ~hall he 111 ... n·;tigared hy till" Hureau ot Forl'stn" ;u1d if thl' >amt· arc found to lw withi;1 certified alienahlt· nr disposahlt• land >uitahlc for grazini: purpnSt'>. said Bureau ,;hall rcqut•:<r the Burl'au oi Lands that said parcels of land he rc,·crtctl to tlw category oi public forest land. l' pon :::uch n·,·rr~ion. the Burrau of Fore~tn· shall take proper action on tlw pa>tur~· application$ in a-:t'ordann· with thr provi::-ions of this .. ;\ct. SEc. b. l"pon the appw,·al of thi,; Ac·t. all ~uh~i~tinJ,! pa:-'turl' lea~('~ :,!ranrt·d hy the Bureau cf Land; shall continue in full force and effect until the date 01 their expiration: Prt1pitfcrl. htrl{'r''l11·r, That upon heing ath·ised hr the Bureau oi Lands of the expiratir:n or cancellation of any pasture lea>e. the Bureau of Forestr)· >hall re<]uest the said Bureau oi Lands that the area he rewrted 10 the ,·ategon· of puhlic forestland and thereafter said land shall he suhject to di,;po~ition for grazing: purpo~es in accord<tnt:f' "·ith the prO\·isions of this Aer. All other pasture lease applicatioll:' which are still pending action in the Bureau of Lands shall he referred to the Bureau of Forr:'tn· for appropriate action. s·~C- 7. The annual rental of the land under lease or permit shall not he less than three fwr r.·11111111 of the appraised or re-appraised value of the land and one p.-r rmt11111 of that of the improvem:nt thereon. 1f am·, based 011 the appraJSal · and reappraisai made hy the Di rector of Forestn- with the apprornl of the Secretary -of Agriculture and Commerce. ( Co11tiuued on 1wxt f'll!id ~~~~~-~~~~~--~~! 18 ,,,The Prosperity Of A People . mainly depends on its sound economy''-Editorial of a Manila daily. And there's no denying the fact that the possession of land constitutes an important factor in the economic prosperity of a family. ONLY We sell beautiful homesites from 300 to 5,000 sq. m. P4.50 payable 20~i down and the balance in 60 monthly inand up per sq. m. stallments. MAGDALENA ESTATE, INC. 211 CONSOLIDATED INVESTMENTS BLDG, PLAZA GOITI MANILA, PHILIPPINES Home & Women's Corner The.Mar1<et 1. \ V ,. \\"011dn wh1· l"lw fa re oi buses 110\\ an· 301 , hi;.d1e1: than last month. This fare hike startt•d during the last "l't·k oi J \lilt' whl'n thl' .l!asolinc.- stations' ration stopped awhiil'. 'l'hl'n, it wa~ undl'rscandahle to pa~: more as g-asolim· had 111 lw hou~ht from rhe black mark<·t and hoardt'rs rhaq.!ed as hi; . .dl as P15.oo per ~-;,!'allon can. But rw\\· that ~asolinc 1..'1>1npanit·s and .:\Jalacanan ha\'c an110uncl'd that thl'rt is t'llough g-asolinc for l'\ c:ryhotl~· at controlled priers. why lian· thr pri\·ate husl's maintained the .{Ot· 1·or the fornwr 20c rate and the forml'r 10t' rate to ..i.oc or _)Or? 'J'hi~ i~ likt· J:ipane'e da,·s. '('ht· pri\·a1c opt"r.itor~ it ~<·ems do not undcr>•t:ind that th<')' are in the l-tilit~· husirw~:-. and unlr--~ the\· i:hart!l' ~cn·in· at .1 n·asonahle fare till':\' arc ;nu~hroom h11:'.i1w:-... Jlll'll who do not 'l'l' he~ ond their nosl·... ;\ linle tl10u;.!l1t on their p<!rt ~~11id1·d h~· good rn1:-cicm::c will du tlu.·m !!tll•d. 2. Prit·<·:- in rlw market ... of romnualiric:'., fl1H.:tuate at a minimum rcdm.:tion cl ~o·, and a ma\imum im::rease of :;01 ' . . ,/ 1·1'r"!I" 1. Rice: p,.,. !Jllllfn Elo11-t·lw1 bt da:'.... t•'2.38 ::?nd " :\laran 1st cla ... s 2nd ·· ' S11;,!ar: l\·ntriful!al (hrmn1) Rrtined ........... . 3. \!eat ( lwd J>t ,·la,;) Pork ( l;tm• nwat) .... -I· Chi<:ken { unclrt·%ed) Hen ............... . 2.23 2.18 2.08 pa l·y. t' i._;o 2.35 1'5.00 l.75 1·a.-h '1*5.50 Roostt•r . . . . . . . . . . . . -1.25 5. Eg!!:-;: p1·r 1foz. \Vhite Leghorn ....... 1*2.50 '\' ative Hen . . . . . . . . . . 2.65 Duck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1.20 Balm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.60 6. Lani: pa kif<, V cgt•tahlt· . . . . ....... 1•2.-15 Animal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Coconut: Assorted (per 100) ... 1"6.50 Each ... -.......... - . . 0.11 8. Lumber: per Bd. Ft. Guijc ............... '.t"o.90 TanJ!ilc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.55 Red Lau;tn . . . . . . . . . . 0.55 Apitong ............. · 0.55 Palosapis .. - . - . . . . . . . . 0.55 Almon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.48 \Vhitc Lauan . . . . . . . . . 0.48 .!- Executive Order No. prohibit> ( Co11ti1111ed 011 111'.\"I pnge) With Our ... ( Cr.nti1111,·1/ /n1111 m·.,·t />fly•') Should the term of the lease he ten or more, a reapprnisal may he made <'WT\' fo·e \t'ars from the date of the apprm.'al nf ihr lca;e nr permit. The Direi.."tor ut l·"on~tn· 111:\\' rt'ttuest thr :t..."sistancr of the rrovin.\.·ial tr('a~urer or as$C;;or of the prm·incc in whkh the l:i.nd lies or mar appoint a committt·e fllr !i'Ut.:h purpo~c- in the 1no\-ill\."C or in the municipality in which the land lies. SEc. S. Hl·forc nny lease or r~ennit i$ i>sued under tilt' proYisions nf this Act, the applicant 111ay, :t$. ~aranty oi g;ood faith in the application and for the satisfactory compliance with the temts and conditions of the lea;c or permit and the payment of rental charges due thereon, be required to deposit with rht· Director of ForcstT\' a cash hond. a Philippine '.\ ational B;nk Bond, or a hood of the GoYemment of the Philippines, or any political subdi,·ision thereof in an amount to be determined bv the Dirr<:tor uf Forc;trv with the appro\·al of the ::;,,·reran· of .-\~riculrurc and Comnwrcr. In c.~se the bond required exceeds iwn hundred pews. a hond duly· ··xecuted hr a reputed ;urety companr ma~· be accepted, hut in such case it shall he increased b,· not less than twcntv-fi,·e f>l'r .,,.,,1u111 n~r more than SC\'ent)·-five f>•·r crnt11111 m the discretion of the Director of Forestry. Thi< bond mar be ,·onfiscated by the Go\·ernmrnt in case of any ,·iolation on the part of the lessee or permittee of anr of the terms of the l~asc or permit. SEc. 9. The Director of Forestry may, with the appro\·al of the Secretary ot Agriculture and Commerce, grant pasture lease ai:reements bv auction or bidding after proper inv.;.,tigation of the areas applied for has been made, subject tn such conditions as may be prescribed by him. All bids must be sealed and addressed to the Director of Forestrv and must ha,·e enclosed therc\\·ith .:ash or certified ched:, Treasury "'arrant, or post-office money order pa)'able to the . order of the Director of Forestn·~ for a sum equivalent to the rental for ~t least, the first three months of the lease. No hid shall he·considered in which the pro· posed annual rental is less than three fler ce11/u111 of the appraised or re-appraised value of the land and one p¢ re11/11m of that of the improvements thereon, if anv, in conformit\" with section seve~ of. this Act. . SEc. IO. Upon the final expiration of the lease or permit all immovable and other permanent improvements made hy the lessee, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns shall beFARMING AND COOPERATIVES The Market ... ( Cri111i1111l't/ from 11<'.\'I /'"!!'') .-xportation of .p items to other countries ex,·ept to continental lJ nited States of Aml'rica. At its first publication in local news. copra and hemp were not included. Two d:l\'s latt·r these two items were included. harrcd 'trom exportation to tord~n 1..·ountril'S ext..·cpt to tlw l'. s. Busine;s speculated on the idea that pl·rhaps. $OlllC ioHii,! _\-Ian'' l'.omplainrd to the l'residt·nt why- copra and hemp \\·ere not indudt•d and immcdiateh- the l'resid,·nt indrnkd these two it<·;rn,. ln :'o~nc hu~ine:-;s group, its componcnb ar;.:ucd that Pl'rhaps the President's h:md arc ril'd because so far the '1*800,000,000 loan for Gm·ernment use to keep !t 1-!0ing, is ~till pcndin:.:: in Con;.:re;s. The President, fur diplomacy and tact. would not want anything to pa>.< rhar 111ay jeupardizl' the granting oi th:1t loan to rill' youn!! Philippine Republic. :\nd lw is right at rhat. But the que~tion ari:'es, {f we t•xport, ~a\' hl·mp and copra alone, ro foreign ma;kets except the continental U. S., would the g'Overnnwnt not make morl' moner than f"Soo.000,000 to keep the g;oven{ment running, ·with other 1narkets like Central and South Amcric:is. and China offering us price:-; at lca~t douhlc what U. S. pays for copra and hemp~ 1 t is simple arithmetic. Or perhaps, the present world situation has a bigger meaning to the Philcome the property- oi the Govcrnmcnt. SEC. I I. Any person or association of persons occupying or using any part of the public domain for grazing purposes \\"ithouc lease or permit in violation of the pro»isions of this Act or of any 1 ulcs or regulations prnmulgated thereunder shall he liahle to the payment of twice the regular rental charJ,:es no\\· or hereafter provided for by regulations during such time that the area is illegally used or nccupied. For failure to pay tl;e rental charges due within thirt\• davs after they had become due and i>ayable, the respondent shall he penalized bv :m additional charge nf fifty per c1·1111;111 of such rental charges. SEc. 12. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. Approved, June 8, 1939. Revolution In The ... ( Co11ti111ml from f'tl!J<' 15) His yield will be some 25 bushels per acre more than that of his neighbor--<:>r enough to bring him an ad· <litional income of $900. Scores of other advantages offered by hybrid corn are less apparent but even more important in the longi run. For example the University of Illinois has produced strains containing twice as much protein and three times as much oil as ordinarv corn. Other strains especially rich -in certain elements have enormously speeded up the mass production of penicillin, of which corn steep liquor-a by product of starch making-is an essen· t1al ingredient. Ten years ago, less than half of one per cent of the corn planted in Illinois was hybrid. This year 98 per cent of Illinois corn will come from hybrid seed; in Iowa, just under 100 per cent. The Problem ... ( C1J11ti111ud frr1111 pa yr· 5) Naturally it was passionate and often unreasonable. Life of cruelty and miustice and intrigue during the .Japanese time twisted many a Filipino virtue of hospitality, timidity. tolerance and liberality. Suppressed bad traits came to the fore instead. (Tl) In· (fJ1tti111lftl) ippinc-li. S. rclatio1J>hip-protrctionism than the monetary g:ain rhe P1tilippinrs will make exporting to foreign markers for the quicker rehabilitation of out countrv? 'rhcrc i~ somcthin~ scriou:o:; realli• .in this question. True, our copra and hemp bought ac much higher prices than what U. S. pay< for them mav go to places where we don't want tli'en; to go and ma)' be used for purposes that might be harmful to the lJ. S. and the Philippines later on? But there is news tco that the Chinese nationals bur plenty of U. S. goods and sell them to Communists at fabulous profits. But that 1s only ··news"-we have no proofs. LEE TAY & LEE CHAY, INC. LUMl!ER DEALERS & MANUFACTFRERS 533 T. ALONZO 19 ~·=E D=l=T O=R=I A=L~l Soil Conservation---And Profitable Farming There is nnw a wide,prcad talk about soil <:on'n'·,1tion. Be· fore the war. the go\·crnment 'tarted gi,·ing aid tnward ;oil t·11n,:t:r. \'ation by appropriating liberal rnms of money tor thc or_g.111i1.:1· tion of soil sur\·cy activities. Then it startcd propag:lttng i11 formation on soil fertility cnnscrvation through grcl'n 111:1nuri11_g a11d fcrtilizn ;1pplicttio11. To prcn:nt soil erosion it ,:tarted ,;oil tt>llscn·ation thrnugh the help of terracin,g. Thc fundamc11tal ba,;i,: of soil ron,;cn·ation has been Ltid do\\·n sinre liberation. Seriou-' attention has been given_ by the government to soil con,:cn·ation and the mil cnnscrvation offire has been one oi the govcrn111e11t of fire:- that was eariy organized. 1 t' oflircs arc nm,· active i 11 the field helping farmers to undertake soil romcn·at1tlll through terracin_g and planting legumes. This is a \·cry fundamental service if the prc,:e11t _ge11n:1tio11 is to save soil for posterity. But to make soil conservation program attractive to farmer' there is still a major adjustment neccssan· in the "'"tl'ln nl produ,._ tim:. The cost of terr.acing :rnci pL111ti;1g legun1e,; 111u,:t be pa id for by the farming system to be established 011 terraced la11d. Frt1m _time immemorial the rice farmers have practiced tnrari11_g tn a degree not cn:n approached in quality and e.\tcnt by :HJ\ ,:oil co11:sen·ation project in any country. The l3anauc terrace> nr the .lgorots arc \\'orld renown as great cngincerin.~ frat,;. But thiis only a small project compared to rice terrace,; :ill m·er thc Philippines. The rice terraces of Rizal, Bulacan, B:it:1nga,;, lhta:111. Zam bales. Tar lac, and Pampanga arc equa 11 y admi ra bk a' engineering achievements. But because the system or farming pral·· ticed on them is. invariably palay planting. the hrmn,; haH not attained a stanciard of living comparable with dairy farmers or other lands. ?\lcrely terracing the land and planting legume,; \\'i 11 1101 make terracing pay nor improve our farming enterpri,;cs. 'Vhat is necessary is to develop a scheme of farmi11.~ \\'hich will make the terraced lands render great i111.:ome to the iarmcrs. ''\'e point to a farming system with a combination of fruit trees, dairy rnttle. "hogs, and pnultry for the rolling lands and a limited palay in the flat lanrls. The farming system that utilizes the cow that .~ivc;; the manure, that fertilizes the soil, that makes the grass gro\\', that feeds the cow, complimented with the terra1.:ing of land and the rotation of crops is the most effective method of soil 1.:111m:rvatio11 and maintaining soil fcrtilitv. Soil 1.:onscrvation proje~ts deserve every help anrl ent·ouragcment but the development of a system of lucrative farming 011 . lands under soil conservation is an imperative 11c1.:cssicy. The goYernment should play its leadership in this direction in a prartirnl way by showing the farmers what is the proper "ystcm and how ·to establish it on their farms. The time to assert this leadership is now. 20 PARTNERS WE ARE FARMING & COOPERATIVES promotes better and profitable agriculture thereby increasing the buying power of rural folk. Business men must show where they should buy. --------·-------INDEX OF ADVERTISERS (ALPHABETICAL LIST) Pages Certcza Surveying 2 Dee C. Chuan & Sons . . . . . 6 Frisco Bakery . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Lee Tay & Lee Chay, Inc ... 19 Magdalena Estate, Inc. . . . . 18 Professionals' Directory . . . 16 P. P. Gocheco & Co., Inc. . . . 13 Phil. Chin. Gen. Cham. Com. 6 Riverview Hospital . . . . . . . 7 R"dio Brokerage Vicente Gotamco i 5 l'11Mi.•ha: P1111.1p1•1~1: F \R~IERS .-\~:mct.\TIOS .\'111jf: 1111.\J.1.IOS S. S11 .. \Y.\S, Editor; R. R. .-\K.\~.\. ~bna:.:ing Editor ancl Bu:"ine!'~ i\l11nagn; L ni: S \ST05, .'ls.rl. 1\lmwgi,,9 Ediror; J 1-::;us :\. ZAC.\Rt.\!\, .:\chertisinr:: Director. t.,/1/ol'i11/ 1111.I B1ui11n.t Uj{ra: lt"!5; .\rlq.!ui, :\lanib. P. I. S11/iJ1 rip1io11 N.111t.··: Unc..· ~-t"a r lblf year P6.00 3.00 1·.ntt·rtd a~ ~cconcl cl:1~:' mauer :it the ~·lanila Po:->I Office on Dec. H, 19..JS. r .. -··-··-··-··-··-··-.. -·._,._,,_,,_, .. _i i Make Use of !. : I I . l Farming I j ! : I ! and i J ' I ! 1 Cooperatives 1 l I j as your Advertising ,! j ! i Medium! ! l,,_,._,,_,,_.,_,,_,,_.,_••-•-•-u-H-J