My Flower


Part of Green and White

My Flower
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
160 GREEN AND WHITE -------·--- ----My Flower By Fleur-de-Lis. Upon the dark the silv"ry moon has gained, A summer night that God to give has deigned: The s.treams of light into my garden fall, And all across each roof and wall. Violet bells and sampaguitas rare, And grasses green ahd margaritas fair, r~resh leaves and fruits-,.all tipped with silvern hue, King nature's sylphs await the honey dew. There are chrysanthemums of straw and cream, Fresh pinks and marigolds that makes us dream; There are sunflowers sighing for the sun, Cheering the workman _till the day is done. Bu,t there is, in a cozy little spot, A flower sweeter than forget-me-not, Akin to all the seasons of the year, A nursing blossom, cheering my career. More aromatic than the camia's bloom, Dispelling all the thoug_hts that rise from gloom; More delicate than the pitimini, 0 Flower! canst thou cast a glance on me? Ah, thou art white, white as the winter's snow; How much you care for me, I do not know. Ah, thou unsullied nymph of purity, Enchant the air with thy soft. melody. With what light blue thy creamy petals rayed, Affecting thee, a touch of pensive shade; A blue that makes me look up to the sky, Awaiting. longing, with an ardent sigh. Once more. I think of thee, my dainty flow'r, Thou emblem gracing just one sacred bow'r, A blossom, lovely and so rare. thou art, Thou dwelling in a lonely spot-my heart!