

Part of Green and White

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RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS September the fifth! That was a glorious day for the new members in our fold, a ga!.i day, a day of rejoicing for the Sodality. The chapel was garbed in festal array, to giwz the newly-admitted Sodalists a more beautiful impression of the day of their initiation into the organization. Flowers, the symbol of joy and glory, bedecked the altar. _T_he statu? of Our Lady was profusedly adorned in a manner befitting such a reception, simple thought it is. A great number of students attend'2d the ceremomes. Our Sodality Director, Father Arana, officiated at the rec.zption. There was an impressive march of the rn2w m~mbers to the altar to receive their blue-and-white sashes. and medals. Father Arana gave a brief address of advice and congratulation to the futur.2 Sodalists. He emphasized the amount of good Sodalists are doing by their good example, and hoped that the new members would abide by their promise to Our Lady-to b,2 good Sodalists. After the short talk, the final vorws of conS1Zcration were solemnly made. The aspirants were dubbed as knights, as children and soldiers of Mary forever. Tb2 following are the names of the new members: L. Von Giese, A. Solis, P. Revilla, M. Go, Jose Feria, Henry Lee, Santiago Go, William Lee, George Ty, Carlos Albert, F. Buencamino, B. Hizon, Joaquin Gonzal,2z, M. Herrera, A. Francisco, Alejandro Go, G. Lichauco, M. de Leon, M. Virata, J. Herrera, C. Ledesma. They are the few-the blessed few, who gained admission to th~ Sodality. To them, we offer our congratulations for having attained so high an honor-to be the special child}:'en of Mary. Their moral rectitude is unquestionable; their devotion and enthusiasm to b,2 sodalists are beyond doubt. And we forse·e and expect great things from them. Through this column, we thank Father Arana for having honored us by his presence at the reception. And to the donors of th.2 flowers which adorned the chapel, we offer also our sincerest gratitude, especially to the Cu Unjimg brothers, Alfonso and Benito. The Secretary. * * * TEN REASONS Why I am a Member of the Sodality l. Because membership enables me to perform more surely my Religious duties to my God, thereby affording me a guarantee that I shall not lose my most precious treasure-holy Faith. 2. Because intense Religious practice is the only way to preserve my morals, to keep me frdm mortal sin, or to rise should I fall. , It has been recently said, by one who ought to GREEN AND WHITE 195 know better, that ther.e is no relmedy for the immorally disposed. This is a doctrine of despair. Their is a remedy. It is here. 3. Because a Sodality member draws down Heaven's .blessing not only on himself, but also on his home, his parents, and other relatives. 4. Because being a member means that I have the singular protection of Our Lady, all thru life, and especially at its close. 5. Because the members have a reputation to keep. There arie :many forbidd~n !things I do not do, dare not do, s~mply because I cannot afford to: More is expected of me than of ordinary Catholics. 6. Because our members give good example to one another, and to their neighbours,-a :most practical means of helping,-better than moral discourses. "Is example nothing? It is ,everything."-(Edmund Burke). 7. Because the better I perform my duties to God, the more patriotic I shall be. I hold the motto: "To God, thy country, and they friend, be true." 8. Because organization helps in Religious matters as in all things else. 9. Because the members of the Sodality are the pick of La Salle's best, and it is a privilege and an honor to b.e associated with such. 10. Because the rules of the Sodality provide that special prayers and Masses be said for me while alive. And when I die, the Sodality, as long as it lasts, will never cease to aid me, until I shall be freed from the fire of Purgatory THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL The members of the Sodality are obliged by their rule, to carry always the Miraculous Medal around their prerson. Now, many of them perhaps, would like to know something about its history, etc. It is the purpo~ of this article to give the most salient features of the history of the Miraculous M,e'dal. In the year 18 3 0, there was a certain girl named Sister Catherine Laboure who was a novice of the Filles de la Charite. At that time, she was twenty years of age. On July 18, the feast of St. Vicent of Paul, Sister Catherine, had the first vision. While she was in the chapel alone, at midnight, she saw a woanan of indescribable beauty tak.e a seat on the left side of the sanctuary. Sm knelt beside the figure, who told her that she would be entrusted with a mission. She was also told to report any visions she might have, to her confessor. The apparition foretold the future condition of France. She reported these visions to her confessor who appeared to make light of the ma.:ter, but in reality, he made notes of them. Nov. 17, at about half pas: five in the afternoon, was the <lat~ of the second apparition. While Sister Catherine was again alone in the chapel, she beheld another. vision. She saw a wdman of middle height and with a beauty that defied description. The Blessed Virgin stood upon a globe, or rather upon half of one, and she held anoth.~r in her hands. The following is her own account: "Her eyes were cast upwards, and her face became as if illumined, while she offered the globe to our Lord. Suddenly her fingers appeared covered with rings of precious stones, the rays froun which shed such· brilliancy around that soon her dress and feet became lost in the blaw of light. The gems were of different sizes, and the rays emitted from them, consequently, were more or less brilliant. I cannot express what I felt or all I learnt in so short a t~me. As I was absorbed in contemplatin.g her, the Blessed Virgin looked at me, and an interior voice, the while said. 'This globe which you see represents the world in general. and France in particular." The beauty and brilliancy of the rays as I then saw them, cannot h.e described. The, Blessed Virgin added: 'These rays are a symbol of the grates which I obtain for those who ask them of me.' " Then, she says, it seemed as if the whole sceniz before her turned, and she saw another picture. She saw the letter M surmounte'd by a cross, and below it two hearts, one encircled by a crown of thorns, and the other pierced with a spear. Sodalists, look at your Medal, and pr~rhaps you may have an indistinct image of the vision of Sister Catherine, aad on the other side, the insignia just described. A few days later, at the same place and hour, she had a third vision. She saw the figure 196 GREEN AND WHITE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------·---~--- · - - - - - - - - with an oval frame from the waist up, with the inscription in gold, "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee." She again saw the other side of the picture and heard these words, "Have a medal struck according to this model." Referring to the rays of light from her hands, the Vision said, "These rays are a symbol of the graces which the Blessed Virgin obtains for those who ask th~m of her." The only one whom Sist.~r Catherine told about these visions, was her confessor, but still rumors began to circulate about them. How-· ever, nobody associated her with the visions, and it was not until she was on her ckathbed, that she confided her visions to a few friends. The medal was struck on June, 1832, with the consent of Mgr. de Quelen, Archbishop of Paris The Archbishop himself acquir.~d one of the first medals, and he determined at once to try its efficacy in a spiritual sense. He visited Mgr. de Pradt who was dying, and sorely in ne2J of priestly administrations. At first he refus2J to see the Archbishop, but he soon recalled hiim, and died literally in his This is the first case of a conversion in connection with th2 Medal. From. that time on, it became known and distributed throughout France, and many persons wore it, not knowing its origin, but only cecause they believed in its power. In 18 3 7, the Archconfraternity of Notre D~me des Victoires obliged all its melnbers to wear it, and they made the Medal known throughout the world. On one occasion, the Blessed Virgin appeared to a nun in Germany, and holding the Miedal before her, she said, "Wear this Medal, and you will have my speciaf protection, and try to make others wear it also, and especially those who are in any particular ne.~d." The feast of the Miraculous Medal is celebrated every )'.ear on Nov. 27, the date of the s-econd Apparition. All the Sodalists, then, should not only wear the Miraculous Medal always, but should try to have their friends wear it also. Reme1 mber that the Most Blessed Virgin herself promised us her sp.~cial protection, if we wear it. Leonardo R. Osorio Notice of the premature demise of one of our members appears in the Alumni notes of this issue. w.~ refer to JUSTO CUATICO, who was received into the Sodality on Nov. 26, 1927. Tho gone from us, he is still well remembered for his piety and quiet, gentle, unassuming disposition. As a student he is best remembered for his maitheinatical ability. As a Sodalist, he was never prominent except by his retiring unobtruse nature, his calm rdigious spirit, and his frequent visits to the Blessed Sacrament. The priedieu at which we used to so often notice him kneeling is still in the Chapel, used by other good boys. At the funeral, the Sodality was represented by Rev. Bro. Felix, Antonio Lucas, Horacio Villavicencio, Luis Feria, Willia;m Ty, Mariano Go, George Ty, and others. In addition to this tribute of appreciation and affection, a body of solme thirty Sodalists visited the body at the Funeral Parlor on Sept. 24, and there prayed publicly for the repose of his soul. Wt'?. were all pleased to see his sash and medal on his body, as it reposed in the coffin. To his sister and brothers, as also to his other near relatives, the members of the Sodality, .~xtend their sympathy. Eternal rest giue to him, 0 Lord, And let perpetual light shine upon him. (300 days Indulgence)