Jurisdiction between municipalities - amicable settlement thereof advised


Part of The Local Government Review

Jurisdiction between municipalities - amicable settlement thereof advised
I (10&11) October-November 1949
Border barriers – Paracale (Camarines Norte)
Border barriers – Mambulao (Camarines Norte)
Border stations – Camarines Norte
Border stations
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Under Section 2167 of the Administrative Code, the boundary line fixed in the agreement is traced on the ground and monumented by the District Engineer with concrete standard monuments at expenditures to be allowed equal between Paracale and Mamburao. Such agreement would have to be represented in a joint resolution of the relevant municipal councils and approved by the resolution of the provincial council.
necessary, examine the 1·ecords of the office of the Registe1· of Deeds in the province of Laguna showing the 01vnership of real estate in the city. (Underscoring su11plied) "It is clear from the provisions of law quoted above that in the listing of real property for taxation purpose the City Assessor of San Pablo is au· thorized to exercise. his own judgment in determining the ownership of the property to be thus listed. He can examine the records of the Register of Deeds of the province of Laguna, if necessary, to determine the ownership of r-eal property in the city. "In view of the foregoing this Department finds no cause for. proceeding further against Mr. Adelo Belen nor for (foturbing his action complained of by you."Frnm lette1· dated Oct. 13, 1947, nf Undcrnecretary of Finance to M1'. Emeterio E.1·co11de, City of San Pablo. VISITATION OF MUNICIPALITIES BY PROVINCIAL GOVERNOR CANNOT 'PE DELEGATED. - "Section 2083 of the Admi'nistrative Code :lssigns the duty of vi>itation of municipalities only to the provincial governor. Such duty is not ministerial and can•not be delegated to either elec•tive member of thP Provincial IPoard to perform under the provisions of Section 2096 of the same Code. Inasmuch as the inspection of municipalities in this case is the exclusive duty of the Provincial Governor, it cannot. bP delegated tv him to any other official. It is. therefore, reg_ :retted that .the attached reimbursement voucher covering actual expenses incurred bv Member Prila cannot be approved by this Department."-From 4th Ind .. A·nril lfi. 1947. of Ser. of the Tnt. to the Prov.Gov. of Cam. Sur. JURISDICTION BETWEEN MUNL CI'PALITIES-'AMICABLE SETTLEMENT THEREOF ADVISED.-'Whenever a question as to jurisdiction between two municipalities arises, as in the case between Paracale and Mambulao herein mentioned, it is very desirable, in the interest both of harmony and uf economy in official time and efforts, OCTOBER-NOVEMBER, 1949 that the municipal authorities concerni>d be prevailed upon to come to an amL cable settlement of the question. Once they succeed in coming to an agreement, said agreement should be embodied in a joint resolution of the municipal councils concerned and approved by resolution of ithe Provincial Board, under Section 2167 of the Administrative Code, and forthwith cause the boundary li!lle fixed in the said agreement traced on the ground and monu:nen:ted by the District Engineer with concrete standard monuments at expenses to. be borne equally by the municipalities concerned. A >true copy of the agreement as approved by the Provincial Board should then be furnished this Departmernt, with report as to the status of the monumenting of the boundary line between the municipalities as fixed in the said agreement.-lst Ind., Dec. 2, 1946, of Undersecretar11 of the Interior to the Pro1·incial Board of Ca Pl. /': orte. EXPROHUA TION PROCEEDINGS, DAT:A.. REQUIRED IN. - (1) Comment and recommendation of the Division Superintendent of Schools (as to school site-Editor); (2) Sketch map (2 cc•pies) prepared by the District Engineer, showing the site of the Hib<.go 'E:arrio School, . . . together with its dimensions, boundaries, and relative position with respect to other nearby existing public improvements; (3) Views of the Local Planning Com~ission composed of the Provincial Governor, as Chairman, and the Provincial Treasurer, the Division Superintendent of Schools. the District EngfPPer. and the Distrid Health Officer. as Members; ( 4) Staitement of the District Health Officer as to the sanitary condition of the site; ; (5) Assessed value of the site; (6) Amount offered therefor by the municipality of Pili; (7) Amount, if any, demanded by the owner thereof; (8) Comment of the Appraisal Comm'ittee for that province; (9) Certificate of the Municipal Treasurer of Pili as to the availability of sufficient funds for the purpose; ( 10) Page 509.