Inspections by officials : inspections by provincial Governors [Sec. 110 by C.P.C]


Part of The Local Government Review

Inspections by officials : inspections by provincial Governors [Sec. 110 by C.P.C]
I (10&11) October-November 1949
Municipal officials and employees
Constituents (Persons)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Provincial Governors should make inspections at least every (6) six months following section 2083 of the Administrative Code. He should always take full responsibility for his constituents by keeping the peace and order in the community.
-0peras. At 79 Oliver Wendel Holmes wrote Over the Tea Cups. At 80 Goethe completed Faust. At 83 Tennyson wrote Crossing the Bar, and at 80 Cato began the study of Greek. Their accomplishments are not i;ecessarily glandular.-From You1' Life. ---oOo--RULING OF ... (Continued from page 503) connection with the provincial carni. val which was held at San 'Fernando, the capital of the province. The question is whether or not the Municipality of Masantol can validly appropriate the amount and for the purpose cited above. There is no doubt that a municipality has power to appropriate money as contribution to the provincial ex. 11ibition fund or to defray the expenses -0f local fairs or to enable the municipa· Jity to take part in the fairs conducted by other provinces. (Section 2293, Rev. Adm. Code. IBut the money so appro. priated has been interpreted by this Office to be available o.nly for expenses in connection with expositions but not carnirals 1chich are not contemplated by the loll'. (Decision of the ·Auditor Gene. ral No. 129, dated February 3, 1939). The proposed expenditure, therefore, being in connection with the participation of the municipality of Masantol in the provincial carnival at San Fernando, the same may not be allowed in audit there being no law which authorizes municipalities to participate in car. nivals.-2nd Ind., August 5, 1946, of ,1 ud. Gen. to Sec. of the Int. PROVIN,CIAL AUDITOR, QUARTERS 1' .LLOWANCE OF UNDER Af:'T' 2907.-Tn accordance with the provisions of Section 2, Act No. 2907, this Office will offer no objection to t·ho ~'·'lntin!2" of quarters allowance to the Provincial Auditor thereat at the rate of !?30.00 a month effective July 1, 1947, upon resolution of that Body, subiect to the availability of appro. priation and funds and to the usual auditing requirements.-lst Ind., July 8. 1947, of Dep. Aud. Gen. to Prnr. Rnunl of Batcmes. •OCTOBER-NOVEMBER, 1949 INSPECTION BY OFFICIALS INSPECTIONS BY PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS [Sec. 110, C.P.C.] It is desired that the inspections made by provincial governors every six months or oftener, in accordance with section 2083 of the Administrative Code, be as exhaustive as possible and the governors should, in addition to disposing of such minor matters as may need their attention - (a) Assure themselves that peace and order are an accomplished fact in each municipality; otherwise, make an investigation of, and take immediate appropriate action on, any trouble or cause of trouble threatening peace and order in the community; (b) Hear and take appropriate action on all complaints that may be received in each locality against any government official, employee or institution; (c) See that municipal councils hold meetings regularly and that their minutes are written properly and promptly in accordance with section 2232 of the Administrative Code and section 152 of this Compilation; (d) See that the civil registers are properly posted in accordance with section 2212 ( d) of the Revised Administrative Code and section 457 of this Compilation; (e) Test, directly or through the municipal (presidents) mayors and chiefs of police, the familiarity of the members of the police force with. the laws and resolutions of the provincial board of general application in the locality, and ordinances in force in each municipality; (f) Review the formation of the police, firemen, and prisoners, and examine their uniforms, equipment, arms and appliances so as to be sure that thev conform to the prescribed standards; and that the employees are sufficiently instructed in the use of their equinment and apparatus including the auxiliary voluntary firemen squads where they may have been organized; (g) See that the campaign for the eradication of gambling, vagrancy and other vices, where they may exist, is carried out constantly and effectively Page 511 and lJrodlices the desired resuits, and that the culprits are promptly brought to justice; (h) See that the prisoners, lepers, and other persons deprived of liberty under the authority of law are properly cared for, clothed and sufficiently fed, and that the men are quartered separately from the women ; (i) Inquire and assure themselves that reasonable progress allowable by circumstances, is being attained along the following lines: ( 1) In the prosecution of the program of construction of permanent improvements. needed in each municipality; (2) The upkeep and repairs of public buildings, municipal roads and other municipal government institutions existing in the municipalitv · and · (3) Collection of taxes and other revenues. INSPECTIONS BY MUNICIPAL MAYORS [Sec. 111, C.P.C.] Municipal mayors shall visit quarterly or oftener whenever required by the provincial governor o.r provincial board, every barrio and sitio of their respective municipalities(a) To make sure that law is properly enforced and that peace and order prevail therein; (b) To hear both publicly and in private all complaints and petitions of the residents of the barrio or sitio, and to find out whether Government employees working in or traveling through the said localities are properly conducting themselves and are complying with their duties; (c) See by themselves, or through the municipal police force, that gambling, vagrancy and other vices are completely eliminated from the locality; and that persons accused of having committed crimes are promptly arrested, immediately investigated and brought to justice; (d) To inquire into the existence of any communicable or infectious diseases among persons, livestocks or plants with a view to reporting them Page 512 PRONUNCIAMENTOS JOSE RIZAL-We should' we!Come· criticisms to keep us awake; to see our \Yeaknesses so that we may cnrrect. them. JOSE RIZAL-We must conquer by merit, by lifting up goodness. and' greatness even to the point of dying for it. MANUEL L. QUEZOJN.-Why,. in. heaven's name, can't we keep our personalities separate from issues that affect our country-our people? What are we but tools, to help the people reach the goal they desire? Why,. then, should we allow ourselves to be swayed by personal dislikes that should have no place where. the people's welfare is at stake?" MANUEL L. QUEZON-The socalled pork barrel system ... must definitely be discarded. It is a waste of public funds. MARCELO H. DEL PILAR-An enlightened intelligence is a sanctuary where the kindness and magnificence of its Creator· are better seen. MARCELO H. DEL PILAR - Where the women are virtuous, vice is timid, and dignity predominates in the popular custom. But where women are frivolous, men become immoral, vicious and forget or despise their sacred duties ... CARLOS P. ROMULO-Give security to every man, and you take away from him the principal inducement to killing and destruction. Having given that to him, you have also rooted out envy from his heart. RAFAEL ALUNAN-The people must have trust in their government, and realize that its whole object is to promote the public welfare and secure· the blessings of justice, liberty and de· mocracy for all. to the Health or Bureau of (Agriculture) Plant and Industry authorities immediately, as the case may be; (e) To insure that the provisions of laws and ordinances of proper application in the locality, including those regarding taxation, are made known to and being complied with by the people of the locality. [Prov. Cir. No. 210.] THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW