Activities of the Local Governments and their officials


Part of The Local Government Review

Activities of the Local Governments and their officials
I (10&11) October-November 1949
Local government
Meeting minutes
Local officials and employees
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The Local government officials held a convention at the Mansion House, Baguio City, on May 5-6, 1949 and it was attended by the Governors and City Mayors. The Minutes of the Convention discussed issues and resolutions.
Activities Of The Local Governments And Their Officials Minutes of the Convention of Governors and City Mayors held at the Mansion House, Baguio City, on May 5-6, 1949 No. 10 \\ hereas, the Governor, as Chief Executi\'e of the Province, is the people's chosen representative in the Government and is the prirrcipal subject of the people's security in any actuation in the go\·ernment; and Whereas, the Governor, in order to be better prepared to dessiminate to his constituents the works being done in his administration, must be included in the deliberation and dessimination of the different sources of income and expenditures of the province; and Whereas, the Governor is not represented in the Committee oni award and :he Committee which determines the pro\'incial surcharge; now therefore, On motion of Governor Pimentel of Surigao and seconded by Governor Quijano of Misamis Occidental, be it RESOLVED, by the· Governors and City Mayors in convention, as it 1is hereby resolved, to request the Honorable, the Auditor General, the Honorable, the Secretary of F'inance, and the Honorable, the Secretary of 'Public '\Vorks and Communications to amend Sections No. 760 and 771 of the Manual of Instructions to Treasurers, to include the Governor as one of the Members of the Committee on Award and as one of the Members of the Committee to determine the .provincial surcharge accruing to the Engineering Fund; RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward copies of this Resolution to the Honorable, the Auditor General, the Secretary of Finance, and the Secretary of Public Works and Communication, Manila, for their information and consideration. Carr:2d unanirnouslv. No. 11 \\HEREAS, the Governor or Citv l\Iayor is the one directly in conta~t with the people of the province or city; and OCTOBER-NOVEMBER, 1949 WHEREAS, the Governor or City Mayor should be the first to be informed of anything that may be given the province or city in due respect to his position as Chief Executive of the province or city; now therefore, Upon motion of Governor de los Reyes of Zambales, and seconded by Governor Madarang of Nueva Vizcaya, be it · RESOLVED, by the Governors and City Mayors in Conver.tion, as it is hereby resolved, to request the Honorable , the Secretary of Public Works and Communications to furnish a copy of any release of funds and appropriations for the province or city to the Governor or City Mayor. RESOLVED FURTHER, 1o transmit this resolution to the Honorable, the Secretary of Public W'orks arid Communications, Manila, for his infor!Ylll.tions. and consideration. Carried unanimously. No. 12 WHEREAS, sometimes situation demands that the employment of temporary police is necessary in the speedy suppression of banditry in the provinces and cities; and WHRREAS, the present Philippine Constabulary Force is inadequate to maintain peace and order throughout the country giving use to the imperative employment of temporary policemen; and WHEREAS, most municipalities are not financially able to meet the salaries of temnorary policemen; NOW, THEREFORE, unon motion of Governoi: Lingad, seconded by Governor Bersamin be it RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, to reauest the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior to make representations to His Excellency, the President of the Philippines, to extend National Aid to the provinces and cities to pay the salaries of temporary poPage 557 !icemen from any fund available in the National Treasury not otherwise ap_ propriated or from the P ACSA for a period of one year so as to eradicate once and for all banditry in the country. RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward this resolution to His Excellency, the President of the Philippines, for his information and favorable consideration, and RESOLVED FINALLY, to forward with a copy of this resolution to the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior, for his information and prompt action. Carried unanimously. ·No. 13 WHEREAS, under Republic Act No. 267, in relation to Commonwealth Acts 538 and 539, cities and municipalities are authorized to contract loans from the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation, the Philippine National. Bank and/or any other entities or persons at a rate of interest not exceeding 8 ~',, per annum for the purpose of purchasing or expropriating homesites within their territorial jurisdictions, and reselling them at cost to their residents; WHEREAS, the problems of housing is felt more acutely in the City of Manila than in any other city or municipality in the Philippines considering the increase in population therein and the comparatively greater destruction to property ca used by the last war; WHEREAS, there are still thousands of city residents without adequate shelter, living only in shacks and makeshifts built on borrowed lands, without sanitar~- facilities and other conveniences which contribute to a decent living; WHEREAS, the problem of housing also affects other cities and municipalities in the Philippines although to a lesser degree; NOW, THEREFORE, upon motion of Vice-Mayor Cesar Miraflor, in representation of Ma vor Manuel de la Fuente of Manila," and seconded by Mayor Manuel Rojas of Cavite City, be it RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved that, in view of the seriousness of the problem, the Central Bank, the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation, the Page 558 Philippine National Bank and any similar government entity be requested to reserve substantial amount from their funds to be devoted exclusively for the purpose mentioned in Republic Act No. 267 in the procurement of contract loans by cities and municipalities from these agencies, and that in the application for these loans, technicalities and red tape be dispensed with as much as possible. RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward this resolution to the Governor, Central Bank, the Chairman of the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation and the President of the Philippine National Bank, Manila for their information and favorable consideration. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. No. 14 WHEREAS, this young republic of ours is beset from without by force spreading ideologies which intend to undermine our democratic way of life; and WHEREAS, this has already overran most of our neighboring countries and perhaps its agents have already infiltrated to our shores working to convert our resilient populace to the tenets of their governmental way of life; and WHEREAS, the effects of the recent world war are still with us and most of our people are still physicall~· weak, mentally bewildered and easily misled that they are susceptible to be imbued with the precepts of communism; NOW, THEREFORE, with the foregoing considerations, has Upon motion of Governor Pimentel of Surigao and seconded by :\Iayor of Ozamis City. RESOLVED, as it is hereb~·. resolved, by the Governors and Cit~- Mayors in Convention to request the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior, to redouble and intensify its efforts to eradicate communism and subversive elements in the country. RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward this resolution to the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior, Manila, for his information and immediate action. Carried unanimously. THE LOCAL GOVERNl\fENT REVIEW No. 15 WHEREAS, there is a movement at this time to merge the Philippine Constabulary and the Philippine Army into one single unit, for reasons perhaps to have better and closer cooperation of their various activities and for economy; WHEREAS, this plan is not appropriate to be consumated at the present due to the present unstable state of world conditions and the petty flareups of banditry in some isolated places of the country; WHEREAS, the Philippine Constabulary is an entity, distinct and separate with functions and scope of operation different from the Philippine Army; Now therefore, with the foregoing considerations, BE IT RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, by the Governors and City Mayors in Convention, to register the opposition of this Body to the plan of merging the Philippine Constabulary and the Philippine Army. RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward with a copy of this resolution to His Excellency, the President of the Philippines, for his information and consideration. RESOLVED FINALLY, to furnish with copies of this resolution to the Chief of the Philippine Constabulary, Camp Crame and the Chief of Staff Philippine Army, Camp Murphy, Que~ zon City, for their information. Carried unanimously. No. 16 WHEREAS, the Honorable Manuel Rojas, City Mayor of Cavite, has shown able leadership, deep concern and interest for the betterment and \velfare of the people of Cavite City; and WHEREAS, with such official showing of great interest for the welfare of the people he should not only serve them by being in his present position b_u! should be elevated to a higher pos1hon where he can better serve the interest and welfare of the people of Cavite province in particular and the country in general; NOW, THEREFORE, the Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors in Convention assembled with OCTOBER-NOVEMBER, 1949 the foregoing considerations, has Upon motion of Governor Abueg of Palawan and seconded by Governor Pimentel of Surigao RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, +o endorse the candidacy of Hon. Manuel Rojas, City Mayor of Cavite City for Congressman of Cavite of the Liberal Party in the forthcoming election on November 8, 1949, against Congressman Justiniano Montano. RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward with copies of this resolution to the Executive Committee of the Liberal Partv, strongly recommending the candidacy of Hon. Manuel Rojas, City Mayor of Cavite, for Congressman in the forthcoming election on November 8, 1949, and to earnestly request that Congressman Justiniano Montano be excluded from the Executive Committee of the Liberal Party. RESOLVED FINALLY, to furnish with copy of this resolution to Hon. Manuel Rojas, City Mayor of Cavite City, for his information. Carried unanimously. No. 17 WHEREAS, this Body is fully aware of the aid, assistance and facilities extended by the Honorable, the Undersecretary of the Interior, which have been instrumental in bringing this convention to a success and; WHEREAS, this Body of Governors and City Mayors believes that the outcome of this Convention would have been otherwise had it not been for the invaluable services and assistance of the Undersecretary of the Interior, Honorable Marciano Roque; NOW, THEREFORE, "·ith the foregoing considerations, this Body in Convention assembled, unanimously RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, to extend this Body',s most profound gratitude to the Honorable, the Undersecretary of the Interior, in recognition of the invaluable help and assistance he has unselfishly extended to this Body. RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward this resolution to the Honorable, the Undersecretary of the Interior, Manila, for his information. Carried unanimously. No. 18 WHEREAS, the Convention of Page 559 Provincial Governors and City Mayors in this beautiful city of pines is about to encl and has been able to achieve and accomplish worthy solutions of the varied problems presented for the Bodv's deliberation; and \VHEREAS, the success of the Convention has been realized due to the full-hearted cooperation and help extended by the Department Secretaries and Commissioner .Pio Joven; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above prem.ises, the Convention has l:pon motion of Governor Pecson of l\fasbate, unanimously RESOLVED, as it is hereby re.solved, to express the profound gratitude of this Body to all Department Secretaries and Budget Commissioner Pio Joven, for having made this Convention possible and a success. RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward with copies of this resolution to all Department Secretaries and to .Budget Commissioner Pio J oven, Mam la, for their information. Carried unanimously. No. 19 WHEREAS, this B1ldy is cognizant of the part contributed by our respected colleague and his associates of this beautiful mountain city in making this Convention a success; and WHEREAS, the members of this Body believe that without the unsolicited assistance of the handsome and dapper Mayor of this City, our stay would have not been pleasant, bearable and eventful; NOW, THEREFORE, with the foregoing consideration, has Cpon motion of Governor Jongko of Agusan, unanimously RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, to express this Body's heartfelt gratitude to Honorable Jose Carino, City Mayor of Baguio City and his associates for the assistance and entertainment extended, without which, our stay in this beautiful city would have not been pleasant and enjoyable. RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward this resolution to Honorable Jose Carino, City Mayor of Baguio City, for his information and to request him to transmit the contents of this resolution to his associates. Carried unanimously. Pag·e 5GO No. 20 WHEREAS, this body is aware of numerous differences relative to the appointment of National Officials and employees with provincial assignments between the Department Heads on one hand l'.ncl the Governors and/or City Mayors on the other hand ; WHEREAS, in order to forestall such differences and effectively carry out the purposes and aims for the appointment of such officials and employees, it is imperative that Governors and/or City Mayors, should work in a spirit of mutual help and cooperation with the appointing and appointive official or employees; WHEREAS, to iron out such differences and to carry out the aims and purposes of the office under which such appointment is made a definite policy be adopted relative to the appointment of such officials; NOW, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing considerations, the Governors and/or City Mayors in convention has Upon motion of Mayor Vicente Suarez of Zamboanga City, unanimously RESOLVED, as it hereby resolves to request all Department Heads and/or Heads of different instrumentalities to consult first, Governors and/or City Mayors relative to provincial appointments in their respective provinces and/or cities. RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward copies of this resolution to all Department Heads and/or Heads of different instrumentalities for their information and favorable consideration. Carried. No. 21 WHEREAS, as the Chief Executive of the province or city, the Governor or City Mayor is supposed to be rendering service twenty four hours a day in the supervision and administration of the machineries of the Provincial or City Government; WHEREAS, most often the Governor or City Mayor is outside his office performing his duties as Chief Executive; WHEREAS, in the performance of his duties outside his office the Governor or City Mayor incur actual and THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW necessary expenses; WHEREAS, the Governor or City Mayor may go to Manila or be called upon to report to his superiors in Manila or Baguio wherein he incurs expenses for meals and transportation to be covered by receipts; WHEREAS, the procedure of issuing receipt for anything spent by the Governor or City Mayor may cause unnecessary delay, embarrassment and sometimes misunderstandings; NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, to request the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior and the Honorable, the Auditor General to liberalize the regulations regarding reimbursement vouchers in that Governors and City Mayors be exempted from preparing reimbursement receipts for his actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official business in Manila, Baguio and the province or City. Be it further resolved, that copies of this resolution be sent to the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior and the Honorable, the Auditor General, Manila, for their consideration. Carried unanimously.' No. 22 WHEREAS, conditions of peace and order in the City of Manila and in the provinces leave much to be desired; WHEREAS, there is need for the government to take concrete measures to combat criminality and maintain peace and order at all costs to strengthen the faith of the people in it; WHEREAS, this can be accomplished without much expense to the government although it requires special efforts on the part of the chief executives and other officials; now therefore, Upon motion of Vice-Mayor Cesar Miraflor of Manila in representation of Mayor Manuel de la Fuente and seconded by Mayor Mateo of Rizal City, be it RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, that all Provincial Governors and City Mayors initiate immediately the necessary steps for the formation throughout the Philippines of Community Associations which shall assist in and/or have the following functions OCTOBER-NOVEMBER, 1949 (a) equitable distribution of essential commodities, particularly rice; (b) facilitate census checking; (c) report on suspicious individuals and otherwise assist the police authorities in the maintenance of peace and order; ( d) promote closer neighborhood ties among the residents of the community; and (e) assist in the performance of civic functions of the government; RESOLVED FURTHER, that necessary rules and regulations be adopted for such associations taking into account the peculiar conditions and circumstances obtaining in each particular locality. Carried unanimously. No. 23 WHEREAS, Article II, Section 27, of the Revised Election Law, provides that any elective Provincial, Municipal or City Officials running for an office, other than the one which he is actually holding, shall be considered resigned from his office from the moment of the filing of his certificate of candidacy; and WHEREAS, elective National Officials are not affected by such said provisions of law; and WHEREAS, it is but fair and just that elective local officials should also be accorded the same privilege granted to elective national officials in this particular case; NOW, THEREFORE, the Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mavors now in Convention in the City of ·Baguio, with the foregoing considerations, has Upon motion of Governor Abueg of Pala wan, RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, to request both Houses of Congress to amend Article II, Section 27 of the Revised Election Code in the sense that elective provincial, municipal or city officials should not be considered resigned from the office they ;lctually occupy upon filing their certificate of candidacies for any other office, a privilege which elective national officials actually exercise. RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward copies of this Resolution to both Houses of Congress thru the Honorable, the President of the Senate and the Speaker, House of Representatives, Manila, Page 561 for their information and approval. Carried unanimously. [TO BE CONTINUED] ---000--THEMAURA . .. ( Continued from page 541) a11y, subject to the Royal Decr~e. of November 12 1889, or in the mumc1pal tribunal whi~h may be constituted in accordance with these provisior.s. The banios of the City of Manila are excepted. 4. Contracts bidden for at public auction or awarded at the time of the publication of this Decree in the Gaceta de Manila, involving the revenues which are to form the "Income or Funds of the Towns,~' are. declared to be in force twtil their legal expiration. The income which the local fur.ds may derive from these contracts shall he distributed among the treasuries of the "Income of the Towns" in the manner \\·hich the Governor-General may comider most equitable. Given in the Palace this Nir.eteenth Day of May, 1893. MARIA1 CRISTINA ANTO~IO MAURA Y MONTARER Colonial Minister. --oOo-RAMIE CULTURE . .. ( Continnecl from page 571 feed on the leaves of ramie. The adults are easily attracted to light and may be killed by using a device described briefly as follows: A piece of board about one foot oquare is nailed on one end of a bamboo nole about five feet Jong- to form a platform. This is placed in the center of the field. A hurricane lamp or torch is then put in a basin of water or oil and placed on top of the platform. Attracted to the light, the flying insects are caug-ht in the oil or water where they perish. Another method is the use of fermenting- coconut sap or tuba. This is put ii~ ar. open vessel and placed over a pan of water to which sufficient kerosene or crude oil has been added. The whole t1';~ - is Placerl nn ~ nlatform in the micldl<> of the field. The odor of the coPag·e 562 PROVINCIAL . .. (Continued from page 523) ment service for the first time, insofar as the right to retire under Act No. 2589, as amended, is concerned. The length of his previous service may not be added to that rendered upon reinstatement, because, aside from the forfeiture previously referred to, the requirement of "continuous" service provided in Act No. 2589, as amended, would not be met. (Idem.) Applying the above principles to the case of Mr. Dino, it becomes evident that he may not retire under Act No. 2589, as amended, inasmuch as the length of his service since his reappointment after the liberation is less than the six-year minimum period prescribed for retirement under said Act. The services rendered by him prior to his resignation on June 15, 1938, may no longer be considered, the benefits thereof having been forfeited upon his resignation on said date. Moreover, the requirement of "continuous ... service for at least six years" would not be satisfied. (Sec. l, Act No. 2589, as amended.)-3rd Ind., Nov. 4, 1946, of Sec. of Justice. cor.ut tuba attracts large numbers of moths, thus reducing infestations. Thig method has been verified by the plant pest and disease control di vision of the Bureau of Plant Industry to have given good r€sults in Mindanao. A spray of 60 grams of lead or calcium arsenate for every petroleum can of water (approximately 19 liters) sprayed on the leaves of the plants will reduce the number of the insects and minimize crop damage. Lead or calcium arsenate mixed with equal parts of ga1cgaw or starch may also be dusted on the leaves of the plant with equally good €ffect. The leaf spot diseas€s caused by Cercospora boehmeriana (Wor,) which are common among .plants in a poor soil ,and under unfavorabh~ climatiP, conditions may be identified by the pre~ence of rusty brown spots scattered on the lea,·es with a grayish center surrounded by a circular structure. It may be controlled by clipping- off and burninQ' the affected parts, and by clean (Co11ti1111ed 011 page 566) THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW