

Part of Green and White

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INTRAMURAL GAMES During the months of June and July, athletics in the college was at a stand still. Boys were seen playing handball, once in a whifa; a few who were interested m making the Varsity Backet - ball team, were seen out for practic.2. It was often remarked that there wont be any attention paid to Athletics this year. But no! The Director was just waiting for the end of the basket-ball season. And then, when the month of August came around, news was circulated that there would be intramural games. Handball, baseball, football, basketball etc., were the first games scheduled. The handball doubles tournattnent was the first in the list of the athletic activities of the college. The second year boys flocked the handball courts every noon hour; some of them even fasted, that is stayed away from their lunch, so that they might be able to play. So earnest were they in practicing, that their efforts were rewarded with their victory over the commercial aspirants, who inspite of lack qf practice, gave the second year boys a hard fight. Lichauco and Enriquez representing the second year class, won the cha,mpionship. The other representatives are as follows: Fourth Hi. de Lange and Hernand.2z; Third Hi. Reyes and Cuyugan; First Hi. Gonzalez and Ansaldo and Cornlmercial, Osorio and A. Ocampo. The enthusiasm over the intramural games so impressed the Director, that he decid.2d to give a nice banner to the class who· wins the greatest number of Championships. This act, added more to th::: growing enthusiasm over the ga.mes and every class is trying hard to wi::'c, that banner. So under the able management of Brother Anthony, the Baseball coimpetition ·was cdmmenc,zd. Here again there was keen competition: but as was exp2cted, the Commercial team defeated all the contenders for the Baseball supremacy, coming out of the melee unscathed, without even a single defeat. All the cqmpeting teams played hard. Then the three best teams were taken to play a round robin. The Big Three L2ague it was called. Here again strength and skill which are principal characteristics of the Commercial tea:m, showed their supremacy. And with the well organized cheering squad of the Commercial class, under the leadership of Messrs. Carrion, Galmes and Gamboa, cheering their team onward to victory, the players had no other alternative but to win the games. Participating in the league were the Second Year team under the captainship of Licnock and the First Year under O'Leary. The line up of the victorious team is as follows: Locsin, p.; A. Ocampo, c.; Alba, Ist Base; Betts, 2nd Base; Tanseco, 3rd Base; Duran, l.f.; Martinez, c. f.; Osorio, r. f.; Bowler, s.s.; Garcia, w. Football has always been a favorite ga\lne in the College activities for the past years, and so when the football league started, the enthusiasm of the classes was at its highest. Th.2 Commercial and Fourth High men ()pened the L2ague. The comjme·rcialites won the l}ame. At the prr-sent date the Second Year men heads the list with all their galmes won except one, and that one a dra,w. To the ut,most surprise of many of th2 students, two of the good tea'ms regarded as possible contenders for honors, are out of the league already. The Commercial and the Fourth High, the latt.2r having been so unlucky a,s to lose all its games up to the present. The First and Third Hi are still going strong, giving the steady Second Year t.2ajm something to worry about. Volleyball, ping-pong, tennis, basketball and swimming come next on thP- schedule of activities for this year, and assuredly competition will be as keen as ever. A.R.O. (Commercial) EXTRA-ESPECIAL The first interclass football round over, the Second High, Third High, and First High emerged qualified for the second round, thus constituting the Big Thn~e. The initial game of the second ~ries was between the First and Third High. The former won by 2-1. The second game saw Third and Second High in bull-dog grips, and the score 1-1 showed how evenly the teams were matched. The series wound up by a clash between th.2 First and Second High. The latter romped away with thie score of 2-0, and are thus the Champions in the intraJmural contest. All honor to them for they showed themselves P.Xpert players and clean sports. GOOD SHEPHERD PRESS 2927 Herran, Sta. Ana, Manila Tel. 5-68-17