Requisition for equipment or supplies chargeable to account E-3, approval by municipal treasurer necessary [Ruling of the General Auditing Office]


Part of The Local Government Review

Requisition for equipment or supplies chargeable to account E-3, approval by municipal treasurer necessary [Ruling of the General Auditing Office]
I (10&11) October-November 1949
Office equipment and supplies
Government purchasing
Municipal officials and employees -- Tarlac
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The Provincial Auditor of Tarlac is requiring all requests covering purchases of supplies and materials chargeable against the account "E·3," Maintenance and Operation of primary Classes in the municipalities, should be approved by the municipal treasurers concerned.
Gen. to Sec. of the Int. (lliga.n, Lanao case) EXPENSES INCURRED EY DE· LEGATION TO WELCOME THE SPEAKER AND HIS RA.RTY. - In line with the action taken on previous similar cases, the amount appropriated under Resolution No. 8, series of 1947, of the Municipal Council of Malinoa, Alba~-. for the purpose of defraying the expenses incurred by the delegation of said municipality in welcoming Speaker Perez and Party to the 'f~·o· vince as well as to cover future expenses that may be incurred by similar delegation in. welcoming national offi· cials that may visit the province, is not :.!lowable in audit, there being no provision of law authorizing payment of $UCh expenses from government funds. -~Sth Ind., July 31, 1947, of Aud. Gen. to Sec. of the Int. REQUISITION FOR EQUIPMENT OR SUiF!PLIES CHARGEABLE TO ACCOUNT "E·3", APPROVAL BY lVIUNICEPAL TREASURER NECESSARY.-Respeotfully returned to the Director of Education, Manila invi· ting" attention to the next preceeding indorsement in view of which the action of the Provincial Auditor of Tar;ac in requiring that all requisitions DPS Form No 1, covering purchases of supplies ana materials chargeable against account "E·3," Maintenance and Operation of if'rimary Classes in the municipalities ,should be approved by the municipal treasurers concerr.ed is hereby comfirmed -3th Ind .. March 19, 1940, of ~ml. Gen. GAO File No. 414 ;See Prorincial Treasurers' Memo. rn.nd111n No. 552, dated AJJril 13, 1940. A'PPROPRIATION FOR PICTURE OF MUNICIP PL OFFICIALS AND Ei\I'PLOYEES IN CARNIVAL DIREC· TORY.-It appears that under its re~olution dated M:1rch 31, 1946. the :1·,unicipal council of Masantol. Pam· pang-a, appropriated the amount of P60 to defray the expenses for a picture of all the municipal officials and emplo~·ees thereat to be used in the pre· paration of the Pampang-a D;rectorv in (Cntinued on page 511) · OCTOBER-!'\OVEMBER, 1940 RIZAL APPEALS TO THE OLD I, who belong to a young generation, anxious to do something for their country and restless before a mysterious future, need to go to men who have seen much and studied more in order that with their experience we could supplement our short years and scant knowledge. We also 1.1eed the applause and blessing of the old to encourage us in the colossal struggle and the gigantic campaign which we have placed upon our puny shoulders. However great might be our enthusiasm, however confident might be our youth, however bright might be our illusions, we nevertheless hesitate at certain moments, particularly when we see ourselves alone and abandoned. In the titanic work for a common regeneration, without stopping to march forward we turn now and then our eves toward our elders in order to read il1 their faces their judgment upon our acts. For this thirst for knowing the past, for learning, in order to face the future, we go to persons like you. Leave to us in writing your thoughts and the fruit of your long experience in order that with them, condensed in a book, we do not have to study again what you have studied, but to such inheritance which we receive from you ·we may add only our own harvest, either by broadening or by increasing it.-From Rizal's letter to Father Vicente Garcia, Madrid, Jamw1·y 7, 1891. RIZAL ON VISAYAN AND TAGALOG I am also learning Visayan and I am beginning to understand a little the inhabitants here (Dapitan). Can you give me a reason, linguistic or ethnological, of the change of the Tagalog i to the Visayan o? The change from the palatal to the labial sound, and vice versa, to what is it due? Is it the con8equence of an error in reading the punctuation mark8 in the written characters? In the Visayan language I see traces of nouns of a much older form than in the Tagalog, and yet the Tagalog conjugation contains not only the forms of the Visayan but also (Co11ti1111ed 011 page 518) Page 50:1