Timely congratulatory message


Part of Sino-Philippine Research Journal

Timely congratulatory message
Sino-Philippine Research Journal Volume I (No. 1) September 1940
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Mr. ALFONSO Z.SYCIP President, Philippine Chinese Ch.amber of Commerce Today we are living in a complicated society, where our division of labor is ever on the increase, with the result that specialization is ever narrowing down the field of one's work. As one's field of work narrows down, his knowledge becomes, on the one hand, more and more exhaustive, and, on the other, more and more departmental and fractional. While this increases the efficiency of man as an expert, he is in danger of losing a properly balanced outlook on society, which he must have, in order to be a truly useful member of the society. And before we could form a balanced view of our society, we must have the necessary facts on which we may base our opinion. In such a society, the Sino-Philippine Research Journal fills a very definite need. The Editors are to be congratulated upon undertaking such a publication. However, there is always a danger that a research worker may become so absorbed in fact-finding that he loses the object in view. May I conclude by quoting their letter to me? The object of the Journal is to give "accurate information and a full discussion of the political, social, economic and other problems concerning Cbinese-PhiliPpines relations with a view to bring about a better and lasting friendship between the two peoples." Let us not lose sight of this goal.